: {iiifiorth Iglimt the South, and to ulien- [tho-n1 for mid fugitive slave. And the Stud ‘ moon. motion from the other. Thu friend. } county, ailm- it lmtl paid mid amount to the it' relations olt‘be North and Snutlt were ‘ United .‘Stntt‘a. may. lur ’it-t indemnity. me broken; «(rife beg“. strife. The unjustxin- ' and rrcorcr from the wrong-doors, or rus l'életnte-rmeddliug with the imtitutinua aficut-rn, by whom the owner was prevented the South fed the bad pausiona of rut-n un— from the recovery of his fugitive slave. in‘ til tint section of our once happy cnt‘nlry like manner ml the owner himself might has taken up arm! to destroy the fuircit have sut‘d andrccoyered. fnbrio of human gthzrom-mt that. ever ARTICLE Vl,; No future amendment of mu; to animate the hope: of civilizcdltlie U‘Jllvlllull -u shall affect. the five prece man. i dingm ticlt-e. nor the third paragraph ofthn » mr. I need out quote the tremonablo ut- second Eecllon of the first article olthe Can. tor-ulcer» ot' the opponents of the I?.gntocntv , stitution, nor the third porhgrnph ofthe 2d in party, nor their thregtg of violence to tho w-i-tion of the fourth article of said Confli- Snuth. i need untmsent how they cxus- l tutlon, and no anwmhm-n‘ shall he made [tented the peop'le at one gection ngtinstlto the CanlllullOn which ill authorize or another. How they attempted to murderigive to Congress any power to abolish or and did murder citizens ol'tlm South in nltntmli'rn with slow-ry m nnv of the Suites {lilditttonipt toubolifivliulnrery. llovr many by Whore Luis it 23 or may be allowed or jlt'k-ll‘t“ itint-ruut pteschml have gone to permitted. the Smith lik‘u the troll“ in uhcop’s clothing ll tlie.cnnietitlmcnts.llr. Speaker, would E) stir up tierwlc imurrcctiOn, to lttt‘lle the havi- Inli3liell the South and saved the Uni ilnve to murder his mutt-r and slay the -nn. the people who bear the burden at” the first ham. 7,5“, thit is the h‘utory ut the 94- l war. who my. heavy taxes. and who give imfiflLQQrty that. trus‘the inception ttndzthgit sum to the army, willusk what potty cause oNh’e’ rebellion. While Ido nutjus- iis H‘npnllnlllle for their deft-at? I will an t.l‘y the rebellion, while 1 pronounce thow 5 ““'(‘l' try quoting from the vote: and proc'bed engaged in it, xuilty of treiuon. yen, trorse "inns in the Senate of the-United Stntén th.in transom“ there ‘be surh a crime, in “ht-re this compromise originated, (In the truth and juuticel mustvqu-tlly can‘t: 3:19! .\luwh. lb’tll. the Crittvndut amend» that party which furnished them the . -x-*‘ tut-tit: tire-re totwl upon, and the tollowing (‘tlsn for the rebellion. During tlll the agi- lis the vote: . . tut‘mn preceding and attending sect-«iunJ YEtS—lllymtl.lliglpr‘J )hnflon.l{pnnfldy' the Soutlmrn conxpirntora consumed the. Polk. Pugh. Bright. Cntleudot'. Douzlm. Abolitionists their limit. {rit‘lltl'L Um‘or- ‘tiwm, Minster. lnnfq‘mtbam, Manamxiph. unr Adams oi. .South Cfohn t said of t ul-i-u. Rico. Stbuatiun, Thomson. Wight“. them 2 _ I“- ‘L ”The Aholitionistt urn but’ bout fridhds.‘ Nu: —;\Authonv. Binuham, Chandler, Thank God for what they hm?»- nlr-euily dour; ‘ Clurk. Dixon. Doolittle. Duikee. Pvnenrlcu, and for the int-Ktimttllc blessings they “‘Prc 1‘ Photo, Enter. ”times. Hurlnn. King. Mor nlmut to confer, they wet-n Dnlltlt-tl to our ,rdl. Sumner. 'l‘t-n Eyck. Trumbull, Wade. \mrmpst. gratitude. 'l‘ht-ir Msnultu huve; thktmon, ltntl \\’il~inn.-—2O. ~ ITe‘on “UC’Pllslng, but all for out (mod. '1 hey l , til the ninetm-n who \‘Ott‘tl yea, seventeen have l‘urniphed 'ué njustification lor disnhlw , \vete p“u:|o(‘htlsi and two Southern Ameri in-; our connection with them.” it‘—Ami. Tho twenty who t‘utt‘ll‘ nay. were all . ‘in three tpnrttcolurs. the Abolitionivts: 11-Lpuhlicnnn. “:lllt.‘ lit-publicuiisha-l voted‘ Wul‘l the best frit-nds ot'tlmSmxthern con-.ycu, the country would have lmen suvml, upirntors. first. by furnishing them With v'nnd no war with it” its desxlatintz etfucts ‘tlie menus to excite the Southern massesi would have been intiugurutcd. But. party Into rebelling. Second. by advocmtiuy. the lpxwluminutcd. ‘ ' ‘ policy or “letting them ‘go in peace" and, It ltllb often bocnfisserted by the opposi~ thus “Ming them to Eslflhlhh nn “onlpil‘e ‘ tlou that theCritteudt-u amendments would founded on rlnvnry.” T/urd. by pthhing'mnt have saved t-he’c-iuntry from war. I the govc-t'ntttettt Into an extromr policy nt ; will not rcat the solution of “lii question t-tnnncipatiuh and COllll‘ctllltHl, uniting thefupon my our: opinion. I flppettl to the llouth. dividing the North, nnd in Hit-ct j» |)lOCt'?tlln’,." in the n‘onntn for :l eon-rut anti? doubling the relative strmgth ol‘ the re-'hmte oi’tlioirmlue. Senator Pugh,otohio.i belijou. ‘ q, . ’ ilins put on rectum} the following testimony i filnvery is dr-nouncel tut the cause of the l m to what could have bm-n done under u erellion; I deny thin. though it ml‘tyhr- I proper (in aire to my»: the Union: ' the occasion, no money in the nt-citsion at l "'l he Critten‘deu propodtion has been cn-l Inlrceny. robbery or‘ burglu‘ry. il' bud men idorit-(‘ll by the ultnmt unnuirunu:l vote ol the‘ Ithd not covet, their neighbor's money and“ Lthtsllllum oi lit-mucky. it hn's lbL‘r'n en- Tuy l'elunioui hand; upon it nnd‘cairy it (darned by tho lngialnture oi the noble oh] nway, such a crime as lnrreny would not be cuitiuintiwmlth' of Virginia. It has been known ”to the law. ll'tlm unjuattliablo and { [-t'iilmm’d for by a larger number of ('chH unintvlnl intermedii‘ling twith sluvr-ry lmd tors of the United States than any l)rl)[tohl' m-ver‘oecurred. there would. have becu nn ; non llml.t'u‘ltchorbel'Ol't‘Cmipl't‘éx. illelieve rebellion. 'l‘hedendly conflict which isnmv; in my lit-art to—duy that it would ctrt'y nn "minimising the country l'tum entire to vir- iot't-iu'hrlming m.tj-u-ity at" tho pt-ople of my 1 mrmference would not huvmuccurrod-«uo;Ft'tte; 331‘. S r, and ofumrlyeiory.\'tato in fields. and benutii‘ul farms devastated; no'ttlie Uni-in. Before the Senator: from the} ion of thousands ol'l'ree and huppy people: Slide of ){issiasippi left this Chamber 1 no graveyards extending from the I’otmuncl lu‘m‘ll one of them. who :twimm at limit to to tho Miainsippi; no people in mournin I; he l’t-cstdt‘nt ol the Southmu Cunl'ctlornoy,l for lmt fi'ieiipq who fell in battle. \ch lin-s i propose to ‘nt-t‘fpt it and tuaiutiuu the Union Inhi'ucmeyumsin [mace mid prosperity. itn'l l H Um propomtion could receive the vote it _‘lllfi olnsh of arms in intestine war was not) ought to rccdve from the other side’ of thel iirnrtl and never would have been had the . Chamber. 'l‘ut refnru. of “l 1 your proposi prople been true to thomsrlrw nnd thoirftmna. orun your amemlmuntS. knowing no country. by tli-icouutennnvingaudcundemu- [ l (in. and kuou‘inL' that. the historian will‘ in: the fanaticism oi the A millionth”. Imin: lithium. ut any time before the tir~tnlj ' This nntion has been nn- tion of compro-E lnimary. u two—thirds vote for tho Cl‘lllt‘l)‘. mines. l’rOln' its fouudntit 1 mid through ; don resolution in this Chamber, \vculd have in growth all its dilfit‘tilfinnd its dimen- l Rfth'tl ovary: Slain (in' the lluiou hut South smm, have ended in Hill A a Ct“lCt‘nz~lonS.-« I ('urulmzi. timrgiq would be here by her 'l'he itpirit ofour geniuq ”.an the ln-,ui.mpy ’ reprosvnlnllv-N and LDUlnltlna. thorn ttvo‘ ol‘our dentiny have alwny led utt hero-tolling ‘ great Sllllo‘z whit‘h at least would have bro tc compromise. When tat: uatirul‘ “'l‘; in ‘ kt-u tho ivlmlncoltlmn or .\L'Ceaolttn."~l’.l£o the throes of ‘llissolntion. before SFCPinlun 4 14"”. 0105"- ; lind to any extent captivated the Southern l 'l'U almw lhrit yielding Would have saved heart we tnighlflmVo prorentedtliis unnatifi'.uq “’0 GUM" tliu hunt-med Dun-elm at am; urnl wnr: if the Crittendon mnendmentsicfll‘l)’ l't'l'lntl : ‘ ,Would have beetriidopted, tho South'would' “The Senator [Mn Pugh] has: said thuL have rumainc'l in the L'nion.aud to thy Lu 5 it' the Ciittt-ntlun proposition could have Wouldbepeuce. Fanaticisinhadtriumphed hosed “ally In the serum. it would havej [u u... poll.i .nd tho President elect {umpplmyed all the State's t‘xcont South Carolina.‘ ting his country and remaining true only to :l hrnily hollt‘Vt' it Would. While the t,2tit-‘ MS sectionul platform and party. stood nil‘flntlb‘“ Prolflhittun Was not in :tct-ortlunce mate observer ni'the great. events which i “"111 “‘Y “l"‘l’l-‘he'l VAN". ltwou'od my rem. \n‘orepnsinp. ills partytriumphwnsdenr-filmys‘ lo int-wpt it. in order to save ”to rr to him than the interests of his country. . VINO“ ilwe Could uniteupon it. Icnn coua “in country was l'orgo'ttru. and while on his, ll! in, “10 Sz'ltvnt'ot’s dt-olnrntiou, that Senator \l‘ w to ansume the Presidential cltntr, hel lltt'is hituslull'. when on that. committee of (limit in the slang phrase “nobody is hurt." ', ”when. \Vni'rmd); at all tunea, to compro—‘l Had he been 'pnsses<9d of the patriotism of} mum on the (7V‘L‘P'l'lk‘l‘ l’ml'mlll'm- I “’m. 3 Clay or n. Wfitrr he would have done. ll.» . t 1" rflrlller and sav IILtL Mr. ’l‘oombs was al - did in luv)“. {wet his party devotion ' “Ln-Img? 1431, 02:5», ‘ and kneel at tho altar of hi.» country andf Huge DJugius‘ s-ud in a speech in the there pour the “oil upon the troubled wat- ‘ Senate. JJHHIU‘E' 3, IStJI : , l ms." and thunallny the threatening storm. ' “I “'l “"59 “9 ““I”er *0 ““3 Republi 'l‘his he could liure‘ done. lie haul poncr 1m!“ 310 M. {'n' the Watson that, in the Cum inéinfluence over his own party.nncl at bu} millet) ol Thirteen a. few days ago. every flxggestlon his friends “'Oulll, have adopted ‘ mt‘uiher ofthe South. including those front a compromizenhich would have }ll'evt'lllod . ”18 (‘"“"n Slum“. [Me-saw. 'l‘oombs andl 'phctssion and rivettedztho chains whirl. ‘. Dorie} oxprvssod their readiness to no'crpt.l lmund thi- l’nion together in indissolul'le : the lvt'nmetimi ofniy venerable friend from "fronds. Was it. unbecoming or degradinglKfihlUCkY (Mr. Crittenrlcnl its A final set. 'to the party coming into power to have 1 tlemont Urn”: COUUOVI‘I‘FYI “Rendered and 'ntlnptfdlllecrittendfln compromise? Hmr E sustaint-d by Republican members. Hence the rt-uoxmble antl ju~t, proymous of that l ”I? sole lES't'Htslbllll)’ of our disagreement. preset-rev of our peace: -tthe only ditliculty in the way of amicable ‘ Amen: I. In all the'l‘erritory orthevns.lwljustmenl. i~t with tho ,Jlt‘puhlican party." tf-d States now held. or hereafter acqu‘uvd, i Judi-:0 Douglas II'LS so often been quoted intu‘nted north of latitude thirty-simlegrecs 30" ”“5 fi‘i‘l" “5 “UUIOFNY. I scarcely' ”li'lk‘ untl thirty minutes. sluvery or involuntary 1 any one “1,1,1 deny whathc said. Then. all. Purvxtudxymceptes apunishmenttoi crimé, (the present. Administration and its friends; is prohibited while such tert'itory‘shall re— " “I‘o I'P-‘WnSlble 1.0? the non-settlement [Of main under territorial government. In all i om‘ dlmcultieS. and are equally chargeable the territoryndwheld,orhereal‘ter acquitetllmlh ”"3 hrcessionists for “"Y de 0‘ ,Bputh of said line- of latitude. slavuy of thel ”00‘! which ““5 59‘5“ shed. The "43' “CL? African "‘9? is hereby- recognized as exist- i 0f (lie apparition prove they did not. desire iii uand shall not be interfered with by Cuii- ‘0 have peace and ‘“‘"Q‘lllfw ”IL-'"', but '—” €235; but shall be protected as property‘prgl‘eri'ed bloodrhedrat the l‘lfi-k oi niitioniii 'l‘ ‘ THE W“: C G ’ _ yrnll the de artments of the territorial i {um “"1 bankrnptcy. Hear the present here 15 V9l" "4}“ “9‘“ ’o‘? “’"‘ "‘“t 5 government. dining it; continuance; and iswl‘etMYPr “'o' ”ea‘iul’yi . ‘"'“Y~ Q“ “11°13‘01“ INFO” “‘_s been 5““ when any torritol‘y iiorhh or south of mid) ““ 5,5.“5‘6193' Feb. 9' 18°]- u'.’ “““’ on no" uy_ a "mom; Blair. ‘“‘-‘““" lino. Within such boundaries its Congress "DE“! SH?» i'n'm’ks f 0” 3'0“? "010' “”103“ any opposmonmxten '3‘ hfs 50“”1' F“? 1,9 Ah u in u, i- ' and explanation of that vote. It mzw ha eru flank izshort distance. and crossed the prescri .b n con 4m Epopu .\tion ,~ . . p _ . , l ,‘1 li R,l 1 b tth in .1 fr requisite for it member of Congress accord; ufiefnl. lv’iera uagrcater disposition locomprm‘ “t r ‘it: an icing it on _ TL mi 9: . mpl mg to the then Federal ratio of repi‘gsen- nugc'll‘un IA)“ taut“. But 1 hope the but.“ Patch org: “us icport is UQCOH‘O 011118 ”lion of the people of the United States Hall a dozen of the Bordei-State gentlemen by any 035613.] ilespntch. , - - . ' . ' ' - -‘ ‘ '-- ' d n it seems had ii. severe it shall. if its form of governnioiit'he repub- ‘“““- ‘been In 093' room ‘O‘U’S'm . E‘he“‘l£9i (”'””‘ 31‘9“ n ' V, . . licrm. be ldmitted into the Union on an ““d “91‘5““ of lonn‘ossee. Adm,“ find 8}“: l con?“ .0“ 1““ Siiiirday. k‘dluls; "2F?”B‘ (final footing with the origin:RStatea, with tow, ol heiitiicky. (nlmer, of North. Cal‘Oih‘ the eninisiiia lie w"!!! uttac ‘e digit 1: (brick: or lithout slavery, as the Constitution ol “3- and OUWW I’T'll’y SJMPal’l'Ze 101‘? ‘“‘”.‘E‘lmmm? 3““391' ‘s‘ ““6“?“ h’ owtyer. such new States may provide". but see no reason-why we bhOuld men/ice. ptlk‘ III; getting saie y] acioos mdi i? urns. Anion. u. Congress shall have no Pow. maneuzly a Lanai: power to liglp than], for the. l is dossd» “agony Ebiirililnted of} ram onc 'er to abolish slavery in places under its Pm'i‘Pse °f9“"‘3"s “"'POW’JY " ”7f": °"f; i ”I" i? “"‘ iyio z: ‘3‘ .1" l. ‘ f elusiv’e Snrisdiction. or within the limits oi ‘ “3 WT? CPdelY- . _ 5: P- (111-‘““ h ‘ 13h reporte‘t a“ t,” m y ‘“' "’"” Btatés that permit the holding outings. There l/s’fl greater disposmon io OODIPI'O-i 5 “PB noting ,m" 5 army “emit“ . l ' h Ilk t M Cl 3 twenty-five {or each of tho eighteen divis~ Aunt”: “I. .Congresssiiall hnvenn pow- "“”‘? ‘s'} 'e 0 ”9' says I:1 b’“ ‘T‘ I ionr‘com sin his army This is when no _er to übolipii‘slnvery \r‘itiiin the D.strict ol‘lc‘“mm ““9"". gentlemen .“ leen ‘i‘ ien a emigt ogccura There are now six Coiunibi'ii. so long as it exists in the adjoin‘l h" room “‘9‘"; tor comproméae. h‘ is "a 'l thtgiugnnd wounded g“ On Point, “85“” °‘ "“'B‘h‘“ “"‘ ““'Y‘M’L 9* ci"~i~§ii’3§“i.'éiihii§§ $233231 Siktiié’éieéii " “"’ 1 , ————-—‘~-~~3-~' ' her. nor without the consent otvtiie iiiiinb-' ' ' . ‘ ‘ . _itanta. nor without'just coiripensation first) We 139”.“ frequently nascrtxpd that the TEFR‘BREAfiflifiggfiß.‘Hum!“ inmie to aid ownén‘o!‘ slaveé. udo not con- iTefii’mP‘fmmy 0f “m I‘luell‘“? ‘ ‘3 "be“m“ ‘ Mourns“. Jun'e 29,..‘33 emigrant tn'm. ‘lcnt to such nbolisliinrnt. Nor shall Com} m “8;? filmy "M's mm PrleSidentaßacii?n~ confining of eleven cars, went «a, the Be ares; at any time prohibit officers of ihe,‘“’- 1 t 6" 9"" “’“”“ 93‘" “n. 4‘3“” ”Whom Bridge at s;_ mam-p, this morning, Federalli'ovei'riiiient"o‘Pl‘TfienPbt‘l‘.s “GWEN“ tory Eden.“ {0“ any public man m timesbofi With 354 German emigrants on board. ahoaedmiermqu-ireihem to be in mid 15:3.{r‘rlealgaf-onil danfiPr-thatfelmceWlo“,t-i WNW“, badge, him, been mound irict. from bringing with them their nines, 8 -‘Y_ .“ 3'13“ t 0 .‘ ’l. .3“ ”‘“"‘ Th ‘DPW and between mm, and forty persons token‘ 'nnd holding them as such during the time luff?“ “‘“‘ firm?” °.f 3:131er s:3 out. who are more Otlesfi badly injured,—- their duties may require them to remain ‘““ bd m 3“ {133" ‘9 Pmnmls"? . 8“ 'oue car has not been sufficie‘mb. reached there. and afterward taking them from the 2‘; t rayon 3‘. lioritroyersy; c " :5 (31ml to allow the dead a, be taken out. PMHGi- ‘ a mfg o a men In -l e oun I e The engineer went down with his engine . , most anxwu; that our difficulties shank! - . . . . . ' Anion-2 IN. dongregs shit)! bare nope be settled without ‘ resort w arma— but escaped with slight myuriea. A dread ..el' to prohibitqr hinder the transportation: “For the field of'the dead rushed "d on hi: 'f'ul respumibility fpppeurs to rest on this ofislavet from Stats to another. or to a sight." ' ' ‘“ ' imam for violating'uie iii-riding order to gerritgfy in what; Mam-g are by law permit— In the Gulf States the excitement; "I“ i stop before gomgm: the bridge. Only two leg} to be lipid, whether that transportntion-i iiinh. Sautliern m’en, who u M,‘_ D 0“ “5‘ livmg poisons wore rescued from one oar. pa by land; navigable rivers, or by sea. tegtifies. Were willing and iinxihg for- “it! The depth of ‘woter whore tho accident xAuxcu: V. That in addition to the‘pro- tlenient. entrented him to e'xert his infu-I “ERIN?“ ‘"“ “”“‘ ten fez; d fi . yig-i‘qng thbie third paragraph of the se'cohd ' ence with the Northern men to meet th in 5 1"? conductor ‘B9 kill .on the :9» fiction Rubi! fqgs‘tb article of the ConStith- ’on equal grounds. His day: were spent in g 9““ ‘3 ‘1” “PM“ to have. shared his yon of the UnitedSiates, Congress; shrill Linavfl’iiing attempts to have them .pprecwtuc. 0 T b" fbod . hvé power to iii-undo by law, and it aha.” iota tho danger. heylisteried not to band-.- . M‘mnut“ Juno 3"‘ .h' nun: o'l a"; b. in duty 30 to prowdo, that the United : munitions, and whenilie brought the subject‘ ‘”"“"f'ed 3'9““!119 “‘it“; w; m ’ 6W lb!“ pug to ~the owner who rhdl ”P‘ l_ to their attention by hi! message ofJunua- “‘““ ‘“' 5“ “““'” ‘5 ’0 u- ' .h" '"’.f" ’31,), for it the full value of his fugitive slave .a ry 8, 1881, and urged upon them the necos‘, b" "P“"ded ‘5 89' . The m "° 2‘ :1” ‘3' in up ”gas where the Marshal, or otherlsityot‘ eithgr compromising the ditficuitios: ”‘9 “3.53 m”: lulfingémd aim" may; pm", who» 4.31; n, was to arrost said fu- or giring litrn power to raise the requisite W 319 passing t £0“! 1. 3 more ”0‘ itive‘ wu prevented from so domg. by Vio- force-s. they scorned his counsel and refused ‘ dim“! IMO " 9;“ "if“.{m 1000 p“ [“3 {once of intimidation, or when after said him the power. Congress canm‘wd imaf‘would mivabaefin row? .1“ 'f‘h 01030170 ”1.1669 grid fugitiva inns rezoned by tome,l with preparing and listening to angryf was submfl'g ‘0“? “8 W gima'm'” had a” OV9? thereby prevgnted ind ob—‘sprseciies. still more excizii, the pa ic MS ‘“'“ “3‘ "Smeufwirifl 5:31 It fig” )tl‘uw in L e pimiuit of his remeoy iorimind. The {fence Ciinventio was broken'l'es‘ed‘ ‘"’ {l3ml}; 0" P“ dJol obtain. ‘ the may of his fugittiieiiiiwes under the ,3p by Republicans. Yet, through 5.“ these’ pouilile to i eiiii y themes r f “rpm pidciuue oft‘ne Constitution and tholuys‘ ink days Mr. aßucbnmiri mialy carried "03' 1’5“: of ”“’f‘e" , 9-: [firsbut “3?: undo in pursuance tlieroof. And in such , this Government nndhiindi-d it over in inll -°°um“°'“» '““‘ ['izgm'wiglr b ntha slii vl. “831”"th United state; shall pay foriyigor 5° Mr. Lincoln. Thgt heshonld have-7. 0‘ 0140 b Olht‘r- 1 9y :1“ 9 y wbe fixes MW“ they shgll 133"." I.ll9.3‘igllia‘in ,doue so yell, standing it: he dirt betweeq Gai- fies; Brfmeiii an. appffir“ inns, we: “ ‘Qn 9131.9 to we the county in which ltwo parties_ hunt tip} the destruction of the _ DECS: "d” 3": {1:19:13 Thor were his 3%”, intimidation, or rescne \‘\:r¢Ql(‘.Ollllll‘l"y‘. $41,1e t a grant wonder of our manyfu Isoine t. ‘fuic. to gm“ "13$“; mfii , find to recov'er horn ii, with 111“ children. It ll a must fitting counmtmtgry to Virwnsiii, mo: 0i in _ ‘ that; rind damages, ‘.he‘ ginonnt puid by ripen the policy of Mr. Euchunan is gen)”,- settled in that l‘tgloil. u...,....‘ m. a , ... - ‘ ‘ nitration that Mr. Lincoln, {DIE-Six long‘ mv-ka after his inauguration. Folio-well [in-«l viroly in the imitators of his plenlecogmr._-‘ This fact smith more for the wisdom of Mr. Buchanfll’l policy than all the praise' of his mast nrvleiit frie‘nds. l lrep'ent it, Mr. Speaker, and history will. oustnin me in the decimation. that. the same breath which outs culumny upon Mr. Bu chmmn for an tlleged inefficiency mud carer with unspeakable ahama' the mum who. with that experience before him, chose to walk in the same path. Mr. Liuailn well knew that up to the day that Eort Suin ter was fired upon. the prospect tor u settlfi' ment. hml not laden] sway. The three great ‘ Statesfi'trginin, Tennessee and North Caro-i him, still stood l‘iist tor the Union, am! he“ himself had but a short tilin- before ex-i imaged the opinirm that the Union semi-1 inent predominated in every Southnml State, EXCPIe pen ham South Carolina. Mr. l Buchanan acted upon the belief that the: limerican pent-l 0 rouhl never be guilty ofl lsuch gross folly,“ to 1:1an thexnselves to: lpieces in a civil war. Uni) Fort Sumter; iheen fired upon during his :term of office, times would hhve met torch? General 1)le :lin a speech made not long itinre bears this; lte'stimony to'Mr. ltufihnnan’u resolution“ [and he. it. Will he r'eme lbet‘mL mm; a. mem-l her of the Cabinet imd ought to know what l beaflirins. , ‘ l War is upon its—What shall we do? S'ihll, we ri‘sicn ouriclves to the fate ofn. dismeni-l hered Repuhlm, or will we spring up giant-l like to new hope ot' n-spaezlv peace and; restoration ofthe Union. Under this ail-i mini>triition we ticwr can have it. I lukol it. sir, it is not the intention of the apposi-j tiun to have peace until every negro is lrne.l If this «as not their ohjnct, tho Adminis-l trution in power would have faithfully nd-l lhcreii to the resolution iidugitml by Cun-l lL’N’fl-IS with unpumllulcd unanimity on the, :23 l of July, 13031, "that this wnr is not w:i-‘ ltfl'd on our pun. 11l any spirit of oppre-sion oil. ‘for any purpozo ul't'nnunat or suljugzutioxg.‘ ‘orpunpoze of iweithrowing or interl'erlnial luith the rights or L‘iiubllobe/lui'lmtllnlionsl.‘ lol' the States, hut to defend and ununtuinl (tho St’fll'l‘mw‘] of the Grmlflution. and in pre lac/I‘6 Mr Dunn with ull (lat ayni’y, :gim’ily. and rig/his of tho sew-ml Stolen unimpaired." l l‘hey will tree the Rlavcs oftlie South, and lunnluve their win children in the mutt; igalling yoke known to mankind—that of {enormous taxation to pay an immense pub-l ‘ llt' dtilrt. ‘ l ‘ [charge it upon the opposition— i That tlmy are not in favor ofa roslorn tion of this Union: and in the éwnt nil lthe election nfn Democrittic President in l.\'uv"enihor next. thoy wxll ho'in liu'or of} therocognition of tin-Sumliern Confeder.my,l i That the \Y-It‘ his boon main n. [H‘t‘lcxtl {and apology for the uAnrpiitiun, by tho! fl’iedilt-nt. of powers unnarruiitcil by the} ‘chcrul Coneti‘uion and totally irreconci (lihle With the letter iiuil spirit of our instiv' tutmnfi. . i That the war has been komlncled tol build up :1 patty :It. the nxyeuse of lilomll lfln'l lrcnsure nml.tiiue, and :it the hazard-i 10l pet'tnulirllb wpzu-ution ol the Slum. i That the character of the war liar boen ;Cll:|l‘flclul‘l£ed by gorruplions unprm‘rllont-l tail in the hi~tiiry «If :in:‘ people, for which! l the President him in 'iniuiy inatuiiCe: decln ’l'fltl liimscll' i'mimnaihle. ' i That the lll't sent AtllxllniSll‘flllOfl has Icomniitled ibelf to doctrines which cir- Ivute the niil.t u-y (thorn the civil powcr, at? i lil'ect the purity of the ballot-box, and en-l wlnnger the pctmrinl lilmrty of the citizen. .1“ l, 'l'hnt tho polio) unzv tit-ulnrcd’h hitnl. nnt‘ ‘ineri-l) to nil iilensugiu lugnl reunion ot‘tlio 2 EStiitvs. hiit foredhmlow luture lmnliruptuy, l constant ,iigitition, tln- vstahlirhmeni ol'nl llllrgt' ~tun-‘l-u; :umy, and in n time not i'o-' inmto, n InllllJl‘y iwntralimlini: suvh M 109 -tiu:" t‘.\’l~'ls iii l"l'.|ll(‘(’. ll We are prelmtml | lfor all this; if we, l‘lO‘O our (yes and shut? ,‘our mouths. nn-l donut mine our v‘uim-s; ‘ngninit the inlrznizvnient that is now lu-ihgfi "Lulu upon our l'lélilS: ninl we pt‘l‘lilll the: lpresent Anlniinixtrntion to rennin in immune hue should how our nvclmtn Hm _volu- oily-E \ranny ,Wlthout a murmur. lint, line in-; 3 tend to secure tu oumlree the imperiillu. .hlo boon to Fpt‘ak, to :u-t us 11 free petiplml La-utl tm-njny liberty and prewtve our rights, ! ; wo much rqtmce :7er steps to .i <trict uhcvr- i js'nnce of the how :inu‘ tho Constitutionl éThe quesfion is with the pvoplv'to th'Cldt’.‘ i"‘.\'ht-re their is a Will, them it a n‘ny.”l No bristling luiyoneu, no threats or exvuu-l l tivc influence. can [tune the will ol:.i pe-ople' who love liheity. ’l‘hmt' fires will lwo kin-l (tiled upnn every mountain side, until thcl vallits :iie llllltl Will! the burning incmisn‘ lupon the :ili..r of liberty, and their shouts 1 will be heard “have the din of baitlci l “To arms. my fricnhl And let no snord he I sheathed, ,l'ntil our lflllll from t'liil‘ to Like be free! IFrcc us our torrents nre. tlmt imp our rmks, ‘Ur as our pt: tks that wear their mind ot'suow, . In thercry pruscncr ot the regal sun! "A country‘s never lost'lhnt. hath one man, {'l‘owrelctle \fuh the tyrant who \iuuld'ciul‘u'c icrl' ‘ l The liberty of' speech, the freedom ofthe h:illot~hox. anti the inalienable rights ot'tlic lcitiqen are Wurthpreserving. Il‘ilelending fthem on this floor makemthis side of the ' House, in the opinion of gentlemen on the l other side, ayznpnthitors with the rebellion, l we know we (ltt‘OUY duty, and that unborn generations will rise ’to bless the memory lot the men who have pre<erved for them i the rights nn'l p'rivileges of their lutliers. (‘ch cl he Campilm rnon THE 87‘]!!! l. V. Bun: nun. June 12. 1864. 1:11: .‘lcmon'um.-—The Inst rays of the Inn a pin“ ghmmerin; up the evening Iky, (nintly throwing theix fading light. upon the (311 pm: mm Him the border: of these "Imps. whose dir‘ty. tlng’gish waters find an omm in the eu-r memorable Chick» hominy. , " -Lu«_»king toward the west, and times enrth~worka, trenches} and bomb proofs are all that lnPft the oye—revempcaition. and the vision rt'als upon the graves of many who yratertlnv were among the busy hous— ands that were hauling for their eol‘tmen country. I know mothers in that Nor hem country who are mourning for thoee‘whpm they' rill _never see again. in life or in death —Bi!tPL§ nho~e dearest hopes are buried with the heroes who sleep aoguictly beside tne—wivert‘ whose nll lies in this soldiers’ umveyerd, where. side by side. lie the gal lnnt bnyu of Ohio. Pennsylvania, Vermont, New York and New Janey, all men of the same brigade and tlrvisinn. . Among the hundreds of little boards that mark the simple graves. my eye rent: on one that calls bark to memqry the face of one who huta few days ago was among us, in the full o-njuyment of vigorous health and strength. Mnnynl‘ us who are Weak and can barely sustain life during the heavy ti ials of this memorable campalgn, are still lmng. while the inhust and strung are in their Windlng rhocts. Isaac} Sheads was but an ncqu untmtce of fonyears' standing, yet in this time he «to ondezmdhimself to many" of Us ‘thnt nu unbi en tear will spring up from the heart at the thought that heis no mor‘o with us. Gallant men have been‘ Killing nrountl ma all day.— Bruve und qutl‘urxng hearts havebeen pass in: on stretchers since the sun rose this morning. 51an even now the battle goes‘on. But-amid .311 the noi~e and din of battle I pause to write this :u'ticle._in memory of one who wm dearer to me than all the rest. Bmlu‘wltl warble .their sweet mhtin nougs over no braver man than Isaac Sheads. , thnwcm 'llvxmuzn. June LB, 1864. I Dou' (hutputl' :- Fatigued, sleepy and ‘ hungly, In “6 all art-. 1 attempt to Write you n lew lmws, not with any hope of giving [you much of intrrqst, but to fulfil a promise ‘mmle in the agnfion of hoary frosts and sleigh br-lla. ' . i For wvurul days we have been changing ‘our lmse of‘ npeiuttmns, not with uny hope of melting Till of thin hnrrid «lin of battle. the lulirieks n.’ wounilwl men. and all the cir {ctiu'mtzmvm wtmm‘ctt‘tl with war. but. with l the lwlwl‘ timl this is the moat practimtble {route to chhmmnl. lldll'certain tienerula 'nnxl tln-Ir cnt‘tps executed their ns<igncd iwork tat-Operlv, and taught. and sulfcred as torrihly" u: did the hi~tutic =At‘my of the Fulcrum." all wuultl have been well, but it .wm nut done. and now our war-bem‘imed lwterune. nnrchinu through dust and sand, whorl (:l' mtinrh. with scum-fly any slat-p, are hr-‘nught here to bleed and dim-to rc puir «Lunagm‘. i l The littl-I fighting Sixth. of course, had l‘snnm at the heavy wurli to .lo—no lurs than 'tlmt .m' guarding the war of the army.— IFow persona cnn form any idea 0{ the im lnottstEumount of Work necessary to proper; lv securc- tho sniety nt‘nll tht- artillery. um , lpulztnN‘ :mrl wagon twins. After marchiri’g ISIXW hnmein HlOCt‘:\‘lo!\, We uzmm in'uight lot thn Jumps Jlxvrr. Atzt‘hnut'. five miles ‘tltwltlnl t'ioxn Wuhan“l Lathling. we: com ngmn-t-«l to t‘urtnly. getting Anur wngnn trnim 2 iu~illv tho umrl..~~ at» man n< possibli‘. We ‘ lunul-l mzurli n in“ httnllrul ytmls in the inmrning, lurhly. and con]; «lintllil'—i}fove ‘ugnm 111 the “nominal, l'nntil'y. mil then rook supper, if making ‘I little War 9r hot i land putt.u_r some mixture in mllml com-P. {3“ what gem-rully tn xlu-s up that ploaannt tlllt“'li. Su t'ur a l‘yu‘ (lugs w.- pmcee-‘lod in [that slaw, hlrmly “.Iy. unt.l the evening "I! {the ll‘nh lush. we mul’lnnly nnrchml onl ,‘lmnrd tlm .lnhn Punch». atlhl #teunu-(l away ; [fuerty I’mnt, hut mentmlly reached thul lven’ (‘nmtbrtrtlnlu Maw. ' ‘Vl‘ rmu-ln-tl hue at daylight. yustordny morning. mart-hing .lil nigm. Uh, haw! lwmrv tlu- our gab li~trning In the tramp, l itmtup. oftlww gallant nu-n ol ours—thong} {xivntL‘ solmnl m-itos. communion-t 0f our ‘ Pfll'llt‘l' and lmt'tt‘r yours. Suu-hrowned. . l'uut .urre, wanv-fimw discipline has madg lthom unmmplu n ugly dig. trench. cut, Jun-h, n l far nupcmttm-‘uu country. ,If' t growlerq :ulrl fault-liming nt homu 'could but we thaw five hundred smoke! hoax-«med. wnr'wurn,veterans of our; file! paw them. altur the battle. on the midnight , march. the-y woultj hide their guigy heads in .v-lmme. , ,lr‘urty~six tiny“. covering almost a whole life-tints), have hwvn [hand through by urge P.»nn.=ylmnia boys, and still an hun (trod my; ”main fur them at toill Work, fight hml march. M by at recent order the term ni’ the regiment. Will nothpiro‘ until the 241 i: of Septemht r, making some of the men serve thitty days over their time.— 'l‘lwre is injustice in this, which it is honed‘ will he removed by our gallant Gvn’. Meade. ’l‘he ’l‘rtr'ume. of a Arcccnt dutc. haw the fol lowing, vl2: “ This mural: of the 6th cnrpe‘ I consider one'ot‘ tho most romarknble of the campaign. On Mon lav they marL‘hed all Llav. without rations. That. night they formed line of lmttle. and what With the labor of intrenching and several hnurs'ol' the night getting rations. they obtained no sloop. On Tuesday they were engaged with the enemy_ more or less all thy. That night.on thirty minutes notice, they march ’ed at midnight—‘matchett till momlng— marched till noon—marchrd till 4 o’clock, and then set to wmk with all their might, intrcnching, and the duy was one of the sultriest I ever knew, and the roads ankle deep with dust. impalpable Virginia dust, that hung so densely in the nimhnl. it be came. exceedingly palpable, and yet these 6th Corps vetoruna, hungry for two days, sleepless for three days, fatigued with re~ lentleas marching by day and night, all streaming with parapiration, grim and bleareyed. their hair dustéll to the white ness of three score years and ten—these men..de3pite it. all,‘grasped shovels Ind ales with tawny hands, and sprung to Work with never-surpuued vigor, and amhour later exchanged tools {or weapons, and fought. with unequaled spirit and tenacity. Show me another record that matches this.” Rickctts alone had been able to take and hold the enemy's lustline of works. Other divisions hud advanced» far, and occupied the rebel rifle pits, but. none save Rickptu held on. The success of the 3d Division is the more gratifying, for hitherto It but not. been considered the peer of 111 two oom pa'nion divisions. Last night at 1 P. M..- we formed line to charge tho enemy’s works in our front, but utter waiting a .t'ew hours, the idea. vru nbnndoueq. ' - A No new can-[gen to report from (‘lO. F or I. Lt, Baker u been relieved u,A. Q. M. by Lt. Hersh. whom We all gladlvacl comed back to his old East. ‘ Capt. Pfeifl'ar wu‘buried neu Coal Hu bor. century to the wishes of the Rigimenl. but. no umngemqnu could be made at the time to get. his body home. Eden: will be made us soon as practicable lo forward his remains to his native county. Zoo-zoo. @A ptpminent. member M the Union League in New York. who wn'p poor when the war commenced and who wants it cou tiuued for 20 years, came out the other dny in Broadway 11: a coach and four, with As many servants in livery u couM be moon:- mudnled. 01m by mu his ml‘e in n 58p8~ ram wriage‘drwn by two horses——V|Hl uh van“ in livery n übovo. ch'k camoanotlr er carriage nub lake wppomtmenta, ennui“. ing the children of the vgry distinguuhod couple 2 He is of opinion that the "Smarty joker" makes a most excellent President. fi-Tho oduur of the Ice-Vishnu; m (Democrntic) having been drafted. the ladies of the an“! ruined u collocuon to help him pay Ins cammqlation, nndgpro seqted him will; we; yanddoup sqm «112,212. m: Gampim. n'. J. "an, zoned um norguton GETTYSBUBG, PA. . MOXDAY MORNING, JULY 4, 1864 New York Gold M-rku. . ‘ Nzw Yonx, June 30. Gold in sailing today at 5'2 48. fi'l‘he Battle of Getlfiburg was fought on the lat, 2d and 3d dayl of Juiy. 1803—- just a year ago. What-a contrast between that period 3nd this! Only those whowere man here cuh appreciate it. A BREAK IN Till! CABINET! Clinic ’Rniyns.-Quite I sfiisalinn WM created in Wnsliingwn on Thursday morn irg by ’a njport that Hon. S. P. Chnsu had resigned tiiolb'ecretnrysiiip of line Treasury, and 11m Ext-Gov. Tod, of 'Jliio, had hem nominated as his successor. Lnlrrin the day the rumor proved (9‘ be true. The Senate went into executive sessioh on We nomimflion, during which in deapzilch was rqceived from Gov. Tod deciinin‘; the prof fered honor. which brought. deliberations to A sudden halt. 4 Zoo-zoo Differences in regard to several appoint.- mepis between Mr. Chase niid the; Presi den‘l. are said by some td be at the'bollom of .the former’x resignation, whilst olhors aup'poso that. he sees the brenkers uheuq of. {he Lincoln craft, and takes {his step to get out bathe sinking ship before it goes) un der. Ccrlgiin it is that the resignation i»; an event. 3f much significance jug} at this time. - . WWO publish today. to the exc‘mion of several other ankles prepnr’ml for this issue, the admirable Speech of “on. A. 11. Coii'roxl), delivered in :be House of Ike-pref senmtiva, at Washington, on the 14m “n.. on the question nflhe abolition of shvery in the Unitedfituws. 1L cd‘nmins strong (arguments, and shows up parties in their proper fight. Let ‘.bcslwech be wad by all mto whom minds this paper shall full. _~ Frauds, B-ufids.'—The principal editor of the New Ydlklivoning Rust, Mr. Lincoln’s special organ, was Navy Agent. at that oily. VLnn week he Was arrested, and it scion ap ‘pexu'cd that he was a dofauller to the Gov ornmnnt to an immense amdynt~some millions! He was a dulugue to tho Lin coln Cnnvnntiun at li.alli|l'.ore, and of course voted for Lincoln's re-nogxinntioh. Ingeni 1y appears that. Lim-n‘.n nml his particular friends are determined to‘ Appropriate all the means of tho Tmmury \u lhe'zr own pockets. Never in lheln'mmyof l‘m- world was such scouudrclism practi‘ucd by men in authouty: . TM.“ 1': 1r: J!~l‘e.—Presidvt_lt Lincol'n n cmuy deflated, in nymblic speech at me Phihtielphia Fur. tlmt the war had lasted thrfl‘vyonrs, and so‘iarns he was conc'erned, it should last (bra year: mun-l Haw do the Even-meaning nm'nng his (olimvprz, who me an xious to have the war brouz'n‘t m an end. 11kg the programme as mnrkod m}: by Father Abraham? Thréo years more of taxation, drafting. dcvrutalion, ruin, Mood! God save us. ' . la'Hon. John ,P. Hale said, sohxe time ago, that the atealinga underflincnin's ad ministrafion were more.lh.ln the entire )0- gitimate expenses of ”)6 gnvernmong. At the late election for United Stale Senator in New Hampshire, Mr. llale was defeated in bi; party caucus. Can any one duub}, the ‘rekson.’ Tlfe shoddyitcs cnnunt 'tole rate'an honest man, even when he appears. in the shade ofsuch an inveterate Aboli~ liouiat as John P. Hale. - ‘ '. IQ’Seven bandied zlmusand men lm’ve been enlisted ind drafted since the 17d: of last October. and [lie ciy still is—give, give ! The next call jg all pxobabillly. will be for 500,000 more, find no commutati‘ n.' W int n qommentary this is on the eleglioneering cry of the Rapublicans béfore l 9 election last fall : “You ron chnx up an: nu: mun." fi'l‘ne Springfield Rrpubliéan charges ‘ tlmt. many of the leaders of the Democratic party are in open sympathy fill: the rev bellion. This is cool. indeed,whilea majori- ‘ ly of the President's family are with lhel rebelsnmd Mrs. Lincoln‘s sialer has just ‘ gone from Washington into the rebel lines under a pm from Abraham; while the on- ; ly men who have been tound guilty of sell- \ log to the fibels munitions of whr, and food ‘ and clothing. in the loyal Slates, Ire Repulr 'limns, and men who were appointed to of- ‘ flee by fir. Lincoln—officers of Republican l i drgapiutions, and other: of their ilk . Di:lnyal.—Why don’t Lincoln “suppress” the Fremont. party, or send it to Fort La_ Incite! ‘lu orator: and newspapers are ut tering the most "dialoygl" sentiments on moon-d. They denounce ‘be Lincoln “gov. érnment" in him:- 2mm, and are permit ted 'to run I“ large! fi-Tho Constitutional Convention of Maryland, on Friday week, pee-ed, by 3 you of 53 to 27. the following article of her Bill of Rights; 1' "Hel'eafLer in this State there than be neither davery no’r involuntary servitude. except "I {tunishment of crime! whereof the port] aha! have been duly counted, and I“ Kareem held wue‘r‘vioe'or labor on slave! are ‘“"’ dfliflfil... ‘ 1:!“ Democracy of Redford county met Convention, in Bedford,’ on the 2lst ult., and nominated In excellent ticket.— Hon. F. M. Kinsmen nu unanimously no. commended for the position of President Judge of the district. Congressional and Representative Confer-ee- were nppointed,‘ with 'imtruotione to wpport Gen. A. H. Cofl'roth for Gangrene ind Hon. B. F. May. on for the Legielntnre. '_ " 0n the lid: Inst, inthioepogt, lllilllo‘i‘f'gfi . . . . ’flLDA A. A. B AC ' tug m o “Wendell Phillips 13‘ "not. certain um Buck, former]; of mfwum aged )5 ”a. my»; in dead until how it buriaygi 1 new: no: mfg.” f d i d W ' ‘ 01: \be u. 9 an, mm :5 woun no: t! “Mix" Hutu , a!” “s‘. :1} go a. the hunk of Con! Harbor, near Richmond, ‘° ‘“’ 1' "'““‘“ ' ‘““’“ “3! ° ‘““‘ 'm. mugsnsws, of ca. P, am. .2. m, tippi. he win see .it buried n Ih, ‘7??? 9! {son ot‘Pner Bheads, 4e81,) in [11:18“: year. seven! hundred per day. “ _‘v '04“: U) M: mixes. < OUR FLAG! nu: 3500 con nut/runs. The Home bf ltoltrruentatives, on I‘ucs day, passed, by a vats of 79 you: to 73 nays. 3 b 1” repealing'the $3510 commuta tion. and authorizing the President. at his d'w-rotion. at my time. to can for any number of volunteérs for one. two or 'three years. Yoh‘gnteeraml substitutes for one year are tobopnid a bounty of $200; for two years 8300; and 0b:- Hm-e yearns-100: ln cane the quota of’any town! &c‘.~, is not filled within sixty duyl. the President. is athorized to Order a' duh for one yam-Ito fin such quotaand in use of n'ny up): dnfi. no payment of money shall be accepted or received to relieve any emailed or drafted man from military service. The bill also authorizes the Executive of any State to n cruit in the rebellious Statea. The Senate passed the bill on Wednes day. yith an amendment to‘rnise the boun ties bylaxation, and sent it batck to the House for concurrence. On‘ 'l‘hErsday it was returned to the Senate, with a result}- tion. ofl’erad by Mr. Stevens, chairman of the committee of wnys and moans, declar ing that. section 12. (Mr. Shexnmn's amend ment to levy an additional income tax‘ of five per cent. for defrnying the expenses of :the draft. Ami.) was in contravention of the conemution nt' tlx§United States, and 1m abridgment of the pl‘Ql‘t‘éuHVl‘S of the House to provide menus for the supfiort u? the government. The Semite. at its morn ing session. _ promptly recumidered and struck out the obnuxious stction. leaving the bill, however, curtailed of thcgluuse re peuljng the $303 commutation. 'l‘haulxloqumvom oppmcd tho memore‘ m '.haush and unwisr. but it passed ‘the Home under the Adminislmlinn Whig ncwrlhelcss. How‘ numerous are the “blessings” ofi Lincolnisml', ‘ IVIIAT PLR PATRIOTS: It is amusing to hasn- tlmt class of men consisting of Butler. Dix, I)lckill<ni{. Hulk; JuhnsoiLCumeion, Fornoy, Daugherty, km, talking about theipurn- patriotism which guided their nction‘z in leaving the Demo cratic puity. A slight, nil-rence to Kim preémt pnsitiong tin-y OCi‘up)’ shows that the patriotism which gnvmm thmn is ofihe pulling kind. Butler and Dix tro Major (Bengruls; Dickinson is a Shite hflicer, in MN York; Holt iv-Judge A‘lvncnte Gen eral; Fornoy is Clerk of the Sl'thb‘ltpd Chicfnf the Kitchen Cabinet nt \Vushing (on; Cameron was Secrétnry ol' Waz'imd, naughty Wanted‘ to be Attorney iix'njei'nl for the E Lsteln District of Pcnnsyi‘vzmisi.‘~ (Ifcourst the idea of making it luiy was not thought. of by 'thcsownrthics u'ln i 1 they joined the Abolition party. Again, ntthe recént Abolition Conventionnt Biltimorp, out. of the ten cnnliclutes named for the Vice Presidem‘y, eight of (him “'s‘l'B hi this clnssofmnulnltnrntud patriién. This .\hdn‘s that. oiiice is what governs thbw .fellbwa and not principle orpatriotiam. Out upon :uch hypocrites ! , ’ ——-- ,_ "..‘-“ "7 - 09’le .\'Hrl’: l-lnm-imn—rglw elPhhnnline reprewnmtwu of Hzoddy n r) “M, Lcmgue~ yesterday mid that. lhvre would be "no place, trurz‘. ur compromur, until t/lc {t'irpalion O/shray and Us [uni/”Mum by Mr nulmnm’ ’.Ou .xntutwn.” 'l‘lus in the .Lincoln platform. The mu- must go on, no mam'rnt with: Fuc mice to the wlUte heumen nt Amer-ma. In is no: lo: the Lnion. but (he .\lru‘un. Un-‘ til the negro is emmiugntml and plnFed upon an equality wu’h_:(h(- white race. blood must cuntmuc (0' flow, and million}- upon mxlllons of lrenwrc mu~lvbe expon ded. Taxm. ruin. blondshed, and fun k 1 ruptcy_mu~l all be endured-Um people must sulfnr- untold mixerios~ while the clown and butfnon at the head ol'xho Gov ermuenq, with n vulgarjest qmn‘his lips. and the echo oftlle ribald sung he qllwl far at Antietam ringing in his aim. mks the Amt-rim!) people to ‘rewlect him to the htigh ponilion he has so uLtcrly «int-graced.— x at. . A . WT!!!) meford Demo-at 5331 that. out ' of the five or Six: hundred men drafted in) that county recently “ not a solitary one "I has manifested a willingness to enter the; a’my. W; presume there were no “loyal " i mgn among the number—(hey cerléinly ‘7 would nOt. hesitate to ‘oboy their ’“‘coum} try": on“ 2" . ~ i flThe Wurld': monvy article saya it}: a vlemnrknble incl. l'lnut Um chiel'specula-. torsin old are Inyzil League men, who are Rerpituaily condemning the practicp. S‘Abrdlmm Lincoln was an éleqtor on the Fremont ticket in 1856, and éiumped the State of Illinois for the Pulnfindzzr, tell ing 'vulgtu atprles and gettifig alfrmutfi jokes. ‘ T f mf‘orney says he.- regnrds Gen. Grant. among Wax-rims as he‘does Lincoln among.- statesmen. What a shockingly poor-tapin ion he must have of Grant. ‘ _ ”A” ’corrgspondent of the New Yofk Evening Fox! says that General Fremont is a citizen of Cnlifomin. He is so rogxstgred on the army ugh-(er. and he (he; not change me place of his citiznnshgq By [my change of his location while connected with the aimy. ,2- ,v ,--_ _wrfi‘in ~_.__‘7.. ‘ @l7lO New fiha‘an-o-Frctpdm—gagg. “navel since the creatiOn of the world, has there been _a war no loggely, so stupidly uni 8b shamefully conducted as this.” fiThq New York Indemndeml says‘tbnt Fremont has “ready spent. s‘l‘XLOOd on his organ in New York. the New Nation. Itifi certainly u very‘ .ble ptper. g ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTER 0F GKTTYSBFRG.-—Theundersigned Inning been ) appointed a committee for ma pnrp’on of imakiur nrrnngemenla for the celebration of A the first nnph-crsary or the battle 0! Gettys~ burg, as pm of the duty assigned lfiem hereby } tender an invitation to a" the charitable and benevolent societies, and me:hunicnl Ind inv ‘ dusxrial associations. and the L-iu'zen: genemi' ‘ j 1;, of an the Joy-I Stntcfito meet m any.» ‘ burg, on the 4th day at Jlly next, n‘M partm- 1 ' plle in an tppropfiate celebratidn on the ha. ' limfioid, of the 6m anniveuary‘o! the gnu victory of Gennfmrx. Bis Exgelleqq A.‘G. t Carlin, Governor of Penn-yuan", mll prellde in this unnivernri. The ceremoniée In 9:. ' peeled to be at e moat'intereating end imp“. "ing chuck}. ~ C. H. Bun", ‘ Dun) Wuu, g-TL.£C‘"CK’ . ' . . hull", . . ‘ Jon B. Dunn, “1W“? ‘ . Gnu. Znsnn, ‘ | _ H. 8. Run, g. Gun. 1. Trans, . l Gettysburg, Jugo 20, law. 1 DIED. . ' momma notices 3 cents per hue for m on: {our liner—«l3h to “comp-n} uguce. ‘ 19b») 3: Goqnfg. THE FOURTH.-Thu _srnugemonu for tin ceiebntion of the Fourth hero "6 on an cx-‘ tena‘we gunfiand we doubt 1119! will prov miisfnctory. (30:. guttin will preside, Rev. Sir. Warner deliver the Ontion, Ind Jno. W. Slow-rt, Elq., ol Chambénburg, read the De. clurliion ol Independence. Eh: Chunbero burg'Brul Bund‘wm be pre'aont, and in dddi tion to the inatrumenul music, the Muck-ll Anociuion of Gettysbhrg, under “rejoinder ship of lira-T. D. Carson, will "like; the oc o‘uioh with patriotic longs. ‘ The procouion ii" form at 9 o'clock, and; proceed to Quip - Hiil, where the exereilenvill ire held, uni! nfrce [flinch given. Tho Commit. No has desigpnled Major B. G; F‘ahnostogk :3 Chief Marsbfl, with the following Assistants : Capt. Win. .1. )hrtin‘, Dr. Rober'. [i_oruer, Cnpi. Robert M-cCurdy, T. D. Carson, John Swunn and John T. licilhenny.’ . , Tho render is referred to the clrdof tho Committee, in another column—and the 54].: vertisement of CupL/BlcCur-dy, an: President. of (be Gettysburg Railrom'cfimptayfi wit letter fnom Capt. Mickléy lute! that she Inst engagement tho 2m Pu. Cqmlry wcro in was on the 18th um, when they were order 3tl in line, of battle, mid clmrgcd-on' the rebél 4works. on the railraud runniflg from Peters bnrg-tu Sufl‘olk. They made two chnges. In hthc first they gained their point, but in tfio‘ lhcond were repulsvd, and fail back Monti—s— They _remnined undfl' fire until 1 a Fund morning, when they were when-ed. Tho Hollowi‘hgjs giwn as the list of cusunlziopiu Company 13.; . ’ . . . I.ivul.‘lL‘G.- Lou, wounded In the he'nd; Srrg't. Brcuizer, in neck, seriousl‘r; David Knousetjn hum]; Conrad Linn, iglwl-h leg}; - Wm, McChflhm, finger nhot ofl"; Noah Snyder, in log sligfllly; Licut.'Col. .\fosson, iu h'und; ~z 3! jar Gillis, in leg. ’1 he loss in [he regiment was about 100 wounded And 10 killed. , Uu Tuesday: night a dislmkch mu receive} uunuunclug the death of Licul. Lawful. Lliu llospi’tnl, at Anfiupulis,.fi-om “‘lB cfl'ciffs 0! Mr Wound. Ilisbudywzub‘ruug‘hthereon-\Vcduei: dnj' nAnd intern-d il—|_ En” G'rcanL-uuxorf, ' ('-().\I.\IPIXL?E)IEN’I‘:—-"l'he.\uuuulCummcnt'e mam. s|. Mt. St. Mary's College, near Ifmmiti burg, .\ld., cmnt- ufl‘ on \\’cd;e§dxu3’ )usl.‘ , Tho tun-minut- um, unuumlly lnrgqnud the oer dug» sum-rs: in awry pmtiqulmj. The ful lowing fins the prugmnnne on the occasion: lklnihitlpu Much. (gum flamL] Diphmn .\peuh un \Vunnn‘n lnllucnro, .Emila Karl, h-w Yum. ()wrturn, Tana-MI; ' lion-mi. Th. “'lr of the llama-A Poem, 11mm. w. lienny,l‘hilgvl«:l|-l=i;. Q lid: “Pp, [Jh’ui lhul ] Spench o‘n lluhgmn ma Cinhlflpm, ° ’ Jllllub 0. ern-y, \‘ichhurz. Shécnh‘ Sung—nuujdofluum *1 Speech Ln WW7: Amehat, I, E | . Jam" 1.3 mm... warm-bars. Overlun. (‘lllph 1;! Baily}, ‘. him-nu. (Herman, EL (Emilia, \fblulmqu. (humanity; or Degrees. Cher-tn, \‘nlmhrbnfi Home, S‘wl Hume - Dmbibufiun of Pr! "inm ‘ finned mm M Ar...}"_,‘\ m 4. ‘ EMS Tlnr spwclgcs evim'vd brain and (‘nllimlirmr nm} were reccned with wnrm demonstrations: of apprec'mfiun. ' " , Tye Inn 13131 nnd prr-lizinms were flifirihu'hd' [Ol 11105:: onlillml M ll'u-m, lhruug‘h lll’e hand} (51531101) Wood, of Phihdelphid. . The Elll‘lqifi “an fnruiahfid '1); the SI. Créilin Such-b“ uf She (,‘nnr‘ge, under the lexulv'rship u! Prof.- Uirlumn, u‘xnl \\ as very fine, le’udiug mm b to the in‘cras: o! the OCCflsiD/H. . ; Dinnar m lhogndu‘tcsaml pugs woumllup the doings (ff the day. Tb}; It'll-bl was a up}- tnl one. us indv-rfiityuum not. vol} ham Inn-en ollmwisc “gm :1: {inc farm and garden at Hm (lollv-ge lunl lnulfir L‘omrilmliun fur the Inn % illS. .\ficr n \Sgoruus ntlark upon the in ”ES": \inndn, uh?! n number of excelltnt in); 1"?““1’” sxgehbes, lhc cumlmny rose, regret xizig :hu! web plasma ochsiuns must, hko’~ “Leda-r 5, I: no an end. ' A guy‘The Commencement 3! the Sisterhood, $l., Jun-Mgr, took place ,on~ Thursd.ny. Wu un-lcrsmu-d'lhn {he exercises were very inter esting, guiiynijgg the large audience in am: n-, dante. mTthL-houl Bo urJ oflhe llgrough lms ar ganjzod by appointing I‘. D. Cnnsun Pnsidrnl, D. A” BJchh-r Secreiary, and E. G. Hume; Stock Trcdsnrpr. The félluwing Teacheu have 'been tinted for me next term :' - 7School .\'o. 1.-.\lr. G. W. Frederick. \ u u 2, .. n. A. Lyme. “ u 3, “is: B. Belch. ' ' “ “ A, “ 8. Myth. " I‘ b, ” Snllie W'nhcrovr. “ “ 6, “ I‘s"“in Swopc. “ “ 7». “ Vll‘gilfl? gilQegt. u - u B;|-—|L I‘3lsz Welif gala—Lick: J. B. ~King, of Battery 0., RO. lyrls’ Artillery. at Mfr-es: Mamba, has bait: promoted to n CJplniu, yin his regiment. 1 $O2!. Boy'J,LL be}. Nahum, and ’Major‘ (mm, a! the 218: Pl. Canary, hue all been ‘Wouudcd, leaving lln': only‘remnining field ofli~ ‘Cer, major Bell, in commgnd of the Regiment. fluent; Wm. Shqrb, olrtbe 95¢}. P.‘ Regi‘mcnl, in reported unang the wounded by, the Anrrislgurg ptpeta. The Liam. bu flvt brmhe‘rs beside himseifjn'lhe army. ‘ ' - fifi’wbert Shuds, Jr., of this place, orie 0! the ol'd Ream-vex re-enlialed for three year! more, arrived at hon. few day ago, uteri: 13 wounded‘ ”Among I number of officer; recon“); dishonor-bl} dismissed, we notice the 111 ch of Capt. W. W. Pnige and Capt. John Ordner‘ of the 1911: N. Y. Carnhy, (Porterfiunrdm) ‘35.“. a Congregaticud meeting of “II Presbyterim Church. on Saturday week, the Rev. Mr. Quantum, of Fuyemvme, received d nn-nimqus cull al Punch h is undouhodn tbu M will accept. 4’ ”The Be}. Henry L. Ba ngwr, nqn on]. L. Bnughtr, D. D., Pyes'xflent a! Pennlylnnis Cd- ‘ lege, bu received sud Accepted I call'to»‘thh: yangeuéwmmm Church of Nmmown. which bee-me vacant by the dunk 1)!ng Into paltor, Ber. Ir. Bur. ' ‘ A #17110: Compwy Inn {shed the price 1! On {mm 40 cent! to 60 cgnu pa hundred rm. ' ‘ - / ’ 'fi-Tnzelm should provide though" with u I‘lpply of “ Dixon's Blukber‘g Gamin utve‘,”'vhich the! will find a lure remedy for Dyauntery, culled from abuse .5! cliumc. 'IW, em, 3" It: won plenum. and 11330 urn; mic}; that cm be nged. , #ll3O First National flank of Getty-hurt huh; determined to increue it. Cupilll Swot m $200,000, were i: yes an Oppnrlqni‘t Aflorded to thqn who wish to nub a good and safe investment to Inbccn’bo and thus "cur!" none of lh‘ uock. Thu hank; no unmanag foranacriptionat the Bsnk. Inn-23‘? first 00mph? win he furnish“; {you}! time until me:- me Prelidentisl Ede-man u SEYEXTY-Flvn CEN'Q‘S, can in adv-nan. ' ~ WSinglc cogieg of tbq Campaign fiitkigg, n mm at rappers, five center ME CMIIM Emil. .\‘ud, .\'UW Yulk.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers