The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 29, 1864, Image 4
CZ •• D r V VfiéflfgvSo - 1850!! WITH I‘NIIII \ A Mupondrntofth; .\'ew York Huck! h’u man I viii! to the rcbul agent: In. .\'inguru 331;.'}P3.1bus 'gives liis imgcsiion 01 ”us. mum-sh ‘z" ' ‘ *‘ “In NM to the condition of puck, 51. (fihou‘h nothin! oi the kind hm tr-m. Pin-d ."u tfioir conwlutious with Grgulcy, [Lulu “{er .._: :hu u m as the" mpg/tun] ruprracnmlivra i fillppak-{or the South. Inc rebel Slums. w.“ ”turn lo 1.11: Union upbu 1“: basis of 51-“.- soy «dgnty, ouch Slsle w mduage H! mm :ucml , Wham“; Hm mammal"? ufpersonu rlghti; kl by gnu-:4 be b; games; when slurry i 1 liped out. let it go. Or. in other hard! they mafixto lbku ‘be priuuflpica oi the Knu'uns Ind .\'ebmsh bin, applied! w Slates us well It to Territories. \\helhcr' ”Ir-N: gentlemen in this :pukuhe sculimeqrspf we Suuthen. ‘fvfifchMcy I have omen-Mo judge. They ’ know I. much m n-gurd w lex .5 an by gath- aged hare. ' - i. . “Greeley is In cum meal that an oppqrgunh '”‘hni oak-ml ilaclltu vbrxngn‘mnl an IIIjuBI men: that «01114 nut be hum-liming to cube:- imionm’fid stop the enormous smrifire of me And treasure, um ”he let: me impression hrre “I” he Wald no longér support 1h: .\dmin' tnlion. Lou’s our for sqlmlls m the ’l'rllumt (l)! Acts. The Seward men alum that they hold I majority of the stock of the Trzbun: and Nut Rwy can prevent Greeley Ming it'mzuiust [.m colu. ”Luis is {.nu- it exphms why Uyeell‘y an“. on. thingynvnzelv um; aumlur {n the Mum. He may under sh}: yrcumc lcuH-lhe fifigrm." ‘ Till kCAi'qumt u blmu ~Jl‘h‘e polnimll ~calapnlgn in the Sum; ot ludidnu has agen- M vigorously. The Dun‘mcmcy hho’ manly gll their gandidntes 'fm Vanna: In the field, tag from the ugmi. an: ~m; ”:ng all the luck Df‘bdlillouiam, and flowing in; amid.“ Continuance, Ind expoyexug it: m'aeruplc mad unholy purpose. Governor Mono; is NH“ 1; flawed, and “ill main: a desperate cum; to realm his! place; but the suvereugns othe Hum jler State, on lhe':c,uond Tin-aduy of Delub'cr, 4.1 a hustle him into the chum-l Louse of re yudiulcd polillcmn's” Indiana is Denim-Em: to tho core, and lead» the ulmpcu'ip the grand umpuign against; \hc Lineuln horde of office holdvrl and public plundcxcrs. WON: yest‘or so ngo it was a common practice at “loyal"nmxnpapzr-I, onion and ‘ prncbtrslonrgno Hmwhgu shuery was nml!- hhed ‘be frcéd bhu-k men and syémcn would tannin in the South, and (qu4 not. po§slbiy mi the North w ds-grm'c L‘bor nml xeuucc _ Inge- by a. lower ccmpelition. Wlmf tn: the hell low‘P. As chry [kmocnuin pnper said, lumen—«male nml t'unulc—iuc :ruuriug 1.; the )‘orth, and we inn/01ml by -hi;-l" almidy ("mars nntempkfyt-ra la (in) [_ln-ir woflinzas {cheapor‘ml "Ih‘nn \.hilcmcn um be «Mud ’xu. Negroes are taking the plncu‘m “mu-s whorevbr they can be nmdeuvmlnblc; und even "lhe government" is forming cologneq of 11mm and auppo‘m’ng them at Ihc cxpvnie offbe- saf ‘ [axing widows and orphans of dend buldil‘l‘l. ”The" um be bun. qu Ihe parties in nu. Th» one is (or the country and the "hole countryflnd'the Conalilu'ion and the‘ ynole Constitution. The other is fun man with aboiition, or {or didwion «4:110:51. X‘etco men, mum-n, patriot“: [new of «very bh-dc of opinion. can smnd uilon the inrm-r plutonn. SrCESSiuuials Spum, arr} .\ bulit'run nu ‘Norlh, neccscqrily Hand upon Hm thfr; We all Allmnlcoxxpelnts uurplola, MO .menui ‘content to make the Conshluhon or me L'nitc-d sum. in its letter uud rp‘uilf ilm lib” ofnll Iclilemcms. Allrhbynnd this, on efiher Shir, looks to pruloag‘rd war and Mn! annulus-JV f. Eryn”. - ~ ' I=l=l ”A )linnesolnpnpcx lenrng thatJrom difl‘er annual“ of:bnle-tr,lhc distrts: ere-Izod among {ln familial of CODSCI‘II)‘IS beggars description. Onegentlcmanr who was appointed :0 «Mix Pr tho notices to Ipc.“uLfortumucs," wristsommh mflcome by file bun-rcndmg scenna he was unpglled to witness nmongtl‘e iv'n‘cs .ma cllll - inu- delii-eringtuoor {hum of the. “death wnrrlnts," resigned his commission, ssjiug ha Md "no taste for such hlusiucss.” ——————-r.» l—————— . ‘ ”The shoddy dynasty is rnpifily falling ‘0 pieces. Every dxgy, almost, and (rum every action of the Norm, come eridwces oflhe ü buJonmchofLincoln'i {ox-tunes by prominent nmberi and tdiluxa of the liepubfican pan). Ch flmnyßlg-cliol In Kenlncky—dflllll g . ‘ n..? Inlrrl’eyelcc. "mm Lh- ClneKmnHJ-mu ) , ’ The following cirmlar has been issued by Governor Bramlelbe, of Kentucky. in "gnu-(l Lowe interference offieneml Bub Fudge with the' recent. election in that. .Sulo: . . 9.? Coxxoswumn or KENTUCKY} ; ‘ g“ < Exzccnv: Dinning“. ’ ; Fmsxrnn. Auggsl 5, ISO-l. The Sherifls and Officers 0! Elections m 411. counties composing tho (2xl) second Appellaledislrlct will immediately respond to the follo’w’ing unstlons. ’ . Tao“: E. Bums-rm. Governor. . 1. Did' you receive an own-r from any ailitlry Commander rcquirm; you to £2:- elude tram the poll-books the name! of any ‘ findidatef ‘ If 90, gch a cow of theorder, ‘ .or append the original to your'nnswer.' 1 3. Did‘you obey the order in any precinci.‘ in” the county, and what. cuuuiduto was ‘ benefited by the order? ’ 3. How many vbtesiwouid-the exciuded’ ‘gndidate have received ‘if no su‘ch order it“! interfered with the eieclion? Answer {to- {Our best judgment. and knowledge of the sentiments of the voters» 4. W‘ere the oificers of elections or the vo kn ovenw’od by the presebce or manage of aflnilila’ry forces. :0 as to interfere with "free Mugs” and a free and equal election 2 Sum any additional facts bearing upon the “abject. uh, embraced in the questions of £56 h'yuu may have knowledge. \ {lan‘fvcfiv Eugene: According to intelligenre contained‘ in‘ ,Cho Ohio Stamina”. the Democracy have _pwept the State. This may aim he imam-(11 from the pitebus howls that comes up {rum} the Abolition nempal-er ofiicfi: at. *Cinciml anti. Mutual law had been proclmmetl‘ m: the State, and the Aboliti'nznsts suppo-l with“ underias benign influences they could ensily achieve a Victory, even though Shoylkuey! themcelves to be m a contempt ,~‘bl.‘ minority 2' And then. Guneml Bur h'tdge. nlsoydtne to their ma, thoughom .Wmtire suit-35w. with lus miliury orders, ‘ prowtibing candidates that. he didn't. want. .eleeted‘ and refusing to l; 1 their n.unes ap getdr ovitheupolthhoor—us infth: lit-'49 olfl tin—e - , .n 33 mm In the )lahict o t e we -‘. ‘ ~ Y v . a.» Gum apposite Cmcinnuw- B!" it!“ Dang-:Aggiifémlfil BLilNEaSg’N'dH I ”can! (he 'Deu‘iocrate “we not to ho. put :Jflreet, GettA‘Sburg‘firheie iffy'm “ ‘_‘ I slut"; 4 90'3“": témuhm any suchimunner. i\uth- ‘ I); prepared to do Blacksmithing work m Unr- DBS _ qute , i 0y put. George Robertson, of 'rmges. Buggies, Wagons. 3c. That he knows .kxingmn. on the track as their candidate how to do All jobs olthe kind win not he nes m. day before the election. and when it. tinned by those who‘lmve 1 knowledge uqf hi: fill the lttejor Burbridgv. the military 39-. long experience u‘ the Main“. Game on~ tap, to suppress him. The result. is, that' with your woyk,nud you will be nmficd I'hrn rebut-on has mam-1y three thousand over you tnke n I‘Vlf‘rlnd for which In: will re ‘ ‘ is Abolition competitor. M. M. Benton,'ceire Cash or Country Prudnu.‘ d govingtou. It Is inlixuuted that nur‘at-i ~ ADAM Hoyrzwon'ru, “apt. mil be made to prohibit’ the Judge}. ha. I, 186:. t! elect tram entering upbil the iscb-rgeo "’“'" “" —---*-- 1“ --—,——~—- 3.1. duties. We hope nothing of the .0": Battle-field Views. will bu done. The peopla'who elected NHL! FULL set of out= Photographic View: of gnaw-u. see to n. that he i: inducpul into E?“ Ptuii~field at“ Gc‘ljablll‘g. form a. pmwflufid ‘5 phiCQ. ’ ‘l’ "Enid-Sm T 0? the Holldq-e. The finest yet. A _ ___... ......m { published Barri" seon tulle Excelsior Unilery. ‘ ~SenntDr Sumnelr says thfijfi‘the pem‘ _~__~___ _TFEE‘E“UEI_*£®- fiei'rihufx " mindset-aim ,” Hmnl‘medemhu-t ‘ u s GROUND amens , 1., ' ‘ “Bugs, ”’_dfpu'l hplww the] Will get up gfmundgspugly‘mr Dr. hoiiizntidmig ID“? 9'315 -' ._.\' _‘S .\'w yuz,,u;c. ;.gv£;fiif3~°:‘seg ? Public Sale r A VALUAn'LE mun—on sum:- 0 DAY, the 3:! day of SEPTEMBER nan, the su’iscriher, intrudingfio removn, til! om‘r at Pnbhc Sale. onwhe prefnisea. THE FARM on which he resides, muate In Highland town ship, Alum: county, Idjmning buds of Wm. \\‘illuu, Jl‘phh Dubl, Andruv Weikcrt nud Jacalr Blsnk. n quarter of: mile South at the Millenlown mud, 5 mile from Hrenm's tavern, and Mar miles from Getty-burg. The Farm contain: no Acres, more on: lest, nboul 30 acre: bemg Woodland, will) I due proportion of ycadum The kind is under good cultiva tion, some of it having been hmcd, am! under good frnuiug. For lrull the pltce can’t. be but. Tl». improvements are I 3.2-4 Tani-scary mwumug 51‘ Hul‘sE, ”he , Log Burmlarge Hay House. Spring {:1 HQ _ Hon-awn!) a splendid Spriugmud -.~ , V. mror-faifihg Swings in nnnrly nll :Im'li'rlds. There are (ugewvmm AHAe Unh mli, w’lh u ”may of other trun. supll I: Peurs, Penclws, Chrrriw. Plumsnml Grapes. WPeI-sunsawishiug to View the Fnrm are r'rquened to call on the undrrdgned. residing rhrrcun. h w“! be otfered entire or in 101: [U uu‘xl. yurclmerl. [63s‘s];- to con‘uucnce n: 1 o'clock, P. 3L, on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by -' REUBEN GOLDEN. Aug. 15,1864. t; . ‘ ' Public Sale P A YAUTAIILE ‘FAllll.—On SATUR -0 DAY. the 3d duy of SEPI'EHBER next, the subscribers: l-ertulari (-l the lust will and tt‘ntmuuxL of ”Hwy Wultmm, dvceusod. will offer at l'ublic-Sde, on the prt-mxui, Iha fuls lomm: enl Estate of fund dccedent,viz:, A FA .31, shade in Germany tuwmhip, c .unly, on the Baltimore turnpike, 2 miles um uf Littledawn, adjoining lmda of Henry Splmldinrz, Vincent. 0 Bold. Edwn’ld Lung, and ulhexs, containing 1:? Acres and 15 l’elchea, un \\hich nrc erected a. lnrrvu' new Two~story Bllll‘K - llufinfli, with twu~szary lirick :': Buck-building. u good Unrn.Corn ‘ (Nib rincl Wagon Shed ulluchcd, «turn-gt llfiuaLSnloke lluuse, nml utln’r ()ullnlllllfllKS. .l \\ cll uf water all tha dwellxug and one at the burn. Thu furm is null \\nLchl—ts;xtkl‘ in nearly all the lields. The hull: in' good anus of t'uklvntioh, luu'l'u: all been limed twncc. Two Apple Urchuxls, and fruit of all kinds, on the place Wyeth)!” wishing to View the property will ml] on the lint-named Executor, residing omlhe htrm. ‘ [(9.511]: to commence n: 1 o‘rlnck, P. .\L. on .uid dnypfiheu, fillcndnucu “ill be gh‘cn and terms made knmvn by , xxru'l‘. J. “'AL'I‘MAN, ' . mus SLAGLE; Aug 1, 1864. wt ' . ’Excculors 2&0 Teachers Wanted. LIE 9mm)! Directors ul' MennllL-n tuwmlzip T' \\in mchnL m- l’uhlln Sdmo! liousc, in lhll:icr=vll£e,bh 'H'IISDAY. I'm- HUl'u insu, m. 9 ocugvk, A. .\1.,!” empluy lu Tum-hen lu‘ lake ciuuge ol the Schquls uf exud'dulrirt for UH: whining term of fin- munLln. LiUt‘l’Jl \\ :gcs "n I” .11» pui‘l‘arrordiugdo umdc of cor lingaic und -sEr.c nf school“. All :nppliunuvi nmzt ho prrncut in uermn. Thu llnnrd wish to prorure the surrhe's'nfexperioucL-d Tent-Hen. .. 3%?“ic l'ulmlj Superiulumlrnl \vj‘ill bu: mum: to cxum‘lno npplu'MHS. I}; on!” of the Ham'- L .1051 \u uunm‘, Scc‘y. Aug. 15, 1864. 3L _ Teachers Wanted. um Si-hnnl Din-dun of Hamilton tofu. 1 ship will mart. m the Public School Hun-‘l', in Eng! Brrlin. on SATURDA Y, the 3.] ofs ‘ll'TElllli‘lll next, :lbu o'clock, .fi. 11.,1nr llu- purpose of employing Teachers to lake clmrgr of the *t-huuls of said luwnsllip. ..'. mr'l‘hl- t'onnly Superintendent. will he pineal. By order of the llnnril, . DANIEL ElllllllHllT, Scr'y. Aug. 2‘2, 1984. hi ~ flw‘fienlinel copy. ' - Igew Llquor Store. . Recenms Cuxrlx‘m-to. G ' ' NORIIFA‘K I: “.\RTL‘I, comer of Baltimore nnd High sue-~15, (lrttye hurg, Pm, have added lo the Grocery business n large assortment ut’CHOll‘E LIQL’URS, cm hracing almost every kind, fizz Br-nnlica, \\‘iues, (Hus, Roma and \\‘hiskios, nll war ranted to he “‘th Ihey are sold for in flavor nnd qnn'lily. These liquors uh: of various gndcs, running up to the highest,‘so that. all “an: mny be suited. _. SOLD WHOLESALE .\XD RETAIL. Pure French 'Brandy and old llyc Whiskey for medical purposes can at all times be had. The above liquors have been purchused an the best nml most reliable houses uml ‘cnn then-fore be recommended will: rarely, and will be sold 9:. the lowest prices. lmndlgnls and Country Merchants will find it. 1.0 thelr in terest ro cull and examine onnslock bL-fore pur chasing elsewhgre. With‘lnrgc sales we can aell It. amfl“ profits? - ‘ @The Grocery, Flour and Feed nnd No tion bUDIHBSS continued—with full aasorunepls in each department. [May 302 1864. 31h PHILADELPHIA ‘ ‘v‘v a. 11 P er s. HOWELL .é nouafi/ N. E. Cor. Found: 51nd Slim-Ikm Streets Manufacturers of: PAPER uéxoxfias Window Curtain Papers, ‘ ‘ Linen ShmleE and Hollands, ~ , Solid Green and Bufl‘, , ' Cho‘bolute Grounds, » ‘ A Figured nnd'Pluin Shade: “‘0 which five invite the attention 01 STORE KEEPEHS. . Mar. 28, 186%. Sufi» Cabinet Furniture. rl‘ = P. snnxzsonxga; soxn ° ‘ CABINET WARE ROOMS No. 220 S; Second SL, below “Dachw‘esljide . : PHILADELPHIA, ‘ Have constnmly on hand n. verylurge as mrlment of Rosewoedenlnut, Unk and 311- hognny Furniturc,oflateetdgsigna, and superiox wqumanship, which $llO 0112:; for sale M. reu nonahle prices. Bedsfind Mattreqscs made to order. [Man 23, 1854. Gm“ r ‘Gram and Produce. HAVING taken the large Ind commodinna Warehouse rccenily Occupied by Frank Hersh, Esq., . IN NEW OXFORD, we are prepared in pay the highest. priru for all kmd¢ m‘PRUDI‘CE. Also, sell at. the low e'st prices, LUMBER, UUA‘L nnd'GROCERIES, ofpvery description. ' ' ' A. P. MYERS & wxsnmx .\'cw Oxford, Aug. 10, 1863., t! ' Blacksmithing. l’ "E uudrraignd would most reapeémmy . iulorm (he public that he has commenced ‘Universal Clothes Wringcr. f3LF-Al)Jl'.\jl'lV(} .\.\'D ADJ!I>TABLE, } WITH (INC-\\‘HEQL 1:126 CLATUR. F 01! BALI“. HY S‘unAns L' HUI-111L133, (inrn'anwu, h. From innunu-ru'ale recumluendulions, we gnllwr rhUulluwum: Letter-Imm Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher, in 1861. l any—mod huppr to spank in the very high esl_lrrm= or [he " Universnlfilolhes Wringer." Thehnrdesl part. of “washing-day” work is, in my opinion. the wringing Ind the inventor. of thh machine may have the munfnctiun of («ling lhnt. he has changed one of the Jnosh loilsqme puns of woman's work inlof—n vcry mtrnctive amusement. ‘The laundresslooks upon it an. great Messing. I look ufwn it as among Lhu most. useful articles in thu house‘ Brooklyn. October, lbw Price—:7 Uo I\Rll\'l\‘. \IH'II. lUIU‘H'I‘I‘X .\.V'l'S. 111-ID F BI'HS. \IIH'HS L\ FL'lib. WUULEVS, .U‘., [\Sn‘l‘Tn‘ ()\ «PLANTS, I'-)\\'LS,. A3l - &x'.—l'Ht up in 23v. 3111-. um! $1 00 I: we, Hum“: und Fl.|~ks. $J and $5 sues fur Hum «n In um: [.\uarl nun. kc. "Duly inl'nl‘hhh: remedies known.” ‘ “F 1 cc iron. Poisons " . “ Km «1 «rigorous to the lluman Family." “ llnls r‘omP out of their huh-. 410 die." nfi‘r’Sold \\‘lmlcsule in all large cities. 5&3‘305] by all Druggisl's and Retailers every- where. 393‘! ! ! “mum: ! !! ofull worthless imitationt. 325‘5“- Um: “ Cusnn's" mum: is on mail Bo -, Bottle and Husk, before you buy. é flaréddn‘ss HENRY R. COSTARV‘ W 'mxcu'u. Dm-or is: Huqkunuhx. Y. neg-sold by, all mum-sun: a'ud 11¢qu Drug N pizls ir'l Gettysburg, PA Feb. :9, tau-1. . >1 Good News and True, 'l‘ THE CHEAP CORNER. A ~ IN GHTTYSRURH —- I‘MW & WOODS are opening uutanollier huge ‘ «swrtmenl m .\'cw'fiuods M. x . ' llwn‘ clump corn‘gr, wllivh they will sell M (H? lowest rmh prices. We buy all fur will“. .u the lowest pnces,:lull hm. tht-rcfurc, sell the same I «(unlity of guods as low A l they can Le bought. unanélf . other Store in thc'Smtc. .\ x lnrgza- portion of Llle Slums Me} , sell are made to order. of the; . ~ _ best mun-rial, by good and] experienced \\‘okaen. Owe, - ’isacall. Buw mvuoos. l ATS, HATS.‘ ~ - . I I Hats for Men, :Ilnts for .\lissce, - \_ . Hats for Boys, Dunknrd Huts, Huts Mr Children, Straw Huts. ‘ - ,v Hats for Ladies. { Allkin«l<of H. 113, nml Shaken, by ROW 5; WUUQS. Hill-‘B. BUO'l‘S,“’_ ‘ ‘ S Shut-s for ('lfihlrcn, Shoes for .\lissec, Shoes for L.ulil s, Slums hr Hoyt Slum: lor .\lcn, Guitar: "full kinals, Blifipersin variety, Shot-s of all kinds) ,RUW \‘s WOODS. Tonox .\xn FI’RNXSHXXG'GUUHS mm b FAILURES. LAMBS & Hl-IX’l‘Ll‘lel-ZN. Spool ('uuon ut :11l kin-ls nml Cull)“. Li:le(llm‘es forChildreuJdesundGenllL-nmn, Hosiery, “ “ “ Linen llzindlu-rchiel'a, “ - “ Collars and Neck Tics, new stylr‘a. _ Cull’s nud Chi-sets of but fits and Lin-fl nylon, and 11) my other filings M the notion limx sold at llielou'csl prices, :11 the curncr of Yuri; Him-l aim] the Diamond, by - ROW $2 “0003. C5lO, .\l[?Sl(‘. NI \‘iulius; Accordcma, Violin l'lnws, < Strings k, Tuilpicces, for sale in' . BUW & WOODS. EGARS k TOBACCO. ) Tycoons, ‘ El Perus. ‘ El Riu Sellas, Ln ingenuiduds, Napoleons, Common, Congress, Plantation, Honey Dew, Xmlcrsou's Sohoe, For sale retail or by]; the hm, by now: .2 WOODS. ‘RUXKR, SACKS. “ ’_l Trunks, large and small; Curve! Bags, R. IL Bugs, Gothic SMLs, L‘ummnn ‘ Black Sayks, at. tru- lnwtst prioen, by RUW & WOODS. . ISCEfiIJHwEOUS. . BI Imdies' Baskets, Ladies’ Sutchcls, Pout .\luun.nics, I‘en Knives. ' ILlzursL» RM.- r Slrups, \\‘imln‘w PApL-r,’ Wall Paper, . ‘ . Pockvflmukx‘, ‘l'ursgs. ‘ }’a-.lml".m.~l,lurge, I’Alm Pam. ‘mnll, Umbrcllns, - CarriageWhipukc. We are continually incrmsiug the Euriety and assortment of our stock. l'rivcs are high but we bought. many of our goods belure the lute rise, and will .scll4 lhem As near old low prices as powiblc. h. is our :tudy tnscllgoods that. will wear well, and [rive satisfaction to our customers. To enuble us to do this, ire lmve efl'ccled arrangements by which we can get the but, Boots and Slices thin are manu lucmrcd. If you want lO‘bnernsh in the shue “119.20 to a Dry Good: Store. If you want gooé Shoes‘buy Lh’em of? ' ' ROW & WOODS, Cor. of York at. and Diamond, Gettysburg. May 9, 1864. , ’ Lei Everybody .\'OW lT—-. CHAMBERSBURG STREET AHEAD inn/mg just naurned from the (-in with a _apleudid assonment of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS &, SHOES, without any disparagemcnt to my neighbors or any othér portion of the town of Gettythurg, [have the pleasure or announcing that (,lmxu bersburg slreel is ahead and thut the place to buy Hats, Cups, Boots and Shoes, cheap, is at my new sttnd, nearly opposite the Lutheran Church. The attention of the Ladies is particularly invited to the splendid assortment of Gaiters, Slippers, Morocco Lace 3002:, am, inundui for Lmlics’ wear. Also, Trunks, Cnrpet Sucks, Umbrellas, To bacco, Cigars and Nolions, in'endless variety. Here is the place to buy goods chmr, M I am dun-mined not to be undersolul by anynther establishment in town, Thankful for past fa.- vors,l am your: entirely, 101131.. nomwomu March 23. 1868 Now Bakery-t E‘lfli‘ 3: ZIEGLER, Mechanical Bah: I era, outhVnsfington Itreelfhnll squu‘rc frum the Bugle Hotel, GET'I‘YSBURG. PA.— Conatwlly on bind, the be“ oi Bin-LAD. CIMCKERS,‘CAKES, PRE'iI‘ZELS. he. Per sons wishing frgsh Bread wi 1 be served every morning. by leaving their names and residence: in. the Bakery. Exery effort mndé to please Give us a (2.11” [Ajaril :0, ’63. tf Come on ith Your Jobs! EXRY HUO ' [1 vii? d 9 :11 kinds of REP A! NG to Outings, Buggies, Wager“, to" ‘ I went and out: utial man ,ner, n e lowest living prices. Dis stop it ih W street, between Ghnmhetsbnr;.nud ljddlc streak. Gettyabnrg. lie promise: to do good wurk, and Blks n shire of public pi. tron-gt. [.\prii 4, 186,1 1, AGO, Arrow Boot, Corn Surch, Ricedioar uni Beluga, {or site at Dr. RQRXER’S up“ Stare. ‘ 1308.11de 905! CLoTH} E n s , ; ' | WAsmm'rox BUILDING, 165 un “37 Bu'rwoll Stun, keep cont-any on hand 3 lug: and In” W toned flock of I“ kinda of good- .3 nag-m pnces Thay, Inpply order: for defiant to tho loweu priced articlu, cithq‘rudy I:l4pr (I! H ~y’ made to unsure, to my pm of the counlty. They keep 950 In extensive stock of FERN-4i .'5 ’ _ ISIIING GOODS, embracing every grticle pf G€nllemen'l Under-mu. Also, MILITARY CLoms‘nua every variety or 31mm, mm. thingy.“ We“ 95 an unsorted stock of READY MADE MILITARY GgODS BullimOre, Feb. 22, 1864 18i4 [May 2, 1864 ‘ H I Summer Arrangement. qt'MllEß CQATS, uf all kinds. very clump ‘ -. v nl *‘ . Plcxmu's. ‘ "1.-\SSl\lEltE [fl/OATS, All styles and I“ coluru.remuknblychesp,“PlCKlNG'S. ‘ ]\ ARSRII.I.ES, Frock and Sm'k Coma, no— 1 ‘L llll‘llllhl)’ cheap, at PICKING'S. 1 ISBN DUSTERS, guud material nml—Well J made, cln-np )Is din, at. PlCKlNG'i.‘ 1 ASSHHIIH‘} I’KNTS, ‘plniu an'd “may, AI- ‘ lonifliingly cheap, it}. PICKINC-‘S. ‘ . ‘lNl-IN, Duck, and Cotton Pants. uncom-v J manly clump. at ' PICKINGCS. ‘ (ll'S‘ Coats, Vents and Pants, unusually cheap, at. ~ PICKING'S. QATIN, Silk and Elna—seine; Vests. positively } k. \‘cry cli»:\p,ntl PICKING'S. ‘ (‘jULLARS. Skirts, Suspenders. Slovks‘. nn- ‘ / precedentedly clump, at I’ICKING'S. ‘ IULISS, Fifes, Flutel nml Accordeons,‘ shockingly che‘up, Lt I'ICKISG’S. LOCKS andv Jewelry 6!“ nil kinds. co‘n luumlcdly cheap. at PICKLVG'S. LY NETS, driviugly cheap, M i r" * I'ICKING’S.~ ‘ GREAT many other filings, cllouper than the cheapest, at PICK[XG'S. F course everybody who wants to buy flood 5 Goods and clump, WI” please 12:1” nu 4 PICKIS G ' S . , ‘ June 2'l, 1864: ‘. . ‘ . .7“ , _,__,‘_ Hardware and Grocemes. f 11”} uu—gsrfibers have just rvmrhed from k l the i‘il'u-s w'Hh an immensr- supply of 1 HARDWARE & GIQUGHRIES, which they are {mu-ring at l|.o|r oid‘stmul in Halttmorp street; '11! prices to suit. the miles. Our stock consists {'in pmfof _ ‘ fliI'ILUING MATERIALS, ‘ 0 - CARI'I‘IN'I‘Ewn‘ TOGLS, ' ‘ , BLACKSMITII’S TOOLS. COACH FINDINGS, 3mg: FINDINGS ‘ ‘ CABINET MAKER‘S TOOLS ’ ’ lIOUSEILI‘IHI’EIPS FIXTURES, I ALI. KINDS OF IRUN. kc‘ GROVERIES 01" ALL KINDS, .UILS. PAINTS, $2., kc. There is no :ulirle I Included in the semi-AI depnrym-ngs nienlkued above but whut can he Inn] at. this Store.— Every class of .\lchl-Inics cnn b - :u-cummodulcd Hit-re wjlh quls and findingsmnd Ilouwkcepers can find e\'i:r_\' article in llmr line. * (iiye_us u ’cle. us ye nre prep mu! to sell us law for cush .35 any huusc out. a! the city. ‘ |\ ‘ Jun. 1;. mxxnnh DAVID. ZII-l‘J-LEIL I Goliyslfiirg, .\liy In“, 1864. .- ‘ I _, 7,,A n , New Spmng Goods. SS3IALL I’IIUFI'I‘S & QL‘ICK SALES. ‘ I ‘ .I. L. SCJIICK , Mould respectfully my to the citizens u! Gl'l ! lyshurg‘nn: Vicinity. that he i:- nuw rcdchiug in'. his storé‘ splendid ‘ , ' [ ST ER 0F SPRIXG GOODH‘. Th? slock Cumin." iu 1::er uf Fum-y and Slane DRY GUUDS, of awry description; « SILKS, .\II)Z.\\IBIQ[’E, ‘/ QUALLIES, . _ . UHLAISES, ‘ BUSIBAZIXEF, _ . ALI'AI‘CAS, ’ - L.\'\'~';\S, . , CALICOES, of.n'l qualities nml choicest Myles, wl ’ch Will be sold at PRICES T 0 Dl-lI'Y liUllPhilTlUX. FURNISHING GOODS of all kin-ls, incllldin: Sillz. Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stov‘kiugs, &c. Also, I. splendid uisgrlliacnv. of RIBBONS, Laces and Edging", Umbrellas nml l’nr.lsols.- .‘ly stock of \fillTl‘Z GQUDS \vilE be fmmd full and complctc, and eualnmc‘x’s ma} rely upon always gelling good ghonls at. the lowest—pulsi ble prices. ‘ ~ ‘ Geullemeu will find it In ”1;" advantage to call am! examine my fiock (If: \‘V CLOTHS, " CASSIMERES and ‘« _ ' . . - Vl‘lSTlXQfl, o! nll qunlltie! an-l choicest styles. fir ‘ My 24, 1864. J. L. scumk. Come to York Street! ' 111 E unuler=izned hns houghtnul tho Grocery (1 and Provision Store or’ W. E. Kitfle, in York'treet, a lew doors mst of SI. James Lutheran Church, nml will oon'iuue the busi ness ut the same phce. II: b s inc-runscd tlfl stock, and is now prC-pnrc-l lo_ofl\-r a most ex~ cellvut nssortmcn! of goods in his llnc,‘such a: , EDI-TEES, SUfiARS, SYRUI’S, TEAS, Salt, Fish, Brooms, Buckets. Brnelxcs, Wnsh ing .\lnchinca‘, Blacking, Candles, Needles, Pins, Comb; kc" with a large lot of SHUABS AND TOBACQDS. . Also, Conl Oil and Coal Oil Lamps. ' Call and see {or yourselvu. His nosnrtmant in‘not only'lull, but. he sells 5: éheup n: the chelpcut. . ! The highest pride paid for old Lend. ' t DA‘VID TROXEL, JR. Gettysburg )In ch 'l, 1864. G. W. WELSH Hanover Tobacco Mufactory. BLSH, DELLONE a: (30., hue estab— S‘ lished l Chowiux Tobacco )Innulnclorx, iq Baltimore street. Hanover, Pn., w'nye .\l . . chants. Shopkeepers. and all other deMera «Yd consumers, can at all times be supplied with I" kinds 0! chew ng Tnbncco, such us ‘ NAVY, SUN.” SIDE, LIGHT l’lll-ISSHD, NATURAL, PEACH LEAF, QAVENDISH, '“‘.“ all other kindsfiusunlly put up In pound lumpe. Alsol half pound: of every description put up in hose; of all pines, containing in weight from Eileen to one hundred pounds.— Also, congress _Tobucco. running from eight to ten to the ound.» Alw, Flounder Tolucco, running eighteen to the pound. Also, Course and Fine Spun ’l‘o'bocco, Ind 11l other kind: and qualities of pruc: now in nae, The un deuigued In" all the Above named bum-2| on Hand nd ofi'e; the sums for solo at prices lea (hon can be bought in on] of the Haslett: cities. Their Tobacco is all munnfactured out of old llilsanri ond Kentucky‘laofg end worranted to be of I superior quality. They ore thankfully soliciting a liberal share 01 custom. WELSH, DELLOXE & CO. ‘ June 27, 1864. 3111 ’ YEW 1”!!le WURK’S, Corner 0! mm b more and Bus: Middle streets, opposite the Court Home. Gettysburg, Pu —-We are prepared to lnrnish .\lonume'nte. Tombs. Head sgonea. Marble Hamlet. Slabs tor Cabinet Make", mu! m olhewiqk gppcrtnifiing to on! businils. We will guaqsnteirantistmczion both as m pxeculion nml phi-e. ' 0.1)! mm see 0“] designs and specimens of work. Feb. 1, 1863. :1 ~ _ ‘ ~ ' LTECIHCK has just. mum: -. lot. .1 3,. cheap Looking Glnuu. EW FALL & WINTER GOODS l—A good N nuonmen! or Fall find Wine; qudl u phcup a: [he chenyest A. at SCOTT .fi .803'8, nAn'ruogm JOB. DILLON: W. C. WELSH Cannon 85' Adair’s FA!) Imam History 0 ' QR. swamps OWN CASE; 2 III“ 14-63:": 6505'.“ cussulnlox, And [mm In"- Monk Syrufl. Senna-i Tonic, mod ‘ .llndralfr Hit-11d an at Sgdau a (failing that Dinar, and the ~ mu subcsss ATTENDING x'r ! z 2. L The above is a correct ln‘x't‘nm‘s ofDr. Srhenck, taken nmny your: .‘gu‘ «her be h M recuveredl “frofn Conaumgnlion: by a course of his! “Scum“; SPI Wow: M'nu‘." The lukeness,l filhough‘u does no! repu‘svnl lnm amthiuui like a: [Nd 13 he “:LS n! the worst. yet. it is ‘i'E—y strung (‘uutnul with the huh: and \‘lgorpus; .louks ut‘the PurlraiL below, “hich is the true. likeness of him at (he pagan-“L tune. The con-‘ mun between these two portraits in so gnenr’ HIM. many yrunhl nml-belime them to be thel same p'eraon. ‘Yrt thun- ure hundlcds of per sona, in Him! nx'uuml Philadelphia, who will‘ recugmze both portraits to he (run represenm-i lions. When lhc first was taken he weighed. m 7 pounds; at the llfcacut time his weight is! 220 youuds. MB .\'va Yuan, \\‘edneulM, .\lmuh 3|), '64 I 'lO THE I‘VHLIC. Thirty your; ago i was in the last stages of l’ulmunury (Ynmiuupnuu, :tmi g'Vl-n up to dim! l resided in Philad~..pliia, uu-l Dr. Jflfil‘llil PM“ tish, than at" this city, ordered me :u .\larcs— town. N. .J., n di~tunce of nine miles, which took me two days to g»: mm. On my arrival ‘ l w": put to hell. and then- latd tor many weeks., This M‘my native place, when? it)! my family livefi nml had died of (‘nnaumptiom ‘ Dr. Thornton, who nttcndeil my father in his instiiillcss,wn3 culled. nml gave me nne week to fix up mr affairs. He had seen all my {um-i ily go that way, nml thought I was to go. too. Than I heard of the remodiesl now oil'er to the puhlxc. \\ilit'il (-mcd me. It =ee‘mcxl to me that 1 could fuel them ptuetruting my nholu syslem. ‘ They soon‘ ripened the matter on my lungs, 'nml lwoul-l spit. on‘ more than pint ofoll'rn si't'c yellow matter every morning. A: soon us timt lit-gnu to Slllliilil‘, my cough: i‘ct‘tr, pain, night. sweats—all tit-grin tu luuvc the, nml my appetite becnnw 50 grant that. it. was with dif fit‘llilf I could keep lrom eating (50 much. 'I soon paint-d my strength nml l have been grow innr in llcsh’ever since. .For many Years 1' have enjoyeil uninterrupted [lou health, keeping the ln't-r nml stnmu‘h henlthy with the Sun weml Tunic :lllli .\lnndruke Pilis, at; I am of n bilious temlwrniu'gm. .\ly \\blgill is twu linu tin-ll and tux-my" pouwh. Lm tny recovery prupil! \vuul-l wnxl tor me, tar and near, to sc‘c it‘ their cases wv-ru lilv: mine. For this pur— pose i pay pr:ntl..=~iuii:tl visits in the lame ti. tit-3. .The cunfiflnpln‘ii wish to set- the ont that makes thesi- InL-ilicinus, nud “ho was cured ofmusumpiirm hy them. To make new lull-:5, ts inipns-inlv; hut curiliesjn the lungs nnil (liruni: llit'l‘l'dllull‘l of the bratty—hill! tubes mm be bullied. Such clues :m- dying hunily midi-r lh'c '.ll'lilliilr." lrcnttuonl ul‘ physicians, nml jnst‘suvh are t'urt-J by thu limiter use of SYIH‘HFL'S l'uimumc ngnp, flawed Tunic, null MJnilrakc l'liifi. 4' I am now .Uiuullhy maxi, \\ it'h n hue mu ity in thv: lllililiil"oi)r at the nght lung. Ihr lower luhe very much iii-limited nml vumplxtc mi he-ion of Iheplonm. The M‘L lung ‘1: sound, And the upper loin-'Ol _lhi- right inn}; is m u lol‘cmbly lunlth.‘ condition. The grunt reu- Euh wliy phyucilns do nbt ( ure cousumptiun is.the) ll'_\' lu uu mo much: they give medi cines to “up the rough. in .«li‘p chill, l 0 :lop night swmus, hectic ten-r, nml, by so duh", they derun’g: the whole digflslfl'fl flmwer. luck ing up the reactions und eventually the pn ticnt Pinks nml din-s. After X make ‘u cut-in! examinatién of the patient with the Resnirum etcr, and tin-l lungs enough‘lefl. to cure, Idi rcct the patient haw tn uacflie three remedies. Remote the c-nsc nml they-“m A” :luf» of their own neconl. No uric Lam he cured of consumption, liycr complainT, dyspcysin, cll-' -t ih.' canker, ulcerated throat, “1110315. the I . and stomach are made healthy. in New Bnglunvl this canker, chronic cutnnh, ukernt ed‘thru:tt, clongntioi ot uvnla, {is more prem lent than in any other section at the country. This is frequently cam-zed by a foul stomach.— l'ou mu: huln Bout with caustic titue.ttttd ngnin, and till tltty will get is temporary relief. (Porn-ct the stomach and liver, and they will heal- np lht‘nhCth‘S. ‘ ' . Goad nutrition is the remedy. it' you have nny disc-use in any part of théflmxly, it. will remain there tlnd decoy- more and more until you can get the stomach in the m'ildition to digest food nod make new blood to take the place of diseneed mutter. This is the only way to heal uu‘ities in the lungs'und ulcerated bronchial tubes. Correct the stomach and liver, and nature will do the healing. )lmy persona llflVEJlu idea that certain {medicines are greet purifiersofths hlood.‘ When blood is once diseasedjt cnnnot be putified; ttje dis eased‘the 'eame «a the dieneed matter in the‘ system ; but get the apparatus in order, the liver and stotnaclt,~tutd. give it ple.tty oi nour iehing fowl M will make new blood, whi h will tnkeJhe place ot that which ll diseased. ‘ Schem it‘s Pulmonic :53 mp is one at the best preparation's in iron in use, it is a. powerful tonic of itself, and when the Seaweed Tonic} dissolves the mucus in the stomach, and it is} curled 011‘ by thoaid of the Mandrake Pills,l the Pulmonic Syrup is made into blood. This" is the only we; to cute cousnmptton. II II cannot t a good appetite, and food doea not. digest, Etonnot cure the peflent. Never mindi thexougli; remove the canoe and it will stop of-iteelf.’ Thin is the moat trouble Lhave with} my putiénta at my rooms. They say, “Doc-I tor, 1 ice] stronger; [can eat; my uightsweats‘. are better, and l ftel better every way; but. my cough is It) had yet;” nod they are anon-l lehed to hear me ea, that does not matter; remove the cause and the cough tull atop all Itself. Schenck's Seaweed creates a good up.) petite in about nine days, when there is no" lung disease, unless the liver Is to congested that the .\landmke l’illa eennot unlock the! duct: 0! the gull blodder ia that short space 0! time, in order to allow the stale bile to poll! 06'. Keep the liver and stomach healthy until there is less danger of consumption _or any: . -. her disease. It is hand to take cold \\‘hetr those crgeua are healthy. Those that are hili ous, low :pirited, drearyJeeling stupid, routed tongue, poor appetite, tie-Tone, stotnoch full. ‘of wind, ererything that}: eaten hes been): lost at memory; try one bottle of SCIIEXCK’S. SEAWEEIflUNICand one box ofSCUENUK‘S; MAXDRAKBJ’ILLS. It is only o cost of one dollar 3nd menu-Bo ecl|l!,.h'llh lull dime-t tionl. ‘i‘hla la uuflicient, in nun, cure, to "titty what the medicines are. Frequently; one bottle nukes a greet change, in the eye-tI tout. 'Any pence that enjoy: Utdlnfll’ health“ by using the Seaweed Tuaie_uod Ngnkruke; Pnlhoeeuiomltbmeat get the digestive omn- l in each a health; condition that they become fleshy. l cia‘fprmuna or number off my, old consumptivehntiwta not enjoying 20M howlth. ‘”'“sz nearly It" pounds. l will conclude by relating three cnrul have made in New York, nnd which hr.- 11l difiereut, and AWllll any on: nhokela nu: interns} in life mutter to visit them. Flrdl in Mn. Farlw, rcsnling {hen at .\'o. r 0: Houston Itreet: ller husband called upon mu m. mv worm. '3‘: Bond street. and Wished me to coil and see her. He said I could do no good; [but he had hnd all the A but nudical nttcndnnce, and all mi-l she wan too far gone \\ith Cunsumpt'ou to be cured; but she hml heard 0i some grunt cures l hudi mode. nod hodesircd to gratify her \\‘llhcl.—‘ 'l culled, nml found hut lying punfixied to her ‘ bed in the lust stage offomuchhil consump- ‘ tion: nnd without doubt must have died soon. I examined her lungs, found. both ‘brontflrlul tubs-s Very mull) afl'ccled, hut‘uo cavities had formed, herrcouzh was verv severe, the Init box wu hnll' run of lhxuk pus. Pulse 140,: legs swollen very much; nml‘ nurse than 1“,. she had chronic diarrhea. Her bowt~ll hndt been moved cleven‘timel that day. I told herl that she hnd lungs enough to be cured. but that this diurrhm-t hud been of long stnllding, and her itumath wnsin sud) nu ulqerqth con dition lhut l wnu afraid ho'thing wold lie doom} She insisted fluboulll try and do what liduldl for herx ghnerving that line could notdnst long In the condition lb: was in" and I could uoti make her any worse lgure her that a dose; of my .\lundmke l’llli, und thé Tonic nnd‘ Syrup frcoly. That wus on Tuosdxty,snnd hyl the nextSumliy the diurrhm I was rnrrie’nl otl',‘ her Ilppl‘llle‘hlltl returned ond she could sit. "Pi in bed and out he:- diuner. she is now ,well, nnd gnre megn long certificate, certified to by i the Rev. Dr. Bowling. ' .\lrs Bartholomew. 83 West Forty-filth street, came to my rooms with n‘ ‘.nmor on her liver.l She'wnsvlow—splrited, skin when, tongnc‘cont ed, bowels contit’c, no appetite, nnd fast sink ing into the grove. the Shit} tumor haul been, running over lionrtcen years. 1 gave her‘i S) rnp, Tonic and Prlltjnd told her to takel them just as the dirgctioru were printed. She came back to my rooms, 3'! Bond street,in two! week‘, ‘aomewhnt betterf her tongnc‘bad bea’ gun to clean a little around the edges, her» skin whiter and her eyes brighter, and ”mi tumor discharging very nth-naive matter, much . faster than l‘ hnd th'l' done before. She kept grndunlly improving, And in übo two months, she came torn; rooms I‘ory'mfifhirighteoed, , snying that the tumor had nearly étopped run-i nituz, nml wu healing‘up, and that every doom tor had told hr that “‘it ever healed it' would cause her dvuth. l'told' her that the diseasei hull all left her system, and rinture would hen! the nlcer up. {They nrc now healed, and have, been for nhopt a year, nml Ihe is as hourly, and robust a woman as you will find in n ,duy'gv nnlk. She is gi.\d for any one In on“ uuhor, And tnkvs :rm‘ pains to visit any one that she hours his anything like her (.338, and tries to . get Hunt to currmnnd are me. - The next case is 3115:! Scofield, from Stum forvl, (‘onm Mrs. Bartholomew gut llcl' {fo'wn ‘11) tee me. and she has hgcn ever since at him houstj Whe n she first crime to ill)‘ romns, >he‘ wuifinutih emaciated with :\ diatrrsdngvough, spitting large quzmtitie; of blood. lexnmined ‘ her lungs with the reqpirometur, and in l'lil myl pmctltc never found mic uil‘u one lung 50 hurl pone um! tue‘other lung so sound. lroulll not"l give much encoumuetngm. ‘l thought Sllfli nouldxlic; but to 9’; Imm 1 ‘ment the Pill-s monic Syrup, Smweed To to. and .\lzinxlmho l’ills all seemed to go rigl . 0 Work. the lung ‘ 1 i: 911 healed over, [Envlng n‘ -fly as large ns' : - " . ' " ~ " £10083: elm; good appttitc, fine spirits, and s32l22sriggi’lamf p'crtxuulng to n Funk“: Ens gunned some thug-hie nmmdu In Weight 1 Thu l'liilndeiphin Pollege’smndg [hit in m. bl”: ll“: 50"": calllll‘x‘v “ [“9“ l d 0 “o‘.“"Hl‘ ‘- State, both in [mini of reputation and lunl H .:,;'3°“':1:!"3-*.:! mew m Pins . , “A . ° ° lfnlr J“ ”W- Lonnnenml l‘Alllcdllou where it belongs—m I'hHWH‘" to "‘““-he“ “5‘35. “’"'-‘"“‘”.7' Mi“ I the from rnnk uf us:l'ul instruction. T 1) thi ‘Srufield, ornny of ”‘"”“ ‘ _ lnu‘e teen curred I end, :rmost thnrungli courwe oflmsincsl trniu {,3 my medicines. :1 ["31” ""'?”ff’l‘s “' :‘HH ing i 5 adopted mull cargiully eufurred. ulni'lor orL, but the their three nll dillir from é wit me, pep‘onul supernsiun of competent Pro~ 0‘1“”? “1d |" "‘.V medicines ‘“'? domg “’"‘“ .1 : lassars in the various depnrlmvuts. The innit "New“ I"?! “"3! lhgy “"“‘“ [’““ the “'““” ‘ perfect system oi prm'licnl twining .etor «in an) “"’ uflliuted know “'l'ef? “Pd. Pu” “W! Main} lms'bu'n put in operatinn, um] I! lur “my be ““'?!“ J' I" ““”‘-“4‘l ;“- D- ice'n‘ullycuriicd out, Mfurding to students nd . Dr' J' 11. S'chenL-k'cnu I": fonnnl "“ l"s_ prin-‘l vantngw sm-h ms li-nv: hitherto hcvn consider “Pf! officy, :“0- 39 50"“ 6th ””90" H”““““" . ul lléls§ii4lc onlv in ('unm-i-tion “Ii“! (he cminl- G plun, entry Saturday! (rum. 9A. Ql. until 51K: iiig-hous'o. .\lxur. llrcumiug Inniicicnl in m, )l‘.. to give mlvice,_lrcu oi clurgc; but tor 5 Science of Accounts. l’cullmnglup, Cniunm thorough examination he charges 1111-: ‘lol- l'cial! C-lllul-tlluni nml Commercial Law. tho [“”' "“3?“ ”‘5 l’nlmouic 53"“l'j‘m 34’“ l student H mhnncc-l m the Practical Depart ,WQNl Tonic “(‘l‘ 51-35 per home,” ~55 'le bl‘“ meut, where in: bl’LéCanS nu nctnnl I‘DUk'llé‘bll ““l9“. “'“"‘“k“ ‘"“" F" “‘"”‘ l‘" bux; “hid -or and .\lerchnnt; passes through the difl'crent ““' "“' “1'1"! nlllkuggistj ““d Dude‘s. ! Hansen; MB in turn in Trill r.'(‘;uhier. kc. Juliet}, ”‘54- “n , ‘ p ' li-nms the duties and re-pansxhiliiirs of nu-h " ‘’ ' " oiliw. and becomes ih‘urunglily infamy-(l, not ()nlxxin the forms which are in uuirrrsnl me, but in ninnnging llm ufi‘iirs of business “'llll SJ'éU'lU nml ill-5p July. .. - rchulilrzllips i‘suuil .It nn‘o point. nrn gmnl, iur nu unlimited perio~', iu‘ the eighteen Col lrgnpz-(‘u'npxinnx the "elm n." v - Diplomas an: mrnrde tcr than only who fulfill the prqsvribcil (m _ 5c 0! study, nml 1"”, the requisite exnmiunli n. ' ,- Fur further information send for a dficnhr. Allure”: = Dissolumon v F PARTNERSHIP.—The l'o-pnrtnnhfip existing brtm-cn the Suhaurif'wfi, has been dissoh‘u} this day by mutuxi‘. Cant-NIX”— Wc return thanks to nnr friends nud the puhliv for the lihu-rn‘l‘support extended to us. Our books will he ieil m. "XE store; and we Hunt-rt: 1y Inquest. tlmsu ilidrhtcd to us to tail and nmke iunnediute p.u went. as we are deairous to settle vur busim-ss without doL-n'. ' ALI-IXAVPER cum-11.x, JOHN our. _ .- Juu.3o, 131:4 i A Card. TUE subét‘ribcr h.nin;.v disponul ofhis Till-t lcrcst in *9 Store of (‘ubem l; (‘ulp “)1 John S. (‘ruwl‘ d, E~q , respecllully asks thel continunnl'e uf‘his frivula' unJ mntuvuws to‘q‘ pulronizc his ‘sucwnus—whcrb Blrghim may; be had. ‘ ‘ JOHN Cl [.l’.‘ i ,&-T > i Feb. 8, xsm. '.- ‘ Another Change N THE HAT .\KD SllUl-Z BUSINESS—A. 100112.11! having nssociMcd uitll l:inf"lu h'usiue=s John ‘5. t‘rnwford, \\ 110,,purclmsr-l [he iuien-sl at John (‘ulphrcsgmnlully an; uounces to citizens ol‘G-‘ltysb n: uhd the public gemzfifi‘tlml llle bluijm-ssllu'ill he cou xinuml M lllc ()ld 51am! on Clmmhchmrg stlvot, h“ A. (‘UBEAN .S'. (30.. who will con stunt]; keq: on hand a large stock of Goods, in (he line‘ of ' ‘ SHOES, HATS, CAT‘S, TRUXKS, . CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS,'&C., nml lhey will alsu‘cuntfime the Manufacture 0! Shoes. ' '. ' “ , From their long experience in all file above br Inches. they flutter-leqmielve: tlmt they cail please the public,'und will sell chunpj’or cAsh. ‘ A. (rumcax. - J. S. CRAWFORD. , Doing husinesrundcr tho mmc null firm of A. Cube“: 3 Co. ‘ [t'eb.,B, IBGS.’ . hstdbliéi‘ed’ VlB5O. i 0,7165 o‘.“ REuLWAL.‘ ‘ , ‘ LAWRENCE D: DIETZ & CO., respcclfnlly be: leave to notify their lriends, ; cuslqmergnnd the pumic genernlly, llml. [hey i have removed frornLXo. 151 Franklin “reel, to [the commodio-u low-story. quehunse, . * 5 A, ~.\'o. 308 BALTIMORE STREET, 1 between Emma! and Liberty, whtre they‘w'fll Mol- the future cunglmt [ha Wholesale _Busi ! nus, lnicly in b ' L llusicr)‘. Trimmings, Furnishing Good!. ‘ Perfumery, Notions, . ~ Stationery, L ullcry, ‘ | ‘ To) s'; &c., kc. ; to which they invite the attention of city Img! icoumry purchasers. feeling confi.ient of their .3 nbihty to offer luducemenu in priuei I 4 quality of Goods. ' i“ J» Orders by mail will recuh‘e prbmpg up - ‘ tion. Address _ Lmvnzxca D} DIETZ a; co.. 3«:B,Bullimore street, [l.xllimure Marchl4,lB64. , ~ -,‘. , Removal-Arm Ware. HE linden-sign“? bu removed his Tinning ‘ establishmcm ‘ nearer the Dinmond, in hambenburg nml, adjoining ‘A. D. Buch ler'l Drug Store——n very central location. He continues to manufnctur‘i, and Keep: contact ]; on hand, every twicty of _ A TIN-WARE. . j P 858831) AND - ' JAI’AXED WARE, and will nlwnys be ready to‘do REPAIRING ROOFING Ind SPOUT ‘lO also done in the but winner. icel moder- Me. and no wort spared to read Cull util rnclion. The publlc'l continued transgc il lolicitccl. ‘ ; A. P. B UGHER. Gettysburg, April 7, 1862. Removals. VHEnndenignedjpeing the nuthorizadpenon 1 to make remand: into EVer Guen Ceme tery, hopes that much u contemplate the remand or the remains of decanted tehcivu or friends will suit [hunches c! this lesson oftheyear to have it done. Removals mdqwith "ampules. —lanm low, ud no chm spared to please. A PETER THORN, 2 {super of the Cannery? gAreb I:,'60: c% _ fig!) Mll3znesslley€ . E. Corner Tenth and Chemut Sun", . PHILADELPHIA, ‘ uxnu: ml Hummus-r or .5" L. PA 1 1115 A N K s, A. 31., ‘4 for the last lour years frincipfll Ind chief til Ilness manager of Dunn 8: Snuros’s (26W nerciul‘flCollcge.‘ ’ ‘ A MODEL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Conducted a: a new system ofActunl Bushm- Trninixrz, th ongh the vstnblichmeht of legiti mate 01‘ eg and Coumlnngnuses, repr‘csenl in; diflzgsm departmvnts of TrMc and Com mrrcr‘, n u regu’lnr Bank of Dopom and Il auo, g‘mng the student all the advantage! at actual pmctice, and qualifying him in' ti. shanks: possible time and most em-ctive I‘III‘ ncr for the various duties nnd employinanu-of Uus‘mesrllfe. v The Course orjnnrnction in the Theatetlgg! Dennrlzn‘neuLembl-uces Bookkeeping, Comiif: cm Üblcuhniom, Lecmtu on Ituninus Afl'siri, Penmauship, Umamercinl Law, Forms, Cunud pondencc, kc. H In.v.he , ' \_ ‘ BUSIKESS DEPKRTMEST ‘ theetudent enters upon ibeGru-‘lunling Course, gvllith include! I continuance in the lbfl'. Studies. with their prncticnl application inpll their dehiils. lie will in turn. till the position ofAccountnn'i. and Proprietot in the vulono’ chpnrtments of Wholesale and Retail Trade, Forwarding, Jobbing and Commission Byli l nus, BnnEing, Manufacturing, Mining, Steam lmating, Jun, end finally will M‘Q u t‘nshier, i [took-keeper and Teller in the Bank, in web lof which poaitions his previom knowledge i will he put to the fullest pmcticn) in“. This Institution ofi'ers to young men numer ous “vantages not possessed by any other iconimercinl college in the State. it is com pletc in All its appointments It is the only ‘ institution in the State conducted on nctuel Ihusiiiess principles. The'course 0f instruo-_ ' tion is giisnrpnued, and may be completed in ,übout o chill! the time usunlly apeniln other l ilfilifllllons, in conséqnence of an entirely new it uugtm-nt', and the adoption of the new ‘ bfiictiuil system.» ‘ { Diplomnsmwnfiied upon‘tho completion of the (gimmercinl Course, which embrace. ell except thehighelr sets of Banking, )hnufuctur ing, Miilro:idin:.. 3:0, lb‘end for n Circular. \ ‘ Feb'. I, MSG-l. l’Um ~ _ . ' . ‘ » .1- -- w? _,.- «a -«——-—‘ ai‘ ’ / 3‘ Qffing/ym ..2 ‘ NTERKATIONAL ,CilAlN' QF ‘ I continnCLti, COLLEGES, llatabiiflxed in the following cities: ‘ - PIiILADEiJ’HIA. l S. E. (‘urm-r of. Screnth and Gliestiut.Stl.. :Ncw York, Brooklyn, Albnny, Troy, Punk 1 dence, Pdrtlmd. llnrtl‘ornl, )lurlingwn, i ' Newark. llurhestt‘r. Butlltlo,Turonto, ~ l. Cleveland, Detroit, Unicugn, )lilm i “nuke: nml St. Louis. ‘ , Thorough theoretical nnd [irncticnl inIIfIFQ V ' mummy smu’mm (70., Feb. 8, 1591. 13' \ l’hilndrlphia ’5 Portable Printing Offices. : ‘t FUR the use nY _ ’ .\lrrclmnllJhug . .. a ylsls, nnd nll husineu | _ ‘ ..‘... _H‘ and pm'csafonul mm '| . x-l {SJ $7???” who \\iall to do their I 4"”. f ', 9'" nun Illinllllé, neully ‘ ..r“ and chenpl}. AO7ll - ~ :. / ‘lcd to Ihc prix‘fling n! t_ ’ ‘ 4.3 lm'ndbulls, Lilli-calls, ('ircuhr:, 1.27 m, card: and .nmll n'cwzprfiu n. Full iu-Itructiouc.aCL-Bmp-myiug each offin- on :lbling n boy (on yen‘rs nld tc wank flwm MC ‘cczstully. ‘ (‘ircuhrs scut free. Siiccimrn ;:hects onypn, Cum, Mn, 0 cents. , ‘ A-ldrcas ADAMS’ PRESS (70., | 311‘Jrkllow, N. Y., and 35 Liucufn yin-ct, 1 ‘1; Boston, Muss. _ January 25, 1864. 1y ‘ 'FlSll ’ S ‘ Lamp Heating Apparatus, ‘ j‘Bun‘A.\'uj——nm.\'c,—JSer\v[Nu—snar ‘ ISO—WI I'lx THE FLAME THAT LIGIITS TllH ROO3l. ' . [ta-By the flame of n com‘mon lamp. in. lbs 1 coat of I cent'a Worth of oil, a. very romlorln ‘blc breakfast can he coul£ed.—-.\'. 1". Tribune. fiS'unple in construflion; cnsily kept. in orde', randy lor use in I moment, convenient; to line on bani—Drugym': Circular. WFish'a Lamp is one of the. most pgpulnr novrllies of thk tlny. The nullity of it; is un 'qne:lionnhle, it great saving in mails 1n honing .und cooking smnll articles, “I“! cad 60 made to cook meals lor a. great. many person's, which‘is nctuully dam: oil the ambulance .6"! Whil‘h ‘ currythe nick loldiers.-—Sci¢nnflc Amm’un. ‘ ‘ WFOI' fumily.use, hospital tent. hurrnrku, ‘ picuiu, fishing. nursery, or-sickroom, it il an ; uticle of roinl’ort. beyond all pmportion to lu ‘ cosh—[laws Journal of ll’ullfi.‘ WI have tried the npparn'ns, Ind my Wife ‘ nml l pmclnim the aanic’n most vulunble turl ‘ indispensable article, am} we now want!" how we could have so long done without it.—l'.'¢l. ‘ Coal 011 Circular. ' ‘ ”An economical contrivnnce for getting up heat It, shows none: for nurgcr: aua'geucul .houschold purposes. Ono imporumt point is ' the suing in‘ cost over coal firm—X. l'. Erm— , iug I’oal. . 0 . moms moms'rwo TO 31x nomes. uncm flu)! my; 10 run can". run: mucus: coonn n- o." mm In" on . 3 was“. Arranged for Kerosene 0f C_oal 0“. or Gal , A Descriptive Pamphlet 9E llurly 13-ch furn iihed gum. Also, ‘. ‘ - THE UMOX ATTACHHB§£ * ' . Price. 50 Cents. ' <-'3T :To be “inched lo I common Kerouac Lamp 1 or flu Burner, by which Water may be _ ‘ A Boiled, And Food Cooked; nlso ar ‘ ranged w support I shade. I . EVERY FAMILY NEEDS ONE. ' WAgents Wanted. W‘ILLI.UI D. RUSSEL, Ath No. 206 Pearl Sl.,New York a April 11,1864. $lO . Still at Work. HE undlrsigned éontinuea the ’ . CARRIAGE-MARIN BUSINESS in all its branches,“ his fit! stand, in 3‘“ Middle street. Gettysburg. ' , ‘ §EW WORK made to onler, and f" ~ {:IYAIBING done ram nl and at lowest pricu- , ng firlltd’lte spmxu “moons a ‘ . swam to} “Le. JACOB max . , , Dec. 7, 181:3. .N Wig—{M Ibo hut Islorlmcnt p]. I“ and Summer Clothing in town. _ ‘fl ¢ ‘