The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, June 27, 1864, Image 3
qunnoui. The Cincinnati Tim: report-I Irpeoch dnlivered by Charlesw‘knderwn. the Repub )icOl| Lieul. Governor 9f Ohio. M. the rece'p‘ don of (he second Kentucky regiment. in ('inciunmi. on the Bill inst., in which occdhf'n‘ ‘he followmg sentiment: 'i ‘ l‘nfuriin; the tattered 'nnd bullet r‘m‘t fl.3 m the Second Kentucky, the I reukef exciaixm-d, with emotion. “Lndiesfimhold the work ofynnr lair hnndq. See it" marred by ruthleas traitors. Oh, the :eamfru coal If Mr Saviour, (u it came from (he cross. rent by mean and dragg/crl in Lle. man not half 30‘ bluulvl'ul a: the stained and mu‘ml uniform of Mr (and? mldicr lab; has dcfmdx'zl (1m! Iby."— ‘ [cum-+5.; , " 1 Such lylgksphemy m'nght be planed as the ruvmgr ofn lnnulxcnlmcofl'er and all:eisl,djd ‘ not the 'npplnum of. his listeners lIIOW, alas. too h'uly,th:\t huCthHl'nmouS sentiments qro cornéeuinl to many, very many, who are now ruling the cqunjry to Its ruin. u» » > >- ..' - ‘ ”‘ @Andréw Joligon, {our years ninjas, Ln Breckin ridge V‘Democrut. 110 has slipped about. from one poshiou to another, and put ofone office into another. until now he finds hifimelf on the lickeMvilh UH Abe fan V'xce President. Sui} the Abuliuunism have the ‘énnlvudorlce to call him n Democrul. Andy}: I‘ccrefincy m prinriples p‘l'ls. There are ‘m-veruJ [menu like hum. \fh'l ha—ve fan nké-n . (he D:mocr.xcy vinm: it was defeated in 130‘), who‘lmve L‘VGI’ since b--m)_;:r-mng 91H, offices ”om the mouth"). Whrnlxhc Abohtinn- Inn g!) (In n. M they will this fall, thew ve ry frllmv will be the firsl todosvll lhcsink in: nhip. Bum-r is another of (he «mne clzm, m is Yuma-y. and Dix. and Dmkxm-ou. Mutt. TmH, Umnmwn. kc. ()f the Candid , ul‘vq bullated for :u B,slllumru fur-Vun: l'l’L‘ai- .dvnt 8 wt: Denmcrdta. nml 2 all/g; {giuxnul 'nppommnmh to .thc Dvnmu‘uoy‘f' This Johnna Hm! nflh'c if: “hut lhmo}h~lluvvs with out pnuriph-n want whim m '.y {ursake a p.3rly wflh luhHelmet—Sunburyl Dtmacru! W‘L‘ev. D'mic! (7.1 m, late Iflxstor of the _Hvl‘urmel‘l cangrl-vgatmn in this cxtv. )ms bran elm-ted pasture! the- Rafa: mm] church _in .\'mristown. '“'e congruuiazz- Lhe mm:- ln-rs of NW Sal-Piuuwn mmurvgutlinn ulum thmr good I'm-tune xn hnvmg wcun-Ll the, Hv‘l‘VH‘uJ M 1 mum-who i~2 a gI-mle-mJu ul‘ linu sm-m! q'mllLn-q, un (-miw-nlly cullflifi‘ to-nL ohrhtxm. a mind tlu-ulupmn. unvl a pimping and 01.”; u-nL puLm ommr. The "mm-rum fricnxL of .‘fr. (2 HH in this com m‘uully who :11 ”Luv-d M; l l‘sh'l‘HlL‘f! him. us n nun and lurk-vim; :m-l up; It‘t‘mLL-d 11w «In -uve;- wazch 1:: huwl hf» rchumtlun, mil ‘”‘.glml to lv'u‘n lint he i» now plvaunlly 1m: nml mu m: u pimple win mil nut pulw .vntu lmu h-‘l'Hl-H In: [uh-fun ln wrath ""ixl~t. .unl Hun cxuulin’,” Izvtlmr than lhn- "(gun nwl inn: gIoIIfiA-«I. Wx- fm-l u-au tml Hunt 311'. ”um WIN accompth much gr)" I In tho nan fi 'l-i of Lubul (u uhirh he him has“, c.chd.—ll47l ml/uly l’zh‘u! ‘L' Udall. mlr'l‘wn men and a boy nl9 gning to can {mm .\'rw Yuk 1116: “wig fur England. in n hHiu hunt. Mi} riuuul. unb' filler” {vol lung and «ms and lhlrv-q'nu m~ tom regis- It'll Th!“ 'l‘ UH- EULIHI'N \u-nt‘i Unit c-{H‘l‘ tux-3m! to era-a. the .\llumic, and n m r.\- IMNGJ lln- voyum- ml! (nka‘ls!x weeks. .\'l'.’.’( LII. A (111/'43 The Singer Scwing 'Machines.—our th I‘L'll .\ Ju‘x‘HltY .\l.\\'l\(i “.\(‘HUIZ is f SI ',';: .nrurLLu-nlc n-tv‘rflwmu. Il‘h hr )vxxuf‘luu‘q (GC Le~t :uzvl dung-c)! mu! mun. ch:.u.:i,vul‘ (If nll leuii} .\'cuing .\‘.-\ll2l|¢§:'\cl “flout-q In Ihr 1-uhlu. 3.: u her I’mml} .\'.-n- ing .\l-u-hxuc In"§‘ nu ‘ul A: III! Unit" (or Humming, P. u“. ll;:. Fan~._, Turkiuz. (Lahor ihg, (lusgifig, 1;: xini'mh digmbruldning, Carvi ingfimul so forth. ‘s'“ ($l3:- f-mily filming mn- I'him‘J: xc su nun h mum?!) fur n pull V uni-(.\‘. Lhwrk. It will e-LW .H Lu“: :fvlulh. :nn’Y mm :1.” kiml~ Q.’ fine «.4. (Jews: and rum-1111m- prmrmmzli limi» ufir Lnu'my Honk}: mm}; relinldqnud u'nm duruhh, u-d m~<a m r .l lin in :u-Hun n’. 'I“ Imm (fawn-11. h mules the inlet] (I‘m! rl‘nhz‘. “Mgll‘h [hr hrs! finch knnnu A“) um“, mun uTlhn mus: (udm'uy r {m it", run .u-v. a! x girlm‘r. hm“ {u we Uni: Lem-r .\ j mmh’fio .\'lng.“d('uiur‘, Uur {'.l'Uilj N-. ‘ ‘ - m-uxug Ha- luu-s ..r. lu.x.~l.mi m cunn- .uu} u- [c h F '9 I. ii 1 I Tm- fuhlim: (‘.m‘ .-r u“- xpmn; .\lmm» is ‘95”: .«hc'c 0‘ running 'wn‘rkmznnflrp uf [Le um»! I un-Yfii klllvl. 11. plufel‘fi (hQ‘ mnfiune sihvn lint in IL": .md when Mount 10 Inc 0]" rated "my I he U'lt'lll‘d M: n “Liam“: :m-l mhqmnirl mh!’ 10 Miami" (hp \gur‘n. \\ !.n!- 3min- :‘lf the Crucs,‘ "ma-to out 0' {in‘ chuipe‘t Wan-Ir, are fillirldd in the simplest n'ml (‘lln‘ll‘iL nmmw? possiblv, agar“ are mlurnm? xIE-leilniyA-1K~L«-J £11111: mos! costly nnd'svupt‘lh ”humor. I! in absululcly ucmmsnry tu we lbefumily 'Mnchim- in opcrutiun, 50 as InjunlgL-nlits great amquumy-«and iéututy. It is hm 3mm (main-,1 a! mpulzlr fur lam-:Iy £4."ng as our \Lullafiuturing iiilt‘hlnL‘S are fur nmnufmnuri. g purposes. 'The Hmncn (min-rs are \rrll suppluld, with silk livid, threat]. :wfilh‘fl, ,9“. Sun. of (hp very best qunliry. 56nd fur a I’AIIPHLE‘T. THE NAGER IIAXI'F‘fitTI'RINGCOMPANY, 45:1 pram-Img. Xvw York. wl'llll‘.§l)fil.i'lfl.\, 8.10 (,‘hesmul St. ‘ , WU. JACOBS 1: Bulk, Lot-:11 Agents nt Gollyshurg.‘ [.\ug. 17, 1863. s2sl] Employment. [55! , Acmfrs \VA._\Tl‘lU!———l§'c will pay from 0§25101575 pe'r womb, and all‘cxpehscs, cc ac ‘tive Again. or give n. commission. Partial.- Jarp seni frec.‘ Address I'lr'us Ssun‘a Mum.“ Camus, B. JAMES, Gem-ml Agent, Milan, 011:0. , [Kay 18. 18fi3. l’y ‘ MARfiIED. Qn Monday. (he 2" insh. by Rev. John Cntanni, Mr. EDMUND DELLONE to Miss RE BECUA SNEERISGER, u‘ll ol‘Cunowngopwn ship; Adams county. - ~‘ _Un the Ime inst. , by Rev. 3!. Bushman. .\lr. ,GEU RGS D \UGUEHTY to Mrs. CATUARISE -,IIUGHES, an of this county. In Lancaster city, June 14M], by Rgv. D. T. .b'enau-wsn, Ref. 11. C. SHIXIHJ'J. of Him-ra vine, Rm, (Intel; of the Theologmd Semitmry, Gettysburg) r..; Miss JHXSIE F“, daughher of L: I-‘. Lu‘cring, Esqfl o A ".011 Sunday, the [9ll fin. John .\l‘Cron, SWORMSTEDI‘, at B: )iAIIA CRE iGER, of A Adam. cogmy, Pl. b ‘.‘ryrfi— ‘ DlED fisohituary notices 3 cents per line for all put {guinea—rush to accompany notice. Qrt'he uh hut, in the 78th year of her age, .Ill's. PROVIDENCE GARVIN, widow of John Gavin, lame gums pmce. .At his rezidgnce, nznr Tlneytawn, after 5‘ fingering itlncu. on the 26th 1111., Mt. HENRY ‘ 8881588, Aged Giyeau 6 months aid 19 days. 1 1! Port Royal, Va, of bin wound. on :or pbout June Isl, SAMUEL V. WARTZ, ion-of Mn. Wuu, of New Sal-em, Adams county, ind naber’ offlo. I, (CupL. PleiQ'qr’u,) 87th Begi» Fund’s. Vol. I. flnrcwood 893 mm, Washington, D. 0., ng pub, of his wounds, “7120013 (non of W?) dew”) of_!-‘r:mkhn towpshi , Adan" county, nn'd momhm of Co. B.,(CapL. flickley'sg 21s: But. Pa. Vol. ‘ b. Syndny evcning last. in Y9rk,JACOB 01312. 354.. aged about as yeug. On the 13d inn. WILLIAH ELLSWORTHr .0. of All!!! Lap, of Buyer township, aged 30 (1131. ' - The Adams County GRIGULTUBAL SOCIETY proposes to . A Md . mm- shout the nuns! um um fall, '“' m' Lheir F‘it» grands, nau- Bender-ville, ‘ Adam. coumy. A list of Premium; And a Pfflgrgmmenf me Fair‘ will be palm-bod in dug tiqél B;b;dorohthonrd, _ . . ‘ I -W. B. WIIfSUN, Seg']. Inn: :1, 1554: 'l} ' . '. •r Auditor'rNotioe. ' ' '7' ' N the Supreme Court of Penuylranie for a” 5011 me 3...". 5 .no‘4 ’”‘” L- 55°”! ’““'! Ta ........;.....) :5 to i so. . "' . "‘6" ............l 70 to hmfl'he Little-flown Reiko-d Cum- ho. 23. In ’ pm!- un . """'” : :3, Now. to wit: In] 10th, 1884. On much of "‘""" 75 , Mr. ‘“'iila, Willilln lcCle-n, Eng”: appointed """' 75 Auditor toidistribnte the proceeds of uric, in 6 o 0 ‘0 6 50 . umrdlnce with the decree in thin cue. ‘”‘ 290t0 3 50'" The undenigned herebygivu notice that he "'2 0° to 2 40‘ will sit for the purpote oi his nppnintment, on 11 WITH-150A}, the 28th dny of‘JUNE, 1864.1! 1 , 75 1 o’clock, P. 31., It his oflice, in Gettysburg, ‘ ‘ when end there all per-on: having ciliml on , the mid proceeds of nie, or interelted there ‘ in mayhppen. And‘further. tint {mm Ind me: the wage, of July, 1864, they they hue access to he Report of the Auditor end an oppo'tunity of filing exceptions thereto With the Auditor, It his oifice, until Saturday, the 16th (by of July, 156-), on which day it is his file his Report. Mi. McCLEAN, Auditor. JunoG, 1864. td F10ur...........;.....: Ry: Flour-.... 1.... “'hilc “mining. Red Wheat.......... Corn ............ Rye.................... 0am.................. 8uckwhn1...‘................ ClnverSced ................ Timothy 5eed.............. Flax Seed Fraser 0! Paris Hater ground, per bug: BALTXMORE—Fuon “a? F10ur..:........ ............... ......m 8 25 lo 8 37 Win ...... . ..... “5.7.55... 1 8510 2 l 8 n;-¢-¥T.t,fikmst}m;..... I 65 :01 73 cm, ........ 1 48 to 1 55 Only .......... Clover Seed '_l'imothy 5eed................ Bre! Cattle, per hund....... Hogs, per hund............ . U.tyj;............................. \\'11?3k(‘."..........m........... Guano, P’ruvinn, per ton The First National A.\'K 0F GHTTYSHL'RG will buy GOLD, B stw-zn and CUI'I'OXS on L‘. 3. Honda. lel‘fuuish 5-20 and 10-4') United State: Bun-la. 0154). ARMmD, (junior. JUAC 27, IEI3I A Valuable Farm, T PRIVATE SALE—Thuuhscniber offers A at prn'ulc; sale, his FARM, situated in CNN“ count-r .\ld., 2 miles from Littlealown, adjoining Luv]; of .\uzuslus HnrnHTdeceased, George Runedollnr, Morgan’s .\hll properly, (fimm-rly- Anmjd‘sJ and oxbcra. Conmming 70-} ACRES, nlmut s nrres of which are good chum-r, are! :1 duepruportion of mcn-fuw. The ml is red sand, and has been limed an over 11.1.- ;euunl time; under goo‘l fuming. There we nbmn {:0 [much of bonrd fence. Piugy crclk runs (Iniuugh the truc'. The fields are laid ulfcunn- fieriflLsn that cattle can be lefiz to water Wuhan! a dm'cr, The “_ imprugmen's are a one and a half gym» slury LUG HUUFE. Bank Burn, ; ,\ ‘.; Wagon Slut-d. ('orn (‘rlh large n"" ;-.;;,; Shed for with: and hay, Cnrriug» chse, Hog “411:0, Smuko and Wash House. Spring Home, “ill: n HC\!rlnill".g well of mun-r wnh a. pump in il, nudn (spring of wuler close to the l)lnldxng.~; a pond Orchard whh fruit trees of nll Lin is. 11. is in every n-speut u must Lit-sim ble [yr-"wrung: ‘ . fib‘l’l-rsonw wishing 30 View the proprrty nre rvqne led‘lo C 111 on (he suibwrihur. rvsid- lug Ilwrmn. June £1" 19H. 3:: .(;. w. WELSH. um. nmfxiusré. w. 0. final}. , Jianovcr Tobacco Manufactory. i § [’EL‘T'”, DYLIALVE k 0)., hH'e «Muh : " Hahn] .| (‘hewhu Tulnu‘vn \lanulnrlnr)‘, 'in vhlhmorg s‘rccl. Hunmor, I‘m, win-n: .\lcr- ' .. . :chmN, miepkcepcrs. and nlhnhcr dealers and nw'mlmcra- mu M. all “me! he. supplied with . MI kind: ol‘cliunng Tu‘mcco, auc‘u .Ls .\'.u‘y, sww IDE. Lunar i’liitssul). .\'.xTL'nu 1 PEACH LEAF. (‘.U’HNDISH; . \ . :mu] :1” olhr Lmvls, utu'my put up In puund ilumpi. Alm‘ La]: puumls 9f n or: disruption .puL up in DUKE: u! all silt-l. containing in ‘“(‘Igllk fi'nm fitiuon to one hundred pJunds.—— LXI-u ('ongl‘csé TIN-moo. runnin" Imm ti'rhl to 1 » ' a V n .t-n m the puumJ. .\lsu, Fluumlcr Fuhu‘cn. 'nrunng viglnlpun (011 w pouml. Alvu, Cuurée :uml Fm:- Fpuu Tubfil-N). 51ml :1” Ulhl‘r‘killlls‘ um] [(-nrllxics uf’l'r.ln.wc: now In two. Tlu- un ltl'r: gum] lmve All [he :tthf :mncd brands on luull .w-l ull‘m the .wune {or nah: at prices lvss llM') "an [H bouglm in any ' “Lo E Itlerp ('_ilim. ,Tlu-ir 'l'uh:ucu_u( all m Invxl'm! m-d out of old \lxi~nll"l .ux'l l\'¢-n!u(‘k_\' 12ml. nml warmnte'l m ln' M n .\..lul:inrlunl'l'x. They at? thankfully s JllL'lliflg u. h'uc-rml :lml'g o: (‘lhlun’l l WlZLfll, DELLUXE & CU. . Juno 27,1‘36]. :ivn IRI’H. - ‘ X 864 Summer Arrangement. QI’MMI‘IR COATS, (If all kind", fi-ry cheap ) .Il l’ll‘lil’Xh'S ‘1 \sSlllEßll CO.\‘TS. all shlw and all (J (‘o'an rmudrlxahlychcupmt I'ICKING'F. ' K .\ RSI-ZILIJ-IS. l-‘rucl; mnl Snrk (‘o-nn. no ; I ln'iou-Iy chi-up, at I'IU‘KING'S. HEN 11l Sl‘l-Illh’. good man-rial nml Well 11 nude. cheap us Illlt, at . I‘IUKING'S. ‘lAFiHli‘llH‘l PANTS. phi“ nnrl l'xnry, ns-V C wriflzvugly cheap, it] PICKIXH'S. l.‘ll2\'. Dial. and ('umm l‘unw. nncqm [l manly clump. M. X‘ICKIXG‘S. 1)!)“4 l':\.‘ll:,'-'c.:s and PJuu. unusually . ) rump, zu‘ J'KIKLVG'S. 5’ ‘ ITH, Mlkxnd Hunt-ill“ Vraxa. vn‘itircly ‘3 vun' clump, :u. I'ICKING‘S. (Nulmfllh‘. bkixts, Sux‘pendere, Howls. un / p'L'LOIIJHIC'”! 11164;». M l'lCKlel'S. ‘TIUHSS. Fifec, Flute-1 and Acuordenns, shockingly cheap, at l'll'KlNH'a'. ‘\l,()l‘l{s and Jewelry of n'l kinda (/ loundcdly cheap. M. I’XCKIXU S. 13LY .\E'l'h‘, dxiriuglf cheap. flt‘ _ _ gruusc's. ”RENT many other things, cheaper than A we cheapest. :It PICKING S. 0? cuurse everybody who wants {‘o buy good ' (lomls nud cue :9, WI“ please call u l’.lCl\'l.\'U‘S.g/ Junx' 27,1864. The Campaign Age, II 0), II I ‘"{E publisjzors 01 THE PHILADELPHIA AGE w ll issue a (‘.nmpaign Sheet for the I)rumci:.ltie and (‘unsorvutivc muses. 11. will he- [ll'llltfill on n lnru sheet of fine “hire paper. at such I‘IU’G ‘will bring it uithin the rem-h or adl. It. “'1” support the nominees (”the Democratic National Conven tiun, Hie full proceedings of which will be published in 1:; columns. It will holdlr ad. vacate the rights affine white man, and fear lesdy sustn‘in all the constitutional right»: of the citizen, no matter from what quaincr they may be Nss lilévL, The lira. number will be issued about the fifth oi‘Augusc. The whole num'her will he thirteen, following each .oLher weekly, until the Presidential election, the result of which will lie contained in‘the final nu-nber. Demo cmlic ond Camel-Vanni Clubs, County Co m miuca. Agents. and all interested in the Emma Ire invited In y(l;o[~ernte in the circula’tiou of TJE 05:1ch AGE 'l‘ y: x u s . THE CAMPAIGN AGE,. of Thirteen numbers. Single Cupies for the series, 50 cents. In Club! of not 1053 than 20, to one address, 4’) cams each, _ In Club: of not less um 50; to one address, ltimou, by RICHARD Mist BAIL ‘ township, 40 cente enetk CASH mum. accompany cLCh order. and no vnrmiun will be made in any case lrom the above trrml. . Onlcrs Ihould be sent in immediueiy, or at hunt by (he ImddleofJaly, to GLOSSBRENNER t WELSH“ «:A 430 Chestnut strut. June 27, .3864. l’hihdelphia, Pl}. Auditor’s Nance. HE subsrriber. hulngjeen Ippointcd by T the Court of Gommgn .Pleu ofAdama county, in Audiwr, to distribute the balanm in m hands of John Busbey. Esq.,.lr.. As lignee of John Busbey, BL, Esq , and Wife, to and among creditors, or persons legali] enti -1336 to teceiwe the name, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties'ofhls nppolnb meat, on SATURDAY, the 2d thy of JUIA' next, at 10 o‘clockl A. 3L, of said day, I; the otfice of H. I: W. McClenn, in Ghtynburg, at which time and place all puma: idwresud Ire requested to attend. ' ’ MOSES )IcCLBAN, Abdiwr. June I 3! 1864. K! ENRY BKSHOP, SRHSTATE.—Lenzn fl: 0! Administration senate of Henry 1: op, SL, 1319 of (ietqnbnrg, Adamscoq d'ec., having hm gamed to the unflenigned, re liding .in the sun: place, he hereby gives undue Lg all per-om indebted go said can“ to make immediate psyment, and those hav ing claims nuinut the name to prount than properly nuthentiuted for cettlemant. 1”;ng 3153 mm, Adp';.. June 13, [864. 61 . ‘ - _ ADIES'CIoth for Clo in agar n l, L jg", ”pin-ed 4g b‘nuglss‘focx Bldg. ' new. 91 7 25:07 so 3 no to 3 25 12 00 mm so 11 75 an: op 31 00 was no 1 62 IO 1 cs 80 no E. G. HEAGY EEO Notice. Circular. ISTORY OF THE ~ 1 PENNSYLVANIA RESERVES.— l-ILIAS BARR a: CO. respectfully announce that they have in preturntion a History of the Pennrylrania Reserves from their organization tothe expiration of their term of service. Thiu History will coatain the mines or nil the Officers and Priutt-s of the Corps—their promotions. casualties and discharges—Also, graphic descriptions of their camp life snd their ginnant achievements in the many bgtltlcs in which they have taken part—lll denim-d from oflirini and authentic sources. The Hisloiy of the Pennsylnnil Rolerres will be in Us: Vow." of 600 pages, oclzu'o size, neatly printed on good paper, and sub luni’mlly bound in black cloth, containing] sun-l engraving of the lamented Re).nolds, and 9m- of UM ernor Curth,(who final recommend ed lhe formation of tin; Peimsyhauin “nerve corp») and will be sold only by subscription. It. will he ready in August next. Price—Three Dollars per copy. ‘ The Publisher: feel confident {hat the just pride “hich every Pennsylvanian must emer luin for 11-e brave men whpw gallant. XICIHCYC moms and paeriouc self-devotion ll‘l’CL‘Oldi, will secure for “Tu: Huron" I generous and appreciative reception. ' ELIAS _BARR 3a (30., Publisbcrl, . No 6, East King Streqt. Lnncnster. June 20, 1864. (it .\. C. lleflulfiuger, General Agent, York, Pa. New Liquor Store. iRUCEIUES CONTINFED. G NURBECK .1: MARTIN, corner of Baltimore nnd High strci ts. Gettys burg. l’.\.. lmyu adileg to the (‘.rm-n-rv husinefi R large assortment of CHOICE‘LIQI'UHS, em bracing film‘s: every kind, viz: Ur-mln-s, “'IIIL‘S. Gius, Ruins n'nd “'hiieru, all war— rnnlod to be what they are 501-] for in flavor and quality. These liquor: an: of \urmufi gmllrs. running up to the highcsl, so that. all msu‘s may be suited. sou) \VHULESALE .axn menu Pure French Brandy and-. 0111 Rye \Vhi-kt-y for medical purpote: tun at all times he lmd. ’lhe nbuveliquors but been pun-lmced at Ich best and most reliablé homes and can then lyrtß be recommended with Lilrl'ljf. and will le sold at. the lowest prices. Landlords and (‘uunLry .\lerclmnts “ill find it to thrir m~ term! to cull and cmmiu‘ our stock brful l' pur qlmsmg elsewhere: WM: lflrgP sales we can sell .\1 mm“ profita. ' %"l‘llc Uruuerthlnur and Feed nn'] .\'o - husine~s continued—with lull .:<=urlmvnlfl in “Lb ulepnlmem. [\hy JO). la 21. film .Gettysburg Railroad.‘ . “REF. TRAINS A DAY-Train uu-x‘ thi Gettysburg 3?“,9Ji'l‘l“; run u. fuh‘am UI‘JI’ART [IRES Fiut train lean-s Grugaluur: m H. A. 31., will: pngsengcrs fur Hucrisburg and the .\'onh, Em and West. \ S. mm! nain lenrc: Getfx'sburg M 11 31. \ XL, will) ‘pnrwnger: 0w lhlzimurr. I‘n~,~~-n gore mn also reach Harrisburg by llm mun. Third train leave-s (ictlyihur; ul 1%, I'. .\L “i h p.xssenger;for Hunuur. : ARRIVALS Fxrs! Imin nrrivcsut (irilyflrurg a: 11.2”, .\. SL. “nth p‘lasergcrs from ”tlfrlwhlll...‘ 3&oan train arrives at GettVs‘uw ut 1.4.1, I’.‘ XL, “|le [ulsil‘llgchJrUM “Allimorv. ' Thxrd train mrn’es nl (11-llyp’vmrgm a. 1", 3L. wnh passengers from Hnrxidmrg and [he Ntvrlll,.l‘ and West. R: McCyRDY, President. Ju’w G, 1364. 15 ‘ A t 1864. Spring Milhnery. 1864. l, ; ISS .\lcCßl-lARY In! jual rei‘urned from hi the tity nnd is now opt-mug a new us uml'nunt o! .\HLLISEIIY .i' FAMIY (“MUS spm!!! Slfles. Alsn, n lmndwmqhs-urlmrnt or READY MADE HONNE'I‘S and [inns ('nlu, who): \\ ill b 0 sold In lhl‘ lowesl Clfiil pri‘cs. mv’MlHincrs wishing to pur‘lmzc good: lo EOE! upmin ml! be snpplind M. rcduued price~, and 3m” receive all [mun-us gratis. May 2, 166-4. 2m Notice. ‘ OSRS SENFT'S ESTATE—Lute” of mi “l miuiztrntion on the estate of .\lmeq Semi, law of Oxford townnljp. Adams county, deceased. having heen granted in the under signed, residing in Hamilton township, he here by given notice to a” person! indebted to said cit-Hz to main immediate paymrnt. nnd iliose lmvin‘z claim ngnmst the ssmem present them ploperiy awlhcnsicated for sonit-meul. - CHARLES BEBERT, .\‘dm'r. )[ny 30,186!“ 6Li Notice. (NEORGE YEAGY'S ESTATE—Letters of J" administration on the estate offleorgc Yengy, late of LMiuiore township, Adams 00., deceased, having been granted to the under signed. the first named raiding; in. Huntington in», and the last named in Butler twp.. they hereby give notice to all persons indebt— ed to said estate to make immediate pay ment, and those having clalims against the same to, present. them properly authenticated for settlement. ' WILLIAM LEAS, - - NOAH MXLLER. 1unc6,1864. 61* Administrntorar $lO a. Day! GENTS WANTED—To sell the “ 25 CENT A LEGAL TENDER STATIONERY PACK AGE." Each Package contains 35 Songs, 2 pages of Music, 18 sheets of Paper, 13 Enve lopes,l Ruler, lPen, 1 Pen Holden! Lcad Pencil, 1 Design {or UndcnlceVel, l for Child's Apron, 1 for Embroidered Collar, l for Chris tening Robe, 2 ior marking Lcuars, 13 Secrets netcr befou published, worth many Dollars; and other information. Also, (we beautiful article of hwnnr. Liber’l inducement: to Agcnu. Send Stump for Circular. - rWI-lIR k 00.. 43 South Third SL, Philadelphia, PJ. June 13,1864. 1y Wanted. ‘ ' HAY AND GRAIN, u the meouge of Samuel Herbal, 'm Gen; nbm-g, for which the highut market price will be paid. flay 23,1864. _ ‘ For Sale. A VERY deairnble FARM"ldjoining tho Borough of Geuyiburg, containing >,,—- m ACRES—Building: ma L‘nd'good. "3 Will be laid on my mourned-ting 7.. terms. GEO. ARNOLD. Getty-burg, Oct. 5, 1863. cf ‘ Albums ! LBUu s n ‘ , ‘ A L B ml 3! l 1 Just received : brie and beautiful. cum-la 1300’- g! Photogmphlcgubumu, which we ole! below eiQy prjceu. 'TYSOH BROTHERS. Dec. 14, 1862. Corn Wanted. ORN LY THE EAR cumin: our ‘IIIP hon-e. for which the high": mark" ricl will be puid.’ ICCURDY t Dl‘gL. _ Gettysburg, April 18, 1884. ADIBS’ DEBS TRHHUHGB, {a in“ VI! tiny, It SCH CK’S. TH; American health): cling nd Bonn, | or “lent Dr. B. HQBXER'S Drug Store. 3. TOBIAS' unlinked Derby Condition Borden. for Korn- snd Camp, fn; u)- 3: Dr. HOMER‘S Drug Slop. Hardware and Groceries. HR subscriber. line just retumcd frog: I the cilia will: an immense Inpply of ABDWABE t. GBOCIBIES, which they at olefin: at their old stand in Baltmore urea, at prices town tho ulna. Our stock consist in put of r BUILDING HATERIALB. CARPENTERS TOOLS, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, - COACH FINDINGS, SHOE FINDINGS. CABINET MAKER‘S TOOLS. HOUSEK'EEPER'S nxrufizs, ALL KINDS OF IRON, km, GROCERIES. OF ALL KINDS, OILS, PAINTS, in, to. There in no‘nniéle Included in the several depn‘meuu mnlioned above but why. can be huHu \hi: Sun-e.— Every clhu of Mechanic: en be'lceomnod-u'g here with tools and findings,ncd Housekeepe can find every article in their line. Give In a can, as we are prepared to sell an low for cub up any house out loe city. ' J r g JOEL BXDANNER, . - DAVID ZIEULER. thtyaburg, May [6. l 8 4. \~ ' New Sprifig Goods. ”(ALL PROFITS t QUICK SALES. S J . L . 8 OJ! 1C K woulg respectlnlly my to the citizena‘ot Gel- Lysburg and vicinity, that he in now. receiving 3!. his store A splendid _ STOCK Ul" SPRIXG GOODS. The stock 'cnnsists in part of Fancy Ind Staple DRY GOODS, of every description. SILKS, ‘ MOZAMBIQUE, . CHALLIES. DELMSES, ~ ‘ BUMIMZIXES, _ALPACCAS, ~~ LAWNS, , 1 UALICOES, om‘l qualitiex and choices! styles, which WI" be'fiold M PRICES TU DEFY COMPETITION, FURNISHIN‘G GOODS 0,! an kinds, including Silk. Linen and Cotton llumikcrchmfs, Glows, Stockings, kc. I Also, 11 splendid assortment. of RIBBONS, Laces and Edging". Unihrvilns‘nnd Parnsols.- - .\iy stock of WHITE GOODS wilE be found full and comph-le, and customers may rafly upon alwpys getting good goods I 1 tb‘e lowest gossi ble ‘prictsu . Gentlemen will find it to their ndvanuge lg ciil and examine my stock of ' S CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and ' ‘vssnxus, ’ at an qnnhtirs and choices: styles. _ > - ’ ' Look Out OR THE PATENT, Slil‘l-‘J‘ASTESING F ' STEEL COLLAR].— An application hr a Palm: being nup‘ pending in the Unite! States Put-ml Office it): an im— provcd construrliou. of Sire] nnd othfjr ,‘lullllllc ‘J‘nllali, mvmm-d hy Ih}: undusigdn‘g, which nrli‘fle, when put upon the m Irkn-l, L‘n nul but Supt'l‘ci‘de ull .\lrlnllic (‘ullun now ill ULe, l lmvvécnmludcvl tn close out my. prvsént stock (.1 Steel Collars, nmolimiug to several thousand ddzuixs. arid t:ml.r.lcin;; “ ‘ fi'mc .uunucu STEEL COLLAR, (mt ovwn m-nkoJ and ‘ , ATKINSON}; ENQLISH STEEL COLLAR, (flu: aniclc min-His d by Mr. Wan“ M. the uniform Imm of FIFTY C .NTS RAP”! Postage mm, 1?: c uts envh Count-J’Sizn, from: 13 In H inlers. Stylus: Square or Klonndcd h‘chfi. > Square Wu ‘er ’l‘nrunrerE. and . Stu i g ml] Turnover ('nmil'incd. The Trrde npplwl at :1 Divoount cf 'lO per cent. Imm \hv queal' “"htflvsnle price: men tioned in my cin ul n of \lnn in lun' Addrbss, OTTO ERNST. Cur. Bowery JL Ca’urd St., New York! - mom: on mn‘Tm-z \ PAT. SELF-sner-Ixxxu sum. COLLAR! Juul‘ 13, lii-:4. 31 ~ New Goods. LVOYNH? ARNOLD fun. ju=t rereired from (I the‘rily u Inge Simply of PLUTHIVG. Mv'n'< and Buvz' wenr, cvnaigtmg of all kinds of ('H.\ [‘a‘. PAST“. V 5513". - . ‘ SHIRTS. “li\“.filih. (‘RAVATR NEW“ TIES,GLU\'ES, ”USIEIH', &c '—:A 11:0 ~— . I, , , A large =tm-k of CI.()I‘HS,LC.\SFI\IREES, HserL-‘Ts, mus, IJIHI.LI.\GS. .ch sc., MI 0! which will he sold as cln-np .15 cm be h'hl eke“ Mei-e. Giu- us a null. and‘if we mn nnl pious-2 you in I}. suit rmdy wide we win [Mm 301” me.sure and ano you up one in shun notirc: [Hay 30, 1804. Names to Tax-payers. NOTIVE i: hereby gin-n tlx'u the'County 7- (‘ommiviuilcrs \ull mxkx‘ nn AHATH .\II'INT OF FIVE PER (.‘EN’I'.. upon all Stale, ('I-unty Ind, Sprain] Tun-s assessed for the yen-r 1564, that shall [)0 pglid to Collectms bn or hefurc l-‘rid |_\'-, the 15!. day of July next.— Collectors will be rcquimlltu cull on tux puyers on or befure lhc qbnre ll.lle,nndllhke such ahnlcmont lo ull [uprsons paying on or hero‘s said day, and {my the same to the ('unnl'y' Trmsurcr, oth’cmise. ho abatement “ill be made. By ordc: ofilxe Commissioners, J. M. WALTER, Clerk. April 25, 186%. td . Jacob B. Holtzworth, BARBER ' ‘ . um - , HAIR-DRESSER, has opened a saloon in Cimmhershurz street. north side, near the Diamond, Gettysburg. where hemili be ghd to serve 'it)! “ho may desire to have linrburing or Hair-dressing done. With good tools, a long experience in the business, and a desire to ’plcusc, he bus reason to expect a share of the pu‘fliv’s Imron age. He will certainly try to deserve it. Re nrlpbzr the pine—between guehler's- Drug Stare and Smith’s corner. » Hay 16,18“. 2f _ ' ‘ New Goods. FAHXESTOCK BROTHERS Are conslnndy receiving (bait: and de ximble goods, from New York, P‘hilnddphjn Ind Baltimore, Ind are prepared to of” GREAT INDUCEMENTS to these about purchasing. Having selected with great care, from the chm-eluding mm‘kets, the puhlic will look to their own inlerells by rxnminiug our mark before buying elsewhgre. CA” at FAUNESTOCKS' Sky 9, {864. Red From. Bakery in York Street. ' TEE undersigned in continuing Saupee's Bakery. in York street, Gettysburg. and is prepared to furnish every day, freah BREAD, CAKES, PRETZBL, CRACKERB, kc. He hit; employed I. first-rule Baker, and kill [pare no effort In render snailfulion to all who mny patronize him. ~ JOHN CHRISMER. Gettysburg, May 2, 1864. ' Notice. ENRY BUMMEL’S ESTATE—Letters ol sdminisuuion on the estate of Henry ammo], late of Reading towmhip, Adm: county, dec'd., having been granted to the un dersigned, residing in the um;- township, h: hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to aid estate to mike immedine nyment, snd those having claim} against IEO nun to present them propuly Authenticated for settlement. JOHN A. EUMHEL, Ms] 2, 1864. m” Adminiatutbr. Gettysburg Marble Yard. EALS t BRO., IS BEST YORK STREET GEI‘JIYSBURG, PAm—Whm they on "pared to furnish 11l kinds of work in duh fine, mh u MONUMENTS, muss, BEAD S‘I'ONES, HARTLES, kc” gt the than": no tice, ad I: chap 1.. the clue-pm. Gin In l mu. S'Produa Men i‘n exchlngr for work. (buy-{burg June 2, 1862. t: . ’ 3 QAID PHOTOGRAPH} 0 dilflnglill'ed individuals, lnclndinj n num ber of“: prominent Geqenll, nnd uh. olg hero JollilflL. Burn, hr It)! It the counter at the Ext: 020.1131 ylburg. . ‘ {so3 BROTHERS. EUR!) BRAIDY, mg m WHXSKEE, fol media»! up“ only it the New ru um of P ' D}. R. HORNER. g Annular. wmrs .um LASHIS, ¢&d C Ind gbup, for “In by BOW & WOODS. THESE Bold: Ar. hind under the Armor, Conceal of Inch Mb, 1864, vach pro— ( ride. 11m .11 Bands iuuod land-r thin act shall : be usam' raox rkxntox by or “a”! my auto or nulcipl "thorny. Subscrip-ll’ lion: to the" 36min I" received in Unified SWI note! or not” of Nulolnl Banks. They ' m TO BE RIDERIED 111 com, u the: pleuure of the Government, n any period nor! leu than in nor more than [any year: from they: due, lid until flair redemplion FIVE PER‘: CENT. INTEREST WILL Bl? PAID IN 0015,! onjßondu of not over one hundred dollar: n- I nnilly and on all other Bonds leannnn nlly.‘ The interest is pnynble on the first duya 0 Much and September in etch year. Subscribers will receive‘eilher Registered: or Coupon Bonds, as Ihcy may prefer. Regis- ' ter'ed Bond: Ire recorded on the books of t! e U. 8. Tressnnr, Ind an be tranaterre‘d (In): , on the oqngr'l order. Coupoh Bonds are puynblc to‘benrer, Ind are more conveniem for! 'connnercinl uses. - Bubl‘triben to this loin will have the option of having- their Bond: draw interest from March In, by pnying the accrued ink-rm! iu coin—(or in United States notes, or ting nmrs 0! National Banks, adding fifty per cent. t'vr premium) or receive \hem dinning inn-mu 'fxom the date of subscripliou rfid deposit. ‘,is these Bonds are ' Exempt from Municipal or State Taxtion, their value.“ increned from one to three p'er; «It. pct annum, according to the tate of tax levies in vsrions parts ofthe country. ‘ , ' At the present rate a! premium on gold the} 1 P“! ' . OVERJ-ZIGHT PE} CENT. INTEREST ! in currency, Ind are of equal conveniencc'ns av pcmimieut or temporary invest‘mcnt. ’ It is believed that no securities oii'er so great; inducements to lenders as the various descrip-f (ions of- U. Sn'Bon-ds. . in all other [Ollll5 01" indebtedness, the faith or ability of prinuei [inrties or stock companies at sepirntr com-j munities only is pledged for payment, while: fur the debts of the United Stntes the whole property of the country is liolulcn to let an: the?L payment 0! both prinripal and interest in coin.l These Bonds may be subscribed fox insumi’ from $5O up to any magnituda, on the sum: terms, and are thus made Equally available toa' the smallest lender and the largest capitalist. ! They mu be converted into money'nt any nm mcnt, and the holder will have the benefit of the interest. , J J.’ L. scmcx It tn'the useful to Hate in this connectlnn that the total Funded Drht of the United States on which interht ‘5 payable in gold, on the 3d day of March, 1864, was $768,963,000. The interest on this debt for the coming fisenl‘yemr will be $45,937,126, while the custdma revenue in gold for the c‘urrenz fiscal year, ending.“ Ime 30th, 1864, has been so far at the rate Olin-er $100,009,000 per nunnm. , It \vill‘be ’seen tllnt‘even the present gold revenues of the Garrrnment are largely in ex cess of the wants of the Treasury for the pay ment at gold ind-rest, while the recent incrense of the term will doubtless raise the annual‘re ceipts lrum customs on the same Amount of importations, to $150,00u,000 per annum Instfllctions to [he 'Xaliwnl Bnnks noting M loan aéguts were not ifi‘sued from the United States i‘reasnrynntil Mug}: :0, but i 9 the fire! three wcvks of .5331 the subscripfions Merng e'l more than TEX XIL'LIUNS It WEEK. _ Subscriptibns will he received ty the ' First National Bank of Pluhdelphin, I’4. Second .\'.-ticn'nl Bunk obeiladelphia, Put. Third National Bank of Phllndolphin, Pa. AND BY ALIrNATIUNAL BANKS which Ire depo‘sitaries of public money, and all IRES'PECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout iixe country,‘(acxing as lngents of the National Depositary Banks.) will fur‘nxsh further infurmmion on npphcntinn and Arron!) “lav “mun: ro_srascx:m:nl m,- 9, 1364. Elm ‘ a ’ as ’ N ‘ 1;. fight. $453 .yfiwdflr ; Vwmmh ‘“““?wgflvé’sk I h ax W "73% DYS-ENTERY DIXON 'S A [5011.4 T 1 0 BLACKBERRY CARMINATIVE Is the :7qu safe and sure care. It con lninl no opium or deleterious drugs, no mine eml or other injurious compounds common ”medics: geucrully sold iur this class of Inc: It is an cfiicnc‘ous that Physician! very generally use it in their puctice'in 11l chronic and dlangeroyl cases. ~ ' 36" Use nq‘Vholern mixtures or doubt ful composiilons, (runny or which under mine and ruin the tonalitufion,)‘ when you c-nobtnin an unfnlling remedy u limp]. and late as Blackberries themselves. As]: for Duqu'n Bucnsnn 0‘31".“- 1'“ u,‘ and Ice that. the proprietor‘a name is written on theouuide wrapper of etch bob tle. -Prcpured only by. _ V Sole Proprietor, CINCINNATI. For nlo by ell nepocuble dmgglm. , 1 Id l .35 oh. 250. 500. and "wm‘ztam ’ - E‘Demu, Burnel & Co., Wholegnle Agents, Xew York. .. [Sky 30, 1864. I" Good Things from .the City! WE "a receiving twice I week from the city I variety or article: united to the wnnu of this community, viz : Fruh nnd 8d! FISH, Hams, Shouldn't and Sides, Hominy, genus, Stu, Apple-,APot-toel, Outages, Lemon, onl‘ectionl, Tablet-or. Sagan, with nuny other articles in this lino—ail received in the but order, snd sold 3: the lowest profits. Give 111 I call, in Bulkinon mm, nearly opporiu Fn'hneuoeh’ Itore. ‘ WANTED.-—Bmter. Em Lard, and all other country produce—for which thy high“: cub prica will be purl. SWEET POTATOES—but qualilyhu low ou livin profits-31w”: on hand. Also, OYSTh‘Bg, he udiruh—ln the Ihell o: thanked. Ruhunnlgnd families luppfled. STRICKBOU RR IflHOTZflY. ~‘ Gettylbnr‘. flux 18, 1863. ' Come on With Your Jobs ! ENBY HOOVER will" do 311 kind: of ll I P A l RX N G to Cari-lies, Bunion. Again, tc., h: I out and "bit-Inch! mn net. ud uan love“ living prices. His the: in S Wen urns, but.“ Ohunhufinrg tn NHL: struts. amylbutg, HI pug-aim to do good work, and uh I. Ihll'e or ppblie p:- tpm-p. [April 4|, 11564. I] Meat. HAIH, SHOULDERS ‘nnd SIDES, of but quality, and cheap. at ‘ Aug. 24. 680. I". KALBFLEISCU'S. U. B. 1040 Bonds. -AKD— I)iarrhoea. ' An Interesting History 0? DR. SCRENCK'S OWN C 1352, V Inn" ulouu up“. continuum. { And [rm ha Pulmmr Syrup. Smud Tonm, and. Mandi-«h P 1”: act on (he Sy'm In ‘ ' (living that binary; and [he GREAT SUCCESS ATTENDING IT ! V! ! Thenbove is n correvt lzkencs< ofDr.Schenck luken many yen: ago, atxcv he had recovered (ram ,(‘oniumguiom by a course of his ‘ Scmncx $1" Lzmuc 53mm." The likoub‘s, almbugh It does nut npreseut him anvlhiug like us hud as he was at chl- “ urst, 30‘! in i 3 in “rung mulmst with the luflemntl \ufiumus looks oflhe I'prtrxil boluw. whk‘h 15”": [mg likeness of him m the present firm. The can ”as! b‘etv‘ecn these two portrnim is so gvrc‘! that mnny would not heliexe themvto bathe same person. Yet there are hundreds of per son=,in and nfouml l’hilndglphia, whq will recognize hathpnrtruits to be tl‘uu rppxcsenm tinns. When the first “As taken lrehxreighe‘d ":7 ponhd=; n! the present limo his Weight. is 220 [vuuudm * . NUT Yong. We ’nndn‘v‘ March 3nl ’64 TH THE I‘L'RLII‘ TI irty year: ago I “'n.‘ in I"er 14171: sfngcs nf Pulnuuuuy ('un~u:nphou, :I.;d ,‘JH‘I‘HJIp to die I resided m I'hiluu‘vlphm, :mfl Hr. vacph Pur xiih, than of [km uly, urde-ed me :0 Moms umn. .\'. J., :1 distance of lime miles, whivh took um um dfl_\3 to get lhero. 0n mynrrixnl I “‘lB put M bed, and thrcrc Inld {or many “’OCRQ. ’lhiq wac'mv native pht‘v, wbme all my tnmilv lm-d nnd lm-l dig»! at Consumption. Dr. Tharnlon, “ho nucndud my Luhor m his lad :Ilneaz, \ws mum: and gavl- me out week to [i_x up mv Affairs. UeJLui sveu n” my fam ily go that way, and [Lought I was to [lO. mo. Tin-n I hvnr‘l of life rl-mudicsl no“ Info: to the publur, u'hic‘h ruled me. It SIM-med (0 mo (h H. I could fuel (hem queen-{mung m'_\' whale syszcm. . - Thuy anon ripmwd the mailer on my lung. and 1 would spit ufl‘mnro than :1 'pint of otfru iiVe yelluw matter "or; mowing. , As goon ns that .bcgan .‘" subsidy. my c_uugh,l'eur. p.liri, high! “Tens—4lH begun to Imm me, and my appetite became no‘grml Hm; it “.1: with 1111‘. limit; I vuuld keep from curingjno much. I E'Mlll gnim-d my strong“: and l have lwvn {:rmr iv: in liu-h "\rr sine/e. ,l-‘ur :1 un} \mnl lune (‘:lju_\‘(‘:l_ unimerruptul good )fu-mllx. keeping thr In er and stomuh healthy \\ .th 1110‘ SP:- u ued Tonic and .\hndrnke [‘dla, us l mu u! a. [“llqu temphmmeut. Mfwoighl is two hun drm] rnrl twenty pu'ul‘ls. I'm lll}"l'_ULOV9l‘_\ pl|uplc\w.‘o'llrlscxzdl-Jr mo, Inr and mnr, m are It IiJL-jr (11:0: \wru hin- Inino. Eur l'lii pur puc [ [my profmiuzml \‘i‘qts in Ihv Luge «i -tics. Tue conmmpflwi “ibh lame the rum 11m: make? 1h: \‘lL' nmlirim-s, and “ho was cure] bfmngxmptim L} that". 'X‘n mnl-m nmr Jump. IS impufiaihla; but mrit'vos in the lung: 21ml chrnnin' ulcerations ufthc bmnchxai Rube! hn be thlud. Such cues are dying huprl)‘ under 1170 ordinary U‘WIHHPHL of physicinm; nnl jurt such are run-J hy the propcr ux'edpf chn-c‘n's Pulmonigfiyrup, .59:chch 'lgnié, nn-l .\1 duh-. 11“: Pills. ‘ 5 .: liun row a healtltv tnnn, “ill! a largeco'r'ltji i in thr suitldlc'luh" of the right. lung. the XUWQ'I‘) 110 M- \‘t-r,t' mltch hchrtiired an!) eotntl]~i¢~.'.:tt{'—z ‘hv‘iun nt' Ihrl pleura. ‘l'll‘l' lvft lung; H sound.‘ in'nl‘ tl‘c umwr lobe of the right lung is in :|_ ltult:r..l)ly lit ttllhg :(‘Ulldlllllni Thu gn n 1 [ isuu why lvltysit-innsilu not (or? conmtmption i: I‘lO')’ try to nitk too mut'h; thny Site undi =(i.l(‘§ to imp tlm t'o'tgzll. to stop t~lnll,‘to stup‘ ‘nizht H 7121”, Lnttic tcwr,‘nitd, hy sofluing, |tl.t-_\ dcrnnge the whole digestive powert luckm ing up tho'iecretiou: :th ot‘nnttnlly the paw tit-nt si' k: hill dies. .\i‘ter [make u Circlnl examination of the patient “ill: the Egaliironfi: étcr, nnd fiml lungq cmmfli let: to cure, ldi:r rcct th'e pntient how to‘usc the three rentenltm— lletnove th‘}; Clllie and they will :1” stop or l[Left- own accord. No one can he (tut-J ot‘ thousutuptinn. liter complaint. djsttr'prin, rzi-l Inuit, cwtheé, uli;erntvd than, “.Ich AL? Im-r and stomnch are made lichthy. in New] I linglnnd this canker,chtonic catnrrh, nlrernp-g led [hr-mt, elongatim of ut'uln, is more pretax-i lnnt than in nu,‘ othersecuuu or the country] This is frequently cnusvtl by n. fatflhltomnchl—i You may bum itont wlth cnu=tio'tiiiie nrdl ngnin, and all they will get is temporary I'L'llttl' Coxrect the stomach xuxd liver, on?) the-_v'wiil heal up themsehes. . ”' , Good nutrition is the remedy. it' yon have any discise in any pttrt (if-the hotly, it wi‘l‘ rctnjizt there and decay more and more until, you cnn get the ntumnch in the tondition toI digett~ food nn 1‘: make new Hood to tuke the, plum: of dize-usé‘ll matter. This is the 0 it‘. way to heal cm‘ittestin the lungs and ulcerated! brom-h‘inl tubes. Correct the stomach and : liver, and nature will do the healing“ ”.1113" persons hate an idea that certain moflicincs‘ are grunt purificn ot the blood. Whenblcod is, one". din-sued it cannot lu- purified ; fill? dis-i east-«l me same A; the dist-med mntt‘ni- in: the: aygtem ; but get the app Imtus in ozdt'r, the z , li\ or and stomnch, and give it plenty of-nyur- l tilting load it will make new blood, which will take the plnce of that which is diseased. ‘ I Schcnrk's Pulmonjc Spup it one of the best| pflfaiions ot iron in age. it ii :1 puycrfuli file of itself, and when the Se'xweed’l‘hniwl dissolt‘ei the mucus in thc‘stomnch, and it 18 ; carried 00' by the nialpf the Mandrake Pilln,i the Pulmonic Syruß is made into blood. Thin! is the only wuy'tocute consumption.‘ ll” 1: cannot get a goo-l appetite, and food doe! not? digut, 1 cannot cure the potient. Never mind ’ the cough; remove the cause with will stop' ofitselr. TM: is the mosttrouble l‘hiwe withi imf patients at my rooms. They lily, “Do.;.‘ tor, I in! "ranges; [can eat; my,night meats no better, and [feel heftct‘: eve!) way; but! i my cough is Io bod yen" and they are anon-i ‘ ilhcd to hear me uy_ that does not timer; remove the count: and the cough will gtop oi‘ [ itself. Schem‘k'l StIWGEd creates n gum .p -l petite in about nine days, who there in no lung disease, nuleas the liver II no congeuedt ttthot the Mandrake Pills cannot nnlockthc i ‘ductl of the ”gull hlnddrr in that lhort spun. of time, In nr-Iu to :11an the stale btle to pant ’ ofl'. Keep the life: And stomach henlthy audi there [a ten danger of conoumptiqn or! any ' other disc-nu. It in hard to one cold Mhen , those crgnuo are healthy. Thole that are hili-~ onl, low Ipirited, drearyJoeling etupid, roam! 1 tongue, pour nppetite, nervous, ”mu-h Mil ofvrlnd, everything that in eaten lieu heavy, lon ot memory, try one bottle of SCHBXCK'S : SEAWEED TONIC-ml on: box nfSCHEXI‘K’a IIANURAKB PILLS. It is only I root of on» dollar and menu-rive cents, with tull dine. tlono. Thin ll tutficicnt, in many cum, to untidy what» the medicines are. Frequently on: bottle make: u. grout change in thy tip-E tam. Any person that enjoy: armour; health: by using the Sci J Tonic Ind'tlnnkntkei Pillsoctulmnnlly, a“ get the digestiro organs, in Inch I healthy condition that tho; beenméi flaw. I run prodnu A number of my old' ronuumMlvopJfienfl lol‘ enjoyinlmool hedllh, weighing n..]? 200 pom-Ila. I will concludo by relating fly as cum 1. have made _in lei Yotk. Ind vbl‘lc‘h are all dll’mt, ad Ir‘gsh my we who lop): nny inwrad in the Imm to vim men. Khan in Mn. Farlo', ran-ding then at X 0 [o72}!ng street. “or hush-bl! . sued upon mu‘ u my rooms, 32 Bond Ill'kct, ' fl ruined J!!!" cull ark-IV use her. [ln "id I could do ft; good: thu he Ind hd 11l tho hm medicu M enubnce, Ind 11l raid the 17" ' no far gone 4m. Cmaumptian to be cnnd; but aha hill 3- rd 0: gm gram curoq I had nhudc, and M d ired Ia mljfy her tithes.— 1 called, nnd f und he: lying confined t her, bed in 15¢ Ins flag: of bra-dial contra!» 'tion, and witlm I doubt must have died soon. I examined be lungs, found both bronchial tubes Very muc gflecud. but my cum“ had formed, hPr run I: Ira: very lefcto',» Ibo [pit— box vsns hall" in” of thick pill. Yul» Ho, “5155 mullcn re y much; and worst than I". she had chroni} dhu-xlunl. ller barrels hm! boon mun-ll ole tin limos that day. .1 to“ bar Hm: she had In 2; enough to be cured. bars that an diarrhqu. had beta of long standing and lléulomach was in such MI ulcerated can mtion mall MAJ al‘ruul "billing could he 0669110. 51m msislerl l sllould 117 an (In wlntl uld {or her, ohurvlllg may :ho could not _lnsz luau m the cgnd‘itiuu, she was in, and I could not "like he? my “fox-so. I gave her first a dose or my Maudml. l‘ills, nnfll the Tgnic and Syrup freely. at WQ'YOI Tuesdnj, cud by the nutSuuduy be dinrrhml wns curried of, her npfictito had returned and she could all Hr; in In"! and out lr dinner._ She is Infxw tel , ng cqrtifiéntc, coniliéd M by ling. ' u'nJ gave me a] the Rev. Dr. Do 9w, 33 West Fm ly-fihh‘slrod, is with n inmm: on lwr li\‘gr. ted, “kinsnliow , tongue gong-X l , no npp’mize, nna InuuulinhK -. The {aid tumor had been“ I [mug years. I gave her \lrs lifilholon‘ 0 mm m l _v man She wits law-spit M, hum-ls costi': ing fire the gmv running our 1" Main-u: wk} hor to m. Syrup, Tonic _an irecriong w inud.‘ She rooms, 31“.“er inhvu butler; ll gun hm! hu- tfiétpjust a; [lre ; came back m my work", somewlm nlc m'ouud [he edges. her brl“ eyes bri;hlor, and HM! very nth:u~:ivc maum‘, mach gun 10 clean I ‘ skiu whiter and tumor dischaniu m’q‘r done before faster than n ha gradually imprm ng, and in about twu month» she cnm" tu my ‘oums very much irigbwncli, saying thin: lhn t mor Inn-. 1 nearly stopped run; l:ln{:,.’nnrl wns he: ling up, And that every doc; tar had fold her huljfit Her healed it would muse hen 11ml}:i 1 {chi her mm the Qiseasa rslmu, and nagurc wou‘ld hall 10)" ure now bvnlt‘d, uu‘d have )enr, nnd she is as hearty m M you will find in p day‘l 11m- any one Lo cu“ (in her, I ms to visit any one that-she lmd MIX-"I. her 3" the-nicer‘up. I'll been for About .1; nnd robust tum" \\ Mk. She is ghl xgnd tnkns gram : . like her cns‘e, and trial to [fears has til-flail hml sue me: ‘ s Silas Smfiuld, from Slam" . Ifnfiho‘nmcwgm hrr duun c has bpvn Mgrlsincc m. hu- gcf'tlmn to come ‘Tfle Lexi cane (uni. Cu’m‘. Mr m net: rue. 11nd s! hume. \Vlwn sh first «53mm m “'9- roums,§he ed with n (Intriguing cm’x‘th. mics cl'bloud. lu-xnmined . \ . . .fL'SplronHClCl', and In all my . 1 “us xnurh enmcm sp-llmg large qnn lu-r luncswilh llhi ml one ‘wuh one lung no tar praczife nthr 10 rung so sound. Leonid not mgcvuem. l—lhunght lhl ‘ my "danishmcnt {he Pu!— m-ud Tunic. pmxi Mapdmku : go right to work, the‘lung gone and the mhc~ give mud) euco wmlld flie; Inn to mrmic Syrup, Sr. Pills Ml seemed l i: u!I heuleJ ovrr, leaving n mvity'm lugs u mgnusc egg; not ! nppvlile, fine h‘ns [ruined norm: t'nrty- [‘n‘e pnundi unweigit“ 5110 has some'tzuu‘flt yet, which I do not think‘ will'lem'e her hefty”: June. lshould think tl wtyuld be uf'grenl i‘utt-rcnlo ioluL' unprvjudicud phph'i In to \‘isjttiheec MSW, pnrt‘iculurly Min 5. “field, "nun: at 4 them who lmv'u been cured Ivy mr ‘lm Minus. 1 Thuy Mt- lglilnl‘l'olld in New Yurk; Im the nlndw “true all dtfl‘ci' fronLench other: und it' my 'mtr-iicmcs un- doing what. I 'réprr-«t-nt they are, they should have the'credil anl (hn ufllflxcted knmv where [|thl how the; fun he caved. J. H. SCHEAUK, Mm D. ' Dr. J. H. Srhonrk ('flll be found In his prin. ciq'nl ollit‘e. N .31! North (ilk Strut, Philadeh punt, cw-ry Scanning tram 9 .\x .\l. until 5 P. .\L. to abfi—endvac‘ trw,» ol‘clurgt‘, but tor n Hmruuuh oxnntinzttinn he wlmrgui lbr’éu dol lttrs. f’t'itz: 9F tho l'ultmfitic‘ Syrup nnd Séfl wvctl Tonif‘euch St pqr'hutflo, 0! $5 the lull! duzt‘n. .\’.:vmtrnkv'l‘tlti 3:3 cents [)l‘t‘ box, Pad are Mr suit: in: all Ilruggists .Lud Dculct‘s. ’ Jnn'vG. 1554. vim ‘ _ Or. LCDIAMIti SPECIFIC; ’l‘hllln the great & lovrrelgn nemady (composed o EX’I‘RALTS fro-I Inch-u Boot. um Hex-In.) for nu alu‘cuu unn- Urlnur ' and h‘cxunl (kg-In. lunch a lnoonlfntnco of Ike Urine, Inn-nun:- Hon 0! the [Hidden Inflammation ol the Kidney-, Stone In the 111-Meg, Sirlotute, Gravel. Gonorrhnn, Oleel. uud In unrlv-ladjy Anylhlng yes ("In covered {or Inn-lug the ‘W [sun In w u. mun ’ \\ h- n ms"! Actor-Um; (o din-rnunu lhl: Tinned, bu uuxlu r 1.12:!» nor “no”, uni “I unc (.Anlul In dy ‘txwllq Au: one. ‘Thll remedy II ported mu! m. qulnu nu Injq-Chflnl. vx hula an nI-guwtd lo dam? ~ and dmdcn (he dimmed argunmmul roman). um u - v nu from the 531 cm, staging luoylncy and hang. I! in nuquwk Mo-huuu, but h the rmbodmpu'l. panoum u! we “mum. mot: laces-{lll 111-curing I“ diam-so! flue elm. _ lid-Lu nnno dtlplllf :- thh tamed) the“ th nmu umuiahlgug cunn. “Inn all omen kl]: . Prim only $l.OO pu- box. or G ban. for $5.00. Btm by mail to Im} mum. on rawiptonhe'prflrh torn]. by all Druggluu. 590 um my ll‘mflull u umd each box. _ Solo Ptoprbtor, Chennai. ' {firm-mas, Hume}; d: 00.. Wholesnle Agents, New: York. . [May 3’), 1864. 1y : Universal Clothes Wringer. hLE‘-Af)Jl'S’l‘i.‘lH AND ADJUSTABLE, ‘ _ mm gum-WHEEL REQULA‘rqI}. run‘sAu; n 1 SHEADS EB‘UHIXLER, Gnrtvsucau, PL From innumeruhle recommend-flout, I. gather the fo’ny ug: Lrlter frum rz/Henry Wnrd Buchanih 13“. I mu mnnl ha -p\ In spank in the very high ('s! terms 0!? Lb: .. UiIIWfl-Il Clothes “Winger." The Inn-_den plrt of “washing-day" work in, in my opinion. the wringing:‘nnd me‘iavenwr of tbi; nyaclnuo may haw the mild-(cling of feeling glut he lmsLhnugt-d one of [be m; tailsomc Inns of n‘omnn's work into a very numctir‘e umufcment. 'The Xauudnss lank upou itnln great l-leasing. I 1001: upon it as who“: maaL useful Imm” in‘thc hoqm B yn. ()ulubar, 1:1” VPrico—Sl 00‘ Jacob Harley, , (wcguann w "an“ A mun.) '~ ' Tu. 6‘12 mumm- 3'r., PHILADELPHIA... 1‘ Dealer in Film Gold and Silrez WATCH ES ; fine GuIdJEWELRY; Solid SILVER WABE. :11.“ 3mm»: mukc “SILVER PLATED WANG. Cublunhy‘ on hand ; hrgc ”nu-h men; oi ‘hc above xobdx u loryn’ql. \Vu‘tchca and .Finm Clocks litmus, hf lkllnul workmen ; MM), Jewek-y Hymn-‘3; Engraving and all Kind. 0! Univ-work Lo «4“; at shortlnozice. . ‘ - who“ furgc‘ the all} nun, h’o. on Hunt Street. I'mladrlyh'uu \ .‘ April 13,1564. . am an; 153 E ‘ : For Sale or Exchanae. ' ~ ' VERY dedmble ORIST HlLlfiMsh ' A 33 Man" 01’ my», tn Gunny township. l xiii exchange for a Farm, and pug- the QxWerence,sf any. g ‘ .‘ ‘3» .‘ = « GEO. ARNPLDL Gettysburg, od. 5, 1863.‘ u 7- ‘ w ' UPERIUR lot. of cusp!) Puck!!! n‘. S _ J. M. ROWI'S. ‘ ‘OTTON GLOV'EI, for Mon and Boys, u. ,4 ,Ie hang einp at .SGDIOK'I. She kepi (M' 2,, 1,864.