“tam MAW} GET’l‘YSßUitug—Sn‘rqlvn nfl.‘ ~ H0nr.‘........:..,.,........;....._.W1.7 26 "‘7 7.3 Rye F!aur...4..§.,...........5...;.x§... 3 l 0 Whit. What....-..,.....................t 80 :o 1 In Red WhenL.....‘.-..—......m0ummd [l5 w I ‘0 CUmT-cuuuonlocuuauntu . .... 3......“ ‘ I 35 Rye....................».n.....,.;.—....~-. 1‘ ’0 Uuls ..."...pénnuuuumil‘uun. 75 nuCkWlhfil‘uhmalgluunuuum (Reverse!!! .m"..'....«..... Tinomy medW Flux Seed Pluer of Pari5............. Hunter ground, per bag; BALTIMORE—Futon Lur. . .. ............... .-....” u or) mu 25 .... 2 55 :o 2 so ...... 1 74 la! 50 .......................... 1 58 w] 70 ............ 72 to 93 ~.......... 'l 1510 7 50 3 10 £O3 25 . w oo :01!) 50 '.........13 so who M....... 18 00 1020 no L so lo I as so on P]0ur........ Whent...... If) e ....... .. ‘ urn Outs Clover Seed....-.... Timothy Se_ed...... Hoe! (Jude, pa! hund... Boga, per hund........... H-1y.......................,... Whiskey ........ (dunno, Pnuvinn, per ton}...m.. MARRIED. 0n IL: nh inst., by Rev. J. .\. 130", Mr. 50!”; .\H‘ISSER to Miss'SL’SAN WILDERS, bull: u! Hut-human Valley. (in the llth nut. by “or. D. Ziegler, .\lr. JOHN JOHNS 1‘63!“ LYDIA ANN, youngest duughh-ru) L’nnjmnlu {izmeslfcr’ hull: u! Ad Ims cunt), [’n. H . Sheriff’s Sale N pursunm (- nfsumhy wrils uI‘T-nd'n'umi Ed I puny und Fit-Ii I’m-LIP, ihued ual uf the Court 0! |'ummun Pix-. 14 of Adan” tummy. 9a., and to we (Fin-Med. will be cxpmcd (u Famil- Mr, M. the 7(‘nurl House, in (:efiyflsurg,on MTURMY‘IH: cm .13; or .wucST Img (134114. 'luck, l'. 31., the folluuiug dc nnhw Ron] Estate. viz): , A I. TIUF GROUND, single in New ox fur‘l. A: :uns oonmy, Pu.,{§onting on the Yolk nud (Jay‘b turnpike” pounded on UN: (an! by lut of Athfiaor‘l Huhmd‘wcsc fry lot ol'Elizn hem mmelmnd wulhby 0t ufEdwnrdWeiglv, iluproxed uiih ll Tum-awry llrirk "3: '. “telling lICCSF, with N'llnr uu- _in? > . drr lhl' Ame. [mm an'ht'lhfldl'd 124;. [E W ulr H‘uuw, we” in «up: with. A '-‘»‘_,';:...“;’:' )mmpiuil"our(luedwrafafiz-tuddinx.lmm:- w“ lucrhuu-Jml B an). l'urn CriL, sou: t'ruiL 'l n-L-x, .ha Seine] and I.lkm: iu excoriiu. H: Um pram-rt.» ul Ann” I. Zuni; ‘ Aux: A LOT HF (ulnl'h‘ll, than“ in fi'nt Bunruvl or ‘irll'\4hur,s. Adams conmy, PAL, Lmndv-i mu] nleM nlml m 4 inllows: on the north by :uL‘ AIL} running iron; (‘”“-I.- (u “141351 e u. ("'ll. on llw nut I” int uf Sumuel Hrrhst. (m the a’outh by lot nf—— 80011,:ou an the wou‘hy luLul Dr.‘ ClmrlL-u Harm-r: nn s‘l, «rhirhmre 'eroL-h-I! n Twu-Mury Hurli ‘Wnrrlmuw, Frnmr Slu-dt. .h-. 5- 1p d ,nu-l'h'u‘u in brunfujun us the pmprrty ofJulm '.b'(u“. ' ADA-ll BEBEIIT, shag/r. finefifl’} ofi'u-n. (h-lgnnlrg. July IN, ‘IH WTcu pvr I’Q'IH. "I (lu- pur}‘lt~uzv nmbuv ulmu n“ “In h} lhc .\'ln-Hn mm: l-c [mill our humming-kl; nllor [he lrupcrty i 4 sum-k Joun at tutor Xmlurr [u rump!) their“ uh I‘ll: pruyrr mum he «(‘in put uy tut ulc. Begistur’s ‘Notice. NUTH'H it 111-rem gn $3l ms“ began-vs and A M's.” pennm‘cumuued. (but the Ad )niuutrurmn A: cmmls In n-m Ifu-r Im-nliouenl will he present“! at lt'ur “rink-1.2 Court of Anguilmv‘uvunh tnr : nu‘numliuu uuvl alumum'v. .yu HUSUAY, ll“- lfnlhtlug .M'AI'GL‘SP, INN, bl h!ut)nuk.:\ U. HI. ‘ '5 5-9 'H.-- (in! :aml fin‘fi um'auutan‘mh-fi! IL.- rirh au-l .\unm-l 1" Milk. thm'ululs n!" 5:- “:H "Y |.- ugmr-I Y'fllu'. (lore-med. . . (lU. 'l‘ln- tin-<5 :m-n' fi'lxll .u-vuunt of 14mm NHL ):X{.L“ul”l‘ nfllw last win and lush:- lug]! nl Jucnh Frau-i: (im'r-n-rd. 431. 'l'tu— «i_unrtl'mmhip uw‘nuut of In)": 1“. nry Myrh. liunr‘lluu uf Adum Lenka, of J.N'lnllll‘r it!\'[|.l;}l|. ~ ‘ (7'2. Th.- li'nt aim-mum of Jacob Awnnlt. .A-hnini-‘tmtar n!.l:|(-ul.£1.m|n:,latc of (5x- Elll‘ [pull-111p. drawn-e). 05'». "l'ifi- M (mu-l m‘vuunt of “'11). Sturnex‘. fixrculnr n! Jul-n I’m-fl. d-H-vzlmnl, , . (74‘ 'l‘ln- hr}! an ('r uh! «I! I’lulu'L Mardnli. .Adm niqrxh‘r. mm (In: “in uruuxcd,sl' lun‘m Hrmler, dt cvusml. . l'n'g. ’l'hv- su-uml and final account oflncnh “'arl‘rn: A-hninmlr..tur [J [be (male 01 Jaw-HI E-dmlman, «let‘c-‘amwl. (.Cu 'Hu- :mvumu of Ephraim liaartlm‘fl: Alhynmlulnr 01' (he Nude of Mary M. 1 ‘emnn-a , «h m-qwd. ‘ ~. GT. {3nd mu! 'finnl account of Anna Nurgxru-t Warner, Atgminirlxauibof l'clm‘ ‘“' Hlunl “’.nlhul’. livl't‘lhk‘ll. \ A.“ l'flhl :u-l final ammunt (of “khan?! avg)? A~hnim¢lrulur 01 Fun! \\'c-hvr,dw:'d. (3 . FM“ and filul account ut' thael fishy, Exu‘nlnl h! Maud-M 'Admr, «he'd. 70, The amount of Imm Hull. Guar‘fian' pl Many Elimlu-th (irnu'ln, {nnu' .len‘r.) ,miunr dual u! Jamb (hoop, L'Llc ul Mendi- In: towmhip, decayed. < snix'm. LILLY, Rtgisler grayish-1’1: Olfico, Ur'uyxhurg. 1" July LS, 1564. ui* j ‘ . Jurors for August.” < .2 Gus» Juru'. Rmding~Levi Chrunislér,(l"oremnn.) George “mun. ’ fruuklin~Andrmr Cluck, rem-r Dublin. lieuys‘mrg—Wm. C. Stu-lguith. é Br‘xwh k hyaf—A. J. Hanna. Tyranc——Tfimuu§ l-lhrehzu‘c. )‘lpulltplv:\~nnl-—l'l~lcr timid). ' Imtimvrc—Jm-l firivst. ‘ Mounlan—Jame‘» “'inlche. ‘ ‘ Uxfurl—ancis Marshal}. . . ' ‘ Melmllen—Frmcis Cale. ,L'uiou—Juhn Spdum‘cr. ' ,llnmilluu—eSMluel Holfheina. 7 V - Buntiuglon—chob B. Chruuister. ' normally—Joseph liurk‘r. Liberty—James O'Brien. .(Iltmherlnnd—Joeeph Walker. . ‘ .. .Cunowngm—Snlhauiel W. Gilt. ' ’Berwiuk Ip.-—-J oacphA‘. rim. 'rSlmban—Snmuel New”. j 91!nxufl&onban—— Joseph fiovliag. Bunk—lsaac Boyer. " - ‘ Friction—John Butt. 3n.” Gsx’hnu Jcm'. - _i'filller—Wm. J. Peters, Jucub Basin-ma. .!'niqu—Enoch chcver. gkrwick bore—l". I~ Wilsuu. ‘ fihwmuu—Jalm Dvllone, Christian Sign-fl. Auturd—Lfiichuln: Ling. Xfltfilifl! Hemler. flunlinglon—Dmiel Beitumn, Thos. G. Neely. fleunllen— Noah D. Snyder, Enoch Mountain. .Gerunny—Georgc Stonesifer, Andrew Lug. Hauling—Petu- Brown, John .\‘itcln-An. Gettysburg—J. Jefl‘eruon Myers, A. P. ngier. Ben-Eek Q,+Jncob Kinnemund. ' Monutplea‘unt—John Bowmnn, James Davina. Lgfimorc—lohn C. Hmchl. . rfllklil—JMD’J michollz, Henry bearded..- flountjuy—Jamea W. Barr, Frnncia Allison. LibMy—Michlel Corny. Hamiltonian—[sue Wuson. Ja’s. quan, Jr. ‘o’l‘yroue—‘David Meals. ‘ , ,Cumbu-land—Wm. Ross 4 fluid Shiver. ' \ fimbln—Henry A. Picking, John G. Gilbert. ,Cgfpwngo—Francia Kn’mzen. I edpm—Dndiel Sheets. ‘ duly 18,186}. , Young Men ND OLD MEN. do mzauow your mother: Anni your wives to wear ounheir pmcious in! over the 01d Wash-tub longer, bug like an; den and beannclors, present them with in EXCELSIOE . WASHER, and hate“! 0‘! fro"- and cross words on wash days, depend upon it, cheerful faces will greet. you. I " TYSON BROTHERS, Gettysburg Pl. ; Dec. 14, 1863. . . ‘ AB!) PHOTOGRAPHS Qfifnguislfid ipdividgull, 10818511113 a num beg-(6 on: Ngminen; Generals, and Um old'. )xern 16h): L, Burns, or sale at the manner of ‘“‘“f“*—*: m. nieegsiqr Gallery. Gettysburg. . Gettysburg Marble Yard. ‘ I 3- H 80!! BROTHERS- EALS a: 3m, IN EAST YORKSTREET ‘"' ‘ ~ ""'" " ' ‘ V H M GETTYSBURG, PA.—Wbere they In For $ll9 0! E’nge- J rcpmed to furnish all kinds of work in lheix VBRYdeIimNEG‘HST M‘LL,WR§ .- .7 ‘ue, such no MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD as AGRES or mm,» Germ-my g arrows, MANTLES, kc, at n.. mm“ no towship. 1 33'.” exchange {or a Farm, ’ ‘pe, and as cheap as the cheapest. Gire 111 I and pay a“; finance, ifnny. , ‘2l”. ~ ,~ - . » ._ A ‘z . 12‘ .. bEO. ARNOLD. ; wl’roduutakcnil aching. tummy k Gainsburg, Ocl. 5, 1863. If ‘ uguysburg, June 2, 1362. u ‘ FRENCH BREAKFAST 3&5!) DINEER WING to the wry high price of Colee, qul the gum. difihulxy in procuring I good, uniform and reliable uticle,our cub tomcu have oflen éxprmeds vial: ant. ibey could be supplied Iron Em lands. lbw“ me inlcntion of THE GREAT AHERICAN TEA OOXPANY to do n nncdy Tu huineu. but .0 vs have had some customer: living at : distance 3h! have relied upon an tompply than: exclm' e ly yitb Tu. And Coffee. is lacing inconrengnt forthém to come to New Yorkfl'ul Gan! Tu no Corn: Euro-ml Oflhil country—And In our. Tu. Tutor wu poueued of inform-lion relating to I Coffee :hngonld be furnished It A moderate pricn, And give unirennl satisfac tion, grid at Llu. same time Alford the retailer I handsome proitfiwc have been compelled to supply those partial. THIS COFFEE HAS BECOME SO POPULAR with our customer :nd their sale! have increased to such MI ex tent that we have been compelled to make lnrge addition to our mnebinrrj', which will enable 111 to supply :3 few moreficustomera with it.— \\'e will thelefore land n. to than who may or-let. ‘ ...G 00 to 6 st) ...2 90 '.O 3 s': .. 2 00 to 2 40 a. ‘ ll 50 X 75 [rm PA" Snxlszmxa ALL onmz Conn!» .11“: (.‘uffuc I“: bun uscd fur more thnr. a century in Pnriw. and since its introduction in to this-.cmmUy it has been in use by some of the leading Frchch Restaurants here. The I'nrisiunl we said to be the best judges nf I'ull'ce: and the great “for in which it it held hy them IS the best reCOMMPfl‘dulwn that can he prudm'ed {or “5“.” fl u‘ur lld hunky d fccts upon the hum system. ‘ We put up but one grude uf this (Rica 3111 that is oh: quality that our customers have lounxi from expo-Heme will~ gn‘e perfect “tis lf-wtiou and meet all the nuumnds at their . trade. it is the lowest price that we can re- ILulumL-nd. _ 4 We dn all our business on the mostex‘en— .‘xire senile, buy by the cargo and sell at only we cents per pound profit. ' We put up this Coffee in Barrels only, of 125 'l’oupds earh. This method of putting it up :M'vs from} to 5 cents per pound to the con sumer. nmi hy its being in ll mrge quantity it ’ retain» its fine thwo‘r muclrlonger in this form than in uny other. We send a Ith crush barrel i Show-Cums, Circuhlrs and Posters, lo tssist. ‘ liu' chlur to introduce it Lu hi: customers. We hoye our cudumers will take pains to have ‘ them \v‘ell posted up xuul distributed,“ it will he Io their ndvuntnge to do so. This Quill-e we warrant to give perfect satis (action, and if“ doe< not plane, the purchaser hat. the privilege» of rcturuiug lhe uhule or u; put at it wi.hlu 4:» days, and lmving his maus‘(«[«ud£d, together with all the expenses all lrfiapuru’jeu both WA} 3; ‘ We Issui- :1 mice (fircuidr of our Tu: and (:(ID'REI'S, \hiuh we are gut to sendJree (u all uhu Wish it. ‘(funaumers ofrc‘ulce chunk! en quire fiur the. ("ranch Anni/Jail and liner Cuff“ squ he sun: [but it was purchased oflbe . GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, ‘ [lron-runs AM» Joann, 35 k 37 \'H-\‘l-J\"S’l'lLEE'.|‘, NEW YORK. 101.113,]3‘14. Inn ‘ 1 Quarterly Report v THE“ FIRST NATIONA}. BANK. Ugrxrnu nu, lst Monday 0! July, 130“ mu: dischaWJ, $23,222 as Furnimr: um) fixturL-i, ‘ 7'lo 00 (flurrnl expenses; 550 On Tue: paid, . .8 :5 llcmiunurus and arbor-mull item. 20 56 Due (run: the following .\'nlionnl flank: .\'inlh N-luonnl Bunk “New Yurk, 1,559 9'- Im» from ulvhr’r Bank“ “rather! .\h-Kun, Ihdlimorc, C. .\‘. Hum}: deposited to securv cir - culnliou, _ “ Deposited,. " on hnnd, (“uh on hand: , .\'utv: ol this Bank, '“ mhrr .\'nnunal Dunks, ‘- State Banks, (”q-il5l pad in. $50,000 09 (‘irculau‘ug Noicsycceiv-d from the :3 L Cnmlflruller of me (‘xxrrcfix-y, 45.000'h0 hnlixinlqul I'm-och}, 72.237 62! “hide-rll5 unpaid, 61 98 Exrlmngu, as 63 {nitrCSL' Ni? 58 x " ~ Q—l—‘fi‘ . f ..xmAßs‘ 31 , Vb. ====.——= I. Go'rmgc Arne!d,(‘l«lfier «f the Fin-L Na tiunul Bank ~uf Unity-dung, I’m, (In olcmnl? Sucnr llmt the ntavc nnleuvntic'lJ: to the boat of my kuogvh-dgc and helid. GEORGE .\!:K(H.D.(‘ntkicr. Stage of I'?!]xl.~‘_\'h‘:lllifl. (‘ounly of Adam:— Suorn m and Hxlm-rilml before me this 4121 d :5‘ at July, is“. A. l. Cantu. Jib-11,1561. 3t ' wdmdltor’s Notlce. IX tl-a‘uurl of (‘ommnn Pita..- of Adams cuun'y: '1 he Auditor nypuiutcd lo diatri butc the balance rcmu‘lmuz in the harm‘s (if Snmm-l B. Miller, Esq., Assiguee in must for credimr: of Levi‘émith and Wife, to an}! "mung 11-c credilors or persons ivgully mailed \u renwc the 51mg, \vlll meet all persons in tereslei. IO! U“- purpwe of his appointmcnt. M the MEN «4’ X. 6: W. .\lcClean, in Ge”):- hurg, on I‘ll URSI)AY, the 28:11 duty of JULY. 1864,11110 u'duck. A. H.‘ ' WM. McCLEAN, Auditor. July 11, 1864. St ‘ Western Inn, (‘mvnnnsntuu Srnn‘rr, Gn'n'surna, PA. VHE under-«gum! realm most respectfully 1 iu-lorm the public that he hat-0920c! fl llulcl,_tbe “\\'c.~lcrn Jan,” in Chnuibcrsbxrg strut, near the west engl, Gettysburg, I’m, whuc he will be glad to receive it share of the public g putrunxige, promising to spare uq ef iort to give entire salismction. - His chm-gel will be moderaté. , Ju1y11,1864. 1m km to the residence of the‘ aubscriber, in 0 Cumberland township, on the 27d: of June, TEN HEAD OF SHEEE’, among which are two black ones. The owner is roq'uealed to come' forward, prove property, pay charges and take than: away. ‘ ‘ ' ALFRED SLONAKER. July 11,1864. 2: - ‘ Notice. HENRY BISHOP, SR.’B ESTATE.-Letfwl ol administration namesake of Henry bisuop, Sn, lute ofGettbeurg, Adnmi cm, dec., having been gamed to the undersigned, re siding in the same place, he hubby gives no'ice to all persons indebtea to laid. esuu to make iwuediue pigment, mil muse ha!- ing chi-5 Agra: the nmejo present them properly uuthenticated for settlement. > HENRY BIsHUP, 13., Adm‘r. June 13, 1864. 6!. The Adams County ' GRICULTURAL SOCIETY propose! to hold a Fair about the mun! time this fall, at. their Fnir grounds, near Bendersville, Adnms county. A list of Premium! and a Prognmme of“): Fair will be published in due time. By order of the Board, W. B. WILSON, Sec’]. June 27, 1864. It Corn Wanted. CORN [‘l THE EAR wufied at our Ware. housg (or which the higliest mrht price ’in be paid. McCURDY & DIEHL. (joltycburg, April 18, 180‘. " John W. TiptOn,. ;‘ '- ASHIONABLE BARBER, ' jam. net of the Diamond, (next “rkg’u lellnn’s Rota”. Gettysburg. h,“ ya: on: M d] timu be found ready]; Wk .11 business i_n bin line. He has also Smil— aisunca and will ensure satisfaction. Kiln him i call. [Dec. 3, 1360. Coffee. 4,334 as 50,000 00 25,000 1m 25,0110 m. 11,285.):0 5,043 (In 20,112 47 Snzmse 81 AX DREW STOCK Estray Sheep. Real Estate 1' PUBLIC _ SALEM—On TEES D.\ Y,, A AUGUST 9, (884. ‘the undersigned, Ad- ‘ mmiurnmn of lee_ Estate of Eli Chroniuvrfi} lute or.l.s:imote '~ W.“ wDemsl, Barnes .5: Co., “Theft-ale AQ-nu, Sew York. [May 150‘ ”NH. 2" . 1'14: 45")»th rulorn yd: to form Kalli I“ ‘ mdwut ityau m a: dam qf has. Dr. LUDLI’H’S SPECIFIC. 'l’lllh the 9".“ a sovereign Equal, oompouio EXTRACT! from lad"... “no. "orb-,HoruldflcnnloflhQ rlnnr Ind Scxunl (la-gnu, Inch g. Inconlrnuwc 0:31: l‘rl , bulk-.... up. at nu 111- er,’ Inns-unno- ol the filling” Stop. in thr mud". lulunrn. Involfidonorrhfi, an“. ”d II .Irlvuul by unfiun' yet an. savored for ourlns’tho 'Whllu I. n.. ...l ¥ 1804 When um! according Io dln-dlom (hll 11m.” bu neulwr tutu nor unvll. and nu ma cnuul :- .. / tutu-11b, Any one. This remedy ind-"kc! sad I. ‘ qulm I 0 (ujocuonl. whlch In .1; IM In an! sud and": the dluuod organ, hui Nmu‘fl m. "1 lon mun the gum, cruttgubuoymcy and lug] r l: u nor-ck Indiana. Iu an €ode u pnmmo tho I'm-mu: mun Inna-um ll um. All dim of IM- clnu, , ‘1 It“ non. d-p'alr .- this and: all“: Ch non mounting Gum. when nu ouun NI. Prioo onlyflxn per box. or 6 buxo- lur’lm. . S'nntgitull to In, Adults-0:: rue-mu tho "4-. - at ya" mull. “I“ n “noun llirouduoh box. ’_ ‘ . . e Joie Pruyrbeor, 01 PdoT 4 ' .7 Win-mu, Barnes 5: ('n., “'lmleenle Agent! New York. :, [th 30, 1804. I] , ‘ One and All, ‘~ AKP. ).\'(‘»Tlcl-:._.'rhe 'undorsigaod would T say To the publir tlmt Le in' Peceiving I lam» an?! splendid Hook 0" URUGBRIES, which he will sell as law as any other hone in luwn—Cotl‘cos, Sugus, lluluus. Syrup... Tens. Salt, Fish, Aux, w ith Pull-mu, Benin, and llice ; Wooden ‘Wam, pug. up in the be'upnu mgr; Tobaccos, Sugars, &1-., kn. ' FARMERS, TAKE NU'l‘lClil—ll you want to In; in your liquors l'qr harm-St, now in tho llme. I have many brands of M'hilkiel, Brun dies, Wines, and all other liquors, which I In disposing of M. short profits. _Uive me I call ‘ I always try to please—-:uul bellow I very of ten suriwenl. Ilemcmlrerillo'wAce—sousheul corucr' oflhe Dinmoufl‘; (igluaburg. my 25, 1823 Come 'to‘ York Street 17 ‘ ~ llEunderligucd hue houghlnul theG'ncer’ T and Provision Store of .W' E. mule, il \ork street, a lcw_ onrs can! of 3!. June! Lutheran Church, and will continue the buli-' {ness at the same phce. Ht.- Ins incrensed'lho stock, and is,nmv prt-plrml to gzfl'vr n on ex :ceHenl, assortment u! gnmls in his line‘i‘ugh M i COFFEES, scams. SYRIJ‘PS‘ '1 BAH, "San; Fish,c Brooms, Hnflwls. Bruihel, Walla-- iingw Machines, Dim-king, Candles, Needle” PinsflCombs. km. with A huge Dd ut‘ SEGA us AND Tnmm‘us Algo, Coal Oil and ('mluil Lnxnpa. ‘ Call und sec for ynurseh-M. Hil summon! is not uulylull, but. he cells as cheup as tho cheapest. ‘ , ' . The highest price paid for pld Levi. ‘ ' DAVID TROXSL, 13: ‘ Geltylbung. March 'l, 1864. _ ~ New Spring 0004;. ’ HALL PRQFITS a; QUICK SALES. ‘ ' S ~ J..L. scuicx’ u'Onld-uspectlally my to the rifluu 01006. tyaburg md ivicinigyhthmulw Sigma: ream-g It his note I splenJic‘ ’ ' 'STUCK 0F SPRING GOODS. The stock con-iris in part of Fancy‘ Ind Staple DRY GOODS, of GYM" ductinfiou. SILKS ' Y ' A NézAllßlgUl-J, . oy.“ ”)8, ‘ « DELAINES, - . ‘ ’ MUMBAZINEE, " . . ALI’ACUAS,. ' ‘ , - ' LAWAS, - * ' mucous; of m qualifies tad choice-:2 nylu. which '1!) a. told u PRICES I'o DEFY COMPETITION. v FURNISHING GOODS‘ ' of All kinda, including Silk, Linen and Cm Hundkerrcliicfs, Glues, Stockings, h. ‘ y ‘ Also, n'splendid' assortment of MBBONS; Lace. and Edginga, I‘lmbrnllns End Punch.- -' My stock of WHITE GOODS will lié hand full and cqmpleic, nnd customers may rely. upon always getting good goods at the lawn! poulg‘ blo prices. » Gentlemen will find i: to thpiradmtap 1., all sud examine my stock of _ 41 . CLOTHS, OASSIMERES and VT-ESTINOC, ‘ ~ 0'! all qulxtigs In" (What itylu. r - . May 24. 1864. J. L. SCEICK. Jscob Karim" ~ ‘ - (nice-Inn: 10 "Ann“ Inn") 'A U. 822 MARKET ST..PHILADELPH~IA._,—‘ , Denier in Fiuo‘fiqid and Silver WAT ‘ll-‘43 '1 s; m» Gum. JawuLm’; Solid sxbvl'ifl‘. WABKmnd Lhcbcslumkoqf‘a'iH'H‘R PLA V D WARE. Unusually 0n tux ulnrgg nsum- ~ ment of the abm'fl goods at 7dr pn‘au. ' ' , Watches and quu Una-k 1 Rznmu, by ‘ Ikilllul workmen: also. Jewelry I‘ep.tir‘l {‘2’ Engravingnnu ull kinds of Huir-worfi to 0,315,. ; a! short notice. * i 1 gar-Don't forget ”m on snub, NQ.‘3;& Mantel, Street. l’bHchlpUi'i. . . "q 7 ' April 18,6054. :lmung.ls3m ? £39. Aka 2;; 1‘" 3: Jim ‘ 3’ - ’ Inc a co na- 0 . , for sales: pr. 1:. {mum's Drum}; ‘ DST re 'red P Kl. '8 ‘ ‘ J Simucr’gbfihgi fungi: 321 M :31 IMSMI GEO. F.’ HALBFLEISCB