The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, September 12, 1864, Image 2

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    @ll2 QEnmpiln.
loynu'xonmm, SEPT. x 2. 1864
‘ nlocnmc SATIONAL maximums.
I , to! Phlflfll. ,
or $1“: Inns“. ‘
For “Sn-mm. '
or onto.
_ pnnockmq corm mm.
7 £533”, 3
JAMES H. MARSHALL, Hamiltonban tp,
~ coxmsum‘sn. ‘
ABRAHAM KRISE, Free-darn tp. - ‘r
~ mu'lcrsn or m: r 963.
JOHKN; GHAFT. Slruban town-hip,
‘OSEPRL BdßKEéfkplgfonslp tp.. (3 yearl,)
JACOB BULL, Birpiuk lp., (2 xenn.)
‘ ‘ ‘ » Jilin nddrous tlmhl’eo Ila no
FAIRFXELD. on Wednenday‘lEvcning. Sep
tember 11. _ ' .
LITTLESTOWN, on Thursday Evening.
Septembe} 15, . . ,
nfiml'wx, on' Friday filming, Septem-
Pr 6. ' . .
(QEI‘TYSBURQ, on Saturdnj Evening, .Svp
lrember 11". ‘ ‘
Othér sleeker: will botfiprelcnt at and
Illa sddrasnllhcse meetings. ‘ .
' Let the lriend‘angence and Union Hill}!
Animporiled country culls upon-nll men to
COME TO THE RIS<UUEI lt is only by a
Change in lhr~ Axlmimnl‘rnlion that. reliel
rancoma—only by placing McClellan m the
Presidomlnl chairpumjt ouéliug Latrol'm
"In! this country bun be brought back to
‘ihe paths of " plonfi'mmmafiul! mucky-
Bi)”, than, far Mv-Clollan nml I’pmllelon—
in: l’bnce and Unionwtlxe ('omlituvinn and
‘lho 14mm, J. BRINKHRHOI-‘F.
'. Glmlrmun Demdcrallu Co. Cum.
flopl. 12.12464. ‘
i ‘“'?! nrevglad to b 6 able to state-that
' WI) 5. 811x11“, FAq" of Chnmborsbm‘g,
will, with, Gen. Con-mm, adilreu tho
uneming’ip Gnltysbu‘rg 'nn Salunlny even
lng. Hon. Wu. McSnnu aha, it. _in ex
~pnckd. ' ' ‘ , J
,' flThGCnlgreesionnl Conference uf this
diitrict will meet'm Mctlvuine’s, in Bed
{ord cgumy. t'o—day. We doubt um um
firm. A; H. Cbfl‘rmh. our presem able and
faithful Representative, will be the ~unani
noui-choi'ce of the Conferees.» .
’ .Thenomi'nutinnsot’McCLELLANnnd
YENIDLETON are reveived with unplrttlel
-3d enthusiasm in allqunrten. The popu
lu chord'hsa been touched, and it, vibrates
joyfully. '
Each nominatinb’ a: it mu made in Con
’vention elicited'euch burst! of appluuw~
Inch 3‘ three times three f"-‘- ch “ three
’more Pans it was probably net-:- the lot of
{not-tn! man to hear before. The shouts
{vet‘s caqght up on the outside, and swéHcd
'by' a hundred thousand juh'flunt. voices.--
Tbo’eoho'sped throughput tatte'lzrfld, until
it fairly " thundered all round the sky."
"The handwriting is on the ($311," and
old Abe cannot avoid seeing i_t. ‘ .
Th Lnuiqcille Journal Hoisia the [lr (‘lcllan
Iggy-For thgfirst lime in its history, the
Louinmo JZVi'naL'tbe able organ of the
.Whign and Conservatives of Kentucky,
boil“ the Democratic flug by butting Me
. 019”!!! nhd_Pendl¢-.ton a! the head‘of its
coinmnq as its choice for President. and
Vice President. The old Wing and Union
put, of Kantucky wi'bwte in a solid mass
’in! than. 1% is doubtful whether Lincoln
m gut no thousand votes 'in Ehe whole
urn. JVutional humane”, ghe old
Whig organ of Washington city, which has
new hérotofqta supported I Democntic
quail“... hn 03in out {or McClgllnn.~ In
_u able 31151 e it review! the whole issue
“d data I: follows : .
~~“Our only hope of Union and peace. as
flat) bl n nlurn to the normal sway of the
it” within the loygl "ms, is therefore re
runs! in I chnnge of men in the adminis
mtioi! of the government» to ho folhwed
by a change of‘rolicy in the management. 0!
mflnixu. In no thinking, we shall not
”tale m givo our mrdial’snpport to ‘be
pom . nion of Ggqernl McClellan.” ' ‘
“’3O:. only the Democratic press. but.
Monti” Democratic party. is A unit for
“00011“! and‘Peudlewn. ‘ All is Harmony
in our mun. ‘- -
go"; sum: 1);» Abolition party? AT
with! of pm that supported Lincoln
in 1860 now has MoClqllu u gheir mutr
hadr—othén support Fremont—othernd.‘
vocab bld Abe's withdnwnl, (Int. 3 new
w may be had in the fieldowhixusml
om give fincoln in very cold and there
fefi . very poor suppon. About the only
Iditon who manifest, any mrmth for the
{motion of the? mflrplmer‘are rfiw
19%. But not only no Abolition editors
um divided. The pm! melt is in the
”condition—few of the leaders are cor
dbl}, to: Lincoln. whilst many are out.-
mfin‘dw him find "I’S mm, ink»
W _
3b“ 11;. two fifties of the country en- I
“All! Held {at the Presidency in 1864. 1
Th. bl. having principle mgnide. and a‘
“:17 ton", in united and earnest in
”wk: “:9 other, governed only by f 8"
Wm mad "the npoihl," with a bleeding
fidqnnkmd cnumry at its feet “the re«
Wit-mind ptinciples Ind the aptiona of ‘
‘h lg! fin, is disgusting every patriot. ‘
“(ms itself into innumerable filg,‘
m_ {a nick I state of things, "15»
’.an hand»! 5» chews; out of View”.
The ticket nonlinear] by the Demuch
County Convention, on Monday week. will
be found et our nut-head. It wlll bueen'
that the choice for the Assembly hu’eglin
{alien upon June 11. Mtplinnt; Ba“ 1
compliment which be well deserve: for his
faithfulneu in the Ipt Legill-ture, a. well
ethi- great pemnal merit. In the matter
which most deeply concerned the peeple
ot' the border—damngo-e (or touee outlined
by rebel invasions—Mr. Her-hell mu in
dultrious and earnest. apnring no efi‘ort to
have proper remunention nude to the nut
(eren. He bubeee tried, and bu not been
found wanting. L'et him' therefore be re
tamed, with the interest: of our people
unin committed to his bonds. In a Demo
cretie House. a the next will be, Mr. Mer-
Ahlll will be of {nulculahle service in get
ting through A proper bill . for relief.—
Nothing in t 3 be expected from n Republi
can Home-that was fully proven by the
nation of thelmgislntu-a last winter.
For County (hmmineioner, 353 nm:
Kflflt. of- P.. of Freedom‘ wan nominated.
Mr. K‘fie one at our most ruccessl’ul lumen,
egmtleman of sound judgment. of much
business experience, and prompt Ind re
liable in all things. Beiqg a heavy tax
payer himself, he feels the weight 0! tax»
lion. and the neeeuity {or the ntmoet
economy in till public eipenditures. The
people Will not. pass by one so well fitted
for the place. -
The choice for Director of ‘the P 00! {9'll
upon C01.J.~.0. N. (Sun, of Slnba’n, In'
itcould have fallen upon nnne more worthy.
He is ons of our oldest and best citizens. a
good business man—in every way admira
bly qualified {or themlace. Hil services
will be called for. ‘
For Auditorl, 30;“! Built. of Conc
wqgo, and JACOB HELL. of Berwick (p.. are
the nominees. Both careful. correct. Iter
litiz men. they‘will see that the county ac
counts are faith‘fully audited, and all their
duties direhnrged with promptness and
fidelity. The people will declare them
succeul'ul :60.
Such is the Democratic ticket. We can
point 101 l with pride, because it is githnnt
spot. or_bleminh. And it'will éuccaed, we
have no'dnubt, if the Demdcrncy make but
hzilfan efl‘ort.‘
"l‘hat it is preferable to the Abolition
ticket in many ways, will be admitted By
all. fair-minded men ; but especially in the
matter oprlntfm'm on_ which each Month.
‘The Democratic ticket is pledged to Fame
l‘and Union—the eafliest possible peace with
in View to the earliest possible restoration of
fthe Union. The Abolition ticket. is pledg
i’ed to an endorsement. of ALL the ACTS
: MD musumzs of'Abmhsm Lincoln.—
‘ (Sowsaidt the Convention which nominate]-
ijt.) Pletlged to continued dml’ts. continued
inns—continued war, devastation and
. bloodihed—‘nntil the “agandnnment'ofa(at-ery" :
lii secured! 'in other' words. until the‘
Southern negro is“ free or 'stnrvecl,” at the.i
‘ eXpense of the best; white blood of the.
North. ‘ , - 1
Citizens of Adams county, such are .1119
party filedgvs with which (he dxfl‘erent'
cn‘udidutes come to you. You can surely
haw} no difficulty in {electing that. ticket
the finccénxflnhfch is best cnlquntrd to
subsrrve youE interests and the cpuntry’s.
The rorenl revu!sion of sentiment on the
penceq‘xeationianlmoslnslounding. Prom—
inent-supporters of the Administration
now usa language, in refirenc'e to thii
"flit-ct, which three months qgo would
have'beed considered rank treason. In
fact the whole public press of the North
seems to be getting very “onpperirh” in its
(one. Who would have expected such lan
gua‘ge us the foliowing from the pen of
John W. Fox-nay, and yet it: is' a vérbalim
gxtrnc! from an article in the Press of En
day W9ok:« . . . -_
What everybody thinks about, it wnuld
be fc-Uy to rs-fusa to weak about. North
and Soul/t; the llumb/(x! and (he highest-Ire dl}
musing the problem qf (Ila eaqieat road (0 panic.
vAll desire it. * "’ * * l ,*
, Governor Raymond will befound, Ithink.
on n highor plane and a holder ulatform
than that‘fihich I :meume’d. Indeed. his
articles in the New York Times have been ‘
more thoroughly in,favor of peace. on the
ground of national unity, thnn anything;
l-hale written. And why? Because he.
has looked over the whole field, and has‘
perceived that we, the stronger party. and.
the éunqurring party, and the party that;
is sure to win in the end, can afford to ofi'orl
genernm and magnnnimous terms/Jo the
people of the South, who, however ening.
are still our brethren—bone of our bone.
and flesh of our flesh. Mr. Greeley him
selffthe grout anti-slavery lender, who com-l
mamledmnd demanded the émancipationl
proclamation, it: now, I believe. willing to;
take any ground musistant with the nation-’
at] dignity Insecure I reconciliation between .
the two contending sections. Nay, it in not
a violent presumption that MIL, Greeley
,would be willing to ignore that proclamation,
inorder to «can out]: a "conciliation. " " *1
We are not fightin it foreign too. The
blood that is poured out in this war for.
liberty mingles with the blood that is
gzured out. not for slavery, but for an ideall
. uthorn independence. andg‘fm can charge‘
1M: ‘laua‘ unzimnt into the belie/Um Soul/urn;
independence can be bala- maintained in the old
Union. why Mould not all the lam, :I:ch that
only of: national unity. be entrusted to a National
Convention! {Democrats have been indul
ging in just-ouch “Copperhead" talk for
mine yum—Arm] Southern indepen-l
deuce has already hmvely asserted itselfl
on the field of battle. So, indeed, he:
Northern independence. Each 1m rhown
in nbility‘to defend itnlf. and yet the
SJuth- has been unable to tear itself away ‘
from the old Union. We mny boindeprn-I
dent of everything except God and our
country—independent in our counties and
our Sum. but not independent or thin
: Constitution nor of that great indie-olublo
’ bond that hold: us forever together. '
Is there not I my of hope here? These
tnen hnve finally been compelled to avow
their willingnus to restore the Union, even
though Lincoln's “total abundonment of
nlnvery” be ignored; and'they have natu
ully discovered thut, titer all, therein Inch
uthing u the Constitution of the United
Staten. '
fi-Tho infamous abuzg heaped upon
MhCiellnn by meoln’n «Sm-holder: muy
provoke an exposure of the infamien of the
White House. as the New Yolk Worldvery
squarely intimates in un article which we
give on our first page. If the exposure is
made, itwill cause ahoddyitu to trembla' in
weir shoes. .
0T!» editor of the Boston Onth'cr to.
ceiyed ‘he following note from n gentle
man who gives his Iddteslz
”Sm—X vowd, fox 02d Ab; once, but I
navel-01ml Ignn. ! thénk it I. don’t ninp
hon“ we :sth b 9 a‘pin in» two pm- by
the n- Mchbonao What on. fly up
xjdén;uqm. .4 7 . A Magus." -
111...‘ 'ALLINO I'. lIICII’
The “ cohesive pawer of public plunder" l
in not itro'ng "enough to keep the rotten,
fabric together my longer. A dispatch tol
the New ank Tribune “It“ ”all, the Gigi-1
sinned Guam end Tune (bgth shoddy if-dl
guns) are «(‘in favor of another convention {o‘
minim a nu! mutilate for (lie Fruiqu. lO‘
M to unite the Myth of Lincoln and Fre
mont. The fine: up:
" We heve clunzm him (President Lin
coln) during I [our yeen' admlniglnlion
because we have recognised him ulhe 9:-
poneni of principle, but we lee] that now to
some extent. he In: led the confidence qftlw
people, though the principle which nomine- :
led end renomin-ted him will live forever
under our Connimlion. We learn. then.
with great gratification, and «done Mennoemenl,
3 that mensuree are beingltnken which per- :
| hips will mm” in (In withdrawal of all candi- '
dale: now before (be people. and (/u selection of a
’man of admiquafire «51'!in nfia’en! for (he
prrunl emergency. And who can guide theehip ‘
of state through the stormy see of litiml ‘
nfi‘nin, and whose mteoedenu wilfieulpre
that confidence in gheedminisimiion which.
we "gm to any. is fuel waninq away. It i: am
i’ perfectly deer that neillnrr Lino!» nor Gmtml
l Fremont tan mail: 11:: nfiaga of“: friauh of
. the Union. We do not. any why. nor 'do we
Hay blame to either candidate. Au. w:
I {saw 15 run runuc uxnnxr 1: mo nu
l in.“ DIVIDID w 15cc: .sxv us: is In: ca!-
150 tactics." >
fiOn our 'way home from Chicago. we
noticed at. every stopping point manifesta
tions 0'! admiration for “ Little Mac."—
Cheer followed cheer for the gallant leader,
and always with a warmth and an enthusi
um that came from the heart. -lllinoiannd
Indiana are sure (or McClellan and Pe'mlle
ion by large majorities—and we think Ohio
too: The clmngea in all of these State: are
said to' be very great. Taxes. drain and
bloodahod have had their legitimate efl'ect‘
upon the henna and minds oi many who
have always-heretofore aired against the
Democracy, but who wil now vote with
them, in order to lighten, if not get rid of.
the heavy’bunlens which tbeblindnesa and
madness of Abolition rule bavfisuddled up
on the count”. ‘
[G‘The “Loyal Leaguers" Ql' Gettysburg
-the prudexlt chap: who. though consult?!t
{ly shouting “war!” nevgr go to {var—pro:
; nounce it impucfent, in the Chicago Convex}.-
' tion to pledge the Democratic party for
{Peace on the basis of the Unign-and alto
lgelher outrageous in thnt body to express
{sympathy for the soldiers in tlm field! It
l really looks as il'these Marat-homes, rather
I than lose thé l'at offices they are enjoying,
{did not, want peach, 1:01- the Union, nor the
‘ soldier cared for. t ‘
“United States 5-20 bonds are worth
in the London mnrkfl from 3% to 39} cents'
on' the dollar.‘ In New York they bring
111}. American buMer in London sells at
twenty-five cents per pound, and in New
York fifty cents per pound, and ye; in the
last week there were sent four hundred nml
thirty-lwo thousand five hundred poundu
from New Yorkie London. Why is (hie?
Because in London the owner gets money,
here he gets National Bank promiees and
Treasury rhinplastorq. ( '
' Very Guam—One of 1113 office holders“
and contractms' organs has a head lir'u;
over the prorPedingl of the Chicago Con»
vent'ion to this «fleck—“McClellan to be
benfen everywhere at he was at Antietam I’"
At the time oflhat baltfe this same organ
pronounced the battle of Antietam “the
most glorious victory of the war !" If Mc-
Clellan is beaten as at Antie'tnm then he is
vicwriou‘l? GoodL .
38"]‘he New Ymk World of Thursday
says that. all efforts to induce Fremont. '.o
withdraw have failed. A new movement
is on {009.10 get old Abe off the track. being
nothing. less than another .Conventioh, to
assemble at Cincinnati on the 28th ol'Sep—
temhor. ’l‘he Abolitipn lenders are any
thing but lmr monious.
Q'Seeretary Seward made a speech at.
Auburn, New York, on Saturday: week, in
which he announced that there would not
be a. draft. as plenty of volunteers were 90-
ing to the war. Secretary Stanton, fhhis
Wednesday's dispatch to Gen. Dix. says
that the provest marshal general’: office is
busily engaged in arranging the credits of
the award] districts, and is ordered to draft.
without delay for the deficiency in the dis
(riots thnt have not filled their ‘quotns; be
ginning with those most in arrears. Cred
its for volunteers will be allowed as long a
possible, §tanton further says.
guy-Gen. Dix dcciined .um‘ Republican
nomination for Governor of New York.—
:1: is nogv said that. he does not—agree polit
ically wixh the Admin‘strntion‘. If true, it
it the most sensible thing we'havo hen-d
or him fqr some time.
”The lnsLSenli-ul wéa cummd full of
the epithet “oopporheud.” The editor
holds an easy and lucrative qficc nude:
(Lincoln. ‘ * s .
[B-Those who are most brutally nbmiva
of McClellan and Peudleton ure either
ofice-holdegn or office-hunters. Thgpoople
understand such patriolum. . ‘
filicClellan twice saved the «pit-Land
yet because he is I cnndidato hr the Presi
dency. Lincoln’n qmce-holiien denounce
him as everything that i; tnilomm and
vile. Sbnme! shame! .
.fi'McCh-llan in for Union Ind pace.
Lincoln is for m and the nigger. Amari
cnn citizens, choose yo. : ‘
#Democgsu, whet-lover you but Abo
litionists shouting for var, ten them to
prove their sincerity by going to tho bloody
field them-elven. Nothing in better calcu
hted to shut them up. I! is a “dig under
the fifth rib” they can’t sttnd.
Tlu Imam—The point: for the people to
decide in November, reduced co their brief
”: gunmen. no n [0119":
la.. A Mme Administration. with
peace. compromise and re-uuion, no more
dram, and reduced tax", or,
2d. Fair your: mmwinmln’a Altai-datu
h’on. with continu wu- nntl bulchely.
more dmfu, financial ruin, and poxhnpa
permanent separation. _ ‘
whit. Chickndm. of Vermont. late re
gister of the treasury department, is “id
to be in the possession of feel: compact.
ed with that depnlmenl. which wculd
unite the country if made pnblic. Well
—let us be startled.
TR. AB» «1" (he Shoddy Party.-—“ 73 lack a
dun-rt and call it peace." \
fiALLYI—Tho Demon-tn of Cnubethnd
and Highlnd township no mun-«d to‘luu
,n Bmp’l, thin (andq) ergpinufi pr‘niu
’ cub! . I _ - . '
..' "11-”"‘. ‘
The lhoddyitu, office-holderl Ind oblhir; 1
men appear to be in 6 terrible utmof mind
At. present: The fierce opposition manifest
ed spin". the imbecile Lincoln. by nearly ,
nil the lending men ofhiu own party, aun- ‘
his menicll and dependents to squirm like!
och under the skinning proceu. Some of'
them scold. threaten and blaster. other:
use wn‘nd gentle language toward the
“haiku.” and Dome confess that Lincoln's,
prospects no decidedly " gloomy!“ l
The Hurriuburg Telegraph. which i! aimed
and conducted by office-holders nnd shoddy. I
lienhelonga lathe Icoldinxclua. In rut-i
ens Sen-ton Comm/Wade Ind Job soul
with eondién punishment, Ind Ipea s of!
touch an n Ex-Prexidenl. Fillmore, Gem}
Flux". Ex-Govemor Johnson. of this
\ Slate. Winter Davin. Greeley, Weed, and .
hundredl of other: who have nnnounced
themselveqopposed to Mr. Lincoln.aa“vng- I
nbonde," whn duerve banishment! When ‘
‘we oongider (lie chunfler of the men Hun
ionniled by Lincoln’s paid hirelings. we
icon form lome iden of the rule ofmind thry
lam in and how anxious they feel about the
‘ lucrative place: they occupy.
But all will not do. Lincoln bu been
tried, Ird lu- been found venting. The
ranting ofhi} meninla will not nmi’rhimf—l
The deep mutlerings of a deceived. betray-f
ed nnd robbed people can be heard likedis
inn! thunder, and before the “ smulty
joker" in lwnre of it the storm will be upon ‘
.him and engulf him.- Carliile Volunteer.
laseelliVs "Tr. Tbansamid Tka.k■."
When ShClellain had succeeded, by dint
ofunparulleled skill Ind exertion, in ufei!
bringing the army that had been betrayed
by Washington politicians through the nev
en days' fight lo the James River, Lincoln
telegupbed to him as follow": ' .
Wunmcrnu. July 3. 1862.
Yours of yesterday is jmt received. I
am satisfied thnt yourself. officers and men
have done the bestyou could. All accounts
any better fighting mu never done. Ten
thousand thanks for it. ‘
Within four months thereafter Lincoln
had removed this same General whom he
thus thanked} from command: had been
compelled 1c; recnil him again. and had
again removed him. ‘Such was Old Abe's
grniitude. It is McClellan’s (urn now to
remove Old Abe !—7AlLany Atlas.
AI S:lu!;.for Dinuninn.—The copperheads
firett a sa‘lute _veitordnv. ‘in honor n! the
nominalinn of MoClellun‘nnd Pendls-lon.
by the D.sunion party. Who paid [or the
The above is {mm the Harrisburg Trie—
graph, owned by one of old Abe’s dough fa
ces and oflico holders. I
It. is not perhaps generaliy_known that
the min“? fired waslby soldiers M. Fort
Washington. and by snhliers and cilliens
on Capitol Hill. So ”133 soldiors are dis“
unionists nnd'coppt—rhends? So old Abe’s
oflice holders call them! Disunionisls
and mppvrhemli. Lei the sold-iors-re
member it! A stny at borne thitor and
Lincoln oflicc holder galls the men in Fort
“shinglon whq are _mmrdiny Lia progn-Iy
copperheads I—-.S'm.blry Dc'mon‘al. '
. _ . -- r O 0» >~
" Limb. mu I»: Drriurrd.—The Dam-II? Zri
lung, of Peoria. my: (hat the Dcmncmla
mny nominate nh'o l‘hey please against
Oglebhy. Ind he will be elected: that no
one in Lincoln's intent-Gnu, succeed: that
they may nominate McClrllun or any une
else for Prc-sirlont. and he wrll heeled“:
over Linlcoln; that no one will vole lor
Lincoln exc-‘pt those nho expect rome
thing from him, or who have nlrendyre—
cejved it. The Zeilung‘is a Republican pa
per, and tell: what to the miscpppn pnny in
u very unpleasunt truth—Prom: Mail.
fi'A Iflailing Mnsnrhusotts llepul-limn
who has been traveling for tno weeks
through the Northwest, and him made sev
eral qpoeches for Old Abe. arrived here this
evening, declaring that. both the Democrat
ic and Republican masses in the West were
all for MLClellnn. and that he would be
elected. “Why,“ says he. f‘ the prairie
chickens are all singing for Little Mac.”—
Ile asserted that he was going East loin
aist upon the withdrawal of Lincoln and
the‘nomination of some other candidate.—
Clticago Difipatch.l r
Important Adminirm.——TheCllicngolTriLnnr
has a correspondent, in the Army of the
P'otomac, who. in a letter dated August
20th, 1864, and published in «hat pnpbr of
Friday. makes the following very frank
statement. which indiéates that Mr. Lin
cnln cannot, after all, couhol the soldiers"
vote: ‘1 '
“ll'the‘Clnicago Convention. nominates
Gen. McClellan upon a reasonable plat
form. the vote of tha Army o( the Potomac
will be largely estranged from the present
“ministration. This is Afuotr that should
not. be ovexloqked. and IMO!) timovwill do.
velope with {u more peupicuity than is
now seen." ‘
fl-The Abolicion papers have dropped
the nigger for‘ho campaign. just. as they
did In: year. When the eleczicm are over
he will be tbéir idol nguin. But. this is
unong the most. lnqppmm of their tricks
to deceive the people.
S’Ml‘. Lincoln in reported to have said
that. the quarrel. among the Democrats
would elect him :1 rarely in 1864 n they
did in 1860; but the course of ovenu'hu
shown how much In In: mistaken.
it. planned that}. umong (11. Inc“ II [and (he
__ nuns of the gifted and puriotic Senator from
‘Democntl of Adunl. org-nine! or. Pennsylunil’, HomEdg-r Gown. flgflowan
”may The a.“ 5. I promilingpno, "M wu eluted Uniud Sum Sagan: by the {b
with profiér orglnisitim ‘ gloriohs Demo- olllmhu in 1861. He is now (ii-Fund with
cubic victoxgwifl be the result; ' “d 'in ””0" ‘be "mm". of u"
m- ...” _- H _ I Sup Convention. [lO in o homnd will
”A dispatch from Chicago to the Cin
einnsti Commercial any» i‘ is confideqlly uv
mud lhanou. Funk Blair. Ind all his 8!.
Louis Manda, will support McCiellln
.‘ln dying, Gen. Mulligm lofl, in
black and white. his opinion of Genoa!
Hunter. "I blush for my country." he
wrote, “when it keep: such a fiend in ur
vice." Thu’n luong language.
”We notice that D. Z. Burhler ha
been appointed chairman of the Republican
County Committee. in place at I). McCon-
Aughy. thrown overboard.
H‘The Democr-tic State Central Come
mince will meet. at the Marcbnnt'u Bowl.
in Philadelphia. tomorrow.
‘Genenl McClellan veep“ the Chi
ougo numb-tion. Bis lettu will uppeu'
in our next. .
‘.George Big!" bu bgen nomimted
for Congress by the Dehocnu 91"” cm:-
hu 4%» 909 d: 5 b
leckllo- & Paula.- the Peoploh Ciel"!
fi-Tha Democracy of Getlynburg tau-mo
bled at \Volf’l “Globe :nn" on Tbundny
evening. for the purpone of organising I
Campaign Club. Help. David Ziegler um"
called to the chair; Georfl'Swope and
Jacob Bushey, 31211.. were unpainted Vice
Pnuidenu. Ind Chsrln Zseglcr Ind J. I.
Waller Secretaries. Speeclmn were mule
by Megan. W. A. Dunmn. Wm. McClenn.
J. C. Neely. B. B. huehler. J. H. While
and 11. J. Stable. nl'te/ whirl: unral oqm
mmm were :ppointed with a View tocom
pleiing the organization at. fnluro Inning.
The name Idoplecl we: “'l‘hn McClellan
Club of Geuyihnrg." The meeting ad
journed in the. bent-of spiritu.
”The Democracy of Bullgr town-hip
usombled It Middletown on Thursday
evening; and organized a Club. under the
name of tbg "McClellim Auccintion."-
The following permanent ofliceru were
elected: ‘
President. Richard filmnrnld: Edq.
Vice President. Burklmrl Wen, I'Lq
Secretary, 8. 11. Eichollz.
Tre-surer. J and) Peters.
Quite n lune number of pcrmnu signed
tha Constitution. Resolulinna expressive
of the same of {he Cluh weré adopted, when
the meeting adjourned “Edi three rousing
cheers for McClellan and Pendielon.
Abruhlu Lincoln, 1861-64
Haifa million ofmen!
ki'JPd and maimed. |
Fire thousand mil-‘
lion dollnr: spent nndi
desupyml. ‘
The Monroe doctrinal
nbandoned. ‘ . ’
Uur foreign con;-
merce swept. from the
Then-Inc of a doll“;
reduced to foxty «ML
The can of living
doubled. ‘
The brenrh Hetween
Norm and South Iri
dener). _ . ‘
Taxes inc retried 5 Te
fuld. ' ‘
llybma‘ “I?!” ma
Prrqonnl‘ freodom
Liberty at the prels
lmmpbd upon.
The Con‘nitulim
fire dignity of lbs
tfircrum‘ m. Inst. ‘
Elcdiona carried by
A. LzNcorx.
‘ fi’Tbe Carlirle ,Valvnlzigives I summary
oftlte “bad breaks" recently aerelnpcd in the
R‘epublicnn pariy. indicating the (let-line", dia
integrntion nnd death of. that wretched-organ
ization. “Beyond question," a:tys_tbe Volun
-Im‘,“n most. rcmnrknLle t'hnngt-Ffiikmg place
inAhe minds ofthe peqple. Ererfwhere thro'-
out the entire country, the reasonnbie and pn
triotit‘. Inch 0! the Administration party nre
thinking. Tlu‘y riflei't upon the prgugl ‘posi
tion ul'our country four years ago, a'nd itsruin
mi and humiliating position now. They can
see the hinating. biigh'lng and bloody footsteps
_of livolition policy, tind cnn oulf’l‘see ruined
homes. burning towns, monuments of butch—
tro’l mm, and ttblmndy sunset, of American
gnmttt-‘s in n continuance of that polity. It
is a matte} ofgrent congratulation to the can
try tlmt lmnm ngrn have thus at luf asserted
their independence of action. and renounced
tlmir’nfihcrence to the corrupt, specttlntingnnd
n-t-lt'lezs tulficiala new sporting and dining up
on the blood and trennure ot' the people. Let
them Mme; we will not quarrel over their
past positiunsfor incidentalor Collateral lanes.
The “out thiug to be accomplished is to re
store the Union and bring pence—to stop con-
M'riptinnl, rohhery, taxation lnd_ national
ruin. ’Let the honest people of all parties strike
hands as friends. nnd, burying the prejudices
ufthe past, set that it is accomplished.”
:Q’ilomce Greeley says—“W6 {ct-loam in
llml lwo-thirds of 1110 American people on ei
ther side oftbe dividing line, anxiously, 'abf‘
snrhingly desire pencr, and are rendy to make
all needfulsacriflces to inmro it." Then, why
don't‘ ”we have [man-7 Are lhecbnmictorl find
trading politicians to rule this country to all
eternity? We repent (lug guestinri: "'“"":-
tliirds oflhc American people anxiously And
absoihmgly desxre pence,” why can'tlbey hive
it? Where lhere is a will there is Ilamys 3
way. ‘
‘zrfiou. Tbnrlow ll'ced, A leading xßepub-
Hermann: '
- “Abolition influcncrs. in Cbngrgss and—in
the Cnbinet, hm- doubled the mifiiéna of dol
lars, deeprned the gin-n of blood. spent nnd
ysbed in A wnr, \‘nblcll. so long as wrh counsels
nml influences sway the Guvernment, promise
nothing but. an interminable conflict or u: in
glnrious termination."
That-low seems to have come to [He conclu
sion thntit is pretty neatly time to “"‘-p hor-
A Presidential vote wmlmkvn’ on board.
the stenmr-r Commonwnnh. from New
York. on Thursday evening, which resulted
.._-..» , as follows: _ . _ ' . - ’ ,
firhe 105.1 Philadelphia Bulletin, finding #12253?“ _ 114“; _ ‘
no'olhgr rnlid renon for objecting to (he Dem- The vote I” proposed by & Providencei
antic ticket,- aeclma that it In section! be— Rg’Publicnn. . 1
cause both candiduu Ire from'the huge lulu. here were. ob? forty moldiors on board,
I: desire: the people In volelho shoddy ticket emu one 0! who] voted for (100. I}. Mo
“ ‘ho Union tick“ beanie And! J9hnson ial agitg'corresponég with all "'6 have seen
"on “Hence—G Sf“. ’““' "n 'o‘ er", of, and heard Train. the returned soldien.
have A vote in olecung iPreuldenL "Thu in They are I" for McClellan.
“’“““! ‘"" “Mimi“ in ”"“' 's’ ""4 An officer from the Ar'lny oflhe Potomac
for Lincoln nnd Hamlin—both from free Sm . o tend nude (be emphatic luau-tion am
It looks; too, hke bidding {or the ”Man", the ornzy I! {or the old_leuder. nnd feel tho!
i“. for [he shodd ticket ' _ ~ lpoy haven personal Interest In the elgo
___. ..’ «.J.—“v... lion : andilmt no Interference or ptrsimuon4
fi'Not . a” pouu bun ihot w. hen 0“ of owners will induoe 'tbem to act «contrary
prominent. Bcpnbliunn braking Mm “,th thou-honest conwcuom.—-Prougulenc¢ I’ou.‘
nth of Abe Lincoln'- destructive party. _We
eury ten: of thonundl of count-ruin Re
public-In with Mum—Law!” Inlgllo'yamr.
_ than: pram!» uppunncu it wm be
impouihle forlho adherents ofluncoln to get up
the slight": onthusluu: In his bohnlrnnywhere;
the peoplouo bunny nick of him and his pn
13'. Paid onto" and Ode. holders any hut-l
lhmteh‘n holru, hm the ban of tho people
will n9l rupond, and their nu will be dot! to
o‘ratory m: an only promise - continuance of
blood-had, and {our yun more ohhe wretched
minule with which thin nationhu beep curled.
————.-———~d.o. ~ -- —--...._
“I'll. Saw London Chronicle, which re—
cenlly hnnkd down the Lincaln hug from its
mlumu, now nhel the hnnner of McClellan.
Thy In coming. Fnlher Abnhun!
.‘A Incl lhn Ipuh volnmu (of the lube.
olllly of the Navy Dvpnrlment hu jinn come to
“[lll. No lul lbun ten monitors building ll
3- 7 York And Bottom.” no miserably design
id an thy wlll not an“, Ind It: being a.
.h' to pieces. Thou nml: lure can In im.
w_un.3hntmllbru won my “on an:
im the "A
Forth: t‘ompilur.‘ ! - t . .
I'. the Good 0" ”"7." of Adan-I I'm: ' 3’6 3”“? I(Lm3. ‘
Mn. S‘l‘AnLl:—-llgivel me pleasuretouyf ’ - _i' '~ ~~~ »
a word at times to the friends or the old, W“ “ "9" vet] ‘“‘" ”99" particular; or
the good old cauwmml especially through the octulmnon 0! Atlanta. 0:) the first,
the medium of\ the good old Compiltr. ”'o' September I'bflmg occurred between‘
it he e hazardous matter to 49" "n": we Sherman nml "nml, In tvhich the reheln
think of the powers at Wuhington. we feel ' V?" d"f"““‘d- 'l'hflcqm'pelled the "““‘
perfectly (-33, to u, n..; .9 Mill "a, etion 0! Allen“. Sheridan lays in hie. re
nmongu the brethren, firm in the fuith of' P 0": ‘< , ' ‘ ‘ ;
the lube". growing in [tract-Lend are hep- "89 “‘""-I II our! end fairly won.
py to congratulate the Iriende oi the Comtt- "SW“ “‘9 sth qt May '0 hi" been in
tutinn u it is, and tKSJIniEn u it w... one wumlbfluo 0' skirmish, Ind need
that the “lower end” will'preunt a holder fl"- ' . _
Iront. m Abolitioniem um nu um n hul "Our loom vull not fixed mm ban--
{or many yeen. ' tired. and we here poueuion of over three
Democrnuot'Adnm: eoonty.vve hove hndlhundred dead. two hundred and fifty
11 hnrd time or it since nu- war began. w. wounded. Ind over fifteen hundred well."
have been persecuted for our Opiniong'i The Am of Friday uyn ' .
sake shamefully, and with e. syirit at "Hood in etill It. Lovejoy'e ‘Stntion, on
hitter as demon”: could contain "l their; the Macon Rniroad. ,lle than no indica
so'uls; nml pnceuing-wero the etl'orts to; “On oft; further retreat. 'The genernl im‘
have us cert out from the family alloynlinu, . pre-sion is lhnt Shermnn deer not intend
as rehelnnd traitor: against the Comma-{to pmh him. but if Hood should mama
tion and the luv: of our government. We ' the nth-naive. will withdraw to Atlante and
1,3", been massed {mm our homes and our’ meet him there. Atlanta is at once to he
families. at. the instance °£ then whom 31 * mule I it“!!! fortified campnnd supply pout»
hidory is full of treason. and who now. “1 winch mid: con be made upon the
bout. that the lending object of the war is ‘“‘ ghhormg railroads." ‘
thaliheretinn ofthe slave Ind a change in! - ' -_S'|e“dln’| force. In Ilill around
the form oi“ government. ‘"“]?wa in the' Berryville. n terv miles from WineheuteruF
pnmm of our country ”mm“. due ”0“,”? The confederate: ere a_md to be m 111-“ on;
oflaw. in most inrtnnceafor the onlycrime ta"? ta ’"' front. _ ,' -.
of hinting at. the probable llosigns‘of o I‘o operation! “Wu“! '" Grant’s army.
rulers. The law hu been in vnguethntt 1" ‘ ”"'“ ”31'3- “ Greenvilte, Tenn.
King can do, no "on; That Km“ i it erebelGenenl John Morgan was killed.
Ahmhnmflmln. elected by in minority of: ’ K
the ponn the United States, in Novem
ber, 1860, to act I! their public servant and i
in obedience to the obligations oi n plain,i
common and binding tonstitution. You:
and lroppnsed his election,’ We nppnst-(l
the principles of him and his pnrty. and in
common yith’the sages of former days nnd'
the distinguished statesmen and patriotsof
our min (lay, *nrned the [‘IPODIe not ,toJ
place him in power—that civil war would‘
ensue. lie was elected and bur prophecies.
have been verified in the bloodiest conflict \
that history has recorded since the founda-i
tion of the vvorld
Half A million HRHIS
trnnszrmL-d lo \‘ngn
‘ Swarm: of canine
‘tors enriched. ,
‘ Shoddy ,blszing with
We taught the law and the gospel of our
fathers, and,our lathe"; gave us the law as
a gift offering and beseeched us to hold
{a t to that whirh was good. We have
déne so. and now that we still remain firm
in the faith, and the evil one has the throne.
.we are cast nlfas enemies In low nn'gl liber
ty : as enemies to our Country ,nnd its nd
minis'l'rntinns. Persecution. relentless, hm
been heaped upon uh. and every olhcr con
ceivable indignity thrown into our faces.—
Let this all be takean in its proper light.—
The end is not yet, but it will soon-come,
and when it does come the retribulxon‘will
he mvful. The time is near at hand when
there will be a 'shnkin: among the dry
bones, when sinners will how at the great
throne of Democracy and begfi remlhslnn
of their sins agnimt the law of their fulhen.
The vGice (3! common sense Iml reamn
will swerp nur ennnnos with the pnlvN‘ of
ruvhirlwiml into the vorfex ofpust iniquilv.
wtey mun. have their day. Bud l'ruitmmt
hecnme ripe and then wither nml (Ho. - TIIP
l}!!! fruit w‘m die. The “'B9“ will be nu}
dawn and castjnto {he lire. nml you and I
will nse'mtv in the great. Wurk. '
‘Vf: en‘n congratulate each other npnn the
promectdoi nn enriydeuth nf Abolilinninm.
It must go down hr the Union .must {Me
with their’ risemmd we nie-‘certnin thnt. the
penple of this country, «ithnugh in! xwtfny
m-msionntiy by every wind nftlnetiing', will
not permit any man or clique of m: n to
run entirely out ofsight with the rili‘rertjes,
Dvmr qmt‘. remain firm in the faith nml we
will soon have the worhi-widc‘lmnnr nil-et
ting the planets of our political eysti-m in
perfect, grrler nntl'hnrmnnv. his mir mis
sion to tear dmfl'fi nnd buihl nil—wipe nwny
farntivism and estuhliah peace nml quit-t.
We have a standard-tuner wnnhy nt nn‘y
confident-m. McCtellnn is the m--n fur the
times. Amuan him we can rally with
hope, with enthusimin and with minim—7
Tim «lynnfity at Wmhingtnn shook from
centre to circumference lit the rephrt of his
nomination. His elei-tion iomm up before
them as the harbinger of de~truotinn to
thelnselvez—yes. with fear nyrl tremhiing
do they eontompl‘nte his elactimrtn the heim
nt'th}l nation: ”is ngivent to pnwer t ey
know full well will t'mever‘close the r um
of emnnnimtinnists. atmlitionistm semi l
ists. f native. tools m yihilnnnphv. if n‘.
iis'mgcin, agitators. shoddyimrz, and g ‘n
nwnt revolutionistl. .
“'6th:- a short mm- in fluid. (a do the
work. Let u: pin-ii In.‘ 1.9: us do as in
the any: of old, make aloud npi~e..
I 56‘0" the evening 0! Frilblylndnlhe cilio
zen: of this place were electrified l.) a. strain
of eloquence rnrely equallrd and never rur
‘ passed. The immortal “J. N." f-fr nrilrly two
hours he’d n lnfgcpnd sfmpathetic'a :‘icnce
enthralled by the strains of his nimoll mngic’
powers of reasoning. In the pnrsui‘ o ruth
he tore nwuy with unspnring hand the flimsy
veil pi'tfiphistry which unprincipled men have
thrown nround it for Illl'll' own Salad] ends;
Ind‘ presented it to his audience inure n'nd'un
defiled. We regret that thq short epnce bf
tirne to‘ which he was “milk-H prerentcd' his
going over the entire field, butalie’lru thrown
out auflicient food ior thinkingrnindl to he
them iruzclive exercisl' for years tocomx‘ "
We trnst tll 11. be will umkg it cunveniént to re
visit our town utter hi 3 return (rum Richmond.
'l'h 1011-cl Until-OI- for neck"...
The Oswego Palladium says: By tho
breaking of aomn loék gun on the Oswego
canal, nnvigntion his been interrupted. and
a large crowd of boatmen collected at the
“Slx’Mlle Grocery." It would seem that
the new: of tbeChicago nominntiou reached
them yesxernlny, and .Plicited 3n éxprcsnion
of preference, for 1 friend sends in the l'ol~
Six 3!an Gnocnr. Aug. 31. 186-1.
Editors Ouctgo Ikiig'l’alladium : ‘
There are two hundred voters in the
crowd of bonlmsn collected here. and all go
for "Linle Koo.” Isn't this pretty good
lor one crowd? CAPT. P0"!-
WM: i: Anna Dial-nun I—‘Vhy don’tl
she come to the rezcue of her Uncha Abra-K
burn? The men are I” quilting bimqhe‘
femdeuhould stick the closer. "0h Ito-5
man, in our hours of eué," £c.—.\'cw llavcrl
Regular. I
Anna is bu" flicking to Fremont; who
need: her, she thinks. almonl :- much
u Abra‘hnm. Besidei, she says he in more'
of a vacuum—his conversation doecm’t.l
mn‘fier blush—89:10:: 1.: win. I
—‘<— ~—-—. - o——: - - ‘
The tin-um of Senator Pomeroy and
01): r leading Republicnnu; which appeared in
February lut, was right when it and: “Eran
were the ro-glgcuon at in. Lincoln delinbh,
in': pruned/y Womble, mung: lhe union 0!
influence. which will own: spin“ him." ‘
___...— «b , - 7 —— ‘
fi-‘rhe amp-1a» will be ruriiifg non-um}
film nptjl 909: the Pruidepj lanai pt,
rwzswnvs 05:413. cu}: I: «run. ‘ .
Poor ”it'-'"'.‘EJE'EB [01}37!“ l'nlwl
The other day we heard at rich neighbor
say he bud rather h vs roilroad etocluthln
the U. S. stocks, TA they‘ id higher in
terest. Juwt then Poor Ricmrd came u .
and said that he just bought some of Unoi;
Som’s‘three years’not'es, paying leven and
three-tentli‘! per cent. interest. My rich
friend exclaimed. "You! ‘.I thoughtiyou
had no money to buy with.” "Yes,"nid
Richard. “I had a little laid up. for you
know itis well to have something laid up
against a wet day, and l have kept a mug
of my earnings by me.” Now Poor Rioho‘
nrdJa known to all the country round to
'be a very prudent nml industiiom, and
‘ withal, wise. man: for Richard never learn
ed anything he didn’t know limv to make!
use of, and his wisdom and prudence hnl
booms a proverb. So, when he' took out
his saving and bought the mm. more
than owe warp-used. and it Wm no won
der rici . r. Smith mked why. Si Poor
Richard, in’a very quiet humble way —l'nr
he never assumed nnything—reglial, "J
surprise. Mr. Smith; you know a great deal
better tlmn .9110 what to do wutlr mmwv.
nml how to invert; furl neverhn'l much.
ntntall I got i had to work lmnl for. But I
have, looked around a good deal upon my
neighbors, nml soon what they did with
their money nml iwill tell you some thing‘
lmm and what l thought ofit. One very
rich mun Wna nlwuys dealing in money, end
i he made a punt dc-ul. hut ho was newr
FnliLfil-(l without high interest.’ So he 11 nt
most of his money to Htmt‘ people whoahe
thought were very rich. nt it very high rate;
nntl he oftt'n told how much he got, till
one duty the people he lent to wi-nt to
smash. He-gnt hock about ten cent,- on u
idollur oi his tun'rr‘ey. l knmv unnthm old
'grntlt-mon. who hurt some hank stuck and
L he \vr-nt to the bunk nml got ten per cent;
'dwhh-tyl: The President and everybody
.snid it What the best s'nck in the country
'pni-l ten per cent. lint what did the‘nhl
man do but acll his stock the next d-yl
Why? why? Mid evrryl'mily. B“t'ltu¢9, it
,P’W’ (no nmclt dividtml. And in six nmnlhfi
the hook m-nt to'smnrh.“ Now. Mu: l knuw
lto he a fact. Well. Mr. Smith. you any
‘_rnilrond stovki nre he~t, hecttuw tht’y ply
:Livh liltllit‘ntlo? Can you tell how long
they will pnv them? i lilm milrmdi. I
‘ ln-ipcd to build one. and l .;.' for inn-fut
‘ thingl. But i tell you what l lump about
[”lme Olin-thinl'ot the rmhmds tlnn't [my
‘ any dividend, imd two think (and some of
Jhom crackéd up} too.)do notipuy at. much
lau Gowrnment stocks. Now that. bring-r
me to Government tu‘t‘lll'lliA‘i. and I will
tell you why i prefer them. I tuke it. you
will mlmit. Hr. Smith. that in the long run
the.inveetment which in 6n! .Ithch Law
thesegunlititw : First, it xhoultl be ynfrcl/I/
tan-urn sr-enntlly. that thé'incomo nhonht
be uni/firm mu] prmmlmle- not up one your
‘ and don‘nathe next : nml thirdly. it rlmuld
l he MMZ'EQILIP. so when your Ire-I (luv come-I,
and you 'vrnnt your money you can. get. it
back. Anrl i think Iheso notes or bows
hnvo not these qualities more tbun‘uuy
other kind of personal property you can
'name. 'hlyit.
. 5‘ "First. then. I have been looking into
that. ng-at book you citli CPDIUS Statisticn‘
lust-d to think it wann't worth much, but
since I begnr to study it. I tt-ll you. i found
out a good. i_nny [hinge ver’y mere-l for me
to -kno\'. I found out, by looking ut the
crops. nnd the'hietorim Ind aliipping, 429..
that we (I don't mean the Rabid Stntes)
are hmking a thousand million! at dullurl
a your more\ than we. spend. 30 you)”
that. (since the increase of debt isn’t. half
that) we are growing rich instead of poorer.
as John Bull and the croakors would have
us think. Then the debt will be paid, any:
how, no m‘ntter howl‘oifg the war is. he.
rides} did you ever hear of'n Government
tluitt broke. before the people did? Look
into your big histories. Mr. Smith, and you
Will find- the people break “before, the GM
ernmontg. Well, then. I call that flock
crlécl’y "cure. » ‘ ~ ' ’
"Secondly, you wantthe income rim/ma
andrgrnmnznt. Wéll, I want you to take 3
list of banks. railroads, minesll insunnja
com mien—anything you choose—l3nd! l
mo {honor bright now!) how many have
paid a uuiiorm income for ten or twenty
years. Not one in I hundred, Mr. Smith,
and you know it. _ _
“Now here is the Government will p“!
you without varying. tittle. Now I IIkQI
something that gives me my income every
year. > t _
“Thirdty, you want something which {I
marlfigble any day in the year. Nowelrt
you 11l ask any bank President, he wil
tell you that Gamma»! stock: are the oil/Z!
kind of property (Ital 9': a/w 1y: eutectic. “0““.
they will sell anywhere in the world
“ Now, Mr. Smith, this is why I-put My
little savings in Government stocks. 1 con;T
fesxgtoo, that I wanted to help thet den"
country. whichis my home and Mycountxi.’
"I confess,” said Mr. Smith. "1 h'd"‘
thought of all this. There in good dad}
of sense in what you say, ""1 I ‘"" 9° ‘Q
far“ to put two or three thousand doll."
in United States stocks. It can do no
harm.” . , .
we 19“ Mr, Smith gomg towsrd the
bank, and Poor Richard returning home.
with that calm rod [dead on which lndl'
outed the serenity of his dispositions end
the oiosciousnesa of doing right 10'2““ 1‘“
country end his fellow men.
NO [BlO3.
i Itil authoritatively drnied igy Idmimsr
. unionist: that. there is the rymote}: proh-
I bility at peace commissioners u} Richnumd
bung lppointed by’President Lincoln. fig
'will not recede from his ultimuum to pace
I -—lbanlavery must be abandoned. Evan
‘ overtures {tom the South which should nofi
‘ conum (but. ltipulationrwould. be qziiokly
rejected. Wrecofore..Tbe people an
therefore clearly undenlnnd why, inure
grand obstacle to pence and A restoration
nftbe Union. The largenumberof'fiepub:
lican new-papers and lenders chit have lon.
out from Mr. Lincoln’s support does not
seem to oonvxnce him 0! the necessity on
change of policy. He has hardened hi'
heart and stiffened his neckmnd, uni?“
his office hcriderscnn invent W tobfilul
about his election by fraud. it: stick In:
his ullimatum—hiu hegro love—um” bO‘ ~
hp yud his abominable unziment 11".
tank into never-ending. mum: relircme
_l‘uuwl 4‘ PM '
~~ an» ~-—— -’ . ;
“‘l‘qu It mam 13mm Qn‘ “5
AM" umy bio about. Top It i'
uuhiuwfllnnhm : . ; _ -