The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 25, 1864, Image 2

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_ ”raga
i. J. "nu, “not. Asp normnog,
unwary—Rd, in;
\_ lbw" MORNING, JULY 25, m 4
Jrl‘ho Elation 0n the proposed Amend
menu to the Constitution of this State
nfll‘hke place ‘co-morrow week, as will be
an on reference 1074.}10 l'roclumuLion in
fillet!!!" column. The questions presemcd
on not of t pnlihcfi nature, and «humid
not be 50 Viewed“. That. the AV'ulilinn odi
wn Ito 'eadnayoring to give Amt on the
“.01le vote" a politic"! mm. is to he at?-
lfibutdlp Um'r hop:- that ”19 Fnldu-n wili
b 0 lb or tyirkcd, by Abolitlbn oificm-s
inki voting (or the rv-lvrfiun 0E I’mpitkm
L'igoolp.‘ They are governed in thin,“ as in
another mum, by merely’bemm consid
eration-u ' 4 ~
Tights for the Elur‘linn u in 111- printmj at
4h) 9“?“ w-mnxrow.~ l'rilm 50 cantn per
hundred, to pay foméhite papér and ink.
3930 tips 0; more [)Prfinnfl in en‘ch «lixlrirt
lhqold ”0,10 it that a sufficient number be
”cums! in lime. I .
All the “ ioynJ " shoddy organs are taking
flp the inmntion of the- New York’ Tunes,
.00: the effegt that Geo. N. Sanders, C. C.
Icky. me'l‘hnmpsbn, and J. P. Uélcomb,
hid been appointed commimioners by the
Dui- Government to confer with the au-
that-flies of the United States in relation to
peace. 1: in stated that Horace Greeley
.w_u Ippointed by Lincoln to meet. them m.
flu Clifton Hausa, in Ctnndn, and khnt they
[taunted the following c ndiliom:
Fir-t. All nogroos will have been IC
tu'llly freed by the war, to be secured in
finch fr'eedom.
, Second. AH negrocl at. present, held a:
dual to remain so.
Third. The war debt of both parties to
fix id by the United States. I
~ flrw. The old doctrine of Stnte rights
in bi mgnizod i'n reconstructmg the U»
men. ( ‘ - ~
‘ Those being msde' known to the PPQSE
Gout, hotelegmphad to Greeley Ilia condi
tions. which are ”follows:
"The full and complete renovation of
“to Union in alljls territorial integrity;
due nbnndomnent of slavery by the secede-ll
_Sum, . under conditiom whicfl should.
\ while respecung _tlxe property-right: of all
loyal men, ufl'ord ample Pocurily _ngaiubt
maotber war in the interest of alavery.” '
‘ If there could be any lrutlx in my part. of
“til whole Affair, it might be pc’rtinenfly
liked by phi! righl‘ d'nrs .Vr. Lincabt nrgalmlc
for pale: and propos! cumlitmns by which the
M lhall cert back info the Union 7 ‘
The whol ktory is intended to create
dilcord in the Chicago Convention, by in
’VQnting for these imhginnry commiésioners
p "IQ-fold miseinn; first. to negotiate 3
pence; and, second, “to Consult with the
Democratic leaders of the North in rela
tion/lo the Chicago Convention.” Tliislast
{uni-hos the key to the whole invention!
*6 thaws to what. petty shifts and false-
M “loyd” orgnnl, whose publishers
4h“. been indicted for fraud, are compelled
Ito "sort to glib their nefarious ends.—
fmchiUnion. 7 , f
We publish on our first. page a proclama-
Qiokfrom Pre’sidént Lincoln. Ifnny of our
radar: mnfinde’rstand it they will be lucky.
Tolhynud once said "the principal use of
hnguogo to a statesman is to enable him to
conceal his intentions and ‘his thoughts.”
I! Lincoln has ever hard ofthis muéh rev
puted saying. wo‘oan perhaps account for
#llO muddineia of his public documents,
(Inch of them, at. least. as are original.) by
,ehnritnbly supposing he is endeavoring to
pct on the French smtesman's maxim. I In
lint-Mute a. certain style is known .11; John
pouia'n; in State papers hereafter those
most miéernbly executod may gmhuppily
ternud [fiifooluinm ” ‘ ‘
IA Financial Predictinfi.—-Tho Chicago Post ‘
predicts "‘thnt on or before the first day of
January next, the actunl‘currency of the]
country in all commercial transactions will
be goldmnd silver. Treasury notes will be l
dimrded end all contracts in business M'-
Quin will 'be nylon a gold basis. Treesixry 1
notes no legal tender. i; is true, and will
Inn‘s;- all purposcs of paying debts; zho
depreoiltlon of paper money is greatly to
the advantage of the debtor and to the loss
pf the'lereditor; and every cent taken from ‘
the velue of legal tenders is 5 cent which is j
"unfunny to come out of the creditors’
pockets; The more money there is due 3
mm the gree‘er ivill be his loss. and that
len in now inevitable. No dootoring or
legieluing can give a “flue to,pap_er which
it doo- no‘ possess. a'nd the sooner the crash
homes, u come it musg the sooner it. will
hove-Land the busmess of the country re
glared to o proper 6:515.”
cT-heNewYork finaldsnys: A move
nont in on foot among the business men of
New Yen-k to simblify their transactions by
Infiing on ‘be standard ofgold and silver
arthnt is. to buy and sell their goods exclul-
lively fox-coin ; to receive nothing as money
3’ but what comes from the mintin return for
' (heig- wares. and to meet all their ordinary
bbligations. even to the paying of their
’ clerks, workmen and sei-vants, with the
”In! dmriptionoi'nurrency. ‘
flue Rapubliem Editor: in Palson.~—Uow-
Nd of'che New York (T‘mu. Stanmn nf the
My”. uni Henderson 91' the I’L-zl, are now
”Isl, unonced in Fort Lafayette. ‘
Democratic editor: are sent to Fort La
(“s3s,th there iflhis difiereuce between
the "order of (Mir going" nqd that. of the
Shoddiea. The former are sent beams of
wait political opinions, but. the latter are
,uut One for forgbgénnother for fur-milking
(b any with contraband goods, add ; third
[am My What. ' .
“Mime Bmeluer was hung at
m 37.3.. 60 Bmm, Int. loriulo
wof In. Nahum, , ‘ ‘
Qfi" 14mm gompaniaflgge beck}
may Yérk, ’B3:, toyfin‘iné fluvial:-
A won» «_3 Imcol‘n mlmmn'
The Im‘lllmm-sm-nt of (be Nuiir’ul Con
vention to a la!» rluy in August. has carried
with il. in some xm-usure. the cmuideralion
of polisical gut-Minn: immediately connec
tGd with the iéleclion ofcnnllitlatps; but“.
has by no means prevented the thinking,
reflecting men of the country lrom mum
plnllz'lg the great question involved in the
taming presidpatial election. We no told
by designing partisan! ofthemlminislmtinn,
that. at a period like the present,; when the
country is in danger and its Very capital
threat mod by n pom-rial enemy, politics
ahnuldbc cast aside and everybody should
unit}: in support. of the men in power at
Washington. Mr. Lincoln himself is un
derstood lo have given $0 this theory his
decided upfifoml, in the story which he
tellxwilh such grace. andmpparent satisfac
tion to himselfmbout bheimpolicy of “swap
ping horses while crossing astream."
“chmll deference Tor the judgment of
the supporters ofthe presentadministntion,
and with due regard for the wishes of Presi
dcnt Lincoln himself, we have no hesita
tiqn in Mowing our belief-«and we think
tlmt‘ln thin we speak the sentiments ot'n
‘ majority nf’the prudent and patriotic man
of the. mhntry—tlnt nniv. in this «late of
war nnrl‘ nfnatinnal danger-. 5»: lurnr-iwly the
timn tn' (-hnngi- our nxcu-mivc ntfirera, or
in thornlurslc language. 01' the Prenidunt, to
swap Imam. The prs-rmnt administration
cnme into pnwnr threw (113:1 a halt‘ycnrs :12“.
upon ”to llianr't. “‘““‘;nl‘f‘ and promise
that the war upon which “'0 '“'n'rc‘ thL-njmt
mutt-ring .shnulcl be at short duration, that
the shimmy mm «crumbly tn teal its: pros‘hure,
nml thnt until-r the benign and liuncticent
rule of the new political” lights, then just
beginning to nssume control ol'jiu‘hlic atl'airs
mace would he immediately restored, ro
bellion crushed out, and the country go on
in a. career of unwanted prosperity. _ ‘
Such was the promive. Now for tho pcrl
formance. In the fourth year of the war, 1
after sacrificing half 11 million of men. in. ‘
volvmg the country in enormous debt and ;
taxation, the Warhington government find: ‘
itself in danger of slaparation from the chief‘
commc'rcinl center; of the country. its in- ‘
tinnnl capital threatened, its trmunry near- I
ly bunkruptcd, and its profillt‘cti fora ter
mination of the war, by common consent.
more distant than when they ausumed .the
control of public afl'uirfi. Under this state
of things they ask for a renewal nfliowi-r,
for an extcmion of their utlicinl term for
another four years. \Vill the country grant
this modest request? This is the question
to be determined in the coming election’,
and we shall be mintukeu- in out" estimate
of the intelligence and the virtua of the
people, it they do not answer in a decided
negative. , ~
The country he: inst confidence in the
men in power. ‘ Politically and financially,
they have proved incapable of discharging
the trust rnpmed In them. liinmlwhns
been re nominated by the appliance: and
‘thc machinery which belong to the unscru-_
‘pulous use of power. He appeals ”0,16
1 cupiitity. the credulity. end the tea f
‘ the people, to re-cleel him to the high nlficn
'whieh he has di-graced in the last three
‘ years. They decline the unseamnn-hle de
mnnd. They yronounco his administration
a tnilure, and his action notonly weak, but. ‘
like that ofull weak men in public position.
in violation of the rights of the people—-
They demand not only new measures, but
new men. In this demand there ie a. singu
lnr concurrence among honest men, It is
hot alone the Democrats who refuse to {Ol- ‘
low blind guides to ruin, but Republicans,
who yoted for Lincoln and who sustained l
him as long as their consciences woul-l pcr- 3
mit, now unite in pronouncing his adminis-i
trntion hopeless and the restoration of the ‘
Union under it an imposcibility. . i
It is this undercurrent of Republican dis:
gust and disbelief in the capacity of the
party in power either to conduct the we?
to a successful termination or to make an
honorable peace, which gives strohg assur
ance of the overthrow ofthe Lincoln ticket.
An adminialratiou‘ which, in four years of
'war. with unlimited command of men and
money, fails to accomplish any satisfactory
result. can never hope. with any good rea~
son, to be again intrusted with power.—
The people are determined to “swap hor
ses," notwitltEt—itntlillg Mr. Lincoln’s pro
test. They u-illido it, even if they take the
risk of the exchange in. the‘ very middle of
the fatal stream into which the imbecility
and the folly of this administration have
plunged 115. Q i
Are we to?) hopeful? Ask the first ten
Republicans you meet what. they think of
the management ‘of the war, and of the
prolipects ofile speedy 61' satisfactory ter
mination. Ask them what they think of
ithe mpnagement of the national finances,
ol‘ the conduct of our foreign afl‘airs, ang
six out of llxe ten will answfer you, it‘in a
candid mood, that, they feargbings are go
ing bully, llmt they do not see the way clear
for anatisfactory solution of the difficulties
before us. Are such men goingto labor for
a renewal of the power of those who have
brought these calamities upon the country?
Not. if they are honest men pOSsessed of
patrlolic desires for the welfare of the na~
lion. , A
The Democratic party is preparing ilself
'for the contest. ILS nominations will be
made at. a late day, but they will be made
under all the lightsnvailnble ; they will re
ceive the support of the whole party, and,
unless we greatly mlsjudge the signs of the
times and the prospect. before us, they will
be elected.—- World. ‘
Han They Kept T [lair Promised—We sub
mit to the deliberate consideration of the
peeple of'the country; if Abraham Lincoln
and his wide awake party have kept their
promise to the people.
Have they given us a cheep and econom
ical government!
Have'they given to each actual settler
upon public lands' 160 acres! ,
Have they brought. us “back to the pure
and early days of the fdthers 2” ‘
Have they cleaned out. the South "before
breakfushfiwith 75,090 men? .
Did Aha-chem Lincoln speak the truth
when he refused to listen co compromise
and declared that there was merely an "ar
‘tificinl crisis ;” and the: nobody would
i be hurt ? .
'Gaeral Franklin at hm—Pouuxn,
July 11:43“. “Franklin find here ya-
WB7 morning. and m Wright urem
ded st bin residence. by mam: Regiman
“Hand. The Genet-AT den'hithafi He m
pointed out by n Womap, and sayylhat 11.1:
organism” gynewumg. hi: cam» my
, _.
Pmlflmic- by the l'rr-lrla-I
“'.nmwwos. .l'uty 18,-.Wnrnus. Bv lhn
not approved July 4th, 1841-4, t-nmlml. on
not further to regulote and provide tor thr
onrollmnnt and cllling out of the nations!
form, and for other purposes. it is provi
ded that the Prekid'ent o! the United Stiles,
mm! It hi 4 discretion. at any time hereafter.
ml for any number of menu 10“! an
{or the reepectiw torma nf one, twoor tli'ree
ycamfur military service, and tbot in case
the quota of any part tlmreot’. of any town,
towuqhip, wurd ula city. precinct. or electron
district, 01- oh; county not so subdivided,
shrill not be filled within the space oflilty
days after such cull. then the Preaident
shall immediately order admft for one yerir
to fill such quotn,or any part thereol'which
may he unfilled;
Am] whereas, The new enrollment here.
toforq ordered, is so far completed as that
the afogenaid act of Congress may now be
put in operation for recruiting and keeping
up the strength of the armies in the field.
for garrison and cuch military operations-us
may be required for the purpose of sup
pressing the rebellion and restoring the
authority of the United States Government
in the insurgent States; now, therefore, I.
Abraham Lindoln, Presidentof the United
States. do isnué this my call for five hundred
thoumnd volunteers for- the military service:
I’ruvillvd, nevertheless. thiit this call shall
he reduced by All rxmlits which may he es
tuhliahml under suction 81h or the nipl't‘snitl
not on not-mint (ii palranih whn huvo ruiorml
the mind wrvn‘i‘ «luring the pvt-aunt rt-ln-lL
inn, and by math“ for men filrni~lmd lo
the ntlllilll'y H-ri’inm in vxccw of calls hero
toloxe mmle. Volunteers will he Met-plot]
unrlvr the call {or mm, UV” or thrn-e ye:\r~',
:u tlu-y may vim-t, and Will ha- entitled to
the bounty lll‘OVlllt'll by “m law for the [nu
rind of M-rv'iuu {ur “‘lllCll they Plllibt. And.
I herohy prnclmm, mule-r nutl din-ct, that
immmliutl-Ty after the sth ulay at September
lrit} l, being lilty days from the date of this
call. n omit tor [mom to solve for mm yc‘ur
ishall behntl in every town, town=hip, ward
old city, prrcmct or election district, or
county not. so sub-dinded, to (til the quota.
whichelmll ho mangled to it under this call,
or any port thereot which may he unfilled
by volunteers on the mid sth day of Sep
tember. 1564.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set
my hand, Ind caused the sen] ofthe Unl
zed States to be nllixcd. Done m the city
of Wmhiuglon, lhxs eighteenth day of
July, one Lhomand eight hundred und
sixty four. and of mo Independence of
the United Stulw the mghty ninth.
By the I'l‘o3ldcllt
Wu. H. Sawmn.
Socxemry oi Slate
1 When the 13th Indiana regiment return
‘ ed home from thé war, it had a public re
: caption at. Indianapolis, at which Gov.
Morton and .gonm federal olficers made par
tizan spot-ch9s. ‘A‘soldier comment: upon
the speeches, in a letter in the Indinmtp
olis Smlmcl, as follows. The letter -is ad»
dressed to “Gov. Morton, Gen. Carrington,
Col. Baker, and Capt. Furquharz”
"Your speeches at the reception of the
13th Indiana regiment. will be long remem
lmred. Your pnrilan apnouls ought to
dnmu you" all. You am wanting! in every
attribute of a soldier. Thron of you are
cstnvlivhto: bnl'nrc the pooylo for olllco, and
you timely seize Upon the time uml occa
sion of u rrce'ption to war-worn :‘oldiors to
mlvgmnfi _rnurjntcreat. and secure votes.——
You are lulslrllitdl. IYou urn fully «mm-(‘i
ntod by tho. snldier who ham stand amid the
loader: haul of many almttle. One of your
number. at 10-m. has lwen rel-mtmlly 01'-
dered to tho fielrl, and has never gone. nml .
norie of you ever will. The :oldier knowg ‘
you. find \Vlll rvmomhnr ya“ all. Your \m- .
triolmn ii al'l'eutqd. Tall: ‘aliou! lizlmug ll
When dul either of you ever see a light, 0r
eVe-n smell powder. unless at :1 reception orl
areviow? But you would pile up the bones
of your fellow Citizens all over the country
to bleach on a. thousand sunguinnry fields,
and keep your precious bodies m, a safe
distance. You are known, an‘d you are un
derstood, and notice is now on you that at
least ono true soldier will remember you at
the polls. Uxun' Sotmzk."
Scolir'ar‘sL—About the cheapest way in thb.
world to he “ lnyul” l! to roundly scold
the rebels and the. rebellion—occmionally
varying the programme-by cursing the cop
perheads. We know several presses that
are entirely sustained by this-kind of “ pa
triotism,” and several individuale, who
never had an extra dolhr to bless them—
selves with, whose gnlni are reckoned by
the hundred thousand—all through scold
ing. Fighting your country's battles and
getting a leg or an arm knocked otl' is not
half so patriotic and loyal as scolding the
rebellion at a distance of two hundred, and
fifty miles from danger. As an evidence of
this, did you over know ofa wounded sol.
(lier, who had left the service. to get any
other sort of a public situation than to
break stone on the streets, hold somebody's
horses, or attend to somebouly’s chores ?
The scolders will be found to occupy all the
fat offices, and the amount and violence of
the scolding is nlwnys regulated by the pay
of the position. or contract. It is a pity,
however, that so much good scolding should
be wasted at a distance. If the Washing
ton authorities would avail themselves of
this adjunct ‘1?! military operations, and
would place the great hast of scolders in
the immediate front, they might‘sucoeed in
blowing the Cbnfederacy to atoms with the
concentrated wind of one big scold; or at all
events the chivalry would be unable to en
dure so constant a. stream of coarse language
and Would retirein disgust. Itis suggested
that the matter be tried, at any rate, for, it'
it cannot have that effect, there will be thié
certainty that none but the very “ loyal "
the “moat intensely patriotic”-—would. be
entrusted with places of honor at the front.
Let a division of loyal scolders be organized
at once for immediate service before Rich
mond. ,
How to End the Wan—Give uI-the pover
and we will draft a regiment um willend
the war. We can soled. jns‘ one regiment
which will dorbetter service ill-bringing
This wnr to aclose than hundreds of thous
ands that! Lincoln may call for. Put in the
ranks a thousand of the lending Abolition
\ ists and war~bowlers, ind at once the cry of
Peace would be raised. Never would the
men yelling even the most furiously for
‘war fight this war, when their own blood
had to be shed. Thic injhe only way to
rouse them from the sleep of indifference
which now characterizes them. It would
soon break‘ up their Washington re‘vels.
and honefi men might again one the light.
of dny. and Truth nnJ Justice once more
be restored to their wonked position in our
country—Day Book. ~
WA clmritnbly dispomd coteinporary
thinks it is no disparlgemen! to Mr. bin
coln that he. was a rail splitter. Certainly
not; the folly it in his ever haying undu
ukon m ’oo.mything pine. .
$51!! miller! gout y‘afimqnt [)qu
,fin is (9 at at 9 mmcgpe
sll!. of the Wang The 1:3: surviypr of tho
pi; was killed in one of the recent Sanlei.
Inc war H 6113,
REBEL autumn“; rap”! lAIV.
, lufio.
[From {he Age of Monday]
On Frt-hy la-t General .Grant’n "my kg
min!!! in map. The button intona, the
ml. thii‘k. ‘V-triona *mlll axpodjtioni hnd
been sent out. A cavalry force hpd Inn-ah
ed Without apposition from the rear of the
army to Not-talk. and hm) returned. An
infantry expedition of about two hundred
men had been wnt out. on the north
bank of the James. l‘hcy captured thir
teen prismfiirs, and succt-mlod in burning
some buihliugqjmt in front of General Pos
ter's earthwork, in which the enemy’s sharp
shooters had oonconled themselves and um
noyetl his line. Eisewherc everything was;
quiet. The Confederates were hard at.
work diggmg intrenchments betwwn the
Federal southern flank and the Weldon
Railroml.‘ . 'They find largo forces on the line
ofthe road. _ ‘
The Mnryland oxwiitinn ha; got, safely
off. They have enwred the Shenandoah
Valley. The Federal troops followed them i
to the Putomuc. when there was some
slight skirmishing, but. vmy fevir pursued
them farther. General “'rigbt’s Conn is,
at Poolesville nml Rockville, imvl Reynold“
10th Corgs is near Edwards’ Ferry. It is
repnrlml that n. Fudoml cavalrv force saw
the advance of Hm Confederaln lina march
ing out n!’ the south onvl of the valley. jinx;
wont 01 {)uipfilnel‘. Tin-y wm-r- going tuWnrrh
(il)r-‘!nn~\'llll‘. What the lenrnl un‘nlry
wprn dying in that region ia not oxplninod...
There is (rent vlouht xv; in the real condi-‘i
tion ornn‘ni‘n m frnnlni‘Alhnm. 1m noL
marminly known tint Sherman hzu crowed:
the (/‘h‘IMIIhCDUCIII'P. [‘i' ho has. crowed it, he:
hm not mlvnncml beyond we rivor hunk—hi
.loluwton’q trunp< urn in front Qi’Rhermnnl
and butm-on him and Atlanta. "they hwoi
um. ,L'nne nifin any other direction. The!
gun-rill” in Slit-rxnnn's rear are playing all ‘
sort: of pranka' ,
l fl‘he ('unfcderutn primnm‘a are being
‘ gradually remnvyd from Point Lookout,
Maryland. to Elmira, r\‘mv Y')I‘l:. ‘ A train
containing new-mlhundredufthemcollidml
‘ with a coal train near Lnoknwanna, ’l’enn
sylvunia. on Friday, and over one hundred
were killwl and woundml. .
*WAsmaumx. July lfi.—llnynncl tho stea
dy :ulvancb nfourcolumnu in the direction
of Ezlwnrds’ Ferry. some thirty mile; from
Washington, at which point 'tho rohels
crossnd into ‘vll‘glnld, nothing is to be ob
served wnrth recording.
ThrOugh tho country belwonn that paint
and this city,at tho prmr-nmnno, every
thing in quiet. On the llnckvillc road. So
recently the 50mm of active opgrntirm“.
nothing is to be ohscrvml, exnnpt the or:-
c:uir XlJl pa~sngo bf a wagon, zmd here and
them a <tmgglmg soldinr. \
We ll‘tVG the country .till pir‘kotéd about
three miles beyond 'l‘vuull'ymwn. During
the figtin; through the stiPet‘: :lt Rackville,
on \lenoudny Last. thn citizen“ tnnk refuge
for safety m the crllnrs of th» linthm, The
town was uninjured with thn excrptio‘n
that a few hon-vet were struck by bullets.
‘ Gensrnl ord \vnu‘nt ’l‘en’illytnwn yester
day afternoon. and Chm-Ml Wright was
said to In» at: Ponlowillb. During the fight
at. Ran-krill») up 104 two kllll‘tl .md thirty
wounded. N 0 dnnht set-m; tn («1:1 that
the ruheh' [nun-d through .\ldio. and have
“footed tln-xr pump” through ‘.\~hl»y'-z (hip.
The List of :m‘ loin-h (-Imwd um rivr-r
about daylight ymlvrday mnrmng. ('l‘Hi‘mt
ing‘ of n I‘s-..r glmd of liHm-n hnu‘h-ml mv
alry. Their uuu‘ hH! n .\m ut dxlrmiéh
wnh our advance. Bffln'o ten n‘uhmk yes
terday morning w:- occuluod E'lmlnls’ Fer
ry in- musidumb‘m torso, and lrlmp~ pouring
in in that I‘II'PCUOII. The Int-«L rmm the
from ilulit‘utm Ugut I.lm invntlm-e have suc
ceeded in gaining the mouuzmn Imm“.
Wnnncmv. July [6—2 o’clock, I'. M.~A
Up to the proepnl' tim'o 1 :un mmbled to
forward the flollqu'ing as tho‘uuiy ncws'of
consmymnce ; ,
Up to ghree (ah-I‘7o}: yoslertfiiy afternoon,
none nfour form»: w] (-mseml lhu I’uanc,
but it is nmlvmmod that. a small rum.- 11nd
been omit-red over.
A rebnl my Wm} hung yhlvraln}? nflv-r
-noon at I’m-hwillr‘. . llzfi nuvnu “an limnlf
mun Wullcmvycr. fi-rumrly ol‘ the 67m
NPW Yurkn' llu (lMurU-d, :ultl w'm captur
vrl on the 2.1 of July. near L’t‘tt‘l‘3hlll'g.
The hanging tool; plat-l: in the m iln street.
of the (ith Cori”. lle mm a ydung man
and met his into without “inching. V
v The rebel trnneporlation tmina wore rat.
lling '.hrnuch the streets of Poulcwillr‘ on
Monday night zmll Tuesday morning‘in
onc- unln-ukun .\[YOHIIL livery slow in
Poolosville, liockvilln aml DJl'HPSVlllel‘l‘d
robbed by the rebeh. but :u- n gem-ml thing
their behaviour to the cil liens was court»: ‘
our anvl roweml‘ul.
Our forcés ~hclxl E-lwnrdw’ Ferry. 'l‘he‘
entire relwl force is now nilmmlun V.ili~»y.
An olficxal report. to the Past Ullice Do- 1
pnrimenl shows (hat. the m.ul%, lur “Willy
cightdxlfcrcm ciiiea‘, were bumcd at Gun
Trains 1011. \Vuahinglon this morning di
rect for Philadelphia. , ,
ST. Loris, July UL—By order of General
Rosecrans, two L’ugfi, one furnished luy thel
Underwriuers and one by the Chief Q-mr-F
Lermmxer. dl ‘lllt: Department. are her-Lifter;
to be kept‘iu the harbor, with nfull heml of;
steam on, dannml night, to tow 'hurniiig~
bouts into (he river, mul :tll'sleam'crs notl
receiving or di=clmrging freight. are. to :m-z
chor in the stream; “>O, ull skim, yawla,’
and other smaller crafts. are prohibited
from being employed in the harbor, With
out proper authority. L ~
A despatch from} military man at. 8;.
Joseph says that, five companies of miliua.
most of which‘beloiiged to Col. Muss' old
regiment. have pretty niilch all gone over
to the rebels under Thornton.
General Lovell, formerly commandant at
New Orleans, has been restored lo'ilie reb
el service. ‘ l 1
The Age of Tuesday says: 1’
We are beginning to receive Southern ac
counts of the Coni'q-derato expedition into
Mnrylnn‘d. They bring my history down to
the battle of Moncc‘cy, thougigfno details
of that. action are uiVen. At urtiusburg
stores for over fifty thousand troops were_
captured. Clothingmrms, ammunition and i
rations all fell into the enemyfs handsfl
Mattinsburg was the grant supply depot for
a“ the Federal troops in the Shenandoah
VaHey and Western Virginia, and {he Cou- ‘
federates seized a complete outfit intended
for Hunter's column. Among the captures i
were one million ddlnrs worth of medical
stores, and one hundred'lhousand buabels of
grain. Four hundred and fifty prisoners
taken before the Coniedgrnte advance
reached the Potomac. had been seat to
Richmond. Our "advices are not" léto
enough to give any record of the captures
made after the enemy crossgd the Pow
mac. .
There is mothing new from General
Gnnt’s army. Genernl Smith's Corps is'
now commanded by General Martinnlaie.—i
Smith and Hancock have both, it seem: re-,
tired from their corps. KThey have had dif
ficuitias with Meade and Grant. General]
Franklin, it is rumored; 'vnil he ordered to'
the command of one' of these corps on}
we expiration of his leave ofubsence. .
The Age of Wednesday says : ‘
There is very little~going on in front'
of Petersburg. 0P Saturday the Confeder-E
am: “looked General Foster's isolated
earthwork on the north bank oftba Wm.
above Mnlvern Hi“. They shelled ii. rom‘
a distance of about. half a mule, and would]
not be driven off until the gunbonu camei
In Foster‘s assistance. Several soldiers and 1
sailors were “killed and wounded, and nem-I
ly ev'ery shell muck Foster’s headqunrlem.l
nothing has been done or any other part. of,
the line. There has heen'no rum in the
neighborth of Pelersbur‘g for fifty dayxi,‘
and lhedunis suffocating. _Generai Grant
has lon mother of his mun commanders.
Gone»! Brooks halfeiigfid. Ruled the
ma» Corr. and both he and Smifiboving.
15:). the on. and 18m Corps" wcre sometimo‘
siiwa consolidntml under (‘mneral Mnrtin-'
dale. Why Brooks resigned i~ not known.’
0! the corps cmnmnnderuwho led the ar
h'tes when Grant. and llntlvr hcgln their;
inclement on the I~t n! MnyL but two rc-t
gain—Hurn-idu and Warn-n: .\’Pdm‘icki
'”killml; (id-um removed : Smith and;
Hancock Withdraw : Brooksre‘igned. Tm)
1m or seven are left, Ind 15. myaign is
t W yét thrvc months" old; . "
There has been a great dell of woundin
tory news sent. u: about. the condition ornf- -
‘t‘airs'm front of Atlmta. The creating of
. the Chattahnocln-u- has been both Murted'
land denied. (leiwrnl Sherman has at.
'length been heard from. He telegraylml
to Washington that, he has crossed the;
. river. and that on Monday he had mlvauc— ’
ied five miles _louth of it. His oour~e Wns‘
ldirectly toward Atlanta. Gunernl Jump.
stun's mmy retrented Before him and took
lLmsnitm in the defences of the towns—,
.‘her‘mnn'a “wage acres; the Chattahoo
chee was unnppo-ed, m’id there hm heun
.no fighting. The Federal army is npw With-,
‘ in three mileu of Atlanta. 5
The Age of Thursday says : E
Allis still quiet. in trout. of Patershurg.—«
i It. is reported that. at. General Grant's tolic- }
itntion. the ordon M‘ndlllg ‘it‘llel‘dl llvltlct‘ j
to Fortresa ‘Monroe and congolidutm:
l Smith’s and Brook-fl Corps. have been an»:
pended. Butler sull ramains Itt Bermudm
Hundred. Smith’s Corps Is commanded}
by Murtlndalc. and llruuks’ Corp; by lltlhl
eral Ilu'lnpllrt‘)‘<,.fnr a long time Cllll‘f of!
Gvneml 51:51!le shill". A part ’oi Confed
emtm were di~m\'urcd,ou Sun lily night, cn-l
‘ drumming to plant torpedoes 'i the damn-x"
River, bt'lUW L‘ity Point. 'l‘hét‘e is n-rn-pm-t
that n gunlmut on tho river. n‘eurx Wilcoxl
L‘mding, with lit-Imm] Butler on hulml,‘
was nttm—kod. nu Thur-«lily by n. “Kuhn/‘3
bitti-ry. Nothing dutimtu i~‘ known at it.
howuvi-r. (leneml‘b‘mith wits at. l‘unro-a‘,
Monroe yzustcrdu'y, and lelt. for l'ctura-i
burg. _ l
The dehih oi Gunt‘ml A. J. Slilltll'i Vic-L
{ox-v over the Cunl't-dcrutx's near 'l'upelu,‘
Ald‘mnu. have reached us‘. Sumlmwelmrm
lmvtnglmxtgu thinn, hut. states no lllx~L“.—‘:
Iln :tunm'mcm tint hn li returning tn Mumfi
phis; From an unfiifici‘ll sunrce 11. ht rt-put t-l
ed tllztt'thc L‘unlt-demtc low was t'wenLy-I
live hundred. {ml the Federal low Lip-e
hundred. \V’c think the sequel unll show]
that. the Confederates were not much Mn}:-|
pied. Smith’s return to Memphis 1!.“lele
them to do as they pleased, mid they at"
once marched to the attack of llunlavdlu,l
as unnhuncvd l’catcxduy. l [
Missnui-i is in usud stnto. The guon-il- 1
lm are domujuat {Ls tin-y please, and huge ‘
portions of the State 'lnlllllil mllc-l out to"
fight them, go boldly oyer to them. 'l‘hul
Federal cormnanilers are in suchratrmta I
that they are lssujng proclamatiom cglhng
out'the citizenw. but the Citizens do not. re~ .
spond. So far as" tho «11-atruction u!‘ NOD-1,
perty gees. the Federal guurilius do qmte“
m luubh of it as the guurdlu on the other}
The Ayn: of Friday “ya -. &
All 1:! quiet belurc I’etchburg. (in-Tues
(lay there “v. 15 mm, but not enough to Jmnf
much bunefit. 'J‘lnqunfcdemLc,have been
kecpxng up 1!. Sharp an'uflcry fire. but no
general movmnen‘. on their part mu antivi
pulcd. The Fuel—9rd gunbnata 1m- rvpnrted
to have ervon ofi‘lhc bane-rim Hut, welsc
annnyinulho lx'unqm hon the Jdflh-w River.
general rim-mun is m from of .\LLan.
f «Wuduvvhy mu rum“)! mmu out hum
L'hcir duteou-slnml umdu three munita up
on his 1111 M. Tin-y were x-cpukod. 'Hu
chvml llhs‘ls mm] In he mull. mmt of Um
men Harm; fought undcrcuvcr ot' lulu-1m»-
ments. ‘
‘ ; Hmmml Bullorrolmrt: llmtlmlni rer‘nivr-‘d
‘3 dr:-~'p.ltuh from Gum-ml Aw-rall, Muting
é that on \Vcdnuwhy my. latter met and de-
Heated, Hour \Vmchmlor, n pullimx of tho
i forces [ll‘ 'lnvmlc‘l )[zlryl'lnd umler Brock -
{iuridgm Ituppmh [hut lircckinrniév had
A tln'mlml his forces, sundm: one part to Mull]!
‘ wood and Um ozhor m ‘Wznulu-zlur. The ‘
n luttcr \Véla attacked by Averill, who uys he ‘
captured Tour canny”, sown-. 11. lulu-Inn!
’«umil urnh, and two hundred pr.’~nm~n.»—
3 Arming the minimal “‘3; Urneml Libya—
“ Unlupcl Board, 0! Lin: 50".!» \'u., “'45 Ruled. ‘
me Chm Lwtnn‘wx- have new» (a .\.llnduy‘
lust. Furl .\'mnlor mul the any wvw being;
pheHcd. All (in: troops ougugml m the!
;..'ohu’l I~hml vxpc‘lilmn htul lulurnnd to:
[lflflon Haul. I: was rcfmrtud [hi-m that. »
ilicuv, remllu‘cmm-nls I'rmupnhvr.Jnlnlslon's:
#ol2L‘J‘s'3 army “ere on I.l;ch Way to Elude:- I
; tun. .
. There has turn ll light in )Ilt-SI‘HITi lnztwoan
.‘l guerrilla force and n portinn ofci fella-J
ri-ginu-nt. Thu Federals were dilly}!!! 1..
The guerrillas, it‘ i; aLdlcd; were dicrsml ll)
Federal uniform—they were probably a «lu
tnchzncnt ol the "Pair-Pun”: lnlllllul, that
wontpver to.the enemy n abort tune since.
The Sun ot'Snturllny says : f
The most ixnportent military operations
ofwhich We have received any late ml'urnm
tion are those now trans-pining in fmnt of
Atlanta. Georgia. An Asmcinted Prev ills
patch from \V’ushitigtuiut.ttm '.lmbllic I luv—
emmant yesterday afternoon Leeeivml (I‘m
pzttclies announcing that General John‘tmi
has been stipersetled by Ueneral lluod, {lud
thntabnttle has taken-place between the
two armies, in which General llood wasdc.
(anew. The rumor current. in New York‘
yesterday of Atlanta having been evacuated
by the enemy and occupied by tlirUnion
forces has not been otliciully confirmed.—
We yublish van-10m unotlieiul accounts thisl
morning. indicating that must uctrve move
ments are in prayers by General Sherman‘s
army. It lb will that the exten‘n‘le woolen
and cotton factories at llo:swcll.l Georgiu.‘
have been destroyed by General Sliermnn'e'
cavalry. besides a paper and slurcli mill and}
other fuctories.‘ ‘ l
The latest ,nccounts from Mivofxr'i r6pre—l
sentthe war in that State as brc ming ol ui
formidable character. Diapakzlleb from Col. 1
Ford, at. ’Ltflerty, Mo., report that Thorn
ton’s band of guerrillas is increasing rapidly, ;
and have poeseqsion of Pluttsburg'wd'Lunin. l
and are moving, it is thought. With. the in
tention ol’ striking the railroad. Col. 1" onf ‘
is in pursuit ,of him.’ Filty thousand of
Price”: men are said to be in Missouri. ‘
‘ —-—— »--‘-——*‘OlO> <-4——~—-—_.
In another column will be found the
proclamation of the President. calling for
five himdred thousand more men for one
year. Unless the quotas ‘nre filled up—
which is by no means likely—a draft is to
take place on the fifth of September.
And so the dance at: death goes on.—
Without counting the hundred day: men
from the various States, these five bun-E
dred thousand will mnke on aggregate of!
one million twa hundred thousand in' less}
than one year—taking Senator Wilson's!
statement as . true that seven hundredl
thousand men have been added to tbe‘
nrmiessinco last October. Is not the factl
humiliating that million after million of‘
men are added to the {my and no resultsl
attained toward an ending of the war by!
the overpowering of the rebellion? Howl
lbng.must the “policy” of mere numbers!
be made tovtnke the place of brains and
military Skl” at the Capital of the nation 2'
What is the use of lenders and rulers nt'
nllit’ the people must go en'mwe downl
upon the rebellious South, and. anus every
principle of military genius. carry otfévery
opposing or adverse element 2 With these
numbers added to those already out, the"
people could very well set undo the present
incompetente, end, setting up man of ntmw
for President md Secretary of ‘Vnr, carry
the South 06‘ bodily. There can no longer
be shy need {or a. head of the nation. when K
all he can do is to call for semi-.mnual in-,
stalmems of fresh victimsto his incapacity.
—-Puln'ol d 7 Union. »
“E‘An army ‘lener up many of the 1
winner: captured of late are better clad -
than usual, and was: . substantinl unit of,
light. blue ‘oloth resembling the: worn by:
our men, which they m is manufactmd
in Enlhnd and brought. into the “Confed- y
eracy" bpblookado-runners. “ ..‘
——.-————~oo~—~—-————g 4
gnaw-o of lumen. I. -
lowa 8: 60mm}.
()IYR TKRSlfi.‘—Frdm the In day of August,
IW4. our termi of snbscriptiop will be TWO
11.4.! ml if paid in mgrnnr'c, mu] Two DOLLAR!
AM‘ Fim hm if Ml. so paid. These terms
Imu- been agreed upon by all the publisher
in this place, tad win be strictly miller!!! ta.
Thi. ‘9 but a flight advance upon old hm,
rill-1F! no moans in proportion to \le gnu
adv nee in labor, puper uu'd 11l othquinds 9f
printing materinl. . E
nminntions for the supplant-mu] Draft in
Adams county under ihe call iur 700,000 men
were hub) in the Court House .on Wednesdny.
The men "porn-d with n commendable degn-e
of prompincax. Aijont 80 men were drafted
to fill the deficiency, in] ofwhom were examined
on Wednesdzry—cxdt-pting a law who failed in
come up i 0 time, and several others who bud
“shunt-« 1 off this morinl‘oil" and bitter a
region where their draft notice [mixed to mach
ihPm. We lire unable to give the result. 01:
the Examinations, but understand that u very
large proportion availed themsolvei of the
commutniiomprivilqe, which still held good
in their cases. -
only been able to obuiq paifinl‘lipts of the
killed, uonndcd and missing in the Into hat
tlrs. .\lr. [hail .\'orria, o Cpmpiny H, 233 th
regiment, in n letter 10 his father, gives the
fulluwiug: ‘ ‘ I “
Cum-ANY» B; 133'“: _‘Rcc‘r.—.Woundcd.——
Fury. .\mos S. Snylcr, in tho- lei: nrm'nud
neck. sen-ru; Corp. Emory Guinn, leg unwu
mm] above the knee; John N. THE. (>on of
llnlicrt Tate) left. brcual severe; lilias Stone
:iifct in leg -, M'illixun Ski-aslmugh in bun l ; Wm.
limit-Aer lnigh Spent hull, with ennui-n;
again. Missing—Geo. llummingcr: The lns¢
in the regiment is übuui 77 killed, wounded
and ‘nissing. . ‘
ILU. .\R-Cre'u'y, Est“ who is laboring in the
lllfipilnls at Frederick, synds the following in
mlxhliqu to the Above:
87m R:(:lw:n'r.——l.icut. .\hrtin, of New Ox
ford, ‘imurmlly wounded, sime dire}; Lil-m.
anu‘g, of York, \mundml and [Mu-n to Maui'-
more ;. Elias Shcmls, IGo. F, both l'L-e: shot 00'
by n shell, since diod whils: born; removed it)
Elm-unis .\lills: J. E. Snyder, woundud; Wm.
film-nib, wounded and in llnllilnnrr. Amos
.\iyus, (‘O. (Linus hiq thigh broken. Ll. lulu-r,
m (,‘o. F, was ~liaken pv'ién‘w. Forty-{two in
the rc-gilncnt are knfifi; Ill) bi- Lillcd and
wounded, whilst. lherufie Hill l 1“; mining.—
'l‘he llrigmle 10 which lllli regiment is nth“ h
ell only nnmhefi~ sf“; Innski‘h,’ about hall" «3
mnny as the regimen! used to have. M
5' TRIBUIE 0F RESI’ECT.—At a mating of
‘Cw B, let‘ PA. Cavalry, he” at their camp
\nchr Pctufiburmfi'm, on th" 01h 3119., ”If fa}-
lluwing pruunble and resuluLiuus were umui
imoud'v adopH-d: . .
Whvmm, It has pleased an «Ha-fine Pr\nri
«lame to rmnuve iron) wmung u: a cmun’dn in
nrms, amluhcrru,we mceHy how lu this dial
1" matinn of l‘rovnlenco, then-fore "'
“owned, Tim: in the Jcazlx (I“ij Henry
(I. Lutl, \\L‘ lnu‘r lust. nu agsucinlv rndunred Lu
us lg."tum-mnrnucm o‘t'ue Inst; :\ cumrfide in
I”an»sc «hammer and iulrghty were Lll‘J"
m‘ L-H-ry Humid) ; :m ornznnr‘nl lo muiuly. kJM,
:I:2'n-rnmmlc, and one wheat: 1055 ml! be dl‘f'p
h- {n-lt. ' '
' [(-wulvndf'l'iuu our gnun'try hna Inc: a 'bnn L‘
#ler and 0 'r ling n nu‘blu den-ml: r. m the
dram of: Mull. “"YHy G. Lou. ’l'Lc 0M flu;
xms his guiding star, um! nohly did in: {allow
1' thruugu then-on hnxl of [he one”; nmil
.uzilcd upon to yield his hf: on the almr uf In:
1h eulrm), That we 4](‘(‘p'}‘ sympuL‘i‘zc uidi
his hen-.u‘ul parent! and (fluids, umr ihc I‘ll".
that are sundurmi. the hunt Mung» lhxd, nu!
bloke“, and the life of yo'lthml prod-in'
“‘le 1i is Miglmd, 32'. “”c ihfmiil vauré \hv
rumcmhrnnu- 1h»: our 1055 is his pm}.
“s9lme Th it. the above prevailing-x he
pubha‘ln-d in the Gdh’shurg mpnrl, and a
cup} be lurwurded unlu- ram“; ut'ihn m-censvd
‘ W. W. ('kwma, huc‘g.
flflmfl'fl'tfh .\(TGIDEST.—A few «1531 3:0.
us Mr. Jnhn .\h .\lnstcr, of llmuilmn township,
was cutting grain wixh n reaper, and Igliiln in
We an of rewiring some 0! the innehincry
which hm] brinkcn, hid horses became in‘-mm:
34:03th and Mr. 51:22:10,"; were caught in the~
knfw‘i of the reaper, milling one almost of?
“rd injuring the other badly
nae-Than Illar-Mwuy 532-! lhv "Ith r 111"!
in A“ l‘!|~('>‘ uflhrscnn-ry, [Manila-3 and dim:—
dcrs uf l'u- hum-h, pk} sicizm; up!» the public
gcncmlly nrc well nware from mpvriencc. {a
clcgan‘ mu! (-onnentrntcd prrpnrnlion i’s 'sohl
under ‘_iid name of “Dixon's Aromatic [Hark
hérry (‘.xrmiumivc," prepared by Mr. \V. F.
Davids-info! Cmfinnm‘b {which Wc aivise an
Ht‘vding‘! n rr mL-viy to obtain. as it is as 53mph:
as the huitilself, as pleasant, nnd an unfuiE
ing clrc. ’
‘ 330:;‘Mrjltii-igs—i-ififimiiij n “HEP 0! rom
pmiy G, 133 th Regiment P. V.' w Is wounded
ut the battle of Munucncy Junctiun nnd ‘hni
since died. ”is running were bioughtlhome
mini imcrrod at .tren‘ltsviilo‘on Tuvsd Iy.
yEFAltentiuu ig iiireued § the card of the
merchants of this plane, id nether column,
anuquming the adoption of the ca’sh system.
WTIIH- (’nuptler wiii he furnidmd fro“; (his
‘timc until ai‘wr the Présiticxltinl Election at
SEVENTY-l‘iVl-Z CENTS, mt: in‘adrnnce.
WSlngle copies of the Compiler, with or
“itho'ut wrappers, fire ccnfs. -
0n the l-lth inn, near Petrrgbnm, Adnms
conmy. by Rev. W. (‘l. Ferguson, Rev. B. C.
HASLUP, ofthc Hap! Bhltinmre Fourth-nee, to
.\lisq MARY JANE. el-les‘ daughter of the late
John Sndler, deceased. ‘
DIED. , .
WOhitunl-y notices 3 cents per line (org!)
over four linen—nah to Accompany notice.
On Friday week, Mr. LEVI GRIEST, of Me
nnllen towmbip, :Iqu 84 yearn. A
k Commnn’icntcd.
Died, at. City Point. June 24th, 18.64, from
wound: received in A late battle, neu- Peters
burg, Serz’gn ROBERT 11. WALKER, of the
57th Reg. PutéVoLr aged about 21 years. ‘
Providence bu caned from u our. dear
friend. Ha was youngin ye‘nrs. in the bloom
of mquhund.yet 00¢ '1 belt ‘0 remove him
from this world of sorrow to n brigb‘er home,
Above. Truly it. may be laid of him, nond
knew him but. to love; muffin! he is gone
how our midst (brewer. ' ,
Gone from tlrtefmmnlt, gone from. the mm,
From the evil times um andden life ;
When Lheskies are dnrk with thebnule'u gyoom.
And the lit ii rem with the cannon'l boom;—
Gonel ‘
Never again shall tho rdlylng cry,
Waken the gleam of his almost eye,
Nor fall ng-in on hi- nnining at, .
The ringing y'all of his comrudu' cheer-
Gone I ‘ ,
In the early find: of hi: mnnhoad’: prime.
When 'nealh hlm'en golden,lheundl o'fltime;
Hopeful and can-nan, bare And true, ‘
With a hurl to feel. um! I will to do—
Gonfi! , ’
Weep! for the tens become you well,
Who-o bed": the worth of the lot: camel],
Andnach "and drop on bii gun that hill,
Some charm of his beautiful life recall- .
Golel ‘
Joy! in" the_ nigh the morning brash,
The cup of grief The Cquorter mlm, ‘ '
And the eye of mm look: up to tho tpheren,
Unlroubled by 90mm, unnulned by tonn—
Joy! ‘ ‘
Joy 1 for the soldier. yhm fight is o'er,
Joy! for mum“ duh thullncho .6 you, .
Joy! mg» a» hug for an word in given.
And the battle ctiel for the now of bung
40:! L. a. 1., am.‘
”The Fii'sl Nation-d Bank of Gettyshufg
Inn-jug delta-mined to incl-cu" iu 05911.1
Slpck 19 SHALOM), there is yet an oppnrtulty
nfl'ordnd to than who wish to nuke I good nnd
safe investment to anhscnbehud thua aecun
some of the stock. The book in now open
for subscription M the Bank. ‘ ‘ maxim!
SI 'l5 61.4 L NO T 1053.
The Singer Sewing Mackinaw—Ol:
fun gainingaworlda'ide reputation. it in by
yond donln the but. and chupeu and most
Bountiful of all Family Sywing Machine: ”3
offeréd to sh public. No other Family'Saw.
iné .\luchina bus I} many usefulnmiiindcu for?“
iiemming,‘3 nding, Felling, Tut-mu. out».
ing, Gunging. Braiding, Embrui‘dcring, Com.
ilig,s\nd'3o form. No her family lowing m
c’hine bus so much «pi-w for a put variet
a! work. it. will saw I" kinda ofcblmuj
will: A” kind: of (brand. Grout and recent in:-
pnutennnts milk» ouv anil: Sewing Machine
mo.“ reliable, and mast durable, and most can
(uin in action at all me: of speed. It nuke.
the inlenlockad stitch, which is tho Munitch
knownp Any one, even OHM mgu ordin’ary.
capacity, can see. M. a ghnci‘, how to uw Hm
Letter A Family Sewing Machine. Uur Punily
Sewing Machines are finished in chute And 01-
The folding Case ortho Family )llchinl it
Africa-of running wor_kmunship 0! {11:0 melt»
useful kind. a}: preterlhtho maching Hun
not. in us», an}! when “bout. to lie apex-MM may
be arena :3 a Bpau'mn'i and sußstfifin‘ “Mo
lo su-mxin the work. While some of lb: (Bani,
made out 0' pm rhuiwn woods, are-(Enigma;
in the simplest um) chnstcsl manner pouiblo,
mbers ure mlorncd and umbellishudflifl lhé no“
coZtly and superb umnuL-r. _
11. is absolutely newssnry to no ‘ho Family
.\Luchino in Ophra'iu'u, 50 ns lojudgc Min- grur
qumc'uy und hyuuly. 1! in first bin-omm; u
pupnhxr fur leufifiy “win: as on? Munufnnuring
Machines nrc fut mnnut‘lcmring purpusw.
« Tpn Brunch (mm-q ‘xrc {\rll uupplud nigh
ailk twist, Ulrcxul. nomllru, nil, ken, china very
~beatqunlily. 66ml fpr n I'AVPIILIT.
4:4 lirundwny, .\'rw York.
[nay-PHILADELPHIA. slO ( m.
23"“. JACUIgIS J; I”an Lurn! Agenll fl
Crlusburix. [.\mg. 17. HIGH.
Don’ Ask for Credit!
1%“ AND 'ELI. uxm Fm; ‘
0 .1 ':4 11 I
€an Symm Allah/ml!
(‘.uh .\'yalem AJuplad I
The un-lers7gz'ml. \lurchnma of Lho flux-own
uFUuliyshurg. “uni-I n-npcclfull! i'ntnhu |hoir
cusrmncrs that (rum and nurr Hm dale, um
will m- u....,w1:0.1 Tn MM. xivwmvuv
FUR CASH. “'1: km} ndnplwl Llnq cnnrln
lwcauw lhu Innuufuclurerl Mn! vflmlonlu
(It-ultra iii [harm-‘3 ham zunlvrd to so“ gnu-l.
.O'lX’ for the ('ash, lnnvmx us no nharnnllwo
blll Hu- mlupliun of the UAW” SYSYE“. The
imrmhwuum m' this (hang. in our mod. of do.
in; huvncN we .beHr-Vc I'!”chth inlet.“
1;! M 11: b‘uyc-r and uellnr. an indtsrriminuo
cnuhl 1..\! Always upnrslcd injulious’y lo we
prompt fun in: Huskumcr.
.\lv‘nm-{er wrangler, 'l'dtn«-~h-c§ ermhen‘
.\hk‘nda h Hurhh‘r, J. I. S. M: k,
‘lh-(Hmb k I'm-M. (in). .\r-nnH.
\Y H? “Id-” 0 S \‘u, [Humor 31. Int-dot,
J. S, (.‘lllwpie, )xnr‘u—rk .i-Jlarlm,
Wm. “|>_.l" & Sun. .1 H: Hunk.
J. Hr nLvrhvlT.‘ How Q'mnh,
(h-u. F Kn} flal-xh, Ff” ”1 king,
[L3I l'uttnh, .\. Rx NH 1; Sun.
J. M. Iluwm J. L‘. I‘lullzwuxlh, ,
s. w l"«l.:r'.', up}. J“ um s Ugo ,
11. Harm-r, .\. I). lhlv-lulcr, f: :
.\. ('ubo-m I; (‘u ,‘ .\L .\p.:nl(l'an ‘l’ Q; ’
)1, “(‘.XIE-U'f‘, Awhnw I'oHTV. ‘ '
Hnrru-t fvl. (funny, Afmy‘ll. )lni nu, ‘
Jdil'ph'“l\dfl. ‘\ . ,;
Gsuyahurg. July 2.3, I‘M-I. 3m
Pubfic Sale
‘ vsm'rmw. blur-o.lkm” a! frenzy
0 uu'. 11:: “xi-Is‘rl'hcr Will 101 l 11l l’ubliv
Sam, on the premium, "I‘ll: following Ru!
[2 mun-21.: x.
A SHUJI |'.\¥:\l,pi(n‘lom “nu'xyplpn-Inl
tuxvxhh'xp. «LLVIH rnuuy. rm the foul lur’mg
fm‘m Tum Tux-rm t , H )nmxzhmwn. My; mug‘
l-ml‘ of Jun-p“ Poduxn. Jacob Clap-1.141.,
A‘dszn Unrlh'xb, S.- , an 1 0: :'~:'-. ( 'mtmnmz 4.5
Acres and 2'; E'rrc‘ma. N: WM!” b; .‘
nl‘f' t-rm‘h'.‘ n I‘w Larry Brill‘k "37. ,
“HY-\E‘l Frmn \hqd.rr';.unlny) iffißH-i
Hum. (Hr. Lu" ”9”‘~"~ ‘““” ("”’ 5., “Yr"
and “:32: r (mt-Lu 411.»;3. Then-\u A erl n!
w dvr 1w rr' the dunr'nx Ihwrhvl n g\ lTL»: land,
in :I :10)! f' n- nf g‘ilznnmu'; hair”; AH hr-I-u
Hun-ML, my} 1.4 “‘0” f-nuv'l ‘ }
‘““‘, .-\ LHT UV ”RUFF“, ml; Win: ”(9
nhl-rn, co-nlmivliuz INA-vO3, 'n »rr~ or lan on
“113: h an- v t-vh-l 41M? min ‘j\‘ul A In” slur,
LH‘HIUV‘PE‘Z l 4"): fil-zhl- k. ’ '
BETA! Ihr .- nnl: urn-- 'Hn! [Jam WI” bein‘n}
UmfidLm in‘: ycrmun! pr q: ”13‘: viz:
2 NURSES. l l'nll. 21Illx~i|f))‘ri,3lhgi.l
Tun-huh»: Waznn ML! I 021" lmnc Wuq-m,
m‘w .Hmknw')’ Buggy nml ”Arne-s, Slug“,
Kim-n (;\'.lr<,'l"lr“i|ingNloh‘nfi, Rough: and
II Irmww, s‘l":qule Double-tron. and nlhcr
meirrguh-nsils.‘ Alan, llofisghn“ and levh
on Furniture: 4 “mist-mg): and Balding, Bu
rcan, T-bk-s and Uhu'rs, ()uphongJ, Fink, I
urge (funk Stow, l Tcn-phle Starr, Curpo-l
iu'g. Tin-ware, Qucenl—wnre, (Yrockrrpwnrc,
Tum. Barn-ls. and many other “Lick-I, Wu
nuumrum to mention. ‘ _ ‘
firb'nh m cumnmnrt‘ M 9 b'cinrk, A! I,
on sni-l «lny, \vlm) attendance will Mugivcn
and terms made known hy . .. 5 ¢
Juiy 23', 1364. 'ts’
' .J [on ofu’dministrmioh on ’lhc estpp of End»
.\l. Stoncs'rfcr, Sale of Germany M 5... Adlmt.
younly,decenscd. hnvi‘ng’twrn granted fifth»
undthgmtd. n-siding in'lhe sums townrhlp,
the}- herd») giv: Home to all pen-ans indebted
to said cum: u: make immediate paymenlh
and tlmsc having chums ngmnst ‘be same to,
present them properly mil-gunman] err sum-2
July 25,1864. 6:! Administrators.
Stray Bull. -
AME to the pnmises o! the subscriber, h;
' llaumjoy township, Adums county, on
an 12m 0! July. In lnrggdnrk MAN BUM
about {years old. The owner in rf‘li‘e'h‘fd
to rové n on I chit L‘l.lnd m e "ll
«5,. p p y” ’ 1.5 m cow“.
.151; 25, 1364. m.- ,
”Frederick China copy Ind cb-rzo lhiA
oflice 31,25. « . .
HE second Iccoqnl of Willi-m Walt"
T Committee of anmd Walter, (Inning
now decenseé. ha: been‘ Med in film Court a
Common Pm: otddams county, and rm to
confirmed by the aid Conn on tho 15th dtf
of AUGUST nan, unless emu In short h
the tantrum,
July 18, 1864. lc‘ ‘
[IE uooun‘ of hue xi”, Luigi» 0!
Simuel Sndler, bu been filed In an
Court. 0! Common Plan of Adin- county, and‘
till be confirmed by tho nid Cour}, on (M
15th day of AUGUST next, nnlou an“ b.»
[llan to the conlr-ry. '
.Jnly 18,184“. te" ~ .' . .
EB nccqnm of John 1:. _Jenkim, Antigua
of Wm. S. Jenkins and Wire, Lu: been
led in me Court of Common Pieu of Adunl
county, and win be confirmed, by' tho nit}
Court, on the ‘5!!! ch, of AUGUST next, u'n ..
leu elm be Ihown to the century. fl
‘ :' JACOB BUSHEY, Ft‘m’hfi
Jul 18 1864. '.c’ ‘ _ n
. , Wanted. ‘ g 5;
AY. AND GRAINan tho Wuehom ;
Sexual 3mm, in Getlyabmg, for wk! 1
the ighpatmkej price will he ”Id. ~ v
3;, 23,1065: ' ' ‘ . .