The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 15, 1864, Image 3
7=l fi-Tho First Nation! Bank of Gettysburg having detetmined :0 increase its Cupiul Stock to $lOO,OOO, were is yet an opportunity ufi'orded to those who wish to make a good ud sure ini’qstment to subscribe am! that secure some or {he stock. The books are now open for subscription at the Bunk. nun-. 28“ THE MARKET-- GETTYSBE’RG—Snrnnu Lur. Hour Rye F10ur................... White “'hefl............... Rcd When 1................. Corn ]{ye.............,( mu........‘:—.... Bnckwhut. ......, (Hover Seed Timothy 5ced............... Flu 5eed.;.................. Pinter 0fiPurin............ Pluto! g'rg'und, per bag BA LTIMORE-—ann mar F10ur...........'..... n a: to}! 75 “'htnt................................... 3 .0 10 3 03 me 1 7a to 1 72 Lam... l 75 to l 82 Uau.x.. 85 to 9'! Clover Seed '1 25 to 7 50 Timothy 5eed......................... 3 10 to 3 25 Beeannle,per hund............... 8 00 (.017 00 ”cm. per huud.......................H of) 1016 00 Huy.............................. Whiskey .. flnnno, Peruvian, per ton DHISBD- ' ”Obituary notices 3 cents per line for all Over four lines—nah to naonnpuuy notice. At. Hampton. or; the 01h in:l.. utter a short iiln‘css, Mr. JUSMH C'. ALBERT, 13ml 3!: your. 2 months and 13 days. . In Cu|uberhnd}ownship. July 25m, KATE EPI’LY, influx! daughter of Henry and-B. Lil lie “yen, aged bimonths 2 wreks and 3 days. Al the H‘Hident‘e other mother. 10 Lulimore - township, (:n 311; mu ofJuly, Mrs. SARAH ELLEN LENTZ, wilt: of .31" Lgnu. cleansed, . - lg“! 22 yams 6 months and ‘25 dwi. ng ditcue was sunsuoke. - 3 ‘j ’ i Allinmplon, on the 231 k uIt.,~(7,\TH.\RINE, relic! of the late Rev. Jnh‘n E. .\lhcrl, u! the: Grunt“ Refnnm-d t‘hurch, ngrd .36 years w'md‘. 12 thus. “ Blg-rsed ME the dead which Jie in the Lord." 1 On the- 291 h r-I'June, in Mneomb, .\lcDon-' ough enmity, thnia, o? dropsy 01 the chest, 111'. THEODORE BLACK. sun of Mr. Rohcri HIM-k, larmerly of Adm": coumy, ngfil 37 smm Ind 4 61:93. ’ ' | ()n II": 'it! of July but, in Heidlr-rahurg,’ LYDIA SAULHK, uged nlmul in ,yenrs. ‘ ‘l Hay Wanted.§ r “IE _IHCHES'I‘ PRICE PAID FOR GOOD _l Imu’rm’ U-AY, by \‘ “IH. mums k co.-, 136: Public Sale F A VALUAULH FARM-—on‘s‘ATl’R -0 DAY, llu-Ihl duyof surranuuu nm, the lillmcrxlmr, intending in re-Inou-l will ulTn-ri at Public b‘ulc, on the pmmiun, THE FARM, nn whirl: he rsnidew, alluntc In'll'gHaud town-5 :hip, Anlnmf county, Idjnining lands of Wm." “'ilsuu, erhm Dubs, .{udrrw Wriken nml Jar-sh l’lmuk, n qunnvr 01 n huh mull: M tl-e' Nillcrstonn rum], n. milr- {run lircamuvem, nml lnur Illll“§ from Gettysburg. Flinn. cumming liu Acre-s, lnure or less, about 30 urns [rt-mg \\‘mullwd, \\im a. due proportion! ul Mendo\v., The land is uml r goud‘culm‘u-l tiun. some of]: l: u'mg hanged, and undq,r:‘ gnud fcmlng. Fur truxt L‘ - [lace can’t be: heal. ’l‘hr nnm-m’rumns nrc n ;, ' l ‘l‘wn—slmy li\)t'lilll‘Ah’l‘ LIUI'MI, 133"; ”3 Log lin'rnJarge Hnlenusasvriug 3'3; I ~.-. Huummilh u‘spléudxul Sprixl'g,:lxu, '~‘r:‘ 9:3; nun-(ailing spungfi in nearly all mine: 1:.1 There. are two excellent. Apple ()rlhnrdi, wwli n mriny 01 ot‘ er truit. such as Pent-“s. Peachu, ‘. Cherries. Plums nml Urxpes. -' Wl'crsuns wishing Ln View the Fnrm 1m 1 'r'quea'led lo cal! on the under-igue‘l, residing lhelcuu._ 1: all! be ufl'clcd entire or in lots 10‘ suit. pun-buyers. ~W>ale lo commenced“ 1 o'clock, P 31., on said ddy, when ntzcndnucc- will be é‘mi and lenua'umde known by . < ' REUBEN GOLDEN. Aug. 15,1861. ts 7 Teachers .WantedL ‘HE Bmud nl‘fichonl Direclous of Union Emma-hip will men at b'dnimt's Svhuul Houst,ou WEDNESDAY, the 7111 duy nfSh‘lf} '1 Hum)“ next, at 2-u'clock, l’. .51., for the pur: pui‘l'u clll] 1031”}; 7 Tucker‘s to lake clmrgc u! the Schuuh u! said NHrusbip. The Count): Ejuperinluudguc “ill be prcwut to exmnine up ]nlicnuls. 1i) nr-lrr of the limrd, § , JUSEI'H L. bUURB, Scc'y. /A:xg. 15,1564; 1d 8 Teachers Wanted. 11E S’ihuol Dirzcmrs'of Surnbm township T will meet at. the Public HouseufJAL-ob L. (washing Hunttrsluu n, on SATURDAY, the 20!}: of AUG USTlinatq M. U o clock; A. .\1.,!0r the purpose of employing 'l'c..f:hers_’ to Like clmr‘ge of the Schools in auid Munship. The Uluunty Superintendent will be present to ex -91.6111: applicants. By order of the Board, , MOSES ~U. BENSBR, Sec'y. Aug. 15.1864. 3!. ' 10 Teachers Wanted. HE School Directors of Mensllen townrhip will meet M'the Public School lluuse, in B} utlersrillc, on TUESDAY, the 30th inn., a: '9 oclock, A. 31., to employ 10 Teachers to take charge of the Schools at laid district. for the ensuing term of fire months. Libel-ill Inge: will be paid according to grade of cer tinulc nndfiizc of ethools. All applicants must. be preseus in person. The Board wish to procure the services ol'experienced Tcue?erl. WT“ County Superintendent wil be present. to exnmiue applicunu. By order of inboard, JOSAAU GRIE§T, Sec’y. *ug. 15, 1554.1 a: g Attentlon. HE Agent of the Children's Aid Society will, Proxidence permitting, visit Gettys bprg, on ‘be 123 m of AUGUST, 1864, with nnother company of Children. mostly smnll boys, ringing in age from eight to twelve ye’u. Fiirmers and qthers wishing to obunin excellent Children 3rd requested to make im ‘Aefliate application 'to uni Socifiy’s Lo¢ni Bonnillec in Gettysburg, R. G. Nng-es‘ry, fisq..£ec:etuy,u the Agent ha: but a small \ “E'npnny and I short time to slay. Theae $5.4M?” are remlrknbly healthy, good look wg, inulligent,,snd active, Indeed they are the finest compeny of Children ye: brought to Penusi‘lmnin. . [Ang.15,1864. l; Alexander Fraser, WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKER, has again » commggced business in Gettysburg, in Semlon’l ‘Bnilding, northepet corner of the Dinmond. Watch Ind Clock repsiring 'done ‘in the best mnnnor, n. short. notice, and at the loweet. living :atel. From his long experience in—xthe business, nudls counnuv. desire please, he hopes to regeivc a. liberal nhue :fi furronnge. He will It} to deserve u, by g". 'in sntiéfacfibn in all «us. Aug. 15, 1864. I Gettysburg Marble Yard. EALS t 1330., IN EAST YORK STREET amusauae, PAL—Where they m prepared to furnish all kinds of work in lbe‘n line, such as MONUHENTS, TOMBS, HEAD STONES, MASTLES, 4%., M. the shortest no fice, 19d u cheap as tb'e cheapest. (’“" In I all. 5 , ”Produce tabn irexchange for; woyk Guiysburg, Jun: 2, 1:562. fl A R D Pnog'rOGRAPHs gluinguisbed individuals, includingnnum. but of our prominent Qeuenls, sad the old hero John L, Burns, fox-finale M. the cognac: o: the Excelsior 6.11qu, Gettysbnr . 2~ ‘ ’ TYSON BEOTHERS. Meat; Hl3B, BBOULDEBS ”(1811738, of best hum}, apd cheap, at. ’ Aug, 2‘, » 630. F. “LBFLEISOH'S. FIRST-RATE Eight-any, Thirty-bout and , Alum ()I;ng, cheap :3 P 1631303 . " .ai-Gd-s 9'33. HE Secretary or the Treneury given notice T thnt nubacriptions will be recetred for Coupon Treuury Notes, payable three yém from Aug. lsth, 18:14, with semi-annual inter est at the rite of levetfund three-tent!" per cent. per “hum—principal and interest hath ‘to ,be paid in inwflf'noney. ‘ ‘ These note- will be eonrertihte et the option of the holder nt mturity, into eix per cent. gold bearing bondl, pueblo norleu thanfive nor more then twenty year: from their date, as the Government mny elect. They will be is eucd Jn denomination of $6O, $lOO, $3OO, $l.OOO end $5,000, Ind nu nobuription: must be for fifty dollen or some mnltlplc of fifty doll l. 1' Th? Intel will be transmitted to the owner: free if tnuportntion chug.“ no no: nlter the receipf’nf the origin} Cenificstel of Deposit j M they can be prepared. 1 A: the notes drew interest from August 15, per-one making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to dnte of deposit. ‘ Pnrtiee depositing twentf-fin- thouund dol- ‘ lnrl’ Ind upwards tor these notes at In, one ‘ time will‘be allowed 1; commission of one qnnrtcr of one per cent, which will be pnid l hy_ the Treuury Department open the receipt oft' bill for the amount, certified to by _the officer with whom the deposit wine made. No ‘ deductions for commiuiom must be mode from ‘ the deposits. _ 90040950 | 750‘ :‘4010250 zzowzu 140 “ 150 75 75 soomsso avowaao zootonw ".1150 » I'ls 30 00 1035 00 1 'l7 10 i 80 - .60 50 Ir :5 A. Nlhgun Sums Bun, ofi'ering a higher rule ofintérest thsn any other, and the la! ”rarity. Any anvings bank which pays it; ficpositorl in U. SuNom, considers that It is pnyipg in thqhuteircuintinfihodium ofthe country, and it cannot pny in anything beiter, fog- ils own "net's are either in goru‘ntnent securities or in notes or bond: paynhle in gov- ernment; paper. It is equally convenient as I. tomporary or permnnt-nt investment. . The‘ note: can Always be sold for within a traction of thehjace and accumulated interest, and Ire the but. lecuri 1y with bunks [u collateral: for disconnu. (‘ou\'erliblcinm§Bix pa: cent. 5-20 Gold Band. ‘lu addition t 6 the very liberal inter-eat on the notes {or three years, this privilege of con renion in now work: about three per «11'. per unnum, for the current rate for 5-20 Bonds in not less 'hnn nine per cm!.prmium,‘and betore’ the \rur the premium on six per cent. U. S. stock: was orer manly per cent. It will be seun tlmi the uclunl profit on- this loan, at the presrm market. rate, in not leu than ten per cent. per nnnum. ‘ its E'xcmption‘irom sum or Mun'yipai Taxation. but aside {rum all the «damages we have enumerated, a special Act of Congress exempts lii bonds and Treasury notes from local tuxa~ lion. 0n the urerfigc, this exemption is worth about uro [wr cgnt. per annum. according to the ram of' taxation in uuious parts of the country. : IL is bclirr‘cd 111 M no securiiies olTer flagrant ‘ inducement; to lmdc rs as those issued by the , gumrnmcm. In an other forms of indebten na-ss, the High or .\himy of private pan-ties, or {task companies, ¢r separate communities, (in lj', is pln-dgvd for puyhzent, while the whole propcny of the country is held to secure the ' discharggJ of all the obligations of the United 'Stutes. ' While the government nfl'cra the most liber— ut terms lor in loans, it believes that the very strongest fippezl will be to the loygll; Ind pu lriotism of the maple. ' ‘ Duplicate certificates will be lubed~ for all deposits. The Party de‘positihg must. endorle upon the ongmul certificate the Jouoruinutinn of notes roqdircd, and whether they are to be issued in‘hlan or [-uynhlc to order. When 50‘ endorsed it ‘muxt he left with the omcen re ceiring the kcposit, to be fum’nrdfld ti; Iho Ttenanry Department. ‘ St'uscnunoxs WILL an ”only“ , k'he Treasurer ofthe ['nil‘zd Stan-s, at Washington, the several AssisumtTrensureraand design-Lied Dvposituries, and by the _ ' FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GETTYSBURG, and by all anioml Banks yhich are deposi- Lnries of public money, and ‘ _ ALL RESI‘ECTABLH BANKS AND BANKERS throflgheu} the cpunug wi‘ll give further in !ormmion"’nnd R FVER GREEN CEMETERY. J The undersigned has been instructed by I. resolution or the Board of Ever Green Cente ' tery,to give increased publicity to those reg-l huh-“ions which it. concerns the public to know, {and is knowledge of which will prevent diasp pnintment to those desiring to elect inter jgnents in our grounds. As the stnted income {of the corporation is small, I rigid adherence ,lo the terms and regulations heretofore fixed, end still in force, is nbsolniely necessary. I The Board is making itself acquainted with , the financhl condition of the Association, and 'cxpects to publish ere long an expose of the sense, as well as a proposition for the entren dcr of the stock to the lot-holders, if the re quisite sum can he obtained on loan. ' Price of Lots in the Cemetery is 51012.5;with 20 cents addition! for the Icknowledgment o! the deed by the Justice of the Peace. No cherge is made for furnishing the deed. RATES FOR GRAVE-DIGGING :‘ For I chm pnder six yelrl, ‘ $1 50 ' Fr‘om gix to twelve yen", 2 00 No permitfor digging I grave on be hand until both the lot Ind permit. have been puid for in cub to the Treasurer. Application for pen-mi“ i: to be made to Dr. J. L. Hill, the Treuarerl'n bu office, in Chum beraburg street. ‘ H chyshnrg, on Frldsy tuning, the 29th J nlt., a mall Pan Honnlle, eonuining one 5 note md shout 90 cent! in currency Ind silver. The finder will be unit-lily rum-rd“! upon leaving an: ulna n this oflice. August 8, l 8“. 3% ‘ ' ~ .1- Teaehers Wanted. _ HE School Director: of Oxford I.oquth T will meet u. :hé Public Suhaol-nouap in 0' Oxlord, on TUESDAY, Ill! 6111 tiny of September npxr, u 9 o’clock, A. M.,ufor the purpose ofeuploying Teacher! to take charge a! the School! in aid mwnlhlfi TheCounly Snpnintendent will be present. By order or the Board, . ‘DAVID mun-ms, Sec‘y. ' Aug: 8,1864. td . ~ firs. Eyster's EHALE INSTITUTE—The next union of this Institution 'in commence, {Divine rovideuu pertaining.) on the tint. Blond-y 01 next month, (Septembgr sth.) Gav-burg, Aug. 8, X 864. Albums I ALUIS“ ALBUMS!!! ‘ I ' uat new large Ind bun“? ”sort, mam. of Photognphie Album, whic 'e out below city prim. TYSON BROTHERS. pea, 14, 1863. mm swamwmm waxsxm', {on 3? medicinal purposes onty, It. the New Drug m: a! . Dr. E, 310152183. • 4 ,, k' . - U. S. 730 Loan. SPECIAL ADHS’I‘AGES (IF THIS [4O”. AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUB; ‘ SCRIBERS. ’ . Aug. 15, 1864. 3m {l'o the Public. For pérsnnn‘over twelve years. By order of the Bond, . \S. S. SGHMUCKBR, Pm't. eAug. 8, 1864. ‘ Lost, .e Agek. Public Sale. 1 Public San, . .\'SATURDAY, the'zlth day of AUGUST; F A VALUABLK FARMé—OI SATUR- O inst , the subscriber will offer at Public ' 0 DAY, the 3d rlsy of SEPIEMBER nest, Bnle, on the premises. her FAR“, containing I the subscribers. Eretulars o! the his! will and P 4 Acres, more or less, Bllunle in Frankliu'teztunent of Henry Walmun, deceased. will township, Adams county. about 2 miles tram 06:!“ at I’nblic S.le, on the premisrz, the fol- Ceshtown, sdjoining lands of Mrs, Brough, Pa. 1 lowing El 1 Estate of Elld decednnl.siz: ‘ , ter Kettemnn, Jacob Deurdorfl' nnd Haney} A FARM, utuste in Germany tonnsh‘lpn Shnltz, with e large proportion of Chesnut Adams county. on the Baltimore turnpike. 3, Timber am]. The improvements ‘mzles north of Littleslown, ndJoiuinz lands of ere lon nml n he]! story Dwelling 'Honry Fpnulding, Vincent U'Bold. hide“ HOUSE, gm“ Bun, Spring House, lLong, and others, containing 129 Acres am i with two excellent Springs, end il’ercbes, on which are erectedn , two Orchards ofkrnfled Fruit. Also. a Viue- x “"20 "(‘“' _ T'O-FW"! B R “3“ . H ' ysrd orlso vines, in fine besring condition. ‘“UUSE» '"”! JWD'S‘OU‘ BTW“ I | , ”The tract will be sold in lots or entire, l Buck-building. I zood Enrnfiorn l to suit purchasers. Sale positive. Ten per ‘ (‘rib and anon Shed attached, Carnage ,i cent. of the purchase money‘rto he psid on the llmne, Smoke House, sud othq outhuilvlinw day ofsule. - L. A well ol’wnter et the dw Hung and one at the‘ ”At the same time and ylacewill be sold, burn. The {mu is w l watered—water Int 1 HORSE, l Cow, Two-horse Wagon, Plough nearly all the fields. Tie land is in it good; and Burrow,Doubleend b‘inglePhovelPloughs, i_state of cultivation. hsrinz (ll been llmfidl \\‘innowing Hill, Horse Gears. Grindstoge; twice. Two Apple Orclmrds,nnd {ruilol' sll, Hay by the tan, Potatoes by the bushel: 3lkinds, on the place. ‘ . I Beds, Tables, Chairs, Clock, Cooking State, W'H-rsons wishing to view the propertyi Chests. Clans Cupboard, llarrelitl and 3 \‘aa will call on the first-flamed Erccutor, residingl vietyofothererticles,teo numerous to mention. on the farm. 7’ ~ I fi‘Ssle to commence st lo o'clock, A. Mr; neg-Sale to commence at 1‘ o‘clock, P. M..' on said dsy, when sttendance will be given ‘dn'snid day, when nttenrlhnce will be givenl find terms made 300'" b! and terms made known by HANNAH snumz. xs'rn'n tummy, .’ ELIAS SLAGLE. Aug. 'l, 1864. 15* , Executprs. Aug. 8,1364. m Public Sale. \i SATURDAY, the “2th day of SEPTEM BER next. the nndersignod, .\«signee of George W. Elickcr. offl‘ymnejownshifi. Admm county, mll‘sell at. Public Sale, on the premi lu. about three rriiles nnrthenst of Benders ville, on the road leading from tho lower Ben dernille road to the upper Bendersville rond, the following Renl Eslxtc, Vin: - 'A TRACT OF LAND, siiunte partly in Ty rone, pnrtly in Huntington, and partly in Men allen townships, Adams county, adjoining lands of George Herman, Jacob Herman, and when, containing 93 ACRES, (about. 20 urres of the same being good timber Inn-i.) having "Ti" thereon erected a Two - stony ,ff ' Wentlierhoarded DWEL L i N G [l, [m HOUSE, double frame weather _ J 5.) bonded Burn, with Wagon Slml and Corn (Irih attached, Srnnhe-lmuse,Spring-. house, and other out-buildings. , There is n never-failing spring of watcr unit the door—- nllo an ORCHARD of chain lr it trccs. l'l‘hc above described tract. is in good arming or.ler, having been nearly nll liniql. Alla, at the same time nn (plane, will he sold, a. lot. of WHEAT, RYE a ll OATS, h) the bushel, a lot of Chesnut Shin l s, l Che-t, kc. Any person wishing t w the properlv will call on William B. Nell; r Ming tln-rcon. ‘ or on the nndersiined, residing in Bending, township, Adams county. » A , Sale to commence“ 1 o‘clock, P. .\i , on I nid day, when attendance WI” be given and terms made knoivn by I MICHAEL H. BLAIISER,‘ W. T. Williams, Auct'r. Auignee August a, 1864. . Superintendent’s' Notice. WILL examine Teachers at the {ullowmg I named times and places, to wit: ‘ Sxmlmn, Hunterszowu. Aug. 2 ‘, 9 n.. m. Franklin, Hillmwn, Aug. 27,10 :1. 1:]. Butler, Middleton-n, Aug. 29. 9:1. m. .\lcnullcn, Bcn-iersvillv. «\ug. 30, 9 u. m Tyrone, Ucidlersburg, Aug. 31, 9 a. m. li\mfingmn. Petersbrg, Sept. 1, 9 n. m. Lalimore,Slalc Road S. IL, Sept. 2.9 n. m lhmilton. East. Berlin, Hop}. 3, 9 a. m. Reading-Ind Hampton, Hamp'nn, Sept.3,2p.m ISM-wick bor , Abbousmwn, Srpt. 5. 9 n m. Berwiuk Ip., Eldu‘s S. IL, Sept. 5,"). p. 111. Oxford, New Utlorv. Sept. 6, 9 a. m. .\luunlpleASunt Brush Run .\‘. ll .Srpt. 6, 2 p.m (:crmnuy,Littlestown, Sept: 7. 9 n. m. l'ui’on‘ Schiidt's 8 II , Sept. 7. 2 p. m. Couowugo, McSherrpl-nvn, rcpt, H, 9 :1. m Freedom, Moritz’s S. H \ hunt. 9, 9 n. m. _ Cumberland, Bluulmugh's. Sept N, 9a. m. Hiyhlund, Uhunh S. H . S°pv. ‘2, 9n. [n.. Humiltonbnn, Fain-firm, Sam. 13, 9 21‘. n 3 ' Liberty, Gmywn‘s 5‘ ll , mp 2 14. u n. m. .\1 oumjuy, T\'\'o Tnverug, Sew. 37,44 3 m. Direcwrs are urged, nml lhcpuhliv general !y are Lmiu-d,to attend these exumnml:uxr.—— Ex uninations will invnrmhlx cmnmcnm- m Nu: hour Specified, ngd n'o npplzcnu: nfxerunral! udmiued unles‘ IRliHfilctury mu» he 5!: mm for tardiness. l‘mchers “‘“' present llmn selves for cmminhwfl in (he d|su~in m whh h [hl'V inhiy! In learn. Thaw who hold crrlifi rm“ granted hsc year Mll' please prom]! them. 2 ! .\'o private exnnfinnliom wi‘ll he held‘ nnlvn: ‘good cause heshmrn. .m-l lhea applicants "lily! :qgrrsent n wrhtn“ requcu lmln at h-nsL lon.- U‘IPJthErS or the Agni of Dircrtnrs I'hn may ldr‘sire t 6 .nnpluy, htm. Such cxnun‘umtions 'nill be held only on Sullullayi. Nu 1c char , can be employed to tench un'm-r any circum smuce‘a withoutn valid Lerufivn‘xe, IrAu-l: line:- ‘1 ton should away: It: qumr cuntmcluly. | AAROV' SHEELY, L‘o. Supt. Gettysburg, Aug. 8, 1564. g Howard Assoclation. IIILADELI’HIA, n..—lnsea‘ues of the P Nervou:,_ Semin‘ll l'rinnry' nnd Sexu‘al Systems—new nn-l relimle Ireat‘incnt—m rev pquof the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—sen! by gmjl iu soulcd'lencr envelopes. [rue of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN ll'UL'llll- TON, Hounrd Associltiun, No. 2 South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Aug. 8,1864. 1y Don’t Ask ‘tanredit! BUY no SELL 0:1fo you r d 4— s 11.1 omm Syflem Aboluhed.’ .; Udall Sultan Adopted .' ‘ The undersigned, Merchants of the Borough l ofGetcysburg. would respectfully inlorm their customer. that. from and after this date, we ‘ will be compelled TO SELL EXCLUSHELY 1 OR CASH. We —hu'e edopu‘d this course ;_ necanse the mnnufactnrera and wholesale ‘ [dealers in the cilia: have relolred to sell goods only for the Cash. leaving no no ellernntlre ‘ but the edoption of the CASH SYSTE“. The introduction of this change in our mode of do ing busineée we; believe will be to th! inure-t : of both buyer ”and seller, a: indilcriminnte credit. bu always operated injuliouely to the 1 prompt peyiog gnuomer. ‘ Alexendcr Spengler, IFehneetockßmtherl, I Sheedl & Bnehler, 'J. L. Schick, ‘ l McCurdyk Diehl, . lGeo. Alhal-l,’ W.'E. Biddle a 00., 11mm- t‘Ziegler, l J. s. Gillespie, ‘Narbeck a nun", Wm. Boyer & Son, ls. G. Book, J. Brinkerhofl, lßow & Woods, Geo. F. Knlhfleiechfi F. 3- Picking, . _ E. I. Futon, A. Soon 1: Sun. J. E. Rowe, , .L. Holuwmth, S. S. 'Fofney, Geo. Jumbo & Bro.| R. Homer, , . ' A. D. Bnehler, A. Cohen 8 00., M. Spengler. M. flrAlluer, lAndrew Polley, « | Harriet McCrenry, luau H. mm. 2 50 J aaeph Bevan Geqtyibun . July 25, Sheriff ’8 Sale. N pursuance of I writ of Fieri Facial, in lued out. o! the Court of Common Plea o Adm:- county, Tm, and to me directed, will Mupond to Pubiic Sale. M the Court House, in Gettylburg, on TUESDAY, the 1611: day of AUGUST, 1864, at 1 o’clock, P. SL, the following described Ru) Esme, viz : A LOT OF GROUND, situate in the Borough of Berwick. Adam‘s county, PL, adjoining lots Wm. Gm, an., Ind Jonph Gmefl. fronting ou an Alloy, on which il erected a Two- .5, nary FBAIE SHOP. Seized and taken. 'in execution u the properly of Eh S. Molliaon. ADAM REBERT, Sheriff. Sheriff: once, Gettysburg, Aug. 1, ’O4. ' ”Ten per cent. of ghe purchase money upon all ulel by the Sh: from: be paid over immediately Lfler the property is struck down or upon fnilure to comply therewith the proper ty will be again put up [or sale. - Baltimore St. Ahead! A NICE glass of ALE, a cool botlle of FOP, with delightful WINES, can be had It Mrs. CHRISMER’S, next door to thn Post. Ofiaefin Baltimore street. AlsoSegard.Smok lug 3nd Chewing Tobaccos, Conhctiounry, Soaps, Excelsior Coffee, Threadl, and A Variety of Notions; With Apples, Pun, Peaches, to” in their lemon. She keeps none but the best alleles. and hopes to receive, an ab: win try to deserve, I good fine of the publlc‘; pg. tronuge. Geuysbnrg, Aug. 1, 1864. 3‘ UPEBIOE lot 0! CANNED PEACHES at S ‘ .1. 11, ramps, =ECM 'l‘ BRINKERHUI-‘F’S CHEAP CLQTHING fix AND runxrsnmu swan, at. the North Eur Corner of the Diamond. The suburiber 34- constnntly in receipt of fresh good: from the Eastern cities. [ln stack of i _ ‘ HE Uri-MADE cCI.OTHINGu is one of the 1:“th nnrl most attractive, 1: well as thv cheapest estnlilidlnnenl «If the kind in Ihr country. You will thvrv- lind COATS". PANTS AND vrzsrs, I‘lmdccny in we, most. fnslnionrible styles. nnd of the but mntcrxfils, ol'_nll Sims and [um-es, for men nud hogs.»- Génlltmcn'a furnishing goods of every descrip tion, Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shins nml .\it-rino Bhirls, Merino, Wool nnd Cation Drawers, Hosicxyofeverv description, Ha'clhsl‘in, .\lerlno and Cutton Gloves, liand~ karrhiels, .\'eck Tics, Grunts, Linen and Paper Collnrs. Hats, Caps. Boots and Shoes. Um brellnx, Trunks: anicrs, Carpet Pugs, Gloriacs nn-L shoe Bruins-s. lliir and Tooth Brushes, Shoe lzlncking. Pocket and Dressing Combs, hury Combs, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Hum, Pismh, Violins and \"Lolm Strings, s”:ch and i’erfnméries, Sulioncx'y of all kinds, l’nckrt Knives, Smnking nml Chewing Tubu cn. Pipes, an extra quality ofh‘egnrn.‘ In incl, lxii‘stockgmhmcvs everything usually found in A first. c'lm furnishingsture. I invite tl , nm-uliun of «N come and see for themselve‘: :4 [n.m dolc'mi H 1 go Bell gomli lower than any mhorunbliulnncnl in the country. Don't tux-L5ll the pine. (‘urner at York ‘tl’ll'et uu-l Llu- “min-uni. JACOB BRINKERHUFF. Jul) 4,1xd1. , K 13"\'ESTU"-K ”HUHH‘Iua \ 1‘ Are rmzwuui) receiving (huh-p Hid. lie-n nimble gnml», frun Vow Y-nl , I’lui‘ntlelphin and liallimurq, find are [unppnrvd to at": GRrJA'T INDU‘EMENTS to thcae About, purchn-ing. Having sv‘lvcted u m. gn-zu cure, {rum Khr‘ three lendiugmm‘kels, llu‘ public \HII Im-k m the-i; oun intt‘reSls by humming our sunk hrl‘urc buying efsewhere. CJll'n: ‘ » FAIINFISTUFKS’ A! y 9, 1334. _ Rn! Front. New Tailoring _ -. ~ ‘- ~ ~ —~—-~- “~ ~ ~__ Fsun' “{HIEH‘ "(11-ILLFJ‘ZPKENRODE, ”M?“ BREAKFAST AN? 111-" MAR I ‘J F. smuxanlupin}. Coffee. adopt: tlfis method of iniurminghis frir-nds rind; WING to the vermhiyh [trifle of (305350. ”‘CJ'M'HC h-"“'",”.Ya “'4'?- h" “"5 ennui-. 1 3 0 mad the graft ri'ill‘icully in procurin-K.r a T-m‘ml‘b’ «3:! ”'““‘-""‘ " m lhltunorc fill-"Ft" good, uniform and relmldv :ll‘lll‘lP, uur ml“- Gettysburg. “‘”‘ P 0“ Umn.) PM”. the DH.“ itamors have often nxllrvswd a wish that :hI-yI “10"“! ““'?” '”‘ i 5 l”“i““°‘I wluu :dl Wo'k .m could be supplied iron] first hJuds. It was' his linr in the lie-t mJnuot. mud to the sntls- ' the intention of Y . . 1 2:.":."..::'..2':.:::'“.:5.i;...:f.:.5;th ‘"‘“ mm x m «mm 3 ’l'lll‘; l-'.i\|ll||.\'h' lilltil‘l._\l".l.Y, 'todo a strictly in: linsinesf, [intros no hand“ he run wnrmnt fashionable lits nml null and had mule i:u~mme.- llilnlfil-‘f 4}» ‘ “'"“.CIG {'”"-i sulmnn'tinl sowing. Ila mks a shurv: at tho .hnvor'cucd "P‘m‘fi" ’0 *‘fl’l'll'! ”1" "'—.US'-"-’ xiuhlic's [mtmu- 'e. promising to quire nu of. 1." “‘”“ Ten and ulT‘r. 1”,, '(‘mz lnr‘tn-tenmnti ‘ ‘ - - ‘ . lm to come to hem) orl..'l‘uu tmtnTzv l'nrt tinlescnr >t. llis cmrgi-s Will ulnnys, be 1"" l ’s' . H F f i': ‘ . l 1 l tuned us mudemlc ns the time's wxll nlluw. PM, ( 0”,?“ .nrunxcu 0H: "10“: ‘“’";ni .“1 Cutting and [{umirin: dong at tho sLoutrst . 9‘" T” “S“? “:5 lpf’r’fmf‘; if, 1}" °.' ll 13m": nolivc. [(lilnsliurg,Apl‘il7,lB62.\irelmmgm a (lolly. tin .«iou _ c Vurm: iL atl _, 7 7 fl —_ ..-. I_, _ - '_‘_~__ _W amo u-rnte pnuu, uud aneunlrcrsnl sutml‘nc-l * ‘tion, and .\t the snmo tims all‘uid Ul‘.‘ retailer n_ A: Valuable Fflrmi ‘haudsome profit—we base but“ ('ltmp‘ lied to AT "R" *1 -" "“l‘E'T‘T[“ €“-”’“"3"““‘”"3 supply ”10:6: parties. THIS COFFEE run“ ‘ _ alt pru‘nte Sallv, his PAIL“, situated In: 850(3)“; 50 POPU R with Jour customersj Curio“ county, .\ld.. (Emile; lrum Littlestown, : and their “1” hm’efiureaud to such nu “_E mtg-fining Inn is at Anzuuns llnnu r, decensrd, tent '.lml we “MO lim-n compellul to nuke lurgei (inorgc Rim-dollar, Morgan's .\lill propt-rdy. _ additions to 0",. mochinery. which w.” en'lble {r.uulerlv Arnold; ) mid others.‘ wutuxnmg us to stlitply “1",. "lure customers “m“:f.’ Tufi ACRYSL'nlmut h‘ nrre; at which nre good We w)“ “mum,” an“; it W thou who nmy'. limiter, and?» due prnpm‘liun ul meadow. IThe I order . ~ ' mil is red sand, ‘nnd has been .lnni-d all Orer‘ if I" FAST Smxnumn‘d ALL OTHER Corrnzs. ‘thc Moon I time; under good l‘nclnz. There : This Coifie lms been med 'o‘. "w” um“ ,l "N '""’“! 9” ill-““”‘ of ”Md "'"‘“3' “My ‘ centu‘iy in Paris, and .iuce its‘ introduclion in ’!" k runs ”'”'”th the "‘“'" The “‘”' urc ~to this chnntxy it hfis been in use hv some. of L’Hd 0” “"“‘”‘JIE'I‘U’. 5° “““' cn‘ttlc m" be left .I the lending French' llesmurunts here. The tn water without a. driver. 'lue I‘Pflflailllli‘l|r¢ a!“ m be the he“ Judges of‘ inn-”WM?“ "e a one ““d “but. I ind-re»; and Ihe grmt furor in “hiLh it is held} ”"'3‘ LOL- “UUSI-I. Bunk Burn, . (by them-is the best rvcommcndation that can ““’-’““ Shed. (Zorn Ct‘b- ‘“”” 'be producedbrits line flavor nnd heulthy ef- Shed 'or cattle lan-l hav, (‘urrifinge Hume, llog fects upon the human system. ”035“, smm“ "pd “'le! House,‘spring Housr.‘ We put up but one grade of this Coffee, and Will! 3 ”Mfr-"”1121 ‘”'“ 0‘ “'""" '”“‘ 3 that. is oh quality that our customers b. 1113: pump in l , and a spring: of water close to the ' found from cxpvricme will give perfect ”figs. . buildings; ngoml Orchnrdwith frull trees of {action nnd meet till the demands of lhu‘ir all kinds. ltjs in every raspcct a must dusirn- ' trade. It is the lowest price that w, on re ble properly. - _ commend. WWW“! Wishink ‘0 '”" ”I? PWP‘fU We do all our business on the'most ex‘en are reque~tcd to call on tho subscriber, IZl‘S'ld' live scale, buy by, the cargo and .0“ m, only in?! thereon. ' . - 3' 6- HEAb‘l- ' two centspcr pound profit. ‘ June 21, 1864. 3:11" We put up mi 0062:: in Barrels only, 0f125 fNOtiCB Pounds esch. his method ofputtmgdt up , ‘ ', x snvrs from 2 to 5 cents per pound to the con . ”‘33 M- STOMSS‘FEWS EsTt‘TE'_L“‘ sinner, and by its being in I; urge quantity it ts-rs of ndministmtion on the esLlig: ofElh-n ( retains its fine a war much longer in this form “- Stonesifcr, ““5 0’: G”'“’““." “'l'" ‘““'“! than in any other. We send Wlth each harrrl county, deceased, having been granted to the :Show-Cnrds, Circul-rs and Posters, to assist undersigned. "siding in‘-"1° "‘""' «awash-1),! the‘enler to introduce it to his customers. We‘ they hcrehy give notice to oil persons indebted up. on? customsrs will take pfin, m h." to Mid calm to "Me immediate ””'va them well posted up and distrib,ntod,,ssit will and those hnving claims sgninst the snmr to he to their “drum,” to do so. . prezent them properlv authenticated for octtle- ~ This Cufi'ee we uni-rant to giv: perfectsnm ”‘""" Adios 8105|E§I,F,Eng ‘fnction, and “‘it does not please, the purchaser BAAC 7' STU“,}"?‘FER‘ .hss the, privilege of returning the whole or Jul! ’5: 1364- 6" ' Admxnutrators. any part of'it within 60 days, And hnvinghis " ' ‘ w ‘ ““”‘— ’ ..____ none ~refunded, together with all the ex enses $lO 8. Day! ’ of tmhzsportation both ways. p J GENTS WANTED.’-—Tn sell the "25 CENT We issns n Price Uirculnr of our Tu! and A LEGAL TENDER STATIONERY PACK- Cornn. yhich wi Are glnd to send free to all AGE.” Each Pockage oonuins‘ab Songs, 1 who with it. Consumers orCofl'ee should en pmzes ”Music, 18 sheets of Plper‘ 18 Enve- quire lorthe Era-eh break/rut and dinner Cafe: My", 1 1.31”". 1 Pen, 1 Pen Holder. 1 LEN! nml be sure that it won purchued of tho Pencil, -1 Design for Under-sleeves, ) for Child‘s CHEAT AXERICAN TEA COMPANY Apron, l for Embroidered Collnr, l for Chris- ‘ I J ’ tuning Robe. 2 tor nut-hing boners. 13 Secrets “'“"'" “D 03.33", . never before published, worth mu; mum; 35 837 VESEY STREET, his.“ XORK. and other informntion. Also, one beautiful Juiyls,lBo4. 3m . article of wannr. Liberal iuduoements to W Agenll. Sand Stump for Circular. SAMUEL‘BOT'P, 4? South Thin! SL, Philldelphin, 1" Jung *3, H 64» 1] 1984. gm For Sale or Exchange. VERY desirable GRIST HlLL,with A3B ACRES OF‘AND, in Germany H town-Mi). I will exchnnge for B [ax-m, | and pt; who difl'mnu, i! any. 7 . GEO. ARNOLD. Gettysburg, Oct". I, 1863. tf AT A. SCOTT k SON’S.—Wc invite the nt _‘ taxation of buyer! to our flock of Spring Goods, which will be oold cheap, confining of LADIES' DRESS GUUDS, Sluwll, Cloaking Cloths, em, cm. For Hen’n and Boys' «can we have Clotbl', Canimerel, coaungg, Vestingl. with n uriety of Cotton ndu, km, to. Call Ind lee. May 18,1863. A. SCOTT l SON. WASHIONABLE BARBER. Norm—ell! (For- C]! ner of the Diamond, (next. door to Mc lellnn'n Hotel) Gtttyaburg. Pm, ’where he can u all times be found ready to Attend to 111 bulims in hit “no. He has tho excellent ‘3‘ gi‘moee end will ensur'e ntiafncfion. Give him‘ a on“. (Dec. 3, 1860. Corn Wanted. ' ORN IN THE EAR wanted it our Ware- C bouu. for vbich the highest nuke! price will ha 1;“. HcCURDY & DiEHL. Gettysburg, April 18, 1884. ' ‘ nm'apunnnox BITT-EBS,or me 'Homufitd Tom, a Dr. a. gammy: n; Slmfi i 777 . miss' DRESS TRYXJHNGS, m mu m L mg, n scmcx-s. Great Attraction New Geode, Spring Goods ‘ John W. Tipton, Universal Clothes AW ringer. ELF-MLII'STING AND AI).II':«TABLE, ' S WITH (Jun-WHEEL REGULATOR I‘OE ML! BY SHEADS & BUEBLER, Gn‘rrrensc, PA \ I‘er innunu-rable recommendations, we gnthrr the following: Leucr tram Mrs. Henry \Vlrd Beecher, in IBM. I Mn mos: happ" to lpfllk in the very high est terms of the "Universal Clothqa “'ringer." 'llne harden part of “walling-day" work is, in my opinion, the wringing; and the inventor of this machine any have the latufnction of fueling that be b.l- ohnnged one n! the mo". iollsome parts of woman's work into a wry Extractive xmunflnent. The laundrels looks upon it man great blessing? I look upon it 13 nmng the most useful nrticlcs m the bonus. Brooklyn. Octo r, 1861: Price—s 7 00. 5 .[Muy I, 1984. c New Liquor Store. ‘1 ROCEI‘xH-ZS CONTIVUED. _ / (J NORBEGK t MA Tl)’, n..-n" nl’ Bullimnre and High llrecta, Ge :- burg. Pm. lmfiv nddr-rl m the Grocery bnai I! n largo assortment of CHOICE LIQL'ORS, - bracing ulmu-t every kind. viz: Exam «5, Winca, Girls, Ruma nnd “'h'iskiM, nll 'nr ranted m-ho wlml they are sold for in flavor nml qusdily. These lliquors are of vnriou: grades, running up to the highest, [0 thnt 111. tusloa may be suited. ISULU WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL Pure lf‘rcm-ll Brandy and 91d Rye Whiékey for medical pmposes can at I" times be had. The above liquors Inn: been purchased at the best and must. reiinbl houses And can then-fore be ret'nmmcmlclfmm safely, nml willhe sold at the lowest. [pi-vs. Landlords and Countrv Merchants will find it to their In— ten-st to call and examine ou'ralock hequ’e pur clmsinq elsewhere. With large sales we can sell at small profits. ”The Grocery, Flour and Feed and .\'o tion~business continued—with lull nssomuvms in each departmeu}. [Maj- 30, 18w. 3:: , One and All, _ ARE NOTICE—The unnlersignvd would T say to the puh'lic that he is rerenvinz a lnrge and splendid ‘stovk _ol‘ GRU‘JI-ERLRS, which he will sell‘ as low In any other hmnec in town—Comics, Sup“. Molasses. Syrups, Tens, Sell, Fish, fit; with Potatoes. Beans, and Rice: Wooden Ware, pul up in the best man ner; 'l'obnccos, chiirs', Jun, kc. . FARMERS, TAKE NUTICE!——H you wnnl to lay in your liquors for burn-:1, now is the time. i lure many brand; of Wl.i=kies, Brnu. dies, Wines. and all mlmr liqiihrs, which I am disposing afar: short profits. (live 1111- a (‘"” I nlwny; try to plenuuo-and believe I v: r_v l.“- un aura-ed. liemcmhorlhe pixwe—aouthcnfl corner of the Diamond, Gettysburg. . GEO. I". KALBFLEISCII. May 25, m 3. - ~ Good~Tmngs from the City! E in receiving twice a wick f"- the city I. variety _or Artifiy unified to the Wnnll a! this community, viz Fresh and Salt FISH, Buns, Shoulder. and Side), Hominy, Beam, Salt, Applu, Pomwmflnngesml‘emons, Confection, Toblccm, chnn, with many other arliglu in thin lint—all regeired in the hen ord", Ind loid n the love-t. proflu. Giro u: I csll, in Bunimore “rut, nanly opposite Flhneuockl‘ store. WANTED—Butter, Egga, Lard, And all other country produce—{oghk-h ‘be higher! cub price will be pnid. SWEET POTATOES-{bent quality, A: low ou living profiu—llwayl on hand. Also, OYSTBBS, in. Ind huh-in the the“ or lhockod. Restauran- nnd fimiliel Inpplied. STRICKHOUSER l WISOTZXEY. Gmnbum. lay n, 1863. New Goods. EORGE ARNOLD bu jda! received from the city a large supply of CLOTHING, Mcu’l ad chs’ «at, comisuug of all kindl cf cons, PANTS, vas'rs, samrs, Drmnms.cmvus, NECK TIES, GLOVES, HUSKER)’,&¢. ?- a l I o —- A large Itoc of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. CASSISETS, JEANS, DRILLINGS, kc..kc., L 110! which will be lold as cheap as can be Ind elsewhere. Give In a call, and if we can not please you in I unit ready made we will take your measure and make you up one in short notice. [My 30, 1864. ILLINERY GOODS, Bonnets, Ribbons, I‘l Flowery. Shnkm sad Bonnet. Frame nu roccivedjrom Saw York, cheap at Palm utuch’. tho-£310! v'.’ - BED FRONT, ‘“ccfifinm’mcxufi,‘ ' " r 3910!!!" n. C ceiud from the city, in prime or .or,u ‘ ‘ . KALQVKEIsca'a. A er’s I SARSAgABIL‘w : A/funz'rwjmyxrnn‘ nu youth‘s cuu mm m Scroful. Ind. Sci-annou- Dinounl. I ‘ f r- J "a. ‘ r m Eryn! ““fiflim‘f” :- W‘ Vo* m. A‘conltnnt pull: or uneuinou nt tit. pi! “l have mold large qumtmc- a your Saltnr of the Itomnch. ‘ ? ‘r‘uf ‘in}: “new?! one bronze 'l .3: (mall or' or: - ‘ 2d. flatulence and Acidity. .~ ) ~. rm c u In! u min d'i un oocw IO 00 . . ' it. At {at-tn uur maple tri‘it, lht‘ Igm there in! 3d,; (”0.1“ "n“ “"‘ L 0" 0‘ APP"“" " ' it‘-n no medicine like it be on: in or}: community." it ‘ GEM"! ”“‘ 9¢Pfflli°fl V, Spirit'- -- Eruptions. Pimples. Blah-shot, \Pultulel, Ulo 5“" D“".““" "“‘ 8"?“5‘ 3' cert, Baron. and all Dtuuel of tho Skin. G‘h’P‘m‘ “' an?" 0‘ “ll Spun). ~.' rm: mu. Imm. .‘slralhm. Izrmoz, England. 7th. Cnuwmpll'e 8 plain Ind Pllpiho l “'ilmily do my duty tolynu tmd tll’tc pnblk'l. with! tiau of the “9.11; g .‘ I" m trxttmou to tt i )u u llrh oft If‘ in‘- dirmnl \tyrtuva Uflgurs ”is y: \l‘fi’l 1..\. )Iy (hugh- 8“" Cough, '"'" PIE“!!- M tn” 7"”..- tvr.ngod to". in all Inn-tin" humor in hry can, 9"). NGI’VO“ ‘UWHOII. “d VII‘ 0‘ 81", rycs, audit-ntrtf?:lycan.§rhi:h we \\rn- nnrflxlo to It high 2. ‘ mm not we X'l 'our \llaAl'AluLlA- S o I been I'cll for name l’uonthn." bl 10”" L?” 9' APP‘u‘“ ‘“d Vdflmng. M MM. Jane E. m». a trelemr-n and much- llth. anthenl Dill”! « vhh‘i ‘3‘ 57;?mdt: Inn‘ly Q’lDrum'gr‘lirl. ‘t'upv Jim] I 0.. .\'.J. 140‘! Of Sight. ‘ .t ‘ ug ttcr ms nu. vrw or I mr putt with A ~ Imihlotll cmiltlon. which min «3, truublnomo. -l‘2‘th' ""“‘“ch Mid finned" h '““‘.l Naming Ifl'nrt ed "uh rt it. t‘ uutll we tried your ' '”' B'9‘“ \ve’MnClL baits.\r.\nll.t.,\.whir nonu complm-ly curvrl hot-3! Out of the thousnndl ‘ol mm of‘ in From (7mm F. 61111:. Eu]. arm “(My L-nom- that have used Dr 'Winhtrt’m Grant Am mt , M . . . . ' . . ' if?" influx'yfhfwfwu’V‘ “‘"“‘“?! Dyspepsln Plul| not one of them till failed 0! i u h.“ for run ml' Iy'oars A very [Potlflflpgomo a perfect cure. We wnrrnnt a cure in "my unm- nmy new WIDI grew totutnnt y won-o cute. no mutter if of twenty yenrs' stgndin _- untll it diati urel my fmtun'n And bcc‘unu lul into]. - A '“". ' crnhie nthirémt. I tried almont every thing- nmnn Gold by’ull druggtlta ‘""‘d‘QN! '“d 6‘ on eottlr: of; both ulvit'l‘ululd magician gut wttliuut In} '3 lslhilnilhomlce’ h - 10 N. Second lti‘lfl, who wtntevcr. tun too your .\ltfltl'Allll-Lt. hi .1 c p in ’it. All unmimtionl and can ‘it huntcdlltcl mml -my liict! woman on told me - ' , .. it ml vm for-ythnr‘; but in n{w wool. the new ’“‘.mm‘" "”‘ °f ‘”“'a°- 3‘“ ‘0" “’"‘": ukinedhcgunnto form ulndrr than batch“. Inigo“. I’l:th $i porx bax. Sent by null, 1'". 1f tmu um. m tnrcnulmoo ”my y’l. care it :i . and iam withm’at my tymptoms of the 111-cm,- that K’ont pt of mono, ‘ l I liuow of. I enjoy perfut honlth. Ind with?“ I . doubt owe it to yuur Mus \l'AlllLLA." Emipeln-Gonenl Inability—Purity tho Blood. 1' mm Dr. Rabi. Shirl". Ikmlnn SL. NM York. “ Du. Arm. 1 Icidom tail to move Eru “unl‘ cud Scrqfubvu Sort: by the pcrscvcring uuogyour SABSM'AIHLLA. Ind l have Just now cured :ut Attack ‘of Maltynmut‘ryu’pelm with it. No nitcratirc wo pox-cu cqnnll t to SAM: \i‘.\|tlLl..\ Eon have up plied to the profession a: writ u m t o peoplel" front I. l. Jubmlnn. Eu]. Walnut. OMO. , “ l‘or tlrr-lve your, I had the gliow 1,133] ha on my ri ~ht arm, during which t a I tr" nfictilo rch‘hruch )iitynicianl I could mull. and took hun dred: of dollars worth of lflHllt‘lllfl. Thu Itiner were It) had that the cord. butane Vlllblt', and tho dorton decided that my Arm must be unwanted. l begun tnkinlzryour SABSAPAIIILLA. Too two hot ,tlen. Ind route of your Pius. Togother they have cured me. lAm now us well and count! u’nny body. Being in n public place. my use is known in over my in this community. nod ext-ite- the wonder a; From ”an. Entry Monro. M. l’. Pu Qf Nemfle. 0. 1:2. 0 leading umber ty‘ the Canadian Parlia mm . . , v “i itnve uucd your SHLHAI'ARILL t ir my funny. for general dtlu' m]. nnd for‘punjfm'ug t a blood, mth rcmnbonellv rctmltn. And feel will”. autumn xit w the dilated." - _Bt. Anthony'- Fire, Bole, Bolt Ell-um. . 80nd Head, Bar. 1119.. . From Sickler th. the able editor til Mia/impel: Drmocn'tt, l’emuylmnla.” “ Our only child, about three year- of age. will ntuckcd by pimpleu on his forehud. .Th? rapidly Iprcnd until they term-«l :t loathsome nu vtruh-nt lore. which court-d his flee, null actually bilndl‘d his eye: for some «luau. A Ikill'ul hynlclun Ipphud nitnte oi‘ allur In other I'l'lllL'dft'fl. without any apparent cfl‘ect. For flfleen dlyu wotgnnrdvd hid ltnndl, lent with them he Ihoultl tour 0 um the {el tcriug Ind corrupt wound which ravcrovi hln whole [11:33. lining tried every thing clue we haul my host: from. we begun giv uv your Slumll'altlt .A, an lplii‘mg the klhde o? potash lotiou. u u dll‘l‘CL ‘1 in wre begun to hell when we‘ hul f" the tirut bottle. and mu well when we had flu nh (he second. The child'l ryeluhcu; which had come out. grpy‘ngaln. and he in now :- healthy Ind fair n 313 other. The Whole neighborhood, predicted thnt c child must dim", r. V Syphilis And “11111213191808”. ’ From Dr. Ilirrm slant, of SAM“), Illumfl. “ i find your BAusAPAtuLLA‘n mot-o eil'ectuzd, remedy for tho murmur-g symptoml of Small“ and {brayphihtlc disuse t an any other we po- 11. The pr’otcuion Ire indebted to you for some of the but medicine; we hm c." From A. J. French, .I]. 1)., an mincntfhysidan of latrrcntn Mart, trim it a [trunnion mnber of the Legislature of illuuachtudla. “111:. Anal. fly detu' Sir: l have found {our &.Uts.\ru:tu.l\ in excellent remedy for Silly Nil. both or the primary Ind lubndary tyre, an droo tmtl in wmt- cunt-n that. went too at»! unto to yield to other remedial l‘do not know wlintm‘ cam em }:toy with more certainty or meet". where l power ul ultt’ntii'cil roquin " Mr. Chm. '3. I'm: Lian. iffll'eu ”Mk. N. 1.. had dfl‘ldfill ulcer. on in' vgs, vaulted by the nhune oi mercury, or Inn-uric! rlimur. which grew morn nnd more lam-water! for yearn. in spite of awry rtmcdy or treatment that could he app led. until the moving me of Al'i-‘Jt's SAttsAt-Alnum relieved mm. Few one. an he found more inveterate and dmrruing than this, and it took several down bottlcl to cure him Inucorrlwen, Whit“. Porno]. Wenknou. owner-Hg prodncml' by inn-nml .s‘rrqmlom Fl " ion,“ nr‘e very often cured by the altrrntivo rtl‘eet of thin SAl:'4.u-.uut.t._t. Some can" rmuirr however. in .m or the SAKSAI'AIMLU, the mini Ipplluflun or loeal remedies. . From the «alum mid «idolytelWai Dr. Jacob Alqrn'll, nfr't'nn’unadu ' ' - “ i buy: found your 8 uLurAhILLIL mpxecllent alirntivr in diseases of remain. Mnny on" ot‘ I rrt-trulnrity. Ikucorrhcl. lntcrnnl L'loirntlou. I Jot-Al dohihtf, wining from the ucrofitlottn diathe linvc yieldet to it. and than are it‘" that do not. when its effect la- properly Aided by loal treatment." A My, unwilling to nllmo the publication of hat ‘ mum. inn!" .- " My daughter and myself have been cum] of I u'ry ( vbihtattug lmworrlltna of long standing, by two bottle- o_l' your SAtuAl'AllLLA.’ ‘ W. Gout, 19m: Oomph-int, Dn pevm. Hem Dunn. Romulus.” when turned h 551‘ in the system In rt y cured by this in. “warm; ' . ‘- AYE R ’ S CATHARTIC PILLS pdsscu so many ulnntlges over the other purgadvorln the market. and their luperior virtue- m to universally known, dutne need not do more than to assure the public their s3lin is maintained equal to the but it ever been. Ind that they may be depended on to do all that they have ever dune. > Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., b 00., ‘ Lowell, Mum, and sold by marl-hr sale by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg, Ind dealers generally. . Aug. 8, 1864. eowly Gettysburg Railroad. BREE TRAINS A D.\Y.—Tminl over the Gettysburgggilrond up": nm as follows ' DEPARTURES. Fill! train lent-lA. Gettylhfirg at. 8, A, I" with passenger: {or Harri-burg And the Math, But snd West. ‘. . Second train leans Gettysburg at 11.30, A. 35%, wilh p-nengerl for Baltimore. ‘ Passen gers cuu ulso rut-h Harrisburg,” thin train. Third tnln luvu Gettylburg qt 3, P. l, with patent": for Hanover. ARRIVALS. _ Pm: train-"hes at. Gettysburg M. {1.20, A. 11., with pnnengerg from Harrisburg. " l Second Imin arrive. at Gettysburg nt }.45, 1". IL, with paleengeu from Baltimore. Third trny urrivn n! Geuylbnrg I“ 6, P. M.. with pulengen fruq' Harrisburg and flu North, Emu And Wen ‘ .. , R. ‘IcCUBDY, Prqlithnt. June 6,1864. t! ' The First National 2 ANK'OF GETTYSBURG bu keen denig anud a Depository.“ Eninciul Agent on a linked Sagan. -Will buy GOLD. SILVER, and CUUPOSd on Governmont. Bondl. Will furnish 6-20 and 10-40 17. S. Bonds, nn'd other Government securities. .vCo'llecuonl and. promptly on All accesuble pointa‘. GEO. ARNOLD, Sublet. July 4,1864. . . 4 .Sheads E Buemer. ‘ EALIBS IN - - GOAL‘ AND LUXBZR, S 1' 0 V I} S . V TIE-WARE, HOLLOW-WARE, he. :- AL”,- SHUT‘I'IRS, ’BLINDS, BASH, 3TO. Corner of Culisle Ind Railrud Btmu, oppo lila mama Depot, GETTYSBURG, PA. May 9, \SCH. , . For Sale. , VERY duh-able FARM; adjoining the Borough o! Gettylbur¢,conuining .\CBES——Bundin¢o and had good. £1; _W‘IH bc lold on very accommodating ' ~mm". . ‘ GEO. ARNOLD, Gsltynbnrs, Oct. 5. 1863._ If Young Men ND OLD MEN. do not ulow your mother. and your when to we" out theirprecioul was over the old Wank-tub longer, but like true men Ind benefactors, present. them with an EXCELSIOR WASHER, and instead of frowns and crous wards on wash days, depend upon it, cheerfu‘ face: «111 greet. you. , TYSON BBOI‘EEBS, Gen) lbnr‘, Pl, Dec. H, 1863. mu: GROUND 3910123, mud Ea P ground exprouly for Dr. ROBERT 808. NEWS Now Drug Bum. H! Amerlcln Excelsior Co!» and Dorian. tor nleal Dr. B. UUBXBB’S Dry; Stgro. DY 3P°Plls‘ pynpeyaia Acu (he {allowing My!” .' Drsnrsu, M'srm’su, Dramas. I, Elihu-m linusos, of Brnndy'ine, Dela lormrry of UM Chester, 06L}. do certify that, far one year and a hnlf I suffered everything but death lrom that awful disease edited Dys pepsin., My whole system‘ was prostreted with weakness and nervous debility; I of,“ not digest my food ; ifl air ems a cracker or the smallest amount of {l2):}, It would return jun ns I swallowedinl ~c so costive in out bowels thsi. I would not‘hnve e passage la lesi than from {our and often elfiht dsys; under this immense, suffering, my in ad seemed pn tirely to give way. I had dreadful horror-ad evil forebodings. l thonghwveryhody hated me, nml I hated everybody; I could not hear my husband nor my own children, everything eppenred‘to be. horror stricken to me; I hed_ no ambition to dO‘PnTthng; I lost sil my lore oifsmily and home; I would rumble and Van‘- der from place to piece, but could not be con tented; I felt thnt l was doomed to hell, and ~thnt there wnsmo heaven for me, and was of ten tempted to commit suicide; 0 near was my whole nervous system destrofN, and also my mind, irom that awful complaint, Dyspepo s'm‘, thnt my friends thought best to have me plan-din Dr.~l{irkbrid'e'e Hospital, West Phil adelphia - I rcmnined there nine weeks, and thought fwus n‘littie better, but in': few days myvdrendful complnint wss raging as bed In ; erer. .lieuring of the wonderful cures per formed by Dr. Wishnrt’s Greet Amerlcen Dys 'pepsjlt Pills ”and lg“ treatment {or Dyspepsln, my husband calls .on Dr.,.Wlshnrt and stated mycese to him. He said he had no dnu‘ht ‘be ’ would cure me. So in three days otter I csll-.' ed and place-i myselfundor the Doctor's treat men‘t, and in two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my disease use that lilo; wsy‘, and icontinud to recover for short?! res months, an at the present time Isenjoy per lac]. huilth bxdy and mind, and I most slo cerely retnr my thanks to n merciful Gad a: . Dr. ‘Wishnrt, and to his great Amerlcnu’Dyl— pepsin Pills lnod Pine Tree an Cordial that saved me from n Insane Asylum and 'prema ture gmve. All persons suffering with Dys-' pepsi\a are at liberty to call on me or write', u i am willing to do nll:the good I can for so!- Tering’, humanity. Emussrn Benson. Brandywme, 00)., formerly of Old Chum, Deluwnn- county, Pm; ‘- Dr. Wishnrt's DIEGO, Nd. 10' North Second strLet, Phiihdelvphia. DYSPEPSXA !‘ DYSPEPSM I Dr._ Wishnrt :——l hnv&ba_en n consult fl!- lercr with Dyspepsia for "the lut eighkon yearn, during—which time [cannot u] till. I ever enjoyéd n‘perfec ly We]? day. Than '0“ times when the symp ms were more Aggrava ted than at othcrq. uni than it shamed it would bent great relief tn :1: . I had ‘at all times 111 unpleasant leeling in xhe ul, butlsturly my sum rings so much increnuq that lbecnmg Ol mos! unfit for busincls ofnnylhlnd ; my mind wns contmtmlly tilled with gloomy thought! azlilorebndiugs, \nd if I uttgmipted to cling. then- current hy finding, at on?” I umtlon' 01' icy coldness in connection with I. dost! weight, n: it wcrc,:eatmluponl.lny bnln; tho, a feeling or sickness would occur It thé Item ugh: and great pain to my: oxen, accompanlod ml) tum-Mm: the contlnual, fur of losing my rennon. I also experienced rut lull luJ: , debility and nervousnegs, which made it difficult to walk by dny on sleep at night. I became averse to society. and diapoued only to leclnsiun, and having tried the nklll of I. num ber of eminent: physicixlnl ofynrlntu lehoall, finally came to the conclmion _thnt, for thin diseasé'nt my present use (45 yam) they-om no our: in existence.“ But, through the inun feience of Divine Proving-nee, to when: I do ~rontly oll'er my thanlu, l at hut fonudn lou reign remedv in your Dyspeplin Pull Ilfl TI! Cordial, which seem to have cflectnn’lly nua ed llrnofl the lam true of my long‘ll-t of any menu; and bad feeling, Ind in their plan health. plenum and contentment In my flu,- .dny comyao‘tonu. Jun 51. BAUIBIII, . No. 3 North Second BL, Fhilndalphln, , ' 1 Formerly.“ Voodbgty, K. J A POSITIVE CURE FOR DYSPRPSIA. " lIAI WHAT 11. lo!!! I. lAIOOOI IA", No. 1028 Olive Strut, ‘ ‘ 2 Philadelphia, Januzzd, 1883.} ‘Dr. Wishmt—Sirzrl‘t is with much pine sure that. i am now able to inform you that, by the use of your grest American Dyspepsi- Piils, -l hove been entirely cured of that most . distressing complslnt, Dyspepsis. I hand hosts gsievously sfiiicted for the inst twenty-sight yenri, sad for ten years of thst time have not been free from its plin one meek at n time. I hue iud it in its wontform and hue "d:- on A most missnbio existence—in pain day And night. Eur] kind of food that i Ate All ed me with wind and pain, it mattered not ho! light, or how small the quantity. A continued belching was sure to follow. I had no 3 pc tiie for any kindsp! menu whstevar, coin: distress was so great for nevorai months halo" i heard ofyonr Pills, that ”re usntiy wished ior dull). I had tnkenovsvylfing that 1 id - beard oi for Dyspeysil, without ranching any benefit; but on your Pills being recommend-I to me by one who had boen cured. by thou-,1 concluded to give them s trial, although i hid rra (inith in them. To my Astonishmont, I found myseli getting hettéhbefors i hog tuna one-fourth ofn' box, and, after taking half a box, 1 am a well man, and can eat anything It“, and enjoy shimmy meni three tit-n 3 Guy. wi'hont inconyvnionce from anything i at or slrink. If you think propel-“you are at lib"? to unite this public nml ”for to me. i w i sheorfnily give all desirable infer siion to on] one who may mil on .me. a , Yours, respectfully, Jon: 8. noon: For ule at. Dr. Wishnrt’s Medic-i Depoywo. 10 Worth Second street, Philnd-Iphis, I’m-q Price' Una Dalm per box. Sent by nisii, In. ' of chnge, on receipt of price. ‘ ‘ The Ibo" site I few Among the “14:194.; which this great rcmedy has and fro-_gL «timely gnu. .\ - W 9 hive thonunduijgmiflafi’fi’d ciuna nnd druggiua who‘ huh prmfl’hd uni cold then Medicines, min; um they Inn never used or sold a medicine which punch nnivprsa’l utilfacuan.’ ‘ a , * Prepared only by thefropfletor. ’ 9}}. L. Q. 0. Mpngkr, Vita.- 19 Hull. Second Shae; 3 old‘by Enum- Ind DiuMlflw m .\ ~ viz“; July is. Imam. 1; a BEI