The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, March 07, 1864, Image 2

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J' " . ” ~ ' -- ,
1.: lulu. INTO! an uornuou
Gwyn] Fry on Wednes
' directinghhe draft to
mmmrnce on the 10d; instant in all such
dusui Its «I but; not filled their quotas
lmfln- (he [-1 inbtan’l. ,AH volunteers en~
fidinabetnre the "tuft inn-finally mule will
be do ucmd fro'm ihé‘yuolaa by ihe'honrd
ralh'mnt. if the quota shall not be
at the lirit’drfl, funnel: drquq are
' f r: .‘Y«
.\ .I‘l‘k’: iv!
__nf enr‘
“Hunt 4
xd: {lull} '.hc eulim quota. is ob-
- - U s‘. Sena“. on Thursdny,
‘ _. : 1 '1- ktfiion from tho House ex
‘. ' . aunt of the present extra
.—‘ - ' mitt-ars- unti| the fifth of
\{3 =1 u: if, L'ioption a letter was
4' ~. x'z. necremry of War expressing'
nwn that thé requisite number of
- gs; Could be minim]. more expeditiouyly
“xé‘gnyment of bounties than by any
ugher pains. In view of this action of the
Sonatq,‘tho imptuaion M‘Wnsbingmn on
’3‘hurodn.y,among many persons. mu that
.use drnfl. ordered for the 10m inst. would
be positponed. '
Who draft ha- been postponed.
”An Wzrhal Batik-Senator Wilkinson,
nl‘ Kidnuotn, in n spec-ch in the U. S. Seu
ate.‘oq Weslneaday, mid he “was informed
befqtgtile bntlie of Gettysburg. ghich he
00nd ed the greatest battle on‘recurd,
the order had been issued fprvn retreat,
which woulq have been carriedvout if one
pf'the corpaiin advance had nob-already be
come engaged, rendering a retreat impos
nible." K , ‘
,3 ”The State Senate was organisms], nftor
'_ ,1 fashion. on Monday. Dr. St. Clnirr the
“pew Sentim- fxom Armstrong, look his seat.
when on motion of a. Republican Senator,
the body proceeded to tho election of:
‘ £l9rk.(Geo.. W. Ilammersly.) The Demo
‘r patio Senators adhered'to their position.
.Ind rafuséd m. recognize Mn. Penny as
{pen-ken who. they said. Was]! mere usurp
.05, yho Imd' not; been elected according to
\ )iw. . All the other 'ofiicers of the Senate
\were glycn selected, receiving each 17 votes,
tho Depmcratl refusing to vote. ‘
TM Maudie National Conronlion.—Thc
Bédmon Council of Chicxgo have pass
ed I series of patriotic resolutionn, re
'lurning “thanks to the National Demo
cratic Couimmee for its selection of Chimgo
u the Plpéé of meeting of its Convention."
The hoauimlities of the city are extended
£0 fihe Cbnvenlion. and “ gmtifimtion " in
exgéeued “M lhé assembling of the dele-
ggt‘es of a great. and patriotic party in our
hidst oh the nation’s nntnl day." Several
Republican members of the Council vote!
tor-("he resolutions. 3
‘ ,aT‘he Democrats of Franklin county
:met reeantiy and ‘ele'oted C. M. Duncan,
; Esq.. Representative Delegate to the State
Convention, instructed in fuvor'of Géneral
Georgetll. M'Clellan as the Democratic
Prelidelxgiui nominee.
H; G. Smith. E~q.. of the Fuitpn Damo
«at. is the quatorial Delegate formhis dis
' .u-ict. _' - l
I ‘.Xoarlb; all ,the ‘counties are instructing
for McClellan.
The ,Pluladtlphia Ag¢,-—The publishers of
vtbe Philadelphia Age announce a alight
,incrense in , the tqrms of their daily
:isoue frprn and alter the first. of March.
"I'th do not. complain of any luck of rib.-
.trolnia'go u. rendering thin step necessary,
but .theiqnormous' increase in the cost, of
evgrything xnecessmzy in furnishing a first
clua paper. At the present cost of paper.
type, ink. labor, £43.. the margin for profits
on ’A dyily paper are extremely small. and
.we are shlisfied that the public will pay the
.5133!“ Mlvwce rather than be deprived of
:30 indepemlent and wélemne a dailyvisitor.
4‘16 A‘ntittmn Baal: .led.—ln thelinry
:land‘Sengte, on Wednesday. the commit
.tee on rte Antietam battle-field reported
in fever 1' the purchase of twenty acres 01
afie‘Merfield, and jointly with the State
of fiew York, which" agrees to-bearrhathé
.etpénee, to winter therein the reaming of
.the soldiers of; the .Union who ,fell in gthe
.baule. {rhea 1130 propose .tbe purchase of
three acres upérf South Monnuin, hpon
Iwhich (03ch a. monument tofien. Reno.
Men. Sigel has *been assigned the
mm’md of Weatfirn Virginia} in plwe of
Gomxel‘q. The friends of the latter are
'vory indignmt, declaring that their favorite
was only maimed in order to give the
Pmidontu: opportunity to conciliato the
radial Gel-mad Republican: of .the West
by» ttne appointment ofSigal. g
‘-Eltg from I. Wilmington I‘. to
fiwfiqwn (Ohio) Journd, the home organ
pf.6on.Bchcnck: ’ .m-
""l‘ha politicians arc trying to kill Lin
.coln. Ind meink they will succeed. Chm
stock bu gonCdowu entirely. Sound in
fin; to loom up, but can't. The chance.
in hvor of some military man. and if
Bunk! take. Mobile, he will be the next.
A shot-G yime since Er. Lincoln observed
49 a Hand he “thought. the side was run
ning :11 one any. in his favor.” He may
jun nee-lion to change hi: opinion before
ions, ‘if he bu not. :lrezdy done sq.
than contest for me Abolition—Be
p'ohlleln lamina-lion il summing a triangu
v'lit firm. __fl'bus, the. New York Tribwte,'of
‘ Mendy, mnoluwes um:
\‘ "#1 Fremont Campaiyx Club is about to
him in this city, for the purpose of
.- gw- the name of John 0. Fremont. be~
'. _ 1.. National Convention. 85:; candi
'L.‘ a skg Prosidency.” , ,
'A am from Chicago in the
“freedom Convention" at. Lollls'lnle. an.
M lhnt. Dome of the Guam of
Chimp had Mu]! Copprhnds.
< “maimrihgifihmmdwwb’fl
£1 .93.“, Xl} Lincoln? second team—f
‘B‘thmrx wial go fonssdentyly better.
[~‘-—‘-—--—-~ ‘1 -'--—-'—.-.- ..., —————‘w——o - - , 17—4 ~m—-—-«-—~ «wee-o
l WHAT I? 00873. OAK m REPUBLICAN PART? 33-} ”014153139 m ”BILLION.
[ Thur-101l Wood in I recent lotterto Sonn- STORE m UNION? _ IWe find the following among the prom- '5
tor Margin fly! tbs! the VI: Will In" 00“ Th 9 Ml“ 4“”“911 f” “"3 PWI‘Ie 1? ge- ' dings of the House 11. Wuhiugton on Fri-'
In its luminnuon u. least/our Mona-Ind m'l- cide It the nut election. up the 5. Y. dgy week: “ l
‘ lion: ofJoda-u. and that three-fonrlhn «HMS:a WWH. il- whether the Republifaii party h Mr. Long (Ohio) nfl'ered a prennible eon- '
Eamount will remain on a national debt.— In: [given evidence. during Ibo presidenudfilu‘lmf E'El‘llftetfflg'mil "rhifxmu . i
'.-..- I) . . :
l Here is num almost fabulous and «1:1qu ' term soon to t-x'puof ol‘alnlih- and capacnty l man“ he and ifhel‘rzlwt'nmog "an“; ,
lom in one Mammal .101er {or every slave in to restore the bnlon. Tuey hive not been huuflmtfuuy ”queued loapmint ank_‘
the UnilevlSlltu at the commencement of Minted in mm nor named in means: no [in Pierce‘ qf New Hampshire, Millard:
thewnr. Addto thin thohnnrlred thou-and government over before wielded such im- Fillmoyewf Lew YorkJnd Thom-I Ewing;
. ed-‘Of Ohio. and such other permnn u the
dun—vthoihoau of? bravo Ind Itrong nn-lm.‘m‘e rmurm 1' ”WY hi!" M‘ “10¢? (President shall (we prop" m “1”," a.
fortunueo 'llqu by dim—the wliole‘ ed they ”mm: l’le‘d th“ thgy s'" "0‘ Commisfiioners on the part of the United
districts ofcouutry ruined and homesmnde h'dnlflil'r‘fl- Monel'vmen-‘hemmm‘i Suites. who -lmll be emPOWPred to meet
desolate—l country crippled find seething"! the sea, new and surprising invention: (bxnmisgionern o: z Ikiln; mumberrfnlr the
. ~ . - ~ - - l 1 mm:i eject on be I o 1 0 Cone Prue
with {muons that '1” mil and cannat bell“ "RV-"l nrclntecluro: and 1“. gunnery. " [9 Stilton. at such time md pla'co a! may he
inlluyed. and 3""! have an approximate “‘l' l advantngb- 0.! operating “Pm“ _a Imp e 1 agreed upon. to ascertain. before a renewnll
‘mnte of what it will coalthisnntion toloarn Who“ “‘3'“ induatry '3‘ exerted m produ-g of hostilities. whether the war !hlll not.l
the immrmnt lesson that our Governmentl'dm2 "' grvat urticle of foreign export. nnd i come to A clone. and '59 Union 795:0?“ by
;- ~ - l - i ' o .r‘ 11’ t neressit is n, foréi n market. a relurn 013511 the States to their a Sevrinnce
rm" (M 394 an . ”Pu.“ of h I“! ‘f'dl "has” iswoo ile heifmell in 5,5. blockade land rights under the Conslilulinn. a l
compromise. and that only by an exercise}? ’ P l H, 11,. rewlution mu rpjecged_’eu 22’;
of the same spirit can it be maintained I—3 without 3 "My 0? waul‘ces tn circus? one! nnys 95' ‘ l
Happily for the authors ofthi'u conflict, thol—W“ ”1k extraznlinnry wmbinfllfini‘g; Mifivl‘lchenok j’)‘ 35) offered a gain 95
' ’ ‘ ’ 11‘ the a ministration a mic 'remu ions, to ml;
gut»;- 31...; Will coverflhun: (21:130le pene'“ :nly by :30" ol'itt imbecilit‘y. l That the present war against the arm
"a ytiecurueao We y. V l . ; d t insurgents handed under the name of e
r‘ ,_.___ ‘ ' -... 4 k may b“ ”Md' .n M' tliu our .rm" Southern Confederacy. waa brought on by}:
THE ENROLLMES BILL (but? made gfcflb PYOE'eu- But,wbo. ““h‘ lwicked and wholly inexcusable rebellioh.
III! passed both Houses of Congress, and . out renouncing all claims to solidity of‘tl nll’llmsefingnged in aiding uml abett-
President Lincoln h“ signed it' The fol-:jnrlgment. ('mn say ‘lmt‘ this progress hasieni'nlllvguvfntlnfiggflll lite [lljalllsxlnatupx‘llfllic
lomng are among us moat important pm ' bet-n at. all pruporlmnnte 10 IN coal . EN: The “M". was agreed ‘o' .
' 10f the Alleglmilies. the nJr has been: on Ellfl _l‘lw no x} l’.'.""“l{ w:i§_re_ud, namely-
Persons enrolled may furnish Ant any
time previous to the draft an acceptable
substitute who is not liable, and such per
sons thus furnishing a substitute shall be
exempt from the draft not exceeding the
time for which such substitutes shall have
beenmccepted. Any person drufted may,
before the time tier for his apbenrance
for duty at the draft rendezvous, furnish-an
acceptable substitute. subject to such rules
md regulations as may be prescribed by
the Secret-try of War. If any dmtted per
son shall hereafter pay money ‘for the pro
curntion of asubstitute, such payment shall
operate only to relieve the person from
draft on that call. and his name shall “‘3l
retaineti on the '0". and he shall be sub.
ject to draft in filling that “quota. and his
name shall be retained on the roll in filling
future quotas. But in no instance shall
the exemption of any person on account of
his payment of commutation money for the
procuring of a substitute extend beyond
one year :flmt at the end or one year in
every such case the I'lnt of 'nny person so
exempted shall he enrolled again, .if not
tin-fore _returned to the enrollment list un-
théprovision of this section.
—-7-—-—-—~—«.» -—-<—.——-
lenerul I'rtmont‘: * Grievances—General
cmont has written a letter to General
Schenck, the Chairman of the Military
Committee of the House, whichmay be re
garded, n'e suppose, us a very significant
document ' coming from an independent
candidate {or the Presidency. It is sny-A
thing but friendly in its tone townt'ds the
Administration. Indeed, it is A severe re
buke for harslftreatment at) their hands.
which the General complains 05 as unjust.
Mid ofl'onsimrst, in retiring him from
notive service against; his will for: the space
of sixteen months; next. in r'edncing him
tosorve' under Gen. Pope, whicfgf he pro
nounces “ an nnmerited insult :" and final
ly. in giving an importnnt command, which
was expressly arranged for him by the Sec
retary of War and approved by the Fret-1;,
dent during the lost session of Congress, to
innother officers Genera) Fremontjs griev
onsly attended at these slights, and he hike:
the, opportunity of telling the public so.
WA special dispntr? from \Vlusliinglon
to tthinrinnati (Jimmy [:11 sayrit t 9 positive
ly ntated by gentlemen who enjoy unusual
means of information on political subjects.
that Fremont has determined to announce
himself as an independent. candidate for
the Presidency. and that the radical Ger
mans have pledged him their sufnport.
Nearly all of the German Republican I‘m
pers in the WestPrn States have signified
their hostility" to President Lincoln.. and a.
new monthly haS‘been started at. Chicago
in the German language for the express
purpose of preventing his} re-nominution.—
Should he succeed in the Convention at
Baltim‘nre, this large element. will doubtless
go for 'Fremont as an independent candi
date. In such a contest, the Demobrucy
newAga.” the well-known Washington
correspondent of the Baltimore Sun, says:
“ At. a meeting of the Republican A‘so
cintion in this city. last (Saturday) evening.
it was made manifest that 1». Chase element.
existedin that organization.” “
That's E 0; indeed it was so manifut, that,
I resolutio’n ofl‘ei ed in fuv'or of Lincoln’sre
nomination met with ’stom and unrelent
ing opposition. To get rid of the subject, it
was either withdrawn or ‘.nid on the table.
The Chase element wag the stronger—say:
the‘Wuhington Constitutional Union.
Troy, Mia York, March I.—At fh‘o muni
cipal election to-day, a large vote was poll
'ed. The Democrats elected their cfiu‘di
date for maybr by 700 majority. Six 6fthe
ten alderm’en are Democrats. and the Whole
Democratic city ticket was elec‘ted hy an
increase Jr 800 over the majority of last
year. , ' '
'Lookport. March l.—Tho entire Demo
cratic ticker. Ell elected to-day by Ibout
150 mfiority. ‘ ».
Yonkers. March 1.--Tho Demoonfio
liqket for millage nfieers has been elected
by about .100 majority.
mee‘anrion Dsmocml says the town
electionq‘recently held in that county have
resulted in mcomplete Democratic uiumph.
The Abolitioniats currietigynly one town
ship in full and three bo ugh: in put.—
Tho Democrat “would not be surprised if
Chrion gives 1 Democratic maiority high
.up in' the team.” which we mppose means
from fourteen weighwen hundred. That
will do. ' . . '
who “Democrats curried tho spring
election in Hollidnyaburg. Thogfiapnb’a
did not put n ticket in the field. excepting
for judge in the East Wad, tud that one
was beaten two to one. '
Another Democratic! __Vdou.—At an elec
ticu root-my held in' the bomugh'of No!-
thumberlaid, the Depocnta curried their
entire ticket by n handsome. ugjovity.—.
Both panic: but lull ticket-3n she field,
and the A‘bolitiouiats were more than usual.-
1y active; ‘Tho result is, that the borougf:
of Northgmberlmd this day prgsenta the
proud Ipicttcle of not. buying fine single
dividual oi nigger‘worshippinF pmclivi-l
ties in smunicipal ofice.’ g I
fl'flw recent city and town“ elections
throughout thi- Sulge show decided Demo
cratic gains. Thus the any of Troy‘incretses
its Democratic vote six hundred. Lock
pott, Yonkers, and Oswego also sho- gon
servnfive gains. When we country begun:
1Q mliu the ugocity of the Fiend; mas
sacre it. ti" can. Kr. Lincoln more vote- in
every county of the Roget, this home:
hoped as ”out; fr. thor #189“ of
Fwfidnvb'e- 10" World. “"4 "3-2”;
whole. a said luflure. We have made a few
intlentatinns into the rind of‘llie rebellion
0n the Atlahtic .alupe; hut Richmond and
Charleston still hi?! us defiancE, find the
vast belt of' terrifnry strexchfing {rpm the
Pommac go Cupe S.nble remains. with the
exceptiqn ofa few hundred {square mim,
in poswssion of tht rebels. Isf this quccead
We do not ask if u. is'success hirnportionod
to the enormous Alcnle of our bxpenditure,
but is it not [francsterous to consider it”
sdcceai at all 2 Washington hn'sbten almos't
constnn‘tly menaced ; the invn‘der has been
twice upon our soil in great force; and no
lancer ago than Inst. glimmer Vthe safety of
our great Atlnoiic cities dppe‘mled on llm
issue of _a single battle. That b‘ttlle mm,
by fierce nnrlflrigorous fighting. decided in
our fnvor‘; hut-since (lien. ensbof the Allé
gllnnips, we lmvegainml übmluit-{ly nothing.
'l‘osettle down in exhaustion nl3alim’pntence
after I‘Ppclllng n formidable idvusinn, gives
but feeble promise of that cmnplctp cun
‘ quest of the onprjiliy’s country jwlm-h ,is the
low”: of-lhe wnr. \
' lu‘iho “’ext,‘\i'lyore our cr‘nnrzih hnvo
ibeon further removed from tlu. blun lering
{sunril/anr: nflhp ntlmlhidrntion. our more“
‘lms héfin moregln‘dpor‘tiomile‘ to tlm vast
.scale ol‘our expenditures. 13qu even in the.
‘ West our sins 1339‘ Mlyel so incocure [hut
lone great libel victory might‘ change the
lwhule face nfnfi'nirs. ‘ If Grant should be
;benten by Johnston. nnd_l;'enncssee be
‘tlwrehy recovered by the réliéls. our most.
l impsrtnnt advantages in the West. wnuld he
I almost annihilated. VyVhilomKnHPrs remnin
iin such in slnt'e that 3 single lbattle might
Edispoiwess us of agrent "pal-bl of wlm; we
lfhave gained, exullation is prématnre. and
lpreparalinm to administer upbn the eatnte
{ofthe dead rebellion absurd. 1
‘ ”we get throngh lhe spu’hg campaign
without. heavy 'disnstgra wé shlall owe llltle
thanks to the [id-min"stratum;l They hnve
(rifled away the full and winldzir in vangu
ting crude abolition} fo‘llies agd in prosic
maklhg: and the spring calml-aigns are)
opening with inadequate preparations.—
We are to have an influence tii‘nf' in March l
or April: ll‘. as we are told, the great '
death-grapple with the iebellidh i: to tnke'
place this rpring. how cnm thelae raw levies '
profit ua? 'They are too late to help us win i
victories ; they are not even harly enough '
to arrest. and roll back the tide ofdefeut:
if the fortune of war hhould be against us.l
The administration has no foresight; all its!
chief movements are forced upon it by the '
premrntionfl hr the successes of the rebels.i
It! nd outfitll ol'aeudden. in‘> the summer‘
oflSfi‘Z. that it needed six hundred thong-i
and more men than it had aniicipnted the"
preceding spring. when it putln hop to en-;
listments. The draft last year vies ordered
clo<e on the heels ofa rebel invlnsion. The
draft ordered for this springlreenltn from
an unexpected discovery ofthef great extent I
of the rebel preparations during the winter.
Arnadministration which is never wise till I
after the event, ‘which is perpetually ma-t
king representations that the war is near.
its close, nntl' following tlieni up by such}
enormous calls. for new troops us prove
them unTounded ; an administirntion wl‘ichl
gives these conétunt‘pt‘ool's that it ncidier'
understands the present nor sees an inch:
before its nose into the futurefis incapable‘
of restoring the Union. . '
But can the Republican‘ party tubstitutel
i better T A lnrge majority of theparty can i
discover no clearer way out of our diflicul-,
ties than to re-eléct Mr. Lincoin. and keep'
in the’same set‘ot‘ incapable: thet have so
long mismanagedshe 'vnr. ‘The dissentiente':
do not'go outaide'of Mr. Lincoln's cnbinetl
for acmdidate. They do not promise to
put into the goyernment any greater win-f
dom than is already in it. The chief point;
of superiority clhinied for Mr. Chase is that!
he inn more relif‘ble abolitionist ; which, if‘
it‘v'vere'n merit. wronld only place him ini
relation with questions to arise alter the
war. not demonstratekhis capacity to man-‘
ngeit. The_Republicans have been makih‘g
party capital, for the last six months, but
of the idea that the rebellion is about to'
break down from exhaustion. For it to end
from such A cause would reflectiittle credit:
on the administration, which ought tohave
reooveredithe'reiolted territory by military
vigor. while it had. 'yet wealth to allevietef
the burden ol'onr taxes. But we feu- that'
the expectation of w my conquest. thisl
spring in s‘ delusive 6mm. We hue no
doubt the war will run into the am ad-l
miniitntion,‘ end if that administration in
Republican, then, firewall, along fnx‘e'well‘
to t -o‘ Union. ,
Illa-130.54“! Taking lita‘ Raina—We cg
informed thus the Pro-£6om bu jawed or»
den to the Secretary 6f Wu, and of the‘
Navy,‘% give out no mom advertising of
their feapeotive depaytmenu, ‘excepv. any
thr his direction and to paper! of his ulce
(ion. This implies a doubt on his part of
the friendly dinpésition of his two mipib-
Len. He smeHs treason in the camp.
”Mr. Greeley‘doesn’t my. "God Ida:
Abnham Lificoln," now. It’tanolhofikind
of tn exfamaion. 7 ' ’
fl-Tixe dud body‘ofl soldier was found
in I Lime Kiln near Chlmbenburg on
Mondsy evening of In: week. It is sup
posed he was murdered by 1 colored man
who Ind b'een seen in company with him
during she thy. for he purpose arming
hi- (tho uldiu’s)bmmly mono, whim;~ h
'bidjfeflmd. - i . i >
"l‘his rulmllinn I-hould heeilbclunlly put
dowfi: and, ['o prevent the recourrnnce of
such a rebellion in future. the cauge which
led to this one musvbe permu‘ué'utly re
moved. ,
The yonsnnd nay: were demanded on (he
last. clause, an to the removal oi the cause
of 15m rshr-llinn. .
,J. C. Allen.” lnis'nemewas callednowd
ye; amid exreasive laughter. ’ .
Mr. Allen (Mam) voted no. This canned
much merriment. but the gentlpmnn dire-ct
lv changed his vote. explaining that he for
the moment thought he was voting right.
being opposed to the gentleman from Illi
Mr.¢~Cnx. (Oln’m) amid the confu-inn.
midiv on this aim.- vute lnr the resolu
tinn‘. lwc'iu-u- the cau§es or the war were
Abolition and Secession um! ought l 0 be re
mm'otl. ‘
Mr. Mallory (Kv.) mid IIP vule‘d you, for
the new}: rimilur lo thut juat «signed by
tho umnlom 11l from Ohio, ,
'l‘lenll-cull lmvmgbeen romp? Qletl. the
result was announced as ununi'mfilflfl'izi
YNm. r 25. ‘ _ x
The nun rmnhuinn in the spring was
rMII, girl is M fliii.)\\"~‘.: ‘ 1
j,‘.'lr'rl"7x'{. Tim: in the ntruggie now going
on far thv safely of our mumry and Iree
gown-union: Llwre is no middle ground nn
wlm'h any good citizen nr true patriot can
uiuyd. nrmmlity or imlxficrennv, 0r any:
thing short of u lwurty Nippon of the Gov
ernment bpinfiv la crimfi wlu-re the quvshon
is halwm‘n loynllv-ar‘ul lromon.
'l‘lni» List, resolution was also unanimously
ado med. ‘
Mir. Cox offered. the following resolu
tion : ~ " l '
Ram/mi. 'l‘h’nt the rebellion be. and lhe
smnc N: hérehy abol'glmd.
This wan/nerved tn‘ amirl laughter.
Mr. l’cndlelon ((Dliiu) oll‘ora-d the fol
lowing :/ -
~Rarnlmd. Tlml. nu the same ol' the llnme.
[lie milimrv nrrmt \vixhont cinl warrant:
and trial by milil'in' cnmmhsinn“without
jurv. of Cir-"mm L. anlnluliglmm, n citizm
ofOliin. n -t in tho hm] m- n'u'ul lon-5N n?
thr- I7nitwl Smxen. or in llm milllizl in active
service. l-y orill-rnf .\lnjr‘wr Gn-nornl B-Irmille,
and his subs-quaint lmnialimenl by nrtlvr of
the ‘l’rvsitlpnt. oxm-utml by mililany Inrm‘.
u-m-o am: n: me 9 arbitrary pawn): in pnipu
] ble viulati-m ul‘tlu’ llmqiluliun and the
out. . luw: nf Hm United States.
Rejected—yew 47, nnys 76
@oll_ the 25H "11.. the \w-rkingmon
of the city omev York mot tn tlm nnmlmr
of<9vernl tliou‘mnrl; and after a speech frnm
the i‘ywirlunt of the meeting. ‘9 ‘mrim nf
remiutinug were pasgml dotln’tmt-in: the
war a! prosecute-1i; the interest of nt‘gx'n
mnnncipution, as being umiglxtenus and un
holy in its purpoées. nntllxu [CL'lnlgsolvly
to enrich the idle and 'uurlllloss {en ml the
ixpense of the tolling and ptmlncitrg n. 1'
liom‘.’ A committee mu: appointt-ll to pre:
p-ure ,nn mldrv“ to the \votkingmrn of that
United Statos. and steps were taken to call.
a National Convention of all tln- tzallei. in,‘
order to tuk-e practical monsuresito intvr-l
pose the influence of the laboring cligsses
eyerylwhero against thefurtlu-r prosecution
o! the war, and to seek relief fxom tbé bur
thens which fit: inevitably imposu in the
~shape ofhigh axes and the incz-eaaing rates
ofnll articles of consumption. ‘
Plots and 'COunlrrplol.L—S(:Vl;l':ll hauling
Abolition New-York politiciam nrrivml in
Washington. the other day. and had a. long
inlgrview «with Mr. Lincoln. They msert
pubiicly that the Pregfident, owingto mov§e~
menEagsinst'him by friends of fin. Charity;
has determined to take charge at all the
patronage in the Treasury department. par
ticularly that of the New York Custom
House. This course, it is believed. will
welken Mr. Lincoln and strengthen Mr.
Chnsé. ‘ ’
eThe Republiéan National Executive
Committee, wbibh convened at Washington
on Monday week. did u very proper as well
Is significant eel. in refusing to admit. dele
gates who claimed to represent. Arkansu,
Tennessee, Florida and other rotten bor
ough states. Theme bogus delegnles were
all for Lincoln, and if the National Con
vention, when it mien next June, taken
the Slime ground, the N. Y. War/d dose not.
see hpw he can benominated, as his strength
will be in such delegations. This strife for
the nomination will develop a healthy feel}
ing in 1!. ‘publican party spins! the
rotten borough state scheme. ‘
A Gmmmifing‘ Spirit.-Tho Lonitlville
Journal tells In Anecdote of Inn 0121 ch which
is wérlh preserving. fiThe gonllemflu is 3
Violent Republican. and both before And
since going into the my his oppoood,
with all the ml and ability of which he is
W. the CritlendeuCompromise. A:
the battle of Chick-$9. when our rout
ed wing was {ldling kin grass disorder,
and the min of the enemy pushing forwsrd
with. n shower of shell. grape. canister, and
musketry. this gentleman, who was in the
midst. of the deadly torrent, and who stut
ters iomewh-t in his upeoch. turned to n
fellow loldier Ind mid : “Glgvg-george, if
G-gl~gomrnor Crittonden. were to r—frise
up now f-f-f-from his g-g-g-grave, nnd offer
me the C-mc-crittenden com-com-compro
misc, by——- I would take it!"
W‘smsm'ox. March L—‘f’he President by
message today. informed the House that
he had approved of the blll reviving the
gnde of Lieutenant General. Shortly after
ward! the President sent to the Senate the
nominafinn nf General Grant. for the pai
tion of Lieutenant General.
fi'Miu Webb, 3 cultivated sndeloquent
young lady. has taken the sgump against
Anna Dickinson. She spoke in Brooklyn
on Friday night on a. crowded house.
3Tb? widow of Ear-President Emile:
died at, North Bend on the 25th uh.
‘ “ "‘——-—-—— «ww'
in fil‘he gut?“ of Cuxghggmd 90w;
Juan -f~c- 3 a 2; “‘ 99?".5‘
"an hue jun prinleglrfllot of com-
Ilon Dunn, «m, clear type, on \ery mperior
paper—oingle Marl doublc ncknnwledpnolu,
I!” with acknowledgments in'anuk, luilrd
mg a, number. Deeds for Administme.
Adminismtors with {he Will annexed, and
Rx Man, with Common Ind Jud neuflandy.
“32mm“ Notes, Amlcshk ,h- :33, Sum
monsu, Snbm-l. hie-noon. a Not".
hm, kc., no Ilse «3"»: had ll tho o.l"an
03cc, It all time. ‘ >
S‘Tbe Democrats of Cumberland (own
ship .10 requened to meet ll Blueh-ngh's
tnrornJin Gettysburg. on Saturday; non, a! )
o'clock; P. IL, (b «m: n eownnhip ticket A
full glifndllu In urged. _ v
Q‘Xr. Samuel Bax-bu, n Emmy. in
sold the property of fin. Cuharine Hahn, M.
the welt end of {handwriting "net, to Mr.
Dnid Warnnfior $750 cub. '_
fi-Cnpt. Rufus c. Swope,’Qunrter Mutu
in the Army oftbe Potomu. has_ been proufioted
to be Quarter Mule! of a Division. 1
fi-Spring Dry Goodl now opening—large
lsgortmenb—mew diligns-it the old estab
“3th dry goods house of Eyre a Lilith“, All)
&: Arch streets. Phileflplli-I. ' lleud adv.
fi-We call thermtenlion of Hume in wnnv.l
ofn good sußstnntial 7 Centre Pinfio-P‘ortc 18‘
the adverlisement of Grovesteen J: (30.. of New E
York. who offer them at extremely low prices.
Send tor their descriptigevcirculur. :
[@We notice in the In}! number of the
Lutheran nnd‘ Missionary, that Rev. 5. S.
Stchmucke'r', D. D., given notice orhis intention
to re:ign the Professorship of Didactic Theol
-0g) in the_Theological Seminary at this place.
He'lms occupied the position for nearly forty
years. His cjxief reasonl‘tur this ltep are in
creasing infirmitiei of'nge nndfi desire to (_iQ
\'ote tpe remaining years 0! his life more par
ticularly to literary inbors.
OUTRAGHUUS.—On Sunday night Inst,
stones were thrown into the bed-room win--
down of several of our mos: respectable cin
-1 zrns, iu imminent sections of the town. Tho
I dvyL-Hingi of .\lr. Georgg Swop'e And Mr. T. D.
Carson, on York street; and Rev. Dr. Jm‘ohs,
ton Wegt Middle street. were assailed In this
outrageoul manner. The paw-traitors of the
deed have not yet been discoyerrd, but no ef
lott should be spared to ferret thvm out. Is
there no wny to protedt our citizens from such
4nd ull other not: Q! violence? .
“V 11": following is a list of the ”lemma in
Capt} .\.glxlir's company, 87th I'n. Brgimonl,
who hm?! re-enlistcd, and had themselves 'uc
credit“! to ’Junowngulowuship, .\dnme ‘ unmy:
Carp. Wm. D. Holtzworlh, Wm. \lu‘hnignl.
Reuben Jm'ob‘r, Sumac-i Fiihl‘r' “Al.“ Lilllc,
John E. 563 d", D. P. ReighuJat-uh RSI-r, Wm.
bhendg—all «mm Admins cuunl); and Henry
11. Smh‘il, H A. )Ycrcbc:,~nnd Amos Burk,
Imm (tumherlnnd coquy. A
The quota for Conny-ago township ii 16,
which has been filled enfircly om ufthe Nth
regiment—paying the men s bounty nl‘ $l7O.
IIEAD' AND FEET.—AJI who Qtudy the an.
o’clruss siy that (o nppmr neat )pn m‘uit
kt‘ep .\nur bend nn-l feet well-dressed. To do
this it ls only neceuary to huv your llnnu,
Show and N Is 0‘ ‘Ruw & “'oauls. They are,
introdlcing a superior nrlich- 0! shoes or all
kind:. nnd ”left will no {finger he qomplmnrs
heard n‘noult had “store slums"' ifprorln who
want bnuLfi or shoe! for nu-n, hays. Indie: or
children, buy them M the ri;ht phct‘. The
[ll-“cc to buy huts: cnpn, b 60113 short. trunks.
(nu-pol bags, wall paper, notinne. 'nml many
nther thing-, is 'zhe'smre m flung}; “'nods,
worm-r of. York straw-t and the Dian: ond. GNJ
X} sluurg. . lunr. 7.
‘Tunnnxc. TREES—The men-m in «‘l.»
nrzper iime to amend to this “nrk. before the
sup begins to nutend from the roots to the
trunk and limbs, and thu} insure .1 plenliiul
irovr'th of Bhooll and consequently un nbun
(hint ‘folinge, which, 15 every hailm-‘keopor
knuvs, is u very desirable thing ground one's
dwelling during the sultry months 0T summer.
This month and April will do for pre’pnring
and planting out yu’fing trees. but the Imm
month id rather foolale for trimming. In this
section too lit-ll? attention is paid to it proper
time lor trimming.and too _mnny prune their
trees in the latter par: of April and in May
when bud: are not out} ready to burst, hut
oven are opeb.’ We Inn {mind from our own
limited experience that thl. is. the month to
trim gmpeiviues, And we never kn'evr (if on:I
thus managed not to flourish’and bear nhun~
dnntlvf . . ‘
355"?!" anpenbundnnce ofpapr-r money in
the United Sula: has driven all our small I.“-
ver coin, deblsed u it is far below the British
mint :ttndlrd, over in to Canada. it in; an abun
dant. theredhlt they call it A nuiunce. “'l9;
will! they would drive that nuisance lbia may
again. ’ ‘~
Jolt—Samuel W. Day, who was convicted of
sending a. lake marriage notice to this plpex,
was nen‘enced In. Tndnton In! weekdo my I
fine of 525 Ind cosu of prevention. Anoxher
compluim for lending a 'limilav notice to the
Taunton Queue I“ laid on i le.—Boum| Jaw.
A few liufilu instances of Fpunishmtnt in
this State would hue In exceflcut exact.—
y‘ \he’re be no law to punish such “ practical
jokes,” one should be u! once «muted:- -
fi-flevenl days ago the Hous‘e of Rup
resenmti'ves called upon the "President” to
publish a succulent of the number of re
enlisted veternns from each Smtemlid other
iuférmation in (but. connection. To this
the President has replied,'incloning I. com
municatioa from the Secretary of War. who
says flat in his opinion it would be prejudi
cial to the public service to tun-mil. to the
Home. at the presenuime, the information
requested. , _ ‘V ,‘.
Sf. Loan, “Mega—The mliul Germun
paper: of this city. the Wudiclu Poul and
New Za’g hue hoisted the nme‘ol’ Gen.
Fpmontu the popple's undid-ta for the
P‘h-uidency. .
In Team—The man who lotod for Curtin
to “save the Sun from a draft" was in town
yesterduy. He hns came to the conclusion
that. the “wldiers’ friend" is n first-glut
humbug.—~sz'ol (I: Union.
fißrigxdiar Gram] E. A. Wild hm
issued to order condé‘mning the Rev. 8. H.
Wingfiold. of Portsmouth, to sweep the
streets of Portsmomh and Norfolk fol three
months, on the ground chm. he is reputed
to be u: avowed Secessionig't.
Rdurnod Hanna—We am. happy to due
fihatfiol. W. W. Dallas bu returned home
fiber m absence of more lhtln a year. For
the last six months he has béen sojourning
in Cannda.— Wutminmr Democrat. ,
#Mr. John Vote, of Townbridge, Alla
gau county. Michigin. whilwunling recent.
Iy. killed the. deer with one ball“. at one
pug... and [and thou) d 1 M a rod
‘P‘F'r 'v~ ‘ I .' .‘ "a ‘ -
fighi‘gptroglbigltqryg __ . 1
; THE WAR NEWS. lpfished. The Union 1011””. m“ 40," ~
l fitntnment- franlnrida report tlmtonnm | two cugclmgpnnd that or um canredmm
. ' tn F'H-r uurp.
Inflcrnnnn orthe 2‘)th ult.. lho Unmn lrvmpg . l l
under Gen. Sevmour, met the (‘nnfn-tlo-ratm, _ a“""‘-“ Bull” hfl“ 'é‘PzEflphml to Wflgh.
15 000 strum: titty five miiefi lmvnnd Jack~ ‘ mgiqn tlmt Gnnprni .Ktlpngrlck h'u firmed
‘ ‘liiHO‘ and $15!“ mites bevnndhandnrmn, "MN" ”18 Pmkl'fil 1m". an the Pt-nmsuhl,
.90! ‘ " I. i-m ' Hp d 'r. 1. ' {ram hm raid Inward-t thehmzmd. It i. [F
on the hm- of 1h? . dl‘. \ nn an .d n i .
l l ‘_P railroad ThP hntlle‘wm til-swrntt-lv . porn-d thin 2 he. pnnvtmtmt the luhurbq or
(:33;th «tut-int; Ihr" hnurs. and M. fit‘lnwl.“°'"" “r'ih9WIIOIIfl fiffi'fhfmin‘l. destrnqu
1) l ’l} ion forces. th-rpnwprml lb, numhprg, ;" ""339 Pnrtmn 0' tthlrgme-ntynl Rut.
1“fi rm?! Sanderson tqkinu‘with them the i "‘“d- “"d ““VPrIII tuilh .qul ntucr property
‘"m “ ' ' F ' v ~ ‘aloux the Jamel nvur. Includmu theomal.
upoaterpu-t of the wounded. l‘he Lmon Hh d lk' . h dim .e .
How: i 4 variously e'ztimute-l at. from 500 to, "‘ a ”'9'“ " ”'9‘“ “Um, 's‘. «tun
' ' k'lled woundéd and missing inclu~ ""9 hundred ""‘l ““3' when. '"cmdllnuCols.
’lioog' zizeveinl omm" ' ;Dth}gren. Cook and Laetitia-1., fhe two
'c m n _.
I’ On the 18th 1:11.: thp United States steam- that. mm)?! at": lupponml to htlve. been
stoop-or-wur Hnusntonic. enryinp thin-term) ‘“ ,9“ p" on w h‘ ' t
gum mu «ruck in Charla-ton harbor. hv (‘KUM 3‘29"“ ‘ ‘_‘t‘klnlLl-nn paper" ates thy
' ~ ' ' A e'- ,h: venern l I rte: t rnvft It: ent-tny In a
“ tt;r;:edn. g'fmlififi'fiifim’“;fg'ft’llt; nmt throng; their fortifications Into tha
mntiflizwnbme time since The iii-hm of {“‘burh‘ nf Rmhmund. but "0‘ sut‘coedlng
the Honmtdnic “ham stnvein, and “h? lunk m Penetrating! to "‘3 “HV- he afterwards
I 00" I! Belch Ink-t Two “Boers tmulo ”VFW“ Inetfi‘cwul efi‘nrum h‘llch the
d th::>:r;eu were last 'i‘he romuinder ‘ Armv 0f the Pmnmnc. and then made for
an . . _ . .
of the crew were sand by clinging to tile Lk'vzcmnsuln, when he arrived as stated.
31$an tum] rescued by the'boats 0! t 19.. It is reported that nakirminhoccurmd on
ee ' V ‘ ‘ : ”h” 1" 'm-‘tnnt at Det'p Crnek ten miles
S 'th's canlr P (htinn,r . ‘
hgielrztt'rtedmhmullnm-ougl‘v mm: 1 from N"'r°”‘nbe‘“‘°"" ”‘9 Ff‘demlfllld Can
wan'a infintrv movement. has. been an Mari. 1 (“Ha-'0 "0:?“- MN! ”I!“ It “4“ mnewet!
ml' handled hv the rebels as to hit ohliund ' P?“ ‘1’!"- ‘ ""9““ of ”'9 F‘m' {for-“Witn
‘t‘ggtrent hnck'to Mfmphis. Among the m“ “f“‘h'V Md, "W" ”‘I'WN‘Q m the Du
ohjt-cts of this cavairy expmlitinn mm the m" s“!qu “"3,£9.r:o2ttoltei'tlig.
dmtructinn‘ nf r-iilrmds .mtl piaviaimw mid ‘ .
tnllttury stun-Pi o‘l‘tho Cnnt'etlvmt‘v HL Bin-rm ‘ x WASHQNGTON GOSSIP. ‘
"W‘i‘ 1" “'i” accnrtling m rnpmt, ”WY “"‘Mip. the t‘nllmvinu frm‘Qfl recent lot.
W‘m‘m’ “W"W'h'l' h‘" ”f" ”Pmm'm {"‘l' torof the \V.t<hin;:ton cm'rcwuontlent at” thu
c-d in thomnin nhivot. “finch \ms to tnrm n V ‘l' k H'- H’
junction With Sherman 'ltt Sumo you", In Al- ‘“w "r ”I - .
.ahamn or nmr the line nt Ahlhflm't aud‘ ran-thzs‘nu. HrrustVn.
Mussiéippi. The movemrut, thqu-l'm-eglms Thor» has bet‘lhthvrry ”..’“, “u; mums
entflml hmHv. and wfihemn, fur tiw first jo' uie ~ISM _impmsmnpil “”0““!qu o‘. tha
time tn [PM snme alvprf'hPtl-l"n for the mlnhnwtruttnn. uml alto-ruin“! mnnnnt of
nuoctzss if not the snfetymf Sherm’nn. 5 Walking, m-Ithm' .\lr. anuln'n unr .\lr.
Thor; is ,n ernrt thut (it-Hem! Lnunn’s Chimp-1 Pm"!"‘mf mirr- nnprnyw]. and the
cavalry bnd proceed.“ from liuntwillv, (‘uut‘us hmkf- up “III! a .‘t‘lllSP-Or Illutrl-ss
Ala. anal succeeded injninil Gt-ner.ll'Siwx-- 'l'"an u”? h-w uvumnl purumms of both
miml at Selma, nml that G t-rnl Thnmus the lt‘)0V(‘~llllhl(-d trr‘ntlc-men, .
hml advanced on the Con! « crates nt 1341-} nu: .lAII'h‘t'ILLE ""XVllX'nov,
ton " ‘ “ Tim mhmmstmnm. has mulmgad to mp
liirhmnnd papers state that Gun. Brnpg : Pm“! mt.- m-twrul puhiicuinn 0T tlua prr‘m.
in on clulv In that city. and umlor thn (li-tt‘Pl'HtHxAnt ttu- '_.nmwluppnmmminn“ 'l‘he
rection nt'Ji-fl‘. Davis. is chm-gm] with 11m , I'm-t. Brit ro-olutum Wflf unanimrtunly Mom.
conduct of military Operations in the -m~- NI fi'rf‘mgly ulonnunmng .\fr. mehx, “mp
him of the Confedoncv. tipphuvng lhnt no nl‘t'ulvti'y \rnulut imhmw
A dispatch from Ihu'erwillo, r1~91)n91.~99' ”In worth-m fix-puldit-un‘ ‘o3“me him for
states that the (_‘ninn roman h_ilt‘_P rt-chml I'9 elrt'tmn. A ~ ‘
1 Mnrristnwn. in that Sttlte, ttntl that Long. _ t'”\\}, I“, 'R- m“.,‘m_
street is in full retreat vantwm‘tlt murvhing ' Tlu' Clttm- [may 'llll'ilrt‘ intu thn l't-mi- ~
Int-0n hnth lmnks ot the llol~tuu river, (lent. ngntn tn thy lht'mtzh Wm,” lhvu
1 Snuthern cliqmtt-hevg of the 26:]! 3pm.. whunllndt-q to Mr. ”mm.“ lill’tiim-u h;
lthnt the Confederate rah-m utt-ler Gen. UH“ ' Imlnt‘itmtintt (‘tht‘ in .\ltuvlnntl untl
, Finnegan occupied _lltltlnin. (l-‘tmithJ in~i~lfvtl that Magnum," gar}? n, g” I:}th
{This mlvttnce ofthe mwmy ll‘tnl{~ .wtl mtg], ,Wt luvt-Ljvln-m mun-3‘" Plltl~ltlii||u ”I",
{the Union ut'tny vmttl'l hut he :tlltmul to l"«'.~illnu§1, he “NIH.“ ”Hum” Bani..- ‘Lo
iremnin untnoltwtell at.) lt'k-tOthllleJ-ul 'it .t vnli‘t sluvf‘. ' ‘l
the ConfetlerntM intrude-t rt) p 101» their . my t-mnun' t'ltu‘tt.m_~ -
advantage tvithlvigm'. . l 1 'l‘ rut'mikml lu'lt- ..‘ 1w”, "punk“.
, Within tt‘ l'eu tldy" p-tat twn m- lhteo int- “M. 1} th - l’nutt-rny Clll‘lllII"i.1'|):l'_'U". th a
lpnrt untexttetlitinns htl\‘t.‘ltt‘t‘ll wnl nut ‘rmn Nut-rill \‘ mtntw :u-e ttznnkmg thnuumdi‘ul‘
the Army ol the l’ntnmnr. .\ t-tuutlry hm u “"IW‘ tn "wry it nt of the (' utf'r‘tu .. ' x
under Gen. l‘tlstm‘ fittrtnri~etl :l thutmlamtu Tm! fl'ti-Tfixs hl‘\\r-‘tt~ nu nit t’tu‘rturwr “F
mun]; ttettrzfittutltzirtlsrtlle. tttztl‘dt-druyn-Il H, h|\ Well ‘ kttnwn Ilmt tmt m‘w u .h.r;.
lotttttutinu ’n titttnher of prison?“ and hm. Sgt: \tur ltl\'lll's .\lr. Inltll‘ttlu’.‘ {..lmmn ”In”
50... lien. ("_ haw-“it'd the flank t-l tit-n. “Mllglt thty lllt‘ I-_\ nutttmth lur Sil‘.(;‘hi|~t-:
! [o9's rtrmt'. and >lllNl’ll'anll} .~':tlu.’_t~ rvtmn. . «... .7
,edtutl i<~itlettftlteltttl-ttltm. Anuthert-qm- " ‘ ‘ .Vttu Yank. .\1 Int}. [.l. l-‘Wlf.
‘dttinn lintler Gen. Ktltmtrtt'k ltmi 41m In‘t'l) . rll'Ti‘ minimum In 1... v "HILL. lwlni-g
E‘ent nut. to mgketm f'XIPIhiYP thlnttr'nf Ht lltta city ngmnxt Ant-Ilium l.llll‘t)l‘ll the <
I the Cnnl‘ederute lint“. ttttd (in Monday he ‘V'N'rlht‘ittu m m'my tm-n'in l-‘l -t-t-l.t. at than
lwns repnrlc-(Ito have reached Sputbyljutfia ""“lf‘ "' U’IHIW‘, for the tllll_V pmpr w ..r
Cmtrl Hmtue. \Ulilfllllln‘.’ three _nmre \nip-t 9.": t]... l’rmi—
I There in“ been no itttelltgeltt'o l'rthGeri, 4' "Pv. Tillr’ ttthrttiit: tlw lrtlu‘rs I‘Ulttutning
lSltertr.nn {or «rivers! «hiya—not shim-4'5“ re- : ’ll““l",l-Ills nt tlm unh-i-nm-tte utl‘tir. which ‘
Hmrtml arrival ttt Strlmtt. ACtlttf'wle-raleilt‘.Hm” LPN! ”It'pH-wul Ls ’it titllmam
patoh from Atlanta, tlttml ,l’rhttmry ifitth-N “‘"r‘k. I-‘tutv m lmn-l. wwl .thtrv new
states, hmt'et‘erJhnt S'wrm-m'fl :tclvattcuhml I "”"d “V "'1 ‘lll’liun .ttt ynhlte. n..-r.. “m“.
lrettchml ‘tPettrlv l’t-nr." a [mint ‘.Illil)l:i)'wll to ""1 vl‘lvtv ulm lnr n time ri-gt't'tlrtl ”n.. - ~.,.
the met or mutht-mt rit‘ )lurt‘fliJlL' r'hjt-h "m“h )"m't‘t' “I'M w~|vll In utte min. “h b
point, Sherman had reached by the ‘lthlt Mr """M "“"kl““l) ”WT-ll ‘l' the tun-t llrvt'ltllld
22.1 of 1:91,,"er ‘ nl lwo-w. ti: w n--w ttnm-nullv .u'kuunlt-tlu. d
l A dispatch from “'.tuhin-ztnu mentions n P"“" '1" ”In“; “runn- nhmlt LMVo-I hum,”
rumor ”ml Gen. Butler hm ~tttw-t-mle-l in MN} “Whitlvrt-Il the t'il nnpinm nl H..- .\.l.
‘making arrangements with Cumtni~~mnvr '"lmftrlllnn. t-nly tn tu'u'n'tta- «4114.:th
(Dull) whit-h will prqhnhlv 11"lll to an (no """'|"l”'“f"‘l‘- 'l'll‘mill n..... Svt‘mmtr it
Ichange (If prisom-n mt hath I-i-lna. * f'" ”i m "l 0 ”I" 'fi‘JHP-gml nl ll)" l.ltlll'l|l'\-
' “'.ténn‘mtn‘. M Il‘t‘ll l. ”‘1“ ""“""")’.V H'"’P".'£“."”""t‘nttrttt-t-~,t1..-
Tlm expedition ttn-ler (it m-tuht Snmh lz'd‘H'leVP- “"‘l'l 4‘1"?" 0" Hm *v't'rr't up
and Grier-mt, that mm undertaken with :I """Hmm lmvufltt tn ti- n.» titllmgqn- Ly
viawot‘ m ovormittgtyith l‘ neral .\‘hvrmun. :\lt-..1l 'V- 1"!“ I" -V th- w- r--t ttv ml the l'l-‘h
“3'4"" “L": 'lnjtldue lrnngllte tn tuner ttntl "i' '3" 'l'?” ""l “‘4' ‘0 lt'l'l lm- utnlt n..-m
-rcserve of Hi!. officers, our low. ~t httVe "UP“ ”I" 'nflul'lrlri at ,1- ltlliHJt)’ it) 111. \thl luv
mqre severafimn hm been dated. n Img.- lint: .nn'l f-ttlthtl <.-nit~n.vv.-n lyl lire tutti-'-
ntttnlmr of struggle“. not. yet e-ttmutetl. ""hl‘ "1 .\lvxu-n. lit-v- t-rth-tl |. m~t-lf'tn hr :3
have been captured by the PHPHIV. A‘- u, Hum-"2h whim "mt imm- "mt-"r. A 2,”.
mtr 10:50.: in killt-(l tam] "nilnllt‘ll; we have h'”“ l‘i‘lmm "'0'!" H trill n'xheztl rt'vtlmu-l
no mean: to itttlge. nontfirinl retmrtva'ing ".9 r"? ”W [.200 "mi-«um INN-N "“1",“
yet been pttbltslted on that Huhjet‘t. During 'l' "'l‘ 7"!" Mint"! ttnln- I‘l t|»l.-,uru-t' In i2OO
the numerous attacks Which lumk P! I“, a” hunltefl. .\zt-l. :t~ lmu Int-mt ml hr 'Itll'llr"
ulottu uur lines it repitnont'nf mvulry “an ""“I'N‘WI “""l “"1“ “11-Hr" I" "'r‘ \V'lil"
Pntlrt-ly o‘cl-wlwllmtq [.y ('illlil‘llfi‘r" men ”nu-P. hetnmwll leblv tt hm. it tat-vet!
llltll hmké away, leaving tltt'eevgutts in the , "'l""""| ””‘ ”“mmlfl ”Mt-”H“ l"“".""“"' "
hmuh of the l’t‘leli. ttvt‘etmrmga ntzllltfomln tn the,uttltltt-.t-xlpl4ttt-
The failure at General-t Smith and Grier. m: NIH-Phil“) of lln- til‘J‘N'f: ns-tttmn: its
m" I.” produced a wry Fm. ttttprt-wit'm _l'k‘spfln-llhlllltvuv:llllill‘tlllvr'lllng[llpnlfit:vr§
here, not. merely on aeonunt. "f what they‘ tttmietlmtrly t-mtttet-tetl mtlt the t-xn-t-uttnn
have failed to ttccotttplish. hut on nrcnutit ‘"I "" ""l""T-""" "I‘llllt'll'm'. ""3 WNW"
nt'the dztngemtts pneiliflll in whivh General l-"m’ "l" ”“1 W" ‘lm'flllb'l'l 9"” """l "
Sherman it placed by tht-ir Wheat. 1: it'flrw", ‘l“"'.‘” 'l""“ 'l'." .“l«"’l"."”"-"‘ "r ”I"
gent-rally believed that. thé'lntter. mm can. ,l""'!"‘ @l3th tho trmpt .\lu-xtxtmte. while
tempintmi an attack “upon Selma. trill be H‘ W’” '_""‘l to ”k“ the ""“f‘h ""l “l u"
compelled In 2;”? up his pimp” "ml to rd" ‘ (,htue ltnen. whose pzntv Wll'. tm yhmht.
back “P 0" Vicksburg. which Woulsl “We f‘ltllHlVttl’ to In Ikl'l urt-tt'ttntt vul-tthle polit
a tnmt diwstrous efi'cct. upun the mom/e of, m", ”Wm", ”I" 0' “I" l'“‘""'-| "Hi”: ‘ :
our tronpu. , . ‘- W \sttthr-tx. M-ttch l.—-'l'he friend: of
ULAth‘Attnms, Atuu: 6r 't'ttr. Pornn.tc_} Pre~ldent ‘l.tnmltt. in \‘it-W of the leelinz
‘ MnrcltZ. t J'thitetl hy the Flot'ith luttcltnry. MHV that.
General Cuutnr stnrted with n force aft Hu- ml‘wemc-ttt )Vd'l‘llnl lizuculn'r. hut. mu
.cnv‘tlry on Sttntlnv. to make n t'mnunnis.|vxinrv.«ly l'P(‘t)t|)nu-nrlt‘li mitt .12.“...l hy
saucetowardsljnrtlonwillr,the Sixth c:iriw,'(i«-ttentl (it-nut. ltt teply, tt it Huge-that
General Serlg'vyick, {allowing in Hurt-mm“... ‘ tht-t (irtint. likoew-rr 0n»- el-u‘. Imm, .\lr.
He pmsed through Mauliwn U‘mrt House "vattrll tttul Gem-ml 54:1,)” tlnwn. finulu it”
on Monday morning. nml reaching “'nlf.‘l lurk tlewrting him the m'mt-ttt he let taken
town, 5 few miles hey and, encountered n t itztn favor ut. the Wuice ”dd-«3.
rebel picketgwhich he captured. Pux‘ingl. _ ...... ‘ It
aerosfilthe littpirlnn and Rutmnn rivers in ‘ 'fi'n‘ ‘3 nmv "'W'rw‘l ””‘l 'l'“ “"7“"
the direction ot'ChnrlottsvilleJte met, the nn- 3 didmter is 'ttmfitly due ‘to the" ctm'urdim- u!
emy within three miles of the lattermhure 1 the cnlnred troops. We tlo. not know hqw
h“ 9""59‘1 “. hody ol‘ Cavalry ""4" G"""" ! .ttue this report. in, but we ure very cert-tin.
al§tunrt. driving them aconuttlemhle. «hm. . ’ ' '.n
tuner. Cal-min A-tlt. of the Frltlt Unitetlfu’”t before the war '5 ou-rt '9 negro )” ‘
3pm.; cavalry (regulnm.) charged one rebel ‘ not, be fquntl tin hruyp, entlurtnu. nr elficnmt
camp nem- this pi e. with sixty men. drove, . M the white. '1! he should prove Ml, then.
the enemy, bunt’; tltetr tents. nix caissonsi in all history a fiction.
,nnd "'0 hinges, "“1 retreated "“ho‘" “'9' The oxtmordinnrv efl'nrts offleneral Gill-. -
lo=tt ofn Single man. l‘hts was one of the ' . ~ t
boldest. fights our cavalry h“ made during , more. to suppress pll the fuctn connectetl
the war. » with this lost. lmttle tnltyltttvoheen unhieltl
' Finllin h'
'flntry. s 5. '7 "M" force a .
in". which ‘;;:mu|:r:; m"! mix! gay: ”1999 Colova Pets of
txgzoof ll‘nim hLdan‘x“; and Hm 8:“: Y- "3.11:1. the adl'flinwl.l'xnion.._.
ed to I’G‘tfsllza: hi 9 .fldvunce' higw‘irWi-ui‘ an]. -_ “ an.» 3- _ : r
lm'm‘hough gml did return with' tr E’m- LFI . akmg '_hr- Inns and 9: -..-
Gen. Cmur.‘ Illn'n. mule Viflfiroug u'_ '"g gflda mllnuom Mn l . Perks of tllg
amp “Hg” {“1 Ins lorce reached ll'lJil-r-Tfiti 13’1“” Aqr Calculuteu thnzmfiul' Ulla Pililmloh
. A dispatch. .‘i r. "W‘Oln ex (- 9%” “cml'n‘fvmo,
‘mPOPtanc mfg-mm .WMhington Male, U‘ 2210 rfi'four‘hunarl; c" m ”Cure 1m 0,," u“ '
therein l’ol _ “Baum; has bet-1 . Int 33?.” , ' mrn,1wnm,.,,,,,, flndm
]{i|l’alrick:"h¢y Iq the hmfilrfls ‘nrrzcewm -.- , ”Me A”, doe; not M . . g'_ .
H, a.” ‘ upednion mm}. I (“new vulm ho. much “gum tour,
the Palm ”h“; "’ldled wlh‘i: Rimlnn°fli : "align. more they ml] 0051 “lo
mile. “0:311“! _viVer, thou; at louse, oh ‘T ‘ , ”... .
.- -., -- .'°hm°hd. . "My-five ,'w Wu (1. . --—'
J noun" ~ .nd 1011,“, f l why...“
Butler {mm l:::1:orce sent. "P 5:622”? ; 29mm), l>"’“‘eroy appeared L's El?“ "in
this -- . , Pmngulm .. _ 9ft ‘ hum] ‘ In i. ‘
morsxredmon ’5 ”id in be ”The My”; oHofnu " and mm'“ "'0 eon ' mt“
"d to ”loam .3IMLk Rfl'h- - Memos Sflmlon unlhou‘
coat-inbod the-m. the Upton Drisonén of P'P’i'll‘ntia} dwfluhon the much “flied
1c - ‘ - -. ' « u - .
boat. "$21,311 papers Hate that (h, t firfpudm‘mg. he “'Wed' 'vh‘g’y Imm of
buy Bunk ‘heflousa ‘ e 0'1“!" "e" of pol' 1“; I'ls Ict -
T: “if" lost, : “’m" “lust also] ’_Ecy. “"1 in‘:
.e icl|mond an}! -M‘m______ 1 5
or d WP?” c ' F l‘. Geo '—
mov‘e‘ngafib watgming 31‘:fns'§,2“mber,ngo visited'uwrfi Thf’mlmn thin, m
withdrew ffggflzi'fiiirpi. alleging 6:31" I Pose of ”win-v ll [“de Sum for "to par
Wu On his way I) k"n {hm-""1920!" e ,no" c 0 s'6re 5 Of éivil i .
P‘lch to me CO"?! to ‘ Ivksbur. ‘A-“Pdl . m 9 when the h" 11. n.
lnnou . “aerate w i=- dls- "P 6, to re ‘ “*0! death.‘
mgommmedgz or w. i:
l ‘o l . p
“_tfhel'qSOQY-cm‘ 3:14:13“! "9111]. publicaug'_“: I“
then- are reports equally m.- late, placing him
thirty miles east at Meridl n. andGen.Po}k
on the last side of the Tortfbigbee, at, Demu-
Eolig,‘wailing to give Sherman battle should
a cross.
The Cincinnati Gazette contains full do
, tails o{ the campaign from Chattanooga :0-
ward Dalton. which commenced on thy 22d
‘and closed on the 26th, after three days’
ilkirmishing. IL appeans the l-‘edeml force:
aremaiuod in possesamn nf Tunnel! I‘ll“. a
, atrong’positinn, and the enemy confronud
them. ooverin Dalton. the pickets of each
' ann'y being on‘iy n short dist-ace lap-n. h
3w! 119091110“ ‘ ,fin-jbflo fightbanr
1 fur-the; movement some (lan. [he 0%
toting manohsygce having been “enum-
ga-The killed, wounded and mining
federal soldiers u Hacker’s famous battle
of Chunoullorvillo, have at last. been 10%..
up, and the sum total is expressed by
figures 28,000. Quite an army to be (19‘ ’
stroyéd in three or four hours. ‘
Election Notice.
{THE Annual Meeung or we Stockholder! of ‘
L . the Gettysburg GntCompM‘y, for the pIIY- ,v
Hume of electing a President pgd nix Muniflflufl
‘4O mm: for the ensuing yenr, will be held 0Q _
jihad-‘3', the -'lth dny 9! Much, u 7 o'clockJ’b
31., in the Arbitration [£o6m in :ha 0"”
' House. ‘ M. JACOBS, Pros“; '
D; XaConrouv, Scc'y; " {A .-
‘ Hat-uh 7, mm. :4 . 4p 1 3.}. ‘LE