The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 04, 1864, Image 3

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    TO OUR PATRONS.—~Itii exceedingly un
pleasant to indite a paragraph which may he
considered in the light ofu dun, but rrnlly tlle'
necessities of the timel reqruire that we should
ask thou who know themaelven’indebud to In
for lublcription, udvertining or printing to
mail themselvel ofthe opportunity of remitting
lmounls due as. The high {prices which we
If! obliged to pay {or egqrything and in
printing the CGIHPIIU, nnd tho demsud for cash
on doilt’ery, makes it obligatory upon us to do
It! near I cuh business as possible, and/:0
thereiore request All penon to send on their
money by the [int opportunity. Money may
lacient by mail nt'-our risk, if the sender will
’ “'e the Postmnster‘s certificate that it bu
u/n mailed at his ofliu‘to us. .
fi-The distinguished “J. .\'.." the '{orntdn
philosopher nLd sntirist," is announch to hold
forth at the Court House, in Gettysburg, on
the 19th ofJnly—suhject, “Truth and:l.'niou”
and at Fairftcid on the 20th: It is “J. NH! "-
intention also to riait Richmond. with a rivw _to
enlightening the grent minds of the Southern
A, cotemporury informs us that in his lec
ture: he "justifies the Northnnd South both,
from theistandt point which they View it.—
Mnkes the war 3 misunderstanding, Both
fightinlv on dim-rout iJens ; the South. thnt the
North intends subjn‘gnting them, and the North
glint the South in doing this to destroy: the
“(i onrnment; that the great error is that each
will not concilinte the other's olnims. The
men that are fighting are reprrsenting thwir rO
- Governmentsnnd’hnvcnothiug ngnimt
each other, no that the wnr,'ns it now pro
gresses, if n peifcct snctiflce of life."
flay-This number of the (’umjuln- is printr‘d
on Satunhy, lo gh e the hund: in tho oflicc‘nn
opportunity ufcclchrming the glorious Fourth.
4...}........7 2510 7 7'.
5 no
21.....1 Mm] 8;.
i l 75 It) I 11?)
l 35
l. 20
Rye 1’10ur.....
“'hilc When!
“ml “’lleul...
Cum ............
R} c.............
(Int! ............
[Sm kwhrnl...
L‘luu-rSL-t I! .
Timotny 5een1..............
Flux 5ecd...................
l‘lnsrr of l'ans ...........
Ilnatet glouml» x.” bu:
(bus t
Flurry 5ecd..........
’l'mmlh) 5eed........:.......
Ihvl Paulo, 1w; ‘.lund.
“My, [u‘l’ hund............ .
HM .
- ix
~Whiskcy ...............
(.‘lmnn, "Armin", pnr (on
The First National
13\\'K HI" (H'Zv'l"l'YSH‘l’RG h." hrvn LII-sig
: nun] mlh-gmsilury nn-i li'uucul Agent uf
[hr (”mitt-l Stale-Z Will buy (SULI). SILVER:
nu‘! (‘(>l'|‘U\'§ (nu (hummucnt Humid. “'ill
'fuvmsh 5-.‘4 nu-l I” 4') V. H Hand-fluid uthu-r
fiuuemmcul rcvu hit-« 1. l,‘u!l\u nuns made
prim plly Ign nil I‘l'l've‘dih'e puin'u.
' ~ GEO. "ARNOLD, (‘.|=l:i(r. ‘
JL.|_\' 4,15'31
'Strayed Away.
qTRH'I-fl) away from the suikvriL‘br. in
L} \lnwlpimlsnnl township, A-lnms mum}.
«m 't'hr 251}: ML, :1 DURHAM CUW, rod, “ill:
white buck and lure, xnd shurt bums—alum!
3 years old. A tunable lewud mi] N: [mid
l-rnn) one who ‘wnll gne infurmuhn vt hrr
whmrnbnuu, by ‘lhe sulpurihur, u! Ste'rm-x':
lmedry. in G:l,lyslmrg, u! the reéinicliv'c at
the subscriber, or at Urzlnih- Hlll l’uu mam.
_ JUrlil'll J. ”EMU-ZR.
Hu’y 4, 1364. 3r?
t .
. .‘ Great Attracuon
_f‘ AX!» EURNISUING STORE, at [he mm.
E.Lst~(‘uruer of xhglhnnmn-L Tho ‘u‘liflliln'r
in L'uuéluulh in receipt orfrcshtg‘oud; frulu [he
Eastern uinw. ‘”IS stock of
in (me of tho l-trgt-tt and must mtmctiw, as:
\\ (11l ll.‘ the clumped ostulfliduncut m the Limi'
in the country. You will there lind C().\Th‘,g
J’ANTS AM) VESJ‘S, mzldu up in the moat
fushiouuhle stylus. and of the host mntrrmls.
~of' all aim-g crud [le T 5, for men nml l-()'V~‘,——-l
Gentlcmru'n' lurnishik‘guuds of every‘ ill-scrip
tjon, Wool Shirts, . te‘lin Shirts, liickoryl
Shirts and )lrrino .\‘hirfs, Merino, Wool and;
(Tutton Drawers, ilosiczy ofevcry descriptioufl
Buck-skin. .\lumo and Cotton Glorc=, llau'i-l
Lerchirln. Neck Tics, Crnmts, Linen and l'npcr ‘
' (‘Dlltu'i, Hm, Caps, Bums and Shoes. l'm
brcllns, Trunks. Ynlices‘ Carpet H. 125. Clothes
and Shoe Brushes, U.tir and Tooth lhnshcs,
Shoe Blacking. Pocket null Dressing Combs,
ivory Cami». Winn-hes, Clocks and Junehy,
(lulu, l’iatnls, Violin: and Viulin Strings,
' Humps nnd l’erfumeries, Stationery of all kinds,
Pocket. Knives, Smoking and Chewmg Tobac
co, Pipes, nu extra quality éfSegnrs. -In fact,
his stock embraces everything usually found
in 3 first. chit: furnishing store. I invite the
attention of all ti) come and see fér themselves,
u I am determined to sell goods lower than.
any otherestublishmeut in the country. Don’t.
forget the place. Corner of York, street. and
, July 4, 1864.
0 THE FOURTH or JULY.—The public
have been invited to :joinuhe Celebruion of
the first Anniversnr Br the Battle of Gettys
burg oh Mo'udu)‘, Ju‘)‘ 41b, and 3 large con
course of [maple are‘expected to be prewar,—
Governor Curtin as. Chief Executive of the
Commonwealeh will be present andvpreside.——
A fine Bud from Chnmbcrahurg and a choir of
vocalists willfnrnish the music. An oration
will be delivered by Rev. Mr. Warner and a
FREE dinnu given to 01l on me ground. The
selebrution will be on Culp's Hill on the Bat—
ilc;§eld. ‘
In View of these extensive armngemenls‘, the
Gettysburg [hill-god, Hanover Branch Railroad
and Litgtestowu Railroad will run extra trains
to sccommodute persons traveling by railroad.
Lenve Hanover Junction on arrival af‘Ex
presg south on N. C. R. R., arrive at Hanover
.3" 6.15 A. M. Leave Littlestowu at 6 A. 31.,
lg} uriye u Hanover. or. 6.20 A. 1!. Leave
Hnnoyer a: 64:30 A. 31., end nrrive at Gettys-
P‘"! |'- 7-30 A. M. Second Thin leore'llan
pver at 10 A. 3L, and arrive at Gettysburg u
pA. 11. LeaVe Gettysburg u 3.20 p, M.
Bxcuniou Tickets issuedfin reduced rates.
ROBERT McCURDY, President.
July 4, 136 A.
$lO a Day!
GENTS WANTED—To lell the “ 25 CENT
" Etch Package contain; 35 Songs, 2
me- of Music, 18 sheets of Piper, 18 Enve—
lo‘pu, l Ruler, 1 Pen, 1 Pen Holder, 1 Lead
gnu-j}, 1 Design for Uzglersleever. l for Child'l
ADM: I for Embrojderod Collir, l for Gh‘ris
will: Egbe, 2 tor Minx Letters, B Secrets
Pg":- karate published, rth many Dollars;
..‘-d othlr information. Also, one henntiful
wide of J “11.“. ijgrnl inducement: to
33““. Send Stamp for Circular.
. mm. a: 00.. {
43 South Third St, Philselelphis, Pa.
mp 13. :964- 1: _-_._ '
' Albums!
I} B U ‘l S H ‘
3; Mad fi largo Ind beautifnl' assort
meu: or rbmnphic 411 mm vbich we om
below “Y pm. TYSON BROTHERS.
Deg. 1 , “63.
F 1 Jig! {sigma-y, Tbifty-Eont and
.- _«__} m “"1 Chair“ EIUKING'S, .
LApms- oases unmxas, in' 'gmz if:
’ may, 1‘ - ‘ *' _b‘GflIL‘KS.
l‘l’t‘lAL Elll‘lf'TlUNs—By Virtue of n writ
S nfrlertiun, to me.- direoted by Amber 6.
( urtin, (luvcrnor nfthis Commonwealth, given
under his hand and the greel seal of the State,
at Harrisburg, the let dey of June, A. 1).,
18“. according to the provisions 0! an Act of
the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, enti
tled ”An Act prescribing the time and man
net of submitting to the people, for their npo
prorvnl' and while tticn, or icjection, the pro
posed nmepdments tit-NH! Constitution."
l. Adam llehert, High Sheriff of the County
of Adume, do hereby make known and give
this Public notice to the Elector: of the Coun
ty of Adnml. that on the FIRST TUESDAY of
AUGUST next,(bcing the 22-! day of the month,)
a Special Election will be held at the several
Election Districu, established by law in aid
county, at which time they will vote by ballot
for or ngainlt certain prorated’lmeudments to
the Constitution of this Commonwealth, which
are as follows, viz:
“There shall be an a‘ddmom seclion to the
third article of the Constitution, to be desig
nated us section four, as fallow): .
“ Storm)! 4. \Vheneu-r any of life qu‘alified
electors of this Commonwealth shall bi: in any
hcluul MJilnry ltrvici‘, undgr a requisition
from the Prnwi-Jen'. of the United Sales. or by
authority of this (,‘ommonwcfihh, Inch electors
may exercise the right of suffrage in.allv elec
t'ons by the Cilizvus, under such rr-gulalibns us'
me or skm” be preavribcd by law, as fully as
if Hwy were xrescut at thcir usual place of
“ Flu-re shall be two additional Sections to
tlw Eleven'th Article of the Constitution. to be
desifnnted us Sections eight and nine, 11l i'ol
luvs: : ' ,
“SECTION 8. .\'o bill shall be passed by the
Legislature containing mote than bue subject,
which shall he clearly expressed in the litle,
cxur-pt apumpriuuon hllls.
“.513leth 9. Nu hill shall be passed by the
Legiul unrv, :rmmn: uny puwvrs or prifilogvs.
in‘uuy case n here the nuthonty to gran]. sud)
powexs. or prhilugw. hats been, or may here
uf'cr be, cmxfi-rrqd upon the Courts of Um;
Comnmnweullh." 3
’i‘ln- mid Mentions will be held lhrongbeut
Uh“ County, “3 Llluws: ‘
In lht- Fir-u. di-zrict, composvd of the “or.
In Uic Second district, wiuposcd' of. the
township of (in rnmn)’. at [“l‘ houbc ofNuthnfiiel
limnei, in lln- .town ul' Lilllcaluwu, ‘in the
tun'nfliip of (lrmluny.
'ln the Thin] dis‘lnct, unmpmcd of the town
i_liipui “format I.lm house of E. 3.]. Nun-Lin the
lb“ n of NH" Oxford.
In the Funnh diatrict, composodof thetown
(him of Lu’nnurc‘ mi Huntington, m the
hnu<e uf Q.-\\‘.llxldchrund, in the township
ol‘llnntinztun. '
a no to 6 no
.2 90103 50
2 00)»: 2 4o
‘. 11 M
In the hm. distrivt, cémposed ofthe_tnwn'—
ship. of HMmllonbnn and Liberty, at the Pub
lu‘ SI-huuHmuw in .\lillerstown. '
In tho .\‘mh .liatr‘iu, compo-ed of the town
ship of Hmnillmx. m. lhv house now occupiod
I.) Danie! llv-vkv-r, {n the town of Ban Berlm.
[1), tin- Sou-“1]: (li\lxirt. rnmpLN-d uf the
lmfi‘uhip of .\lcn.nll(:n, in 111:- l’ublic School
hmhc in thl' [mm of Heuderu‘illC.
8 T'- m 9 (m
1 8:1 '.u 2 38
1 T 4 :0 I 75
l s') m 1 l 5!)
70 {u ['s
In the [night]! district. (billylhc‘lflrl'lcloW"-
ship at: .\'lmlpzm, at the home 0! Jacob L.
“la”, in ”ltutt-rflnwh.
In thv .\'inlh derEt-t. cnmp’nsml nflhn town
ship nt‘FrunUin, ut me house nmv occupied
hi J'yhn I‘. Butt, in 9.1 m trywnship. ' .
_ln the ’l'cuth 1154th compnscd of the-town—
Snip or «‘nnuuagu. at the house ofJohn Bus
.kc}, in MrShcrrystou‘n. “ .
‘-lu the l'th-wnth diztric/L, {ompnsedhof the”
mummy of Tyrone, at the house of. 1011.“.
(‘nuk‘ 1n Heidiu‘shurg.
In the Tnch’th «lirtr‘u‘t‘, composed of the
tuunsh'xp of .\luumjny, at the house of Mrs. V. ‘
”who. in said towx ship. = ’
In the 'l'him:r-u’.h district, composed of th“
lowmhip of .‘.luuulplc.tsant, at the pn'flh: ‘
Srhuol-hmlcc in 5.1 M township, situ‘tto m. the
rrms rows, the one leading from Uxfnr), It)
tht‘ Tuo 'l‘nwrus, the othtr lrou‘. Huntcratbu‘qv
flu ”.HIDVPI'.‘ .\ :‘
In lht: Fuurtocuth d <irivt, comprised of the ‘
tmmhip or Rowling. at the Lens: of 1:. .\I.
I’lkks, in Hnmplo |. ‘
In the Fu’tscuth distr‘ct, compmrd of thc
Huwugh of Burwick, .tt. the l'ubliu Schuul
huusc in Abbottzmwn. ' - .
...I‘o 1’
"I’ V
tt to 3 'll
lo L"! z-lx (-‘1
13 m, 1020 .m
I 8.3 :u I :45
Eu nu
In the SILICL‘IIIII diglrict. minpuwd 0" the
lU'-\‘lhlle ul'l‘r’c-cdmnl m til}- [Ann- M .\ ‘hulns
Moritz, in said township. ~
In the. Seventeenth dutrict, cnmpowd {the
township uf L'njnnknt the house of En” 14c
fcwr, in said township. —.
- In the Ilighlébuth diatrict, compmcd 111' the
township of llullcr, at the public SClluul—llousc
in .\lillllcluwn, in SJIII township. 1
In the .\'ini-lccnth diatrict, cumpoSE-I of: [ln.
township ul‘ llcrnii-k, ut the ' I’iggou lIiII
Stimul-hnuw, in mid towxnhip. " .
In the Thqulllll district, composed of the
tonn~hlp or Cumberland. nt (‘1:- hqnsc of I).
Blueimugh. iii the Imrungli oi magnum-g.
In the ’l‘wunLy-first (‘IXSHICLCOHIpIneII ol'llie
township of lliinlAnJ. ‘nt thc Sclnnl Iquse nt
Lower .\l.u-sh Creek Presbyterian Church, in
said township. ‘
, Particular attention is directed to the Act of
‘Assenthly,linssed the i 231 d.ty of April lstH,
teutitled “An ‘Act pre‘scrihing the ti einuo‘
mnttucr ot' sttbmitlin‘g to the people, f i‘ their
{approval guid ratification, or: rejectionfihe pro
‘posed amendments to the Constitution,” where
'in it is prescrihcd:
‘ SECTION 1. That sniii election shall be open
:ed, licld,and closed, upon the duty aforesaid,
it". the places, and Within the hours at,
innd within. which the general elections of
guns commonwealth are directed to be open
led. held, and closed; and it shall he the
ldnty of the judges, inspectors, and clerks,
lot each at snid townships, boroughs, wards,
precincts, and districts, to receive, at the
lsnid election, ticketi, not exceeding the
number of proposed amendments, either Writ
ten or printed, or partly written and prrtly
printed, from each of the quiiified voters ot
this state, who any offer the some, and to (Ft:-
posit them in n b‘ox, or boxes, to be’ (or that
purposes provided by the proper officers;
which tickets shiill he, rcspeetively, labelled.
on the outside, “ First Amendment,” “ Second
Amendment," and “ Third Amendment ;” ttnd
, those who {lre favorable to said amendments,
.or any of them, may express their tlppl'ot'tli
thereof by voting, each, as many separate,
written or printed, or partly written and part
ly printed, ballots. or tickets, as there are
amendments approved by them, containing,
on the inside thereof, the words, “For the
Amendment ;" and those who are opposed to
such‘ amendments, or any of them, may express
their opposition by voting, eai-h, as many
leparnte, written or printed, or pnrtly’ written
land printed, ballots, or tickets, as there are
yMnendments not approved by them, contain
!ing, on the inside thereof,the words, “Against
the Amendment. ;" the electors, voting for, or
inguinst, the first amendment, shall be consid
tered as voting lor, or against, the proposed
I tourth section to article three of the constitu
tion, extending‘the right of suffrage to Bol
diers; electors,‘voting for, or against, the
second amendment, shall be considered as
voting for, or against, the proposed eighth sec
tion to article eleven 81 the constitution; and
electors, voting for, or against, the third
amendment, shnll‘be considered as voting for,
or against, the proposed ninth section to urti
cle eleven or the constitution.
-..Sscrtos 2. That the election, on the said
roposed amendments, shall,‘ in all respects,
go conducted as the general elections of this
Commonwealth! we now conducted; and it
shall be the duty of ,the return Judges, of the:
respective counties, and districts, thereof, first;
bowing carefully ascertained the number of
votes for, or against, each of said amendments
in the manner aforesaid, to make out duplicate
returns thereof, expressed in words, at length,
end not in figures only; one 01 which returns,
so made, shall be lodged in the Prothonotnry's
otlice of the Couxt of Common Plens, of the
proper county. and the other sealed and di
rected to the Secretary of the ComnTonwenlth,
end by one‘of said Judges depositedgonhwim
in the most convenient l’ost—Oflce, upon 'hich
postage shall be prepaid, ot the expense arms
proper county.—
ch‘rios 4. That the seven] duties required
to be performed by the Shenfl‘s, Commission
‘ ere, Constables, Judges, Inspectors, and «_ll ‘
other oflicers whatever, in, and about, the ‘
general elections of this Commonwealth, shall
be performed, by such oflicersfin, end about,
the election provided for; and all persons,
whether officers, or others, shall be liable to
the some punishment, for the neglect of any
duty, or the commission of any offence, st, in,
or übout, the said election, as they would, for
the neglect ol like duty, or the commission of
llike otfence, nt, in, or aboutflhe general else;
' tiuns of this Commonweslzh. , ’ -
And in and by an Act of the General Anem
bly of this State, penned {in 2d day of July,
18W, fit is (heard Hun the Inspecmrs mu)
Judges boat the plum-s 0!, their districts on tige
day of the General Eleclion aforesaid, at 9
o‘clock in the fufcnoon, to do and perform the
several duties required nndenjoined 0;: them in
and 0y the tame ACL- ,
And be it further directed,“ nd by the Act
of the Genenl Anembly of ‘his Stun, afore
said, khu one of the Judges of esch‘of the
different districts nforestid, who shall have
the charge of (he returns of the election
in their respective dislripu, shall meet the
third day aim the alumina, which film”
he an Fn'day, the full day of Auyut nut, at
lhe Court-house,inthe Borough of Ucuyshurg,
then and there to make a fair statement and
certificate of the number of vole: which shall
have been given at the difierem disu‘n-u in the
c'o‘unly of Adams {or and against thcpropcsed
Amendments: . .
_ Am,“ “gunmen". '“"'“ 0. ”’““ ‘f ' _,_t- , A_ l
Sherifl's Office, Gettysburg, July 4, '64. Good Things from the City! ‘
‘ '7 V i F. are roccixiu ' twice K week from the
_«A valuable Farm! I‘V All) a Varivtvhol articles suited to the
T PRIVATE SALE.—Theauhacriber 059“ mints of this mnumimilv, \ iz: Fresh and Salt?
A at. private sale, his FARM, situated in l-‘lSll, Hams, Shuuliler's and Sides, Hominy,l
Carroll “’“"'.l's Nd». 2 "In“ from Littlentown,‘ lit-nus, Sztlt,ApplPs, l’otatots,omnges, Lt-tnnns,
ndjoiuing funds of Augustus Harm‘r, decgascd. I Cotmctium, 'l‘ol..u-uon, Supra, with many
George Rluedollnn Morgan's Mi" P'Oi’enl'nolhcr-Lrticles in this line-21“ recent-u in the.
(lorfllt'l'l! Arnold‘s.) and (’““‘—”s containing. lwatnrilcr, and snldattbelowestprflita. Gin
703 ACRES: nbout. 8 ""'-'5 0’ "'“Ch “W PM“! - us a cull, in Baltimore street, hourly opposite l
timber, and a. due proportion of m‘cadow. The l-‘nhnrqtn‘q‘q' “ME: .‘ I
soil is red sum], fllld 5“ been litued all °“”\ \l'.i.‘\"l'l'll).—Buller, Eggs. Lard, and Alli
the second lime; nude: 300‘] lencmg. T 138"? ‘olltrr cuuntry pro-litce—fur whith the highest
are about 90 panels of board fence. Ptney c.-shprire will [,6 paid. “:
cretk runs through the tract. The fields ure‘ val'llfiT POTATOES—hut quality, at low
lniJ 01r conl'""'len'-IYl5° ”’“‘ cattle ‘““‘ he 1“”. est lning prulits—ulways on hand. Also,
t 2) WBU‘I‘ “‘iUIOUK 3 driver. The t)\’.<'l'l‘2ll3, tine nnd fresh—in the shell or
improvemett‘s nrc n one and a half :shocktd. lu-atnurnnts and families supplied.
stury LUG IIIUUSE. Bank ml"!- 4 S'l‘lilthllUUSElt k WISUTZKEY.
Wagon Shed, (‘orn Cflb- 11"!” i Urttysburg, .\l.ty 18, 1863. {
51.1.41 2m» cattle and lmy, (‘nrriugv Haw. Hog! ~ ‘ ‘ ‘"‘—“v “”1
Huuae. Slllokfifltld WMh Home, Springllpuscf New GOOdS.’
with n net'vrtniling wvll (ll "ML-r “111 l :13 CORGI? ARNOLD lms ju'=t rem-inn} {mm
pump in it, fllldfl spring 9f water “‘_’" ‘0 ”'5 G the (if) in large suvply of ‘t'lAl'l‘lllNU,
bUil‘Jlllgsi " gn‘od 9”!”“1Will"f’“"'m°§“' .\lcn'knlhl Hun' won. cunnalingof all kinds of
all kinds. lt is iii-every rt-spcct a most tit-suru- . COATS, PAWS. VHS ps‘
ble pruperlfi: « ' l SHIRTS, {NLHVERNZ (‘RAV.\I'S, t
WPcrauns wishing to view the Prowl)’ . .\'tiu; ’l‘lllS,ULU\l-lb',llUSll£liY,&cg
are reque~tttl to gall on the subscrihcr, llt‘sllll- _ . __ u 1.5 o _
ing thereon. E. G. HEAC'L - A large stock of.CLol‘llS. ('.ISFHII-IRFZS,‘
JuncZ'l,-lb'64. 3n: (‘.tS>l\l-J'l‘.~', JEANS, _1)l:ll.l.l.\U:-l, seq ticT
‘ H ’ ’ ¥ ' nil of “llll‘h \till he sold as the-aw ns cut; he
had (In-whore. Give us a mill, and it we can
nol pleas-‘51:" ‘iu u suit rend) mmit: wr “I“
tht' _wur utgtaurc uttgl make 5011 up mu- in
shmt notice. [\iuy 3n, 1864.
1864. Spring Mllltnery. W 4.
1 ISN‘ .\lt",’l“‘:.\l:\' his jlllal rr-turnct ram
BI tltt‘ t‘tt)‘ am! is tinn‘ oiwniug :1 tit-“"115-
hullmt'lll' o.‘ .\lll.l4l.\'lilfi' k |".}.\'(‘Y GOODS—-
Sfirtng Snip). .\lm. ll handsome :tssnrtmt-nt.
ut READY: P-I'Ailli “(ISM-ITS uml ”"“': (hips,
“‘lllt‘il “.l” llt‘ ..Id nt ”10 ltmtut (‘.lrh wind.
Lfif'Militztors whiting tu purl lune ((00:11 It}
sell llKJlll “ill be Blunuliwl m H'lluL‘L'Ll t-rtqcs,
nu?! trill run iw .11l patterns grams. '
May _'. ln‘vil '.‘m
I .
Come on Wlth Your Job:‘.
li\lll' HOOVER \uil nlu till hind" Ur
1:1 1: ii Ii .\'l ll i .\' (i In (‘.th a; a, littggics.
“Hum”. {M2, in :1 next :lll’i \lllvil u-li ll lll'lll
'tirr, .ttul :tt'lht: lJ\\C‘wl ”‘.l 1;: prism: ”is 4.0“
t': l‘l Wm: allt‘l‘t. lit-lu‘w n l‘lmuth.~|;slmrg and
Middle a'rt-t-t‘. Httt_\<!i it}, He proznidt-s in
do good Wull'x: an 1 min :1 shun “f ptihliu [m
tro-mge. ‘ * [.\ptxlA, lsulu 1y
G. “I WEL‘HL 7 J 65. DELLOKE. _ W. C.\\t.!.SH
Hanover Tobacco Manufact‘ory.
ELK”, Dl‘lklfiNl‘l A: (‘()., have Chlnh
‘V hsherl u Chewing Tolmceo .\|aelury,
in linllimun‘ street. llnnoxer. l'a., whcre )l‘ur-
Clllll|l§ Simpkecpers. and all ulher dealers and
eontn lcl>. e.m at ull times be supplied with
all kinds ufchurmg Tobacco, such as
..\'.\\'\'. .\‘I’SNY SIDE,
and all other kinds, usually put up in punnd
hunw. Alsn, Lair pound~ ul every (ll‘surllliluu
put up in boxes at all sins, cuntmnlug in
“eight from human to one hundrml [)l)lllllln.-
‘HS‘QL ('(mrgrcss 'l‘obuccn, running lruln Light lu
len m the pmlmln Alw, Flounder ’l‘ulucmY
running eighteen 10 the pound. .\lsu, ('ourze
nnd l‘nn- Spun Tolv rco. nncl {all other l\ll :15
and qunluid of'l'olufrc: now In use. The um
llk‘rilgul ll hm c all the nhnre named hmnrls on
lmn-l :xn‘l ull'er lhe snme fur sale at pru‘u Ims
lh 11l nun lu- lmugl.t‘in any ul'lhe l‘hslérn cuiLN.
'l 11l ir ’l'ulmm'o :s all q:.mnhctnn-d out '0!" old
Ilnuulri mnl Kentucky leaf, and “annulled lu
be m a superior quality. They are thankfully
soliciting n liberxllslxnre on ezz‘xnm.
June 27.1361. 3m
1354. 1804
Summer Arrangement.
gl‘Mllliu COATS, of all kinds. wry clump
L .11 I’ICKIXLx h
‘1 \ssnmm cons, :1” ehl‘us am: all
(1 ru’nr:.rcxn:lrkn!~lyclump,“l'!Cl(lN(;'r‘.
.\RSEXLLES, Frock and Suck I‘m”. Im
-31 turimul) cheap, ut I’H‘KIMFS.
[XI-IX DI'STERH. gum} mnlt‘riul rnal n.”
L mmlr, cheap us dill, m. I’IL‘KIXHKS.
CASSHH-Zm’. PA§TS, plain and l‘nny, ns-
Lnfishlngly cheap, n: )‘H‘KINU‘S.
I INIIN. DuLL; and Cotton-Junk. uuc-vzu-
J unruly rhmp, at - I’IL‘KIXG ‘1
BHYS‘ Cons! \fcsla nudAPants, mms-iénny
thaw, an. PlL‘KiSH'a‘.
g \TIX, Silk and .\lJrscilles Vane. pmniv‘rly
L \‘cry (4105th ‘ I’IUKXSI:‘S.
ULI.-\IIS. Skirts. Susprndort Shh-I‘4. un-
C pvevedvnlcdly 9119:1th mcmg's.
‘TIHHVS, Fifcs, Flutes nnd .\r-r'vrdl-nne,
511”anng thew. nt l'li‘KlXG'S.
(NLIN‘KS nn’l .Imwiry of n'l kin-h. {nu-
J qundmlly (’hmp. M. , I'XUKXNG .\‘.
FLY .\'ETS, driving); cheap, at ,
. l'll‘KlVG'S.
GREAT many other things, ('lll'apv‘r than
[X the clmnpeal,nt . l-n'mxz; s.
01‘ cuurso everybody nlnoxmnlslo lm_\'gl)o-1
(had; and ch.p, will plume mil :u.
June 27,1864.
The Campaign Age.
lII‘I publishers of THE PHILADELPHIA
AGE w.“ issue It (-‘umpnign sheet [or [he
Dcmm'rutic and Conservative umsscs.
h \riil‘hu printed on a large sheet of' line
“him pnpor, at. such rates us will bring it
within the reach of all. It \V‘flhsnpport llc
nominees of the Dcmncrntié Nulinnnl Conven
tion. the full proceedings of \vhivh “:ll be
published in its columns. It. wili boldly ad.
Vucnleihc rights of the_\vhitc man, Ann! four
lonlhsusmin all the constitutional right: of
the citizenfno matter from wluu quarter Hwy
may be assailed.
The fir~t number will be issued. anlit_lhe
fifth ofAugus‘fll‘he whole number will he
thirteen, folio g each oiher weekly, until
the Presidential election, the result of which
will be contained in the final number. Demo
cruiic and Conservative Clubs. County Cam
miltl's‘ Agents. and n'll interested in the ennu
ni'e invited Io co-operate n the circulation of
‘Tsn u s .
Single (lopies for the series, 50 cents.
hi Clubs of nm less nun 20, to one uddress,
«45 cams each. ' . '
Ln Clubs of not less than 50, to one uddresa,
40 cents each
‘ CASH must accompany each order, and no
variation will be'mngie in any case from the
abme xerms.. . f
‘ Oxders should be Jam. in immediately, or M.
latest by the middle of July, to
430 Chestuul street,
June 27; 1864. ’ Philadelphia, Pa.
ministration on the estate of Moses
Sena, lute of Oxford township, Adams county,
decensed.huving been gruntod tn the'under
signed, residing in Hamilton township,he here—
by gives notice to all persons indebted to said
estate to‘ mnke immediate payment, and those
having claims pgainst the lame to present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
May 30,1864. 6!." , .
I ndministrnfiou on the estate of George
Yeagy, late of Luimore township, Adam; co.,
deceued, having been granted to i9lO under
signed, the first named residing in untington
twp., and the last named in Butler twp., they
hereby give notice to all~ persong indebt
ed to paid: esute to meke‘immodme :pay
ment, and than heving china against the
same to present them reperly authenticated
for settlement. WILLIAI LBAS,
June 6, 1864. 6?." Admiuiurators.
For Sale.
A VERY desirabie FARM, “joining the
Borough of Gettysburg, containing gr
-124 ACRES—Building! Ind Lind good. .‘ E
Will be sold an very sceommoduing 7‘
terms. . ' GEO. ARNOLD.
Gettysburg, Oct. 5, 1863. 1‘ q
‘ Wanted. '
AY AND GRAIN. at the Wuehouu of
Samuel Hex-bit, in Gettjaburg, {6l- which
we nigheu murkct price will b_c paid. ~
May 13,1864. . ,
‘ PBING MLHORALS jut necked It
‘- FABSEfiTOCK 3303'
Gettysburg Railroad.
r “REP. TILHNN A D.\l’.—Trui:- over the \i ROCERIES CONTle'l-ID.
r Gettysburg lhilrmd not run as follow; :' (I ’ NOHHBCK & MARTIN,
DEPARTUIH'IS. comer of Baltimore nnd lligh !“‘€| ”(Gettys
‘ Fiut train lo urn-a Gen-inburg at 8, A. )1., "burg, 151., line Added to the Grocery business
with INK-9113978 for llaahburglntl the North, n large assortment of CHOICE LIQUORS, em
l-Zut n’nd Writ. ‘ bracing Almost. every kind, viz: Brandi”,
~ Second‘train leave; Gdttyslmrg at 11.30, A. Hines, Giun, Rum; and Whiskics, all wnr
.\l., with pnnenger’g for Ballimnre. l’usen- ‘ ruled to be what they firepld for in-flnrnr
gun mm also rem-h Harrisburg by this train. {and quality. These lvqunra Im- of various
Third train tour. 3 Gt-itysburg .u 3, I’. 11.-,' grade}, running up to the highest, to that all
with p isstngcrs for llmxoit-r {tastes may he mitt-d. ‘ '
Fit-at tr tin nrrivoé at Gen) sl-nrz at 11.20,A. Pun‘ l‘rt-nch Hmmly nbd old Rye Whiskey
IL, with passer nor! from Unrrhburz. ' for mc'dicnl purposes can at all times be ma.
Second train nrrives at. Gettysburg nt L 45, Thc' :ulmuo liquors have been purchased at
P. M., with pussongers from Baltimore. - :the best and artist relinhle houses and run
'i'hml train arrives M Urttt‘sbvrgpt 6. P. therrlore b 9 nwmnmcndctl with safety, and
\L lith passengeu from Harrisburg and the will lit-:50“) at the lowest pricu. Landlords
Mirth, E Isl nul Well. and Country Merchants will find it to their in
_ . 11. MtC&Dl', President. g {erect to call and examine our stock before pur-
Ja 3012 B; 1161izworih,
has rqmncl :1 511 mm in (_‘h. ml (hlmrg smut,
unhh znlr. pm: \lu- humanly Herplmrg,
win-re In: .\l” ‘Y-e glul lu ~0-He «H \\ ho “my
dc~i'c In 1. \r “dinning nr JLlh-Ilrehing
difiu- “'1 I 3“” tm-is n lung g—xlt ivurr in
Ihr l-u,~lnr.~-, nud n dum- m I.!t-.l:’c,holms—
lmmu In (-xpn-n-K a 9mm: 01 Ux: ph‘di '5 [min-"-
npn ”l' ml. urlli'nl} t'} in I“ «un- it. “(-
mn-vnhrr [lm- pl n-‘liht-lum-n Hut-hifo Mug
Stun-Im} :hmm': . urnér.
: .\l.l_\' 11:, mu. 1": '
1 Ref: Goods.
, "AHNESTOPK illU'l'lll‘l'fS
L Axe \Q’uthl}l rum-hing xlmire and dye-
Mmhh- gnu-I‘, fr'mn .\'v“ Yuzfi. I'inlmhlyhm
"ml Bullimurv. and :xrr' prlthrwl 1: kiln-r
\ ,(H::£\T LVN" l'lJlilVl'h‘
to thcse~nlmul gum-h hing. ”mung ichlt-II
“uh gnu-n (2.1 m, :mm [ln t'uu‘lm-lmgn uriwh‘,
Ihr publiv: \\ H Rank 10 I'm 1r awn in'lllrns by
IVunining uur Mm k bcx'nn- Inuin; the“ here.
(Call .u
.\l I_\' 9, 151:4
- Baker] in Yoi‘k Street:
r ‘”F. ,uxdq- {Mimic-'1 ii t'unJmung Saupces
l 1151‘: 13', in Yolk ‘slrcvl. (lrtl_\Juurg.'nlul
i 1 prrlmrcd \u'fn vu-h & \my «‘.I), fr. ~‘ll “HEAD,
FAKE») l’lilll'ZHL. FHA! KHLS. .hu He Lns
flnpluyw! u lirJ-‘vulv II |er. and “ill spare nu
eliurt 'n n-n-h-r a.|'.l.)':lrlwn tun]! who may
lulrumzc him. JUN) ('HHISMER.
Uetlymurg, \ln) '_', 1364. _
I I aldmiuis'rMi-m on the («fan- 0! 'Henry
Hummer. lznp of Reading ltm‘nship, Adams
county, «In-'l, inning bqen granted~ (0“le- un
til-higned, rosiuiing‘ in [he Fume tuwnship.
he hereby ghee nulite lo nil person: indebted
in mid estate to n‘fiko immoriille pnymont,
mu] lhme hunng i‘cininu against the some
to present them pruperlv authentirnteq fur
settlement. ‘ JOHN A. lICMRIELP
May 2, 1864. o'lM Administrator.
«Gettysburg, Marble ‘Yard.
EALS k 13110., 713’ EAST YL‘DRK STREET
I‘l GHTTYSBL’MF, I’m—Where lhey' are
prepared to furni~h pH kiuls of wor_k in their
line, such as .\HHL‘MHNTS, “mum-HEAD
STOKES, MANTM‘IH, 51‘ch the aborlesl. nO
- and as chennlns‘ the cheapest. Give us I
call. , _1 K
@Produco tukga in exchange for work
- Gettysburg‘ June’i, 1862. 1!»
of distinguished indifi‘duals, includingnnum
ber of our prmnincnp Generals, and the oh!
hero John L. Burns, for sale at the counter of
the Excelsior Gallery, Gettysburg.
a ' ; “”‘- " W “-
For Sale or Exchange.
VERY desimbleiGßlST .\HM.,\\'ilh .jy
A 38 ACRES OF LAND, in Germany 4%
township. I will exchange for u Furm,‘ «“l ‘
and pay the difl‘erence, if any. .‘
, ‘ (’5O. ARNOLD.
Gettysburg, Oct. 5,‘ 1862. If
Young. Men i ’
ND OLD‘BIEN. do not allow your molherl
and your wives to we” cut. their prebioui
ln’es over the old Wash-tnb longer, but like
true men and benefit-crow, present. (ham with
an EXCELSIOR WASHER, and insunul of
frown’s and cross woNs 3n wash days, depend
upon it, cheerful farqs will greetyou.
Tysox ußur‘pEßs,Geuysburg, m.
Dec. 14, 1863. 3 -
ENRY Btsnor,‘ snxs ESTATEu—Lcnen
o! adminislrul'yon on the ensue of Henry
Bishop, Sn, Into ofGettyubnrg, Admnsco., dec.,
having been granted to the undersigned, re
siding in the nm’e [plum be hereby gives
no'ice to all persoau indebted to mid estate
to make immedifl e M3Olll, and those Inw
ing claim! ngains! the same to present them
properly authenticated lor settlement
HENRY; B!SHUP, JR.., Adm‘r.
June 13, 1864. 6:, -
The'édams County
hold I Fad: Ibopt the usual time ““9 fall,
at their Fair grounds, near Bendenville,
Adm: county. A lint. 0F Premium: und 3
Progmmme of the Fainwill be pablilhed in
due time. By order of the Board, -
. w. B. WILSON, Sec'y.
June 27, m 4. 4: 1 .
. ' ' Corn Wanted.
ORN IN THE EM! I‘lnled at (ml-Ware-
C bonsai»: which an highs! market price
ml! be paid. ‘.McCURDY t DIEHL.
Ggupburgépdl Ip, 18“.
S --::-I.-‘-’1.I.mwm
\OTTON’ GLovss', for Men nd Boys. on
(J be had chap“ 3 mutant.
[.\HNICS'K '(‘kSl'
New Liquor Store.
chasing elsewhere. 5 With large sales we can't
,sell at small prame. \
name Gromg'y, Flunr and Food and No-i
lion-business continued Twill: Ynll nssurtmouts‘
in eficln depulmcn’t. .' [.\lay 30,}361. 3m :
-fir‘ , v «Av—.‘ 77—‘
,‘5 New Spring Goods.
would respectfully any to lhe cilizcns 9i (lcta
tyslmrg and vicinity, Hm he is now recei\i_ugl
at his smren splendid fl {
The stock con~ists in purl. of Palm; and
SLlple DRY.GOUDS, of every‘destriplion.
sums, . I
CllALLll-ES, ‘
BullllAZlXES, 1
()ffi‘i qualilie! and chains! st} in‘, “Mull WI”
be said M i'ilfl'ES 'l‘U ill-IFY |'U.\'.i’i‘lTi’i'iUS.
Fl'i‘quSliiNH GOODS .
ofinll kinds, including Silk, Linux and Cotton
Handkerchiefs, Uluvrs, Sim-kings, kc. ,
Also, n qplexuiid uawn'um'nl ui' IHIIBONS,
Laces and Edging» Umbn llns and lylrixsnls . »
.\iy slovl. 0f WHITE GUQDSvITiIZ )xe touurl full
imd complete, and rustlnm-r's may rely upon
always gelling good gfiods at lite iowcal PUBai
blc price". ‘ "
(Punk-men “ill fiml it to tin-u ndvpntngv to
call and (-xmnific my clock of . .
‘ » ‘ \‘ESTI’XGF, ,
‘ cl nil 'qualxlics and choicest salt-9.
.\leylfll, lmil. J. L. S(‘iil(‘l{.
Hardware and Grocerles.
i ill'l uubsrriln-rs hun- jn'x'z rulnrm‘d from
‘ T the cilivs with NI immcnso supply (I'
I “A RDWAIH‘) .2 HRUCHHH'IS. which they nre
‘ollcriug at [heir old stand in‘ llainmnn‘ Mn N,
in! prives (osuiv. the txmes. Uur elm-k cum-m:
in pm of ~
. UARl'tLYl'luii'n TOOLS,
. (‘U.\L‘li l"l.\i)l.\(:S,
'SIiOE Fl.\'lll\‘(lS, _ .
(ULS. l’.\l.\'l‘>, &n‘ , M'. There is no unit 1e
lnclmlml in the sl‘fem] 1h Inuitnu-nls muni. nu]
“lump hut \vlut Cun ‘“" had m. this Store.—
livurf (JJSS of )lu-dmhwa (21qu uccwmmdah-d
hug-“ilk truly and hmlinpsgmd ”0114 keepers
canfiud every llnivkfiilHEycnr line. Give us u
«all. n: we nrv prep‘m-d In 51‘” as low for cash
:15 any huuse out 0! the (My. ’
, JURLV B. D.\\'.\'El".,
- . A I).\\'fl)’7.lEJLl~Zß.
_ Gollyphu'hg, .\IJ} 1'), 156 g.
Clrcular. ~
ELIAS BARK & L'l). 112 w rlfully 'nnuouuce
then. lluux h ”(sill pmyumnuu‘ a History at the
l'enuqh Imin “0:1‘Hc: Imm Hu-ir urgnniuliun
to {he npxmlmn 0t lhoir term of :erl we.
'l‘hL- llislur} will roam“: the xinmes of all
the (mm-n and l’rii-nu-s of the Corps—their
pmnmlinns, r smiliies unnl;:~-s.—nlso,
ngplliv{dbsrnpliu‘ns of their Catnip l.l'v: nnd
their 5:: lunl achievements 111 the many hutch-s
in \ihu-h Ihey lune when pnrl—ull‘deih ttl
frulu Qlliiial and unl'ht-mic sourees.
The llislory of the l’rnnfih‘nnin Reserves
“ill he'- in Us: Venn”: ml 600 [um-‘5, octuvo
5.7.", m-nlly primed (Saigoml piper, nnd sub
sLuui..H_v huund in black clnlll. containing a.
steel enrzrming at the lamented Ri‘yliulils. and
one or (in) ernn‘r (‘u'rtin,(who fins: rel mnmend
ed lhe furnmuon of the Pennsylvania “nerve
comm) and will he sold only _hy subscription.
11. will Ln- ready in Angus! uexl. '.fl’rice~’l‘hrec
llullnrs per copy. .
' The Publishers {el'l confidtnt ~th the just
milla- “high eu-ry‘l'ennsvxluminn must emer-
Inlnfur me‘hrmc men \rlmse gallant uclnew
ments and pnzrjntic self-devotion it. l’EL‘Ol’ds,
n ill secure fur "Tm: llls‘l‘oln‘ " n generqus unil
fillllrl‘Cl-(UVP rec¢-pliun.l . '-
EIJAS BARR & CO., Publishers,
. '- ' .\'u 6, East King Street.
Lnnmsfcr. June 20, 1864. or. -
A. C.llelTelliug(-r, GeJcrnl Agent, York. Pn
Comé to” York Street !
'llE‘nuderaignlcd ha; bouglltnul (h:- Grocory
T uml Prmisinn Store or W. E. Iziulv, in
\nrk st'reot, n. tcw doors east of SLJdmL-s
l.ulhernn Church, and will coritinue the ’busi
ness M the smno phec. Iln: lus increaécd the
stock, nnd is now prupnrel to ofl'vrn mos! 9x3
cullent assenmcnt of goods iri his line, Sfll'll'afi
Salt, Fialx, liruu‘ms, Buckets, Brushes, Jl'nsll
ing Mucluiues, Bucking, Candles, Needles,
l’ius, Combs. kc, will! a large lut
Also, Coal Oil ‘nnd Fuel] Oil Lumps. “
Cullnnd see 1m yourselves. Jlns assortment
is not onlyfullfbul he galls as cheap I: the
cheapest. ~ ,_ ~ ‘
The highest. pric'e paid for 6h! LP‘ d.
Getty-st» rg, March 'l, 1864. - '
' Unixersal Clothes Wnnger.
ron suk nr
G'n-n'snuna, PA.
From innumérnble recommendations, we,
gather the following: .
Letter tromdlrs. Hen’ry Ward Beechnr, in 1861'.
Xnm mbat hnppr to spunk in the very high
on! terms of the “ Unircrpl Clothes “Winger.”
Tbe'hnrdest part of “washing-dfl" work is.
in my opinion, the wringing; and ihe imentor
of this machine um; have the autlnfuctiun of
feeling that he has changed one of the .most
toilsoxue parts of woman’s work into a. way
attractive amusement. Tho laundreulqoks
upon it. «as great blessing. I )uoE 'h'ponjl as
among the most useful articles in the house.
Brooklyn. October, 1861. I .
Price—SJ 00. [flay 2, 1864.
Jacob Harleyf.
(accclssrm T 0 snrvnn s:":qu
N Bullet in Fine Gold nn'd Silrcr WATCH
ES; Fine Gold JEWELRY; Solid SILVER.
WARE,nnd Ipe benmake ofSILVER PLATED
WARE. Constantly on hand 3 large tum-c
-meut oi the above‘goodl at lowpricu. ' »
Watchu And Fine Clocks Bruin», by
lkrlllul Sorkmen‘; 1150, Jewelry rewiring;
Engraving ud all kinds of unit-work to order;
In abort notice.
~ ”Don’t forget the 01.1) rump; No. 62)
)lurkl't Street. Phihdelpbit.
April 18,i’:64. 3m 113.1.15311: 3
'- Cannon 8; Adair’s
EW MARBLE WORKS, Corner of Balti
more and Eut Middle streeu, oypome
the Court House, Gettyshug. I’m—We are
prepared to furnish Monuments. Tombs, Head-
Iwuel, ”arble “antics, Slab. for Cabinet
linkers, Ind all o‘her Work appertaining to on!
b‘usineu. Wé will guarantee satilfncunn both
In to dieculion and ptice. Call and see on
design! and specimen: of work.
Feb. 2, 1863. u
Wanted, .
‘ GOOD FARM in Adult! county, for whic}
x A I will exchange on or more anu 01
! choice had in loin, and pt}: )5: diflmnu:
I luv. 9, m 3. - oz‘o. ARNOLD.
L. BCHHIK bu jun rewind ; m of
. cheap prfinx Gusset ‘
Good News and True,
HOW I; WOODS are opening out “my”! large]
monmont of New (300 d: at
their cheap' cor-her, which
lie; will nil in fighter:
cuh print. We buy: :11 for
‘ cash at the Ibwm pricetmud
mu. “tr-retort, sell me was}
. ' ‘ qullity of gum]: in low n3l
, they can Le bought M In};
other smm in the State. A 3
large partly- of ghe Shoes we:
l , lclhlre mule to orderiof the f
but malvriul, by good And:
experienced workmen» Gm
us I call. 110 W & WOODS
I I Data for Men, Hats for Misses, ,
Huts for Boys, Duh-rd Hats,
. Hats lot Children, Straw :llnts, ‘ ,
"M 5 fur Ladies, All kinds nl lhls, ,
and Shaken, by “UKtWUODS.
“OHS, BOOTS. ’ - L '
S Slmes fur Cbildrrn. Shoes for Misses,
. Shoe! for Laditl, Shoes br Boys,
Shuts lot M9ll, Gaiters 0! IE kgds,
Slipper; in mnety, Shoes 9!!!" kinds.
' ROW & WOODS. ‘
Spool Cotton 0! all Lind: and colors,
LisleGluvcs for Children,bndiesnnd Gentlemen,
Hosiery, ' “ “ “
Lin‘n Handkerchiefs, -“ . “
Collars nml Keck Twsf'new styles,
Cutl's and (Vomit: or best fits and lntpst styles,
and many other tltlngs in the notion Hm‘, sum
'it the lowest )uriceg, at the corner of Yorlg slrcet
Ind the Diamond, by ROW 5;. WOODS.
811310, MUSIC. ,
\'iulins, Act-ordain), Violin Bows,
Strings 65 Tailpieces,"fog'salr l.)- '.
‘ 7’. “VOW (I. \\ UODS.
S ‘Ty‘caons, in Penn, ,
12] Rio Sells-s, LIL Inguiuidufls,
Nwrmlenps, Common,
C'ungn’sa, Planml'nm,
Hem-y Dew, Audelsun'sSolnce,
For sale retail orb; the box, hy'
Y ‘RFXK‘, SACKS. 4 "
1 “Trunks, Luge and sum”, Carpet Bags,
R. R. Bags, Golhic Swiss. Common
- Black Sucks, at, the lam-st prim-s. I»!
ROW & “'.UUDS.
, ISCELLAKEOUS. . . .' ’I- J
lmdies’ Bush-1!, Ladieg’ Satchels,
« I’ull .\lonnaies, Pen Kuhn
. Knots, Rum r S‘wp , .
Window Paper, Wnll l'apu, ’ .
Pocket Books, Punt-s. 1
‘ Parlml-‘nnanrgc‘, l‘ulm Fun: small,
‘Umhrellns, Caving: hiszu‘.
We are continually increasing lip v..ri I;
and nssomnm! of our stock. l'm-es are high
but we bought ‘mnny of our. gunxls below the
late rise, and will sell them as near ulu low
pxiu-sus [)0:§lll|e. It is uur :iudy toaellgnuds
that will wrur well, and give’snlisl’acuuu‘tq
our “Mowers. To enable us to do this, in}
have rfl‘uméd'qrwggm.mnls Ivy which we can
get the but. Boots ‘timd Shoes that are nmnu;
inrtnrml. U )ou wan! to buy Hush in the
shoe line. go la n Dry Gouda, Store. If you
“am! good Shoes buy them of ,|
NU“: £1 WOODS, ’
Car. 0! York st. and Di.ufioud,Genysburg.
3|ny 9, 1864. ’ ,
U. S. 1040 Bonds.
V‘lfl‘lESE Bonds hre issued pnder lhe Ad of
Congress of March 8111, 186»), which pro-‘
rides that all llonds’issued under this Act shall
be EXEMPT PRU}! TAX \TIOX by or under
nnyslule or municipal authority. Subscrip
tions to Athtsellouds are received 'in Cnited
States nujes or notes of National Dunks. The'y
ure T 0 ma REDEEIII-ID .IN (3013, in: the
pleasure of thé Government, at {my period not
If." than [mum more Hum forty year: from their
date, and until their redenwtion 'FIVI-i PER
on llouda of not over one hundred dollars an
nually and on all otlter Bonds semi-nnnu llly.
The inlew’st is payable on the first ilnys of
March und September in each yea‘r. ’
Subscribers will receive either Registered
,9! Coupon Bonds, as they may prefer. {hurlin
lered Bonds are recorded on the books of ‘lhe
U. S. Treasurer, and can he trnuslerrcgl only
on the owner's order. Coupon Bonds are
payable to bearer, and are moreooxiveuiellt for
commercial uses. .i' '
Subscribers to lhisloan \rilthe the optjop
of b:l\'ing their Bonds draw‘ interestjfrom‘
March lstiby paying the ncqrued ink-res! in
Coin—(or in United States nun-sipr 'the nntps
of National Banks, adding fiflx ppr cent. for
premium) or receive them .dr’uwing imercsL
{mm the dau- of supggription and dcpmit. As
these Bonds are K ' ' ’
Exempt from Munigipalorsute Taxtion,
‘ their \‘nfue is increased from one to three per
cent. per nnnnm,_ncconling tolthe {nté of his
levies in rnriohs pnrls of the counirj'g: H,
,‘M the present rate of premium on fgnld they
PM: J ‘ ‘ '
. ifi currency. and are of equal convenjgncf as a
1 permanent or tempornry iphstmgnt. ‘
It is believed that no securitieiofl’qt no great
inducement: to lenders as the‘vxrifins deniip- ‘
lions 01 1;. S.vßonds. In all otlier fornisqu
indebhllné‘ssfthe limb or Qbility oi; privatel
parties or stock companies or separate-com
munities o'nly .is pledged (61' payment, while i
for the deh'ls of the United State! the 'whole
proficrty of the country is hol‘lcn to secure the
payment of both principal and interest in coin. ‘
These’Bonda miy be aublcribzd for in‘sums i
from $3O up to In] magnitude, on the same
terms, nnd‘nre thus made eqnnlly nuilable to ‘
the smallest lendej’ had the largest cnyitnlist. ‘
They can be converted into money‘nt nny mo-,
ment, and the holder mll lave the benefit of:
the interest. - I
_ It may be useful to Hate in this connection
that the total Funded Debt of the Uhited States
on which interest In payable in gold, 01: the 3d
dny of Hatch. 1864, I’ll! '5TG8,965,000._ Tho
inter at on'thin deb: for the coming fiscal year
u iil be $45,931;126, while the cunomi reveine
in goid {babe current fiscnlyelr, énding June
30th, Xg64, 1339‘ been so far at the rate of over
{:1 fiagooaoorper unanm.
IL km be new the! even the prelent gold
rcrcn'ncl of the Government are hrgely in ex
teas of the want: of the Treesmjmfor my pay
ment ‘0! gold intercetflvhile theJ-écent increase
of we legit! will. doubtless nine l’he nnnne‘l rc
ceipts from custom: on the nine amount of
importation], to $150,000,000 per ennurn.
Inuructionl in (he Netiouel Banks scling as
loan ngen’tl vere not issued from the United
flutes Treasury until March 2", but. In the first
three weeks of April the lublcripfiau evens.
ed more than TEN IIILLIOSS A WEEK. ’
Subscriptions mil be received by the
ifmz animl'Bank of Phfladelphkyl’n
Socond Nntioul Bank of Pbilndelphh, P 1
Third Pinion] Bulk of Phihdnlphig, Pl.
ville]: are icposnifies of public ngonéy, and an
throughout tho hunky, (acting an Agent: 0!
the National Depolimy Bankl,) '11! {gmish
further inform-flan on npplicafinn 9nd ‘
shy 9,1364. 3m
Enaflnmimv, mm: mm wmmtv, {ln
no 'ciu pu ' “shallow Drug
of - Q 3;. R, noun ..
' RY no. a. mama Tonic nd Alarm
, tire PowdurlgngOßSES, and QATTIJ‘.‘
“Pup-red Andaoldtonlyru hi: ng Stun.
Japan" 25 1064. ‘ , k
‘ A / > ..
i “‘5" 4 ’ - r
x , :- ‘
‘v‘vfifiéé Mflc git/z
fiv- 2 gut/year filing A
\3‘“ -» “sr. 4!". 21%,. "
\ ‘ <\\sQ\§ . . r-‘U’ . .
‘E 93‘ »;‘ \t\;§.\,~9 " i-Q4 . .17,-
V \AfivX-‘w‘l 2.1+-
1:; ',~.~'-.i;e..z,a
la the only safe and sure cure. It can
lains no opium or llelclcriom dnn‘p. no mink ,
em! or 01hr; injllrlmls Cumpoundl cqmmol ‘
Io remedies generally sum fur this elm ol
disease. his no eflicncimu Quit Play-icin
very ynemlly use il in': their pncdce in
a 11l chronic Ind dangerou- cues. .
58' line no L‘holur- miflum or doubt
ful compositions, (many of which Indcr- ‘ ,
mine and ruin lhc constitution.) when you\
'canolm-iu :m unf-ilmg repuly u aipylo -
Ind safe .2 lilugkborrics lhemsclves.
Ask fur Dlxm‘s But-uni“ Cnnnsu-
Th'l, Ind ace um the ‘xrppricwr'n name k
written on the ou‘ls‘ulc wrapper of each bolw
lie. l‘rcynrud only by . . z
7 8016 Proprietor, CINCINNA I'l.
Tor “10 by “taupe-cubic drunk". 3
A. Price. (old style. 35 oh.) 250.. 500. Ind
5 §l, par Bottle. _
3,90 mss, Barnes & Cm, Whnlosnle Agonk,
Nevil’qtk. [May 30, 1604. 13' r
31 , p ' , .. ‘_
TL}: Sptrilr rnforn you lnfnnnfr Inmllh and
" In'lhout at you u: (M (fem q] ducan.
Dr LtD
,I'hlu: tho {re-1 a cot-relgu list-mud,
autumnal o EXTflAL'I‘H from Xud nu
ootun-d I!:rbfl.)fnrllldlunn~l on!“
”rill-:1] nnd flcxuul Org-In. lllGh a;
Incontinence or the L‘rlnc, lull-nuan
"on o] (In Bladder, Inn-Intunon 0|
the Klan-can, ' s:l3an In [ln luddor, ‘
. lt’rlclhrr. rival. Gounnhwh. G tel.
nnd‘l‘unrh’fled by anything yol ah
covoréd for curing flu While! In a 91$:
near ,
when used Irwnflng m dim-Hum Ihlu Rummy
11m m-illwr “sh.- uor nuu‘ll, und in In: rmuwt be de.
(a led by nu one. Tblu rumcdy In period mud n
quiml nu mic-chant. ‘hh‘h nrmmlmlnwd lo dam),
Iml dmdon mo din-mm) organ-x, but xrmovn II»: pod
lon'from [be syn-mucnmlug huuynuq and hullh.
It in no quck ledlrlns, but in the mnbodlod ax
poflonco of (hi: l'hyuldnn- muL lawn-ml 8n curing
,Il dine-m of this that. ‘L , -‘
. ”Lot lon. den-at! u lhil nmuly «mm flu
molt Antoni-hing cum. whrn nll olbun Yul.
Prlee only 51.09 pm: box. a; 6 bonus [ur 8.100. .
Boat by mail to nu] uldreu m; rum-lwo! (ha pr)“.
Paulo by all Drunl-u. 500 um my “gum-1.1:.
In Hound each box.
so? fiaprm», Clucxnmu.
_ WDeEuss, Barnes an (.30.. Wholesale Agenu
.\ew'York. [.\hy 30, 1864. U’
Wall Papers.
N. 2. Cor. ‘Finuru: and Marketsuéou
Mmufuctn‘rers of ;_ .
I" A'P E n H-A N‘G Mac 3
Wimlow Curtain Papers, ~ _ - "
Linen Shades and Uplhhda, , ‘ '-
' Srolid Green and Bull“, - ‘
«, (Shag-Wit: Grpunds.
‘- l lll'l‘l'l mid I‘lnin Shade:
.To which we invite 7;)”.- ultr-niinu of STORE»
Mnr.‘28,'1864. My} , _‘
TP. snawxmw sax, ~ .
' I. lemfifin abmrs
No. 220 8. Second 31.. bebfiw’flmfiWcat, sid-
Hare conntnnflj on hum] n vrrylnrge ll
sortmvnl of Rosewood. 'lWalnnt, Uuk and M u
hognny Furnitnromtlntut da-sigmfnnd superim.
wolkmnnahip, which they offer for salt m. NM
sonn‘hle prices. Bed: and Manta!“ mnde (a
order. '“- [.\lnr. 28,;1834. fin“ I
New Clothing'Stora.
HE undersigned invites ntwntlnn to it}!
OWN, Adams county, Pal, formally occupied
5y A. Herman. He will continngghevbuainrlu‘
at 019 old “and, in Hanover street. flu but
.1363: now prepared «(Holm- :- mo“ excellent
I assortment. or CLUTHINJG for .
1 "sum my thanks to my friends for uni
Jibernl pntronnge extended (9 ma thus far,.and
respectfully ask a continuance thereof. ‘
‘ Mar. 21, 1864. 3:11 ,
‘ One and All, :
AKE NOTlCE—film‘gnderaigned would
my to the public than. he in receiving a
large and splandid stock- of GR()GERIE&~
which l:- vlll sell as low as'tny other bond
in, lowu—Co'lfecl, Sugar}, flolusws, Syrupl,
Tau, Belt, Fish, ha, with Potatoes, Beans, and ,
Rice ; Wuod‘cn Wure, puL‘np in the best. man— ;
nei ; TolmN-nl, Sega”, &r-., kc. ‘ .. -:
to In} in your liquor; for harvest, 130 w; lg the“
time. I In": many brands of Whiskiefi, Bung ‘
dies, Wines, and all other liquors, which [lm ,
dilpoflingofuahort prufiti. Give me A call ~
[“3* tr; 1.0 plane and ‘beliere I very of. ‘
ten inc'ce'ed. PamemEertheWace—nohfiugl ’
comer of the Diamond. Gettysburg. -
my 25, 1863
Sheadzi Br. Bnehler,
con AND must:
18 .1. 4) VE S , ‘ ,
A _ -- mo ‘ a
suunsns, umns. BASH, no. 3
Corner Of Cgtfllle qnd Rnilrosd Street}, oppa-u
ma Built-om Depot, GETTYSBUBG, PL , a
m, 9, 1364. . . I _,
ndonimod; Ming tho «that-filed ml
‘0 nuke temnls into Ever Green CID“
Mrypra that. inch M contemplate the ransom
oftho remains of deceased relatives or {ring}
will "an tbcmolvu of this neuon ofthcyaqt “I
have it done. Bamovnh made whhpramphm
M low, and no elrorl. ppm-d m M. ,
mm mom, .1
Inch I), '6O. Know: a: {M “my!” 8
DR. TOBlAHi’wceElfi’tMOd yfimum‘
Powdeu, sea ‘1“. ‘ ~£ .M
:9 Dr. mums on; Sum. ' ‘
,Nlie , v , -