The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, April 04, 1864, Image 2
mum LAW. A- M tel-Ill] In» Pay-gm “10-Idea be Voliewere. set. 821'! Inadadby the Bmm and. Hans Representatives «f M: Oamrsonwm/[h‘ (Pennsylvania in General I%:qu met, amid is flashy ewe/u! by the all! "rim of the me. ‘Thst ell bonds. warrants. or commutes of indihtednon. issued la the commissioners. .or commissioners sn conuoller, of any enemy. or the corponto authorities of my pity, wurd or borough. or the school dire-om tors, or rosd oommmionens. or supervisors. l of lay towuuhip of this commonwealth. fnrl the pugs]. ofbountics to persons volun _tssnngtoonta the military or naval service : ,ofthe United Slum, under any requisition heretofore made by the President of the United States. be and the some are hereby ,leplind. made Vfllld and binding upon : .Inchcoulties. cities. wnrcls.’ boroughs. snd‘ townships. as if full and Mad authority had ‘ Axllted for thp issuing snd making of the .sune when they were issued and made; and {but in ll] cases where any special commit tee. commissioners. or an individual or in ..dividuuls of any county. city. township. borough-or wsrd. shall have subscribed and ; Amid, or heoom e pefrsonslly liuble‘ for the} ; manta money. or‘the iur eof - g: bountien to volunteers.l not}: the‘lziel ,eslls of the President or the United Sinusi who have been mustered inmthe Umtech States military service. and credited to such county. city. township, ward, or bor~ mghmith the understanding. or agreement. “int n. lsw would be enacted to leiy and .oollect a tax upon such county, city, town-l shi , borough, or ward. for the payment of' such advancement and liabilities, sll sub-l nriptions. so {mid} or money borrowed as aforesaid, she] be 303 d and valid against such county. city, township, borough, or word, us if theisnme had been subscribed or borrowed by tlhe' corporate authorities of ‘tho ”same, under the proviuions'ofthis act; and it shall be the duty of the commission ers, supervisors. councils,or school directors. is theme msy be, to proceed to levy and collect aux upon such .county. city. town ship, borough. or ward. sufficient to_pay the ' cipal of all such claims, with hier estt .unt'rl theday .of payment, togeth- A; with th cost of collection thereof. SIC‘MON 2 Thatall psymentsofbountles ”volunteer“ term; the service of the“ United States as aforesaid, by the commis pioners, or the commissioners and controller pi tiny county. or the corporate nuthoritiesl ofsny city, ward, or borough, or by thei school directors, or road commissioners, or supervisors. oi'nny township ofthis common wealth, and all loans made by said authori ties, fqrthe purpose‘of making such pay lnentsube and $lO, same are hereby legalized findmsdelvulii . l Simmrqa. That the authorities aforesaid ,are hereby thorized, ‘and required, to Amine. anyl complete, all agreements, and‘ contracts, heretofore '- made by the pforesaid authorities ofsuch counties, cities. wards, borough-I, or townships, for the pay ment of bounties. as aforesaid, or for refun ding advancements made for that purpose by any commiflee. s ecisl commissioners, jndividualkor indi'vidimls. on condition that they should be refunded, according to the true intent and meaning ofsuch agreements Md ,cqiwtnets; and for that purpose the aid authorities are ereby authorized to ‘ borrow money. and ' sue bonds, warrants, unfit-3613mm in the neme‘of such county, “Wionsnor townships. wither without interesteonpons attached, payable st'such time and place as may be agreed upon, and ,to levy such taxes as mny be necessary to meet'the payment of the principal and in ~inel'est of said bonds, warrants nnd certifi~ ‘ notes. uthcsame shallbecome due; which taxes and levies ‘shall be assessed, and collected, as other bounty, city. ward, bor- 1 rough, or township, taxes are assessed, 1 ‘Jeyicdtgnd collected; I’rowdz-d, That in all ‘ ;clccticn,orenrollment, districts, not having * i :3 constituted authorities. as contempla-I by Ih'is set, competent to levy and collect seid tax. the board of election otfi~ pen of such district shall be authorized to levy, and proceed to have said tax collected in such districts. ' . Section 4. That all assessments hereto lore msde of taxes for the purpose of pay ing bounties, as aforesaid. be and the same are hereby leidised and made valid: Pro ‘lM ‘Thet t e property (If non-commis sionedt‘casmn privates. in actual service 'in the Unitedfitaws army and navy, from this commonwealth, or who died, or were runaway disabled, in such service. or Hingboen in such service for the space nfone‘qeer'and six months, were honorably discharged t‘herefroni, and the property of widows. minor children, and widowed .Jnothersof non-mmmigioned officers, and privtm. who'died in such service. shall be elongated from any taxation under the provisions of this act: Provided. That the provisions of the first, secoml, third and Mmticns of this act shall be so under stood as to have reference only to such agreements and contracts as have been on tered into by the authorities aforesaid. subsequent'to the seventeenth day of Octo ber, one thousand eight hundred and sixty chrse. ‘ Bmm 5. That all the provisions of the fourteenth section' of an act to create a loan. {bad vide fa- arrding the State. passed I!” flaw“: day of May. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. which euthor ised the Waive judges. and county com uni-icons, o the several counties of this commonwealth. to constitute a board of relief for the families of such volunteers as have been, or shall -be. enrolled and mus tered into service from their severel coun ties. are hereby extended, and applied, to the families of men who have been, or may Mutter be. drafted or conscripted. and mastered intO' the service of the United States, end credited to the quota of said counties, respectively ; and all arrange ments made by the several counties of this commonwealth” for the support of the familiesof «volunteers. militia. dufted or conscripted men, mustered into the service, and credited. as aforesaid, are hereby legal ized and confirmed ; and full and legs] authq’i'ity is hereby given said .county com snissicneu to borrow money for the payment of such expenses, ud't‘or the extension of 1 Inch relief to the families of all private mldissi and non-commissioned oflicelts. who has been mustered in, or my hero lfterhe mustered into. the service of the Quited States, and credited as aforesaid, in pursuance ofuy requisition made, or to be 'llllde, by the President of the United States, ally. my law of the United sates now made. or hereafter m be made. or-by the Gum ongennsylVanis.or any law of said mvealtb now made, or hereafter to be made. . Simon 6. That the commissioner: of s}!de every county in this commonwealth are hereby authorized to hot-row such mm 1 Drums, of money as may be sulficient 1. pay to each and every non-commissioned Wear and private soldier who volunteered fro- auob county. and entered the military or [1911.1 service of the United Sula, on, or than the asvemeemh day of October. Anno Qomini one thousand eight hundred and Duty-threes and to each and every nou oommiuioned oflicer and private soldier who'lnay hereafter volunteer and enter the mom of the United States from such county, and be credited to Lhequotalbereof. in purguance g: tiny requisition of the Pros hint of the L mted States. or law of the United States now made. oflemflfler‘ lo be male. saum nct exceeding three bun? dud dpum ; Pmidcd llowcucr, Thai. in ‘ that page ofany coumy where school dirw ion. or road oommhaioners, or supervisors, of any township, or townshipfl, or where the compute authorities at any city, mud, or mall, or tnjcommitwe, special aommis qianen. infl‘wndul, o: indiyidnnla, hue walla-a no: commeuaed to nine : f 6: we'purxme oquuzfig. each houn flafit dull be lawful for we school direc- W sold mil-Mentor mperviwrl. Min-mm. or town-bun. or the nor uthomia of such #5”: word. or m”! to harm)! Incl: min, or Dam, of moneyssmayhsrequlred top-yuan voiunteer from such district, a sum not ex ceeding three hundred dollars ; and it shall be lawful for such authorities of said town. ships, cities. wards. or boroughs. to iuue‘ bonds of said tosvnships. clues, wards, or' boroughs. for such sum, or sums, ofmoney. and in such amounts as may be necessary to pay thb authorized bounty to each volun wet- requ’ired to fill the quota or quotas oi' auch township. city, ward. or borough: Ami provided/«filler. That such townshipa cities, wards. and boroughs. u have filled their quota, or quotas, under any cell or requisition heretofore made by the Presi dent of the United States. as aforesaid. without aid from the county, city, or hor ough. shall be exempt from any tax levied. or to be levied. by the said county. city. or borough, for the p yment of bountiet. or ,for the payment 0 any bonds issued by ‘ saul counlycomm' ioners. city. or borough j authorities. for the‘ payment of bounties to volunteers to fill the quota aforesaid: And providrd further. That no county. city, ward. township. borough, or other district, which shall have agreed, or ofl'ered; to y. as bounty to each volunteer cr‘édite'rto , such county. city, wardntownship, borough. gor othcr district. a larger mm than three lhu drnl dollars. challfihe subject to. the ‘limanmioa Is to amount prescribed in this in“ 3 but any psymentmndemr to he made. or oblizntion given, or tobe‘given. or liability ' incurred. or to be incurred. in pursuance of such-ofi'er or agreement. is hereby ratih’ed and declared to be lawful and valid: And provided further, That in case the‘commis isioners of anyicounty. or the commissioners isnd controller of any county in thifcom- Imonwealth. shall'nuglect, or refusato take the necessary steps to raise, or complete the raising of bounties in tbwmhips, wards, and boroughs, not having minted. or com menced to raise. bounties at the time of the' passage of this'sct. then, and in that case, said township. ward, or borough; bythoir authorities aforesaid. shall have pqwer to proceed and raise hounties as fully and as effectually ss il'tdone by the country author ities. '1 Sscrlos 7. That "'ll county commis sioners, or school di rs, road commis sioners. or supervisors, of any township, or corporate authorities of any city, ward, or borough, are hereby authorized, (for the purpose of carrying out the :wvisions of ‘this act.) to borrow money, an issue bonlls or certificates of indebtedness, no bond._ or certificate. to be less than the sum of twen- Ity-ti've‘dollars, except when the bounty iis less’ than twenty-five dollars. in the name of such county. township, city, ward, or borough, with, or without, in» terest coupons attached; payable at such times and in such manner, as may» be‘ agreed upon: and to levy. and a ss,‘ on allpropertv. professions, trades a oc-i cupntions. subject to taxation, for st and ‘ county purpmes, and collect such taxes as: , may be necessary to meet the principal and interest. of said bonds and certificates. as they shall become due, and payable: which taxes shalt be vcollectod as county. city. ward, and borough, taxes are’ now levied‘ and collected. including aper capita tax, of not more: than onedollar, on all taxable male inhabitants: Provided, That only one per capilo tax shall be levied in any one year: Provided, That in all cases where any “person, or persons, liable to drait, have, for the purpose of raising} the sum requisite to pay a bounty to; the volunteers required to fill the quota of any county, city. ward, borough, or town ship, stipulated. in writing: to pay asum greater than the amount of tax which would be due upon the assessed valuation} of their real, or personal, property. it shall i and may be lawful for the cor'porate author- I ities of such county. city,': ward. borough.’ and township. to collect the amount soi subscribed: Provided. That no bonds, or] certificates, issued under any of the provis- ; ions of this act. shall be for a lenger period v than ten years: Provided further, That ini all cases where a borough and townshipl have separate boards of school directors“ and are embraced in one district, fui‘Jhe purposes of the military draft. the directors ' of said districts are hereby authorized to act‘ jointly in carrying into eflect the provisions of this set. i éSzcrrox 8. That in all cases where the dounty commissioners of any county, the school directors. road commissionersp 'or supervisors, of any township, or the corpo rate authorities of any city, ward. or bor ough. have levied a per capita tax upon persons subject to draft, or military duty. the action of said‘corporatss authorities be and the same is hereby legalized and made valid. ‘ V e Sscrrow 9. That in any case wiser-e a part of the bounty. authorized by this act, has been paidiiy any ward. township. city, or borough. and said ward, township, city. or borough authorities as aforesaid shall neglect. or refuse; to pay such part as re mains unpaid by the terms of their agree ment to pay bbunties to volunteers, then the difference between the 3mm so paid. and the full amount ofthe bounty promised (not exceeding. in the whole. the sum of three hundred dollars to each volunteer.) shall be paid said volunteers by the county authorities. in which said ward, townships. cities, or boroughs, are located; and the county| commissioners, in whichsaid ward. towns ips', cities, or boroughs, are located. shall assess, lazy and collect a tax on such defaulting wa , townships, citiesn or bor oughs; as other ward, township. city, or borough, taxes are levied and collected, in such amounts as may be required to pay the balance due the volunteers, asaforesaid from such defaulting township. city. or borough. ‘ Slcrros 10. That the moneyso borrowed by the county commissioners. shall be paid over to the treasurer of the proper county, who,shall pay to each non~cornmissioned ofiicer, or private soldier. who volunteered from. and has been credited to the quota of such county", and has been mustered into the service of the United States, or has been honorably discharged therefrom, the sum of money to which such person shall be entitled, under the provisions of this act. on the warrant or order of the commissioners, ’drawn on him for that purpose; and sairl treasurer shall not receive more than one halfot'one per centurn on any money so paid over to him. ’ Sscrrox 11. That the money so borrow ed by the school directors. or road commis sioners, or supervisors of any township. or the corporate authorities of any city, ward, or borough, shall be “paid over to the treas urer of said city. in .horough, or township. or when such ofieer does not exist. to a per son duly appointed by said authorities of said township, city, ward. or borough, who. upon giving sumcient bonds, for the faith ful performance of his duties. shall proceed to pay such persons. in the manner direc ted b the tenth section of'this act. and shall he allowed the same per contage as is allowed to the county treasurer, by the tenth section of the act: Provided, That the compensation allowed to any collector of taxes: under this act, shall not exceed two per centum. \ ' Sam-lord 12. That -in case any veteran soldiers, who have rc-eglistal. and have not been credited to so special locality. shall hereafter be credits-a, on the pgesent dralt. to the locality Mm which they originally volunteered. each veterans shall he paid by the local authorities. whose duty it is to pay bounties. such bounty as, under the provisions ot this act. shall be paid to volunteers from said locality. Sacrrox 13, That if any soldier. or non commissioned officer. or private. who would have been entitled to receive the said boun ty, shall shave died beiore receiving the -money, the proper authoritieslhall pay the same to such person. or persons. as by the ‘laws of the United States would be entitled to receive the bounty of deceased soldiers. Sac-nos 14. That all accounts of the Receipts and expenditures of the bounty 'l’anfl, arising from any tum that have beensssesaed.“ thstmay beamdfor why?“ as atoms-id. shall be audited m owner an ether county. township, , lacy, mg, or school diatri'ct,"neeoumg: 'nre Audited. ; 1 SECTION 15. All bonds. wnnnnts. mus. Gates oflndehte'inms, or loans zsqued. or m ’be issuod. under the provisinns of this nc'.. "or of any special act berflofore pund. org hereafter to be passed. unmorxzing particu ‘lur cuies. enuntier, wards. borough. or‘ ‘Lowmhips. to borrow mom-ys .md pIYv bountieu to volunteers, skull be exempt from all taxation. HENRY C. JOHNSON. , Spotter a! the Ho‘u-e of Rapreunwivu. ‘ JOHN P.'PEN‘KEY, Speaker of: Senate. APnonn—The twenty-fifth _ol March. Anno Domini unenhomnd eig I. hundred and sixty-four. - ,‘ a A. G. URTIN. @ll2. @nmpiht: OUR FLAG! I. 1. STAR“, IDL‘I‘OI All) PROPIII‘I'OI GETTYSBUBG, PA. MONDAY MORNING, APR”. 4, 1864 fl‘The Democrats of our neighboring tCongmaional district, the lslh. are already ibrinélng forward that sterling Vand able Democrat. Adam J. Glnsehrenner, Esq" an Ltheir next candidate for Congress. 'We‘are glad to notice the movement—and also rfilnd to learn‘ that he will permit his mum It? i used in that connection. There}: not man in the State who would make K more efficient member of Congress. and if York. Cumberland and Perry, which have ‘béen twice betuye'd by Bailey. do not Imak’e good their niiatake by giving Mr. Glou— brenner four or five thousand majority, they ought. to ye—lsh-nmed of themselves. E ' fi‘The Chambersburg Valley Spirit comes to 'us in a new dress, looking bright and clean as a ne'w dollar. It really “does us good” to see this old luvorite so prosperous. May it. never know I lack of patronage —substanlial, paying. . @llO Abolition majority in the United States Senate, on 'l'hursdiy last, (fl yous to 17 nnys.) amended the bill for thé eréction of the Territory of Montana, so (u to qualify negrou to vote, lw/drfice, d‘c.‘ \Yillanoi éon 'servative Republicans stop and think! Can 'lhey—once the admirers of Clay and Web sterLlOnger follow the Abolition mmlmen Who are driving tile country into poliLioal, financial and social min 2 7 ‘ la‘There is big trouble in the ‘thynl Leagues " thrdughoui the State 0! New York. = In many cases the Freinonters hare succe'éded in getting possession of them. and tho Lindolljites have retired and form ed “Imagues” of their own". Let the wran gle gé on—it 1:01.1531 good for tiny country.— Courage. Democrats and~Consérvnlives I There is hope yet! ‘ @President Lith has issued a proc lamation quniifying his prociamation ofnm nesLy, 3nd making it applicable’oniy tO. such persons an, being yet ~at large, come forward vpluntuily and take the'presoribed oath of allegian’ce. It. I! not. to apply to (be cases :5! persons under "rest, under bonds, or on pnrole, nor to prisoners of war —glthough prisoners excluded from the benefit of thegamneely. may petition to the President. foi clemency. and their appliqu tion will be duly considered. ) ‘ Hope in Alabama.—A large Union meet »ing held at. Huntsville. Alabama, wus preoid~ ed over by the llon.Jere. Clement Loyal resolutions were passed, and amber Con venlion has been‘called. 0, "it were,nol. fo‘r't‘lre necemil which seems‘tovbe felt. by every'man willyo loves the Union in the South, to stulfil‘y himselfon the negro ques tion, in order to gain credence and respect. from the powers that rule us, how many more such Convenmns wouhl be held in the disaflecbd States‘! A Deinocralic Ad ministration, in able hands. linking that quhstion nltpgether..wquld 'bri'ng nbout a peaceful Union in six months, ‘under the Comtitution of our fathers, without‘blooil shed. ‘; '\. . laJ‘ifty German soldiers arrived It Portland Saturday. in the America. sent out by on ngent from Boston. who recruited them in the fateerlnnd for .the purpose of filling the quote :of the Ninth ward of Bos ton“. Some difliculty occurred It Portland, u‘other recruiting officers had discovered the prizes, And enlisted sevenlil of them. A Boston committee in attendance to receive these distinguished foreigners, explsined tn the mayo: of Portlmd thnt n‘oout one thousand five hundred men hid been enga {Bd influx-many to come over, Ind enlist.— Vho nyu Mumchtnetts will not furnish her patriotic "swung?” 7’; «5 ~°——-—— Tm“: Brewing.f—'lfho Chimgo Juurml, I Lincoln piper, nysiof this movement: _ A secret movement against Mr. Lincoln"; rNo-nolrninlatim:l bdastkngingdall‘eolvzr :ll‘m ort.‘ til one on con uc y IB‘ nppoinlod ofioe seekers in Washington, Now York. city Ind *lspwhére.YWe hear only working in Nelenglnnd. : ew York, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin“ It. has male and female)truwllmg ogentu. con-eo pondents. popularlecinrerlbond ne‘v‘vyslnper figm ‘ls???L‘li"i.§’o&i§a"u a? 3.1: ___. . truth. in order 30 poi. the friends oi Mr; W Pay-4t mm»: .m rem! massaginsm”23l4:7334: ’vyith "h“ pen-Linton, therAblolluorégla re-l dishonorablé means tlmt men of hononblo uwtoincremtepayo tieso ien.—- . . . ', .. Mr. Dawson has Igain made In efi'ort Ato' Pr'“°‘pl°'__“:“y 'elqutfl‘E‘fluid them. have them paid in gold or its equivalent, . 1 d.— _ in mm. M... mined son- of ,iith”§:£,s:m€:;bafizazz mozhzfize poinmof order and defeated the proposi- éatutrophesof moder times. Afew miles tion. The Abolitionistn m_ yer, fond Ofi above Sheffield 3 small river hmnch of the "‘9 soldier “’o‘" election lime! bu} tiny; Don was dnmnlad like" the Crown, to form are vei'y much “can‘t: domg bun Justice. . . reservoir for the ”PEI, ho, the :3": ___...a. ~__,7”_ ‘ 1: law! immense Km Mpefinz 0W915.33é212fi.‘231§1£3&infea1fi1n..; friends °( (“MEI Mchielylan. for the PMP' dred acres in extent, pm] at midnight on deqcy. was held m §aw\v{rk.on Thundny , the 13th the whole body of water swept evening week. It. is admitted by all th‘down the "Hay. carrying nway Acres of mp 9” “3"“ to have been the inn-goat Pom" dwellings and drowning aoma three hun- Cal meeting ever held "1 ”I“ ”"5" I dred (famous, who were uleepin their beds. ' 4 ”_ . The estruction of property sll the way to Doncuter is rougl-lreatimated at half 1 million pounds sterling. The 1%”! York World predicts that Gen eral Gm twill carry out the plum of Gen er‘nl McClellan. What t pity Ger-ml Mo- Clellnn did not carry out biaowu plum. and thua- sue General Gum. the“ trouble.— ll'ulu'ngton Rapublican. ’ Because President Lincoln would not let him. He interfered It every step of the é-mpsign. If General Gunt‘in'subjeel to the same treatment; he is oethin to be de feated.'—- World. flak Washington oonesponulent uyl it is geié'nlly understood at the Cupiul that the removal of Plemnlon. French, New ton. Sykes. and the other general: from the Army of the Potomac. is s blow 9t. McClel lunism there. aimed by Secretary Summn, though apparently executed by others. - ——-——o - o——————- fiThe belief gains ground at Washing- W . ...“... ton thnk Gen. Joe ’Llooker will be appoint-i awn" pounce on the Coupc'hr when unit 9 Ed to ban. Meade ‘ ”o“].de It the had to pen-office: outside of All-nu county ‘il I 01 the Pommuc Army, rbe removal of the [M m c Thl ‘ 0 Nu: b ' . latter has be?!) determined upon, notwitb- y " year. ' "n.” _"3 ° 1""! “finding the heavy pressure in his fuor, £0 ‘he postmuter u the lwegmmng of HIGJ‘NI’, Ibis); ha been brought. to bear upon me I find t meipt taken. A mu. an imhiq rp- , President by Pgnmylunin influence. ‘ and would prev-n: in»; minutes, i .' •IsetrrrD ihrcirsixs, At I recent Swing Fair in Brooklyn FrmM—-Mcc(¢llun‘-Th¢ Militia. J-c.-—‘ there r“ I book at nufographa on exhibi- FWT°¥th°xPedcd 1”” 1"; Wednesday . . . .. . . mu . )e ermnn orgnmu i n; Ire prepu-_ tton. eontnxnmg. among otherdi. tinguished ring to Hive him an enthusiastic reception. nn‘mes, ”.11“: 0‘ Attorney Generd ‘Blmv °r The President has become nlnrmed at his‘ Missouri, signed nt the bottom of n letter popularity, and n desirous of lendlug him, mklreesed to the lady manager, which, for (.337. A friend of the Presulent” yesterday the noble sentiments it contains, We agree - ‘l‘".“m‘l‘”: ‘06:" "flag“. Ff'm’me.’ ”mt ‘ with the N. Y. Journal qf Commerce. “ought tilzfucgmrsinci.Po‘e‘?t u' 3:3 hignnulennflfi ‘ tobewritteninlettera ol'gold." We k“OW-inot accept it. We intend To make him? when' Mr. Bates tint accepted the ofiee President." replied the Fret-homer. . which he still holds, that he was conservnfi 1‘ “ learned from excellent authority} tive in his View: but we nu ed that like that General Grunt fnvors the employment 5 ‘ Pp“ ' ioi ell Generals nlm on active duty, and tint ‘ many others.‘ he hnd "3°me to theiin cue that is decided on both Frenfont pressure it Wuhington. nnd adopted the end XcCl-ellnn will be assigned commands. 1 new theories or the nasal echool with§_J"‘° Idmlm-lmwn nof 00.0?“ Opposed to! which .he is associated oflcinlly. In thin $2: ‘ hut Genernl 0"“ h” h“ 0"" le, i’?‘ i . in; in supreme command of sit the unit. we ere glad to ny we are mistaken. Mr. llnry. 1 Bate: retain: his former round opinionl,;§ It is rumored h militnr’ circles toiday‘ and nemaétbutwonderhow. holding thefihlt the entire orpnized militia‘ 0! the untimenu he expreuel he can reconcile North 03'“, be united into active service for .- . ' , n ri of ‘x the. tnhold oertn' t - tt with his sen-e of duty tethe country And iuzztie-l gingonduring the caxii‘pzi; 1 whimeelf thunin in tho‘Cnbinet of Mr. gnin-t Richmond. which is about to col'n_l Lincoln. and we Ire penumled thnt every glance— Wuh. Cor. War-Al. .. . ; one tho read- the letter will Ihure with us 4“ ‘m’mh’nl!°“‘ed ’ "£0" "t “PM; "in Our "I?pr - through town to-nlght thnt r. Suntan has 1 Wumsorox Cr". Feb. 2. 1864. man-:peneded b, Mnfifloltu Secretnryi It is‘ learned from the President's friend: that he is entirely riverse to giving General ‘ McClellan or Fremont‘commnnds. find that ‘ General Fremont doelvnot visit here at‘ hil request as stated ‘ V - ‘ There are indications that the difiicultieal in the idmiimtrntion petty willjeud w a} r"! national organisation. with’n central} commltlfe at. thta point.— Wash. Gar. lVorlJ, ‘ W’alndddy. » , ‘ V 1 ‘ MAD“: Being confined tomy sick room, I have an opfiortunity. which neither my" public ofliee nor the Con". room affords. to ackdowiedgeynur nnte orJnnunry 30. writ an in behalfoflthe Brooklyn and Long is lnndi Fair, andJn _aid of the Sanitary Com mission. . ‘ _ ‘ 4‘ ' You ask for an autograph. unconditimnl- Iv. niad'for a sentiment. "‘it' agreeable."— ant my dearlady. an autograph is n cheap thin . and can lie rasily‘ furnished, wheth er xiii: or well; but i sentiment in quite another affair. ‘nr'id does not sort. very well 9 withétlng nauseous physic "hid lumjequik l red to take today. ' l Neivvrtlmlou» the cause being so go'od, and withitl its advocate a Indy, (to which high inuthOrity I huhitunlly how.) I must strain a pciht uud try to give you sr-mething zen timentnl, but not ofthe-niokly kind. ‘2. lain beginning to growol-l. and and“ View ol'd-l'oxhioned man; for in :zpite ‘of. the rushing current of opinionsnl still lmlieqe that he once haul good old times, good old principles. and good old men to profess them and not them out. and a gain! Couli tutionlworllq/ to Le prenrvgd (mt/w (amt poa lerityfi 7- ‘ t‘ ' In nct,l begin‘ to suspect. myadlf to be little or nothing better than an old rim: for Ican’t help believing. with Jackson; that the @nthtult‘onul Union oft/It Slum mm! ’1: press mi.- nnd I still have untloubting faith in Washington when he wnrns us that Wev canndt preservw our free inntitnti'onu with out. a't'requent recurrence to the first prin4 ciples of our government. - Thif is my sentiment. mm'lam;~ I fear it is gr ‘wing very unpopular. but I can't help t‘.hi\t.. (ind known thutl would help it if lkouldnfnr I 11-zre (ill/e Imp: of fugitive-I .menlfirum (he-111711: 0/ mm who fancy (Item when: murll wuer than their fltihr’rs wrra, 15ml no mu -b¢uer than (lie laws which they muilcfur our amid. I Wifih Inva for your cause, and respect‘for yourgelf, I remain your nluml'wm. wrvunt, ‘ EDW'D. BATE}. HABTIZAH BECK LBHSNRHI. Wullnca De Witt. Esq.. a gentleman of nbilitgi' and acquire-menu, was reoenliy elec'tel Prothonotary of the middle district of thq‘ Supreme Court. of tlm State. “0 was e ected by the votes oi Juntices Wood ward.%trong and Thompson. without Oppo sition” and on account of his fitneu for the placeJ Whereupun kthe Abolitionists rniwd n'howLof disappointed rnge because Mr. De Witt as the honor of being a Democrat, and because the Supreme Court. mw‘ fit to use its ownjudgment (L! to its officers, with out coljhultin'g the Slwlidyitcs of Harrisburg. This only exposed their parlimn greed and nicanness; but. this was not enough, and the Hon. M. B. Lowry, of Erie. intro duced a resolution in the Senate that. the committee on the Judicimy be instructed to report upon the expedienvy of abolilltillg the Sal-ire)“ Court for (I’m mirM/z dialrit'l If (1:: Sam. for the sole purpbse of destroying the oflice of which Mr. DeWitt is the incum bent. i’l‘he interests of the ‘citizens of a largerjortiongf the State are nothing. but the move! ,of a Democrat. from oflice everything! Certainly reckless and bigoted partizainship could 30110 further. , . TIIB FREMONT MOVEMENT. It it believed in M'ashington tint the leaders of the Fremont factionhnvedetcr mined to organise in levery election district throughout the North. irre‘apective of the prosent Republican organization, with a View to run the Pathfinder an a candidate. whether Mr. Lincoln is nomimted by the June Convention or not. They allege as Inlexcuse for this revolutionary partyhno.‘ tZon that the B..Ltimore convention is o'er“ lain to. be controlled by the great shoddy-. contracting and office-holding interests. _' 1 They‘ assert that General Simon Cameron is commander-inabief of the Lincoln forces, and. thin-he has arranged Jhs delegations from all the Northern State: in fnvor of Mr. Lincoln in adv/once; hence’ the} do cline toreeogmze the; yniiilily of 3 made up i convention, nnd wiil contest- the canvui‘ until the c 1059 of the polls. This movo< ment, in connection with Pomeroy's speech, is creating no little excitementin Adminis- ‘ tntionl6irclea. . j fiPTha Fremont men hnving obtained control of the Union pony organization in ' Providence. the Lincoln men have bolted, ? and formed - new Simon Euro Union or- ' gnniuxion. ‘- I wnn-ncrox "nu Till WA. KIWI. There is no war new- exeept from Ken tucky. 'l‘he rebel Sen. Forrest; with five thousand men. made an nttack upon Padu. cuh; on the‘2sth ult.. Ind quceeded in capturing it, and destroying n portinn of the city by tire. .A'l'he Union troops. eight hun dred strong. under Colonel Hick-t. who oc uupil‘d thE'fort below the city. made a des perate re'atpt-nce, but without avml. Com. Pennnck. on hearing thot'Geneml Forrest had occupied‘ the city, _uent up two gun bouts, und demanded its'aurren’der. For; n-st reln‘ed. mul immeJintely Com.lPen mxik opened fire on .the city. (otupletely dex'roying‘ it, and driving out. the enemy after their temporary conquest. The inhabi tnnts. who had left on the approach of the Contederntpn, soon returned. and the work of rt'conutructing the burned buildings was at. once commenced.‘ The Union loss is sttid to he twelve killed and forty wounded. ~1-‘romnne hunth ed null fifty to three hun dred (Junie-lent“ are reported killed, among the-tn Gen; Thompson. Twenty-five houwn around the fort were destroyed by the Unionltruhps, as they were uaed by the Conle‘dcmte alt;t§'pshootgt-s‘u ascreen. The hea‘lllufll‘lt'lfi and government storehouses, hmvth-r‘, vygto‘rfihutned hyzthe enemy. A dispatch l'rtun Uulhmhus, Ky" tinted Sun day. says Forrest and Faulkner'me between tlt’ut plnce‘ nntl Mnyficld. They were mnn‘hing tnwnrtl (Hinton at. last. accounts. Cum), March 2tht.—lnfqrmation hm [we I received that the rebels have retreat ed }rom Iltulu'eah. The t-ehel loss M 3m) kll ell. 'l‘henumbcr wountledis not known. Furrvst's flirt-e is mid to be 6,500 men, will: tour plot-es ofttrttllerv. ‘ (ienerul ' ‘.un-st wztli 7.0)!) Confederates w.u-. r‘o-luirttlrl lobe w'lthm eight mille< of Uulutnhue, ;l{y., tit: Mundtty night. Tue express unuh which lelt LJUlaVlllH on Mon day for Lutmnon. Ky, mu captured by guvrriilm. 3 ul twu pans<enger c'ar: hunted.— A guurulut' Ft‘Vl‘llhfit'H aohlters on the y-niu‘ are mid to llnvu surrendered Without firing a gun _ _ V ....c ..A. A an.“ r.‘ . An wr-ll might the lamb lmik for kin'l’ mess uml g terosity front a fumished wnlt‘, In the {may}: to one t either decency. hun- Inr or tiulli from Abolition 1:» r»: at the iSlnutty cluvi. An nrticle is now 'ing Pull ? lishml by immy 01 the moreshu eleas jour ln-nls oti'tlimi'hmlly-hetul partvq, hich is an ifalse in 11. i3_me:in. bluck nncl (lcvilish. lt lpurlmrh to-gtva im extract from the pro .Cemlzngn of the State Seimte. by which it is ' made do appear that fine Democratic Sen i- ‘ ltqrs votq-Ii uimniiuuu‘lv against incrensiug i i the pay nfour hmve soldier-3.; A more infa~| ; mnua lie could not‘ have been concocted by | {ruin the Prince offlhrknesfl. It. is only ' {necessary to state that the Senatewas twti torgnnit‘tl until the 9th of March, mid that| i the smut-«t pruceetllng‘l of the Senate now ‘- Igoingt the, rounds of the Abohtiun press itook place (1)6911! a man”. previous to (Ice ulmve g ' date! What "Illa.- hethqughtol'an editor who ‘ cnn thue, for the purpose of propping up u ‘ rotten, thieving. (leapised party, resort to_ aqch despicable shifts? ‘ The lleintxratic Senators voted "mi"- . to every motiion that Was made previous tor ‘ the electinn nf Speaker (on the 91h of; l March) because they did not recognize Mm Penney as Speaker, but as a mere qsurper. i [whohml no more right tooccu'py the Sponk ' er’u. chair thunnny other Senator. Finally, l (after :the election of Mr. b't. Clair from the; Slat distriet. at. the special election.) the' ’Bepuhlicmr Senators discovered that the: lfieople would no longer submit to their' “evolutionary conduct, which was on a pair] with their Proceedings during the "Buck. ‘ 'sho’t War.’ They therefore yielded the 1 whole quertion, and admitted that the! Democratic Senan [tad been fig/u from ”"1 lint, and proceeded tqtho election at Spea- . her. and he Ina elected in the mode audJ‘ ‘ manner pointed out by the Constitution—- elected in the only» way a Speaker can be? elected. Thus the Abolition Senator». by their own Ma, acknowledged that forfiwo months they had been acting in a revolu tionary aild treuonahlo manner. The Sen- ‘ ate was then organizedrorganiutl according to the Constitution; and Among the very“ ‘ first. thotinna that were made from the Dem ocratic side [the chamber, was a motion to take up 319 bill that noommqndedmn' incrmse of pay to soldiers, and alao the bill ‘ mus ing the Con-titution to allow soldiers ‘ (01m in me field. The Democratic Sen ators. drnired to-aee I untnimoua vote cast. 'unhe Senate for both these praisewonhy objects. But. not blinglo Abolition Sena tor had the manlinen, or the patriotism, to secofid either of these motions, and they were not emu-ruined! What miserabledis amulet! some men are, and how mean. low and niggardly they become when they attach themselves tothe woolly-held party. Such men disgnco the Senna ohunber Ind have; luin upon the fair game of our ouoo proud Sum—omin: Volunteer. akin McSherry did not vote squimt the blll nllowing soldiers to vote, as u re ported by some of the niggarite journals. IXCITEIIKI‘ IN ILLINOIS. Several Men KM—A terrible riot oc ou'rrvd ntcmrluton. Cole: county. Illinois, on Mond-y. The {lab of the case seem to he. as fluted in I telegram from Spring fiPld: Mr. John B. Eden, 3 member of Congreu. from (but portion of Illinois, In addressing his mnelitflu, at Chuleaton. when he was intesrni) by In otficer of one of the regimentq—a violentlAbolitiou ist. The soldier: Ind citizens soon got. into A fight, and the officer was killed. Mr. E-len n: then arrested by the militll'y.— The sheriffs of the neighborhood—lbs of fence being one against the civil law—mm. moned their posse to possess the body ofthe . prisoner, that he might be tried by I civil wibunnl. This vindication of the law the military resisted. Thus far the reported; losses are eight killed and twenty wounded. ‘ Several regimentsofmilitary from Chicago } and Indianapolis were sent to the scene. to l suppress the riot. The Sheriff of Cole: Y county m mined by the Sheriff of Edgar ‘ county. end their combined posses are said i to have nmonnted to 1,500 men. All armed. ‘ A dispatch from Mfltoon. March 318:. my: “everything new. to have resumed in mud quiet." The people throu hon; magma are nil] much exoimd. Afl the facu- will no doublrnoon be published. loin.) ,8: Goqnfg. ”New lubicriben Ire coming It: more numerou-ly “Ill! ever before I: am. «not: of the )2”. A healthy sign-1 sign that {ln peo ple are bezmning lo opm their eyes to than sule of shin, Ind we no lannr wining to follow the mu! lend of ndlml Abolitioniunmn ism whicbwnmd ucriflce all th. but. intercom of the country In order to necompliflt the {m dom lof the negro and hi: din-lion to An {quil i'.y with the white man. . HgTEL CHANGES—h [ill be lion by I card in another column, that fix-Shoril Wolf bus remand to (hm “Globe In." Indyifl conduct it in future. Thg hlzhi-epuluiou a! this old caubiiuped Haul. wull no} safe: in bl bands. urxwm, the retiring proprietor, has removed to York - . 3 ‘ Also, by n add in the proper columfi, iv. ii" be chanted 111-j] G. [LY-mi- h-u ; .llen chug. of the “ Nation Hotel," (Railroad Houu,) in Litdesmwn. H but long experience n: a landlo‘rd, snd If] conduct the houqe in u very uti:fnctory ma ner. )lr. Ceoulg, who relilel lrom the “Nati‘mnl,” will lfke me “City 1)!”- tel," in Emmi“ lug, In I few months, or I" soon ucomplet (L Q‘Sherifl' R but “ flitted " hi; hou-chold, with personal fl'ocla,to lh: County Jn'tl on Thnrldny last. The people or Adnms, at. the In! Octobz-r ele lion. “unlénceA” him to Ilmt institution fér tu-ee years, n’ud a! he is 3 atm uible and lnw- -iding man we have no dquht he will bear W 79 infliction with becoming com pésure. ' A . ¥ 1. ~ ,fi ' -On Wednesday we are ow storm that. would hare MARCH sxp vilified Will: in‘- Bone honér Io i lIH‘ late in (he I '.hick and fast, on of three or [on mum-ea decided being soft, the. Alreata,‘ ruling Aplegsun‘: reael s'l-nson of the .\"I currences.‘ Ull l snow fell to the 1 Winter lingeredl Spring in it. is in \\"e hm] nn .. l tlie depth of seil lecembcr. i‘rom early mar??? ‘gvening the while flukcl fulll 1-\'ering the curl}: to thefikpllll ‘ 'i'uthEl, tufd imlinrting mlxylll iy wintry "apt-ct. The ground! Inow melted rnpidlyksm thel y flush LII-at was unytllling Lu!‘ ltrians. Snow {storms 1“ \his‘ ur MI: by no minus n+3: oc lhe ténlh why of Apriq lnsl,| «pH; of nenrl): one fuu um] quite us [an]! in the I’m of .ely to do the [ln-soul season. ; pril mow" on Sn!urduy.,lo' l rul inches. 5!!) filled Shut-on VArtiHcrg,‘ Ihioned M (‘lmmlwrsburg lor nlhs, left that pl.we on Mon-1 lhxuugh (:L'uyfihul'f; on Vr'lfl'ncrz-l cch to l't'llur'. u! lhlfllilnurrfl [Q'Bntu-ry I which had been [liq-fins: seven ul d uy lust, passing day. it was or but will duulnll l the l'ulum \c. { s at once join the army of j, WHAT suit. [questinn _Tm' pu : continue at lht-ir‘ Ipic-101i”? Th * nfull kin-IS will ’ reach of person gu‘rrnlnonl ufiic ’ tors, and "loyal" {to lix:e luxuriuu lon-[v (!fly,’-;l‘lfl p gtnh‘e. Spccuhu Lnet chilies of ”mi 'nojllslififlhlc or: 1 we E.§T‘.’-—-This “in 1... a ‘.lic consideration, if privea 'prest‘ul rum-u. How are pen “ cpmmorineuessnries 0! life .oon he luxuries beyond the » of. limilcd mgm-n. “‘biie uls, horse and mule conlrnm thiéves :gonurully, rm} nfl'urd l; and “ hue snmpmmllily orcr classes must sum-fund rs urc making money an the r Iciloquon, when they hare I" for doing so. ' .\.\ D GAS lA[‘;:I'IT'_T'IC STRHCI' 1..\.“ null or hghliu-zll gas I! annually n This is n comi-l miuh' ho cum-id‘- if .Ili_\ n-gud wrr. ol the uml'vr in I prupvr llllll‘l. DJ muuulxu‘ll nighhl finl uhue. but on ghmguer could be ho «hum! were - in Unulm‘rinn dn‘ y'er uf lheir m nighu, last wee thr‘xr very Lesr'tu had to ghe it up no moon mu} the I venture to 543,]: n lump won IL‘ hm that the persons ~ u‘errixe a little r unarmed. ii is ultl L‘hulnbnl/ulry Splr )‘W'Fhe street i nrenhdul :lxllo—‘yil In”: of mu horn-lull with {pout four hundred ulnjlnn- _- Irnl-Ie item 01 “prune, hut led money Jrell uppmpriuted ,pu‘hl by lhose lining charge [mung the lmulis‘llghled ul -rimz \hL‘ lagfflrmlr. oh ~hright all the £5l: lumpé u'cn- in dirrk, storm; mghu. not. a sve’n, :x ml pL-Ifsom «mum-. 1 to ompelh-d lo grape lhplr-uuy ‘kueat to [he immim-n' «hm: In. fin hrivm munnlight !. the gas hug-p: wen: Inin" . .- ouhhine [he fllll,n.hull, h'nl. I‘dusl'unir. Hm! Hwn- l-ém liulll. :35 (hark us Ervhns ,we ging from flu- ]mst. Ihntnul \‘e Imeu Int. ”It is high li'nb {reeling this matter mhuuhl mumn mm- : x}- (at. west"! mother a run: ofmunry.— lamp “doin's” in this burg nu]. nnire so i"_CU.\'(‘Eßl‘.——\\'e nrc Imp 'l6 “UM Folks!" will yin- a 'l‘lmrsdJy evening olithia ”jn the Pour! House. The en: lelcrled with grout care I be rhunged lrom slugunl lo Ire secular in its character, | env-r calculated to plane A The programme omhrm-n popnlnr (lmru‘lvr. Having lks" will: voc‘allorgnu! IF .1' music of hy-gone times. the moral duiroua ol heur zs Mld liillnds of more re lu- seen lrom the programme The n‘nusic is of nulficient‘ _ "OLD FOLKS [ly Io lu‘zun that. 1! Gel and Convert 0 week, .\pril 7!h.' progrnmmc has ll ‘and 1!"; nunic wi xhnt which in In nnd conscquchlly general uudiencv mun; pieées ofn heard the “ Oh] i" tuned to the sacrl >94" nndm will bl iué them in the sol ‘cenl dug spas will published below. uric”- 10 please I cro‘fded house. I n the lines of A.‘ ll tum. We anticipate a . he ‘ickets can lie pibcured D. Buehlcr and Dr; Homer. 11-PAI‘I’ nun. - runes; Song 05 thy: Old F Miriam? Song... llomgdnery .\liuntcf'guu at 301 0,- Hni > a, Ye Fri Uur Wu? Across I Vital hpu’k......... Sleep Un............. 3| ujesly ...... ........ Rocked in the Cu Haneillu Hymn In Like a Fliry Croat Lni’buard Watch . Ode on Science... Heroes of Getlytbi Ali's Well Wanderer’a Song ‘. Come “jhere My Lo Hunter'l Chorus.. Stu! Spangled Ba‘ CURIOUS IF 'l‘ [lE—The L-ucuter Ex pron publishes tb follow-in’; curioul Incident: Christian Zimmer u, residing near l-‘nirwille, Eut Earl tornnhi , lost 5 nlunble horse it: . lingulnr mtuner, Tqudny of [at week.— He wu ploughing?!“ three bones in I field,‘ when the whole ‘3. suddenly Item down‘in t “ link hole" to l. thank of nine feet. With the assistance of ‘the neighbor: two 0! lb.- horses were mkenJout of tha’ wiry tomb, but, the third unk ou‘ of light in_ the wig and could not be recovered. ' No similar ocean-tines ever took‘ place in tint section. ‘; k5.......................Ch0ru| .......................... do; ................... ‘do. ...........................' Duel. ~.. ............u........Ch0rn.x e 5en...................~, Solo. ....... ......m ......... .(fllorun. ............§.‘........ ..., Duel. ...............J.Chortil. Io u‘tho Drep......, So u. ..."...m..........5....C|wru1. r “00an ‘ re.......... ............(‘honu‘ . "n..-n.."...u. Dllrt‘ .' ‘..2....Ch0rm. 8&0 l Chorul‘ rg ...... .............. ...... Due! f H0me.................. 8.310 'e Lies Dre-ming..Quuruue. ......Claol us. jet do. 3-0:: Wednesday '2“! n In. Sect, mid ing near Eric city”!!! her three children at hoyne Alone, Ind lockml up the hon-e to visit A neighbor. During he; nbunce the b9“- toqk fire ind banned down. The ‘childm perished in {the has. The oldest mu but {am yenn 6‘! I'm We cannot conceiu of Anything more horrible mm In oocnmncn oil this kind. It show: how careful mother lhould be in Inning their mu: om l‘lono with fire nur them; - - ‘__ ‘ films 83;}: ii'jylorluu been apboinled Poatmiureu n Round Hill, Admin county, rice Capt. In KShiploy, ml‘ned. g-IFéfiTiL—pnbm, of un- place, hi." than oppoiaud H ulnar} ‘Ccpuin in the inn], 15nd In! 8510 upon MI and“. LIO!SLATIVB.—Both bmehel «it the m iglnture have pulled; the Bounty bill and tin Governor in. signed it. The Act will be found in mother column. Its impurtnnccyili om mnd - general new}. . On Monday, Ir. Arshnll preuntod. in the Home, I petition from cititenl of Adult! coun ty, e-kinx fur the lncol'pol’lllun ot' the Bmm:- hlnnn and Allegheny Rniirond. In the 599%": on Timmy. Mr. Kinney pro leneed the follnlwing ruofution : lered by Me Swim and ”out of Rrpmmla dim, ¢e., That the Governor, in connrctloit with the State Tremurer, he and they an hm by authorized to ofl'rr I bounty of three hun dred doll-mt for ouch vnlunteer necesnry to fill up the quota of this State under the Fruit dont’u call for two hundred thmlundnenfluted the Nth of March. 1864, u‘d for the puipuu of emu-ling the State to {my Mid bonntien, the Governor and flute Treglurerme hereby nu thorixrd .ud empowered to recelre proposiui ‘ for a loan at eight'million: of dollars. and to hug bond! to hr redeemed by the State In tan 1 313% benring interest at six per centum per ‘ annum. puynhle semi-ennuully on the first may. or. May and December In each and every "yeer; nnd ior the purpose of providing for the ‘psytnrnt of the interest and creating“ linking fund‘tn redeem the mid lmudu ut maturity, the l Committee of WA}: end Henna ol‘ the llouscof ‘ Representatives he Iv‘rtrm-ted toAreport u hill taxink all rnilromlr and "pull in or pulsing: l thrqti‘gh the Blue n light transit duty un pull ‘ lenyen,’ can], iron and other prutlul-In, Am! ‘ merchpndttv curried on nan! romll and t-nnulal. ‘ lei buss panrd a turther mpylemont tu th At inLEteromtiug the Gettysbtfig Coin‘pnny. ‘ r K. -—.ln the Sen-u, on “’edhesdny, llr. \lcflrhcry - called up the above lul-plemeut, and it utonre i plE‘L‘d. clliuu of indigent Children mudl’ Orphans by the mm to be una‘wared by Secrzlnriud of Sélluolllouds. " ' _ \ ' ‘Tnc (itinerant, in his annual message, urges updn‘thc-‘Lrgialnture lhc cluima of‘whc pour orphans of (gin lOldiel‘i, villa lune given ur shall give their live-i lo the calm!" it: this crisii,‘l muhrxprease‘i the oliiuinn, “lluii‘filwir m‘ninminnn'ce nnd-«dncnlion should he gm vid-' led for by the Su'le.” 6! (he jlinlil‘l‘ of mi,- eluim no om- for an innifll’ltlCJll.dt‘bllitl. Tho fird. 319 p tum-rd hurrying out this hum-no suggestion of his Elm-Henry, is In macermiu the number of such children in the Slulv. This can heal hr m-tzoluplishul'l)_\‘ lhc om t'egé ul ll": srhuo} hun‘r-11, in (In: an oral coun tic-s and tilie‘. It will he an act of henna lun‘rc Hm: will [lt‘glfll‘ in "and lo [lum- whu have hut-n [mule \iinluwfi nun} uridmnn "by llm wnr.’ You Ire, llu-r‘engru, rrqm-he‘l m fnrwurul gu'lhis Ik‘fitrlluellnfinawrrs to the l'olloniqu qlursliuux, \‘iz: _ |~'.. “’lxul-ia [ln- numbur 0| ill-“gum rhil dn-n 'ilg ’nur sch-ml dimicl. ulmw Luhrro .lnn'c bc‘u killed. or In ue died in tl.c- mililarj or Imm! sunk-é uflhe l'mlo! .\‘l-ie!’ - 3 2d. Are lhg-rc‘uny ilhtillt'iuns of banning: ' I yuur cuumy, llml “m nmivnnhr \u pun/(X‘s lur Hu- mumminnucv [III-1.. rlhn'uliun M H mm— by’r (if allill urphum. if IN uglly he gn nll ré-wuahlc t-xjvgusos 111-l” he) pm MEE IM. [J Hum: are any "In-h srlum children willvrru‘h nuke? ~ II is ln'ghl‘a impuruml Hm! V 4 in-ulnr \nzll llu- que-Hd’fis unswl-rwl, In- rcLumr-d pro-up ly h_\ [hr 5 tecn'h 0| April.fp-Hslhle.. This I): ' rungly urge uéun 1h»- 'Seli. llw ‘nuvuily ul’ lmrllm-nt cnlungl um 9/ uflirors hon-in' ll‘d'lh} Ih]:- limur-r. Thev um) . I!» may a' snrmw sun-b u, t‘llgnms R. oqu uQ. ‘ nu-n-lonl (II Common Svllmils. prujnpt incnun i_n llu-rrhy ‘hring jny dcnfitulc fumil) Supt-r uusrus «:u\ulls~§l'n\'.- MEI lime lor/M'th‘e operation: in thy .\rmy i- M [mind ;/A’ Invful, u‘r lmpc Vlu‘ finnl.,flru.gk~ in Ihc point-st “ith ruhemnn i 4 nl-uul lo rum mqfi’ce. The Christian Cmnmininn Apron]: up their hun'uue un-l pntri'nlic Irlloi cilia-n. 9, In {li-l thorn in mlmu-isrering tn the unit-L and wuumled soldier», our nwn friends um! Limilmi, who are pcriling |wu|_lh and lift. in don-nu- ~ 1‘ 0111’ c-, untry nnnl gun-mun m. . 'l'lic- Lnral (.‘um- mittee ul (ivuysl-urg mrucdiy rrquwi runlri; butiuns of mum-y nn-I awn-I to 1:0: prrpun-d mul ml! in withuut dL-lzty'. We wnut Hull-lug” nml rlnlhs l'urArL-shiu.’ wufinag lunels. Imml. kt-rchit-f-, Mn 4. druun-rl. Hut-kiln", nlr ml fxult, dru-d s24} jelly, I’lnl- n;nl ndrit-u'ur mum-y lq hay tlwhn. We {.1413 Allglit’sl m nu ”lien-g! mcum lg!" misting fun-li, II; It uur “ti.- zcns millet! llnl‘l('Ulljri'll‘l-LE‘I'L'HI'! mu] "noun-m tobLlrnm our. lml’le-fiuhl. hy llll‘ sale ul' Whig h in the city fairs, litilllilll'fllllll' mun cun he rrnlizeal. 'S‘uch articles ure‘murh desirrd mu! cm be firovided '1". mm” cxprnlc‘nml trouble. Will not. our ladle! who so nubly lnhorcd fit this good cause utter the Inuit: hri'e, xlllcml to thin matter. I . CSnlrihulium may he 40“! with any of HM; nndrnipud i‘ouuuiuee, ulw will ulmLe the proper—disposition of them. ‘ ’ R. G. Mrf‘nuuv, M. L. Haunt, J. L. Sfim'K, A. .l-luvrx. ‘ Ju. l-‘. mezixurx :r'm; GIRLS A.\'l) THE \\ l\'}:s.-€-smuc. Imdyvhxuyrincn the {glowing nhfml the girp, Ind let it nfl-nl on the. “a of m-wslmpenlu n: . . God bless the‘rgirls. Whose golden gurls . Blend will: our evening dretuns; > « « They haunt our livei ‘ Like spirit wivu, ' _ ' 0: In Mind: huunl. [htIUEIML ‘ They soothe 01;: pnins,‘ The; fill our bpuinl. With dreams of manner houn; X God luluglhr girll, ' .(iod Mesa Ifn-ir ‘curls. God Men on; buiuun flowers: The wit", vb think, are quite a: don-Hing u the uirll—u-erefon the following is ”3 Ipecunlly subdiued: 'Gdi blels the wives, ' They fill our hires With lfule been and honey, The; rule lire'. Ihogkl, = Th” mend our locks, _ But—don't they mend the money I When we are sick The] hen! n: quick- Thu in, if they lovcvu; If not, we die, _ And yet they cry Add 11th loan-Mole. gbovc n! o: rogum. girls.\ . . With sunny curl!” We My in lune; drab; ‘ But river—true wives-1‘ Throughout our lives, Arcfiveiyllying they sum. _ . #1". Wm, M. Wslu hu sold the “ Pine Grove "- imp works, sin-ml in Dickinson town-hip, Climbed-Ind county, to by Cooke t 00., Phlhddphh'for the Inn of two hundred Ind twenty-five thou-90d doll-“'1. ‘P m, n m or the m: hgl-zum'g, the tern! 'of chool dig-emot- elecgod this Sphug doe: not colinunco until that!“ Month] in June; up thy Psuiql 8 Union. ‘ FA loldicr wrim III“ me no" nu-ful ”fuck um. 59. bc lent men in the field in I hp!) at woolu yin And a, dining needle to and their lulu—Eula”: PW. And I; would mum“ to “no friends 0! flag wldim, when they lend the yarn nd needle; lodo them up in I pair ol net loch. . A fifluéuay—ifw;p:—f}id;l;ot m h) (In: 3111=1111 ME