"Th quum‘ug 11m Como."-All over 00 Northern land the “deep-mohthod doll")! Int " have buyed n Volcanic to the hero and :meumn on the peopl'e‘n Demo cntic ticket. that. has made old Earth quake ngnin. The Nntionul uluteof thirtygfonr gum ha: been fired again and tug-in lhrohgh out thousands of Northern towm, md the most unbounded utisfuction Ind enthusi nm prevail among the people everywhere. SPECIAL NOTICES. EDXTOR OF T!!! COMPXLEB (but 81: z—With your permission I wish to My to the reader: or your paper the: I‘m bend, by return ms“, to I” who with it (free). e Recipe, with full direction! for ranking “d niiug I limple Vegetable Bnlm; the: will- ef-n feemnlly remove, in ten days, Pimplu,Blouhel, Ten, Frecklel, and all Impnxiziu or the Skin, 31.?" the nine to", clear, nnoolh and bonn u . ~ I will 1110 mil free to tho” hula: Bald Budge: Bare Faces, simple direction. and Inforn‘nfion that will enable them to mm I full grown: a! Lunrinnt Hnir, Whinken, or I Momuehe. in lesl than thirty dz". All npplicuiom answered by return null without ch-rge. Relpectfullyyourl. . THUS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, , 83] Broudwny, Nay York. Aug. 1, 1864. an: A CARD TO THE SUFFERING Swullow two or three hog-headlor“Buchu," “Tonic Bitten.” “Bampurilin.” “Nervoul An lidotu," kc" in, tc.,’nnd alter you are unis lied will: tile resull, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S ENGLLSH SPECIFIC PlLLS—and be tutored to health 9nd rigor In len than thirty day. They nro purely veg tuhle. plenum ,to take, ’yrumpc and salutary In ‘lheir efl'ects'on the broken-down. and lb“- «rid ccmtimtion. Old and young can lulu them with ndrnulgga. 'lmponed 3nd lolnl in tho United States (gly by ‘ J S. S. BUTLER, No. 427 llrondwny. New York“ B'Agenl lor the Unizvd Suva. P. 8.,.—-A Box ofsglxe Pllln, lecfifbly packed, will be mailed to ,ny Iddreu on receipt of pride, which 1. 0M: DOLLAR, post [mid— lnoney refunded by the Agent. if entire utih fiction in not given. [Aug. 1, ’64.. 3a: - , 4.0.» - - DO WISH TO BE cvnsm Dl}. BUCHAC' ENGLISH SNCIFICI’ILLS eure, iIHFM than 30 dn; 1, the wont curl of NKIWUI'SNESS, lmpolcncy, Premature Decay, Seminal Wt-aknell, lnsn’nivy, and all Urinary, Semll and Nan on: Aa'culions, no mallorlrom w! M canine pruxlucrd. l'ric/e‘LUne Dollar per box. Sent, {lust-paid, by mnil,'on rezripl of In order. ch Hflx “ill pcrfed the rule in mull. cues. Addrrn J ' JAMES S. Bl") LEE, ‘ Gencrnl Agent. 427 Bruuduny, .\'cw York Aug. l, mu. 3m ”1:53:12; MARKETS. GHH‘YSHURU4—Snéhnn LAST. ......... 9 00 101 l 00 .......... -9 00 ......... 2.40 to 2 50 "..‘"... 2 20 to 2 40 1 60 l 50 Flour R 52 F10ur.................... \\‘hile \thu1............... Red When...£.............. gorn (Ji11..‘...;£....... Buckwhut. .....h11.... Clover Seed Timothy 5ced.............. “I! 5ti1i.................... )‘lul'r of Purim... Pinter ground, pei‘ hug BA LT! .\l U REL—Fun)” LAP? “our” When.................... n, c......‘.. ......... .....‘ Cnrn..........‘............. ole ... Glover 5eed............. Timothy mei:......... Bee! Un'llr. per hum! "of" pzr huud..‘...... \\‘hi-key . Unsnn. Peruvian, per tun 3302 E-X; CM lh: [st inst. at the rcri‘lvnce n! lhc bride's pure m, by Rl"’.\V.lL}l.l)¢_fl‘fifll, \lr, ISAAC N. DUHBURAW to .\lvs's MARGARET H. (_‘ONOVHR, bulk or .\luunljuy township, this coumy. 0n the 3(th nih, by Rev. A. Rash-k, Mr. BLIJAH N. HUL‘FHAK to Miss HANNAH M. BOLMXGER, holh 01 Ad Ims cuumy. ' oh")3nnd'y.lu<t: Iry Rev. J. A. Bull, Mr. JOHN MUSE“ to His-s SARAH BUTT, both of l-‘uirfield. On We mm um, by Rev. Jacob Fry, Mr. HENRY 1". 141131115, 0! Adnms county, to Miss dIARHII—Z'T MEALS, of South Middleton Lu p., (‘umberhnnd county. In St. James ’Luthqnn'Cburch, on lhe 4th hut. b) R v. Jaculf- Fry, Mr. JAMES “c6OB. lifiAL‘lo is: AIEIVA'H. GEORGE, both of Gun}- urg. ; ‘ I ' 13112533. 5 ' ”Chit-In} nutices 3 cents per line ,for all over [our lines—nub to ict‘ompuu” notice. 0n Weduepdny morning Inst, in this plane, “in CARRIE E , dlughner of Samuel l-‘Ahnc mock, deceased. ' ' 0n the 20th («August Immune. SUSANA", wile of Ir. Israel—Brick", of Butlcg towntship, nged 27 yeagé 6 mouths and 8 dnya.‘ In Slower General Hospital, l'uilm, SOLO IUN STEINOUR, aged 19 yen-s ll moulhsaud a duys. He was I'oupdod in battle, and had undergone e second amputation of the right. arm,’ from the efl'ecta of which he died. He belauged to the Hub BegL. Buttery D, M Arum-q. ' _ .0n the 25:». am, GEORGE JOSEPH, in fant lan 0‘? George and Hugues Muster, aged 8 month. And 3 days. On the 2.581: inn. near this place, Mr]. N’AN; CY BU [Legal 53 years 7 months and 7 days. At Wnynesboro’, on Tuesday ybek, Ind-len- I], Dr. JAMES BROTHEBTON,.&Z, in the 43d yen of his use. On Sunday morning week, MARY, dlnghter of It. Jeeob mm, or thin place, nged shout 2 I'm Ofithe 3d 11"., EIIMA J. KITZMILLER‘ of. 0:30:34 wwnxhip, Azefl'l year-8 month: end 95‘ ya. .- 0n the 13m “Quinn? G. MELBOBN, at Oxford townlhip, Aged 1 year: 11 months end ’0 due. 0:: the 20m nlt., WILLIE F. MEL HORN, of filmed township, aged [year 8 months and 8 up. , . Confifiunlcnted 0n the 22d uIL, JOHN FLIOR ELLS WORTH, used 3 numb: Ind 14 days, lon of Dale! H. Ind Hannah L. mingle, of Cumber 115d township. . Weep got for little Johnny, . Hi; gentle lpirit’u fled 1t sweep, deep: with Jesus, Among the nilenv. dead. _Shod not n tear of nonow, Around his silent tomb; _ -é!h‘nk what. tlovely flower ' Yon hue in heaven m bloom. _ Estray Calves. AME to the premises of the subscriber. in Freedom '.ownahip, shot“ the In: of Ang. II», 3 SPRING CALVES, two bull; end on. Imm; one orthe bulls has n sump around hi neck. The owner is requested w ptove pro genymny- charges, and take them away. ’ GEORGE ‘SPANGLER. ‘ Sept. 5, 1864. 31* At Private Sale. 38 Inge THREE-STORY BRICK WARE-’ 1‘ HOUSE it. Hey Oxford, (10 miles mm of «yum-3,) with Swiich and It Acru o! flpud attached. Thp ground lies on both 'in. of the him“ with? sand in one of j. in the count . PP No a” b” C. F.’WI.\’TER, York} PL, or J. BASTBESS, New Oxford. :3. ‘5, 1364. an _ ‘ Hay! Hay) ll "Marika, figent for YOUNG t STEIN, x of Humor", gin: notice to the Runner: 0! “gay; tint. ho is tudy Ind now pro ng.“ you a BAY,“ hi: puking ambush neat m mg corner of Wallis-non and Railroad man, (kingpin-g, tut; win pg; um hi he“ price to: me naut- H. o‘2. Sept. 5, In“ a! ‘ ‘ N MONDAY, the 19th (by of SEPT“- 0 BER inn, tho Inbccriber, Kxnntfix of the In: will 9nd testament of Dsniel S. Lynch, dCCEISrd, will sell at Publi' Sale, At the Int‘e ruideuce of said decedent, in Mountplcu-nt township. on the Hanover Ind Gettylburg road, nu: Miller‘s store, the followlng personal property, \iz : l HORSE. 2 Gown, 2 Hogs, One-horn anon nml Lnddery, doubln let or Human, neuly nun! net of But}, Harneu. Hum Gun, Plough: nndflurmu, Saddle Ind Bridle, Win nowing Hill, Cutting Box, Wheel-barrow. Double Ind Single-trees, Chniu, Gtindntone, Shovels, Parka, u; aho, Homebold and Kitchen-Furniture, ‘nuch u Tnblu, Chain, Cooking Stove and Ptpe, Ten-plug Stove, Clock, Bedatudl Ind Bedding, Carpeting, Lard Cum, Crockery-VI", Tin-Ill’er Ind a grout nun; other uticlel, too numerous to mention. 4 8-8312 to commence It 1 o'clock, P. it, an «id dny. when ntundlnco will be given and terml'mmde known by ELIZABETH 11. LYNCH, Sept. 5, 1884. u" Execntrix. ‘l‘ PUBLIC SAUL—On TUESDAY, the A 4th dnyMOCTUBEB next, the subscriber will olfer at. Public Snle, on the premises, HIS FA_RSI, nitunte about 4 mile. north of Genylburg, on the old Culiile foul, contain ing 86 Acres Ind 80 Perches o! Puented Land, with luficlent timber and the heel. of meudow, ndjoiuing lands ofJoeeph Bailey, Philip Beumer, llenry William, and elbow. The improvements Are a Two-story Log HOUSE, Double Burn, purl. log'pln frame and wenlherboard ed. Wagon Shed and Com Crib attached, Smoke House, \\‘Ash House. and olher out.- buildlngs; a well ofgnod water ac the door of the dwelling; in good Apple Orchard, will: I. vnrlegy of Other fruit. ' ml‘ersons wishing to View the property Ire reqmsted to call Owens Shrile:,res:ding thereon, or on the up“ mu, m. Abbomtown. fi'Snle m'cornmence at l o'clock, P. M., on snid day, wtgpn “nominee will be given Ind terms mn‘de knpw’n by . ' , Mess}: woman. AJV. Flemming, Auctioneer. Sept. 5, 1864. u Pubhc Sale. ~ N TI'ESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27, 1364, the Q undersigned,(fdmininralors of the estate 0 Eli Chonmer, ale of Latimoro township. Adams dounty, decansed, by n'rwe ornn Order of the Orphuu'u Court. of Adam county. will yell :1. Public Snlc, on the premises, about 11. qunrler oi a mile from Brngtown, and five mil‘es from Berlin, on [he public road leading from Berlin lo Dillsburg, the following Real l-qule, viz: - .\'o. l-—A TRACT OF LAND, containing: 26 Acres, more or hss. hnvmg thereon erected I a Two—Mow Wentherbourdcd HOUSE. Frame Burn,~nnd, other oulvbuud'ngs, adjuiuinglnnds of s': (‘ornelius linker, Grorge Euders, Ind G-orge better. There is n uevenmlmg Spring 0! Water mm! the door. Also, an Ur clmrd 0! choice Iruir. trees. .\'o 2.—-A TRM‘T OF LAND. contnining 4 Acres, more In less, udjoiifing No.l. Both the nbmc described trucks are in good farming order and under good fences. This prnpcrly 1: conveniently shunted as to Schools, Mxlls, Sluh’s, u. WA ny person wishing to View the prop".- ty will cull on the WMow oflhc dcécased, re siding on .\'u. l, or the undersigned, residing In Washington township, York cnun‘cy. - ”Sale to commence at. 1 o‘clock. P. .\I , on Enid day, when ullL'ndunce' will be given 11an terms made kuou'n by ‘ 6 00 I‘6 50 3 50 (0 400 I 50 to 2 75 H 51) 175 ' DANIEL CHRONXSTER, .bAML‘b‘L leu,‘ Sept. 5, 18734. I: Administrators “.11 62 ml) 25 ... 2 70 lo 2 30 X 70 m 1'75 l 67 to I 89 77 \o 90 7 25 to 'I 50 ... 3 NM) 3 'l5 G 00 1.011) bl) ...15 00 1017 5-0 ...30 ()0 W 35 00 18;w'187 ... 60 {.O .OF PARTNERSHHR—Xmice is hen-by given zlnu the Go-[mrtnership unsung under the firm, name and style of Nurbexk & Mullin,in hereby dissolved my mutual vousent. Wm, J. Martin WI” coummc the business at (lu- old smud. JAL‘HD NUHbEUK, Supt. 1,1804. \§ .\l. J. MARTIN. ‘ In! All persons knowing :hL-mulvcs in— debted to the above firm “'1“ plcusc NH and m-ule soon. as we are dusiwu: of hnvmg my books dosed immedixtely. . bjcpz. 3, .564. 4:. i ’ Y HE Din-clots of GETTYSBURG SCHOOL 1? DISTRIQ‘T desireto employ n Mule Teach er, to whom I: salary a! s3s'per nlomh m” be paid. The position is now vacant, and the Schools “ill continua open to the 191 of June next. ’ lgnmedinu- application cam be made to either of the undersigned. T. D..CA_RSO.\’, Pres’t D‘ A. Dunn, Sec'y. ' 1 Sept. 6,1864. 2!. ”Sentinel & Shu- copy. HE School Directors of Tyrone [ownship T will meet at the School fluuae, in Heid lgrsburg,‘ on SATURDAY, the 24m dny of SEPTEM-Hfllt next, all} o'clovk, P. .\l.‘ to em ploy 'lcachcri. Applic.|nts should apply im mtdinlely by caning on pay of the Lineman.- By order 0! xhe Board, SAMUEL THOMAS, Pres't. Dunn. Dun, Sec'y. Sept. .5, \864. 4d CHARLES M. STIEFF, . ‘ nucncrcun or A GRAND Img SQUARE PIANO Foams.‘ Manufactory I‘o3, 105 A: 107 Franklin streel Wareroum, No. 7 North Liberty stre'e. ‘ Constantly a .large number of HANDS of my own Manufacture on hand, With the Full Iron Frame und Oi'er-‘strung. Every Instru ment wnrrunled for five yen-s, with the privi lege of exclmnge wirhin twelve'moulbs ifrflot entirely satisfacmry. fi-‘Second-bsnd Piano: shun on hum! at prices from $5O to $2OO. - Bullin‘nore, Sept. 5, 1864. 1] 3111* Notice. ESSE JOHNSON'S ESTATE.-Le(terg of tdmin‘ystmlion on the ' esme‘ of Jug; ohnsou. late of Intimate townshipJ Adums' county. deceued, having breu g nnlcd‘lo the .nnder‘igncd, residing in Huntingtn township, he hereby given riotice to all persons indebted to ma estate go make immediate plymenl, and those having claiml against the slme to pre lenl them properly Suthenncuted for antle ment. WI, B. GARDNER, Adm’r. Aug. 29,1i64. a; . . ARE to me premises oftho sublcriber, one mile Mid : half north of New Oxford, Adsml county. on the 28m inan, l' ROAN HEH‘HR, with short horns, and About. ”year old. The owner in requested to prove proper ty, pa; charges, and take he: may. LYDIA EEAGY. Aug. 19, 1884. an ‘ ANIEL SNYDER’S ESTATE—Letter: of D Idminietruion on the estate 01 Daniel Snyder, me of Hnmfltqnbnn township, Adams county, deceased, Inning been granted to the undersigned, residing in Wayne'eborn'. Freak. linpeounty, Pm, be hereby giVee notice to I“ persons indebted to “lid estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims 50in“ the lamb to present them properly, authenticated for settlement. \ , Aug. 22,. 1865., 6: LLEN 3L STONESIFER’S ESTATE—Let ters otndminiltrnlion on the ante ofEllen M. Stonesifer, late of Germ-try twp., Adam. county, deemed, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the sum township, they herehy give notice to all persona indebted :9 Mil cum: to nuke immediau plymem, and fighse having claims Against the sun: to present them properly nutmntirated for nettle ment.‘ ~ AMOS STONESIFER‘ !SAAC T. STUNESIFER. July 25, 1864. 60.. Administrator! , ARIIAGE WHIPS AND LASERS, good And chap, for an by ROW 1 WOODS. ‘ US’l‘ 'vod u YIOUNG’S 31M 11l J Ema. Steamy. don. on a" if Public Sale. Small Fatm •Dissoluti(kt Teacher Wanted. Teachers Wanted. Piano Fortes. Estray Heifer. Notice. D. B. RUSSELL,‘Adm'r Notice. : Sherflf’s Sale. ~ Valuable Real Estate S pursuance of sundry writ: of Venditloni. . 'l‘ PUBLIC SALE.-—-On ATL’RDAY, tho l 1 l-pruu:u.issned out orthe Court of Corg- 171!) III; at SEPTEMB next} in puma. llnon Hen of Admin county, Pu”. and 16 {maniac of In ord“ of the rphnu’l Cmm of idurertad, will be txposed Ln Public Sale. u Adlml county, the undersigned. Adminiatn ’the Court House, in Gettysburg, on SATL‘R- ton oHI-e cgwlc of Andrew Brougb, late of :IHY, the 24:11 diy of SEPTEMBER fiexfat lie-ding lownnhip. Adam: count), deceased. l 1 o'clock, P. 11., the following described Ru! will ofl'er 1: Public S..le, on the premises, Hut 1 Estau, v3l: vslulble , ,- .\o. 1.-—~.\ TRACT OF LAND, litnnte in Lntimore township, Adam: county, Pm, ml joining land! of Alfred Miller, Juhn Wallord, Ind David (ludner, and the public road lead ing irom Petereburg to terlin, 2 miles irum Peteraburg end Q mile from York Springs, con taining 12 Acree, more or less, having thereon erected nTwo—slory Roughcnst HOUSE, ;- with cell-r under it, I good Wenther-. boarded Bern, with Shede hunched.— There in also on the tnct n youngprchnrd of choice fruit treu, kc. ‘ No. z.—A TRACT OF LAND, situate in the same township, ndjoining lends of John Wol lord, Dnvid 8. Bnle- end J. C. Pennington, containing 33 Aerel, more or lean—about l} ncres heing in timber, the halence {um land, under fence. Belted end teken in execution u the property of Full“: Ilun. . ALSO, - A TBAQT OF LAND, littinle in Reading township, Adlml county, P 3,, about 2 miles from Hampton,ndjoining lnndl of Daniel Myers, Elijnh Hyen,John Bnker, end otheu, contain ing_2l Acre: end 97 Perched, About 1; acre: being meadow—gimprovcd with I Two» ,-.._, Itory Log Duelling HOUSE. cued with. brick, I one-Itory Kitchen nttnched, Lag Bern, n well of water near the dwelling and I spring on the tract, with fruit treei, kc. S~lzed and taken in execution u the proper_ty of Cniunin Non nml Annnnl .\'olL. , ALSO, A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Butler ‘ township, Adnme county. Pau on the public road leading from the .\iennllJn road to Hun- f terstown, adjoining land; of Samuel Diehl, Christi-n Hollinger. John llcllhenny's heirs,‘ nnd others, containing 23 Acres, more or less, improved with I Two-story Frnnie ..., \Vutherbonrded Home, 3 one-story. Frnme Wenthtrbonrdcd Kitchen et~ inched, with cellar under laid home, A Stable, , ling l’en, well of car near the door of the dwelling, InniApple 'Urchurd and o‘ther‘ fruit trees on the tract, kc. ' Seized and taken in execution a the properly of Jun: Du, of} Wm. ‘ - " , ‘ ALSO, A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Mennllcn ~towu|hip, Adams county. l'u... adjoining land: of Salmon Benmer. l‘hilip Reamer, Daniel McDannel. Valentine BenmerJncob Schlosser, and _Jacob Orner, coutmniug 26 Acres, more or less,improved with n'l‘wo slol’y Log '. .: HOUSE, wuh cellar under it, n Shoc~ fin: maker Shop, with Wash House Mtnch ed, Dry House, 3 well of water near the door, also A Double» Log Ba'rn, wnh She-ls Il_t'nch6d, Hog Pen, two young'Orclmrds With a variety of cholée fruit, Jsc. Seized gmd taken in me cutlon u the property at Gsoncn 11. Fun, with u‘o‘zice to‘llnun' Fun, l'erre lennnt. ADAM REBlill‘l‘. chum“. Slxerifl": office, Gettysburg, Aug. 29, ’u4. w'l‘L-n per cent. of the purclmse money upon all gnlcs by the Shenfi'musl. be puM over iminvcdimoly afici- lbe property is struck down at upon failure to comply thcrcmlh lhepruper ty ml] be again p‘ut. up lorr snlr. Valuable Real Estate T PUBLIC SALE—On SA‘IURDAY, the ‘A 24th dayol SEPTEMBER nut. in pursu ance of an own of the Orphan"! Uuurz 0! Adam: county, mil be ofl'ertd nt Public Snlr, on the premises, the ”Al «state of Francis Felixv ducased consisting of A TRACT U!" I'ATEN'I‘I.D LAND. sitinte in Oxford township, Adams county, (.unlniall'lg 48 Acre:,more or 10:31. adjninixrg lan-ls ofJohn Knlnuncub Siuith, Niénom Link nmlothors. The improvements are‘ a'l'n'o-stm-y - _ Lug \\‘cntherbonrdcd I)“ clling 2 ‘ HOUSE. One-story Smut- KItCiH‘H; § -5 nn Out-house of Stone, including.“ - ‘l‘ Kitchen, Smoke llunsc, Dry llmne, hr Inc Bunk Barn. Wagon Shed .ui-l ('orn t‘r.|- ntuvh ed. a chet‘l'niling Spring: of \mtur near the duor. A large On Imm, cunnumng n \mSety nt‘ fruit trees;‘n, suffic'ent-y nt ginnl iunlu'r, nls‘ of magnetic nmnluw. Thel-nd is m n guod state of cultivation, hnring hoe“ thoroughly limed. The property lu-s south 0." )rw 0h find, and within |c~s than a nnlc of that plach @l’ersons tlvsirom nt‘ vie wme lho- proper ty hetore the day at'snlc, wiJ mil on .\ntliunj Felix, residing thereon, or on the subsmucr,’ li\inz ueJr Bonmlghtnm). _ WSnle to commence at l_o'cluck. P. .\1.,: on said day, when nmn-tnnce will be ghen Ind lcrml mud: known by If ‘ V JUIIX FELIX, Ailm‘r. By the Cnurt—JJ. Fink, Clerk. ‘ Aug. 22, 1864. u ‘ Real Estate « ' 'l' PUBLIC SALE—U" SATURDAY, the A_ lst day of OCTOBER next. In purmnuue ofnnthority given in tho i‘lSl Will and testa ment 0! John Jacob Kcrlnuv' r, dccrnced, will be ofi‘ercd at Public Sale, on the premises. the Real Estnte of aid deceased. consisting of A l-‘ARll,siluale in CumhL-rhtnd llltd Free dom townships. containing 16l Acres, more or less, ofl’utented Land, adj-fining lands 0! Clpt. Robert )ichldy, John Big ham, George Weikert, and olhen. The improvemenlsiren 'l‘wo-a'lory Log HOUSE, Lo; Burn. with Slit-dz 11l around it, Corn Crib. £10.; a net-emailing well of wMi-r.near the door. There is nn Orchlrd tn the place. About 60 acres are well let in timber and about 30 m meadow. The [roperty will be, sold entire, or in lot: to ruit bidders. Persons desirous of viewing the proputy will call upon Andrew Kecfnuver. residing oh the plmr, or upon theanbscnber, residing in Mounljoy township, nenr Homer's Mill. .fi‘sde to clmmence a: 1 o'clock, P. M , on snir.‘ day, when attendance will be given and terms mad. known by JACOB KEEFAUVER, « Aug. 22,1864. u , Executor: v A Small Farm ‘ 'l' PUBLIC ~SALE.--0n MONDAY, the A 19th day at SEPTEDHIER next, by virtue of an Order of the Orpheu’e Court of Adam county, the underaignbd, Ad mini-tutor of th: estate of Jacob Greenholtz, deceased, will oflcr at Public Sale, on the premises, the following Real Estate, wit: a, A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Germany township. Adams county, Pe., adjoining lands 0! Sylvester Earner, Edward Fisher and John A. Wolf": heirs, containing 23 Acres end 122 Pérchee, more or leer, obout 2 acres ofit in timber. The land is under good cultivation And good feneing. The improve- . meat! are a. one end 3 half story Log Dwelling HQUSE, vith Stone KitchenLA Bern, rSmoke _House, aid an excellent well of water near the door at the dwelling ; eleo. a thriving Orchard. with all kind: 0! fruit. The tract is located, on the road lending from the Gettysburg turnpike to Morgan's Eli“. ‘ ' l ”Persons wishing to view the property are requeeted to call On John Steer, reeid' thereon, or on the Administrator, reeidjm ~ the Teneytown road, one mile trom Little:- ‘ town. S‘s-lo to commence M 1* o'clock, P. 31., on said anthhen unendnncc will be given and tenn- made known by PETER J. GREENHOL'I‘Z, Adm'r. By the Court-J. J. Fink, Clerk. Aug. 29, 18“. a V Hausa and Lot. 1‘ PUBLIC SALE.—-On WEDNESDAYJhe Nth day of SEPTEMBER next, in par; nuance of In Order of the Orphzn’l Court of‘ Aden: county, the subscriber, Administrator of Cuthuine Elliott. decealed, will ofl'er It fnblic Sele, on the premises, 4; LOT or GROUND, in Hampton. Rend ing township, Adams county, Pl., 2‘ 5 .1: on which are erected a Two- ..-:-” ' . story Log Roughcnst HOUSE, and w W Log Stable. Arell of excellent .13.; ' water, fruit trees, &c., on the premises. WPereons wishing to view the property, before the day of sale. will be shown the same by Marie. Elliott, residing thereon. fi‘Sal'e to commence at 1 o'clock, P. I, on laid any, when nttendenee will be given and term: mule known by ROBERT M. ELLIOTT, Adm’r. By the Court—J. J. Fink, Clerk. Aug. 22, 1864. 'u CUTIE!!! PICKLES, 3 him. lake“: (9 I ”din-unfit. .inprcuo or ’.mnrmscu’sf TRACT OF LAND. Intel] occupied by said decayed, situated about one mile north of Hampton, on the oldjlen-llen rundxontaining 114 Acrel, more or less, with unflicient Timber and Mendow—hdjoining l-nén ol Andrew Brough, Jr., heir. ofJamel Ton-Mend, dec'd.. Jacob Miller, And other). The tuct is we): Irnlrred by a man :trenm pulsing through it, And A number of spring: in the field]. The improv’emenu are n Two-nor, RonghrfisllmCSE,wilh Buck-building, Rink Burn, Wagon ,Shed Ind Corn Crib, llld‘Olhcr uuhhnudmgs; two good wella of water, one at the House Ind. one nt the Barn. with pump: in them; with an Apple Ind Peach Orchard, and other trait.— Thxa Fur i: hundsomoly situated, nml in o! the Grange Soil. It will he oflered pvhrle or in seven! pnrll, a! may best suit pinching", Alia, A TRACT OF WOODLAND, ulljumi-ig the above, And lnnds of Jacob Smith, Jacob Miller, Ind others, contnining 3 Ben! and 56 ‘ perches. fil’ersons wishing to View the prpperty are reqursted to call on either of the Adlninil-‘ tmton, the first nnmrd residing in Intimate, tuwnz-h‘rp and the lust in Geltvsburg. -( 8.5.1]? to minimum: It I o'a-lock, .N.. am laid day, when attend-nee will be gi en nnd' (arms make known by ' ‘10"! fl. MYERS, JERESEAII Dll-IliL, . Admlnislrlllofl. ‘ By the Colfrt—J. J. Fink, Clerk. Aug. 22, 1864.’ to A Valuable Farm. O R SA L E.—The whscriher ofi'erl M F prirnte lcllu, his FARM, situated in Carroll county, Md“ 2 miles from Littleutown, adjoining lands of Augustus Earner, deceuu-d,‘ George Rmedoilnr, Morgan's Mill property, (formerly, Arngld’.,) and others. containing 702 ACRES, about 8 sues of which are good timber, nml a duc‘proporliou ol meadow.“ The soil is red sand, nml hna been ltmed all over the second time; under good fencing. There are nbout 90 panel: ~of board fence. Piney creek runs through the tract. The fit-Ids nre laid otf convwiently, so that cattle can be left .to water without A driver: The -' imprmczuents are lone and n half “my LOG HOUSE. Bunk Burn, I \\‘ngon Shed. Corn Crib. large. ._ Sltedlior cattle and hnr,.Cnrriitge llcuse, Hog House, Smuku nml Wrtsh Home, Spring House, with w neverfitlling well of water 'tvith & pump in it, nndn spring of water close to the buildings; a gaunt Urthnrd with fruit trees of all kimi‘s. It is in every respect a must (lg-Sim bl'e property. a . 333““ nnt sold thOIC SATI’RI‘A Y, the 17th day qt" SEI’TE'JMIH‘JL next, the Farm will on tlmt "day be olfe-ud at public outcry, ut. 1 o’clock, P. .\l. 9 _ Wl’crso-m _'*}b.ing to View the property nre reque~Letl 14:3.“ ud the subauibcr, n-suj. in; lllL'N'On. _ 11. U. HbAUY Aug. 2!, X 864. (5 ‘ Notice of Inquest. TOTICI-I is lurelny gnu-n to all thehcirs h and legal ropresenlutiycs of JOHN llL’Clllfill, lane of Frnnlxlm township. Adams county, u’ecmduxl. viz: h'umn liucln r, his mid ow, nml the lollowing lJl‘DlllCl'Sflllld sisters and daughter ofuiere.u_~ml brother: Elimhcth, in !e-rmnrried \\‘llh Samuel Mummcrr; Nanny, in !rrm-mitd wiih Joseph Bear : ,Snmhjmemmr ricd with [)uvill Hump: lLlvid llurh‘er; Lena, interuudrn-xl with lhxuiel .\l‘icl‘letl ; (Ln-l .\lnrlu; (ml) sunhing daughter ofllc-nry Buchor, a hrOlll'T, IlCCl‘flFl‘d. inurnmrrlcll “ith Admn ”rum—lll“ .m l‘le'lis'l‘ \\i‘l IN I Bid on Full l).\\" the Nth“) t‘ny 0! Mil 'l‘lflilll‘llc wat. M the hue resénll-nu- ol sunl d-cuurvl. on. ll):- R0..l L’qnw ml 9 viul nicutlwfit. \ i/.: A Tract, Uf Lind. sulualv' in l‘rmlxlm lom.sh p. Adams u-unl}. I'm, u"; mling land-.1”llLIurlliculoy, [twirl 11l i~_-(--‘. llnmilmn .\'rhx. Daniel Knonw, unl qllmr‘, mmxaxnmg «'0 ANN, more 01 lan: un \\hu h are claw-Lu. (“n-story Luz Hnllii“, Bl wksmilh Sim}. l:.|ru :Infilutllcr mn-hulxdwgs —ln Innkv l’Alll‘l'l'HJN 0! (hr [rtmiwa Marl:- smd to and ill-ILIIFSI the rulfresrnmtivrs t-f mid durum-m, m ~ul_:h u armor and in such propor tiuns In hythe l-ws u: this, Cummmmwth is di run-d. i: snvh p..n;lion can he umde \Vxllmut pnjuduce In or wailing Ihr whulv; but. il'such pquiliun cumm: bu malt! lhcrcolflheu lo rslue nud‘nH-Izti-g the nuns. \ . ' ADAM EEIIERT.FIu-rifl'. ' Slnerifl's Offiz-e, (long-flung, Aug. 22,"6¢. 3t, Register’s Rance. \rOTHTE is lwnLy given-. 10 all‘ Legato“ nnd‘ l . “that porsuns cm_cfi'pcd, tI-M Ih.» Add minlflruliun Accuun's hercuiufler momiuuod' \nll'lhe prvu‘lllc! uf thr urplwn'u Court of .\dauv: I oamy. {or confirmw'tiun and ‘allmvnncef' on TUESDAY, file 2.3 m day of SEPTEMBER, lam, til 10 u'dm-k. .\. \I., \"z: I 61. The guardianship account of Jobfa "wry Myers. Guardian 0! Adam Lenka, of Laliumra township. ' 1 571. The fir»! nml final account of John Burkholder. Adunllislralor 0| Jonas Epple man, deceased. ‘ ' ‘ 72. Tim account; of Henry Kump, Ad ministrator ol' the estate 0! Just-[ah ther. (keenly-11. 73. The first account of Peter J. Grpen lmllz, Administrator of Jacob Greenhollz, late of Germany township, deceased. 7-4. First anfii finnl account of John A. Hofl‘heins, Administrator,“ Rev. E. ”1 Hotlheins, deceased. 75."!‘be account. of Evnnnunl Spangler, Administrator of Susunfnglerhdemed. 76. First nccountof S: )uelunvf Emanuel P.uer, Executors of_Em-.muel Pitzgr, de ceased. ' 77. Pm". and final account of D. A. Bad]- Vler and John Trostle, Executor: of Goo. Tmstle, deceased. ‘ 78. Guardianship accouxic of Amos Lefe ver. Guardin‘n of Etizabelh Biohl and David B. Blah}, minor chixdreu “Abraham Biehl, deceased. A 79. First, and final :cconnt of Willi‘m Culp. Executor of the lust. will and tenta ment ol'Juliam Hoke, deceased. ' 80. The account of Wm. H. Lansinger, Administrator of Jacob Lansihger, de ceased. A ' SAMUEL LILLY, Region-E nagieter's Office, thtyshurg,} ‘ Aug. 22, 1864. hi" ' 109.000 bush. Gram Wanted; | NEW FIRM AT THE - \ OLD WAREHOUSE. “ W.\l. E. BIDDLE 5: CO. would inform the public that they have leaned the Worehoulel on the corne‘r or Summon street and the Rail- , road, in Gettysburg, where they will curry on ‘ the GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in all its branches. The highest price! will nl- 3 . A." be paid for ‘ WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, CLOVER b TIMOTHY SEEDS, FLAXSEED; SUIAC, HAY‘t 31‘me Dri‘ed Fruit, Hull, Soup, Hun, Shoulder-l and Sides, Ppuloel, with everything else in the countty prod nee llne. ~ON HAND, FOR SALE, Colfeel, Sagan, Holnnses, Syrupp,'l‘onl, Spices, Salt, Cheese, Vlnegnr, Soda, Must-rd, Starch, Btoomn, Buckets, mucking, Bmahel, Soups, to. Also COAL' OIL, Fish Oil, Tar, ac;— l-‘ISFI of ell kinds; NAILS ARD SPIEES; 3 Smoking and Chewing Tobnccol. , They are alweya Ible to supply a. first rate uticle of FLOUR, with the dlfl‘erenlrkindl of ‘FEED. S ~ Also, (3110 mm PLASTEB, with (mums and other fertilisers. fi’COAL, by thb bushel, lon. or our loud. , Their Can run he Butimore Ind bask tube a week, and they willbe heppy to any good: either way It. moderate charges. lurketnn, country merchenu, and others, will find it to their Idvanmge to patronize this line. . They ask I nhare ofthepuhlic'n cnuom,end till spare no eflort to render “function to all, uller- or buyers. WSI. E. BIDDLE 8 CO. . Aug. 22, 1864. t! ' ILLINEBY GOODS, 3033!”, Ribbons, Flown", Sink»: tad Benn“ Faun nu received (to. Now, Yotk. chap u Pub-- utooh', the out»! .' BED FROST. <i. ‘ _ l ‘ Superintendent’s Notice. I U. 8. 7-30 Loan. - Dyspepsia. WILL enmine Teachen 11. the following l 1 - I J lumen times and Mecca, to wit : ‘l T fifecresnryff. the Trelihnbry “9‘3“ CUR} WARRANT”), erwick hor.,Ahbott<tuwn, Sept. 5,9%. In. ' '". “"”'?" '" . ' "“'" or Berwiuk tp., Elder‘l 8. IL. Sept. 5, 2 p. In. ECOIIpon Treasury Notes, payable three year! ” gflmf'lh' (legord,hS£pLg,; I‘ll. 6’- {tron Aué.,lsth, load, with unal-énnnl inter .gun p ennnn , "l 5 nu . ...‘ pt. , p. m. l ..‘ II we r“. of n". and three-tenth ' I 111. A content plln ornnmluu M 11. N ‘1’?““3.” lfnttleslown, Sept. 7' 99' m. (‘1‘!!! per Innnm rlnci I] end intern: bzth of the Itomwh. \ ‘ P Lnton. bchxhlt e 8 EL. Sept. 1, 2 p. n. l ' V t.’ p , 3d. Flltulence Ind Aeldlty. Conowngo. yeSherrg-stun n, Sept. 5, an. m. ,to be P.” .1: '"'{lil DOI'I- ‘ 3d. Coltireneu and Lou ot' Anpetltet grec-t‘lonlt, “‘in-312 s 53. ”1:82p!“ 3.1% .§ In. These notes will be convertlhlo ntthe option 4th. Gloom‘nnd Dep‘roulon of'Splrltl. nmmr nn‘, ue ‘eugu,..ep . ,n. In. oLlhe old ilt mu rlf sto l c. t. sth. Dierzhan wlth gri ln . Hlvblnud‘ (,hurull b. H., Sapt. 12, 9A.m. ~ old. I): .el”du a n 1‘ 2;, an' 1' 6th. p.“ in all '"” of {Leggy-ten. . llnmlltouban, Felrfield. Sept. 13;) n. In 3 '"'! Q“ I: P'” ° not eu P' ' 7th. Coutumptih Sympflnu Ind Pulpit.- Libeng’, Greyson's 5. IL, Sept. 14, 9n. 21:. nor more then twentyyeu-e from their dete,u[uon of the Heart. . ”(SWJOL 7"” “"o;ny Sd‘fg-CUIJ} '1" 1 the Government they elect. The] will be ll- Glh- Coxzh. will: Phlegm'tz the Throne. lreclor! ere urge en pn 1c gencn- . 9th. rv u ection end we t t ly are mnud,tn attend then .enmmetiong.—,“°d i". denomnetlou °‘ ”0' .Sloo, ’soo'l .g nighf‘ :“i I n 0 Bl”, Ex lminallnns wxll inurmhly gamut-Dc! 3' the ”11°00 “'3 $5,000: “a ‘ll subscrxptlone :mueti Nah. Lou of Appetite Ind Vomiting. hour "Ductfied, und‘ no applicant lhem-rd! :be for My dollerl or loll“ multiple of Ilty. 'llth.‘Dluineu, Dimneu of Vleion,‘ end admitted unless suiel‘uctor: cause be shown Sdollnn ‘ ’Lo'n of SigE’t. ' fur urdlness. Tent-hen will pretent them- ' ' , 11th. H n he and 8t rill iw' solve: for enminetlon in the dielricl in which l '““ '““" will I" tnnemllted 1° tln "'“" ' with pentaxafknm. ..‘” 31l ’ they intend to tench. . Those who hold certifi- {‘{reeyf tnuportation charge: en 1001qu the‘ Out of [hguhouund] of cues orp’. p“. 3:: grlnled but yea! nll plaque pro-put; "flip, of the origin! Certificgi" of 0.90.“ gm but. “(sell Dr. \Yi-hu-ft'el Great Afr-fie?! . ' - use In i a notoneo teem at nie ‘ If? private efi‘lminntione will be held, nnleu : u they cut; b'e prepnred. ‘nierget cure. '.We wurmut u cute il every EOOO “I"! be. o'flvlfld “1°" “PPIICIU‘I ““1““ 5' "1° “2%" ‘“'" ‘“'-"“‘ from Angnlt ‘5l case. no matter if of twenty years’ Handing.— pruem e written reque-t- tron: at lent {our ; Dem“ mixing deposit. lubteqnent to thlt-| Sold by nlldruggiets awn-where, unl at Dr. "mph". °r “'° “‘”"“ °r """'”‘m '.h" .m", dete inn-t PA! the interelt eccrued from d'nte‘ “Hahn" Ufllue, N°' 1° ”25"“ “5 '"’-"t desire to employ them. Such gxnmmetlone‘ ‘ f d i Philadelfialn. Pl. All emm‘umtiorenud can- I“). be held only on Sutnrdnyed ho It?" . of‘nbte to date 0 epoa t. , enltationl free of Ehlrge. Bend {or- circular, cen be employed to teach under nuyc m-l, Pet-ties depoelting twenty-fire thonmnd (101- Price,“ per bo‘. Sent by until, free a! “'""' "Mon” '“"'] “"'flc“°t.”h‘d‘ ”"“' 'lm and upward. tor these' notes at my one cit-mogul rczvlpt of money. ' . (are ”mad «(wag/z "a 1'40” chruetmy. time will he ("owed 'I. commiulon of one— ‘ - ‘ t ”6"?- AARON‘SHLELY,C.I. Supt. « 7 . ___ ' ‘ Gettysburg. Aug. 8, 1864. - quarter of one per cent.. which wm‘be peld ‘ Don’t Ask' for Credit! BY AND SELL OKLY FUR B‘ c A s 11 z L‘redfl Syalm Aboluhed! ('an Sgnlm Adopted I The undersigned, Merchants of the Borough oHiJ-tugburguvuuld respectfuliy inlorm their customers that iron: nml after this date, V will be compelled TO SELL EXCLUSIVEL’ FOR L‘ASIL‘ We have adapted this coum beennu the mnnufncturerpgnnd wholeslle dealt-n in Hmeilies hue resolved to sell goods only for the Uninlcnting us no alternative but the Adoption of the CASH SYSTEM. The introduction of this dump in our mode of do ing husmess'we believe WI“ be to the intuest 9! both buyer and seller, M indiscriminate credit has always operated injuzlonsly to the prompt. pa) iug customer. ' Alexander Spengler, Fnhnentoek Brotherl, iShe-ds a Buehier, LI. 1.. Schick, \lcCurdy & Dichl. Ge-o. Arnold, AV. E. Biddlc a (10., Hymn" a Zieglgr, J. S. Gillespie. ‘ ,Norbeok & Martin, Wm. Boyer A: Son, {B. G. Cook. J. Brmkerbofl', ‘Rmv‘k Woods, ‘ ' Geo. F. Kalbfleisch, ~‘F. B. Picking, ~ 11..“ Puma, . 'A. Soon .1: 50% J. M. owe, ’J. L. Helium ,‘ S . Funny", “:90. Jncob| & Bro., R. Homer, 3A. D. Buehler, .Cobenu & Co”. W. Spunglar, . Mt‘Alister, .~ Pulley, rriet Mellreury, Mary 11. .\lu'uin, meph Bevan. Gettysburg, July 25, 1564. 3m ‘ Great Attractlon T BRINIKERHOFF'S CHEAP CLOTHING A ,AND FCRNISIHNG STORE, at the North Ens! (‘urner of the Diamond. The mbscrjbe: is i'onstuntly in receipt of fresh goods from the Eabtern cities» His stock of READY-“ADE CLOTHING is one of the largest uml- mosz attractive, a! well as the cheapest establishment of the kind in the cguntry. Ynh will there find COATS, PANTS A’Nl) VESTS, mnde up in the most fnshibnn’ble styles. and of the best materials, of all sizes and prices, for then and 03's.— Genllcmcn's lnrnisliin; goods nl'evcry‘scrip tion, Wool Sluru,‘ slln Shirts,~ Hiclmi’y Shirl: and .\lvrino s*, MEriqo. Wool and Cutton Drawers. llOSlOlyovae-ry description, Buck-skin. \lerino and Cotton Gloves, llnud lu-n hit‘is. Neck 'l‘icle‘ravli‘ts, Linen and Paper Pollux-s, Unis, (‘lps, B 001: and Shoes: L'm brvllm, Ttunks, anices, Carpet "qu, Clothes nml Shoe Brushes. llnir nnd’l‘oolh Brushes, Slim: 11l .c'ning. Pocket and Dresaing Combs, lrory (‘nmhg Watches, Clociu and Jewt-lrs', (lu'ns, I'islnli, Violins flll'i_ Violin Stringn, Sunps nnnl l’rrl‘umrriezfiflmlianrryoT all kind-r, l’u. km. Knives, Smoking nml Chewing:Tohuc- CU, Pipes, nu extrn quality nfSegarl. In fact, his stock embraces eveiything usually funn‘d in 11 first class furnishing store. I invite the attention of all to come and see for themselves, as 1 nm deiezxuined to sell goods lower than any uthercstnblislnncnt in the country. Don't forget the place. (lurnernl York street find the Diamond. JACOB BRINKERUOFF. 'July 4, 1364! ‘ One and All, AXE NOTICE—The undersigned would say to the public that to is receiving a large and rpl'L-mlid stock of GROCERIES, which he will sell as law as any other bean in town—Coffees, Sugl’rs, Muldswsl Syrups, Tens. Srlt, Fish, tun. Wlth Polmnel. Benin, and Rice ; Wooden \\‘ure, put up in the best. man ner ; Tobaccos. ‘chnrs, Jun, lie. FARMERS, TAKE NOTIUEI—H you want to 15y in your liqnnrs for harm“, now in lb: tiiuq. leve many [minds of_Whiskics. Bran dies. Wines. and all other liquors, which I In: disposing of M. shortA prufils. Give me-n call I always Irju to please—4nd believe I very of. tin sun-coed. Rcmcmlier the place—louzhclsl corner of the Diamond, Gettysburg. , GEO. F. KALBFLEISbU. nay 25,}823. - New Tailoring STA BLISHMENT.--GEO. F. EUKENRODE, _ -" FASHIUNABLR TAILOR. adopts this method of informing hil friend: and the public generally. that ho bu opened I Tniloring estublishment'in Baltimore street, Gettysburg, (late Post. Office,) near the Din mond, wheré be is prepared to dO‘QIIZWOTK in his line in the best mugger, and to the mug. faction of customqn, 'He empioyl none bit. first. class handsflmd receiving ' THE msmons REGULARB‘Y, he on; warrant {nahXonlble flu Ind Mn :n'd Inbuantinl sewing. Ho aka 1 than Macho pnblic'l patronage, promising to war. no ef for! to deter" it: Hi: charge: will nlnya lie found an Inbdernte Is the times will lllow. Cutting qnd Repliring done at. the nbomn notice. [Gt-tummy, April 7, 1862. Spring Goods AT LBCO‘I‘T A: SON’S.'—-We invite the It lention of buyers to our stock of Spring Goods, which will be sold cheap. consilling o! LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Shnwll, Cloaking Clolh‘s, etc., etc. For Men’. and Boys' wear we hue Cloths, Casaimeru, Comings, Vestinga, with a vuiety of Conan adu, hm, tc. Cnll‘and see. \ A - _ lhy 18,1863. A. SCOTT & SON._ Alexander Frazer, ATCH AND CLOCK-MAKER, hnl again commenced business in Ganylbnrg, in Samsqn’c'fluildlng, northeast .corner of the Diamond. Wth snd Clock repslring don. in the but mnner, at. short. notice, Ind n the‘ Imus: living mun. Fran his long experience in the lmlinetlgl Ind s cont-u: duh-o to please, he hopes to reach-o I liberal glare of pnttounge. He will try to delerve it, by gir ing satisfaction in all can]. I ‘ e Aug. 15, 1864. ' New Goods, EORGE ARNOLD bu jun rioting! from the my “urge Inpply of CLOTHING, Ken's And Boy: our, conniiting of In kindlof cows. PANTS, vas'rs, ‘ . sum-rs, DRAWERS.‘ CRAVATS, NECK TIES, GLOVES/ROSIEBY, u f:1 l 0 \, A _ A in” flock of CLOTHS, CASEHIERES, CASSLVITS, mus, DRILLINGS. n.. 80., all of which will be lold a: cheap In cm be had eluvherc. Give In a “I, Ind if we oun not plan: you in a mi: rend, nude Ire will tlh your meuun And make you up one in than notice. - [my 39, um. Howard Association. HILADELPHIA, PA.— Dianna of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinuy and Sexual Spams—new Ind relinble “gummy—4n re pom or m HOWARD ASSOCIATION—um. try-mail in leuled letter envelopel, {no of chlrge. Addreu,’ Dr. J. SKILLIX KOUGH TON, How-rd Association, No. 2 South Ninth Sued, Phil-delphin. Pi. Aug. 8,18%. 1] \ , ~ IDBB-PBEBSES and APPLE-PEALBBS to: ,1. by SBEADS t BUIHLIB. by the Treuury Depnr‘me'nv. upon the receipt of: bill fol: the nmouyt, certified to by the offirer with whom thi- d‘eposit WM mnde. No deductions for commiuionl must he mule from the deposits, l SPECIAL ADVANTAGES 0? THIS LOH. If ~15 A Nugbxu Sg‘vtxman’x. 9Ecring I. high} rate of intern: than (my mhen 31nd (In but (county. An! qavings bank which pus its depmitors in U. S. Nolec, rnusidars \hut n. in paying in leboszcirculaliufg medium ofllue country,“ it carnal [my in nnything bener, for its aim n mu are either] in gnvnrnmfnl securitfa‘ or in notes, or bond. payable in gov ernment paper. n is equally convenient I! e tempt-riry or permanent. investment. The no!“ can nlwnya he sold for wilhingtnczion‘a their fm-e .cnd ecenmuleted intereu, end are the bent neuri ty with bank: as collateral: for nieeem'l . Cnnvcrtiblc into I 81: per cunt. r 0 Goldtaand. ' In Iddixion to ‘be very lib;- nl interest on the nnlge for three years, this prifilego of con,- veul'ou i: now worlh about three per'ccn‘. pt-r \annnm, {or the current rate {or 5-20 Bonds is not less than nin¢.per cent.prnm'um. and [More the Inn”: premium on super ceul. I'. S. stock! was over twenty per cent. It will he leen them the actual profit onJhi: loan, M. rthe present. market rate, in not letl'tlxnu ten per cent. per n'nnnm. _ - . t' j It: Exemption from 81min lunicipifl Taxation. But. néide iroui all the advantage: we have enumerated, {special Act. of Congres: eggmpu all bonds and Treasury notes from local’uxa tion. On the Ivernge, this exemption is worth about two per cent. per annumxaccording to the rule of taxation in various pm: of the c'ountry. ' , - 3 ‘ I 11. is believed that. no Securiljes nfl'ér soul-cal. inducements to leaders as those issued by the gown-uncut. In '3“ other forms of indebted ness, the faith or_ability of private phrlies, or Hock comfmmcs, or eepnraje communities, um 13', la pledged for pnjment, while the whole property of the tounlry illneld to secure the dischlargc ol unis eblig'ntionp of the United Stete‘fi 1' . While the government. 05¢”th mod liber al term': {or its loam, it "pclievu that the very ,Itrongeet appeal yin-be to the loyalty: and pn triqtism of the people. , . g Duplicnfie certificnaq will be issued fee- all dqposiu. The party depositing must endqne hpou the original certificate the dcnomiuation of notes required, and whether théy qr: to he issfied‘m blank or payabie to order. When in on'dorsed it min-t be left with the officer re ceirinz the depaait, to be fogwuded fa the Txeauu-y Depurtdlent. Scascumnoxs WILL I: nlcmvzn by the Treasurer of the Uuigd States, at Washington, the several Assistant’l'reannrernnd design-led Depositnriu, and by the ‘ t FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GETTWBURG, and by all National Bnnléa which-fire deposi tnriel of public money, and ALL {IESPECTABLE BANKS AND‘BANKEBS throughout the country will givd' further in form-lion and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO 8118- , ~ SCRIBERS; Ang. 1-5, 1354. am ‘ To the Public. WVER GREEN CEMETERY. i It The undersigned has bén instructed by I resolutionot the Board of Ever Green Ceme- ‘ tery, to give increased publicity to those reg- ‘ ulntions which it concerns thwpnbllc to know, and a knuwledge of which will prevent disap pointment to those desiring to effect inter ments in our grounds. As the {fated income of‘t‘hesorpomtion is ems“, o rigid sdlterence to the terms end regulation: heretofore fixed, Ind still in force, is absolutely necesssry. . The Board is making itself uqusinted' yith the finenci il condition of the Association, and .expecte.tb ptgblish ere long on expoee ofxthe nine, us“ well as n proposition for-the lurren tier of the stock to the lobholden it the re quisite sun: can he ohuined on Price of Lots in the Cemeter , with 20 cents additional for iheetk ent of the deed by the Justice of th ce. No chnrge is mode for furnishing the and. RATES FOR GRAVE-0166156 For I child nude: six yen-J, _I-‘rom fix to Halve years; 'Por perpnn: over twelve yearn, 2 50 No perm“ f 0 digging n grave can be fined until both thglot ind permit have bcnq paid tor in cu]: m the Treuurer. .' Applxcnion for perm‘mj: to be mgdr to Dr. J. L. Hi", the Treasurer, an bu 0155., in Chum benburg ureu. ~ I ' 'By order of the Board, ‘ - S. S. BCHMUCKBB, Pun... _Ang. l, 1864. . ‘ ~ The First National ANK OP GETTYBgURG bu been deaig. mud n Deposfimry 3nd hunch! Agent 0! the United Emu. Will buy GOLD, SILVER, 9nd coupon on Government Bondn. Will furnish 6-20 Ind 1040 U. S. Bonds, and other. Governmcm neuritic; .Coflecfionl and: promptly on ILL ucceuiblc poim. GEO. ARNOLD, Cubicr.‘ [July I, 1864. Notice to Teachers. HE School Director: of Himiltonbun tawn- Ihip will meet. "M. 11:. Pnblic School Home, in Faixflcld, on TUESDAY SEPT. 13th, for the purpose of employifig +cacheu to lake chug. of the School: in aid township for m ensuing km. The meeting will be held at 10 o’clock, A. It, precisely. 3‘ order of flu Board, ’ A. C. lUSSELIAN, Sec'y. Aug. 22,1864. m For Sale or Exchange. VERY doiinble GRIST HILL, win: ,; ~ an ACRES or Luv. in Oemuny HT town-hip. I will exch'nngo for a Fun, "' ud pug an fluency}! my. ’ ‘ GEO. ARNOLD. fl Guy-bug, Oct. 3, 1303. if Hay Wanted. an HIGHEST PRICE PAID 130 R GOOD T mum" BAY, by : ' . WJ. smou: .t co. Aug. 15, 135.4,, _._; > - Spams BALIOBALS'jm mind a , . Immrocx 3m: quupu‘a luu the following Syn-Hm: . DYSPEPSH, DYSI‘EI‘SIA, DYSPEI‘SIA.’ l. Ettzwnru “influx, of Brandywine, D l}, formerly of Old Cheater, Del? do certify thxt,‘ {or one yenr and u hall'l sufl'en-d everythlnu but death from that awful disease called Dyi pepaln. My whole system was predated with n'i-ultncaa und nervous debility; [could not digest my fun i ; irl :ue‘eren n crfiker or. the smallest mnuuut ui‘ food, it woulfi rg‘tlirfi’jult M l snnllmrad n ~,l became so fouxivoin my bowels that [would nut have n pussnge in it‘" than froru four and nlten eight days} under this immense ~ull'clinsz, my m'ud seemed en lirel‘v‘ [u ghe inn. 1 had ilrei'lluLhnrroraud evil furthOtlmgi. l llmuvhl everybody hntad mo. wind i hated everybody; l enuld not hair my husband nor my own rh'ltlren, everything npprmri-d to he bui'mr stricken to me; l by! no nmbitibu to do nm thing ; lllust all my love mfumly and home; l'u'nuld unuhlc and wan der from ”Lu-c to pine-o. lniLt'cpulll Ilul‘lle cou.’ le1!l.t“l; l felt ilmt I was ‘YldOuu-d to hell, and ilxut tlu n- \mg‘nu hem-en fur me, and was ol ten tempted to commit suicide, so near was my whole nervous system destroyed, arid ulso my mind, tl‘n‘m thwt awlul complaint, Dyspep siu,‘thut my friends thought best to have me plm ed in lit-Kirk b;idc's‘llospitul, West Phil adelphia,; l remained IIH-rc nine weeks, and thought 1 Was :1 little bu tcr, biitin A few duyl my dreadful complaint. wus‘ruging as bad us ever. Hearing of the wonderful cure! per formed by Dr. Wislmrt'i Grout American Dyu‘ pupsln Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsin, my husband culled on Dr. -Wishart nml stated my case to him. He snid‘he hid no doubt he would cure me. -So in three days alter l‘ull ed and pinned wsell‘und‘er the Doctor's treat; mentY (mil in two weeks I begun to,digest my foodflgud felt that my disease was fust‘ giving 'vray‘tod lcontinued to recover for Aboutthm mom a, snd at. the present time I enjoy per lect health of dey and mind, and l molt sin- Eerely return my [hunks to u merciful God had Dr. Wielmrt, and to his great Amo’rlvau Dyn pepsiu Pills and Pine Tree Tur Cordial that saved me from an lnsuue Asylum and premo ture grove. All perzuns sum-ring with Dyl pepsiu are at liberty to call on me or write, al lam willing to do all the good I can for “If" ferinq hummntyg _ lgiuznu'rn Benson. ~ ' limndymne, llel.. formerly of Oil} Chester. Deluwnrmcuuntjg, Pu. 1. i e , Dr. Wishnrt’a Office, No. 10 leh Becond~ street, Philadelphia. msrsps‘gs 1x pismsrsu-i '_Dr. Wishnrt:—} have been a con-tent In!- fitrer with Dyspepsia file the lust eighteen years, during which time I‘ cannot say that I everenjnyed a perfectly well days There were times when the symptomurere more nggmvm ted than at ()th rs. nullified it seemed itwould‘ be n great relief to die.‘—;—l had at Ml times In unpleasant feeling in my hand, butfattarlym] sum-mugs so much increased lhntJ becamezal (l‘9s: unfit for business ornny kind i my mind wns contmunlly fiilwi with gloomy thoughts and lotebodingsvgnd iH nttcmpted to change their current by fending, nt once a sensation of icy coldness in connection with a. deed weight, as it were, rested upon my brain; 5110, ‘a feeling of sickm-Ls would occur at the stom och, hid great pnin to my eyes, accompanied with hich was the continual four or' losing my reason. I also experienced great luqiv' tudt', dehility nnil nervousnesa, which made It diflicult ta walk by day or sleep at night“ I became averse to suciety. and disposed only to seclusion, and hflYIflK tried the skill of'l num. ber of eminent. 1.53 licinns of various schools, finnlly came to the conclusion: that, {or this disease at my present age (45 years) there vu no cure in existence. But, through the inter! {eience of Divine Providence, to whom I dg youtly otfeg‘ my' thanks, l at last found a. sore r lgn remedy injour Dyspepsia. Pills end Tar C rdiul, which seem to have effectually remov e%<lmost the last trace of my long list of all m mi and but] feelings, and. in their pile! health, plouure sud contentment use my every dsy compsnions. Jules M. SADIDIBB, . .No. 453 North Second St..-l'hilndelphie, Former}; of Woodbnry, N. J ’ A Posmvr: calm/m yon DYSPBPSIA. an: wan ILVJDHI I. nucocx lAYI, ; ' J6O. 1028 01m.- Sum, Philadelphia-Jan: 22d, 1583.. Dr. Wishaw—Sir :--h, .is .with much plen . lure flint I am now able to inform you that, by , (he use of your great Americnn Dynpeplin ’ Pills, l have been entirely cured of that man'- distressing compleint, Dynpepein. I had bun ' grievonsly afflicted for the [not twenty-eight yen", and for ten yen-e or that time here not. been free from I“ pain one week at a time. I have hadit in its worst form nnd hs've dragged on a magi. miserable existence-Lin grin do: and nigh ._ Every kind of food that nte fill ed me with wind and pnln,itmnttered not how light, or how gmull the quantity. A continued belc‘irxing was sure to lhllow.‘ X had no spc:- ‘ tile or nnrkinlii of meats whntever, and y dietreyl was I 0 greet for neverul monthl belorer l hearß anonr Pins, that I frequently wished tor death. I had taken "erything that I had henrd ol for Dyspepsia. without receiving any I benefit; but on your Pill! being recommended . tc me lay-one who had been cured by them, I concluded to fan them a trial, although 1 but no faith in them. To my nslduilhment, I. ‘ toimd myeeli getting better before i had tnken onetfonrth of. ‘box, and, Iftér taking half I \ box}; ama wellman, and can eat anything I will, ‘ end enjoy it hearty men] three time: 1 day,— vnhont inconvenience from nnythinFl~‘ent or drink. It you think proper. you are “jib”? ,tqnuke this public nml refer to mg. I ml ‘cheerfully give :11 desirable information to en, 0110‘ [who may call on me. ‘ Yours, reepectfuny, Joni]. Buoaol. For Isle st Dr. \Vishert'n Me Icel Depot, No. l 10 North Second street, Philld'lphll, Pl; , Price One Dollar per box. Sent by an“! be. [ ofchargu, on receyfwt of price. - , ‘ 8150 200 Tho above are I few among the thcuundi which mi. gm: remedy Eu saved frog: an untiinely gnfé.’ ' rm-ha‘vo thonnndr of forms 4mm physi claul And druggists who have prucribld “A lbld~ ‘there Medicinu, laying that they I)". ne'er used or sold a mgéicine which 3:" not universal sntiafaclion. ’ Pnptred only by tho Proprietor. ' awn Q. o. manna. * 11d} Iv Dnuim “lad Damn qvégihg‘gif: “I, u. “up. u No.lo North Seem!!! Bun}. thmmp, Pa: 21
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