E 3 0 ' ’mam ‘33.. 12;1 {Bunsen ; ro’izxmx infill". l ’l‘he- Raeuhlican party ‘mnintnim. u pound legal docttine. tint Tenneaséo in not . pow o It”; of the :Unity} Stltec, hut is (12‘ film mutate of the Confederate States} lt‘ lnii-ls that ’principles of yuhlic lnw an fiommctl hy they Supreme Court. in certain ‘ Fun?- of prize—that ol' the _schocner Cyru lIImW, Among other: -lecd irresistibly to the 'concluit‘ipn that any citizen of Tennessee in to-dny an enemy of the united Statue—4r. alien emmy—a foreign enemy—a belliger ent'enemy. lt uppthvu and. adopts the Fwdiculion ofthosc. principles‘hy Air. Jus tice Beta in tha‘ case of Leary M. Wiley, and hy iii: Justic‘o .\'elmn in the federal codrt for Minnesota. The Lincoln party 'mnde'thcse view: ot‘pghlic 13"le respect 10 citizens at" Tennessee, a. part of its creed in the ctrculnr letter of its excgutiye con:- ‘ynitteq cgnvenigg the Beyohlicnn conven tion at Btltintp'ge, ‘for it exprt‘ss‘ly an potmced that delegates would he received in that convention only from states rel-re; sentod in the ‘.Z‘ungroxnl of the United States. )‘l'r..)Yliiti‘ng, law adviser of the War Ile parttnent, has been um elaborate and Dim-t. ~conspicuous Vindicator ofthege theories of fihe enemy status of 'eaclx'und every citizen .ol'n ”coded state. And lye-t. the Lincoln Aconvcntion El lialtimoreniomimtcs, as its candidate thr Vice Problu‘énl. Johnson, who, find" the cr\ll,ot thxcnnvomion, could not have been a mvmh oil it, even it' his up. pointmcnt thereto was attended by the signature of cvgfiy man in the State, and .who, nccordingiu ltup‘ublicnn inw, is'n for- Fig" enemy of‘ the Union! This is odd enough )5 he}: consith-rctl in it. morn political relations, but it is passing strange when viewed in its strictly '.lt‘gul lulu-ct. ’ I In the an? 9! l 4 may M. Wiley. it was de }itnmmil. by Mr. Justice l'netts, on Imuitcu tiun oi Diall‘th Attorney Smith, and after solemn ui-gtgment, that the ttutcmcnt ol M’iley'a counsel, in the claim filt‘d in mutt to certain shares of ruilrot’ttl atop); ltbclctl for .cunhscatiun, that the claimant was a Inesnlent ot l-Zul'unln; in the State of 'Alabn- Inn. precluded Wilcy lrom making claim to his prqperty, and defending it in ll court of justice. He could not. even hitve standing 'in cont". to make prool'ol'his lnynlty‘ lJPClluat- I - ttdt’llbf‘lofl that he was a citizen of u -¢-~ .cedetl talc \vu» conclusive agnimt'it. 'l hv ‘comt siid it would not. permit at citizen 8f Au skccul’ed stnte, ltk’t‘ Alabama or 'l‘enncasce, o como into ajudiciul tribunal of the Phi- F 1" for nnyjuurpose. - ' {tin-{ethic Andrew Johnson. in case ofn giroceotling in a court of the United Suite: to forfeit his horse (tound iu tl loyal state), ppoh the allegation than. it mm encmy’s properly, cquid not. get into’ oult tqkirove that the horse was his plow-£35 nnd that. he ‘vujttt lflyfll‘clllzétt. The Republican pai’ty. Ilu order to preview on); acceded state from being nguin nepreycntcd in our Congress un til, us a condition praccdent, slave-labor is {firefly ntiolished in such state, is compelled to assert that such exclusion of Johnson is fight in luw. And yet, these Republican ‘”‘;vyxlefixen propose to make It Vlce I’resi 'ulenl of 11 man who is sermuch an alien ene ~ my that he cnnnolfjge permitted to pass the ‘ 'lhreshuld of}: loyal courl. oljuslice! .\'nch :m the slnlesnnnahip of Lincoln and hia J-arlisnns’! Such is the inevituhlo political and legal confusion of n wan- prosecuted ‘chiefiy in the interest, pf Ali-ream! Who ‘cnn yonder that. government gree'hback» me not worth filly cents on the dollar '3- ‘Cronlinue Lincoln in pow‘er long enough, ypon such theories, and a Imlful of federal potetiwill *no: buy a breakfast. z..wu,~.nz. - ‘ ——~~ - «a» - - -- -A Ar A ’c‘ Lrg/al Hm " Trippel Lam—A good ‘ angry is jtohl of Dr. Wilbur, a member ofi Jlm B mid of finm‘ilment in the Thild L‘ls trict» A drafted man presented himself} {of egalninnlion \\ ho was so deaf that it re I «wired Hie utmmt power of the Doctor-Nl, - . ' l )ungs toninke him hear. the doctor stoop- i ed \dcwn and commenced a critical pxmui-i 1 nation of one of the drafted innn'a knees, i \ rcmtukinu in a low tone, "that is sufficicntl ‘h‘n u ‘ I to exempt any man. Glad to Leor you I my so," said the deaf man, who had and? denly recovered his hearing! "Who: did . jammy was the trouhic with my knee, I)r. , ”)Vxlhur 1’” ‘ ' f‘}! is peril-ugly sound and good.”‘rqplied; ‘lhe doctor; ‘3l was, only examining your; 'euqu.” ‘ I 'l‘hgman paid his three hundred dollars, I and was exempt. It was atterwar’ds dis-i Favored that he fins the lending Republican ' ’in his township, the chief actor in alrtho ‘ party movements, and clamorous for the, smm to go on‘mitil shivery should be entirely {acted out, if it too}? every/man and every 'dollnr. . ‘ - . ___,.._,*t rnme to my room's, slit-l tms nun-h enmeinted _with :- distressing caught rpitliug Luge qu Intities ofhlood. lexnlnitleth l.t‘l‘ lungs uith the resinir’nneter, and in all my phlt‘llt‘t‘ nut-r found one With one lung so (or, pone and the other lun-z so sound. lcovild not‘ give much onennrnut out. i thought Shel Would die: but to my Islunishment the Pu!- .umnie. Syrhp. SCJWCC‘I Tonic, apli Mundrnhe. ll’ills nll seemed to go right to work. thV lung l is all heulal over, leaving u cavity n 5 Luge us 'it goose egg: good appetite, line siiirits. nnd has unlined Mtlllt‘ thirty~tive pounds 11l weight . She has some cough yetpfit‘hich I do not think ‘ nill lt‘ll\fl llt'l‘ before Jh¥. I should think It trunlll’h: of great inn-feel to some unprn-jgdicrd‘ pl!) sixth. tu \‘lrlt tin-st: c mu. purliculurl) .\lisa Sroiield, or any of lheut \\ ho hnu- been cured Iby my medic-Ines. They are numerous in New 1 Yogk; but the above three nil |lll‘l‘r lrutu ouch , other; nnrl it' my me-ln‘lnrs nru «luing whnt l 1 1 r'r-prt-to-nt [ht-y no. they thuultt ll.t\e the credit an] the :lfllict’xl know where and how they mily betured. J, 11. StillilM‘H, .\l. l-. 20 ; '6.1 Dr. J. ”(Srlu-nck (‘.m be found :n hie prin cip ll office. .\'o. in North Ulh Siren-t, l’lu‘lmlcl pun, cwr} S.ntunl.l_v, lrom it .\. ~.\l. until .7 l'. BL, 10 gl\l‘_'fl(l\‘lf\‘. Ircc ol‘r‘.) urge; hut lur a thorough examination he llmrgrs lll’H‘ Ilul l-Irs. Price of lllP l’nlmml'u- .\‘vrup mid Sen \\ cud Tonic oar‘h $1.25 per bu tle, 1r 56¢ II: lull dozen. .‘lfllllll‘llu: l’xlla :5 (‘1'!) ~ nerlmx, and are lnr sale by all Druggistsland Doul'rs. June 6, 1864. im Good News and True, T THE CHEAP CORNER, A 1N marn‘smrnn . RUW a: WOODS nr‘e opening out another Lugek nssurtmcnt 0! New Hoods at! their cheap corner, which they will :0“ at lLe lowest cmh wires. We buy all for cash at the lowest prlaus,nnd ' run; thL-refure. sail the 3mm: 1 quality of goods n 3 low as a » [hi-y can he bought at nnyl . '1 other Store in the Stnte. A ‘ large portion of the: Shoes we‘ sell are made to order, of tha; ‘ best umterihl, by good and -cxperienccdwovkmen. Giv ' u.‘ u cull. ROW bWOODS. ATS, HATS. . Hats for Men, Hats for Misses, Hm; {qr Ba) 3, Dunknrd Hats, ' ILlts for'Chilnlren, Slruw HMS, Hats for Ladies, Allkinds of Hats, and Shakers, hy ROW 5' WOODS: HOES, BOOTS. S ' Shoes fcr.Children. Shoes for Misses, Shoes fur Ludiu, Shae: {3r Boys, Shues fur .\leu, Gaiters ofull kinds, Slippers in ‘l“2')‘, Shoes of all kinds. ROW .t WOODS. OTION AND~FCRNISIIIXG GOODS FOR N CHILDREN. LADIES k GENTLEMEN. Spool Cotton of all kinrh and colors, ' Lisle Giuves for ChildrunLudies and Gentlemen, Hasiery’ u ¥ u _ u Linen Handkerchiefs, ‘f ‘6 Collars and Neck Ties, new slylcs. , Cull's and Corsets of lies! fits and latest slyles, and many other things in the notion line, sold at lllelowesl prices. at. the corner of York urea: and the Diamond, by 110“" 5t “0003. USIC. .\ll’SlL‘. - M Violins, Accordoons, Violin Bows, Strings & Tnilpieces,t‘or sale by BOW é: WOODS. EGARS A: TOBACCO. Tyfions, E 1 an”, El Rio Selma, Ln Ingenuidnds, Napoleon, Common. Congrcss, Plunmtion, . Honey Dew, Anderson's Solace, ‘ For sale retail or by the bps, by _ ROW & WOODS. RUNKE. SACKS. ' Trunks, large and small, Carpet Bugs, R. 11.} Bugs, Galhip Sacks. Common Black Sucks, at the lowest. prices, by ROW & WOODS. ISCELLANI-IQUS. Ladies’ Haskell, Lndies’ Sntclwla, Polt .\lonnuics, Pen Knives, Ram's, - Razor Straps, Window Paper, Wall Paper, Pocket Books, Purses, Palm Funaflnrge, Palm Fans. small, Umbrellas, Carriage Whips, kc. We are continually inctonsinz the variet and assortment of our stock. Pricel are NJ. but we bough: many of our goods helore the late rise, and will sell them as neatlold low priceszu possible. It is ourgtudy to sellgoodi that. will went well, and give satilfsclion to our customen. To enable us to do this, we have eiecled mangements by which we em gel. the but Books And Shoes thin. are menu. llcturcd. It you mun to buy trnsh.in :he shoe line, “Q to" Dry Goods Store. If gun want good Shoes buy them of ‘ P,OW & WOODS, Cor. of Yuk at. and Diamona, Gettysburg: May 9, 1864. . AVIXG ukcn the In“? Ind commodioul “'nr‘hhouao rgpgntl; occupied ’4l ka .usb, 1&1qu ' ‘ ‘ 1N NEW oxronn, we no pmpured m p», the highest price. for all kinds of PRODUCE. Mm. lell It the low. ext prices, LUMBER, UUAL Mid GRUCEEIBS, of everxducription. . ' . A. P. MYERS & “153.3%". New Qxford,Aug. 10,1863. (f " J L. MINOR Inn in“ moiuq gI” o: g cm; £29.39; QSM- ’- ‘. ’ Grain and Produce. DR. W ISHART‘S 0 PINE TREE . TAR CORDIAL. 8 THE VITAL PRINCIPLE UF’TUE PINE TREE, obuined by n peculiar proceu in the dam].- ‘ion of the nr, by whiclhiu highest medicinal properties. axe retained. ‘ ' "A“! me A Cocoa? Bu: you .SOBi Tau-n? ”no you any of the promonitory. lymptomn of mu. uosll'ruul dines", Co:- ICIPTIUX .’ \ ‘ Thou who should be warned by these symp toms generally gblnk llxhtlyol their; until it. ll too late. From this heLperprl more thin nny other, arises thé ud prunlence and faul ily of disease 'wbidb Iwuopa to the grave a! least, “one sixth" of half; victims. Consumfition has destroyed more of the hu mln family lhnn'nny olher discue, and the best. physician (or many yenrs hue ddspnired of I. cure, or a remedy that would benl rho lungs. but. fur more than two hundred yenrs the whole medical world has be'en imprusgd ihni there was a mysterious power Ind cflicieu (-y in the-Tine True TM 'in hell the lungs; then-tare tln-y lure recommended ihe use of Tut Wan-r. which in many cases bad a good eflecl; but how to combine medical properties m «s to heal the lungs. has ever been’u mys -lerv until it was d‘ncurercd by Dr. L Q. C. WlSliAliT, of Piliifldt‘lfihin. PL, the proprie tor of “ “'ialim‘s Pine Tree Tar Cordial.” ‘ Many, not only nf'tlle people, butphysicinnn of everv school nnl practice, are daily nsking me?“ \thl. is Ihe principle or gnuse of your success in the Irmument 0! Pulmonary Cun suuxplion 2' ’ .\ly uuswcr is this: I The invigorntion of the digestive organs—- the strengthening of the tiehtlitntqd system— ltho purification and enrirhment'of the blood, must expel Iran: the system the corruption :which scrolulm breeds. While this is efi'rcted 1 by the powerful nltenttivo (changing Imm ‘ disease‘ lohenlth) properties of the Tarflordinl, its healing and renovnling principle is also ‘nctinz upon the irritated surfaces of the lungs and thrmtt. penetrztliug to each d'isctued part, [relieving pnin. subduim: inflummntaon, and ; restoring a healthful trident): Let this two i lultl power, the hauling and the strengthening, continue to the! in conjunction with Nature's Et'onntnnt recupt-t-utiru?tuntloncy, null the pn {tiint is sued, if he lmj not tuu long delnyed‘ l fresort to the menus ol‘chre. ' I Mk a“ to real! hm {bllowing ‘cntificntes‘ They ure from men um! women ofuuquesliuvn able “'oth and reputation : - - Dr, Wiehnrt—Dezlr Sir—[llnd ll very dread ful cough and sure :hrwqfur one your. and my whoio $83612] was 1m! giving way, and l was’ pruatntuvl on my bed with but little hope of revin‘erinq. .\ly Iliwnse mun-«I the powrr 61' all umdicmcs. and in n shun. time] must. have gone to nu' guru, Luz lhnuk‘flml, my daugh u:r-in~l:uv \wul-i um. rrsl'uuxil she “em to your smrv, .\'n. N .\'. Se'dcnd slrn-et, and re lated my' mm.- 10’0“, pun-[used one boltle of your fine True T.” (‘oldiul mid I commeuch' to ml.- il,. and in one “‘t‘l'k l. “’u- much miter, um! urn-r wing llll‘rl‘ butz‘us 1 mn pérlcclly “‘Oll. n woudrr to all myrrh-Ink, furztlmy all pruuuunc‘ed me past cure. l'uhhsh my was it 3ou Lhin‘. proper RHIN‘X'CA JIAMHXUX. NO. 1321 “'_vllv: Stud, l'hilddclphln. Dr. “'Lhnrt': P-ne Tnoe Trr ('nrdinl is an ill'ulllllh‘ (‘hH' tor “Hilullilis. [Hm-ding of lhe Lungs. Sore 'lhnut and Brunt, Lhfluumnlion o! 1.1:: Lungs. ‘ .\lr. “'.er 533 a Dr. \Vishnrt—S‘ir '—l liml Bronchitis, In l‘lmnmuliun at the Lungs. Slmrlnew‘ of llrevuh, and l’alplmtion u! Lue Menu in their worn forms: f llllvl l-ohu (rented hyaevrml of the most eminent pl|y‘.§(‘.\l'.~'. TIH'NKS, ("\[U‘l-I'l' Imus, I'\IIH:IILLAF, $O., and Ihoy will also continue llxe,.\l.umhlclurc ox b'hncs. , . , Frum their )ong experiem-Uin all the above hunches, they llzulur llurqcrlres lhql [ln-y uni plmsc the public, and \HH 3ch clump [or cash. .\. (‘OHII \N. J. S (‘l'..\\\'FURD. Doing buainess under the numu .md firm of .\. Cum-nu & (70, [l-lb. F. NIH. JOHN WARD Blacksmithing. HE lxnilersiguwl would most reCpcctquy inform the public. (In: he bnskcummeucu] the L mucxsymnxn BL'SNES“. at. Dunner & Zlcgler‘i shop, in East .\li-ldlv ulrecl, Gettysburg. wlu-re he will at. all times be prepared to I!" Blm'ksnxithing work to L‘nr. ringes, Buzgius, Wagons, &c. That he knows how |o do all julw o! the Lind “'in qm lu- qm-a. tinned by those who have .1 knowlcdgg- of his long upci—{uucc at the lvlhiucss. (‘mue on will: your wurkmm} you will be sulisfivd \\ lu-n you lake It away—find fur 'Which he will re ceive Cash or Country Produce. ADAM HULTZWOTH‘II. Jun. 4, 1961. If ' To Disabled Soldlers, EAMEN AND MARINES, AND WIDDWS, S OR OTHER HEIRS OF THOSE WHO HAVE DIED 0R BEEN KILLED IS THE SER VICE.—CIL\S. C. chx‘zn, Attorney for ('luim ants,‘Bounty Land and Pension Agent, Wash ingtan City, D. ~C.—-Pensions procured tor Sol diers, Senmen and .\lzirinesof the present war, who are disnblcd by reason of wound: received or disease contracted while in serviceland Pen sions. Bodut}: Money and Arrears of Pay ob tained for widows or other heirs» of those who have died or 140911 killed while in service. Bounty Laud prowred for sovach in my 0! u..- olhcr \vnré. CHAS. C. TUCKER, \Vnsbingtun, D. C. J. C. Sun, Agent, Getty-..burg. Nov. ~ 186. Isaac ,K, stauffer, .\TCII MAKER. AND JEWELER, . ' nucr‘Acfnun or SILVER WARE & IMPORTER 0F WATCHES, No. 148 Noni: Second St, Corner Quarry, Pniuozunu, PA. , Be In! constantly on hand an nssortmenkof Gold and Silyer Fluent Levy, Leplne und Pllin Watches; Fine Gold Chains, Senls and K 235, Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, lirn e— lcu, Miniature Cases, Mcdulliona, Lockets, Pencils, Thimbles, Spectacles. Silver Table, Desert, Ten, Salt and Mustard Spoons; Sugar Spoons, Cups, Napk‘in Rings. Fruit. and Bone} Knives, Shields,Comhs, Dinmori’d Pointed P 1)“, etc.,—nll of which will be gold low i_or cub? M. I. TOBfAS & €015,5er quality In” jew. eled Eaten: Lever Movemenls constantly on hand ; hlso other Makers of superior qnslily. N. B.—Old Gold and silver bought, for cub, Sept” 7, 1963. 1y RINKERHOFF keeps up with the timel by saving new goods «11-nos! every week.— 0 spares no efi'urt wnccommodate his mimet oul chsCoa-en. “Quick nlea and small profits." is his mono. ' Dec. 7, mm: _ ARI) I’HOTOGEAPBS made It the Ex celsior Gaucry are ulway- wuumel to in ntiafnclion. TYSON BROTHERS. otLOCK's LEVAJN—tbe pure" and ‘ be.” baking powder in use—at. Dr. R BNER’S Drug Store. ‘ B have jdlt receivbdl new unorCmont onqegnlwno, to which we invite the mention m’ huycn- A- SCOTT a SON. BS. WINSLOW‘S SOOTHXNG SYRUP, for .children, at’ Dr. R. HORXBIL'S Drug re. , BAKB'S PLANTATION BITTERS, or me Bamako“ Tonic, at Dr. R. HOBNHR’S as Storm: LOT of fresh GUM DROPS, the finest even cl'ercd in xbig market, to be had at D: U B’s Drug: Stow. 3W FALL b WINTER GOODS t—A gopd , “man: 93' {HI Ind Winter Goad u . en» 9 pm gig-mag 4. 4 sum 1; 303 w. phils4elphia, Pi, Establish“ 1850. Let Everybody A Card Another Change Anoher Car Load. , 4 OF, /W ”szness ’Hley N 3. Corner Teluh and Cb‘tsuut Strum! . - PHILADELPHIA, , - [mun ml Hummus! or L. F A l 8~8 A‘N K S. A, “..‘ for fine hm luur year: Principll nud'chief bug-1' lineal manager of Bun!" & Stun-oi“: Cup:- men-ill College. 3 r A MODEL BUSINESS COLLEGE, ‘ Condugled on 5 new system ofAcluul Business. Trsiuiug. through the establishment nl lcgili-x mule Olflrel and Couming-Uonser,,{vpresem-i iug difl‘erent departments of Trade lud Uom-. men-e, and a regular Bank of Deposit and ls-l me, giving the student. all the udvauugu on gum] pumice, and Tqunlifyiug Him If: the: {honest possible ti‘une‘und moat emu-five mun-l ner for the unions duties and emplo3mcms of‘ bunineu life. : ~ . l The Course ofimlruclion in the Thenreticnl; Department embraces Pook-kcéping, Commer- .’ cinl Culéulatioua, Lectures on Business .\ ll‘nira, Penmnnihip, Cammenial Luw, Forms, Cones poudrdcc,-&c. " v' ' 1 In the I“ - ,gmsmnss DEPARTMENT , thr studcni enters upon Ihe Graduzuing Com-50,: which includes gt continuance in the abuVe. studies. with their prniciiczll ttppiictflion in all their drtflls.’ II; will in turn fill the positipn of Accountant amt Ptopriclox in the mrimu Departments of Wholesale and Retail Trnllr,| Forwarding, Jobbing and Commission Busi nos», Banking, Manufacturing, Mining, Summ bnnting, &c., and finally will mt us Cashier, Book-keeper and Teller in the Bank, in each of Ihich positions his previous knowledge‘ will be put to the fullest practical test. Thin/Institution oll‘crs to young men numer-f ous advantage: not possessed by any other, commercial college in the Shite. ll is com-_ pletc in I" its appointments It is the only Institution in the Slate conducted on :u-tunl business principled. The‘course of instruc-' tion is unsurpassed, and may he completed in‘ aboot one half the time usually spent in other institutions, in uonsequé‘lire ol nu rntirelv newl nrmngnm-nt, and the adoption of the new pructicnl syztem. ‘ l Diplomas nwxirded upon the complelfla ofl the Comlurrriul Course. which cmhrncca all except the higher sets of Banking, Monul‘fl‘utnr» lug, linilmudiny, .fir. - I Send fur a Circular. " I Feb. 1,13 m @ d W gig/ma ygn I ‘ ' _' .\'TERSATIOSAL CHAIN 0F - - I _ COMMERCIAL (‘ULLEGES Established in “:9 following mm: l‘Hll:ADELl’Hl.\. S. E. Corner of bran-nth and (,‘hhnut’h‘u .\'cw Yul-k, Brooklyn. .\llnunx. Trm'. l’rmi dcnvv. Portland. Hnrnurd, ltnrlinuwnf Sewnrk, llorhester, Bulfnld, 'l‘uronlq, “ ClevelJuul,J)elr-.il,(Tuicugo, .\lil-' ‘ ' ‘ \vnukce nm! 5!. Louid. ‘ Thorough tlwurolicnl and practical infirm-’- liou in all branches lucltuiuiug tu n finiahql Bu~inc>s liducntmn. ' The l'liil.idelplii.t (‘olirgo stand: first in the Shite, both'in point of rrputttum mnl 10ml advantages. The paint. 'niinpd M. in. in ylafe ("onnnt-niul fiducntii-u- where it l)flllll;(-—l]| the frunl ruuk of uieful instruction. To this end, a most thorough courso of hu~ino.=_~ train ing,' is adopted and care/ally entorud, umlpr the personal superviswn at" conipvtvnt l’rn feasors in the \nrious‘dup \rtnn;ul~. The Int-st pctlvct system or przu-licnl twining n-._-r ll“- t‘ipcll lms bun put in operation. and t.» nu". rcsslnlly carried out. "Harding to s'udvuta :u). mntngeg‘snch ns‘htn'c hitherto been consul-tr cd peaaihlo only in councctiu with the count.- iug-housc. Alter hecmnihg nl'wiout in the Suit-me of Accounts. l‘cumn hip. Commu ('lJl L‘nlrulatiuni nn-l Cummvr 1 Law, «the student is advanced t 0 the l’rgctirnl lh-purt meut. “here In: hem-mes nn nvtual llut.h-k¢~l-p: U‘ and )lrrchuut; [Hui-a thmngh tlm Illllbl‘l‘nl llunzusi nets In turn In ’l‘elh r. llulnicr. .\'c. imrm the dutica and;respnuszhilxlics «it ('.uh china and becomes tlinrumzhly inl'nrnu-nl, not. only in the l‘urms WlllLll no in unit. rml' Ibo, hut in managing the ufl'uir: of bUaiuras \nth app in 11nd despatch. . . :(‘llulzlrullljia izsltrtl at one point. are 91:03, tor an unlimited parity], in the eiglureu Col leges cumprismg the "chain." ‘ Diplomas are auxin-dad t 6 those only who fulfill the prearrihml vuuxsc at study, and puss the requisite examination. Fur further information send for a'cirrulnr. Atldn-lis: . V ~ ' \ BRYANT. STRATTOY 3’90" Fab. 8,18“. ly ‘ Phllmh-lphh .rrs n r s ‘ Lamp Heating Apparatus. m[.l.\'u—Fm'n(;_sl-I-;\\'x.\'n_.sl'3Er. “(z—m m THE rum: THAT LIGHT-S mg: mum. . . ‘ ~ [fia‘liy the final! of n co‘mmon'lnfnp, at the cost of n crnt's \wrlh M mi, A very comforta ble hrmkl‘ust mm b:- make l.—_\'. Y. Tn’wur. WSimple in constructinn: msily krpt in order, ready for my in ammonium, conrcnicm to have on h |n_l.—-I)ru_qym'a L'rrular. . ‘ WFish‘is Lump is one of the mo-t popular novelties of'lhc day. The_ ulxlily of it is'un quealionnble, a great saving is made in heating and cuokings‘mnil nnirles, mnH-nn he made In cook meals tom: gn‘ut many persons, which is actually don-3 on xhe amhulnncc cunt which carrywhe sick soldiers.—Srimhjic .luuncrm. ”For family use, hospmfi lent. barracks, picnics, fishing, nursery, hr sick romp. It is an artist; Ol'zcoml'nrt beyond all propuitiuu to ‘its cosh—lla”: Juurnul of llalll‘. 3%“! lnwe tried the n3-pam'ns,nnd my wife and .1 proclaim lhe mum at mosm'nluublu and indispensable article, and we now wonder how we could have so long done “imou! it‘s—l‘M. Coal Unl arculur. . - ’ 'h WAn economical coulrivnnce for getting up heat at. 'slmn notice for nursery Mud grnelnl hougohold purposes. One important Tum! is the uving in (‘O5! uvqr cuui fires—N. '. Erw— ing Pun. ‘ - PBICBS FROM 'rwmro SIX QOLLARS. ~“urn-Y run-u ox»: I’o rnpu alum. runs: “new: cooxsn n on rummm on j “13M“. . Armngod fa; Keroseuo or Coal Oil. or Gms. A Descriptife Pamphlet of thirty pages furn: ishell gratis. A 159, . ”if THE UMOS ATTACHMENT, 0‘ Price. 50 Cents. TO'be attached to a commm'x eroséne Lamp or Gas Burner, by which Water may pa ' Builrd, and Food Cooked; also nr hanged to support A shade, EVERY l‘AhllLY NEEDS ONE. fiAgcnts Warned. WILLIAM B. RUSSEL, Agtnt, No. 206 Purl St.,‘.\'ew York. April 11, 1364.,510 . - Still at Work. 181-3 undersigned continuel‘ the '1 CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, ‘ in I" in hunches, n his old "and, in Eut Middle atreet.Gettbeurg. ‘ NEW WORK I|:ch to order, Ind _ REPAI R I N G don’e promptly and at Rowen pricea. ’ Two first—rate, SPRING WAGONS and . JACOB TROXEL.’ » Punting Offices. ’ ”A For: the use, of Mercimnu,‘Drug gusts. and null business ,N‘Mm ‘in: - and professional pvn ' < i ‘ > who wish toido their .9 1' t J»... own priming, neatly \ 1 M and cheupfy. .Adnp \; ‘ / ted to the printing of " bandbills, biilhnda, circulnrg, lnbeis, curds 3nd mull! newspapfu. Full instructions accompanying each ofice en nbling n bay ten years old 1c work them que cessfuily. Cli‘zuinma sex: (rtee. ‘Speflmgu s eta ofT 'uln 9.. ccn #- ‘ “Address ‘””’ ’ADAus' PRESS 00., 3! Park Row, N. Y., and 35 Lincoln, tug“, . 335 m, Mash. » . Jinn", 25, {BB4. ‘ll , ‘ xcxzxa w h Mans 01 m, uh; P Ind Bum}; alpylgigg M 3“; "V : ‘ PHILADELPBiA Wall Papers; HOWELL I BOURKE, I I ' . , .\‘.‘E. Cor. Fourth uud Mnket Stuck lianufactnrero of NGINGS PAPER HA Window Cumin Pnpen, \ uLinen Shades ”\d Hollandl, ‘ Solid Green and Bum Chocnlnke Gmundl. Pigh‘nd nnd Plnln Shade: To which we invite the negation of BTW! KEEPERS. Mir. 28, 18C4., 6m* Cabinet Furniture. Id snanuonxm t SON, ‘ ‘l'! CABINET WARE RdOMS xo. nos. Strand Stulb'clzzw Dock, Wen na- l'llll‘aADl-‘JJHIA, "are constnnfly on inn-i i very II aan acumen! ol’ Rosrwood. Walnut, Oak nl3 Lh hogany Furniturguflnteudesigna,nnd superiol workmanship, which they offer for an“. M rm ;unnhle prices. Utah and Mattresses made to rule]. [.\iar. 23,1864. 6111* OP. RATS, \IH‘E, RGACIIES, AXTS. BED F BUGS, MUTHS IN FURS, \VUULENS; &(‘.,II.\':SECTS UN PLANTS, FOWLS, ANI MALS, Sun—l’m. up 1n 2512!.ch um] 51 00 Buns, [junk-a null! Flugks. $3 and $5 I 11" furllo'rm.s.l’lmlc lssn'rcrmxs. he. “Only infulhhlc remedies known." ~ “ Free lrum l’ui‘aunx‘ ” “ .\'o‘ ddngcrouam the Human Family." “ [his calm-,uut 01' their ho)»: to die." [sBolll \flfifilcsulv in all/Hugo cilics. meg-‘_Sold by uu'lnfuggists and Rel'nilcrs wary. when-5, ‘ n 65.” ! Buwnn: ! ! ! ofull worthless Imih‘llionl. WSW mm “('unuu's" nnmeis on with Max, i A Jim“): and Flukbcforc you buy. W-Ndnsu : HENRY R. COSTAR. M“ 'nncu-AL [hr-n- 43: Huuum'm', NZY. ‘M‘Sold. h) :41] Wholesale and liehul Drug / gi~u in (vleu) ~burg, l’u. ‘I-‘cb. 211, mu. St La, $3“, ~ #39l}. , ....n. FOURTH ,& .\nru STREETS, lyiugxrnz‘rmlux, ’l3 ' ‘ ._ Am: ”prim! ron sumo. mm. In” pc- s4'Funu-y :i'lp'. {.Opcs. lnahn Bulb. 3]. I’m " grmvl Huk MSW) “ Ordered Vl'hm SHJCS. 1.4 \.\'UNS Muck Silk VELVET. . Hrmvnfii1km51.5.4.3,2,1(1)“ ynrd. ‘ liluk “ 3'42 .'-. 4, 3,.5. l. "« .\'.o Tc .\nl Iy:l".‘.lH-(‘Oll)r3. .\Juunitiu rm fin-Imm”. ' ’ \I.I-,;nllia-übUlguudios. Riches!('hiullA-hm-l l'vlrulw. Springflhuwli Srw ”Hll*“huM Simple (imgll. ‘ .\'. H. (Junvml :I<~url'.utl|l of Men .4 We“. Mnr‘rh 7,135”! 3m ‘ Noah 'Walkcr 8; 00.. CLuTnlrtns, \vmmsu’ux nummsu, 1:31. nu» luflhx.lmwnsgnmr, rfrinxnnxonu, Mr kcep_'ronslzinll,\' mi hmu‘n ,\ Luge nud well u- gorluLnuck of .nll~Liulls of gourlx at moderate IMEI They Suppl} ordrrs for the finnst lo lhe .3. ' > I lawn-s! pnu-J flax-helm), culler may, and"; . H ‘ mmlc to measure. to nny part of n.. coqnujy Thv} ku-p nl~u an rxtcfisivc stock of FURN- Ismxr; GUUHH, rmhmcin‘g'overy mm. o! Conllcmrn's l'n-lcr—venr. Also, MILITARY L‘LUTHS :gud‘q‘vrry variety of Military Trim- "'in”. us erAs an nswrled "lock of READY »-. r . . A I . nixfinm'rxm' (.‘uups. ‘ Ingram)", Feb. ‘22, 131 W. New Talloring ‘ STJBLISII \l F..\'l‘.--GE(). F. I’f‘KEXRODE, FASHIUSAJHIE TIULUR. ndnpts [his method uf‘ inlunning hi: frivndt and the public gent-fully, tlmt, he has opened A ’l'niluring est-iblisluncnl in Baltixuérp urn-t, Gellgeluirg. (Im.- l’uat Ullice,) uc'Ar the Din rnmm, VFJICIJL' In; is prepared to do all worlg in his line in llle'hL-sv. InnnnL-r, und to the slim lEaclion of cu-toniera.‘ llc munlugl nuns but lint clan hands, and rrceiviny Tlll-Z FASHIONS IIEGI’LAIILY, , he can whrmnt fnshimmble fits' and nuat And subslnntinl sewing. llc aikq I share 0! the puhlic’s patrunngc, promising to spare no t!- lurt lu deservr it. His ,clmrgrs will alvnya he found In mml‘cmte as the lining will allow. Cutting and Repairing done an the lhortefl notific. [Gettysburg April 'l, “462. . Sprmg Goods AT A. SCOTT a SOS’S.—-—We invite the It ‘ {union of bnyri'ito our stock 9! Spring Goods, whirh will be sold dump, con’sisling 0‘ - LA‘DIES’ .DRESS GOODS, Shawls, Cloaking Cluths, em, etc. For Men'- nud Buya‘ wear we have Clulhs, Cnssimcre'l. Cuminga, Vestinxis, with a variety of Gouch gdus, km, kc. Cull 13ml see. ‘ J lluy 18,1563. 3 A. SCOTT 8 SON. .= . - New Bakery! EWPOKT & ZH-IGILEB, Mechztniqn} Bah.- ‘ ers, South Washington street. he.“ Iqunro from the Eng]: Hotel, GETTYSBUBKLPL— Constnnlly on hnnd, the best. at BREAD,_ LCHACKERS, CAKES,‘PRETZELS, to. Per ~norm withing fresh Bread will be served new ‘ morning, by leumng theirngmea 'andreaidgncel it. the Bakery. Every efion guide 10 plea“ Give us a will - [Aprii 20, (63. t! Battle-field was; A FRI-LL set. of our Photognphic View: 0! fine» Battle-field of Getlynburg, form I nplend'uf gift for the Hoiiflayld The fine". yet: published cnu be scan tube Bunnie: Galleryt _ TYSUN BROTHERS, (haywire. ' ‘- ' ~.4 Queensware. I" you in? nnflhing imam QUEENSW'ARK I line on“ at A. SCOTT & SOX’S, when,“ mil and the best aucnment in towh. - )Inrch 2‘, IBBZ. ILLINEBY GOODS,‘ Bonheu, kghbonh Floweu, Sinker. and Bonnet run I. 5m received from an' York, chip 13 av estoch’, the sign of ‘ RED mO. T. . LL the but Pnicnt Medicineqlfgn be If“ It the new Fapily D’mx Ind" resédpflcl un-o of _ Dr. Lion-NEB AGO. Arrow Root, Corn Stu-ch, Rica-Rolf Ind Gelatih, for sale at. Dr, 5935”“ Drug Store. ' ’ ‘ OE LADIES.—AII sin: of Baguio On: Show for 1110 as tho corner on ork‘lEQ‘ “d the Dilute-d by ROW k WQOQS” UCUIBER PICKLES, A huge [at 390;. If uiwd from the city. in Erma mug - ' ' KA arm-nab 3 NM