- VARIQU'S. LINCOLN AND-I'll PARTY IN onto. A wbqluomo revolution of public opinion in takxng p‘mce all over the Slnte. The min which wsemq Hmufind! afour gluten: in mud. nmly pmunz “my, nml begin to think calmly. flu only rcl‘mblc friends at; his provost 31M phla, ofliciall, (ammo: and new incorrigi ble poliuqiuu. The letter of Lincoln, “To Ibom’ it. any cancem," bu done slot» to open “0 a,“ at thoywo‘latlnn ten shoquud of the pblul editorial ill! have tccomplillled. People undenund now (or wlun their 10111 pro to fight. The name “Copperhmf' bu no when unyfibere. Thu-rein no city go ”up in which fol-mgr Republican‘l do not come pn’b ‘lirly on in fnj'or of ch. Denocnuc party;- Tbia flange of opinion in pl'rlicnllrly opera pug “son. the lumen. Ucbgm still hold but, or do not dare to cpzne out. fitill other: upper: Fromont for :hzifieuntmnd molt poo plc nu waiting for lhg Chlcngo Convention, ' Never have the ple looked with so much “mpg” to we :33]: of us Nation-100mm floa. The Chicago Convsntiou bus the powex; to [fiber hundredtoflhouuudx ofcilizem un der the Democratic banner, who four years -Ago~!ollowcd (heJcad of [be aertionnl Lincoln party, which has brought. no much disaster up pn our country. The hope of the counlry il poncentrrzed on the Chicago Convention, and It is the heartfelt lprnyer of milking llml._ [his hope may be juaufl‘d, II {he Chicugu Comeu ‘ipn does its duty the people will do their: and will‘ recover Ohio _in Bulawayd the whole Uniqn’iu Soveml.er.’— Wutbafn. 1=1:21 fiWhilsl flddhng “u going on I! Wuh tnggon, and Chamhcralmrg W“ on fire, the M lowing falne and Innulgihg appnwh was, nficr duefinlpe'c'lion n the war department, sent. one (ram _thingtun lo'quicl und deceive the yublic: . , ‘ “No uneasiness whatever il Ml. by the 39r prnment in relation, :9 athirs in l’c-nuijlvrmil- The prepay-Minna mndc, together \\ith the mili tia o! my: Shun, arc ample to gn‘e the Invader; A severe punishment." - / There were no “pl-L-pnruliom," Ind the few militia that ha»! been misc-d by the‘urgcut up. peel- of the Slate aurhorim~s,yure taLen my; )0 the Reficls pursued their deltrhclin work lunruiund, and .lClllpfd huhu.med. And thil II the way the Lincoln Govcrumalfl yrntuu iu Halal" people I \ ’ A Change of ll:afl.-The Portland Advrru'ur hiforna u; that. lcwrni Biack Republiyn prenc'éxers Have reccnlly declined (mm their Phip'fil inz-flmt Stu-(e, (Shine) lint the further engine: ohhia in in unchrinhn, Ind pryen lb lid , be directed henvcnmrd for pence, lud no}. for wu, nnd peace on any tclm‘i nccu~ guy to atop the shedding of blood. HORRORS 0F WAB. ll’ the choicest stores of Hell's horrors were at. human command. could any negro, or 114- ro advocate, find anything more dresdgul. than some of the scenes of the present svnr, M enacted at the South? We sympathize deeply. with the sutl‘erers of nor own border, nnd would gladly do every thing in reason, to l't-‘ileVfl tlu- honn-lvss and prnmlpss penlvln otClmnilmrslmru. but it is simply the part of manhood now and ever to denounce the mndness Which cnlh-d into this content hlack «lemmu int-artiste, imttzml of man. Look. il'yepnn. buck lit-pub i cons, on ”HR l-icturminnd how your hands in slmme at your 'own‘wmtched work: The 2d )I-issncliiisetts infantry, 700::tmng. .with'pne hundred white cavalry from the ,sth and 2d regul'i 'ltely moved into Wentxnmelnn-l onunlv. v mr hundred ne groes With white otlide . _aml til‘ty white cavalry proceeded to do ':t.stn\le the country. Numbers of names 87 mentioneyofpor .lons who were stripped of evl-ry 1) hole of food and all their farming implemnnts, &c.. 'the negroes saying they were to have farms in Maryland, and would need tools. ’l‘heir line of march produced a desert. Says the fiichmond Ell’lllil‘el'.‘ . k, r 1‘ Mr. Ben. English, after having every .thlng destroyed, was stripped, tied up, and given thirty-nine lashes with the cowhide. And more horrible, but. only too true. tunty-five or thirty ladies wersviolsted sby this party of nogroes. ‘I could give names. but. deem it not. best. Neither age nor color was spared by these demons, who were anéoursged by their white officers. “The rest. of the regiment, 300 strong. «with 50 whtwkcava‘lry. under the immediate” msmmmd of ’Colonel Drnfimr, marched to Richmond county. ' 0n t a mute, six ne groes violated the person of Mrs.{}. eleven ,times, she being the wife ofn brave soldier ofthe 9th Virginia Cavalry, being nlso‘ sick at the time, with an infant. sii monthé old ‘lt her breast. 7 This is only one instance out of tw'enty others of a like outrage.— Mrs. Dr. Belfield‘whipfed five negroes from .her room. thus haroica ly defending herself. They pl?!dered everybody of every thing in their ine ol march.” ‘ . . ’ What power is there to subdue a race of {reemen ne'rved to resistance by _lhe mem bry of such wrongs‘! The Southerners would be the lowest. of cowards. the mast. _nbiec! of Ilaves, if they Would consent, we will not sapr lower their weapons in sub mission. but. Even to be reconcnled to a foe that. auctioned 11mm ourmges by “fair black myrmidous. Let. the/people fifths North proclaim to the world that they are not sanctioned by the popular sentiment.— The honor of the Bomb demands that. im mediate steps be taken to prevent the re currence of such horrors-Patriot (£- Union. A wonn To Arrnnu'uons. In what way do you spend your leisure awnings! In idleness—in frivolous amuse ments—or in the company of those who will corrupt. your m‘orals? Remember if you would prepare yourselves for future nnfdlnm you mun devote every‘ spare moment. to siudy. First, he industrio’a in your sever-. 1 employments during the hours of business; never complain that. it. is your lot. to work ; count it. an honor; go .about. it with cheerl'ulness and sla‘crily; it. will become a habit. and by becoming so .will be A pleasure and a delight. Make it. your first business to promote the interest of your employer; by lukmg care of his you will learn Lolake care at your ova. Remember, that. it, is one of the beselling pins ol the young men of this extrungant and indolent age, to endeavor to get rid of work; to seek for easy and lazy employ ments. and the consequence is that many of lhem turn out worthless vngnbonds. Avoid this whirlpool as you would a plsgue spot; banish {Tom your bosom the desiro tolivo without. limit. Labor is honorable, dignified ; it. is nine parent ufheallh, wealth. And happiness ; look not upon it u s burden nod n curse. . Shun idleness and sloth; pursue som‘e honest calling. and be not. ashpmed tobquselul. . .._fi-«n—M— fiThe Newburiport Herald lays—“ln ”nominating Mr. mcoln, the Republican my, lookmg to success, dxd the pooren. mid; they could do, for however worthy “1° mdxdues,_tbere was no necessity for , party to toad melt. not. only with all the. Hundern and crimes of an connected with 1 the administration ainca, 1561, but. with all i may. might be cm the elucuun.” ~ 1 Another Batch of Ojficcr:.—-“ The Govern man" in . sypmnuug “Bother batch of pfichh u) help eat up the substance of the may, in me nape ol‘zouacoo and c 1391- . an . [The Mainline Journals”: din-awa _ 5 3b. Donslimtiop go save the repubm in ~ . w’: disobeying mu BM! loan ainflflffs? Public Sale. .\' SATURDAY, the luh day of SEPTEM.‘ 0 BER hen. the undersigned, Assngnee of Georg: W. Elmkrr, oi’T; rune township, Adams county. will sell I". Public Sfle, on the premi- I". about three miles northeast a! Reader» ville,ou the road la-ndinl; from [be lower Hen. .lersnlle mud to the upper Bendcuvifle road, flat following Re ll Emile, viz: A TRACT OF LAND, situate partly in Ty rnnchpurlly in llunlingmn, "And partly in Dirn ‘ Allen townshipn, Adaml connlv, “joining Inndl of George Herman, Jacob Herman, Ind when, conuining 93 ACRES, (about. 20 Icl'cl of rho lame being goud timber lnnd,) having thereon erected n Two -'nory Wealherhonrdcd DWEL L I NB HOUSE, double frame weather ioardcd Bun, with Wagon Shed innd Uurn 'rih attach-ml, Smoke-house,Spring house, and other out-buildingl. The" is n nerer-fmling spring of water near the door— als‘o un'UllCllAßU of choice lruit tract. The above described zrnct is in good (arming order, having been nenrly all limed. Also, at tlm same time nnd place, will be 'lold, a lot of WHEAT, RYE und OATS, by the i bushel, 1 lot. of Che-inn! Shingles, l Chg“, kc. Any ponun wishing to View the property will cull nu \Villinm'B. Nell, residing thereon, or on ’the undenigned, residing in. Reading wéuship, Adams county. Sale to rammem'e'nt 1‘ o'clock, P. 31., on uid day; when Attendance will be given and terms made known by / mm'usn B. guns“, W. T. Will‘lnma, Aucl’r. .\asiguce August 8, 1864. - ‘ Orphan’s Court Sale F YALIIABLE REAL . ESTATE —Un SA'l‘lTltDAY,'llie Will (lin of SEPTEM lil‘lli i_iext. in purs‘unme ul' nu (Ir-let of the Orphoo's Court of Adams ’counly. the sph icrluerq, Adllllnlsll‘lllul“ of lhe mtnte of Jm-mh [inflict-Enact], Will ofl‘crnt l’uh'nc Salr, on the premises, . - Tlll‘) FAR! nlsald deceased. situate in But lev township, Admm county, adjoining lands of. Juhn Buyer. John Wisler. John Lnuver, Daniel lurch. and. lame]. Briiln-r, containing 100 Acresfind‘the usml allowance, more or lea. The lund _is in n goo] state ofcultivulion, hav ing 11l been lxmcil—with due proportions of Wand-land nml Meadow. The bUlldlll‘S are a. Two-ltory “ euheihourded Dwell- _ 4.. log IIOUhE, Logan”). with Wkgon " Shed, Shopr Wood House, _&c.— {HEEL "There in a good Orchard on‘thc i-. j: pieuiius. with a variety of fruit; also n well bl nevurfuilinmwnter at the door of the dwell ilg. Tho prnpvrty is eitunte on the Slflle road lending to Ncwxille. The Great Conowngo creek runs through the hum, the creek heingr bridgeil where the Suite rond crosses the some. w‘Snle to commence at 1 o'clock, P. 31., on unld day. whyn aliendnnce will he given And tern" mud: known by i ‘ llUllKrlAllT WERT, Anus ILEX, Administmtou. By tho Court—J. J. Fink, Clerk} a ' Election. .N Electiun wil! bi: hold at. the ofice ofths A “Adams Coun‘ty'Mutunl Flre Inwrnnce umpmxy," in Gettysburg, on MONDAY, the uh Ida)" of SEPTEMISEK next, betwern xha hourl of 1 o'clock nnd 4 o'clock. P. 51., for 21 Mnulgen, ti) serve {or the ensuing your. ‘ D. A. BUEULER, Sec’y, , Aug. :2, 1364.. td ‘ V_ gi‘b'cminel and Star cop_v., ’ ' -fi— . 7 ~ —7- - ”.._—___. ' Teachers Wanted. HE School Dirrctnrs (3f Oxford tow‘nuhip T “in men! at. tin- Puhhc School-nuuue in New leord. on I‘I‘ESDAY, the un. duyof September next, M 9 o'clock'. A. 11., fun the purpou- oft-myluy-ng Teacher: to “lie charge at the Srhoulsflu said township. The Cuuuly Supexinlcndont will ht! present. By order M the Board, DAVID M. MYERS, Scc'y. Aug. 8, 1864. td 7 Teachers Wanted. V ”E llnmd of School llireclnfs of L'nion' F township will met-l. at Scllil-Il's‘Sc-hool llmlsr, on WEDNESDAY, the 7th day ofb‘l-Ilh TBMBHR next, at 2 o'clock, P. .\l., (‘0? the pur pose of empluflng 7 Tcnchers to take charge of the Schools of said township. The County Superintendent will be present to examine ap plicants. By srd" of the Iloxrd, JOSEPH L. bUURB, Scc’y. ‘ Aug. 15, 1564. td » New Llquor Store. ROGERIES CONTINUED. ‘ ‘ ' NOHBECK l MARTIN, comer of Baltimore and High streets, Gettys burg. Pu.', lure added to ‘be Grocery bn‘siness 1: large assortment of CHOICE I.IQU%IL‘X, em hmc‘mg Almost every kind, viz: rundms, Wines. Gius, Rums and \\‘hisk'res, all war ranted to be what .they are sold for in flavor and quality. These liquors are of various gradep, running up to the highest, so that. all (ants may be suited. SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.« Pure French Brandy and old Rye Whiskey {er medical purposes can at. nll‘timu be hnd. The above liquors have been purchased at the best nml most. reliable houses and can therefore be recogimcuded with safely, and will be sold m. the lowest price:. Landlords and Country .\lerclmnts will find it. to their in terest to call and examine our stock before pur chasing elsewhere. \Vitli large sales we can sell at small profits. @The Grocery, Flour and Feed and No tion business continued—with lull assortmentl in Mali clepnrtment. , ,1 y 30, 1864. 3:12 PHILADELPII Wall Papers. HOWELL & BOURKE, ' N. E? Cor. Fourth and Mnrket Street: 1 Manufacturer: of ‘ P ‘3 HANOINGS. Window _ Papers, Linen l es and Hollands, Solid Green and Butt, , Chocolnte Grounds, Flgured And Plain Shade} To which we invii the attention of STORE KEEPEBS. Mar; #B, lEGLpzinfi ' Cabinet Furniture. T P. snpnaonxs & sox, ' » CABINET WARE noons No. 220 8; Second St., below Dock, Welt'lide \PHILADELPHIA, _ Hue coqlmndygon han‘d A very hrgo u sortmem of Rosewood. Walnut, 05k and lh— hognny Purnitnrepflatest designs, Ind superioz workmanshipmhich they offer for nl5, at rea sonable prices. Beds and Mattresses mnde to order. [Man 28, 1364. 6111* Grain and Prodflce. AVING taken the lgrge and cqmmodioul W'arehouu recently occupigd. by ank lersh,Esq., _-, IN KEW OXFORD, we an prep-red to pay the highest price for all kmdu ofPRODUOE. Also, sell at the kw est pricel, LUMBER, CUAL and GROCER ‘B, of every degeription. - A. P. MYERS & WIEEMAN. New Oxford, Aug. 10, 1883. t! Battle-field Views. FULL set. of our Photographic View: of A [be Batch-field of Gettysburg, form 3 up endid gin. for the Holidays. Tg linen. yet published can be saen Mlhe Exce or Gallery. TYSON BROTHERS, Gettysburg. ‘ Gettysburg Marble Yard. « EALS & 830., LY EAST YORK STREET bl GETTYSBURG, Pan—Where they Il'l prepared to furnish all kindlpf work in lhnil linc; Inch u MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD STONES, HANTLES, km, at. the shorten no. ficfi, and u this!) n Ah; Wageal- Give u: I DO . 5 fiPmdau ninja exchange for‘work, Gettysburg, Juno 2, 1852. u OR RATS, MICE, ILOACHES, ANTS, BED F BUGS; MOTH). IN Fl'léS, WUULEN’S, MK, INSECTS UN PLANTS. FOWLS, ANI MALS, xvi—Pu! up in 251:. 50c. Ind $1 00 Bovs,-Buules :nd Flasks. $3 and $5 size {o: Horus. Prnuc Xunrcrxoms, no. ‘ I'iny infullfirle remedies known." ' “ Free from Poisons." . -“ Nov. d mgerons to the Human anily.” “ Rats come‘out. of their hols: to diz'." 3801:! Wholesale In all large citiel. 1 3-80“ by all'Drugg‘uu and Retailers every- where. ‘ _J all l Bun-Au ! 2! ohm" worthless imilulam. ”See flu". *‘ Cosnn's" mum: is on each Box, Bottle and Flushbefore you buy. ‘ ”Adda” HENRY B. COSTAB. fir'nucwn DIN)“ 452 HIOADWAV. .\'. Y. WSold by all Wholesale and keuul Drug pi=ts in Gettysburg, Pa. Fawn, 186 i. Universal Clothes Wringer. mug—mummy; no murmxuxw, mm Gnu-WHEEL mauuwrun FUR SALE HY SiIE.\I)S & BUEHLER, a Gnnjsucnu, I". From innumeruhle recummeudalionl, w. anther the follownng: Letter [mm Mrs. Henry Wnrd Beecher, in 18“]. I am most happy to speak in the very high est term: of the ” Univeraul Clothes Wringer.” The hnrdesv. part of “washing-duly" work is, in my opinion, the wringing; and the inventor of this machine may have the snustncliun of {ct-Img that he has changed one of the most toxlsoxue pzu'u of wonnlu'szwork into a wry attractive uguiement. The I.mgdreu looks upon iv. nan great blessing. I luukfixpoh it u's mimnthe most. useful articles in the hodse. Bruoklyn, October, 1861. : Price—s 7 00. [May 2, 1864. Good News and‘True, 'l‘ THE CHEAP CORNER, A IN GETTYSBURG _ ROW 1; WOODS are opening on: another huge ‘ assortment of New Goods at. their cheap corner, which _ they will sell at. the lowest cosh prices." '“'c buy all for cnsh at the lowest prices,nnd can. therefore, sell the same ' " quality'of good: as low M ‘ ‘ they can be bought. M. any other Store in the Sum. A -;2_., large. portion of the Shoes we "‘ sell are made to unler, of the ‘ best material, by good and . t-xperimgcedworkmnn ‘ sza U§ n cull. ROW & \VUODS. ATS. ".\TS. ’ ' _ Nuts for Men, . Huts fnr .\lissfii, - ' "Ma for Boys, Duuknrd Huts, ‘ llntq rnr (‘lul-lron, Straw Hate, “ms for Ladies, Allkindiot Huts, and Shakers, by ROW & WOODS. “OHS, BHOTS. . . , . S Shun-s fur Children, Shoes fur \Huvs, Shnvs fur Ifulils, Shoes {Jr [lO5-a, Slim-s for Men, ‘ Guilt-rs o"an kinds, Slippers in ninety, Shoes of all kinds. - Ro\\' & WOODS. OTION’ .\ND l-‘I'RNISHIXG CHOOS FDR N CHILDREN. LADIES & CENTLEMEN. Spool Cotton of nll kinvls arid cowrs, Lisle Gloves for Chil-lren,L:ldies and Gbnllemcn, Hosiery, “ “ “ Linen Hnnrlkerchicfer “ “ Collars and Neck Ties, new styles. Cuffs and Corsets of bcs‘ fits and latent slyleu, and many othér things in the notion line. sold at (beloweu prices, at. the corner nf ¥nrk “red and the Diamond, by. RUW J; WOODS. L'SiC. .\IL'SXC. , BI Violins, Accordcons, Violin Bows, ' Strings & Tuilpieccs,far sale by EGARS I; TOBACCO. ‘ S ' Tycoons, ‘ El Ferua, _ El R 1; Selina, Ln Ingenuidnds, N 39 011:, Common, Congress, Plnnmtion, Honey 130 w. Anderson's Solace, For sale retail or by the box, by ‘ ‘ ROW & WOODS. RUSK“, SACKS. ‘ . T ’l‘runks,lnrgc and small, Carpet Bags, R. IL Bags, Gothic Suks. Common 'Black SACKS, at the lnwcst prices, by ' RUW & WUUDS. ISCELLANEOUS, Li Ladies’ “Jake's, Lndics’ Snlcbcli, Puli \lonnnies, Pen: Knin‘s. Razors, Ram r Straps, ' Window Paper, Wall Paper, Pocket. Books, Purses. Palm Fans,large, Palm l-‘nns. nmnll, . ~ Umbrellas, Carriage Whipske. ,We are continually increasing the Vnril4y. and assortment of our stock. Prices are high but we bought. many of our goods belore lho_ late rise, and will sell tho-m as near old low prices us possible. It is our study to aellgoudsi that will went well, and give satisfaction to our customers. To enable us lo do this, we. have elfecledJrrdngemenM by which we can' get the best. Boots and Shoes that are manu factured. If you want to buy trash in the shoe line, no to eDry Goods Store. If you want good Shoes buy them of ‘ ROW & WOODS. ‘ . Cor. ol.York at. md Diamond, Geunburg.‘ Mn] 9, last. ' ~ . l Let Everybody NOW 11‘— ‘CHAHBERSBURG STREET AHEAD 1 Having jufl returned from the city with - Iplendid assortment of- HATS, CAPS, BOOTS t. SHOES, without In, disporngement Io my neighbor; or any other portion of the town‘ of Gettysburg, l have the pleasure of announcing thlt Cpnm- ‘ bersbnrg street is ahead'nnd that. the‘ place u; buy Hats, Cups, Bpota and Shoés, chenpria mt my new stand, nearly opposite the Lutheran Church. ' . xThe Attention of the Lndias ls particularly invite} to the Iplendid unortmcnt of Gaiters, Slippers, Morocco Lace Boots, Bm, intended 101' Ladies’ wear. Also, Trunks, Carpet Snch, Umbrellas, To bacco, Gig-r: nnd Nollorm, in endleu variety. Here in the place to buy goods cheap, as I Am determined not to be uudersold by any other establishment in town. 'l‘hnnkful {or put. fa.- vorn,l um yours entirely. JOHN L. HOLTZ WORTH Inrcli 28, 1864 New Bakery ! EWPOBT J: ZIEGLER, Mechanical Bak- N en, South Washington street, lmll aqnare from the Eagle Hotel, GET'I‘YSBURG. I’m—- Conltantly on hand, the beat at BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS, kc. Per. sons winking fnshgflread will be stn'ed every morning, by leann their names and residence: at. the Bakery. Every cfl’on made to please Give us a call! [April 20, ‘63. t! Come on Wlth Your Jobs! I I ENIKY HOOVER will do all klnds of R E P A l R l N G to Cnringculfiuggiu, Wagons, $O., in a neat and substantial mun ner, and at the lowest living prices. Bis shop in in West street, botween Chamberabnrg and Middle streets, Gettysburg. Ho promises to do good work, And uh I shut; of public pn tron-go. - [April 4, 1864. 1y ‘ AGO, Arrow Root, Corn Stitch, Rice-flour S 3nd Gelatin, {or we at Dr. HORNEB’S Drug Sun... , CLOTBIERS, 165 'nm 167 Bunion Sin", keep conxunlly on hand - Inge And well u- toned stock of all kinda of good: u modem prices They Inpply vrdon for 5h Inn ‘lO tho loqcu priced Infidel, oilhu rad, and. or nude W‘lll‘lllll'e, to any pm of the country They keep nko n oxuntin stock ofNRX- ISHING GOODS, ombneing every uni-cl. oi Gentlemen'l Under-ten. Also,'llLlTAßY CLOTHS And our] nriet] of Miliury Trim- mlngs, a: well u n snorted flock of KEADY O ' . 3mm: MILITARY GOODS. ‘ ' Bunimore, Feb.‘ 22. 186} 1864 Summer Arrangement. H'MMER COATS, of I” kinds. very cheap S ’”v ' PICKING’S. \\SSHHTRP. COATS, all inles and 11l (J rnlurs,ruxlxxlrkahlychup,“ I'ICKING’S. \[.\HSE|LLES, Frock mm Sack Coagu‘. no ; Lurilflh] ' cheap, at. PJURING'S. INEN DLéTEßS,‘good punt-rial and we“ 11 mmlv, cheap as dirt, n 1 ~Pl(}l\'l.\'G’a'. ASSIHERE PANTS, plain n‘nd flm-y, u- C luniuhingly cheap, at PICKING’S. [.\'EN, Durk, and Cotton Panu. uncom- IJ manly cheap, at PICKING'S. OYS’ Coats, Veils Ind Pun, mum“, B chum!“ - PICKING'S. ’ ATIN, Silk and Mnrscillu Venn. nmitively S very chnap, M ‘ PICKING'S. (WULLARS. Skirts, Suspendyl, Stocks. un / pracedemedly chew, M _IPICKING'S. [oL].\'S, Fiias, Flutes lid Accordronl, V shockinglychenpmt _ 'PICKING’S. LOCKS and Jewe'lry of“! kinda. mn- C kmmLedly cheap, at. PICKING‘S. LY NETS firiviu I chem at, F ' U P’HC‘KING'S. GREAT (many other thing', cheaper than A the cheapest, M. PICKING'S. F course everybody who wants to buy good 0 Goods and cheap, wull please call M. PICKI N G ' S June 27, 1864. . ‘ Hardware and Grocenes. 7 H 8 subsrrihers hnve just. returned from r the citirs with an immense supply of HARDWARE & GRUUEIHES, which they are uttering at their old stand in Bulinmnre strret, at prices to suit the timel. Uur Itock consists in pan of - ~ BUILDING MATFRIAIS, ‘ CARPENTER’S TOOLS. ‘ BLACKSMITH’S TOOLS. COACH FINDINGS, SIIOE PINDIXGS. CABINET MAKER’S TOOLS, lIUUSEKEFPKII’S FIXIURES, ‘ ALI; KINDS OI" lILUN, kc” GROCERIRS OF ALL KINDS, OILS, PAINTS, 5.2 m, $O. Thrre is no llllilllt included in the seveml departments memiv ned above but. what can, he h.ul at. this Store.— Every clnis of .\lc-chnnius min-be nrvommodatml here with tools and lindlngsmnd llou-ekeepcn cnn lint] every airtivle in their line. Give us an cull, in we are prep .ret} to sell as low for cash 3“ any huuso out of the city. JUN. B. DASNER, DAVID 211-2613;“. ' Gettysburg, Mn; 16, 1564. , New Spring Goods. .\IALL‘I‘RUI-‘I'I‘S k QUICK SALES. S; .J- L. SCIIICK would respectfully my to the citiuns 0! Get t'yshnrg and Vicinity, [lint he is now receiving at. his store it splendid ' STUCK Ul’ SPRING GOODS. The stock consists in part of Fancy and SLiple DRY GUUDS, of every dugriptiun. SILKS, ~ \ A MUZAMBIQUE, ' CHALLII‘IS,~ \ DELAIXER, \ ’ BUMBAZINES, ALPAt‘GAS, ’ LAWNS, CAIJCOES, of a‘l qfialitiel nnd choicut styles. which Will he lold M. PRICES T 0 DEFY COMPETITION. FURNISIIING GOODS offal] kinds, including Silk, Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockings; kc. Also, rsplcndid assortment, of lIIIIBONS, Laces and Edgings. Umbrellas nml Pnrnmll.~ - .\ly stock of WHITE GOODS WilZ be found full nn'tl complete, and customers nxny‘rely upon nlwnys getting good good: at the lowest possi ble prices. ' Gentlemen will find it to their advantage to call and examine my stock at" , - GLOTIIS, ' EU “I k WUUDS.‘ CASSIMERES and K ~ A uvnsnxus, or all qualities and choicest‘hlyles. May 24, 1864. J. L. SCHICK. Cometo York Street! HE undersigned has boughtnut the Grocer) T and Provision Stars of W. E» Billie, in orl: street, I luv doors east of St. James Lmherln Gig-ch, and will continue the busi ne<s at. the ‘ Inc [pl-Ice. He h'3 lncreued the stock, nml is now prepared to offer a moat u cellen: nuoruuent of goods in his line, such as COFFEES;SUGARS. svnpps, TEAS, Salt, Fuh, Brooml. Buckets. Brushes, \\‘nsh ing Machines, Blaqking, Candles, .\'eedlel, Pins, Combs. km, with 3 large lot of Also, Coal 0% and Coal 0i; Lamps. Callnnd lee ! yourselves: His assortment is not onlytnll, bug. he tell: u cheap u the chenpelt. ‘ ‘ The highest price paid for old Lewd: ' DAVID TROXEL,JXL Gettysburg. March 7, 1864. _ O. W. WELSH Hanover Tobacco Manufactory. EL-‘SH, DELLONE' 8 00., blve umb i» lisned a. Cliewiu} Tobacco Mnnulnctory, in Bnltimore street. Hlunver, Pu}: whore Mer chants, Shopkeepers. and I“ other dealer-I and consumers, can It all times he rupplied with all kinds of chewmg Tobacco, such n NAVY. SUNNY" SIDE, LIGHT PRESSED, NATURAL. ‘ PEACH LEAF, CAVENDISH, nml I“ other kinda| usnnlly put 11].) in pound lumpr. Also, half pounds of every ducription put up in boxes of all sizes, containing in weight frdm—fil’leeu to one hundred pounds.— Also, Congrou Tobacco, running from eight to ten to tlro‘pound. ’Allo, Flounder Tobacco, running eighteen to the pound. Also, Course and Fine Spun Toblcco, and all other kind- Lnd qualities of Tobacco now in Me. The un dersigned have all the above named brand! on hand and offer the sumo for solo at priccl ion than can be bought in any of the Easlaru oitlo‘. Their Tobacco is all manufactured out of old Missouri end Kentucky leaf, and warranted to be oi a superior quality. They‘re thlnkfully soliciting a. liberal ell-re on custom. \ WELSH, DELLOSE & 00. June 27, 1364. am ‘ ‘ , Cannon a: Adan-’3 ‘ . ' SW lABBLE WORKS, Corner of Balti more 3nd Enu Middle streets, appmile theflour‘ House. Gettysburg, PAL—We are prepu’cd to furnish Monuments. Tombs, Hond swnel, Marble Mandel, Slabs for Cnblnet Makers, And all other work appertaining to on! business. Wewill guarantee utilfnctiau both as to execution Ind price. Can and no. on] deligns and specimensrof work. ‘ Feb. 2, 1363. u ‘ . L. SCHIOK bu just recolved A lot of QT. the-p Looking Glnlm. W FALL & WINTER GOODS l—A good I q ulnflmont of In" ad gamer (3de u I: up n "In cheapest A. at OTT t 805's. Noah Walker {I .00” WASHINGTON BUILDING, BALTIMORg o EuA’RS AND TOBACCOS JOB. DILLONI W. C. WILD! An Interesting History OF DR. S('HF.\‘(‘K'l\' OWX CASE, WHILE uumznu l'.\m.a ruxsx unto), And hun- hu l‘ulnmm'c S/rup. 3" "64‘"! Tumr, and Hundrukt ['lle ar! on line ){r/slrm in Curing that Duran, gm! ”A! GREAT SUCCESS ATTENDING IT I ! t The above is n corrculixl‘c was ul‘l)r.Schen(-k takenmauy ye.rr~ :igu, MIL-r he I: n! rccoverod from Consumption; br :1 course of nis “ SCHEKL‘K:S l’LLuoxiu hump." The likeness, nllhough ildoes nul represent him (mulling like us had as he was m the- wurst, get it is in ltrong contrast with the lule und Vigorous look: at the Porlrlit below, which is Ihe true likéneu of him at the present time. The con trast between these lwo purtrnils is so great that many would not byline them to be the lame person. )‘c-t there an: hundreds of per euns.ln‘und urnuml l’hflxvllelphin, why will recognlze l‘otli pmtrmm lulu- lrne represenm lium. When tln- lint uh L‘lkl-u lu- weighed 10'! pounds; ul. lhc present Hun: his Weight is 220 ppunds. - ELM NEW YORK, \Yu‘huwddy, March 30., ’64 ‘ TU '“”‘] I’I'BLIC. Tliny _i'mus ago I nus in tho' List stages 0! Pulmonary (‘f|ll~llln]llloll,.lllli gin-n up In die. I resided ll] Plulndrlpliin, 111141 Dr. Joseph Pxi‘r rish, then of th 5 vii}; or-lcrml me to More“ [on n, N. 1., n d‘ist‘llice of nine miles, which took me two days 10 got lhcre. On my nrrivul I WAS put to bed, um] there laid fur many weeks. This n‘nuny natin- pl'lce, where all my l'urnilv lived :unl li nl rliml ul Cunanluplion. Dr. Thornton. wifn nfluulv-d my iatlu‘rin his lzistilluéa}, wu: called, and gain? me one week In lixvnp mv “11-Alljs. lle Inui Keen all my film ily m) Hint way, nml lln uglwl was to go, (00. Then l lit-null ..r’ the rmxmulies l mu" (Illcr to llle pnhlic. whivh’culcnl incl l: :wnu-ul to me that. I would feel Llicm- pcucnnling my whole Iyslem. They soon ripened the muttér on my lungs, and lwquld spit nil“ inure llmn :\ pint of offen sive yellow fillltier every mmning. As soon us‘that hegdn to “glitsllil'.Vlll"‘ cough, fen rrpnin, mght sweati—ullgbognn tn leave me, and my flllpcfilf became Sp cre II that it. was with dif ficult; I could ketgp from eating too much. I suoufinined my stlfength an I I have been 8’0)?- inyz in flesh ever Sim"?- ' For In my years I have enjoyed uninterrupted good hunlth, keeping the lIVC'l' and stngnuh healthy with the Sea wevd Tonic and .\lzlulmke l’ilis, (ls I am of n bihous temp. mungnt. .\ly wemhl is two hun drcd and lvay gpmm-ls. Un my recovery people would sen-lgmr inc, lar nml hour, to see ”their cane-s “qu ilir' mine. For this pur pose l pnerrnt‘ sfion li \'i~uls in lhe hirge ('i tiel. Tru- cumuniplivcs wish to set- the one thn: makes the-sci um-licines, and uho was cured ofmmtumpzi-m by them. To make new lungl, is impugihlo: hut cm‘ilies 111 the lungs and uhrumv llil‘(‘l"ll'|lh‘ of Ihr lirunl hilll lulu-B can he healel. >l.“ h uses :In- dying hourly under the'bnlinurg' lrculluonl n-t~ physxciuus, and jptt such are unru-l hy the prayer use of Schum‘k's I’lllnmuie Syrup, Stunned Tonic, and .\imdmkn Pills. ‘ x I lam now u healthy man, with a large cuvity , in the middle inhi‘ oi the right lung:Y the'lower Hobo very much iii-bathed und complrtc nd-i i hesion nt“th§iyieur.t. The lift lung is sound,} and the npp r iulm of the right lung is in p' .tolcrnbly ltenltin condition. The great reu-| .1011 why physic'uus do not cure consumption ‘ is they try to do ton much; they give medi cines to stop the rough, to st 11 Cillii, to stop night. sin-Ms, hectic teveg, and, by so doing» . they deruuge lilt‘ \rltirle digestive po‘wer, lock-l ing up the secretion} un-i eventunlly the pn-l tient sinksund dtus.i After I make is czlreiui: examination of the pittient with the'espirom etor, and find Lung~ duough left to cure, 1 di rect. the patient honito 'l5O the three remedies” ,Remove the c-xuse nml theymill nll stop ofi Itheir. own itct'urd.- No one Bun be cured of ‘ consumption, rHt'r complaint, dyspepsian-i tnrrh, canker, ulremted thront, unless the‘ live’r and slmttJt‘h nre made hmlthy. In New England this cunkvr, chronic outnrrh, ulcerut-i ed throat, elongation ot ttvuin, is more prom-l ' lent’than in nny other section of the country.l This is frequently mused by a foul stoxnnch.—-—. You may lmtn itnut with caustictitne nntli ”gain, and all the; will get is [empornry relieU . Correct the staunch und liver, and they will - henl.up themselves. ‘ Gond‘nutrition is the remedy. If you have, Iny disease in any pnrt of the body, it will 1 rem-in there and decay more and more until you con get the stumdch in «the condition to digest food nnd make new Hood to take the place of diseased matter. This is‘the only way to heal entities in the lungs nnd ulcerated bronchial tubes. Correct the stonmch sudl liver, and nature will do the herding. shay persons have an idea that certain medicines on great purifiers of the blood. . When bloodis ‘ once diseased it cannot be purified; it is dis- 1 “fine some as the diseased matter in the' ; sys ; huh get the apparatus in order, thei liver Ind stomach, and give it plenty of nour- , ishing food It will make new blood, which will take the place of that which is diseased. Sclient-k’s Pulmonic 33 mp is one of the best prepnrstions 0! iron in use, it is s powerful tunic of itself, and when the Seaweed Tonic dissolves the mucus in the stogach, sud it isl carried on by the aid o§ the sndrske mm,! the Pulm ic Syrup is made into blood. Thisl is the way to cute consumption. If II cnnnbg ‘ a good appetite, and food does not, digest, 'csnnot cure the patient. Never mind the cough; remove the cause and it will stop of itself. This is the mosttrouble l hove with my patients at my rooms. They«sny,"-I)oc tor,'l feei stronger; Icon eat; my'nighnwoats us better, sud lfeel better every way; bnti mg cough is so bald you" sud they Ire «stun-g is ed to hear me say that does not matter; remove the cause and the cough will stop of’ itself. Schent k's Seaweed creates A good np’ll petite in about nine days, when th'er—e is no lung disease, unless_the ichf Is so congested ‘ thst the Mandrake Pills cannot «,uulmk a. ducts of the gall bladder in that short lptlce of time, in' order to allow the stale bile to pass 08'. Keep the liver and stomach healthy and* there is less danger of consumption or any! other disease. It is hard to take cold when those crgsns are hehlthy. Those that are bili olls, low spirited, deenry, fucltng Hopi-l, l noted tongue, poor nppctéte, nervous, stomach full‘ of wind, everything thztt is eaten lies heut'y,. loss of memory, try one bottle 0‘ SCHEXUK’S SEAVVEED TUNlUund one box ofSCIiENCK’S i )fANDRAKE-PILLS. It is only a cost of ons dollar and twent; dive cents, with lull direc..’ tions. This is sutiicient, in many eases, to ntisiy what the medicines are. Filquently one bottle rushes a great change in the syn. tel: Any-person that enjoys ordinur’ hesithfl by using the :inuwred Tunic and “who“. Pillsoccsslonsllymtuat get the digestive orgnusi is such s health reoudhion thst they become ifleshy. i run protlttre A number of my old . consumptiteputivnunovenjoyingtzawlhell'lt. ' weighing rtenrly‘m puttntltl. I will conclude ,hy relating three o‘urtsl have mndt- In New York, and Which Are all dim-rent. and I‘lsh lnny one who leelflny interest in the matter ,to vhit them. Fint is .\lrs. l-‘urlnw, rest-ling ithen MNo 107 Houston «mot. Her husband Called upon me It} on rooms. 3.! Tlund street, land wushed me to call and see her. He said {I could do no good; that he ind hnd nll the ‘lbut media-l attendance, and all said she was too for zone with Conutmfttion to be cured; f but she had hard or 8021192115” cures l bud i made, and he desired to gratify lg-r wishes;—. i] called, and found her lying confined to her bed in the last shire of oronchjul consumpc tioh, and without doubt most have died soon. I exutnined her Innis-2M5 hm“: ‘ tnbu very much 1” but Mien hid‘ formed, her cough wu verv severe, the spit box was halt full of thick pus. l'ultte HO, legs swollen very much; and wor-c than all, ishe had chronic diurrhmn. ,[ler both-ls had 4 been moved eleven times Ihnt day. i told her lthnt she had lungs enough to he curedrhnt th.tt this diarrhoea had been a! long standing, nml her stomut h was in such on ulcerated cou ditLon thzttl I'rtts ufruid nothing: could he done. She tnéisted I should try nml do “hat I could for her, observing tint she cool-L not lnrt lotm ,trLthe condition she who in, nudl could not i make her any worae. I gave her first»: dose ' of thy .\lztndrnke Pills, and tho Tonic and .Syrttp freely. That was on Tuesday, ufid by ,1 the next. Sunduy the diurrlttm was carried ofl',‘ i her appetite hud returned And :he could sit up ‘in bed and out her dinner. She is now well,- , and gm’e me A long oertifieute,,cv:rtified to by f the Ref. Dr. Dowlinp I | Mrs Burtholomcw.B3 West Forty-filth street, i came to my run with u tumor on her liven! She was low-spiri d, skin snllo“, tongue cont-i i ed, bowels costiye, o uppetitt‘, und lust sink . ing into the grui: . ho suid tumor hod beeni running over {ditrtren years. I gave her Syrup, Tonic and Pills.‘flnd told her to trike themjuat ns~the direction; ere printed. She, cnme luck to my rooms, 3 Bond stret-t, in two week‘, somewhat better; ier tongue lntd be gun to clean It little around the edges, her Ikin white: and li‘zr eye: bri_-hter,tmd tho ”mentioning fiery otl'ena‘u e matter, much , foster thnn tt hnd ever done before. She kept gratdtmlly improving. and in about two months she mute to my room very much lriglnened, "tying that the tttmor had newly stopped run. niug, and was hauling up, and that every duc tor hud‘ told her thatifit over healed it would cause her death. I told her think the disedse had all left her system, and untnre woul-l haul the ulcer up. They are now herein], and have been for about u ‘y tor, and nhe is 113' hearty and robust u wum.m no you will find in u day's walk. She is gle for any one to will on her, and takes great puiul to \‘iait nny out- that shei, hours but; anything like her Cllac, n‘ud trics to get them to come xtnd see me. The out cuse is .\liss Scufiold, from Stum ‘ford, Conn. Mrs. Bartholomew gut. lu-r down to see mo. and she has‘b‘rt‘n Her sincc- nt her house. When ghe lint cutite to toy-mummrhe was much t-tuneittted with :t distrussingt-ough,‘ spitting Luge quuntltio: of blunt]. lexmuiucd her lungs with the rcrpirometrr, nn-l in all my practite never found one with nttt‘. lung .-o tnr tonne and the other lung snsuund. ! could not :give much encouragement. l tlmught ell! :wonld die; but to my astouiuhntent the l'ul- Imttnic Syrup, Seaweed Tunic. nml Mundrnlte : Pills all seemed to go rluht to work. the lung Lia all hcule-l over, leaving ’2 cavity its large,” In goose rag; good nmu-tite, tin}- spirit-. and i has gained some thirty five pounds: in “night She has some rough yet, which I do not think i will Intro her before June. l‘ahuuld think it [ Wnltlll he ufgrentingreztto mute ttnprrjudiécc' physician to \‘ipit these CAFE“, prtrtit'ulutly .\lise fScoficld, nr rtny of them thr—hnt-c hee'n curt-d ‘by my medicines. They ttrt‘ nuntl-rotts in cht‘ l York; but the übuVe “me till dim-r from t: ch iother; dud if my nte'licmes are doing it hot i ‘rt-preseut they are. they should llrttt: the endit i an l the ufllictetkkno‘w where nnd how they ',ntny be cured. J. 11. SIJHHACK, .\l. D. | Dr. J. H. Sellout-k can he found at his [it-in. lcipnl office, .\'o. 39 North 6th Street, l’hiludclo, . phiu, every Saturday. lrottt 9 .\. .\l. until 5 P. 15L, to give advice, free ot‘ch-trgc; 'but. tor u thorough exnmiuutiou he charge: th'ee dol lars. Price of the l’ulntonic Syrup mud Sen. weed Tonic each $1.25 per bottle,or so thehult Iduzen. .\lnndruke Pills .‘5 no r per box, nml are tor enle_hy ull Druggiatu and Ueulera. | June 6, IBM. _2m ‘ r, i L Dlssolutlon 9‘ ' 'F PARTNERSHIP.—Ie (‘o-pnrtno‘rship I 0 existing ht'lWl'cn the suinwribcrs, lms . lwen dissolved tlti“ day by mutual Nunavut.— | We return thanks to our lricuxls nud Uh: puhfic l't'or the hh‘t‘ral support extended to us. pt'ir ! books will be lvlt. M the slure; and we rarnert- Hy rcq‘ttcst. thus; -im‘lcbted to‘ us to Call and ’mnkv iuunedinte pmmeut. as we um desiruus #9 student" b'uainL-sy witlumtulnlny. ALmey-Hu ‘CUQBAX, sous ('um‘. V, Jun. 30, 13M A Card. HE snbxrriher hmim: d'l-po'ed of hi! in- T‘ (cri-sl in ‘lhc Store of Coho!“ k ('nlq lo John S. (‘mu fur-l. [vi-11., rvgmunlly who the cuntinu:\n-~e nf-‘his fricn-l‘ nn-l J-Ilnumrrs ta patronize Ins :ucuessur—whcre Birgnin! may he had. j - JUL‘N UL’LP. Feb. 8, 1868. A 3 , , 3 , Another Change NTIIE HAT AND SHOE IiUSINESR.—A. I Cal-ennuhning nls'ucinlcd with him in business John S. Crawford, u’ho‘purchnnd the in'u-n-at I»! John (‘ulp, wean-runny an nounces loille citizens of (in-lfivahurg nnd the public gemrully, lhnt the business will he can ti'nued an. Ill: Old Stand. on Chamber-«burg street. by A. (UM-lAN & 00., who will con qutly keg-p on hnnd a large stock of Goods, in the line of ._ ‘ _‘ aunt‘s, naTs, CAPS, Tmrxxs, ( ('.\R|‘F§T BAGS. UMBRELLAS, (50., and lhey will allu cuutiuue the Manufacture 01 Shoes. . From tlwir lonsz apt-Hence, in all (he nbnve branches, they flailertllemuelvc: that they can please the «public, and will sell cheAp for c 3531. \ A. COBB \ .\'. . . J. S. CRAWFORD. Doing lnuineu under me name an-Lfirln of A. Cobean & Co. [l-‘eb. 8, 1864. ~Estabhshed 1850. . ‘ OTICE OF REIQVAL. - LAWREXCEr D. DIETZ & 00., respectfully beg leave to notify their ltiendl, customer! nnd the public geucrelly, tint they have removed from No. 15] Franklin street, to the commodiou tour-story Warehouse, l _ NO, 303 BALTIMORE STREET, 5. between Howard and Liberty. where they wgll to; the future conduct the Wholenle Buni neu, solely in ' Hosiery, Trimmi s, - : b‘uruialnixfioodl. ' 2 ' Perfumery, Notions, ' .. , Stationery, _L-ullery, I To; e, th‘kc. to which they invite the Attention of elty end 'connlry purchneerl, feeling confident of their ability to offer inducement; in price: and quality ofGoods. ‘ Order) by mail will receive mompt unen tion. Addren . LAWRENCE D. Dm'z t 00.. 308 Bulliuon ”not, Baltimore March _l4, um. ‘ BemovaL—‘Hn Ware. HE undenignod has removed his ‘l‘lnuing esmblhhment nearér the Diunond, ii hambersbnrgrut, ldjoining A. D. Bach. ler'l Drug Swr a very central location. He continuum manufacturo, and keep. conga“. I: on hand, every "Ariel, or ‘ ' TIN-WARE. 7 P 1117388!) AND ' ”ATARI-ID WARE, ' ‘ and will Almlyl be dy todo REPAIRING ROOFING and SPOUTING A also done in the but mlnncr. Price! moder neLnnd nn‘ elfon spared to render full util leclion. The public'l continued patronage in solicited. _ A. P. BAUGHEB. Gettyuburg, April 7, 1861-. , Removals. HE unflenlgned, being the nythoriud person T to make removal. into Ever Green Cepe‘ Cory, hope: that such an contemphto ‘be removal ofthe rennin: of deceued relatives or kind. will null‘tbemcel'vu of thin let-on away." to hue I: done. Removals man-with prompting" ~term law, Ind 110 won spin-ed to plane. PETER THORN, Much I), ’6O. Keepct of the Cemetery. I ’O7 ' G/g & A /1; ~ / / Mb; MM; 3‘ » .\'TERNATKUXJL CHAIN OF ‘ CU‘IIMERCIAL COLLEGES, H‘Jsublisbt‘d in the following ciliel: , , PHILADELPHIA, _ S. E. (‘urner of Smeuth and Chunut SIL, New York, Brooklyn, Albany, Troy, Provi dence. Portland. Hunford, Burlington, Newark, flouheuer, Buffnlo. Toronto, Cleveland, Detroit. Cuicugo, Mil .‘ winkce and St. Louis. ‘ Thorough theoretical and practical instruc tion in all hnnches pertaining to I finished Business Edfltmn. ' | The DWliphiu College stands firlt in the Mum in‘ point of repntntion, and local (advantages. The point aimed at ls, to plan ‘. (Jommeninl Edncution where it belongs—in i the front rank of‘us-rful instruction. To thin ‘ end. a most thorough course of Engines: truin ing is‘iuloptcd and cart-hilly enforced, under 5 the personal supervision of competent Pro .‘ femurs in the various deputments. The most iperfrcl. system 0! pructicul training ever the l vise-l has br-rn put in operation, and is me ) cessiully curried outnutl‘nrdinjz to students “I -; vantages auch‘n} hnve hitherto been consider r ed possibl‘u’ only in connection with the count linn-house. Alter becoming proficient in the ‘Science of Accounts. Penmnnship, Commu |cizll Culrul itioni and Commercial Law, the . student in advanced to the Practical Depart ment, where he becomes an netrml Book-keep jer n_ud llcrchnnt; passes through |he dilferent ‘llouaés; nets in turn as Teller, Ciuhier, it. ‘lenrns the duties and responnbilitiu of each office, and becomes thoroughly informed, not [only in the forms which are in universal urn, 'hnt in managing the “fair: of buineu wttl‘n 'systgm and despntch. ‘ | beholnrnhipa issued at one point. turn “our“ :tor an unlimited period, ill the eighteen Col leges comprising the “ chain.” ] Diplomasn‘ro awarded to than only who ’ fulfill the preset-med course at stud}, and pun thn requisite examination. 9 For further information send for a ghoul". Address: - BRYANT, STngTTON' l 00., Feb. 8, 1364. 1y ' I'lxilndelphiL I 02’6‘1'72 e—SE/g/Zeyé N E. Corner Tenth nml ('hunut Slrum, .' |’llH.ADl-‘.l;|'Hl.\, ‘ uxnxu 'ruu Inuuauxr or . L. FA 1 ll 8 .\ N KS.l\. 3L, for the inst Inn: fen“ l'rincuml nml-rim! hu aincss umnuucr o! 1510;“! .t Snun’ux'l Uom~ men-L3l ('ullcgc. _ ‘ . A .\lumzL nrsxxnss mhumn, Cunducledmn n new synlvm affirm] Bunimu Trnininu. lhmugh th‘ «~51 Ihhqhmum of [agin r'mle (Mficl-iuulid Humming-Hunter, "pro-rut in‘; «I‘l‘lfl'er-Mfifidqpulzlm-ms uh‘l‘rn-lc and 1‘0“!- umrce, and {\“n-fiulnr lhmk of Dr'pmn and h sue. gn'ing Illc slum-m. all 'be udnnugu ul nclunl ppclice, and qn‘lifi‘um him iI 111. shunt-M puuihlu lime nn-l mos! efTeflive lull un' fur the mr‘iaus dunes and emfi'luymuu cl bu-intM hfc. ' ‘ Th 6 (‘uurfi' nFim'ruclinn in the Thmrctiul rlrh u-tmcnl c-mhrncri Hunk-\kocping. ('omm‘r (~i.ul ('nlcylnlinul, Lectures un flannel: Afl'nrv, Prmnzuuhip, Unnmcrdal Law, Forms, Cum. pond-11cc, kc. ' _ , IT: [he ' I3I'SIVE§S DH! .URTMEVT \ llwsmd—nl unzcraupun.’ [_irédtuling Pour", \\lucll'inrlu-les a um], 17mm- in [he nhuvu xludic‘. \\ith [heir prac‘fical app n-ntiun In I” lhl-ir dulzllli. He \\‘iH' iu lu’rn fill the pn-xllon uf Amounmnt nnvl Hupricxm in the mriaru DrymrlmL-nls n! \\‘hulvmlr nml Rolnil Trmlo, Funvnqlnlu. Jobbing nml ('nmi‘nii-inn‘ Brui nv-s. Bfiuking. .\lnuuhwturine, .\lluing, Slum hauling: kc , and final]; will nl'l 111 ('uhior‘, Hook-kcqler nml 'l'cllor in HIP Hank. it; cull of which purifiium ,hls prnium knoflcdgo will be put to flu: I'uHußl. prnrlxcnl luv. This Institution offer: to _l‘onm: um) num'r on: "drawing“ um. ppzsem-fl by any otfior ("mun-min] unlit-gt- in the Slat». It in com plete mu” in nppuintmrnu II is lho only lmululiun in 1‘”: Sinu- conducted on It'lllll hHlilll‘Sa prim-mica. The coursr of mums.- limris unsurpns-c-l, und may he sample-101l in nlmut 0w: I) II! 1111- time "In My lpflll 11l other imtzluim u. ir cnnsdqurmyc of :m ("11'va m 1 urnwg w m. nml the Idupllunl of tho new ~|lrnclil nl gnu-nu. ~ Diplupms mvnrulmi Iz‘ponrlhomcompluinl of the Cnnixm-ru-inl ('nurnr. n lich ambrucelull ”rep: the higuei- sets or Bmxung, lhnufmtur ing. R ulroadm':~ .\'c. . ' maul fur u ('lu'lllill'. ‘ Feb. X, Hut. lum «j \ Pogtabl'e Priu'cmg Offices. I ‘ , » « ‘ 'l. ‘ul Fin the mo, of \ . ‘i‘ Morrhnnlthug. g . “, _ ms“. and all Dnamu.‘ IN N; ' and pron-anion]! ml -4:. , '.‘dl § 5-0- “hu whh 5.” Jo {hair .3 "“ ‘ ‘ ”’2 mm priming, neatly '. ‘ ‘_‘ ‘ .\nd' rhvhply. Adsp. - ’7" - ’/ led to I'hc printing of “ hibdbifli, billheadl, rircul:r:, lam-la, mrnlq and sum}! newspnpvrl. Full instruutmm :u-cmnp mying each offiro on .nhling A boy ten year: old tc work lhem mo wersmlly. "irculdrs sent frecu Speuimcn shu-cls of'l‘g pt, Cull, (so, 6 Ch)”. Address ADAMS" PRESS (30., 31 Purkllow, .\'. Y., and 33 Lincoln "reel, . ' - Boston, Mun. Jnnunry 25, 1864. 1y: . F I S II ' S .i _ ~ Lamp Heaitmg Apparatus. BOILING—FRY \XG—STI-HVIXG—STSEP. [.\‘G—Wl Us THE FLAME THAT LIGHTS Tlll-l ROUM. . ‘'_ fifly the flame of hummon _lnmp. at the cost of n eent's Worth of oil, is re}, cnmfortn ble breakfast can be cooki—X.’ Y. Tnhmu. '5 WSimplc in construction; rnsily kept in orde'r, rend! lor use inin moment, conveniont 7 II have on hanxl.——Druygm’i~Circular. [Q‘Fish's Lamp is one of the most pnpulnr novelties of tin; day. The utility of it is un questionoblem great saving is inside in heating and coolingsmlli Articles, Ind can be nude in c'ooir'menls vor it grenumny persons, wl.ich is actually done on the" Ambulance cars which con; the sick loidlefi.—S€i¢nllfic Amm'con. , ’ fli’or fumily use, hospital tent, bn’rrncks, ‘ picnics, fishing, nursery, or 91" ch room, it Is In Article of comfort beyond all proportion to it: ‘ cosh—llama Journal 0] 11mm. _ 38‘! have tried the nppnrrns,nnd my wifo - and Iproqhsim the some a most rulunhig nod indispensable article, and we now wonfler now we could lmre so long done without it.——L'd. 0061 Oil Circuit". ‘ § ' fi'An economical contriuuce {or getting un‘hent at short nation for nursery and poem!) household purposes. One imporunt point is the suing in cost over coll fiat—N. I'. 5: ing I’osl. ‘ > 3 ABS. I It. : vnl on ”“033 PRO)! TWO TOBll DOLI CAPACITY nml on I'o rocl 9W run: Anxcul coonn n on 11’ ‘ mun. Arranged for Khroienc or Cos! Oil, or G”. A Dencriptive Pamphlet of thirty pugea furn ilhed 3min. Alw, ' ‘ THE UNION ATTACHMENT, Price. 50 Cents. * To be stitched to A common Kerouac Lump or On Burner. by which Water may be Boiled; and Food Cooked; 1110 ur ‘ ranged. to support. a shade. _ EVERY FAMILX NEEDS ONE. ”Anna Wnnxed. WILLIAM D. RUSSEL, Agent, . ' No. 206 Purl St.,New York. April 11,13“. Sm - ‘ Btill.a.t Work. HE uudenlgnod‘continucu the , CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, in all it: bnnchu, aphia old uund, in Eu} liddlo street. unysburg. NEW WORK undo to order, Ind a E P A I 31 )3 a done promptly and It love-E pricga. 4 Tyre first-tote SPRING WAGONS “I! V SLEIGB {or uh. JACOB TBOXELP.‘ Dccfl, 1863. h-mI—UEI’NE has “fine“ nuomnell I:prth and Summer Clothing in kmu. . ' ' . @ L A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers