i--- “' ' ’”“ ‘l‘. A ~- -~ -- - _‘__.-“_._-: ‘- -__.__...,. ““’ ’W i. “nun" Aalfinnnms To me ‘ mm MARKETS. .» ‘"'?“mnl' ‘.‘T‘ ‘ GETTYSBURG—Suumn “it. On Saturday week. you: Houses or Con- n" 7 u m 7 yes: finally passed a hill to obolish the $3OO Bye. FlourW commutation clnuse of the enrollment net. ’ “'“‘“.WM“A"“‘“"”‘ ""' ‘ . - . . .Red Wheat................... The in“ u paused embraces several other ‘ Com ... , , important. change: in the pram”. law. and ' It;e.. is as [0110.“ ~ :Ouis h:..... The President of the United States may. 3 3:371:82; at his discretion,” any limo hereafter, calb Timotny Mg]: for any number of men as volunteers‘foggpl“ be“, the respective terms of one. two and three 33’1“" of Paris ........... yearn, for military service. And any such [‘f‘lutfl groimd per “I! volunteer. or in case ofdrnft, ”hereinafter; ’ provided, nny substitute, ahall be credited; to the township, ward or city. precinct or; ..‘ection district, or of a cou‘nty towards the, ’quotn of which he may have volunteered or: engaged as substitute. 'And every volun teerwho is accepted and mu-iti-rediinto the service for a term of one year. unles’g soonerl discharged. shall receive and be paid by the United States I bounty of one hundred] dollzirs; and [or a term of two years, unless i srnner discharged, in bounty of two hu dred‘ dollars; and, it' for-a term of three hang; unless hooncr disclmrged, nboun‘ty of three ; hundred dollars ; one-third of which boun ty shall be paid to the soldier at. the time of his being mustered into the service, one third It the expirtition' of one-linlfol his, term of service. And, in case of his death I while in sari/ice, the residue of but bounty ‘ unpaid shall be paid to his widow, if he shall have left a Widow; if not; to in; chil« dien ; or. ifthorc be none, tohil mother, if} she be a widow‘ In ca'se the quota or any put thereof of any town. gdwnship,wanl, or git], precinct. or election dittrict, g: of my county not 1.0 aub—difiidul, shall not be filled within the «pace of fifty days after such call, then the I’re.ident. man immediately order a. draft. for one year, ‘to an such quota, or any part thereof, which m.ny be unfilled; and in case of any such dml‘t. no ply/maul ql' Ina/my xlmll be accrptcrl or rtccivcd by (In: (14le "mm! a: cammuluhou to reluue the curallcz‘i 6r (Ira/ml 7mm flan: pcrwual ably/aim: to [my rm. Mammy ‘I‘I'UICI. :i. It hhfl“ he l::wfu1 for the l‘fxeculive of any .\'wle to «end récfuiling ugvuls xnto any nf'lhc ‘Slntos dvclnryd to be m rebellion, except. 'l‘cnm-qs‘eo, .\lkilHNls nn'i Loui~iunzl, to rrcruit volunteers under um provisions of this act, v'vhu bl):1“.lu‘ cru‘diu-J to the States ”In! to the rmpoctivc rqb-dwidons whcrwfl'whivh may ”rmruru the enlistment. >l. Druhml nn-n, MlbslilulPs npd vniun lm-ri aha” be naugucd lonrguniuuvmp h'om their own Sun,» and, us 'fur as pouxblc, of their uwn sulcclmu. 5. livery pnnun un-h-r sixteen, uttered (Ir mmtorml wnhnut the cunst-nt, uf [mu-Hts or guztrthund. ’“‘”.L be hmmvhznteiy. du (‘hurgml nlmn rupn3‘ln'mnot h-lunty by him ; und “Him-rs knuwmgiy vuh~tmg_ur mthtcr mg such Int-rum, ahnll lw-diunzsswl the wt. Vtrc With lurh'iluré qt 1» Iy nml nlluwanccs, uh-l he subject in court “Lutml. ti. Dunn phuh he for one humlrnl [-t-r cont. in addition to the numbt-r n-quu‘ed to [ill the quplas. 7. Drafted persons shall be nH-m’ed trans ]umtutinn tn the [:hce of romh-zvnus. 8. AH pen-sum m the 11-KVJI servmo of the Uniléd Shams. who have chimed in mid Mervin-34 durme' the pn-svul rclmlllntl,.\vlu) hun- nul. been (‘rwlxtwl t.) Ihé quuu [)1 any «11-trim. by ream" of lwlllg in 5.1 M .wrvive unvl «.zrotle-l prmr to l’ehru uy Shh, f 5") 1, shall. ulnm Mllnlnutny pm vt ul‘ lt'~lll\'ll\”t’ m uh: 1:) U 1» \'--t'r«-t.u-y nl “Mr. he a-lu'qllml marl t-n-nliled tu tln- quota of thcn' phx'c ol truth-nun. ‘ ' 9. 1)“:th men :nlpwm. rrgm homo «mu he numfiml a» Imm :h lupuhlv, buL mull nut '11» Llutrrumml :ln-wrh-rs‘ ull n :m-nahh: lum- i‘gxn-u 11mm to x-vlurnr " 1”. The :-x::(infl!.uv|< not (-hnngwl uith rv-gnr-l ll) lu-mnn c-ufiuxcnlxuusly uppuScd £0 bcnrmg :H'IIH. [lbw 77:11W3Vl [INN/[74‘ l‘uullvl‘.——A "10>! ianinlQm dm-Nun Ullllrl‘ tho (funwripliun In“ h In llu- xflqct’lhai, Inr (-VL-ly thaLlh-xl mm whn‘ 1:Ill- In rnlmrl xgnuflwr nlw ~11 ull l 9 drawn to 1m hm place—llm lint one drnhwl. ll sulm-quullly ('.npturml, to he (‘udilml In Hm Uirllit L nn any fulhn' NH. I'ny .llu-se haunts tln- ('lllzz-n u lm‘rcm:un< at. mev, «1« Lrnmnwl In pay h‘m (‘nmmutnlinm .«r c-nlI-r llw m'l vu-v, H nude to aufl'vr fur ”IF clulimlmqu nl‘lly- mun \\ 1m xuxuuumy, mul Is mmlywlh-Il m cmrr up [ho rwulisul' (-xrvlnv-m-v :unnl Inculm‘n) un (Iu- purl oi (iuvrxn’nn-nt «.Hici'nls. thllt‘v ii nut :11 all 10 br- u‘gJ‘rAl-‘rd. .\'u mauur u'luL man I'. i; .bu Brut Hwyl.l:{filmnumburthundmlul. A man Is but :\ Inm'lunc—u snunqhiqg nnfiy inure-wry lu mmu-lvlc mum-rival r0~u114.- So ark-var lu_l|u’nk [lu- I’I'JHIHJ liurvuu. Sn du {mm hink the peoplc.—l‘ulri 1: (f‘ Union. .» @Tlmmnn who i: mnxinm Hm: “the last dullur ind thv lust mun " aha” Imam-«l inordt-r KUJ'IU‘I) lhv u-llclliun and slnv’ory. mas in ten]; _vwgenlny, Hc mxm- m lml inruu-H [0 Nb rm}. “ho nan jl'ht about Raving for Canada—fur lhc Lentil. of 11.5 health! A $11.13 “'urg‘szrr I‘mt’m’mm. Republi can. guys: “'l'ha-xe i~ :ulm-p leulin; among the pen] I": againxt, pcrpclualing thewulvr of’thmgs that. 11.1.511de prevalence the Lnl. three years.” ‘ _ ~ _- - -- ‘ 384110 Charleston .llncury states llmt hwntygevep Yankee plisoners there lately took lh'v oath ol‘ullogiuuca lo the Confedera by, and wcr‘e‘releusml‘. firm I. 11. NUT! L'L's. The Singer Sewing Machines._-Our LETTER A FAMILY SLWJSG MACHLSE is [nil gaining u'wor'ld-widc repumt'ion. lt'isLe youd doubt the best and Lhenpest and most heaulitul of all "Faunily Sewing Machines yet allergy! to th-e public. No other Fuinily Suw fing .\lnchine‘ has so many useful appliances for llemmiug, B nding, Felling, Tuckizg, (lather ing, Gauging, in‘-aiding, Embroidcring, Cord— izig.nnd§o forlhfi‘Z‘No‘otlier fumily sewing mn chinevlms so muc‘; capacity‘for a great variety of work. It willigw all kinds of cloth, and ‘_willl 11l kinds of tli‘reqd. Grenund recent im ppowempnu make our Family Sewing Machine (no; mfifllcflnd most dumblemnd most cer “in ii action at All rules of speed. It mnkcs Hat interlocked stitch, wliich is the best stitch known. Any one, even ofthe most ordinary capacity; caui see, at a ghince, how to use the Letter K anily Sewingllnchi'ne. Our Family Sewing Machines a:c finished in chaste and ex gnilite styk. , The folding Case ofthe Family Machine i 5 fipiecepf’ cunning workmanship of tho m’ost' new kind‘. It protects the machine when 3 pm in‘uu, Ind wpen about to be operated may \ be Opened as a ppacious Md substantial table 1 ‘9 13min film work. ‘ While some of the Cases, ”do pm'of tha choicest woods, are finished 1 in Hlexlnqvleat;u‘d chum“ manner possible, - odzen‘lre Idomed and embellished in the most . costly and superb manner. _ ‘ ' 1‘ il üb'aolutely neutun’ to Ice thé Family llléhing in operation, IO M mindge ofit's great ”pug“; 39d bunny. I; is fast becoming as Fpopnlu for {wily sewing M on: Manufacturing lllchnel an: {or manufacturing purposes tboJmnch Offices are well supplied with ‘m‘gguglthread, ngeales, oil, km, of the very lit tau-lily: Semi for 8 Pumps!» 18‘ SINGER ".\NUFAC?URING.GOSIPANY, , ‘ 458 Broadway, Ne’w York. fierLADELPHu, 3:19 Chestnut s}. ‘4}. JACOBS & 830., Local Agents It a . . {5. [‘33. 17, 1863;- $7251] Empléyment. [325; ‘ {GENTS WASTEDk-jwe will pay from .25 t 4; $7; pa month, and nil “petunia, to .c. “v; 4391333; or give a comqission. Patien huvuglfice.‘ ‘Agldrm Eli'- 83mm “my; 99m”, 3; H 3133: Gem“ “out, “via. Ohio. ‘ play 18, 1863. I: BALTIMORE—FIIO“ LAB‘I'. n..»... 9 50 lo 9 75 .......4.. 215 '.o 2 so ...... 1 74:01 80 ..‘..... l {:8 lO] 62 72 to 93 ...... 7 25 Lo 7 50 3 10 (o a 25 .. .10 ('0 2019 50 .....13 50 Ml 4 50 ......18 00 {O2O 00 l 8010 X 85 80 DO Flown. Whom Rye .... Corn" Oata Clover Seed Timuhy Seed Bret Cattle, per Zmnd Hogs, per 11unu1........ Hny........................ Whifikoy ......... """': ‘ flunnn. Peruvian, per t0n.....‘L 7ZiTEIZI i fiOanry notices 3 pent! per line for all over {our lines—Huh to ucc Jmpnny notice. . _ i . On HlO '_‘.‘lth Mayne, RHBECCA, danghtki' of 10‘”: and Snphia‘fihring, oflfumbcrlandtown “hip, ago-I1 '_’3 your: and 2!! days. Real Estate T l’l‘BLll) SALE—«Du TUESDAY, A AUGUST 9,180“; the unrleriigned. Ad- Inlniy virtue oleu Order of (he Orplmn's (‘ourt of Adams cuunh’, will sell M Public Sch. m: tlu- premise-r. nhnut one-lourth mile Imm Brngmwn. and five miles from Berlin, on llic public road leading from Berlin to Dills ‘urg. the following Real Eslnte, \iz: ‘No, l: A TRACT 0!" LAND, containing 26 .\cnis, more or le-ss. hating thereon en-cled, a Two-‘story Wenthcrbmlrded ‘ ‘_’", Dwelling HOUSE, mec Burn, 3“? ~ nn l 'ilhor ouulmilllings ;udjoinin-,; I'}; “3; lmulq of Cornelius 'liaker, Georgha‘cgM limlL-rs and (Irnrgr- Dultcr._ There is :1 nevcr- Luling’prmg of Water ncAr the door. .\l:o In 011' null uf nlmice fruit trees. _ __ _ _ A TRACT (Hf LAND, containing 4 .\l., with p:|:~engef§ from Harrisburg and the AL res, nmr.‘ or law. adjoining .\'o. l. _ lXurlh, linsl and West. llutli the "bore duselibed :rncu are ii: good - ~ R. MLCURDY, President. furnnng order and nn-ler good fem-es. TiliS\l. JuneG, 1864. if no urlv is eonveuieull 'situzued :15 to School , " ‘ , ' ‘ " ““‘ lamina-30m, kc. ’ - ‘“' The first Natlonal r Any pennn “filling l 0 View the property. .\XK (ll’ GETTYSBI'RG has been (leéig uill ('.lll on the willow of the dceellsed. maid-i B r'mtml 2| Depmitory and finnne‘mlAgL-nl uf in: nu 50.1, or the undersigned, residing in ; lllPklulllPll Statel. Will buy GUM), SllA’llll, \\'.u~lnn,:unn township, York count). . land (lUL'I’USS on Government. I‘lllhli. Will lgfl‘fidu: to commence at l o'clock, P. .\l , lfun.i:h 5-20 zind IU-A-ll) I'. S. Bonds, nml ollur nn s.u-l thy, when :luendnnce will be giwn‘tluvcrmncnt. accuiities. Culleclions made and Laws made known by ”iruuiplly on all ncec='sil)le points. . lo.\.\'ll'll. CIIRONI-STER, l GEO. AIINUIJ), Cashier ’ SAMUl'll. KING, ’ ' July H, 1364“ is ‘ Administrators EMI ‘, ' Quarterly Report 1" THE FIRST NATiDXAL "\NKX 0 (ixrrvwx‘uc, Isl Monday 01 July, ISM. Ihlh discounted, $23,222 56 Furniture and fixtures, 700 00 ('m rrnt ('.\p(‘u:c:‘, , 530 00 Tun-5 fluid, . . 8 75 llvmilLuu‘t-s and mhor cash “MM. 20 50 line frum tlu- follnl\\inrz .\'ulimm! HJnk: .\'i'llh N ulmyml 1'- mk of NH“ York, 1,559 93 I‘ur from ul‘xrr ILmM: lirnth': r» \lrlx'im. Baltimore, . l'. .\'. 110 ml; deboniled 111 secure ('ir- cuhlion, Dupmils, on hand, (anll on hnnul: ‘ .\.Ull‘) of Illh Ihnk. " uIIII-r Nahum” Hunky, “ Shite Dunks, Pupil-a] pnhl in, (‘i-ruluin: Soles NH i\"ll from the ('.unplrgpller or {no Currruc)’. In hviuhml lH‘pu‘its, Dhidcnd‘t unpaid, , l'lxvl: mg , Inkrcfl, ‘ - I. Gem-go Arnold, (‘mhicr of the First 5.;- limmlflLmL uf Gettysburg. 151., do solemnly sum-Ar Hm: the ul m'n smlemtnt is true to {he lwa: n! m) kuuwlrulgo and belief. (:I-lullkili .\RXOLD, (‘ushi‘L-r. St-no hf I'cnu.=_\huni‘l. County of Adams—- .\'nurn m‘ and :uhsmuel bcl'nn: Inc [his Mh day thul}, IBM. July M, 1:61. 3L Auditor’s Notice. IN the Court of ('ommonJ’lcas of Adums coun'y: The .\uiliturnppuintud lo dirll'i hutc the bulam-c relnuinin: in the hands of i Szuhucl li. .\hlicr, Esq., As:ignco in trust fus ‘ tiediturs of Levi Smith and Wife, to mu ,unmng 11m creditors or prr=ons lognny entitled to receive iho s.lmm “’1” tube: nll person: in-: , [erode I, inr the purpnsc of his appointment, Int the‘ uflice of .\i. k. W. .\lcCleMl, in Cc'tys burg. on HH'RSDAY, the 281]: day 01.}‘l'lfl’, lam,:n.lo o'clock, A. M. ' \\'.\L HrCLEAN, Auditor. Ju'iy 11, 1504. St. Western Inn, (‘lnnnnnsnruu Srnsqr, Gnnsnuna, PA 1"”) undenigncd would most. regwctfdlly inform [he public that he has openegl a Hotel, the "\\‘c=lcrn lnn." in Chmubersburg :‘lrcyt, near the \\'e!~.l_\n.H-Id‘r‘tr, 1‘ ’l‘ I‘ In liu- S -n-n’h-.-mll dI-lrirl. (-n:npu~wluft'lo l'rimu—S? ""- EL ' [“I I." '1- ’"”» ltug“ whip uf ('ni A", :u lhc'huuac 0! Hum 1| Lt;- .' A~‘_._ ‘_'—_V A‘ _ . .. H -' ‘fvu-r, in MM mwmhip. ' JQCQb llal‘leY, ‘l‘lln Hm I'lizhu-vnlh didrh-L mungmwll of'llu: ( l"‘l"~2:: r: 1“) nu kH’.“ .1 ll umm') r mn‘hi‘) of Butler, :lt lln- puulm Sthuul-lluudu 1 TH. 05:2 \l \‘lH-CE-ll‘ S I'.l l'”[‘l.\ljl:'lnl'lll \.— in .\I: X “Nuwu. I'l mixl lux\'n E. G. llE.\(}Y.~I Jun}: 23, um. 3n: '_ . JOS. DELLOSE. W. C. WELSH (s. w. WELMI Hanover Tobacco Manufactory. l Emu, DELLUNE k (M, hn‘e mum ‘V lished I 1 Chen in}; Tobacco Mnnn‘lnctnry, in Baltimore atrhel. Hanover, Pm, where .\ler chants, Slxopkeepers. and all other dealers nml cumumors, can at, all times l-csupplied with nll kin-l 1 ufclu wing Tobacco, web as ‘ NAVY, SI'NNY SIM-I, LIGHT l‘llliSSliD, NATURAL, l‘liAUll LEAF, (_I.X\'E_NDISII, ; nml all other kind:, lisnully pm up in pmunl, lumps. .\lso, half ponml: of every d'blicrllll'iun‘ put up in hon-s of All sizes, containing in}. “tight from fiflcen to one lum‘dred‘ poundsc— ‘ .\l3O. Congress Tohucco, running; from eight {1: 41ch to the pound. Also, Flonml'er Tobin-n.. xunning eighteen {fl-fl]? pound. Also, Coma-en lulli l-‘me Spun wabocco, and all other kinds and qualifies ofJ'ob-Jcc: now in use. ~Tlu- nu. dqrsigne-l lmve all the nlmvo named brand: on I lmml .Iml mile: the sune for sale nt prices 1953 i than run he bought in any nfthe EJSil‘l’n chick] TJn-ir Tulmmo is nll In_.lnnf.wtured out of oi-l ' .\lisnmri unll Kcnuu-ky lent‘, nml warranted In In- oi n superior quality. The} :ixc lliuuklully soliciting uliheml slmn- Ol I:u.~(0m. ‘ WELSH, DhLLUtVE s'. CO,! June 27,1361. am ,‘~ x I MU Summer Arrangements (CMMER CHATS, of .111 kinds. \‘orv cheap b 4t : ' i'lCKixu’s. “.\ssm-inn COATS, nu Emu; mid air ~_j rump,rcmnrlmhly(”ln-algal 'l‘iCKlNG'r‘; ‘ .\ILSHILLICS, iri-Uck‘mm Sm'k (urns, ”9- 2L tunmrly chmp, at l‘ii‘lx'iNG'S: . l.\'i~2\' 1:1 .\'TEHS. goo-l mnlvriui nunl well J lumir, clunp .Ia xi‘ingat I’IUIKING'S. “.\SSHHCRE PANTS. [thin and fmryfins ‘ 'lunkhingiy cheap, M. 'l’iCKlSii'S, . I.\'li.\'Y Duck, and Cotton Pain. uncom- J iuqnly (heap, xlt’ ‘ lIIICKINU‘S. UYS‘ Coats, Vests and Izzlnls, "unusually Cilk‘Jp’ nl, I'XUKING'S. WATINI Sikkim-1 .\inrscilics Vesta, positively 1_ \‘i-ry clump, m. I’iUKINU‘S. (‘IOLL.\KS, Skirh, Suspendlrra Sp). ks. un / puucdvnlcdiy l'ill':\||lllt ‘PilgfilNG'S. TIMMNS, Fi{c:, I’lurr‘s and .iug-c-pivnus, - shmHugly Lho‘u’p. n: I'ICKING‘S. . LOCKS nn‘l Jc-“vlry of nil kiwi}. cun ‘ Joundodiy I‘ilonpmt I‘ICKING'S. ‘ :‘LY NETS, drivingiy chenpgnt '- , > . Wumnos. GREAT many other things, vhvnpi-r than the clwnpwl. M. l‘l('Kl.\'(i'b': 1“ course. everybody who “‘nuh Jo lgny 'g’ood Goods :lugl cncip, “I” pic-aw c.lil u; PICKINU’SL Clrcular. , - - ISTORY OF THE $ ‘ I' . Il_ PENNSYLVANIA. RESERVES.— HLIAS BAH". A: ('O. respectfully ‘nnnouncc that lhry have in pmpnrnxiuu n lliatury of the Penn-‘ylrunin Reserves Irmn their urunnimliun lathe expiration or their trrm of scniuc. .' ‘ This History will conniu the name's all all the Ullimrs unnl l‘rirnth of lilo Corps—thglr plum-Ilium, 1:.ISlHIlllCS und disclurgcs—nlsfi. graphic nlyscriplions of their camp life unvl their “All“!!! nchigvcmcnls in'lhe many lnnllc§ in winch they huge taken part—nil derived from oflivinl: and nulhcnlir sources. " The llislory of the l’k-uus-Vlmniavllesc-rroi will be in Us»: You in: of cou‘png'cs, ncmm siz-l. neatly primed on good punt-r, am] sub smutinlly hohnd in lll‘lt'k cloth, coulniuing n net-l engulfing at the lnmenmd lirynol-ls, and one of ('lm'crunr (.‘urtin, [who first. rewmmcud ed the formntiou of the Pennsylvania [loservc‘ ‘co‘rp'a,) and will be sold'only 3); subscription. it. will be. ready in August. next. Price—Three Dollars pm copy. The l’ubli.~hcrs feel confident lhnl. the just pride- which every Pennsylvanian must emer lnin tor the bran.- meu whow gnllnnt nyhiev‘e ments and pairioiic self-devotion it. retards, will secure l’oF “Tin: Huron ” a generous u‘ud npprexiutire ruccplion. , - ELIAS BARR .2 00., Publishcn. ' No 6, Bay“ King Sun-t. Lancaster. June 20, 1864.. (it’ > A. C. Hem-Hing", Guam] Agent, York, PA Hardware and Groceries. HE unbsrrjbers have just returned from T the chi-is with an immensowaupply of IL\RD\\'ARI~:'& (iItUUI-ZRIES; which they are (am-ring at tlxglr old slam! in Baltimore “reel, :11 prim-s to suit the times. Our stock consists in pan. of ' ~ _ BL'IeLNG MATERIALS, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, . BLACKSHITH’S lOOLS, o COACH FiSUIXGS, SHOE FINDINGS. ‘ " ' CABXSET MAKER’S T 0913, HOUSEKEEPER’S FIXTURES, ALL KINDS OF IRON, he" G'ROCERIES OF A LL KINDS. OILS, PAINTS, &c., km. There is no unicle included in the nevernl departments mentioned above but what can be had at this Store.— Evcry cl us of Mechanics can be-u’commodzsttd here with tools and findings.:€nd Housékecprra can find every article in their line.. Give l,” u call, us we nre’prepnred to sell as iow for club a: any house out. of the city. _.‘f .' 1011.1. [3. DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysbuvg, Slay 16, 1864. $lO a Day! ' . cams WANTEIL—To sell thel‘2s can A LEGAL TEXDEIISTATIOSERY PACK AGE." Each Package conminl 35 Songs, 2 page: of Music, 18 sheets of Paper. ll Enve lopes, l Ruler, 14Pen, l Pen Holder, 1 Lead Pencil, l Dgslgn for Underileevel, l for Child’s Apron, l for Embroidered Collar, l for Chris tening Babe, .2 for marking Lellers, 13 Secrets never before published, wurtl} many Duflnrs; and other iulorm-nion. Also, one beautiful :rliclc of Julian". Liberal inducement: to Agents. Send Stump for Circular. , WEIR-h CO,. . 41 South Third SL, Philadelphia, Pa. ’ June 13,1804. 1y Moat. Ans, SBOULDERS and SIDES, of but quglnyrgnd cheap. at ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ - _ Aug. I‘4. . 630, P. KALBPL'HSCH'B, ' DTSENTERY 13’3“ l’a'h‘u-n. (”.\'(LV'S .1 [C(JJLI TlO BLACKBERRY ‘ 'CARBIINAT-IVE- ' I: the uuYy safe and sure cure. It cont hing nut-plum or deleterinus drugs; no mil evil or whet injqnuus compuunds 001111003. lo rcmcxlim [u‘nv-mliy w-Ll I.”- this class 0! discnsc. ‘ h is an 03!: -xciou! that l'hyxicinns very grunt-m“, me il in their pruléce in all rlm‘mic muL dungcrous «m. {s'l7” [an no \‘lgolcrn mixtures or donbL fun! composikions. (runny of which unddr mim- and ruin flu: constitution,) when you my" chum ‘1“; unhulmg remedy IH simple and safe as fluckh-n rzcs thqmsclvcs. 1 ‘ Ask for zlhxm .s “L‘JJCHHRKY (Luau! |- Tu'a, and .509 Hut the pmpriwor's Immc in wt nut-u o'l the which wrapper of each bola llc. l’rcpnru'l m; by [’C/flhf _ 3 H . 89!: I'roprlrlar, CIA'X‘INA'J TI. For sale by all respcthlo druggiuu. ~ Price, (o'id style. 35 cu.) 250..,500. and 3!, per Bottle. ' flghlk‘uyas, Hanoi & Cn. \\'!mlr= xk- .\glilrla New York. . . -, [\l ‘_x In), {Pun}. 1y flu! Sprcflir‘ rulurl: y/mt In furxgrr build: and million! “you me I/u‘ «yum 1y dawn. Br.~ LITDL [73l’s SPECIFIC: Thlslu Ilm gnu! 6.; unrrnlgn Remedy\ (compo-ted "f luk’l‘kh‘t 'l'R} fnnu Inch-u “out: unul flu in.) fur all dllcyicl «mu Urinary Ilul sexual Orgnm, such Incollunencl or line ‘1 this, lull-hung “on ol'the 111-ddrr, Inflummnllon ul thy Kldnbzl, stone hi the' Bladder, Strlclure, 'rn\el. Gonorrhea. (Haul. ind ls unrlv-lul by anything yet din covered to: curing the “ h“:- In q o. mull . 18134 “than Inn! urn-Imin]: h» dilunnlu Hui! 111-fund} has mnhr-r haw unr alum”, mul H! “at uuuu-I lm dr h-ckenl by any mm. Thu n-Im fly ill 3 rm 1: MM rl~ qulr. u nu finjtcliuu'. u Mel: nru rnhnlah-«l lu almlruy Ind dradl-n Ilu: al-ruu d «rgunl, but num‘H the nu wufmm lhe ”lulu. ermug I-uunncynml‘ lwull . ll Is BOqlmLk .\ln-dirhw. but 11 llm cluhmlml x ponum unl llu' 110 w x m mum! nuuuuful‘in cu n 9 Ilhllumm 0! HM chum. . , ‘ M‘Lut lu-uu dulunr m (111-I nrnuly tfl‘vrll the moat mtunislxluu mum. “In" all ullll‘rl full. ' l’rica only SIM) pl'r lmx. m u hunt-u lnr $3.00, Fa m b) null lu any wldfi” on rm up! D] lhu prim. Farm-lo by x.“ Urugguls. bed lhnl. my ,plguumxo h “nun-1 uwh but. /;’“: ‘ - ’ // " "4? % //\( 9/) A, . 19;; “cm“, “Amt; 541‘”,\\’hulvsz1le.Agcnt§ Non Yurk. ‘.L'duy .m, lsnl. l_y . 'Néw Clothing Stor-a. V “U; unh-réi'nhl imitcs nut-plies: lullil ’ .\'EW CLOTHING STORE, In I.I'I‘J‘LESQ‘. TUWS, .\ul mu L‘mnly, I’m, furml-a'lv occupi'd ‘ h) .\. Humm. Hr mii mmumc the Lu-inrwq :nL ‘xhc u1d..~.n-l, in [humor street. Hp Ila! ' IXCIH-lASI-I!) THE STUFK, - :m-l i: now Inn ;- xrwl ') Ml2l- 3 muél cxcollcnl :lnurnm‘n! m: ( LUTIHVG fur ‘ .\H‘IV." .\.‘xl! “UK'S \YBAR. Irllmn my thanks In my filt'lhla‘ for the 111mm] pun~un.i-_'u- « w: ' ‘h :1 In nn- lhu: ll'nr, and rpgpcumny ask .I cunluumnre tin-roof. , , lllLSllY lili-ISEIL Mar. 21, ISM. 3211 V A One and All, um NOTICE—Tho undcr=iéncd worn-l T sny to 11:1: yuhhc th:\l..l.c I; rccciviu'g a large and splun-[id _sxmk or, (HUMIERIES, “hick. he “'"“ ~c!l n: ].n\' :15 any ulhcr hufisc in u)-.vn'_.(‘.nrm-g, Sn: rd, .\luhsgn. Syrups, T 911559“, FI-JI, kn, u :!h Puumu; Bean’s, and l’uce‘; \Vuode'u Warn, gun. up In the beat. mun 'ncr ; -'l‘uhauco;, S. LAM» km, ky‘. ‘ 'FIUHH‘IRS'. 'l'.\ HH .\'I)TH:‘I‘Z!—H you want _to My in .\'nur’h-lvwh fur lmrvonr', now‘ii the time. :1 have unin‘v hjdilllrflf \Vlnslql-s, Brun liltpl\vl|ll‘~l mm! M lnvhm'l-Iluora, wh‘ivh I am [lispusylg nt'pt slum! pmhh. Hivr mo n call I always m, [u phuwo-uud belime I I“, of ten sumac-l. In mu'niu “he pl.v.ce—lsou.beusl curuur olen'S I):.lm'nnl, (ENQJMgu , ‘ MEL). 1“. h.\I.3I[.I~IISCII. May 2.1, mm. , - New Warehouse. e . ‘ ' ‘ lii'HHZLS HF (IRA-[N J 00.()( )() WA}: [XMLM llu- no“ (2min and l’xu-th-e Hm)"-J iu C.}l|i~lt' sh-oi-t, adjoin in; Shunt: in 1“”.le s bunhlizhnwnt. .Tlm higlieu nmrLctpmc will aim“ he paid in cash {or . GRAIN, of all kinds. ‘ ' 3 . . FLOUR. SEEDS, kc. Always on lmul und .‘ur‘mlcmt the'nnullcst profili,‘ \ 7 G'UANUS, ‘ SALT, HRH. ' ‘ URUFEIUES, kc” ‘ . Wholesale mnl r fail. I TRY US! We s'nH do our best. io-givc Entgslncliun in :11! chm. ' ‘ " wurnnv & mam. Gettyburg, .\lny 11, 1101!. 1‘)- Shéads~ 8: Fuehler, DEALERS [N NHL Axr) LUMBER, s T-’0 I'+:s,. TIN—‘VAHE, HOLLOWVJVARE, IC. -1- “.30 - ’ SHUTTERS, 131.1593, s.\sn, m‘c. _ - Corner of Curli'fln and [hilrnml Streets. omm: site Rzlllflud Duiml. GHI‘TYSUIJHU, PA. - my 9, mm. “ . ‘ 1‘ Removals. 7 HP.undersiznmlflwinglhextllharizddpcnuu r to white removals into Ever Ilium Come. Euphopesthat suchlls contemplate the removal ol‘thorcm.liu3 of dccgnscd relative; or {riemp will 21." in lheuuélves p‘l this season onheyeau-po' have it done. ‘ Removals made n ilk prompting; —lerms low, and no cll‘orl spam] to plum,~ - . I’Hl‘l'ill TUURN, » - ‘ March 12, '6O. Keepci- of the anm. . Cannon & Adair’s New MARBLE Wu'l:l{s, Corner amalg moge “111.15.5 t llidlllu slrccta,’ oppoain the ‘Court House, Gettysbuig, Pn.-—-We.n;e prepdrud to furnish Monuments. Tombs, Heml srones, Mnrble llzmtlcs. .Slnlna“ for angina Blake”, and all other \rgrk appertaining 19 gm business. We will gusuzu‘xmu snfinfiu‘liun both “Lg “amnion dud price. C.nll and we om. designs Ind snuimcns'ol work. . ‘ l Feb; 2, 1863: u ‘ Wanted. « , GOOD FARM in Adams rduql‘y, mam A I uill‘exuhnuge onum‘ mule Farms 01 chance land In Jomxnufiava'me differénec. ‘ ;' Rm. 9, 1863. \. GEO. mnxmm‘ '* : 'fifikér Dhisé mamas; .. 5a,; L rim. w , ; swgnug; \fi 417’; If” 1010 Proprjulur. Cimlnnnll.