The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, March 14, 1864, Image 2
Fem com “a; '- m-I. p 1 ‘lo ““0 “,0 o. 1., ‘l‘ in' [I ‘o‘ Mn W "0‘ -'L , o t .- I‘ m . irorgl-Limrl-TJJI’“; I 23??? 0, _ I“ hf . on“ mpd‘n'i m”. , m mm" but‘ 0 I: ”new”! 1h: “‘9‘ 3"": li. u“Io y‘b . 111 - m,n-JJ:;IJ:£II«J";:IJ:'gawk! , m . , , . . r'litiludipél‘f‘We-v“liolfvhvc Kr 18w“ 0! ~81 n '41.. f DA! and ,I‘I’: nr £2011; ‘II'. “7191'?” "ii “DIIIIIéIAEM mad.“ 01' 1 AGE 3 , . . ' ““«ufiwmit-nlifiy 73.2% it: 2'32: aux: «m 2: was? "'l'- ;flnhnc rorh M. ard'rouzh ;:bel 6e Kile "f ’_.:"tlitiJlou‘ wu‘n. 11‘0"");fd Meshenwloeor‘". 5!? "mw'inninnfiui and pig mid y- n“aH: II ‘file :1} is H ‘ 9r”, _ “of! e 341" “3, 90d ”I” 9. # (ID a? 'Ol .0” - .11, Air, - 11, 3. l “T 5g Th I t“. 72“ Cakl 111-eh“. ”I 9 gnl llndlhe smmlw“ R'lfllhehl urge up I”. II ”I e Ch’mbe . A .... .. I "In our) °lb (.1 n an] 'o‘” T' in” VIII" .. n 1.. J lid “1 er 3hq ', 9n: e. and, '“n ”or. I bu @911! °'” I%:ng mi: 'n m’f“‘v~.: :9 5:33 lIJxIIJJ'mr '8 ~sz ‘1 ”llrr ' J the S‘nhte lmo“ (122“, ‘ (If [he [Honwyorfi ”gingefinfi‘fil [gnu-VIP'? “(12‘ this c ADD 8 m ‘ th‘ .PT "I: ° In, m.- .u1"I I, "111. ”In I}, ' u nuh . RE "___." ‘ J 9E‘IW I""“u 0' lh- vc'lh ”"1811; t l""r 1'1"“ -f ‘ "Ion” My)“ Mu '5. BOF . ___‘J‘hOWév l 0"“! C "-1119 9“" dflme Suw '9. :“'e ~K"Pull."ch “may I: In T'l’lu'll-p "‘P. 770‘} S m " 111,8 '"T 1] "m.r $l,, a ““Ic In. 'le ."c: 1...‘ e; u; “Ind ~ E D ' 1. Se. 1" _V n pq. ln mg" aI» . 9 D 1 NA EM "111 ”N; "men ‘'o 001 Ford “*1 '“flxe “6% "7e. '"o-n '“ulgt F W __Tp o }f:‘amml :‘l‘lrp, “:3. cu”:- 1t ride my .“ ,0 {:1 ”05;,ng “oerc “21x31: 111-“:2 ’el'lh.l;"°W- Cl:u°fl’¢,, RS, . “Ana ’ on] ,n w BB{ 1. \. ugh n, “M 'I M . pl,“ '00“:- ‘l nay] ,' .I. [lt ‘ one u Mou 5 I: '0 I] 1. W 1" . Vnn- 11‘ KM, tun. I Nu “nll Bnq w} nooho. Dd I! 9c, W)» 1)‘ of ‘0” In, huh Inn .-.._A la. Ipg 3'.“ ufl-e ”ch "5 it” ' ”‘ll “YR ec“ kg '19,“, md c I Of‘ lu . . l'hd .T] plcl 1. e (it It Irol d “n _ Ic sf°°tnr,l,'l‘l" puifiji‘rel.:;’“’d ”Renee Z Chum,” ”a 931 w: "“4 152:3}: F 0 ”huffing; sent,” Juno,“ 1111 1:“! 11...?!“ em :l ..-. I. , , .". Io .r) 'f , ~e.c f - 9 ' Dhon: Mb h” bin 1". “as “II: a” n Pam)“ ”51L; yowirgnqu‘l“ ‘h‘ mg “My more 1;, rel-i you deem 'of PEI," In Durinomp‘luemmvd [red‘WlOn invhr‘ring in": hen to :i‘flnd' ‘éheretf ”Ell ii. u ‘ l‘wiyex‘rucl fl. arucl an ”ind date": t"0 n; It ‘heil' :i’il. V rnowedz H"e :12". . o adhereuulrmlfli lo!) ‘ s BAI. e 0 ' ~-. O[E -—.("v "0 'eHp“.- m. 0 89W“H , fog . ‘0 : on. {Emu-5"!» ‘JlZmer. . ’ "111-nl3 $33.33; 111-£111? w, I “‘- lIJJ ‘le igi‘buay’izf mife‘w 5-2:“ we: ‘ r-jéc‘fl :loJTllefizzw ~ «m, Loc 0- s 1: 9 rl"'u- . o .. I a ' r ’ ‘ 8 I'm,“ n wl‘icl Mk; {‘o tupond \ Hm?“ "hither (f- "9! I whom . ‘65 On ‘3 ”I}. Sub Rebubl. “00d I'o “Hi ‘9 . 11. and ”he [l _ comp ugnle w ‘_il: D sh“ Wu, GOWW ‘ ’“ulteEn‘iégo 0"! "b anqull‘l "III’C" ”I'Tfum‘vlvl", I],, “Yb? f,- irigl; histor' “9001:?” ”new!“ 111 ““931"; I,.an :‘llunnn noLIonL “m, tomis} “Which t mu“ We 11. ‘EPAR - ‘(-."u“ n 5 I e ,2 ‘ , 220;“ In: 5:: «m: fled! :4; J 2: n Jr's IJIJ-lICJI- mJJ‘on Jrnd or wish? a, “mi: RIJJJ JP;JOJJ,,WII .‘J' WW3?“ "£lll 0 , u ‘ 'l“ I',. . .s"“"- . e ‘H' m9V a .‘ 131 . li. , I c‘ '11: :1. ‘s' .n 1 1 -.‘ I"h 011 w "Ind cllve on f‘ 1112 [d‘ln 'l f“ 0rI” Int 1‘ ‘llhil re 1] Fql m 9|", W‘ t Owl’ ‘uf . .14“ . cu] n l )3 :0 . in“ Ll 3 43‘ ‘ ' noon I 058 quen- Sun" chat ear ("‘nl' ""11 9'll “H'F “fir :u'gla "R g“IV. "we b ““5 me“ ’.V 3'93 00r 3"”) ”‘8 “d 'y 0 end! lo w”EI .e ‘nf Ir ' I'lTg - I “ft who . (‘9 c Pri ”e. *x] "’5, y ”In ‘ 'l‘}! ll'fi l“'Jud- tlln, tiv -. 1h Ge, “nd “'19,. r. gr "‘ic ‘at he Sen evln 'Er “g, rn; , lck |I. p”. o "Ing ‘ on!” Er “vi ““0 ngs of ”Bus r .r‘ I): . 313‘ "‘8 . ('5O m, by IM . pp? {0 II; Ca" . “I 3‘o we I. ”I A 1., u now “M n‘_ "ft: , -v 1. mof pr, (pd 4m _ “J! M, u-e In. 1 , fl} 1,, III; ”Uh o, J 11“! a,“ :- he I,“ me am. ."ml. e 11 erv "a ho °w‘ 50‘ ed 1} .Vbe. our Imm 0 ”an”! 0f “11] to 11 La“ 190 "0: “tea -in e A “in “Ire I) v 0 m _ I.“ VF 1,”! b... {ln I‘Ckn . 11., _ “sea m‘ou on}. ‘0 )1 Iran . he I 9‘lo 4" “'lo’u' the 1'“ MY). r. 0n in n)” ‘uc,’ 1, “0d "2 er 50.. Iv.- q “‘f 1.3,. “111 uh. "no: 'D" ”My . the .heriu ”’9 andb t"l ’ “7" "m 0 m”- "P ‘°lle ”'é phpl'sJPv' dry "I'u,.|' '9'lt- Nll ‘ ""11, ”It. y ‘be 0" "’ I’ol- ” oft}. ‘l’mk °P 1 -"°- M 11,, "‘Or- ‘ 'l, d! f‘n 1:] I 13,“ r 'i “m ”We “’1 y2c '~ ““v ‘ a “a: e h "*‘at ”‘de'P "‘na “C 0 ‘di era “in. X‘ L ’0" ‘u ’r I'M) '" dim "" h 1!: 0' 1 '"k “‘5 “fir” 111-“ e” sW; !' 13, _ Io,“ One Juq‘;d 9x“? "Ii 0 an}! [3’ “k lurps '- , el,“ 00 '"m ngpo' pres I. Re ~H, any Ida“, P'mwd emo mo 9." Com . e w.‘ din, .' In], , . I.f .gpu- 4‘9 , I‘m,“ 8 a 1,,” u“ "so. ul- _I u.“ _e w my “n ebe "flit onw l‘lic pmnl .Dublio n..,“ puny WW I“! . ‘I n,“ a“. ”on ”I 01“! ('ll. ‘w‘lld GM": ’I" w SW9" 0! ”‘1 . W dpr °W b (“”2 kln "My " “Ink ’1"): “Ho 9M” ILlo ' ”01m -Nu "m o'l we all.” *c ’uh i A “no "n" m, i “is “I tOl ‘- 1 ““15: ”yo Vllr‘ “I“. “n. f—’ 11, or .. en ler, ha] 1.1 1‘5." w,,. 3,1,0 J,- “n, 1.», ~17 Fl 4 .. -, gc/ pa,“ mic 1,,d "‘I-d‘ s, Y'l‘oq the app uh!) he fl M" t‘: ‘l'P' "I" 10111; tII 11,“. “m 1 ”We w faith ed- PH ' lould ' UL] ]0 w ‘Ol- !‘f “ "(Hie ' “97¢ ’om‘v/ ’ “To “3 E “Me gm I Ind no, In,” . B“wa ”119 d . 1,“ In,” and ‘th Iml en." 1: I olh rt, a u we 11,va ”I “eon “I; 1"!” 3 ref n“ 'I. e llt II .32 “0- ""8 why Gus ”qu 'I:. ' I 9“ ”In I,» hHg E "0‘ “11“} “00“ "'m M. '"d . PO, 11, E 9: 6 6 (n. ""11 0,0, I. I. met! Orv 1 “ll ~ so to "nu 1,0“ -"Dd " “M ‘”r her "‘o' , '4 "II 1-.. ”I 1 "- “‘5 uI" ”W -“'ln - 'l} '9' -°ll ' 3': ~ “I! L’Rn “‘l‘ 51'» “In, ' I)“ < “I‘m.- bah ”n: '. 14 :‘v “be n‘o C: In: "re“ Ule ”9r; 3’” ‘9 1, II -"or I‘IIIrJ mL “"k "‘v ‘llc . "It “’ll.. la 1" "Ify 0f - '29,; "1' "Ir I}, . "I’q .‘ 5. nd Is,” In,” ' 3113 s9ok "nu, “"y “WI w “Im- "In "“‘I “’“d ”Ie "A' t} J now "die “hon P9Ol "WI. ("f-u Ih..- "sI m« I}. "‘l’nl “nu- “ ecl, *PRN‘—. I 111 1,, 9\l ’ ' 'llr. 'rs fOr axe} rt’lbi ”10 ”H- “To d n.. 'ltfu,l'fiti“n’ TI ‘chlin ’9 [”989 led "nl 'an 1’ e-f ll ' [lt-g'k I"! {1 Ir (‘n’ eßt' 0 SN: r‘cc JQ‘ In‘ On‘ “a ‘-G ‘--* V' eC ‘ "reg ... ‘h to,- b‘9 '"r "‘10; an" "pl. . ”Ply "I'3l 0f "1105- I; miv In. fl Kent. «y b dlnorou 'S 7., 1.. sgmju. ll.‘z _I "“‘o “In. “In 0F 9”l 1 PM; ‘_ . 'Dx}. . -fin on 1} 800 "nor fuel. ‘Ure l" '(lhi 1’1““; ‘wn I h our N 35“ I; n brie [he 6re ."I ‘- (teak; of I I“! ‘.‘w‘ln. .Tbe (”I ' I‘, g “If .lke CTXUT _, I .fi. I find ‘eir man, “111,, “ w ‘ll,. 11. ~' d 1 km, ave In“, "M‘Vh' ‘e f 1" fa...t nae, ,eenthM rO, 3{o em 1“. yat 1m - of“ cm p 1,,“ 55 u . W "3 rel “99 ‘ll - ”"6 U A "‘nl~ "m- '-" n , “11., “’l 1, ‘5l I It! 1"01 ‘lO aw red . Ma- ”m ,m- “In. °gA.n , 0f rug Th on T | ere . hp. Prn t n err , In. a I 1,. ug- w), 1... 3y I 1,. . I‘ncl rv . °b~ w,“ my, 10,- subs ‘eria. r 0 ro ‘PI . I‘ll- I 11” 9.8 Pr ,0 I ' “V k I‘o “I We 00‘ 1" n“! M“ 'f H “II A “II T “3 e‘l ' 010 es] '5 “ n H W e .bx- rgu ~ “d, , :r' "-1., :th - “re- Id“ fPr" “add (-1, me: ”‘9' 563' LI, I 1,“ u'f 1,, . lel'l _lns H’la’ 5- h” J 11“ 31: ‘lr a“; W "'m hm. ,quen n,n I a,“ -_., "11.: us :, me? 1m y“ ”‘g I e. 01,“. B'th . ‘lro “h 10 “nwi Il} 01,, 1.3.} ~ 1,, In” H An,“ 0'0; .1 push, Va ‘O.” “ha n" .- II 10 ee‘_ Ii ca 51b13 c of] pom Ex: ( ITI ’Oh‘t- .(h I‘ll-Q: nee, lof I] I] 'P I ”1,, 4..” hue , 3 I 6 q mb ~ed excil, .ond . H vs h “'Jo . Pr ne,/ 1"! ll‘. llv '01; on”, "I'll? I"f c y ”I. f ”‘5 h" M w “‘ld‘ MI-n- ”'fi' 'l‘ (I ""1" "“Im .‘"qu “’.“l 0"]. 'l‘ ‘ena "No ' xhg' U - Ivi'n '9 ii "e m eMen/.2 and yH.I. ‘ “he J Bho '"ed ”and? Spec. ‘U'lfo Ell'i ' can ' “I“ 1"“11 1" fi Ur“- “-V 1 “’III ““II 1"-I “11h ”“bd ‘9 C I‘h can ".1, ”In of “I ‘ ”I‘nfiy' ..- w “55m " "fits ”Ho “'- lb ~1, In. ML .Tlu “kc é’ue ”we 11.» "'1 ~ In.- hn ‘m, ‘L’a, -, In,” 1.- ouv , ,1“ - ese , 1e“ '01: H )mul .e e / ou‘d "I, uBO ,11,0 . e "r :Pcr‘ , "fl!" “5"- nl' ' “"h' 3'13 ’~‘~ ‘0 ''HI 3! I “ll‘ NI» ' (ll ' ' JII "M “M I ”7‘ ‘9 C 4 “0n xp ‘ 111 ’ ‘C‘m ‘0 ‘“ "In; Conn 1- ,"h ’ ‘ig. 8f ' n“. lch “HI" “I‘M »11 ‘ ~el'l' ' J'Hl H. 1: ”y ‘e I. Iqu )0? en: 'l “11}; Free "I b o’9l] ' “"6: ltog be mg! l)‘ InUCr Ibu In, C chow .y a" "uh -g,(II “ti. (.12... I In,” Mn “:11“ :‘ult. 1111‘ we" W 5” at 1 »semb In", (1.,” 81] “Rd y "ref "In “In ”how ”ch I". “ho ‘Hip 'We 0") Clt 'houl ~ ‘ "1A 'm ":f "I 1 "’I '1 . "“re '.V-z I A 1m- lel- 12).» ' “.2 “n 1 VlO e - ful 11 -"de on hon Lt‘ "I?“ . ' "g. ”In ‘lB ‘0 “Ia "IJII 1"]1' "'u. ' lx~ "’IIII ' "VIII IV: "I; .' - D rlsl um\l :J "r! .. w 9 11, “mm he lev gr, . . ll] I b !,41 , In. I" ' 'va "5 ‘h ' II . “Ir n- ,cu'm - '- "‘l. ‘l'rvs h. 43. Mr "cf .‘ J 1.11 SMaIY4 1 Ab Illa 0c “on "1) 9 Juu, not . eu‘n Of a 01,] ”A.” I 1,“ ”“41 9‘5“" "‘ll ““71 “In 0! [lri em Lhnto (,4 g 0 In "1““! wa 1’91; even I w o”I ‘°H 91111 g“I culio “‘it ”mo "he Ice 1n th I 13.1 n. 05., l ”Ii .“m, n. "I ”.1,” 01,,” ‘ I}, 301,9“ have I'q } ‘31.;1e 11 1) mm . I 11" 5. t en; 13, the u, '“u; °niu . 1,1 dc 'l6 1 115 be _ I y 'be el' I". ("‘1 ”ll "Va. 1‘ 111 " 1 “It.” "'lle II ' ‘lfie‘ 41, 3L- lom ’'M r . .lln film/ hp 3‘? yen, u"- nu,‘ “Dd L-‘Hh ”Yup/{i pay ‘01“ lo: "'Ou can, 'gh, "he “'"f cI- - “‘II‘ ““0 ”“11 “w ‘or In ""II We ' n "In, In. . "In. W, 'la. lln, It“. .11. ”:1: r 1 i. 0w y 1.0 .rs . < 51.3 111 b ell of 11 II , al," “ond In.“ 1(.,._ x 1.. Jl.“ Id 0 1,," ”“111 Ie l: - W IL. 0% I’. 1n...“ V/ I. u,“ yam "In! “I‘Alu L'.~ g'i ”UL 9 0 5911 i mI th e e lov CL“ ,0 1.331. 13‘ S Ilu lel In Imus” ,\ 10. ”1.,” .1115 t! R .“v . “1111. hue r. c ‘Y'hl. rII #er of H “mu! lwll I ”In” ‘lO., y ."fuy I) "I“ Ct“ I), I“u tell” xPe .do 1,“, 3. WI V 9 11111 tin“, lo ,I ”cu, ‘11,.) "p“ 91v ”of - w "my, - “Sufi ."dl ”d 1 'o},- ‘le 1‘ T nl,l °fo 07/0; Jlr . “‘3 ' c: not .. I), . H”. '. ‘lr “o‘. ‘l‘r “I,“ an, IU! 11),, . on] bh, c w 1]”, ho n” .1”! -I” [I cad c 1“. , and; 1,..1. capo . up” /I. ”I 1 of Eer:,uFlon lh “3 rel) ed 1 flee It- - , I - .- I“ m- lml II 1:11,. U ‘.O . 51'0 1... b “an: "re 1912 . In” Ir," 5.. . , 1““. Im 1 ”HIT ano (“In "I" Cu 'fn‘.’ . ‘l‘. . est L'ls OLg II I. In,“ 111,} [‘Ux: we“ 0"“1 "’“x' an 3;,” «R 9 yl] . T DI, ('l5: 5‘,“ "fr 1,, H ”In yu . I.“ Jun! don], “I”, 51 5.1 Im- or ‘3 ri -3H ‘ “to "'5l lII' '”k (1“ “~11 "‘lur 41;. I [My . 0,. he. 'or re] 1.; II» ”100 I 1.... "ma ”5.,- ". A.- ~ “:1“ w“ ”v V“ n:- 7 Id“, “01' ght“ “0-12 ”v. .Vlk. a” t] 1 I .“, ... "CJ’ ,“I: .1,“ 1.? “I 0 . l‘ivu “mod 111, IQ“: r,“ “1” 11, IM, I 13”, ”Icl » ke yu _. V 11“ re»l gr a 9PO 'ol,' Mm“ an F“ I 1 eflc lIILL 1 am“ 1110 {.OO In r.. Isom InJ,IIII?In ,II DWI ”"lir 111,.“ I», ll "‘3 n_ I, I ""11; . 51:. In. I‘. I”. (. 11,? L' 'h “In 1101, 114% “IL-045’ n er. quuu “ed 1 3. "Lll ‘9 “II Ape 5] hogo loil I}. Me 12 J 0) rllmn U 5‘3”) 10qu 111-.5 H ”‘III‘ I 111" “19 5 he 1-[ -1_ P WM “11“” 1.; h I!“ "Wm, Pu, 3L’l'ay' . 0;” J £ch 'l‘ "Te \I 905‘ ry [o‘ ly. 2'“ .Th “’ll Alwr While "le,“ 1- ."‘ l- 141,9 111,1 _ln . “911.- Ir I". Io i (311”1 “Ila . 81-“. "“e "an 9 "I f “"01 “‘0" nan» ”-11: "1:41; ,0 “‘3l“, . 11¢ mfln 1a“ "Day I ~ mt on la, the ‘ (In 11” . "3". 1100 ()1 1? .“NsQ. We. .1 “f Ind (I r.”w.' L 1 or! 3', I,” "'“k 1.1“ 1”I (,r um II ”I; , "’u : “r”, "g? "‘ll. "1' ed I the 011.4 . ll] 11 r, .1, n. _f In” nll.l n,-Ug .. {Jr 19 910. "In. .1,1 ry 11, 1.0 I “(If (w war 9 fi ’ll.. .m 1 .1 1,,“ .1” 1' I‘M“ ya, ,I 51- . mm, ’V for 1:) C ”are he I)“, I.- 'h . 1,,1 I) (‘1 .“I """I' "I" rum 1494 . I)“ f . “trod 11l Boa-I l 1,, l Ing ”h 11;” . 51.. _ l’re. I. 015‘ “1‘ 111 Ll’ 1.1. 3f I: “I up,“ INo - the WT“ . VL- . 1»). re . I‘, 01,- r 1“, In” Id “L'l In, ,5“ '“I m: 1... (, 1) ”“le .lu» u,” "('l’ ,4,qu [I IV '-\3 1 ,e Br J} ”I. ‘ to I, - “km pwb “uh! a“: "1] Pl," ”1 - =l5 “Um lul 9}) . “'9 "41.7 '3‘ ll . ."d- any day 4-; 1 r 1,, "OI - ”‘.ll ‘llm l'p Pl, '01,» 3’o 1,; ”q,- ‘ls. ” J nlv ‘42,“. l‘ {l. Or“: be c ‘ll_f Iprl ImC I. 0‘ "It .‘I 1. be,” r.. 0 In I 1 Ind-I “112} I- ‘ of J 1,? L It," In.” ”nu/u In”. . ‘l‘ ““In-d ten: 01, 0 Mg r.. n (”pe‘hd' F" it: all)", :51“) ‘o‘“ ‘ ah" “r” I“. ' '\\'.l"~'ll~ “”111 "r R. "d ["11 )0-1 . lstl‘i. Pro ""17. MI“ ":1. ("'7l JUNE ’6‘, ”l. , ”r 0 v the ' “:1 ”11, ”PM " . . ,1] _ w ““1 (I I! 11 “I. 1.; Il "“11l c. a-eor II 3.. I 11,” 1 u‘“: . ("a II Du... 11.,“ ..I U Illnl "rv CAI,” .‘I. ~_) wII/Ixnlhh ,1.“ 1.1%“, 1,. "‘e ,y m JIM Ilnu "01 Ioll] P. tbe . "11 I”. In, H}. . l.‘ 3‘. If“. 1‘ Ind 11' 161- , hu‘ 1," ”th _ 'l' "Fe 111 1.3H1} ll . 30f (.8 1d . . I 51,! I'. f (1,. Link lg,“ I "Ul II Ii ‘Ln “I 1: LII, w,” up“ Mr 11. .J,‘; .hw . W .aml In. 4an II[,II( C'x ”dud "I: "In. “nut “Mn ”19 'l5 re In,“ ("he i‘l “L ‘75 M I’uyx “‘0 ’I 1” ’ ”r.., 'lt Pro.- LII] L 1"‘11 “'l./{I - "j" ,“h «1 In. ‘I “I” "on '_ 01‘” , "“‘ 1:” J rI-KI‘I “Her "I “'l l’Ju - ‘l‘ » “UH' ‘buil ‘Ca, 1) Pro," c];l 'lt I], ——., n. 4,”; no m *l. lc. Us“! ~9l], (pr "’cr ,1 1': “.1. I 0 Ilav ““1611 .. II ”’l4. I 1.” “‘9 11,l “-in ‘ll In,” M, I: ”'lnk 111,.“ 9n. l._u "Tn July “I‘. y 13-) 1110 "-- . I.- P 056 1:,- l i ‘ I 11“. . ”I; I9lp Ills not .ll . Lug!“ _. l‘ (.i‘.‘ (I, fif {Dr K 090" In ‘l' In"! 0 ”H.“ “U {l}... l I irs "'1 3 '.J‘ r s‘ .10 7. "- aI; U 111,; n.. ‘r.] Ch. an, 11, In? .r 1 . pr‘ . q 'I“.. JJIVO J‘PIII Ab ~. “.0 . cre "‘r. 11:1». 0n W 11I?q::":<yanp§llen5t:nd Eh“ 15 ,zv?rlt’""ll‘-3£'.‘L' lIIIM ll,lJT——— “JULIA. ”I“ ’B5 of 'I‘Ill," I; Iy “‘lufii;l' “1] 01“ mm?" 591:1 .)«:I111In1n::‘\‘11r' m 2; Um 2?T£:l}le‘ell‘ldl;;fl' “my, “INT/2?“ ”I:lHhmi3ts“ u “Heroi‘fou : "m with ' “In ""1 I’On- 0‘“- “Ie “It w‘n’dmm II ""—'l‘l -f . ‘ltvr "3 co “"Im 'l‘n 1' Wllom ”"w ”m. "'n‘m ‘lnn “"11. " (“hf 'I" ha“ 3/ ‘L‘Du “(Id '"or "sad. ")1. ”‘0 “Eng. “[lO ")n ,- },( “Ilfiv fin” '9 (1r 10 . 11p -‘ I uMI . 1 DOT . lei "0. II [IV or“! Ire. ”I . .‘qu ”.le I l'. W / ”)0. “Wk 411”] “In!” ,Slmutd “burs" 11960; ‘0 “"11" 11,“ OFI \mnqo’rllmgn; t‘lkfi a!“ “an In «mill H. 190 Inn ”I 0 I} u, "It-ax II ”16 Is ~ ""11. I}," I‘ll amnhnmr ('Ol Mar}; CIILML I: 3" Ln,“ 0n or L 1 (.5. “9‘14. I Bu}, L 9 lla. (If rel‘iefsarv ”'1 Me “u: buy. If-an‘, (.Pnlis'ocra‘klfl‘fio 1: in": 1;“ Ilnr. ”19 huh I it. mam“! Win-men “r 211“ hygrh-q'rum p'oFi>l.,l‘“"SL i; ,VIIIII'LIIHUII “1" Thing “‘30,. “v“der 0h I-‘lllllr "HIKE-i" .- ‘.' '. or I)“ t I *UI' n'\ 1,; We. S. '“I I. kid 'I ,1 h. ‘_ ““I’ I. Ur) “m IL. ’.l 1/,‘ . he I. n; “111 739 d . . 110 ’ll!in In 1,, tru‘ ,1.” m 5. 119. . II» Pd 1 "Ia nu of {RM "“II 12, 111,] 1"f “‘1 I)! “‘l/ , “'l'! In) ~h -\I. . 1.311 It. Quu‘k. be [lf Inn,“ 1,!” («1m mnt Ll,! Ixll - 11. ll”. ‘O,- 11} 1 ti”, ,0“ qul .I 1 . ”I'm lean Ix: “:11 I: nul lo t , 1,0 '‘: . I ‘ .. - - _-, . I.“ SJ4 , I,” / 11] M 1.“! n; ”mu-'7 (If n be". Iy, Well ”he“ "I'm“ "P" “S “h“ n“I “We (‘1 :b‘Nsi “91-1 "“‘I‘I "“N‘fi 911., r"“1 I” u ’ll., "n 3 ~ ‘n- hi /. es. War; ”H. u, fr “r l“ u 1’95 ”In 1"‘11 s“rl. "W“ ”o ” ”Mr “R *“x‘ "‘I- ‘ I'M -‘(' "“ 1 ““I- , “It 5:. tom, 11 ”=15”; “”1. -~ M.. n. I!“ ~ .1)“ om nM seq PM w 0r \‘l 111., Pu, due, I: -h. OI I,‘ ‘l-nuk "13, ‘vq ~ “In. ' In.“ 1., 1 the “:11 : off 'o‘ 11.4 "u, (‘31,, “he “111. “- ’ “I“ ”‘6 'l9 om, ' 3 “"1 ““‘l‘ ' ‘ “y‘ La, "Mn -Y 1 ""11 “I? 'I-r “«1”I m _rv.J,r mo.- he qS‘IIs ‘, 3‘14 /‘~ .\1 911,, 1:11,, In» m the chn "'We‘ J 3 k ‘1 i! “MI ”‘2lO '"' c "M"- 11, 1"“ c. “I In. "'0 “‘ll "‘V I 5"’01. 1'».I ‘l‘ I ‘III- kwilkp “.\J, Zen "-',\l. use * Tc, 1‘ ‘ "qu “I ”mm to I! Mn,“ ha,- 5 '9d I ad“. an,l, n 1‘ “M “'alluwhic'i "lrrp “n . lun- 1., (I! , Inf ...H 11,- “:9“ "Ha «I "r r 1”. 4,.5 s”I “'3th ”I,“ u,- 1.. Nu,- W>'9 - Ie "p 2. ‘3 I) IH ‘ “\‘r. Hun. '.‘Tr “II '.l. 5% P'wp. “ v,_ "‘0 I‘. ".1; Nw:"I1 “f - I.l_ J, .H ’Ol MI I Mr: . ‘ur - Euz‘ekv lamilrlg" of {hbtuflrt arnufiedhlri Onyx- amhhigdlyhgiri‘ ’w“ ill Pipohqa‘" [0 be 3"“ ”102 N‘cuntm'lns n;“0d In‘(lnt“ti QM: Hun! )":'ll:.‘ 'I I); {”0 12: 1313:24- vii" "nix: lan-1:1” (1:35 ‘O'upkffqhmrqll‘lnrfl, (In “SJ H“n OCo e H I’uid.l Iy II J 'HI; I ”In ‘I M 1.5 :1. "f , 1,: L n." n X ”1 "In I‘, I . ,"m .“I II ”Ii N "u. 9‘l; ‘I! h MCI? _\ I” . 111-1 I" ' . -‘ln . t 111-5 h \LL, 1} _ ~11, 1. Fr. .A., P (. 11p,~_ 21,, n1;1|1; 1‘ Jll], _V JO2 I\v 11,!“ "It“: hv “‘ln 11,,1 I.|l .‘1 “hm hm.“ Huge in”. In 1: ”I ”In 11, “ “‘0 tr” .n “I “I .11 A ,1, I, 4,,“ . ‘Un 1 In,“ “I :1. ,ho Iv,” ,1 - . 0,,“ 1,,l ,“I '.‘uu I. m y ‘F- Q 5’ U. ‘ ll: 'On'- ' 111 .11 “Cu ,‘Fe “111 I 1: 111 “i 1. “IL, w" I» tn, . “r. -’ ~..I .In "In, Is Int, he “Im. gnu u,x .qu 1.“. lend ”mt? 4““ a") “V ‘ "1' m" 'l‘“ "H 'l' "PP "5 "_v =1: ‘1 o “nu. 1 ”In 1 "'III ‘OII 0., "11-n "1 a “11. Mr J 1,1 0:5,. “n... 11... _l ' ’ ”‘8 "“0“ ul"d 0x ~“'n 11 0t ”In ’P‘v “1., I “"01 m f 4. ~‘lv 'llrm .. “2 “€- - I), 111-... ’II:,. 11, In“ "g z, -\l.. _ . IL, . ’1..,r- n. 1,, rm. 1“ Ll‘ of I (>pr ym -e 3t av, Il,ls um the n,,_ “”I "in 'l 1 H 011 Y "nu “In” or”) Iv) 1,.” ram 11. i‘ we” .11“, I I‘,“ ”Is, ‘rnll,,- NM. up» -1.” "‘I. m" b the I - ”a“? ”“115 m“ 1' ‘ ‘ fill,” bé lr di n”U n" ":41 y "n- h"! «l ("“4 .‘ I- (If a!" i "H“ 05' ”0“, ‘ll»,t‘) I‘o ”"0 IL. ”7* ‘l c " I.” -h.;_ e. "n, ’l'ln '''.‘' - -‘ ‘ . ‘ ' w '5" I ' -- 1 ' -t‘. "I ' ‘Mu "'r " - "Hg; "in. ,to H 991, louqe I‘, n; I! lama E:v I 94:: 1I ‘ll.. om. a“ s! ’1 '11.,H II 9V» 01 011 I MN! |: r ”...,I, "“lu, may . N 1,, u, .1) 21. pm,” . :Ir. I ‘B3 ““II ‘,“n'9 R ' ' W-, . "“Jv ,-lb 9 In. J‘ ““r‘ ”‘ll "'a w "'"la ’.v y “M... ' 1n... ”41,- -an -I.J- "Io“. "1.1,."1 "“1... - 1H1” . "’ll no“. ,8]; 4.11 “I'M d - 61,“ I z . -a‘ln I uni N. I file . 1,9 A”. . our .‘ I~\‘. . 11‘,” \1 .15 4/ .. H x 1L» ‘i-HJ "In, Ilm~,. a 1 ~11 pl .6Pa . 00,1 111,“ blgc A: TH VI :90“ I n.. - 1211 Ul:lctlt , n ”I I(th 41%| um,“ 11,," I“, In.” “mm. 1.,‘.-I IW,“ 111,- 1.- the 1,", 1. JHIIII _ Icm] 1 “In, hng ”lat-1 5 Ior 1”" 'o‘ ‘ “(‘9 EW 3' a' .w NP" 1“ 'w FDQH" h SD) "3" n ' ”‘it! 0| - "'l- .1, m ' '.woul ”I 9 A’lmn (‘1 l . ~l'lxu ' bu“ ‘, PIN. ’ I“'l.,.L~“uf'l.'v'. L] ‘7‘" the Ie ~an Ihr. ~ °I" AR ‘mls I "14,4. “I‘d. '5 I “'L'e "'9l ' Inlul ‘ I‘] ‘l‘l‘n 'lI 4'l 'l} '3 7‘ n“: "'3‘“ ‘ ”IN 7‘” “111, of ”"171 of 't' red 15 0 11; “In - ...] . r“m . NI? K“ "1‘ ,I ... .. 0(Ir:1 Q. 5h- IJ,|I I_ul.l_ 1,“ mt "“ln 1.,‘9 :Io (,I :1 -I\.l I, 11,, Me 3m ’ll7O .Iv 1 Incl \1- “‘V - I ”)0 re “"f/i 1,, "(l I ( “IL. . In.“ “I. "‘v I 41M,” ‘Ill . "DI In“. "In: ”711,; “ In..- ' WI- Con “Elw- §’f-‘II‘WIII 'IIII wkt“N 3 IS ”In “MIL. I] “I“; “'ll,. Ll,. ‘l'. ,I (, "1m - “1“ «an, ‘ln . an, 1,,1 g. w ml“ 111-h, Imit -11 I I“, “*1 - I't» Huh.” - I )Indk th . "“nn 1”“! Phi r M \‘i I, 4/ ("If '1” I’4’_ I"), 1911. . ”I; . "I, "buy 90k ‘ 11,, 'of com" tee p is} ””59” Inn” 1117,“ 11,8“. "1 , ‘c‘u (‘l' b. 151;“ .y "VII/”v, ~ gm,“ "‘I. I“. I I.” I: 1.1 I“ '9oll' n "Pn u.l .Jlu. x 5”I ' "I" 3 hi- "I'm on F 5 ‘lu ‘’- 1.., H‘I‘IJI dl. Gr- ' Mr. '"ul‘ ‘ th. '1 ll "“I't - 'll. Vl7 “In. "' , («11/l , "VI m III) {ln 34m J‘hn I" “ l‘lll ‘ {o‘l 5 I)“ 91: - 01] I “In, L's ‘lu ,' I] n_ R h} 1" '0! ”LI 4] _‘ S. 1;.” Inn '6! l-I < \’ "Mia Jllll.l "I” - Ind L‘W‘ ' ’b ‘ II- - ”I“ '"‘ “I" F ‘9: Im. ‘*‘~ "' r “in. "II: 131- "Km 'lu. ‘Io -In .I w. .. 11. Im“ Inn “In. . «1, JFII “or,” OTH ”he . . 0 mad 1 In.” 11 ('\- Il.‘ . 'll (Tn If“ -.‘ l .11_ q ('l' I to (If I ()1 4““. 9. \. "In“ "1., I 951' I. or "10.1 J unkl. ' 1:91 ene .qu-PI~I] T 1 0 he”. (“‘nf‘ --},..11 ~ .11“ “aged "1‘ ”I. ")‘lv 13,0} 't‘llu 'Sv‘u I 1: (‘1 r_ :1,“ r,,,( "'N 941 L" gm” . :1 ”"1 1“. "”0 ‘l to "431' “‘rs- im.‘ 3"sz “’ll ‘~'“‘n ("'9 ”£Ol Nu“, 11.,”"Iud “11... “IYI, 'l‘ Ch “(‘lO sw“ I-I-s.._‘lr}, "19,4 "11:: " 1“'1_ J IIO‘JllolIIJII)i:);I’II11:: This :11” C.n;;m“vpd (“I .17 (,sz :nl‘matléi“ IJ Lo, Intifii'iLT'fivz‘ 'JIL‘o-J" In”: ‘3‘ (If Li'fh'z :0"? 11:31 “Xv: ”“1“: '" {III‘JT‘I "Hilly"? LII)”: “I?" ”Ail-PM” 30 - 0.9 .f u' W ‘ «R. -on,my,l l. I {l‘ "n ‘ , ll‘ ’ ”‘i'. .I. In, . 1“. , - I.» In“, *1: Tr . th. "Hl, .1 "b 1% nth «In; m 1” kg, ”11,. In,” 4,", n.., 3.x” A «I, n , In{ I “..‘, .kr u:1 .nJI I” 1,. . 112/ .mII 91 _ 11. . ' b "1, 'W . . 'M- ‘3 I.U ‘1 '~\u 21- rl~ "“er . ln., stlt . “=1 “l r '-‘lel' m) I‘o I. "|‘- "[0 “I '95 "‘"1 ‘ ‘lf no, 11] re“ ' “I ‘ 11’“ ~' "“1 In ‘r '1- ‘II ”“h ”I ~ I"! l”-10 1" ll " n “‘l9 "Kt' WI. -|,,, ”Jul hl'u"- n" ,:1 “We, “Th: $llll ~ 8 Iv I I 0: , 'ln L1.1,,:‘ M . 'SL .\vh In “{4- n I.‘ ‘9O. n 9. r, I I1“,[- :1. rl.” IL. /, II In“! 1, III» In! "I 4er I’9l 3' 0" '9 It'll): ‘ ““5 . ’E'I ’ “ .‘Zli ' “11 .h: ’7‘“) ‘O7. ' (In ‘- ‘m. We“ '”K 111 I» In .\. Mil." “‘nn 01'” ‘t rln lu‘" I.» meet. ' T tn 1 “ l‘dhr {“k‘ln“ “‘l' n Elk" ‘ "“1 " “‘ECQI I'M ‘"I ("Iv f." L (:h I ..‘: t ”n f Huh] “-1 )I‘ll "‘ ~l' ""Iln "‘r4 “1' 1 ') I". 1 ll’ In, hat “101- 0f - J WHO]: ""1 "II“ ' ”‘01; :‘ng;‘ rut. " I“h‘, . In. . 1.“ "VIII: 'Il-S ."“u‘ um 11m 5;. -. It In”. . ‘dlsc " I": “‘lan 01 rod “10““); . P MII“: ”II V Ix VII- ‘1“! Ir-~ """l'J ‘ hl'~l » I”: u ‘M ' "“llk “ l‘ J' Lu '1 I: ”In "3'll, 1‘11; 1., ‘l‘ “5% no" B’ll ’mm ‘0 '1 ~ (I "‘u «1.0;: 6'" "“th l'l’wr ‘3' 11-I -'5 ‘ “hu- I'l "“11 lU‘ ’II "" J 1 v/s‘lul "in -‘ “I 11 r" n - hm. Ilng ~9l] 1] ed -L {1“ 11,99 ~ 39$ 1.4 e” H.“ Nb“, nu, Irm ,-. I} InIII . ‘qu 8 "’“II (M 0h) J", . 'v’» Or' “(If “'y 35,- I 1 . W “I“ .g [0 Mg“. , I,“ Rm} ~sl] .1 ."I . 31h 1.1“, ““n . In“K 1,. .1). I .m . 1..“ I", / "~11, "IT "”1 He “1 l “at In” (I ell ”rt 411] ~n‘ ,“I‘r I “Mk ‘:L ll‘lh . A: l‘7 ~f'u];. II) ll‘ I] .k,‘ . /\V s . . l, , “1— I) I “11;. 9VO,- “501:9 In II ‘Da Pr Iv I n..; 2k“ 93.,“ 9 JR. M :It, I . ‘xw ‘l‘m, .77., ”Hw- “’“111 my,“ 21 2/ 1: x» 1.1 14 .~ 711,), "lON Iwa I” o 0 if .Us 0 w... 1‘14“" ‘l‘} u"l'l.' Wilma." ll) 111., {4'll“ , q Lite \. . Ailui “.1 ‘. “I 11, ""‘lvy, )h- ‘ I_, U" . lln/~ Hrn' , ' 5"? It Pa con" 6CH." 111'] ‘3 1 ”"P “w" ”ml ' "w” b (""1 I. I" I ”I‘m! 'lfiuf . ”Hui no 3" 5“ 11‘ \. "n. ‘1 “Jr‘- "' 1] :"11! 'l'lo 1'0“! 2-,; i “he, } “IX: “Cth Wan", 11}. II.) a I]. 'uggq II “In,“ '11“_. "-iur Ih; . INN.- uw I» "'lr” 1..11 ”II '“II, Ir 1 In“ 1 .-,f- Ped o‘3l n H ""11 ‘ “‘"5l 32* "Lu "-‘l "U “I: I, ll‘ “In .‘ nn ‘fil lIIM. .0. J. '.lr “ II: to, ”:th 9rd "In. 0 . ,n _ . I“ Inl lu‘ I_ 1] 11. |- . ,_.I .. ~. n.. 9‘ 11. In [11:19 ‘l9::lalit ”1911:“. shapzli’fiqy ””1111: "rig?" 1132'“) ‘lju P 1111; (13'1"5'Gsml'gdm‘w‘ “fur: Fuel. :0 lII'IO‘I'r th (“Pr ”I “I t.) '1 1“" 1-. y"! mi‘ 'I:III.I,I_“Ir ”Io ”.J.-Jun! I P‘A (“1' J, 'Ouh] ‘ufie I] WII itIvII . I ’3l) ”3in . ‘TLX 4 "111 "N ''l . tum“ . JIM n, l ('it-‘1 "I“ I“ Il‘ ‘III ‘ln [‘l‘ “If “k; . I 19m] me . not - H hlcl _ (”91“; {9 v‘ I”I 33119 11l ‘l‘ll. 9r '11”Il n" l “‘ll WWII. III“ I\ ~ “2;. . 14‘“ ols ,anp )[ Rein . _ he; be h 9111(- ' 11" '(‘n-I ”:“r”. :"3 e Ski. 7“?“ l" pon , Prp 3“" "“t .- “HM ~ r 1: I”. '."‘ I . 't_ II ‘l ”M o,l] .t”l. . "f Vfl°orn smlLbJlnfi-fi °I'I ”Ia £l“de Grett’feii'u‘fl IS)m'ITIIIjIIIIicII}iIIIIIr5uII:In1,,,II.II: nf('IIl1l,:“‘3' Ilqrodf‘lu ,mnhitin:m “r..: :Ir. {hr Hymn/I Ixlw‘l-II: 1...“: I ”vs ..\1 "11hr ; Il,e fir‘IIdIIIIII ‘- ‘ /V'oJ‘' n L ' ‘ . all '1 \\ . ‘1" ,ie] . I“, ‘u\ "-h (I u. k, I‘f ‘. :I}, "I-,.._ ' I’m-fl V. ‘1 _,I '1" and ’of C Unun: erlol ”t 1 ""1‘ "I 1» ~r°IIPI (I n.. . 1 "In ( I nIII fl} '~‘l ~ WI) 'lv "‘ I”. J- 3 ‘, 3lb - adv he 44"? 2' C' In. “[1 I3ll] 10d '9 "(Ir he IP H. ‘ :J1,_.(1 ..‘ “I ‘ ‘.n (, “‘l'll._,' 'I ... 111111 4- I'lu- [III In N . Imam Ifyue $19,, liter, 11.9,, e 0,, mil‘gl I>.3ll';'?u3=,:sn.3§‘ "III~:","‘I:JIJ-"3I§ImJJVJ'“‘1fiJ-:,,j“"‘m..,I‘.”. 111..:."'".1«J.,/‘I“Ii. ‘I'I-..§"--u3,‘,“;mn‘.prliJzJ-J: 3W’l',,‘l‘“-»a-?{‘-"Im1 "hat, 1] vrafi sired ’QW {(- ;“'as ,X'ECk - Ten ‘. ‘hks . 9H, \v} I. I ‘8 I“ Flu-d“ ‘ In.” 1"X x in.“ “1.. ““111 ‘ I.” “I“ ‘I So, I, r, in“ I) ' ‘ls}, ‘l, re :ler t 11v. ’ll 01, _. \v} . In 1' ”‘k - In”. GIL ""511‘ - "In: ')/, I? i 1,.,.11 :1, II 'ld 1 u,” “‘lnl .. v.l ‘ciui ”Ia “P: "m 1 "car ht“ ('3 k a!» ’"s man at“, 1-,1- ”W eU- ‘lw ‘ “Ml. ""111 ” "I-I ’ “I" 3"‘II "“rm ’“l‘ 1" mg ”a ' “nll lob Tdccx ‘tun ‘lqul'e’ll-a “1.: mm L'llcc. ‘941 " “pr - ““1 11 / ”Ii: “m “"w ' 11. "‘ In. “’lxs rum '‘w idim- “rise “5301' Sir 9fi“L 0 {"49 In hm, I ’31:.) lun‘ . in.- “It” ‘l’qu “74: , (”W 1I '“li l'i' ""1? II”‘II '"l'r I"‘C- " .. lon 'flr lon Ihga r5l "'ll V MIN 4; 5| lal 10 } lold F I 4,,“ ”Ii- 0' / ”,5; ,QM ”.. n.l ”u'l‘l pI “I I.ol‘ iv" :‘f a" of II em“ sout g a “111 {.32} ”W . und “mg "(‘ll {“311 n," 'an :00 “'I “1:1,. "“I'e In," I," ,“’I-x1 '."I. u..,.1 of 1.1 41,.“ 3’}... ' 3’ G ‘°\' . “e - °fl - ”as 1"v "Hav— ”1‘ .‘III‘ I‘m “In, .~ In}. lon, ~11, "Iv/g 7 1” 'ln, In, “1..1._ HI IP‘ aln I ..1 31.1; 0v ‘“t 5w Vb) 0n J “lip 0"} Te L 1 “’JI ‘ln,, Mof 11.1,, 11 \- "r“. n )9. .HIJ I- I“ 'll]. U 11: 11,, I." ”I. n, e In It -cl . ..n n, ~gr . I’u , h r, - - o; - , u "N ,-l .. -I s" 1- II- I-State‘i It figment Ila} Gayeh‘“ 11,61 ”1955‘ E‘l‘lax ’gizlnLlern ‘l‘lf'lt. 21’011‘21‘I4VM‘1 Sgnlq‘t‘s (,mcmmn[lZL‘l‘lkpr Li’hw ,lII‘ .{rnmig‘m'nji :1 ‘lK:J','"”'l—'h:,w I,”IIIII-:.1,‘I";“IIJ,JII'“II‘-u. . a]: ‘ ‘ s b rn ju- In Al.'.(‘ :3 . who" ‘", n 1 .. P eo; -1 1 -p,,, I)“ 'II- - ""1". .n- I. . M... I”, “I. an] . M 960, on me 115~ He“ gm ‘1 a“ Ie 1. (4". Ig . a \gr ”9‘ .1.” . ll:,. II“ ‘ I), lu] ’h" . In] ":1 I ‘y In' J'. 1; ‘eln "d t m _ .alr‘, do“ I“ 0' .3)I 10 ."h: be "-91." In] 1 a 1:0”, I“. “‘ll., y'v‘n' nll "I‘l~ 1111, "n.. J h!‘ Iflxe 3\/ Lha. me 0 ’ n[ld n OTb ‘l] I q "('3 h-,,J‘lvo :- \A , hag sum. ‘N-Lb' n 6,. , , "‘w, , n I"! ~_ “up“, In“ "I ; mo . Pr‘. We 11: of Pa‘. 9;.” ~15, “\v- re (1 in -\9 - r .05.; RI I W: 9911‘ 1- l‘ I. II JJ, h "‘II' I.” an, up. “I ‘nd‘ “0 ' abl ’8 ‘ ”I ”’9 I " 13' ’nnd '"sl'l' “e 5011 JR) 'UI- “I 1 . ‘5 1] 111 - ‘ ‘ll‘ 1- ‘lu .‘ 1‘ “‘ 1' PM“ ’l'] l» ‘1 “t ‘33 aln eU_ 56 1] LBl9 10 ya [1 o.of en “V 0 (. S (II “In L' a “.5 41h“. Ivlr‘l I, IN I1“h 11.- . I“: 1,") Ebiulildo Ann: ”ka Wécb' {us-10h! the Enid ‘ Pul‘;3r,}{i“fi::”‘ ‘tirr'nizg‘lnHetfktinEAli' : "hemo‘inlg’umkfir hlol]: 1"“? I)?“ ”'8 "film“ :"""‘—1~\1“'1"”'I “‘13:“ “n ‘3 ”SSW :lin"‘l 3‘and' con 1111 ' a 1 c 00 J “'0 b " Iv‘ “II T.. “n 9 rfive" 0? 1 "th ‘ rexg. ‘in 1.1.1. Ipr 11‘.1,' h‘. 1‘ In". Y "w. mfi 111 'IIIq Iu- Btb- Enid ’rc: r, a n 1) 119 k. D,» .: Dd ngq c,,, ;9d (‘56 hv gm, 15] 1; s “In q“ -,,r ,1“ 11~1-- 11 I Ireco Unnn' “flea In ‘ : SAStedl no I' Ben med opal?“ LI“: . :ng ". the wer .910 pr 9 3.1, in“, 9”,“ I u“, Innv ,a, U Flu Us “he rd “I ”H . I God: I INS} 11519" Ker-In “Lily sl}. ”“1711- elllluntxl Chair P dug opm? . 4H“. In,“ ,II “III“ILQI u Inudt. h"'ll' ”It 1 "1.1,. I 611- ]6ll sfinWus or . n ‘Orse '- wh- 3h; 611: ‘5 I], “Fr Jo bf . fl‘nd .L‘rni- htoq Lnu, “. “0 (... I: , "“n ,1 ”‘1 "on, ,J J, Whig men In” or II; km. I Rpm "VI ’0!) 5,1,8 “111. I“. I. ‘ IQCI . the “Id .J.,ed he», 1.1 ... I "‘ll In.” “9 1‘ "I'I; 111 I ... .913 hlh 30f fléy a n"(l gem] In" ”Wm Mr 9 '9" 1; 93mm, “[l. t 'l5 u L'l COl ‘1): 9&1 g "ow I "Nd ~ (I? 45:1) In” My fi m nn- |I1.:II, “Mu Ctre i 1 ”1.. 3 n 9y b 8n re- “Ev eme n n e Ink 90r oln {I 1‘ «v 0 If Mr, -I ”-5 Nnk 0; U 11r n I In, N‘L“ (. ...,I "”1 I 41,“ 41¢ L I'i., [[oo on 9 ave n 5“ ‘n’fa -upn t J TII "n 13 U “an Inn) 1,, lhe ‘l' of I) 61' ,e Ie ‘0 I: “'1- 1“" . ,1.“ .In ¢ ”I “If, ""13 .I'L-t. '6O Pa W. bl": Suh - .th' V‘lro on tho s‘o ,einm -_ ‘O4, (I. 0(Q fill mdyll ””4 I. ’6 Si- -Htum K‘ res“, '9l- I (‘0 J 4“: ‘N ”In: ""1421. , h," 1h“. .0: ll Va 110 “150 In.“ 18 f 0 ID .en g t e , übou KM 111 , u In,“ . Rate 1.8,] ”In: Inc. 11.10 I,” . ""v ”I,“ Q 1,. ms 'nm Ca bed 1‘1), “3'l Mfr "30 who ‘6' “’II "111 “hr HI 01‘ "e a» I ” I‘lv- -nl-‘. "5 "“w '*'!}‘ “’“i th en me ymya) fig h ‘Ck’ In” 1' ,z, o'o . .1, l o)“ 150 18 publ' I‘9 I , I”, In .H‘ I 1” I "1‘ Km, . Ife a(-L. n he the "y n 55 I p}, ~ c “1' I)” Dr‘ he c 0! LI) 1' "as .4C 'O3 gm. He. 1,,“ 1”n 05+“ I- ” Is“ [ln 'l]qu mm nd! re - Uh. the 9:. D. 'w‘v "In, 'Owe. ”Int . 130“ “etc. Inc ’Olll. “n 1.! In ‘. 191” am _qm FM I.» n “a, n at ' 1 m 0: "pI“ d "ed Teb J “In 91-0 "m; ".1 B. ‘ 0n; of It 0f “n. 3-11] Pm 1),,“ In”, PM. ([3) ul. 0n... I 1“? I 93!. wa Iwe T 95 are ,5 up g“, ,mu“ . In” In," . the. . 'l‘ 111-cc . ex: "’1 .‘3 ‘No Y 1 ‘1: t I'm- .‘Ol ”In. ..‘-9. ed . nllb n 1” 81-” n 66 1a: ‘ll .11., a, I 11,” "m»- (\V . , 11. ”‘n‘ he Ede 19M. 1'1) ”m of 511 k 02 ,In 'UIJI- 50f ' 0 'l' 9 ‘1 ll .or °SI~ ‘IIo In“. “‘he he ~ In, > any Jun“ LlO. bo] nl. lon. In. I ar' 1. .o] "flu“ sex 11.,“ ”My Ppme' I d Peom If it 3mm the “um-99d“ the ty in II I,P Ion.“ :-' a, In. 111Wn .‘m dn .an 1,, "I.- tc ~ win no 11,, oh 1,,» I , .- . . .-1 v u 9%; 19y "I “7‘“ 1;” . _vl be w] an” Iclur flLe to dto _‘Sne 810 k 15 to Pg,” {Wlll} 9d . n]; b Ing‘. - ~qu Fent JML f 1”, 9e a“ rim“ J‘nd “are 9,“! 11m: 1;” . yam hen Ipul ~.I_ 'I 6b 5! It. ~ ”In nO lle y 'l' ”113 1" ' ‘3‘ 9"“. _"nl. ‘rrn I-1 I‘ 3,; “d 0n I mI _“'l.L mUm II“; Ie f, at Pfi,~ 0r I. - JIS‘IJ‘ d Mm: Jaw IS: lIJ‘J ,J 'll Bmn- oc, 'Fa Ll- E "s 9‘ 5;; no. ‘i’e ‘V ' "‘1- Sn, , ‘u; '’l \vV 8e A‘ on ~ YEJ~ ‘ . “"lII‘ ."10‘ n. (P ICr \V .m“ ‘ ' 0 lfi Me ”I ‘ls t"I ‘VI t‘d Id ‘1 r». Sm ,‘ . .II n. 1 . Hll I - I] he "I m, 3‘. “n th- por I 13,], I 179 ed -of “11 fl 6 m ‘o‘ b‘, 91- . Hl9 ‘ m VIA 5 u "ct llh . vs I 9,} n. s at"! In. .1! tr h M») ”'e \ ‘0 th" in P [’9' 00" 0 '1" 'Cat L rOl 6‘l "V ll ”3 I Inn ‘5l SWI A" x9l' "1 [”1/ In urln Fa. 8!] I: ' “1 tl} 2- V 1 - “Y 1 5 a a r3l ‘l9 Jane "1 “~ ha ‘- 'v ”‘0 n n “T D 1 111 'ly , I 'I‘I Ir» nr , g In 1.1, -|II If' u(‘l3 H . o|. n5l Fe 11 "If 11 tan RR‘ r“) ”I].“ (IR. ,“I ”‘h be . an f can. 30" , [ln ‘3l .11 ‘4‘ "l'cl ”er "In "“11 I'h i “i on, .Du ‘ 1055 RAW "Iv .5 r‘ n 3 ’hlmO Hg ‘5O:. t:‘IR- 3 “It U. “041 orm 1,, . the min I "Mr n,“ If” I},“ , “111 "II 11 .a fa‘ 810 bexn't‘e fie Wll 59,, 113 51 _IlImII; m] 1) 1,9,5 n.‘ ”‘9l:, Ink.” 11mm W Lu“; of So a,- S 5 ”lug COll . '-'PI.., \"l‘ “W, "Mia I: ”I, on I, lllnt J‘Vrmu'lnj‘ . d a o Inn' Th {:11 1’1“" ”-1 were paw 11, 00nd oan {I °9rl~- ”n 1 “Wk ‘lrfite' ‘shtuJ‘lr e 4, In.“ “xv I ,I“ "(111 10,” '“h are, n Fad 5F9 er? 13, I! \l' ' g‘t‘n {0 r 3 3 uc I9*‘9 n 'hc .Y "fit erg df? .l‘alls n m, “‘9 bn,u. (I I Ll’: . One ted e for ”re :“T Dhnt ,‘ O und ,sfion- L)”: W . (‘W S at” ~'3 1 5,", y”llngm 0 ‘. "dh' 'e l -‘*fn 24,7 I "iv ‘3}! '5" w 'l‘l ml . ”‘35 {-I‘h [‘9‘ h“e ~“IIo lb l“ch eh ”I' . 'flfl en 0 Wig “vr ”1r... Inn 019,. vlnd 'l‘ 0t 31;, ; 11y 11,}, her In“: ad I-e dan “*1 “II Mi 1, “to 9.90. er" he 1' an“ run (-111; em, . m :11,_.] In,” M e.» 51. If .“n d z‘fi rm YO? (‘ o . r h‘. In mm} s‘k‘ 90 y fail ‘lO ,9 .v, or .hm . \'l(. . "‘W 1.“ “cl 1 . . f. S ta}; II ‘63. Gr“ On; ~II“ e . .0] LanF Pmn I!) i pars r,I Bof ecu .ed "Wk. ‘ehd‘ I'M/l (thJIIII~ “P! In"; I I‘3 h”! 9’91: ” mith e ”-1 "V “9‘l ii (1.3 vld? ID“ “‘5 "k3_' I] Co 0" 0 FPW c 0 P‘edl 10.!” xch In“: r.,"r’l .0 H ‘ ‘o‘ Of.” ”f 1 “(Nu ~c9 To 800 9"? "1 ‘ghs "‘6 ”Kr (mn- . ““111 f T Sen “vBl' 7 c ”at ”('3 “13 ”Map ‘lvo “a “v 9 hm A 11. called. F 1" PH“! I “51- h..,, "715.) -Or of” PM I _lo‘m EILJ hi 1"“ hence on" Bth [ed hi. .11 \1 mm”, on”, mali‘ men 1"“ 3H '. ' 9w ‘ II:- "or ”1., '8 Jim ‘V’d' sth r5ll . (‘3' 1 °ol' - ‘ nl'."'ln' (I: 11,, "'ln "11"“ [he by M y . Ins“ . no“ 51” II N ~ obJ 13} n llh eR o c u 3 “n 13]., l ”:9 'lfn.‘ r w 'b/ “W- m h ‘ln. Im r . the 3‘lo o 811 "'1 as“ figs-n 001.: ’un n'h 91) ”Dub- oma aI-1111 .1 ,I Ilu hi wk In] or,“ _. Fed olio . Bar 19.1, 3011 Iow th‘ "d I gum Iy—l. :_ Pu. mm“ 3,6“ 23,00 In.“ fol-“- mm" Ir the‘ Mn“, Itpnll n.., Ila b ""r! if‘pfiqfi g,“ | Cr,“ 1: lo 89" a li43nd ”In In“): ereb’unl "‘l6" T 0 llpfim ka.‘ “'1 u mt} '“ S; .“rll “01} 11, ‘t‘ul lonni “:1; 19041,” 51!, lIZIII “n: ' RIII ~"°‘e "d 1: na‘ '“f- s‘» °"°w 'll ”‘8 1“M ”Mr " a “M “Ir 980,, “318 -‘° be “lon-’3' a. “Io ‘Bni In, 0 a Tm, “1 l VOt- nuofl I' to r. S y; “I '%"’“‘i to c‘ ”Wig; Ing pm Na d I am al , fiber I 1‘! did swo i ”‘ik" '9 "Inlhlt‘ Id9_ .s ‘ln "rl‘o _ J Y Ingf I“ "hec bar exe-,. Mi [was man I' D In} Jpn,- bt a 03d .I’hnr urn, 53-“ -n m:- c“ "a .1n _s-gn RI,“ "“r' I y o- o . _. e el.lcl I I .Dc ..‘g .1n 1 A ‘1; ee“z I. lzeu‘ag—iuesa‘i‘sr n: vnllsd’tsm‘az and ‘21:?” It: leafrgfie’fipr? f‘vfi‘siilxi‘i‘yki"xlr)‘;lfx to. "leyulhnwér firm? ‘l') in IVE-lfitlt‘rdhflso 'm‘firEffi‘lr ”1:; by rlfiiriohnime' (I-ier’Hm 1:714: "‘5 R ' Ve z “I 1 r,l‘"- 'I L‘ .‘6 ~b ”W I' '9 'Ch .5 o -nr-' 'v .. ‘ll a- w -1.~ JJIIJJJ'JI'JJS: BJJIIem., ° may gvnz'JJIPJJIISJIIJiigI-eirons‘it'JoJ s?" a, J'J'f I: :,dem..,.',~- m 2; JL'JJJIcIJ‘J:;Ice‘°I IJJ‘rJJ: I“Ea[U n) B "gfel ' ‘Ffl ~ "‘mp . mhd e 0 “Sign 3' and “110“ “_l‘ Fake ich elec om is , lucflnn' I) ‘l‘l)_ I p9r¢ “d. ‘ “all H “139 013 m “1 . l.“ 80‘ sb, t}, 5m e‘fl‘ . ‘IV 9; .§* N . I'. he (pd '56 l ":11 ,‘ In)”. y,“ n .15 5390‘ 1 u y aII SWIn w ““11 een 5" 0f the. In “In, ”so I; -J ha m 0H t, It» In,_.- I 1" .Ihe ~ Irod ‘1 ii” K Hail 'Den . 00¢ “‘ll, ' 13,, He“ “luv? Sho makmae no“. We ‘ °u '5 1, ‘1 91hr: 1" -3 “I "I “'V .“a ~“th llCl .. . . —. 1, 1] [h ”a e nev “rs m,l}, I \\--. 1w Imn 'll (‘i‘r 9n K, "‘59 ”I. "No “In " (4,." Ih‘"°th‘ “can u“*o ”'1: “his ”Io ' ”Pea "In '0 1,. “the or" “9‘l 1““ ”We "‘l’ ““1 Co ’ 153 M“ 9' M 1-_ K He. “IE I'l'l‘ (P .“-I In 'o' emf nl, ur at pf. r, ‘0 sq; oft 3°“l ~ “ec )be on “Men“ on”, ale”. g ha" 01‘. a“; 0 “Ha . t H: 0} Elle ll'y “He II” _me “Id mm Y.‘ m "n; ma» be bat' “I31;fl ob 9143 c. .1i rm] Inf Iw.,~Jr 01,; . A 1“ ‘ft “(035' PSl?““‘vigt'ierilK°snE°”6:G“; W 512” "11?: Profi'e’xxllf’!‘ :fiBinilX’s“llnl'°“lse “PuIIIJcanI-qu “n th:i°"'ed 1:0“ ‘3," 0' I'3: Doc'ésl'enllflut'ytlh9y:-It:{v P 3,“. I-Jstufirl swpisgsmh £1 Le; ”an: =3: lIJnJ‘J. 0,: Only”:,,vizh':mo::%.'°’,i: '3, take J; :vmemivm J“ "”52,“ J, {Jams J3~mw:,»rne::':a.. [ i“dl ' WanhflL vl}. urn, "'Bh'MII-I“; “troy - ll.a “I' an mg. ‘3lin cm'vlll-lalwuuld J 11,e Ibe‘ .“d II In“, 'IOr “”nd, Ry, II "’irou'ion‘ ‘ thanuwv‘ ,{I Nahum 11. wan“. s 1 '01,; IL, Mr 'dura ”mum ‘1 “an, "Pd Iy'u, ha, Inn ”In. ‘6 1),. "no, II.“ II“, “In”. “‘n "or n. ,nI h,,, 381' ‘S—M JD}: 3150 519,) ”ck .“ed ‘m‘Ps chi" "3 th’ ° DEB 0°? the "he. 0“13 V 5? oa, “‘l‘; 'to 1 “we, so W W m, ‘“d in “am; ProcM vi“, Gr; Beck “’3 [2.0" s"' W' Slu'xsmhh’flulo "ill 1”“ eres ‘gr D.. m" A in cured “by env "fl‘u "Mr; I'“n “(In Ih~'slol “n 1 "' . . -. n Loi- en 011] lo he 3, 'a on e"I . I”: rf D Ith (4”. _ 15' ‘h vof Ho hex-IE v B°il Alex- Paul, El]. EM, 1} G‘s 5919, muk Dd . "I. Pane 9d] Sg th cl '0 elr'n‘ I] ‘l . rnm r. Sa59”V “v and cr_. -‘V Ear - 11 m , med 0 w lb“ Is w. r; .y-' 9n“ .1, en, “Po ”lg“ Ix: IL]t.." “I aim. . for Kl'lwn' “WI?“ 80*" 47 hit ' '"f °le by “" nr "00 “r “I 111! - 9a. 'ct » I" ““nuun “dl, 3:1; 'e 'l‘ Clai 0f 1: “In“ June Jflck n:- y;' ((36 - a, th mum has ‘he‘ le, "fed”‘nr 111,0" _l' ‘ll of Jam ”Ir {we ““11 we r was emu ry im. ' 11,}, so 809“ I'. El {ll7‘ 1e U .Onl “’ll {Ten and 031-,lt ore. If— to "arr . Us“ y or,” "p ”as, .of "‘yfi 8 lu-w Ipe 'mer IIr» 9. K - [-1 113, ). B 'mfid nlO .VJ gord em ,u 0 1. 1 It; Pro“, ”new rpnp 1 'he 0w“ “ed M, "8!. ‘Vor, " ‘ Psh' .M' L 0 9 ‘ka' ‘6 43V .e “ 1 ark" er 1,: p 01) "I sn 9d “no lOn ”"1 RP r'o m‘b reh. 1‘ "“4 ’3 ‘II P "I! "In M "be ‘T "h 100 '~‘°n - «,1 1h las on to u 1,, 11, In .Veof , .Iu ex 8 p Yen; .M,(,3 1H . he “lay R v,“ OFI e 1 I,}, tr“ “n - “do. 9 the fan“ Ih}, ry a ”re ,he r“,I , spa. in’ 01te~ N9l CM. Sch oov ."‘tb Fe ez‘ and “Lab “lid 119 O 1: 0”) olec _ med new 0 ‘wh d can; "I“ Iby and . 2 Ca lge so nu llyl .6r, d d 9 0000 h“ - all g. I ces . [lde , fit, “I ha I p ‘B‘ 01° .[h ‘0 "Pt an (ar ]e ugh, -SorPn N s. M I‘ll , 011.11“ M. u o be I}, 1. s" r“, e Ifo ,9 04 QI e“ le- 0 m 9. y—flr'w llOfil I”d, 0 a l) I 521“ n i ‘l' p" em) be] M" hls y“) fined 0% l'S . “0- T}, "A ‘35:?” "IV (1131 nt! «In, Bx3ll and Y Q)!“ ml“l ' '1“: Ml 3 ‘5 Id'uy -°‘be r" mdb - l'em elec co c°w Pa]: 11' Us ’n, n -con “la "‘ 1, Fr. ' ,Sv ,s'a] ' Pal I, 3- I 31; numva of ..Ch I'm “gt y'thfit In“ 'l‘ I ate .3 ’l' l [on . ['er EC? )ni [his . B an» -om . Gav bar Slay ton . ”an ede nce ~31 was be ,"I 0n a span Dd v'ca .“I .pm w. .311,“ ”"3 “M .m ‘ll I'‘Te “11' ”I“! PM ‘R' "dn II "1 “01» 'OR‘ '3ll I‘III- °fi °Ve ke ') w M "c 1 6d cw S- T .Vu- ‘ - 1' 15 . e . elfi fled P. ca -h .00 J Inn , rs; n r hI, . ’ura “n nu p“ a 1:1, ‘JT‘ ,2” Nib: m, :3 mg”: ~ «gym? 'O. " ' . ‘ n ‘ ' 16 I' el. 'h n e . - “ta pass an] 11; 111114 In °‘”t 31,- gb 'fi 8 “nd' -M be we .“h 4'l- ““cc "nd “a dc .n Co 1- ed I‘e not :4, abe no lly_b x“ . ~ Id r P [We “(1 91d Ie” h n r.., lug”. nu . B" d 1.1,, 'b“" Eu“ ' dim "’“I "y f °nl P. I“ ‘I "5 be "a Jo “‘0 ’en en “I! 0r . 03: Mn "9 ”Vaughn . med ‘ltu J on “1.1, We W 1” c," ’00: bro; Ore Ypl 014‘“ e 2.1; l “'ned IM, he, the ' 03¢} -I, enmb yII 9nd Ih "nd' -n - ‘ n‘en b"m a“S fen .be "m a, ‘POSI More 9 b "Oei Pt'l, "ab n we; “.- C) and Re ‘re- “n 5 lar to «- Quyo e f 1c“ nq diet-f" Co 8“” “MIC "' «n, " him 2%?“ IhE-mPII’Lme fiTeanlOwin'lßeem inem'l mm“- 1"“ Jammie...”y ° £"Ma,§‘?°n-’P°’ II {594.53* JPI. [nae ’.whogmisslgrofid. Ill" b 1“ bl| n vbri di‘pidPraLe Techeare “$6191.”. Occupffili ”‘5“311- “actual next dbe Se u"oer.” eelurz‘OS‘en'lln a“ Ignade f 3“ We ‘ll‘fis 1 “1:6"! migepm'cners. 11‘ {of lhe' I‘m]: gait; Mtg: froEidNlfi gunzrf ’Fnlt2°°l»;"c,f;°dv mggl-Vmerb‘uou J)" thne ado E 33 ”..':th 18:218. 1%?" 01p{h‘h:°§ oil-tutu ‘- ‘s' “U ‘ 'l' ~ le"t x. “"81: ’Lo °lh' P e ~'°n ' ese '1 ‘ poi Pa en- "ad 9' en ’6 ‘lO '“co e' 1,“, 300 d p 011: ~ 90k "I! 1' (“de- 11-‘h- . ui- esh rom— the“ be} M-Ifi : .a. 'oo] £er 0 "c “bl - A u Ju f L 19w ,b "Ie 'l'nge hue Slml 0‘“ Is“ . {on I." '0 er 1 Tr“, to '3 0f pro no‘ and I, Cua Pro .-.n1,, _u; 31. ID p. In. wso as a, .1 do, .v” ow of rfr ,“n1- ”. ’uk - coed- he- no, "in min} .We 10 no per "lm “Son en. nlh Vl.l Nm ' De' “0: ,: '1" In. lb D "1;: fo' “114- dpr 1 “Ila - ‘ ' - —r. erv m la ,e“.»rln 0w n . 1.. “:4 New m" ..3 smut?" ”powmbex" n.I- i e ' .o:0 n -. :1; “1 lo ,- n s t .5 .1... ' irrnnkl} bny‘“nfl a , {all e] isgad‘wr “Id ‘0 'lfedeh 1110‘ M 0330 {Pent - were 6 Clark -0f the -p“bl‘l°.°fz Oqur_and “I; We £l|”_ themt-roy ’vqu I" - ”‘OO “I ”d. . ec-lel] In} "In “Vic "“uxberfl‘c fa” My Jun 'the "Gd ' a“d sen“ “II and I "'5 “,me "a 9nd "V an ”I ‘e‘ 1. , Ith 8! r f are I“ - I and .' T. 5° IQ, P 0 us!“ 19 1-r .011 f pt-es , [he — '5! °9I I 9 f at -sl.ehn th .r n ro 1- Ir ‘ flfimi *mlgcfitgg‘ An" )1 “Elam I rom‘2o " ecur'ln “as m Wigner! Id bfis’ he”; ei "0 0" '° W'Hl bynns li nl. wed I 1” Prgxflufi’ngm‘rflolb?‘ Wamml‘E: Gun- .000 . ”inc-g pllc«a ld’v no, “nah:s of “3:5,, 5" “:12: ””0113?“ $09150! 31h“ved§t"r . . Ignace th "r 'sVi of Co :m 11519 01' ~. f 0 ere 6-"? a “a nd c o . . o e”ago F . m .. poo .r, d 9n '6 to ePr “0 fl" StinwaH/{lflfi "zuny If? pO2l. D°mi2omise is I,“ :10". bate: Pu," to be. Ursi’ligrmnzed do ”filo: "155:”, fig 01,119 1:, "enden'grm; “w“ 11"" I: opted 'chme to 'ind-°°f~ 1:135:31”,5z ”be "°“ In “‘3 nup' , '9‘} G. y lid [l‘ Pin Lb sno “Vin In the luhHiE‘ ERI ‘O, M Judged g m we 'W“nm3- °K "P sl‘ 135 bar 0 ’-H ‘ln- aTc}; rd “0‘ duh “‘O5 Re n(:1 '9” ml 5 II -.\| ‘ BU, ME 9 ' f u} ‘1“! Ito pub““'.l“ra"-‘l‘n")w°rochhl én'hen tiff' jquhllzliboN Jean“ R’ “”9864 ' ‘ b, i" ‘ 1h 5““- '“l_n “In 101- e‘ 'u ,Sfl'A AN‘ J- A. 'Ol . ond “he CI of tn": “tbes "Y (111.: DI B‘ “UPEDGL’ GNU' LAWALI, _ '1! 02' a: d W"H -.\l .111 A 7 Eo 'IT A . 1. epubl‘ High“ k. "Id ay ("4. 'yß‘BE‘TGos’ Z“). B . “5519- Ch, . - [fan Se - B so“ J'rm "1’ n. 3, ARDQ‘IERY -B,§_ST33 1:15 In In; .to In c 5 --L J I.) K , r to I'l '" ' HI: EEI-c LL-v II 'p “he! ' KB , ~S \ 0121 my“, y:. 857‘ ___} 0. “IT , . 80.} M.l L I wA~L E ref“'9lle I’y‘hi‘uieut- G #0 I" KIAVMBIIR w \v k. mo..ndeaerd 6P3: T'Oxl “HI" ember. en Boring. Eton, of. 11' gm . . 011 T h- mu m “Cad.“ "“3311 coll.“ Y. . l. co§d , ”110 d In- In OUR FLAC I a. .1. luau. Emmi: up normnou 'K’: ,>;’,T:'" "“'# ’ ’;‘ ‘V‘T._«... GETTYHIICRG. PA 3 HUNDVY MORNING. MAR. 14, WG-1 THE LEGISLATURE. fl‘UB ABOLI'I‘ION SENATOHS RECELE! ' The Home, on Wednearlny, passéd final ly an act relative to the -pu} mpnt of Mounties to tzolunteers. In the Senate. t‘on the tame (lay, the hiltnllovvlngflnoldiers to vote came up on finil panama. The you 9nd my; ‘8 required 52y the Constitu tion: mitt: called. and faulted—yous 18. pays 7.: The Dutuocmu.~ on [he ground that the Senate Was not legally organized, either did nut v'mc 6r voted “:10." ,{ Mr. lignney than rme, and alter some re marks, resign-(l the usurped Speaker-hip, Tto whiz-h ht: hml up to that time so ten aciou=ly clung. and was elm ted Spotlkt‘r by a party vote—l'cunny 17, Glynn-LII}. "I‘qu at last, alts-r u pmtructt-d mnl stuLl-m-n struggle, have the Abolition Setm’toru re needed from their lulse am] {evoluti‘onary position, and rocognizod the corn-cums: of the views and untin‘n of'th’e Democratic mi iiorjty. ‘We invite attention to the Ad. dross of the DI-mocmtlc Sqnutnts to the I‘Democmcy‘of Fennsylvétiia, in which they most triumplmutly vmdxmte themsolvou. On Thursday, a. number of Democratic Senators who lmd declined to vote. before __the;ele_ction of Mr. Penney. on the bill extending {ranchine privtlegel to Suldien, mk'ed leave to vote. . . The Abqlition Swmtova refused tolet them .do 10. ‘nguuqimnus majority! ~Han. John L. fluwon'rSpuché-gl'e de vote our first Luge to-(lgy to the publicatiqn ‘.of tbefirst hall of “on. J. L. Damon's great _ speech in (Inngrpsq (in the ‘i-ith ult.-—t.lfle halance \‘vill be- given in our next. The qpéech iii marked rhrpughout ivi'i'h high toned anid lofty palribtism—wilh is com \préhgnsive judgment of: the causoq of our mtionhl difliculues nnd the mean: of‘reslo— ling [he unition’to its {miner tranquility; It‘barries. us bnck to llw'lluya ol pure and undefiledfgibvntion to the whole country; 313 ml ils eloqdent denunciations of sectioml parrow-mindbdness and its appenis to leg islators to dome up to the lull sputum of (the manhodfl ol' the statesman ul‘the older. ‘_time, reminii us that yet the Constitution 1118: a. dél'cndc-r worthy lol'a nation's grati tude, and the rmoplen. reprmcnmtive whom fithey can trust in a guide; one to whom ’they can look for words of true wisdom V and safe counsel. The speech is replete with warningb drawn from intimate ac quaintande with‘ the hiatoncnl muses which led to the dissolutian-folhon-Governments, and it culls with‘prriphelic voice to those . who revere the immminne nl‘our fathers to shun the same roads to ruin. ' In ité deliv -‘ ery Mr. Dawson comiuandgd the undivide nttention ofthe House; inspired his friends with new faith and courage. and his politi \gal-eperizies with whnlesome fear.» The Agg— We publish. in anqther col- umn.the prospectus cf the Pbxindelpbin Lindy: for 1864. Th 6 Agehu been in exis gtenée abou‘t‘one year, during which hmo. _we are happy to learn, it has met. with suc pags beyond the mom. sanguine anticipa tiona pfits friends. It is the only Demo- Argue daily published in Philadelphia, and _ hféonduoted on the most. eulargedf'gd lib _er'al pyinciples. In is in every respect a fins plus}: dailypewapaper. ‘lt. gives the lanes and most. reliable nan; of the day, both 1104 mastic and fox-sigh. togethel with such avmi riéty of solid and nubafiantial readirg maif ‘l.“ u to make it usefullto the (armer, me chanic, mefohnnt and professional men._u .wall as s welcome visitbr to the family cu- gale. ‘ln its poiitx’cs it, is thoroughly Demo }:ut-ic. and advocates with markgd übilxty Jhose great. and fundamental political truths ihioh \i'nderlie our republican form of gpvemment. It ‘is worthy the support ‘of‘every true Democrat in the State, and we (gist it. may continue to receive thug \poiron‘ge from the pa’rty which its mor iu deserve. K Wasmsoros. March 9. 77m Rem-at at Gettysburg—General Wall. 11 mt. to-dny befure'the Committee on {l:6 Conduct of the War. and examinnd an J‘ength in ragard to the battleof Gettysburg. B'o "garb 5 Il9l] and explicit. statemem of chll. “hit, Ind ii understood to have vm gipn‘logi the éonduct of General Meade. A Ball Threatened. The Missouri Dam-amt, the lending Repugiean organ west of the Weidppi, gives the following emphatic Iwarning to the Lincoln wire-pullers: ‘ “1,! a high handed attempt is to be made 0 fo‘rpa hLincoln’s uominanon upon st oonv . n. the utgmpt will Dem-35mi bfg‘et a revolt, for which. and for what ‘o' disastrous conseqysnces flow from it, ‘15:; _dzsperate scheme“ will be held re yponexble. ‘ ”The returns receivoj by telegraph from New Hampshire indicate the success of the Abolition ticket by a majority a: fiva thou-Ind. 9‘: No other raw): could hm; been wticbmed. Thousands of_soldien of ,the‘lbolkion stamp had been sent there to Vote. while the Democrats were kept. in the Pent ~g—¢~——-—0 -.————— Harlan ArtCSM--ThB negro sulppcttd of the murder of the soldier nexuglmm hnburg. was arreswd one day In» his in Peuggugurgdfizl L}; was mien vols} sin . I- 11:) 3e in ‘ail, :9 av ' ~in FM {t 1,133 yen term of Jun. ' a? ,’ .‘ ”011.59 pa; withdrawn {mm the Prea gétnlial rape} This will lucuglhen Fre- ”Major “rug"? Im.‘ {not} exghnngedl , 1&1" We Imm: hum the New ”MI-n ((-‘unn I Juurnil an} Uuuriornhut Liv-n. [‘ol, My in. of the MU: Indium; Vol-quPrn. "in. “u: xv: nut-1y \vuumleul in We first du" huh! :1! Ln. ‘.uhnrp'g. ‘ uni “a; \‘urricd from “w firm'm m? n~hlwzue M [in' edimr (I; lin- -'l'uxl.ln‘pl,’ “hue he n-quiurd scum} ALja.‘ L.“ Yul-n awn! uh d ‘\“.‘H~I.l~lll .l’rmuvl \Luflml (inuvrnl ul lw'umn. lhs' :xghl l 9; um mmmt .trul, Lu! m- m gm wig-um mm n is m‘nl. mum and Ih‘n he \\'ill:.\n:n he ".Abmll ' on :\ I'ulm'lr 39;. Long Hiram-l DUCCCSa lo him ’ (nun. AP(:l:l"l‘l‘:D...\\'¢'lwn ’11:" Mr. 'W. R. ll Dcmru'iv. for severul years pvt-wtm' mp (vruuistrmc Hill chury". in thin nmmv. has unwed 11ml ”creme-d u will {mm the 13mm.“ Eiu‘nr’mu] monfln-gxliun of Gen) 0-:er Mr. h'ulll’fl‘h “211 Min: hchnd him‘ Inl‘rj' "\uum Irn~n<|e and :\:'m|rers. Whose way-vb 31.1 x\ ‘ LL uz—‘w: “'1” [ldiow him H) 311 mm“: full.) n! 'Ln‘r-nr. Wu congr‘mxlnte tlu- ting-(1.12m run- crt'g4hnn‘ou IIH-i" securing the m .'\i< w: mi 5" null. '. :1 mimmr and v.~!imnllc n Lluhmn ‘ pem‘xuhun.-S}u‘n 5‘ Trust. > I. ‘ : P'fiVfl'l'r- Hut. “I’ltm >rl~ (‘lmfi-Vrmr- nf 2h» 1‘»! I": (N mu h, n’ h in um» i:' it "ft-'1 14.111001“. Pu . .u‘Juurnml on \lnudzu. \‘.‘« find ah: lul - ~ . . . . m- r" .. . r, Hr. ‘L'. 143» M's! lilihtly 111 v llxt Int :IL-yuwuzwnrzz A .‘Ulj’ :amgcx “Wynn-3, ”“l' ”'3 1C“ - t , “5,, ..‘, ‘.H. . v w. !I'm"~lrn'-_—-—i'(-<in (‘. ”M”? Iva THI‘ e. LLHIm .\ I \ ....) . L.H].\‘- n_\l Mn. N I: "Il'Y‘l' . (‘lI-m-prnu—‘l. ”"HNVUZ \kv'l : ""3 | Hun n x-Lnr_-Thm-. H I|.L.lrd,\'lrk $1 nug~ ”mill .if, .‘u: 1‘“ Pr", .m‘. |hv p 1: :m‘. .xmt, » -\'t I}, Fug null: ll)llill\('l’-‘-J. “u! 1m Shh 1"““1‘1'531 1,: 1h ) _,,_m_ ‘rni'u,’ \[ H mu». H; .-,.,., |;(-I?T3’ulll1-—>’ I.‘ .\f l'mmr :quJ. KI. _ . ' ' 1.4.”: ‘.‘4,rk~J. H. (I [n..-h. >hr¢€nx.ur}—~ (rl7; 7"! ”"mr rm',‘ ‘ (h-u. \\':\:n-n and J. I}. Moon : l‘cur:lmrg- .i“~" “""m‘" “"‘ "’ m .hmo film.“ .\lx.“I:--rn~lr(-==Pr gun to Rpimlunz, ‘Kr I-e'nln-r: “: Hlunmfu-Id. Wm (hum? (u \‘u \"o-_\- ____, V H 7 , , ~ .umn, Ham)- 6. mu m' Xnvtlvxlxul,¢rl.;v.d. L: n....l- h” mgr” ...”; ... ..,, :1 ,_.,,q;‘ ,m, \L Ilean I-)|('K"llrfilhl_:\nd .\I.-1.. Dr'umm lo {I “. r 1” h. .\. ;} 4-» “1; km 1. ~{.1~,u.,.;4.1 [New \R’Mhmgmn ‘‘.‘‘ f ' ' . ‘ 'l. “I h l“ I'l‘ f'nuvlc-nt‘ and “' H' ”"1"". ['E‘N‘YI" F W ‘I 1.: "I r \I '9);"wxvr_' \l '1 no flagoqn \\'<Hi:un~l.nrt l'iirkimuu .\‘vmmnr. >J, Hum! T.‘ ,; J |‘- 4 mm: .Imul ~-. mu! m-I‘ ‘ z - .- . ‘ , S‘. “Murray 15 me l’rcmhng Emu g} ”n:- 1_ m m 1.: |.r‘ m ”I 3"“... .g 14,. .... X. mu," P.lUl‘l I ~ ~ . 1."; “I! \i t. .- .~ . . ‘ A ‘ v u . - T 4”: 01.” FULRS CU.\WET.-—\¥e [IMO (‘.p.-I'H_\(.l'un 31". "in L'lzlu (- hm. 'rr Ix»: liv bf”? r?qlrps!('d In mmnunce, Hm! [he (31ml l“'”3’.‘"‘ l""' “.'\""1"=“"' {AWN "W I" "'5.“ pm“; runcen “I” he gin-n 0“ TIP‘JUX PH ”_ .\t “‘1'“: )1;-‘Il.h'“ nu :- 4.4.“! m 11.: \r .u‘u‘ rl - , . . . , ’ ' 2‘ I- ~t‘ I TW—‘l- 53d ”1‘; .In (hr ( uurt'flmnr. in ink. 'L'f.‘ 1. .In . ",- .' . 1‘1"" V The ‘illfl‘T; cn' ir r' I ‘ ‘ m ”mi 1‘: (h"h' “w h"!”“ -\x"“"\“-"' :5 ‘ . . ‘ mum- V,_ llf.‘ “mu-In" nlrln'l't\n Illnhnq \au.'~.;ui.'...i~sy. 5:! Im- mm: ~Il’Cll‘um our lawn ““14”,“, “..‘qu “mm” “PM?” I»: ,1. ‘h l‘ ..:. I 1: {hr 2“ u 1.1. v “,1” ~ urn 100 (u)! known tu require any: r.\:un!ul 1““ m“N M.“ “h," MI" mL" "'"L‘w hm" runmrki Imm 11:.” \\'(‘.lherel'nre. “illu-n Xz-m‘nr It‘swrgfiti'l'n» "'2'.“ "a“ J'HI, “NM "Tull" ”4”: ~ ‘ . ,' ' ' « 31“]: 3' m-lu‘. ‘lhl’ u. “r LL! ~- '|‘l 1, \o Im~=nu m 3- imlk m wtm'm-v w-xnl find nun-rt mu- r..:n‘w luv (p. 14. 4 ~\tu..i~. uu- '1" .-r-r -'. {THAN "KL-(lmg Insured “unfit wiH hr of u in Kilrfhugm -: .u-i - ' 'l'” nunmr ;r”\~,'v r. hhh ordrr (-f m‘nxml merir and B p 11»! iulvr; 0mg?“ "Wfifizmm "i HH W" Public” 1“ ”Alum“ . (-st‘mg um! rm~lnerc‘lm r-mcrlninmvm. ““3" "“‘Y """M'U‘ "“"'7~ ’ . \ , . ; l' |~ .lleUI-xl‘l If u: I ' “Dix husrw- 11.0 12mm}: | \nunm Al-‘FAIIL<.- POL “'vnknop'l “WWW 1" “Mr-"Wm " 2., I='-.'-"'”‘“-' W“ ‘anh. ('Ol. Bog-J's 215:. and C‘nl. Ni vgiuq’ "-"xf"cl‘§l“k|-xzyl M“! '--«.| “I. hi‘ L-étflwmnnui'u'l . .. .. . .. ~ * v ("H’uh’v ro'imeMs are n._ ~ . ‘pnpu .tr vl‘ lam ‘3 d 2.11.; .xnuul; M HIIZEIIIHH'g . I«hunt '19..0~m n esvh “ “ “'1” flu'nhl‘rmfl .\IIHLIMi-uwl‘.”ll’:ll"l‘|.hlr¥g[M'WU‘ : ‘ll h. - 1f ‘l' ‘, and their urf'nfuzuules -. ’lhv~ .[;r.lz.rlx v.l. M In- v. ~.| \Xli-l‘l ml “’7'“ V\ . I‘ I(‘.(ymp nu HHS Keck, and (ue’nr “mg.” srik mug. lhrrul :m-zlhw. (>i1..&1'.1. u! thr \rry rolungxshxom-r“. All of them are in mm)- n fL-w M" "“"hh' 50.14! "’r “ I“'”'""' 1‘ D ‘ _ ~ .. .‘ ~ . . . . ~ . . ‘ - ~mnl'es “fr, 0! to“ n. excepting-ohm rnmpnnies “1h ”‘mfifi ""‘M 'M’” {:l_\(.( ""f' H), . _ V 4w lirumhLu. .\‘v-p \urk. g 0! the ‘22:]. which are in Wee: Virgéniwf 1!:th wrmn \mmpu“, Mumwmmt av '. Gm. Smhl, chief of ‘camh-y in this Dopnrlt' .P—E’d'q- J-VUHD S MILL, '.“"~‘“}‘_\:;‘:ll,‘, -~l mfu'ynrrived here on Mend-13;, and [ook xm- ('“Un'l’m‘ ‘ [‘U” ','__,,__ l medin'e command. I! is' expvcvl'd mm 'llit“ ‘'”V M 5! 111111313. ' '\ lmopfivin he moved toward Dune in a few . JacoY‘ _ , _, 0n Tuoulu mmnnl': 1“”. b‘_‘"“: . ’ dal} §.——hankl.n Peprmrnry. ‘ - _ , “Kw-41w. \lr. (H'DHUEE (' :«Tl'h‘M-lql >52“ m wwc Ilitdel’slnnd that li‘ltlfr; t'tdatam. m; ,lxx; c. \t’ti‘tit‘ZKrfit’, plum tut: lln‘ly Huntington, Hamiltanl-an, Lttttnnre, “”hl‘lflh- . ”3‘. lleatlittg, strtlthH‘ l'ntun,(:ermuny.(‘ottow:mn.- paw-Aronmpnn} in: “‘.f‘ ”0”,,“ M‘ 2-9,“ as”? I l~‘r’§uklin and Oxfut'l townshi .e t t-. fill d h’i‘" “W "W" "“"““ mum. ° . ' . l t l" L 9 handsome ttttd lt-imllt l’"lu"l|tl‘l llll‘t‘. ll'.||’.|(~ their quotas, 31nd that active t-fi‘ortx are, nmtle tt-ri-tic or tlu- gnu-nun lN‘Jll 5.x l-tnrt't l' ; “0‘ to fill other diatriztu. The Inc? Governntt-nt "WM 0“" “will”. l“ v "3'” ""r “’I'“"‘“”“'. bountit-s Will "a“. with the? [mt-40m. fitnnlh,“ lions to thr- i.ttp:n mourn} nit-l «:slt‘tllcttti‘:|k "ml lherrfnrdnll the Work tuwartls mulling ‘ll' {gl‘z‘hflppllll-S'S utrtl J.._ts \t? chug-rum “Nu . "l the respective quotu_should be done Ilct‘nrt- it 1m nu- Intlt hut ,ML nor. .\l. lttteltmtn, \lr. expll‘ta.‘ ,_ 'EIHVA lln SHEFFEII I!) .\llss MARY liUSSl‘le . ..'" ‘A ‘ " """; "j ‘ “ MAN all of Adorns t'nllul '. ‘ ‘ m‘rfiAt lust accounts, J. (/- (tOm, Alexanv - On'thr 23d'ttlt.,,ht' ltél'Jttcoh Swltler. “I'. d" Harper. George Codori, Sn, and at young 'PI‘ZTEItBAKEIK m pigs: MARTHA \VlLl.,botll Winner, of this countyk it I‘ll“! of those who Ofl-ltllewml‘u Adm” ““3““; M ALI-Mil) were carried “off b « the re i “it the 2m}: ult., by the si‘lmf, r: ‘ - "re Manama-3x. C. bf" ’“f ‘f’f‘mm' ‘S'l‘ALl-ZY lo Mm 410‘le Axx u.\l§.'\'l-ilt,buth V -.-“; W- w”, _W“ ;_ __7“ '_ot Adams NEE. . ‘ ‘ WW9 understand Ihnt Dr. R. S. Seias has}l ‘ ""-~—- ‘ tendered his ruignation ~11 Surgeon of the' x ' DIED- ' Board. 01" Enrollment 101- this district. it in ‘ At Abbottutovin, on the 24th ult.,.\lr. DAK probnhletbot Dr. S G. Limp, 0! Chambers; [EL GELSELMAN, Mg“) 72 years Mill 7 mo!- burg. now Surgeon of the bth Po. Resertes,‘ on are 9:11 in;t.,)lrs. SlAlzuAttl-xl‘ lA'I‘TLE, “”1 ["3 nppolnted “1 hi! plnce‘. ‘ yof 3.19: lowtt-rlilp, aged 52 years'nud 4 mos. "-- - ’7” ‘ ' l‘- 03 the ‘th ult., in Huntington lownuhip, T/nc Expmm ty'tlta Wan—lt is now well‘ GLAREMQ MABTIN‘, son of Warhingtou ascertained that. the expenses of the war; Moaia, nged 27 duyu- ‘ ' ' and the want: of the Government will re—3 0n the_3d*iust.. in Littfistown, MmELXZA quire, in addition to mean: from other BETH ST‘UXHSH‘EKWN “50‘“ 53 3‘9“”. sources. that. the internal uxes shall yield! In Baltimore county, )ld.. nt-nr Cntonnville, fully $200.000,000 for the next that year_ ontbe‘fithlitat.,llrx.SAßßU RICHELBERGER, It is nlso aid that. thete is to be another; “fled 35 3’9“" 1 “ME" “1“ 23 d“-‘ " . call for troops, I‘s“. undoi- AbOlition "fiat .051 Tuesday lmt, t‘n‘gu‘mbe’rl‘and lowfllbll}. g )‘t‘ illl‘nothing but mo", thODS—mot‘e'tttxeal LENA}! m‘l‘EsßLhGl-Jl, aged .nbout (:5! 'i - . « e rs. ‘ . ‘ 2m, «3°;oi’im o’t‘fié’f‘ifl"dé‘:;‘:’tifizt ’ wed mean» J9“"‘.C“““s' “Kirk‘s. any. reflect upon this state or ”I’.th‘dflll'l'vqlfi’l-E‘Patftlfisigtll‘rxgillslw‘lit'fil :fid / Surely they will not. blindly, ‘follow their I 53mm 3‘22! 2 dayknh childrrn ofJ- [-1, .nd party lenders, until ruin tntrly overtakes Frince: “an”, ur‘Freedom ”wubip, I'an them. Their own and the cm-nlry'l law" .11 died of Mill! lent. ~ est: and welfare demand that. they ut once' ~ ‘ ‘ _ Communicated. cu ldoce from these Abolition cormofanu.l Died in Franklin «township, un thclflth of on never vote for or with'them ngoin.—- ~;i,1,m",,l flu. MARY OATUARINE. who of Ra. ital rule landlord, to doatmction. As It", Chalet slum", ”ed '_l3 in“ Ind H 118- - Clny said: “ A ningleidn has taken a”, . .- ' A . :7 ' ‘ ion of the mind: ol the Aboliticrrish. P's-cent! be thy client Ilumlvl'. on onward they put-mo it, overlooking oll‘ Pencetnl in the grim to low, but t ion. reckless and mat... of :11 0011- .: ‘Ttion no more wilt join our our”), ‘ “cacti." ‘ > ,‘t 4 r Thou no more our -Oll‘sLull know. 2t} THE IBOBIDA ’EXPBDI‘I’ION. THE ORDER SENT FROM WASHING-703', [countikNuchs or m: woun] M‘onnls’l-sun'u. S. C . thrunry ‘_‘-l The mn'st important ”Ill”! tulkml'ahuug. here in our humiiinting defeat in. Florida.— Whon nil'lhe facts of that expedition almll be human I’m cnuntry will not rfluin its indignation .M. the'untlmrs. (id-hum] Gil. m‘nr’e El nqt go-iuiiuihio (nr it. Ths mnueméut wasnmd‘a _ ‘rdarrafrom li'ushinqmmtudmu for ‘pohtical pi we: wholly. For mnnthepsfr. Stickney. one of the cpmmivionws of the department.lmslmpnurging themlminiutru lion IQ and a military vkpedition into the inlprior of Finn-in 50’ unto ~reclnim the state for politicnl purposes. ’l'hoy wished to m-t linld _of the urolxivoa, to be able tn Organize a pretended slam uovormfient. and givn political omm lg) him and“ fuw of tho sumo kidney. Some were to be heuufittuil aomigdiy. .zirid miwn have a chance i,» npeculnle in lan. 'Un His ran-nt- return from Wiuiiiugtnn Mr. SLivkn’ny/éhtml 1),,“ he hm] Roofilnillhlh'd hi 4 obj-«IL; IHI'I shorl:_ i_v ui‘turwurnl Uom-rul ‘Hmnm renewed an order to send a finite imo‘ghu interim-or Um State.- ‘ , , ' See (hi- rmui‘l. “'qhnvo smtninml n Bull Run :i't-Tout your 10"! 0f IM-l) “'llanuL lm much hhhl‘t ufu lhnunmL Eh“. Im-h-u‘vhu «as n" u-munfi. smm- nf fiur lw-It .nlh‘m-n lunc- lu-r-n kiHml nwl \vmuylwl. I)" my .H Imm NH "Him-d int-w \lm mtm‘nur mun I”in uwuv frnu‘) [ln If I’m-w. and 1'“ n'f'lHu'u’ upnn h) :In m'mMu-lmmgdfin-o fund)! “hm. tprod. Tim vywmv 1:411 unn-ly nmxw ”j" the (‘_Y|1l(llliull,lllui Cum'rntrulr’rl In Lum-t “ ua. 'l'lu- remit ix i'hb :Ls‘ Imin rry nwl‘l {nu-.- ~r5~di.~:.-nl_ h w u the “fab: ‘mm- of ulhrr+ m uttwnpl nn ufllvlhivn In vvo'ur-nl, “‘th nm- {lmma uH'nlong rhe- “no WI-rn Mutiny; upon :Ihfur an Inn, mvxug Um v‘llx'llh’ umplu oppnrlmmv In 'llmw xmuv "Amy, [rum] any you". This the rcsulLl)! )u-r -15,-Ith pnmn-ul ntlvvmuu-N lo inn-Hum whhfrnifi'iry nmwuivmé. ~ 'J‘hrac are Um {Zn-H of H»? mm: in prh- of whu Intl-rmh-l [7:III};'S':IIIEI)’ my nr do to ro‘mr up lhu truth. Aw ,anl lmn' \\.-H~ imngwu {ln-m p: grunt. ’.imlicunhufi m n.lhLu-v wire-hm [ finin: \Qu \\‘|H :H-Ld the mullnll".'.ll'b1V;~IHIl.Il-~ [hm ([5311 um-ml pr: I‘m-um." (m ‘Hu- ,nu'l ..f 31m puhl‘hul “mum." h. JL~TH u. x ”n r -\ Hun, S. l‘, o'.! m ’Fiuluh (urm uul‘ mun w-u-w HI .1) 1~1.-H-II m nn‘ lav! ‘ll‘l|‘l!|'ll‘.“‘ ”U!" tIL-J' In“ mi} )Iv-l‘ LIH mm'h th't x-l‘ LEW, uwr 1w ‘_.: nlmh mm- [qu {hill-11. :nml unuxyle hr the hand» of rho- t-num). . Tun- MFA? \\ u'vihm- hp vi-rv Innrlr “111-r lklna shin u! Hm \"wmh Hn-l law-Ln) .Lh-nml. Bnadllux"; in IT :3. lln- -r--!~l~ nnk 11‘ HQHLIII} UH «mum. “'vrn- I|4Mll‘ll ‘n'hulh’lHl-I inninmd - 11!}IIII!\III|"‘l. Which Hpv'n- rm'v-ul in SEW Juana”! .s lIUI‘H-‘hUQ. urn" Hn- ~111- t‘ru: I'Hfllhh-u. mmy {i IV n 12.» in Lh~~ Intu )‘t-wz. .\‘h-‘x Jul 1': ~h-‘l‘- h M hu-n m-nt Hui hr (1w mum} _.' - ‘innu- unr ]lw-lvll- mm Hm «hum gun} IL \ 'u': :v 1:: lnumi u: [ln'v :ln >llNl In lu'. U H Hu xI Inn! [H'UI'JH'II wv'ngfl in IL Q, and hm! x':~-x Ln q-uyinyn .\vh-fi NHL! luhn‘ zrlu'nwn‘ m. {iv-[Hf ‘ 1" 'I’L. ..r H” nil-v.l _w'ihLv |n.nh- M u-urvr \L the r.-.-l|:y 1:: 1h \fhmn hulnm'nhkn . lull. :hi- 'v. unfiv ‘4“de knmv I'P‘.» Hum, an"! h-‘M‘ [LII-r. “"1! n«l‘v:'u “in‘ an: Hu- nnHu-Id H! Um (11-mi 1": n: r'HHUmIF‘IV lur Hm II: n! nu I'L'l‘rJ“ m-rni (Lllmuu- ‘l3- mun 'nn m “H‘Hnl"{}.l‘.'!.’lrlllll|:. 'l'he- mt'rr, (7.11 m thug) “Huh infirm. :wvf 7| i‘ umrf w/nv‘ ulhvr ['lnm Kim 1"” ~.viunl hUm rI-q‘mml It. purrz. Am] I‘. \l :..- .nr'ivrv-V' r'uj‘ muvvlw n: xv vhmxl mu-ull?1:.!3:1~ In 1:] l\ ,I-lvw M 'Hu n,“ 1‘ 'x'spm'u i 1". u~ - xu-lu-lu-v .1) ‘: nu.» )w :u - an- x...2nuL!»x-.u_';l>h'~ln~ h-n‘nvhr-l Hf 1m :1 IN wlwvls‘ ...m. [‘_ .n rual‘lv: 1' min-la :~ ~ ~ \ mm “ruin—lls.7.- 1 ; n.., n3l: ‘.V {in \ v.-.;.i I|).E.;- :n‘lnx'l 531:! tax" H :.1 a}. '.i wrl. “Eu 4.1 LM \l-- .‘z.~~x,:.:‘ ~ whr 'n“(‘v .m'l Emu- w..‘\ m -n kink-«l walhuu§rm IME A. . _ b‘pwei :al filo-:Lpom. I’Z 'l‘h n I-“ln‘r h hut-Imm ll .- m 1‘». min-)- mel» 5-“ “may, I: M thn: BEIM rn:_(3vx|"l um) mum!“ \uhh'rf‘mln '\ v..lh all 'le I- I ‘ ”I‘I‘I"!. ”flu? mu! ll'v "'.i -»~ BEESOMMII 1: r• Ittl. \vu gunman 1.: My mm: 4 M.“ My MEE IMI alr’kl n] pinh- N rm EU |.u-).vt, W V lu-’.(