The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 23, 1864, Image 3

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    Berber-{tin and Bentham—k citizen of
Rochuter. New York, now It Memphis,
Team. who is I well known Ind worm
mpporter of President Lincoln. write: to
the editor of the Rochester Union end uyl!
“He is satisfied that what wu told of the
cruelty of the rebels at Fort Pillow in true
—thnt the negroes were slaughtered there
without mercy. But he adds, thM the no
gro troops in Tenneseeo had been gunlty of
great brutality to white-1 who were not re- 1
fouled as very friendly to the Union must.
n eneinstnnce thntcame to his knowledge;
a pirty of these troops entered a house, and
one of them threw a pen of hot embers in~l
to m cradle where an infant wu sleeping.
And burned the little innocent in I moot
shocking manner. In another inst-noel
they seized a very eorpulent old mun, put o!
rape about his neck Ind dragged him too
Ind fro till he was nearly lifeless. Appeal:
were made to thtl officer- in command of the
-di|trict where the" outrages were perpe
tntod, but nontinfnction could be obtained.
These matters became known to the rebel l
"00p: and they went into Fort Pillow
burning for revenge and there gratified ‘
their wicked spirit. In consequence of this ‘
license given to troops to commit any out
rage their hater pensions may suggest. the
war has becomeoneo the most fiendish char
acter, and extermination appear; to be the
end and ohject for which fighting is carried .
on. The policy of the fanatics of New Enrl
gl-nd now prevails and they are enjoying it '
to the fullest extent." » _
Emma q/ Rebel Prisoner: from For! Mc-
Ilenry.-'Bwltimnre. May l7.—The Sun of
today has the following: During Sunday.
night luv. the following named primners
made their escape from For: Mcllmry:
Eugeneanar, nfthe rebel nrmv, son lenced
“be hung u a spy; Wm. B. Compton.
of the rebel army. sentenced to be hung m
Ipap)" ; Geo. E. Shnarer. for‘vnrious offances
Igninst the United States Government,
sentenced to 15 years imprisnnment and
hard labor; L. W. Dorsey. awaiting trial
{or various charges of fireman. km. against
the overnment. and James Givenq, of the
rebel ”my. captured nmr City Point hy
General Butler's forces and semwith others
to FMS Mcflemy. All we above parties
were in the inner fort. and the mynery is
how they escapml from there, and whallnei
wry swam across Llie lmrbbr or Mil/ked to
___ “"7 _.
S’Senalor Donliltleffipublicnn‘ dot-5
notignure State riglnli. 110 mud in debate,
Intel): “I (lq not yield (0 my honorable
friend from New Hampshire in my sincere
respéct an wellps my dPep and settled con—
viction in the necessity ofthis Guwrnngent,
iniell an theStutc (i(wornmrnts'themsplves,
mnintaimnz. prewrving. and defending all
thé rights 0! the Hum-s unrlPr the ('nnstim
lion ol‘lhe Unitml Sinus, l _helm-vo in State
riflnu. sir; that they urn expressly mention
.s , ”served. prntl’vled', and defended in
H 1- Comlltution itcell'. :n‘ml us they are re‘
named by our Cnmtntucf'mn, protected and
defended, I hr-Jieve in {lune nylnti‘. and as
'u ritual: of the Unite-cl States. nnd as u citi
len ofa State. I‘ ch-l bound «('1 rP‘pPN untl
mdefbnd them.” Mnnv quomlum Demo
crats, who are feeding upon Radios-141mb,
lmve not foygollerfilwir futllcr“.~ house.
B‘The (ilnucmler Atll'rrliu‘r knnws an
impnru'r who [’_urc'hzm-d $20.00” wurlh at
good: of n‘firlu in London, some-v time ago,
'giving his nnte in pnynwnl._ When the
note bfivnme due gold c )mmunded 10 per
centJ prvmium. and whining tn vamp? Hm
premium, he had 1119 note renewal. Next
nmp gnld Wm». .5" [mr renn- 'l‘lnnkin; it
mitt! mrvl 3; (all, he renpwrd his nnte :0. we
mud mun. but u re-pvnlly hex-«um due ngzun
Ind he 11nd wpay it wivh gal-1 houghn aLTI.
[Q‘Thi- Abolition pnpvrj are disnnuing
“the one torn; prmmple" pm and man.—
'l'he quarrel I: u' pretty pm? us It «tunah.
and we hwe no wz~h In inlvrmvdrlle. but
I Mum bun shown H. .( gran. e-VIIH. scourge-I.
and annoyances. mch :IM mr-awh: mm”-
rux. n-nrh-t lrvwr. "1&1pr (ha. :ll'e‘ :an I“-
h-cIHi I-y hvr un this mu- :vrm prun'wlnnu'l
we ln'o m hn].oi_ there-firm. [hut thu [nesti
lence at Black Repuhllcmism will p 454 over
In nl'mr its fir»: mflmtion wnhout: the pony
.biliu' 0! u rovuu‘em-e'. .
mommy Nah. in ‘pr-nkinz npnn Ihe
ofiurl by Un‘ngrons Ln nnnihihfle .\‘l..lolmnE~l.
laid the “Lia-0L would I.» uni-.0 mull-y undi r
ntnnd ifit were pm In chi: Iorm: "
Am! be iL/‘url/vr ‘rnarml. That. HIE-lhma in
}!rumenn herefiwtm’e knuwu :h Stale Cun-
Ilimuom be find they are he'H-Ly “banal-ed.
WA 'l’ruy pinr stat" t :11 at the wry
monmm whim General Wu 'worth fell on
‘he fie-1410f battle exlem' ‘ pxepamtiuns
“are hemg m.ule to celehr the man i.|2e
of his only son with one of [lye nmsl aummv
plighednnd beautiful ladies of that cuy.
Heavy Bank Rub/levy in :"cc’lkflfln.—The
First Nuioual Bank 0: Fentmlvflif‘. Michi
gan, mu robbed of about tPn thousand dpl-
Luv on the night. pf [he 51h imt. by tnur
,or fivq burglgrs, who blew Open the sale.
Small Army —Them are said to be now
forty lhhumnd sirk in puhmry hasniuals
lluuughout the munuy.- A
Wvaoml Ohin gentlemen paid a vixit
to the “on. C. L.~.Vallnndi;:lmm [:le
week and presented him with a purse 0!
$2OOO. 1 ,
The Singer Sewing Macbines.——our
{on gaining nworld-yide reputation. It is be.
yond doubt the best and cheapest nnd mos!
benntiiul of all anlily Sewing .\lnchines yet
ofl‘ered to the public. $0 other Family Sew
ing Maehine has so many useful appliances for
,Hemuking, B nding, Felling, Tnckinz, Gnther-J
lug, Gauging, Braiding, Embroidering, Cord
ingmnd'ao forth. No other hmily sewing mo
chine has lo much capacity for a great vnricty
of work. It. will new all kinds of cloth, and
with ell kinds of threnrl. Great and recent im
provement: make our Family Sewing Machine
moat relinble,nnd most durable, and mast cer
tain in nilion at all mien of speed. ll m’nkes
the interlocked stitch, which in the beat stitcl‘
known. Any one, even of the most crdinnry
enpaeit‘yhenn fee, at- glance, how to gnse the
LetterA Family Sewingllnchine. Oannmily
Sewing Machines are finished in chasté’and ex
qnilite Ityle. f , /
The folding Case of the Family Machine in
mi piece of cunning workmanship of the most
numl kind. It protects the mnchine when
not in nlfi'nn’d when nhont to be oriented may
he opened :3 1 spacious and unbauntinl tnble
30 tannin the work. While someoi’ the Com,
lodeont of the ehoieest woods, are finished
I- the limpleet and chutes: menner possible,
other! are ndorned end embellished ill-the most
gently and superb manner.
It in oblolnlely neceesuy to lee the Femily
lochine‘in‘ operation, so "do judge oiits greet
spelty‘nnd hennty. It in tent becomingu
min for family sewing u on huhctnring
.Ifighmee m for mnnnfnetnring purposes.
11” Bench ,Omcee ere well lupplied with
milk twist, thread, needlel, oil, km, of the very
“guilty. Send for I Pnlrnur. ‘
458 Broadway, New York.
'PQILADELPBIA, 810 Chestnut St. '
‘O, JACOBS t 880., Lou! Agent: n
Gagging. ‘ Jug 17, 1863.
3:51] 2 4 Emgldyme'nt. [825!
“351.13 WANT D‘l—We‘ will pay from
$25 to $75 per month, and alhxpepau, w u,-
tiu Anny, or (in I commiu‘xon. Putin:-
hn non ha. Adana Eu! Sumo Imam
Com-mm. um Genet-l Agent, 1n...
one. [by 1., Im. 1:
1 %MEM
Rye F]0nr..........
While When"...
Red When........
Corn ...... ...........
Outs .................
Clown-Seed ......
.....,.................7 00 lo 7 50
....................... 5 DO
~.1 'lO lo 1 26
1...................... l 60 IO 1 70
...... . 1 20
...—"..-“...uu. 1 2°
.... , 75
...... 75
....u................6 00 to G 50
Timotny denim... ......
Flu 5eem"............................ 2 00 to 1 40
Plant 0f,Put:‘........................ ll 60
Hutu ground, per 1ug..’........... - 175
1 . BALTIMORE—Fun} LAI'I'. ,
F10ur........... ............... ”5...... 7 82 lo 7 75
Wheat.. ....... 1-60 :0 2 05
Ry'e....... .. .. I as m 1 7o
C0rn.......... ‘.. ........ 1 30 so I 40
0ut;........’...........,................... 80 m 91
Clover 5eed....'...... .................. 7 25 Lo 7 50
Timothy 5eed........‘........... ..... 3 10:0 3 25
Beef Cuttle, perhund......... ... . 10 00 5019 50‘
Hogs, pet hund............ 11 001.12 00
8uf...3l 00 £035 00
Whi5key................................. 1 20 lo 1 so
Guano. P~ruvinn, per t0n.....‘..'.. 80 00
On Tuesday morning last, n! the residency of
the britlo‘a fnlher, by Rev. S. Henry, Dr.
THOMAS O. KINZER, of Linleuown. to Miss
LOUISA S , youngest daughter of Amos Le
fever, E‘q” nf Union township. .
111‘ me Luthcrnn Church. in Frederick,»on
Tneqday afternoon, the 10th inst. by Ref. B.
H. Grew-r, Mr. LEANDER Z. DOLL (9 Miss
mm: 1)., daughter or CapL‘Jobn ner.
L) 01h, nll of mm cigy. L ‘
On Mnndny week, at, Cnnnwngo Chand. by
Rev. Mr. Cnmnni, Mr. WILLIAM LILL‘Y. of
Mnunlplcnannt township. this county, to ”in'
DALY GlLLLdnughu-r of Dr. P. GI“, of Lin
coln county. .\lo. , , I
0n the 17th 01 April. 1864. at St. Joseph's
(‘hurvh. Bcnanghtown. by Rev. B. A. Shotb,
Mr. JOHNV DlCRMOODY,fnrmer‘y ofSnntu'Fee,
New Mexirofto .\(its SUSAN A. .\'OEL, of
Mountpleusnnt toirnship, Adams county.
Un the 19th inwt.,by Rev. .\I.J. Allgmnn,
Mr. DAVID HUKI-I to \lis‘s LOUISA CA KL, pf
Bgrwirk township, Adams county.
(In the H“) inst, by Rev. 11. S. Koons.Mr.
IHNKLE, both of Hanover. '
' ‘ DIED. ‘ I
mammary notices 3 cents per fine {for all
over {our lines—cash m nccompnny minke.
In Oxford township, Adams county” on
Thursday. the filth inn, Mr. MOSES SESFT,
aged 6!} years 5 morilhs and 3 dnva. '
On tho 71h ult, at vasville, Gm, of men
alel, Mr. JAMES G. PAXTON. son of Nathan
ml P.lxtun,of(‘o.l.9~lv.h Reg. 0. V. 1.. former
ly of this cgunty, aged 31 333 an 6 months and
6 dau.
01.1 Tunduy, 17th inst, of Consumption.
MA RG {HI-1T [-qu dnughtsr 0! John H. and Mary
J. .\legnry, in the 22d year of her ufze.
Chesnut Timber-land.
WILL oll'er, at Public Sale, on MUXDAY,
I [luv 2M Ilnv of MA Y next. an the premier“,
2 mill-u tron: llenderslele, on ll): public road
leading to Pme Grow, and 3; milks from
Wlmcstown, on a puhlirrond lending to Whites
mwn, ndjummz the farms 0! Sblomun .\lcnls,
Adam Thoxuns. Wm. Ycans and John “‘eizle,
HUBER-LAND in the countv. It is IH‘rl,
clean 01 stone and a good qunlily of farm Land.
The terms WLll‘be three equal annual infimll
month. without interest, commencjug Mxrch
fir”, 1965. . lmmuliale possession will be
WShnuld thr- 23d b 9 mizy Hu- snle wxll
hr po-lpuncd to the first favorable duy there
nfu-r. [“B5 2,1564. [s'
W 001; W 001! W 001!
’ - ‘ LBS. WOOL WANTED at the’
]()'()()() Good lnLl-nt Factory. near
Petershnra, (ank Spring!» for wlxiqh me
highest price mll he paid, elt‘her in cash qr
nude, by the subscriber.
May 23,1864. 3L
Tax Notice.
TOTN‘E‘IS hereby given llmtnn ahatemont
LN of l-‘H’E PM: CENTUWHI be allnned on
nu Horn‘mh and ”(unity Taxes nasatsetl for ibe
Jimmigh of Guxyshurg for M 164, which shwll
b 9 pm] nn (Ir bcf-Irt' the 10111 day ofJCLY
next. to Jeremiah Cfilp. Collector. 83' order of
,me Town Canned, ‘
‘ HESRY RUFF, Prel dent
Jznrxuu (‘““'. Sec‘y.
May 23, 1864. at
~ Wanted. ‘
AY AND GRAIN, at the Warehouse of
I I Samuel Hurhst, in Gettysburg, for which
an highvst market price will be‘paid. ‘
May 23,}854.
New Spring Goods.
k " J. L. SCHICK
“ould respecthllly‘say to the citizens 0: Get
tyihnrg and vicinity, that. he is now receiving
:11. bus store a splendid
The stock coming in put of Fancy and
Hum: DRY GOODS, of every ducriptiqn.
SILKR. ' :
of «'1 qualities and chbicost styles, which will
of all kinds, including Silk. Main and Cot-ton
Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Storkingn, kc. 1
Also, a splendid assortment of RIBBONS,
Laces and Edgings, Umbrellas and Pnrnsola.- .
My stock of WHITE GOODS wilE be found full
and complete, and customers rimy rely_ upon
always getting good good: at the lowest possi
ble prices.
Gentlemen will find it to their Idunmge to
call and examine my stock of
or all quahtin and choicest styles.
Muy 24, 1864. ' J. L. SClgllCK.
1 Dr. A. Holtz,
hRADUATE of the University of Pennsyl
. wnnm, having pcrmanenlly loi'Med M.
iIAIIPTON. Adams county, resperlfully offers
‘ service: to the public as Physician and
‘nrgeon. [Apri125,1864. 3m
Cumberland House,
HIS old established Hotel, ot the fork: of
the Baltimore and Emmiubnrg roads, in
t e loath pnrt of Gettysburg, PL, i! now kept
by the undersigned. His table is always sup
plieé with the best the market nfl'ordo—hio her
with the different kind 0! liquors-whilst his
chambers Ire spacious and_ comfpmble.-;
There is large naming Itmched to the Hotel,
“tended by a good hontler, And the ynrd is
calculated to "accommodate on; number of
lugona. The Hotel in located wiihin 3 short
finance or the Cemeteries, rendering it very
convenient for penons visiting the bottle
groinndf No elm-t will be spared to render
summation, end keep up the old popnlnrity of
Kay 13, 1864. 3!!“
Jacob B.‘ Holtzworth,
h‘u opened a nloon in Ohnmbmbnrg street;
north side, not: the Dinmond, Gettysburg,
where he will In glad to serve all who may
denim to have Bubaring or Knit-dressing
done. With good tools, I long experience in
thy bnlineu, god a do)? to please, he has
redo to exfiect a share a he publir’u pllrou
waif]: will certainly try to deservejt. Ro
n: ‘ er the place-.between Buehler’l Drug
Store Imd Smith's corner.
Mny 16,1864. t!
OTTON GLOVES, for In pad $3". “I
C be Ind chap n SCIHCK’S
ADIES' Cloth lot Cleaning. 0 an an"
L jut menu! A: lAINSS‘I‘OOK 3305’.
A N do] ofJUNE next, It 1 o’clock, P. l,
t eenbacribers will ofl'er at Public Gel on
the premleu, their estate. known u *p-
GINIA MILLS." in Hemiltonhnn town Ip,
Adams county, Pm, within one mile 0! Peir
field. The trect contnins npwsrds of 500
ACRES, of which 300 nre excellent'fnrm lent].
and the midne covered with good timber.—
The lend ie of the best qnnlity end nsntlly,
yields e nnreprop of both wi‘nter end summer
min. Eunice the etrentn upon which the
Hills are built. rnfinlng through the trncL the
term hes wnter inglmost every field. ,There
are on the tnct ‘e Two-story ‘
Stone Dwelling HOUSE, Stone
Duh-building, Two~story LOG
HOUSE ettnchcherge Bonk Bern,
of frame, with nll the modern conveniences.
Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, to. The lill is three
storiee highgof stone. with two psir of burrs,
chopp' a noun, all in complete order; Sew
Mill. )llfiler’s House, Tennnt House; two excel.
lentOrch-rde on the piece, with a lsrgenmount
ol'ynrd fruit, of every uriety. The Getty-bu
exteneion of the Penn. Reilrosd il lac-2g
through the farm. This estate offers induce
menu for safe investments not often found.—
The title is indispntnble. . ,
”The tnct will bo sold entire or in pnrcele
to suit purchasers. . . ‘
n..-..... 1 90 to 3 50
fiPersonl delironl «(Viewing the proper
ty, will call upon our‘Attornies, X. l W. lie:
Clean, Esqu., in Gettysburg.
. May 9,1864. ta
1' PUBLIC SALE—WiII be offered by
A ihuuhsrrihen, n! Public Sale. onSATé
URDA Y,JU.\'E lnb.commenci{lg 3210 o'clqck,
A. M., on the premises. all that. well known
and deainble property lately owned by Jamel
Renahnw; Esq..~decensed. consistinv of
framing on Gettysburg street. and adjoining
thgkboroucb ofLiltlestown, and
about one here no h, all in the highest mm of
cultivation. '
W!” the same time and pllce willbe
ofl'eréd the
41: it 3&l:de upon the ground, in suitane 1011,
with the privilege of annoying belbre the In
of Juiy. L
WA plnn of the lot: can be seen hy. per
scns desiring to purchase, n: the house 6! Mr.
Peter Lingenfdter. adjoining the premises.
June 16, 1864. ts Hein.
hns been removed from his oldgtaud to hisuew_
rooms, three doors hom lheDinmond. on Bal
timore street. east side, nearly dpposite the
“Star" office-,where he has just received a large
invoice nf ,
Havingfilted uplargennd commodioul rooms
for the accommodation 0! his busmesa not] lhe
convenience of his‘cnstomera, he is now offi-ring
His presénz s‘wck consists partly of modules:
Spring and Summer styles of -
Cloth Coats and Cnssimere Conn.
Fine Com. nd Come Conn,
Frock Coats and Business/‘éTmu,
Sundny Coats and Everyday Costa,
and 'evvry other style of Count. .Aluo ‘
Cloth Pants and Cunsimere Pants, '
l'l'nim Paula and Figured Pants.
Fine Pam: and Coars‘c‘Pnnts.
, ‘ Filling Paul!» and Fancy Parts,
and evmv other "er of Pants. ’
Trunks, Valiws, C.|rpet Svrkfi’. {‘nnos. rm
hrollus, Shawls.G!m-es. Fuspcndqrs.Ranking,
Uranus, b’h'nlg. Dunn-rs, L‘oufi‘rs, H undkcr
chiers, (fnmhs. ”ill‘hP‘. ('10: ka, S‘unps. Violins,
Arc‘nrdt-oni. Pocket Kniros, l7hvfwinz Tobacco,“
Secnra, andnimnsl every description of nations
n 0! found in any o'hrr 522 mm).
pas-0.111 and rxum’me our stock before pur
chnsinpeleewhcrv, us we h-el snlisfieJ thnL we
can plqnse Ml. .
Thme d'mr! from (Le Dimugnd. on Baltimore
street, Eazt side, nearly oppouite the “ Slur "
can. . F. B. mcqu.
May 9, ‘18'64. ‘ ~
‘ An Owner Wanted.
WAS found in the posnssion of one John
Smith. (who is now in the Jail of the
céumy.) a BAY HORSE‘ 12 or 14 years om,
about 15 lmnds high, right. hind fool. “bite,
and the lower lid of the right eye disfigured;
apposed to have been stolen by the aid John
Sumh. The owner, by proving property, [my
ingchnrges and indeml‘fifyinz the undersigned,
an have the horse. ADAM REBERT.
-Sherifl' of Adams county. ~
May 16, 1864. 3‘
Hardware and Grocemes.
‘ HE subscriber: have just. relurned from
the cilirs with an immense supply of
HARDWARE «It GRUCERIES, which thry are
ofl'enng at the" old stand in Balumore street,
at. price: tosnit the times, Our stock consists
in pan. of -
OILS, PAINTS, km, Er. There is no article
included in the several departments mentioned
above 3|“. what can he lwd at this Store.—
Every as! of Mechanics can be accommodated
her! w‘tp tools and findihpwcd Housekeeper:
can fin; every article in'tbeir line. Give us I
call} as we are prepared to tell as low for club
“Quay house out of the city. .
Gettysburg, Max 16, 1864. .
teatnmentary on the estate of slde Hur
man, late or Strabun Iwp.,Adams 00., deemed,
having been granted to the undersigned, redid
ing‘in the name township, be hereby give!
'_not’ce to all person: indebted to said unit!
to make immediate payment, and those hav
ing claim: against the same to present them
properly Inthenticated foi' settlement.
. ISA A 0 I“. BRIN‘KERHOFP, 'Ex’r.
Apr. 18, 1864. .Bt
_ _ _ V _ _-___ "‘—,"
Nance to Tax-payers. J .
OTICE is hereby given that the County
Commissioners will make In ABATE
‘ EN‘l‘ 01-‘ l-‘lVls‘. PER 03312, ngon :1! State,
County And Spechl Tues “leased for the
‘ year-1364, that shall be plid to Cnllectorl on
I or before Friday, the In day of July. next.—
‘ Collectors will be required to all on tax
! ptyen on or before the above dnte,und nuke
I Inch nhltement to I" penonl puying on or
before uid any, end pny the nuts to the
"County Treasurer, otherwise no abatement
; will be undo. By orde: of the Commie-lone“,
n J. I. WALTER, Clerk. '
‘”'April 25, 186‘. m
Bakery inqork Street.
THE undersigned is continuing Sunpel'l
Bakery, in York meet, Geuytbnrg. Ind
in prepared to furnish every day, fresh BREAD,
employed I first!!!» Baker, nnd will spare no
alert to render “situation to all who any
putronin him. JOHN CHRISIIEB.
Gettysburg, May 2, 1864.
1884. Spring Hallmery. 1884.
MISS McCREARY bu jun returned from
the city and is now opening | new Ill
Spring Styles. Also, a handsome unortmenz
of READY MADE BONNETS. and Dress Caps,
which will be sold at the lowest cub prizes.
S‘Milliners wishing to purchase goods to
lellflsin will be supplied at. reduced prices,
Mad till receive all pitta-n. gratit-
Iny 2. 1884. 3.. . .
unmon m 01 omm pawns u
. J. I. sown.
Valuable Real Estate
Valuable Lots
Store Removed.
Clotfi Vest: and 0.65311“?! Vests,
Silk Veda uud Sntid Wm.
Plain Yests and Fancy Nests,
Straight Vests and Malling Vests,
Light Vests und Heavy Vests.
- Al 8 o -—— ' I ’
nom‘ rn'ncm' THE rum:
cmvsxmn’s TOOLS, ~
nmcxsumrs 'roons,
List of Merchants 1
.WITHIN the County of Adum’ named ‘
,Ind claimed by tho undersigned, Ap
pmilcr o! Hereinlile Tun, in ucordneo via:
the levers] Acu of Anembly, for flu year
1864-65, of Goods, Wuru and lemhsndhc:
Bonocau or Gun-Inn.
cu m. 01.
9 25 W
13 119 00
H n 00
13 lo 00
13 10‘ 00
u , 1 M
M . 100
13 . lo 00
F-hneltock Brothers,
Dunner & Ziegler,
J". L. Schick,
Geo. Arnold,
Juob Brinkerhol,
Row t Woods,
Geo. Knlhfleiach,
F. B. Picking, .
E. linuigh, M
"in Julie E. Gilbert, 1‘
In. In, "nun, ' H
Strickhonur t leoukey, H
M ishul Spanglctf' «. ll
Miu Horriet loamy, g 4
S. S. NeCre-ry, 3x 4
A. D. Bnehler, ‘ a 13
Cohen t Cruflord, 13
Jacobs 8 Bronx", M
John L. Hollzwonh, M,
bliss Mary McAllinur, ‘5
.Dr. Robert Horner._ ‘3 1‘
John Cruel. ‘ ' H
’A. Scot! & Son, » - H
Joseph Gillespie, . 1‘
Boyer & Son, M
Joseph Bevan, ' M -
J. I. Ron, ‘ ~ 1‘
Mrs. John Warner; M
John Helmholt, H
Thom“ Warren, ‘ H »
A. L. 0. Woods, - I 4
Peter Winter], ‘ ‘ H
Louis Stu-onus, , ’ » H h
Mu. Chrinner, H
Norbeck & Marlin. ,g ‘ l 4 '
B. F. Kepner. ’H
Stine k Young, ‘ M
Joupll Wible, . 13
David Troxel, 3 I 4
Wm. B. Biule, ~ v M
John Riling, l 4
McCurdy t Diehl, - : 10
Sheadl t Bnebler, ll
Alex. Spnnylu, 10
Samuel Hen-bu, 10
KP. Bightm, ‘ H 700
Gun“ 17. ‘ ‘ ‘
Ynnntl Colehonse, - l 4 ‘ 700
Mrs. M. Reininger,‘ ~ N 1 00
Grouse & Brother, ' H 7 00
L. H‘. sum. 14 7 00
Study & Smnelifer, ' H , [2 50
NathaniclEnmes, H 7 00
G. W. Rowe, . 11 12 50
H. Dysert, H 7 00
Samuel [‘.lttle,
D.Schwdrtz. , l 3 10 00
E. I“. Shdrb & Co., 10 20 00
H. S. Klein, )4 7 00
A. Heiman,
W. M. Hofurd,
H. Forry,
W. C. Merrick,
Weikerl & Snub, \r 12 12 no
Lydia Iben, . . 14. 700
noun-mi I". ,
Mrs. Mary E. Buker‘,‘ . ‘l4
John Sheely, ‘ M
John Robert. H
Jnme: Collins, - 14
Jacob Rider, H
Mocurnnnn u. " ’
Joseph Sheely, . H 7 00
(‘.hnrlesOrerdeer, H, 5 00
J. E. Smith. , ~_ 14 ' 7QO
.1. h E. Miller, )3 lo 00
J. Gossmnn, ' H . 'l 00
Jacob J. Dichl, u 'I oo
Couovuoo fl. ‘ .
Rrilly & Sneeringcr, ‘ ’ ' 13 IO 00
John Fowler, H 'I 00
liarbxrei liaster,
Cuumrine Holman. )- 14 7 00
Lewis A.‘ Overl'clllcr,
Samar! Marlin,
Juhn‘ Minty,
Brum( tea
Lcwi- Jordy,
Wm. Pmiu,
T. Ht-iprr.
D. (‘. .\L-rtin,
.\lr'. H. \lnyer,
MM; Swim,
. Oxronq 'rr
Goo. P. Ever-hurt, ~
Juhri Henry,
Euwnrd Weigh. ,
Hnsn’ess .t l’cters’.
Myers & Wierman, .
“In! E. 'l‘. Shaun-r,
F. X. Smilh, .
John (iinror, ' .-
Stiuc & Young; x ‘
C. W. Doll.
Eminent Brother:-
Rufu- )lIAI fl’
Dunne.- & Sniehls., .
I). Sullivn.
Futon [cc .\lcCrenryt ;‘
John ahnlzer, ;
Fauna rr.
Martin L. Miller,
Mrs. Ann Rollman, ’l
H. W. Witmor,
I’. 801-lilz,
Jacob Mfll’k, ‘ ‘ ‘ H 730
thk &: Spungler, if! I 10 00
fl. J. Biesecker, . H . 700
Tnou n. a
Peter Yentta 8 1310., ’ ‘l4 ' 'l 00
John Delwl H ' 700
John F. Holick,
AdAm Lerew,
T. M. Brenaman,
hun‘bl Tr.
Abnhnm ‘Vuybrizht, N 7 00
Geo. Mlnnigh,
Charles Eldon,
‘A. T. Wright,
Jucob Piper-,7
R. H. t C. Ho'open,
H. S. Penrose,
G. W. bpnhgler,
F. s. Hildebrand, - , 13 ID 00
J. J. Kleine, ' ' M ' 700
W 33. Wolf, \t '1 00
H. L.’Miller,. ; I 4 700
George Nundorl, -‘ l 4 100
C. Knnuer, 14 'l 00
layer Stern, N 'i 00
Elan!!! IT. ,
J. 0. Albert, 13 lo 00
J. Won, _ u. '1 be
Ephraim wanrd, H , 70°
Shaul TV
Dnniel Golden, 10 20 co
Philip Hana, . 10 N 00
.hcob King, M 7 0‘
Hugh King. M 7 oo
IrmAu Hum. 14 4 _ 7co
‘ (Inmate! n:
hue Group,
H. I. Ziln,
E. Hiteshew,
J. A. Gardner, )0 10 W
Amen Grit-t, 14' 'I oo
J.,P. Gelwick, ‘ M . 700
J. 8. Homer, ' f M ' 300
§°'"' “3:3,"? ‘ 3' {t 1 3
aka 'l‘. , . ’.
I!” if.
C. lye",
John B‘ohliu,
Alex. Sell,
Bvriaz *►
Noah liner, ' u 100
Edvard Shh]. ‘ H 7 00
William Miller, _ >l4 '1 oo
Sbtnk & Brother, 14 7 00
John Win, . M - '1 00
Dmmnl. ,
Dlvid Rhoda. Freedom £ll., 8 12 50
Ilnj. E. W 0", Hamilton tp., 8 12 50
Adan Diem. 99“”be 9 b 00
John Ennis; “ a. I 9 500
Notice is hereby given todlpmnrinureu
ed in the above return of clarification, that]
will hold Ml Appenl, n: the Commissioner“
Oflice,in Gettynburg, on SATURDAY.Ihr 11th
day ofJUNR next, between the hours of 9 A.
M. and 3 P. I, when And where l" penona ‘
thn mny coneider‘ themulyu iggricud by
aaid clarification mny nae-d.
Appraiser of Korean“. Tun fior Adunl :0.
May I, 1864. 4:
Corn Wanted.
ORR N THE BAR mud u out Woe.
Q home, for which the “(but hunt pricc
ml be psid. chvnnv t pill”.
« Gouytblr‘, April )8, IBM.
Herbst's Warehouse.
HE undersigned would iulorm' Ell nanny
Manda Ind lbe public generally {but be
is confining bnnlnen n the Wuehouu on 1h:
corner of “tumor: um: and the Railroad,
(lately Bolling" & Herb-t.) Gettyaburg‘, P...
“J m onld loliciu shar- or custom. He hep-
I hid stock of Groceries. :lwnyl {tub And the
lawman: full, vi: :
Shaun, Cone", Ten,
. 81mm, Spleen, 8.1!, ‘
. Choc“, - Crukerl, "inegur,
Both, llanud, Starch,
la" it. be.
Also; Brooms, Brulbel,
Bil-citing, , Bowl. Coal Oil,
» la, ' tc., , Bc.
Tobneeol, Sag-n. Slum.
‘ C-ll Examine-c Buy.
He is always able to apply the vary but If
liele of FLOUR to be found in thin or In]
other mdrket. buying the when himself 3nd
hating the flour and. by none but tho but
IS 00
A Inga lot of FEED duty! on hind. Par
tlcullr ngtention flap paid to this department.
(He would tlso nnnonnée gut. ho hu can
running to Baitlmon‘e every «ck, cud in preo_
pad to more, 11l kinda of {nighu either
way. lurketmen, country merelnuu, Ind
olhen, will find it to their adunugo to pa
tron“: the “ Herb" line.” ‘ ‘
Apn’PZS. 1864.
Good News and True,
OW & WOODS are opening on: “other large
‘ unomqom of New Good: at.
5 their chap corner, which
, they vill ull at the lowest
. cub pripu. We buy all for
' all: at the lnwestpricesgnd
. an. therefore. sell the nme
quality of good: A! low M
l " ”my cm to bought at. my
«he: Storein the Sum. A
large portion of the Shoes we
sell sre mde toon‘der, of the
I ‘ be“: material. by good Ind
: ' Hpofieneedworkmen. Gin
‘ ‘ \n null. ROW tWOODS.
~ lists for Men, “at: for lines,
Ham for Boys, Dnnkacd Hutu,
. 11am for Children, Straw Hats,
- ‘Hau for Lndiu, All kinds “Hats,
_nd Shaken, by BOW h WOODS.
Shoes' for Children. Shoe: for Nissan,
, Shoes for Lndiu, Shoes for Boys.
Shoes {or Men, - Gaiterspfall kinds,
. ‘ Slippers in unely, Shoes 0! all kinds.
pool Cotton 01 all kinds and colors,
Lidoulovas forChiern,Lndleaand Gentlemen,
Hosiery, " _ “ "
Linen Handkerchiefé, ” “
Pullnrs and .\'eck Tit-s, new nylon, '
Cufl's and Cbrsels of best fits and Intent styles,
_nnd many other things in the notion llne. sold
n! the- [owe-l prices, M the corner or York street
and the Diamond, by RUW & WOODS.
RI Violins, Accnrdeonl, Violin Down,
Strings & Tuilpiece‘sJor sale by _
, . ROW & WOODS.
7 00
14 7 00
14 : I 00
14 7 00
7 00
- _ ’l‘ycnona, El Fey-us, ,
' El Rin Sellu, Lu Ingenuid.uda,
annh-ons, Common,
Congreu, ’ Pluntafion. '
Honey Dow. Andersnn'sSolnte,
for Rule retail at ov} the box, by
14 7 oo
T Truner. large and mull, Carpet Bags,
_R. l:. B'wa, Gothic Sucks. Common
Blu’ck Sucks, at the lowest prices, by
v . ROW k WOODS.
Lndies’ Baskets, Lndicn: Sn'trhels,
Pun .\IOI ngies, l‘en Knives.
' . [Laura Ram r Straps,
' Window Pnpqr, Wall Paper,
’ I'm k'el Huuks, Purses.
I‘nlm Funalnrge, PJIII! Fans. lmnll,
Cull-rollnn, Cnrringe Whipsftn‘.
, We aru- continually'inrreuaing the vurlfly
and nssomlmenl‘of our slol-k. I'm-1m up: high
but we bonghx mnny 01 um gumls lll‘h'n'e the
late rise, and will sell lbw-mum near ulu l 9“:
price: as pumxble. 11. isour stud} losellpoods
lhnl. will wear well, and 1;"? satislhcfiumln
our cupmmcu. To enable us to du this. he
[lure l-fl'ecled urrnngeme‘nla by “hich we can
gev‘the but 800 - mud Shires that am munui
fnclnred. ll _uul mum to buy [rush in the
shoe line, go 10 n Dry Goods Slure. If you
\unt good Shoes buy them of l l
. ‘ RUW & WOODS, '
For. M York at. mud Di. mend, Gettysburg.
Mn; 9, 1864. .
7 on
7 00
7 OC
7 no
30 "O
7 00
20 00
1. 1 oo
7 00
7 00
7 m)
7 00
)0 oo
10 oo’
10 on
7 ‘oo
'1 oo
l 3
l 3
l 4
l 4
’ NDREW WINEMILLER, idiotich‘escnpcd
A from the Alma House of Adams gounty
about six weeks ago, kincc which he has nut
been heard-of, thnflerery efl‘ur‘g has been
[nude w‘discnver h: ercalnouts. His age is
probnbly betwqen 40 and 45 )enu, Ind his
nrightb say 5 I'ec4. 8 iuchu. Wherln he left he
had on n high-ctowncd black hat, a rim]; col
ored rcundsbout Ind drub colored pants. He
does not. speak Engtish,Auul when asked _where
hefls goinr, “must iflVlH'inl, answers, "to
Kindich'a." Hun a. down look wbrn spoken to.
Any person gtvinginformntion u to where he
ma; found ml) receive the lbnnk- of
14 7 op
14, ‘ 700
)4 ‘ 7 o‘o
14 7 00
14 , '7 00
14 7 00
’ ‘l4 7 00'
May 9,1864
. '_‘:‘J
r Warmng ,
0 TRESPASSERS.—Thc snbacrihcrs, chi
-1; sea: onyrone township, in “animal; of
A nu, Inning snfl'ered by reason 6! persons
passingo’vér their fields, injuring the‘grnin and
drstroying timber Ind traces. on fishing and
gunning excursions, they hereby give fair no
lice nn'd warning of their intention of putting
the I" in force against a“ person: so treio
passing in future.
' Jacob ltrch,‘ J. L. Tnuzhinbongh,
Wiiliaun We", ‘ Samuel lurch,
Samuel 6. {Jen-dorm George )leekley,
Harlin Rall‘ensperger, Wm. ledkley;
'John Eichblu. [May 0,3864. 3L* ‘
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 70C
)4‘ 700
14 7 00
13 10.00
13 10 .00
.1 Ate conxuuuy receiving choice and de
nimble goodl, from New York, Phil-dolphi-
Ind BMlhnol-e, nnd Ire prepared to one: ,
to these nbont purrchuing. Having uleeted
'ith stem. ennflton the three Indiugmnrhu,
the public will look to their own inure-u by
nil-join; our hock before buying elsewh‘ere.
C.“ M ~
Hal, 9, .18“.
M 700
14 700
H 18 00
ninintnlion on the cunt: ofJohn autumn,
M o! [Ramon twp.. A-lems county, deceued,
having been granted to the undersigned. Infid
lng In the lane townlhip, they hereby give no
tice to ell persona indebted no uid "Late to
ash handle“ payment, end thou Inning
chin: egnh'm the name to present them pro;
peel; onthenticswd for lettlement.
April 25, 1864. at Admini-tnton. 5
M 7 00
14 7 00
M 7 00
ndniniunlion on the est-Le of Andrew B.
yen, [no of Huntington towmhip, Adm:
county, dean-ed, having been muted to the
undersigned, residing in the lIIDO township,
In hereby-gives notice to I" persona indebted
In aid estate to nine immedine payment, and
um» hnving claims against the nuns to
present dun: properly nulhcnficnkd ior let
uelnan' .‘ W]. B. GARDNER, _
April 26, 1881. :1 Administrator.
HAY! placed my books in tho hand: of A.
{. Cover, Buy. for collection.
enoll Indebled to me for feel, kc., during
my term In Register Ind Rfl‘urder. will have
flu good-cu to «It upahd nettle immediate.
I}, u no (nutm- indulgcnce will be gnnted,
Ayn p, :m. m > .
wronus' eelobmtod Derby com-o.
Povderl, for Horses and (June, for u
‘2. 801135113 Drug 8w”.
Word Wanted.
New Goods.
. Bed Front.
C. O. D.
U. 8. 1040 Bonds.
,THESE Bond: ere luned under the Aer of
Congreu of March Bth, 18“, which pro
‘ videnh-t 11l Bondl iuned undil- this Actehnll
be EXEMPT FROM TAXATION by or nude‘r
any lhlelor mdnlclpel Intharity. Subecrlp
flour to thue Bonds are received in United ‘
States note: or notes of National Beats. The:
ere 'TO BE REDEEMED l 8 COIN. et the
pleasure of the Government, 58. Iny‘ period not
luaMfammthn/ortyymfmn their
date. end until their redemption 1"]?! PER
on Bond-13f not ever one hundred dolls" en
nuelly and (in all other Bond-.lemi-Innu-Illy.
The interest ie'peynble on the first day! of I
lurch and September in each year. . ;
Suhncrlbeu will receive either Regiptcred
or Coupon Bonde, as they any prefer. Begin-i
tered Bonds ere.reeorded on the boob of the
U. S. fl‘redeurer, endi cen he transferred onlyi
on the owner's] order. Coupon Bonde are.
ply-Me to bearer, Ind II"! more convenient for'
eommercill neee. .
Bnblcribers to this losn will have the option
of having their Bonds dnw interest from
Hatch iqt, py paying the scorned inarest im
coin—(or in United State: mites, or‘ihe notes ‘
of Nitionnl Banks, Adding {my per cent. for
prgmiunm or‘n-ce‘ve them _drnwing interest
fronlhé daterof subscription and deposit. A!
than 'Bondn ure ‘
Exempt from Municjpa} or Sfi‘ate‘l'ution,
their value is increased from one to'three per
cent. per alinnm, according to the rate of tax
kvies in Vlrious puts of the wintry. "
, vv
At the present rate of premium on gold “my
PM . ..; .
in currency. tad tire of uul'conveuience Ag;
permnpent or telnpornry ifivgsemont. ,4
1t idbeliered ihnl. no securities offer so gh‘t
inducements to iemkfé’ls the various dehscrip
-lions of U. S. Bonds. in all mher forms of
indebtedness, the faith or ability offipfirm
panics or ltoek eomfuiniel qr nparnte com
munitiei only is pledged for paymentflwhile
for the debts fot the United sme- the whole
property of the country is hoiden to secllre'the
payment 6 oth principal and interan will.
’“”th my be subscribed fox in sum?
from $5O up _w Iny- magnitudq, on the same
terms, and are thus made equ Hy Ivnilabie lo
the smallcst lender and the $33: capitalist.
They cln be converted into monef at any pio-
Eenv,vand the holder will have the benefit of
the intetesl. = ' -
It may be useful to Hate in thls connection
thét the totnl Funded Debt of the United States
on which interest is payable in gold. on the 3d
day of March, 1864. was $768,965,000. The
interest on this debt for the coming fiscal year
will be $45,937,126, while the cuntaml revenue
in gold for the current fiscal year, ena’ihm June
30th, 1864, 1113 s been ‘so far in' the r§le of over
$00,000,000 her annnm. i -. “
{lt will he Vseen that even the prismtggnld
revenues of the Government are largely in ex
cess of the wants of the Treasury for the pay
liient 0; gold interest, while the recent increase
of‘the iurifl' will doubtless misc the unnnal re
ceipts from customs on the same nmount of
importntions. to $150,000,000 per annum. _
instructions to the .\'ntionnl Banks nrting as
loan Igenu wére not issued from the United
States Treasury until March 20, but in the first
three iré'eks of A pril the subscriptions aver-Ag.
rd mm than Tax Mimosa A want;
Subscriptions mil be raceired by'dae
Firn National Bank offhilnddpfiin; PA.
Second National Bank of I‘hilndfilpl‘lin, Pa
Third National Bank of Philafi‘elpma,,m.
which no drpositnriu of puhlic‘money. and all
throughout the country, (Acting as agents M.
the Salionnl Depositary Btu-k 5,) will furnish
further imormnt'mn on application and
Mny9,lBu‘4. 3m ; .
. Jacob Harley.
‘ (eucctaann to lucrrn t nun.)
N Dealer in Fine Gold and Silver WATCH
\VARPLnx'zd lhchcst make ofSILVER PLATED
WARE. Constantly on hand a, large unort—
ment of the Above goods at law priru.
Watches and BM Clog-ks Rtnruo‘, by
skllilul'fimkmen;‘ also, Jewelry repairing;
Engrm‘irigwml all kind. of Hair-work to order,
a: short notice. T .5
firDan't forget the fin» snsp, Sq. 621
Harkez Street». i‘hilndelp a. ' ' 7,.
April 18,1864. 3171 uungßm ‘
Tatai'n License. ‘ ' ,
IIE following application to keep a public
T house of enterthJlMm-nl,~ has been filed in
my oflice, with the Foquisite number qr signers,
and will be presentedanl the Court, of Quarter
Sealant, on TUESDAY. the flth day of lAY
inlt: ,
Eliza McClnry, Franklin township.
Stag: Lxcnsu. ‘
Norbe‘ck & rut-tin, Getly~_burg. .
~ JAMES J. FlNK,Clerk
May 2,1861. w _ -
. A Nice Home
T PRIVATE SALE —The inbscriber of-
A for! M Privue flak, a most desirable
property, mulled on the Baltimore Turnpike,
hall 1 mile sou“) of Little'swv'vn, Adams coun
ty. The 10! contains nibout three qu~rlers of
In acre of‘grou‘nd; the hour it" new two
stary Buck, we" finished, and arranged In lhv
but manner with : View to comfort add con
nnienee. There in 3 good well 0! W 1!" on
the framing; alto I new Stable The location
is I very benuliful one. nfl‘ording 111 extruded
View of flip surrounding country. Apply to
the sublcriber, in Link-flown. by whom terms
will be made known. I H. F. SHORE.
In] 211864. 4:-" ~.
Universal Clothes Wringer.
has! hummer-bl. recommend-diam, va‘
{“s9va following: -
can from In. Bury Ward Beecher, inlßfll.
X ma non happy to spout in tho very .hlgh
our tom-. 0! an " Univuul Clothes Wringer."
The burden put of “washing-dog" work in,
in my opinion, III: wringing; and l u inventor
of m. machine my hue the utinfncfiun of
[gt-ling um. he bu changed one of tho molt
willow: pom of wounn’: work into 5 wry
«uncut. mulenent. The lundnu loch
upon it on great bloating. I look upon it :-
Among tho molt useful article: in the bone.
Bruoklyn, Octobur, 186).
Price—s 7 00. [May 2, 1864.
Assignee's -Notice.
OTICB in‘ here?! glven the: Guam: W.
Butlll, of yrone townnhip, Adam:
county, bu wide I Voluntary luignment of
hi: properg, for the benefit of hi: crediwrn,
end than. t e underlined, residing in Renting
township, has been appointed Auignee. .All
hereon: lndehled to mid George W. Elicker
up requiested to make immediate Phylum,
Ind thou buvi claims will prelont them for
settlement, to“ , ‘
April 18, 1884. 6! 1 Allignee,
RY Dr. R. BURNEB‘S Toni? and Allen-
J‘ the Powden, for HORSES Ind CATTEE.
"pared snfiold only it hi- Dun; Stan. ,
Juana] 26, ll“. , '-’
OLLOCX'S Lnnx—m pure” And
best baking powder In uu—u ,Dr. R
NER'S Drug Stan. ’
"WI”.-- _(igdf’EßifiND .0731,
Farmers whhing to‘purchue s goodv sh
chine—one of: the moat Dimple Ind dunblo
lhu bu beef: manufactured Io our knowledpl
—n muchiue acknowledged by thinhfl, 30‘
interested, to cnmo the
x xmumsrru among!
“anything lhey her 5". Thin machine hu
no "side dun, no fire-nun on the horln'nmh,
Ind [at lightness of draft _
It an be 2:llin worked vi”: a nun of Imll
horlen. in the hem-ion ghin or gran, without
fining. -h h easily changed from u
This machine has given satisfaction wherenr
loldnnd nud. (‘erxificnex hlu'c been publish
"! :9 that “feet. which will be found in my
"circuitry, léh u must oflhe public plum;
ha" been undo line but leuofl _which will
render the urchins cull morn eflciwl ,Ind
Ind judge for yournlvu before purchuinx
elsewhere. ' We give the priviiege of trying tho
mgchine befqre purchneing Extras kopLon
band in en: orbs-eating. A upecimon min.
my: be lecn by calling with the lubloriher,
near Gettysburg, Harrisburg road. ' ‘ ,
April H. 1864. If . ".
Manny’s Paxent
00mm: 1-21)
If]? lI’ITI’ .I- MOWER!
mm woon‘s mvnm‘mwxr.
.This Machine: is presented to 3110 farming
community as THE BEST pombined lit-spec
and .\lower made. The huge number sold in
this Smte‘nre still in sm-cospfnl (mngianmnd‘
mire proven the principles at its construction
to be the ones to scram durability. can 0!
operation, ndjnstuhility to uneven purines
l‘loaencss ofswnth, lightness of draft and (Mr
dom from («lg drnft, ‘ .
mafia. ‘(hone of ivhigh Ilfl‘.‘ reprcsrnted in the
cuts.) to wit: In [1 are nf wooden cutter bar
is now mod one oi bag: quality of sun, with
new and improved gu irds, and knives which
will cut close and clean. my: make the llnohlno
run much easier. The [mime olenchiue lmn
been altered a). the and or llle’clitle'r‘ bn’i, to
enable Machine to pan. over n lnrgnr‘swfith
oi cut grass. It in now conflrucled to En!
(hum! of Slarhine being dutnched) with'p Jed
cutter bar, ‘nnd on two wanna insteod of (me,
as before usrd. A srnn pilmnn, or compt
ing rod,lis used in’ plnce of irun.‘ Machine
goes out of gear (knives standing nlll) when
backed. Grain plnl'arm has been so 'nllcred
tlml throwing all~ by hand in much easier “in
formerly. _ i .
The undersigned is am} Agent for the' I’lo
of the Munny Reaper and “0““ in this cop".
is, and will ha happy to fill orders {or it. He
has one set. up nl. his Nun-house, in (firefly.-
burg, and requests those m mun 0'! such A
machine to call and!” it.
SAMUEL nannar.
April 25, 1864.
Good Thmgs from the City!
E are reéciving twice A week from the
city a variety or 'nrticies suited to the
wnntu‘of this community, viz: Fresh and Salt
FISH, Hams, Shoulders nnd Sides, Hominy,
Beans. Suit, Apples, Potatoes, ()mfigox, Lemon],
Confections, Tubacms, Supt", w ill: many
other articles in this line—en” recoin-d in the
best order, And Hold M the lon-flit tux-”lip. Gin
us a call, in flnutimore strut-tfiumrl,» uppmita
Fuhneatpcks‘jto’re“ ‘ V , 4}
'WAN’I‘EILJ-Bnner, Eg‘gu. J.urd.‘_anvl All
other colznuy'produce—tbi' nhhh 15. highest
.cnsh price will he paid“. \ ‘ ‘ “ .
SWEET POTATOES—Mes! quniity, at 10w
est living 'protits—aimqs on hand. Also,
UYSTERS, fine n‘nd fresh—in the shell or
shocked. Restaurants and fmnilin xupplied.
Gettysburg. May 18, 1863.
Removal.--Tin Ware.
HE undersigned hu‘removed his Tinning
CT esmblishmen: nearer {he Diamond,- In
nmborsburg street. adjoining A. D. Buch
ler’s Drug Starry—4 very central _locntion. He
confinnels to maipnfncture, and keep count-Ibi
ly on hand, evefiy v-Lriety of -
‘ , . ##"JM'A'NHD wAnrz.
Ind will alwkfl e ready lo do REPAIRING
, momsa and svov‘rma -
nlno done in he beat manner. Price: moder
ate. and no effort spun-d to render full um-
Yncziou. The public‘i continued patronage‘ia
solicited. A. P. BAUGUEE‘AE
yewyslmrg, April- 7, 1862
New Clothing Store.
HE undersigned invites Mtg-mien to)“
T sew (momma STORE, in unus-
TUWN, Adams county, Pm, formerly occupied
by'A. Herman. He will continue the basin?"
a: gho old stand, in Hanover urn-t. 110 has
and in now p ed (a o‘er s mou‘eloelkm
assortment O’TIHNG for v
MEN ND 80!"?! WEAR. "
{return my think. to ‘iny friends fpr tho
liberal patronage extended to me thus far, Ind
respectfully Mk 5 continuancejbcreof. ',
liar. 2!. 1864. 3m " ,
: : ; i. NOfiOefiV K
as“ mums mam—4mm or
administration on che'gnute of Henry
'ummrl, hum of Reading tbwnthip, Adam!
tummy, (MEL, baring been grunted w the un
dersigned, residing‘ in ,che lame township,
he hereby gives notice! to all panonl indeblqd
to, said estate to make immedin'be payment;
and those‘ hnnng claim: again". the um.
to progent them properly authentimted for
max A. BUMIEL,
V Administnpor
In] ”1,. 186}: 6!."
of distinguill-ed individuals. including A num
ber of our promirien‘. Genenla, sud the old
hero J9lm L. Bun“, for uh u. the cougar of
she Excehiot Gallery, Gettyibnrg.
Gettysburg M’arblo Yard.
mus a aha. IN EAST YORK s'rmssr
GETTYSBURG, PA.——Where they uh
prepared to furnish allxicdu or wotk it; ”not
line, such n MONUMENTS. TUMBS, Hun.
STONES, lANTLES, lc., “r the abort": no.
tier, Ind u chap u the cheapest. (Mn II n
all. ’ \ g
fiProdneo taken in exchnfip (or work
Gottylburg, June 2, 1982. U
. Albums! ' . .
L B U M S H,
as: received n in" ind beautiful unort
ment of thognphic leumv‘, which" ole:
below city liricu. TYSON BROTHERS.
Dec. u, ”53. . .
Come on With Your Jobs!
ENRY HOOVER will do All kind. at
B E P A I R I N 0 ac Farting“, Bunion,
again, he., in a neat and tubular“) man
ner, and u the lowest living pricu. His they
in in Wen lined, between Chambersbnrx Ind‘
Biddle ureeu, Dctlyaburg. He promiu. to
do good work, and am a share of public p.-
lronuge. [April 4, zen. I;
For Sale or Exchange.
VERY desirable GRI'ST MlLL,wilh
A 38 ACRES OF LAND, in Germain]
wyubip. I will exchmggmn hm,
and [my Lie difl’euncc, if my.‘ ;_~ - ~ ' ,
.9; " ' GROCARXOLD. ‘
Guttysbu'g, Oct. 6, 1863. if '