The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, March 14, 1864, Image 1
-\-• _ rxerito.. Tye Coxrnfu in published every Monks)? awning. by Hun J. Hunt, at $1 75 per :nn'num if paid ntrictly m mums—s 2 00 per annum if not paid in advance. No subscription discontinued. unle‘u u the Option of the publisher. until 311 arrange nre paid. . ‘ -Awnnsu|srs inserted at theusuni rates. Jon annsc done um. neatness and dinpttch. Ornc: in S3M: Baltimore street, nearly opposite \Vummm' Tinning Establishment ‘~—“Co:rn.n Pins-ring Onxc: ” on the sign. \ PRGEESSZOHaL'EARDgo “ Wm. A. Duncan, TTORN EY AT L.\ W.—(Hfirn in the Nun}:- A “ushj‘oruur ofUculr}: Suture, (H-ttyshurg, n. . [UcL 3,4661}. tr Edward B. Buehler, TTUILVHY _AT 1..\ W, will fuilhf'ully and A promptly utlcil’gilu u'J business animated [u Mm. ”L‘ speak he (h-rl'nm language—— Uflice u! the tumé pluck, in South Baltimore ”rut; m-Ar Puffin-3's drug sture, and anti; Oppua-th'luxncf 3; Zimler's More Uellysbuxg,§l.tnh 2‘3 J. C. Neely, TTORNEY .\T L \\\'..—l'.nytivhl:r nuan- A t'un pm: to cpihrvmv‘l of f'l-n-nun-l, hmnly. :an “Mk—ZMV. 013le in tlic S. H. dur'm'r uf Hn- liifmmnul. Gettysburg, April 6,1963. lf D. McConaughy, TTURVHY AT L.\ W. (unico- dru- donr wed A ({‘ffliul-hh-r's drug “ml hunk Hurt .(‘lmm- Lexshurg strut-l.) A‘r'runsvv AM» Sumcn‘nu run I’nls'r'n no I’Hsun's. Bounty Laud Wur runs, lim-k-puy suspl-n-lcd Cluiuu, and all other claim-x “gains! the (Im’vrumt-nt :11 “min. human. I). (7.; Lil-loAmt-ricunCLLimc In Englnnd. Land \Yurpunslbcntcd :Ind SMlllJH’ho|l‘_’lll..|fld highest y-rirH gin-n. .\zrnfs cnungw‘.‘ in lo ‘c‘uing warrants in lmvu. lLlinui: nu} ollur western Sun-s nL-J‘Apply lo hxm pcrsunally or fly ll'llvr. ' GPHJ'N‘HH’L', NM". '.’l , ’53. Mr. Spmlwr, it i~' nmv about night your; spine“ I hit i_ln-w- llail~'. 'l‘hu ('nunlt'y mu ill n in U.“- Q‘IIII)\HH‘H‘ of itsmnintorruptml «mm-vb] ..' lrlllxlwl'Jv. ‘ It womml as thuugh nl Inn-11h ”It' Ihl'nl'll'ln ut gm'nuuu'nt hall. '04:” min-«l. hml that human!) wwlnm hml tumllll-ml a ~_\'~tc-rn whivh. H’Sllllfl upon :I. lm~i~ ntjlht .uul mlual lhwa lnr unllVilluul=, (‘txvrtlilwl \\'lth thu happimt dim-v“ fur Illt‘ l'iulll~.lllal mt: 14 ~t~ «It thv f-ulitn al (Ellllllnll- Inn. \ “'llit'it omuprN-ll the- lwlvratmu. l-‘uuq a nail lurwininLN thrvn quarto“ of a m unu‘x lye-"urn, w - luul urnwu tn :l‘r‘.ltln-~s. l’wm tlnrtH-n culnnivm l 4 vhle {UNI-,puul‘ a; tul‘\'. w-- l; ul luw‘umt: a. [unlullnui :Lnll‘\\'l‘ ll lhv n'it‘nn, :I tit-h :nnl ,I<\\\1')llll mnpiuu 'l‘u‘.» gun! llJlllil|~ nl‘ilw \\‘ullll haul (muu- in lunk mum u‘ \\'llll l‘""['|‘(’l. with mlmrm li- u. aml Nivv. .\Un-h-umlmauws nl' tlifi'vr- Pm‘t- hall ltHl-‘t'll lulllv'l xallu-I tun rutl‘-iv tlt- t-alxu ~ll'lalo nt uur prhqu-rvtv‘: llut [mun-t1: trust in that ~i-gnal (“m- ut l'rm'i th-m-u “lllt'll lvul hithortn hv ll'lt‘lltll-tl u». \w- tli~nli~-ml. l'Kuhtlv thu :I])]|rl'il|'ll<i‘z{l‘\ of mu] “llit'il Ilwv \n-rr‘ illlwl I“ mansion lh‘. \\'u tunk c-vunnil hm lw-atltly of our Whllt‘x“ mul alum-w [vxlcll in (h.- vnilcllthH that, t-lu- lil'pu'ulil‘ mlht llt' pvrlmtual. - SIM-h WM tho statt‘ nl things. :It the claw nt mv rO3 run-ntaiavo tum m 1333. I ra turn lit-m in the miil~t of n rt-vulutinn.—_, (‘nantrvm- n nirllw unm- linmuu Mum-ray ot m Llnmly mmli't-t. .\‘tranga and un llwi 11-nf-rlthrinnw ()l '_'rwmnlm-nt :IH- llTO lnu‘vrxtwl hi thosv m y n-~¢~~~‘,un nl .Iltllll‘l .t'y; :rlI-l t-U'W'H‘l‘ln‘l lllt'J‘lll'l“ unknt‘mn It; lfllc ('nxhlultll-IH aw l'u-mit-ul tn With Ilnl-xlmrzttp Mam "we at tho v :1] ofthu non-l t'x‘igt-ncius “hirh l :l\'n*:l1‘l‘l‘ll. . x t' l The tln‘ sw-n ut' thv (‘mmti‘v ivy 'vinienoo.‘ h 1:. lm-u all along h-rv nuns-315v _Lho who mmm: u: ‘.H tlu- ('mzst I}“(‘l‘4‘9 ot' caiN-s “lm'h might I. IVt lau‘u :n‘vutli-tl. _\s it I‘, tlm iulurn imlu lt-l inm tlu- h'-tm“,' o.luk l‘\'l'lli\llt'n‘llll'ill‘.’ :nuuml ne nill l» =trut'k Wllll :Im-nz‘ in: Mt at thy tgully :uul tu.ulm~~.~ “lm'h onuht tl|u~ ln-Iluit tn paid-2i p~l|i~h it 4.3”." Hun-i nnwnt ~n~ulmirahtt :irtur an pvkttnm' l-ut ‘liltlt- l‘.\ll ntlml lu)mul lllttf J. LEWI‘CRCG Hill, M. D...‘ int-u l .In .l l'y ”'0 l'~.illul~t :m ”w maximum AS hi 4 ”a”... ..m. (.- _ 51fX . “ii fr ut"lnlh\'i-l'.ml li'o. 'Hw fact at uur t‘ytmnr: 11 40”,. “wt ”1 tlu‘ ‘ ‘15];351‘“? .r; “57 .1 (luxury pie ”lumen.“ t-_nlnparml \\ nth-tho hrlo-l Lmhrian ”Hm“ m"“~ \'. 4:2 uhuatn nut our :lnllllll‘lhnx iuriueheg the [i'iamhcrs‘i ur;r <lr-ot.mnl nllnn=ito l'irltinlz's "‘o‘" ‘“”“l'l‘iVPf‘“"“mfi'l “rill“lr "HP-"r“l' IL 'O, MI -rn thnsv wuhin'," tn haw «In Dental ln‘el t‘.\‘l‘|'ll“m“‘-' Y"! ”115' ““1““ Nlml‘v'l. 01,“..{i0n 5.4. rniwl ;.r!-ru<l..~mi..l]\- unumlt \\'lu n «um-n the lanlHll ut :m-lumalmu hm rm 'ttm-r. :rxn'w in‘. llnrt’u-r, |{l'\:. (hf lu-a-u’n~\‘uk~li. In s.n't~lhjx 110!le ‘nhtm ‘Jt’ Kr. nth. l‘. h .{tm‘ H. 1,. Humiwr, l). 1):, I: -_ r-,\-xl 7min" hum the urn, it may lw,nhn_-h Punt“ “ J i-- uh . ‘ljvih \l 1.. Stu-wr. hm hm n liw (mmmnu into at n din-us. 'l‘ho l.t-tt_\~hnn_'w\_..‘tl EL'B'L . )n’wlnm pull lnl't-~i~_ht‘(’il tho '.nllH'lS luau: ' ‘ , _, , _ ‘ .hm-n ~hamml: amt that-timi- w~th tln-nwi‘u- A HUDS C‘Qllnt‘y im-v of t-livir nuhlt‘ .\txuyglmi. surl ni‘ll't", :lhll I'Tl'.\ l. Fl lil‘l l\‘\‘l'l{ \\t'|2 I‘il‘J l'/.\ kWh—“3 until-ringv in the f‘:m~c- nt' l-at‘jxt-ntlvnt't':llltl RI lumn poraltul “.Al'l hill-v, lbfil. ' :fn-rtlnrr, gllpir (‘|)|][|Sp'l§ <ml.\v Irlllngd hnvo‘ "*"*‘l"*L“‘- > lbw-n am to nhlnmn. L‘lnn'ux-in lilt‘ mul- I'H-‘IVWI‘J;"”TL’" "“"t‘fl I ’nn n tin: nt language. mannl-ii, lltH‘at-m-, . {'it-r'l’h‘sH/wl—h- 'i- li’l“‘“”- ’ ‘ ‘inml rt-huinn. nt bland and country and glu- A'rrrrhny—lt. A: lhu-hlx r. ”.\.. lingo raiwul tllt'lt' snh‘plic-ltuig' voacc lut‘ ‘-‘7MMU'TTHHJJ ‘1 (_l"""r-‘-’ ‘tl e ('nnliuuanco of tho Quinn. t nHCfl'll/I‘tt’".ll"lt|~;tvtll‘l‘—lell wrt \lt-Cur-dy, Jacubf, 3' thrpfivp‘mi nf civil war ‘)fl"‘\ now killilzfltmi:N:;“:3":1:12:21? I) \ Rn-t I“ P’ftlidimrdl'l' Ihoir rulvnth-ss i‘my upon our )l‘i)::rtl<, .lucun lC—tui. .\.!llt':l\'(‘/‘.l‘.lllll|tll.lllr‘uv‘: ‘P'lmi'l'v ('nuntly:nn'l“'9s“?)'vt:lplml:!~ut them. i. .1 i: 1.. -u. .r. H. mm, smut-1 l" “‘ “'.mm“ "'1”? “”y swqmtmy 'f'dJ‘f‘” Dlrl,)rl\', E. IL {.‘mutu mk. \Yui. 11. \\'il<un, munt M 0111' (”QM-9'16““ :5 WIN“ “c hle u. \..l’.l:(ta:. ~\\".n. lLéJ‘lui'nu‘ Jul-u \vt-i. “'“‘ ‘“ "Tm“ “W“ ‘l'”“k3’ 3'5"“ """°’ t'unl, 11. G: \lthrv-W\'..lnlm Pit-king, .\lu-I'l‘. um-ll many of tlm peaceful pur~utts of tho ‘\\'ri_rht. Jul": (‘ll minxlmm,‘ .\l- lil'i ‘P. Gill, crummy '""'k"" "l‘- "Ev“t rosnurces “""Nd Jam” '-t. \llrshall, .\l.‘ l'lu-hrlherut‘r. ’ tin ‘lmuu'tl'nl (-nntl-vt‘ and the mvmbers _nt ‘ Wt‘his company is “mite-1 in its opt-m— ~|mfl<t (*vm'v lipil~tlinl=l m-raygd in thesahle Itions to the county at .\ll um. 11 has heon in ;lllivllllllP|l'-\ nl grit-f. .\ntl still the ctmtest. successful operanuu tnr inure than «ix _wars, ‘. mack. Tlnisill.)tl«lgotl gwholhnn still "“91“. ‘ inn-l iii that. lu'riml ha:- l-lill all lbs-ms AmLI-vx- : p'Nl‘i its hngv and It-‘ll'Tltl proportion»: be- J 'peuesurilhnullnn/mum :m:!.lm\‘l-Iganu 1 tray atun-(«n the} infirm nnll'ttio return at" pros snrplus cankal in th.- Tun-surfs: The (‘um- lp‘mily In our (-mmuv. The all iuipoltant qauy employs nu Azi3nt~x~all tux:i‘nv<.~hfluu fill'l prnr‘lit-al qmutinn which we hnvc~ to Anne by the Managers, whuare annually olry-t- . dwxefininna's, whd u 17.; 7.,./,,-3,w/,.'p], [1,9 pfr” 3 ‘ad by the Stuckholglt-l‘<. Any pvrmn docking ' ~,,,.~., .I. ”,I;th _t’ I“ nt'ih-r m a \vi-O cnniuita- f :n Insurance can nmtly 10 any 0f tht‘ “JOKE Itinn upon thi~ cuhivctit i< nfice~sarvm lnnk i named .\lnnazera fur further information. 1' i'tn tlw W‘“ {l} “e” m" u“: {mm-0' .\tht is j wl‘he Executive Cqmmmue {2lo3's at the ”Us Gov-'l'miient, wlmxo exi<tencei+nnw in blfice 0' “‘9 C“'“l"‘”" on the 1““ “ MMS‘I’W moh fianrf’ul pm'il. and fur the mumtcuanop In QVPr3'."l°"E!~ at 3’ P' M' ’ of whwh the t-nuutry’ i= yinhling :0 lavi~hiy i trig-lip," 17’ that}. E, W _ _ _ _ __VA; ‘ rfits lilnwi lmtl it~,tl't‘:l~r\n? rum onnvm.y . ‘ .1. The Great Discovery cod that it i~ from lam.» mul incorrect. IdOJS ‘ F TiIFLA-(>3E.——lnflauim.n-.rv anvl t‘llrtmic of ‘l'e nature'- (‘r' ur ‘vaernum-nt. [rum "I: O Rheumatism can he tun-d in‘ Ming: H L. luwmg 1h". “9“.” 0| Party stnlo t 0 “lthtlraw . MILLER'S (‘l~}i.}‘llsl\'.~\'l‘l')l).ltlll‘JUEliA'l'lC .\ll‘X‘ our attentlpn from Ili- trup chnractor, and UHF}. .\lnn)‘ llruminL-m ('illzt‘u: at this, nud m Camus? 'im- Sim“? 0t tho duties “hum we ihe adjoining counties. haw: tcczitienl tn its ",w‘.‘ "' that. hm" lingual “he "H“ from rent utility. Its success in lthcurantic al‘l~c- *Wmf‘h ”‘9 ”WNW 1“ Sufi‘f‘l'nu. Ut'Q” “ Eons. has been ‘httherto unparalleled by any 33.)?” 0f “‘f‘l' trim *cgml‘m".““l’nrh‘lm“ 4“ l Specific; introduced to the public. Price so i 5 “il""""_”‘ 9 retifpsflm-‘IWG of We 98))- ; cents per bottle. For snlehyall druggisls nnd- [-if‘. hPSimlmn 01‘ equceniruent. would, 1n torekoepers. Pieparqd only by H. h. MILLER. my judgment. be nl'ke criminal. I'shall FVholesnle and Retail Druggist, Ens! Berlin, speak. thfrvl‘ore. undvr [lime deep convic~ _ A. 3.•eryver, TTUIL‘H‘Z'I: \T I. \‘\'.'\lll '.rn'unl‘x :xlh-nd A m (,‘ull dumb 4:l4.lllulhvrhuq‘uu n”. 11"” cl ln in u. 0111'! I. 'X-\"""x 12111:. ~lrn’l- -' m 1 HM mm ':/.-4-,:I--r's Slurml11.1!!ixImI-r~ly'w-t (icuxklnilg, [’4. ‘ [St-pt. 3. Wing. . H. A. Picking \ - TTIIVIH n. .él'l:x’£l\".\'u', \\':i!'n:’nf A lII‘ZHIIS :llll‘ “ILLS. "L'CHKI‘H HF b.\\', kv. “mi-10mm. In s|) 2|. l'l “r“ Ind-i p, on flu- rumi Irnliu‘; [rum (h-H'x-lmrg in Hnn-’ 'S‘Tfl'm‘h luu mites 1' m llu- [mun-r y‘M'c. urn}?! < yumlomn- :mjl _~ MEI.“ [inn guMJnlm-l . Frh 1,.1Hv2l mu . . ercs Crezs, ‘(WJ'N'THI I’ll\'>l('l.\\. 1! lanl fur pulp. ljJ lil‘ [-nlrunugl- hrru [alarm-\II-nli. .l l . lulu, iumrnn hi~ iris-mi»! tlmx hr “ill ruminm‘ Il‘w pmrlirrnl’ lfii nran-niuu in (:Pll.\~llur_' :I‘ml Vlt‘lml). "E. ln-rlir 'nu-uaw In I'lmwl-or .4 1.41. “”3102. we «IL-rt Ilu- In ~l.A~.|"“‘ :ml "Nu-I rv- Ilnlflf rPx’Hl'lH‘l“ )xuul niF'nlhl-r ~( rl.l|l.|lllundi=; c‘l nu'huuh‘ u hu-h hufiJ-m-v! rev-umum-“Mal trmn [he ‘cxpr'it-m'u Mn! ‘5 It‘ll”. ."d by line [.ruum M II.(- uh";- I th-U‘ic lrm-lizium-h, nnd aliecuul llnm mun Ir]u2l.vll~.~lu~ll :I~‘ :m -lnumn . xuruur, [urn In}, luluc pl“, Howl [H- In»: .\'¢'.~ _ ”mm-in lhv' 9.14. r”) uf Yurk 51m”, in [he dwt‘Huv: ”\nwvl-l‘p Hux.n‘ “34,“; ~ (ieu_\>lm|:, .\ryul. ’_4~, I‘m. .:m ~ . Dr. J. VJ. C. O’Hc‘zl’a > ['l‘] 1; ..n-I 'l.“ Ln; ‘\ L. mun-1U! "-1- li'n \rn- uml Huh ~ lulsluru l‘lL‘:i)_\l- rmu (lunch. (iv-II.\«‘;-lx_{. I'fL Nul..;tt, . Dr‘. ‘.Vm. Taylor inform Iln- inlx.-h,t.n'-, nl‘ (wind ”1:331! ‘3: (jgny that In- mil gum-mu - lllr '.x Hlll'l' 121 Md p’rqu-i-inn H! Mm (-111 ~Lm ', lll‘.\ mnr [u H“: l'mnplllr (Hhtu. {h-l \«r-:.|:. l'l. 'Hmnklul h r M! \m~. hv- Xu-c‘ :n r-\.l\l' I Jun- “1' IHl|lh3p'f‘lnn.t;.l'. L 'pl. '.l-‘r. l)’ .Adnms county, Puu dealer In Drugs, Chemicals, :O'l'ls, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stnfi‘gfi hot lied Oils, Exscuces nml Trinctures, \l'imlow : Glass. Perfumery, l’uteut Medicines, &C., he. i I SA. D. Buehler is the Agent. in Ge‘uyn flu"; (or “ U. L. Miller’s Crlebrnted lilieulnutic linfire," . [June 3, 1861. 1f ~, ' . The, Grocery Store ’ l N-THE HILL—The undersigned would tespectlully inform the citizens or Gettys burg find vicinity, that he has taken me old hand “on the Hill.” in Baltimore “”“vtcet' Iyaburg. where he intends to keep constantly on hand :11 kinds of GROCERIWSuzm-s, Con'ees, Syrups of all kinds,’l‘olmcco. l-‘ish, lfldg'kc.‘ Earthenware of all kind:, Fruits, fills, and in fiacxievelything usually found in a : Smury. Also, FLOUR. & FEED oi all kinds; all of which he intends to sell low :is the low-'l at. Country produce taken in exchange fufi and the highest price given. He flatter: tinsel! that, by s:riet intention and an honest. aim to please, to. merit n‘slmrc of public ps- l . TRY HUT. ' J. .\l IgOWE. 1 Are». 23, 13163. 1.! Removals. ' Enndersignod,beiugthe nnthonzed person 3‘ .w'mke removals iuto Ever Green Ceme ho that suclms contemplgte the removal 3%,; ”min: 9f decansqd relatives or friends Hill .{ail memaelves of this syason oftheyenr Lo hun'BdbM- Removals made with promptneas ...g'. ml! lair and no en’olrt spared m Plunge. ' . . PE rm: THURS, [ugh 1:,‘60. Keeper o'f the Cemetery. *‘ o‘co Dr. k HORNER'S mugScm’ ....d {a hiflIxDICATBD coma cum, BY 11. J. STAIILE $6llll 'Year- flfli'mnmuz, ! MEE SPEECH agai- HON. JOHN L. DAWSONpq - 0F Pl-23'.\’.~\'M'.\..\'IA, ‘ Till-I STATE 01" 'l'lll'} I'NIIIN, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, FEIIIIUA RY 2;, 1864 =I tinhs of duty which the times in'iplre, and with that “resorvml 'frvedom mid holvl~ nt-su which are the birthright of an Amcri- ‘ can citizen. .- ‘ , The true character of our Gnvornmont, than, will be the best pHCmvell from .4} glance at its formation. It is well known ‘ that the idea ofn union, more or less ex tensive, of the British ,colonies. was from a very early period nfif- an unfamiliar one‘ with our forefathers. Such 'a ‘uniun was formed by certain of the New Edglnnnl cnl onies as early as 1643, the object being the common defense against the Indians andr Hie Dutch of Xew Amsleglaiu. The con grns which met at. Albany 6 in 17%, and in cluded oiher colonies- than the New Eag- ‘ land. colelnplated a similar union. as did the still more impnimnt. one which wnsl called at the same place in 1754, to consult. for ihq protection of the colonies agaimt hesiilities by the French and lndians. The projected union. however,» failed through jealousies on the pan. of the Home Govern— ment, as well as among the colonies them selves. The idea 0E colonial much wins at length fully matured in 1774, in the tirac Conltlnentnl’ Congress which met at Phila. dolphin, consisting of the repreyentauves of twelve colonies. Its object, it. will be re membered, was to‘consult for the “common welflre” against the Oppressive measures Ind unwarrantable pretensions of the “10!ng er country. While resistance Wus'dele‘r mined upon against the claim to 15x the colonies without their consent, the idea of independence had notyet. found acceptance ‘in the colonial wuncils. In the Aspirin ol‘ ‘it- DEL“ Elli-ID ~5 A @EMCDGRATH@ AND FAMHLV JQURNALO ; GETTYSBUR’G, PA” MONDAY, MAR- 145186-35 J‘ v tachment lo Gram. Britain, the colonies Would frat-1y have unhed in conceding to lwr the benefit oghur navigation acts; could she have consented to redounce the {gal claim to thn- rjnhfit nHuxnlion. The me‘xis urc-s mloptorl by ([113! Congrosq lmd'for lhen’ ohj.-c.t to compo] Jun to abandon that, right. nnll British (-omuhnrce‘ Win to ho renounced ll” nhe did so. ‘fl'uo years Enter, by the null pr-r-ish-nmx o! tho home Hawrnmcnt m hnr unjmt "hymn-N! the colonies were forth-ll in‘m in‘dglwnllc-nco. - ‘ ';.\.‘)7nultunemhlj with that act. the Conti nr‘ntahUongrvw [“ufoceedwl to prepare Arti ('ll‘x' 6| (-‘onl‘cdq-mtion‘, which should exp-em; l‘m- nutur:l of the compact. between {he Stun-s, :Inrl dn-finc the powers conterred up on Him Conurmsfim wel! at )hom roserw-d to Un- Stairs. Notwitlmtumling the grc-nb mwu of‘he (-ommon oxigenoy. «live-rufy of inn-rash. lovaf mqiurhcos. and -_jo:zlou-ie=,' pmvontml nn imlm-tlnlte umon hv (,‘onm‘ws ’on sm-h urtivlni {lnd not. [ill in Marci-. 17“, mm HIP moth-mint} .n!‘ lhé-se mimics com }:Ze'ed by Lhe'thil'm‘en Stun-s. \tht is to he'¢~~;u‘-cinllv flntnd in the whoh: of lhme proceeding»; is the jvnlous cnrn oxv‘rvieod by ihe m-veml colonies in as wrtmg lhvix' inrilivuluul ion-nigmy and in gmml n}: it ngninw encrmmhmena. -'l‘htw, in uu- union of Um wmousinth-péndonl pn [Himyl communnimlll-appointing tlrh‘gfu‘ei to tho (‘nulmu-tilnl Cunpruw, the “50M and ('.u'hHiw- reauuld'non 0! their own internal guvr-xnmnnl. )liviit-v.’nml (-oncrrns" was ex- Nu-nlv rem-rvml. The s‘th énusemed ll) surwmlvr «mlyyn very Inlrhal control over the “WEN" n: lgmlu. 'l'he‘ (:01);_'I'k*~'~‘ Wils‘ in— v’mmd by tho ai-tmlos with uoudulro! what» ou-r nw-I zw/uigjwflt. l’ajln-rum-oui- cleathe‘Ufiitm]Strntnswero 'Pn-nlifwl t 0 cinsk‘hno wan-of tho Hrévolulion, Hun] wuxru n'urhwlt‘ponnh-uw. 1111!, :13; re q-mtinn Inr deihnquemic: in .rn'iqng rove nno Oflllll! only! be mmh- against. the Staten I_in lhni‘r curitmutc ‘cnpacitws. Lhmio was n H mnly win In Hmse “cm withhold hy‘" smn- « mm-t :i vex-mt tn r-xvil wnr. This mm llw drivel bf tho-nlxl (_‘uutmlu‘y “10“, as it hml luw-n‘ ot'ujll ~ilm|urAmtuhlhhmnntsnt' nuvinnl :unl [unlit-I'll tilm-s—ut tho (hevjan ’ll-puhhcsz the: (h-rnmniv, Hansmliv. the Dutch, and lho ”vh'clinn. "l'he immedi ate and mowing griov'ulce which pmnlyzed ghv vnurgnu nI tihvCunl’x-th-mln anvrnmvnt was [he lumwmm. IthNE. :Ill'l cnnthclln: ianH-‘huml rn-‘gnialihrh in regard 'm trmh‘. In m'xh‘r (nan-me 1110 {mm-- ole Rpm» hIIL-n H. mm m-rnwmv that line cnmn‘wrx-c r): llw ('unmiy _shnuh‘ihc- [rm-ll from the disunlvunan-s umli-rwhu-h :1 n'asylzmed by tho dzwx'xrinualiMu unfiwwl upon in by for l-iun Huwmuwnlx l-y th nnvm'umn hnv< “hivh thmr mvn inlvrvstsQmLctipulilv hull imlum-Il 11m“:iliuvvnnnn-mf to why”. IL wn‘nuk h‘~~l)t‘§‘|‘f«:u'y that the public lzfiih ~huuh| Inl lu‘v-‘prrod: that the (h'hh ('nn~ KJm-l: .j Illnnlai lim 10-vulutlnn \hnnhl he l‘qlmlntwl and; 1h:- lrmtv ~HI-nhxllmh mtu “hf-“h \lofiml (nu-nu! u'llh I‘l'n'uln'un ‘it-V -( rmm-nh .\ll'h'lth' cmnphwlfi uh. .1! mp ul ~3l ll: m-~~:nv “t x !-In\ uh. 'm' the u-mnmon ch:- l'- nw.” 'l'iuwi- .\n-rr tln-wmt :unl prmwn’: induct-mint“ to the leltlmlltltl ul 3 ln-w‘ hmnluu‘t nt' l'l‘iinn. In it It l‘(' «H mu smith-ht :Il~n lni'hhc \V’ukm-m mu’lyifliivlliclt-n -(-y of tire (.‘nnt'ttzlvmtion hyj‘onlerrmg upon th'a m-ntrnl (ihvcrntnt-ut :JNIII Linn-r :1111l 1.~-I.tvt' ll: hnwl pram-1;: :iml. hy (ertliutinu .th'l-m thrnuuh on-ll‘hulntn‘etl lt'L'i~lzttt\'i-. itt‘ ll'f‘iul. :nnl ('.\t'l‘llll\:l’ (lt‘lflll‘tnlt‘lllp, tn hill}! tlv-wn llmxc pnh‘nrs (‘0 operate upon mihvul n .L; ln than: (hit-c llflllll'uifll‘h; in [lit ._.- “'tlf‘t‘ extent‘nntl him-e prt-i-iw 4h ti‘nitim'i' all [in‘ "nut-[‘4 011llVi*_\'P'l; lM hul'l‘t’llt‘k'rJlu tlm continl of the, sevvrztmtatv: over the ‘Sulljt‘t't of cmrhnol‘cial regulatium; and in .tlw ali~ttihutinn oi" the powers through {L wrll nrgnnizotl‘nstmn, so :h tn not anon in .llivv‘luals within the sphf‘l'é‘ul those ||o\V?l'h' .cmn-Mx the great anul nmtrrml ilill'crcncc of the Clln‘nlh‘lllfill of 178'.) from the Arti‘ fol-=l3 nl (Junk-«Mixititnl. It was those t-hnngcs “'it oh (‘wnN-rt‘iul the Gm‘t'rumvnt oi the. L'nnml .\‘tutmil‘rmn a slit-stuns link llilt'lt'S‘h :unl tnt-tliuivnt‘ ot'ganiutiun to onc- oLJital :tml curt-smm: punt-r lurgwut ttntl lwnriicntl Plltii. ll was and is \llu nut Itssu I'bult‘raV (y'uurument. thhor in tho:cit'cuntx'mhcw ‘whwh :tttt-nrh‘ll HS form mom antl hilnptimi, nor in the urtihmrnt itwllthanr _Vvt in the ;(-:gpnsitim< ol';its founders, is there uppi rmnt nnv‘intehtion to substitute a cm s .l-E inlntod Uovg'nimont in lieu of that ol the‘ cmnpu'chnt‘ thé S-lih a. l y The Convention of 1787, which franictl‘ tho Confittulion, was compotetlol' Ilelcgates' from the sew-ml Status, and not lrom the pnople uglaljge. Pmposittons in‘ that Cun- ,‘ iwntinn mime voted upon by the dele rates, 1 gnot us individuals, hit by Ayn/ed. It was, :not xtjin'ijority at the delegates, latttznl:ijor ity ot'vthe S/tlh’jv. by which each [branulmn , \Vas rejected or became a part of t 19 Con- t lstitutinn. As‘ the people rlifi not hct Ma' iwltule in appointing, :\ Convention to form . 'n Gonstttutmn, neither (lid they in ratifying I ‘ it; but the ratification was by conicntions‘ ‘appmntetl by the people of the' several‘ ‘Slhtes. This ratificatinn was alsanmle nti different times; for while thi- Constitution} wrh adapted September 13. 1737. the con-f hom‘ol Virginia, which m; that of the ninth ‘ State wa~v noch‘sary to put it in Operation. i Imu not obtzufiod until an 9 26,1738. Andi ;thus., as ac t-pted by nine States, the! new (internment .went, into operation the' 4th oi March, 1739. North ggolina did not; accede until the 213?. of Ni mber follow-l L ing, mnre than two years :tl‘tctj its adoption ‘ tbv tlm Cnnvehtiun ; nor Rhode Island till 5 ‘ May 29, 1700. nearly three years after that y i event; aml those States. during the veiled § 01 their hesitation. were treated by the le tgi=lntinn of the United States as l'oreignl' {cumin-fies. By the eeventh su‘ticle of the. i Constitution it is declaredltlmt the mtificn-! ftion of the conventions of nine States; 3 “shall be sutfibienu (or the establishment oi" this Congtxmtion between (It: States so ratify- i ' ing the hinge.” The tenth article also ‘de- l icl'ures tlint the “powem not delegated to. fflia Unitéd States by the Constitution. DOP‘ l pruhibitéd by it t 9 the States, are reserved to the States Itespeclively. or to the people." i It thus apgiearé. from a consideration of -the circumsqmces under which the Con-l :stitution was ipruduced. and from the pro- ‘ visions of the? imtrument itselt‘,_ that our [Gavernmcnt gis a compact bpt‘ween sover ‘ eign and eon-qunl communities, the Statesi chmpmi it 4 Gouverneur Morris, who was . the indiafiual in the Convention upon whom 1 . devolved thel tSI-k of revising the languag’e i ‘of the instrument below its adoption by' that body. .1150 declared “that the Consti itutmn was a: compact, not bptween ml itm-y indivjdu‘uls; but between political so :cieties.” J i I havelhus‘ recurred to what are seen to be leudmg fins and principles in me, for _ mmion of oujnr GOVen-nmem. This retro- ‘ aspect must oohvmce an that.“ is Manon; caHy true Linn. our‘Governmeut was formed 1 by the Stated as paflies,and not. by indi-i udual citizens as members 91' one commu- ' :Ing I hold it. at. the ma time true that -44 “nu-m 13 Jimmy up mm. PBEVA'IL.” lthl: Government. which is one of limited the exidnnce of the power to coerce, oer-.l ‘ and spatially dPfinc-d women, is of 'the Ltninly did not at l9n<t cnntemplnte itfi excr-' ,uame nbliéutofiv authority within th‘é spherel ciser He nppmvvd of the proceeding! by of the reserved powers. I 50.8 not how thi»; , Mmenchmetts, calling: in‘ aid the pow'er of . can-he otherwiw. slum hnth m-re croanllf the Genera! (intud'hittcflmt lo suppreu the Nb." the *snme flutlxfit‘ltyH—[lntt ot‘ the indi-' Shay insurrection, but he remhrked’in that Lynlt’ml citizens oi the sovoml States acting; connlwtinn: l ‘, '1 ‘thréuph thoir'roqpocttvo Slate Ol'L'lnthl “But‘lmw‘onn thifi forcobe exerted on’l limit“. The Goveinnwut of tho L'nnmlt the .‘tittvs mller‘tiw‘y? It H iinim—~il:lo.l State: n'nd thnst- of the ~(‘\'l‘l‘fll Sign» nrc' It arhmlut‘ h :1 :lvclurution nt' war In-twec'nl I there-lore brim-Hy snvoroikn in their -r“-> thu‘l-n-iir-s. Fnroizfi Powers ttlm Will net‘ t spt'ctlvn when. I than-iv“ tind no dltli-" h» "vitllo ‘_«pevtmnri. Thuy will inti-rfer»: iculty in a divided allegiance, and I hold tlmcnnfusinnwill nflouavmndatlhlzanlutionl i that allegiance to bind the citiwn- in l ol‘thyl [’nfon willirnxuo." [ Loqunl dt-groe to tho govt-rm nut .01' the: Ig iq fimarpm from tho. hiqtnry nf- the! ‘_Ktntn and to that ot‘lhu nntin I. lmth {WV State rights drm‘trinc that in t'mmitm a "rt-l cat-ding from the same court"! lhr‘ pvfll'le; tmnal (hwnrnnwilt ‘lltt‘rn mil-(x many :mdj nl'thn sbveml Siam. In P-‘h‘t’nf irrvmn- git-at 'liV‘Jl‘Hllt“: to he reconciled hetwovni ' ciluhle'dillrronce lit-tween the: Federal and ,' tllo indclmudvnt S'utoa. Though Fl-mk-l ~Ktate' (luvt-xntitetit=, th-lrc is no nocej~ily ' it 251 common lanuu'igu, and [wwowing the' i that “in parties to the compact tfllplll']. l common Luv “-1 u. cummnn inh‘t‘rit‘tnco, thel each for itself, decide the disputv: for in‘colnnioa of the tlittl-rbnt sections were: , the vnrv tnstrutitortt. ol'ycnmpzu't‘ the_\' ap- . marked by rn'lir-nl and‘ «Hiking pr‘clllill‘l-l :' pointed an arbiter. the judiciw‘y, bygvhosc tiPi. -'l‘ln~ I’uriturfint‘ New ~l‘fiigland dnl'vr-l I denieinp-x they ngruml to ulurle. . n lml nnt mnm‘in chdrnvtor frnmflheflwnlims ; ll' thwe were still nbt .cullicwnt, «ml the lof Virginintlmn tho Huzummts of the (hr-l , Cunstitu‘tion. OV9“ tinder “10 ihh‘l'W'i‘Udifln | clinus from the Qu.nkors of Ponnkylvnnin gotiits own functionmirse, should he found l and ' tlm Rom-m ('ttho‘lipa of Maryland! in: its walking to llt‘Jl‘ hard upon individual , from the [mm] of New York. The projn-l ,St’utm. thnrp WM ~till mmthur pen'elul S diet»: of opinion and nntiputhiné whivh the rcmvdy provided [JV ”IO Chflm‘r- Thi‘ \Vilfii settlor< h:'nll!llt.wltlt thvm from Europe! the ztlun-udun-nt of the clun‘tyt‘ “$9l! ‘lti m-rv still :trtvvolv chorishml in tlu-irnmfl i< {Lt‘finu‘qllt‘nl'l‘ 0f; thmn ’vn-ws~ that l’lH‘l‘el' ztlmd‘v. 'l'twrni wrro also Hide llitlvtonces‘l ,is no mum- which wbul-ljmtxty withhofdinx i ot'.iutei'est. l'lm intui'mts‘ 6f the nut'thn‘n" ~ nllvgmm-e from thé anrnment ofvthe A Status \l'vre chi. tlymmmviciuhtwh wc‘ztlth . Unite-d Status and I‘Cs'lslln! its authority. l conki~til|g in u... 51.”,3 engaged in the mm: i ulnch might not bra nt'~ulliri"t}t nl:_|gnitu~le' flying tr ula pnd iii the. tidh‘rien. I'l'he: 'nn'l npprn<~ivv chiudotn-r tn nutlmrtzo ’I'o“ $151»; (if thu- stiuth, whom", pmpot‘ty wan; SlSlimW? 10 ”IO Slum 'tlfWUlrnlW'an- ‘ln “ mnre lalt'gelvjn aldvei, were inn-rustnd in .3 ' othurwm-da thoreiino mumtt-sultingi'rmu Hduntinx‘. In tnrming in common ,L'nvcrn-y tllq nature nf tlnx omnpwt, m‘ the rolvuiun ‘ merit tli}3§o disc wrdnnt olt tneutk had to hc' oft-l 1" partim, tn (in thi< u.~ nix-rinditutionrtl (‘nmultv I and rccunrih-d. 'l‘n‘ any one right, lrut. nnlytlmt «who wlm-h oxi<t< In ull ; who leEtr-A'ully stuvtwd tho lu~tory of the, ‘fnvornmonts the .tI/lnml ruin. - Im, ""2. lllf“ "alhtlllll inn it mm! b» t-lvur’ that I Ill" lull rifihtnl‘ the people town-rand ntmlnhthutrf Ll:-I11.‘llltl{nl' ll'u- kt-(‘tmne hml [Jl'Pn indeu-d (:nrnrnnwnt wlu-n in thoirjmlu'ni-nt it hit». (in in t n- (‘mn’c-uti-m tlmt lmdy would. pmvv-d dmltnclivt-ntit:rnd. Ngillifimt on. have tt-t'lnilm'lml witlmut Wrifllfi But the and Arm->44”) nrv thou-rut", in mt'. Viennwuuvzmntr \\ .14 one t‘lllmg loudly l'ur cum ultlu‘ “itlmnt vim-mitt. in the i‘unfititntlnn. \ prmniuni and tly- wm‘ ltv‘ul: und'fimtiiotiu' ‘ 'l'lm South lm< hem) c.m~€~h-nt sinco ”93, 1.94.15 atr tho-m. n at" the ltvvoluliut. Want in n lhorin’; tn tho ducmne at it itv rigth—Hrm-n tulmr-vt it In lln- l-i'nlu-r spitit. Now When thn Cumttttition lir~t wt-ut iuth npu- linghmil'drumudvd ptotmtmn tnr her Inv iration the thPhlllu that ”H" (.‘umtitutimy' iguttcn. Wllllf’ (ltd .\‘uuth rwiunwl protoc wns a compact ln tiyt‘r-n puli’t'c tl «width»: Ot' lmu’ 't'nr‘ lln‘l‘ lat-nu- piuvpct-lv. Tno~o dn- ‘ snvr-ra-ignlimlrm‘oiv’v‘d thr- (umwnt ot’mimy anmk Wow rmmnl-iled l-v tlw Shuth HIP-I of thv urmtm’xt ling.lumlllllll|l3oldlll3 I-M‘IIIJ [enduring tn the mnnmun (lau-t‘nnwnt thr‘ It u'..< udartml :N dhiinntw :tud Ptupliutiv- ri_vht to tax ,tlm ~l|ip~ nt foreign S::It0~ and, all); luv firm-ix kg rim-Imm. .lnluwm. :m-l tn imp O-m dutiN upon itnpn-'t~—in ntlmr’ {Hit'ur lill wru'tli. :tltl'l“.\'u"l< “hivl Jthtlct‘ wank. tlm (El-"(rill of tho \vhnlt‘ ultluij-L of of tho l'mtml Stutoa; ntlthn .anth. IN it was', trunh~~an England mnredmg in n-tnrn} lu,’ Mulimn zm-t .1.111-r~..n. _\'.7r‘ (lid the to tho South the light of imp: ‘tijug ~lnvosi .llmtr'nm rut. tnnrnly on pmhiitutmnztl hw- fnr tswniv yours, Ih‘n tight tu gim‘c tluce-f 1m" and fact. m'ulLtrm-t tln-nry with ’lllt’ fifths ni'tlu-r ~l~|v<~ rI-vlintmnl in thv haw; North. “I'ln'tllt‘lllv l-vlnrc thi» “at? done {Ol-ng.rnwnt‘ttmn._»n:l the right. tn the sur lw anv putt. of the Smith \\J~‘ t‘lm thy-my nl' rm“)...- Q! J,” Yugiljvn .41,va . 'l‘;,j,-_ as, S! 'h- nigh“ lt"~"l‘lwl tnl-y rm.- Hngg'uid n: vhuuvtn-t-iz-d l‘v (invulm-ur Marti» “11‘" :t inm timtiun l'nr Invalunu ll}: (hm-17M in. tlm “I'u'jzrnu” lu‘tt‘l’t'l‘ll the fij't‘lltfll‘. and by , 'l‘w- ll.~t .ui' tln «I mu (hum: Ill" azimuth; it >1 Army lit-4.2." a pun 01‘ bur “Jul-mitt 11:“le til “' |~llln‘.'i_[||l. \V’ 1‘“ ”W .\."M' Hug- (invorumvnt. ll vl tllr‘w t"o|t(w~-iun~ not l‘m'l'dl -Iv.t-.-~.vnt..ti\'P\ dovlJH'd “I!!! thaw lawn 0mm”! i» but the \implu “.th . Sums “mild >l~n dq unl.u~~ tho nL-luli 0" ”m to szw ”HI ‘0 ‘fiullu-Tl’. .N't.Ltw~ Would}. Stun-s ~lu~uld la :IL\llllll‘li hv tlm‘i:lH'l.2ll_m'-\u-li' have become put'tEt-s. to ,th UuV' linvvrmm in. Tim BC‘t‘UlM‘ um upéxn tit» nontwi-‘nn ni thvvtnhurgt) .mt, 1mm"! Damn», hm- flit. l-‘T‘T. :u‘ :i ‘n tuii.\m"v Iltt'fli-ul‘l" to nwu‘t thy I'm 1111 My! .\ltidn rh Cll'l'i “E Napo h-un nml thi- “I’lltrh m-ihs In “flight-11; 'l'hl‘ Huhnuo hung. in tho v..'--.v uhttiv “h -tvvn Slat». tin-gm“! 7h :\ l.!r,\\":r§ thr/ ('umllh no fur ‘thu hunt-tit M'nthm: xé-r-tzn ‘ of tlm vmmtry.‘r-imn I’x'~:~li|lll‘t‘ wm ihr my, t-m‘ll in ww- ”H' (‘tnlhn'gnJLt‘ unhuij'l-dn— The viuh-nn'o Hi this uutvrv <u-t-u'l'ul (he rv-i pm! nt‘thcomhm’gn m 1809. \ ~im§tfuuh~u pnvjition WIN ntnri‘bstetl ,m Nuw l‘mglanth :11: in run the pun-hm'xi nt‘ In)lli>ji|ll-‘L Tm: prc‘fmsitinn nt' :1 mmm'n'c which has‘ mhhul 1-l‘lHK‘ll‘CUl‘J‘t‘y tn t'nn guutm-x“ and 1m“: purity of tlw country “‘Sts met “ilh‘Nmllur ‘ thrrjnte of :liwulving the Unmn. i ‘ But a fnurth film: and with stilmomler :mtl muse unentHi-ad chum," (lul New Enq threaten reboliinn tn tlw G-wqrnun-ut. nnli' throw hm‘snlfi upon the doctrine nf St Ltncnvoreignty amuthnrizinzncinsolutinn [of tlw I'ninn. 't'hif \\':Ndu! In;_' the- Admin istration ot'Mr. Muihmn, and 2mm «lmutis- ‘ inotinlt With it!- nt«*:31~lll'é-‘~“ the hut nl whtch ‘ wu< the (loot u-utamt pt wat‘ "m 1812. Slavery thl'll. its now, \v:u~ ht-hl up as “the‘ rntlnn pm t of tho (toxrtituéon’f “hich muétK ho amputated. It tnuttelvd not then, as it has not in more rm-ent times, that. it mm a part ot‘tho Conshtutiqn. Thu opprmtim) ; tnqk nn “runnivnl fotm of l-xprvmon in; (he ”artt‘nrd C thventmn nt‘ Dvcvmbr-r‘ 1'). 1944. in whirl: M I<fin|nhtl~PLlh wru rn‘l'l'e-f soured hy twvhie don-gut)“. ‘.‘unuet‘ncut by i sbvon, “hodg- Island tum: Nt-W Hmnpéhirc‘ hv three. and Vulthonthy one. A tll~>oiu-; tinn'nf the Union and tm-m Itinp of :1 nmvl cmeh-mny wits the rnmptiy to which that; mnvnntinn lnnkell unh-w their térmashnutdi he complimi with: and ulteriur txtcusures" for :m actual «pm-alien nt'the States wcre" to be taken hv n suilsmlur-nt convmitmn mi hr,- hohl in‘ June fnlloa'mg. Like South; Cnrnlinq before the final art of sop-"union" the St-ntes of Maesnchmotls and Unnncuhg cut Shnt commiwi‘onvn to _Wu-‘hington to [ma-cut their qlmnnnvh tn the Administrm tiun. Among tht-qe Wm the high nanie of Hut‘rimn Gray Otis. ’l‘het 'simultaneous nrrivnl in Washingtofi of,the news of the' peace of Ghent. noldbnbt alone snvwl New i England the hnnor nf‘nnticiprtting the; southern States in sepnrdting item the Uni- O". ‘t It thuyppeara that in the heresy ofse ceke‘on anll nullificatinn :i-i cunstitutiunnl rénwllies for rozil or inmgihnry grievances the, North and the rH‘nuth were alike paHK’l pant“. \Vhile I have oxprmsed my own disapprobatmn'nfxhccumequenvesdeduced from those «lnctrnws. it in xuipos~ihlr~ to de— ny 11111:. their lull jimnficntmn is l‘mmtl in‘ the teaching: and practice'nf the Nnrth.—- In my judgment both were wrong. Alleg'b ance'wus in both instances equally duejo the General Government within tllG'Splmre ofthe granted powers. m tn the States Within the reserved; and I do not think that in either qusejhe grievance was suflicient to justify revolution. - As to theright of the General Government. to coerce 5} State. in such circumstances, thn preponderance ol‘autlmritymuy be said to have been adverse. IL is well known theta propnqitionnn confer the power of coercing a state was mmle in] the Conatitu tioual‘Conventinn by Edmund Ruhdolph, and was lltclsh'ély rejected. It_ is also clear that. it is not among the specially granted powers. and it' it be foun I there at all, it is amnug thoee Which Are nece<ezuy to carry the granted powers into effect. It was the opxnmn of lohnsnn and Ellsworth, the dt’legutes in_lhe Cnnatitutional Conven tion from Connecticut. and oer. Madison. from Vn‘ginis. that the Uonsmutmn does not'attempt ,to coerce sovereign üb‘tates in their political capacities; that the gamer which IS to entered the laws is to be Mcgal power. vested in the magistrates. The force tube employed is the energy of law. and thin is to bé'exerted only upon indiwklu alt. Hamilton, if he did not expr'eglslydeny ‘9 P 1; M;— 74%“; ormn’rnt. " ' ‘ ‘ , Nntzh. tlmn. Wns‘ llln (invnrmitl’int h-l't lii lyinut‘ lfilln'l“; and win Ilt'Vl'l' innit we may i find with the ooh-litigms which it urfi'nlvrs; i gum] fiilli- rwlnu-od tint “'0 .shnnld .\‘ll‘lCllY' :ullLern to thv‘tii. l tn‘lil-ve thv lli'\llll'y nt “yr ‘i"»‘-"'THH]I‘HI “Ll h-tt‘ mt‘ out in tho :twmtiun, that wh it--\‘nr tr'mhliu \n- hum ’5”. an} ttgnv l'\] ennui-ml lmn- lu‘t'l] m can .hqtlu' tire: of the“: .w um :v if I‘m J. urlyn’ NU-d Icm and of u dv'nt'tnn- train the with, of 'the (rampart. ll tni_'ht inrtmm'u that de .l- mum in tho cuw ot‘ the c~t.t|.l.~hnit-ht ot the nzttignnl hank. and t'm n~<uxnption of tlm Stnto dr‘btu. lt mm a {urthm- stt-pi’n ,tho :mno dtrm-tinn "win-n hyithe tmitllol' t lfllfi and: INN n'nd thus tlytit's mm: im port: wvro lt-viml n‘ut idl‘ lhd- Clt'dll)’ con ,xt tutinnul plil‘pn-‘l‘ of an (-n‘nnnmicnl ad mmi~tmtinn of the Gov-‘rnmvnt, But for thu nvnwwl nljavt. ol'pmtm-tion tn haine_ manufacture-t. l'hppv. thrice huppy for the ’W'Oltlt} of thwe .\‘mjos would it have l-et-n had tho nortinnul feeling of the coun itry limited near tn such t'ril'imphs as it might hope to nclttovo through the fixer: ci~e of the ’implied powers under the Con stitution. ~ But, it manifested itfinlf further in 3 (iii snti~tuvtion on the part of the North with the wmprnmiws of the Cniixtitution in re? yard to slavery. ‘ Thorn tmd indood r-xmed almost, ontitonipnrnnpoudy with the rider)- firm 0f tlnl churn-r .'| small party nl'Alaoli; tinni~ts, mncihtiniz chit-fly ot‘ tho (In tkem of pr England unrl Ponnsyl‘vnniu. These [mi-ti”. during Washington’s administra tinn, hurl, nwnmriulwnd (‘.onwpss .tor the nlnulninn ot llnl .lnve- tindopmnrtn thn time fiml in tho ti‘nnfinutinn. and tnr thr- about. tinn of «lJvt-ry within the .\‘tntw. This c'r‘y.‘ whtt‘h originutwl with fanatic". was naught up by yolitmiank fry party huh, and was mm] w th gir'nt lnitturnmx' by t’hn nmtht-i'i jnurtmlvtn inton~ily the ltO>lllily which‘ that set-[inn entertained tmmrd the men-l sure: of Mr. Jn‘fii'l"‘ll"~'flntl Mnflhulisnn’u adminktratinm. 'l‘hiu ztvirit of hostility tnl slavery .cnntinne-d lo ini‘t-onso. and brokeil out ‘with {NE-ll vitulf-nt‘e on theflpplit'fitipn 1 of Missouri for :vltnicsinn into the Unibnd It thus nssumwl -m unprecedented impur— g tam-é {min its connvctiun with a contest for. litiml mar. \ ‘ poShnrtlmlter, the public mailfi wpre mod i, to distribute. over the South incendiary matteunnlculntgfl to stir up in=iirrectinn mr.nn’;:tho slm’ns. Cnmreeq‘wns bMicgt-d for the nhnlitinn‘nf slnvl-rywithin the Li!- trict oanlumlun: and John Quinr-y Adams: per:|~t(‘n“y an] deli mtly pirmntml [imi tinn: [ir'tving for the‘ dismln'inn of the U nion. Shun nullified liy their logialuhnn the ant-I of Crrngroas-pmsed in pursuance ol‘ the pro'li~ion in the (fon~:.tutmn fur the rendition of "lugitivm tram lthnr.” Penn sylvania thus repealed, m ‘l5“, an act p‘lnmd upon her statute-book in 1780. And 'when a territort tl government {or Ore- on was to lm )rnrided, the propusition to eiteml the Missouri lint-1 of 36° 30‘ m the Patcifié ocean wiLs rejncteii by Congress, and the Wilnot prnviro. prohibiting qlnrery in Oregon, adapted. Cnltfnmia was nlao adinittrd m ”tatéwithout p 353”); through a territnriul condition, and with an nutt slavpry ”cbnstitution; The effect was to mnka a rliscriminntidn [between thecitizanq of co-cquaT Stan’s? which the Can‘titution did not contemplate. Simultgnéously there .ammtrnd in .\lr-w England oemain new social and politiml theories in rvlatinn to slavery. That these theories were of foreign origin iittle doubt can be entertained. The un eprptedsuccessot'oti: polt‘tical'inititutions, 'the growinggrentneu of our American Re public, of our commerce, and all qur in duatrial pursuitq, had 'begt3n to affect. England with fears for-the permanence of her own superiority. And even. for tire ‘dura tion of her political system. The success of an economical a gnvemment, and oneso favorable to the rights of man, seemed. to be a standing reproach to the more expen sive, exclusive, and- unequal enubl'uhmeuu \.\ TWO DOLLARS {AgYEiffli 0f Europdan nhiolutis‘m. In addition to these motives. England had nl~o n. furtho‘y one: we were linr I‘olmllimfi oiil‘nzing. To ‘ spo om- Ropublic prove it failure and-our fedorativv system dividnd, so that One soc-A tion, rould b 6. fought ngniml the otlmr, “'.L‘l_l {he :Lim nl‘ lxoth 'her pride and pom-r. . IL was tlmrofore that. the vigilant eyes 01: mm» i ‘nf hor pnlitiml h-mlm-a soon diu‘nvnrnd Iho i npporlunily niiiirllpd by our dmneflic 4MI ‘ ri‘l‘t‘ll‘l'fis for the imrudm‘tinn and funwntm 'tinn of strife. Al)hiiiinnpllli=<llr<i(‘illlliPlxly 'fnund thrir way to llm‘toni 'l‘fihro-thwirin- i centliary tlnclrinm soon Mum! a congenial ‘ mil. 'i'hn se-nd “l'oll upon good gmuml and incrmcnd A hundred fold." T'A-Jimtinn of tho flavory quiutinn in ew-ry i'nrm nn-l un~ on every novaxinndiax <inve that timo iwon in'rwvorinszly mainhinml in‘-the northern States. and rkpfu-iully in New England, in cnnvarsntion,‘in looturon, by the New; in the pulpit, in the hulls of l'r-ga-lgtion, and upon "Hu- stump! all of which" tended only to Ono dbnslrnus result. I ' Mr. Buchunumhns bvr‘n blamed IN lack ni' 13““ng in mneting the suddun crisis of ithe'Tn-hellion. It! has linen asserted that had ho noted with proper )iroinpumss in' finrl'imliinu thefortiiimtinm in the six ox l‘iiN‘ RouthPrn Statue the rein-”ion would' lmvp bet-u nvgidod. But. the truth is‘. there were no available tronps‘ within reach.— (lonornl Senttwin hia supplamuntail flows to tho “’ur Doiinrtnwnt an tho 2mm Uctniwr, .1560, stntml that but four hundred tmuhm worn within roach inr tlmtyfiiurpme. In H evidigit that. it wui hi: great aim to nvpid a‘ cnllis‘ion. to nv'Fl‘t civil war mid snvo tho/U -nion, nilirmim: tho rlour autlmrily nit/tin; (,invornmnnt to enforce the Federal law; within a State. but finding nnne to boat lmck a sccwling leo into 1111* Union. ‘ln 111:» nullifimtinn irnuidei in 18232 Gem-ml iht‘kmmdid not attempt tn_§~xort this-£OO - power until. an uppiimlion 10.0.0“- grnaa. tho fn'rce hiii wus‘ pushed; Did not Mr. Huvhnnqn Mk Cmmrew tor asinnlzir hill. “or (n nuthnrizo the employment. of militnrv Tonia," and «lid‘nnt oaner fail to grant it 7 ‘ Agrwinu \vnh (imwral Jack son in his Vil'ws 2m ”prim-nod in his threw-ll midrees, in thv ullor Imflicivlu'y of mere force tn prvaexvo‘llm l_'nmn, ho urungl, in his mnuul nu hugn tn Conan-out on the 3d [tom-miter, 1Rn1),.-.n.i again in liu ‘Lu't'iili inowngi-of J mu try 8, lH'jl. the adoption of aunvmlmvnh tn the Conflitutinn ol’ the ‘smnl- r‘hurm‘ti-rfi: (lime subacqucizlly pro. prim-(lily Mr. (Yrittondvn. _ ' l " Fiat fiislilin, runt‘cmlum." -T’.ut t'nnzrtws nmittml tn prnyms‘e amnml mmits tn tlw ()mntitntion‘ 'l‘tu-y omitted? nl-o to Ines theCrittcmlon resolution: htw i‘ngz the mule when. Thmc rowlutiom, it \‘Nn-«tntml lvy 50w”! muthnrn Svn ital-«,bne (if whnm was Jvfl'nrmn D.tvi . in‘t|m>‘:-nate committmx. nf- lhivtt-on. wmild hm'ur been :wcoptwl by thv \Huth as In lush at film} [50!» (lvmvnt. (St-o COllL'l'l‘qufllill G lob", sécund 34‘~.~i0n Thmv Sixth (fungi(nsfvnlumn 41, part 2,,l'mgm 11:90, 1555!.) Had Mr. Lin criln, utter hik~ :ll‘rh’ul in “'.tsilitmzlon,. but said the wor-l .“pvucm.” thée rcnlluélmm wnultl have bevn :l'hbph‘d and the 'wm‘ avoided}; South (‘.nrulur would have stood zilrmo. At Univ. cri~ia i was uppuront: that, tho (hum-r 0C (liwnluti-u and t-tvil war was hath rm] and itnnzim-nt. Mr. Lincoln was unequal to tho «vaiunw The peace Imm fi-n-nt-b:itliuurnmlu Illl‘lulill)|i0l‘1nl-inf‘fi0h. (fun-1”“: adj: yrnert lnuving t-vfifijthhtvj un- L‘rtt'h‘tl :m-l thn who):- (‘ountrv’shukl-n by the- mINL violent u;:tmlinn.. The caTli-Lion .in the h.u'lm|' of (Yin tx'iN—lon, “‘45 the Lind conqvquonoog ' . ' The rmulernf linc‘ifil l‘ii<'or_v nor-rl-hut, *rr'mnmhcr how ff‘uhlc “‘QS the: (-loqm-nconf Chuthnm in-arrosting the prugrt'annf the “far with tho American (-utnnim Mu‘r it had bt’t-d coinmonced. The~ mum authnri ty remind: dint thu mighty ofihrtfl at Fox to nvnrt the war with Frnnvr, which ended onlv with Hg:- bntths ~of W-um-lnn, and the okiln of anuloon. Pt-um- lfi‘lhtr pt-licy of all (iovermncnl-I. thn indispr-nstihiu ptitifi‘y of“ republic. whuao grant. h‘l-llfi id pqpulur nfi'nctinn. With ua I holiovn i—t. could have. bin-n prvscrvol without sacrifice. - ’ In the Pun-Mom's [-mchuiiulion which qunwu-d he called for stl’lHy fivt- thousulfd valurtevrs “to defowhthe mpitnl. Uri-e -m‘pture tin) forts. nml enfo’rén tite.l.uv-t.”—~ The volunteersthnsculled formimp [or-ward with u promptly,“ and nlm-rity which did crmlit to tlngir love of vountn‘, and ithca toll theirletavhnhnt to that (‘On‘ilfllfllflnnl Govprnmnnt lvft tin-m by their tuzjtt-rs.untl their rc-solutiop'tn rcpt-l at: £ll hnzxu‘d-s the snorihngious attempt thin I .uhe upnn its existence. The )wnph- wpt'u Ml!“ Tut-Um!“ assured of the conxt-rvutivo I'ntrpnma and chnmctor 0!" the wnr now [trot-03ml, by the instruotinn‘l issued by the Slider Dupurt mom to our representativn-q at. Europoan courttz, as we” rm in tin- pohcy ummunced‘ in lht- I’rPsul-‘M’q innuuuml mltlrr-u of the 4th March, ISM, and in his min-«nae, tn the sppciul'Cnngrew whivh mat in Juty follow. ing. Mr. Seward declared in these imtruc tictn“x thnt— ’ , , l ; 4‘ Mural it'nti 'phVZiit‘n‘ wanna have dethr i mined infloxibly the diameter a!" each ane 1 of the "ferritmycs' burr which the Ilisiiute ‘ has arisen, and both parties, aitoi th» elm: tion. harmoniously ugrpml un’all the Fed- Prhl laws require-d for thrir organiu‘ttqn.’— The 'l‘erritories will remain in u‘ll I‘Hpects the same, whether the revolutiun shall sue: ceetl Orélla“ fail. The condition ofulnvery i 1 the several States will ruin-t”) just thé smite whether it. Sin-coed or fail. There u not even a prntvxt ful' thr- compluint th‘ut the_ili~.iil‘9ottlrl State: me to he conquers-d by tlw United States if the revnlutiunifltil; for the rights nf the Strum. nnul the .co (li tinn of every human heing in them-millime runin sulijr-ct to exactly the flame laws .and forms of admini=tmtion, wlwther the i-evo lufian shall succeed or fail. in the nne case. the Stateq would lie federally mm ct cd with the new confefifimoy; in the 038:,- they would. .13 now, be members of the United States; but their cnnstitutinns and laws. custnt'ns. habits, and institutions in Gillie; cace will remain ’the mime. ' V _ “It is nht necessary toyuld to this. incon testahle statemenuhe further (nut that the new Presitl'eiat, as well as the citizens thi-‘o’ whoso sufi'emges he has coma into the A5l - has always reptidinted all de—‘ signs whatever. and whenev:ei~;imputed to; him und them ot'disfarbing tha institution afslngcry ns‘it exists unziel the Conetitu-i tion and laws. The case now would not/be fully presented if 1 were many. to say that, any such ‘efi‘art on his part would bé un constitutional. nml 8‘ his actionsin thin. t direction would be prdnnted by the proper l authority: even though they warel 1:332an l to' by Congress and the people.” Here is the.lmgunge.of the President on the 4th of March. [Bdl : «fa, “ Apprehension seems-to exist amdng the people of the southern B&th that. by the accession of I. Republic-n Administmion their property and maxim .ml personal socurit Ire to be endangered. The” h. never geén any reasonable cause for such apprehension. Indeed. the mod. ample evidence to the contrary has all fire while existed Ind been open to thPir impeotion. It is foalnl in nearly all the publi-hod speeches of him who now addrensea you. I do but quote from one of those spehfll‘el when I declare. that ‘l have no purpose, directly or indirectly. to interfere .with “no institution of «lavory in the States when 3‘ exists. I believe I have no lxiwfnl right I: do so, and l have no inéllnhlion to do So; In the Prfisident's mmnagn to tho special Congrm WhlCh mnt in July-. 1861. unma coin dochlros that “after the rghallion aha“ me ficon suppressed. Hm lin-cutive deems it propel-Jo say. it Will be hiq Dul‘pnne .then'. Z n» cum, to In‘ 2|“de by tbd Can-utitutl ; nml laws,” and that it‘xnnv be expecmfi ‘will' adhere to the \gnsitinnp taken in thé %, inuuaurql udtlrem. [u add”: ' " He desirfls ‘to prt-sorijo ”.5 Goveinment than it {my be mlininihtércd for all as it his Administered by the men who nmdefik— Loyal citizens aver‘ywlwm have the right to claim this of their Government: and the (invornmoni. has no right to withhold or neglectit. L! is not perveived that. in giv ing: it, (hm-air: any coercion. any conquefl. ornny suljugation in anyjust sense of those terrm." “ “ NCI_ (24. We“; Mi. Speaker. 116‘? long were the Administrafipn true to these their minim.- puhiic. and reitera'l‘d p‘lvduou? Why, sir, just until. on the faith of. “(has soéemn u~ summons a million men Wore induced t 1) nhnmlon Hm plilffliis of p'cnco. and muh‘ 'nto the armies of their cuunlry m’fight in the fi'tcre'i vim-:9 0T Constitutional govern }mont. 'l‘lu-n. when the physical arm of :tha Government was deemed mmciently {strong fnr (h!- nvorthrow of the South. [hp inuwk is (an; oil', n'ncw pgrpnse and nbjmg [for limrwnr ia lmldlv nvuwevi nn'i procinlm 10d. 'l‘lu‘ hidmvlu form and rnpuluxva fun -3 tum o! Almlmnnhm were ut first dinguiuegl iin (he droopiivu and alluring gnrb of pl- Hrmtism. It Was nuJongi-r wae wwnr for i Hm prmorvuiiou of the Union under 2*“, I(‘onstilljtmn. but in :frpuhly for Its dent. uo- Hinn,:md in the- iorunlhf cumcienco as well an in that of line mph-Inn luw plnven (he rmiicaln in thu’ altitude of rebellion and rovnintibn. - 0f the Alpplllidni‘zts u‘! A party. nearly‘n qum-ter of n century _ngn (he true character was happily touched oil‘ bytha pencil of llenryfllny.‘ He says: ‘ ' “‘ With thou) the righh of prnpnrly are ‘nnthinu, ”10 tlc-ficicncy nl' tllcfpowurs of the Gum-ml (hwornmont is nnlhma. the no: knowlmlgeil unnl incnnu-stuhle powers of, Jho Status :irv npllnug. Um! wnr, u. diso lgtinnpf tlw Uniun; nml tho uventhrow 0! a Government in which um cnncentraled tho proudest hopes of ilie civilized world. are nothing. ' A single_ iiled has taken pos ‘nessinn'of tlioir minds, and onward they purau'e 11. overlooking all bnrrlers, reckleu and rugu'illcss of all consequences.” ~ -3: t, This party m»: then small nml inqighifi~ cunt;hut_ it: ntlmhorg huvc increased until fwe now behold it nltuwwm and influential gpnmmhto control thcmlvumiatrution ollthe ‘(invermm-nt. Their influence was first. felt - in inthtfc'ring with the mmdut‘t Of the thl‘, ' ulltl in .nutruciaing untl excluding from com- Lumntl tho, gvnvra]: who hml Aumnit‘ostod a. l'respcct. fur the Grinstitutian untl WJJO had {‘shmvn fklll in the field. I‘hoy were not ”nthtind with: pausing, n,hil§notl'nrittg pro- Itwtmn amt, _uutlom to’tlm . was of rebel . masters who should comp within our linen. inot' satisfied willi,.(lirecting the physical {power gt the muntry to the suppression of nrlnotl rc-si-«tuncc to the authority of tlie Howrnmnnt, hut. thny proceeded to carry tho wur dirnrtly. against the property. the :homm. fll‘lll tiroqiclcvjof peaceful non-com , butnnt rcsitlonts oi'th‘o secctlcd States. This iwas in violation, not‘nnly of the Federal t(:onctitu'tipn.'ltut ot c-vory principle of pub llic law. While the elf-«10f this policy has ihéon to t'mitethe South; thr- proclnmfllonl inf the 21d :lan 24th of September, 1802,31"! -[‘ot‘_,tho lst ot', 1563. have signallyt ’lelCd to disturb tho rclulinn of the aluvd hnynnul the h'mtiie presence of our armies. I'l’lxo“l‘rosirlent. it is true. mallo n timid and tweak renistnnce to tJleudoptiun of this pol : icy. but the nlmlition pressure was impen‘ ltivo. 11nd at angtli meccfis‘l'ul. “ I A measure in'v'olving such an utter diam ‘gflrtl of party plmlgm,‘ such a violent out fing :14th ot' comtit‘utxonul obligations. Fuck ‘_dmmr-tii‘ml oppuuillon to _the recognized lprinmplt‘i and to tho uiugpa of wannntl luuvlhn thorough nAlthtttmn tO'widen in lall-ml of lnulinu'the hrmmh O('(’lltll)n?d by fisvommon. could ‘not lm r-xpt-ctetl to be re lct-ivwl w‘nh unqut-almnin; acquiescence on ‘I the part. of the luwtulmlmu, Constitution; ‘ioviug mn~w- ut‘ the Ntxrlh. Hence vast .strtjtnhoq of authority urn Unfi'rm-d, the in ltlt'filllll' power“ at urrtmts is Imiumcd. Ind the time-honored writ of Ila/[cue carpal in suspended. -' V . ’l‘llm. upon the allnng ground of the limufliciency of the ordiu‘ury processes of [law to rlzurnin dislnyul practices, the mihq tury pnwur is rained into n uupet’lority to l thr‘ civilfnml mm-tiul luw in extended over the whole country: l’prmnu not militaryara‘ inmlo lithie to urn-st withnut legit] procem, in a summary number, ypon the indefinite clmrgo of “llhlqvul function-t.” When to mire-atoll thov an :llt‘O (lt‘lllfltl the privilege at that hereditary and cunnututilmul shield of ‘the hh‘orty ot Lll‘flKClllZuH, the writ of Ila/ms tar/711;. . “in it, thv_n. (Janie to this, 't'hat in it (tow-i-ntunnt ot' the people the {pt‘hplfl m‘o lean Worthy to be trusted thin Lht‘lrJ‘ult-t'u? In a nation the truest amt nm'st onfiphtenml upon earth In the citizen to he told by the potty admit.» of~ his own creation that his lth'ty is not‘snfe,in his keeping. and that they, thrnuF-h an mum (‘ll buperior intolliuo-nt-a. mus take it in hpbcml clfiu-go? Sir. wtprtyzun worthy ot'tht‘ name at fret-urn: mi N‘ reconciled to tho Irma of his- priceless birthright of liber ty. regulated by law, by nny such tymnt': plan. as that? l hfzhl‘ve Ido not misappre— bend the character of my count'ryuwn, and that. tilt-y will notflzunl ought "(31. thus to submit to be dwpmh-rl at their‘ (lamest ’ right by any usurpingt lmml. Wlmt! are the people. to he :lrlutlcd'with the idea ‘ that their liberties are to be planet-v 94 or 1 that the Utnverntxiont is to he mtvetl in the an of their destruction ‘2 Are those sacred tirtwidn lights which the Anglo‘Saxon lnnuuht With him tm‘m his'uativa fare-15in tin-mun}. nml which’ he lmaVnever since lived Without. to ho trampled in the dust ’on any such flunk-y _nml .hpt‘ttilfll‘i pretext M this? Amt luwe the sad day: of the Bo mnn time undu- the form: at the republic come upon 'us so soon! Are we to be the sport of imperial rule? _ > 1 Sir, our ms’tttutinng of ()In'crnment-Iro created and dcfinml by iuw, my! t 9 the ngid nbmrvancc of thn law wa must. hold their winnniutrumm. This is our only safr tf. m the history at frm: p‘mu-s bur alw‘ays taught, Luz-cause it show-4 Limb “flavor. in Her etfiailhg firm) thq many tat o few." It. is then a new thing in'our histo‘ry am the ordinary PTOCaIre‘S of law are not found sullicmnt in secure the (iuve harm the exercise-of its lt-gitun‘aw awropér Ill thority.. It, iq unit only it new mg among ourseivn-s; but in unyrccedonted in the his tmy ux mgr, penlaic trmn which chiefly ‘we dun-'.- out origin, and \imm which we buve inhnme i’ inrgo-ly our laws and fre‘e institu t'rqns. N‘ev’m- ii the history ’of Englsnd, eVen in the most turbulent time: at revolu— tion, has it been oonceded‘ t 9 the monmh to wrest prAr-mns no: military mtbout' Nib" rum. issued upon legal charges proi'egnd under 011th. Tuis the common-law pm ceedmg dates back so far-in England that ’ it cgnnot. be determined when it beg“). Ifie, howevér, gnarnmied by Mngna Chur ta. 'Ch tries ' I. did. indeed. try the superi mcnt of arbitrary nrre-ts uppn 'vaguonnd indefinite charges, like those 01 "aide,“ pmcucv‘i.” no: profen-ed ago!) oath, but, upun the mere arbitrary motion of lingual! or members of his Privy Councilat $llO ,uhwrsion bf the constitution and afihutitu tion-of .the mil of the monarch flu kilo attempted to he eflected' by the 0011? th High Commission and Star Chambct, yam