Wfiflfiflfi‘g. f 1? an! lllfl'lll 0' TIE VAP- ', An Interesting Hutory “Culctonl’thocorrespondent of the Boa-i Oi" ‘ - _ . . . . , , DR \‘L‘HTFCK'S OWN "ASE ton hm" than denim”; ""‘ "he" I"! «an: unonpc l‘SDll coxscunxoy, male to one 0‘ “59 .hflpllfll lunchefl ‘0 And 7101: IN I’ululomc Syrup. 551 mm! Tome, and arlnl't army nou- Richmond: ‘ ‘ , H. 105: Pill: act on [lt éyflem in There was a lull in the tide of battle and l 4 CM"? ”‘“’ [’"”‘ ”"‘”A‘ 1 "WM 9* °PP°W°ilx w vim ”w 1 GREAT succzss ATTENDING n! r x x hosyuals. waro were long Imm of umhm; )ancel bringing m the woumjed. hundrud< lying on me ground uuder the xret-s. Tho-r 0 1 Gate unconscious men upon the mbh-s, l; i il‘lg halplvsn in the hands of'lhc surgvons— . lo wake from a drenmleu fiery w.l.h a hmb, none—al Mrmlmg stump m d In; 'or nmL; Thor:- w r 0 bxls'ul bums rm the tables. grenl. t ,nuhl's akin-re 11-n Fhfll‘p blades hall cu! Ih. 0’ I we flfsb. waning anew-s and tendon: in I nn inf-Fug?!) them were legs, "mu. lmnda' tinge", l~l..uufb';qod—-hum ant-loud ! There ‘uuru “mum-low mm-munngs, wrenched‘ irmu the man against then will.. There! ncru m-‘u bubhlmg. in lin-ir ih-hrium. oi" nllu‘!‘ «runes -din recollectmm which are mum: ulm'yrgnfilzx. Tu be With thrm and not do tor Hu-m—to see sufll-nng \Hllloul [power to Ilicz'xnxr—cives yunfu! tension in illlmnervenurn ‘_hough mu: mu) lit-32111111!” :with net-n.“ of cum lgo. l [m m(I from H“- [meme nu LuL rrudy to My, "Anyg‘ug-y [u my Wm «Noble dcm'udwn 4/ Immm [7' ” Expenu} oft/1: Guvcrnm.M.—-Owihg to tho largely inneaaedfixpémes of the Gave”:- mcm, utilfin‘dy announced by Mr. Chau m Ln pluilufialn for the Imm, 11 is alumina} that 3*.OJULUO a day will haldly b:- {:3s}- cicnz'lu mail. tin-:lculunulatiug Teqlldliluln upon the 'lu‘euqury. Tue mm] numbvr ol men-mnh-d zuul Mr Kim army un lcr the v..- “("31 prcclglnuiunr u“ m 11m Luna 1: '2,- 199.{."1U. {AU 31-1 La {ms .5 Lin; Rwy, Imm. nhng 5:8 adds and 4 ) 0!.) $5,211.16“. 'l'ms hum and may“ Saudi-4:331 by act-4 01 Can .‘hss', nhiv h nlO nu-v m-miy a}. i-ximumed, Immunt t-JEZIJT l.oi2,‘lis. During “(J2 uu-l 1863 the prt‘n-n 3 did (-xv'c-Od 52,9”).009 per duy. lm' We; I'm“.- uur. bum nu!) up m $4, 'l“ny 1:} [ho iln'ie'mc nf [mm-s, 11? well as of [he urmy and n'wy 1.2141 tzxfaxc“! ou‘lhv public «lcffl. In I; HHHJUJHI‘ lu'al lht‘VréLv-qd: hm“ r-fvenue, mh-znui mx mnl mulécnplions to the ten-furty builds we in n‘deqmae to me €l.qu requirement: of LLe 'l‘rcu;ury..—N. I'. Herald. @lllO “19329." pug-em lune nearly Ml publiyizud the gym-ch uf I’3“wa Bx'ownlow —"thal illlzlcmlu bluckguard,’f _as Senator §umner (‘ulk’d hiln—~nhu~|vG of the “Cbp )wrlmcmls,”.mlnd lsn'lutory of my Abe. tin: chubliuun puny, .\‘m'il.uni.~nl"un¢l every thing that. is likely to MU to (he Pu'aun's profits. We iuggv-H not whether 2'. would not be well to accompany it with souv- rx tracts fxomr his wurk defending shun-{v x.s .a “Divih‘e limitation," lvubhrhcd same your: ago. when it. mm for the Parson’s In term! to be . pro-sluvexy man, as it. is m duy {J‘bunn .\‘ujlmonisl‘? The two would make a mm: rcftlwlnn: cantrnsz. and enu bfr the {maple [Ojudgis “that, sort of “putri 'ot" he ie,‘ imtlcr '.hrln’ may mull «En atur ,rewhng’coiumbs of “1331.11“ cdzlorm uh". Eu“- 2 ___—«‘”’ /‘ B’lml ii .: Dmograr r’—-(\ Democrat in mm ‘ who in 119 w: in the sacred and inalienaue, righl’nfsfivcruxgn Mntnfl’o rule Ihenlsvlre-; “ ho han to (he ductrinp Hun govex nmer is»; ,dwivc their j'ht pouvb‘rs from thn mnwntl . of the g-A‘rrnml .“ ho gloricrl in the Uninng Ihecnnsc its nuthm'xty “ 15 hum] oxm‘ mr zhe' {reg Cl)h~(‘n'. of snvm ( ign :md (-ncqnul 5:31-1- , . Slates; and who lmpml h-r unmrsul hnppi ; mass throughout the wax“, because he saw? and fell. Hie prisi'bxlity nf governmvn!l acublithd, by" consom, and rCallng not nn “ force, but 0:: the unoonsiraincd :(fl‘ectmn of icl people. ‘ ’ The Draf.‘ in Gun/.6171 ’_l‘unly.——Of five on nu: hundred men drafted in this bounty. brmm‘n eiglnv :mJ ninety have rm? the . P vommuh'lnn. thh‘iv have furnished sulnli -3? 211193, onwfihh have nog reported, nnll the balance have be") exempted on Lccount o'f phyuicnl disability nnrl other causes. Not 0. . . one or (how nngmdly draftedfiu gone m io Futlu-r Al-rnliam‘s EOI‘ViCS. firWhn: a pacifying cfl‘ect‘upcn (he re» 'iwllion the Baltimore resolution declarmg Ilml. “Hannibal! be doslroyed, will have, in: he sure} If human nature is what it cub-l M beNme Hood of hundreds of [hows ‘onds of our people must atone for those fwlich wcg‘ds. Ridztu’um.—-The idea of the President be in; Pbcv‘rle‘l through the Centgal Fair pre : ceded by n trnop of cavalry. with award; drawn! What ml! snobbery do next? fWZl'he fi.xr‘.“ord Times ‘hinks the ne grocs were {hit mast. :‘espeogsble members o_' aha magneto Convention. ' 11: End in Aduanca.—-A ~cotemporary rays— , "There is n‘man up in our country who .11"): pays for his fi-Iper ir. ndvanc'o. He gnu-nun? had‘ a sick day in his foe—newr ad any coma nr tmxhacbe—his potatoes never rot—(ha weevil never ems his wheat, —the.frolt nevir knlla his corn 'or beans lyiu babies new-r cry in the night and Ins wife never molds,nnd always wear: modrrgte bind hoops. Rsadcr, if you won“ With-‘35 Ilka results on your own part. go, thou, and do hkewiso.” , , E‘fifl'be chnrncter oftho Lincoln nozpj. mums Convention cannot better be desen -IJ'n-d than in the following seutoncc fi'ozn Boechgr’s o'l-gan,_zhe New York Indipflulcd‘. rritten a few days previous to the dam of ' - ummhling: 31:2,. will consist, largely of \men holding a undPl‘ the pram-nud ministration. nud‘ who by that. boml aye bound to a partisan-hip which moi-e dinn waxed person: would dept-9mm and “aid." ‘ ’QWO find the folipwfng incident in an I etchings. How many such are tunspiring “or, day. which never-become known to * thocommunityg—"Mrs.Betsy Euiou, whose almond 'in‘ in the 17th Maine Regilhent, I: found deatljn Portland, a few days "‘ liner. on tho 800:; there being 30 bed or furixfzure in thé house, and nnlhmg to eat. “Hidinghler about. 15 ymrb, OH. was the , only puma with her. ~ Il'uoootpse was Xyi'fig )IPOII | 78* figs, and t§ere was gothing‘in Ih,_hmnb to cover it. wuh. She did from Kant.” _ ' 3.2 mm with the Republicans and reb -91; ,Ith min curse: M tho-country. The Wof June 17. acknowledges that tfiey varied mgetber for the election of Lincoln ifid‘fho destruction of_ the Union. An op. ' ’tiou ndmimstration would restore the Egon and give u back our libel-nee. J: 't confidant fnr‘the In Congression am from Misaouriyuys: “It the city of ashingmn had been standing by the aide “Sodom m the time of Lot. ’xwaupe'rior it:- 53W) mm have anved Sofiom.” v 1 H.— : “hen-p in. machinoin-anr. . mpliufing ”idea. 11 open: the fgrrow. nu; drops and cowers m. fliq‘ lame. 9%“ EM 4 ‘ 3' , ”'““ maiden“?! 0’ 50.1“” '““’ “a a “FIB“ my price of who 8“ 3 ton: .; 4‘.‘ ""’ " U be’JVEx—‘n‘l‘fi. Y‘L'J". ... . J 'rii': 3,. l-m}c\‘orcrml‘ .Iz'mu I‘M—.Mv Z ’.vn] l,\- r L‘,‘ c of nis‘ 1‘ ‘m. at <11.«u;":‘7¥:1: " 'i'he “knead“ rifl'v‘ugk l ".w‘ '7’;'..'(l»rn=(nf h'm nnuhzng HEM; net-1} ‘: h': v ’in: the 17.75:. veli: is in 'ztrnwr con“ .~‘. Hi") K! r. hale my! \ gornus‘ '! u ‘M of xhr- P- :1: 2'. L»!nJ~\', whir‘h :9 'he lrJL line! cs»: r-f hquu :1; gm gm! Lime. The cod-i 'n ‘"' in [WC-(H'Un'év: lm. puxl‘min I's :0 are li\ “1.1!. muuy‘wunhl no! lvc'ime 11.0 mm In: the 2 5459: 1.1;. (in. Y: I x‘qut- urn hundreds of VT- sunk in ..nd rronud H“! ldciphm. “ho Wlil rus‘gmzr- Dotuprtm 15m he‘lruc representa n-rm. When Im: flu :[ '.vm‘ taken he \Veig‘w‘d I'J.‘ :des; m. xhqp'uscnt mm: M: weight is 2’lo ,ouuds. Nhw 'X _l T 1“? u -._ x K v , ~ the int :1 urn, ol l‘ummn try 1" {Mimi-Img. Mu} :Hen up In div, Ire-mm l". {in' .1 all. 1. and Dr. Joseph Pur xi.-h, 12m rv.‘ 11.1 my, ordered/mo ‘_o More:- umy. 3-. .7 , '1 @3113.wa u! nin’) milca, winch r hv- 4 '1 ' irty‘ Wt" . {>33l 1.10:”. On myzu-riml V. "w“, 'rxl thus" I.IM 10.- manv .nx' L‘tltc pl :1 ', wiles: All 4-2 hni ¢lAt‘-lULCllXhulllpliOl‘l. iL-l my Lt'uur 1:1 lu to!) I \v 3 II .M‘L’n’. 'Kx.~ xz‘.‘ i.-.1.,1i_\ m“ ME «‘l‘ 3. m d gave 1m one werk' ilc hm =‘cnn'ln‘y fum m’. 11 11ml 1‘ {1 ms in ya. me. am hu‘kl-UW MN '.O , , '2‘: I: ~u- ml mmu an: I go. 1; .12! mum punctxatiug my \V‘hulc sun-m. ME ‘_. ;)1:..1 “.3”! h‘ 11Elli 'l":L'\'Fw’l‘l Hyman? 11 :- m-urcr (\u my hlngi, hm} l“'0[:1‘lw:l":¥lillrl 11mm :1 pin: r-t‘nviiun sin: y-H m' x: '2»? (wry xxnum ;. Au sown .6 Mint iwmu. ten witnttni‘t‘, my cm {jihrlfltn twin, mzh: swans—nil !.v-;.tn tn leave me. and my Ippetttr lutmnu a.- _‘lt‘lkt In: it “'l‘ v illl Inti ficuliy l "fi-l -i Pr-ntn 11-l‘ll (tutu; {no mtmh. I soon gninorl my ~trt~t :I'. mil l have hot-n grott ltlt’ 11l .14 uh . .t-r Sll‘L’P. for. m..n)‘ tears l have enju} c-nl 11:th [LIT lit! :1 :n ‘tll hetith, keeping the lnvpr Md =:.":.. I, i .J‘.‘._'.' “Ah the two wotd ‘.uncmnnl Si ‘lrtlL‘lE-u‘ l’tl.<. :15 I am or" a btl'O‘li tang-(ram! :tt. 5.!) onuht is two it .1:- tired and [.\‘. lt'_i' go unit. In: my recnrcry pet lllt.‘ i\’l,lll4l-":t-:1~Y 75‘. Hr .n.t-‘. ‘. titueir «was '..'-r lt'u mum far I , pose I {my [ift-l"3§")‘k‘ visit< in 1h“,l.\";" ci giu‘s. Tm- con~ lxiliv'lVl‘S “1:12 [A so: "32,9110 th .2 n. alum thcsv Militlntvr, .“nd vl9 nus cttrr'l oft '.‘n‘llmfi'lull ‘.t‘. then. 'l‘ . isn't-. 4: l.““‘ l'in:~,, it it onizits ..t the lungs and chrznnc u’CEl‘Jll-JHS of the bran ~hinl tuba can be innicvl. Sxtl‘: cx:es {UT dying lit-tiny nnctt thi' UA-illlfil’j treatment of 13h) ~icim.s. :th just such an:- enrol by tine: pr”i or 1H“ oft Stht:t:<‘h'= Pnlmo't‘c Syrup, Surreal l'ouicH and Mandrake Ptllc. . ‘ 2 lam now :1 21931.11}: nmn; with a hrgc entity; m;2:;.=: in the middltzltbe m'the right lung, titt- lowur ”n-.-~11"...- thr very much hcl)£\'.l2t‘d nml complrtc ail-1 Manny’s Patent hesionl nt thr- pienrn. The léft lung is sound, O‘IUIVFD » antl llt‘ upptr lube of the right lungts in a C " ' ' * tnl.-rnbl;.‘ _l.- ztlz‘m covuliri tn. Th:- grL-ut rest-g WITH \VOQD‘S fifpigfigjél‘g? WE}: , mi .0 M.. . 23.2”: :‘lfizii‘dftfniH'_:°f;f:,l:‘;:;e:;f; Egofigrdfiigft'this State are still in sun-cesL-sful operation, and in; up. the: worctzoos and eventually the p.t- 3 Eél‘gioptfifcgnilletp“FlNN“ 5f liiaf‘tt'lllfrnlféml} ttent .stnk} and dies. After .1 make u npet‘ttioh ,‘dfi‘qcihhl‘::rem ugge;elny's:é}a,.e: CSHPH‘JMHOII at the l'lmmneME-h the Rosl’lroni' l cl.)sCnCSi‘of sirntit. ltnnimess of draft and frce: etcx, ind finul luggs ciIUUJII l’ettglto cure. ldt-.(10m from s‘de t‘lt‘lfi a root 1 e p‘ltita: ..m- tu nset to nine rcmediead 1‘24“)”. {VT l\ll'Ro\'F‘.lF\'TS hnvv been '1 . z . . . t . - - I -- {list-0213:1322: 2;}: 3:1? oxii‘llizlhuihodp 3:. made, (none of “'ltH‘h are repn-snnted in 'the consumption, Liter complaint. dyspepsitt, 65- 1 icgt:s°‘)vl:39‘flx;;e loaf git: 1ffr3900‘1552::;:fl:3:; l‘f‘rrh’ c;""‘°r’ ugcernteddthbroztlt,‘ “MEI-’5 VIM ‘ nevi itnd i'nproved Ellflr'ld 3' nnhl knives' ivhi'ch n'cr ant stoninc are mm c e.- t 1): n .gwt ~ ' .“ . - " ‘ . ,_, England this_ cunlter, chroniccatnrrh. ulrerfit- i :2: t‘n'hhh‘lzfsiiltl‘d ”iffh‘g‘ Lair“; JESSESIE? ed thront.flottgtttton or ut‘nla, 13 more prem-J bet-n altered at the e”1 0" the l“; r b ‘1" lent. than than} O'her sectton of the country.‘ “A“ \I h‘ t ‘. v ell e '"' 2 rue n nnennenn: unnnnen— ... on mav um it out thl n'tumc tune an “ ' . . ngxtiu. and all they will get is temporary rulicf. £2?‘?:::r‘“:rctglgh gzgzwic::::cig)slt:£lol:3s:: ‘ - {‘l t I u" ‘ i i ‘ l ‘ I L’gfilc; :gfmsfzfléd ‘““‘ iver, ‘““ "L'y ““1 ias beforu' used, A ’31:“. pitmnn, or mum-ct (loud nutrition :5 the rcmcdj‘. lf ‘0“ have iog rod. is _uscd "I.lmm? 0f iron. ”MM-hi“ .. - .... (2.). mum: there and decay more and more until' that thiowin , oi! L hand i much “““'“ you cmtget the stomach in the condition to forn‘er‘v 5. y ° e , '“‘ digest. fowl and make new llood to take the' The lindersi had “1“” A eat for the s 1 glue or dnanged matter: This 13 the only! oftho \I-mny grape? and “of" in this (:o:th 35,33“thELSWSC'EJESCUSf: 2231;113:1215: ty, and will be happy to mi orders for it. He . . ‘ . ' M.. ‘ ' has one out up at his \Vurehoule, in Genoa lner, and natureintll no the butting. flan) 'hurv and re nets ”‘0“ in mu“ 0‘ n l; pcrsuu: have an idea th-tt ccrtaut modicum: *fi. qua. d 't c ‘ are great purifiers of the blood. When blood is 3 mm. we to on on seeé-‘UIU'T. HERB‘iT once diseased it cannot be purified; it is dis- ' ‘ ’ ’ r‘ ‘ ‘ . eased the same as the diseased matter in the system 3 but get the apparatus in order, the liver and stomach, and give it. plenty of nour. : ishinx food 1'- witl make new blood, which will take the place of thut which is 'dioeuud. ; Scbanck‘e Pulmanic Syrup is one of the best preparations-01 iron in use, it is a powerful tonic of itself, and when the Seaweed Tonic dissolve: the mucus in the stomach. and it il Cll‘l'ied of! by the old of the Mandrake Pills, the'Pnlmouio Syrup is made ifito blood. This iii the only way to pure consumgittou. lfl cannot. get a. good appetite, and food does not ‘digest, 1 cannot cure the patient. Ken-r mind the cough - remove the cause and it. Will stop lotitscit'. ‘l‘his is the most trouble 1 hue with my patients at. my rooms. They ray, “Doc wr, I feel stronger; {can eat; my nighuwutl are better, and Ifecl better every way; but my Ctlugh is 50de get; ’ and they are aston ished to hegr mo my thgtt does not matter; remove tho cause ‘in-i the cough gill stop ot '* ‘ '_"l—‘W' '"' V? iiue‘lf. 'schtatk-l SuIWQEd cram l good np~l Gram hnd PI'OdIICO. {l2°32}:“s“§.f2§’:.§§’fi\-l'3ff. 3:521:53: A‘v’lNG taken the large and com-modicu * a ' . that the MKudrakeAPills anno: unlock the “figs-eta“; recently occupied hyfmh duct! is! the gall bl~ der in that short. spaco' ' . of drug, in orde'n to “"le {be '“guhbgfg'o p a“: we or. pggnrglifuwnyotfelhighgs?sfim for :gregfggsghwgggf ggfggwgnto; :3; m was orgttom'gn. n. 2,. mt .. n.. t 0... other disease. It is hard: to take cold when ””"'kc" LoIIB‘ER;CO.&L “d GRQCERIES’ thosu crgnns are hwlthy. Those that are bili- lof ""’ descriptto‘n. in'l‘RS & Wl3 ’ . Ottl, low npinted, drearyJoeling stupid, touted. \i 0 f til: 5 w {863 1! “‘“' lnngyei poor agent: neit'von‘s, staunch {alll ‘cw ‘ 01-4,. 1175:; ’ ' QV I! Wary: "03!. at I eatbn he: hoary '"“‘”fi’ 7 " ..- .- . louot memory, w one homo ot’eSCHENOK’S'! - John W. Timon. $333528 TONIC “1‘0”. ”0‘ QfSGUEHCK'SI ASHIONABLE BA RB ER, North-tan ‘rop .NAXDMKE HLL§. It is only a count out? ner of the Diamond, (next door to “b . dollnrtqudnwpntyunvo penis, \fithlull direcg. lollm’s Hotel.) Gdtfihlrg. PM, when he ttonl. ”l'lm is Infictynt, In many (ISEI, LG can u ulltineb he found ready to band to m “ugly. flat. the medicine: are. Enquepttfi. business in his line. He hu also excollont N one Home nuke: I. gremttzhmgtl hr the cyp'f‘fintne‘u and will engine nun-won. (tin tent. Anypcrson that enjoys ordmnu lie-Ith, hlnt o ml}. ‘ ' {Dem}. "00w ‘ hr min 1!". Sauteed Twain and .\luknk'o‘ Ptllsot cnatnnnll}, must get the dl‘estn‘u uranitnl in such a hum-_i- condition thnt they htcumci fle—hy. 1 un product- A nutnherrot' my uldf tonfiumptitepnttrnts nowenjuyinggood he tlth,‘ weighing nearly 200 pound:. 1 will conclude} bv relating three chm l hue nude in New. York. and which are all dilYercnt, nnd l‘llh: any one who teglq any intercjj in the matter, to Visit them. Fll'Sl- is Sin. Ftrlon'frutding‘ thl-n at .\'u 107 Houston ‘trcet. _Her husband; called upon me It mv roams, 32 Bond strut“ and dashed me to Call tnd see her. He uid~ I could do no good; that he had had all the. lust medtcnl nttbnt‘tancu‘, and all mid she w'ili too {Jr gyne with Consumption to be currdfl Ln: the hlti hard 0. some great cure! I had made and he desired to gratify her winhes.—‘ I cullefi, and found her lying confined to her bed in the last stage of orouchml consump lipn, and uitlmut :luubt must have died mun. l l examined her lung-5, fuund both bronchial Itubcs very much affected, but no cavities hndi formed, llJ.’ cough was very seven, the spit bux’ wa: lull” ml or thick 1:113. 'Pqu 14-),' 'lch stgdllen fury much; and “one than nll,f lfiifl‘ h'l‘l CilrUlliL dmrihcm. Her bon‘eli hid i th'L'“ lum'c‘l rlet'en times thin. day. I told her! :that she had lung; enough to be cured, but! l th tt this dinrrhcrm~ lmd been of long standing.' {mill hrr stomat h tin-win :uuh .iu ulterute‘l con-t {ditimt tlmtl “as nt'rnitl nothing could be done.: 131 w insisted I i'mttld try an] dn what I c‘ould‘. fur her, nbwrringthnt she could not l:\=t long‘ ‘in the mndttiun she v'ms in. until could not. ‘m‘tkc hcr any “arse." lgnvc her (int n duse‘ at. My \l '.udl‘flkl' l’illt, and the, Tonic and, 5} mp {'n-t-lf That was 01 Tuesdny, and by lilt' ttl‘xt S‘ltlti -;.- tl-e diurnmt was curried off, ‘her l'pp' llic lithi returned and she could sit up in bcl and rat lmt' dun-er. She is nuw well, ‘nn‘i gun- Int: a lull: cur'ificatc, curtilied to by ‘tht: Rev. Dr. i)n\\illl:(. ‘ _ ‘ 3 Nu lhrthuioml-u.83 W 661. Fatty-hid) stream. C am: to tn} rut-tits tutlt a tumor un hei- li\cr.l Slit: K W law-:ptritcd, skin willow, tdnguc cont-i Cd, bowels waive, no appetite, and iflal smk ing into the guru ’lhe hlid tumor ilnl'l been ‘rttnnin: OVt'l’ flutrtt-t-n nuts. 1 gnu: her (3‘ mp, Tunic and pl“). and told her to Inhei lthcin just tn the ultru—ctiun'a Ware printed. She‘ 'mnte lam k to in; Mums, 3 E Hunt street. in two, I WePlh, somr-wlnt‘nvttt-r; hrr tongue hut} lie-g iguu to t-lunn n little mound the edgesllzt-rl 'sliin whitrr and h-r «yrs btilhtor, unit} he' i tumor di~Litfll'gilt'£ wr} tuth-Itsiu- matter. much'; Ifislt-r than t! lull cn-r dvnv ltcl'nrr. She Flt-lit igrndunllt :lpl'qulng. nut] in utmut twu tnontbs' italic t'ntne ton-1: rn-J'th \"cry much il'lrlilii'llt‘J’l inayiu: th..t tl.c‘ Lumhrlnl ncui)‘ shipped run-i inning. and “'9; lit-.tliug up. nnl tit 11. a: cry doc-t tur hutl 'tuld lirr th.;t tt‘it vycr hm‘lv-l it would tutu“: her tlmth. l tu'td ltEr tinl‘. the di~ctue' l: Lti ull lutt lmr =32tom, :tnd nature wonll ilL‘ni ithe ttlct-r up. They nre nzm- ltt‘uled. un'l lut'e' lhzwt t-vr :U'Ulll n gear; .Illti sht- is :ti ht‘urty‘ :fillli rn'nmt n \itnfl'!lllk<)t)u “lii 11 id in a till} 5 i walk. him 1: (’ tut any pne to call an hcr,‘ inu'l 'itkm great palm tu \Ht‘nny Oltclilitl3ilB_ Lhurs lm: t'tt_:ti‘.i'.'.: like lict cnau, Anti [TALS to ‘ gut theta luct‘lll: c. fi are ll)“. i The l rxt um: l< I-ltss Sculit-l-l, from Stnm-l ford. Punt». .\lra. lint‘tholntncw got her duwn' In «a: me. ztnd she has been t-Vcr since at ltvt ‘ 1 hulls". Wht n <ht tlrst l' uno tn lllyPUIJnI“,:!lc 'w w :nm ‘1 f‘nitlx. ..zt-vl \"llh a dl~lrcs:iugco.iqlt.‘ ifl‘lil‘t ,; 1.. t,- qtfunttlies (.t' blood. chaminctl glutr lung's \rtth Litl‘ rcspirometer, and in all my l m-t‘er 'nunri ont-‘with one lung u: it" your and we ntlmr lung 50 sound. lt'unld not jgue much cncourugcihcm. l thuuzht :lte iwo‘nld din; hut tn my nelnnislnuent the Pul imru'nc S) run S‘MWI‘Qi 'l‘outt'. and Mandrake :l’ill< it” seemed to gm right in work. 1119 lung ‘it all hPulei over. léfnng a cavity nd large :41 rtl gnase rggrlzr'tl llpxtt'litc, line spirit: and l:._t; :Illlll‘d Mlhlt‘ tlttrtyllvc pultnds 11l weight Slut: htta mine 0:11:31 yet, whithl do not think “ill it‘tut‘ her ho'h-e June. lshuulnlttlflnk‘ II A “ uul-l b - 0! gm l' llllt‘r‘hl to smm unprtjumt-ré pir- ~:_l.iu ll» \ txzt these the“, llllrlicllilll’lg' .\iISS ‘Si-lEL‘. i,.(ut «my tt‘ the :2 “ho luv» ltutn cured I in' mg: LlL‘Uil‘tllC“. Tle are n'tnt mus. i.) New Ynxlt; but tit: .iL-ove tum.- :t.l tiliitt’ from c ~ch ‘otltc'; and it‘ my madictn‘cs :trc dam; :\ inn. 1 lr-‘l‘l'f‘iLlll the} nu: the}. slit-111d hum me C: ‘u'li 'nu) IL9 ‘lifilt‘lt l kno whure and haw 11.1)- ' 1.1!; 'ug C'lr-“i JXH. SI llliMV'K, .\i. 11. ‘ Dr J ll .\‘t‘livnd; (“‘1 Ul‘ l"-llli at his prin le’tp ll ollin', Nu. H .\'arzt mi) .\.t'evT. l’n-l-tdcl ’ pitta, ch ry 31l'.!‘il_\',ifl)i1\ 'J .\. M. 1:11:11 3 l‘. :.\l , to gut: n tr: 'e. 111-:9 ntrr'lt mgr; httt lan .\ ‘ thorough t’\«’|‘illlilll|lll ill" thnrgcs lil'l‘t‘ Ilnl -l:trs. Price oz ('l2 l’xtltttmtic Slrttn .tnd Sutt ucod Tonzt o Il‘i‘. :‘vl per built}. or $5 the hall dun-n. \l t'ttlrx'm- i’ilis 25 van-R per box; and ' ..nro “it' «1.» ln' nil brugglats and bcultrs. ‘ i Junnla‘. er-l. .m - ' hf!E‘.Schhnck , 'C4 i‘, In see 'it Inn‘- April :5, XS“. ‘ _ ‘ ____fi_______.___ New Warehouse. BUSHELS 0F GRAIN 00.000WAHTED,M the nu'Grain and Produce Home, in Carlisle street, adjoin ing Shend: & Buuhler'i establishment. The highest market price' will always be paid in cab for 1 ‘ ‘ GRAIN, or 611‘ kinds. - FLOUR. SEEDS, kc. Ah",- on bind and [6: sale, I). 1.2:. snullest profiu, GUANO-q. ' S LT, FISH." GROCERIES, 10., ‘_ ' Wholcho 3nd rem". .TRY 17‘ I We lhn“ do on: but to gin satisfaction in all cues. ‘ . McCURDY & DIEUL. Gettysburg, May 11, 1363. 1y . [4‘ ‘ dam NW- WIC EEK inh- 4,: : 34%: 372-4.;7, DB. WISHART’S Hl‘. undrhwx-H MI 'rl-muw-l his filming ‘ Vl‘llfi undoysiuned umlinuel xhe 'A“ V J 2'l cszrmidxa‘em m-arar llu- Diamond. in fUAIHLIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS. 1 Mums-taburg I-lrl'et, ounintng A. D. Bueh- ;in 61 if! hrmchuml his old “and, in Ems! 1r ‘ler'a Drug >tore—n Very central location. He ' Midd‘lc urn-1. Gettysburg. ‘ .cuuuuuesto nmmn'arturc. and keep: connun- ‘ NMV WORK made to ohh‘r, Ind l .. ; i!) on hand. ever) vurietr of R E P A I R I N 6‘ IS THE \ ATAL I’IHXCIPLE A I TIN-WARE. i dom- promptly lull Al lowest print]. ' L r i 01,- Tux; p 153 T 353,“ Pngsgp’n A“ 7 , : 'l‘un rmmm smm: “'.mxrxé‘ and ,n :’ ‘ I ' { JAI'ANEI‘ WARE, SSLEIUU fur Bnle. JACOB THUXLL. " obtnined ht I peculisri proceu in the dumh- i ‘"‘] will '”"'-‘1 .be: "NY!" d? 'ls?“me I Dec. 7‘ 1303' ' non of the mr, by uni'ch in highest medicinal , I d ROQ‘F'ITJU‘ and bPULTIfih r! ' ' properties we remind. 1" m onein tu: (at manner. I vices mo gr . lne. and n_n efl'nrtfplrsd to render full Jans- PINE TREE TAR CCitILDIAL„ .3. , . ‘ flu: was A Cocoa? Ru: You Sou 3:33;?{gLTm ’“““‘“”'Xf“;’f}‘§‘é’3?{‘,§i"l Talon? Hive you any of the premonitury‘ Gfuwbur- AF?“ 7 13.52 ' I_\ mptomn of that man cm! disease, Cox-2____,_'_...:'.___',--_ scan-nos? Thou whn show :fhe turned by them lymp toms geuemlly lhil - Iighll" 02 then: uuul N. is too lnte. From 1. {faithperhaps more than my other, "in'! the s‘arl put-lento and mud ity of «um-nu: which swuéps to the gun a! Imm “one “uh" of dcnthfs victims. Consumption 1m destroyed more of then“- mun fntuity th‘tn any other disease, nnd tho best. phyllci ml {or many yeus lute despaired of a cure. or a. remedy that would heal the Magi. hut for more than two bnqdred years the whole medical world has been imprrssed th-tl thrre W 55 :1 m} aterious pa.“ er and officiat cy in the Pine Tree Tar to hetfl the lungs: thervlore they have recommended the use of Txtr _\\':tt(-r. wutch in mum caies had a good eltcct; but how to combine madden] properties so as to htutl the lnn;s, has am been a [Lyi- Verv until 1! “mi di.¢nt‘ered by Dr. L Q. C. \VISHART, ot Philndululum. l’.-., the prnprie tor at “ Wtshart’s Pine Tree Tm Cordml.” .\lrmv, not or“; of the people, but physician: 0" an ry SL'hUul and "mu-lice. we fully Asking mo, “ Winn. is the principle or 'c.\u-e of your success in the treatment at Pulmonary Con sumption 1"" My answer IS this: The invizomtiaq of the digestive ”guns-- (l‘e Mrrnglhening of {he debilitated a) stem— lhe purification and enrirmellt ol'lhe Mood, mun expel (mm the I-y-‘hm the corruptinn which scrul‘ul Lhreeds, 3Whllt- ”lii is efl'vcrv (1 fix the poqu‘ul ul emriw (Phnnging truln (list-Mt- m health) propulsitws orllw Ta: Cardin], it; healing: mu! rr-u-nqhng prxn: ip‘e i 3 ulw nmiug upnn lhc ir:itmitd,surf.:cea uf Llu- lungs find throu. npnclml‘ag to c |("I Iliu- Ise-i ,pan, rrl.mix:g p. 111), subdlum: inflmmnmtmu, and resvrfii‘hmlvlmnl leniency. Let Hus two lulxl po. ‘, lhc LC-lilllg ngd “It: s'rcnglhl-mnz, contmue no not. In Conjunction WJPI .\‘n'urc's cunatmxt rocuprruxivg tendency, an". the pa tivm i's Snu‘rd. xi' he 1m: not In» lung deluycd a [mum to the mums ol'cure. . ‘ I ns'k all to rem! 1b» foi'.owin¢‘cenifimtr}s. They nre from men um! Women ad unquest‘uh nb‘m wuxlh and reputation : K DrA “'anrt—Denr Sir—l had (I wry dren‘l in] cough nu-l wrc 'lnrmt for one your. and my whole :3, Stem was but pivmg “av. nrd I was p'osirue‘l on my ha'd with hut liule Impe- of recovering. .\ly JUL-use b-Itflml-lht- pow-1r of all mulirmos. uni in n than [l'm I must huh: 2nd» to m} gnu“. hut umnk Had. my daugh t(~r-in;luv \"n'nld nut rest until she Went to ybnr Zion, .\'o. 10 N. Swami slrcet, and r;- I.ltml ‘ly «"51: to you. pmrl‘awd m'm home 3! your Pme True '1‘...” (‘orll‘ul and I annu‘nc d to 2.1:» it. and u. nur- woe‘; ‘I \‘..\3 *much heu- r, amknficr mug 11.1 w: boll’cl I .um win-11y woll. :\ \vondc-r In All my hit-nth. Cor lhry all prunnunred mr- p. 151. tune. I‘ublnh my case it you Until. prop: : ' nnxuarm n \.\Hl.To.\', .\'o. 1322 \‘-';~Ilu Sm-u, l’hihdrlplda. Dr Vii-hurt"! PM Two T.r_(‘on‘inl i! an En‘.ll|l-Io curr ‘rr li-onclu'z'u. Mervin”; or 'he Lu: [(3. For: 'lbrm: ..‘.J Bryan, 11 fl‘tuxmaflion or :1 c hugs. . , '_ g Air. Wald say; 'Dr. \‘Sidmrt—Sit :-I had nrnmhixia, Ix flnmnmtiun M Ihc.l.qngi, Shannen: 0! Brth, nn.l P.llpiLMiun nf l'w Mom: 11! {hr-'”ursz inrzm; I h‘tl hoe” (mm-. 1 h'. in'. rd m “.0 "I:s' «mint-n 1 ph) ski ms in l‘hihdolphin, $l.: (hm chl-l :ml amp l'h" nqml mur‘e of my msuse. nu! I 'lsz duquirel v-t‘uer bring re sh‘:rclluhv-.lhh. Xw L; Ym‘.y an the verge of the zr‘n‘e. Your Pmle Tree Tar ('nnii x! w": hig‘xl‘.’ recnmmrmlvd v.O me hy a Mend; [tr «‘4 u, 11ml I am Ih.uxk"u!‘la muf’t'ml nm-r usmg {our Inge. .m'i one small hnulv, I WAS r-alorl,’ ed to pe'fi'cl hml'h. You 0.111 mno rcl‘crand‘ m x:1y,l:ouso. .\'o. 96?. .\'. Secqu' Mrev-l. or :w my uflicc of Remain: ofT.ues. frsm 9 .\'."Myla‘ 2 i‘. M , curnrt of Chesuut nu '. Suzi; ~lrcnlh- Rud the fonowing from Uticn: Dr. “’ishn’rt—Denr Sin—‘l ukc pleashre in informing you through this uurce that your Pine Txrc anCnrdiul; “Rich was rvc mmchrl ed for my daughter W Dr. J A. I’TJL of thin cily, Ina rurcd her of n cough 0. more 'hun five mo‘ulhs' standing; I had thonzht her be yOnd rure. and had‘ employed lhv [wet (I! n'y‘dicnl nid wixhdut any bexwfil. lean cherr fullx' rccummnud it to the public“ a Info and snrekemenly {o| 3!] thpee .ilmlarly amicml, as I k w o! mmy Other cases hesidefi that o! m'yfflnughmr llm: it has emirdy cured or 1131.; slabding coughs. '_ Your: respectfully. .. JqUX V. PARKER. I ' ‘ Daguerrenn Ania, ' 125 Genuce slrcex, Uticn. ' ' * :-—-I have used Dr. Wislmn'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial in my fumih‘, and c cur dinliy recommend it :19 n \‘nlhnble 3:113 Info medicine for colds, coughs, nqd to those pre disiwsed to consumption. - * 1 DR. 6. A. FOSTER, . _ : 160 Geneseo street. The Above In 3 {9w among the thousmdl which this great. turned] in saved from an untimely gave. . ‘ ’ . We have thousands of lcgten [rom' physi cians and dmggins‘ who have prescriued Ind sold the Tar Cordial, saying “”53”! hnvo never med or sold t medicine h ich gave such universnl satiafnpliou. 1 g Tho Pine Tr» Tuf Cardin] when (thy: In conncction with Dr. W'hilhln'l _ Qflpl'plit Pilll, is u: infilliblo énrofor Dyspepsia. _ The Pine Tree T-r Gordia] will enr- Coughs, Sore Throw. and Brent, Bronchitis. Anhmn, Whooping Cough, Diplherin. not! in Ilsa an ax: cellenl. remedy for diseases of the kidneplnnd femsie complain“. 31mm 01 coastinimi The genuin- has the innit of the pkoprietdr and n pine tnstplqvn in the home. Lumber u-o Ipnriognmiuuhm. ‘ “‘ ‘ . I. mugs. Flm Gun and On Donn pea bunk. Prepand oqu by the Proptiotor, DR. L. Q. C. WISHART. No. Jo North Second Sheri. Bold by angels sverywhere, Mira 11,1564. IT Remov'aL-o-‘l‘in Ware‘ NOW IT— (’HAUHERSBFRG STRFET ATM-MPH, [mung just. nlurned‘ {ruin the «it; with n: npleudnl :nsprtuwnl of ' ‘ HATS, CAPS. BOOTS k SHOPS, without any dispumgrmpnl In my neigfiflmr; or any other purliuu q! the wwn of chlyshurg; l have thl- pleuaure .M‘lrn‘lmunculg fl: n Cham beraburz sin-e 1 m‘uhtu'd nn-i lliu"! [Ln place In bhy ”Mi, Cnpw, Boou and fihvu. rhenp. is~ at my new stundr umrly ,opfv‘wile th' Lutheran Church. _‘ Tlxe‘mttcntinn of the: Indie: is pnrticuhgly inl‘llt". [9 [lie splnndxd “(ES \rtmcnl of Gniuh, Sliplmrm \lnr-(co L.|c‘e Boole, Jun, intended lur {.wfiivs’ wear. - 1 Man. 'l‘r-mhs.'C.v-uet Sack: I'mhrelluu, To bnc‘:o,l}l-_v.l:s:u;ri .\«m’nnj, in endless xmimy‘ “be I! the pl tn- [0 buy gmuh MIL-45‘. n: l u n dt-u-rmmwl not I.) be unAh-rsolnl hr an. other e~x hushmenl zu mun. l’imukful fur yam. fa vor‘, I am )nuxs unuroiy. . Juux‘L. 110x.'r7.\\'ox_u'u .\hrch 28, 1864. TOTICE Ui‘ RE'JUVAL. . h , ' L.\\HH‘l\'CC D. DlliTZ‘k CO, resin ctl‘nli}; 1;»: 1m": l-n notify vlu 1r inrlds, cusmmcrs aln-l the public zv-ne'rnlly, that they 1: we runm‘ cl tu-Iu .\u. Ile Fr (39‘1”! ilrecl, 10 mi: commodm h !uur story Warrh‘uuw, .\'o. 308 ”1111‘!“qu S'l‘le-ZEI‘. between Howard nnd Liberty. whnro Ihl-y vl.l] 101" the {Mme Lumlucl lLu \Vllultuh: Bull new. Ruin-h in ‘ ' Mastery Trimminga, l‘u-uishing (inn 2n, Prrhmuny. Sutinnl, '- " Swimmer}, A uzlexr. ' TU“. 3'2. &'. to whhh they Invite the anontimx .xf L m um! (‘uuv .ry pun hueru t-clvng (‘osz PM. u! Lllulr «inllxy w, ufl‘er n..:ucx-zuwu m “nu .\ml qu fiily offload“. ‘ _ Ordcxi hv mul wil‘l rem-ho prompt ntlcn ‘.iau. Adrift-q ; - Harc31!4,1564 0F P.\RT\'l{RSllll‘.———The Co-pnrlnership exuding iwvu'u-n Llw Inbscnhen, has bun-r. di~Suth lhia dn'.‘ luv mullml Nonnum— \V3- ro:uru thank; m our lriend: um? the pulfiiv: {or the 11hr”! Rug-{HM Mien-lei '.u u. Um books \nil he hit M We fitnrh; and he mun-'l— lcqnm tlmscundJHo-l to In In r.” n .1 nmkr mmu-imxe mama-3!. as we are dcnroui 10 Hull: nnr luusiuow “ithou’dv-lnv. Al.l-I.\'.-\S!'IZI:CUBRAK, Jan 39. 23-24. JUHN L'L'Ll’. . 7 H 2 I-Ibzcrihz‘ huh; di’pn-cd o’hia i'n'- r lcrl‘st 111 the Non: (4f Cvxlycm & Cu]; jm J Jun F. Cr.u\lur'!. E q. rmpc-‘Uufly Mks [he cahl'mnm u u! Ina flu-rd: .un! tu‘imm‘ri lt pvwnize lns‘ sunhsor—nhcn Ith .u u may lug h m JUIIX CL'IJ’. _LL. 5, mm. , . Another Clbaugo , w 3" 1,”: LA} .\.‘sl‘ .\‘IHIU 111-MIXESQ.—=A. I Culcq-x 'nviu; «iminlrl “:13: hid in Mindy-g .IJ‘HA S C amh‘rti, “Lu p'm-num‘. the {nwl’c‘l or him (Snip. rosgmzlully flu nhunrcwnulw({lermulzgzlwrz nrul ILe puhhn- KCIXH.IH_\.ISIII 12w hu~i-.v»= “1151“: Cun lin'n-ul .u 1).: HIV] .\lznn‘ (”I(‘Lm-lwr-blfrg Stu-«L, by A. VOHHAV & (“1, MW). “”‘ cm.- sum!)- “up on '2l::qu as laggc unit. of_ Goods, in [ln [me of ' SiIUHS,.H.\TS. C \T'S. TRY’XK", C mm 1' 3.16.", Iq‘h’JLIZLLAF‘ M" L and Hwy ““1 aka cuumme the .‘dJuumLture 0: Show. ‘ . l I’rum {heir Inn: “pox-inner ill—fr“ the :Ibovv hrun:.cs, lhfl' fl‘u h-r vhonnolr'e: l‘l‘u' lhty car, plans: “‘Eilum‘fi and \nu'sell Unexp lur casvh. ..-~ .\. mums.“ ' J. s CR.\'\\’l‘URD. Dninc business under the uvzm- an! firm of A. Unfit-nu a Ca. . LFCH. S, xhlil. JU U2l" WARD - Blaclmmithing. . ”E Endi‘ngr‘v d _wnnhl‘n’na’. rrsportquy iuiorm 1h;- public 11m 115: commeuu-d It Dunner & Zieglcr‘s,slmp, in Ezut SUI-110. Mutt, Genuhmg. “hers: he “'11! n! u” '.im-‘s be prop Ire-l Urdu fih-ksvmt’nn: wurk In (‘nr rizlgeo, Pnugiu. “Mgr-gs tr. T!_:u Lo knows bow to do nl: juhsurlhrhind “in nu! br- quos unncd hyythiuau who have \ Lno\rl(l-:"hf 'ms Ion: cxpgion-re at (he lvuiineuf f'mnt on with your work,:\wl you WI“ he smisiiml wl‘rn you like It “why—llw! for wind: be u'iil re crh‘c' Cash or (.‘ountrv I’m 111 cc , ‘ ADA»! HULTZWORTH. 3m. 1, 1861. ‘t! QEAHEX AND \l.\lU.\'E.\. AVD \\'H')(\\V.\‘, k 0:! (VI ”I’.“ HEIRS (IF‘HUSE \,\ ”U HAVE DIED UR IeZS KILLS ' TUE ELI!— VlCE.—Cuu. (‘. Tantra. .\lzonmy‘ for (‘lluim an“, Rummy Land and Pumimx .\gu-nl. “11:11- ingwu Guy. h.’(‘.-—l’en=iun< procure-11M Sol diera, Sqfim'l-n and Marines {J (hr pnsrnt wnr, who are {Haul-led by rcmun GE a cum“ fun-awed or diwme mum-muted “Ixiiu in scr\'ice,nnd Pen sions, Bounty .\luhey nnd'Anean ol‘Pay oh mjurd lur widows or omer heirs o.’ those who have died or been killed while in service. Bounty, Laud promred for serving in any 01 thn other wars. CHAS. C. TUCKER, ‘ ’ Washing-Lou, UlO. - _L C. .\'un, ”Agent, Geuyuburg. ‘.N‘uv. 13; 164;. $ ' L Isaac K. Stauffexf, ,WATCII .\IAKI-lILAND JIIWELER, A ‘, , ‘ ‘ mmncrchcp or SILVER WAIT!) & [.\h'ORTER OF WATCHES, .\'o. In South .\econd 51., Come: Qumry, I‘ulunnruu, 11A. He has conslnfitly on hum] {m anortmen! of Gold and levcr l‘nlcm Lever, [ml-inc and Phil!) Watch"; l’i‘ne Gold Chaim, Seal: and Keys, Bren”. Pins, En Rings. Finger Rings, Brat!- lou, Mini-Hare C 9568, Medallions, Loch-u, I'vuacilwV Thimbles, Sin-chides, Sula-r T-ble, Due", Tea, Salt. and Mustard Spoor“; Sugar Spoons” Cups. ankin Rings. Fruu. and Butter Knives, Shieldanmlm, Diumqu-l Punvnlcll Penis, etc.,—all of which will be sold low lor cub. 11. I. TOBIAS .1 (‘o.‘B best quality full jew eled Patent Lorrr Movemenu ccnslnnxly or: had; also oxhe: Shh" of superior quality, N. B.—('ld Gold null Silver bought for cash. asepL 1,1353. 1; . > RYNRERHOFF, keeps up with the time! by getting new goods nlmost-ever'y week.— 0 Ipnru no eflort tonccommodste his unmet; on! customers. " Quick «ch - Ind "mu profits," ls his mono. : ~ Dec. 7. 1863. , ‘ ARD PHOTOGRAPHS made It. nu Sl cehiox Gilles-y It. always wuruuled to In willncliom TYSON BROTHERS. OLLOCK‘S LEVAIN—the pnrglt und [9 km baking powder in use—u Dr. B B 0 VER'S Drug Stan} ' E have just recaind [4lo' usortment ' ‘. of Queensvmre, lb whirl! we invite the anfion 0! buyer“. 'A. SCUTT't 905. RS. WISSLOW'S SOOTHXNGSYRUP, for M children, at Dr. [l. HORSER'S Drug ‘ton. , - RAKE’S pmxnnox nn‘rmis, or me Homestead Tonic, I: by. R. UURXER'S xug,Stors. . ~ LOT of fresh GUI DROPS, thefinu! on: Amend in this tank“, to be had u D!" u {Jaws Drug Store. - EW FALL t WINTER GOODS!—A good “normal. oft-‘11! lid Winn: Good- I: QDOIP u Ibo shown A. u 800'" £30153. anldelphls, Pt. Let Everybody EgtabliShcd 1850. LAWm-ZVCE I). lIIETZ .t o'l. :3 ‘~ “Mum-me aircct, Baum-ore Dissolution A Cart. m. \(‘K<<IITIII.\‘G BI‘SIXFSQ To Disabled Scldiovs, Another Car Load. Still at Work. / . ‘ !.r%'mess/%Zzeya M E. Corner Tlmh and Chm-nut Streets, . l'uxmuszl-HIA. CVDBR THE MANAGRSUAT OP L. P All: [5 AN KS. A. .\L‘, for the ins! luur‘) can l’rindpul-nn-l hie H-u-sinus: -sinus: mun-\gcr o! Bnuré; 51R§T1b§§ C'om mercial College. . . , A .\IUDX-IL'BFSISESS COLLEGE, (‘unduclcd on u new fish-m ofAc'unl Business Twining, Lhruugh the-0M Ihlx-hm‘cul hill/miti mate Ulhcuq nudA‘uuu'inpllunucq myrrhont ing dint-rm)!“depnrlmeu}; uf Trldv and (.‘um ancuv, and u regulnr Bank 0! Ueposu and l:- axm. gun; Ihc Mud-:11! Ml Iln- ml'r‘ulngl! ox nclxul prucu'rv, nml thfym: him in lhc shoru-sl pussin unu- and must effu-lui- num ncr fur 11.6.- mriuha duties and umplnyxuenmof busznnwe hwy- , Thu Course ofinfilrumion in “no Thrnrcticul l'h luxrlmcm (-xulmu'ei Bunk-keeping, I'ommrr (-iul Culcuhuions, LN lures on Hanna-~13 A tfnxr=_. l‘muunnslnp. L'Juymuud Law, Founs, Caries pvmdr luv; 82c. ._ ' In the .c 1 » . _ B‘K‘SINESS DEI'ART’JNYT ' the stndlnnteutvra upon Ihe Graduating (‘unrfi‘fi “hwh inclndrs .| conlimmxme'ilr lhi' aha}! Hunts, with llur‘lr»prnuliL d app‘muiu'n ip ull‘ {hr-5r dr-milz. He will in tum hll \iu- puleinn ‘of Acvuunmm :uu‘l .l’rnlu‘iv‘lol 1n the \n'riqu! [)rlnulmcnts nl~ Whirlwulc nu-l Ilmul Trnzhg l“or\\.lrnliny. Juhlring uml ('uunn:n~~iuxn H'N l:€~§. H‘nkmu, .\hnufal'mxing. “Iniug. Stunn bnn'lnfl. $O., uni final!) “‘l‘l .H'l nd t . him. Hunk-Elwin“! and Tell-'l‘ m the bunk, in (HM. uf “hid; [unilimn l~z< 1m \n ui‘k'umlrdgr “xll h:- gu.l‘h Hm mm“ [mm Lug-1 [\sl. Tim lznlimtwu «:11 r 3 m 'm-mg’ Inn-n m‘uv-r -on: -x h".nl.c_(~: no: pmsun-Inl My 1”) 'g-I’lcr (ammonia! rum-1.: in ”w h’l-Irx I]: n mm plvlu I“ .\H il\'_.l{ 1: Jul m- \L- h i-.xhn nn'y Imhmlm : In Lu- a‘ ['o uhll‘l‘i on m l A \) .llnlsirl'vu‘ lfillwipt-H Th.- .-.»u-;.;":.{ mums-1 Mun .4 untmpxs‘fii, ;In-i m |_\ M cumplv'ui I.) .1): ml m c hull‘lhv Uzu': uku ~11) E 1» '1! HI mhm. lu‘~t.[u‘m, 1:. ir. « mnrquum-u 3! null (”Manly 'm-u' nrrung- n 3 ml“ and the «14.1 mm. ul llm m-n pin-luv: .l aptvm. ‘ . ‘ Diplomas"xuhnll‘u-d upunfibr ruuwi‘vyivm nt'. Ihv (‘umur'n n 1 t'.mr~x-. u bin " l‘h-‘ul‘ uu ~ rl‘r oan the hig'mr W!» 01 Han-am; \l IHJ'n'. bu ing, it ulr - ‘ _ixn,', k >-'xhihr»ul'in'2hr 1 I. 1.3• t. l m r 7’“ ’_/‘_ ,-) -, y ”1.1. K/ -_'—t.-_‘,,‘./" "‘3", LL! [.J./gm/a Cy: xi y (w, 1 / _ ”r, . .\'THRVAJ'IONAL (‘H \l\' OF . ' . 4. t:‘x2,\il-.‘::H.\l. (‘nillt'rius's‘ I.'.=l.(!:ll~hcvl in 1‘ c I'.}!x‘n-.iug : hip: - j PHILADELPHXA S E Grim: o! Fmrm'n um! t‘lu-smll 5!... New Yuk, Hn- Nd)”. .\llf'u). T.u‘..,l:ux‘.i -drnrn, l'ml‘nnL' 111-THU! l.‘ “n’I‘IVJJHIJ. .\'rugrk, 11-- Eyc=l.r. lh "‘.iu. 1‘ nu'tus (if-elm“. 'A’li'll‘u :. (f..i«~.;u. \l.l- ~ “anim- mui .\‘v. I.nuZ-. - TL-zr mth Hm: r 43“ I 1 m 9. mu- :w’q' imp-w -firm in". n'l Frhml ! 54. p! rlnivil ;: Ln :1 fit: SMI Bu mum: Hilllr""l<lll. J'm- PhHmlv'plf L l'oHrcc ‘lx‘fihl‘gn‘ '.n {3 o Shiv. Ln‘h in {mint nl r3vxu [Mn "MI! '.m-«i n:',\':lnl.\;y<.jTl-‘imi-l. mmr-I ..t 11,-!4l‘nizu‘e Cur-mugn I‘4l " 'xj‘iur .Luu w ‘.m'x- it h In --:- -—'n Ihr Imm rank of n~ 'i‘uX i-n-Z'u. l.u‘|. in In ~ on-L nun-<1 limrnmfi ‘ mu?» . .' \ nun} 4» ”xi-1': in: I! Adop‘J-‘I uln] "twin!“ (:Iftrlt'i‘. nwh‘r the pmyxud Hlpr‘flJm-n u! I‘Ul'l-lnlf‘l): )‘lm, {cums in 13w MUN”): s:]. ”Imm 1;. J] h" "In“! perncx 53-h m u: pru'V'cfi h Ii ling (‘\l" r u'u vxsed Em: hwu 4-H iu mam-n.. ud l- w ‘.- ce~stulh mnlwlmul. ..ffar'l‘nq h «'lwyvn: {A}; vuumgci smin. 3 h we hit‘m-rL-y burn ' u..~ 'zr- Fd-pt:!lbic (ml; in mun: n :1: with KM . Tuni ing-lmr 50. Ann In uni“; {dun-,5" ll :u 111 “civnv: of Auuozzmi. Penman h‘p. l‘uuam’fi 'u I} Uah ul Mum and (N mum-n I H. Luv. we shulculji: .ulmzwol h- tlm i‘muz‘ l’hvlvux‘ ment. “Elmohuh-'llnwwmnfluii Hm k-‘nwv'p (“r and “club um; pan» llxruxxg'. :hv-‘rhlfl rrm “”“‘-(u; m}! i-x 'u-‘n n: le {rum-r. Jun J- ITI)‘ llxg Gum's :w-l roqmn‘ LI! um u! (-1"! xfiicn, n'w! )n-cmm‘s ”wrung.” igt‘nrmml, n u only in I'M furnh -\ 11,! h .uc in "j 1‘" 1w: 'I~-’~. huv! in m.\.:luiu:l‘.w ..fx'urs ul' iflnmrh: ugh s_\ sh HI 'nlnl ‘l'n'rp dull. . .\c!ler-hi;>< Linn-d qt mul ylniw. nrc cand', hr 9n unllmiml [IL-rid 1, in I‘m: ('.zghzrcu (‘Ol - rmnpriwn-{K‘w ‘ x-'..\-n " ‘ I'm‘mmu arr- :man-l [n l‘hmu only who fullhl the plvu'rll-(‘L‘ mumso hl 31ml", mu) pass the rvqumlu ounn‘nali m. I'.urtum-er::.idx‘'l sun} fur a circuiu. Address: ‘ , V V “max“, smnmv 1:150, Feb. 8, 15:51. 1y ~ l'lnimh Iphin r l .~ 11) s » Lamp Heating Apparat 'u. (>ll.!\'(;——i‘ll‘f%\‘G—S'l )-Z‘»\'X:\'(i-—~‘ |'S""- l\’(:-—-\\'l l'h T IE FLA 3-H". THAT LIGHT." 'llit‘l mum. Wliy the H mm 0M rum’n'gn l'unp. m. the mil 0! a (‘vnl s m-rtll'uf ml, 4 x'x-n- m-morni- Me hrelkmd cm he runi‘ul.——.\' Y, Trlfnm'. Wh‘llnplr: 1n mudrucliun; F-hil} Up! 'in (min, rend; lur we in :I mumml. «un'mnhul lo hue-on hln l.—l)ru‘:/jml'.l C n ’"'/ma . ~ WFish's Lanp is nn: o! the mo-t pol-"hr nonllics at the day. Tue uhliu of it is un quntimmb'm, u gnu! during Is luuule ix{!.¢.ntin;{ and cunklnzaumzl uryirlea, and mu Ive m Idc If) cupk HIC'JS mr n grmt many p(-rsom,wLiv‘li\ mtvlully 119')» on the mnhuhnrc rlrl which curry the sack snldhrs.—-S;-»‘mhn-- .lmm'rm, ”For Rum}; Il—e, iqtpllnl lent, burr.u-k-, picnics, fishing, nursery. or sirk mom, H. is an ankle nfnomi'nrt Inymnl all proportion to its crash—lDLE Jumnal 15/ [lea/IL, ‘ I » Raj-I haunt: tried Ih} nppxm'ug’nnd my wife Ind I proclaim Ihe sunie a most Valli ”Jr and Indispensable ..rtiyh-, and we now wands-Hm»? we could have so long dunc without il.—.‘.‘J. Coal (1d Circular. r rj‘An economical coulrivnnce fur gcttiuz up heu't at short none»: for nun-or) aud‘gmu-m! household purposes. One important pmnt I: ‘l2: mving‘iu cm ovcr coal 'fircs.-.\'. Y. lu'vm #l:] Foal. " _ szCES FRO“ TWO T 0 SIX'DOLLARS. uncuv no: on.” you «urns. runs: “nuns conun .\T om; nu “1mm“: ' * _ ncnwu. Arranged fur Kerosene nr ConLOil, or (has. A Descrifiuvc Pamphlet of thirty page: Turn idmd gmtia. Al5O, THE [AVON ATTAPHMEVT, ‘ \ Price. 30 Cents. ‘ ‘ . To be number! lo I co'nnnon‘Ku- usene Lamp 0:- Gas Hnruer, by which W3l; may be Boilcdggnd Fond ('oukrd $0,": ‘ , ranked 1;: support a s e. EVERYzFAmLY-‘s-ssos UNI-1. ”Agents Famed. ‘ WILL”)! D. RUSSEL, Agent, No. 206 Pearl St.,..\‘ew York. April :1. um. sao ~ - Portable Pnntmg' Offins. - ~ I ~ ~ Fun the as; ‘.r ': Mex-chants, omg. {2 gist-{and lII] bushel)- K' \L J and proteasionnl nun l -' -J .'._ g, who wish to do their ‘ - ,3. own printing, nearly }_‘ 1 ~$ and cheaply. Adnp< : \ _. '—/ ied to the primlng of . ““‘ handbills, billholds, V cir'culnrs, ldbels, cards nnd sm-ll newspapers. ' Full instructions accompmying each 015 cc en ’ :hling 1 boy ten years old Kc work them nuc ceesquy. Circulars um tree. _Specilneu ‘ sheets of Typ’, Cull, ta, 6 cents. i Addreu ADAKSEPBESS 00., ’ 31 Park 1101,24. Y., and 35 Lincoln that, ‘ ' ', Boston, 311‘". ._.-___- -. ‘_-. A ‘ , CNN "‘ .‘c - 8"" “f'q‘i‘fifiziz‘éfié‘fififis’; "VHR RATS, \IH‘E'. RHACEH'IS, ANTS, BED 1* nuns, \H‘TH!) I\' F ‘ns, Wuuwss, kl‘., INSECTS H‘J PLANTS, FOWLS, .\Nf- MALS, Lc.——Pul up in 2%". SUV. and $llOO Buns. Butxlw Md Flniks. S! and $5 I'll-I for [forum I’, am: lxnrnuwss, Jtc. “Our; inx'nlhhlu remedies kuuwn." \“ Free" from Puisons "~ ‘ . / “ .\'m ll ungeroua to the Hnynnn Funny.“ “ Pulls come out of {Mir huh-s to die." par-Sum \\ nulcmlv- in all large cities. , Sfl‘b‘u‘d h) u” Druggiats and Reluihrs cur]. ' “in-re. ~ .. ‘ . 553‘?! ! ”mum: ! !! ofull worthless ”mint-on. W 509 [hm H Counts" name Ii on ench linx, 150 ch and Musk. lit-fon- yml buy. ~ ' WA Mr“! HENRY B. COSTAR. gab:- 'uuuwu. Iln-ur 4-42 limmuwn’. 51. ‘l2, ”$01!! by n” Wholrmlc and Retail Drug‘ grid: .1: (:ellyflmrg, Pa. Feb. ;e64 €529? Village FOUR?” & ARCH :STREETS. )lIH.'ADHLPI!I.\, \ I , nun: urnxvu mu tar-tum. INN, 100 pl" S! FMIH‘) rm”. fxlipr“. ln-lin MIL-1.51. Lm -' qul Mu": “ '_'Ul) " ()rderenl I'lHiul SYLKS. 4-: \.\ USS Bluuk‘h‘ilk VELVET: ' ,flruwn Si‘ks’, 3 . 5. :l, 2:. _‘, I. put \nrd.‘ , .‘ m .(‘k .. 5';,1.,4,::,2,,1. ‘7 ‘ -‘ .\hmw .\nl'lqm-I, nil culars. ' - MnJllH'H'Elll(irvnmllt'iu \P‘“ Igulfu out 01'}: unllivs. A liichfisH' nu I. unml l'Q-rcrulc-n , Spring Fthli. , » )vn‘ lin-IWlmld Staple U'nmls. .\'. l’». , (Evin ml :x~wl‘t:xnl|l 01 .\luu : Wrar .\l’lnh T. lad}_ Sign '_ * Noah \Valker 8: 00.. CL u mu 1: ns, ‘- - ' ‘ “.\s'erVuTnx mums”, ‘1: ‘7 Ru .lMum: hm 'sr, ' n ~\%l.'l‘ I \x 0 IL 15,, ,4, Lu 1.101;: 30ml HUI) nu hand n i? hm! “r” m. A' It Fr on. J -:nknf.ll\'.iml; 01"; an :u. mnln-xmc ? "i“.x-v nip!" mkrw f-fr thu Most In We 1 , » _‘ . [ln-r5: prh‘wl :L:K:v!".4, (‘l-ll‘l' rt‘flxj mmlq n.r _‘r mud: in mmmrn, to My} gm: u} the country Tip-y L. It'p 11-gfiux’Mb-uah u slmk of 1' L'!i.\'- I‘lii‘ui (lmflh, unhraring Mrr'r nrxivle u! '“wihnrn'l l'Lv‘wr-Imr. .\'Mo, MHJTAIH‘ .\'.IJDI'IIS .‘m'l uyrx hili‘l} "L“;lenry ’lmn- nhg». ~r< w.“ .|~ :m z|~~nrfiiu2 Mmk pf [:l2 \UY -'!',H 1113' (.o?th BB HAMLIN-l“, {V- I). '_': = Build ME . Si! Books. 8: Shots! “rm. ’:..~' I .x‘. H: 'IAHIVIZHTM .....1. r-xgn ‘\ ml H r _i‘.~| lib! I}: 1%”: k :41 v hm. ..‘... -\\'HTI- \\.l.\"| ln- \n I l-II- u- n.’ .l tin 'l‘- uhg-r fi‘~ p: whit“. Ills nl‘url.mnl \.uhr v.O .qulul -~.u‘~ 1 ~ ’ . VALLM.” 1:0 'z'n' r.- mu ‘ 12,t , u;s rti:: .‘ ‘ ‘ \\.lh .1 ].l:,'r unrtmn-ut "7‘ «Huh mm Lam’s ..1-.\_ M I'll'H'L'H‘J ,‘ H.- I.” Hl‘H' Mun dunk mi 1|". mi" n! .I: hr'l'mnl ‘ I-rr IR m lln' Wauléfijllm u Ik-"-—-.I:l[ “Ahmad-H1 mnnmnll. h" In I h- a( the 11‘ UK» In 3» quu l'l'. 111‘ -_r-. [L M- 01. H Irv um ”My “I‘ll lllllI". .u.<l if uu} 1 nl:|2‘.|.':' onxiv\;u- 'ln- l-lv-l o‘l ~. F vi». uhr .xHL-ntiuu “111 nhm}! I» p.” In l{.--r- p-I‘IU.~ , “muvm‘wr I'm ul u'|-—.‘.‘llEH\' STE“: l‘. "rur lr uppwh; llw lhzz'k. (fail .u ll >vl- mr _vuur '.vluw. ~ - ‘ . The MM! and ~b-):~-m 11m; lll’l‘il'O-a‘ i 1 un littl “urn lurvl #01". ‘ mm” snuuew. ‘5 DH. 7‘ |-|-"- . , V G vt3-1mr...- N 13.11191“ n a 157 US. 1.3““! .‘u'l'.-.‘Uli(|, F. I'?"K'r.XRbDH, I*, ms”; own-2 'r mms. Ilniuyh HIS.- nw'hml n! iMuru'ling in- I: in mi»: and flu: puhlu :1 MP”): 1': 'l' lu- ‘.hus ”yum .u Thiluriv-g (- bluhflnuvul‘in Buffivwrn- Jr: r 1; (h-xlyslvurq. [Luv I'm-x (Min-c.) nmr ll»!- Uln- Inonu. uhrrv ho is p fining! to do all mu}. in hh line it: the hint "Mann. “In! (0 tin ulna [...-Hon nf rnxtuugerh Hr emplu‘ga n‘mc huh first. ('h.~~' lmnrhflind rm rifiui ‘\ ¥ _ THE i'AjIHUNhL IH‘NH'LAIXLY, * h» mu warrant anhiuuuhlu hl~’ 'n'nd um! and sfahumllinl .J.-wing. ~llc M's; a shan- ol fins publiu's pulrnm.v:c, promising 1o ‘lnuc m} ('l - «It ‘t‘lU' it. Hi; Quinn“ “ill .ulxul} whe tun“! «4 'mudemlc as the lim‘fin \x'il) ulluw. (‘utx'ng and Hrpdirin: Juan-:1! {1.9 mom-n notlro. [(21115 xhurg. Aplii 73m: Y _ ‘ Spit-mg Goods . “’ '(‘T .\. S"(J'l"i“k SUN." —“'e imilc “NEH"- ; u-minm ol h-Iyn rs L; um stock 0! Spring Uumli, \\‘Li ll “ill be suhl vlimy. mumbling ut ' ' ~1. {ME-3' DRESS nouns, Sim-Hz. (Homing (‘luvhw,.rn-.. el 6. Fur .\IL-n'l gm! 1503’5" v. 0.” “e lune "Inlils. ('.uvmurrn, Cunlingfi, “stings, “it‘” n‘\ may of Cdtlong nvlrs, km. 8.1:. Can nncl'wn. , 41.1; 13, “'6l). u\. SCOTT & SON. . V _ r ,“I_, K ‘ .. 4. \ New Bakery". . NEWPORT & ZIEGLHR, .\lcrhanfcarfluk: ers, South \V'uhingNu‘slruh hall squat. Hum Lhé Eagle UTAH, (ZiII‘I'YSBURG. l’n.——: Commnh' nn Imm], the host 'Ol “READ, CR.\CKI'IKS,CAK!~ZS, Plil-Z'I’ZYII.H, &c. vl'L-r: nuns “flinging lrcsh Bra-...! win he scared enr} morning, b 3 [mu—mg Hu-ir names and réii-h-ncos n! the Bakery. Every emu: made to please' Gne u: :I call I - - ' [April '_’o, ’O3. t! Battle-field VIOWS. A FULL yr! of our Photographic Views of Iho Hume-fluid o! Benji-burg, form s. sulcnnid gil‘lfor the Holidays.. The flue-l. yet imhlidu‘d cun be won uuhe Excelsior Gnlh‘ry. TYSUN IZI‘KUTHEHS, Geltypbnrg. ' Queensware. . P M van: unflhiug in mequnnxswasfi” l line call at. A. SCOTT & 80!"), when you w 11 find the but nasortmenv. in town. - ‘ March 'l4. 1862. L ILLINERY GOODS, Bonneu, ‘Rihbgfisk Flowru, Shakers‘ and Basin Frames nu received from New York, cheap at. Fahu; enoyks', the lip: of RED FRONT. LL the ban Patent‘ Medic'inol can 1:61on It the new Emmi)...“ Drug and Prescrlpflal - tore of - Dr. R. BURNER. ‘ AGO, Arrow Rom, Darn Sun-ch, Rice-HO"? and _Gclnriu, {or sale I! Dr. HORNE“?! Drug Store. _ \ on LADIES-4!! mam Bufl'alo om Shoelfor afle It the corner of York It!” and the Diamond by ROW .4: WOODS. 4;, CUCUMBER PICKLES, a Inrge'loljnndflg‘ coitud {to t tails In rlgne order I “P “h -”x,\fnnsrscl§g a ICKISG In: If" finest “gunmen: bffipfi‘.‘ . and Bum-ex Clothing in town. 2:19;; ' Lofmxal CLOTHING I.4an“; good; jun ‘pucd- 1”“ .309" S: limo, be. 12., .uflcbenp at BRUSERIi ' H :•u6r.= liot rr-; ‘ \\ \Uu' Hx-(I’H,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers