The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 03, 1864, Image 1
W???» .===‘-~ 4 arms- The Corn“! is puMiahed every Monday morning. by Hun J. Sunni. at $2 00 per unnum if pad smelly u: muses—s 2 50 por tnnnm'if not paid in Idnnon. No mbscfiption diloominued. union 3: the Option o’f‘the publisher, until all marge: no paid. ' ‘ Anvnnsznxninsented at thenma) rates. 7%? Yimma done with peatneqs sud dispu'tch. ' 0171 b: {11:80th Baltimore streefi nearly oppoiitg Wimplprs’ Tinning Establishment --“ Consul. Pnlxuxo OFFICI ” on the sign. “ moggsmmagawa- Edward i 3.— buehfen, TTORNEY AT DAW, will faithfully Ind A promptly attend to all business entrugled to him.’ He speaks the Germ-4n language.— Olfiu u the name place, in South Baltimore “net. near Furney’a dcug More. and nearly appetite Dunner & Ziegler: note. ' (hug-burg, March 20. '- \ J. 0. Neely, ‘ TTORNEY AT LAW.-Panlcuhr atten- A {in pm; to collection of Pension, hunt], and. luck-pt: , (”Bar in the S. E. cmm-r of the Diumonti Gellzulmrg, April 6, 1863. t! ‘ "Win; Affifin‘cafi,” Tummy ATj;A “r..—mice in the Nonn— wen corner of Centre Square, Gettysburg, I. [UcL 3,1“591 fif D. McConaughy, 1 TTOHNFLY AT LA \V, (office one door in! . SA")! Jluehler’s dmg ‘und lmok smrc,Clx:-m~ ersbn'g sum-tr) Anonx‘ky Asn SOLICXTOR mu Pnnn un Pufisgnxs. llounty Lnnd \Vnr nnls, Rdck~pny suspended Claims, and‘all other clnims it uinst the Government at Wuh ilg‘on, D. 0.; 3soAmcrieanCluimsin Englnnd. Land Warrantllocnté‘filnd sold,orbougln,nnd highest prices given. Agents engaged in lo caning wnmnu in lowa, Illinois nnlozhvr' rule-m Status ‘3‘szle to _him pcrsonnlly Or by latter. ' I , Gellysburg,Nov. 21,’53.. . ' A. J. Cover, ,- {ATrnnvnv AILAWJHH promptly attend m (.‘voJII-r'tionn and fill other busihegp en trured to him. Ulfica hclwron Pnhnestork‘g: 111 1 Humor 1: Ziegler’s Store» Baltimore street Ganysb‘urg, I’m. [S'upL 5,,1859. Dr. J. W. C. O’Neal’s . PFICE nml Dwelling. N. E. rurnov of Rn]- cinmre and High streets, near Presbyterian Church, Urll‘. . Hung, ['u Nuv’.3o,lmli( 1r '. I ~ J. Lawrence Hill; M. D. AS his office one _‘ G: .3% door west of the “‘ - 35ny - Lumen} church in f f Chamberfl‘nrg atreét, and.» cake Pic-king’s “are, whve those wishiu'g to lmve any Denml Open'ion performed are reqmglf‘uny invited to cut Rn‘muucus Ursflluruor, Rev. C. P. Knuth, n. n , Im. n. L. nmfim, If:[)’.,_ller. Inf. 1!. Jacobs. .’ruf. .\l. L. Shovel-f bollyuburz, April H,’.‘>3. . -. -~ —» . . , 7,- r.- _ L Adams County . UTIYIH.FIRE[.\’SUIIAXCE()O\II‘ANY. Bi Incorporated .\1 IN‘!) 13, 125.5}" , OYI'H‘KIIB. ‘ _ Pruidmb—Ocorrze Swope. » I?“ l’rnidmlrfi. R. [‘.ussalir _ Srrntaryn-D. A. lirwhler.“ Tummy—David M'i'rcnrf. , ‘b'nruhn Commute—4lmm” .\lcCurdy, Jncob _Kinz, Andrew Heintzelmun. r Jlavmyrn—(‘veorqe Swope, D. A. “uehior, R. ‘M'Unr'ily, Jacob King, A. Hrintzolmnn, D. Mc- Crgnry. .‘l. [l. Russell. J. R_. Hersh, b‘nnuel Dlrborhv, E. G., Frilxnutock.‘Wu}\ B. Wilson, H. A. Pickiuz. “'in. B. MuCloiinn, Jnhn \\‘ni ford, R. G. \l-IUrL-Krv.lnhn Picking, .\bei'l‘. ‘ Wright, J‘ohn Cunninghnm, Ahdiel F. Gin, \‘Unmeq IL \(urshnil, .\l. Eichcihcrger. ‘ ”This Company is‘iimited in itq opera tion to Ih. county of Adams. h hns been in llflceuful openuion {or my": than («ix years, and in that period hns paid all 105595 and ex- Peqlelfilllfioul any mucus/mm, inning .xiso ainrge lurplga cipitnl in the Treasury. The Corn pm, amploys no Agents—nil business being has by tha Hammers, who are annually elect ej by the Storkhoiden. Any person desiring 1n Insurance can apply to anyior the above! named \hnazrrl' for further information. V ~lfi’l‘lle Executive‘Commiltee mc'fis at the offic- of'the Company on“ the Inst Wednesday in every month, in 2,-P. Mu ' Sept. 27, 1858. The Great Dlscovery 1’ THE AGI-l.—lnfinmm:\tnry nml (‘hrnnic Qiflheumntilin run he rurcnl hy using H. L. N LLER'S CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC .\IIX TURH. Many prominent citizen: of this, and the adjoining cqn'mics, hure thlilied to its great utility. Its success in llheunhmic affec tionn, bu been hitherto unparalleled by any lpecific, introduced to the public. Prire 50 cent. per bottle. For Hale by nll drugzids nnd otnrekeepers. Prepared only by 11. 1.. MILLER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, East Berlin, Adidas county, PIL, denler in Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, Varnish, Spi,rits,_l’aims. Dye-stuffs, bol tled Oils, Essences and -T§nctures, Window Glass, Perfumery, Patent. Medicines. &c., kc. [GEL D. Buehler is the AgonFin Gettys burg for “ H. 1... Miller’s Celehrny‘d Rheumatic llinure.". - [Jung 3, 1861. tf The‘ Gregory St'o‘re N THE HILL—The undersigned would ‘reapeufully inform the citizens ol Gettys burg and vicinity, that. he has inken the old numb,“ on the Hill,” in Baltimore street, Get tysburg, when he intends to keep constantly . on lu'nd all kinds of GROCERIES—Sngnrs, Cofees,'Syrnps of all kinds, Tobacco. Fish, 81h, km, Earjhenwnre of All kinds, Fruits, Oils, Ind in fact. everything usually {Ound in n 'Grpcer‘y. Also, FLOUR 5: FEED of all kinds; pll ofiwhich he _intends v.O sell low as the low ,ut‘. Coumry produce tnken in exchange for oodl Ind the highest priceigiven. e flutters {ii-01'! that, by urict attention \ n honest ‘ denim to please, to me'rlt a shareb public pa ‘nmge. TRY HIM. I. M. ROWE. \ Feb. 23, 1863. If 2—‘ 3‘ "~ "’ ""‘". came to the Fair! ND DON'TFORGET TOVISIT PLEASAXT RIDGE NURSERXES.——Persons wishing 0 Int Trees, will find the stock in the ground "bubbly fine, and ofl'ered at reduced prices. TI. Apple numbers 100 varieties, embracing I" the approved sorts. ‘ ,K. B.—Seo fihe index band 'near Flora. Dale Pout oflice. ’ 'l‘. E. COOK & SONS, Sept. 2, 1861. - Pnym'etan, ‘ ‘ + anng Men , ND OLD MEN, do not allow your mother: Ind your wives m went- on: their precious we: over the old Wash-tub longer, but like mailman ind benefactors, present them with n BXCBISXOB WASHER, and instead of trans sud gross words on wuh days, depend upon it, cherrfnl flees will greet you. ' TYSON BROTHERS, Gettysburg, Pu. Dec. 14, 1063. - -——_~,‘ . _ «--7. . ‘ __~,,__. . 7‘ . Corn Wanted. RE I! THE EAR wanted It. opt Ware - honqe. for which the highest market price 'l“ he paid. McCURDY & DIEXIL. .Goujsburg, April 18, 1864. g . ;Queen’sware. you want uylhingin the QUEENSWARE . line call at A.SGOTT & SON’S, whereyon will find the beat assortment in town. -‘ dutch I'4. i 862. . BY Dr. R. HORN'ER'S Tonic Ind Alters tin Powders. for HORSES and CATTLE. yupu'ed and sold only n. his Drug Store. , flaunt; 15 1854. - ADIES: Cloth for Cloaking, I net supply L jutxeuxvea Lt FAHNESTOCK 8308'. xCELSIORI . . E 1 EXCELSIORH I - EXCELSYORSH The Excelsior Wan-hing .Machiua is u:- bu! h the Worldh‘Ca“ Anggx‘nggm'ét.“ ones.— Hie-“flu, «ling yr i J file-'l’» .‘ a' _ ‘ nfSox “30.11.1533. " 2‘ A ©EM©©RATH© AND FAMULV J©URNAL Br HpJ. STAHLE 47th Year- Small Farm T’T’UHLIC SALE—On TUESDAY, the A «h day at OCTUBEB next, the euhxcribcr will offer M Public Sale, on Hie promises. His FARM, situate than: :4 milna north of Gettysburg, on the old Cnrlisgv road. mntfiin ing 86 Acre! nml El) ”arches of Pulmlql Lsnd, Willi yuflivienr timher and thuj'hen. of window; ndjuininz land-l Of‘loaeph l;»ilé_v.'Philip Burner, Henry “'I‘WOI'. and whom. fl’hc improvements 'are s'Twn-sgnry Log HOUSE, Double Burn, part log, part [mum And Wenlllt‘rbohtd. ed. Wagon Shed and Com? Crib Attached, Smoke lluuse, Wash House; and other out: buildipg» ; I: well of good wager at the dour of the awning; a good Apple‘ (fichaid, with a Variety nf ozhcr fruit. : ' ‘gfirl’ersons wishing to View the property are requested lo call on 19359 Sbrlre:,resrding thereon, or on the subscriber, M. Abboustown. ‘fl-Sale to'colnmence um e‘clork, P. M , on mud day, when attendance wilLbe givenand terms ninde known by ‘ ‘ JESSE BUCHER. A.W. Hamming, Auctlanaer. Q ‘ > Sept. 5, 1864. ts _ Nokice, LL [‘(‘rusin whrj havg not paid their A BUI‘NTY TAX ihStmbnn mwnship,wm ph’flse pay thuhme to fine mcmbers ofthv- Board in the several School‘flfilricts, on or before the nth day of OCTOBER, 1861. If not. pain} on or hefure the above flute the Bucks “in be placed in the hands 05 an officer for collection. By order of me Board,‘ ‘ ‘ . . JACOB B. MILLER, ’ PHILIP DONUHUB, \\ ILLHM STALLEQHTII, HENRY EITHER. ’ “‘ ' ‘ D\.‘~H-.L mums, .\lUSl—Zn‘ C. BENNER. r ‘, . were W 111% ' _ At Private Sale. HF. large THREE-STORY BRICK WARE HOUSE, ix. New leflfd, (I 0 miles east of .Gctlysbur‘u.) with Sfiitch and 1} Acres of Ground “Hacked. ‘l’he ground. lies on both sides of the Railroad and the stand fume of we best in the county. Apply tu ‘ C.'l-‘. Wl\T[‘.R,York, Pm, ‘ or J. HASTMJSS, New Oxford Sept. 5, 18x34. GL“ Globe Inn, max 51., ,NHE nu: mumxp, ETT YS ll U RG, PA —-The undersigned G wnu'd most respectfully inform his n.l - lriendqnnd the public generally, that he has purchased that long ostdhlishud and well RIM)" Howl, the “Glnbe Inn,” in York street, Gettysburg, and will spare no offer; to conduct it in a manner that, will not detract from ins former high reputation. llis table Will have the .best the mark't can nfl'unl—dhis chambers are spurious and comfortable—and. he has laid in tor his bur a full stock of wines nnd liquors. There is large stnblin...r {muche‘l tn‘tho Hotel, which will he filiPndl'd hy nttén— tive hostlers. It will be his constant endeavor to render the lullest afitlsfiiction to his guests, making his liqusg as near 11 home to them as possuhle. lle half! a share M the pni-lic’s Fu trons-ar, determined as he is to deserve a large part of it. Remember, the “Globe Inn" is in York Street, but near the Dixuuond, or Public tharc. fl (SAMUEL WOLF, _ April 4, 1864. tf , New Goods !-~La.rge Stock ! ERCIIANT TAILORING. ' DI JACOBS A: BRO. have just received from the cities 3 large stock 0! goods for Gentleman's went, embracing a \‘nriety of CLUTHS, CASSIMERES, _ VESTINGS, Csssincts, Jeans, &c., with many other goods for spring nnd summer wear. They are prepared to make up gfirments at the slxorlest notice. and in the varybest man ner. The Fnshions are regularly rccelved, and flowing made in any desired s‘tyle. Thvy al ways malice neat (its, whilst their sewing fissure to be snbwmntial. . ' They ask :1. continuance of the yuhlic‘s pn- Ironape. resolved by good work and moderate charges to earn it. Gettysburg, April 7, 1862. Lancaster Book Bindery. (‘1 EORGE WIANT, J BOflK BINDER, Asp nun BOOK 3: xducrcnnn, LANCASTER, PA. ’l’lain and flmamenlal 11mdc'ng, of every de scription, executed in the most. subsmutml and approved styles. ' REFERENCES W. Brown,£sq., Farmers Bunk of Lnncnster :3. . Pelper, Esq.. Lancaster County Bank nmuel Shock, Esq., Columbia Bank. Samuel Wagner. Esq., York Bank. ’ ‘ William Wagner, Esq.. York County Bank. TH). Carson, Esq., Bank at Gettysburg. Peter Martin, Haq., Prolh‘y oflmncasmr co.,.Pa Geo. C. Hawthorn, Each Register ‘.f. “ Geo. Whitsou, Esq., Recorder 5" H April 15; 1861 - . John W. Tipton, ASHIONABLE BARBER, Northeast cor- Ffier of the Diamond, (next door tolMc- Clellan's Hotel,) Gettysburg, Pm, where he can at all times be found ready to attend to I" business in him line. He has also excellent u airmnce and will ensure Intisfnclion. Give him a call. - [Dec. 3, 1860. The First Natlonal . ' ANK OF GETTXI'SBURG has been désig- B nsted IL Depository and financial Agent of the United States. Will buy GOLD, SILVER, tnd COUPONS on Government Bonds. Will fiimish 5-20 and 1040 U. S. Bonds, and other Government lecuritiea. Collections made promptly on all accessible points. » GEO. ARNOLD, Cnsbigr. Jay 4', 1864. Alexander Frazer, ATCH AND CLOCK-MAKER. has again commenced business‘in Gettysburg, ii: Samson'l Building, nonhust corner of the Diamond. Watch and Clock repairing done in the best manner, 1.: short notice, and at the loweat‘living rates. ' From his long experience in the business, and t cousin: desire. to please, he hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage. He'will try to deser‘u it, by giv ing satisfncfion in all cues. Aug. 15,1864. New Goods. ‘ EORGE ARNOLD In: just recited from G >the city I: urge Inpply of CLOTHING, Men’s and Boys’ wear. consisting of In kinds of COATS, PXNTS, VESTS; ‘ ' SHIRTS, DRAWEBS, CRAVA’I‘S. ‘XECK TIES, GLOVES. HOS! ERY, kc. —also,— A Inge flock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, CASSINETS, JEANS, vDRIIJJNGS, &c., &C., M! of which will be sold as chefipns can be had elsewhere. Give an 1 all. and if we enn not. pleas you in: unit rend, nude we will take your menu-o Ind mug; you up one in short. notiée'. ' ‘ ' [filmy 30, 1834. RST—Rm Eighhdny, Thirty-hour and mmmh,c§m'fl . RWQ'S» GETTYSBURG, PA.-, LIONDAY, OCT.‘ 8, 1864: @ll2 ‘ Mnjor General George B. McClellan. PEACE AND UNION! DEHOCRA'I‘IC NATIONAL NOXINATIONS. . g Far Prr-ergl. MA on GENERAL GEO. @ON’ McCLELLAN, i .\‘IW Inns“. ‘ . For Vice Pnnidcm, GEOfiGE H. PENDLETON, OF OHIO COXOII’Cq ALEXANDER H. Curmum, Somerut co‘ Asuilnn', J-AMES H. MARSHALL, Hamiuonban tp coymssmxn mums; KRISB, Frcdom 1p mulcron or nu rnon, JOHN N. GRAFT, Strabnn township ,1 Arum-mu, JOSEPH BURKEE, Cr>, (3 yen-1,) JACOB HELL, Bcrwitk tp., ('1 years.) _ “To- WHOM IT MAY Commas 1“ GRAND MASS MEETING ’ AT .. _ NEW OXFORD! A ~_ ‘““...” anmnx, RALLY, éon PEACE. Uxxox AND THE CONSTITUTION I “MAG mp PBX, ma I’Eoz-Lz’é MEN !" A Grand Muss‘ Meeting of»tlie friends of McCLELLAX and PEN DLETON will in; held at NEW OXFORD on MONDAY EVEN ING: NEXT, 'Oct., 3d. Friends of Peace and Union in the Lower End, Turn Out! Oxford, Mountpleasant, ‘Straban, Reading, Ilnmiltnn, gono— wago, and the two Bcru'icks, rally in your strength! Other districts will help t_o swell the crowd. JOHN WV. Bn'xxxcan, Esq; of York, and others, will address the meeting. Arfangcments willw be made to run an c’xtra train of cai‘g. JACOB Bmxxmuiow, ‘ Chairman Dem. Co. Com‘. Sept. 26, 1864. coMPstn'nou FOR Losses 1701- Qhe" Cpmpil-r “Bear in mind that you are in she coun try of friends, not. of enemies—that you are here to nrotect. nm to destroy. Take no thing, destroy no}hing. unless you are or dered to do so by your general officers.— Remember that I have pledged my word to the peopls of Westgn Virginia that their rights in person and property shall he re spected. I 'aak every one of you to make good this promise in its broadest sense."— Gen. McClellan’s Proclamation to the Sol diers bf the Army of the West, 23d June, 1861. - ' “Thissbould notbe at all a war upon pop ulation. * * In prosecuting the war all private property and unarmed persons ghould b‘strictly protected, subject only to the necessity of military operations. All private property taken for military use should be'paid or rcceipted for; pillage and Vista should be {rented as‘high crimes; 1“ unnecessary trespass grictLv prohil.ited."l— Gen. McClellnn‘s Harrispn’s Landing Let.- ter to the Precidént, July 7th. 1862. “The rights of citizens * "' and the binding authority of law over President, nrmyand people, are subjects of not. less vital importance in war than in peace!!— Gen. McClellan’s Letter of Acceptance, Sept. 8, 1864. “,N or shall private property be taken for public use withuut just compensation.”— Coustilutiouvol' thevUnited States. “I need only sn that I should seek in‘ the Constitution ogthe United States. and l the laws framed in accordance therewith, the rule of my duty.”—Gen. McClellan’s ‘ Letter of Acceptance. 1 I‘People of the Border—nufi'erers‘ from the ‘ invasion and raids—whou’i do you chow! i Eincolnl whose policy has brought this evil wag-Jo your doors, and then denied you in demnity and compensation for your losses 3 and damages i—or McClellan,whme policy and sentiments of right and Justice you have in his own words above stated? Hl5 Lincoln, “in the best of his ability, plane"- ed hi: 01th and the Constitution,” it} this puticnlnr, which is of so much concern to you! Hove not he and his puty been fsjthlesslto your interests? Has your pro perty been respected! McClellan says to the President that when taken for militnry use it “should be paid for]: and pillage and out: should he (refuted a: high crimu. Lincoln bl! never said so.’ He will never pay you for your horses, your pill-god stores. hou ses andlburns, your wutedtrops. Home}; in «in. He is pledged. to it. He will be' sworn to it. He will keop his word and his oath. On this question, Democrats and Republicans, you have but one choice.— Disclnrge Lincolnftake McClellan, who will be Just and faithful to you. Read his words. 4nd ponder them. ~ Help .coxnes |from McClellan » Cnunun Tn», EX= _ "turn 1: man" LSD mu. PRIVAIL.” THE GREAT MEETING IN PHILLI. Punmmrnu, Sopt. 19.1864. MP. STAHLB :——Dear Sir: I had the plan» are of being presant at the art-at Mer-lian demonstration in Inthapendonre Square an the evening of the 17th. and} can assure you and our friends that it far outstripped anything of the kind in numbers and in grandeur ofdixpluy that evar took place in the city of Philadelphia. Tim great maet~ ings of 1850.-though huixe 1n dirnpnsmnu, were but menzra gatherings in compariwn with that of the 17th. , , Such a spontaneous uprising of the city nlehe. (for very few were present frnm be yond ita limits.) never before was witneqaed. The Order and quiet which prevailed while the delegations were passing in from. of In: dependence Hail—the interest seemingly manifest. upon every countenance, together with the uppmpriate bannera. mottoas, &c., gave it the character of sniemnitv, grun deurnpd deep earnestness seldom alas-wed on occasion: of the kind: The demonstr'n tion as a wlmle' is yet ursurpnmed; and un. surpnswnble by the oppnsitinn. ‘ Forney must. be gored to the‘qnick. as he predict ed a amall affair. The enthmiasm for Mc- Clelhm is unbounded everywhere I have been. in the city and out. of it. Much may be expected of the merchants here for our ticket. lam told thtit Market street alone contributed more than hulfthe expt mes, numbers of whom-recently Opposed us in politics. It, i: nuppmod thnt 50.000 people partici pated in the hrnqw-(lings. The speakers were Mrwux‘s Mtj.‘~t‘mllna-, ni' l‘hilz-«lulphiu, Hiram Ketnhuinmf New Yul'k, Elherulge, of Team, and nthniw. - The speech of (bl. Mchuullese I heard, and would iirmmuuce itone of the host. {hr the tin) 9 that cgnld have lii-r-n made. It. was elnq\i€nt. forcible, well weighed. and must. have had its influence for great good. . ‘ D. s. r. 1“. Sum! z—Th‘nr Sir: I lmve been 1|?)- sontn week or more, on a vl~it east nnd« thrpuph thn m-ntrn} portion at rur State: “Pat. and I am [Ava-wt! to state to the guml: old Dr‘mnrr‘mv ut‘ Aclnm~ Hm! our bros-1 pacts for Mt-Ctelhm nrv bright. Fuur yours ago 1 had .3 eixuxlur “plnuliunily to p’uhlic Sohtitnv'nt on the 3mm» tour. hut. whilct that ‘viq‘t tlistmnrtvnm] mo, this one inquires mo with thn c'rrvnutkt hnppc, ‘ l The «Eththinsm i: pnnm t]. In Phltmh‘h‘ phia Vast (‘h'tnzo-s hnw‘ taken [than and injngfunt‘p2lhull‘ll"anfull!“['"‘t'llg'fiDlhO rc‘uh. Man 0? hll=ixm;=, thxhh an t infill-’1 enco. who :1! thv lnlt Yrc‘flillrltlitl ch-rnnn t vntvd ngfinct m. are quwlly, though rvrn tainlv. operating for 7: Chang“. 'l‘nn Ru-' puhfimn: alarm mmmrhnt (may "but" their cwntlil'ntei. and if actions are an in‘th‘x to the witl’tlu-y wnnh! qniw as snnn see the elnotinn' go by Itcfuu'l. H 3! only the nmre stifl'npckod that yre dimmed m nppme‘ u-t. nnd even tht-if opposition hours upon its facg a (thintermtmlnws cnmirhrnhly 'cno] and qmte muntf- st. They all '“"’tnt n lchnnge nu \‘w-II m we dn. Somebody is hurt; and they know it. There in no ru~n<on t for despnndenoy, but much to atrnnnthen Lour‘ hppos. o_ur candidate is a hocl. and cannnt' be beten hr at fair expresdnn of puhhc Opinion. Th}: in nll we \vwntz‘nnd {tho election of McCln-Hun Mariam. Thvro are some who woilld huvn prefer red :1 Seymour. :1 Piorca fur a Fxllmnx‘o. I was of that npinion. but after mmillr-ring, I believv that the Cnnvontinn div! wiwly. The more we ban- of McClellan. nml sor- of his letters, tho nu‘n We udm'rrn him. Con nistentk: njewel. firm as 111-(wk. nml 1m:- sPssing n hiuh order of inn-Hock we lmlmve lrim m he‘lhe mnn inr 'u-nca whore prm‘e is attainabln. and Hm man for war Whore war must hm Let. us all work in harxn-fiyiliva in hope, find if victory rewards 5, who will nozjoin in the song of rejox'r-irg! . Lou m BSD. @Extmct ofa lctter wrilten by a citi~' zen of Lancaslér. employed as an nwislunt ‘ antler at City Point, to a friend in that chm! who voted for Li‘n‘cnln, but has since. wilh-, out. the knowlodga ol the author. ohungm] ‘ his politics», and has openly declared in‘ favor of Little Mac : ‘ “C 1" Poxxr, Sept. 14, 1864 "Friend “1 tell you the feelini‘for MvClenan is very great; the men are eninglheir Loun ty on him. but. I hope they will hp deceived. * * 1' {suppose the McClellun boys are barking very loud just now." ,S'lill Anathv.—Annther letter received by a gentleman of that city, from one who luL-x always voted theßepublicdn ticket, con-r tains the foliowing extract: “The people are talking shout peace. but the only way I can see to make peace li to get a Democratic President. in the White House. I believe the Boutlmwould then agree to‘ come back. I want you to vote for Little Mac this time." ‘ . fi‘l‘he ahoddyites are trying to divert attention from the algortcomings oftheirowr. party and Administration, by lying abuse of Democrattic candidates. The people. must not be deceived by this desperate trick. They have been cheated to their sorrow already; and now that. their eyes have been opened to the iniquitiea of Abo litionism, let them charge home upon the office-holders all 'the misdeeds of which they have been guilty; There mu: be a CHANGER) save the country. and them ple must be diligent to bring about the deni— red result at the ‘polla. ‘ \ -———A-—~——r~m-——-——-—~ , ‘_‘ . .._.._.__ FL“ the voters of Pennsylvania but? ”2' fact. in mind : Thl! the electhnmf Mo- Clellan will enable the Southern people to throw off the grasp of their lenders—who Ire declared in favor of separate indepen dence—and enoournga them to malt» a strong effort to get buck into the old U’hion where their right: And domenticinllitution: will be respected. ‘ fine Baltimore Abcliefnn platform sanctions all the crimn nnd'follia of the present Administration. It approve! of arbitrary arrests—the suppression of free speech and a free press—and military inter hrence in elections. It makes slaverymot the Union,,lhe only' real issue before the people. I: do“ not extend my nympuhy to our brave soldiers nnw in Samba rn pn lons. Can the Unionists of file country conscientiously give their support to the candidates who stand upon such a plat form f—Age. Fang vs. Headlam—Forhey think: Mc -IClellan did mot fight we“ when be com ;mnded our ”my. Fol-nay himself isfight fing splendidly-31” He is mJling to {perm out “Wk“ “and hi! nubuiwu’: blown _-.rf x 43 :15 Ll. ‘ ‘ - ”rays-“ “6...”,2; 01d Line Whiis and Conserva tive Repgb 'gans Coming Itzis one ofthq be“ signs oi the‘times that i gentlemon of hi h character who bvlonged to the Whig p.rty in its day, nml have. since its dissnlu ion, acted with the Repub llCflnS. are comi gout all over the country for McClellim. i In no section are these significant andlgratifying changes more numerous than in the Cumberlmd Valley“ which has suffered so much .from the im hqciiity or {the Administration at Wash ington. W 6 know scores of old Whigs and ccnaervatime Republicans in that quarter, nml particularly in Franklin county, who will now join heartily with the Democracy in tha effort the'y ire about to make to bring the Administration of our Govern ment back to Constitutional principles, to save the Union without further efl‘usion of hlood, “a?“ atop the {rightful waste angl ex travagance that threaten to plunge the country into the bottomless pit of financial ruin. \ We wish we ware at liberty to give the namaof the writer of the following com— munication, who is won known m us and to many of the lending citizens of thiltnwn and munry. ‘ We ran only sny‘tbnt such is h“ stanllin¥ both at home and abroad, that, If his cnmmuuicnlinn bndzlreefi sent fo‘rth with hi: name in it. it would hnve made thousands .of anos for McClellan in this State, Ind have exerted considemble influ (lmce in his mvor in many other of the loyal Slates: The Nomllmlion .r Genet-II McClellan. For “10 Compiler I have never lig‘n and run not now a. pol itioiwn in the )inptll'll‘ sense of that term.l although lhavo nlW'IVfi felt. it to be my Ilutvi and pri‘vtlwluo to out, my vote at, the bnl-‘ lnt box‘ in I think every good than and cit-l but 01th to do. So tar as party predilec lion»! wore t‘nnnnrm-«l in lw your ymrfi. I hurt" horn :\ “Whig’L-nn “Ultl Line Whig,"l ifymt plenm. At the last Presiilentiul elev-l tion I vntml for Mr. Linooln. not become he. mm in nll'roqiccts my choice, but humane ll hoped he would not nllow ser-tinnajism to inflnmiru his courgo in the trying period of‘ his nllirinl tmm ofcilhbo. I believed more-. over that lu- was “ honest," would stand by ”tho Guththutinn. and would not sucrve trom_tlm yrimiplt-s “blah he ‘hml again and again enunciated. In all this I have lit-on dxsnppmMerl—greatly tlixttppolnlwtl. ‘I Will nnt ray that he is Ilul. huncst, luut it'l he is. then lie-ha: shown lllnht‘ll'l‘xt‘vt'lllug. ly weak and firkle. and ‘has allowed mtlivull nml tutlmlent politicians to "my him hither and thitlwr. Witness his“ declarations oul the slavery question, and thrn his Enium‘i potion» Prot‘lamation. But {choose not. to dilate on. this subject. but I will merely re‘ mark, that in my iudgmont the time has come for 11!! 7160717! to give voice to their con- l victim-i, that A change in the downward policy of the Admihfiétrution in imperative. They love the country,~ imd they love the Gal‘tt‘llmrn! of their couiitryfiyxt they have rmt yet. been convinced of etruthfulm‘ss ol'tho wondrous doctrine of late so boldly‘ proclaimntl by [-inbald politicinnr. that the ‘Avlmt'tiislrnlion and tho' Government or:- one am] (If! some t/u‘uq. The people look for. hope for. and will lint-c ~omething honor in the way of t‘ltllnlnlhlrflllt'c power“ it it he pmsililp. They say; “'e don't vote much who is the Pru-iulnnt, if only the country is; governed pinporly. K 4 thing now are. WP‘ ore likelv soon to come to the “ ditch." ’I-Ivaylliny ser-ms out. oi imnt. Each new ‘ mmsure, each new “ nxpvrimont” proves ‘:1 failure. Mr. Lincoln can crack plrnty ot'll ‘jolu-s—nnrl poor enough they gpnernlly nrel 4 —-but this is not a time for cracking jokes. The times arr. serious, Ind we need an earn "mt, serious head and a goorl heart. at theu . helm Offllr'tll'fi. Mountelmnkiml anilt‘hmpl jikes'are well nigh played out. A Chan-([6l is demanded. and thoumnds of the honest “motile reagnn r‘omothing on this wine :“"llhe country is in an awful conditioii,every way.l l Instead of getting better. things ore potting. ; worse every day. They, cnn’t well get mufhll , worse. A change may result, in Fomothing: better, evon if the rulers at Washington should not. be better men than we now have. But let us have 3 «ice. judicious. energetic i . President—one who Will leave aide qm-an l tinna take care of tliemielves. and turn him l attention to the main issuer—push forward‘ the war energetically u long as it. is neces- ‘ ‘iury, and be open to bring it to on honorng hie end as soon as an honorable end ~can he made ofit. What mire welor party f” And now that General McClellan has been nons‘ inated as a. candidate for the Presidency, I {e ivery confident that. 'it. will give a thrill oéoy to thousands who. under other cir cuinstaucns. like myself. would have been either indifferent or opposed to him for that posttion. That he is who. prutlt‘nl. )judicious. and bus :1 wand 13! lii: own, his mil itary Career has slmwn-—sltowr. in a. manner ltlmtshoulrl humble the pomn nt \Vush ington whenthey look at. all that has lrnns pin-d since they ejected him, to the dust. l may he mittnken, but. Itlo believe, that the thinking. reflecting, soberminded peo ple ofall parties will hail his nomination with joy and devout thanksgiving. Yes, " whet. care we for puty ” at such a time n. this! Let "party ” take care ofitnelf. We want. ruler: inst now who are rumors with heart: large enough to rim above party. and who will have a cart- for thé country -for the whale of it. and every part :3} it—fo'r the Graduation u otir fathers beq eathed it to us. It in hallowed by their tears, their finger: And their blood. Destroy it not, n’nr it not in any wine, "for there in n bless ing in n..”. . . 2 AN OLD lANE WHIG. Th: Original Purpose of (Kc NHL—Gen. McClellm’l order. August 9, 186:2. says: “The General éomrnanding takps this oc casion to remind the‘ofllcen and soldiers of thin army that, we nre engaged in support.- ing the Constitution and Amof LheUnited Staten. And in suppressing rebellion against their Authmity; that. we are notengaged in a war of mpine, revenge or subjugation; that thi: is not a contest against. popula tionl, but against. armed forces and pfliti~ all organizations; that. it. is a struggle har ried on within the United Stateswnd would be conducted by ul upon the highest prin ciples known to Cb r‘mian civilmtion.” an. " thunder: a” uuund.” Oar ex change: from thicnnmry all round about come to us vmh‘ enthusiutic "spouses to the Chicago nomination. ‘ - 5 . '3 I ‘ 4r (-5,, f», .g; > ' ' iv 1 N; ‘T 'V I‘l to - the Rescue. [From the "Vnney Spirit.”] BIM Two mLLAfié_;Ya—li._ flrDLILLAN’! NOIINA‘I‘ION. All—OM I'lu'le Snort- 011, about fohr years ago. I won‘t! hue you for to know, _ We had A mighty lime electioneering, ’ Many sky-ted in me clmsc, But Old Abe he warn the race‘ ' E And Itruizhlwny for the White Home he'vu Iwenng. , ‘ x CRO ll'l Tint oh, oh, 61:! don't you hear us now! The meocrngs can stand ngninst ciettion, So let Ahe just rlnr Hu- track, Fur we've nnmimltcd “MIC."' And he‘sbnundl6m[heuvxlChivl‘loeXnLion Then rommcncerd this crud war, , ‘ Which “to ptop'ue nnw deplure, Our Union F 115;: had z‘uiflian: to Adam! it, ' But «in. l‘mohmafiun here, ‘ Anni Elmncipuunn there. ‘ Old Liucohaéud his in)“; will ‘nqw-r‘nd h. ‘ ‘ Chorus—oh, ofi,oh ! kc- Then ‘44 it be our nim, , , To close this war-‘.ike gxme: We’ie ind anough of Blood and Specuh tion, V For we’re taxed in ewery way, ' Whiio Shouldy mica the (hy, ,- , So it's limb" time we had an nml-alien. ‘ Chorus—oh, oh, oh! le. ' Bvflge memory of our dead. . ‘ The bmve bnvn who‘ve fought-Mir! bled, Who went in for their C-mntry‘a s'flvuion, We'fl uni“: bmh helm and voice. To elect tha People‘s Choice. ' Then “Mac" mun be the‘nait Chief of the Nl lion. ' , , Chorus—then oh! of: H 111! kc) From the Philnddphia Age 'T'III CRY OF LIBERTY. A CALII’AIGK‘SOXG nurse‘rrunu‘ DXDLCATED "3'1?“ tivmon cum or nuuumkuu, av 15:.Auruqn. . - ¢ The cry of Liberty. my boys, ls hf'fll'gi abroad once more; Chicago speaks in thundyr than; That sweep lrom shore lo shore; The dungmns‘wc will open, ‘ And our brntlmrs we'll svll‘rl‘e; The Press must be uumuzzled, ‘ Whato‘er the cos! maj' be. Then hurrah—hurrah, ' Fur Equal fligma hurrfih; Let younwntclnrord be “McClellan," Then‘fur liberty burgh. , Too lung 3 worthlega desp‘bl alts, A Dispensing: jokes for laws; ‘ And shoddy lords and slmd'ly lluevel, .Disznce our Country‘s cause;, , And deeds of savage cruelly, Dishonor our fair name;' ‘-¢ ‘ While Abolition fiend: have fillv-d Uur land with guilt and shame. . The“ hurrah—huruh, kc. Our courts orjuscicr have been closed, ' By the sound of vaurxl’! hulls; ‘ Our Mun-st and m r heat. watc'dragggd Like thieves m fi-lon NUS; 0 tr- While provost marshals grimly sit, ' ‘ And muck our country‘s wrgngs; And ”mum Alu'nlmm lnughs andfjokpl, And sings his ribnld songw. .1, s . _ 'Then hurrah—hurrah, &c. ' ‘K Then rally, b’rotherl, one and nll, Aronnd on; nominee;. _ . Tlmt pence may spread her gentle wings, a From tlilz’cpntre to the sen; To heal our toumry's bleeding wouudl, Did the tide 0" bnllle cease; ' ( Let despots thirst [at bleed and int, Be your: the cry (if “peace." Thcu hurrnh—hurmh, M‘. ' I‘JC'I‘B POI! Till! PEIDI'LR. Let the people remfimbcr that Abe Linco‘n deprived General Mchc-Han of his command and ane his army to Gen. Pope: ' Lc'. the people remember tbm when Pope was dank-med and flying lownrds' Washington, Abe Lincnin {nund it’necessary, h save the CdpiLaY, to recall flcClellan to command: . Let the people rememher Hut McClellan did save this Capital by achieving the two glorious \ictorie‘s over the invading foe at. South Moun tain and Antietam: < ‘ Let the people remember that. Abe Lincoln then-upon wrotcn lend: to McClellan giviizg him “:1 thousand thanks" for his victories: ‘ Let the [maple reml-mber, also, “nu when McClellan hsd defeated the enemy, driven him out orMarylnnd. sued the Clpiml mi quitt ed me fears of ‘be Preaidenfinl bufimn,that Abe Linculn suspended him~ from coming“!— I’aln‘al .3' FM. « ‘ _ ecu-II Cunrné-wllh coll, 1861-64.;2 rutted fluurs iu A Abrahams Liu Dr. ' I llnlfn million of men killed opd maimed. 1 Five thousand mil lion dollnrs spent nod: destroyed. I The Monroe doctrine: sbnndoued. | Our foreign com-l more. swept. from that “11. 1 " The value of a dollar reduced" to forty cents! The cos‘ of living doubled. , The breach belween North and South wi» demul. . Tnxesinc red five fold. K Helm}? corpun Ins» pended. ‘ Personal freoJom urnngled. 3 Liberty of the preu mmpkd upon. ‘ The Conltltntion shrogzflod. ‘ The dignity of the government lost. . ‘ Election! curled bg‘ terrorilu. Half I miIIiOIi slaves transformed 103 raga bonds. Slwddy blazing with diamondn. f “The friends of the Uninn mint I'9- membor that Mr. Lincoln llas distinctly M- “ agreed that be will Pntertain m pmpmi ‘ a for peace and maturation that. do not [embrace the “abm‘lonment 9f al my."— Tnia‘il his ultimwi’n.‘ What righ has he to call himqolt‘u Union dandirhte. .when he "(uses "on to o.smm mg quguion of ra mmtructirln. unltm 4119 right! of the States. under the Cm'amuglon. ire'yielrlfid by thalpeaaple thereof bathe central dispat ; lan: at Waeliingtombwqu. V ‘ ‘ __ . .._...J‘...»L.._.__.‘. l fi-Sect'y Sewn-51 jg his Auburn 8 ch 'nnnounced that thém would be no mfc; I thin man bcfnre the :Vermont and Maine jelectinns. on. ’l‘ueuday evening week, at Washington he slam] [_liere won/416: a rim/’4 ' in every locality where the quota was not filled by volunteering. When man occupy llng places in Mr. Lincoln’s Cubinatwiil thus deliberately lie to affect small Rule elm-- figs. how much confidence mm be ylacml in‘ihat any one‘ol Lincoln’! «cpportern ‘nyl Ifl'ecting the are“: issue of electing fiThe tumpgiougdsixleen-wl‘lffiledm, 1 another Putnam—t: ~ intended for the m enthuse. nis . -- . . ’“‘—~— ‘ and i: waiting orders a Alexandrina: Was/In! ”Th. “V‘mmmnu 0:, Inlgiufldfig m 1);?ch _ ~lenue luu deCldEd that g gre- cote y "Sémptuoiu ”~ Ind “ IG-whaeled” Jr 399‘] ‘"‘" put a governmenue 39mg? ‘“' for Lincoln to ride inl rim. me peopl‘e’ll his we W 0" h.° “*‘C‘g‘wl "'"‘ had!" money goes! Lincoln it min: more and? “'3 ll“ Mg" "if“ .°, °° “'"”“ 81. more nfeer the crownod potenum of Bu- ““1 ‘“‘Pommmef’filfg' , rope. l fl-The Boston Trgv: lanai/l a l'lmdnyi ngo that not a. R. 1!!! 'ln Copg'reu eta : A '54- i ‘equalled Eendl ‘ ~ 7-. wk?” J“; -_ 1. ang ‘fi‘We u} told then ought It thin mm to to bat onejarcy In the North. Wing?!“ to chm But that pl?!" tho-N In the one guy. desires toba‘ve l cblnze in tho adminlnnuolg'. ‘ ”Sen-wt Richardson, omfinoh, “y: L'u coln drawn -hi-. ulnry of $25,000 per annnm {row the Trenmryln‘gald. Nice thing fox-Abn um. ‘fl’Geuing plenty—Republican. who Ire goingto support the nominee of shes-Chicago Convenlién. , ‘ _5 _ V 440...“ fiflnn: Horatio Seymour Ins Hui r 93 nominuo'd {at Ghorpor'ol Roy Yoyk.‘ V A "0n the «hid. in mod - tight 1'1!!me Ind when hue [and lhem-e va- kinda I min"; phuom whirl) ndvomta m immodinw caution af hostilities nml n oouuquonl wwhdmwn! of mar "min (mm tha [ML-1 tPrrimry. wrung from the conspirstnrn m Hm expanse ohho blood of many a noble Union man." The shove is n mmplo of tha oleotionoar- J'ng Clap-trap which juu now nbonnd- in’ Beguhhcm E’Wrs' No party anywhare. . so an: we Iva lean, propose- the “with drum! of our alum" from the sand! now occupied. Certainly with" If: Dom oentic plntforin nor Gc-n “(Ch-Ham’s lane: of acceptance proposes to do any-nah thing. The platform declares tfut— . U “Justice, humanity, liberty and the pub" lic welfare demand chit immediate nml?! ‘ I: run for A cessation of lmalilitien. with l_ ,riew to an ultimate convention of ull (Fa States, or ailm- peat-ml”: was. to (he and that, ntlthe earliest practicable moment, pcaca may ernlm-eul an (la WW» rul Uni" of "'11: AS'o'u’rT.” ‘ No_ 3. . Does making "emuw In bring: I‘m" a mlioil ol' " hodilifim ” noon ~‘alll' ,re-x' quire a. ”withdrawal nfnnr :ll mics?" Nev-n, Certainly not.‘ Enn if ”NU" «mm were to snowed so far 3510 skxxmn Armistice for thrm, six or twelve month—would ' glut newurily rrqlgire the "withdnvulol r.. our Armies 2" .\'o-cvrta‘rnly not. ‘ -A: M what w-uM hré’lfw mrfimlnr al.l lmof each army upon a “ rod-nml: of hog tilxlim," nr "an .-I mum-4“" "mum depend en|ilon on (1m .-m..!.luuu upon which either .had been ‘ucruumlkbhod. and lu-roju ex. Indy what the Democratic party woman to do, nameiy. In ‘mnko muons to bring shout that kind oY " I caution of hostili ties." which will {and to the ant-lime practi miMn roslnrplmn officaae “on the (unit of. [he l‘mfrral Union of the Status.”—L:wia-‘ lawn Ikmarml. ~ . ' ' :j‘y-Tho thnhlicm puma are main {tiling Um [manila .an hurl-Lanna before! eloclinnn. that (ha “rebellion is on its lut. logs,” lliht “hf-on}: n»: (inant pets 100.000 new troop-x he will take Richmnnrl, and thin and; the War." Bm. kc” ‘Velljf all this be. true. why mmhnne hmirling Against Gen. McClellan thP c’mmo Hm? ‘ he will lning about a ‘flcesulinnnl'hmcimim," m If [he war will he ended by this {Ali‘s cnm~. puign‘ tln‘n Gen. McClellang‘vnn ifelnctm‘l. c m have nothing Lodo with m-nkiuzpnm. because his inauguration will unlukeplm until next spring“ I! the war should no! he pn‘lml this full, than of cour-m it goes over until next uumm‘r, homuqc unrumr army can do mublr emu-Um fizhring in U)» win ter. if itJau zoovvr to nL‘xt'summr-r. ”ten for the sake of humanity let. it. be nonduct ell un‘der’a‘uew l‘rvsitlon! nails nmv (why, If Abraham Lincnln shall hwe 121..1e In sulnlun the n-hnlwi unfl-‘r his phlir'y. in full" yrarq, it i: Mylainly high umn tom-)kr- a rlmnqe of policy: nml ifhe quueeml» in sub duing them. then it I! parfoctlyplain to all men not‘pnlit‘icully blind that the pro‘zpmt bf re-cefieming-fihe Ifnion in dumhin friendship “'1“ be betlér with the Democmln 1c party in power than nmlers continuance ol this .odmns film—k Republican admiuin tration, whose I‘nlpiring pr; is hurt-I! of the Smith and its ins’Litutions.——Lmh(rma Democrat. n“ J , ‘ ‘ W‘L'fl. filth-rs and mnflwm writ». to tlu-ir sons in tlw nrmy lo vote for-McClellan -lot slate“ write to their brothers to mm for McClellan—def. the girls write to their sweethearts to vote for McClellune-let M’s-+1 write ‘0 their husband; to 'o‘ lot McClellan—let clnldrPn write 4.0 their fathers to vote for MitClell‘nn. Willy Mc- Clellan’u election will come peace and a re stored Union. and the willful-s instead of longer risking their liveq upon the battle field, will soon return to their families nml friends, to make glad the hearts of the, "loved mm at home.” On, for the happy day of change from L‘ncoln lnglchlPl'lnn. —lrnm war. {:0 peace.‘ Lat all wihofecz' this terrible. bloody war, (an l who do not.) a» slut by voice and vote to make the’cbwgo certain. . - ~ ' A Thorn in Their .S'IIL':.—~X! bother. Shad dy amazingly that both the Damocnu‘o cnndidutes were selected from States north of Mason and Dixon’s line. "It takes an much wind out 0! shoddy !. Had 3. Ken tuckimu nr n Max-flamin- been putnpon tho ticket. it. would have been an ni’ce for Shad.- dy to have mid: “Look how the sham Democracy dclr-rs to'um Shveocrnéy I" The boot in on tho nthm- foot. however, and tha~ Lincoln sectionahau of Wm aye nimpiy ,rn vampml and banned up With the addition I)! -a supemmntozl renegade tailor and Ipoa late aluvedaalor. jer'l‘lm annngo Lravhr says of Gnnernl Mr-Clellnn :—“l[n hm glvr-n ovulcnee of the possession nf gwnt sthtnmunlike nbilitim ; is n. gnarl scholar. and a thorough gentle man; ”Sq elevation try—tho Presidential» 'clmir would raise the Federal State: in the opinion of the whole outside world. Ili government of 1h; country, we have no doubt, would be marked by enlarged view and cbmprehenn'xv'o statesmannhip, and certainly tend the mawmtinn of peace than that of Mr. Lincoln, who is the mare’cflature o! the hour—acne thing to day, and another tovmnrrow—stmsed About by every wind of Reflrblicnn doctrine, timid, temporizmg and tyrannical.” A (Ems ozni¢au3.—The shoddy orators on Saturday night mule Sherman's Victory a pretext fqr pnlitiml vituperminn, but forgot to téll us ofGon.Sherman’e celebrated letter concerning negro soidiers. ,0 certainly they forgot“! They flan fargot to tell us that Sherman » never endorsed Lgny of their Abolition dogmas.—-B)etan Past. L'ollling [ml " White >T'”l-—The York Prue. of a late (LIM‘, has the following; K One evening Int. week, altrnin of whim am; negro soldiers pnsge‘d (h'rnu‘gh our town on their way to the mat. of war.‘ The white men were in burden cars, such as are used Loconvey hogi, sheep. cuticle, &c., omi- the road, while the Mack men were snugly-En sconced in comfortable pas-sang“ can—- Many of our citiznns were witnesses to the «rum of lhiutammont and mu negro war; shipping fanatics wiH smrceiy undertake ‘ to dmy it, as they do nzhora ofa similar nature. which we hmr of ‘nlmost 'dufly. Thank GmHhe ruin of Abolidonism is drawi ‘ ing to 301.090. ’ _ Swarm: 6’l contrac tor: enriched. fiiifin’o‘i’mm‘ I=