The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, September 26, 1864, Image 2

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    W .. @nmpiltr.
078 1140
‘v I, ”“11, lDl‘l‘Ol Uh PIOPIXIYOI.
anusnuga, p;
lONDAY KORNIN'I}. S’fii’l'. 26. MM
manna mil?“ summon
In [mud-t, 5;
o: In! num
GEORGE u. anunzrox,
0' 0310.
" colon",
“nylon; 1r CUFFBOQL Sums"! ..o
b AIIIII’H'.‘-7L
mg]: & “353414., mama-mu tp.
_ ooxlxwosn.
MI ‘_BXSB. Pravdum lg,
’ - / Dupe": 0': fat Pool, ‘
)0” I. ORA", 3!.”th Lawmhlp. ‘
mono". ~
John wane. Conowngo q. (s yous.)
JACOB HULL, Berwlx‘kap., (2 jun.)
“To Wuox 41 my 003013;“
Indy, Bum, ton Pawn, Una:
an} m: Conrnunox}
“Eu 4195?“, ml Pxopu's MIX 1"
A Guild Mass Meeting of the!
friend! oféMcCLELLAN and PEN-i
‘DLETONI‘wiII be. held at NEW’I
ING NEXT, Oct. 3d}; Friends of}
You. and Union kiwi-Lower End,.
Turn Out! Oxford; Mountpf‘éaeaug-l
Stub“, Beading. Hamilton, Gono
lago, and the two Bel-wicks, rally
in {our strangth!‘ Other dimict:
wil help to small the crowd.
Jon W, anzxaaa, Esq., of
135% 3nd othen, will address [the
me. {13.2 Armngementa Will be
and. lo [an an extra train- of can. _
- 3 JACOB Bnmnanorr,‘
~ L‘héii-man Dem. (Jo. Com.
Sept. 26, 1864, - '
Uprising °_f._ the People.
admin.” flu: it“: oi
, you: own
V 0‘ fihgrdny owning week, Sop’tombof
"fiftii'flthgniveéury of me ndopnion
of It. lion-(imam) 01':th Umud Sula:
ha gulch-ted, and me nnmmatim: of Me-
Clellan 9nd Pcn’ileton ratified, hthe peo
plp oi \the any of New York“ 1!. 3m. 1
’ DIG-I‘d! uptimng of the mun-3v m that
put nolrowlia. Meetings wine négam'xed
I. be!” "3qu "and. in Union Square.
and herb were many others. to satisfy the
mid: who ”could not see vmhin belting
(finance omhe Sqnare, Amon be weak
‘ on non Gov. i'urker, Hon. Robe tC. Wu:-
i_hrop, hum oaxmzn. Judge! omstock.
‘_ldzo Duly, Mayor Gunther, Fernando.
"Man. Wllbridge and Hon. F. A. Tall
‘ ludp, 351.: the grentuv. meeting our
bold in America—if not 55 the world..—
YIN“ Mum! people wan present. 2
. On moun- oveningfifty thousand Dem
’ MIMI Immblod in Independence Squxro.
.rhihdolphit. Su‘ch A glemonmauon wa
ne“;- before new in that city. Hon. Hiram
Ketchup. of New York, Hon. Emerson
Ilhseridgo. of Tonn...Hon. Josiah Randall.
‘ Judge Puiom. Col. Puge.Ool. McCundless,
and other; made speeches. _'
In Wuhinzton Cny, Boelnn. Cincinmti.
Pithbur‘, Ind at many other places, l-u
menu meetings were dug held, exceeding
7‘ in n‘umborl‘ and enthusium O“! o'ver bo
fon vitae-Md 3; (ho. name poinu. Truly,
5.7!). uoldier votinglnw m“ be found
”our Int pugs. 11.-will be I(een that it is
thumb), nee-lan that every soldier ofi'oh
hngétcamlnl he voteson agemmt Leable
to plan in the mun} manner thut be bu paid
IMMMD!’ lax within two years. which
nut ‘in" been mused at but “15' days
_bcfm'tfin elation, We hope the Demo
an. Whom the_ county "have been at.
“adj-g to this ninth. :“We hue no doubt
”BL! majority of the noldiers in the army.
if they In left {no to do so. will vote against
Lincoln; Ind liuimt Abolitiq: nominees
hr Ounce“. Let them be unfazed It once,
—M n of in ma mid. und the _reoeipt
I» out to‘ tbnm. _lagether with a full sup:
pl, 0! Hokey. in time for the Sun. elec
tion. The" i but 1 short .time in which'
Indopuh work, ud'ercry one ninth] p
u it with n will. . , '
~W~a noun am at l Deniocude meet
in“ in Jlmpdon lowmhip. Cumberhmd
can”. on tho 17th, Cspt. Gilli-nu, of
firibarg. nude . npeech. Ho foufln
nude "Lime Mm," Ind now very propor
iy aka the “amp for Mn punt. legion
fifth in. O‘ptlin) :
‘ '11:. Icon! election lg: Tue-My in
flm. "L. to": ban the iii. in running
.fi n.. We“. The Democnm tieket'wu
fluted bra-30min- ringing‘from two to
tire. hiladrod. Lincoln carried that city
in 1860 by thirteen votes. A: 3m; .
change in other part: of the Smo—und all
cur print. ndvieeu my)!” he", gains
—-w'ould give Illinoiy to "Mule Mac" by
chin, Maud mijofily. All 21:11.11]:
"A; an "my you have grown up npdor
jmy can. In ynu I hue never found doubt
10l- coldness. The battle: you have fuught
‘nnder my mmmlnd. will proudly llve in
l history. The glory you have achieved. our
mutual peril: nnd luliguoa. the mm of our
comrades fallen in battle Inf by «11-ease.
the broken forum of those whom wound:
Ind nicknm have disabled—the strongest
midlan- whioh can exist among men
‘ ,nnicz‘us still“??? indiuclumhe: Wu III.”
‘“‘—W ,m Com w 6. (Institution
”yen! :01:an on -h‘°d;6vrmncr3{ "M .' ‘“” Flt-"Z.
FM Silurian? M‘- 70“ If" “M {Mention P “19,154“ 'l' 4:15:27er
5 at» ma, ~ It, .\’.-1.7.1363» = ‘ -
~—T lob
than“ M: withdrawn, and (be re
nlt will help McClellan. Tho Wessex-n
banana will ands no cit-summon you
fit h‘n‘eoh.
r’.‘ I‘lf‘lbl XIC AK. 1'“ UKI.R.I
; Ex-rnzsstr rumour; um lu‘
91m] an “I. “'hiu 'l'ick'l with GM). Tny- f
fin; in 11,45. is nn Ardent luppnner of Mo;
'Glellnn In Ropdlmon. 1
§ axons: D. grammes. for many yum!
‘ltbo Indium opr'onfm of due Democracy:
[ln the Stun of Kentuqky, I: out “509; for.
lenClellnn. Tm Louiuillo JMMII. Pun-i
LHCQ'I paper. run- up Ibo numen of HcClel. '
'hn Immndlelon to it. nut-he‘d. :
6 607. BRAMLE'H‘E of Kentucky, who»
Ecleclmn wu chimed by the “Re blicnng.” 3
"u I Lincoln victory, Inppongpgicmellan
3nd Pendlewn. . czxznu. mama
;lhe sumo Slnu.m_|l|o ntron; supporter:
‘.of Linla Mao. . l
‘ GEORGE E. HILLIARD. of Mnuuchu-u
‘ m us, always heretofore Oppowd lo the De.- I:
incxucy. in out. for McClellan Ind I’eudlu- 1
ton. '
AMOS KEXDA LL. Gen. Jackson's Pant-i
mum- General. in one of the most ardent.l
uupporlon of Link Mu: in the whole .
Union. _ A ‘5 J '
WASHINGTON HUNT. formerly Whig _
Governor olxNew York, uuppom McClellan E
And Prudlel/ou . 1 ,
JAMES S. THAYER, thi- mmt eloquent.|
minor in the slsz of New York, And once 3
‘the bosom friend‘lud political pnrtimn ul'
lHnm’y Clay. is an enthusiastic luypoflel’ of
the Dvmocrnlicnomineu. i
lfrom this State. and one- of the lending men
{in the Rflpublicun party, in append to ‘
. Abr-hnm Lincoln, Ind favornble to George
is. McClellan. . f
‘ WM. MCLELLAN. Eiq" of Cbnmlnn
iburg. s life-longopponent ofthe Democratic
hm”. in wunnly for McClellan nnd Pendle
wn. Bony: Lincoln in "weak and fickle."
. Hon. 0. H. BROWSING. of Illinoio, late
, United Bums~ anuor from thn Slate.
lhnherto I Republican, made I Ibeetih for
McClellan In. Quincy, on Wednndny. He
declared him to be a lute-nun, npntriot
‘nnLl the he". Gonnal thin war has produced.
in» come out in h‘lotler for McClellun. ‘
l nongn c. wxsmnop.‘ the on Ch,
,thg of Mun, in making speeches for Mo
‘Cxellnn. '
WM. 8. OGDEN, of Chicago, the gréat
“Railroad King of tha West," I warm?
friend of Lincoln in 1860. um! St-tg Senator
of the Republican ' party from {he county out for MrClvlmu IlldJ-BCl‘lleh.
Gen. RUE]. j: for McClellan: So in Gen.
At A McClellan ratification meeting in
Lewistown. this State, on the 3d. ABNER
THOMAS. Esq" Chairman of an Republican
bony Omniuee, pruidcd. Col. Wt H. IE
WIN, who (or two yam commanded the
gallant 49th P. V., and has heretofore been
I deoiuled Republicmn. mud. . powerlul
Ipeech in {nor (if McCh‘llan. ‘
At the grant McClellan muting in Phil»
dolphin on the 171i).D.C.GlI.LESP[E, £.q.,
Appointed A member of the Refiublimn
lSute Central Committee, nude lispeech
13mm: Lincoln and for ‘3 Little Mac.“
3 The flrtt McClellan flag hoisted in Wtyno
l county, on receipt 0f thv m-vr: of hillnomi
nation, mn- by H F. LORD, £lq., I Fre
mont. elector in 1856.
Thur the hall in rolling. The shout men
and trueut. patriots in the opposition ranks
v” changing koepl on “thin rut», there will
lb. nnbody lento lnpport old Abe but. hi‘.
I emce- holderl. f
“PLEAIR u'lr A lush wonn to If
‘ ' Anmtfl
"Pleue «yo kind word to my army~ thnt
i lean report to then; in general onion. in
.regnrd to their conduct at Yorktown. \Vil
ilintmbum, West Point. Hanover Court
l House, Iman the Chickahominy. u well M
l in regard to tbqjeven days and the recent
i “No one in: ever said snything to cheer
ithem but myself. Soy nothing
. Merely give my men and officers credit for
[what they have done. it wrll do you much
good. snd will strengthen you much with
“slllle yOu issue a hundsomeorder to them
in regard to what they have accomplished.
[They den-I've it.”— Gen. MrClsllan to Major
general [Julia-f, Aug. 18. 1862. ‘ i
. This was the despatch sent byfien. Mc-
IClellon to Gen. Halleck, st the close of the
IPeninsulo campnign in 1852. It breathes
' (Says the Age); spirit of gen tleness and ten
lder solioiiudo for the brave men under his,
command, of which history fumishmno
parallel. “Plea." wya kind wordlo ;iy army."
Where is the soldier who followed this no
] hlo young oommnnder thron'gh the peril- of
thst memorable campaign. whose heart
:does not throh with n livelier pulsation on
l reading this touébing evidence of consider-y
otionf W’u the word spoken! Did Gen.
Halleck. or did Mr. Lincoln. cheer thel
,henrts of the brave boys by n word '0! en
:couragement? Fsr lroni it. The doing!
and if possible the demorntiution of the
iArmy oi the Potomac. wu the uttled put-
Epoee of the Adminiutntion; ‘_‘hchlellnn’s
'overthro .wns determined upon. A "lin"
word? to gallant followers would have
lnteriere ith this determination. Hsv
ing It the out critical moment withdnwn
McDowell's forces. and by this outage ren
deredimitless nil the heroic efi'orts end all'
the bloodshed during the campaign. it
would not here oonserted with the purposes
of the Administration to have spoken n
“kind word " to the weory and worn soldiers
ofthnt nobl Varmy.
Soldiersaz’the old Army of the Potomac.
can you for ithe nun who pleaded with
the Adminia‘ristion that n kind word he spo
ken to you, filter you had undergone the
perils and privations of that memoroble
campaign? Will you not bear in mind the
conduct of the men. who in thst dink hour
refused you the little boon so est-nestly.
heeeochinxly naked for by your glorioui
eommsndert The enemles thot uuiled
him then. snail him now. Tho-e who
covertly Assaulted his and your t'sir flue
then, on openly nt their burden work
now. it is now your turn to vindicate the
men whose every thoughta‘s given to the
comfort enhepotulon of his soldiers:—
on his petting words ever be forgotten?—
Reed them:
«nun Danocmno RALLY':
A ’H Duoss'rp'nos IN GETTYSBCRG !
nu: “for“: AL! VIE!
A tumor-ratio mPPLID‘ I" Idvertised to
tn'ko Mm in Gettytburg on Saturday evenu
inn. September 17th. the nn-iirerury ofthe
mlopliuu of the Con-tilation of the United
Stat". No eti‘ort 1m nude for s lune
meeting. and nothing more than In :4-
nemhiue of the Deinocnu of town and the!
immediate neighborhood mu expected—i
Early in the evening. however. it Wu to be;
neon that. the mus-ting would be mnre'then t
mull-«people were eirendy coming in from
points eight and ten mil». distant, whilst.
thmc nearer were turning out to a mun”
thnnd young. The magnificent Demo-E
emtic Band Chariot in: brought out. ,'
drawn by tour grey horses. and containin-g‘
an ex’oelimt hand of martial manic. with‘
two inrgc traneparenciel. beating the in-Z
Jormtmni. '“ .\lr-Clellln and Pendletnn,"
“Union the one LWltion." “Free Presl'
And Free SpN‘t‘h." “Compromise. Concili-l
Ition. Con-titutiun.” “No Arbitrary Ar-l
rants." " Peace. L'nion, Liberty." “ Down
with the \‘hodclvitesf' “ The People want
to Swai- liar-set l" '
Rider: came in etatipl that delegation]
r-u liar-whack and in vehicletuwere up?
preachingnn severnl roads. Dr. J. A.Swnpei
und She-rm" llehei 1 were at once detailed nu:
mnhhaie for the pom-aim). Under 11"“
order! the Band (,‘imrint, with the musxc,i
mu taken tn 'the northern suburb of town,‘
wherethe Butler drit-znltt‘n was met. Stra
ihan nlm contributed to givell the line. AH
ter pusing through nevernl of the btreen,‘
the proce-nion pruceede'l to the west. hide
of town. where the :ielegin‘inn {rum Marsh
Creek. mom partimilurty representing Cum-i
.herhuul and Highland. waa met. and that
_whole, with consumt emissions as it. passed
along. paruilml the principal otreetu, with
every demmulrntinn of fine spirits. the‘
hearty cheer! and the glowing enthusia-ul‘
carrying one back to the lively day: of 1844.
It. mu I sight to ‘make the patriot fee] glad
—to impin- his heart with hapeqmd courage,
and confidence. Democrat: had but one
way to expreu, their hnppy t‘eolin i. and
that mu to mid cheer to cheer. longer and
still louder, until the welkin rang. and rung
again. Verily. it was good t‘obe here!
The original nrrnngement was to hold the
meetirg in the Court-house. but the idea.
mu abandoned very won after the people
commenced coming. It would not. have
held the third at the crowd present. The
{rout of the building was then prepared {or
the holding of the meeting, and at the
proper hour the nut usernblnge we called
to order by H. J. Stable. who proposed the
5 following list of ofiicers: which thl adopted'
GEORGE SWOPE Faqq Getty-burg.
- Via Prm'dmu. t“ 7 _ ~
Henry A. Picking. Eiqu Slrabln,
Wm. H Lou. E~q . BLuumpleannt,
Dnniel Sharer, Mounljoy, '
va'y WPHI. Strnbun,
Philip Hunn, SUnban,
Frederick li\-tr. Gettyzburg,
Jacob Lou. Cumberland. a
Philip Syridor. Cnmberisnd, "‘ '
John LIN], Cpnovmgo,
Wm. Allison. umberlnnd,
W. Runs “'hiufil-‘roodom,
lunc Deanlor“ .Cuthberland.
Francik)‘. Budi‘iy, Mmmlpléunnt.
Jacob dfer-poi‘ger. E‘qq Bufier. '
Capt. chob Miller. .\luuntpleunnt,
Gmrge A. Cornell, Flankliu,
Nichnlu lenri. Sn. Gettysburg
Capt. Martin 'l‘hmnus, Butler,
Arnhum Plank. Cumberland. -
Philip Bedding. Cumberland.
Ailuynim Bio-"rode, MountPXemnt, ~
Peter Hofl'mnu. Getty-burg. ,
Elias Hnrlmin. Fr.mklin..
Jamil Haring. gpllih‘rland, '
Jonas Rrberl. Straban.
hale Liulnner, Esq. Mountjoy,
Christian Bsmwr, Slrnbnn. *
Secretanu, d
Mir-hurl M. Miller. Gettysburg,
l-auc F. Brinki-rhofi'. Strnbnu,
Samuel Hart, Frlhkliifi
S. Afllllllfllui, Strahan, ' ,
"on r_ Bwillnr. Mounljvyy.’
Gmrge F. Knlbfleisch. Gettysburg. -
Gunner JM‘Obl, Gettysburg, , _
Willmm McCrt-ary. Slrabnn,‘
Jncob Reilly, Gattyyburg, a
Isn't: Ilvreifir. Highland, w
I.ovi._.\[_.__Pi§nk, Cumberland. »
David Weikert, Cumberland
l E. B. Buehler. E~q.. opened the speaking
Ly alluding in fittinxterms to the gtorioue
. work which our fntln-m performed in fram
iingnml adopting the Lonsticution of the
‘Cnited States. and then reviewed severll
;ot‘ the points involved in the present politi
;cal contest, receiving many chefi from his
,numerous henreu. He concluded by m~
troducing the Hon. A. H. Cot'froth. the
‘ Democratic nominee for Congress, who, for
lmnre than an hour, held the attention orthe
ithonsnnd persona present in a thorough dis
lcussion of the doctrine! of the Abolitiomau
-—thc position of the countrfv, and the rem
iedie.‘ propofit’d for relief rnm its present
{troublem lie was frequently cheered
throughout. -
i W. A. Duncan. E‘qq then introduced
Wm. S. Ste-tiger. Esq. of Chembersburg.—-
No one who heard hll speech will soon for
get it. an it was (me of the finest politicnl
‘efi‘qrts our penplu lmve ever listened to.—
It was telling in every sentence. One con
vincing thought ’wes followed by number
equally convincmu. and alldecked in term
bnth attractive and forcible, The"oppoei-'
tion even were cotupeUed~to Accord Mr.
Slenaer extraordinery ability as e sublio
spe‘kel’. The ‘npplllua he receive wu
l frequent and heerty.
The meeting closed at I hate hour with
cheers for “Moo and Pemtho People’l mew".
Taken all in all. the meeting was a magnifi
cent demonstration—exuahng in num.
_bers. enthuuum, and everything alto neo
oeury to lucceu. any politiml g-thering
lied here in many years. Whil-t Demo
crats were surprised And delighted with the‘
immense turn-out. the Republican leaders
were unused as though by n “hind-writing,
on the well." They lelt thot their ill-gnt-t
ten and ilkused powen"wu about to slipl
from their group, and trembled in their
choee It the prospect. Few of them lleptl
soundly that night, es their wo-worn {aces
next thy hetekened. l
But to the people—the great body of the,
people—who only have the prmlege toeuf-I
for under Lincoln's burdenn, and not telf
steal from hie Treunry—tuclr uprisings
u that of Saturdny night come no hoppy
omene. proclliming umidet cloud: end
gloom thet " there’s daylight ahead.” -
‘ifion. I. M. Kimmell ha been nominated
for President Judge by the Democnu of the
Franklin, Fnilon, Bedlord Ind Semen-let dil
u'icl. This nomination in edinntly “fit to be
made," and In cungmluku the people 0' Ihut
diuricl upon Ih. prospect of hum: l 0 upright
Ind tblo a Jndxu uglin 1n: the Bench. His
prinze cbmcser ll pure, and he in both a gen
llenu “d t scholar. He in lastly popul-r,
and Ira flu not perm“ ourself to doubt. hi:
'nloodon. ' ‘ 7
. 847“!» the Demons“ in all the States
In 111. Union celebnted the mu of September,
the anniversary of the eduptiun of the Conni
tulion of the United States—line Constitution
made by the Father: of the Revolntlcn. and
under which this nation grew and proappud
for nearly four score yearn—lr. ll noteworthy
thnt the Republican nowhere celnhrnted
:thnt glorious event. Why this anion
hm‘ the pert of our oppom-nls ? The re:-
flon h plan—their laden hate the old Conni
ltution—the'y spit upon it. They want i new
‘fnngled, unionist-u) , negro-equality Cu antita
.lion. ‘
mm. Adam-'5 company {- Comp-n: I
in the 18m: Regiment, I’. Y. 'l'bc Wan:
bu me to City Pom.
0.». (W. I.lmm ioLconpu] p lush}
209-1; neg. P. 7,—no'w in Groél‘iatfiy 1130'. q
«11l GALLID .unl: Winona.» i
The Iplendid homoerotic meeting in the!
Barouxh on the evening of the 17th. and
particularly the overthrow of “Little Ned
die." left. a deep and, to the Abolition
laden. I dmtled im reuioii upon the,
community It large. gen. Cotl‘roth'u old
opponent wu upecially very sore It being
“let down so hard." end in hie fidelily to
the ”nice of hi: "Lord and" Payment".
he mu-‘t try to pick himselfup; Ind utter
Gen. Cofl'reth in tar awnv from the county.
he must summon the office-holders“ party to
the Court-house to hour, his uwnmeralzle as
sertions. Accordingly. R. G. McCieeiy
verv soon issues I call for in public meeting
on Thursday evening, thlt ”the misn- ure
sentetiom and falsehoods made nttthe late
Copperhead gathering ” uhmild be Answer
ed by Hon. ‘ Edi-rd McPhfirson. How"
modest. polite nml decent, the language of
this‘public call! It hm; made a slight stnin
upon you. Mr. McCrenry. in common with .
the party in which you ere now trying to
have some Jimminenoe. along with your
popular ’sglleuxue."'(}en." McConlugliy.¢
This is one nt'the chosen were of. naming
tint party. Democrnu. of course. were not
expected to nttehdthut public meeting. us
the inculting terms of the call. 50 becoming
to yourself and peculiar to your party lend!
era in Getty-buru.Wuld allure Republicans
only to that. meeting. It was therefore not
I mew-ting for debate. impartial reasoning, I
:tatempnt of iactu and. argument. designed
to convince and influence Deniocratn, but
to vent mortifi'r-ntion at the triumph oi the
: preceding Saturday evening, and to at
tomnt to ‘rt-trieve the damage done by\ the
Cierk of the flange to his putty. His
1 friends had complained muCh about. it. and
no one oflhem was willing to risk money
.nn a hot. the! he had admitted himself. to
'Gen Cofi'roth that“ the Clerk was wrong. .
‘ Thursday evening come. and} crowd wu
[long nppenring‘ until the cars arrived and
brought a reprenemation of the “Lnynl
! Leaguers" from Littlestown, Hanover nnd
l points along the Railroad. Then. with
isome Democrats who were there. although
uninvited by the ‘eull. : "good m-ny Indie
ialsouninvited. I line of horsemen to fill up
i the street. and a crowd of the "innit: ble"
inrgroefi. with of course some of their white
loyal brethren of the town, made up the
i audience.
Col. Conrad Banter. of Indiana. formerly
of Getty~bufm (tired of the army.) 9"
Provost Menthol. candidate for Lieut. Gov.
' of Indiena, "now in the lervice of his coun
‘ tiv without pav.” on he described himself,
‘ mitdethe opening' speech, after hil intro
‘d-nctfon by the town Poslmiuler. in the
in'-nice of his country with pay. Col: Baker
lemmed the audiencewith some fancxl'ul and
'mntagxhoriml sayings home hook with a
“_vullow kivor." which he said had“ been
Emptured in Indiana from the cor’ntnnnder
of Interder he culled the Sons of Liberty.
whioh were very bad. he said. in Indiana.
He had rertalnly better attend to them at.
home. The audit-nee soon got tired oi the
extrncts. The Colonel indulged in 11wa
jokel. with the usistnnce of a little prompt
ing by his nuperinr ofiicer, “Gen." McCon
lughy, who stood, in all his lofty impor
tance. head and shoulders shove all the
boy- around him. among the fold: 'of the
starry ti.“ behind the lpeukermnd then the
Colonel retired.
Judgs Denml M. vasnr, formerly of
Gettydmra. then IppPM'E‘d, commnncmg
l vnry loudly. attempting to crente an en
l thusinem for the ledlns «be furnished the
‘linging. and earnestly calling for three
‘ clwers for the lmlma. which the unappre;
T cinting crowd had no nnunllnntly relusu-d
l hefnrn' ho man. The Juli yr‘" vniro sonn
‘ ttorlmolnw and lmtlctlnet n. In: inclined (from old
hnhitl nfcnuru- ) tn (indulgu in the inlentmutlnn n! Dem
‘ ocratl‘u t‘opperhn I. but hiring so utterly warn the
[ ermlnr. h- lPllnfll to plrk un rupee! for him-elf. nu-I. tn
ht: err-Ht. ”Mlle! and hopped tho term He lab-mu! Ind
hltl'bed con-inlernhlr on the stump nbout nn uunuticn. tho
f ompllsyment n! nrgm ml hart, (tr , Ind mm. Itopuhllun
I In one eurmr of the erutd rnmnrked llut ho was ‘lllllll‘
m vnlu, kc
lle dnnllv nvn In]. Ind up jumpfll ~~Litt'e Saddle"
with the dtlull-«HLl—lhn unv- ho hndu‘l when Gen (‘- {-
fmth w“ in the county, but 'hlch in an-‘ler to I talezram
he hvljult "coin-d In tho ~ ext-rem tram " He And he
Iva-Ila not be prrmnnl. but never VI! morn uni-gunned,
low. perwnalv-hu-e. heaped upon I c-wa-lnte thnn can in
Ihn um! breath by him upon Gen (‘a-«rntln You enn‘l
holle. Noddna, an vnu! It in ln keeping with ’llur pn
lltlnl "slain: You I“! Ween noun-tamed tn nu It 11l
your Info. And then. Mr. ('oflmth in: _n-u no “exp-cm.
ly. no h-dly. tno pm no _ Ila flat yon 4mm I 0 bud"
heft-N All the penplr on Sntur-lay arming. then roll
mulled tn he m fnithful to yunr plying mutnr. You can't
but" the Senor-l; you never out nine» Iw. You
blvn‘l d-mo In in the use of yunr influence in (‘nngmu u
'(‘l-rl. hue you! Well. to the wort ofrufntntinu. thnt'l
the: huninm. Hr. ”CPI-"nonfi- Itttnnwut. Ia (Ir II II
1 In n Ihhnwnt or (am. about the nuu‘ngvnntlon pamph
l totan-t-lnnd Gen Colmth tn the lettrr. unit-u it vu- u
’ tn thn nnthnr’mp o! the ounce On tint paint. thn
Ipnhr llmught that Wendell Phillip: 'll I mtlunnn.
, in .he no dnnht tlrnh of I'red. Duuglwl Ila left thin
‘ .pg‘uujunt tin-re (11-n. Cnflmlh lam: on Sdtnrdnv even.
In. that than brutal untlmnu Vent unrcbukod In I
Republic In L‘ungreu. ~
Thin In the negro lulllttlnn—the nppmprintion of
’3‘) 000 fur the honrflt hf thn onntrlhandu Thu. nmrd
lngtollr .\lcl'hemn, um right just Ind proper. Than
to the mmpenetlnu fur dam-gee He told the loaded,"
and mu In nu. hall pus-d thg Int union at Conun
jor tho uttlemont of Qnutermutar In! t‘mmniunry Morel
in"! hy the Army, and lint ”when“ Ara MI being and!
umlor it. Thla and mutt-he nell with mnny “nut-lin. hrforl
him who hnve hnd their pocket! Ind Pun“ emptled by tho
event: of on. war In our canal! flu-y know that they
hurl been hnncklng It the dourl o! the Guvernmeut in wall
for rem-en. protectiun having prertun-lt bun dented thorn
They hit" not PDCEIYPG nny 0! than. pnvxntnu ut. Ind
than thry do. than all "Tho pron! nl llu pudding n
In the e-hng “ .
Thu Jnurml M the Bonn Iru referred to for tho pro
eeedlnxn an the ITth of .lllfl'. upun the ‘2le {Hr {lnert-In.
lng Md denttlng cllnmn (or lnjur) or Almtrurtlunnf pro
perty hy the "my rat the C 5. A number of dllntnry mO
- an} Amendment: were nflerod. nnl .\lr. )Icl'harnon
wlrlwl tn mnlhimn Gen 000th mu. tm- f-ct um upon
mm. at the... all-tur, motion: and amend-noun nn 111-t dny
Mr, C dul not rntn Ilut Slr. 3 cP Ihmvd “I“ .\lr.o.
In there watching the progruévf th- moa-urn. Ind th
mornnonu o! In email" to de eat it. fur on the lut nu»
tmn tu tut-lo thn bull. Hr. Cnd'ruth M tun-u»! in hil plum,l
wotmg in the negative. And an tbu nut All; My Cl-Ilmvh
In there In the nnlrunativn. of mum. on the Important
flmt vole. Mr )le-‘.. ln hll rhanetcrintlp luy. rude to
the hlnvnl" mid the name- nf 11l tho “Cuppotlxcnd”
month-r: nhn voted Igllnet the hlll. hut omit.- every Ila.
puhliun nune .\’ol'. .\'eddle. _rnu Imu- vnnr party In
\\‘uhlnxtom Itch-aw. nud‘nill duh-t thk Inca-lure _
Ynn know the hall hu been buried In rh- Committee. jun
there Uzn Com-nth "M It In nnd you can't relic" your
Bepnhlhn Conro- frou the «din-n of thin nnjn-tlce. It
i“ not Imnrt in )nn '4» u; Inn. in wur‘ to this. that
“the Pnhhc TMK Ilulnld not he deplrted Mm In
funds " Do you “It . u tell u year's-fly lea-dun. that,
the mntnhand "(men uhonld In" ..ppruprl-tionn rather
than money elm-9d be “Inch-l for the and of dual
tmn on n. Border! ’ l
[up u». hood haforo the mob. Ir. Clerk. but. be
an Io road Mr Cufl'rolh‘n vow, Ind particularly In: In:
one. an un Clnlm Bill. Ind um- an tlmo (all your In.
(nun how an p9l4] may-rm. and. 50' Inch; BlND
ucnxu vol-d l‘l'l“ the tn". pad 'loqu Na dud u: I
luv-Lian Bun". Don't be sound a: driven hy your
print ole". "(in " loconuuhv. or any olbnr o! the
gain-lot Loy-l Leanna. to withhold any put olv un-
Ronni. Jul! [ln It I you did on Thur-d: nml-u. Ind
nu:- mm not. at It at I. In" “and. 1.! .11 will
be thi
We Inn-111 I I. to In: gown; man no“ “111 ’00:),
but ooh, porn-pa, Am.
”Republican 0119011 and qdjgon must
be hard run {or capiul. They its 5341ng
fault with Mr. Manhnll for taking the pay
voted to member: at the extra season.
They. members of the Shoddy party. reekv
in; will: corruption at ever: pore. (tr-tuck
111 hone“ man like J3me; kl. Mamba“!
TM thing in outrageous.
The bill giving the memberl $3OO for the
am session wan reported by a Rapublicha
mmmittee. and need by a Iftpublieén
House. '.Mr. Mal-35d]. with neveml otheru,
voted against it—hut “(or its pass-go cook
the pay voted.ij Iu- every other member
a! the House did, Republican .3 well u
Dunner-t. , 1
1!. an a compliment well deserved. when
Col. McClure remntkod that Mr. Mar-bull's
record was among the (m! in the House.
l ”The Salim! tiara n the declaration
of Gen. McClell-n that "tho Union is “l 0!
one condition of pear-o.” If the gullant.
‘ standard-bearer of the National Democracy:
Ind not written a single line more. the ul-I
tertnce of this noble and putrintiu tenth,
men! would be sufficient to rally to 1115‘
‘ support every true lover ofhiq country.
Tflhse who cannot respond with their~
whole heart: to it—yvho cannot. support“
him upon that platform—must. be either
in :ym‘mthy with Jefl'. Duvigwl ose condi I
tlon of pace in “paradox ; or with Lincoln,
whose condition of 'p'oace ix “chill-dormant of
slavery.” For ourselves. we ask n'o batten
tum: than “T" Uslox.” Happy will iti
be for the American people. ii upon lucha
tem- they our secure permanent peace. ‘ l
#The Richmond Examiner prefer: the
election of Lincoln. It thinks MoClell-n;
the!!!“ (Manage! Nu we. and it.
does not want 9 Oman tutored. V ‘
Win? In. 30%;: “w A‘l‘ I‘ll
lot the CompUer
l'uNl-11l u: I call land by llnl .. rnlknu In!
Ichuh'," R- Li Nd‘rurv, P-q . lb. Woolrhoadn ln-l ll
culnfll an the n rain; or Thur-«lay h-l. um: tho naval
'.rpon u! 111-tum: .nd rdul-uz. ml. m- prumllcnuu
nu. IDHNAHIUOK mu Coppurhluk oi lhn canny In gun- l
oral m 110- Alu ll Cnlrvlll m purliculur. ‘l'lulnd-l
or! ul‘ “at “Mt pull, mldl up in lhll place pnuelpully
of WV column un. l-f mun who have gnu; tau-d l‘uo
"nt- of “men n! nun-on. dspuly mountain'-
and dapurv cullauen. [u Illnuurl. und ol the Illnln lum
ol lurrlr-Ihu have lnn Kunming an 010 lair!) Oar-inn
0! u org-WM] Ind hum-him phyla. lon "Hutu:
mm .1 111. «fleet wlvlch lh- uwnlmu Infill-z «,1
their pot ohmnpmn le upon 11l- ma... pn~ul on Mania]
oumn‘ Thou“: 11.. um u! nu: lmch "r! “all pn- ‘
"mid by GM l‘ofimth haul been too much 1m- lb- 0:-
Cufianumn yol J: '3' hnpi-d that ln lb. liturlm I m:
In ml h! ho lnllmfleulrfl In order, lulu ln llu "lb
loneo of!» at llw mln m" ylar." Add! '“'th hi" .
gun-l lime n! ‘3 I” la hlluvll. and ‘~ nprnd [nml-ll " hr I
(ho lmmm lull-henna of -!l concerned. l'nlnubudly It i
1! "any mm plnunt to upv-nl the: llwl-v in M (lI'IAn
"ply, ad delightful. linked, to NH mugh?‘ mil-er!
Non ll m lmuwdme «agar u! h-lnz an M w Icon-3L
and p 1) lo‘Y-lr I foul Inn‘no by I pair a! bhtkaoed ryu or!
gnu-Hod lulu Thu-slur. Ilnzhly prvplnlkml warn M.
All d-v lb. Ihoddy Indu- I'vrf nun ”thou-Illa.“ lhc'.
coma. alien-lug lh- lnnv-lumu eri-ln. vhll-t 11:. run |
IM file Inn dmln: the work Ind nmugmg lhingl j
The [lnn Danlol )I Emywr. of .\‘ord‘u-in. Montana:-
uy county. l'l . nnd (‘nlnml an". fmm "In! "11l
Welt." h-mer-r. lu [‘”“ wen Ital-ltd tn Hdm'
lb. mocha: The [lll-n! l‘oh-MI u.- tn mall 12;.
lam-wry ell-r;- lawn llu hon: unh- ungodly. (we luv.
ml bun} Ilnl In over uudn my on“: chnrgo. any: in A
local :11.) Ill: u- ad‘- -u h- ennlinuo lh- lovl uf do
mnllllon. Hill-l. lltll- Noddy (mud la n.. ink by 11.
puma; lnjunnwn a! ll" f-lr om lu lln lllumlulod man.
alou. w "l-yon md Ivlrl not" and 3» “(ln ll lo flung")
MB In on Ila Ibun u thick u- h. Inu- how, lad um
Hilly-lo uw "(out ufhln llmllnd finally in Km! llnl
llu luly "feel- lveuer" not. null (hit for (I. fut-r. uh.
II“ nlw-y- .mplny mm. of but lull. tho-Id] friend- to do '
bu ugly‘l-lking for hu- 1
| “'11”. he ovelnn‘umo. ul'l vim ll Lb maul-l. 'llk‘h
by! he; currlully hula! up It Lllllulnvn. lhuunr Ill"
Otlnrd. un-l mu Ih'ill‘ dulxvorud p [or unutnct nod lull
o! lullmr. m (he pmpn’vlun of (h. mmrl It Golly-burg. ,
Head—d hr unrlul muuc. the gnllnnl urn! or In] In hum. ,
umrlur- wendrl murmur m {he place of numblngo.
wlluro lll" mall. the dw‘oven um lhnr bud) c-lmprlwd
pretty much lhh'hnl: Inn-lulu: 'l'llo hrllmlg Ina lork
lug ”mph!!! Um county, Ind llm tarp-van. and mu:
Vh'l-l Irlwvd‘ Ur) mldn ea PM: Lun mnscnplad. and. in
Ihorv. ull ll." haunt “Apr-unlined, thiukill people of (hp
county and learn and fell 100 murh cl tho turn)" 01 Im
hcrm-l vur." tn enumemnco hr “ma-rename il- lnleruh,‘
.d nlvoaull null nliwuur- The dclluumcy m Mpudn In.
l hot—var. in name mull". none-l far by tho 'pnlemo of
About In: hams. drum up In I win! cululna Mom dump,
lmmrhltcly 1!: 'mm n! "to up": korl' "and Nothing. l!
mun be nllnworl. an be lII‘IOJ wall-u Illi- porllol of (he
munn‘ T'IIV 111-toned Ind: Mini“ unfit, Ind 4..
comm. Ind nu": bur-and llv ill» will! «ll .- ey- 6r lb.
Ihllk o! I all. thn they in" II lhc Illa. "11l Ila.
upon-r n: clam-n 3 nvl pollngb’l It the-In. Inn an! no
Illclz lnlf Mull-on. "will; lly than lulu. lur our, lilac
lhvlr Mend Ind patron ind-llndiu i hum 11-lunnm m
unlit-ted n lull lunvn kn. they band 15 unlmn. "I.
well ruin-d J-ekn. Thur. in on a? mlinablu mum
of nut "nu “alum-m" o! hm ha red In! an, Sun-ho
I in. Hurt {ally rung-n: tho lmporum n! hi- punlllnn.
Ho knur- nov that n c-n'l ho aid or him that “(ill du'
nlnrr nln‘l. oh no "count no hot." Hal not Illa nth"
r Abraham tuld hlm llul In la the on- n—nl chit-cl. tn
! pone. and Union. .34 tanning um lu lull . prop... N...
lump! 1m ‘ do puor [hill lmh nh d..\or( III! has In Imrk
all do bum: "an. jun-l In (ad no! cloth. lh- nluu and
Inp hull tum AM aunt-6101’
publication of the following letter 'l'r'om'|
Seuntor Reverdy Johnson. 'of' Maryland.‘ M the Compiler.
who was elec'ed by his State Legislature op-l Cur on Wltnos karma). Va..
pmed to the Democratic party. and who in; September 10. lm
the Senate acted not unfrequeutly with thel HI: EDI-ran :—Thinking it might be no
lte’blican portion ofthat body; Let him I '“‘"le to man! 0‘ “‘0 "‘3O" of your
speak for himself, as the oldest Senator in ; most worthy paper to hear from lama of
Congress; the Admin county boys in the Potomac
SAIA'I’OGA Srais'os. September H. lull". l Fill P 9" In" ' fl?" “09’-
Grsruitxit: Your invitation to the meet-i lam glad to be able to greet you with an
ing to be held in Washington on the |7|ll;"All‘qtllPl along the line." for we have n
in;t.—to ratify tlle'uomilllllon or )tcL‘tgnsn ', rough time in get be and keeping pauses
and Peiidleton is butjuag received. lsion oftlie Welgg Railmd,nltboq§h we
n will be m“ of my m." to b. "in, you. are now vii-tori ly camped on the attic
mvstay here for some daya lonuor being un-j field. and lthink by this time Lee and his
avoidable. Opposed as l was to tile nrigi-‘nrtny are prettv well amvinced that any
ginal election of Mr. Linmln tn the station lll‘empt to dislodge us from here would be
he now occupies. trom a cunvfctihu of his { fruitlews and Attended with nuseless loss of
bein:.r unequal to ita’ duties. the manner in ltie. l slippage you will have board below
which he has met them. has but comfirmed ‘ this of the "Flare of the greater part ol’
me in that opinion. With more than two the 3d brigade. (id division. sth army corps,
millions of soldiers placed in his hands and (Which was the remainder of the old Penu
an unlimited Amount ot‘trenaiire. his poli- “11/Mill “'"“‘er Corps the firm.)—
cy and his manner of mink his ower. in- ' Tl” l'rlllfldfi numbered about 300. 0|" Wind!
stead of putting the rebrllion (room and ’175 men nml‘lnfiicon escaped capture.
bringing to our tanks the thouiands of. The names of the cnptured from Adams
Union men who weretlien iii-each of the POUMY ""9059“ M- Beard.Sitmuel C-“Ml,
receded atuteemnd who. in some, nre be- i-lejah Leecli...lanies Mcfllaugliliu. John F.
lieved to outnumberthe rebels. havo‘but Hitllntwt'. 990? in W. Pemyl and David.
served the double urlmse ot unitin‘g them ,Womlring. "ll {‘“"}!!le 0f C'lP'. Mlfllligll"
against us and of dividing the public opin‘. cominnyi ’l‘ho relatives at the captured
ion of the loyal States. The effect. of can congratulate themselves on their friends
course. is that notwithstanding the gallant lit’ln'.’ IIIOWNI ”'9 privilege or stopping ll
deeda of our army 'and‘navy. and, the ntnni- the “11-ital do Libby.” as letters have been
festjustice of our cause. the Union is even received from them since their arrival in
iniore eli'ectuitlly broken .now than-“ was Rmhnioml. This morning our peaceful
when his 'adiiiinistration commenced.— slumbers were lirnkon by the clirill'whistle
(\thtever ot honesty of uurpose may be. "fit locomotive in our rear. We were ata
long to him. and I am willing to ailmiulmt‘lloss to itiinw what it meant. unlena the reba
'be has had it’. his vuacilation. hia policy had invfeutt-d Jame infernal machiiieiu the
inow consen'ltivo. nm radical. his eeleé— thrill“ of a locomotive to make a raid.—
ltion of uiilitniy :oflicers grossly inmnipp. lnizrgino' our surprise-on learning tlirit in
| tour. his treatment oftliote who were evi- seven days (Smut has liiid a lt tilroad coit
,dmily competent. his yielding in this in Ilruoleil the entire length of' the army.
Iwhat he has hinteelf been often heard to from right to left. a distance of 15 mllea.
‘say as an excuse. wa< “nutaitleltiresstird.” 111 l '(lte nomination ol the gallant little Mso
lhinting not only not punished, but at far as by the ChicagoConveniion. linscuueed
v‘ the public know. unrebuked n“, 'ufidul ex. a s'tir'in this~ armv. and was received with
ceases of military officers of his special aelec- ‘ hearty cheers. The army of the Potomac
l tion. shooking‘the m inn-in. or ttu- world. will 110 her duty towards her {miner cum
i and disgracinu us iii (lie view of Chi-Ling: maiiili-r. . .
‘dnin by the burning at private dwelling“.i l supports the Abolitionistr of Pennsyl
f and deprivingtheir often exclusivelyjeinuli» Vania did not think when they were urging
,oct-upnnti of home and means of livelihool so hard the right of the soldier to_ vote that.
—all demonstrate that he is grossly inconi- they Were upholding the warmest. friends of
l petent to govern the country in this crisis llwir ppponentr. They would try to make
'0! its fate. ' tho- soldiers believe that they am their
I How can an honorable that: believe that friends; but the sol liar.- are not blind as to
lone who he! so sign-lily failed for “no“ who are tlwir'tiue friends. As the butcher
‘ftiur entire years. can be uncut-«(til if Ih- ia a friend to the ox. so are the Aholitidhi-ts
,er four years be granted him! No 0 ein frit‘tl'lg i" ll" WNW“- Tl"! think through
Congress certainly. .\'ot twenty nit-m pr. thrir‘i‘pretendml friendship to ma us as
:lwlierp him equal or x", a“ qu~| n llll‘ tattle [0 elect lltvtll’ CJl'l‘llllAttl 1111-‘l fill”. for
mighty task. ‘ He has been i ied and'found the ”9040“! Of lhrll’ and. the "91:70.. lint
lo‘itntiug. Let us have a nun :e; no.” if they are sadly mi‘litkt-It. _The Mtl'l‘l't’! am
:loyal,can bé~~for the.wor . It is not tlmt. well aivqre that. two years ago M-C ellnn
we wish to'iiee his owl dame figure to win removed from comninuul‘un Lillttl'tal
lewap horses in the midst uTa stream. but. lfll'nluufi -Pl‘-‘l""‘l0n- "WWI! '"‘N'W‘ ”“5
Ith,“, when we are on a ‘joiiiury "n.. ”r..” Alitlllllllnl'll were iifriiid that he wus :rnw
idepo-nda on making our destination at the i")! too l'"l"|l’"’ '"“] nl'tll'b‘“ ""“‘" “"“'"
earliest. moment. we (should print hide a d"! b“ bmllgltl lNWnr'l l 0? 05"" “I“ d“-
lspavinod nudihin horse. and secure‘ii sound font tltrin. They thought Kiln-y. wand-t
ianll'at‘tive one. . ,t‘rusli him in hia infancy. before be are"!
t In General McClellan '3 "p furniul .1. too utrniig.‘ To prove what I liiivejuiit said
;—in the history of his life. in the puri y of, I Only it'-rd refer to a little inqulgnl ylm‘ll
11m; character, hi. fpfingmpnt. his ,3 at". occurred In: fall. while we wet\‘caniped
merits. civil and military. and. above a . in” film"! “‘0 R‘l‘l'lfllh ““"‘ '"“' “ _“lm'l'ill‘
1 his perfect loyalty—every assurance liat. tion going around to buy tiwiird to lmpro~
'uu-ler hiaexecutive guidance. the irar.imw “‘“"“ '0 tit-n. MCélt’llln l“ 3 Wkl‘“ "l,
‘so exhaustive of treasure and blood. will he 0‘19""! from the army "f Ill? Potomac, N"
‘ anon brought to a triumphant termination, sooner had some of the Almlitiun officers
and this lftiton which “at. nl|~hnirtl‘" lie l'llln‘l ll “1!! than it "II stopped fih'l "UP '
will never agree to sun-an r”, will be re- niniiey refunds-d: and tliwnlun to
'stored. With regard: . , believe that the order to slap it came trons
‘ . Rumor Jouggo\'_ :prettv high autlmiity. 4'
3 ---—-~- «”2. l But it ia not strange to on that the Abo
. Hear an Old ugh ! ilitioni-iis are making every etl'ort to defeat
.._ ill‘ and continuedheir wholesale murder~
- [or the Compiler. , ”or so soon as the war is stooped and the
Kixnnnoox. Annie core". t : l'rirnn rot-tored the power of the Auaurpers
. .Supi...n|,..r 12‘ 13M. , will die“ gone. and they would room-r see the
Ma. ED,7.\,¢_w.u yo“ “limp"... u... country ruined than to feel their pow»! go
privilege of addressing it few word: lltmllflll‘ lit-in them. ‘
the columns.“ your mduahleltbmpnlrr. to Citizen} Maddy“! county. '0 W“ _l '1"
your nnmo-rnu-i subscribers on the present PPll- .“9 l 1 3“" ”“504 ”‘"’“L'h {“"'
‘uondition of our country“ Duplt‘rnl-le as ’““" Olhlmd and sorrow. Poi-nearly four
our present condition la. wo.i(an-l when X if"! '"‘ '“"’ '"'"! "11"“ 5' 1‘ '"'” '"P,
‘ 7—— say wel mean the whole country.) have ”I" "'0" :0? (:dfl’lvrnnfnY“fi";:d"’!E 0" ”"’
'reat reason to re‘oiro and be Ind at the PP?" an POI 0m 0 P '0 "l 9 "‘"‘
. - Rally to the Cluhs' iiinanimity and goiidfeeling tliat'eliaracter: 4W." dt'nl'd “‘"P’flmme citisem '“‘"
l ‘Q‘A McClellan (Rub was organized at ized the proceedings of the Dt-mncmtic been arrested. dragged from tlieir‘slumber
'Llltlcalflwn on Saturday evening wook.- Convention that recently asseiiihled at in: couches at the inidnlflltlv “PM, and
. l‘he following permanent utficers were Chicago. ao unlike the GDDVPn'lOnlfjflf Willmlllju'lt's 0" jury. lin"- been hurl’lfll ‘0
chnaen: . . - lchurlnlon and B'iltimore of‘lßt‘it’t. which the loathsomeduiigeon—tlienegro andthe
President. Dr. L' RSlmrh. ~ / [unfortunately resulted in tho t'aliiinitmfl white min have been, brought. on equal
‘ Vice Presitli-nlt. \\‘m‘. Duttem. Wm. Ri- election of Abraham Lincoln to lin- Pro~i~ footing—you are now groaning beneath the
der. timtgo W. Shiver. George W. Rim-e, idency. l'say we have. rearoii to be glad “Thrill-0' lv"X’lllOI'I--l”3rlml{5 "WW““W ""’
1 Recording Set-rnrriry. Henry L. llemlcr. . and rsjnice that the late Convention 5;, loss of loved ones who have fallen on tho ‘
Corresponding Secretary. Geo. B. Yuutil. unanimously united on sq popular and bloody “tild- ‘ ‘ ,
TI‘WI‘IN’I‘. ”""‘!" Dyfit-t‘t. ’ I trustworthy a mndidate M Gen. llct)icll:nn.' White "an. ”99'7""; voters. to ’"“ '1 l'
A constitution was adopted. and‘a large Jiecsiise it has revived hopes for the salvn- to droid; “WW" '9 ‘39 to ’"“'" ‘o‘” more
number of names secured to it. The Club. tion of our country that we're Well nigh ex. i such years All we haven!“ passed. T“ 7"“ ,
tidyourned in fine spirits, to meet regularly ‘ tinguished before the meeting of that patri-jl it is to decide whether we are freemen and
every Saturday evening until after the No- I otic Convention. It. has infused into , theatrltellt" '0 "0 ‘0 inherit “’0 “"‘ 50°“ 0'
vember election. Hun. Wm. Mcflherry.‘ heart of every lover of his country a con—'llherty which our forefathers fought to b»-
was to have addressed .t'ne meeting on hut . filling hope' that the days of Lincoln" im- queath us. Should you fail to doyour du- ‘
Saturday evening. add no doubt gave them beetle and wretched administration a’iel l)‘ we "i_ll bk bound [01" ”"' more to b’
3 lIO'Jd lrim-ch. Tltll Club promises to be| numbered. and that’in a few months we ‘ the tools of Abolition leaders- We have I
one of the largest and most ctficient in the shall have the happiness to rejoice that its i desperate enemy '0 contend wjth—ln ""'
l county. ' ’ end has come. Let. us take a inber retro-g my 111-40 de'lPOl’“e 5! “3° '”’ °7‘3°’°‘""'
S‘The Cumberland and Highland Mc~ lpectivo view of our country. Four years ‘He Will I“. 0V"! means Within 111' xf'flh
Glellan Club hdtla meeting at Britain's on Ago. when the Lincoln dynastyrcame into; bolll ill? and unfair. to defeat m- ‘0“.
Monday evening. The old and young of; power. it will be admitted by oil. that our. only need rally your whole force. 30 to the
both townships turned out. and made ”ml sue the most prosperous and happy coun-‘l polls ltd] vote, and we will gain sugary and
meetings l|rß°.°ll9- Mr. 1,0". “..‘ try on the no. of the earth. I‘o. 1.3. ml glorious victory. Foron tlieelectton oftho '
President of the Club. opened with . f", contrast it with our present condition at talk!" "Ith Mac d°P°"d' the “'""” “1
excellent ramnrk‘. when Wm. McClain,l the “ml of three years and six months of the country. Citiaem at home. doyour.du- -
1 Eur. was introduced. He mode a very en- ”“90““ ('0 called) "70"” administration, l ly. "1‘! you "i“ '“"’ '“°h ‘ vote from m“ -
tertaining and instructive speech. going: ‘“'-l '0 find our beloved country in such 3 Arm'y 0' “'9 I’9me "' ‘"” ""k' the
lover the wliole'grOd,ud'.‘“und finishing up: llopflmly wretched condition. tbut fiyo'great‘ heads at Washington quake and
the several pointa with decided elfect. Dnl hundred Whiiiugtons. it. 500 years. could i t"lnbl0"llh llfl- - _
,J‘. A. Swope and H. J. Stable followed in not restore it to the condition it was in atl l have ontioed for some time that the ‘
.‘briet' speech”, when the Club Adjourned: the commencement of his administration. ; editor of a 'misflablelittlo sheet. "'“”“ m
mu. three hearty cheers for “Little’M‘c.” 1.19."! ux-tion and Itrict‘ economy. if. you-'4O". milled "w SW: ’“"“ ‘° “"“’
ilt was ain rat delightful meeting. , “8"“! pursued forages. may 0 far towards' culiar delight in ridiculing Gen. lit-(Heb.
Tho ttflim'nt nf.the blob are: "mmlyins our embarrused gallium! con-' lifn- number- Ido "0‘ '"”" ‘"" '"'" ‘"‘
Prentident. Jacob Lott. dition; but what human powercun heal the I brave editor has I right ‘0 'Pe'k' 3°
Vi“ Presidents, Jesse P. Topper and crushed. the broken hearts of the thousands served hil country “I?” 1°"! '”‘-'““‘ "“‘
Abraham P]... k. " . of mothers. widows and helpless orphans,l at Martin-burg. like Humphrey Choker.
' Recording Secretary. Cor. Daugherty. 'h°~ "1" dab in hopeless grief. bewail the . “qu“! "Id W“ '“"‘Y- .
corresponding Secretary, Img Kent", loos of beloved ions. husbands and fathers, That he might live toligbt another day!
_ Treasurer. Francis Bream. 'lmshleffli in this inhuman war. and Yours "“‘}: . WEEK,
} lp‘riiaiccninn Club of Butler town- , 33:32“ 81:; ff”! “him”; .‘°' ‘ .....'-___P' 'f .
E : ' ’ - ueetno ers,wi o s '.—-T"‘
' :vlifiii'i-i-gd 'in“): [3:l, ":3“?: iii-sibling“ and orphans ever be remunerated fcr thdir: ...Th" 5'5““?! ”'l' "”‘" WP”. “Mk" \
tihool-l’iouse fl Middleton-i but the mo ,irreparablelou! Ecliouya. lloivcan may}! stand that Mr. Cotfroth voted against ev.
‘ ‘ ed 5 I too ‘ ll " M m But let us not give way to despciideiicy'!"7 measure “hunted to strettgtheutha
[\I’OV On trey . ems O accoth Itle bu . ' Government.” Till. WCYUO" u ennui,
the large crowd in attendance and there. t°" "“’ ”'"”" I“ u’ ’””l ‘"”’ 3°"
tore. the moutinnwsis held oubd'oora E B land Elldneas. the bright prospect of better I gratuitous—utterly “'““”- lle VOW M
Buehler Erq eW A ancou' Ezq and I time‘r opened ‘0 “3 bill” Chicago Conven: ”H “'° ‘Pp'op'i'nom except one ‘o': ’3O-.
11. J_ étalild: maideupeeehea.’ wheii thel tion. Although Lincoln’s adruinistrationlqoo {‘”' “1:312:55 otthc ”98'0". "
imeeting edjourned with loud and longi In.“ brought the “‘"“'" ‘0 ““’ “’l'! "“99 'z/'
cheers for “Little Mac." The Club will "‘"' ‘”“” the “Md ‘“‘h‘mflnds 0‘0“? fel
lmpe‘ a ain on "e" I*bursday .evening at? l'cw citizens and still calling for more vio
-93»; $131; 3°l;°°“‘°“;',- ..m... , Ema:“s:so3:39:theatre-.232;
'1 . m °' um our k ' [whilst slaves than they doliafterhe frees
l fifl‘he Democrats of rail Winlhlp; them. yet he is utterly incapable ol settling
organised ‘ MCCI’HM Club at ummas- the awful hurricane he has raised llehu
burg on Thursday evening trek. A Con- ! neithc I, . ' 7 ll] .
stitutioii was adopted and signed. and thel to b r n ”my" the capacity or '”” ‘m i '
following permanent ofllccra chosen . ring the war to a successful termination. . ”We have been informed "“‘. the “,1
President. Jacob Eiéli )lta. I ' ' or restore pew“ ‘0 0‘" hl'ed'm‘ “’““"Y'." ministration is resorting to this trick to re!
3 . ' _ Let in then unite and hurl the imbecile? ' - ' D ti
Vice Profit)?!" H. J. Brinkcrhofl. - - duee lh' “1'10“"03 "1 “m“! emocrl q
Sacra“), Lott. E~q. {lam Writer. mt! like" "A h.” ’”“'i' ‘ """’ i districts. 'i'lioy engage laborers. here and
Treasurer: George Indy. turf-m" ““1 '"” a"‘”'”l'mh ““’“ “”“‘ elsewhere, for Nashville. Mhemphg. filer if)!
i ‘ - - ‘ ' .. ' o it to .
“I“ Club “‘_'“ "Eh final)???" “at I ask any supporter of Mr. Lincoln toga-gums")? :fifefxfls $2,. get; therei .
“W?“ 'l'l"""" 9‘ ta :‘Lméu‘ozmslom‘flaglace his finger on one singleaot ofhisthat sud . soldier’s pay if they "(use the -
if” tiisheveningna ‘ e I n [:00] as "'“"’“ i“ Mto the country. Th“ ‘1 suffer tbr it and at 'auy rate it is man-dd ’
ouaeiiw en seva speeche- Inay Ox~‘A.bolitioniat exultingly points to his omuml "I“ they aria kept away from home mt
P 9“ 9‘ - . lapation roolamation. Gracious ”“"’":ielectiou _in,“ if
‘11:. Democrats of Xenon“: banils he to {a lorified and reelected. for hav- .-—~-*—'-’-o——--‘“” " , —'e
started a ytctellan Club. and Ingram to, trim himself by violating. by that .- Vllllfldi‘hm my}. .- ‘Mcfl*zr ‘i
marrow (1008131)"9mbu'1 tum" pr ' ii, the Constttlitiou be had speeds at Daytonthootber night. ~ g?
0n lhl- unlnrlll n.. mu ”at I:- work. And volt eorm- I
pendant h o! the opinion that “I! "can"! an; eun‘eninl
IllufuuM" In»! um npo-nhr- nml Ipuln no In Illh
worthy of a plat. in:‘-Alneubnna'- bold-n." the. nil-av
nml-d hwru In r'vll-ud 'rum Ila mlfllly um Ind Coa-
Ilgm Impartial uMivlaa u m yrnphu‘a hams. '
’ , Mun: Join, Isa ‘
About thé coolest thing on record in the
i “ oompensutiou " dodge in the Int Sentinel.
‘lt in vely well knnwn tn the maple ofull
parties that the Republicans in the hunt
|Legixlature vntnd ngninst reimbursing our
g people for we losses they sustained by reb
tel raid: and‘the battle here. and that by
| their opposition the measure was defeated.
The Democrats were in favor of doing the
lsufi'prers ample justice—4hr); Inithfully
worked and voted In that end. And yet
i the Stalinel has the eflronu—ry to uy the: if
I the harder countiei will lend Rrpublimm
’tn the Legislature. «ammunition will be
, had! In the meme (If all llmt’n retnonuble,
{we would ask what better chance Our poo
, ple would “and in n Leginluture three.
Ifnurths Repu‘hlimn than in fine three-fifth:
' Ropulrlican ? ' The idea is ridiculous in tho
isxtromo. and can only have urininutod in
1 the bowl of on'e who luppoufll the .ufl'eren
all children or fools. .
Should the bard» counties now return
Republicans to the lwgiuhturfl, it wnuld he
as much as to any tlnu the people did not
want mnun-nsufinn : lwcwse by turning
out tho-m who lmwfnnrr'd tha measurw,
and pulling in nth-ilk ln-lmtglng to the par
h’ whn-Iz luu um "every occuwn (lg/gala! 11, it
would he Info-nml Hunt the people did not.
want. the help which D‘amnvmta last. winter
naked fur. We put this new of the. matter
to every atllfqrer, nml‘ ask him to pnnde‘r it.
well lwtweenJhin and the October election.
There is. in sober truth. hut nnéwny in
which-our people who have sum-nu] in the
mmmu slated. will he raimlmmod—unal
Maria by giving [“0 Denim-rah P mujnrny
in the nvxl Lo-gi‘lalurr. ll we carry boll:
branch". (and a". is mnficlvmly bl-lievml
wo nhull.) a by“ will be pnswd to giva our
people proper relief, and it Will becol‘uc a
lnw. Gov. Curfin has been Pippa-ed (a all
nae-auras or the Rim]. and has had them
choked of! belurc reaching lnm ; but rlnoulnl
Democr'm puss tlm lull. lu- will not have
the courage In vpt- it. Let all man who
lun‘c aufl'erud in A'lums rally to'lllo suplmr;
of JumPs U. Marshall. He is known In be
true and u'liuble. The Huuw um] be vlnse;
every hue important llwrr', and [hen-fore
important at the October" election.
Sull‘erer: of all Harlin. cute for want
fuilblul friendJAl-IES H. MARSHALL!
School-homo, I} mil» from Arrnduvillo. liorn to maintain Ind obi-y, :- that Conn].
In complete lhn mgnniution. We Ira re- i tution guaranties slavery so such ill-tan u
qnuhd (oinuun the friend“)! “Liule Mac" I select, it: llafgre i would we niy country,
in all that region to bo prewm. as seven] which I no dearly love. irrepambly ruined
speeches may be expected. land enslaved. 1 would expatriate myself,
9Tb. Denim-mu o! Slnbn ,to'uhlp - Ind'bov‘nlne tho willing «rfo! the Russian
\l'lll meet u the house of Jacob L. Gnu. ln Cur. Excmo me. Mr. Editor. for upenking
llunhrslownmm Fridny twining nexl, lo form my mind so freely. lam an old mun, feel.
I “mm“ Club- '““‘" 9'3; H"! mm! ,dae'ply feel. the awful condition to which
The DrmOCl’l‘l or .\lonulplens‘nl yill meet It: our beloved country has been brought. lines ~
Brush nun School-house on sauna" Maning' the udvenl of Lincoln’s udminiflntion. 1
next, for the lame put-pin. Rally. all! ‘ game into the world duging Wuhingfion'l
’ .. «3 . ' '"; lldministntion. cut my rut. vote It adi-
IMPO‘RI A3l LETTER \ Sun's ro-elootion. blave voted at any inter
~ ‘_ ‘ 3.- (Vania. um’identifl election lines! at time,
Reverdy Johnson Comes Out for and .“n the Almighty .pm me man No-
McClellan. hcmber. I’m going to 10$. for Goo. 8. Mo
- —— ' ! Clell-n and wo'llolecl him lure ; for Lincoln
I‘D- Ad-l-i-Infl-I G"- I Ila-V htwnm has been Weighed and iound wanting. I
lla Ina. . K ~..| _--..... ~__._. ’
Wullxofilfiéplembfl )9. E LEHLR FROM 18E ‘““‘"
nnx. nun! :ouuox m: I'cuiux. . . ~—- - - A
wmingcon um elvclrified mm, burn: The Soldiers for 11001911“.
n-The Satin! admin Ihu it. “Ippm
ad" of "zomé mxlnuy notinn" of Gen. Xe‘
Ciellun “between hm and three ynn .10."
Since then Gen. McClellan has become we
Democratic candidate for President. and
Mere/are our noighborcnn “approve" nolon
ger, Oh. no! There’s A good. fat njice invola
ved. "That’s whu’. tho matter!” ,