The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, March 07, 1864, Image 4

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    13mm Gvazral.
flu Union Defeat at O/uuun-Tbo New
York Her-Id given the rewume of lelmore'l
brief but dilubrous campaign in Florida,
“which weappend : .
" "[ri nccnrdnncn with the unwary proclA
inauqn or President Lincoln; General om.
more Fun-um] an order nppdintiinz Mqior
I John Hay I commiusioner Lo vis’it Floridl.
mexmhd to the citiznns of that Stabs the
op’Formnily to return to their Allegiance.
0 tend the commissioner to Floridi will:-
out w armed fun-e to protect the loynluu
[mm the persecufiOn of the rebel! would
‘ "til nothing. It wusthere'tbre determined
1 to not. apart Florida urn nepnrale .diuriot
f of Lb! Dn'p'nrlmem. of thq South. and Gnn
‘ «pl Truman Swymonr was appointed to ‘he
? odmmaml thereof.
‘ 0n the ifternoon of February 6. the ox
, poditinn under General Seymour left th
‘ tan Head, and landed lta Jacksonville,
' Floridg, on the next. dny. The advunce
then pushed forward and bouvncked n
‘ Baldwm nn the evening cache 91h. The
aw by then advanced, occupying Sander
soukJn the row to Lube Cxty and. 'fallnhu
ten. .
Our- udvxccs under data of Febiunry 112.
st‘nud that. the Union forces were than
within two miles of Lake City. where ‘Lhe
enemy mu found. and with whom were
in! a prospwt of havmg an encounter:
Up to that limo the mpvemem of the
Union lroopn hud been attended mth com.
New luct‘rss. nndthere is no doubt. that
the campaign mm deemed by the comman
deri a victorious one.
A change wm, however. in store for the
forces in thisdlstrict. In consequence of
the utoppnge of our regulnr dispatches. un
der the orders of the commander. we are
unable tn prenpnt 'our readers with complete
details; but we gm: them ulfull as they
can possibly be obtained from the state-
Jnentu of the [nwcngeru and other: by the
Fulton. . . ~
It appeals that among the forces that
hmie hm: brought into this contest Were
.Ihe followin‘gz—Uth. 48th. and 115th New
York Volunteers; 40th uhtl 54th Massachu-‘
putt. Volunteers: 7th CHIIHPCUCUH 7th
New Bampxhira. let nml'Blh United Statés,
Volunteers (colon-ed.) Finn. North Carolina,
Volunteen, [l‘m-.1. M_is~'uvllusn|tq cavalry}
nnrlpectinns of the lat nml‘3xl United Styles
artillerv. nnd [III-Third Hhmlehluml bntal
lion. These forms, nnt oqutrong in num
ht-rl. worm rag tho :ifu-rnnon pl' the 20th,1
brought. intn'contnct mth tlw re'bols under!
(it. in supposed) either Gun. Harden or Gon.’
lleauregunl.. 'l‘lmse rebel troops were sup-‘
payed to numbnr about filteen tlmusnndl
‘n‘ren. The engagement took place at Olun-l
tog. (In the rmlrond betwuen Juckwnvillul
nntljl‘ullnhnnee, and over fifty miles from
the former place. Olustee is between San- ‘
deraon null Ldke Ctty. . '
From the imporfect account: we have 11.1
would nppear that General Truman Say-J
mnur nPglecled the all important procuu-l
“an of throwing out scouts and skirmish-l
«rs, and the troops therefore advanced in!
force into A trap set by the rebels. Thai
hornes‘nttnchod to the field pieces ofllamilq
ton’a battery were shot down by sbarpshoo—l
ters, and the men in attendance suffered
severely. The guns belonging to “this bat
tury had to be abandoned. The Fortieth
Massachusetts infantry. which had been]
mounted. were brought under very~ new
Vere fire. the effect of which wax: to came ‘
them to rntrpat. hastily. leaving their.l
dead ‘und wounded ‘in the hands of thel
enemy. _ L l
1 Du'ring the ndynnce our. lroo'p! fdu‘nvl‘
themselvm suddenly in from. ofn re‘hvl bat-‘
tel-y. which nfmned upon them A gulling
fire ulnmsz lnfi'nre they war? BWM‘O nCits‘
pruencn. 'Tha guns of the rehab: Were
concealed by the #OO6ll. and the ofl'ect of
their discharge upon the advancing force
was fearful find domrnlizing. The Umon
troops fell back in great. disonler, and were
perfectly panic firicknn.
his stated than. Gem. Seymour but been
placed under arrest. and Gen. Israel Vodges
ul‘durod to hike command of the district,
which has recently been reinforced by a. di
jminn of veteran troops.
The losses are' vnriomiy ostimatrd at
from twelve to fifteen hundred men."
The following “tract is lrom a private!
lbttex received by Mr. 'L. B. “ymun I
of Brooklyn, and contains matter of inter7'
eat: . ’
liR-mx Hun. Feb. 28. 1863
"I had hoped Col. Barton would be abla
'0 write you by thin FSPIITBOI‘. but from what
I hear from him ho is not it writing condi
tion.- The expedition to Florida. from
which we expm‘ted such good result-. had
so far proved a fiailure: in other words, our
tmps haml been badly whipped.
~‘I! seems thPy were ordered to march too
far into the State, anvl‘psme upon fifteen
Lliouaand nl'tlw c nmny, and a terrible ha'ttle
enzued. Barton’s brignde were in front.
and of mur~e mfl'ered badly. Col. Burton
had two hors(-s'kll|(‘d under him. and re
ceived several lmll»: through his hat, cont,
‘50.. yerhfi is unliur‘. \ < _
Yoszerduy was one of the most anxious
days of my whole life. I heard of tha fight
aarlyjn the morning. and that Colonel
Barton's whole cémmand had been our
tqred. ' ‘ '
There were thnu-xandn of stories pflont.
andehon u steamer full of wounded ofi~
col-s md men came in I learned the
truth. ‘ < -
Captain Dunbar and Lieutenant Mbser of.
the 48111, are here wounded; Lieutenant‘
Keenan was ‘killed. Ido not knew how:
many of tlm 48th ware killed: but. there'
no 1 large number wounded, 3nd some are
in the hands of the enemy. Two colonel:
of the brigade an; badly woluded-and one
killed. Every one at. this not feel: sad
enough. I-lIIVB seen nevemrof the noun
ded to-daand I feel thus the whole of‘
-I~‘iorida"i§ not. wnrlll half the auditing andl
anguish this battle has caused. !
I féar' there will be more hard fighting;
in florid-Ayah and we havo' not force;
enough. , . 1 l
“the rvbela can Bring their whole army,
down there in a short ting; And while,
there in nothing being done It‘tho Norlhj
thgro is no xeasou ’why may will not do no.
The dictum names of the oppomion to the
bemoan: have been as followe:
\ 1773. Non Scotia'Cow Boys.
1739. Black Cockndes.
5 18M. Anti-Jefl'eraoniln Improved lion.
181193:th Bank Mm.
3811. Peace Ind Submissian Men. "
X 1813.. Blue Lights. .
miiflgjford Conventionim.
181.6. Wuhinglon Bocietf lan.-
.1818, No-Puny Men. ,
l 30. Federal Republican»
‘ i 26. Xatianhl Republicans. ‘
: S. 'Anzi-xuom. ' ~
‘ 1.“- Aml—Xuonic Whip. (
~ ‘ ”309 (Shun-ruins.
fig”. Ingepondem Damocntlc Whip.
{459. L 93 cum: ma Bard cm" “'hlgi.
'3“. mum AmetinuWhlgl. ' -
1344‘. Goon Party. .
1845.1?!” Whig Puffy. ‘
moi. Mexlcm Whig pmy. '
u {857. The Ami-w“ Patty, A
I» [The Rough And Ready Pas-Iy.
' Wm!“ FBI! and Fulbén Pan},
3“. Th Know Nothing Purl].
‘ _ use. ’X‘lro Pcpplo’l Party. _
Saw. the Republican People's Party. ‘
{ X 880: Thu Bumblican Put],
' H 6). The Rup‘ubllosn Union No-Pnny.
_ )863- if!» “Volga" Putty. '
" “51. Th"? Abolition Party,
. Public 89.1% , .
| r mafim‘ vacuum: TERSONAL
, PROPERTY.—The lubscribrr, retiring
flrom farming. will ofler M. Public Sn‘lé, or his
iregidence. near New Oxford, Adams county,
{on TUESDAY, m. an: din] of NfiRCH next,
|(rbe rule to continue from day to day nu all is
laid.) hi. nimble Farm Stock and Framing
llmplemenu, all being in good order, con-isl
in; nu 'nllmu: ‘
a being ,brnod mores. 18 head of first rule
Co" Ind Heifers, Saw, with pigs. 2 Pinnin
,tlon Wagons, with Rubbers. (one in a word-
Alread,) l One-horse Wagon, 1 Spring Wagon,
i 1 Family Carriage, (for one or two honey) I
, Rockewny Buggy, 1 Sleigh And Bells. 1 Stone
I Bed, with side bonds. 2 sea of )lnnure Bonnie,
with bolueu. 1 Kay Carriage, l. pair at Hay
Lndtlerl hClimhiug Ladders, 1 new lit-el-
Ipring {lone-Rake, l Rewiring Horse Rake.
{ l Reaper, llul-ey'n Patent, 1 Horse Power and
Threshing Mlchine, 1 York Grain and Timothy
Seeder, 1 Winnowing Mill, 2 Rolling Screens,
gone in {or cloverseed and ripple,) 1. Corn
‘ heller, 250 nm Bags. lCulting Box, l Grind
none, 6 Pitch Forkr, G Ely Forks, 4 Shaking
Forkl, 8 Manure lorkr, 2 Grain Shovels, lb
Grnin and Bay Rnkes, allo Shovel}, Spades.
1 .\lnnoclu, Crow Bars, Digging lrous, ‘4 Wheel:
3 burrows, (2 {or lime.) l Three-horse Plough,
2 Two-hone Plonglm. 2 Shovel Plan'Vhfi. 2
Double Shovel Ploughs, 2 Corn Forks, i liar
rnws, l Two-horse Roller. 1 Three-horse
Double-tree, 2 Two-horse~ Double-’trues, and
Single-trees 2' Spreaders, 1 Fifth Chilin, 1
Carrying Chain, 2 pmr of Bull. Chains, 2 pair,
of Brena: Chains, 1 Rough Lock and Ire Cu!-
lcr, 3 Log Chain, 2 L 024: (Imin, 25 Cownnd
Butt. Chnins, 6 Halter Chains. also In! of Iron,
6 sets of Wagon Gears. 4 sets of Plough Gem
and Plough Line-V2 eels of‘Cnrriaga Hume“, l
bLe'Lzher Fl? Sets, 1 new Wagon Saddle Md 1
Whip, 1 Riding Smldlo, 1 Side Smiths, nud
Bridle, 1 large Sledge, l Maul and Wenlgea,j
Airs, llntchels. Hammers, 1 Cross-cur. SAW, 1
llnndonnw, l Wand-saw, l Pruning Saw. 2
Grain Cmdlu, 6 Grain Scythe-ml Corn Chop
pers, and Hoei; l Diulm: 'l‘uhle‘, 1 Kitchen.
Drover, 13.2 mm! Churn. .\leat Vesseln, Hogs;
bends, Cidelr Barn-In, and—Keg], and numerousl
other nrticleé, too tedious to mention. _
WSnle to commence on said day. It 10}
o'clock, precisely, when conditions will he"
made known, on reasonable terms. by
Frank. Koehler, Auctioneer. _
Jan. 18,1864. u
0 SATURDAY, the Hill and 12H: diiys of
MARCH next, the subficrihor, intending tn quit
“re-keeping, will offer M. Public Sale, in
.\lnuntplcns.lnl township. Adana county, or
the mud from\Bom\utho\rn lo Little-.Lmvn‘.
midway between me two places, LheJoHo-xmg
articles.wiz: ' §
A MIT 02‘ HARDWARE, finch n 5 Hinge“,
Screws, Fjleu, Horse Rnsps, Tulnhugl‘lu fur
-frnmo and brick, Sciacors. Knives, (limb-i 9,
Table and Tea Spoons, abqul lU,kega of Sails.
nll gins. QCEESSWARE. of all kinds, n
lnrge lona large lot of SHOIiS, of xhe‘very
betz, small and large sizes. DRY GOODS,
such as Cotton Pnnu Slufl', fine ('assxmeren.
black and figured, Canlon Fbmncl, Wonl
Flannel, red. white and yzllow, film_picue of
Linsey, nil wool, 11 lnrue lot. of Culicnus And
Delanel, Delmge, Alpuccn. Lawns, Gingham”,
blenchegl and unbl'hnched .\luslins, Cnmbrim,
Drilling, Stockings, Gloves. 8. lnr;o ‘lot. of
'HATS 6; CAPS, Brushes. Smoking und Chew
ing Tobaccpa, about 2,000 Cigars, Essences of
all kinds, Rninls.=llch n 3 Venetian Rnd, Red
'Lend. Gregn, in 1 lb. vans. Wh‘uing. Li‘lmnzu,
Yellow 0‘ l'l‘reflkcl, U 145”) by the box, Mums.
Crockery-“fire, and A great many HTUL'II-Q nu!
mentioned. ‘ ('nppefl Hull». n first-nus CUW.
mSnle to commence at l 0 o'clock, A. SL,
on each xhy, when aluminum will be gn’nu
and terms made known by
Jncoh Klnnk. Anctionerr
Feb. 15, 1804. w
Pubhc Sale.
N TIIURSD;\Y,tbe )0!!! day a! March next.
the subscriber, intending to remnve to a.
Sumner faxm. will sell M. Public Sula; at his
residence, in Mountplenunt township, Adams
county, 0 nd a half miles east. of Bonaiigh-L
town, theme-wing personal pioperty, viz: -,_
2 Horsew. l anrhng Cult, 3 Cows. 1 Bull,
IHchL-r. Fuur-horse Narrow-trend Wagon. Hay
Curinges, Gr n Drill, Cum Planter, Horlso
_Gcfln, Plough, ow Three-horse Harrow. Don-
Me and Sing lrres, Halter and Cuw Chains,
a fat of Burt-11, and a variety of oxber nnicies.
Sale to commence at 12 o‘clock, M , on mid
dny. when ancndaucc “in be mum and terms
made knowNy ' ,
Jphn Stallqm‘thrAucLioueer.
Feb. 1, 1354. Is. ,
Blacksmithing. ,
HE nudn-rsigfied would most respectfully
imorm the public that be but commenced
t o
at Dunner & Ziegler-’8 shop, in East Middle
strut, Gettysburg. where he will at, all tunes
be prepared to do lilacksmithing w rk to Cur
'ri-lges. Buzgies, Wagons, ac. Thug he knows
how to do all job“)! the kiml will not be qu'es
uoned by those who have a knowledge of lus
long experience a: the business. Come on
with your wor‘kflnd you‘will be satisfied when
3011 t-lke it. away—and for which he will re
ccive Cash or Country Produce. _
_Jnn. 4, mm. M
Young 'Men
ND OLD MEN. do not nllowqom mothers
A nnd‘your wives to wort out their precious
llvea over the old Wash-tub longer, but. like
true men and benehcmrs, present. them with
an EXCELSIOR WASHER, and instead 9f,
frowns and cross words on wash days, depend
upon it. chengul faces will greet you.
TYSO. BROTHERS, chfibnrg, PL.
Dec. H, 1863.
‘ Metropohtan Falr
I TARY CO\I.\IISSION.—To on FAnnnns—'
A: lxvxn‘rxam—The Ladies of the Metropoli
tan Fair in aid of'lhe U. S. Sam‘uuy Commis
sion, nddresl themselves with peculiar unil
faction to the Farmers of our Counlry.
We know tlm we app M! to geogroul na
tures—stout. worm hurts. eveirendy to bestow
ot'the gift: a good Providence has [0 mnnifi
coolly showered upon you. since the corn
mencement of thin doplomble war. You hare
given noblg ofyour hum blood. Your uurdy
lan: Ind rather: are the glory ’of our Army
Ind 311‘]; ond those who remain 10-tlll :h_e
loil will ch'eerfnlly respond to our invitation,
to onist in furnishing means for: numiniuz,
nursing—comforting such as Ire Eufl‘ering far
from their homes.
Come thui, we prny you, bring to us of «he
products which God has given you, whatever
ypu can : oxen, con, horses, (such hue been
slroady noun-imam) or beet, mutton, pork,
poultry. bay, oats, bum-r, cheese, eggs, gmin
or flour, apples. cmubenies, nuu—nnyihmg
um you can :pure at your abundance.
The Fair will 0 en on the 28th of March.—
As 11. will probnbry continue for two weeks,
contributor: can send trots my: to time M
may but lull. their Convenience. ,
Addrou I" mlclu to Receiving Committee.
Wen Nth Strut, between 61b and m: Avenues.
Fox-Inn! by any Express 0: Tran-portuian
Comp“! v
Plus: lend mm and nddau. than. an any
acknowledge. NBS. JOE'S PAYNE.
Committee for soliciting from Farmer].
New York. Feb. 15, 1864.
New Goods.
EOBGE ARNOLD bu jnlt‘roceivad from
Philndelphu, n Inga mock of CLOTHS
0416511115383, Over-conungs, Unsuineu, Veh
iap, Flannelgluslimflens. km, all ofl'hluh'
willhe sold cheap fox-.0191}. Cu“ and see mum.
Sept. 28, 1863. ; » ‘
~ csnsxom
EX Excastn I 1
V £IOELSIQR)” sou: wishing fresh Bread will be segnd our,
, 'ry gnome; 3'14“" mm“. is u" a“; morningJ); lunng their names and unidenm
In the Worm. Cull mud examine iv, .1. amp-(l a the then. may cfl'on mndq to glen.
W. :4 tin: Exalgiar By-light Gum-y. Gin 111 a cull! [‘Aer 20, '63.‘ 3t ‘
- ‘ ___—_w—u-h—a-h—‘W
w ' LOT of msh’GUM'DROPS, the am.
Ins, swam-m Veninp, 0n... ‘u . wand, 1n ;hi- mash-Han. be mu Dr.-
“h, , , FWEa‘locsg, 5 o \jER'S Drug $10”. . 3,”; we
‘ I
Roi a: Woods,
(Sauces-on to R. F. Mellheny.) .
have on hand and will {all n: t}: lowutyricesh
Cut-try..Wnler-proof, Kip. French C‘lf. No
rocco. Ind 3“ other kinv'n for men ud boyl. ‘
Gniten, Balmonls, Morbcco, Kid, Fine On",
and othen‘ "
' A large Yuifly of I” land sad that, laid at
old priest. - ‘
0f every uiu, quality tn Itylt, for non,
hop and children.
‘ A lnrge lot of tilt luau buy)".
White Shirts, Gluiurre Shiru. Plano?!
Shins. of I“ nylrs, Collars. Cnvus. Neck
Ties. Suspenden, Pocket ‘Hnndkenhlefl, in,
which will he gold cheap. \
A nuperi lot of Undenhiru of "riot:-
kinds. Dun“, kc. ‘ l ‘ '
Heavy Women. .\hrino, Lamb, Cotton. 0! l"
kiqu—cheap u ever. , _
fiack, Benet, Cloth. Cpsoimere, Kid. (‘0:-
ton, Th'reqd, of all Linda-"Hing M old low
‘ Oflhr finest flavor amt but man! cluro
imported mu; domestic. selertnd wxlh care.
Fur Parlors, Hulk, Rooms, Chnmhers,~(‘l-il
ing-. and Bun-s. Centre Piece“. Fire-board
Plinls, Ilour I'wpfi'. ofa‘nrious kinds. '
Window Paper Oil Cloth, kc. Also,_fina
plain pupcrb m (“mm :2 rolnr~.:
Truwml (.\T; “ms.
Oil Cloth and Carpet. smn‘J nnd lnrgn
Togelhb‘r with many other nrticlu‘. ll]! of
“hich wp will “H at lowest pp. (-4. We shr:
out. with the 011, but g‘ud "mun. “Quick
Sn'es Kndte‘nnll l’rnfila," u‘Ld imcud lo fidbcru
to 1!. TLRMS CASH. ‘
now a .woons.
Doc. 7.1963. ‘l' ~_
A Cara.
[PF-The snlmriber hail sold his HM. and
Shoe Slme lo .\lwsra. Row ‘PL Wnod:y «Lo will ‘
continue the bunne-‘s n 1 llhe old slum]. We ‘
hr: much obliged for :he liberal support u- 1
tended to us,pml we eunéstly request. mow!
indelntml to M «n call‘nm‘l make {mum-hale
“my ment, as iv; «_leslre m pnlv our business y,
\anhoul delay. The bunlq Wlll he louud zit"
the sl'uuii w'h'ere the IAU?HId“R was (lona. L
Dec.‘ 7. 1853‘
Boot & ghoe
“E undrrsip‘ned hm nfiencd n r-cW‘HonLk ‘
T 81100 errx‘on Bahiino'o slrwt.Ccu_V§- ‘
burr. n.frw douri nhovq th‘r Court house, and ‘
hm: jun: opened a fine usurhucut of goods, viz:
BOOTS 1’01: MN, I . ¥ ‘ I
\ Bhoh for lug-a Sln‘rcs for boys ; . ‘ ,
‘ ' GI'M spans rm: BOYS;
with n hrco Im. ennhrnciyz‘ucry \vtrietp. of
SHOES FOR l..\DiES—ulao tor vughmuzx.
of M 1 50st and sixes. will Ludlcs' and Gen
llmuon‘s RUIVES. r ‘
luJev d. uzs :nsdrtment «uric fuuni fun and
Immune, uu-Ijall of his} goods of the best
quality and 11m: stylus. ':
He M'lzm lms (m hmd n fins; vnrielg o'FHGARS;
DMerminM nut :0 be nndersuM. he M’fursl
{finds :u the lawn! prams llN‘ times M” R]-
luw. Cull and gu- bull-re bu} inq’ Pl-I‘H'Li‘r". ‘
r ‘ Juan" L. HOLTZWURTII. -
Doc. 14, 1909..” . ‘ _ l
506 m _. 1 m ‘siflfiiffl’l
r 'AND‘ 1 ‘ I
311055 2‘ ‘ BOOTS. g
, Boots 8: Shoes! 3
.L ed h-nzj'lsl litid In a fine stack ov'lhe hrs!
cuy Work, wlnch he WI“ dispt-ae o!- M the lux
est profits po'ssiblc.“ Uis nhorlmrul ~l
‘ ‘ all kinds of V
wilh'n large nsqortmenz 6! .
also for mummy. He has selectrd m:
stock with mum suited us he Hunks enemy to
xhe wants of this m-uknr—und ad‘liliuns will
Mnstunlly ha mud? us the trn'd- may ngmre.
The good: he ain‘t»: are not only ‘rlhnmde,
and gfgond,:mterinl=,hl3l embrace the Inn-=2
sulrs Particular uncritiou “ill nlvniga Le
[mid 10 Nine pguma. -
- Remember the Muse—YOßK STREET. ngaro
Iv opposite the Bank. Cam and see [or your.
selves. \ ‘
Thu MM and ghee-making business it cu“
rim on an heretofore. ‘ i .
Goftysburg, Dec. 7, 1863. I
.Ir< hp.
E. Corn" Tenth qhd‘Chcsnut Streets,
.rxnzn m: MANAGENLNT or
for the Luz louryenrs‘ Principal and chief ga
sihesa malnngerof Ban" & Stn‘rros'a Gom
mercial College. .
Conducted on it. new system ofAcxuul Bulinesl
Trainings. through Che estlibliahment of legiti
mate Qfiices and Counting-Houses, ”present
ing difl‘erent departn’mifiof Trude and Com
merce, and a regular Bank of Deposit and Is
mg, giving the student nll 'he'advnntnges 0|
smm] «practice, and qualifying him in the
shortest possible time and mom efl'ective'mnn
ner for the various dutiu Ind employmeuu of
business life.
The Course ofinnlrnction in the Theoretical
Denny-men} embmces Book-keeping, Commer
cial CulculMiona, Lectures on Business Afiuirs,
Panmansbig, Cammercinl Law, Fauna, Correl
pondvnce, c. .
In the
thrsflidentemersuppmhe (imdulling Course.
whit: includes n cqntinulnégs in the chow:l
studies. with their practical applicnxion in an I
their deuilu, He will in‘ mm fill the poailion !
of Accountant and‘ Proprietor in the various 3
Depnrlmenumf Wholcsnlfiaud Refnil Trude,
Forwardingfiobbing and Commission Busi
ness, Banking, Manufacturing, Mining, Steam
bonting, &C., and finnilj will on. Is Cubicr,
Bookkeeper and Teller in the Bank; in each
of Iliich positions his previous knowledge
wilLbe put to the fullest pmticnl'zest. ,
This Institution ofl'ersuto young men numer
ous sdvsnugecanot pounced by my other
commercial college In thc'Sute. h is com
nlem’n all is: appointmcnu.- u it tho only
institution in the State conducted on utunl
b'ucines principles. Tho course of inn-Ic
tion in nnsurpused, and} any be completed in
lbant one hnlf the limcmsually upon: in pam
innituuonl. in conuqucncc o! In entirely new
cmugcmen’i, lid the cduption of find new
practical sfium. ~
. Diflomn cwnrdcd upon lhocolnplulon of
mu "Commercill Count, which embrcqel’lll
uccpi thc higher nu of Bucking, Mcnnt'cflnr
ing, Railroading, to.
Semi for I Circular. ;
. Feb. 1, 1864. loin
ew Bakery!
NEWPORT a; tench. lechnnimlinak.
era, South Wnshington street. In]! s an:
from unfingle Hotel, GETTYSBURG,¥‘I.,—
Constantly on hand, the ban of BREAD,
Pick 1113‘:
‘ In the plnce to buy your
ovaacous AND Buss cons.
rm: cons AND cows: cons,
- your
CLOTH cons AND mssmu cons
your :
r 300: con-3 AND ncsmsas cons,
' out a
can cons Aug MILITARY goats,
‘ your .
SUNDAY cons no EVERYDAY cons,
. your
your '
became he lelln chupet lhun- anybody .1».
“'6O 'to ‘ \ . ,
~ for your ~
for your ’
rum mx'rs AND woman “M's,
10: your ‘-
, To} your .
for your ~
because his prices are Elyays a little‘ larger
than :Invbody elxe's. ‘ I
ma- P I c K I N u ' s ‘9:
is the bcstlnce'm gel. ' ’
' , -to gxl _
2 to er »;
Pup: VESTSJAND gases? vasrs,‘ -
H ‘ to gel
.\IILITARY VES'X‘S and all kinds of Vesta,
clveupr-r than any Ollie]; s‘lon-‘iu )h‘e county.
GU TU I’ICKINU'S 1‘ . 'yuu rum. an
Ynllsc-q, . } Go to PiLkiug.
Trunks. If you mm! A
r: mm mm, _ ‘l' PuCKhl‘ KNIFE '
Tim éling Bugs, ‘ I Go to Pukiug.
Walking Canes, ll! you want a
Umbrell‘ns, l alum THIMBLE
Gent. Slmuls, , ' Go to l’lukiug.
Clothes Bruilxes, ‘ Alt'ynu want a
«Hat llrugheu, " FINE SEGA“
Tooth Brushes. . : Go to l‘chin
Blushing 'llrlullea, ,1 'll'_ you want
Butkaklll (iluws, ' . otb Picking.
(‘.mseimera: (Hun-s, g” you want' -
Threud Glows, l _ (lu lo Picking.
Cumlnnera, - ‘lfyou mm: ~' .
ch Slur-ts, I b‘L'."l"h‘.\'llßßS’l
Course Suiru. - l ~ Colo l'ltlfiing,
(‘ussimero Nuns, ”you want
Flannul Shim, STEEL PEVS
Merino Slnrls, l ‘ Go 10 l'xcking
Lunlm‘oo'. Suing, ”you “ant
Knit .\hir'g, , UUUD‘PENC‘ILS
Undl-r Si: ru. { ‘ I GO to I’m-king
I’l‘mm-I Urnwe‘ s. ' If you want
Woollen Drawers, SLEIGH lllilJiS
Canon Drmrcra, . ’ - (10 lo l‘luklpg
ka‘ties, ‘ ’ If you want A ‘-’ -
Cramzs, ' - i .\‘Eg Sl'lT
Collars. ; ' (1010 l’ighug
l'ulurr t‘nllnrg, , 4 "JP" wnhl .1
uu'm shw; ‘: g ‘ ‘iumm rl‘H‘
Budulu Show! “0 lo Picking
(‘nnnn Snckkj ‘ _H‘ y)“ «in! A
\"uoHen‘Sw'kls, .3 rump M'lT'
11.-anurrhiPl’,J A ; . mo'p l'ickmg
I’ucket Cmnh . ‘ "you “'IHH , .
Rt-Ihlxng L‘aml I, .I CHEAP ('LHTHES
Buflhlo Show», . - do to Fix king
Hum (‘omhd'
Hnrn (WV-.1»,
Igor}; j‘nmhi;
\V vu‘il Krfi'i. .
“‘.lt- 'n Canina,
Wmch lhguds,
Parke-l (H Hue-If.
Looking (Haney,
Sim-find”, . , ‘
Ihzurx. . ‘-
Rézor Straps. '
Shaving Soup. 1
SLxMi-xg Brushy,
\'iu ins. “hid; he iv u-ng m
Violin erinzfi. \
\'iulm 13mm, old gustomers and new
l-urln‘ Has a thnuinml ',-
.thincufor Mir [half-an- ruonmr-ra at {be low
not. In: fuundV ipl may
slow in the rnunty. nst pricei.
WHCKISH'S 1.11.9 nun-n] uf .\‘vw Gnéds
ombnu‘rs evenlhing in the ('lothing line for
Men nnd Boys. GIVE “’1“ A CAI/m
(}\-l!_\khur,_;,‘(|cl. 26, le‘S. '
Good Thmgs from the City!
‘Vl’l are receiving t‘nce A week from the
(~in a variety 6! articles suited to the
mm" of Lhis'cnmmunity, \iz: Fresh and Salt
FISH. Hams, Shouldurs nnd sides, HominyL
Beans. sun. A mules, Potato". flung“, Lomnns.
Confecfiona, Tobaccos, Soguru, with mzuiy
nlher articles in thin line—all rem-Mud in the
best order. and sold at the lam-at pr fila. GH‘!
us A cull,‘ in Baltimore; street, near!) opposite
Fnhne‘ntocks' stone. '
WANTEDL—Buner, ‘Egm. Lard, and I"
other country producer—for whim the highcn
cash price wiH‘ho pnid.
~S WEE'I‘ POTATOES—Jae“. qumliq, M low.
rs: living pmfits~nlynys on lmnd. Also.
OYSTHRS, fine and {rush—in the sheil ox
shocked. , illestnumms and famine: supptiod.
Gettysburg. Mn] 18, 1863.
RIXKEBHOP‘E keeps up will: the timothy
getting new goods almost every week.—
e spare! no effort to nccommndate his numer
ous customers. " Quick sales and small
profits." is his mono. - .'
Dec. 7. ”563. .
Strll at; Work. .
HE undersigned continua-«the -.
in all its bunches. it his old bland, in Eut
Middle street. Gettysburg. -
.XliW WORK made to order, Ind
done promptly Ind at. lowest. prices.
Two first-nu SPRING \VAGONS and t
Dec. 'l, 1863. ‘ '
' VERY desirable FARM. ndjoining' the
Borough of Gettytbummonmining gr—
-124 ACRES—Building: and Land 'good. .m
Will be acid on very accommoduling :- '
terms. ‘ GEO. ARNQLD.
Gettysburg. Oct. 5, 1383. cf.
For Sale 01; Exchange.
VERY desirable GRIST .\"LL,WiflI ;
A 38 ACRES OF LAND, in Germany ' g
township. I win “change for a Farm, a
and my the difierence, if-ny.
Gettysburg, Oct. 5, 1863. 'lf
NEW HARBLE WORKS, Corner of pm.
more and East Middle struts, oppolile
the Court Home. Gettythnrg, Pn.—Wa In
prepmd to fumisbflonnmeuu. Tombs, Head.
“on“, Math): Mantlcs. Slab: tor Cnb'mel
Mtkers, und nil othar work appertaining to on:
busineal. We will gnu-mu snlilflclion both
an to executjon Ind prico. Cull and no um
designl and lpecimenl a! wérk.
Feb. 2, 1863. u ‘ .
- Wanted. * .
GOOD FARM in Adkins county, for¥hiel
A 1 till exchange out! or more Fun. of
oice 13nd in lowa, Ind ply lhe dihnnce.
New. 9, 1863
, - A Meat. 3 ‘
‘ as saouwsns mi smxs, a but
H (Hum-’l‘“ chow. u: a .
woymv Rom, Con Burch“ Rico-M!
tqd Gdnsin,‘ for I!!! It 07- ”MBBBB
’rngrhqn, - 4' V .«r
to get. ‘
_ - A , lo :01 A A ,
to gel ¥
n 10ch ~ _
If you “:Hll In
l:l' Y H‘HI'LKP
7 ()5 m Puking
'lf' you “an! .\
(:(mh FIT
do w Picking
If _rnu'wnnt any I
argch: in but linr
Cu to Picking
For M 1m: rmwivm
I‘m-[her Large sunk ul
.\‘sw moons
Another Car Load.
For Sale.
Cannon & dair's
GEO. use“)
j Fancy Furs 2 ;
J low Bm, south aide, PHILADELPHIA,
er of Ind Denier in
kind! ~o! FANG
FURS, for Ladiu' u
Children’s Wm.
will: to return In;
thank! to my (moi
of Adlmu and the u
rounding counties. 1
their yery liberal p 1
tron-go extended ‘
me during the In! {t
yen", And would I:
to “gap that I no»
have In more. of my
own importation luihiiunufacture n \ery ex
tensive usual-[mental all (be different kind: and
qnhlitiu pf Func’ Furs, [or lelel and Chil
dren. thot will be worn during the'Fill Ind
Winur ”noun.
B‘blng the direct ‘lmpaner of all my Ears!
from Enrbpe,nnd having them all Mnuufilctnred ‘
under‘myown lupervinion-ennblel me to offer ‘
my fulLOmera and the p‘ubhc I much bund
lomer Sch. of Fun tarbr the ‘Mme money. leiu'
please 3%“ me . call beforcjpurchnsiugl—l
Pleue remember the name. numhrr nndjtren. 3
, : ' Joux “11mm, t
; No. TlB Arch 81., Philadelphia. i I
Sept. 14, 1863. 511: - -
l = All‘lfivjted.
‘HE undersigned hnrq (his day entered into
1 plirtnenhip in the Grain. Produce mid
Commission business, at the old Kliuefelter
house, corner of Stutton 'nnd Railroad “rectal
The highest pricesi in' cash paid for ‘ ~ _ v 7, ~i _
”0*" “’3‘??va ‘ - New Goods l—Large Stock 1
I l s 'A‘XD inf}: ll“: . “CO“S "‘ BRO-v
‘ All ki (is of Grororiéw, :Gunnos, PM), SA". , have Jus‘t’reCOév‘edlfrom 3"": _m‘l'” nlygnguck
Hind ever other ariiilc ushnlly found in our‘ol good. 0' eul. emeui “an, em ”“95 “
{line of business, all of {i [1“?! will be sold "‘“ef-V °¢ v‘
‘wholesnle and retail. on [he’luwesi trrms. ! CLUTHS'CASSIMFPES .
I Call And see ua, and satisfy ’Ouldtlll‘l that. ..' ’ ‘ ‘ 'VEQTI-VGQ
1‘ ls really ’o' » HOLLINGER & liEiKBST. E Cnssingts. Jenn». &c., with many other good:
Geltylblutg June 1 1863. "- 2 for spring and summer wear.
_-_ __ .L,_v__~ 3,, i. ______~_.i Iliav nrc prepared to milke'np garments at
. x [New War'ehouse. ‘ lthe sh‘érlest notice. Mid iii 1h: var) bed um'n-z
1 . BlNllEl \, ‘ UP GRAN . Her. The Fashions lire ri-‘gulnrlvrecgiiéd‘nn'l
.100 0()0 W»\\:TFD‘ht‘the newGi-ni‘nric‘oming made in any demrul ri_\le. The} al
. O ‘ ~ .‘ ' , ‘. ‘ r . wuy: nixikc neiit fits, \vliilstthi-ir :cwiug issurv
lund Produce linusev ll'l (Julikle strrot, iidyun- to ‘_e subunn'inl _I 3
ling SIM-ads & lluehler's entublinliment. Tl.” 'll'liey all; u. co-ntinunm-n of the pinxlic'c pn.
ibigliest‘niurket ”in will Mun)". be Paid m ; trun-ige, resolved by good Work and modernize
‘ “an?“ or all finds ' ‘ ‘ “mg“ ‘° 8"" i" r
. , ‘ l‘l.OUl’~. SEEDS; kc. i Gettysburg, April 7: I‘IGZ. . ~
‘Alwziys on haul and lot aisle, 111 we .mllesLa. The Old and Reliable ' ___
‘prfihfimg‘ ;‘ ~« ' i 'Ni-tw SPRING GOODS. ' .
’ GKU‘FFR'EQ &‘. . h J . L . SCHI (' K ‘
. . W‘holvixu‘la “3.1 reniil. | “on” "spot”.up-‘j fly to ”f? Imm” m ”a"
. TRY US! We shall do our best to give ‘3'>"}"s and ‘in‘muy' lb“ he, [3 "0w “mun“;
sntinlaciion in all bases. ' I“ h” "3,;sll‘f’B'ghgmq‘c (‘tmnw’ ' .
. Gelh‘sbhrg May “.\llgfigllllr} f-DIEUL' l Tho s’tovli cnnwish in niirt uf Flinry "in!
_ ' , , ‘ -;,,L “_i .., [St-up}! DRY GOODS, 0!- NH} destnptmnnfi
‘ 1 I . . SiLKS,
le9 Us a Gail: . l Muzmmorn, . '' ‘
ODOR! & GILLESPIE have 11:! rPCEH'Pd‘ CH \HJFS . A
',5 large and sph-ndiil stock .of KM. (loud; , “ URI lUIK'FS . l
which they nre selling as chimp M the iinioq, ’l3an {“an ‘ .
will allow. Their stm k lm~_heen :rli-cied milil . ALP A ,~‘.'\Q i
care and is 6f u: guod a quality us ll.e mnrket' "l. \“s\“. - l
will iill'nril.‘7 SCGARS,. we hung nll kinds” . ' .(‘XlJr‘Ol-‘n‘l ‘
“"m ““1 s°“ Crushed, P‘m‘m7“‘v“nr"".“l’“”d’ «I of a‘l qunlitirs‘nud rhoirvst IH‘IF". \T7‘ll 'i \l’lll‘
Saw Orlenus. Portal Rim and Cuba. TEAS, he sold at. PHH‘ES Ti} DEF-V" (“WIN-.Tl'l‘liw
Imperial. Young llys-iu And Black To“. 310-, FURVISHI'NQ (HJUIh ‘'.
l.As‘>E<..\'ew Orleum. PM!" Riciinud Svrupr of rill kind! in(‘lll"llfl‘mk. Linon nnd (‘oni-n
m amen-m kinds. Tumccns. to an; all Hundmma. Glow; Slorliings..&(~. , ' l
“m" f" ”1" “'“d‘ C"“-*"“‘i :“imn' MW" Mm ii «mi-"did auaorlinoiii of RlllllONfl“
L‘uvouvli:h. Rpugh and RPud‘V. )ulurnl Lcui', Lam-q nnd quinfzfl l‘mhrv-Ilu Mn’ “mm“ V.
:uid Fine (‘iiit ; .\.iiii)l\i'ig Tub ll‘L‘O..l.'- diil’vh n! M; 3mm nf‘WHl’t‘l'Z GU01)”. “'l2 be found {..'l‘
hinilw; l’ll’l-ii n lurge and mu: s‘sfmtrmui; and compleu, And “Human“ ”my rvlv “pin“
sh“ Heb 01’ "‘“o‘3‘ “"1“!" ‘(UAL UH‘ always gottii road "Hollis ut the limos-t 'iuifi-
LAIH’S and Shades, in: l)‘|\‘lf tlioll‘est Infisnrl- I bit priced. w " . ‘ ,~ ,
merit in {he l'hmc' Whid'fir ““1“” "‘s‘" r ‘ (icnileiurii 'will find it in their adi'iiutnv'c m
.\'u.vl article of Cmil Gil. IHAIIS. plain and cull iuid “tuning nu .locli “-7 "‘
sdgiir cured. Slinulilers and S ”111. FLUI‘H. ul. CLUl'llS ’
lhe liertiqualily, which we Always Kllalr.|nl(‘l-; ‘
('ellill-}VIU'O, Tubs. ißuiki-is. \l'nler (Vina, 5‘
“'0: also kr-cp' No:inns., Oahu-«nous; Fruits.
Fi~li. by the Imall ur lry ihr lizirral, Suit. Spii‘w,
CiiovolJ-e, Starch, lllm'kiug. Indigo, (‘nmlli-s,
Soups“. furry Combs linil (‘ ir-lx. l| lime "BMW!-
rni-ui ul Bl‘ilslll“. Halo-is, liupca. ('nru‘q, Llpkk-
Yryvu irc. kc; GIVE ['s .\ CALL! 7
(lel'yalmrg, .\luy 11. was. 1':
. One and All,
ARE NOTICE—The nixflf‘r-‘izn-rl would
T my to the [llllllic iliut to i:- ri-i-eirinx; n
hazi- am! splendid Mock o." GRU‘IHRH‘IN‘.
which he will soil [u low .\u .my uiher hum-‘9
iii tmvu—f‘ufTeM. Sllfzil'i. .\iuliiuu. Syrips.
Tm”, Frll, Fidukz ~ \\ iih l'ntnines: Bruins. wit-l
Rm»: Wooden Ware, pui up iu the not lumi-
Il('l' ; 'l‘oluii-mw. Si Lair-z 111.. kr.
i‘AiiiiEßs: TAKE .‘JUTH'hf—ll you wnm‘
to lay in yourliquiors for ham-Ml. flow is the
time. ‘l hiive‘uinny bruudsof \vn‘i‘lei. llrnu.
die~. \S'iiieii. and all other liquors. which l mu
‘diipusing ofat alihrt prnfiis. Uive‘me a call
1 nlwuys try to plansn—mnil lolieve I very of
lfu suLcu-d. Rememheriho place—southeunt
corner of the Diamond, (:eitiahurg.’ _ v ‘
‘ GEO. l‘. KAliiil'Ll'ikCH
May 25, 13:3
Removal—Tin Ware
HE undorsiuned has removed his Tinning
I enablisbment nearer lhé Jlinmond. in
hambnsburg sli-eot, ndjoininsz. D. Burb
ler‘s Drug Store—’it er cynlrnl location. He
continues to mnnufnrlnge. nud Lreps commut
ly on hand, everyvnriety of ‘
. ‘ - PRESSED Axn
and will nhrnys be ready to do REPAIRING.
lino done in the but manner. Prices moder
ntc, nnd no leflu‘orl srurwl to rendvr full antis
faction. Thie public 5 mnhimu-d patronage i;
lolicitod. 5 A. P. BAUGHER.
Gruysburg,.April7, 1862. ;
183.30 K. Stauffer, '
_ __ 7‘ ux‘wucwnn or
No. .148 North Second St.. garner Quarry,
Pal-upnpnu. PA
Ha ha! consmntly on him?! an unsortmem 0!
“Id und Silver Patent Lev". L«-pine and Plnin
aches; Fine Gold Chains, Scale and Krys,
Brent. Pins, Ear Rings. Finn-r Rings, Bran--
lets, Miniature Cases, Medallions. Lockets,
Pencils, Thimblea, Spectacles. Silver Tuhle,
Deserl, Ten, Salt and Mustard Spnnna: Sugar
Spoon, Cups, Napkin Rings, Fruit and Butter
invel, Shields,Combn, Dimnnnvl Pointed Pens,
cums—nil of which will be sold low [or cnah.
M. l. TOBIAS & COBB brat. quimy lull jew
eled Pn‘lent Lever Movemenu vunnumly on
lnnd; nlsookher Makers of auperiqrqunlily.
N. B.—-Old'Gold and. Silver bought for cash.
Sept. 7, 863. I; . '
' Come With a rgush .
HE undersigned would ‘3'. .retpectfully
inform hi; many iriemjl and the pubhc
generally, that, he has gone into the Clothing
businen,ul Samson's .old aunddn the Diamond,
Getty-burg. Pa. llis utock,llreody full,will be
much enlarged, to embrace every style of
Caps, Trunk], anicu, Clocks, Watches,'lew
elrg, Gum Pistols, and. In shim, chryl'liing
which and“ ‘.on found in tinficlmCloibing
tug Veriety Home.
articular: heresflar. h the medutime he
invite: everybody to give him tell]. He in.
tends to keep to perfect A stock}: to accom
modate Ill—end, will: the hope of lugs nice,
be hope: to make (living It. Imnll profits. No
trunble to Ihb!’ goods, end every aflonqmde
to nfilfy buyers.
June 15, 1863. 1.!
Portable Pumas omm.
._ » on :hg pic of
'- , '5; . Merchant-31mg
,‘w ‘ 5! gins. and all basin":
-- . ‘ f . Ind proleasionnl men
~ J .4" who wish 40 do their
* " ‘ . '—. own priming, “"3”
‘ _ ‘bf‘?’ and cheaply. Ada,»
: ‘ v ted to theft-influx of
’ . hnndbilly, ' hillhendl,
lure labels, cards and n'mll lonpup-u.
ggrlliou‘rucuons accompnnpug each aloe en
’blinz . boy ten year! old to work them auc
«mum. Circnlnn sent freer Specimen
mm of Type: Cum n.. ° 2m"- "
. Addrell AbAslss {“3856 ..
man m as .3 menu. g
‘ g.‘ r ’ " ”0-199: M: -
}Jnnifi”:!m- .1! j " " .°. '
Grain and Produce.
AVING uhn lhu lug: and commodloul
II I \Vnrehpnu rcccnll] Occupied by Funk
onh, Elq.,
IN NEW nxroa'D,
we I" pupnrcd to pny the highest. prlcu for
NI kinda of PRODUCE. Also, 101 l It tho’low
est prices, LUufifiß, COAL und GBOCEEXES,
of "cry ducription.
New Oxford, Aug. 10, 1863. If
Hardware’ -
A The lu-bscrioen has jun" returned hum
the ciliel with an immenne supply of HARD
WARE AND GROOERIES, which they are
offering u their old lla‘hd m Buliim‘ore “not,
a; priced to unit tho timu. Our stock con-is"
in pan of
.Oiln. Paints. kc" kc. There is no ushle'in
eluded h; the several departments ‘mentioned
nbowi but what can be had at this Store.—
Evny clan of Mecbnnics csn he nrcommodutefl
here with tools and findings. and "ouwkepp.
ers pan find every article in theirjims. Gir'e
us a. call, as we are prawn-. 1 to ac“ as low {Cr
cash u Any other house out of lhe cityA
June 9, 1862. ‘-
(.‘ASSHIHRRS nr-i ,
m M] qtnhtiu nn-l choir“! <1\)“:. "
Aprzlzl,lso22. \L, .J. I. N‘lllt x.
Lancaster Book Bindo'ry.
(‘1 EUI’JHI \\ HST. ’.
J [loos' Ix‘lVlffi'E‘
Plain and (hymn-"V317 Itm’r'ri. n 7 i nan-"4..
wrintinn. ex-u-uzcd in the nu cl u.1.:r.-.uzigi',:m-£
. .
apprmeu 5:31”. i
KW. Brown. 3:14.. l .H'IIH‘I" Punk nf Lnnmyl‘rr
W. l" l’hH-vr. lixq . l.:u. mum I‘m-w” Err-L
.\.lmm'l thuk. liq. . ('uldlnlfl . l’muk.
smm!!! Wynn”, Huh Ymk li'nzL. j
\vauim Wagnrr. H—q. ank ("u-ml} Emir.
T_ I). (‘.xr‘nnY Esq“ Hunk u! (inlupn'ng. 2
I'ntl-r .\hrxm. F~q., PM I.} nl}!'m rod PL
Hm. C. Hmrtlmrq, H"; , “(whiz-r _‘4 ‘*
Gw.‘ Whitsun. £311., lh-conlvr, “ "
April 1.3, we! Q ~.
5 ' New Tallor'ng 3 , 3
Jump” thi: method of humming hi“ {xicnds‘nnd
thr- publc ppm-rally, thu't. ‘hu lms npencri .1
Tuilurh-g c~t~|bli~hmenl in Bail‘n-ur'e HEM“.
"Huh-"g, (hm- PM: (Hfirrfiy “our the 91"-
mnnu. whrrc he is prrpmnd to do‘ in
km lin in 1h:- hhl'nmnmx. and Ir. up skm
!M‘tiou afielblumvm. H: rmpIUJS null!" bl“.
til-at Muss hands, and rm’ri-‘ilm ' 1 v
he can wu‘rrant hshimmhle fits and mat and
snhslnnlml ugniug. “1: asks a slmrg- o! the;
pl’hlic's pmmuuge, prmnhing 10v spare no ("3'
fort to deserve it. His u-lmrgl-s will :11“ :Iny he
found .1! mudcrnte us the tum-s “ill allow"
‘ z(jutting and Repnirin; done M the flmg’tcfl,
nature. [thougaburm .kpril 7,1899. f
'_'-._"—‘—" " ._.A_.._. v “V? 1' June 21!, 181173 ‘ ‘
1 - Gettysburg Marble Yard; '1 .‘ .
Dianne .e mm, I.\' EAST mm: s'rnglrr _; Sale Crymg. ’
h GETTYSBU—RG. I’m—Where ’they m z» w. rrmnnxu mmimzos lhr m-mm
yrugnted to furni~hln l kiuls of wnrk in‘ihei: I A. M‘s VLF. (.‘RYIML nnnl enlix It! I!!!“ 1-
!ine, luvh n 3 MOXl’) ENTS. TOM'US, HEX“: 'mmv-l pfilrolmge m the I'!1"“"-- J" i‘ I'” ”I"
STONES, MANTLES .1“: an the shortest. .nn' ’aunz eudqnvofi M 1’“? ‘“"""“i""' H'"‘"
flu, and a: cheap as the clne.|pe:L._ Uh: us I 'modormr. “chi-lance m lym‘ Luannge mm,
cm". 7 EUcuysbllrz.
fifl’rndnn taken in exchunge {or work. E Fifi—He i‘ n ""6“” -“'""."‘?“”'I undcrklbe
Geigsburg, June 2, 1362. u , ’ Tax Law nt'tl:e,l}uitcd Stubs. -
..,.- ' ' 1 > , -----¢- I .\0v.24, 22m. , fl . ___ ‘ ‘
Piano Tumng. . . - , . ‘ -' '
PRUF. 'BOWER, of Liltlenloun, n PruNicul ' TO Disabled SOldlel‘S,
Piano Tuner, inlurm: his {fiends “Q the: FIAHFV AND “.\mgm“. _\\'|) \_\ WOW“,
nrnsiml puhlic jn general, that Igi gnes hiq_ S UR lUTHERfiHWS HF Tnufill Wm.
Mme, not olherwifi'e occup'ledulo Tuning and ll “'1: mpl) or, BEEN KILLED |\ THE 5““
Repairing Pianos, m mudrmte prices. He‘ . "i(v}.;‘__cr;“' "_ I'l . gm, Anum?) for ( lunn
ptpmxs-ss entire snlistavuon, or no pay. Orders ’ an"; hot-:11): Land and “mum Agent, “1.1,:
received “this omce. [Sepn )6, 1961. :- ‘ x . .- _l-ann. .luumclllor Sol‘
——l - .mgwu (4:3. I). . l .
“"" “““" "‘ " ,“ ' ' " ' Edgy-\- 59:”an ,m.i‘\lmil:r'- 0| th-‘Ll'”‘“‘”" ““r‘
NOW 13 the Tlme! ‘ “who all? :llwhh‘d l.“ n-ndylfnfrnuumh n-cerxml
ROW & “(’ost corner of York 9"" ""1 or diam" contr net-0d “Lilo ilig‘acrviremnnl [HM
lhnmoa-l, Gfizyuburg. are closing out Ingignl, "mlnlv Mom»; xmd Ann;an 0' P 4." 9'"
l-"Ke lot. of WALL PAPER u \try low puck. .fifiucfi pm“ Gym-5 or oumr twin .1! “‘3’” who
In the Spring WW! will cost doubl— wlmt h .hnve died or burn Killed White in scuffi
cull be bought nl'nbw. [Dec. 21, 1863. ! 30",.”me procured rm sen-iv“ [u tn! 0!
‘~—* 2' “- “m" '—- - -r*" in... 011”}- "a”. CHAS. U. TUCKER
Albums I ‘ - n ‘ '3‘ \thinglon, 030'
LB U .\I s:2 . J. 9. Km”, Agony, Gcm'xgburx- :
. ALBUMS“!!! N0v.18,186.
us! received n. huge and binnlit'ul usan- -—-’-
men: of PbologrgphicAlbumt, Which wannfl'er
below city prion. TYSO.‘ BROTHERS.
Dee. 14, 1863
of distinguished individnnlaqincluding unnum
hero! our prominem (interim-and the old
hero John L. Bun-m, tor sale 1. the cofiuur oi
the Excelsior Gunny, Gettysburg. "’ ‘
TYSON momma. ‘
' Battle-field Views.
nor of the Diamond, (my. door to In}
lellu't Rough) Gettysburg. 1".., when Ib
cnn “It all than he found ready to amend to all
buuineu in his line. ‘He bu al-o excellem u- ‘
lishnce and will ensure satisfaction. Oi"
‘him 0. all. . , (Doc. 3, m 0“.
. mum-uni Goobs, Bongela,’fiihhonly n
*‘lowprl, ‘Shskera and Bonnet. Prawn _
just received from New York, chap #l?th
,7,, , 7“. utocks’. sign othe ‘ . RED ERUNT
-—- -,———~~—————._l um: Puoroanarns made a: m E!»
Farmers’ & Mochanios’ ‘ cclflor Gallerfigre‘ always warranted. to ; ‘
SAVINGS lxsn'rm'wx or ADAMS ca, ‘5" '“ii'fw‘m- ' "so". ”“07“” -
having iucnued in capital. bu nlnrged- 0R goon} Ale. Bongo. Winn, #6.. s’? f 0 «A 31"
in business and exméediu accommoduionl ‘ . ‘ _ . v CHRISJIEI‘BQ.
Loan 63y, Wednuduy. [April a, 1983. If BUJF‘AL? S"?ES‘TA fin'peflot "tr-ohm: %
' ‘ ‘ . t“ 1 r catnauoreo "
ALICOES. Gingham, Mamas,» norm "f m" ° “ now; WQODSI f“.
rates, It FAHNESTOCK BROS. ‘ Sign Ft 7 m Anal-Tun Elcebigfl' OOH" Ind wit;
“’ a“! Front. '' ‘ l Ha. '6! "1...“ Ur. R. 50353113 Drug 15““
FULL let of our Phomgnphic View. of
A an Rude-field of Gennbnrg, farm I
Ipluéid 5m for the Holidays. The final: yet
puhlhhed can be seen at the Excelfioy Gdlery.
. TYSON .BROTHEBS, Gollylburg.
. Qgeemware. ,
1’ you want Inylhingin the QUEENSWARE
lin‘e ml) M AZSCOTT & SON“, where you
mil find ”no heat assortment in :own.
‘ March 24, 1862. ‘
a r , , , .
A" “A" '"l-U "I”‘l—uufii-U
~ Change of Time.
T the first ofJanunrv nut, Tmlnl on, the
Gettynburg Railroad will run as follow:
First Trnln will lulu Gettysburg at. 6.30,
A. I; with pllsifinfers\ful Bulllmure. and
othnrpninu Soulhwurd. . Return at 1.30.4’. ‘
31., with passengers from Baltimore, also from ‘
York, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, l‘nd omur
points North And Ennwnrd. ‘
Second Tmin will h-M'e Celgyshurg A 1 8,
A. I. with pusscmurg for’York,’ Hunidmrg,
Phihdelphin, it. Return M. 6, P. 31,, wim
panengersfiaom unmepoima. ‘l’nsscngurx-cau
nllo ranch Buh’imore the ammo (1:3; by UH!
train.- 8. .\IcCURDY, Prcsideut.
Due. 28, 1863
T FAHNESTOCKS'.—Fnhneuock firm.
A would‘respecflullyjnform ‘lheir friundn
and the public generally that may have jun
received their Spring “ask of Goodn from Noni
Y'orkflnd Plliludelpbil. Havinz bought. them ‘
for c::sh,‘wo' Ire prepared ‘lO ofl'vr Ihe’ lurgmt ;
Ind pfflliu: Flock of DRESS GOODS "or
ofl'ércll tn the citizens of the county and at
OLD PRICES! “Quick lulu and IhurL ploflu"
being our mono. ‘ ‘
nay-Cull and examine an. :hk sign nf the
Mn} 11, 18ml. JRED FRUN F.
‘ Coal! Co\al! Coal.
QHEADS .t HUEHLIR nre now prepared to
k supply 00 \E, ul'supt-rmr qnalily, In any
qnanmy desired. Termi. Cub: A
ConeUncl (tome All! ~
[viii-They a'sn I‘9qung thos: indebted to
1110 mm can and pug. up. n 5 funds me much .
mnled. Who will be the (inf m cull? Uflito
openM'r-Hm 7 m 7. ‘ '
Feb.-24, 11:02. E
T A. S"UTT A: SHN'S ~-We invite the M.
.1" leuliun or huwrs 13‘ our Mock n! Syrmg
Goad}, \shinh “ill be midl|mm.cun~lialmgof
Laldl‘lh'JHU-ZHS Utmlir.
Shawls. Cloaking (‘in-IH. Nu. cu. For Mon'u
and Boys' wwcr “u huve. (_llcutlns‘ ('.uunm reh,
Cunlilmfl. \"cuxnc'. n uh _n urn-1.1 u! L‘Duuu
mlwt‘ £16.. kc. (1.1! «ml up.
May-la, IaUJ
\\ L'I‘.\I‘TL'IHZR>UI‘ I‘:,ll'lm.l:.\pml:
L‘l MATLAzLst. 3M (tuu.\|>w.\\'. \. x ..
Cum l‘uormfixwlm —Uur ‘ :«lalugur no“ rm-
Abnun musiulrruhl‘v urn-r Fur/r ’l/mummlumfi-r
-rut “new. (u. u hu'h nudmmm v-lr (unnnnM
l_\ Int-mg made) ul'l’urtrnxl. oi inninrnl Amen
m~ns. 0h: , v. 7: T." .\lujnr-Jiwpnruiq, lam llnu‘.
(hm-ml». 1:59 (V'uluu‘l‘, ‘4 Lian l‘n’mnrla, 2‘17
(‘llwr amen-‘5, r a} u \ Ul}: nr!.:)£:uh'lllr1l:lfll,
1:7 D“.}ucs,llx‘~::"hf~r- ‘4'. .\Hm'h. l l: hm“,
4‘. I'lQmimmL Wu u-rn, _HI l'umHm-ul i U!’ mu
l‘quv Ih. V |
‘L'H'O 1"“?er M Warm» nr A:r.imluvlm;
HEWIMN mm of t'a * L m min-- r I-.! Engrav
lan l’ Arming. \r duh! «311-. 4:: .Irg‘rm-g um.
nu. zen-my? m~l tiny. ‘.'l Ivnirr‘h'n Uni “UNI!
I’l-‘lnru from OH! l'nl-‘wgmr n-d‘m: fiilm u“
wr 114 9! S: M, vnvlfml ‘_.} n-ul. 1,9,
‘ I’Hafl'W'itifif'Hl“, ALHI'MH.
Ut Llrosc vn- mun-n.“ 'urv' n glmf nanny,
rnnunm in price from {fly-Mu 1n i'a‘» o- M;
“ ()nr ALB‘UHS have Hu- .n-puml m) n: hen g
sum-liar m punt} lUI‘ fiul'll-lll'l In an} nluer'
11in- smhllvr kinds an: M :rnt' safely by n-ll‘ u
n ..nsingr nf aux an", 111: (M.
Tim mnrr q; t‘lln‘f « 3-. 1r nu: by ”fine-r.
' flafl‘Wo awn henp ll 1 1w :I-xt-lrlll-Pnl of
ST? lIKL‘L'UL'E‘ .1 51154125! Hl'll‘ \H‘W“,
‘(mv . «lulu-J.» of ff I.“ u.“ w s- m [U nu; nd-_
41-1» nu run- 54 “I 511'“!
“rv-Iris Ir r» nlA'
In: '1 "VIIIM' l‘ .11' 1
l 3 rml rum-NJ u-‘viul ' ‘
F \H \IJH \l\ .HJl'l' 1";HIZI’EI!!nr('n-i
r4l" :m— 4. gw’u: l'v :vur I‘m-Ir N'hr
.:;.:r l-V-rfmn- ml. .w. |fo “gunman Lo.
• t 1 1-"•
\{H ..I immum
A l,
I..\‘xl‘ \‘T" It. PA
X-mn‘m; - I‘. '1 1 _.
,_ v ‘ . r
‘ rmr,rl,(,r- ...‘wu u p}. ~-'L plan-no J» “-
P 1 M '4 \‘al 1“” E'Hili“ m lur Pm'lrn
_K n..}n‘ 1,. .w. x.-- -.'..:»:‘u -,' II.»- M
~l" I'}: H3l}
nk-v'u .u wrfl'. :.
‘~ ' ,
l",'X.\l'|.\|‘.u v
F.”- Fyrlu~ I’l4, .
(q- nut-uni ,1 v. c‘i
h: at” I’Ld‘rni Hqu 1
f' ani-I'! uuiy ~ . 77}- 'r. Hg mfg. .-1
A) SH M, um"; \'v 3'?! incn‘t: '_' I"
fur I’:x:~; A r' I I: ”(g '.v.-r~,.-..u1.- _huu-v \‘v e
WM: 4 Lu‘ lix‘u ‘l . m n-h‘f '_' 2'! ‘2. l'uu 4
FM Rings 10 m-m h I _'.':Ln-‘H'I-ir.-1-,Hum-Ir.
[hurt .my! a v mm of pm. run: 3” I “in” Fm
2' “hunk-HI l<' Lu: ken. wugurvr-lm HE‘i , 3? Hm
mm! (H M: I’ln- Our your“: «1.- hair: 7': www
0d ll?l‘.P'Y‘|].-‘r‘ m: s" .4:«’lw.-...,.u..:um“:
ervrlemz—Mi Ixn‘ Fil’fll‘ll halmra. A c-‘Hm -
‘it-n u! llus kin L- uhrn Muted 1': 1h:- immil uf
any one 0| unlimry inlvlh:l-n',rlxtlu rum!
for :1! l~ as: qu ”1111-l"~-L l‘ml II“ ' .
1 (’5! dogma. cunninim: fun it fmmuiun nn’d
Prim-I UP (Y 01..-, rlz- hr (11" |imul ulmn 'xp,.‘..
ration“ (Omen hv .\lmil, Thlcyrnph or Hum-4
n-spcuhfll) whxiu-«l. '
s.{Llhlil’ll‘iflflllfi ll (10.,
37-Uurl‘JllL'l‘A. ‘7 \\'«-'\lm~n-l SI! _
A RIDGE NURSERIES.~Pe'rson| wishing
to I’an Trees will find the s'lock in ghe ground
remurkably fine, and offered at reduced prices.
The (Applemuqlbci-s 100 vuietiu, embminz
all the Apprm ed sorta. ‘
N. B.—Sce the index'boanl near Flor: D9lO
Post office. ‘ ’l‘. E. COOK & SONSp' .
Sept. 2,1881. ' = l'ropn'aan. .
New Goods
Spring Gdßds
\. subrr a; so)
E. 85H. T. Anthony.
J. H. 1 '\\T'Hl\\‘
, .
1,". r 5!. [run]!
-c. \ fil4l
:Imfil-IH yum: Hr
\‘u-r \ -'-..h1-: ul 'hur
Sa‘idnu'y Bruit. 8L (10.,
05": :;r m
;; u' » =;-r~'~.:'r an":
i~ , ,'. ~art i ~ F . i
I’l'ovidun e, H. I
Come “to the 'ngr!
‘John W. Tipton.
o. I-r yvlnif.
.11., in’"-
"‘.WI «A t
xiv-“ 1 rum-Iv
, .