The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, April 18, 1864, Image 4
Wii=tr' 4 s_ 02 ramito JO,l/{lll I M I man named Pd“ Juan. n. :51»; an m Lil-cull: And In"! mu i'nr bruko m“ bl and um mun In no blmhng f jail gun 'I- I‘ Iquxm your cyn, “got w your mu; r “In ”It ”Nbo‘ll”lp in high, ‘ “and” an an“; . E- u“ u:- Cam to mm .10. 4' 1 If it nul- emflon nan"; . 9.0 “_III 3h. Pawn» should hut , Int: w And mry doll-r. ' .9: ”and 9h Cub-Luca, Mix-33m ‘.l‘lur hinlon Dav-d, V ‘ All [#:lossth in nu other Ivmhl ‘ .' No Menu. and. Jr. :19 sh. ‘pr “s].“va mm Q . r Mpg-3.41m: the lad vl‘or, ' I. ,‘d-cyman Ixin the!" ' Wu wrath-p I nlmr. y ; ‘ud yvt Ihi, Pale; Jone! would nu] Among his plgl Mama, , Jpn. other men ml nplhcir gun. " Ind undid numb-nu: Levin u» drift vu and. I. ma, ' .Poor ting» got drama ; ‘.l I)" u bhl tho patriot can. u 16M hm slum but dud. W Pglolwnt tight 9‘ ud Add To BMIII, uf Pod-Ink Holler, Pin '99.. nigh} than. u- Durlum no", And an ,umo gamma do'llm. _ AM than he in“ tin “Inhll ad, . ' In uh It. In not right, nr. Ital-tel: good patriot (01h a ho ~ ' ‘ Should .xchu pay or light, lir. ’O4 mi! Ilmo man, nuned Palog Jonn, 80.10%“! fur Abe‘bineuln; , All I'm-n thin um bruln out, be “Mr flu" nulln‘t be no blinking. w lyour gum an! quill! your 07-”, 'innrun yhur mggun ; , Has: an Wuhan" all Iky-hlfll. ' Smut-ta Ih. mum 311‘: Two anun‘ PART"?! The Louiaville Journal very lruly remarks; .Theria‘nre but No great partie‘s in the coun try; namely, lhé Conservative fairly, and :ihe Radical party. The bash of tho Radical party is universal ~tinl immediate om'anci potion by the general government, andthe 'pronécution of the Wau' until the not-mn plishment ofthis end is secured. The basis .01' the Conservative party is the Conshtuiion ,and the prosecution of the war‘ :mtil the supremacy of tho conetilulionq‘iq acknowl .edged. The huter is a Conatilfitio'nal party. The former is a. revolution'nry party. The Qongervative put; would maintain the government. as our father:- nmde it. The_ Radical pariy would subvert, the Govern ment and construct a new'one according to ,tho radical vagaries. Such are the respec .tive basis of the two great parties of the ‘country L a•••.- NOT YET. "The mission of the “ Republican ’f arty ! 4! now said to be accomplished. and {him 1 thing it lal It has cost the country nearly a million of lives, destroyed its financial Lind commercial prosperity, severed the uniOn of States and. broken their laws. 'lurnod vault and lei tiledistrich ink) deserlgl hmd battle fiehlf—s-uiwerted l'hc liberties of‘ the people. and Tnow its “niiflsion in accord lished I" SO? not yet. . Alter such :1.1 record the ugfiple will not all‘ow,you 16; hide your crimes under a name which you‘i profane, t~hirk. lhq puniqhhient‘thnt ymif :deserve, or mennly sneak from the Arm of! (their ven genlire'. u‘» perpetrate'new’infunnies, i ,nnd finish the destruction you have so ncnri lac‘mmpli‘zhpd. .Y'our “mission” is not yet‘ “accomplished," nor will it be. till” you ban; met. the doom of traitors and tyrantsl _s-nd rut srmn-eiy buried beneath theyxefi nations and detegnLation-OT freemeu.—l-Iriei Observer. ' . ' ’ ‘ lIOID Lincoln M‘qmism 0/7lrll'lt‘J.-—A “’nsh’ ington Correspondn'fi of‘n New York Jour- Vlfinl. whose [-taitemontiq onrrhborated from other sources, writes as fullqu: “The effort made hy'the humanitarinns to get. rid ot a cargo of Free colored people ms been eminently suegesstul. In April glut. under the lmnner of Lincoln Coloniza tion. four hundred and fifty at these unlh‘i~ tuniltes were shipped to the “land: of A iVnche, aml yesterday afternoon three hun dred 9nd sixt -eight were returned to this )istrict. The tail number destroyed by d trentnient ‘ eighty-two, and the hole of them are My to testify that their sufferings have bee indescribable. The amount nppropriat by the last Congress, at» putting down the rebellion. by menus ofthla little 'speculation was‘aix hundred ‘thousand dollars. HOV much of the‘mon -9] remaing unexpended. how soon another pf these hunmnéand profitable experiments will be made. nml who of our excessively loyal citizens will have the fingering of ‘the money, are giioétions not yet decided." Thus goes the money of the white tax payers ofrthe country, and thus are killed ‘O3 iiioeen‘lt ne’éroes, by the impracticable schemeij' of our Abolition rulers. ‘ 3843“). W. Julian. a member of Con gress from Indrana,'of the rankést abplition peruuagion. wants in be ra'elected, But. the ‘_llicllmond Palladium, an alédlilion sheet, is ppposed to him, and sums rib his record as. follows: 4 “He has never done anything for the ur my, but has oontinually'found fault. with _thosa who were doing their best tosuppress therebellionfand periling their lives, while {no was safely quartered in Washin ton wri ing hitters to secure his return to (gongras. xßlot. one of his family have volunteermi,but _in enjoying comfortable positions at Wash» Tanglon, while others no fighting the bames 91 the country.” , > . According to the Palladilim, Julian is :Ibolit u mean a specimen as the. Republi -3‘.“ puty can i_urn or‘rt. Did 175:]; Tell the 7m). .2 Washington said the triumph of a section; party would hihg disuuion—did he not tell the truth? Webster aid the triumph of Abolition inm Would bring disunion—did not Webster tell the truth? ‘ Henry Cln‘y aid the tfiungphpf Alum ioh‘um 'wonld bring disumon—did not lgy “I! the truth ? ' Muiison, Monroe, Wright. Pierce, Doug ln. find every other Democratic Matesman brodicted that the triumph of Abolnionism ould bring dinunion any civil war—did ¥ley my} Ml; the truth 1 ‘ fl Ind Call Upon the Pufrintism of (he Na- P‘E—Th" ‘PPmching milim v campaign, which mu perhaps already-have cothen. oed, will the decislve one of tha my... Gep’enl . .t, ”the leader of the Union hosts, bu “no great responsibility refining 'upm him. The contest. will be sashguin.-' Fy .nd ngone'; but it will decide a“, la 91' Ghe 'o'ouptry one way or the other.— fiGon. Gnu! besucceesful in this campaign benninn will be prgsarved. If he be de. “(ed filo W disastrous consequences “’nl‘fgflbfi, e shun see the 'currency de. nib? ' , public confidence gnhlyzed, and clvi wu—the end of whic no one can foiepglb—bmk out. in the Harlin—New Yuri ‘ «W. " ‘ ' ' *We womleritthoao fellow: who youd {33k} gm :9: 2 Mac: 92!: M 99: In?! Noah' Walker & 00.. CLOTIIIIE’RS.“ V wumxurux BUILDING in'. no lc'f [inn-ma! Sun-r, , BALtr'nLonn ieép constantly on land a Inge And 'sl:] a. pond stock of a“ kind! 0! goods In modem. prices They supply mam I)" the finest to the lowest 111-kid ”lid/:3, enher renJy nude or ’ t made to donning to any pan. of the count They hop also an extend” stogk of FURN- [SHING GOODS, emhmcingawcry article of Gentlemrn's'Under-wear. Alsq, MILITARY CLUTHS and every_variety of Military Trim- pingfi, unwell us an assorted stock of READ‘Y “ADE MILITA RY ’(iUODS‘ ButltimOreJ’eh. 2‘2. 1864 81 La slie\ A “([9l], 5 ~ FUURTH & ARCH STREETS, 'PIHLADELPIHA. _ Am: ormwu'ron srmxn. IR/H, 100 p‘CI s! Fnficy 5.11:3. nope: ludiub‘ 190 "‘ gfiod‘ blm‘k ” 200 “ Ordered Ptun SILKS. 4:4 LYUXS Black Silk YE VET. Mum—n Sim, so, 5,4, x, 2.l.peré‘urd. 131 an “ S 6. 5,4, :5, 2, l. “ Moire Antiques. all colors. ‘ ’ Magnificent. ('Srenildin's. 'Mngnificcm Urgzandic-s. Richestf‘hinlzvnnnd Pen-«lei. Swim-(Shawls. NEH? Household Staple ”(I0(Ii_ N. B. (:ennml assortment of .\h-n's \er. .\lurch 7,151.4 3m UR RATS. \Hf'li. RH \(‘HF‘S‘ ANTS. 111-II) F BI'HS, .\IU'I‘HS IN Hills. “(lULHXR ML, IVSECTS U.\~ PLANTS, l-‘UWLS, .-\.\'[- .\IALS, kc—fl'ut‘up in ‘.'.'n-. 500. an}! SI 00 Buns, (Smile; “n.l, FlI-ks. SJ and $3 cues [or Human. l’l mu‘ [.\sj'xrrtnn'a, he. 1 I'Ouly infnlhhlo rum-lies knuwu.” » “ Frve [mm Puieuxw " ’ ' ‘ “ Not dmgeruns lo the Humnn Family." “ Rats c‘omemut of tlmr huh-1‘ lon‘lx'c.’ WHOM “'lmlosalc- in H“ lnrgl- (him. ,Wb‘u'd h_\ all [Huggials and lit-luilrrfi Mery wlwrc. ' 38:1! ! llnwanu' '! oral! worlthgimiMfiunfl. whit-e thnt ” ('osnu‘s'i mum? is: on much Hux', ' Bunk- and Flnék. luelorv yqu hhy. . finAddn-u HENRY RICOSTAR. W‘r'msc-n-AL Dru-01' 452 lin-umvu‘. N. Y. WSnld by all Wholesale nml llvluil Drug , ginsill'(:(-ll_\'sburg,l'u. Feb. 29, 184:4. ‘ l I - 7 -Come wlth a. Rush. THE undervignnd would mn=t rc-épm‘ll‘ullyl inform his many lrilcmls nml thr- pllhlxc gunwnlly; llmt he lms‘fune inro' the l‘lollllnml businesgnt Samson’s o d smmljn (11-0 Diamnml, ' Gettyslylrg, Pu. llis‘Slot'k, ulrvndy‘ full,“ ill he much onl‘nrgml', to embrace every style at CLOTHING. BHUT-‘Z._SHUES, HATS, Caps, Tnnnks, Ynhrifs, ('loi-kn, Watches, er elry, Guns. PismH. Min]; in short, everything which ofwh‘. lobe fuuxul m. u. lirsl‘cluss Clothing rind Vnrii'ny Hofisr‘. . ‘ Pnnicullnrs herpnflor. in the meantime he invites ereryhodj to give him :\ mil. Llé in tends to (‘Pp so perfect u stuck :u m accum mndnlfifi—Fnd, with the hope oflurge Silll‘§, [he ho ‘s to mukr' a li\ ing at small profita. So tron x to shot" guods, and ewry ull‘un. made to s‘n‘ sf)" buyers. - . ~ ucnn nmxxsmwn‘ J11n915,£1863. tf ' 'One and. All, _ :- .\KE NOTIUEr—Thtfi nmlonignm] wouid T any to the'puluhc tlmt he is rel-viiing a large and splendid stoc‘k of} (HUNIEIHES. which he will ioll as iow as may other house in town—Colfees', Sugars, .\loL'la~e.~x. Syrups, Tens; Sell, Fish, kin, swim Potaloes, Beans, 2mg! Rice ; Wooden Ware, put up in the best. man ner; Tobaccos, Svanrs. kin, kr. FARMERS, TAKE NUT!UI-I!-—It you want to lay in your liquors for harvest, now ia the time. I have many bl‘nnds of Whiskies, Bran dics, Wines, and all 07l_her liqtfors. which I am disposing of {it shorgprafits. ‘ Give mean call I alwayalry to please—and belieye l very_of ‘ten suci: ed. Remember the place—southeast corner of the Diamond, Gettysburg. G EO. F. KALBFLEISCII May 25, 1863 New Warehouse. ‘ BUSHELS 0F GRAIN 00.000 WANTED.“ the newGrniu and Preduce House, in Carllsle street; adjoin ing Shfeads J; Bm-hler's establishment- The highest market pnce will always be paid in cash for _ _ GRAIN, of all kinds. _ r FLOUR, SEEDS. kc: Always on hand and lor sale, M. the smallest. profits, 3 ,' A GUANOS, ' 'r. SALT, FlFfl. ‘ ' ‘ GRUCERIES, lgc., ‘ Wholesale‘and retail. TRY US! We shall do our beat'to give Satisfaction in all ¢saés'. _ _q , .\IcCURDY & DIEHL. Gettysburg, May 11, 1863. 1y Cannon & Adam’s ,' NEW MARBLE WORKS, Corner ‘of Bnlti more qud East Middle streets, opposite the Court House. Gettysburg, I’m—We no prepared to furnish Monuments. Tombs, Head. stones, Marble Nudes, Slabs tor Cabinet Mike‘rs. and all other ,work appertaining to our business. We will gfnnrnptee satisfaction both as to execution and price. Call antsee om designs Mad specimens of work. Feb.'2, 1563. u Ahother Car Load. RINKERHOFE keeps up with {he times by geving new goods almost every week.— ‘lpares no efl'ort to ncgommodate his numer- nus customers. “Quick “115:: and small profits,” in his mono. Dec. 7,1863. Stlll at Work. - \ HE undersigned continues the ‘ , CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, "in I’ll its branches, at his old sLlnd,in East ‘llsadle street. Gettysburg. ~ NEW WORK made to order, and ‘REPAI R I N G don‘e promptly and m. Town-st prices, T'wo firswnte SPR‘ING WAGUNS and‘ I. SLElGfrklulo; - JACOB TROXEL. ‘ Dec. 7, 1863. ' . 4 . For Sale. u - A VERY desirable FARM, adjoining the Borough of Gettysburgcoumining g— -124 ACRES—Byildingx and Land good. _Jfi Will be sold on vexy accommodntlng 3‘ ' terms. - GEO. ARNOLD Geuysbnrg, Oct. 5. 1863. If ‘ Heat. j" ‘ I us, Baounnnns And SLDES, o(_§ut quslity, and chap, u. Aug. 24. GEO. F. KALBFLEISCE'S. - WWM+ ‘ Placing? ' ‘ noun “memo. CHEAP ' ,‘J “3038 l BRO. CLOTHING STORE ave just recn‘ln-d from the cum I Inge stnck' ' 1' lhu PIN” to b“! ’o‘" ol good~ for Genus-ain't weir, embrnmg I 0‘ ERCUATB AND DRESS COATS, Vlriny o! I * t‘LUTI‘, ‘ CASSIMERES, .. __ VESTINGS. ‘ Canine“. Je'nfh. kt. with mun; other goods‘H for apring And summer wear. ’ ¢~ They are prepared to make lip garment: a}: the ahonut notice, lull in the very best man'- ner. The Fashion: Ire rogninrly received, and clothing made in any desired style. Tiny ul ways make ueul fits, whilst lbcirs‘ewiug is sure’ to he subsuntial. Tlxey'fisk n continuangg of the pulnlie'l pn lrnrmgo, frwh‘od by good iurk and modemt‘e charges to ram it.‘ . 3 Qultyhurg, .\pzjlb'l, 1862. ' . > - ~- . Hardware I‘.“ (‘Rflf‘FßlEfi ~ ' , . I BALTI‘IORE STREET, GETTYSBURG, ' . l ' l l .—‘ I I . ‘ f I ‘ ’ A. :l‘hu i'IHHCTU‘NrQ‘I we put remrned friwnt LOTH PANTS ANOBYBKSSHIERE PANTS, "amt" ‘llhnm I'm—N 'llv 6f HALD- , . I .m- citiu willl.-nn immenec supply on WAIII‘. AVIL URUCEIIH‘IS, WIIIl:h they are] oflenng Mfixrirmd stand In Bullimore street m. prim; to «un. the ximes; Uur Block cousisls’l} In part of | BUILDING MATERIALS, 2‘ , CARPE\TEII‘S POOLS. l . , ‘ BLACKSIIITH'S TOOLS, COACH FINDINGS, snon 'FINDINGS, CABINET MAKER‘S TOOLS. i HOUSEKEEPER'S le'wmsx ‘ » ALI. xmns 0F mux,.w., GROCEY’JES OF ALL KINDS. Oile, Pnin‘ts, kc" he. There is no article in cluded-in the several. dcpnrtmenls mentioned above hm. what can be had at this Store.— Ercry class of Mochmxicfi can be nl~mrnmodnted here with tools and findings.;nnd Housekee’pm er-. can find every article in ‘tlueir line. (live us‘a‘cull, n 4 we are prepnrml tn sell as low for c ush ua‘any other huuse out ul'llm city. .IUI-11. n. DANSER, June 9‘,’ 19.22. DAVID zmuLm. Lancaster Book Bindery. (w mum: wum‘, , J . _ 1:00;: BINDER AVP BLANK 300 x MAVl'rtc'rrm-m, . LANCASTER, PA. ‘ I’lm’n I!an Ornrtvnrnml llmdiny. of 'ovory do-i‘ sorimion, oxecutcd‘ln the m‘usisubstnmiul and]! hp'pruKml slplen. ' ‘ g KFPFIIFNCIS E. W. Brown, E~'(]., Furuu~r< Bunk of LancastérA W. I). l’exper, E!~q.. Luncuter (‘mlnly Bank 1 Smmwl Slum-k, l-1.~q., (‘olumhin Bunk. 1 Samuel Wagner, Esq” York Bunk. K 1 William Wagnn-rfEuq" York County Bank. 1 T. D. (‘:lr=uh, Esq" flank of Gotlyshurt‘; . I'l Pen-r Murlin, “sll.,l’rulh'yul'l‘nllt‘lH’er co., I‘m-. 53 (it-u. V. Huwlyorn, Esq” Register “ “ 1' Gun. Whiuun. Esq., Record!!! “ “11 April 15115011 , New Tailoring x sr.xßLlSiixli§m.--t:izo.r.izcxnnnoong E ‘ FASHIUN. LE TAILOR. ‘ adopts this melhud of imnning his t'riendi and; the whlic gonemlly. that he has opened 3; ’l'mloriug establishment in Baltimorq siren, (ionyahurg, (Into PO4l Ufiicc.)nonr the Din mmul, where he isprepnred to do all work in his line in the in“! munner. nod to ill? «unis-i lm'liun of customers. He employs none but.‘ lint. ulna»: hands, and receiving: THE FASHIONS REGULARLY, 3 he can “Enrruul: fauhionuhle fits and mm! and suhslnm‘ml sewing. He lsks n shnre of the, public‘s [minim-um». promising to spare no NJ for! to dost-n 0 it. llix‘ clmrgu will Always In» tuuml M moth-rate M the limos will nllow. " , (‘uluug and Repairing dnne m I’he shortest‘ until-e. ‘ [(‘reuyslmrg. Aprll 7, IW. ; um 11:5 f AND SllpES _ Roms, : Boots & Shoes! ; TE‘V ESTABLIHIIWEVR—oTIno umh‘rsign; A (-II hzh'juel hull In an sml Sllll'k m I'm ln-s‘l city uhrk. “ hich he will difipnfl' m n! llu- lux cs! profits ‘possilplo. Hit assorlmmt (-mhmcesi dnuth-énh‘d , I CALIF-SKIS “OUTS for men. 1 ~ ‘CAVALRY BOOTS. : . “‘1 3(lan 0f BOOTS FUR B()Y.“., - «'- leln a largo- nunrtment of .- B“an ml: LADIES aim fur (‘JHLhm-IV. He lms .svlct-u-d Tisv‘ slack with rare. min-«l3‘s he thinks qucxly hi. (hi: wuuts (If this market—am} addi‘ilmn will constantly lu- lumlogns the trail" may qulllrP.“ The goo-I‘~ In: elf-1:4 are liol only well mmlnuxl and nl‘ goml :uauriub, hul embriue ‘ln- latest; sun-s. llnrlicuhr attention will alum): Le‘ paid to (hi-an [mi-Its. . ‘ ' V- ‘ ‘ .Rt-mt'mln'r llu- plan—YORK STl{EHl’.nmy-i ly opposite [he Bmk. (fall um! srr lor your-f selru. ‘l Tlm boot and ah‘ue-mfiking business is cnr-' rind "on as ln-n-luluxe. . _ “'“JJAM SIULLHXN. 2‘ Gallyihurg, Dog 7. 1.5153 . . ‘ ’The Old and .Rehable. ! F‘V SPRIXG 'GUODS'. N SMALL PROFITS & QUH'K SALES.— "J. L. 'SUHICK wnnld raapm‘flully say to the rilizcm of GM tyshurgfind \‘iriniiy. that he is now rereiving at- lfis More n splendid ' . S'rm'k qr SPRYNG (10008.; . The stock: oouskts ir§lpnrluf ["llhlEy and Staple DRY GOODS, of every description. sums. . MOZ€\IBIQVE, ' . HAL‘LIES, ' 1 DELAINRS,— . BUMBAZINES, . . r ALPAPOAS; LAWNS, ' ,CALICOES, of fig qualifiesmnd choicut stylesfivhirh Will be sold at. PRICES T 0 DEFY COMPETITION. . FURNISHIXG GOODS , ‘ of all kinds, including Silk, Linen and Cotton llnndkérghiefs, Gloves, Slot-kings! kc. Als'onh splendid assortment of RIBBONS, Laces, a‘hd Edgings, Umbrellnn and Pnrnsnls.- - My‘stork of WHITE GOODS wil! be found full and complete, and customers may rely ,gpon always getting good good: at the lowest. possi ble - prices. . , Gunllcmen will find it to their advantage to call and examine my Jock of ~ CLOTIIS, . . _ CASSHIERES and VESTIXGS, of all-qualities and choicest styles. April 211. 1862. J. L. SCHICK. Good Thmgs from the City! E‘nre receiving twice n'weekifrom the , city a variety of nnicies suited to the wmts of ibis community, viz: ,Fresh and Sam FISH, Hams, Shoulder: and Sides, Hominy, Beans, Salt, Apples, Potatoes, Oranges, Lemons, Confections. ~Tobnccos, Squire, with mnny other articles in Jiiis line—nil received in the best. order, and sold at. the lowest prcbu. Give us a nil, ,in Baltimore street, nearly opposite Fulmestocks' store. , 1 , ‘ WANTED.—-Bmter, Eggs, Lard, nn'd\ I." other country produce-Jot which the highest cash price will be id. ' SWEET POTA'IPJES—beIt quality, at low est living pmfiu—nlwnyl on hand. Also, OYSTKRS, line Ind hub—in - the shell or shocked.“ Reltnnmtl Ind {milieu supplied. STRICKEOUSRR t WISOITZKfiY. Gettysburg. May 18, 1863. : _ , Grain and Produce. AVING llhn’fllo Inge and commodious H Wuqhoule recently occupied by I?an Hersh, Esq., - ‘ IN NEW OXFORD, we as prepared no pay_lbe highest prices for all kindl afPRODUCE. Also, sell at the low es: prim, LUMBER, COAL Int! GROCERIES, of every' ducripflon. . A. P. MYERS & WIERMA’N. . New Oxford, Aug. 10, 1883. tf _ Albums ! LBUIS H ' ' ' A x AL 3UMS ! 2 ! as: received I Inge and beautiful wort. meat of Photomphic’Albnm, which we ofl'cr below city prices. TYBON BROTHERS. Dee. u, 136:. , % FRESH ARRIVAL A A “BOOTS “d SHOES, ' HATS m 4 CAPS. Cheq’: for en). Call and m. _ - , J. L, BOLTZWOR‘I‘I. {.n.ll,~§m. - ' ' \ a yuur . . ‘ FINE COATS AND COARSE COATS; i your ‘ CLOTH COATS AND CASSIIERE COATS your FROCK COATS AND’BUSXNRSS COATS,I your GUI‘COATS ANb lILYTABY COATfi ' fig" _ ' . SUNDAY COATS AN EVERYDAY COATS, , your . WAR! COATS AND WINTfiII COATS, your ‘ -, GOOD COATS AND CHEAP COATS, because he sells. ch’elper tba'n anybody else. 3-00 to ‘ , . - pwmxuvs CLO-mm STORE, _ _ _f‘ on ' for your ' PLAIN PANTS AND FIGURE!) PANTS, ' . (pr your ; n ' , FINE PANTS AND'CUAIFSE PANTS, - for your FITTIXG’PANTS AND FANCY PANTS, for your = ‘ ‘ GOOD PANTS AND (‘EEAP PANTS, because hil prices we always a lilgle lofer , than nnvbody else's. mßlCKlNrG'S‘fi' inithe best place to gel. CLOTH VESTS AND CASSIMERE VESTS, ‘ to get ~ ' SILK VESTS AND SATIN VESTS, to get ‘ PLAIN VESTS,AND FANCY YESTS, to e: ' ' WARM VESTSKAND CHEAP VESTS. . lo gel _ STRAIGHT VESTS AND ROLLING VESTS, , 30 gr! f LIGHT VESTS AND HEQVY VBSTS, -Hoget - , H COARSE vas'rs A\l) CHEAP VESTS, , -” 10.20:! ‘ MILITARY VES'I‘S~ um) all kinds of Keats, chexxpfr than any other store’in the county. GO TO PICKING'S l [a'lfyuul want an' mu I ACUUJIDEUN { (:9 lo Picking. If yoy mum. n' ( ROCKET KNIFE - Bu to Making: in' you mm! It 4 SILVER THUIBLE ! A Go to l’ivking. If you mun. :I. : FINE SEGAR l (:0 to we]: in ,H' yon wnnv. , ISMOKING TOBACI‘O 5 Go to l’ickmg. If you wu’nl iCHEWINU TOBACCO \ (:0 Lu Picking. nyou Want, ' ‘ I ' SUSEHN'DERS { (5.. m Picking Ifyun wan: \ STEEL PEXS . (:0 to Picking Ifynu “nut UUUU I'EXY‘ILS Gu_to‘l‘ukmg. "you wuut . SLI-lIGU BELLS (in lo ticking aniaca, Trunks. Carpet Bags, Tun cling Bagel Wulking Cum-s, Umbrellas, Gent. Shawls, y (‘lnlhes Brushes, f “M Brushes, 1' Tooth Brilshes. “lacking Brushes, Boot Bleaching, : Buckskin Gloves, ‘ (‘assimerc Gloves, i Kid Gloves, , Thread Gloves, ‘ Co‘mlnrlers, ’ Fine Shirts, Conrse Shirts; ‘ “ Cussimere Shirts, 1 Flannel Shiné, I .\l‘crinq Shirts, " Ln-mhwuul Shirts, 4 Knit Shirts, I I'ndc-r Shirts, I l-‘lnnw-l llrnwms, 1 “'unllen ilrnwur-x, i (‘utlon Dinners, ‘ Neck-hes, ‘ (‘r'wuls' ('ulerc,“ ‘ ‘ l’nl-vr (‘irllzirm Gum Shut-4, ‘ ‘ Hullalu Shun, ' l‘nllu') .\‘m'iw‘, l \\ nollcu .\‘uvln‘, Hnmihvn'hil-ls, I'm lu-t (lumlns. ’ Rwhlixig Fund‘s, , lhllliln .\hm s, ’ (‘lAllll (‘omhfi [ llmn ('nniha, ' ‘ hury l‘mnhs, ‘ \\' Ilrll Kfl'vk , Wald: lhmius, ‘- \\' irrh (lunruh, ‘ l'n'rkM 11l h-IWJ .' V leking “14120:, ' ' (‘im‘i‘g ,I‘ .\‘p:-<‘I.II'IC-‘, ' 1‘ ' [Luzon Hum-r Slrups, Sharing Sunni. - . Shaving lirgshe“, \"m‘inm' ‘ wiiiqlrhe is ill-Hing to ‘\'ii)|ill Slrings.’ ‘ 1 \‘iulin Bows, ‘.‘io‘ld cuslnnwrs and new SHOES. ' K Fnrho lms n lhmnunfl thing-fur BJIF H: u (-ml- cuatmners an. the lOW nnt ‘lw found in any .1". . sum- in 1119 county. I 0!! wires. ' . WP“ KING'S "hm- urnml 0|" New Goods end-rave: («”3111ng In tlw ('lolhing line 1131‘ Mvu .uul l‘mys’. GIVE "I“ A CALL. (h-ttyslnurgrhyl. 2!}, HlOll. Row .8: Woods, (Smu-vssms lo‘li. F. ,‘h'lllu'nxfl‘ 01:51-21: up YORK ST. A‘Xl) DIAMOXD, , C -(: ETII‘ Yh‘flil’ltfi, 1’ .\., have on hand and \\ ill svll a! the- anst prim-s, nouTs Aw sum-:34. .» ‘(Vnrnlnt “'.ltcr-p’runf, Kiph l’rt'm-l: (‘alfl .\lo rocco, nml “13. other knuls fur nu-u m.d hugs. ~ , LADIES. SHOPS. _ ~,Ga’iters. Badmumls, .\lorucco, Kid, Fine Calf, and others. ‘ ‘ CHILDREN'S SHUFS. A luv-[re variety of all sorts and sizes,§solrl at old prices. ‘. Of every size, qutlity. and style, for men, boys and childnu. , , ‘ . .\IISSES' HATS. ‘ A large lot of «h» lav-M stylu'a. ‘ EI'RN'ISIHSG GOODS. Whit? Shirts. Cussimnre Shirts. Flannel Shirts, of all styles, Collars, (‘ruvnun .\‘ock Ties. Sufipemjers, Pocket Hundkcrchie’fs,fio., whit-Irwin he suld cheap. . UNDER-WEAR. ' A superior lot. of Undershirts of various kinds, Drawers, 804 ‘ ‘ _ ‘ Henry Woohan, .\lorino, Lamb, Cottm';l Ofall‘ kinds—cheap as oral". _ ‘ ‘2' ’ Buck. Rem-er, Cloth, Cnssimere, .Kid, Cot tnn, Thread, of all moi—swing m. oldJow MEE ' Offbe finest flanr and best mannfnclufe imported and domestic. selected with care: - .WALL PAPER. For Parlors, Halls; Rooms, Chambers. Ceil ings, aqd Boxes. Cjentre Pieres. Pure-bond Prints, Door Pnper, 0" various kinds. ’ ' WINDO'W BLIND-9. Window Paper, .dil Cloth. kc. Also, fine plain papers of differ'ea: colurs. , ~ TRAVEI LING BAGS. . . < . nl luu‘, Qil Clpth uu_d_Car3ct, sma_\ll and _lgrgr. Together with mdny other articles, all of which V: will sell nu‘ lowest. pricu. We sun out with the old, but good mono, “Quick Saleb Ind-Sun" Profifl,“ tad intend to ndhen to it. TERXIS CASH. . Dec. 7, 1863. (f 6! PHILADELPHIA I'B { Paper Hangmgs. } 4&1 OWELL & BOURKE, llnruc'rcnu o! WALL RAPE-RH - * JR!» ' WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, 100?. 4th & .\lnrket Saba”, RIIILADELPHIA. ‘ N. 3., A fine stock of LINEN SHADES :bonlumly on hand. [Feb. 2-1364. 3m‘ Now is the Time. ! OW & WOODS. ‘comer of York street und ’ Diamogd, Gettylbnrg. Ire closing on § urge lot of WA”. PAPER at very low prices. lin the Spring pnper will con doan- what it bun be bought u now. [Dec. 21, 1863. ILLINERY GOODS, Bonnets, Ribbons, M Flowers, Shnkm and Bonnet anm juntnceivod troin Nov York, cheap It Fun:- utooh’, the uigu of RED FRONT. PURE GROUND SPICES,~,,2eIu-ted Ind ~ ground expreuly for Dr. ROBERT HOE NEE'S New Drug Store. " PBING BALMORALB jut menu a , - 7 FAMESTOCK 8308’. PRING nd Sumner Clothing jun necked. n _ chxmu's. If you \\'.uul_ :l .\HW SUIT , (Eu [u l'ibklng If you want u .' UPUD rlilT flu |u I'j‘killg If you want u I . I'HI‘IH' A‘l‘lT Go 10 l‘ickmg ”gull “'.nu CHEAP CLUTHHS 1 (in [u Picking ”you mm: m iiL‘YI Chl‘l.\l" 'OO HI [’n'klng If you want u ' (EHUU FIT 1:" In I’nking if you want :niy . —_ ‘ .zrlin-lt-‘iu'!ml‘uu 'l ' (in [II I'iu king . .l‘jor he Inqs n-cvinnl mmlhcr huge stock 01‘ ,’ NEW GOODS H .\TS AND C.\ PS SOCKS GLOVES ..gmns ROW 1: Wuoos e -Bpleudld~ New 3mm * t “111' 168 ch l" _ ».‘ CARLETON, PUBLlSimngstw YURK. I BECULMR Epu Stu-gun's g‘rent Navel, c oncemlng which thrre ha! been more talk and Ipeculn lion, perhaszh-n won't nay other book issued for years. ' The thrilling um! extnordin-ry fact: with which the author has become M:- qunlnled In": been thrown into; plot Ind “cry to turtlingly bold, And yet no truthful; no weld" and so gentle. tint every mder who begins itJnnlt be fascinqted with In nuflmgging inlzrut. ltinellilglike wild-fire. Fri? $1.50. *_ _‘ KIMBALL’S woaxé. ’ Emfipdng his capital pe'w no'el. :‘W‘yhn Succeuhl." one of the belt. Eclion‘s of the man. Price $1.50. . T Wu HI Scecusruc, Sun Lron, ‘ .anucnuns, 1: 7n: Tamas, , S'rcunr Lm: Anon). ' ‘ . ' In. N RENANS LIFE OF JESUS A tnnslutioh c§f M. Emir-r. anan'sg-omqun his work, just iuued in Park; whére the 9x citemcnt and smsnlion are so great concern ing!" subject Ind' unfit-r. that nlrudy thous and: of copies or the costly French edition have been acid. I! hu‘been exlmngantly prni ed. Ind extravapnuy céuaured ; Fm! its most 575 cm: cntips do not-deny the wonderful poWL-r, bril liancy, sud ability displlycd upon new page of lhebook. Price SLSO. ‘ . ' DR. CUMMINGS‘ WORKS Embracing his new work “ The (hen Con summation," which is attractipx so much At tentiou in England. Price $l.OO. Tit: Gnu- Tnlnmnlox. Tu: (Run- Plu- Pnuwx. .' Tn: GREAT CONSUHIATION. LIGHT 0N SEADOWED PATHS 3’] T. 3. Arthur. The populnrily and in !eresgmboul this delightful new work, by Mr. Arthur. are steadily increasing. It is one of the pleunntest of recent. publicmtioni. and will find its way into thousands and lhhusunds of fnpiilies, where donflstic stories vfn pure and unexceplionable inflgence. are welcomed.—- Price $1.25. NOVELS ‘BY AUTIH'R “RUTLEDGE.” Embracing the splendid new nowel “Ffflnk Wagringto‘n,” which is selling so rapidly.— ‘l'nce $1.50. ' A RI'TI snot. FRANK “'Annma-rox, Tun: isvnwnusbs, - Lows. . r". E VICTOR HUGO—A LIFE ,One ol the most charming and entmnclng vhlumes that has ever issued from the Fn-nch Press. French, dramatic, graphic, nud lively, it abound; with the same delightfiu interest that made “Les Miserables" sq Wonderfully nt tractive. .No readerol that mnrvellans rumllm‘e can remain sntisfied without its companion. “ The‘ Story of Victor Hugo’s Life." One handsome §vo., cloth bound. Price 5L2!“ , U ~ nu. MRS. nomucs' xot‘sLs Embracinghef cflarming new 130 ch “ Marian Grey," which i3BO popular tllroughuut the country. Price $1.25. MARIAN GREY, Ilolxs‘rmn. LTNA Rn'lms, DORA INSANE, Mnuow Bnoox, 7Com” Mum: ,t I IX. er: MERCHANTS OF NEW YORK. A Second ~Seriel of a very intpresiing find [curious book, by “'_al'n- Bnrréit.l(‘l~ rk. Ro pminincences, anecdoges, wil. humor, lively per :snnnl sketches, private and public gnhipnhouti ‘the'old‘nnd grout. merchants of Newfl'nrk City; —R liule bit of everything find not 100 much >of:inybhing. Tli'e first volume had an lnlfllt‘ll‘o* :sule Inst. year, and the Second Set-i 1” is mm -3 ready. One elegent clulh buunll volume.— ‘ l'rice SLSO. ‘ , .x: ‘ . . , iv an I A. S. ROE'S EXCELLENT M)‘ Elfin ‘0 :, l Embracing his last capital wdrk “ Like 'aud‘ " l'ulike." Price $1.25. ‘A LumiLnnl Amen). ‘l-‘r: Busy Tmumn, ‘ 4 Turn To nu: LAST, Till Sun AND Tl”: (‘Lnl‘m How rouuf in: Imm 11', - LlKl Asnflxuxn. ‘ . To Low: Ann'ro u Lovzn, Tmzlnfib Tum. ’ . ' xl. Tm: ART‘or «:ownnsanox. k Withdirection'n forSelf-t‘ulune. *,* A‘book of information, nmnsemvnt. and instruction.— Trm-hing the art of conversing with ease and -pmpriety, and setting forth the literary know . ledge requisite lo n‘ppéar to Idvunmge in good ‘_gociety. Price $1.25.; - xn. ‘ TALES FROM' THE OPERAS A lfascinnting “£th ~volume of Norelettey hmu‘d upon the mos’elebmjed andfam‘ilinr Operas—giving the p of each orom in the agreonble form ohm interesting and nuruc‘live story- P‘ricesl.oo. ‘ , . , xm. , , THE HABITS OF'GOOD SOCIETY ' A Hand-Book foi- 'Lnaiea and Gentlemen; with hints and anecdotes concerning nice ‘point! -of taste, good manners, nnq ktlw an of making oneself agreeable. Reprinted from the bundon edition, w hicll in the bent and most. enlerminlng book on the subject ever publish ed. 12m0., cloth bound. Price SLBO. XIV. BEULAII By His/s" Augusta. Evans. One of the very best American novels eVer published. In; sale incrruiqs dly‘ by dny, and Ilrudy 30,000 copies have been sold. Price $1.50, ' VERDANT GREEN The popular, rollickinfi, humorous story of College Life in Oxford University, England, with nearly 200 comic illusujations. Reprint:- ed Imm the London edition. A book‘over {inning with wit, n’necdote, and ludicrous Id vyninre. Pribe $1.25. "*fl Theaé books are sold by I" first class blwkzellers, find will b 6 ure‘fully sent by mail, posuge prepaid, on receipt ofprice, by GEO. w. CARLETON, Publisher, . ' ' No. 413 _Brondway, New York. March 7, 1364. RemovaL—Tin Ware. HE undersigned hu removed lain Timing establishment neuter the Diamond, in , nmbershurg Vatreet, ndjoiniug A. D. Buch- Icr‘s Drug Store—o very cenu-d location. He continues to aunt-emu, And keep: couhnh ly on hand, every uriety q! TIN-WARE, _ PRESSED AND , JAI'ANED WARE, Ind wilkliwnys be ready to do REPAIRING. ' ROOFING Ind SPOUTING also done in the butmanng'. Pficea moder ue. and no efl'an spayed so render full um f-cnon: The pnblic’l continued pntronnge in .lolicited. A. P. BAUGBER. ‘ ’ Gettysburg, April 7, 1862. Gettysburg Marble Yard. EALS & 830., IN EAST YORK STREET M GETTYSBURG. PA.——Wbere thny 1n prepsnd to furnifln all kinds of work in theiz line, such :3 MONUMENTS, TOURS, BEAD STONES, HARTLES, lc., u the shortest no. Gee, md u cheap us the cheapest. Give us I call. fifh-odncc taken in exchange for work Gellxsburg, June 3, 13932. a Piano Tuning. ROE. BOWER, o‘f‘ Lilllcslown; a Pmcticd P Piano Tuner, inform; hi: friends find the landed public in gen‘emlyth-t. he‘ given his time, not otherwise occupied, to Tuning and Repairing Pianos, u modento prices. He promise: entire utisfu-uon, or no puy. Order. remind at. this ofllce. [Sch 16, 1881. ADIKS' DRESS TRIMMINGS, In gnu. n- L rmy, n SOBIQI'S. .- Change of Time. (V E'r'rvssmm RAILIIO.\D.-Un and after T 1h" first ofJnuuary nut, Trains over the Gettysburg Knllrond will run as follows: First Trnln will le'lye Gettysburg at 8.30. A, .\l., wllh passengers for Baltimore. nod other point. Southwnrd. Return ‘nt LEO. P. XL, with puungers from Baltimore, nllo from York, Harrisburg, Pbiludelphlu, and other yoints North‘nnd Enrtwnrd, . . Second Train will have Gottychnrg nt 8, A. IL, with pnasengem for York, Harrisburg, “Philadelphia, kc. Return nt 6, P.VM., with pnlsaengl‘rs from same points. Pussengsrs can also resrlx Baltimore the some day by this train. 11. flcCURDY, President. Dec. 28, 2863 New Goods '7 'l' FAHflSTOPKS'.—Flbne‘slock Bron. ‘ would m ctfully inform Ihoir friend nnd the; pnhlicfinernlly‘thnt they hue just ‘ received their Spring flock of Goods frbm New York {rig Philadelphia. Hamill: bought them lnr ch‘s‘h’, ire are prep:erd to ofl'er lhi- largest and pfl‘lllest Hock of DRESS GOODS ever olfercd to the cuizens of the county and qt OLD PRIUESI “ Quick‘ Sale: and Ihort profits" being our motto. ' 3-0:” and examine It the sign oftho Mayfllfisw. ‘RED FRONT. x New Bakery! EWI‘ORT k ZIEGLER, Mechanical link; ens, South Washington ~trccl,h 1! square from t e Eagle Hotel, GETTY‘SBUHS. I’m- Cousin tly on build, Hughes! 0! BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS. _c. l‘er sons wishing fresh Ureml will be served every morning. by lem'mg their rinmcs nndrrsidencu utilize Bakery. Every cfl'nrt made to please Give uh a call! « [April 20, '63. tf Coal !’ Coal! Coal. qumns & BUEIILER are now prepared to k gupply COAL, or superior qunlity, in any quantity desired. Terms, Cub. _ ' Coanne! Come All! I ‘6‘"!le slso request those Indebted to them b can n'nd pay up, as funds are much needed Who will be Hug first. to “11?, Uflice .opcn fr-m 7to 7. u . ' Feb. 24, 1862. ~ ‘ Spring Goods .9 A ‘ . SCOTT & SUN'S.—We invile the‘nl n‘lion of buyer‘s to our stock 0! Spring which will he said cheap, consisting of LADIES'VDRI-Iss nouns, . T ,l Goods, Shawls and “u Cunlifi duh-s. ‘ May I Cloaking (flnlhs, em, etc.‘ For Men’s 5' wezir we have (Lhnhs, Cawniulert-s, *, \‘nlmgs, with a variety of Cotton -., kc. Call and see. 8,1863. A. SCOTT 8 SUN. .lisbury Bros. 8: Co.,_ 37 DORRANCE smnm. and ‘ 10i 67 WHYUUSSET STREET, PROVIDENCE, R. L. ‘ ' ‘1 torn ul' om- of the most extensive “Cd'- MANUFAUTORIES in the Eafitern beg to call the attention of the ham generally to the l'ery SURI’RISING RATE m. which they are oll‘ering their far s'llrpnumg both Fnroifin and Do lnnut‘nc leg in point. of elegance and ability :3 ' ' Propri‘ ELKY ‘ Sunn,‘ mnnity CH HAI goods. mastic rcnl du EOR INSTANCE: . [ETEEV DQLLABH, w_e forwnrd, nivrly na p-wked in good or'd'er, the folluwiug :1 quantity of vaelry, equnl in linile ‘ lutevl (Bold, and not In he recognized Nd only by the trying of (with: . ' V 'Emu'm-l Vest Phallus; ,2‘l’luin Floren s: 4 [hr Rings to mutt-l 1 :31! Twist. \Viri‘ Eur Rings to match; 2 Plain Pink; 4 gs to mnh-h ; :25 Lmlies' llinLN, Double nd :1 \‘uriol'fr of patterns : Tull l'uinn Eln ..u .\‘mrfpins, Plain uml Imitation llurul; Ic-(ilurs Léckrts, enuimuturnenl: 6 Box u Pins for portrait or hair; 7.! “sport :-ls.llo:ln\r’m‘lShl-ll Charms, and tilmnd s;—:|ll,1o Filleeu Dollars. , A Police \hii Rind, when plum-d in lln'e imnds 0t 1H unlumry inn-Illm-nrb,mrgln}.to retnil Mt Unr- llundrunl l‘nllnr-z! ‘ mum, cmmfining full infnrmmlnn and l Goods, can be ohminml upon appli— ‘Urdcrs hyglail, Telegraph or Express ’ully sulirilell. For (- mlell onnrm to any from I} 4 S“ tine I’n Pilfi; ‘ Ear Ilin Ilenrt ‘ hlvmszl} ‘2 "o(th and GI. ‘ («I Luv 1 Brnct-lr liun of .5 Prim-s cation. respect ”SALISBURY arms. a CO., 37 Worn-Inca K 67 Weyhdssct Sim, 29, 1853. l’rpyidcnce,‘R.l So uething for Everybody ' {‘Y AT DR. n. Hnn‘NEu's . . DRI'G AND-VARIET-Y STORE.— ned n fingnasorlmem of ' . ga and Medicines, ~ 1. Patent Medicines, Stationery. , Fancy Dry Goods, 7 ~ ‘ Cunfi-rtious,‘ _ , ~ A Grout-ties, , ' ' lfiolions, TUBACCb, SEGARS, &C. 8, [mm A g _ El 'Jubt op I . New Goods. GE ARNOLD husjuszt rewind from Hudulplun, a hrpte stack of CLUTHS ERES, ()ver-c'nmlings. Uztisinets,\'ost nnclsfllusljns, Janus, awn-all. nfwlth-h Id clump for cash. Call and see them. a, 1863. . V ' Lsmui‘ ' XCELSXOR !! 0 P 0.95:5“ ings. 171' will be .4 Sept. I Excm‘smnm IxceL-im Washing Machine is :he best 'orld. Cnlljmul examine it at (mus.— . the Excelsior Sky-light, Gallery. | ‘ TYSON BROTHERS. The in me Office a [ F YOU WANT __ GOOD ALE, PORTER Brg‘wn Smut, Scotch Ale, and “'ihes,’call nt ; CkUuSMER’S, Northeast cornér of the Diamond. 1, 1863. > I. Clpthmg. . - GE ARNOLD has now got up his Fall . Winteg stack 0! Clothing, 1h: Ingest wn, consisting oi - u, - _ '~« E 0 G .... stock in Over Co as: Conn, ‘ Business Conta, j—T‘.‘ ‘ - , Military Blouse: afid Pants - Punuloonp, \{ests nd Over-Shim Drawers, Hosiery -c., in great ugly, all of which will heap tor mh. All and age them. 8,1863. ‘ , ‘ Under (Haves, be sold , Sept. Shanda &. Buehler, ERS IN DEA: , COM; AND mum; 1 3‘ r a V 1; s , ; TIMWARE, HOLLOW-WARE, ac. '; SHUTTERS, BLINDS, SASH, ETC; Corner of Carliule and Railroad Streets, o'ppo- I-ite Railroad Depot,‘ GETTYSBURG,-PA.; Sept. 8, 1863. It! " - Young Men ND ILD HEN, do not allow your mother: A And your wivel to was outtbeir precious Ives v the old Wash-tub longer, buz like true men and benefncmrs, preset“ than with In EXC LSIOR WASHER, and ‘ instead of frowns n. d crou words on wash days, depend upon it, heerffll faces will'greet you. ‘ T§SON BROTHERS, Gettysburg, fin. Dec. 1 , 1863. ' - - l . Sole Crymg. ~ W FLEHIING continue: the buying" A. MEAL]: CRYING, Ind solicit: the con-' tanned p: onnge ol the publi‘c. It in his con nunt endeavor to give satisfaction. Charge modentel Buideuce in Breakinridge street, Gettysburg. ’ P. S—He is a licensed Auctioneer, under the Tax Law of the Uniud States. i Nov. 24., 1862 CARD J’HOTOGEAPHS made It the E;- celsibr Gallery are Ilwnyl wnrmmed to give satisfacli n. TYSONBROTHERS. 0}! good file, Porter, Wmcs, km, go to ’ ”CHRISMBB'B. UFFALO SHOES.—A superior article of Over Shoes, for 5:1: It the state of . ' V BOW t woons. '1‘!“ Ameriun Excdlior Cofl'eo Ind Born“, for uloat Dr. R. HORNER’S Drug Store. LL the but Patent Hedicinu an be Ind, A u the now Fun“; Drug and Prescription lon of - 01'. B. BURNER. 4lr , .11? ? ,_ • _sS r .r...,se.pne A legi) . - E. (‘ornor Tenth nnd (Thelnut. Strut], N. PHILADELPHIA, - - ‘cxnsu Tu: Immune“! or L. F A] R I! A.N K S, Al. 3L, for me last lunr your: Pflnacipnl and chief b:- nipeu mmmer of Ban" h STIA'PTOI'I Don lug-ruin} College. ' ‘ A MODEL BUSINESSzCOI-LEGE, Conduoted on a new system orAclual Bullneu Triinin'z, through me establishment of log-hi mate Offices Ind Counting-mum",~ tepnmt ing difl'qrent departments of 'l‘nde sud Gom merce, and-a regullr Bank of Begum and h we. giving the student. all the a vantages of ‘ actual pmcUce, and qnnnfylng him in‘ the *0 Ihonest possible ‘lme Ind monk effective man ner for (he various dutie'n and, employmenls of businesi lifo. - I _ A The (‘ourae ofinicructinn'in the Theoretic“ Dwanmrnt embrm-u Buok-kceping, Comm"- cinl Calculations. lac-fires on Bulinena Mini", Penmanship, ('Jmmercinl Law, Forms, Conn: pondrnce, kg. ' In the . BUSINESS DEPARTMENT the student‘entersupon the Graduating Course, which includes kl continuance in the Rhove studies. with their practical :tppliention in I" their detxiia, iLe ml] in iurn fill the position of Accountant n’nd Proprietor iu the various Departments or Wholesale and Retail deo, l-‘orv.\-nniin;{Y prhing nnd t‘ommia‘aion Buli n‘eas. Banking, Manufacturing, Mining, Steam bunting, &c., mud, finally will not as Cashier, Hnfik-keeyier and Teller in the Bank, in much of which poaitionn‘his previous knowledge will be put to the' fullest practical test. r ‘ This lustitu‘tiun offers to youngmen numer nus advantages not possessed by any other commercini college in the State. it iarxom piete in it“ its appointment: It ls thoouly Institution in the State conducted on nctunl business principles; The course of instruc-_ tiqu is unaurpnssed. and may be completed in about one half thc.time uumlly spentrin other institutions, in consequent-e 0! un entirelv new arrangement, ‘antl the idoptiuu ,ol' the new prueticul system. , . , Diplomas nu‘urnied upon the completion of tlge Commercial l‘uurse,‘ uhirh gum-m all ewept the higher sets of liiiuhmgglunufnetur inn, Riiilrunding‘ kt. _ Send fur‘u L'iicuhtr. Feb. l, 1864. 10m ..A 1 7 “@J I‘, /M/,yf {SX (”Myflyra ~I . ~ - . - 3% 0 _C 3‘” 91¢ NTERXATHNALHum 0F . ' ‘ rmnucrmul. (‘OLLEI:EH, hflnhlished in the fuilow‘rng citim: ‘ ‘- I’IHHAIIELI'HIA. ‘ S. Enf‘o‘rnor of Sen-nth nnd (flu-gnu: Sn, New York, Brooklyn. Allmny, Troy, l’rovi dance, Porllnml. Hmtturd,’Burlington, Ngwm-k, Rochester, Bufl‘nlo. Toronto, . Cleveland, l)elroit.j'uicngo, Mil. “Hula-e mu! .\‘l. Loni-a. Thorough theoreyit-al null practical inntruc lion in all hrnm-hrs perlxuniug to ll finished Imeinesc lidumtmn. 4 ‘ . ‘ The l'hilnnlelphm College smalls first in the ‘Sln'lv. bulb in llnuinl or ripul‘uliuu nhd 'lucul TxfiWnnngvs. Th? pmnz u'xmod M in, Lo‘plm-e (‘mmmni-l l'l-lm'ntinn “here it belongs—in llw from mull ufn-vd'ul instruction: ‘To this. end!» mmt llmmuuh com-w of luminess trnll‘l: inf? is mlnfitml nwl mn-lully unfuru-xl, under V tln- [Sorsmml' supj’hiuuu ul' cmupuu-nt I’m l'cssurs in ‘lhc vgtrjous d« [l>il‘Ulll"UlS.) 'l‘he must ‘porh-ct 33:11-11:70! prmliml'lrnining ever ‘lle \‘NM hn~ her“ [up in opormiun, un-l 11l nut-,- uusmll) rarliml out. nllunlingfi-I duulenli .ul “ml-Kus hlll'll n 5 h u'c- lthl-rluhm-n unlnuler (-nl pna§ihlc unl)‘ in cunnwliun with (he runni iug-hmlsc. All" lu-rmnlng prulu-u-nl in (he Svimlro of .\H'uunb, l'l-nmund‘yp, l'nmmrl cull (l.ll1lllltl()ll<l nH-l Tumnn-nl’dl lmw. 1110 Rtmll-nfi'e :nlmnt'o-l In tlu- l'lM'll-ml “Pp-In-- [no-m, \v'lml'c lu- hrrMlu-s nu hrhml lluhk-km-p. ’ {l' and .\lrrvhhut; guru". LTuruu'ggh Hn- (lxlleront llullac‘; m-l‘ in lurn_ us 'l‘rllér. "-Ivlliv-r, kc ; la-:lrns_ Llu- dullh-s nml l'('~[tl)llill:lllll(',l of with ullice. nn-l lm-nmes lhurnughly inlfunnml, mmk only in the {nuns “'hu'h an: in lllllel‘alll INF.’ but in managing ll“? ullhirs of busing-~11 mth sy-lu'm nnd dvsput’h. boholnnhips iuuml Kl. Ime point. nrc gmul, lnr 1m unlimmzd puriu l, lu n..; |-Ighu‘cn, I'ul h-gn-s comprjimg Ul3 ‘~ rhuiu." ‘ Diplomas um mmr-lod m Hun-I- only who iu‘lfill the ‘prt‘soril-cd ('uluk’v u] =tmly, and rilri thr I'H-quiiiu- Pl:|"lln:lli0ll.\ . " ' For further iufonudliuu send for a circular. Address: ‘ HRYANT. STRATTUV & (‘U., Feb. 8,1864.» 13' . ‘ l'hilxulxlpllin Portable Punting Ofilces. , . l ‘ “VIII the «we of .' . ~14 Mrrrlmnls Drug:- , .' - . pl’ll“. uml all husinaln l\ , “4;, “ml prnlt-.~~mnul mru ..’ ,J ‘ ,~91,W‘9 \ylm wi~h 30 do llu‘ir {*‘ " 4 - "1}: 'mn primingfi neatly ‘ . -mf/flnnl ('IH-npl}. I All”!- -, ‘ ‘l' ' “ / anl M llu‘ priming of lmmlhlls, Lillhomls, cirrulan, lnlvels', cards and run-ll m-Wspulu-n. Full instrucliona :uwnmpnhying lelhfllro un nbling a boy ton 3mm; old to work- them 'luc rc-slul-ly. ('ircul Ira sent. in-e. Spegimen sheets of T3llO, Cut:l Jun. 6 u-nla. Addrrsx ‘ ADAMW“ PRESS (70., _ 31 Park Row, .\f. Y., «ml 35 Linc‘oln all-eel, ‘ ‘ . ' Boswufllus. Janna}; 25, 1864. Iy. Isaac K.-Sta.uffer, . WATCH .\IAKHII AND JEWELER, ' ‘ nnrrncnznnn or: ‘ SILVER WARP. k IMI‘UItTER ()l" WATCHER, No. 145 North Second Sn, Corner Quarry, _, “1‘ ll’mmmzurlfm, PA. He has consumlly on hand an Assortment of Gold and Silver Patent'Lever, Im’pineand I’lnin Wntrlios; Fine Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, Breast Pins, Ear kings,_l"inger Rings,_Brnce lets, Mlpinlure Cases," Medulliom, Lockets, Pencils, Thimbles, Spectacles, Silver Tnble, Desert, Ten, Salt and .\lnstnrd Spoons; Sngnr‘ Spoons, Cups, Napkin Rings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Shieldsflombs, Diamond Pointed Pens, etc.,—sllof which will be sold low lor cash. ‘ ILI TOBIAS l 0035 best quality l'quCW-~ sled Potent Lever Movements constantly all band; also other Makers of superior quality. N. B.—-old Gold ind Silver bought for cash. Sept. 1, 1863. 1y ' ' To Disabled Soldiers, EASIER ~AND MARINES, AND WIDOWS, OR OTHER HEIRS OF WHOSE WHO) HAVE DIED 9K" BEES KILLED IN THE-SER \'ICE.—CHA3. C. chxxn, Auornfiy for Claim-L ants, Bounty Loud nudd’ensiorrAgcnt, Wuh ington City, D. C.—Pen§ions procured for So!- diers, Seamen and Marines of the present wer,_ who nre disabled by reason of wounds received or disease contracted while in ecrvice,nnd Pen lions, Bounty flonqgnd Arrears of Pox oh tnined for widows or other heirs of those who have died or been killed while in service. ‘ ‘ Bounty Lnnd procured for services in any of the other warm, CHAS. C. TUCKER, ‘ ‘ Wuhington, D. C. J. 0. Nu“, Agent, Gettyuburg. Nov. 18, 136, ‘ ‘ Come the Fair! ND DOW-'l‘ FORGETTOVISIT PLEASANT ARIDGE NURSERIES.—-Pcnonl wilhing go mu", Trees will find lheuock in the ground remarkably fine, and ofl'ered a}. reduced prices. The Apple number: 100 nnetiep, ombncing :1! the npproved mm. - . N. B.—Sea she index‘boud near Hora D5lO Post. office. 'l'. E. QOOK l SONS, ' Sept. 2, 1861. Proprietors. John W. Tipton, ASHTQNABLE BARBER, North-cut cor ' . ner of the Diamond, (next door to Mc lellnn’s Halal.) nutyshnrg. Pm, where he can at. all timvs be found ready to “and to All business in his llne. He by also excellent 9!- sisumce 3nd will ensure injunction. (in; him I cull. ’ [Deg 39 133°: 4 ;PUBE muonwmn AND wiggling!” medicinal put-pout only In I W “C {ore of D; Bu BURNER. ‘ ALL n. qnmsums for your MI. Peri ter, in" kc. ‘ . ' ElE=l