The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, June 27, 1864, Image 4
E 'YARXOUSP‘. Q I}. I, QARIML u TBOUILB. ' ALnsr. June 8 The cause of constitutional liberty was ‘ ,vtndicnwd today by a verdict at the Gm-n ‘ pit-cult Court. of nine thou-and dollars ‘ nguimt Marshal Murray, end William Buck 19y, hi: deputy. The plaintifi', Albert W. Putin, was arrested in August, 1862. by Deputy Marshal Buckley. who hall nn war- ‘ 'rnnt. but acted upon the authority 0f the War Department, hand an information at 'l’Atrie'n political opponents that. he had spoken against the mlmin‘istratioh‘. Patric mu undated while at. work on his farm, liked to New York, confineu in the Elm .atx‘eet jail in an underground cell. The usurtment was tour feet wide had six teat long. And there were two other prisonéu confined in it. He offered bell. but it wag .rel'qsed, and he was ‘kept in prison until he com-rented to employ and pay Judge _Boebéto procure his release. Judge'lngalll )I‘Olldt’d. ‘Jullge Parker conducted the £5OB forthe pluintifi’. and Mr. .\lattoon lor the marshal and his deputy. The cue was sworn off‘two terms an ac eqnnt. of the abwnce cf Secretary Stanton. hilt! 9f pne ol‘ the deputy-marshals..— Netthet of them were present on the ”'lfil, The arrest wuq based on a. letter of some of Pzitrie's politicnl opponents complaining tlmt he spoke against, the Admini~trntion. Whlnfnhal Murray hatheen held to bail until I]; "fork. Yer.” Put 'em through! ‘7 . ‘ “A n ' mum “may." Di 'l‘hursKll J lusl Mr: Lame, of Indiana, laid in the bnmte of the‘ Umu‘d Stall-s; Ile climentedlrpxn his colleague (.\lr. Hendricks) that. {he countiy should cry peace. and a .it peace. lle did til) wheth er the «M “one year! live years, or a "hundredymr... ‘ t. This is the accepted declrine of the Lin coil}: Abolitionisth; ’l‘hcso miserable. funm. ice do not wantipt-aae. on any terms, or un der any circumstancee. A 9 long'ns they can rob and plunder the petiple, they desire inbutinunnce ol the war, n 0 ninth-r ifit ”hits “a hundred yeah.” "l‘he rum and misery in which our unhappy country is plunged. are (if small moment to them :l‘he Suffering and agony of the 'massea oc ;Luion them no nnensincu. An long as the people will gweul‘eir Erec’ihua lire; and iuillion: of mnfley. ' willl protruct thie d’emlly sti'ile index! i' ly, and make “Off forttn stay tlw'hanr l'tha doetrtfi'cr. 'l'hii it Lincoln Abolitionism i—Age. ! pinion: Tm: TAXI!!! The New York Tunes, a Lint-”In nrzznn. ‘ ml]; for more taxes. Itsays W E MUST TAX _MORE. 1111-‘AViLY, nhhouph in gun, the people mu be cuHad upon to pay ”Federal 'l‘nxen, - (Vsmm Taxes, ' E‘Cnunty Taxes. ‘ fi'lkorougfi and} township Taxes, ‘lfirfichool 'l‘nxed, j ' ”Bounty Taxes, ‘1 ' If Cnnwriptiph Taxes, . gMHilin Taxes, ”Spaciul Tuxvs, ' ‘ fi‘Lxcc‘Ys‘e Tuxca, . ”lion "axes, ' _ ' ._ ”Poor Tu xO3, ‘Wlnternnl Revenue Taxes, fir Income Taxov, and :1 heavy addition ; i 1 Taxation for ex'erythmg they «at, drink 5 uud wear! Oh the beauty of kerpng Lm coin i}; power! ~ . wWe call attcntion 4once more to the fuét, {hut in this county not a solitary re ‘nponnu has been made 10 61“. Curtin‘s call [or trnops; and, so far as our knowledge 9.x -vemls, lhe‘ rPsultrin lather poruons of (hq Huts by jug/3n no better.~ Hie county has )hree Ehomandmujorilyfor the war certain ‘cvuy limp, but when it comes to going In 1:lm war, “ilhe horse is of a different color.” (91). "ldyzflty," "loyalty," what humbug i 5 ’.qrpflfated in thy £ E—L'ric Obftrwr. '.Cuu'ld Sfind IL—We constantly hear the friends of Mr. Lincoln asserting that what . I . . ever any be his errors and shorlaomlngs, n _zvnuld be highly prejudicial to Life intermls 7g)! tbé country to elect another man in his placa. fit} reply to this assumption, an ex change sarcastically says: ..“g system which could endure the retire ment. of Washington without injury. could accommodate itselfm the return of Lin ‘eoln to Springfield withoutxonvulaion.” ,0“ Line ll'hz’gs.—Tbe Louisyillo Journal {mys' this following complimentjto di=tin~ )guished .\’ew Yoxkers: "“'nahinglon Hunt ,2; one oi” the )sewv ‘York delegates to the (longervuliva {fiufional Convention which meets at Chicago in July. The’Old Linc Whigs of the E'uvire Slate nre enleiing in io the Presidential contest. with accustom ml gullimtr); and fidelity. Under the lea.- ,dership ot'such men asFillmoro, and Llimt. 'n‘ng Hall, and Granger, and Kelchum, they .will. form a glorious division in '.he gram], Lumy of ‘éonservmism, and will perform glorious (service. A nobler body of patriots :he world does not. contain." wWhy is it that the “loyal" papers of 3.29 country have so little to s‘ay about the. Logan prgclamntion, since the author has turned glut. to be an Abolition reporter and speculator ?_ Wll2 they profit by the lesson? flFuiler. editor‘o! that able Democratic paper, the Newark (.\'. J.)Journal,obmined a conscript prize in the 0. Abe lottery re qenlly drawn in that vicinity. but after rc gewing the pm and can: {ebbing to A mili ry life, says;— "Du a. complete. refiew of, the ghaln sub ject, the editor has firived n! the deliberate po‘nolusion to stifle gig belligerent fcelings, and lubmit to the i pumtion which places him upon the level 01 the Loyal Lcagners and onher stay-at-home Abolitionists. Pex haps in the nexs military lottery he may ,gnin draw a prize, when no ifilucemem; 'of high‘ officials. noremomitnmces of an in‘ .dulgent phblio, aludl prevent the editor of the Journal lrom fulfilling his patriotic and lqug cherished Purpose of—still remaining u my bosom 0 his family.” ”The Chicago Time; of a late date has I pictorigi cm, representing the building in which the Democratic National Convention 'yvi-li be held in thai city. on the 4th flly next. It. is a temporary edifice. erec or the ocopsion. and Will be the‘ largest. unic ture ever raised in Chicago. The Twas payu; "Tbe‘bnilding will he of gigantic propor filo‘nl. meuguring 6% foot. in Circumference; pad 2001m$ it} diameter. Ind planned to word ample room for 15.000 peqple." ‘O5 In! Sabbuh mornin , the altar. of mil. E. Church in this pine: nunoEnced, to . ' ”byeplion thus no one who does not end'one the “Government.” (that is. as ‘ pp continues it, the Administntioanhnuld ‘ coins to the‘mble Of‘bommunion.-.Ba‘y'ard Gram. A Such a fool ought to have a young negro baby tied to his coat am, And be kicked {rum the ppipic. A chrisunn would be blu bominghbi'l yn‘ker to receive communion £0: m a hypocyjm an; soounghoL—Sun l ‘ W -L—- #11:. Davenport Amen: publish; s rin Latin! from the water-n anh'y, in ‘hich' it in gene! £119! 511 the Ge ~n'aol, gin. no {minnow am; firmer“; also “Mr-9° , EDVERT‘So Manny’s Patent COMBINED lIEJPEP 4' .110 WER, WITH WOOD'S IMPROVEMENT. AThia Machine is presented to the fuming; community A: THE BEST combined Reap” nnd Muwcr mude. The‘lnrgg number sold in um snue are still in successful operation, and have pmveu the principle: 0! {2: construction to b» the ones to secure durability, esuc or operation, mljvlslnbilny l 0 uneven surl‘nres, closeness of swath, llglnlncss of draft and free~ dmn from side dmn. [\II’ORTANT HIPROVEMENTS have been mudn, (none or which nre rennet-med in {he (fills) to “it: In plnt‘c uf u o‘udcn cutter bar is nnw naml one of best qunlil: of n‘rmzn, with new and improwd gnnrds. nnd knives which will «u: I lmu and Lie ”I,an mnlw the )lnclninc llln nun-h t-lélt’l‘. TIAC‘ frame of Machine lnu L'ren altered at {he L-nJ U! the cute} bar, In filalle Machine 1.0 pun over a larger swnrth' ul cut. grass: It is now caustrncted to mow Hmme 411' Mm hine bung Ilelnchog) with naked cutter bur, nnd on T\H) wusus inniend of one, n..-n helm-e uswl. A sum. pitmnn, or connect ing rod. is used ll) place of iron. .\lntliine goes out of gen:- (knixL-s Minding still) when butlcd. Grain plal’urnl bus been so nlu-rcd lh-It Lhruwin r all by lmnd ingch easier tlmn lurmtrly. . The under ' "DJ is still Agent for Ibo‘inlc uflhc Ll unnv {caper nnd \lnwn-r in this‘ mun l}, and Will l}: happy In I)” (min-rs fur It. llc lmi one set up at Ins “'.uclmuw. in Gem-.- bur-2.11M rquXL'J'ld tlmse iu \l4uto‘juch n nzuuhlnc to call and new it. \ ‘ ' SAMUEL 'llElle’T. April :15, 1864. . Good News and True, T THE CHEAP C(IHVER, }\ ~ m Gmn'snrnc _— RUW & WUQDS are o'pening oulnnntlwr Inge assortment. of Saw Gum]; at their cheap form-r, “hich lhey will 50H 1". l|ze~ luxu‘s‘t cnSh pricu. We buy all for > cash 11 the loweafipricesgmd , ‘ can; (lurch-re, at" the sumo . quality of goods M low as they can he bought at. Any 1, 0x11” Store in 'he Sula. A } [Argo porliuh of tho Slmos we ‘7 hell are mmlo toonler. of the but umtmiul, by quud ‘nud expErxencedwo-kmcn. (in: us a null. ROW kWUUDS. 7'l‘ ATSUATS.‘ ~° 1:1 "115 far “9.1" Hats for Kis’scs, ”major Bn'ug, ' IJunkur-I Huts, - ‘ “ms h): (Thihlrcn, Straw HuISH Huts fur Lnnhaa, Allkind‘nflhls, ’9‘ and SPmLcra, by ROW .L'WUODS. ‘IIOES, “NUTS. S Shae: {Mr Children, Shoes fur Misses, Shani fur Indira, Nmefi [3r Bo;Y :4 } Hwes 101’ Mon. '(u'ntiler: ofnli kinds, Elippcts m Mulcly, Shoes ufnll kinds. 1:: mm; L \vuuns. \‘THTXUV Axn x-‘rnx'xsmxwawns Fun L (‘.HIJHH'IN. 1..\H11-Li & ‘GENTLEMEs. Spool “mum 0! Mi ‘.les and a‘plurs, . 12M» Gloves fin L‘lnldlun.L.xdm.studGentlemen, Hosiery, , " ‘- "_ Linon Hundkr‘rchioft “ - “ \‘oliurs nn‘i \erk 'l‘it-a‘ new stylr‘l. Cuff-a and (‘msv l: of best fits :Lndinloat Myles, mnl In my r-lhor [hints in (he notinn liné. sold :1! xholuueu prix (‘4. :11 me corner of York shed and the [mm-mu}, |-_\ RU“ 5;. \\ QUDS. , ['SIC. \H'SIC. ‘ Bl \‘in‘uim. Arcnrdnoas, Violin Bows, Sinug: J; Tullpwcrsal I‘l-r sale by - ‘ ROW .5: WOODS. . (gm-mans x- TOBACCO. V L Trcouns, E 1 Penn, 111. Rio SI-Hns,_ La lngenuidads, Nupnlcnns, \, f‘mnmnn, ' (‘.mgrvu, ‘- Plantation. Hunoy Dew. Anderson's Solace, for sule retail or by 1119 box. by ROW 5: WUOQS. mum, sums. _ ‘ " 1. Trunks, largc‘nnd small, (‘arpn Rags, R. H. Bugl, Gothic Sucks, Common Black Sucks, at“: InWest p'iro'c, by ‘JW ‘l; WUODS. / ‘ISCELLASEOI’S. . lmdics’ Baskets, Lnditfi' Snyhcis, Pun Muuunies, l‘en Knivc-R. '1 Razors, annr Straps, Window Pnpcr, Wall Paper, ' Pocket Books, Purses“ I’ulannsJarge, Palm Fans. small, L‘mlyvllus, Carriage Whips. kc. “'3 mo (ominually incrensing the 7¢rial§ and sssnmnon; of our stock. Prices 5m big but. we bought. m.|n_\' of our guods belore the hue ri=e, and “ill sell them as near qld low pricesgls po=slble. his our study to sellgoods tlmt “ill wear well, and mm sntisfaclifin to our cu=tomcrs. To cnnfile n; to do thi’afwa B‘m’e effected urrnngcments hy'wmch we ran get the best Boots and Shoes that are mafhu: mnmed. It you want to buy trash in the shoe linp, go to a Dg’y Goods Store. If you want good Shoes buy them of ROW ‘& WOODS, Cor. 0! York at. and Diamond, Gettysburg. my 9, 1864. - Store Removed. LOTI‘HSG! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! C PICKING'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE has barn removed from his old stand to his new rooms, three doors fxom IL9 Dumond, on Bal timure street, east side, nearly opposite the "Star” office, where he hasjust received a large invoice of \ ' READY MADE CLOTHING. . . Havingfiztcd up large and commodious rooms {0! tbs accommodation of his business and Life onvenience of his customers. he is new 081-ring GREAT INDUCEHENTS TO BUYERS. His resent. stock consists pix-Hy of thclntest. Spriuinnnd Summer styles 0! ‘ Cloth Costs and Cassimere Coats, . Fin'e Coats and Coarse Chats, Frock Colin and Business Cums, ‘ ,Sundny Coats and Everyday Coats, and every other style of Coma. Also ‘ ' Cloth Pants and Cuss‘xmcre Pants, Plain Palm! and Figured Prints,“ Fine Pants and Course Pants, Fitting Pants and Funny Pants Ind em, othefstyle of Puma. Cloth Yeats and Cassimcfe‘Vests, , Silk Vests mid Satin Vests, ‘-‘ l‘isin Vests and Fancy Vests, Straight. Vests and Rolling Venn, Ligm Vesta and Heavy Vests. a I s o - Trunks, Valises, Carpet Sacks, Canes. Um brélhs, Shawls, Gloves, Suspenders, Stockings, Crauu‘. Shins, Drawers, Collars. Handker chiefs, Combs, Brnshet, Clocks, Soaps, Violins,‘ Accordeons, Pocket Knives, Chewing Tobaceo, Sagas; In‘d almost. every deacripuuu of notions not found in any other store. [6'o3“ and examine our stock before pur chasing :lsewhero, as we {eql utisfied than. we can plénse all. [ DON’T $3.61“ THE PLACE.S Three dogrs tro_ lb. D’i‘Ambnd, on Baltimore street, Eutnide, yearly opposite the -“ Scar " office. , ' F. B. PICKING. May 9, 1364. ‘ Wanted. '- GOOD FAR)! in Adams county, for whicl- A I will exchange one or more Farms 01 cuotcc land in long, and pay tho difi'erence. Nov. 9,1883. 4 * GEO. ARNOLQ. J L. SOHICK has just received 3 la: 0! . cheap Looking Glam. ‘3 ~ IRBToRATE Bight-day, Thirty-hour I'd Alan-n Cloclitl, cheap at PIUKING’S. BY Dr. B. HQRNER'S ‘l‘onio Ind ARM? Ll‘ tin fowderi, for BORS. lpd CATTLE. tepo‘nd‘ud hold only n ' Drug 3:13:92 ' ’l;nu|ry.2s, 186,. . A ‘ Come to York Street! UK underuigned ban boughtbul the Grocery T and Proviiion Burn 0! W. E. Bmle, in York strut, a low door! can of St. James Lutheran Church, And will continue the busi ness :I:th same pltce. fl: bu inch-Med lbe stuck, a d in now prepote'l to ofl‘er-I moat ex- Lelleul Aug-uncut of good: in his line, such M COFFEE-IS, SUGARS. SYRUPS,.TEAS, Salt, Fish, Bruuma. Buckets. Hrushcn, Vin-h -ing Machines, Blacking, Candles, Needles, has, Comb), km, with a large lot or SEGA RS AND TOBACCOS Mao, Cut! Oil Ind Con! Uil hmpl. Culland see for yourlelvt-l. Hi: unortmum is 110'! only mu, but. he lelll u cheap I: 1.119 cheapell. ' . The higher: ptico paid for old Le-d: DAVID 'L‘RUXEL, JR. Gettysburg, March 7, 188}. Come with a Rush. HE undersigned would moat reapectfnlly T infigrm his umuy iriends Ind the public penrrnlly, that he bus gohe into the Clothing hu-xiness, at Snmsun'a old smudju the Diamdnd, Gettysburg, Pu. “is stock, already full,will be much enlarged, to embuce ucry style 01 CLOTHING, BUUTS. SHOES, HATS, ‘ Caps, Trunks, vnllcel, Clocks, Watches, Jew— airy, Guns, i’ifloh. and, in short, everything which ough: to be found utniim class Clothing and Vuriely House. Purliculurs hereafter. in the meantime he invites everybody to give him u call. He in lemlslo l‘éep so perfect a stock as to accom modute allTi-nd, will: the hope oflnrgc lulr’fl, he hopu lo make a living at am Ll) profits. .\'o trouble to film“: goods, and every cfl'url made to satisfy buyers ’ JACOB BRISKERHOFF‘ June 15, 1803. LX‘ ‘ New Warehouse. 0 ( ’ l:l’>lil£l.S UP GRAIN O . )0() \V.\,\'Tl:D,m 11n- newumin and Pwducc Home, In L‘mlifln street, adjoin in: .\'hm-I: 3 liuchlcr‘q c:l.duh-hxucul. The [twin-4 market price Mi“ always be paid in cmh Mr ‘ bll.‘.l.\',o{ ul'. Liudi. I‘LOI‘R, SEEDS, kc. . Mam; s. on haul uud} mt NIL-,nt the .nmhest 'prot‘nu, - ‘ ' GUASUS, - ‘ SALT, I‘hll. ‘ umnmmm, .tr , Wholbsnle and remil. _‘ TRY US! We aim“ do our best to give satisfaction in all cases. )TCCI'IHH’ J: DIEHL., Gettysburg, May 11, Im. 1y ._ . D , -.-—m \‘XGrain and Produce. ~ HA ING lnLun lhe large und commodiuns “'nrehuuw mugully Occupied by Funk “cull, 11%., ~ - . IN NEW OXFUR-D, we are prcpnrmi [u [my the high-st prices for M] lunxls m l’!;0lH'(‘H. Also, snll u! the In“- «<1 pliers. LUSIHER, COAL uud GHUUEIHES, pf u‘cly dcxcnpliun. .\. I’. “YER.“ k. \VIERMAN'. New Oxford, Aug. In: 1563. l! PHILADELPHIA Wall Papers. 110 mm. & houmm, ‘ .\'. EfCuLJ-‘olurlh and Market Streets, Manui‘ncturora of PAPEB IXTAJNGINGS. +1 ‘ ‘. Window (_‘urluiu' Paper-[Rf ancn Sham-i :uu] Holhnds, Solid (h‘oou nafijiulh. L‘hucnUle Grounds, qurL-d ll'ld i'hin Sundae, Tu which we imi'e the Mtcnuou of STORE- , KFHI’En-Ia Mar. 23, 1.9131. c‘un' Cabinet Furniture, T P. SIiEItBUR\E .k 80X, 0 CABINET WARE ROOMS, No, 220 S. Second St.. below Dock, West sile, PULLAIH'I'LI’UIA, “are connhmtly on hand a wry large n:- nanmem of Rmcwnnd. Walnut, Oak and \l \- hugpn)’ Fun;itg:':-o-,ol'lnh-:z «10-xigne. um] myrrh-)1 workluAnshjp,whirl: they ofi‘ur tor ml: u: rea <onnhlc prices. Beds zlnnl .\<o< math to ordvir. ‘ . [\hr. 21,1554. 6m* New Clothmg Store, ‘IIP. undersigned invites attention to Mi ’1 .\'EW ULQ'I‘HIXG STORE, in LITII‘LES TOWN. .\'dams county, Pm, formerly ocl-upicd by A. Herman. He will.contiuue the Business at. the old stand, in Hanover street. [He has ‘ INGEEASED THE‘STOCE, and is' now prepared to offer a most Ext-alien! assurmmut of CLHTHING for ' _ 318.3218 AND BUY’S WEARi I return my thanks to m‘y friend}! for the liberal patronage extended to me thus far, and respectfully fish a continuance thereof. ' ‘ - _ HENRY IHESER. Mar. 21, 1864. 3m One and All, ARE NOTICE—The undersigned would T anyzto the public that. he is receiving a large ‘nud Slllfln'iid stock of GRUCEBIES, which he will sell in low as any other house in town—Cadets, Sngu‘s, Molasses. Syrups, Tens, Sell, l-‘ish, $22., With Potatoes, Beans, nnd Rice ; Wooden “'urfe, put. up in the best mun qcr ; Tohacros, Sugars, mi, kc. FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE!—-B you want to lay in your liquors for harvest, now is tine time. I huge munv brands of Wliiskies. Bran dic-s, Wlnes, and fill Other liquors, which I an) dispusing ofnl chart profits. Give me I call I always try [‘o plenum—and believe l very of ten run-pea. Remember the place—southeast coxne‘l‘ of lbs Diamond, Gettysburg. . , GEO. F. RALBFLEISCH. May :5, 13:3. . , ‘ | Sheads 8; Buehler, EALERS L\' D COAL AND LUMBER, S T 0 1' E S , TIN-WARE, HOLLOW-WARE, ac. Imm -- SHUTTERS, BLINDS, SASH, ETC. Corner of Onrliqle nud Railroad Streets, oppo site Railroad Depot, GETTYSBURG, PA. May‘s, 1864. '- ‘John W. Tlpton, ‘ .‘ ASIIIONARLE BARBER, Sonlhensl cor; E ner of the Diamond, (next. door so Slé’. lellnn’a Hotel.) Gettysburg. Pm, where he can at. all than be found ready to attend to all business In his line. He Inns also excellent u sisumce and will ensure satisfaction- Give him I. cnll. [Dean’ 3, 1360. Removals. HE undersigned. being the authorized persogl to make removal: into Ever Green Ceme. tel-y. hopes that such 3. conumplsle the roman! ofthe remains of deceased relatives or friends will uvnil themselves of this season oftheyenr to have it done. Removal: mule will: promanon —lerml low, and no efl'ort Ipnred to plea". _ PETER THORN, March 12, '6o.' Kcepcl: of the, Dormitory Ctinnott NEW HARBLE WORKS, Corner of Balti more and East Sliddle streeta, opposite tho Conn ‘Honse. Gettysburg, PIX—We nre prepugd to furnish Monuments. Tombs. Hand. stones, Marble Hunks, Slabs to: Cabinet .\lnkers, and all othe; work Ippeflnining to on: business. \Vewill gunmen satiafncuon both “‘2O execution and price. Call And see out «esigm and specimens of Wogk. Feb. 2, 1563. u Young Men ND OLD MEN. do not allow your mothers A 3nd you when to wear out uni: ruionl nvu over the old Wash-tub longet, gut like true men and beuofncmu, pruni- Lhem with an EXCELSIOR WASHER, Bnd Instead of frowns uni crou word.- on ml by, depend uponithérfnl fuss will grant you. IYSOX BROTHERS, Geunburg, P}, Dec. 14., 1863.‘ DST rewind It PICKING'S Spring nut JS‘IIM‘QH Clothing. 09m: one and I". OR RATS, .\IH'H, RUAFHES, ANTS. BED F HUGS, .\lUTllb' IS PCIKS, WUULLNS, LC, INSECTS US PLANTS. FUWLS, ANI MALS, ska—Put up in 23v. 50c. and $1 00 Bans, Bottles nud Flu-ks. $3 find 55 an.“ fur HDTILI. Prmu Han-rum“, ac. . "Only infallible remedies known." “ Fme from Poisons.” - - " No; d mgerous to the Human anily.” “ Rats come out of their boln to 'die." ”Sold “'[lulesnle in n'll large cities. - fiSom by all Dyuggiau and Retailuu every- .wlwze. A ' 36‘! l l “nun: l !! ofall worthless infilnxlona. W‘s“ that." Cosnn‘nl' name is nucach Box, Bottle and l-‘lnskJmforc you buy. ‘ W‘A'ldfl‘is HENRY R.‘COSTAR. h‘ri’mxawu Duper 45‘) nnuAuwu, .\'. Y. W5O” by all Wholesale and Rttuil Drug gim in Gem’sburg, l'a. . . Feb. 29, 1864. {53:0 Bt. Langeo K HILADELPIHA, P Mu: npn‘ma lon ammo. 1864, 100 pcl SI Fancy hilka, 50 pcl. India. bilksfil. 1:10 “ gnod black -‘ 200 “ Ordered Plum SILKS. 4-4 LYHXS Blnck Silk VELVET. ' Brown Silks. SV, 5,4, 3,2, l, per yard. _ “lurk u s; 5. 4,3, 2, 1. « )iuirc .\ntsques, nll colors. Magnificent Grn-nmlivs. .\laguilicenl‘urgandirs. Highest Chintzc-snud l’ercales. SpringShnwll New [lona-hold Staple Guods. N. l}. Gem-ml :nlovuucut of Mum's Wear. .\hrvh 'u'. [664 3m CLOLHIHRS, “ - WASHINGTON BUILDING, 165 an 16'; BALTJXHIBK S-rnnr, keep constauliy on hand a. large and well u; sorted stock of an Mud: of good; u! moderate MU They snprfly orders for the finest to the lowul. priced. finicky, euhcr 'rcnéy made or made to measure. to any part of lhb country. They Luemnlso nn (ftcuahs stock of I‘L‘RN- [SHLVG GOODS, empmcing every article of Gvntlcmeu‘s l'nder—wmr. Also, MILITARY I‘LOTHS am] every variety of \limnry Tx'jmf wings, as 111-Has 1m assume}! stuck “READY MADE MILITARY GOODS Bahilnott‘, Fub. ’2l, 1934 DOOT'; SHOE: 1 TEWl2sl'.\HUslL\lE.\'T.—»Thc updorshzn ;\ (‘ll hu'jukl Lud m :1 line ~tm~k u! L'w hv~l on} \iurk. “In: L he will diwwo In M xlm lud— (~sl Inn-tin pm~xl:lc. “I; n.:=..nx;n,‘,t Hubbub: dnulnlnnulul ‘ (‘.\LF->K[.\ BOOTS for turn. , > 3 (.'.\\‘?\Ll‘.\' .BOOTS. ‘ nll kind~ of ‘ BOOTS FUR Buys, J . , .uiih a 1m“- Msnrnnvnl of ‘ _ shuns rm: LAan-ZS nlm for (‘HILImEY He ha: u’lerh-d his <lm‘k with c‘lrefisnil‘cdinu he think; exuclly la the want! of this umrkM—‘nu'l'additions “in cnuunmly he mmlc us plm trndr may require. Thr- goods he uffcrs .Ire not nnlv m-ll made. nud uf gnnd :21 Il(ri:|I~,l)ul (mhrlce ‘ho lute“ stylus. Particular attentiuu mil awn): he paid to lhc~c poms. ' ‘ ' Rememlm: the place—YOßK STREET. mar 13‘ opposil: thu Bmk. C4l] and sec for your sch-os. ' ' The boot run! shoe-making business ii car ried m; 45 berrmlorg. ~ ' WILLIAM SIHLLP..\'N. ‘floltysburz, PM. 'l, 1563 WSTABLISII‘“ I’NTL—JI EU. I‘. IiI‘KENRODEJ I‘4 msmnmumz TAILOR. 1 ndupts tliis meilwd of infnrz-iing his friends and l the public gt-ncmlly, that. bellms opened it Tailoring estnhlishincnt in lhltiinon- strret, thtysburg, (Lite l’ouflfllfl.) m-nr the Din montl. where he is firupnretl to do nllwotk in ‘ his line in the} hm, manner, and to the saus— fnctiou of’customt-rs. Ur‘ e'mplu): none but. first class h:lnds,:md rot-(tiring ' THE FASHHJ‘JS REGL'L’AELY, 4 he cnn wnntani fnaliionablt‘ fits and mat and substantial fiewing.‘ lle mks :\ filmre oi the public‘s patronage, promising to spare no of fort. to tlrsvno it. ”is Hum” wttl :nnm‘js liq iuunrj as mnrlc‘e as the tinws will allow. Cutting and Repairing done at the shortlét notice. I [Gettysburg April 7,1542% ‘ T A. SFUTT .3 SONS—We invite me u. tenliou pf‘buyus to our stock 0! muting Goods, \vhid: “ 111 be sold cheap, consisting o! ‘I.:‘.I)IES‘ DRESS GOODS, Shawls, Cloaking Clolhs, etc., etc. For .\len': and des' wen—‘we bnre Clolhs‘Cnssimrn-s, Comings, Vestinge, yith I variety of Cotton ndcs, an, to. C3ll and see. ' Mny 18,186.14 1 A. SCOTT & SON. New {Bakery ! EWPORT A: ZIEGLER. Mechanic»! Bak en, South Washington street. hnH lqunre from the Eagle Hotel, GETTYSBURG. Pu.— Constantly on hand, the best 0! BREA'D, CRACKEKS, CAKES, PRETZELS, kc. Per. Fons wishing fresh Bro-1d will be served every - rning, by. leunng their names and residencél I: the Bakery. Ewry cfl‘orv. made m plane Give us a. call! '- [April 20; ’63. cr FULL set of our Photographic Viéwu of A the Battlefield of Gettysburg, form a splendid gift for the Holidays. The tines! yet published can he seeh Mlhe Excelsior Gallery. TYSON BROTHERS, Gettysburg. Queensware. F you want nnylhingin the QUEENSWARE I line call gt. A. SCOTT a: BUYS, where you will find the best Maortment in ‘ow'n. _ March 24. 1862. ~ ‘ Adair's ILLINERY‘ faoons, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Sinker: uni! Bonne; meeu us: recoived‘lrom Now Ydrk, chaps; Fabu eslockl', we sign of ‘ RED FRONT, L; the but Patent Medibifi'u can be ME A n the new Family Drug Ind Prescription Shire of ‘ ~— ' Dr. B. HURNER.‘ AGO, Arrow Root, Corn Search, Rice-flour S and Gelntin, for sale u Dr. HOMER’S Dljng Store. on LADIES—An lines of Rnflnlo Ovér Shoes for Isle It. 1h: corner hf York strut uni~ tbe'D‘umoud by , BOW & WOODS. DCUMBER PICKLES, I lnrg'e lotjw re. _oeived from the 613', in prime onßr' M KALBPLEIS H‘s. ‘ ICKIXG bu m. in»: usoflman: of Spring P Ind Sumner Clothing in man. , phOTfllfiG l 0:31;qu I—lgcaly of Mi 7 .1 “ good! an» upone . AM) oats Shoe: I PRISG BALMORALS ’13:: rm 1 at m, it. u, .11 may :3 nnlxxann'on's S uuhsrocx nos" FOURTH .t ARC}! STREETS, Noah Walker €z 09.. BALTIMORE“ • A AND BOOTS Boots 8: Shoes ! ‘ Néw 'Tailormg Spring Goods Battle-field Views. /.aa7z7won_ NTBRSATIONAL CHAIN OF I I ' ' comment. COLLEGES‘ Baubliubed in the following cities: PHILADELPHIA. S. E. Corner of Seventh nnd Cbesnut SAL, New York, Brooklyn. Albany, Troy, Provi dence, Portland. Hartford, Bhrllnmgn; Newark, Barbell", Bulftlo, Toronto, ' ‘ Cleveland, Detroit. Chlcsgo, Nib wankee and St. Lou‘u' Tbofough theorhtical Ind fincliul‘vfiulfrnc: lion in nll bunches pertaining lo 3 fl‘llllnd Bullnua Education. ‘ 1L The Philadelphia College Itandi firit in the State, both in point of reputation and local advantages. The point ohm-d It is, to plnce Com‘mercinl Edncntlon where it belong—in the front rank of useful inntrnotion. To thin and, I most thoroufrh course of b‘usineu train ing ll ndopted and artfully enforced, under the personnlJupervislon of competent l’ro {nears in the various departments. The man perfect system 0! practical kmining ever de viu‘od has been pm in operation, nlld is suc uasstnlly enrlled out. affording to students Id vuntngea such as hme hitherto been cunsider ed possible only in connection with the count ing-infuse. Alterfibecoming prulicieutiu the Science of Abedu‘hu. Penmanship, Commen ci-l Calculatiop‘s and Commercial Law, the student is advnfied to the Practical Depart ment, where he ecomel an actual Book-keep}- er und Merchant: passes through the dlll‘crent Houses; acts in turn an Tells-r. Fashion he. lrnrns the duties and responsibilities of each oflice, and becomes thoroughly informed, not only in the forms which Are in win rial use,. but in managing the ufl'uirl of business thh I} stem'and despatch. behol-réhips issued at one point, an good, for 1m unlimited period, in the eighlcbn Col leges coufiprismg the “ chain.” , lhplomns nrc awarded to those only who fulfill tho preacribcd'courle at study, and pass L'ue ruquiiile exuminmiofi. For further information send for a circular. Address: ; . 'um’u'r, STRATTON ‘a; co., Feb. 8, 1864. I)" _ Philudc-Jplxin 2/ z]? rfis‘ines A T E. Corner'Thfih and Chcsnut Shea-u . ‘ . PHILADELPHIA, } ELDE‘B Till MANAGEMENT 0r LAFAIRBAXKS, A. .\l., for thqlasc tour yams Principal and rhix-t‘bu- Sines» nmnuge‘rof Bun" & Stuntox'u Com: inn-ruin] College. A [MUDEL BUSIXESS COLLEGE, ‘ (‘onducied on a new syntem ot‘Acxual Business Training, tln‘ough the establishment u! legiti- Imuc ()thcc-s and Counting-Hmucs. ropre-cnt in: dull-rent departments 0! ’l‘r.nduarnll Cum- Inercn, und :1 regular Bnnloof Dry-”mt and Is sue. mung the student all the mimnlagm or auunl pumice, and qunlifyung him in the shortest. posfiblc lnue nnllmusl (-fluliw mun ncr fur the mnous duties and, emfdug menu of Luaim-sa life. , E The ('uurze m‘inszruction in Ihr Thmrnical , Dlwrlmcut embraces Bookrkveping. "unnm‘f~ “1 l u' (‘.m uhninna. Lectures on Business A thin, ll’t’lllddubhip, Cammuruial Luv, Farms, Corn-9‘ ipgmh nqv, &c. l . at: the M'SINRSS DEPART3E3T 1h:- ul-mmzrnwrs upon line Grmlunling Com-s". ulmh invindés n conlinuuncc iu the About Hwhos. “Em lhvir yr:lctic.ll appnmliun m Ml [mirth-um, Up nil! in tum fill the posnion ul'.\r'n;.x.taut und {‘ropriemx In the ‘.xrimli inertnwrils uf “'holt‘snle nnd Hamil Tull", Fm_w,ud’ma;, Jahhiu; :xmfl'ummisJon Busii‘ 141-4s.llinx:kln,_»,'l[unhlm.:uzin , “lulu; Shaun hnuti-nz. .\t' , am! Hull!" v.ll .lH us (Kuhn-x"; Bunk-hwy“ and TcHrr in 1 X 3: Bank. in each uf alniclt lmsiliuns Ins ‘prL- l‘luS knuuludge “in Imam: m _lhe t‘ullcsg “wa! zest. Silo ES 'l in: lmliluti-m‘ofifershlo _\"o|lll,_' mu: numer ulh :I.i\‘:Lxrr:n_;x-+ hot pu‘asnsm by any uther nunlnHui.xf college in {lie Sun. It in com» lvlt'h' m .1_!! its gul‘upuintmvnu “- iS the only lusllluxim in t'm Shm- Cu'ltllu'lfld 01. actual hu-iurse principh-s. The rqursc or iuilruc ‘tion is un-urlmsselL and may be complrlcd in nban! mu- h :H'thc 131 m: urquly spent In Other instmmn m. ir consequence ohm x-ntirclv new nrrmgtm ut. and the.adaplion of the uvw pram-rival S}?H‘lfl. ' ‘ . Mp‘umu awarded upon the éomnlcliun of lhc (,‘nlunmninl‘Cuursc, whirl; egnlmmas all (-xcept the higher sets of Bnnluug, llauqt'aclnu» _ing, limlrmdinr, to. ‘ , Sn"! fur n Circular Feb. 1,13% 10m ‘ FISII"S ‘ , . Lamp Heating'Apparatus. (Ill,l.\'(S—l"RYl.\'G—-STF.\\'thi—STEEP. [VG—WI ”1 THE FLASIE THAT LIGHTS THE IRON“. , [hi-'1!)- Llu- fl unc of a commnn lamp. at the rO3l. 01 a m “[l5 “‘4lth (if all, a very cnmlorm ble breakllht can he ruokcfl.—‘\'. l'. Tribune. fifg‘dnnple m c‘nslructiou: easily kept in ordun, rend; [or use in- a moment. ton’venienl. to blue D'l ll m lJ—lJruygul'l Circular. WFisll's L um}. i'. one of the mod po‘pulnr nm’ellles of the dny. The ulililx OH! is un quesliuuuhlc, u gnu! saving in nude in he‘nling my] cookingsmall much-s, and can he made to cook mealq 'or a grunt; many puuaus, thh is actually (lU'IE on the; amhu‘lnncn cars which carry the su‘k soldzcrs.—Scierilyic Amaruun. ”For fnrpll; “:0, hogpflnl h-ul, lmrruvln, picnixs, fishing, Huhcr'wor sick room. It is .m aniclu or « mnl'uxl beyond all proportion to in wan—lmm Juurm.’ (J ”with“ my! have (rim! the apparatus, and my wlfc aml I pkoclnim the same ; most valuable and indispensable nrticlv, and we now wonder how m- coulxl hue 50 lung done willwublL—Ed. ('00! Oil Circular. - - > gain economical crfilrinnee for getting up bent at shun notice for nursery and gem-I‘m! lumachald puryasos. One important point I: the saving in cost over coal (item—.\'. Y. Eval- Ing 'l‘ust. - - PRICES FRO“ TWO TO SIX DOLLARS. cnucxnr may on to row: QUAITS. mnu‘ mucus couun n on till Inn: on lung“. Arnngrd for Knrosenc or Cat] Oil. 0;- Gnu, A Descripuvc I’nmphlel of thirty page: furn lshed gratin. Also. - THE UNION ATTACHMENT, Prir‘. 50 Cents, To he launched to a common Kerouene Lamp 0r GM Burner, ivy which Water may b 0 B‘oilcd, and Food Cooked; also ar—' ranged to support I. shade. EVERY FAMILY SEEDS ONE. fiAgcnts Wanted. 7, . WILLIAM D. RFSSEL, igunt, ‘ No. 20!; PVM'I St., New York. ,Aprjl 11,1364. szo Portable‘Pnntmg Ofllces. 7 ‘ OK the use of F .\léchnnls, Drug ’ ’ giant, and all hmineu \‘N and proles'sionnl mnn > p: -,v] L‘f-‘o” who wish to do their ... v, ( .m nwn prinling, neatly ‘N M— .md cheaply. Ad:p« “ " ted to the printing of iv . lmndbills, billbeldl, ci'culun, labels, and: nod small newsplpu’l. Full instructions accompanying each olfico en- Ibling n. hoy~len your: old u: work tbcm'nng ceggfully, Circular: aeut “f:- .Specmcn e of’l" e Cuts, c., 6 can . widen“! )P : YAD"§3S; {33ng 0:1,“, . N. . an law I: Ire 31 Yuk Row, ’ Bostonfllnu. ’ Jlnunry 25, “36"; lL__’______.~..-‘ . sun at Work. "5 undersigned continues {ha CARRIAGI'LMAKIXG BUSINESS, in I“ in hum-hes, It his old sand, in But Middle strut. Oeuyshnu. NEW “'01“; made to ordor, Ind . ‘O, * RBPAI B l N 0 ms 9 [My sad It lowest. price-1 thnmlL-nu 898180 WAGONS Jud I LEIGH for “10.- JAOOB TBOX De‘e. 1, 1:63. ‘. ~ 3 ms vupu. mecmm . I up Tu}; mm; mm, obtained by I pacufinv process in the dulilln tion of the tar, by which its highest. medicinll propeytfes In retained: '. Ith you A Couqu‘.’ . H": \‘oo Son Tuluf? Have you may of the promonirory, lymploml of that molt. fund disease, Cus sulr'nox ?. ‘ * h Those who lhonld b 1; waged by that "P?- tolm gononlly ghink lightly ol them 11:31] it is too late. From thin fnct. perhapu more than any other, nrises the and prevalence and final ity of disease which nut-psi!) me gram 3! least “on. sinb"~uf death's victims. nonsurnplion has destroyed mom of the hu man family than Any other disgnse, and Ill: beat physnrinnl tor many years h we drspgired of n guns, on: remedy that would heal the §lLllgs.bul far: more [hop two hundred _veurs the “hule xnexlic‘nl world has been impressed that there was 1.: myhtorious power and eflicien cy in the Pine Tree Tar \o heal» the lungs: then-lore they lure recommended the use of TM Water, which in many case: had :1 good chart: but how to combine medlcul properliu 30 us to bend the lungs, has over been‘n "I'VE-z mry until it mu discovered by Dr. L Q. ('. WISHAR'I‘, o! Plnilndflnhin. Pn.,‘lho prnpric tor of “ Wiaharl's Pine Trt'e Tar Cordial.” Many, not only of the pooplq but physicians of awry school and practim, are dsgly making me, “What is the principle or cause of yp‘ur success in the trcnuuent 0! Pulmonary Con sumption '3" My answer is this: '-‘ . . ‘The invignrn‘tion of the digestive organs—- the strengthening of the debilitated system—i the purification and emirhmem ofihe hlond, mu,“ ripe) [mm the spm" the rorruption which scrofnln breeds. While this is Niven-d by the powerful allemlire (chnnging Mam disease toheuhh) propdnit-g u! {be ’l'm Cordinl, s heuhng‘nnd runm‘ining prinéiplc isuiso inning upon 11n- i‘nitnlml surfaces of the lungs and ihruulapcuelruling in with «liscdsed purl, relieving pain, subdumu‘ iniinmmntmn', and rcaxqring a healthful trident)“. Lev. xhis two fold power, ihe healing and me urtnglhening, continue-t 0 "ct'in conjunclibn wilh Nalurt-‘s. couémut recuprratire t‘emlcnry, mu! the pa tient is :mvcd. iwa has not. iooioug Jclnhtd u resort. to the means at" cure. .Dr. Wishart—Dehr Sir—l lnml :1 ref: dronrl ful cough and sore throat fur one year. null. my whole s_\ stem was last gin”: \m}. an! lama ploslrnxed on m} ht‘t‘l “111 l hut lnlle how- of recovering. My disease lmmlellm pnwx r of all nu-diclms, and in u short liyu-l mm: bu» gone 1» my gnu o. hm. tlmul; find, my ell-ugh ler-in-an would nov. rest unlil ahe'xn-nt to your store, No. 10 N. Seccn‘l sin-m, and re lated my «'Me to you. purvlzmml um- Lnlila of your Pine Tree 'l‘nr l‘nrlllvll mgd l mnuurm ml to use it, and in ant-jun k l \nu much ln-H-r, and after using lln-ve ImIUM, I am. In rrrclly well, a wonder h) All my {xio-n l-, m:- ‘_hr'v all prunmlnt‘ul me p |3L cure. l'ublhl: my use it pm think proper. , . DB. WISHART’S PINE TREE TAB CORDIAL, I ask an to read the fullowin‘s: urtificalcs.‘ They are limp men and women of unquesliuh able worth and repututwu : . j A Card; . VHS uuh~crihrr ll:\\ifl|_' d‘npmr-l «Hui: in— } urc-X m the More “I (flu-n1 k} 111;: 1r» ‘l»!st .\'. (‘1 |\\‘Avf‘l. F. 'l. rupcl‘llmly MM Hm {t'ulllillll \m e uf MK men Ix and Iltilnlnun In glamouizu In! suuuasur-uhcrv lhrgmn nmy‘ - ~ . _ '2. ' .' ’ Dr. W‘ ’"‘-s p. 99 Tito an r'mdifli i, an I‘lhl‘l'a IW4 JUL \ (11L! influllihl cure for liromlminduuging of th-I ‘ " ’ ' Lnngi, Sm! 'lhrsu and Bmm, lLfluuma‘tiou oi the Lungs? L , .\lr.l“'.ud!sn_ri : TEETH-IT 3. .‘IAMILTUN Sc. k 3?) Wyn: Sneel, l' Dr. “’iflmrb—Sirr—l hml- Bronchith, In flammmiun of III: Lungs. Shel-Hire; at Ing uh. nnvl I:.ll'pnulion nf thn- Heart in [ha-It nun»! farms: I had hcl‘u "o.lloqu it'-uni uf un mosz emim-nl [-h‘v‘uhns m I’hil,.-Iclr-hin. 3-»: they Could ,mx «up Iho nqml cuur~o of my discaic. and I hat? ulfip-(in-I nfrn-r .lu-In: rt stored to hmhh. I Wtu Ime on xhr {re-gu- nf the grave. Yum" I’ine 'l‘léP T 4; ("ur-Iinl» w u‘z highly n-n-ommexnlerl lo mt- hy n I'xivnd:‘l Irird It, and I am Ill.lnk|ul to say lh‘gt, ernusin; tour I war. and our small hnllln,-I mu rush-r. cd to pe'2fL-n-t health. ,Ynn can giu‘ rofcrrnrr [0 my house. .\'u. 968 .\'. Sruon-l \lrcrl. urn! my ulncc oI lion-char nffl‘nxei,‘fmm ’J .\...‘1 Io d I‘. it, corner of thcsnul and Sixth «rm-ls. . ‘ JUIIN I\'.\I:I). Read the following from'lglim Dr. Wishnrt—D:ar S|r:—l mkevpli‘n-nre in informing you lhrh'uzh l‘u'u snurce that. _rnur Pine Tree Tzu‘ (lurdill, which was rycummen 1- 5d for my daughter in' Dr. J. A. Hull.’ of thig city, hm \‘urc‘l ln-r of a cough u’f mun- 'l: -n five nluvntlnz,’ standing. I had thalagm Ju-r hr yoml cur», mu! hA-l employed me Lit-s! ‘.f medicarnnl witlmut any hcuvfit. Ivan ohm-r. fully remmnwmi‘di m the public n) ‘h safe .xnd mm: remo-Ily 10l :3," lhpfl.‘ similarly nlfliuol, as I know 01 manyjolhvr msea liesidos that n! my danglm-r thm ithas entirely cured of long swudifi: «Ough . _4 ‘ l'gs rupectfuny, Jun» v. I‘-_\!:Km. , hnguerrenn XJ'IM. 126 Gem-ace street, Wm. ‘ “ * :—-l have nsm’. Dr. Widmrt'g Pine Tree Tar Cordial in my hmily, ‘nnd can'cnr dinlly recnmnwnd it as n \‘alunbleund safe medicine for colds, coughs, and to thus-girl:- dispazed to consumption. ‘ ‘ DR. (1. A.. FOSTER, ‘ 160 Gencscc smack Tho above in a fur pmong 'lho thbusnnds which this grout remedy has mfi'gd from an untimely grave. ' ‘ ‘ ' i We have thousands of later: lrom physi chins and drnggisrs who harm preu‘ribcd‘ and MM the Tar ltordinl, saying Um! they lune nonu- mad or .s3ld a mediclub which gave such uulvarnl satisfaction. V The “no Tree Tu Cardin! when “ken, in connection ‘ with Dr. Whishug’l Dyspepsia Pills, is an infallible cure {or Dyspepsia Thc Pi'ne Tiee 'l'nr Cordial will enré Coughs, Sore Throat and Dre-all, Bronchitis. Anhnu, Whooping Cough, Dimheriu, Ind in 3159 an ex; cello!!! remedy lnr diipuu of the [13:12“,an female cumplninu. ] ‘ REWARD 0F CQUNTERFEITS The genuino his the lain. o! thn‘proprinlor nd a» pin. tree blown In the} Mule. Allotheu no Iphrioua Imiutiom. ’ Puol I'm! Cu and 0!: Dow.“ pe bottle. Propured 03b: the Proprigttfr, DI. L. Q. o. WISHAM, Ni. 10 lot!!! Second Send, and by nun?” "minar ‘.miig’ “f" I! / Removalan'rin Ware. HI undersigned has remov‘ed his Tiglin' enabliohment nearer the Diamond, in nmbenbnrg urea, udjolning A. D. Badl ler’s Drug Store—n very oemnl lac-lion. H. confinues lo manuf-cmre, nml keep! mutant. 1] on had. every nriety of . TIN-WARE, - ' - PRESS!!!) Am) ~ ‘ : :umxzn WARE, c’ Ind will‘nlg’ay'l intend] to do REPAIRING . ROOFING and sP—OUTING abo done in the but mnnnu. Prices modcr. no, and no efl'ort spared to render full ‘lfllil fncflbn. The public'l continued patronage in lolicilml. . ’A. P. BAUGIIER. Gettysburg, April 7, 1862. - ‘_-- . . h _ W ‘- . Let Everybody . ~ ' ' xow rr— , K CHAMBERSBURG STREET AHEAD) " mringjngt returned from the city mlh a splendid assortment o_( z' . HATS, GAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, wiflmut any dispnrngcmcm to my neighbor: or my uthc'r porlion Of the~lown o! Grllysburg, Lluue the pleasure ol unnonncing that Chum berslmrg street is nhend and lhql the plum to buy thus, Cum, Ham: and Shoes. ch up, is at my new “and; ucnrly Oppoliu the fiiuthenm' Church. .‘ . \ ~ . ‘ The attention of the Limit: il pnrticulnrly invited to we splendid annulment. or 6mm, Slippers) Murncco Luce 1.50m!I in, lullndcd fur Lndien’ wear. . Also, Trunks, Carpet Sucks. Umlm-llns, To‘ lmcco, Cigars and fioliom, fin cndlrssynriuy. IIL-relis the place to buy Rood; clump, m l min determined nut. to be undersnld by any uthvr ”LublL‘lnuenl in lmnn. Thankful lur punt f - wrs, l u‘m yous entirely. I - JQIIN L. lIULTZWORTH. March 28,1364. " - . Established 1850. UTJCE 0F Rl-IMUVAL. ' N ' l..\wuum'n l). DIETZ a: m. ‘ ruzxwflfnlly hr): lvnvc to Imufy their lrit HAL, rvulumcrs unll (hmpublh; generally, that. [ln-3‘ Imm remmu‘d from Nu, 151 Frsinklm sin-u, m the colnmmllo u luur-stnry Wan-house, .\'U. 308 ”.\LTNUILE STREET. Ntwoen llownnl mu! Liberty, where my, .w'll‘ ' for {ll¢ future conduct ll}; Wholcsqlc Um:- ixes, Eula-1y H] ‘ Hosiery. Trixmnins‘s, I Fflflllgil'llag Goo-LI. l'ulmnvry. NuLiufis, _ ‘ Sluuuuc‘lj), Lu'lrrv. T 1134, Am, .lu. ’ l 0 WllicllJlll_vx'xnilclhefillculinu 01' VII) "le ‘ Coun'ry [)Urk'lfllat'rs_ feclmg uonli .cnl ul' lln-ir “|le ty H) ullnr induccmeuls iu priuus um! qn Ilily u!’ Gun-la. . . 0rd": by null will rccch‘u promp: nglrh tion. All-hm; ._= - L.\\\'l:lZX('E‘D. I’l'l-I'l‘l .1.- (gm, .- :h H limimuru urn-cl, [Llllimurm ' Nan-h H, INN. \ : F P.\l‘.TNEßSlHl'.—T}w ('mpflrfnv-H'JIL O eziqiu; ht-lunvn ‘lllu sule‘ulmH, hm in-ru nli<~mlu~d flux uh)- II) luullml r‘anfi'ulr— Wu Yr.’"‘“"lhflll‘n> [nnnr vril-Jnh and Ih.- lmhlir for fine [lid-nil :nylmrl nun-bu! 4n .... Unr hooks will be 1. :I at tho allvl’t‘: and u o u'nuv-l 1y Imp-wt than in‘lchzrd ln n! In Mll um! DIAL" Im'm‘vhznn pnmmxt. M we nrc dcsxru m In mule dur lllldinl's' without dcln)‘. , Jan. 30, t MI .\v TH}: ”.\T .\XI) :‘liHl’. IH"'l\lZS"'.—:\‘. ('uu‘mu Lniflg nsnmhul \nl'| In.“ In Innim'sa Juhn S. (‘mw‘lurtifuhu purumwd [be il.i(l'|.‘3!.'lll Juhn ("u”). rum-(lull) nu nunure-stoihe mlimxwujfi.n'ulmrg .-114.[iu~ pubhr grm r xlh. llmt the inninrsi‘“ I]] 1w in‘!- !imu-d :u ”I? UH Slum-Lulu ("i-mnhc-nlwnu ..-\n~r.l In' .\I ( ”JEAN J: ('1) , “ha: in” mm,- smutly pr on Emmi n lu‘rge alulk ur Uumll, in lhl- ““0 ul' ' 81101214. “\TS. (‘H’Sr THINK", ' 1: \IEI'H'I' INNS, l'3lfl|:llLl..\<, U‘, .md my) .ull p'm: ruminuu the \l.mul;u~(lzrl~‘nt .\Elm's. . ‘ . - hum lhvir 10']: exprrEl-m‘t'i'n n” [imnlnnc In: hrh . llum llt t(-I ”Min-«Hm llmt lht} run. plcan' '.hu- 'hhhu . and will wll I!:(‘~pfur Lash. it .A. (,‘UIZH‘LM I; ‘ J. 5 I'll \\\'l"URl‘. Doing huiinnn nn’dn the mun- um! firnf'r,‘ .\. .(‘uthH-& ('O. LFL’“. S, “16‘. ‘ « .Blaéksmithifiz. F ”H nuh-lligrod “unit! must rr-pm-tfully V mlnrm 11w public "KT“ ht- hns commcucu}. . n! Dnnm-r &.7.lL'glu"s Rhop,‘ in hm \lidrH» .slreel, (imushurg. “Iwrr lu- wull at 11l lilm 1 in prrpnml to Ile [Hm-humming Wur‘k In (Mr ringen l'uzgu-é. “112mb, .‘u‘. That It kunn‘s him In du 31. jubs‘ulflu- kin?! \nll nuv hr up” l~ lium-l |n_\' l‘mxc who lmx‘c n ‘Lnuqu-lgu of hm hum (‘Xpt‘lh‘lh'c at “(c l-lmnru. l'mne nn. VH‘Lu' yum \‘.ork.:unl you will he “li-[it'd when _u'hl lekn w ll\\.|'\—-|!III For ‘nlnch he M‘l“ rc u-i‘w (Huh ur l'uuulry l'x'rrdm'c- ‘ .\UA“ HULTZWURTH. . , Jll:.4_' lam. 1r “ , 2.“ ' . .To stablcd’ SOllel‘S, QI-LHHLV AND M'ARLNHS. AND‘WIDHiN‘ [ UR “THICK IIIIIIL“ ng .T‘lltb'l-L WHO HAVE [)Il-Il) ()l: “HEY KILLED l.\ THEM-31h VU‘H—(‘n \s. I‘. 'l‘nxrm.‘ Atrurnvy lur t‘mm. nnts‘, Hunnty Lnnll um! Purim) .\gnn, “’fl:]|~ iugmn Guy. I). ('.—-]'¢-nsion~z prawn-«d lug. Sal: dies, .\'u-umrn mul Marina of the [no-en! mgr, who :Irv nlidnhlvd hy rl-mnn‘uf n'ollulls rccexiell ‘nr diswtse contracted “hill- in acni- mum] l’cu~ sions, liuunty Money ‘and Ar'rmrs' of 1’») oh‘ mined {at “Mons or otlu-r heirs of llm~c who have died or been killed while in sanicc. . Bounty [mud-procured fur éenicrs in any of th' olhcr mm. CHAS. C. Tl'4'KEli, . Washington, D. C.‘ ‘ J. C. Sun, Agent, chpburg. 59v. 133, 156‘. ‘ - ' Isaac K.—~ Stauffer, , ‘VATCH MAKE". ASH-JEWELER',‘ uncut-mum or . SILVER WARE t IMI’UIITBR 01-" WATCHES. No. 118 Soul» Second SL, Guru" Quarry, ..‘ Pmuuzu'uu, PA. ' ‘ He hnl consumily on hand an assortment of Gold and Silmr l‘mcm Lu er, lu-pineyzd l’lnln Watches; Fine Gold Qhains, Sen-ls and [lt-59,4 Breast. Pins, [jim- Rings, l-‘ingrr Ilium, "race-J lets, .\lluinlurc Cases, .\lédulliuns, Lockets, l’cnells,’ Thimblos, Spectacles, Salter Table, ‘ Desert, fen, Hall and Mustard Spoons - Sagan-. 1 Spoons, Cups, Napkin Rings, fruit an; Butter. Knives, Shiellli,(}olnbi; Diamond Pointed Pens. etc.,—_-all of which will be sold low (or null. 3|. l. mums an cuss but. quality run 54% eled Patent: Lever Movements cunnnnlly on' hand; also other Baker: of luperlofqnality, N.»B.—Old Gold and Silver bought {at cull. Sept. 1,1563. ly_ ‘ , ‘ ~ . Another Car 1.01;an , RINKERHOFF keeps up with the timelby gel'ing new goods nlmon every week.— e spare: no cfl'orl to accommodlle hll Immu ons customers. “‘Quick ale: and null profits/'it his mono. \ ‘ ‘ Dec. 7, 1863, ' um PHOTOGRAPHS made u an En C celsior Gallery In slur-ya warranted to lvqntisfulion. TYSO! 38013328. ,OLLOCK'S LEVAIN—Ihe pure-t And best bnking powder In ue-wnhDy. 3 NEWS Drug Stan. - ' " E hue just received I new unortmen} onueeulwu-o, to which we hviu I»!!! “union of buyers. A. SCOTT t SUN -88. wlxsww's soorwu sum for children, It Dr. B. RXER‘fio DWI re. ‘ ; . ~-2- mums PLANTATION BITTERS. or 03“ p llomumd Tonic, at Dr. R. HUB-“ 533 ‘ mg Stan. - , - 5“ LO‘II of itch GUI DROPS, “I? 30¢” "C‘ \. Angler!!! in this mat», to I" II“ “ ’93 “' _ IR’S Drug Store. “ ~ 4 aw mm. a: mural! GOODS Palm .1 N quorum! ofl‘eH end Whiter (I 111 “ cheep.“ the «input A. It SCOTT & ,sox-g: Phil-dolphin, Pl Dissolution .\l.|~..\‘.\.\!'El£ CUBEAN, JQ’HS C'l'lJ’. Another Change RI. \(‘K‘WHTHIXG IH‘SIVI‘ZSq