The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 04, 1864, Image 1
Ternls, The Conn.“ is pumidwa every MJndly morning. By "xxx? 1. Qmun. at 51 75 per Innum if paid strictly 1s wmxch-fl 00 par nnnui‘n ,if no! pnitl in advance. No subscription discontinued. unless at the optio‘n of the publisher, until all :u-rearges are paid. . ‘ .\nrmrlsznvninncrtndmtheusunlratn. Jon Paxxrnu duneswith nenlness and dispatch. Orr-1c: in South Baltimore strr‘of, nearly ol‘mogim \Vnmplcr~z' Tifining Establishmént ~“Coumuu PnnnxuUrrxm” on the sign. PEWEESID‘NA; mm. a H. A. Picking TTENDS up SUI’J'HYISH, Writing of A DEEDS and WILLS, CLERKING OF >.\l.l‘2s, ."r. Rosidcncrlm anbau tuwnship, ml Hm mm! 1(- uding lrnm Gettysburg to Hun h‘rslown, tuu xu'hcs trhm [he tux-mar place. (2‘.- ‘rg-s mn-lor ur- Imd silmtu-liun gunnutecd. l~‘:-b.1,1m {Lu ‘ ,Wm. A. Duncan, TTUHNr-l Y .\T |..\\V.—()fii~‘c in (he North west comer ut‘L‘L-nlrc SI; M‘rc. Gettysburg,» n. ‘ . [UcL 15,1539. rtf D. g MéConau ghy, : T‘I‘URSEY AT LAW, (office One door west A of Hut'hlvr'x Arm: tin-2 hunk filurt‘,Chnm- Lemmy anon) .\T‘rnusry up Sumq‘ron run Pun?" nn l'uwuhs‘ flou'ny Land War rguti. H Ick-pay mqprnlled Claims, and all other clniun \gnind llu- GowrnmoulatWash l'ug'um 1). C.;. sin; \mr-ricnnt‘hrigns 5n England. Luv! \Vnrrnnts Incnlml :Ind «nldmr houghtmnd ‘highcilfiuril'es gin-n. .\'zt-mt engngvd in lo wling n erJll'i in lcma, Hliyuisfnnd 01hr: wmfr'uh'tnlnu' Wfipplg [u hmi personally or '_V’ lt-Her. v . 33. 7 . (1‘(-H_\'ubur;1. Nov. ‘.‘l, A. J. Covor, r'rrnnwv .11‘ I. UV.» {:1 hrnl-Iplh’ulh‘nd ‘A Lu (Inlh-ntiu-m m 4 .1” u'lu-r l uuhemou lrap '1 k.) lw u H»; lwtwvmn Ififlmvdoflu' 111 'M:-. ~ ‘: 75w :Llr'» .\'va' {‘ml mlorc street. Unliys'ourrr' I'.x Edward‘B. ruzhler, I 'r I‘m;:\l;‘.' \l' L \'.‘.‘, mt: tuilhlully and 1\ gmmmny Urn-l to ‘.J lpu~ na-<-'('nlru>|l-Il ha . VJ. |.‘r- flunk Hw',:c.— (J'mr \l L c “H“. |nl.u v‘ m Shulh BJHSmm‘e “yet. ”A rum-gs“: nun: film-'.mnd neurly ummule Itmut-r .K ZI-ghr'n store. ' um; smug, \Lu-«Vn ‘lu. ‘ _J. C._ New}: TTIVKVC}; .\l‘ I; \W. ~l'.'.th-nl,-r nHon j’\ :I.lx 31d! [l4' F!" IH'I ul. l’l‘y:=i.JlH, Hulx'r. .mJ [LIA-nu. 05' I' II the .\'.l'2. t I'l r H! I.|‘ “lI'HU I'l. Hri'nhu; ‘.pul h. 181: If ‘ Dr. Wm. Ta‘,'ier 'ufn‘r'n- l'ar inlnhil-w'q '.t' (..:H_r.lmrz and \3. “guy I'm“ Mean-H “ vu-Imx- 11w rrmllm (-f hi' pmlqul m n! U” ”M -Hn '. mxi ..rur [0 1|”- (’ “‘3er “(H w. 1‘ -: _\ Jun: ('3. 'Hnnlxml hr hm” [u .u, .‘w lu-gc :a l"l'rl\c n char» nf (Mun: Imimwfi. [4 pi. H. LS'LL’ It . ~ Dr:. Cross 8; Eckcr, . 1"! 1:. ’m‘ \‘.D Hatnmr \‘H’Hn' run“— :i‘, '9l ms nu ~Lmn mm.“ mam-Nu. Ilr :Ic m :qun: um \--‘-II;"\‘ 'ntl u'ffluluir-(l -l mam: leu' lnu i \\’l‘X‘_;llll’ri:!\l.|\:l.|.f‘ U u- .‘i ["xu- In H uxl ‘"‘ l‘!‘ .1 ‘ll [hr unis!- :IH Lulu» ut I'.r M. .n' L-I;‘.' t‘l-l\'~§ amen! :«l h 1') I I‘m” yr .< urn; “and“ “Hire an I n[ W dun ~ I “H“ u! NH" ‘1]:15!“ =MEI i•r. ' Dr. J. W. C. O’Neal’s OFH'TZ u"?! h r~'Hn.s X H. upruvr of Rl]- _ :i-n qr In e'H-u‘l - Irvin. I.x nr l'rcsb} ll rmfl\.|:. i'u n\n\.3o,lr2r.‘ ‘l' MEI J. Lawrence Hil}, M, Dy ‘1 Link 3:.‘1. (- u! .- {,QVi‘. Egg Jun! mu! ..m.» “ W ' Lullmrwu I"nir'r‘ll i'l ’\ ET (,"mmhlr‘rsf 1n: <lrr-‘(‘3.fln'l uppwi‘e [’itking'.C in 'e. w“ m [l:o\‘- \wshmrr :.. ‘mu- any hemnl U; “a L.“ in-"fuva-l ‘ufr :‘n-pw'lmll} ixnitml lo rm k )‘th'fl' § firr-A. mum-r. lluv. F. l’. Kr "'1 a .‘r ..3 .- :|'. L Rm 'M-r. L). I]., Rev. Bur “ 1w -'n . 'r.:!. \‘. i..s:-m'cr. II xiii-” 17111:, .\‘..anJJ. _ "I ‘ M . Dr. A. Hfltz, (1 R \U" \T 2 ..‘ 132 v I’Mixw Ry nf' PPm-cyl -I.vm. |, ”a m; i-tp’vmnv-n h” I-N'Moxi- at “A 4 ‘l' DY, .\J; n‘ ‘ ml 1":. :‘cqvl‘lfilllv nif-‘rs hm vrvu-J m 121- ili‘u-s l: Phydcmn :Ind Mignon. . [Mni‘ :3. jun. :zrn ' ' ‘ A'la‘ns County“ I'X‘I'AY. FIIHI ”41:5! \\k‘l) t'.ll.\H’.\.\'Y.—| .\T lvh 1:4, lat-l. ITlrir’nr—(it-urgi- .\'uupin l'nr I’lquauL—mjflli. Hum-c 7”. Nrrr’mril—l): \. Biwhhw. Trfr‘lr'li'Pr—l)! H ll Cir-My. firmm. ('(Jwi th~liulwll ‘-l\-Cnrul_\', Ink-oh King, A~l Iri-w ”le IL‘llllflll. ~ Hut/2n icnirgr Swans. U. .\. nurlllnr. R. H't‘ xi' ly, licub Kin; .\. lli-Iniulmnn, 11. fill ’l‘_r<ri'. ‘ 'l. lllufll, J. K. rlci‘sll. Sunvu‘l I) I'3 1% i ii. ii. l-'i‘ikutm-k. Wm. B. \Vil-‘On, ill. \ I'. ’.{lll_’. Wm. li. \hL‘lellnn, John “'Ol -l: 5:. ‘-[.-:::l-i r..]ouu I’ll-king, .\licl'l‘. “'“‘/inr Julia (‘ll |£7l§ll Ill), Abiliel F. Gilt, J 1'" u . H. \l with ill. .11. l-Zlcni-lherger. gyf‘l‘his Uumpim- ii limited in its opera tlnvva In llu- couniy m .\vl—im. It has been in fl'lr‘l‘fSillll almmiiuu lurmort’ than sir years, and in Him prriml In: yuixl nll losses and u pr:mca,m[’mul ([ll],! (muumml. having nlso a large .urplui “pitnl‘ in ihe ’l‘numry. The Com ;my employs nu 5:: D's—.ill busine=s being d Hll‘ bv (lu- .\§i:rr». \vlmure annually elect e‘l by {hr 5! H'L'm! lu-r~. Any persun desiring mi lmur-nce mun apply to any of the above mun'erl Jupiter. mr lunhor information. ”the Executive Conunmce meets at the ofiic'e oflhe Coiup.iiiy on the last Wednesday in every momh, at 2, l'. M. Seal. 17, 1.3.38. The Great Discovery i F TUE; .\f:l£.—lllflz.iatory and Chronic O Illieuiuat’ism mu he (lllyby using H. L. MILLER S CELEBRATE” ll [EUMATIC MlX ff’L'lilt. Manny: prominent citizens of this, and (he adjoining counties, hare teszified to its gran utility. In im‘ '33: in Rheumatic affec ;zuui. has been hllbéim unparalleled by any apuitiu, lllll‘llduted lo the public. Yrice 50 (mm per bottle. Fur sale by nll druggisu and yiurckeepers. Prepared onl_\ by H. L. MILLER, Wholesale mid Reinil Druggist, East Berlin, Adams county, Pu., dealer in Drngs, Chemicals, 90"!" Vflfuiih, Spirits, Pilinls, Dye-stuffs, bot» lied OHS, E’<Cncos ,‘ilnd Tinctures, Window (Hus. Perfumery, PA‘L‘IX‘. Medicines, kc.,‘&c. EA. 1). [it‘lllrr i; the Agent in Gag-5- burg for " H. L. Miller‘s G‘lobmted Rheumatic Nixture.“ [June 3; 1661'. cr ~ _ The Grocery Store . .V Till-l HlLL.——Tbc undersigned would respecuully mform the cil‘uens oi Gettys burg Ind virinity, that he has taken the old “and “ on the Hill."'in Baltimore street, Get tyoliurg, where he intends to keep constantly on hand all kinds of GROCERIES—Sugara, Cofl‘ees, Syrups of all kinds, Tobacco, Fish, 84!, km, Hulbenwure of all kinds, Fruiu, Quaflml in [wt everything usually‘lound in s firqeery. Aha, FLOUR k FEED of all kinds; nl‘r'ofwliich he intends to sell low as the low .s'tf Country produce when in exchnuge for M 3 ind the highest lirire given. He flamers himself Ll: it, by said; attention and an honest duire to please, to merit a share of public pa- M. TRY HIM. . J. M. ROWE. ‘ Feb. 23, 1863. If . ALL PAPER! WALL PAPEfll—All . . . mew styles, just roacivgd I?- Dr. B. gowns Drug and Yuriety Store. , : Q :9 Dr. R. HORNEPJS Drug Scoro Midget Ml HEDICATED CUUGH CANDY. ‘ ‘ "‘W www- - ”‘“'—“___... ,xcuswm A ‘ ~ , onspswrm. t. , J ~A ‘ 'uxcnwoam The 3:53!!in Washing Whine in the be“ In the W ”m. Cnll‘a‘nl (gaming 'n. :l ghee:— (Ich n we ammo.- sky-7125: amen. ‘ , a raw)! “towns. Br 1!. J. STABLE 4.E3t13. -Year_ Yonx sl2, stun Tm: mummy, ‘ ("l BTT Y S R U [l6, l’ A.-——;l‘l\e undersigned I wuuld most rcapectl‘nlly inform his n;- merous lrtcnds nntl the public gent-rally, that be has purchased that long established and well kmmn Hon-l, the “Globe Inn,” in York street. Gettysburg, and will spare no alien to conduct it in a manner that will not detract from‘ its former high reputation. His table Will have the best the mnrkt‘! [can nfi'ord—Jtis (httmbers nrc spacious and cnmfortnble—nnd Le lms laid in tor his burn‘full stock of wines and liquurs. There is large stnbling numbed tn the Him-l, Wllth will he ttttontledliy atten tiie hmllers. It will be his constant endeavor to rl'mler the tulleé’t satiafnction to his guests, making. [this house as near t! home to them as pussible. lle mks a share of the puHic’s pn tronngc, determined as he is to dcsenen large pz‘rt ot' ”gt. lit-member. the ”(‘.lghe Inn" is in York au’fi-t, but natu- the Diamond, or Public Square! " Apxilgt, WA.‘ 1f L:•4,•:0. 1t459 ‘ITT LESTO WN, PA.—The undl-rqigner} L uuuld mast respectfully inform the pub .hu lhzll he h \s leased that large, comenicnl' nnd pupulu‘r house, {he .\'Alionnl ”nu-l, M Lin]. 31mm. .\‘.lnma (-ounf.\',l"my nnd snlicits 5 share of pnhlit- pmmuauo. Hll [-11 unbers “in Le m-md v:_ry cmulurmblc, .l'i‘ thlv supplied \vnh the best (he markvt um nfllml, and his 1: u. wllh th ('ho'x 'c=t win“ and lEqnnn. A l'argh yard ..'.rl (ommgfiinu; stubhng uro M ! uhcd In 1h; Hold. an he will keep nom- but lhn- mm‘: 'ulrm'nc hmllvis “’1!!! u !unz e!- prrimm 1.: 1h» lino. nn-i "very (liqmmlion :0 Mr us», he h-A!~ rennin of roudvnng Sillibde' Inuu to 51 who may c4ll n'ivh him. I‘l.nd 4. NIH. 3n.* an‘sm HG. I’A. ”15‘0“! rsmhlzdhcd ”Oh-L nl 1110 fork! of . th' ”.lllinuuo .xncl Elnmihhurg romla, i 3 I‘m- ~umh Imm o‘. (huyiburg. Pm, ‘.5 no“ kept by Hm nude-pipmd. ”is til-1v i: nhvdya sup !‘lu-‘Ln il2l llw lit-st tht‘ mnkrl nfi'ords~his ln-r with (he dithrvut Luv! 01 Lq-lurs—whiist mg n h um! (Ti :ln- :lmrmn; and gullifunuhlt.’ '1 hvn- ii Lurin- <l3! liuz :nt ‘xhed to the Huh-1. .Lllmnird by :1 yum] hesllcr. nnd the yard 13 «Mcnhw-l m m cnmmodnke any mumm- nf “35101;“. _ Thr Mutt-LL: loam-n! ui'hin .1 short «iinlume ‘nf (he (‘o-nun-ric‘. remit-rm: I! wry rmn'cm'enl for [cram]; writing tho- haul" grnnnd. Nu c-fi'orl‘ ml] he Spun-d 1:) ran-hr :MtEs’m'le. .md L( "1'- np the ”H pnpul nil; of tho'llnu". DAVID 311,} HEALUII. ' .‘uLH’ U. 1554. 3121* , New Goods !-La.rg3 Stock! , / lIIIC‘iIASI TAILHRING. bl: » ' JAVIHIS & BRO. I. We jnit rocuivéd from th«- rim“: a largestou'k .o' gomh for Guntlvmon‘, wenr, embracing n mun-i; of LLUI‘HS. ' ‘ , \ \TSTTNGS. Q (‘.lsainctt JMnI, 240.. “Ith many uther goods {qr spring and m'qmu-r “ear. J They are propnrml to mnke up garments at . HH- slmru‘el nouce.nn«lin the w r_\' but nmn- ‘ nor. The Ifzulnious nro roguLu-ly rpoeivvd. .lmi ‘ (luthzn: mmlc in any (Ruin-(I sulv. Thry al wmy: xn-liw mun fits, wlulstthcirscwing is sure“ to 5m :n‘n'nn'iJL . They :14”: tontinlmfie 'of‘tlm public”: 1m- Irumgr. rr-ch’enl by good work and modern”: (‘lmrgei tm-nrn it. chysburg, Apt” 7, 1802. Lancaster Book Bindery. (‘1 tong“. \mxxa . J [1'00]? BINDER, Pinin and 'Ornnmm/ul llunling. of every de- M :1; (ion. (-u-rutcd in line mo»: “hauntinl .md npprm «:1 st) 185: H. W. Brown, Esq.. Farmers Bank of Imnrnstel' W. L. I’cxpcr, Huh Lancaster (‘ounty Bunk Snmuel Sllmk, I'l~q., (‘ulumlnin Bank. Samuel “'_ugn’er, qun York Bunk. _ William Wagner, Est}. York County Bank. ’ T. D. C.|r=_nn, Esq” Hunk of Gettysburg. I‘otor .\Lmin. qu.. I’rmh'yoanncazster co., Pa Geo. C. Hawthorn, £511., Registei" “ ~ “ (IL-o. “'hiYcun. 51:11., llacurflfl “ “ April 15, 1851 Sqmetmng for Everybody Y 'J Bl Y AT DR. IL HORNHR'S r DRI‘G AND VARIETY STORE—- Just owned a fine “workmen! of DrLga nnd Medicines, ‘ ‘ PJK‘RK. Medicines, . Smtioncry. ‘ Fancy Dry Goods, , Confectionl, . Groceriel, ‘ - .\'otions, TOBACCO, SEGARS, &Q. , Jan.l3, 1504. ' - LL persons indebted to the late Firm of A Cohen J: Culp, are hereby notified to call-And settle their accounts on or before the Ist of AIM-1'1,“ it in highly important thin their business ihould beclosod. . V COM-lAN k CULP. Mun-h M, 18414. ‘ _ I -- .~ V » , —~—r“-v—— —«. - ‘_.;— Come to 1:113sz! ND DOX’TFORGETTO VISIT PLEASANT A [HUGE SURSEIILES.—Persons winning to Plant Trees will fini’the stock in the ground. remarkably lino, and otfered<t reduced prices. The Apple numbers 100 varieties, embracing I”. the approved sorts. N. B.——Seo the index board near Flor: Dale Post oflice. T. COOK &. SONS, ‘ Sept. 2, 1861. I‘ropriuon. Sale ing. ~ ' W. FLEKMING {mm-inns: the btflneu A, of SALE cmrma, 3nd mum. twang. tinned patronage of the public. It is his icon stunt endeavor to give utisfaction. Charges moderate. Residence in Brnckinridge street, thtyaburg. A P. S.—He is n licensed Auctioneer, under the Tax Law of the United States. . Nov. 24, 1862. Fresh Arrival. . UST received a. ht” supply of SPRING 8 J SUMflER. HATS, the cheapest Ind but, connideJng the limos—over bvought to Get tysburg. Call and see them M. the cheap Shoe and‘ flat Store in Chamberlburg street. “‘ I, JUHN 14. ‘HOLTZWOBTH.~ X 3, 16, 1855}. ' HE n'ndeisigned lining heM‘y pnymeat! T c'omiug’ an: cu tie ~15: of Aptit, wand most twptctfnny uh mm ‘5O 5:9 mm ted ‘0 Min, to all bpfon umu’m and make jug. meat. 3. B. PICKLW} < Hank 7, nu. ~ ‘ UB3 GROUSD $91038, [elected and _ _ pound expressly (or Dr. Emu-'l‘? HOR arm's New Dug SWIG. ". Globe Inn, SA3IUEL WOLF National Hotel, (Ruann Hausa.) (i. H. YANTIS Cumberland House, CASSIMERES, AND auxx uuox HAM'FK‘TI'RKM. LANCASTER, PA REPERXYL‘HS Lsfst Notice. Assistance Needed. A DEM©©RATH©AND FAMHLV J©URNALO GETWSBUHG, PA., MONDAY, JULY g 4, 1864.. POETRY. ytv loner* Down to the vim-nu, .- the sun no- do". 1 And the daylighl mmnll. Ind duty Ind di- Are dying may in the buy (own, 1 go to In I! In] Ihlp coma in. 1 gm [lr our [he qnm nu, Rony with nunut, lxko mallow vino. “help slnpu, like lihn, lio ln‘nqnllly, Bhny Ind {sir—4m: 1 no not mine. I quantum the Idllonl every night— ' “119 over thn bulwark: idly Inn Nu'ing the nail, us they coma in tight— “ flue you non my handful ship coma In I” “I Wham-e dgu Iha come 3" may uk of me— ' “ Who in hermur, Ind whfl lur name 9" J’ And they smile ulpun my pityingly . ‘ : when my answeril aver Ind ever the limo. 0, uuna I'M I "Isa! o! Itrenglh Ind truth. - "or um were u «hm u A young hmb'n tie-co, She sqiled long mace from the port of Youth—'- 30; mule: 11l Love—And Int lulu. wu l’ucc And, like all behind and benufiful tblngt, Sh. (Add In dunner: Ind nloubl nu].— Wflb but] :- tremble nfnnnwy w’ings, sh. Mental lwnli In, Adam: we bay, Clrr3lpgwilh her I prpcimu freight— All 1 had gram-. 1 by yam ut pun; ‘ ‘ A Lemphng p :6 m the pink, Fakom . Aud ~.ull I watch [or her buck again; Witch from tho «flint morning light. Till the pale Itnrs grief. o'er ”n: dying Ill], To “3’.“ the gleam of nor unvm uhlle Am’au,’ the Inland: whncb gem m: [ln]. Hut xhe cumes no: yob—lhs will never com. Tn glmfdeu my oyoi Ind “pirit nmre— ’ Anl my heart‘mu hopeless, luJ falnt, And dumb, .\A I wait an] waitbn the lonely more. Kim-wing that tempt“, Ind time. Iml Alarm. I‘l‘g unwanted ml Manama my boaumuun balk, Rank lea wood- can: her mum] for"), ‘ And her all: In uttered, and 39mm]. and duh. AM HI” mth l pan-nee Hut in not hope, For \‘Alfl and amply u long hath been, In! on the run-'ll shulu': rncky 'it-1!. r“ An~l much to "a if my slnp mm“ m.‘ MLS CELLAN‘Y‘C DECLARATI'ON or Ixnnnaxocxr'u July 4, 171'6 When, in the coinrse of human eventc, it [Pennies necessary tor one people to (li-«oh? the yohtiml bands which Luv» (-onuut-lt-tl them With another, nn-l' tn manna. ..mmi the powers 0! the mith, the M‘tml'dlt‘ nnd‘ equal stutmn to which the hut: of nature «ml of nutuie’s Gml entitle tin-m. n th—t‘R-rt req ect to the (quzniunsot munktml ioq-nrcs thnt they should declare the (auacs nhich limpel them to the sepniution. \Ve hohl these tru'.h~~ to he sell-evidrnt, that all men are (rented equal; that tlwy me endowed by their Crentur with certain unalienable. rights; that union’s: .tln-w. :h‘ hie. liberty. and the pur‘ult of lldppttlt‘Es. That. to Rome thrm rights. governmcnu m-a immutexl among men, dt-rirmg their just [JOHNS from thé cone-cm of the gov ,ernt-tl : that. whenever any form at gor- rn merit becomes destructive of thcaeg‘ntls, it is the right, of lhe‘prnplu to alter or trl' :Ibnllhll it. and to inatitutcn new govm'nv lmunt, laying its foundation on such princi ‘ pl». nnl organ-2mg its power-- in such Imm, 115 to the shell keen) mint likrly' to .l tlvct their ‘cflty nml hailinncu. l'lu‘ ldl nee, intlm tl,mll dict'itcthut Lanrrnments long ramblinhcd, should not he ch: ngml tor light nml traimicnt. Cause‘; .mtl, according ly, all experience huth bll(7'-Vn,'lllifit imm kind are more disposed to suffer, while l evils are sufl'emble, than to right themselves ‘ by abolishing the forms to which they are l accustomed. But, when u long train bl ‘ aliuaes and usurpatinns. pursuing invariably ‘ the same object, evinces a design to reduce l them under absolute despotism, it i~ their right, it is their duty, to throw otl’such government, and to provide new guards for ‘their future security. Such has been the patient sufl‘erance of these colonies, and ‘ such is now tlie necessity which conxtrnins l them .to alter their former syneuis of gov l ernment. The history of the present king l oftirent Britain is a history of repeated in juries und mam-potions, all having, in direct. object. the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these States. To prove this, let facts he aubmittell to a candid world: ‘ He has rel'uspd his assent to luws the moat. wholesome and necessary for the public good. ' ‘ , He has forbidden his Governors to pass laws ofimmediate and‘prcssing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent. should be obtained; and, when 50 suspended. be has utterly neglected to at tend to them. - c ‘ He has refused to pass otller law? for the accommodation of large diltricts of people, unlesq those peOple would relinguish the right of representation in the legixlat‘ure; a. right inestimable to them, and formidable to tyrants only. ‘ . Ho bu called together legislative guliea at places unusual. uncomfortable. on dis tant from the depository of their public records. for the sole purpoee of fatiguing them into compliance with his mensurel. He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing. with manly firm ness, his invasion: on the right: of the people. - . He has refused, for along time after each dissolution, to cause other: to Be elected; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the State re maining, in the mean time, expo-ed to all the danger of invasion from without. and convulsions within. ‘ ‘ He has endeavored to prevent the popu lation‘of these States; for {hat purpose, ob structing the laws for naturalization of for eigners; refusing to pass other: to encour ~age their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new a proprialious of lands. He has obstructetfhhe administraiion of juuico, by refuaing his assent to lam for enablinhing judiciary powerl. He ban made judges dependenf on his will alone, for the tenure of their oflicea, and the amount and payment. of their salaries. _ He has erected a multitude of’ new offices; and sent hither swarms of ofiicers to hams our people. and eat out their substance. He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies, without the consent. of our legislature. . He has affected to tender the military Independent. of, and superior to, the civil powen He has combined, with omen. ”subject a, to a juiudxeoion foreiglrwou: mum 11.01}, and» unncknu‘wledged by gar lanai flung hi: my. to uni: nu; of yretqucd gulalion; ' ' ‘ ' NMI “nuts 1: man" an WILL Pnum.” For quartering large bodies of armed tronps ““lan us: - ' For prntecting them. by n mnck trial. from punidimunt. for “any murdors which they should commit on the inhabitants of the-99 Sfites: For cutting off our trade with all pints of the World: ' i ’ .. For imposing (axes on us without. 6m gonsent: ~ . For dairivinp us,‘ in many caseq, of the, benefits of trial byjuryz, I For transporting us beyond seas to be' tried for pretended offences : , ‘ - . For abolishing the free system of English ans in a neighboring provint‘o, establiJl ing therein an arbitrary government, andil en'lnrging its boundaries“. so mi to renvlor lt{ at. once an example and fit instrument. for introducing the same absolute rtrie into tbnsa colonies: . 7 . ' For taking nwny o’fir charters, abolishing our most vnluable laws, and altering, fund amentally, the powers of our gnvermneuts -. For suspending our own legislatures, and. declaring Alnimself invested with power to legislate ior us in all cases whatsoever. He has abd-imtetl government. here. by declaring uv “out of his protection. and waging “'fll' ngninst us. He has plundered our sens. ravaged our, coasts. hurnt our towns, and destroyed the liveq of our people. He. is, at this time, tramporling large armies of fureign mercenaries to complete the works uf dE-ath, (lesolutitm, and tyran— ny. nlrewly begun. “ith circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the meat lntlbarotls ngm‘. and totally up worthy the head oi a. civilized nation. He has con~tminml nur ft-llqucitizlens. lakt-n captivenn the high «an. tn bear arms against their country. to beeume the excctb txnnrrs of their frientla unrl brethren, or to {.\ll themselves by their lmmls. ”0 has oxcitwl 'lomentic insurri‘ctinnti ‘ nnmn’gat ua. and has endeavorgnl to bring on the inhnbitnnl‘s of our frontiet‘s. (he nmrciless Illtlldn savages", wlmse known rule I of wmfwo j: an undi-tinpulshovl destruc tiun, Mal! ages, sexed. ftnul cuntlitimm‘ I in cvmy since of those approuiuni. we have [mtitinnwl {nr nth-nu, in the mm! hutnl-l'f-Jvrlni: nnr rnpmted petitinns have burn ttihwvrw‘l only hy l'Oiu‘fllf‘d injury. A pt‘nro. Min-(- (‘ll‘lltu‘lt‘l‘ is thus marker] hyii “my nvt '\‘|l«2l| m -y [iv-film a tyrant. 1: un-' lit to he the rnlnr ol' :1 free people. 1 Nor have we [wt-n wanting in ultvnlinnl tn nur Britiuh lnotlxrr‘n. Wv hnvu “:u‘nctli tlmm, from timn to Um“. ol".utvmpt<nnule-t lvftlwir logi~lntun~ tn owe-ml un‘~l l"ll)l.‘ll|i(‘j:).‘l~.’i1¢-li"pn i_n-m: It a “'0 lanc l'«‘-. xn.nrlwl ll'an l-f tlm (-iimnndnncec of our' ennurntinn :mil ~mtl-"nn-nt lll‘rl‘. “K. have nppnzihul tn llxvii‘imtwv i-va mugnA-‘ nunity, an? m‘ iIILVI' v NJllr- il I’M-in. luv the tics ot mu runinznn l\.n ltvd. lnlliS‘lVO‘V [lune umrpntlotp, “bit It would Inc\ilubly lhlf‘rl‘llpldull' (‘fiunc‘thuna and corralmn dt'llCP. Tlmy, too, have' been LlL‘L’f to the, vulva of jumcé nn'! ‘concnnguznity. Wei must, tlmtul’nrc, arquie-ce in the necesuith \Yllll'll «lrrnuimos our separation. nnd hold; tlmn. us we hold-thorns! ol mankind, cue-I ttre< in wnr, In pence, ll’lt‘nll". \ We, tlm-nluy-o, the rel-n-wntwtivos of the l' \‘ 1'! lil) S'l'.\'|‘l-‘.< HF A3l ElllCAfin GEN- I-IRA L U tNtilHiS“ assembled. :tppealtngm the supp-mp. Judge of the World for the restitude of our inn-ntihm, (la. in the l nmw. tin-l by the autlmrtty of the gnod‘ people of tlww colonies. ~ul.-mnly publish‘ nntl declare, Thu! thou: L'mtlz-al. Culnnies MO. and of tight ought-to he, "FREE AND INDEI‘IiNDENT Sl‘ATl‘lS‘: that they are .ilssoivod {win all nlfeginm-t- to tlm british rrnn‘n. an 1 that all political rnnnoxinn be tween them and the stntn affirm! Britain, is. und bnght ta lm, mtu‘lly (limnlvml 2 “mil that, us FREE AND lNDl'Il'liSl)l-I.\"l‘ S'I'ATI‘N, they lnve tull power to lvvy war. éOllL‘lUde pong-e, mnt't'ml :tllinnros, estab llall commerce, and M An all rulllPr nets and things which INDEPENDEX l‘ ZS’I‘ATE." may of right do. And. for the support. of this declaration. with a firm reliance on the protection of DIVINE PROVIDENCE. we mutually pledge to each when our lives, our fortuneu, and our sacre‘d honor. ‘ WHAT IT WILL COLT Mr. Tin-cop. of Utica', in his book upon. "The Future,” enters into a calculation which mllset thinking men :4 think In; :Llli.“ 116 more eurnegtly. Undo} the subjugation policy of this Administration he huppOSf‘s that we must keep up an army of M. least 300,000 men, and a navy costing at least 550- 000.000 annually. The estimate {or the na tzyzlor the year 1864-sis over $142,600,000. The lowest calculation tor the cost ofthe ar my'is 3210000000. He calculateg that it will cost $100,000,000 to pay 5 per cent. in terest on the national debt ot $2.000.000,000; and $30,000,000 for the civil service and miscellaneous expenses. There . figures foot ups4lfi,ooo,ooo us the whole amount of the annual expenditure in the future. on the subjugation. emancipation basis of the present Administration. Thi he find; upon calculation, is 2; per cent. upon the whole tumble, property of the country, as it existed before the war broke out, inclu -in eleven. To this is to be added the loci taxation of the States, swollen ~to an enormous tmount by the heavy botinties, and he calculates that both together, at the North, will be a. tax of 5 per cent. upon the whole taxable property. The Secretary of the Treasury estimate: that the income of the Government for the fiscal year to come will be $200,000,000. This in exclusive of loans. This income on]; is obtained at the gamut heuy rates oologederel taxation. ut an income of $416. .000 it more than double the amount calculated for‘thil year, end, of: neceuity. to realize this amount we multlmorc than double the present rate: of Federal taxation. - “Gen. Grant in: suddenly changed his base ngtin, 9nd deserted the York River and White House. Justwhere he will turn uri we are notldvised ; but most likely Lee' will find him one of these fine mornings South oftbe James River. li‘be can’t take Richmond on‘the North side, he tries the East. ; it that don't. work, he tries the South, and if he fails there, he will try the West—— and if all tail, he will take it some other way.—quilory. ‘ , What a prodigy of patfence thgle Aboli tion editors have got to be! When Mc- Clellan was in aommand and advancing to wards Richmond on the same ground which Grant has recently occupied. who does not remember their howlipgs because he did not annihilate the rebel army at asingle blow, and. march into the city 1' oh, consis— tency, thou art njewel l—Spiril. ‘B‘“ swing n lady n. aparky with a very lmoeked dre‘ss Ind bare 3mm, ex pnmcd‘fladmiration by saying the “out mippod'i tho whole puny. a a/% "< ’ ' {é / i z now To (:21 Bl‘ or CATERPIL- ma] The following, which we clip front the Toronto Lender. may be ot‘ interest, to our thousands of agricultural friends throughout the country: Those of our readers who either have frhit trees in their gardens, or who cultivate large orchardsfill learn with much grati ficationgthnt' certain inatrnxncntalilyrot destruction to cuter-pillars ha»: been d'rficov ered. That cr'm' 011 ,will came instant. death to these pests has been proved beyond all doubt. On-Saturday. last 3 letter was re ceived at the Leudc-r'oll‘ice, for publication, from one of our {uubsmiberg an extensive farmer in the tnwmhip of Clerk, county at Durham. stating the fact that, as a last re sort. to endeavor to destroy the caterpillars (which had almostvtaken po>~es4inn of the trees In the orchard.) he experimented with coal ml. Complete success attended the experiment. A brmh of stitl'tloatheri was made and portions ot't'ne trees smeared with the oil, in additionlto placing a small qu m tity on the nests. Instant death ensued. 'l'he proprietor of the Leader at once tested the oil on hisi ‘trees at Glengrove Farm, Young street, where the caterpillars had collected in thoumnds. doing f’eurt‘ul clan» Age. In a. couple of hours one quart ot‘it had cleared the orchard completely of cnt~ erpillars. The dead lay around in all «li rections. The effect of the 011 on the posts seemed miraculous; there was no long de lay to undergo. for one touch of the deadly substance to the nest; Spread desolation in all directions. This is. certainly. a cheap remedy, in well Its a euro one. and all nur subscribers troubled with caterpillars. should adopt it. A Glumny R: Hula—We have heard nl'mme', :Iqu scenes, but rarely encountered any-l thing so utterly defile-nt in nunuhimz and; Mine-wash as the following. It reads_like a yard of black crnpe: l “Gloom was dn‘lwr countenance and: upon his’. The mun whom holy office “ml to unite them in bonds never lobe to?n' asunder, stoml l|ko an exovuliunc? before; Um bride and bridegroom. and they—the )mir waitin’g to }N‘ him-l-ul—benbdown their? hmllls like eximmuh bnl'm‘u him. In Vain Ini‘lnt the eye wander around the msmnhly in‘soarcl: of sunshine npnn a single mun-' lcnanee: n”\\"13(rl("lrv Muck-«them-Manta ' in Well :1»: m lr‘n-llrmh~ at the cormnqny were,’ nlx’kc ~hrpuvlcrl in one (lzn-lcgnxnr‘h.nlmvm2 pull of myleS‘ gloom. All! jnylul slnoulwl ewr be mefinking ol' vmlng hearts t6—‘ umber. n _ rx lble mud be 1!“: feelingw of thuxflurnfintl whom lhe sluulmw ul lutvzm‘. gathering, m‘vn :It the threshold, \leivh' slmnM Ll xzn in all their gorge-nus enlnriv‘gl Infhnpennulhronnsc. Yeflhe mime smnlvro. slmlv, (Immunegloomnllunmthesumetlepth3 nl' nlnrlcnme, \mx sunle'l upon every featurefdl, .\'n ~ml~lr~n blmhing- of the 10“,, no “will suveceding of the My. no lin'ul clunqu‘. telling‘nf {he yo'uthful pasxivm. and wurm‘ Ln'ight lmpo, were seen in that bride's cheek; hi}! one unwu'ying funeral slmvle possessed the brimlv. an=o>§Nl the groom,‘ pmsessml ‘llxe preurlnqr—in fact they Web-l all posscacd. Remlcr, the); were darkies l” ' [3TO have made the‘Bultimore plat form perfect, {the following resolution shopld have been ndnx-ledz—l- V “That the people justly View with alarm the reckless extravagance which pervades every department oflhe Federal Unvern mont; (hula rotlnn to rigid economy nnl uccuunllahilily ii in lisgenmblp to n‘rl‘efl the svslomdlic plunder of the public tremury bv favo‘rcd pariiiang, thu the recent st nr- Hing develoynn—nh of‘frnud and coh'up (ion in the. Federal JlMl’ppolls show :lmt ml ell/Ire clung: ry' .idminimahon is imperalc'rc/y dcmauddll.” jl‘txisgis the sixtth/flujion o! the Repub lican platform of 1550. and ought :9 have been re-Mfirmed, if only to add another joke to the oli'xce-hohlers’ x‘esofivsz. o; ___. -mw.” ....» ~_ --—~.—-—. I ‘ 88TH: main rénmn that the Abolitién pnpol‘s give why Lincoln should he re-elcct ed is that ”1P South rebelled because thvy did nm. like him, and now they should he inn-Jo to live under his rule. To, most man who study the matter clnwely this would appear to he the very reamn why Lincoln shoulrl'nol be rn-eleclcd. . If, as the Aboli tiomsts thnnHPlves mlmit. he is the most ofi‘ensiva man in the North to the Southern people, is it. not plain tlmt they will fight more bitterly again“ him than against any other person,aml thathis re-election would be the menus ofimlefiuitely prolonging the war myrtle Democratic party. defective Ar. it is. is infinitely sup'crinr to the Republican party. for it at. least asserts personal lionty and national dignity. which the latter fur mnlly deny.”—-Nm Nation, Fremont organ. The people, after duo reflection. will come to the same conclusion. In the fourth year’s experience of the Republican party they can find very little in)! which they wish to we continued or re eater]. This is the feeling of the people—,tiie office-holders feelotherwise because they feel pocket-wise. The New Nalinn also says “is authorized by Dr. Urestes A. Bronson. to Itqte as lollnw: : “lst. '1 but his Review is e‘mirely oppon ed to the re-elecfion of Mr. Lincoln. 24. Tlmb it ii in (fitn- of the Clevelandb‘onven tion. 31!. That. in its next number it will advocate the claims of Gen. Fremont." A Large Cemcunv.-.Tholargest cemetery in the known world in the State of Vir ginia. From the Potomac to the North Coraline line, and from the Chesapeake Bay to Kentucky and Ohio, it is one vast clmruel house. Frre end the sword hove done the work of death most admirably. F amil ties broken, fathers and brothers den}, mothers made widows, children made or phans, property destroyed, the country made I de‘nert—and all for what? Echo nonweru‘flomvhnt‘!" Blood must flow like unto rivers, and death a'nd destruction Inuit dorutnte the land, for the purpose of endetvoring to place the negro on an equal ity with the whiten. A few prazy fanatics. with thin hobby in view, lovhoumdu by the nose, under false prete ces.‘ up to the ballot box to vote for “Honest Abe,” and, of course, naturally got us into our present he’lbte and bloody predtcameot. 0f Gum Not—ln file Senate of the Uni ted Shae. Mr. Cow-u movegi to insert the word “white" balm-e “mtle citizens.” in deugnatiug thooe who are to be vowra. tb‘é’ other day. Mr. Sumner will “I hope not, I hope not». Mr. President." Ot‘ooursa Mr. Sumner and Lincoln nape not. nn'l what. is stranger Mill, there no well meaning men who nil] vote to keep such men n; yower. hlfyou wish to recalled a man’s mme. go locus-«y for him.’ F 9: keeping mgr magma (min, then in nothing like mg? OEI 'l‘ W 0 DOLLABS- A-Y EA R lI‘EBCII 0' HON. A. 11. GOFFROT'II, 0r PENNsYp'Ayu. ‘_ Delivered In Ila non-Ids! neuron-null":- .I"th liniml llnlrh. In: N, 1551. Thé House having un‘de: cnhfidoralinn thcjoin’i' resolution to amend the Conslilu tion of the United filalesJo abolish sla very~ , . 1 Mr. COFF‘RO‘I‘H said: 1 ‘ ' Mr. Sruxrn: When [entered this. Hall 1 at the opening of this session. I had deter- 1 mined not to participate in any general lie 1 l‘bate. It was my intention to be a li\‘lt'nt‘t 1 i and not a talker. This resolve‘woutd have l been faithlullykept. had it not been for I the extraordinary legislation that has been pressed upon the llouse—legislatipii., in my ‘ J opinion. which is not only cubvereive-of the l , interests of the people. but which crects an l'insnrmountable barrier to ‘the restoration . 1 of the Union. The resolutiun before us ’ proposes to amend the Constitution, made by the patriots oi the Revolution, so'as to' ( abolish slavery throughout the United ; States. It preposes to set free four million 1 lot‘ igriorant and debaeeil agrees to swarm i ‘ the country with pestilential effect. It is ‘ to mrry out the design oftlie bad and-wick- 1 led men. whose fanatical teaching has pro 'duced the terrible bloodshed and dcstruo‘- l . tion of life through which we are new l ' pausing. ‘ - ‘ - ’ Sir. we. should pause before proceeding {any further in: this unconstitutional and: . eensurable legislation. The mere ahnlitionzl ' of slavery is not my cause of complaint. . ll i care not whether slavery is retained or abolished by the people of the States inl [ which it exists—tho only rightful authori- : i ty. The question to me is, has Congress a i right to take fiohi the people of the South ‘ ‘. their property—or, in other Words, having ; no iecuniary interest therein. are 'wejustii i i fled in freeing others? Cm we abolish sia— I i very iii-tho loyal State of Kentucky :rgai'nst i l her will? If this. resolution shotild pass, , ' and be ratified by three-fourths of the States ) ; —Statcs already free—~and Kentucky rclu- } ses to ratify it, upon what principal of right 5 ‘ or law‘wculil we he’jiistificil in taking the i slave property of the people of Kentucky. : Would it be less than stealing? ' ‘ I ' This legislation has a tendency not only ' to create discord among the people of the ' North,’ but has a power «04 immcnee the! min-l own it calcnl do it‘: weight in giving ' strength and force to the rebellion. It ‘ fulfils all the prophecies of the South con cerning the North. They have been bola tering up and maintain; their ai'rny by as serting that the peoplepf the North inten- ‘ (led to confiscate their homes and-rob them“ . 'ol‘tlieir slave properly. The one has ulrea-‘l 3 dy been put in force by an unconstitution l' a] enactment, and you noiv propose to do the other by the same process of illegality.- . ‘. These acts constitute the propelling power 5 l which ltlL‘l‘fille'l southern armies. The fa- ‘ natical legislat’ion'ol this Congreas has been l of niul’B mine to the Sonthfin giving tliem’l ‘ large armies. than all the . conscriptions l lthr-y have passed or bountiel they have ' paid. Men who were attached to thé old . l Union, but placed under circumstancfi to be of little service to it. and who b’nve_bcen ' waiting with beating hearts to be’ ngmn l sheltered under the old flag" are now torc< 3 ed, not only into sympathy with the rebel-t! ilion. but into hearty co-operation. They 5 Have no other ‘resort. (I'o remain idle now, . is to lose all they have. in their opinion, 1 ' to su=tain therebellion retains to them their ‘ property. ' It slavery in to be abolished. allow it to be dbiie according to the principles of conf . inon justice. Allow the people in each 'State the inalienable right through their l legally constituted ehthorities to control l their own domestic institutions in their own way. This was the doctrine held by l statesmen whose panaions and prejudices [did not blind them to a correct idea of right. - 3 President Harrison snwgthedisunio'n pnru poses of the Aholitioni-ite and nlnvery agita tor-i at an early day, and expressed the fol lowing opinion: ' . i ' . i “I aiu,.and have been. for many years. so 1 much opposerlto slayery, that [_Will never ,live in.a slave State. '.But I believe the :‘Ponstitution has given no power to the 'General Government to interfere in tliiii i ni‘atter. and that to, have slaves or no slaves, depends upon the—people in enehState alone. But besides the constitutional objection. l am persuaded.that the obvious tendency of such interference on the part ofthe State: which have no slaves with the property of their fellow citizens of the others. in to pro duce a state ot'discord andvjealouiy. that ‘ vi'ill, in the end. prove fatal to the Union. l I believe that in no other State are au'eh wild and dangerous sentiments entertained ‘ on this subject an in Ohio.” - , Sir. I do notldeny the right of Cnngrngs to amend the Constitution of the United United States ter'the bénelit ofthe people. but I do deny the right of Congiess to. amend the Constitution to the destruction of the right of the people to hold property. it never was intended by the framers of the Constitution. nor by any of the great ‘fmen who ruled this country. that the dom ' inant party, blinded by prejudice. should alter or amend the Constitution, to the in jury of the weaker aection._ lf‘the North has the power to take from the South their propertyflt followe that if the South ever gets the power. sh would have the same right to take purifier”. and the result would be that inste .of the Constitution protecting the people it would be turned into a [swear to oppress them. , The emocratic party has been exerti'ng its power to restrain legislation to its prop er channel. and for this it is daily stated upon this floor and elsewhere that the Dem ocrats are in sympathy With. the rebellion. What a libel upon that great partyl Its great principles, its pure devotion to the country. an its never-dying {catty to the" doctrine of man’s capacity for sch-govern-l ment, can receive these shock! of vitupi-rml tion with as little efl'cct as the mighty mkl that has planted its roots' deep into the. mountain side, receives the petting: ot‘ the storm. Let: history 3;;ka the Democrat- 4 lo party. Under its control this nation i grew frotn thirteen pennitesq colonies tol thirty-four mighty Stat‘cs. “Under its con‘ trol the forests. where the red m'ft'l roamed unmnlested, have been felled, and mighty cities have sprung up, With their a ires ‘ piercing the clouds. Under its ctintrol2 the old road we on had scarcely pulverized the stones of thaacadamizrd pikes upon the mountains, until the iron horse flew with Ilightning speed through their bow‘els. It was under its control the sails of our vessels whitened every navigable Itreacn in‘ the world and the flag of our country protected American citizens in every clinic. Under ' its control, when foreign nations were sur -1 tcriiig for (nod, the old’ Ocean was nudeto mm beam; on mam or mm}... to: flowing pnoplu' Undenit! control toi gnce, agriculture, umd the mechanic-l om ’ became so perfect and hnrmoliom that tho old world Wendi-rod in nmazoment at tho scientific ndVancomcnt nl’onr people. Un‘ def its control thb people of all «limo Ind countries Were invited to make this theiv home. where they might warship God no. cording to the dictates of their own connoi ‘enoe and under their-own “nine and fig tree.” I'. In under the control or this some Domoontic party that nut and bound- ~ less territory was acquired. The one Northwett mu moulxhd by the bond oftho Democracy. That beautiful country. which wu once a wild and waving prairie. in now dotted pith htbitatiohl u chem“ dot the ileum: above us. And her cattle are roofing upon a thousand him. It fun under Dom. ocratio control that “empire marched on ward" until the flag of our country no hegd upon tho highest peaks at the Rocky Elenizuins, ‘ ' ' ‘ “Whore in! WIHI Hare pinnacled iii. londi their “01": ch And throuml enmity m it‘] hull. . ’ 1 INTc). 40 0f cold sublimilylw v ' Under-Democratic rub! the finmloriaffim l of the kay Mountains proved no impodlé, ' my”: the on ard march of America cw ilfin n audCan itu innalgovernmenmnd ‘_ the adjoining vallgy VJ! acquired. who“ loveliness and behuty is described an rival]- ‘inig the magnificence oflho gin-den ofE lan. The Democratic party not. content. with even 511 ”mm uplon'ild acquisitionl took tho "umpire unw ml” and crowed the Siorf rn Honda. Mounlzum, nnvl phnlml 1h“ Gig of theer upon (ha golden and or C nhfornin and 'guva us a “domain of more than i‘rtlpO-‘~ rial grandmlr. Its valleys teem With un bnuudo-l fertility. and its mountains Ir. fined wilh inoxhnushlfle (remurm of mino- ' ra‘weullh. The naviglmv‘ I'h'eri run hun dreth of mih-s in-n‘ thn inh-rim‘. and the mat isindeme—d .yuh Ugo um: czmciwc harlmrs in (ha world‘ ’l‘hp climate! is mot. heaithfnl than any other on the globe. the! vcgemtion is more vigorous, nn-l (In pro- ‘ duets more ahundmt; the facn loe much is mom varied. and the sky ben'la 0V0! it with a lovher blub. . Evorvlhing in iti ‘mm‘le u-‘mn e of m uznificenms which 3 man living in such a cmmunn-ylncc region as ours mn scarcely dream of, ; r ‘ To know how bémfif‘h the‘ wufld can be.” No political organization, o my country or go can show to glnrtmuommrrl. no [no fut blumlvrq nnrl cumef.» and so rich in Iluable achievements. IThe unexampled progrcas of the country in wealth and.pow er, find its pmwet‘ul. proweroun. nod happy c'ondition lw'oro thifi‘wiu‘. were the romlt of the who and patriotic imiioy of the Dann cmtic party. Cu: the Ilemqutio party In this. the hour of the country's desolation. forget in put history? The about of on. millinn fiVe hunllrnil thousand pottncmu amwer, Sol The mlislflll of the l)emocrs- ' vy. in Minute our wrecked and divided coun try, and with the help ofGod. relying upon. lie-justice of our enuw. we hill unite thi éltsuwctotl country ip howlsk so strong that future causes will never bnng upon in 0' separation. ‘ {The man who. with thi: record before _hxnachm'?‘ the D amocrutic party with disc lay,- ty. I. 00k upon as either 9 mmlmnn or n know». When the gentleman from lowa. (Mr. Grinnell) uttrrcd in debate the start- 3 lingunlmmm‘ml‘nt thnt he "would rather say :1 tlmu~untl time; let tlm country be di vixlwl—the Sfuth go their way. all _slavo, and the North all fl'tlfl' than see the county 0130 morn umler Democratic rule.” l mu rig; surprixml. ='l‘he‘ history of the gontlov mun lmm lawn is nelstent with‘thii tren sonnhle languwr. filo (levlnred in aapeeoh . .hé and:- in lOWA, that he would M soot so. his daughter marry n negro as a Democrat. . It wall becomes :1 mm ol‘_suell refined edu cation nnd'exqumite tar-be to belch forth his bitterneu ugmut the Democratic puty of 'the country. i -__ . ' Looking at. the great, progress at! 'wdr of our people, the mind natut‘a’lly our: the cyueuion, what hns‘cnused tho atfiictinghnd sew-159 troubles that hang over us~what hll (mused this beautiful Lint} to be drenchod in bloml. and brother meet brother in dead,-~ 1y I Will not attempt to some! t] m myself; but will give the war n of some of the great lnen who ~ li\ sua. ’t‘ho prophecy they then roads) is .now being literally fulfilled, and we are reaping the bitter fruits of our dino bedienco to [bail fldVICO. ' . General Washington} in his farewell ad dress. thus mlmonishes themaople: ”My countrymenTrown indig‘amly upon every 0440 mm, to nhonnte any portion ot'our country from the rest. ‘Bzwnx or'shcnon AL oncs'xlunnxs! at mmying Lhc No uh nu:l‘lmt_.flxo South or the Snuth again" {Lo- North. thhe and it ,will prove fatal to our libs-Him.” '1 Gen. .1 10k aon but] the rerutation of “lee 'A - mnn at a a an!” " ing lbyough a man min glance.” Ha his left his‘ s’ngo counsels for us to ponderpver. In his farewell address hp. qaysi _ _ _ ‘ ”\V‘haLll'u/o van to gain by division: and .tlissemiifiis'! Delude not. yourselves with the hopmhat the. breach once mnde would be afterwards easily repaired. lithe Union is once sevmevl. the separation will grow wider anzl with-r, and the controversie which are nnw rlelmtml and settled in the hall: ot legislation, will he tried in the field annttle Mill determined by the sword.-'-. i Nnither should you vlnccivo yourselves with the hope that. the first line of separation lwnulel be the pFrmime'nt one. 4' * Local interest» would still be found there and unchastonetl :mhition. lithe recollec tion of common danger“. in which the poo pl? of the United States have stood side by side against the common foe, the prosperity and lllpfilne~s they have enjoyed under thp prceent Constitut.on.—ifall them rewllec tions'nntl proofs of common interests are not. strong enough to bind us tngother, as one people. what tie will hold ignited the warring divis‘fim‘nf empire. when tho... bonds have h n broken find the Union dil polved. Tue first line of separatmn would not li\-it long—new tragment! would be tom ——new tandem would spring “l: and thin fiious Republic ivuulrl soon be ‘roken in to a multitude of ”petty States, armed to; niutiml nfigreuionsalonded with tune to pay armies and leaders, seeking aid Agninat each other from foreign powprs—rmulted and n'nmplql upon by the nations of Eu rope, until harrassed Amth conflicts and. thuiu’bled and :lebuiad in spirit, they would be willing to submit to the domination of (my i military adventurer, and surrender their liberty for the Mke of repose.” » . Henry Clay. in a spemh in_Congrenl a early as 1830, warned his countrymen agginst the fanaticism of the Abqlitionint: in the tollowing. wordsz‘ x, l . ; “Abolitlanism should no longerho repu tied as an imaginary danger. The Aboli tionistw, let no suppowflucceed in their l at aim of uniting the inhabitant! of muse State: 33 one mm minst the in. habifants of the slave Sta-tea. Union upon one side will bagel. Union Upon the other. i and this proces: of reciprocal oonlolidntion I vnll be intended with all the violent pro-ju. l dices. e 1 _rqd passions, end implacable aniino=itics,‘w it ever degraded or defnp. i med liuliiglp na! 12. ’ ’-‘ 'Ono sec tion mlt'stnnd in menacing and hostile n - ray agzfinst the other. The collisionl g! opinion will be quickly tollowed by the clash of nrma. ltwill not attempt to dot scribe scenes which ‘now happily lie can. cealed from our View. Abolitionists them. selves Would shrink back in horror st the contemplation of dew‘mted iiuldn. confh. grated enies, murdered inhabitantl, and the overthrow of the fairest fabric ofhnml' government that ever rose to animate the ho es of civilizei man." _ iii adilltmn to these warnings and pmph. ecies might be added like opmiom tram all the great statesmen of the country. This advice has been disregardedme a part, was built up in the North whose nim we. to destroy the institution of slavery. eithn out of hatred-tn the people of the death, by false idmof huintniiy. They in ' led to the finial: d Mel, and “gt-inn é‘x‘ :~ ‘ “ '“'hiuh liis]~y.~a must. no -I