The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 25, 1864, Image 3

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    TX3CII2 352
omn'sucuu—sucmr 1.4".»
Flour .............‘............. .......;. 9 00.13) . 60
Rye F10u...................n.......... 7 50
White Wham-...................... I 06 In 3 16
Red When L............................ l 86 w 2 00
C0n".................................... ‘ 3 4(-
Rye ....................................... l 50
0n11.............. .... 15
Buckwbun........ ................... ~ 'l5
Clover Seed... 6 00 to 6 50
Timothy Seed. 2 90 to 3 50
Fin Seed 2 00 to 2 40
Planer 0rPnri1....................... ' ll 50
Plum- ground, per bag............ ' l 75
Flour” .............. ........u..........1l 25 £Ol2 00:
“11:11.. 2 55 10 3 00
Rye....................................... l ’H to I 80
Corn. 1 72 lo I 75
01m“ 93 to 95
Clover fired. 7 25 t 0 7 50
Timothy 5ecd................"1...", 3 L 0 to 3 25
Beef Cattle, per hund...............10 00 £Ol9 50
Hogs, per hund.......................H 00 £Ol6 00
Hny...............r......................18 00 1020 50
“hush-y I 80 lo '- 85
Guano, Peruvian, per 10u......... _ 80 50
Sheriff’s Sale.
N mursunnrcofsumlry w rim of Vendltloni Ex
; [mums and Flori l’ncids. issued om of the
ion". of Common Pleas of Allnms coumy, l’n.,
Ed 10 me directed, will he cx'pnch tn l'ulllic
Salt-. 111 the Court House, in (it-llmerg, un
SATURDAY, W. day of AUGUST nut,
(Imm n: l o‘nlock, l‘. M., the following dc~
/ucrihcd Renl Edtnlo, \in:
A LOT HF filllllWll, xilualr- ’in .\'r-w (Ix—
. ford. Adams Nmnly, i'4|., “’“”'.ng on tho Yurk
and Gryllydm‘rg tulnpiko, bounded on the cast
by 10l uf Addison lluliuul, wwl L 5 lot of Eli/.m—
betli Millennud :m-llllu) lotullC-lnunl\Vviglo,
improved will: u Two-awry llru-k _‘-‘ -
Dwelling HOUEE, “ill: ccllur nn-_ 413‘
der [be “me, lrxuuc \rcullielhuuiilrm ~ i
“'uli Ho'use. well of water wnli a:zr-~-:1i
pump in‘il ncnr the door of the dwilling. mm”:
wellherboarded lsurn, Corn Crib, some l-‘mn.’
'l‘reenkc. Seized nml taken in cxuuljuu us
' Lb: properly 0! Amati“ Zuck.
A LOT OF GROUND, aitllntein thr- Bnrowh
of GeHy-burg, A-lnmi coumy, I’m, buundml
and d’ucnbcd as follows Lon {he north byfm
alley running lrom Curliale to \\'ushinglun
n..-our. on the east by lot. of Samuel Hcrh~L
on thg loulh by lul. ul —— Scan, mu] on the
In! by lot of Dr. Churn-s Hormr: nu
whirl: Ire create-d a Tun-story Uncklflia
Wan-hoax , Prune .\‘hrds‘, kc. Snnzvd
and '.ukcxén cxccufiun u: the proper!) ol‘Jolm
Scott. ’
All“! IHIHERT, S/Afrlp‘. '
Sherifl“: omco, Getty-51mm, July 15.":4.
”Ten per rentluf lln: purrlmsc mnnl'y
upoh all Ink-s 1..\-‘11:: Sherirfmun-t LL- paid on;
immediately alter the pruprrly is ulnn k 110’an
or ulmn fulnre m rumplythrrr“ uh the proper-
U will he again put up tur snlr, ‘
Auditor’s Notice.
f "E Indemlgnrd. niifininted by the ()rphun'l
(‘uurl o! Adnmq county, Auditor lo make
dulnbu‘iou of HM b-lnuce re-nmni‘ng iu the
Land: of hue Bnnkcrhun’. Admuiurrnor o!
luchel lirinkorhofl', decanted, (Holder! by J.
G. Brane‘rhofl' nu.) ham F. Brink.erbofl‘, Ad’.
mini-truerkuf lan-c.Mrlnkerboff,‘decnuf-di)
Imong the ,mrtiu eumlr-d (hereto, befc‘by
giiu noll=e "that In W!” H! for the purpose of
. Ilil appuzn mI-nl, M hi! ofli'e, in (lrltydmrg,
”mi “runs“.n'. llu- 9:1. day nr .u'ausr "m,
nt 10 o'clock. A. 11.. Min-n And whrri ulk per
sonal interested um; nlanJ i
E. I}. IH'EHLHIE, Audiior.
1111,18,!364. ll
. Auditor’s Notice. 1 ‘
r "E unt'crl {gnomnppninled hyxhcvtlrph-n“!
r ('mer nf‘Adnnu rmml], Auditor to make
dulriuutwn onthe lmlmu‘e Humming m 119:
hands of Mung-Ear .\hhrl, .-\«hn'm'xslrulur of
“ill'rdm '_l'nol, devrnu-d, lxrrrlq gin-s notic'
[hm hr u I“ pit for lho:p.xr[mu~ of In: lmmintx
menu)“ hi 4 oihrr. In Um!" shnlg, nu PRIDAY.
,thc sl|lday u! .\'l'l-I‘Sl‘ nut, at 19 o‘clmk,
A. N , when ind mh'run‘l 'u-ans iulfl‘ts‘tcd
may attend. 1‘). 13. BL'hHLlilt, Auditor.
Jul)“ 1", [564 M
’"" ‘ ' r. ’ ’ ' ‘ ;V_‘...._.,.~__
Audltor’s Notlce.
. HE lulurrihcr. Ippuiulrvl by xhe Court
T of Common Pleuinf Aduua couuly, an
Aydunr m dis'nbute xlie b-lnncc in theahnds
1' .1 _Jncoh F. Lmver nn-i Nr‘lPl Rnn‘enaporger.
.Alugneu of Um estnrq nnd rfl‘ccls of (icorge
H. Thomas and Wife, to and nmangtriduom,
or persons legally entitled ‘lO receive the same,
V her-h, given nouee llmi be mil nut-n5l to the
dutivvof his npxminlmqnl, 0n WEDNESDAY,
Ufa .Md‘y of A' (‘."hT snarl. u! 10 o'clm'k, A.
IL. of !11-I duy, al‘lheé ol'm‘e (II M. k W. “C-
Clean, in Gnu-(burg, n 2 wlilr‘h lime Ind place
3“ perwn: inn-Frill”! RH: roiluruu} (u :‘Ut‘lld.
' ,‘ . ‘ MUSE?! .\L'CAJJAN, .~r.
Jul: 18, 1864. n}
‘9 Audltor’s Nome.
HE nndersigu-d, Audnur twp )‘nted by the
Orphun'a (smm nf A l-uns \‘ullnl_\‘. m m \ke
dI-trnbutinn of In: fund! remauung in xhe.
hunch 0! Jacob F. Lou-er. Exomunr of the lust.
w‘ll nnJ \e-anenl oNohn K‘lgne. drcmsv-d. 131‘:
Hf Butler township, to an 1 nmungthc creditors
legally Hume-1 lhqrcm, ln-rem glres native
tIIM he will nut-mi m nnnl dwell-true the duhcs
of bin nppninunentml hu office, in the h :ruugh
at Gettysburg. on fl‘L'l-Jw'iH I', tin 21‘day 0:
AUGUST. 11:64, where All pvties interested
may nth-ml. W. A. DUNCAN, AfiJitor.
July 18, .1864. 1d
Auditor’s Notice.
IN the Court of (‘ommon Pleas of Adams
' coun’J: The Auditor appointed to diatri
bule the balance remaining‘in the hunds of
flannel B. Muller. Earl“ Assignee in trust. fur
creditor! of Levi Smith and Wife, to and
.mnrfig ‘he ctmjilors or persons legally entitled
ao receife the same, will meet all persons in—
‘ tare-tad, lor the purpogf of his appointment",
at. the otfice 01331. t W. McClean, in Gags.
burg, on THURSDAY, {he 28th day of JULY,
p ”64, ".10 o'clock, A. M.
WM. McCLEAX, Auditor.
.my 11, 1864. 3:.
New Goods.
Are consta‘ndy receivinfithoice and de
,air-ble gun“, from New York, Philadelphia
And Bdiiumre, and‘nre prepared to utter
(.0 ”one About purchqsifig. Having sehcted
win great care, from the three leadingmarkets,
file public will look to their own inléreins by
gnminl‘ug our slack before buying elsewhere,
Kay 9, X 864. ' ' Red Front.
Western Inn,
‘ Cnulnscnc STREET, Gunny“; PA.
‘ a); undernigned would most respectfiilly
inform the public that he has opened I
on}, thouVVestel-n Inn," in Chambersbprg
“not, an: the west end, Gettysburg, Pm,
white 1191311 b 0 818 d W receive : allure‘ of the
public'l patronage, promiaing to spun no ei
. fort to give entire satisfaction. His charges
' will be moderate. \
{lly HJSGL 1m
Estray Sheep.
I! (o the reafidgnce at the subscriber, in
Cumberland township, on the 27th of
135., TEN HEAD OF SHEEP, among which
m two black 0915. The outer u .requesled
-.A n 0... for-uni, prove propqrty, pay charges
ml me than; 9qu
_ ;|}’ 11, 1864“ at
_ Stray pr. ~ .
~ {lite 0.1:: residgnce of the lubacribnr. in
*- G‘E klin towmhip, Adam: county,“ the
I” flly imam. RED COW,wiLh a whim
I”. had back, and three white legs—bu
was“ born: and gives milk—is :bou; 3
3m ofl._ [Thfi owner :15 regucsted tn prov.
‘ c urges an ta e her away.
'""" "’ m GEORGE A. CORWELL.
min, m - 3‘ ' J
. For Sale or Exchange.
Vim dumb” mus;- RlLLgvith +
3,8 ACRES OF LAND, it! Germ-lay m
s|}; .1‘ will exchange for a Farm, "
In! psyptkg Influence, if any. ~ ‘
. 5-30. 1330“),
Wax; oa. a, ms. t!
15:. A constnnt pain—or uneuineu u the pit
of the stomach.
2d. Flmulemeand Acidity. .
3d. Coseiveneu and Lou o! Appetite.
4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirit;
sth. Dian-ban, with griping.
6th. Pain in I" put: of the Syltem.
‘7Lb. Conanmptive Symptoms Ind knlplu.
tion of the Hen-rt.
uh. Cough, with Pixie-gm in the Throat.
9th. Nervous Afiection, Ind want of Sleep
st night. A
lOIh. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting.
11th. Dizziness, Dimuess of Vision, Ind
Loss ofSiglJt.
l2th. liannL-he and Staggering in wnlking,
with great Wenkness.
Out of the thousands of cnses of Dyspepsia
that have used Dr. Wisiurt's Great American
Dyspepsia Pills, not one 6! them has failed 0!
a pcrlect cure. W‘e warrant a cure in every
case, no mutter if of twenty years‘ standing.—
Sold by null druggiats cvsr‘ywherc, and‘nt Dr.
\i'ishnri’s (mine, No: 10 N. Second street,
Philndv-Ipbiu. Pa. All examinations und con-i
sulmtinns tree of cimrge. Send {ore circular,
Price $1 per box.’ Sent by mail! free Fof
charge, on reuipt of money. .- \
I, Emzmnrn Hanson, nf llmndywine, Del.,
inrmtrly 0! ”id Che-nor, l)e|., do certify that,
lnr one year and n lmll'l sum-rod everything
but death from that awful dismsc colic-d Dys
pop-'in. My whole system was prostrated with
“mknrws null nervouq dclnlity; [could not
(“I;th m_\ mail; U l nu.- ("'(‘n a worker or the
snmllmt amount of food, it would return‘juzt
us I swnllnn l‘ll'IL; I became so costivein my
bowels that I would not have n passage in less
than from four nnd often eight days; under
this immense :uli'cring, my mind seemed en
lirely to give way. I hid dreadful horror and
vii forchudings. I thought gveryhody hnted
iiie, nml I hzttccl everybody; I could not hear
my huslmnd nor my Own children, everything
appeared to '4 horror stricken to me; I luv]
no nmhition us do am thing; I lost. all my love
or family and home; I would rumble and Want.
dvr from place to place, but could not he can
tentod; i felt that. I was doomed to hell, and
that there wns no henven for me, nnd wns ol
ten tempted to commit. suicide, so near was
my wholc nervous system destroyed, and him
my nnml,~lrnm_tlmt anlul cumphim, Dying-D.
sin, that my friends thou uht heat to have me
plum m llr. Kin-Lhriulc'si'flospiul: West Phil
mlulphin; l remained thi-re nine weeks, and
thought I \vnsl in little butter, but in a few days
my druu‘lful vomnluint was. rnging as had as
(-n-r. Hearing nt th‘r- wonderml cures per
lnrml-d by Dr. “'ishnrl's Urcut .\myrimn Dys
xu-puiu l’ills und his lrcalmv-nt,l'or Dyqumjn‘
my husband enllml (in Dr. Wuhan and stated
rny‘cnse to him. lio said he hid no dnnht he
Would cure mo._ So in three. days niter 1 ml]-
ed and pln.l mygclfundvrlhc llol‘lor'a lrcnt
night, and in twu weeks I begin: to digeat my
food, nnd felt tlmt my disegse was first giving
way, and lruntinncd l 0 reco\"er for about three
months, and at the present time I enjnymer
“’o'. limit]: of Indy/Ind mind, nnd I moat sin.
u-rel.’ return my thanks to u merciful God and
Dr. Wnlurt, and. to his grunt Amerii-un Dys
prphiu l‘iliza mid i‘inr Trei-an Cordial that
saved mp from an Insane .\<ylnm and premo
turc gram, All por=ons stfl'rring with Dys—
pelnin “Q at liberty to will on me or‘write, us
i run willing to do nll'the good I can for suf
lcrinu hilmnnity. Emnumn Ramses.
Hrmxdywnm, Dcl.. funnel-1y ot‘Uld Chester,
De-lnwnru cuunly, l’n.
Dr. Wishnrt'u Office, No. 10 North Setond
street, I’lulndcipbja.
Dr. “‘ishnru—l have been a constant suf
fcrzr with. Dyspepsia for the last eighteen
_\c:\r§. during which time Icnnnot sny that. I
ever enjoyed :1 perfectly Wt'ii dny. There were
times when the symptoms were more nggrnvn
ted tlnn nt others. And then it set-med it would
he a grcnt relief to die. I land at all times an
unpleasant feeling in my he “I, butiattcrly my
snfl'wiugs so much inert-used thnt I became al
most unfit for business ofnny kind ; my mind
was contmunlly filled 'wit'n gloomy thoughts
and lorchodingu, and ii I nttcmpted to chlngc
their current by reading, at once a sensation
of icy coldness in connectiOu with a. dead
weight, n! it were, rented upon my brain; nlso,
n fouling ofsicknoss would occur at the stom
nch. nnd great pain to my eyes, itcconipnnicd
with which was the continual fear in losing
my reason. i I 11150 cxpt‘rie iced grunt Inss‘i-
In ln, liability and nervousnggf; which made it
diihcuit to \ank by day or s ('01) at night. I
IJQ'CJmO averse ti) society, and disposed only to
.ccluston. and hnvi'ng tried the skill of n num
ber ofeniinc t physicians of various schools,
finally crnmfto the conclusion thnt, for this
disease N, m_' present. age (45 years) there was
no cure in existence. lint, through the inter-'
{ounce of Divine l’rotidencc, to whom I'yde
\outly ochr my tlinnke, I all lust found it love
rmgn remedy in your Dyspepsia Pills xnd an
Curdznl, which Seem to hnve uli’ectunlly remov
ed uiuwst the Inst truce of my long list of Ml—
monts turd lmd feelings,” and in their place
ilE’lilh. pleasure and contentment are my every
day companions. JAMES M. SAL’NDIRS,
No. 4,53 .\'orth Second St., Philadelphia,
i Formerly of Woodbnry, .\'. J.
' nh‘mwnu nn.:onx n. BABCOCK ans;
. if Inn-1023 Olive Street,
_ : Philzultlpliia, Jan. 22d, 1263.}
Dr. WGTmitTSir :——‘lt is with much plea
lure that I am now able to inform you that, by
the use of your great American Dyspepsia
Pills, I have been entirely cured oflllnt most
distressing complaint, Dyspepsin'. I’hnd been
grievously afflicted for the lust twentywight
yenrs, and for ten years oftbut time have not
been free from its poi one week at n time. I
have hid it inits worst} form andAhnvc drugged
on a most miserable (existence—in pnin dny
and night. Every kind of food that I ate fill
ed me with wind and pain,“ mattered not how
light, or how small the quantity. A continued
belching was sure to follow. I had no uppe
tite for any kinds of meats whatever, and my
distress was so great for several months belore
I heard ofyour Pills, that I frequently wished
for death. I had.taken everything that I had
heard of {or Dyspepsin, without receiving any
benefit; but on your Pills being recommended
to me by one who had been cured by them, I
concluded to give themn trialrnltbough [ hnd
no lnith in them. To my astonishment, I
found myself getting better before _I had taken
oneafourth ofn. box, and, ma} taking half I.
box, I am a well man, and can eat anything 191211,!
and enjoy a hearty meal three times A day,
without inconvenience from anything I eat or
drink. Ifyon think proper. you are at liberty
to make this public and refer to me. I will
cheerful] y‘ give all desirable information to any
one who may call on me.
Yours, respectfully, Jon: 8. Hanna.
For ml: I! Dr. Wishvnrt'l Medienl‘gepot, No.
10 North Second ltreet, Philndfilp u, Pa.—
Price on Dollar per box. , Sent. by mail, free
of charge, on receipt of price.
The above are a few Among the thcunhdl
which this yen. remedy has and from an
untimely gnu.
We hlve tbopsands of letter: "fl-$1 pfiysi.
tins and drnggists who Inn p 'bed nnd
lold these‘lledicin‘es, llying “I‘d-they 31“"
never used or'lold I medicine whic‘h'gnuncfi
nnivennl satisfaction. '
PreFu-ad only by the Proprietor. I
sad 5; M 3310“ and Deng" everywhen
v‘x / I s
hal A . drlstril'el• tl'
Dylpepna hat the following Symptom
No. 10mm; Been-d Strut;
Phihdelphin, P;
“ 7 HERE-MS tlie' lionuitounr J. Fisnln,
Pre=ialent of the several Court! nii'nm
mon Plug in the (‘tlilnill'n t‘omposlng the 19th
District, and Justice of the Courts oi chr and
Terminer and General Jnii Delivery, for the
trial of it” enpimi and other offenders in the
said district, Ind Dunn Ztmun and huge E.
Winn”, an., Judges of the Court: of Com
nion Plhna, and Ju‘luccl oi the Courts of Oyer
Ind Termmer lnd‘thle Jail Delivery, {or
the trial of all cnpnnl Ind other ol’enders in
the County of Adams—shave issued their pre
cept, bearing date the 20th day of April, in
the year ofour Loan one thousand eight hun
dred and sixty-two, and to me directed, for
holding a. Court of Common Pleas, Ind Genet-hi
Quarter Sessions of the Pence, Ind General
Jail Delivery and Court onyer nnd Terminer,
at Gettysburg, on Monday, the lsllt do; of
Auguyt nezl— .
Justices of the Pence, the Coroner Ind Consta
nles within 'the said County of Adams, that
they he then And there in theirproper persons,
with their Rolls, Records, luquisitionsl Emm
inutions, Ml4l other game-mhruncea, to do those
things which to their offices and in that behalf
nppcrtnin to be done, and also, they who will
prosecute against the prisoners that are or
then shall he in the Jail of the said County of,
Adams, ure to be then and there to prosecute
ngninstthem as shall be just.
- ADAM lIERERT, Sheriff.
Sheriff’s office, Gettysburg, July 25, ’64.
Jurors for August. ~
(‘.umu Jun.
Binding—Levi Unronxs!cr,(l“olcmnu,) Gwrgc
anHm—Andrew ('l-u'k, l’rm Bobliu
Gettysburg—Wm. (I. Stallsmilh.
Barud'u'k bot—A. J. Bowers
:I‘yrnne—~'l‘hmn.xs Him-hart
3!:rlnyltl‘lvn-xant—l’l (or K. Smith
Iml i more—Jun) Ghost
.\lonn‘juy—LJames \\'in\mde
leorll—lFrnncis Marshall
.\lenallen—ancis Cole.
Union—John Spangler. ‘
Hamilton—Samuel Hofl'heinl’;7
Huntington—Jaw!) B. Chronister
Germany—Joseph Barker
Liberty Jnmes O’Brien.
(‘umhc‘ and—Joseph Walker.
Con‘o‘fl: go—Nntlmnicl W. Gm.
Bern-ivk tp.—Joscph Grim
Slmban;Snmlu-I .\{cCrenry
[Lunilxonbnn—Joaeph Bowling
Butler—[mac Boyer.
Frudom—Juhn Butt.
~ GENERAL quv.
Butler—Win. J. Peters, Jucob Bossermnn
Union—Enoch Lefever.
Berfiick hon—F. J. Wilson
meillon-John [)nlloué,(7hri;ti?ln .\fnrch
lenrd—Nichulns Ling. .\lunluns Hcmler.
Huntington—Daniel Beilman, Thus. 6. Neely
.\lcnnllen—chh I). Snyder, Ehoch Rmmnzuhn.
Gerumny—Georm Stonesit'er, Andrew Lung.
Hemline—Pole; Brown, John Nilchmnn
Gettysburg—J. Join-nun Myers, .\. P. Bungbor
Ber-wick lp.—Jauob Kinnémurfd. .
.\lounlplensnmt—Jobn Bowman,James Devine
Lnlimnre—Juhn U. lhpcht.
Franklin—Jacob Eicl§ollz,‘llehry Denrdorfi‘.
Mounljuy—Jnmcs W. Burr, iju'cis Allison.
Liberty—Michael Currey. ' «f
Hnmillonhuu—tsnnc Robinson, Jutwnson, Jr
Tyrone—David Meals.
(timberland—Wm. Ross, David Shrivcr.
Slmhan—anry A. Picking, John G. Gilbert
Conuwugo—anvis Krichtcu. ~
I": ewlom—Damel .Shcuts
July 15,1504.
Register’s Notice.
VOTICE is hereby given to all 'Lngatrcs am]
1 other persons COHCL‘I’nWI. that the All
ministrntmn Accounts heremnfler mentioned
will 'be prosemcd at the Urphnn’s Court of
Adam: county, for cnnfirnmtinn nnrl nlluwnuve,
on .\wxutugghe lfith day «AUGUST, ism,
It 10 (11-loci, A. .\l., viz: A
59. 'l‘he‘ rst and final nocountnf Miclmol
Dietrich and Samuel Foulk, Executors of
the Will of Leonard Yengy. deceased. 5
GO. Tho first and finnl account of .lmnM
Feescr. Executor of the last will and Lean:-
ment of.l:lcnb Feeser. decensed.
61. The Guardianship account of John'
Henry Myers, Guardian of Adam Lcuke. of
Latimoré township.
62. The first nccount of Jacob Alemlt.
Allministratnr of Jacob Ilamm, late of 0p
{ford anmhip. deceased.
63. The second hecount of Wm. Sterner,
Executor of John 3111:, deceasetL ‘
64. The first account oi Francis Marshall.
Administrator, with the will annexed, of
Louisa llemler, deceased. ;
'65. The second and final account oerlcob
Wisler, Administrator of the estate of
Joeeph Eshelmnn, deceased. ,
66: The accoun'l. of Ephraim Dmrdnr’fl',‘
Administrator of the estate of Mary M.
Denmroc, deceased. ‘
67. Fxrst. and final account of‘gnnn
Margaret. Warner, Administratrix of ctcr
William \Varner..deceased.
03. First null final account of Michael
Re-lly, Anlxnluiytmtor of Paul Weber. dvc'd.
«‘29. First and final account of Michael
Rt-ily, Execum; of Mathias 'l'olnn, dec’d.
70. The account of David Dull, Guardian
of Mary Elizabeth Group. (now, Jones.)
minor child of Jacob Group, late of Munnl
lon township, deceased.
_ SAMI'EL LILLY, Register
chister‘s Office, Gettysburg.) =
July 18,1864. td‘ I
duaiterly Report
Gnn'snunc, lst Monday or July. 1864.
[MUS-discounted, $23,222 56
Furnivure n‘nd fixtures,
Guru-n! expenses,
Taxes pnidh , 8 75
Reniitmuces and other cash items. 20 50
Due from the followiryz National Bank:
Ninth National nunk'or New York, 1,559 95
One from mhcr Banks -. a
Brothers .\lck'im, Baltimore, 4,384 58
L'. S. Bonds deposited to secure cir
, culmio’n, 50,000 on
“ Deposited, y 25,000 00
H on hand,, . 25,600 ac
Cash on hand: . .
Note; ofthis Bank, . 11,235 co
_“ other National Bank!, 5,045 00
“ . State Banks, '- 29,712 47
Capital paid in,
Circulating Notes received from the
Comptroller of the Currency, 45,000 00
Individual Deposits, . 72,257 62
Dividends unpaid, . . GI 98
Exchange, ' ' 68 63
Interest, . 100 58
1, George Arnoid, Cuhier of'the Fin: Na.-
tionnl Bank'of Gettysburg, PAL, do lolemn‘ly
swear that the above 5 meat is true to the
best of my knowledge befief.
‘ GEORG RNOLD, Cashier.
State of Pennsflu County of .3121!
Sworn to Ind subscri 9:! before me thin {th
day of July, 1864
1:11, 11,1854; 3:
‘Bakery in York Street.
THE undersigned is continuing Sanpee’l
.Bakery, in York ltreet, Gettylburg. lld
is prepared to furniz every day, freahBREAD,
employed s-first-nu Baker, And will spare no
efl'ort to render an sflction to All who may
patronize him. . JOHN CHRISMRR.
Gettylhurg, May 2, 1864.
Shanda 8: Enabler.
nuns m ,
com. um Lanna,
srov E s , _
' ' Auo ——
squ'r'rms, mums, SASH, ETC.
Corner of Culiale 3nd Rsilrond Bmm, oppo‘
liu Rain-old Depot, GETTYSBUBG, PA.
“I: 9, 18“. ‘ ,
For Sale.
‘ VERY duh-able PA“, Adjoining the
‘ A Borough ol Geuylburl‘eonhiuing g -
‘124. Acnnkmmm and [and good. g m
JV“) he I?“ on very ”co-moaning “
germ. . GEO. ARNOLD.
~ Msbnr'g, Oct. 5, 1363! t!
Real Estate: , ‘ I
1' I‘I'RHG SALE—On Tl‘l-ISD.\.Y,'
A_ Ayfll'nl' D! I%}. tho nn’g‘crsigncyl. AH-
run-141nm” of the Eshlc ol ..1 l‘lyroninvrr,
late ol'LMimoru lOWDnl.lp, .\nlnuu county, d 9.
tensed, by virtue of an Order of [he Urplmu's
Court of Adams county. will It” m l'uldic
Snle; on the premium. M .m' one-fourth ymle
from llrxglnwfi. and s'! In l( .- l'mm llcrlin. nn
the pulrlici roml lending {rum Berlin to Dlll5.
burg, the following Real Ell-M, \ i 1:
.\'o l: A ‘TflACT or LAN“. mutnining
26 ACI‘La, mare of lava, lmving them... . rn-rtcd,
n Two-story \Venfllerbonrdei , “I
Dwelling HOUSE, 15';an Burn. 34‘
and other nut-bulldlngsmdjolninzz 3‘5; fl
lends of Cornelius Baker, George-,1 ,y-‘L-‘3.’
finder: and George Dencr. There mu. neur
fniling Spring of Wnter near the door. Also
en Ore-Bud of choice fruit trees.
No. 2'. A TRACT OF LAND, containing 4
Acres, more or less, adjoining No. 1.
Both the nbovc described tract: are in gum!
farming order and under gsod fences. This
property la conveniently situated a: to Schools,
Mills, Stores, IC-
Any person wishing to View the property
will call on lhe widow of the dcrmsed resid
ing on .\'u l, or llxc undenignexl, residing in
Washington lowmlzip, York county! '
WSule to commence at 1 o'clock, P. )1.,
on 541 d day, when nttendnnce will be given‘
and terms mnde known by
July 11,1861. :.
HLHM‘U Jim-“1K!" \b'l‘ .\NU MAMQIL
WING toflthc \t-r‘y Iniuh prlw‘ of Cuil’cc,
O and the “grow. difiii-ully in prm min; a.
good, uniform um] relm‘ l 0 .ut.« h-Y “”ir (us
tmners have (rm-n t'Vlll'Ow‘d‘l :1 ui~h that they
umld he supplivd lrom hr:t hmnls.‘ 11. “113
tho intention of
to do a :trrctl; Tm Innint-ss, but us He hut
had sqmo (”~10“)??? li\ing at a disfuun v th.|t
have roliml upnn In to supply them exclu‘iwtflé
I; with Ten and Como. i: Irving inconw-nu-nt
forthem to come to New York. Tm; Gnu-r Tm
”n (‘ni'ru Em'onu -( nflhiu-oumry4—uud as
our Tm Taster was |l(h:l‘§§(‘nl ul‘ luxurmuion
relating to ‘_‘Coffen that could he furnished m.
a Ihoderate pritwl mnl give uuixn-rsul sntisfiic—
tion, and at. the smut: thnl- “mm! the retailer n
handwme profit—we haw- lmou compvlh-nl to
supply thou.- pfll’lll'S. Till-5' (‘OFFEI‘I HAS
BECOME {3'o l'Ol’ULAli'mth our eu~tumem
and their sales inuc lil’ll’c.-:(_‘Il to such an ex—
tent that we have been compellrd to tnnkl- Lum
lllltlllltflls to our machinery, which will l'n'llllL'
1 us to supply a frw more customers “111 l n.—
‘ 'c will-‘thexeforc Ernd it to those “ho [lily
or lei.
1r 1.; Fur Srrmslzmxn ALI. omen Cornzrs.
This Cofl'ee has "been used for more than u‘
century in Paris. and since its iutroductioqin- I
to lhi; country it has been in use by. some of
the leading' Frem‘h llwlnurnnls horn. Tho
Puri~iml§ m‘e mid lo he the hut jngn-c m"
(‘ufl‘ee ; 11nd lhu grout fn‘or in \\ nhh ll i< hn-M
by them iilhe hqs! rm‘mumr‘mLUmu um: «mm
110 produced for iqs fine Hunt and healthy el-~
fem uppn the hunmn system.
We put up but one umdg oflhis (‘ofl'L-e. am].
that is Qfa quality that, our dualinm-ra have
lound from exlu-fimn 0 “1)! give peril-UL stun:-
fuCK‘nnu and went. all [he dun u:d~ at their
trade. It is the lowest price :11 1t “mum re
commend. r ' ‘
We do nll our hu=ino=i on lhr‘ moat f‘.\‘tn
sive scale, huy by Ihc mrnvo and EL“ .\L‘uuly
1n 0 cents per pound prufil.
“'1- put up llvi3 Push-c in Illx'rpla nnly, nfl‘2s
Pour-“ls each. This lm-Ihud u! pulling it up
nave: from 2 to I. H~|lt~ plr pound II) the (-vm
snmer, and hy in h- ing in .\ mu» quantity it
rct.\in_s its fine ll u'br mun-h lunzvr in Ihii lurm
lhnn in ‘ny olhvr, We m-nd \\ Ah mrh burnt-I
.\‘hmrodrda. ('zrcul‘lrs nml l’mlt‘s, to "5:331
the duh-r to intro-huh- II to his vu-iumcrsu We
hope our rusmzucrs \nll fake Imim In hue
Ihcm wnll paste] up and di:u.bulu-J,:xs u will
be Irmheir aulxsmqgv to do :9. ‘
This Gufi'ce we wanna: m-guu [MR-cf, ‘11155-
fiction, and it'it doc: not‘]:!r:l=v:,l‘xc purchaser
km the prlvill-go of rmuruing the uhuh» or
nny Imt “fit “i‘hin CU li\”, .u-xl hnr‘u; his.
ulum'T rufunJed, n..;L-xlu-x' \xhh :li} Hie-1.141131
01 (rung-minim Imm “:95. ‘
Wt- xasrm n I‘rlu ('zruuhr of our Thur. and
Um Hl5, whhh nu arr :1 \I h wmi urge to all
who “i=l! it. (‘u.._~umrrs ul‘Cuflm- :lmuhl-l'u
qulre tor the Frvnrh brad-Ln! and Ilmnrr 0.1173;
and he sure that 1! nuts purvhnsvd ofthe I
' int-05:15:25 Aw Jonnuns. ~
35 k 37 VESEY STREET, .\‘lzw YORK
JulylS,lB~i4. 3m ‘
A AND FURNISHING S'l'UllE, In! the North
H. 151 Corner of'tht- lltlnmn-l. The suhs.rilwr
I" cothntly in rvm-igitni fro h goods iron) {_hc
Enstcru cities. Ilii .I-Zc't' ul'
is one of tltr;_'(‘~'t n'n-l nm~t unnu-ijc, :19
well as the cheapest ("’zlljil‘~lllllt'lll nf the kind
in the t'nuntt'y. You wiii tht‘ro iillll CHATS,
PANTS AND VESTS, mule up in ”In mnit
fashionable styles. and of {he l‘f‘E! mat/This,
of all sizes and prices, for men and toys.—
(:cntlnmt-n‘s lnrni<hinc gntnls oft-wry IleSt rip
tion, Wool Shirts, .\lihlilt Shirts. llit kury
Shirts and .\lorino Shins, .\lnrino. “'nnl nnd
Cutmn' Urnwors, Unrimr ut every li('~‘('li]llit)n,
Buclbsfi‘flcrino and .Cnttnn (ilnvw. llan-l
-iterchit-h. eck Tine, ('rnvnta. Litton and Paper
Collnrs, Hats. Cups, “UH'S and Shoes.” l'tn.
brcllas, Tl'llnki. anict‘s. Caryl-t “:th Clothes
nnd Shoe Brushes. llnir nml Tooth lltnslm,
Shoe 111-taking,“ Pocket nml Dunning (‘tllnlli’
Ivory Combs, \anches, (‘lnuks‘nnd Jéwolry,
Guns, Pistols, Violins xtntl V ‘nlin Strings,
Soups and Pcffnmeneoz, Stntinnery of all kinds,
I’ocket Knives,Smokiu: und‘Chowing 1‘0an
:0, Pipes, an extra .qunlity ol‘St‘gnrs. in (not,
his stock embrncqs everything usually found
in a first class furnishing stow. I invite the
attention of all to come and see fur themselves,
tn I am determined to sell goods lowi-r lbun
an; other establishment in the country. Don“.
[mm-t the pl tce. Cur'lr-r at York street and
July 4, 1864. t
70') 00
550 00
. .. ~ A
>.» .7 {i A wer ' (it-‘”' ”at.
_,.; '53.; -.‘£’ 33 V vA; ;..-..;',-;4 .115“
1.3 : . ro __ owe—u:
‘ Gettysburg Rallroad. ,
BREE TRAINS A [)AYr—Tl'fli'fi over the
T Gettysburg Railroad now run us follows :
Fiist train leaves Gettysburg at it, A. .\l.,
with passedgera for Harrisburg any] the North,
East and West.
Second train leave: Gettysburg M. “.30, A.
3L, will: rfuseugers for Baltimore. Passen
gers can also reach Harrisburg by this trnin.
Third train leave: Gettysburg at 3, P. IL,
with plasengers for Hanover. '. r
First train arrives at Gettysburg at 11.20, A.
M., with passengers from Harrisburg. . '
Second train arrives at. Gettysburg at 1.45,
P. 31., with pnesengers from Baltimore. .
Third train errives at Gettysburg at. 6, P.
it. with passengers from Harrisburg and the
Xorlh, Eu: and West.
. R; McCL‘RDY, President.
June 8, 1864. g!
The first Natlonar
”167.488 81
$50,000 00
$167,483 81
A. J. Coves
ANK 0F GETTYSBURG has been desig
nated.n Depository and financial Agent of
the United Staten. Will buy GULD, SILVER,
And COUPONS on Government Bond:. Will
furnilh 5-20 nnd 1040 U. 8. Boudv, nnd other
Government necn rides. Collections made
promptly on m accessible poinu.
GEO. ARNOLD, Cahhier.
In}, 4, m 4.
“ ND OLD MEN, do not tllow your mothers
A sad yaur wives to wear out their precious
live: over the old “'lllll-lllb longer, but like
true men sud boner-lemma, 111-elem them with
In EXCELSIOB WASHER, and Instead a!
hownl And crou words un‘wuhfiayl, depend
upon it, cheerful race. will greet you.
TYSON BROIUERS, Gettylblrg, m
Dec. 14, 1863. l
LBU I S H ' «
ALR[T M 8 l H
' m rot-rived I largo and beuitiflll assort
ment M‘Phomplric'MM-ml; which we of»
MII ch! pm... 5-!!‘808 BROTHERS. -
Dec. 14, 1863. " ' ‘
“ There shall he an additional section to the‘
third urti’cle_of the Constitution, to be desig
nated as section four, as tullown:
“Stones 4. “'hcnewr any of the qmlified
electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any
nctunl Military scrvict‘, under a requis‘itfim
from the President 0? the United States. or by
authority of this Commonwealth; suCh elcctérs
may exercise the right ofsutl'rage in all elec
tions by the citizens, under such ri-gultttions us
me or shill-lie prescribed by law, as fully Kg
if‘ tlwy were yrcscnt at. thtir usual plan: of
Administrators. iclt-ctmus.
DANIEL mmoxzsmn,
Great Attraction ‘
Young Men
Albums !
PECIAL BLEUTION.—IIy virtue of l writ
S of election, to me directed by Andrew G.
Curtin, Governor of this Commonieulth, given
under his hand and the gran sea! at the State,
at Harrisburg, the let day of June, A. 1).,
1884, according to the provisions nfun Act of
the Gcncml Alscmbiy of Pennsylvania, enti
tled “An Act preacrihlng the time and man
uér of submitting to the people, ior their ap
proval and ratification, or iejection, the pro
posed amendments to the Constitution."
l. Adam Rehert, High‘ShL-rifl‘ of the County
offAdumw, do hereby maké known and give
this Public notice to the Electors of the‘Conn
ty andmns, that on the FIRST TUESDAY of
AUGUST next, (being the 2_J dayof the montll,)
a Special Election will be held. “the seveml
Election Districts, estnblished by law in mid
county, at which. time they will vote by builut
for or against certain prorosed amendments to
the Constitution of this Commonwealth, whifh
are ag follows, viz:
‘- i‘h- re yum bu 11'. n n I 1 VII .1: ml :3‘ ‘ Lung 10
the "Hun“! .\xLu'h u: the (Inn-mulmu, 10‘“:
drsigqucd an .\’rcnuu; ('lfl'hl :uul, mnr, ll: 101~
I. . .
.uw: ..
“ Fncrmx 8. .\'u hill shall he p:\s=(‘d by lfxc
Lr-gidnlure ('nntllimng mmu than mu- auhjut,
which .\lmll he clourh’ own-saw! in [he title,
c.“ «pt .\pprnpx ..limu )uh‘». '
n _\l,~L--r‘|,\' {I .\'u l.i'l flu“ ho [muted by the
[.911;1..:ur:-, gmnun: .IH_\ :lU‘VK'I': nr privileges.
in hnv (‘ndl‘ wlwn- the authority :0 grunt cugh
pmfifi‘s‘ or prnilwgcq, lms bl-vn. nr may hvro
nhor lw, rmt’crr- I] uynu the Courts of this
The said lan-mum “in' be held. “”o"ng
lhr‘ (’uunl) . lh‘ full-mu; .
V In 11w Yin-'1 d} 'r'njx, (mm-owl 051‘“: Run
e[(h-{l_\'i|ulr,:,~u th- (funrl-Imuwjul:llt)~bur';.
5 In the Scrum! tfistrit'l, u-(nnpuw-l of the
itunml‘nip nl' (h-rwgnf. at lhv lmuw ofNMhnniL-I
Eam’v‘h, in the (civil uf Lilflvstuwn, in 'be
ftuwumip (’“‘-01mm}. , A
i In the Third dirmm, Mmposvd ol' the [own
-shipo?olfnrd,nLAlu- house 0! k. M. Net-1,1" the
town of New Uxfnrd. C
in the Fourth diatrjct, rmnpmed of the town-I
ship; of I‘inmrc unl Huntingmn, at the:
hon-u.- of “'.Hxldchramd, in the luwmhip'
(-l' Huntinulun. . X
In 11w I‘lnh «IL-hid, compnfid oflhe tmrn-V
whip of “ammonium and Lihc y, n! the Pub-I
lir SvlmulAhnuw in .\Hllcrstmrri. , 1
In Ihn .\‘mh Ili~Il'i"I,l‘|)ll)]lll<t+10f the town-,
:hip of ll‘umilsun. M, the lu-uzu nmv uvcnplml‘
by Imuiol Broker, in [he 10.“) of E 151 Huh”. {
In ”It SH‘t-mh dblynt, (-‘nnpu-‘t'l of the
toumhip of Mum-Hon. in tho Public .\‘dmulv
1“) th in £le- tmru ul~ Hendrrm‘illxfi _
In the Eighth district, cuv‘npoicd of the town
ship of Human, ng the house or Jmt'Ub L.
Uruss, in Humvrsmwn.
[u the Ninth dfitrict, compost-d of the town
ship ofl"r:mklin, m. the hull-’0 nuw oceupiéd
by Jnhn‘l’. Him. in said tnwndnip.
[u the Tenth dytrict, cumpns‘vl of the tonn
ship of (‘unuwaga M the house ol'Joh’n L'us
hry, in NcShL-rr) ~10“ n. ,
1n fir‘r Hh-vnuhgdiurict, compmwl of the
lounship o!" 'l‘y-me, :u the house ofAHrl'l .\l.
Cpuk, in llfiidlunhurg.
[u the Tuclnh Ihmivt. (mnpmcd of [he
t0\\:l:lllp of .‘lullnfju.\', at Hallowe- ut'Mrs. Y.
“NW“, 111 ~.nd tum shlp.
In} lhe Tllirtuvnlh di-t:iv~t, cumpuichn‘ the
muu~llip of .\Xnumlnlvlmut, nl :lht- public
.Sult‘oul-lzuuw in SJill “musljp', ailunle at who
ems-2 i-uu‘s, the one lending [rum Uttur‘l‘lo
the T“ u Taverns, the ole ~r [tum Huntersloun
to Humour. . ‘
['l [hr Fulll'h‘l'llul 117533”, (OMIIO-(‘d 0f the
tommhip uf Reading, :1! [he house of R. .\l.
Dicks, ilLHnmptnn. )- ‘
In t'lc I’il‘r-outh divr‘ch Acornpnwd of the
Emuzlgh of “cruicky nt lnc X‘HbIZL lidmul
lwu=c iv: .\M'mHJOWH. . '
. In theS'xtL‘cnth di~tri<~L composed of: the
tun n~hip ufl’n-edgm, :u the huu:c of Nicholas
Moritz, in “in' township.
In the Seventeenth diozrict, cunnmsod uft 1c
township of ['niun, M the house of linueh’ Le
feyor. in mid township.
In the Etuhteenth di‘trict, cnmpocexL of the
township ot‘Butlcr, at the public School-huuse
in .\lidJletoWn, insnid tonnabip. 3
In the Nineteenth dia‘trict, composm of'thp
lown=hip of Herwick, M the I'lgcon Hill
School-home, in said Lo'wnship.
In the Tnentieth di~tricl, composed of the
tnnnshxp of Cumberland, u: the hnu~c of D.
“lllk‘blldglh in the hornugh ot Gagshurg.
In the 'l'wentyJirsl dwlrictxomgmsed nt'the
towx.-‘hip of HtghLlnd, at the Seheol Home nt
Lower \lur=h Greek Presbyterian Church, in
said townihip. L (
. I’urticulnr attention is directed to the Act of
Assembly, passed the ‘Jltl day of Apill, lno‘t,
entitled “An Act. prescribing» the tune and
manner of submittingr l'.) the people. tor their
approval ilnd rutilicntion. or I‘l‘jL‘L‘liOn.llH‘ pro
posed amendments to the Confiimtion,” \\ here~
II) it is prescribed: ‘
Stc‘rlos ]. 'l‘h.\t suit] ele’clinn Fllllll he open
ed, hthl, and closed, “pull the «lay ul‘nrhsuitl,
at the pint-es. and - uithin the hours nt,
and within. which the general elections of
this colnxncnurulth are directed to be open
e-l. held, and iclosed; um} it shall he the
tlutr of the judges. En=pvctur=, nnd clerks,
of melt ot sn-d :nnnships, horuughe,‘ wards,
prl-t'im'ts, flllll di<tritts,_ ln_ recei\t‘f\nt the
said eiec’tlon, 'jickets, not exceeding the
number of proposed mnendniunts, either writ
ten'or printed, or partly_writtrn and prrtly
printed, from each oi the q'ndified voters of pay
this state, who m 13' offer the snme, and to de- l OVER EIGHT PER CENT. INTEREST
posit them in 11 box, or boxes, to he lur thnt . . . l l 1"fi .
purpose provided by the proper omcm; in currency.nm are 0 aqua convenience use
which tickets s'tnll he, realm-lively, inbuilt-. 1, pcrmnnl-nt or temporary investment.
(‘in thc‘ouuide, “dF‘rlell‘[guid‘uenlt’Hlh-SPCOHEi It is llt'llo\‘9'l that no securities utter so great
men: ment” nu “' itr . :neurment-H an .. ~ . , .
those who n’re (uvomble ,0 said nmoudinents, , induv ements to lenders as the tnnous chCrlp
or any of them, mJy express their nppruml , tions oI U. S. Bonds. In All other forms of
thereof by ruling, each. as many svpnmc, ; imtelnmlnoss, the faith or nbility or private
written or printed, or partly written and pub I mm” 0,. stock companies or leparnte com
ly printed, hallnts, or uckets, Is there nre' .. g ‘1". .ld d f n F't ~,
Imrndments approved by them, containing, mnnltlo~ .0" 'l '5 p 9 Fe or P ym.n ‘ w‘“ e
on the inatdu thercul, the words, “For the for the debts of the United States the _irhole
Amendment ;" and those who nrc opposed to l property of the country is holdcn to sccuré the
“"'.“ “'"end'f'f'mh ‘""'-V l" “‘”"' E'Q'c-‘l’ress payment at hath pritlrlpAl nnd interestin coin.
lht‘ll’ opposition by mung, each, us munyl TI ll d b b 'h dl' .
separate. written or printed, or partly written "Ne on a may c 3“ scn ‘ 0' m "m“
and printed, ballots, or thin“, as there are from $5O up to any magnitndg, on the name
i_uncndmentsnut “I’PNVE‘J by “’9'“. Wilmifl- terms, and are thus made equally available to
"'Bl 0“ the instdeuthereotfihe “'”':‘ls3 ”AKMWV the smallest lender and the lurgest capitalist.
the Amendment; in“: electors, \oting for, or ‘ . .
against, the first amendment, shall he cousin!“ The! ('“" he contorted {'"" money 3‘ “"y "’o'
cred as voting tor, or against, the proposed , men, and the holder Will have the benefit of
lourth section to article three offlthe constltn- ' the interest.
tion extending the right of su rage to sol-' . - - .
diet-is; electors, voting for, or against, thei It may be nscfnhn state m this oonncctton
second amendment, 51,3" he considered not that the tot-1 Funded Debt of the United States
voting fol, or against, the proposed eighth sec- 1 on which interest is payable in gold, ‘on the 3d:
tion to article eleven 0! the constitution; and! any of March, 1864, was $168,965,000. 'The.
electors, thg {‘"’ 0' hgmnst, the. third i internt on this debt for the co fiscal your?
nmaudment, shall he considered as voting for,. , .- _ i
or against, the proposed ninth section to nrti- ‘"” be 54-59373“: "1"]? ‘h “"0 a “V 011“,
ele eiqven ofthe constitution. in gold {or the current fiscalyenr, c ing June;
Sun? 2. Thin?- ":8 Checfiiqfl. a]!!! the mid‘soth, 1864, has been so {or at the rate of orerl
ro ose amen men 5, Slt , it] a reg acts ' , l
he Bonductatl as the general elections 0'; this, $100,090,000 perrnullm. ' i
Commonwealth are now conducted; and iti 1‘ '““ be seen “‘“‘ "91' "’9 P 7330“ 8°”
shall be the duty of the return Judges, of the f revenuepof the Government are largely in ex-l
reapectiro counties, and dutricta,‘thrrcof. first ' ,
hnving carefully nicertsinrd the number of can: 0! the wants of thoh’i'reasuryt‘or the pay
votes fut, 0,. ”‘in", each of’uid "madman“ , ment or gold interest, V lie the recent increasel
in the mannernforesnid, to. make out duplicate ‘ of the taritl‘ will doubtless raise the annual ""i
ntgrnstthegeof, expre'sledglel "I"?! 7: l‘“mhttceipts Irom custom! on the same Amount of
an no In guru on y; o o w to retnrusg. . - , x
so made, shall be lodged in the Prothonotary's l importnttopl, to 81503061900 P" "m“? I
olfice of the Court of Common mm, of the] Instructions to tho .\ntlonal Banks noting as]
proper county. and the other sealed And di- 3 loan agents were not issued from the United
rected '° the Secretary °f "“’ Commonwealth, ‘ States Treasury until March 20;th in the first.!
end by one of said Judges deposited,forthwithl fA ll h b .ti l
in the mostcOurenient romance. upon which ' three '"’" 0 pr [ e ‘"‘ "up QM "crag
pomgc shall be prcpnid, at the expense ofthe l ed more than TEN MILLIONS A WEEK.
‘ roper county. ’ Suliscrl tlonn will be received by thp
p Secrtox 4. That the several duties required First Ragtime! 3‘“ of Phihdelphin,th.
to be performed by the Sheritis, Commission- N ,3 k I’i’hiladol h _
ors, Constables, Judges, Inspectors, nud all 8“”4 “‘“”‘ ‘3 ° _PE" P"
other olficerl whateyer, in, and about, the Third Notions] Bunk of Philadelphin, Pa. ‘
getter-l elections of tfiiigiommonwealth, shnll‘ AND BY ALL NATIONAL BANKS ‘ l
It. rforniedfiiy Inc 0 cert, in, and about, . . .' '
mendection provided for; and all pet-3051,: 'h'ch are dcpositamee of public won.” "“d all
‘““”, ofllcers, or "we”, 51,.“ be 15“,“ to RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKLRS l
the same punishment, for |the neglect of any ' throughout the country, (acting as “agents of:
dntv or the commission 0 any ntl'en e, at, in, . - .
or about, the salt! olectiou, as they would, for :0.- fi‘tftfimntfflw’e 39"") '3 furnilhl
the neglect ot "thinly, or the commission of, fl " u o " ' non ”M” '
like oE-neo, at, in, or about, the general nice-‘3 ‘”‘?‘D '"'." Tums! ro'smcntuu. 1
lion: of this Commonwealth. * ' In: 9, 1884. in: ‘ ~
And in and by an Act of the Genera! Annm
bly of this State, panned me 2d Any of Jub,
1839, it is dun-(lt'd um the Iniqu-rtors and
Judge! be M the pin-ea of their district! on the
day of the General Elouion afovmid, at!
o‘cluck in the forenoon, to do and perform the
neural dutiea required and enjoined on them in
um! uy me same act».
And In it further directed, in and by the Act
of the General Auembly of this Sun, forc
auid, that one of the Judges of each at the
different districts aforesaid, who shall have
the clmrgu‘of the returns of the election
in their reapectm- districts, shall meet the
thin! day after. the election, which Illnll
be on Friday, (lulu): day of Aqua! next, at
the Court-house, in the Borough of Gettysburg.
then and there to make a fair “sternum and
certificate of the number of Yule! whigh shall
have been given at the difl'crent districts in' tin
county of Adams {or uud agniust the proposed
ADA“ REBERT, Sherifl.
Shorifl's (mice, Gettysburg, Jul, 6, '54.
A Valuable Farm,
T PRIVATE SALE—Thosuhscriber offers
A It print“: “it, his hum, shunted. in
nrroll county, Edi. 2 miles from Lililrstoifiz
adjoining lands of Augustus “tuner, duceased,_
Genrge Rinodollar, Morgan's ‘Mill properly.
(formorly Arnold's.) and others. containing
70} ACRESL about 8 acres or which are good
timber, and a. due proportion of muudmr. The
soil is mad sand, and has been iimrd nil over
lhu «won-I time; undrr gliml h-uciug. Thcru
urn-Jun: W punt-ls of. hildhi fv'uvo. l'iur)
01‘ r}. lhll: ihruhgii Ihr lr.u|‘ The lulxl.» .11:
laid ul)‘ ( um’mimev, «1 I‘m! mulu cuu hr lull
In w.l|t'l" nilhoul :| tirm-I. Tim
improvcmeu's an": onmunl a hill
away LOG “()Ua‘l). Bank Run,
\Vugon Shed, Con Crib. large
Shed {or «mic and hay, (Jun-Luge Home, Hug
House, Smoke and Wash House, Spring Home.
with n nevermilin: well of Wnlcr \\ill._ u
pump in it, “nun-spring of \mtcr chm: to the
lmiH‘mgs; :\ gwd Ur. hurl! will: fruit trees of
n” Lin'is. IL is in ovmy ra-spcct u moat desira—
lrk‘ pram-rl3". '
Lha‘fl’ursnnfi wi<hing to View the proprrfy
ure rmucm d to c .11 uu'lhu sulnscril;cr,{vsnl
-1H): Ilmmn . E. 0- “li\ iY.
June 27, 15;”. 3:13
Good Things from the Cltyl ‘
E are reaching twice n week from the
‘V (~in n \urirty n! uncles suited to the
\Vlllltsfof this cummunity, viz: Freah and Snlt~
FISH, llnms, Shoulders nml Sides, Hominy,
l Beans. Sulfifipplvs, l’otutbes, Oranges, Lemons.
Uuuiceliom, Tulmu , Segars, with many
[other articles in iliinjwne—nll received in. the
l lwst orderl nml suld 1,! the lowest prsfils. Gina
» us n will, in [LTWM street, nearly opposite
’ Fnhneslnvks‘ shire. _
v, \\‘-.\N'l'F.l).-—~ huh-r, {Cg/ea, Lnrll, . and all
'nilmr 1 nunlry ”mince—’ll” which the highest
lead: prlt'l‘ will he paid. .
l lnl'i-lET l’U'l‘A’l‘UES—best quality. at Inn'-
('9'. li\in: prnfiuwulu'ays nu hand. . Also:
luYH’l‘l-IKS, line ‘nndJrush—Jn the shell in
*shockml. limbmmnis and families snppliul.
Getiyslmrg‘ May 18 18611. '
New/ Goods. ' '
EORGE ARNOLD has just rcc‘uived from
G the chy a large supply of CLOTHING,
Men's and Ho_v.~' Wear, consizling of all kinds of
—OI 9 o
A Inrgo stock of CLOTUS, CASSIMERES,
all of \rhivh “ill be sold as clump us mm b
hull elsewhere. G'nc us :1 c:|H,;\ndH'M-cln
not plonswyuu in} n bunt ruuiyjmde \u- will
(Aka your mensurc and make _Hnu up (mt- m
51:02! noxice. [Way 30, 1864.
‘U. S. 1040 Bonds.
THESE Bonds are i<sneul under’tlm Ad of:
Cungrcss of March Bth, 1504, \Vllit" pro
l‘idcs (ha! :1” Bonds Issue-l undenlhis Actslmli
gnaw-2m”: anl TAXATION by or unlm
nn‘y slule or municipal authority. Snlwcril-o
lion: to “use. llonds are rem-had in United
Sum-s notes/or notes of .\'alion'nl Dunks. They
are TO 'BE IIEUEI‘IMED ‘N COIN, n! the
plvisurc of the Gorcrnmcn , at any peliod "0!
(rs: 111/m rm nnr mon- Ilmn fur!” yrdr: from their
tlntv. and until their redémplinn FIVE l’l-Il‘.
on Bonds of not over one hundred dollars an
mmllynnd on lill other Bonds scmi-nnnunily.
The interest is payable (in the first. days of
.\lnn'll and September in enclx yenr. _ ‘
Subacribrrs will reéeive'ollhor Rggistorgd
or (‘onpou Ben 15‘. n: tiny may pref”. Rt-g’ifl:
[cred linuxls are recorded on the books of the
U. .\'. Trclhur‘cr, and can he lrunsirrn-ll (mly
on lin- ouner'a order. Coupon. jionds nre
paynrlile lo’l—nnror, null are morcgonl'cuieull for
commercial uses. ‘
Suhsx-ribvrs lo this loan “'in lmve‘ the option
of inning their Bonds draw interest from
March lstnby paying the accrued interest in
coin—(or in I'nitod Slates nutes, or the nuns
of Nmiunnl minke, adding fiity pogce‘nt. for
premium) or receive them drawing inicresv.
from the (Lite of subscription and dcyosit.‘ As
these Bonds are . -
Exempt from Municipal or State Ta'xtion,
their vnlue is increased from one to thrl-e per
cent. per nnnnm, Recording to the rate of tax
levies in variom parts of the country.
At. the present rule of premium_on gold they
~VI 1 V
‘¢ . ‘ [‘4 - "fl _
v‘fi». v , A
@M% ”:54
k. g‘s‘fgg‘ixggg-az . L, 9% _
4.9-!- ‘~\ «\xgxt‘x? .. .033? -
2"“‘s': ‘3 “z ' ‘ éifisk“:
‘" "~ mw?“ aide}. 2w
L; '2- ‘~":5:"<;~é:"-'.;-a;yzrwaml‘ .
r I; *._ -_..*\\M w» ~W‘ ‘A“
Di • rrhoort.
In the only safe nnvl sure cure. it non- '
him no apmm or doleteriquidrugw, n_o min
_ crtl or other injurious cmnpoumll common V
to remedies gem-rally sold fo'r (his clan o'l
disuse. 1‘ iaso efficacious that. Physicians
_ very generally u": it in their‘prnplico Ln - ,
all chronic and dwgurouficmes. -
Kai“. L'tl- llu (“LL-(um ,nnxluns or doubt
ful CIIHA‘ ’le'inlls (.mmy of wlu‘h ll under
miuv z...) l I‘. n 11.-- :wll'uriun l “l: 'n .\.,“
‘ c.ln uhlhl'; ..'I [AI .1: I" ‘nv if {s‘ .qup. -
ull'lnlll".l-1“II1".‘>~l'll('!(lu'h:~:hl'~. .
\Hk‘hu llz\-.\ ‘ "Lu k'” mu Funny '4; .
flu; and au-r Ilnl mu l:rnp|'il:hu"fl nann- is‘ '
written on the outside wrapper of etch bob- .
lle. Prepared only by . "
l—' I ‘ 4
Sol: Proprirlor, CINCIN‘NA 7'7. -
For—sale by all respectable‘drpg’giltl.
'Prlco, (old um. 35 ct..)k¢5c.,.5,00. an‘d'
flhper Bottle. : ‘ \
W‘lhansx. Barnes .1: Q 0 . \thlmnln \gonlb,
Nn-W York. [ll 15‘ All), lHul 1y
! Irv,
m Syraciflclrhlorte you (0 jam/w béalth ml
with!“ “you m m: eyed. of Juana.
Til-u the grin: a. IGYQI'CI‘II Ro-ga
composed o FX’l‘l‘Al ’P!‘ from lnmfi
Eon“ um! lurks.) (or-unluuqon .
"nu-r and Sunni! Org-la, such .-
Incont ncnga of": \Uzfic. lulu-nun...
“on of 111. Bluder, II n-mutlon of
u:- Kid-“£s. qtoue‘ In tho 81-C‘ur.
lu-huure, rnvel. Gonorrhea, Glool,
and I nnflval-d by nnytlung yet dlu,
covlfi'léd for curing tho whllu m u ..
When and Item-lung w dirt-(lion. lhll nan»,
1m: uulklmrmm nor amelknud nu um munul be do.
Mud by nu) ouo. Thl: rumndy ll Farr-wt and rv
qu’l’l‘l no lulu-alum, VIII-n Ire calm 3le lo dairy, x
uni dendn-n IH9 allowed urmm. burn-mono unru
loll from [he I) (gm. crmllng hunypucy um! boon .
h h noquncgmlciuu. but [- fin: nnhodlsd 0(-
p-rlana o! llm _wll-l-n moat mow-ml In «lung
1" dink.- OK this dual. '
Let I 0“. dupulr M ml: mm‘dy ok- m
not! ulonhhlng Curli. when all ulhurl Ml.
Prlu only 51 m pol: box. at G bums flar E 511). ‘
Sent. by mall to any address on rmvlplvf the prim.
For-an by all Drug‘llxl. 5» lbs: my Ilgunuu
human! nub box.
I' ‘ ’
d ‘ " 4
[firm-map, [Lanes 6.: (30., “‘l’mlcmle Agents
New York. [314) 30‘ 1854!. I]
_ One and All, i
.\KE NOTICE—Tho undcr=igucd woulfl:
T my to the puhlic that be is receiving l
large and splendid stock of GROCERIES,
which he wiil well m lmv nanny other house
in tuwn—(Jofl'cva, Sugnn, allulasscs. Syrups,
Tens, Sen, Fiuh, Jun, thh‘l’utm’uu, Beans, and
lip-q; \V’oorlvn Wnre, put up in the he“ with
nor‘; Tolnu rm, 812.111‘ kw“ 1,3}, 1
FARMERS, TAKE NUTl‘x'El—ll you WM)!
to lay in your liquurs‘ fur lmrvr-st, now is tho
lime. ‘ l h.|\'(- muny brands or \Vhiskies, nmn.
dim, Wines. mad all other ligunrq, Wllls'h I am
disposing afar ahurt profits. (in't- me n call
I filu’flys try to please—um] believe I wry 01'-
ten gnu-red. Rcmcmlmrthn pl:we--sou'.hcl\l!
corner of the Diamond, Gemmmg.
Mily ‘25, 1883
New Liquor Store:
rurmer of Baltimore um} Higll streets, 69"] .
burg. Pm, hnrfnddnd to lh‘efirocrry husinlb
n largé ns=nrtmenl of CHOICE LYQUQRS, cm!-
hmving nhuunt cxcry kind, '.‘ifl. :I» Brwdicl,
.W'lno-‘. Guns, R'allli_xlnd/\Vlli°kips, Hm mu:-
‘mnled- to he “Inc they are sold for in "flavor
and quality. Tbe~e liquur‘s are of various
'gmdcs, running up to tho llighes}, so that all
tastes may be suixc‘l.‘ .
_Purc 111-cinch Brandy nn‘a] old Rye Whiékey
{qr medical purposus can 211 all times be had.
The “bduc liquors l. . ‘> been purrhnneq M
rthe best-and 03?. Milli,” ‘lvuusu dull (am
then-lore be :- column-s'l ul n V.) _uu‘y, m..l
will be 5611] at M: Imm 4'. v,»- w.l l. u ervli
and Countrv Mon Imm, cull find it to lhr-ir m
terest to (all and ( nminc our 3‘lole bvl'urc pur
chnsing elsewhere. Wnll large éxtlca we can
sell nt. small pmfils.
1:6?le Gryocry, Flour and Feed and No
tionbu=ilw=s cominumlv-milh lull :tsamrlmt-nm
in each .lepnrtmcm. [May sm, NIH. 3m
Umversal Clothes Wm er.
, you up: av
Gnr'rvsnvuc‘, PA.
From innumerable recommendaliom, 'wo
gnther the following; _ ‘
Letter Imm Mrs. Henry Ward Beech-r, in IBM.
‘ r urn moat. happy to Ipenkin the Very high
est terms or the “ Universal Clothes Wringer."
The harden part of “isnhing-dny"‘work ii,
in my opinion, the wringingmnd the inventor
of this machine may hm’e-lhe satisfaction of
feeling that he has changed one of the molt
toilaome ports of womnnu work into a Vcry‘
sntncflu umusomc-nz. The lzmndresn look:
upon 1: us; great lrle‘sing. llbok upon it as
among the mm usprul articles-in the bean.
Brooklyn, October, 1861
Price—sl 00.
$lO a Day! , ‘
cpxrs wurrfiß—To sell me «25 cm“:
GE." Each_Pnci§n-éu contain: 35 son I 2
pages of Music, 18 a eta of Paper, 13 Effie.
lopeo,l Ruler, lPun, 1 Pen Holdenl Lud
Pencil, l Deslfl'n for Undorslervel, l for Child's
Apron, l for Embroidered CulLll'. l for Gluin
tcnins Robe, 2 lpr marking Lenora, 13 Secrets
never before published, worth mnuy D'ollnrz;
and other information. Also, one beautiful
article of anaunr. Liberal induceme‘fll to
Agents. Se'nd Stump for Circular. J
WEIR t C r, * _
r 43 South Third SL, Philxxdelphlofll’g.
June 13,1864. 1y , ‘
\‘ .
Meat. 4_ u
gummy, and dump, at ' '
GOOD FARM in Adams cmipt fig.
A I win Exchange one or mg, hm§
clroice land in lowa, and-pay the dlflei'e‘ce'. ‘ ’
Rm. 9L1“; GEO. MIN 0.“ ‘
_ pmxo DALHOB 51m 2%? ‘ W
. was: 3 n
Illa Proprietor, Clnglwfll,
[my 2, 1884