El EH mom omen RAIL-ROAD. ' A 3mm no A norm. NI. Kline. of Berks. I You dny- um, read: “'0 “he. an following puugo from . l“ i"? "h?“ “l ‘hkllouu *“ Humm'l’v recent. debut: in tho’Selntepf lumba thn {piloting bill, which mu hpproprintely jam” _ . referred: ““1 “m “0 40““ l” ““d “P"n l Mr. Siam—Now we have had part of one in due tune: ‘ rngiment come home altar they had re-en- Wnnu, By a I'9oth struggle in defame . Hated. They hml n furlough of thirty dnyn. oftho (liulilution and the Untoll, which took The Administration. if they are Elie men. \ place on that sacred it in the Vicinity of lf “1?! PM"? A particle of Wisdom. «Kt-n Gettysburg, in whiclfothe com mt! patriots: ”’9'“ Old soldier; rte-enlist". will give “it"! > of our ancPslorh. (the noble sire! ot’ the I lurlnukh or thirty dilyfl. Ind they don't v{involution} huve left their 111, tumiliea, we Whethe‘rlhey come home before or at“: 1178‘ nntt fortunm in behalf of the some: , wf‘fe-Pnlxutlngt ‘ lull whereas, The people throughout the" ML Carteré-They can't all be lphred 10, Joyal.Stntes labor under grout inconvnni- coma llama It this time. . once in their pilgrim-ac to and from the! MP. Siam—May could I): Ipared tn "sacred” wil. by meant of the irreguinr'mmO home to Vote, and 17.0% at. them .oonnectionn and Accmnumdutious on thefflme to Sew York to nttend the election. pm. (if the Hanover Branch Railroad com-y They snared so many that the grand army ‘pnny ; ‘ 4 0f the Putotnnc In: driven hock to the lines Amt magma. Th 9 citizen! along the said of Wuhingtun, nngl now the Senator uys' limo er Branch Railroad grentlyendnnuor Hwy cannot be span-cl to take I tquough. .ttwirvlliveg, 5.0., in «01.5 said railroad, This Administration can spare men. long tor want or proper notice, lon the pnrt or as they sen tint the sparing of tint; can aid companyntwrefnro. 1 ‘ |continue them in poivcr~whoneveé thoy [hymn/1&1. «fa—.\.“:c'rm’y 1. That the can take one step to perpetuate :them in Iluno er Brunch Railrnacl Company limunll power—bin they cannot spare them to I'll! llt'mhy. required to Kooli and nl'tiutain cnmfi linltielnnd pee thuir wives {and little 7 ___“M” :ml cn‘. trope? laugh" ulon . tho line of wit] rail- 0"”5- 511‘. alluded to Gen. ) cUlellan. ' « - ‘ ‘, lurid. jfmui thPe llu'tint'ur JtIIH'UOD to the and, Although IMn not a prophet. nor the': £9om!“ Natiw- i ‘8! talk"? 00° Trmul‘er it.” 1 'h ‘ ll _ l ,l f ‘ll um “f n’ '0 l 1 ll . lb ' ‘ 01'! u herehygnen ,to sll Logatees mt, R “"5 “l, , roroug, line otn noun): 0 nunver, . .pr p net, to )1)“, at m onerN M: - neMd tb I ‘th' Ad‘ :‘Oup‘joor pauperl’lnpport, and Wm‘uke cattle guardx at all crusnng: your fromdhe {th at .\lnrt‘h next. you Will ~°l ‘ Perm“ c” c'. ' ‘ °' " Merchflhdhe' grenades, is. of pulllfizadu, and maintain the Mime m lthv occasion to my, lhut “the stone which ministration Accounts lineman", mentioned Pork, beef, to, 3l . "Jud co itipn. and at the craving at out? tilt: l'ltlldera ro‘ected. the dune has bemmo _mll b" P'H'm'd M t e Qrphang Court 0!» Horse: beef cattle thee ho l to b - ‘ v - J u ’Adnms count- forcoufirmttionnnd allowance ' . '. .p, g’- nulroml on any turnpike and public rowl, t the hood of the corner.” lhnu we shall! \mwut’hu 28th do ,0' MARCH 186 1' ”Flour, grain sud grinding, thesnid Hanover Blanch Railroad Compuny (90:9 this rr-helliun, nnd not till then. '2? it) o‘. _"o 'k' Ale“ vit- ’ ’ ‘l’ Clover need, i . uhnll .tntion o “Agata" for the pul'lflll‘tuf’ 'l‘he recon of Mr, Stun in a hit in the" 15 'llheb lintariil “A“ account of Theol-IMWhaniw'mkv kc" l mgnnllmgauydnnxer wlmtst'mr'u. Velnulcu, centre. -It remnmu to be «en whether his d re.Pflie gr‘ Administrator'of John Pflieln Stone coal, time gnd tlnétgr, ' drove" nn-t pen-(ms gennrnlly thing mud prophecy is not a hit eqttully central. ‘ 0 d emit; W Wood chopping and making Milt. turnmlte ""d l’“l‘“‘s"°“'l' ' ' l ' “"' , ' Kiel!) 7n E .t- dfi ‘l] account of Michnolimewardyfl _conungent “pulse" Blind. That the 5,.“ llnnoéer Brant-II? @We regard it an the height nfimpuv g' ‘ ‘9 "1i? n‘Qchw -l E ébutor ablnle hirehngs, ‘ ltnglroml Cmntuttlv bO. :uul the mum. rue dt‘lwt‘ lOr thme Who have been the canine OF" f I‘m"? 3:1“ 3 "‘3‘ um 2' x ILP‘eMIIe “ lu-rrhv‘. I'qultrl'll to twin sepiirnw pm-Ht-l ll!” WM. Mud have hounded: 05‘ to death ,0 "-MEH bfi tuft: figtorsg . uni. f 1100 bl l Funeral oxpenses, ‘ ‘ X”F'ti‘i'iin trom ".znovc Junction to leO- ”10*“ “'"0 “3‘l "0 “h“? "I producmt' it. W ”‘1‘“: “']e 1.32“" n" {‘er tee Sf "I“, be“ i Farming ““l‘l'm’nu' ‘ we: in a time not chcwltng thirty five2 ”"0” ll't‘lll’9lvt'fl lorWfll'd 0” the “Willie“ q;;'t"f,fr§‘s,"fiflfirymfg;“he will a} 16:32:13.1“, u" ‘ .r'-'‘‘ ' ' h . ‘ ' {1111:2232 filiilflilgvifiut.?lll: 211::ng 1:22: at those Whose Homilihpon thoir altitu- lvuk‘nline ”diliflger, late of Reading townl; Clothing, &c., of pet" Suritz, lime. tad minke the n- 'ular cunnentmm mkynung main namegi [inc lingendo- {“m“ '.’c°/‘fm ' H 101), - m own-u w ~ cm grout. . .1 - t I , . 1 .. , - i , 10:31?“ [idlyrll‘tllxlT‘llP the dutv of [1.91e I’4" cu “Itlrsfiaysngm veeki , 1) ill. The lintfiflnd flunl nccaunt‘of Jncoltl‘ Stumps, costs,&c., - n.. 1‘ r '. .“"_" "“ ~ - _ =-‘ . ‘ . Fro-side!“ nntl dire-clam of mid lhnnvnr" ‘ [Egfi'l‘lwro }3 ‘ libel "ml in “I“ COP” of“ {33%;}.leAfgguil::::mt:l‘ the eatttte 0“ I ztinlngl‘lleisinlur" “ninth Rulimul Cumlmuy to NW that the I'AK‘WVH‘W‘: LU'NW‘v nbout 3 pints 0‘ bean ; 20. The ticcount Dl Emnnuel Peeler”. Ari-W Dirtcturs' extra services, {2:2l:l2},s3l.l;ug'jz‘l.‘ .“lzltlflarfizlfllfieflgx a2Ia.L’I'III-ll—u---————-—- V Tilllxlrtgur of the estate 0i H‘urriet Fewer; zl:rk:{;li;?ry, r '.‘.v . .' a "'" mew. . .' :3::t:2“;::::;2‘;:;-”:;:31:1"25.2.:Tami ’ avwnfirwm- : ‘mf‘m mud We 0' “was. it: *WS 5“”: \lle emit} "mum-r ll: much it ulrtmil Cmupnny 'tMntrxhullf gftiggllzhlil‘tlgelifggeefi mung-‘1 ' . to it fine of fifty tlnliun. tor each tiny that “2,?"be account: of Vnncy haul-1mm": the provision: ul‘snid «tutti-mi nhztll he uu- Aggiini-xtmtrix of Jacob‘thugliman ’décid: cnuiplifitd with, nut-r tlw expiration of nix 03 The firfll and final account 0“’ Emnn» “will“; ‘0 bu‘ remV"Wl it" ‘M'lb 0" 51'1“" infill ner Administrator of Jose‘h Bow; :mmunt nre remivni‘ctl br‘lut't' any junkie of l t d‘" led P. j‘llfi ltt'llt'e In the county Ul' Ytn‘k. “Ill“lhtlf Chip ace” ' SAMUEL LILLY-Register. " f«haul amount to go in tin: din-nuns ot the Itegistor's élfice Cettvsburg‘ ’ Imor, l‘?’ the lmnrfit oi” the pm); of mud x Ft-b.‘.9.18134. [th ’} county. and the min-r halt to the mt‘urun-r, ‘ M ho zlmll be u CUIIIIII‘L‘IHK Winn-1:4. ] SHARP TRICK 0F CONTRACTORS. Uur Hum-tn horw dcyflru arc mun g. ne- J'zdly uplwl us luipg “‘bzu‘}: u,” u lrwlr," but (he [Hun-IN trick that has bm-n phywl .by Hul- Almliliiin borne communion; mu ra‘mil ly fienr \thmgtma city. . Tin-y "Jr-"e" the (hwyn'um-nt Died)" :uth in xu lhl' “ny [my lwr‘hvrmml u’m fut, 11's related by u Wash- ‘mgrnu currwpmt-lent ‘ Trix hun’t’trr m Rum iu.irt,\' Finni'mtl. ‘—lt. will hr. rriuc-nihi ii-il timt sonic Wm k 1 .lIJU. it grant slnininoJrufl [tuned timk place ti-uni im- Ulfl’t'l'llllltfltl em-imuru- a lew miles liciuw thw (my on tho- I’uiniiiiicf it won rtqiiut‘twl that it lull tiltlllxllntl of them had run into ih/u rwer .tnil bw'll vli-nwui-d. it i.~ l nkiim ont‘that the. wimlea thing immune it! tho llltlt'y cnitirivmim-q goth-n up about ‘i'l‘uf’tp l'é’h UH‘ 'l'ii:.i~ul')’. ii wniihl sci-m. tliut ‘t-Itni‘ two thousand nt'liune lhfl'wfi had «mt been briinili-il,‘mn| the stunnmlé \|\‘l\§ is gotten up affair to set thin: Unbranded Imrwé Imm». S.» ul~n “undue report that it thaw-Emil of than wnre .lt-uwnml. it made up minty mthnut ll [utrtit'ic ut' titith in it.——- These unhranilril hora-5 WPll‘ iil'lorwuids taught. uiiil n lllllllbt’l' nt' tlwni. I‘llllzli to - ”lflbh'linhh-nl Airtittllt’tl. one ie sohl tn the (idvmnunm ill/Ulla hulllh‘cll fllltl forty five 111-liar; [vrh luml. 'l‘h it. I-‘ pretty sharp fraction. t-tt'n in the linrw linr, \vhrre Mich munlrtl‘ul [rinks ut' trulu an: rnpurlo-l in: (Il'tul‘l'ltrg. 'l‘hn ntl‘uir “l”, lam told, un lit‘l’g‘tl :in invo-mgutiun omiie- iiiuc butwecn this and thalciom: u! tht' mu. 5. M"'l"his is only one at tho thalisunil trick-i [tinfwl on tho (invernnwnt liy its, po> lilicnl {rieulls ! Yvrily. the Hun-ruinnnt is .llu-mg 'rl‘flnrvilg to its mn-zcnxruii‘ty by ‘- hunt.“ in I).il Ahel" and him: 'cc holders mid cuntmuturs! ‘ ’ - THE LEGITIMA'TiE RESULT. The Ailluiuiatlullun; ”ti Its fut Hum: i'fii‘irts to devote: the (hum: u-r oi lln‘ .\h'imn and oqimliue than) with the M'liltt‘ pt'ulnll', iwu {yous ago benevvieiitly N'ill tinin .\l.L«:i( Illi mu [.O Port Ruyill, buulh Curl-hr», it! the cxmnse of the whole people at the l'nited States, a few hunih-c-l spiris'ters to eflucate, civilize and rvfliionll‘ the contmhanih M; that. place. The Ni-w Huinp~hii~e Pun-[om (If the 4th Of‘ Ut“ob€l‘, hives the re . 0!: me 12m law, In Aim-l county, lil’l MARY ANN KOUNTZ, Iggd )8 yun 1 month .‘ id 24 day. ‘ ‘ 0n the 2d inns, n Eu! Berlin, WILLIAI AXDBEW, lon of Benjamin and Bank Sin, ‘3‘”! 8 you: 5 month: sud 3 days. at New Oxford. in: the m: inlL, ALICE HAVEHSTUCK, Aged 10 yuan 2 month: And 21 dsyS- ‘ 0n the 31:: QM, of typhoid fem, Ilia AHJNDA-MARI'. sged 15:6“; 8 manual sud 19 dgys, dnugpter of Abulom And Cum. Liamot‘b‘unbulnnd county. ‘ _ - On the m mg, was wmsox. no. of John W. Picklu, of antington wwmhip, Oged 3 [9511 9 months'snfl 3 dnys. 0n the 18m hut, 0‘! t} pboid {cyanIAETHA EKMA, twin daughter aft-Ismael Durban], E‘Q-v of Monnfioy mwnlhip, uged 21 yup and 9 munnu. ' ‘ ‘ n the let): of Jun ' ’ SAMUEL ‘Flgcosmcx, only m annm'm sand 15.5. Furuoy, of Cumbcrluad Loxnalfip, Aged ? yoga und 25 days. ‘ ' I iwmzin GmYSBUBG-Buuxmrun. ; H0ur........................................6 .00 to 8 W Ry. nonpuwmmmu."um..."... 6 M Whiu Wh0.z.............................1 i_n to I so Red Wheat.....'........u..................l so to 1 to Can: ...... “...-7.» Rye.............. Una 5......0... . Buckwhcn.....t ClorerSc-ed ... TimoLny seed Flax Sud .....z. Finer at I‘sfi: ........................ Hutu ground, per big............ 120 ‘l' . DR. __ 15 0 order on County Tmnru. $1,0091 oo ‘.......................... 'l5 u a u ‘“ 70°00 ‘ ,~..~.................7 5° to sOO Cub received 'frdm Jouph Weible ....1 90 LOl no '- °" “‘s‘“°“‘°“‘“dv .. z 00 to z 40 Gwen" 0“”, Tm‘m", ll 00 Cub ofJohn Spungler for übinglel, , 50 ' Cub refunded by J. I. ‘Bomnger, r, ~ _ 7, ~_ ,__,‘ ' , Order an County Tmmnr, BALTIMORE-Fun“ “If. ‘ Imm of Levi Linus-monitor Inpporv. ............... ......L.. 63110 7 no. Ind ”intent-Ice of .50“ Li'- .... Isoto 2 001 ‘inznon. - 1 .. ...... 1 40 m 1 ‘3‘ Order on Count! Tm“?- ................... ...;.._ 1 12 m 1 14 Cub 0“ “0%- of John 01"". n..-z............................’ 73 w 92 v Order 0“ 00“"! Tmmhr, Flour/i When; Rye .... c‘la’. Oats ... Clover 5eed.......... . 8 'l5 ‘.o 9 00 Timothy 5eed................... ..... 3 80 to 3 99 Bee! (rune. per bund......... ... . B 50 1016 C 5! {10:1, per huud............ .......... 10 '.'s MI 0,0 Hm;.........2........'......................28 00 “:32 W11iakey......m...... 90 to :E GIMIIOLP‘ruIen. per t0n......... 80 O Timber Land T PFBLIC SALE—On SATURDAY, the “A 241 th any 0! MARCH ne’xt, the subscriber, Administrator 0! the estate of John Lefiiemnn, dccoas‘cd, will ole: at; Public Snle, at. Cash, “inl, Adams county‘, ihe following llenl Esmce of mid devgdult, viz: ‘ , No. l. A TRACT ‘OF LAND, containing 23 At no and 74. Perches, :ituue in Franklin township, Adnns c6iinty, édjhining loads of Jm-ub Ln-ly, Sumu‘él Bucher, sud llgnrj Rnouse. The tract is well'cun'rEG with heavy Rook Oak and Chesnotdimber', and lies near the puhlic road leading from the _Berlin road to .\lilte'n‘Jz-rger‘u Mnl, in Buchanan anlex. : No. '.l. A TRACT OF LAND, containing 16 Aug-rs and 45 Perches. situate in laid Lawn; i-hiy, adjoining mo. of Henry Steinem, Smut; uei Ferguson; and the Home Place of suiG dbl ccdém. This lmct is covered with young thrifty Chgsnut a’nd Rnckvik timhcr. L - So. 3. -A TRACT OF LAND, contoining 6d Arr“ nn~l 80 Porches, and allmuince, siluuul in llnmillonbuu township, Adams county, onl the rum! leading from \lyers‘ Hill to (‘nledoniuj Springs. adjoining lands of Je~ae P. Topper.“ T. Stevem, and others. It is Well covered mthz‘ l'ine, (‘hesnut and [luck Oak. . J m‘l'ersou; wishing to View the land are} rsqut-sted to cull on the subscriber, 0n Salur-j dnya, ”hiding nuir Tract No. l. l figs-Sale to connnencc‘nt 12 o'clock. XL, 9n! uni-l d.l_\‘. when ultendnnce will be given and: terms made known by l mfsm’ EXCUSE, Adm‘t. 4 Feb. 29, is“. 13‘ 1' . . .. ‘ “7"7’ ' ‘ ‘ Pubhc Sale. 1 ‘1 5’ WEDNESIM Y. the lb'lh day of MA RC“[ 0. next, the auhscribur m“ sell at Public} Sal», ul his residunce, in Clmlnhers‘mrg street.) Gettysburg, the I'o“ng personal property : 2‘ TAILIJ'IS. l Medsteud, 1 Buck Cusemnl Deik, Stand, (flock, Seuce, Churn,Conl Store; 6 Sl-‘ndiug‘d p Tumbling-sent CARRIe BODIES, painted, 2 sets of Wheell. a In: of fin-f i‘hed Spokes, u. finé lot. of Running l'ans,‘ uhunx 400 wrought of Caledonia Iron, 1 Work Benches and. Viceer 10: of Wood Workers' and i’ninlcu‘ Tools; And‘ u grunt. nanny other articlesfluo numeroul to mention. \ wfinlo c 9 commence at XU o'clock, A. 31., on said day, when attendance will be given ‘nnd mm uni-e known by ' .108. M. snonn A. W. Flemming, Auctioneer. Feb. 29, 1364. wt Auditgr’é Notice. THE nndemigned.’Atiditor appointed by the . (‘ofiurt to_ distribute the balance in the; hand: 6HI. McCurdy, Esq., Sequentmtor ofthev Gettysburg} Rnilrond Company, on his third' account, will sit at his uflive, in Getty-bury for- that. purpose, on TUESDAY, the 22d day‘ MARCH next. All persons holding Bonds ‘of: suit? Belushurg Ratlroad Company, who have» nofpresenu‘u them to the Auditor at lay of} hll previous sittings. will do so immediltely." . J. c. NEELY, Auditor.: Feb. 29, ran. ad Notice. V [IE first account. of Andrew thr, Commit. tee of Henry! Lohr_ (lunatic,) has oven filed in the (‘ourt of Common Pleas of Adams County, and will ba confirmed by the said Cami, on the 28;}: day of MARCI! next, units: cnmue be shown to [he contrary. . _ - JACOB BUSHEY, Proth’y. Fe'B. 29, 1864. Id' v New Mflllnery. h ISS MARY 11. BEITLER would melt re 1 specu‘ully infoim Lhe‘lediel or A‘- ' and vicinity, that. lhe hueomtnenced the .\lilllnery bu‘sineu in that piece, a! w M, where (having jun returned from the city) 5119‘ will keep on hand, for sale, ut the lowest profita,’ BOSNETS, Fancy Ribbons, lowers, Band Boxeshmrl}. Leghorn and _ tber Mlllinery Goodsff the newest 3nd besel ' where. styles. Reedy-trimmed; Bonnets are at. alll‘lfl‘lllevuncllloft“worthleuimiuglonl. times :0 be had. \ ‘ l‘fi'See than“Co-ru‘n" tunnels on each'Box, , ,Bnnuec-mnking and trinm‘ng attended tol Bottle and Flask; before you buy. .171": dlnpnch .nnd chénpnels. Latest. felhionel fi-‘ddffll_ HENRY B. COSTAK. received for ' Bonnets. Wgniscgn Dzrof walls-0‘33", EDI; .Feb. 29 l . - 1;: o yell Whole-I ean cull ug ngjfi I‘l.er ---“..L . gun in Getty-barml’a. A " ax Notice, 9 Feb. 29,1864. ‘ . LE enonl in Gettyabnr owing he “"fl’ " 'T-“v-‘—‘"_‘ A Cognly, Relief or Milli Tam end: NOtiGD. nit Rents ior 18“, are bere‘gtifled thnq tbeynvill be required to pay the lune on or before the 1m lily of larch next. If not paid. mite will lmmedlaulybe broughtvithom regard .50 person. ' ”P ‘ AOIIN L. HOLTZWOBTH, Feb/29, m 4. Collecwf’fnr mu 1i rmmmme \ 8‘“ { Paper Hanging} 4881 HOWELL & fiOURXE, . Hanna-rune or W A L L P A P E B 8 ‘ , um WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, ~. Car. 4:}: l luket Blue“, PHILADILMA. Ila. A fine etock of LINEN‘ SHADES com :1} on hind. (Feb. 21, 'B4. 39“ J L. some! he- jun received 3 10‘ e! . ‘cheep Looking Glam. \OTTOR GLOVES, for He: end Ben. the L be ha! cheep n ‘ SCHXCK’S. ADIBS' DRESS '(WGS, in 3?.“ Vl riety, n SGEICK’S. LL the but Pe‘lent Medicines gun he bed u the new Penny mg end Pmcripfidl. we of 0;. I. HOB-853- ._ RS: meLDW‘S BOOTHING SYRUP,I‘or children, st Dr, R. BOMBE’S Dug Lure. Poor House Accounts. ACDB BHBADS. by, ‘hnwm. (hi-b J count with!“ Duet-ton of the Poorhd the Home a: Employpanl of the County' of Adamn—beidg from thé- an: by a! hunky, A. n , new, u» the m: do, or Jtnuuy, A. D., 13“. - u M .14 1 Bnhnco duo Treuunr, ; . We, the undersignr'd. .\nditr-r: m mm -~: ! ndjun the Public Accomu. .1» hm "y Nw‘~'v Hm! we have; examiurd the ilvm= ‘-«“*‘)J:.‘ v. w;- pose the account, and that “If. .>:‘r \t‘.” being from the 6m day of Jan ufi. 1863, to the 4th day of January, A. it, inclusn‘e. PETER hlk '.-{, a J. H. SHHUCMAN. JOHN C. ELDER, Audit)” AQOB CCLP, Esq, in accoufit with the (I Dirécldrsnf the Poof and the House of Employment of the Count of Adams—being (mm the Glh‘day of JAlnuary, A. 1)., 1363, to the 4th day of Jitnmu'y.l A. 1)., IBM. ' 1 D i. . To interest, ' ’ $9 9? (‘nah of Solomon Young. _det‘ensed, '_ 25 00 Cut: for beef, ca‘ulc, cows; ac" ~ 197. 86 Cub for park add, Cash {or inflow, Cub fun lajd, (null for hay, (‘Mh for wood, (”ash fur shinglel. (34.911410: udverdsiug eatrnyl, Hy hnl:due Sun-arr! Mlm notHemPnl, $6 90 (‘ash [mid for labor. lmrvefiing, ken, ‘ 44 12 Relic! and removing pauperk, )9~ 79 Fruzt. 13 28 Flo-3?. mml. seeds. Am. Hrrchnndize and lumber, Slevhnuiu’ work, . } Mezu, . Onwa, kc , Puuwm- and cabbage, Sundry expeucp,‘ Bainswe Sue, i E 3233- 1"». the :nhurrihen. Auditor! to settle Inul mljnm thu- I’u'hlir Armungs, do vanity that we have examined the items which compo-e the abme avequnt, and do n-purt that. the name I! correct—me saw: embracing the account of Jan-uh (fulp, the yaw-“L: Steward—from the 01h day ol’Jhnunry. 5. 0,1863. lolhe 41h day 01 JJnuary, A. 1)., ISM—both dnys mclhaiie. ‘ PETER DICK. ‘ J'. H. smumrn, - JOBS C. ELDER, Auditor]. A 157 0? PAUl'l-ZILS‘ rémaining in the 11 Aims Home of Adamsxguuuty, on the flm day ofJauunry, 1804: .\lnlu, ~ (>2 , Females, fl Children, - 17 Colored, ' 5 Total, . “3 Transient pxuperl.‘ H 8! PRODUCE or‘ FARM For: 1863. ~ Wheat, bushels, ‘ 343 Rye, J: “ 1 mu, "2 , ‘ K ,4n Corn, “ in~ um ' , 850 area, u ° ‘ 11 Puma», “ ’I )50 Load: of Cornfodder, H Tons of Hay, . - | 30 ‘ Heads of ({nbhnge, ' 1600 Pounds of Pork, 3:00 13- JACOB CULP, Steward. ’Feh.29, [864. 4c FUR RATS, .\llCli‘ RDACHES, ANTS, BED BUGS. MOTHS 15 PC “ WOOLEXS, so, warms us {my $15,461,. N 4:", ut n in, / Ind 31 00 , .Butgfigfll .' $3 and 5 sizes . can Isnm‘n vs, &c ‘ nU’ iufnl e eWkano .’ , #3219“: n. . ‘ fl ‘ “Not no ”10 the llumnn Family." "wt ‘ mof their bUIFs to dlc." S ' le i all large title». . a magma and Retaih-rs every- - 0H)! HEWI’I‘T'S ESTATE—Letter! m mentuy on the astute of John Hewitt, lute of-Butler township, Adunn co., deceucd, luring been granted to the undenigned, resid ing in the tune townahip, ho hereby give! notice to m persona ind.bte4.~to {Bid «at: to make immediutn payment,‘ind on. hu ing claiml Igninlt the ume to prelent then prope‘rly authenticated for lettmnent. ' BAIUBLJIEWITT, lx‘r. , Feb. 15, 1864. ac ' ’ r mm ARIEL HYERS' ESTATES—Lenore 0! ud— nlninrnion with the will nnnexed on the est-ta of Denial Myers, In. of Retain; township, Adams county, deemed, heving been granted to the undersigned, residing In the lame wwmhip, be hereby gives notice to :11 person! indebted to nid saute to make innnediete payment, and those hnving claim “sing! the nuns to present men: properly nn mentioned for lettiement. _ . A IDA“ S. MYERS, Adm’r Feb. 15,1364. 6‘ , OM. OlL—n' * DR. 3.. HORNER’S But; more. CKING lan “I: an.“ mom-egg “Spring ' Ind Summer Clothing in town. ' ALL nt CBRISIELI’S for your AlO, Por lgt, tc., be.’ ' ‘ Eal Y PERSONAL PROPERTYPOH HO!- DAY. the 21.! thy of #RCH next, the luhncribor, intending to "no" to a mullet fnrn, vi); sell at Public 811:, u bin rvgidonce, in I’nnkfin township. Adam: county, one mile .louthwest o! Annduvillc, we (allowing per sons! ptopfl‘ty, fl; : ' l FAR] HORSE, 4 Nileh Con, (three of them {rub Ind lbmolber'lpringingJ l Heifer with Golf, 3 head of PM Cattle, 3 held of Young (hula, Narrow-"end Wogon, Hay Lad. den, Line Bed, 2 Wither-ow Ploughs, Borrow, Shovel Plough. One-horn Plough, Com Forks, f Double and Slush-noel) Smtthen, Cow Chino, ul of good Gun, Hon-ing- Ind Col.‘ hrs, good oéw “'iuowingllill, Seed 0:“ by; the bushel, ond A great. nanny olher Articlu,’ too numerous w‘menfion; 310 00 500 00 lb 00 l 25 600 00 40 00 3.8;}: m commence n,“ n'dock,'A. 3., on aid day, when qua-knee will be given Ind um and. known by ~ ' ELIAS HARTMAK. John Bung, Aucfioneer. 600 00 29 25 moo oo mo 00 um no son on two 00 374 80< F'eb. 23, my. m N WEDNESDAY, the 23d_ dny q! lARCB next, the Jubucribere intending to quit farming, will sell a! Public Bulalnc hil resi dence, in Buchanan Valley, Fnliklin town-hip, Adams county, the following PEI-lona] proper ty, viz: ‘ 2 HORSES, 2 Co", 3 hand of Young Cni— tle, 7 held of Hugs, Four-hors- Brond~uead Wagon, nearly nll new, Horn Benn, Plough! nnd4Hnrrowl, Double Shovel Plough. Corn' Fork. Winnoq'mg .\lill, Cutting Box, Log anon, Double and Single-trees, Cow Claims, Mal ck, Rakes, Folks, and other farming in]- Pbfinlls. Also aslnck of good Hay. Bid fiends, lron Krule. and 3 “net; of other ani clen, mo numerous to mention. ' . Sale w‘commence m. 10 o’clock, A. 3L, en‘- nid day, when atu-ndnncs will be given and terms made known by ' $7,970 30 CM 867 2,329 955 688 965 Joby Runes, Auctioneer Fab. 2?,1664. ts” Public $5ll 9. EMI r 2! ‘.DA‘n', the 7th day of‘MARCH next, 9 I'm.- subsczilmr, intending to quit farming, mi 5211 f! Public Sale, at hid residence, in bu-ibun ownship, Adnms county. about one mile west‘of Hunu's Stationl-lhc following per lonnl property. viz : ‘ l TWO-YEAR UL!) COLT, 2 Cows, 2 Heif. PI“, 2 Shonlr,;l Brood Sow; Winnowina .\lill, Rollin: Screen. Plgmgh, Show] Plough, Turn ing Lntlne, Cnrpeuter Tooli, Cross-cut Snw, £~ ..2 Kylie, Flux Break, til-Inching .\hll, \ulh IT.,ns.-r.uid and Kitc'wn Furniture, such ‘as I‘-' . Mud Bed-lixig, Bureau, Tables, Ten-pine «firm-.3 Sink,TuLs, Bands, and a. variety oi n 95 100 oo 10 on 05 no r 250 no 40 .I‘o ‘4O Du • r articlesJoo numerous to mention apß‘Sule lo cummence “.10 o’cluck. A. M , ou’sm‘d duv, when utcndadco will be given Laud tgrms made known by . ‘ SAMUEL HERMAN. John smtsmimgAucuoncer. ) fab. 22; 13154. ‘m . 1 x _ '1 ‘ Public Sale ‘v F V’ALUABLE FURNI'FURE.-On WED- O XESDAY, we 91h tiny oi M‘ARUH next, the subscribers, intending to remove. from’ Gettysburg and discontinue h‘ousekeeping, will ofl'er at. Public Sale, at, their reuideuce, in Chambersburg ntreex, all choir Fumiiure and Household Goods. comprising one elegant Rosewood Seven Octave k bickering PIANO, in use Mn is short Hint-H pnir Mohegan; Pier Tnblu, 3 large H’ihc-‘Eflh Mahogany Ruckiug Clinir, l Malmgnny \V'olk-nnnd, Parlor Cam-- bottom Chairs and Rocking Chair, 3 Veniiian Blinds, 3 Three-ply lngrnin Carpets, Smir Carper, Rag Carpet and Matting. lSlau-l, 2 Ilohognny Bureaus, 1 Double Walnut Ward robe. 1 new- Sofnfiedxtend, : superior new ngb~lop Bed-tend. l Frenl {ll3d other Bed- Iteads,l Fend‘ler lied,‘. W 5 um Marble—top Wash-stand and mm: Wash-Manda. 1 new Wnlnut Dining 'Tnhle.l Corner and l other Cupboard; 1 (int. Chairs, Patent Quilxing Fume, Looking Glaues, Queenryware, Jul-s, l l’nrlor Slave, 1 Pnrior Cook. 1 Airtlighl cut-iron and \ large Noble Cook, Iron. Porce lain and Brass Kettles.Tin-wnre. Cans, Smooth ing Irons, Shovels and Tongs, Sausage Cuuer, Tubs. and otuer article. of Household nod. 'Kilélien Furniture, loci numerous to h’loulion. While to commence at 1}) o'clotk, A.-.\1., on said day, when nuvuvluupe will he g'n'en and terms nude known by g MARY MYERS, ‘ M. V. MYERS. A. W‘. Flemming, Auctioneer. . . - 8 40 20 72 9 ID 25 00 10 95 3“ 1 25 p 343 19 11 so r. -.03 79 19 23 27 4s 54 30 37 10 N 94 24 40 $343 19 19911.22, tam. u , Gmfi'enherg Springs Nu MUI'STMN LAND AT PUBLIC A S.\LE.—TI-e undersigned, Assignees or David Goodyear and Wile. will Wll M Public Sale. on SATURDAY, lhedhh clay of MARCH, 1864, on the prciuisea,‘lhe following Real Es tale, situate on we Turnpike, about. half way. between (‘hnmbqhhurg and Gettysburg. in Adsms county, Ii truct on 750 acres of land, du‘idediuto Lots an fullofie: . _« ‘ So. I. The Mansion- Tract conmins 150 Icrea, about 50 of which iy imprpved laud, well limed and in a good sum of cukivnlion. The bnluuce of the {malls well set. with Chen nut, Pine and other timber. The GlLi-ZFFENBERG HOTEL & SPRINGS, one of themou heélihy‘and pleasant nummgr‘ resort: in “all purl o! \lle Sine, is upon this tract. The Hole] is a substnntial brick build ing, 62. £qu by 30, with a two-slory Buck; building-#5 {0126 by 20,iln.id ofl'ioto rooml, for the me of.bourders, visitors, to. Connected with 'n ll; 5 Score Room and Past-once..nlso a large In“ convenient. Bath House. With 20 bed room: numbed. Extensive Stubling, Hlnck- Imith Shop, lee House. Ten Pin Alley, Revolv ing Swing, p’nd all other necenary lmildmgs‘, also a Tensnt House and s =young Orchard of choice frail. ' ' . 1' No. 2, ndjoininz the above, contains 92 acrel, | and is well covgred will: young timber. No. 10 conlnins 20! oer-er. ond'il well In. with young Chestnut Ind Ro‘tk Oak. There ‘ are several good Inter powers on the forego (log 10'... , ‘ \ Also, the ntfiivlded'one-hllf 01‘98 acres, ad: joining ’l'. Stevens nnd Sahl'l heiu, well n: with young timber. ‘ Persons wishing to view the promises will call on eixher of the-subscribers. Sale to commence, at the Grrfienberg Hotel, It 10 o‘clockwA‘, M., on laid day, when the condition: will be nude known! by . . ' JOHN Duwrnn', / JOHN HAKTMAN, . Febnfl, 1 64. u . Auigneu.‘ '§~N3£l{ Waljojrfi cl): CLo 'r 111 ER s , \ WASHINGTON BUILDING, 1 . . 165 nu; 167 EAL-"3l9's: Stun-,1 kép conyuml, oi Inna 31:,ng snd well up sorted flock of All kindl of gogdl at nodiuh prices ‘r Thq Inpply onion for the {mm to the r. I ', . Kristi priced whales, either Judy “mad. or ‘ - ‘ 1 7, made 30 unsure, to may put of tho country. They keep‘ allo\ n extensive stock of FURN xsnxxg Goons, embracing mi, uticlo of Gum-mm midst-var. Alla, lILH‘ABY QLOTES'nd even; variety of “may Trin- wings, I: won u an morud nook 0”! ti lADE MILITARY GOODS BnlufioroJobZ‘fl, m 4. 'OBNTB.-—A im an snicker TIA n 80 'BO can . pound, a Pub. 15. . 0000!!! k GILLISPIE‘S. “ammo—£l3?“ CANNRD‘PIKEJQES"QT" S " . J. 11. ROWE'S. RAKE’S PLANTATION BITTIRS, or Old Bonnie-d Tale, A; Dr. R. HOBRRWB g Szon.‘ ‘. . . LOTHXNGI CLOTHING l—Plen‘y of new goods jun opened. AIIO Bootsl‘Shael um, ha, km, All chap at BRINKERHOFI'B Public; Sale Public 88:10. ANDREW NOEL BALTIMORE, Public Sale I VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. —ou WEDNESDAY, the ISM: of MARCH next, the Inblcriber. unloading lo quit fuming, will sell at Public 8119, It bin residence, 11) Butler wwu’ship, Adam: county. near Lower'l Hill, Ind one mlle cut of Mlddlctown, u“ lol lowing nluuble personal property, nz: 3 HEAD or WORK HORSES. a or them being brood mom, will) fool.) I -ynr old ind 2 Yeuling Com; Con und Young Cnule. l-Four-hone 3} inch bio-(Luella anon had fled, as good on new, 1 Four-hone narrow wheeled ngon, 1 good One-hone Wagon, 1 Spring Wogon, Sled, I Family Corrine, for one or uro‘ horses, 1 Sleigh Ind Balhfl‘seu lonnre Bonds. 1 Bay Carriage And put of Boy bidders, Wood Ladders, Pueut Spring tooth‘floy Bnke, l lanny‘ Reaping uhd Mom. lng lat-blue, Hone Power Ind Threshing Mn. ‘ chine, Yorfi Grain Ind Gun Solder, Wiunov- ‘ ing Mill, Culling Box, Grindltone, Forkl, Rakes, Groin Shovels, Shovels, Manocka, Dug ging Irons, Wheel-borrow; 1 Three-bone, Pl’ongh; 2 Two-horse ditto, 2 Double Shovrl; Plouglu,'2 Com Fork, 2 llnrrown, IRnller,: Doublo and single-men, 2 Ema-den, 2 Filth; Cbainafiutying Chaim, 2 m. of BI}! China, 2 pair Bram Chninl, Rough Lock and ml Cutter, 2 Log Cbtinu, Cow pod Halter Ghlim, l n; of Breechbnndl Ind 4 uu Front Gonn,‘ nll In good I: new, Housing Balun, Blind‘ Bridles nod Calla", I no earrings "Imus, ( Lulhu Fly Nell, I new Wagon Saddle, Cron- ! cut Saw, 4 Grain Cndlol, Moylpg Styling” Jack-urem'u lot of Rails, uni 1 lot of Bags. ’ Alla, Houlchuld Furniture, with min: other Articles, 100 numeroul to mention. ~ ‘ 951 th: to commence at 10 o’clOCk, A. 31., on and day, when attendnnce will 'be given n'nd terms made kuow'n by : JACOB RAFFENSPERGER John Hnnes, Auctioneer. 'Feb. 15, 1864. M“ . Public Sale F, HIGflLY VALULRLF. PERSONAL PRUPERTY.——;The subscriber. retiring from fuming-viii oler nt Public Sole, nl his renidcnc», mar New Oxford, Adams county, on TagSDAY, the Bth day oi MARCH next, (the to continu- frum duy to day till all is 50“,) his valuable Farm Stock Ind Flrming Implements, all being in good order, consist-, in; as follows :i FOUR IIEADVDF (‘.COD FARM HORSES. 3 being brood mores, is head ol first. rntc Cows 111-d Heifers, Sow, with pigs, 2 Pinnlm tion Wagons, with Robbers, (one is a broad trl‘ad.) l Une-horsnlfi'ngon, 1 Spring Wagon, ‘1 Family Citryioge, (for am: or two horses.) l Rorksway Buggy, l Sleigh and Bells, 1 Sto‘no Bed, with side boards, 2 SOL-l of .\lunure Bonds, with lmlsteis, l Hay Carriage, L pair bl lluy Ladders, 2 Climbing lmililers, 1 new steel- Ifiriug Horse-fluke. l llemlvmu llorse Rukt‘, l ltcuper, llusuy’s Patent, ldlurse l‘uwrr uml Threshing Machine, 1 York Groin tun! Timothy Seedér, l Winnowtng Mill, 2 Rolling Screens, (one is for cloverseed and nipple” 1 Corn .‘Sheller, 25 Grain Bags, 1 Cutting Box, lGiind stone, 6 Pitch Forks, 6 Buy Forké, 4 Shukiug Forks, G Manure Forks, 2 Grain shovels, 15 Grain and llsy Rnkcsnulso Shovels, Spades, .\lutlocks, Crow llurs, Hugging Irons, 4,Wlienl barrows, (2 for link.) ‘1 '.l‘lircc~horsc Plough, z Two-horse l'loughs,2 Slim-cl Ploughs, 2 Double Shovel l’lunglis, 2 Corn Forks, ‘2. Hair rows, 1 Two-horde Muller, 1 Three-horse Double-tree,‘2 Two-horse Double-trues, and Single~trees, 2 Spreadi-rs, l Filih Chain, l (joining Chain, 2 pair of Butt Chains, 2 pair of llrens‘. Chains, 1 Rough Lock nod 12: Cut‘ ter, 3 Bug Chains, 2 Lock Chains, 2b Cow Ind lluit Chains, I 3 llnlter Chains, also lot of iron, 6 sure! Wagon Gears. 4 sets of Plough Gears and Plough Lines, 2 sets or Carriage llnrncss, 5 Leather l-‘lv Nets, 1 new Wagon Snddlo’oud Whip, ‘. Riding Saddle, 1 Side Saddle, and Bridle, l large Sludge, l )loul and Wedges, Axes. llfllchnt‘i. Hammers, l (‘rms-rnt Saw, l Hand-saw, l Wood-saw, l Pruning Saw, \2 Gritin Cindles, 6 Grass 80311125,? Corn Chop pen, and lines; 1 Dining Talk, 1 Kitc‘hun Dresser, l l’nlent Churn. Meat Veswlr, HDuB~ hcuds, Cider Bani-ls, and Kegs, Illd numerous other articles; too tedious to mention. . gar-Sale to commence on said day, at 10 o’clock, precisely, when conditions will be: made known,‘on reasonable terms, by JOHN L. NOEL. Frank. Koehler, Auctioneer. “..v - Jnn. 18,1864. w ’ Public Sale , F VALI’ABM} PERSON“, PROPERTY. 0 —On MOSDAY, me 14m dn'y «tumult next, llm subscriber, intending to qull lnrming, ‘n—ill so“ at Public Sale, n. his relidence,‘ in Menallen lowmhip, Adam; conuly, one mile mm of Arenduvillr, lhe following \‘alulblc personal property. viz: « . ‘ a~ l-‘IRST-CLASS )IL'LES, 1 Horse, 4 Cows, :1 Bull, 2 Heiferr, ! new Broad-trend Four: horse Wogon, l Four~liorse Narrow-trend Wagon, nenrly new, Spring anon, Carriage, Yonk_Grnin Drill, Spring-tooth Hny Hike, ”Threshing Machine, Winnowiug Mill, 1 Shire -Imm Corn Planer, Horse Guru, 2 sets of Breech-bands, nearly new, 3 sets of from. lacuna, z-aets Double Home», 6 Collars, 6 lllind Bridles, 2‘pnir of Check Lines, Saddles and Bridles, 3 Bnr~nh‘ear Plouglis,l Double and 2 Single-shovel Plonghs, 2 llurrowa, Corn |Fcrka, Double and Single-wees, Lag nnd Fihh Chains, Corn And Halter Chains, Wheel-bur— , row, Gr‘mduone, Rakes, Forks, Grain Cradles, Mowing Scythen, Jncksrrenr, nng nanny other articles, too numerous to mention. Also, Household And Kitchen Furniture, such an Corner Cupbonrd. Clock, Carpeting, BMrel of , Vinegar, Barrels, Tuba ;30 or 40 dillerent. kind ’of your; Apple and Peach Trees, and luau, other oniclel. ”Sale to commence At 10 o'clock, A. 31., on said day, when attendance will be ginn and terms made knovn by _>_ - _ .. _ > ~ ' JOSEPH WOLF John Hunes‘ Auctioneer. ~ 1 ‘ Feb. 15,1864. u ‘ Dissolution P PARTNERSHIP.—The Co~pahnenfglp 0 existing between the subscribers, has been (thanked. this: day h} mum-d tangent.— We return thanks to our friend- end the public for ‘he liberal support extended to un. Our book: will be leh at the store; and we earnest ], request those indebted to u: to 0.!“ Int! m-h immadiue payment. u we no desirous to settle our bulineu without delay. ‘ ALEXANDER COBEAN, ”1311.30.18“: JOHN CULP. A Card. HE Inblcrlbet Inning diqosed ofhln in terest in the More of Cobonn t Cnlp to ohn 8. Crawford, E.q., rclpoattully uh the continuum-e u! bin friend- anq xnltomen to puroniu hio Cancun—whore Bargain: mly be had. , ‘ JOHN CUU'. Fob. a, 1564. , Ahother Change N THE HAI" AND SHOE BUSINESS.—-A. J Cohen h-viug “undated with him *in mineu John :8. anford, whq purchnped the interest. of John Cnlp, mpecuully an; nonncu to the citilenl oi Gettysburg and the public pun-ll}, um. the basins» wink apn unuod ll tho Old Sund’ on Uhnmb‘enrburg ”mt, by A. COHEAN t 00., who win con. man; hep on land a In“. stock 0! Goodo, in than“ of , .. SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, ' CARPET‘BMIS, URBBELLAS, K 7 . and they will the continua flu inner-Icm“ 01 Shoes. From their long experience in all the above bunches, they blur them-eke: that they can plan tho publlc, n‘d will an elm-p for gull. A. comm. J. S. CRAWFORD. Doll. business and-r :59 name and am of A. Cohan t Cu. fish. 8, IS“. F El GROUND SPICES, ulecwd {3l’ and expressly for Dr. ROBERT BOR— N RSI“! Drug Bum. . 08. LADIESe—AII sizes of Bufldo Over Show for m): n the corner of York hunt Ind tho Dimond by ROW & WOODS. FRESH ARRIVAL A owuors Ind saois, A HATS uld GAPS. Chap m: cub. 0:11 Ind Ice. 1. L. HOLTZWORTB Jun. :1, 1864 OLLOCK'S LEVAIN—uu pure“ A.“ g has baking powder In Ito—c: I". B RNER'S Drug 8w". , PRING BALMOBALS’ju-t roach-Ml it FAHNKSTOCK BICS'. ' yendua: "P STOP?) GOODS-Oo FRIDAY m! A O SA7CH 343 Y, 11:" lllh and lifll dnfl 0! MARCH nut, the r mac-mu: intending to gal: Slofo~kceping, will ntfur at Public anionin Moumpleulnl township, Adam county, on the road (you: Boninghtown to Unknown. undw I] between th- lwo placer, 11m following nniclu,,viz: ‘ . ‘A LOT “1' HARDWARE} web as Him‘u. Screw I, Filu. Hone Raspl, Turnbuckln'for {run and brick, Scluon. Knives. Ulmlau, 'hble .nd 'l’u Spoon. About. l 0 Rep of Nlfll, all men. QQEENSWAEIE, of all kinda ln‘rgg lot : n largo lot of SHOES. of m. 7“ Mn, "null Ind‘lnrge sizes. DRY GOODS. web as Cotton Puma Smlf. fine enamel-8y blavh nnd figured, Ctnwa ilnancl. Wool Flannel, red. white Ind yuluxr,liuo plm of Linscy, :11 wool. I hm: la: 01 'CnllcoesJM venues, Debuge,‘Alpucn, Lawnl. Ginghm, bleached Ind unbléullpfl Mullinl,’C§mbflfl, Drilling. Svoalnzs, gloves, I. large lot of HATS a: CA PB,. Bx usllu, Smoking and Chen'- inz Tobnccou. about 2,000 Cigar, finances of all kinda, Piiuli, such an Vanniun RM, Red Lend. Grgen,"ni: l lb. cans, \Vhiti‘ng, Liturgy, Yellow Ohm, 10., Glm by the box, loluul, Crockery-Inn, nd 3 great man; arm-le- no! mrnfiuned. Coppet Kemp, n til-strum 00W. WSnle lo commencopl- lO‘o'nLock, A. I, on ouch day, when stand-ace will ha (tug Ind lerim nude knoin b 1 ¥ , 08R”! SHIELY, Jncob Klulk, Auclloneer. ‘ . ‘ Feb. 15, mu. m . ~ . Public Sale. ’ N _“’ED.\'IISD.§Y, the 112th duy oflMRCfl next, the aubucin-er wul null 11} Paabllo Sale, in Mo-sutplensgul township. Adan" €Ol. ‘ “the Elecum Poll, the fetumng lferoonul Putz-art), I 51: . 2' EXHELLEVT BREEDING MARKS. Ono ‘ gem? “1U; foul. I. bond. of lfo'ug-x! (“'ll2, 1 rot-dim; Sow. n 30ml l‘our‘h‘o- v: Way); with ' Stom- Red And bu,‘ Lndgwi. Plough, Huron, Double Shqrel Plough, Con Fork, Wlzld Mill, ' Culling Box, floriu‘b‘eurl, Bridles, Edam. Cow Chains, Log Chnin, Jack 36". Donn!) tmd Singlé-ueei, Strctchen, with um.) other Articles not mentioned. ‘ Also, Hon‘aehold and Kitchen “influx-v. Kilgb’m Cupbosrd, Sink, half-din“ Obdn. Rocking Ch-ir, Clothes Cupboard, Bodnwid amt] Bedding, Bureau. Desk, Looking Gluten: large Dining Table, Eight-day Clerk, 2 Ken" Vessels, Wash Tuba, 2 Wash machines, Potk and Beef, Lard, (frinduone, Axes, Plane Bunch, will: numerous other articles not anumorntod‘ Wilde to t-ulumence at 10 o'clmk, A. 11., on’ said day, when nilendzmce wt” be given Augl mun: made known by , Adam ()nsler, Auctioneer Jun.25,136r§. 15* Public Sale. N WEDNESDAY, me 23;] day of .\mrm’. 0 next, the subscriber, intending to din cuuliuue lu'rmiug,‘ «in sell at. Public. Sule, nl his residence, m Sin-bun lo‘nzship, Adam county, mm a mile frum ch Chesxer, and near the Pines Church, the 'lbllowjug pvrsond pyopculy, v 1: : ' ‘ '2 "HORSES, 7 Cows, ) Bull, % Hmfers, B‘ow with pig, 2 ShoulsfiFuur-hnrue .\ln‘rmw-tuud anon, vi“; bud. bows m d under. Hay Lat}? den, Winnowmg Mull, Uuumg Bax, Flux Brake, Shaving Hons-3 leghu MM flurrmgv, Horse-Gem, Suddld and Bridles, Duublc and Sink-trees, Spre‘ndera,‘th Chm“, [mguh’nim Hal er and Cow Oblinl, Grdin Cmdies uni! Mowing Scythe-9, Forks, nukes, Nuttnrh Shovels, and u‘ variety 01 (Mick nfliuieu, 2m. numur‘nus 3,0 mentibn ' _ ”Sula lo commence 9.! :0 o’clock, A. 31., on said «1.1,, when altur‘d.xncc. \\fll be giflm Ind {onus made knuwnby I PETEI’. THOMAS N. B. 31.32“.»Auctioneer Feb. 3, 1564 u} Public Sale. E TEURSDAY,‘L‘ 1-1‘ -‘ o! Max-ch next. thegunscan. .niv-fiigag m remove to 9. Mn \lter:l'nlln, ml: all at {mum-2441mm. hll‘ residence, in Houx.’.,.lt.hnnt (-4 7. Us“ .\dnml county, one and 1,1”)! miles east cf Rum! h lown, the fbllowing yersmml properly, v 1” 2 Horn-5, l Ycurlmg Golt, I; Cows,‘ l Bum-1 1 Heifer, Four-horse Narrow-trend \5 ugon, Hay L‘nrriuge’s, Grain Dru), Corn Planter. Bone Gwyn?l Plough, new Threelhurae HAUI'U'. Doug ble and Single-trees, Unhel- and Cow Chains, u lot of Barrels, and A variety 0! other’nniclu. . Sale 10 éommence M. 12 o'clock,.M., on um duy,.when Attendnnco “iii be givcnvnmt 1.9 m. inndé known by FREDERICK Tlfl'flkh‘n John Stallsm‘th, ‘Auclionccr. Feb‘ I,lBo}. ts. “ . . Memepo'htan 15 up 3Z. N AID ovum vxnm: , .. :51. ' I TARY COMMISSIUS.- .‘u la‘ ' “1.33:3. . A: 'luvxn'rloN,-Tbe Ln-d‘r-z . 151‘. ‘.lt...uppli- - tytn Fpir in nid ofllm U. 5. .\‘un. ..\- ".mmis aion, address thcmlelvcs‘with yecn'm; unis. (action to ‘he Fax-mm 01‘an Countr}, . ‘ ‘ .We Lnow that we 'apprxl.lo generous nn~ mrcs——stouc, wurm hearts, eve? ready to perms? o! gho gm. 1; good Prmidenc’o hns‘uo mumfl~ cenlly ahowercd upon you, since the com unencemeyt of this deplorable war. You have given nobl'y of your beam blood. Your “only son: mu! brothers are the glory of our Army and Ndvy; and those who rem-in to till {ho mil will cheerfully rel-pond to our huh-alien, to mum. in fulnishing meant for maul-inc. nurging—comtonlug ouch “an inflating [at from their homel. , - Come theh, we pray you, bring to 111 of tho product: which God bu given you, whtuvev you can : oxen, cowr, horses, ranch infancy: already contrilmted,) or bee , mutton, pork, poultry, buy, on“, bum-r, Chane. egprgnin or flour, apples, cranberries. null—Mummy Ihal you can spare ofyour abunduuca. ' The Fair will open on the 28th at Itwh.~ A: It. will probably cominxw for two ween, contributorq cnn send lrom limo go than u may best suifi their convenience. \ - Address I” article; to Receiving Committeq, Wen mb Slroet, between ml: and 11h Aunnu. Forward by any BXpI-ell or Trinaponnilou Coxnpany. - Phue lend nun: and Iddreu. um I: my acttowlcdgo.’ MRS. JOHN PAINB, Committee for soliciting from Eamon. New York, Feb. [5, 1864." ' i Fruit and Ornamental , .nzasron SPRING nan-w. Nipcch : fully invfic attention to our luperlor stock of mu AND ORNAMEXTAL THERE? AND SHRUBS, fortho coming sen-OL. Uni allotment, is large and fine, Ind tree. remark ably tbtmy and well gtown. Cnllllogutsflun be bud on IppuaMion by mil, or m. the 983:0 of “Tho Compiler." ' } . EDW. J. EVANS £OO., Feb. 8, 1.364. 3m , York, l’eyvnla. ,3: Picking _ "ENDS to SURVEYWG, Writing of DEEDS and WILLS, CLERKM'U 03‘. HA ES, tc. Residence, ii] Sunken taauabik, Ml Ihe rend leading from Gengbmg to fix,» lenlown, two miles from the hunt: plm. Uhlrgn moienu Ind asthmatics: gufimuleed. FEMJJSM. 6m ~ Six Cénts new“. AN In, from the lubsulbgr, mlidiug in Mountplnsan: townnhnp, Adm: coumy', on Sunday week, I blnck gm named tubal]. Cutelll, Aged won 18 years, ofbegvy, lhofi u: nun, who wan-bound 67‘s Dineton o! the Poor of Aduna county. to serve mu) gh. Arrived u the an o! 18 yearn. The nbou r.. yard, but no thank, will be ginnm My "1. lon who mq urea Ind mum to! to n.. n. (lei-signed. Joli! LILLY. Feb. 15, 1864. , Notice. GEN BLAbK'S-ESTATE mutant 9! .41., ‘ pining-won. tun Inc-win unto}, on t c "II“ of John Buck, has of amung.‘ tn‘wnlhip, Adams. mum). uw,u-.d,’lx'uin‘ . bun grand tn ibe undersigned, twain}; 1;“; Gottygburg, he boreby gives nofico-to all p. 535: sou Inch-bud maid cum to make imm'gdj- , 11. pnymentl “A than hm in; claim. lfllifl‘g' . m tune 3.0 preleul them pmpvfly nu'lbemi. ‘_ and fuselllemcnt- ‘ :\ - " A 3103 I’LAHK, édm’n T'i Feb. g, mm. m “ROOMS! ovaumms I- 5. mm“, 0 jun Iron the on}. (M! nod gamma; it '“ . BRISKEMNFB's, ‘. ». North-n come: at lthinmon‘d. EST-RA“ Rum-day. Thiflé-hour Ind Alum 0109!.”an n H mac‘s. ~ / 3 F. x. SMITH?