The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 22, 1864, Image 2

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GETTY!‘ 1130, PA I
"a never belinyod {ha} the Aboiirjoginu
we finoore in their advocacy of the pay
me 't'of damaging to ch:- pndpio of the bor-
Aer caustic: fnr loaseq snatnim-dx by rphal
20‘! n and invasion». In this view we had
camfinatiou by the action of that party in
,u; Lé'gislqmre last winter, when the mu
{to my the Slunit raid claim! by the State.
(lb a sum: to Jump the same with the NI.-
lio al Governmc‘ng) w‘m undvr comidvm
tio . In-k-aui of giving usn fair and squara
ure on the subject, :1 bill calculated
Iy to delay payment mu; passed.
at Mldifinnnljyrunl' of this innincnrity
I finnishod‘in tlw House on Wednesday
k. On the Monday previou‘z, Mr.
rpeintrodn‘cnd n supplement to the m 4.
”261 April, 1863, providing {or the ad
tion and p-nymnnt of claims mising
In lone: bathe rebel invasion in Juno.
I, find moved that the ill and the whole
'ject winter be rof'firrnd to a select com-
I'lee of five, On Wednesday, howevex,
- followjng preamble) and resolutinn
‘8 offered by Mr. Knllfy, Ab.. of Wash
lion‘: _
,et' 1
' hereas, Th’ere is roamn to brlinve that
i: rebel invasions ot'Pc-nnsylvauia were.
grout measure. brought about through
connivance and by the encouragement
ielnyal persons in our own State;
.an where”. Clnirus'lor (“urges done
I S“ nVflQlOl’lq are now [Bill ”'6'
£l5 frighinlLe-gishlturo; thaw-fining I
halved, That the saleo‘fommitt'ee to
In are referrrd nll mutters In relation to
ma mining ont'ofallvgml Imam from thn
l l raids of 186211 an l‘JGJ’n, in: instructed
port n‘s part oftheir hill—if they report
ill—a clnnue requiring the parties pre-
I ing claims to furnish” positive proofa-of
E loyalty, J _
he firstpreamhlp contains an imputa
upon the loyalty of the citizens f the
. der counticsgit once so foul “£l3 false
V {it muit glidllenge the indignn'nt repro
on of all our people, of whntevcr politi
party. “'e scorhi’ully hurl buck the
rgethat“ the rebel invasions of Penn
l nnia were braéght about thronghl‘thg
nivnnce and by the encouragement of
: oyel persons in; our own State." As )g'r.
rpe well obserfcd in his eloquent. de
ceof the peofilo ol' ‘F‘ranklin mun! -
t'Ts contrary t 5”; the inflineta of human
, ure, itis oppos§tl to all human n-umn,
suppose tlfat aniy man would mnkc x-uch
I lof hims‘cltfmg: to invite into the pen-e
-home whore he .lived a hand of vnnulale,‘
0 would lay {lnvite and destroy not only
own propelty, ibut the property of all
neighbors.” ‘ ~.
’ut the rennintfion provides that: parties
senting cluimséi‘or damages mint. “tur
h positive proof of their lnynity.” New
his.“p33iti,ve pgooP’tO be obtained? ls
'ept with go he ngmlnistered? Must ere
lady take the :gonth Mr. Lincoln has'
scribed for the rebels—swear totmpport
: confiicntion .nct, the remnncipntiun
uclamation, or any other Uncotistitutional
rclnmntion the President,ii»n his infinite
dom, may see fit to issue? This oath is
i' the great. teat ofi‘lnyaity“ in the eyes
| the party in power. They stigtnntise
e Whole‘Democrutic party as “disloyal ;"
|d as a matter of course every Democrat
i 0 presents his claim for damage: must
'9 this oath, or present other "positive
'oor"or hiig'xoyncy." In the good old'
Ines that. have gone by. every man was
lesumed innocent until he was prored
lilty; but under the new regime the citi
l"! of the border counties are all- to
'\ ‘fi.
‘ W.‘
.3 3"
L 1»;
considered guilty of treason, unless
my purge themselves (.11 the charge by
sitive proof," before a pariizan commis
m. And what. justice can be expected
in such sonmmisaidn as this. with full
thérity to ,decide upon the “loyalty" or
' ialoyalty”9fth§3irfibllowcitizensf Truly
else are strange and startling times in
ichge live! N_'
The objecmof this resolution is twofold :
"rytfto give some coloring to the charge
r dialoialty “72511 has been fontbe last.
myean ma indiscriminately against
0 whole Democratic-party ; and seeondly,
{really to kill the bill. ‘ _ V
_ln file language.“ the Chambersburg
u' ‘ ' , ‘.‘i_.‘. is high time, that. this malignant
rtiuu‘malevolence had run itself out.—
. 0 Democratic party has borne these in
111 and imputations until foybeamnce has
most ceased to be a virtugu”;
1" That suhjsgt wt: again discussed on
uni-my, Quuh‘e Hons; wijourned without.
quip; w A vote. _
flan. Fmgwnta Gndidala.—-A Washington 1
» . says: There is renl conuteruaiion
"6n; £l.lO Lincolnites here at the an
. cement b'y General Fremont/s friends
1! the latter will certainly run if “Old
.. " ispominaled. They feélvery bitter
11rd the President for his conduct to
'6 _Pnthfinder, The 'lntter now: his‘ do
rniinttion to help elecfi a Democrat rath
: 91:11 see "Old Abe" occu'py the While
9939 fog a. second tern}. ‘ >
@lll3 'Supremé Court of the Unites!
idea has refused an application fora writ:
‘ Win Vallnndigbam’g use, on the
. mad that they havé no nqthority to re
' {in 91° moxie mowed, me amending:
tyil'n my ‘comnpiszion. '
4m National Gravel/ari—The work (5n
‘fifiierifl cemetery :3 Chattanooga in
. .. ”pjdly forward. The ground his
_.-. M but, ‘clenred of brush. tree. and
..' . End the work 91‘ orpllyenting it
-?°'"'”.i”f°L - -___.._ - ~~
In Appalling Fac;.,—erepal MAM‘h
ig gpgech at Philadelphia, stated nil“.
: “.1 {gag that since 'Mnrc 1801., 11:0,!)
119',qu '3" H 3- Pommw #355 .lines ,1»
w o Wubham W {3}» m In»
4W 3"! E!!! “.Jki'kd‘m"
. , 'dfii _ '
WORDS 0" emu. m AMI-m ‘ OLN HOWEFT. l . DISLOYAL wom.
“With the whole power of the .trlministrng The oppmition o ithe western .Abolitiono It is wry well known th-t the interest
tion "'5!“ an!!!“ "5"“; “1" money "‘ iste to the reonominntion of Lincoln is crop—_ in; Ind dashing lndy of the White Home
the trmury mode tqlow like ruler. the‘ . ' r ‘1 1 1 .
Demo‘cntic party will hue. nnigmtic tank ,ping 0"" more '"d _more "”7 (”3" I": m. sewn re aliens in "'8 "be! ”Inc”
in the next 'Presidentin} election. And the out there is also manifest r-pngnnnce: and it was charged, in the early stages of
‘ yiqt, if 1;;- do not'cairrlvl tl‘nit election, yehwill to‘hio reelection. but ,the current does not' the rebellion. that she med to giva them
in most t PSPY'P OHI . or never in. t ere ' ~ - - . . ‘ .
mm an Administration _ m mm‘p‘ 4‘ rifin quite no hold nnd ntrong» Karl Bet-ref” unpaid-M information, which lead to ten
the present one. o', the. comiptiom and a.prominentlAbohngmntJ-vorable to Ghana; qug dimterstoour cause. We were among‘
imbecility of which could be‘w “my ex. Writing to the St. ‘[Louis New Zeithfrom; the many admirers or Mu. Lincoln who:
posed. : ' ‘ \Y'lahington : j t 5 never, for a moment, doubted her loyalty 3'
The nbove is from the'Chiclgo Tuna, rindl l i t'id a puhlic viii-at that the friends of! but. we confeus to having our -iouht« upon
we copy it to ndopt it. Success in within C ’mofrflflfi" ""11. Pztlerh’haxe "if“ mi the subject now. Even one humeard of
. ii_ 0 w. ic never t ese roegen omen -‘ .
“1° grasp of “.18 Pem?"““° party. I! "WY thrill receiifc the higient number of votes It? Fernando “TOOJ' I most inveterate coppeifi
do not obtain it. it Wlll be their own‘ limit, ”,9 Ro’pulilican "Tyenun". Another "by head. and mthal “mi mildn mannered mun
A;clenr. distinct enuncintion of the Cogstj- "hr. however; but Wlllt‘h liilmll not endow-AM ever scuttled ship or cut n thrnat."—
tutionsl principles of their party. and'n ‘liL‘lgir"ti,'"'ilF'°m" l" {'i§"d‘ T‘s? 0" 3}}, Welliilllfi “Bympllhifi” "Ml l'”‘°""3"°
. . . a ms in run as n in epen- on can' i-, - . ,
courage that WI“ not shrink from their ,‘Mpmziinfl mum] 9"" though the “up,” Pf”? ”'9 oth" 9'9""!8 l“ Washington.
maintenance before the peopge, through be nominated bv the Republican National} “Mb the Indy "f the Premdent ”lend“!
the resin, and at the ballot bo . will iii-«tire Convention. The 1 nrnua tlm't FremnnM and was one of the most gny and festiva per
l’..Yr 1 . e ,
us a Florian: victorv in November. Cour: 1”“ been! treated too shamefully h": 39: "‘o'“ in attendance, NM 0'11." “'ifiv "lithe?
. . , i' . ' . _ prawn! n 4 miniitrntinn to owe my nli n-' . ‘ . W
“Elev fr‘f'Wk- [he ”:3" ol' bloodf‘he‘l' of mtion to'l‘incoln; nd though I: lltirrmocrnt.‘t Fxcellrncxvactuallv sent to Mrs. 02¢
corruption, of despotism, is drnniiig' go Ibe elected thereby. h" ”fink um inmiveqf from l'9 [lll-G HOUR? Convrvaitory, i_lfi‘
close. . . lees dang”. In their have alloys dol’en‘ilmli flower: "59“ to make Joyoux nni]. l'3E'n“t_
, -“_-’”‘“'”—-—" ' illn- Monroorlm-trjnb." \ ; that. interesting occasion. What do the
affirm-V " P’W "Y 3: ; The mum/w mum another mien. L‘ui‘si‘ Abolition papers or thin city think of um 2
; h '5 “my“, to ‘T'upmpt to «tnnil upon‘n attention to the inrihptrouai increase in the! II it not enough to make an Aholitinnist'sr
incue sentiment. ot nhstrnct Unioni‘im. l x . i . . . . . ~t . . .
. We decidetllv digfipprow of 'n. tiinnrousl number of “than-holders, clv2l and rnllllflry,‘ blood think of Mn. Lincoln not.
policy in the coming Prmiuluntinl election. ‘ aim-:- the Culbr€l|k:3of the rebellion, and] only associating with nymmtliianrs with
or-ot'uny attempt to deny that Unionism i gala; ' Lt treason, but slreiring our nntionnl‘ posics
and Abolitioniqm are one infepurablo iseue. 1 .at th-ir feet 'n‘i‘nator Qumnor «lioulil see
‘ as it 1 i» it ' " ‘ ‘
But would we change the Presidr‘n'tiiil ‘0 ””52 1“! lllm introduce uhnnjlryd In}!
imue from that of Union to that OrA’Mllllll'Ln fifty rpmlutionz. full of Lntin and chasm
by adopting such an amendment us Mr. quotations, and investigate this biiaine=s.—-
Sumner hunt prnpmnl? i‘m. We imm- ul- 0;- lot the next Abolition Cmgresdmml
rnmly f-ndt‘nVOl‘l'll to showthnt Unmn fllltl caucus "H mm b tb't’ “‘d o' t s (‘Olll
Abolition are idr‘nticul. Marathon tlii~. In . J l I . n a-pp in-n p .
not the Union party known throughout C0m"""”" to ‘hnrmmhly l""“‘“£—'"“‘ 1"“!
the world to hethnroughly :ibolitionzzi- i?_ «\(pow thizhsnmi‘trpnson. Person: urn min:
We are glntl of this roi'clalinn, 3':in the I-rnllyjuilgt‘d by the compunvéthny kcr-p.
Aye. We do not lwliove that all tho base I nnd this connection lmtwenn )li-k. Fl‘l‘nllnd‘)
influences (if this Fur huve‘ns yet had the l “'uotl and the charming lmly of the Print}.
effect 'of making buch doctrine acccpinhle 1! dent. i~i enough to Mount} the npprvhvnsiom
to the’ people ; {\nd ire accept the is’suo thus 1. of all truly loyal mon. \Vlwrt- is the
lendl-rml to the‘Dcmncratic party, without.
fenr oflthe rlesult. It Unis only by prgitend
ing that what. i 1 how ,avnwed-to bentruE.
Was false, that the Rlnpublionm ever gained
nny fnoihold in the Suite of Pcnn~ylvnnlaz
Now, when there can be no mistake and no
denial of their pul‘posei. their life will be n
short one. Our [maple have been deceived
h'y false lights. Now that the truth is r'c
vealed to them to be precisely what we al
ways told them it was. they will act as they
did before the}: “'éfljé deceived. I
filil‘lnfilmrqt.-The Albany Stnlmmnn.
an ultra and bitter Republi‘m“ WP“: _fimls
some {uultwith the administration 0f its
party at Washington. This -fuu'lt it ex
pressesvin the followifig enargetii! tennis
“A pack of shark", hungry, villainous and
incorrigible, have fastened upon the public
tremaury and depleted it at the rate oi: mil
lions moutlfly : the patronage of the‘l’od
ernl Government has been bestowed upon
those with whom the electow, if allowed am
exorcise of choiee, would have absolutely
refused nll denlingx. until high placeq of
trust me held‘by knonn and convicted cor
momnts, and men drive fill)!- hoxses xmtl
live in free-stone houses purchased with
United States greenbaclke, who might to he
peggingishoes in gtate primnsl’ “4.9 know
some people who are actually such “cop
perheads” as to believe that an adminis
tration guilty of <uch acts. is not worshy‘ of
public fionfideuco. - _ 1
WA Brooklyn plieplwnl has mine to
:grlel for slamlering one of his most ngllract
ive Slchp, and it is asserted with hqfrriblx}
boldness that. he has frequented siloons,
drank sherry cobblers, 'sftt up lulu; and
improperly corrpspnnded with the gender
of his choir. an interesting damsel, (hélbiied
music.) and in vitrioua ways exhibiteil that
lorgetfulnesspf morality which, hiss! is
I Becoming wo fregigent withflloynl" egpoun
{darn of the gospel in game parts of New.
LYorkKand, in fact, in many places in this
wicked, sinful world. His organistéalso a
.lady, prefers against this 'llog'ul " pintor :-
series ofcharges too painful to enurulerate;
iwhile heuccuses her'ol'cnnduct unbecoming
“a female of pure inclinations. For the
l'rest n. wise“niy§tery envelopes the afl'air. bull
:deVOut minds are shocked by the gleéfui
i promise of"‘further developments" in (I'm:
lisoason. And all ”this in~ "the city of,
léhurclles!” Oh! Brooklyn, Brooklyn! .
@Gene al Rosecrans has signaliged his
advent. to power in Missouri by removing
the restriction which haul jbeen imposetl
upon the circulation of the Chicago Tunes
and othér-Democratic papers by his prede
cessors. General Curtis, incensed at the
exposure of his cotton' speculations, prohib
ited the 77mm in his department. and
General Schofield never had the 'moral
courage to'remove the interliict, for fear of
its being used against him by the radicals.
When in high favor with the administration
Gene‘ral Rosecrans wu'exceedingly intoler
ant of Democratic papers. He would not.
allow them to circulage in‘his army. [to
has apparently grown wiser since ‘then.-
We hope this act islan earnest ofa wise and
liberal administration of afiiairs in the De
pagtment of Missouri.
‘ I
WThe Lincoln presidential campaign
opeus innuspiciously. Mr. Simeon Dl‘d-!
per’s circular, calling upon the people toi
nominate Mr. Lincoln “spontaneously” on
the 22d of February next. me}. with so fri
gid a response that: the President’s friends ‘
are suppressing it, while the first. ofa series ‘
of great meeting: which was announced to
be held last nightat Hope Chapel, brought.
together less than three hundred people,
and- not. a single person of any recognized
political standing attended it. The' chief
orator disguised llis reaknuhe under the
1 «lid: of Smith. Decidedly. the , Lincoln
' movement does no: 100 k 59 promising as it,
"did a month since.—- World.
‘ '_.—«... ——-“".—'
Some Difl‘crancm—The Salem Advocate gives
ethe founwiug incident showing the difi‘er
eyes begween vyhige gen and negro“:
"Last week in the Methodist Church a
collection was taken np for the rpnewey
negmee by an agent of the 'Freedmen’s
society.’ amounting to twenty dollus and
a half.” ‘ .
A few evenings afterwards, e cqflection
tr the benefit. of soldiers’Temiliee end
destitute white people was taken up. end
ye are laid the mugnificent‘sum ofn‘z 40er
we: _nised. .
Effie Leayemvonh (baseman: up.
there are now at. Fort. Gibson five hundred
frea ne'groes who have no alternative In“ to
steal mafia frpm the aurroundipg pogutry,
or starve. 1",
”.519?“ thousand out of ”.000 mulegi
3:5." perisheq in one 60511.1 at Chagunmgfll
laying to “‘l9 ‘l9:}: of food and prcgper great-J
3:ll:3lmeth is 9 grown. Look
out for a racy: 9f giants:
i "Arp tho poopifiwilling tn intruif {hiij
ltm‘rlfir pnwvr again into the hnmh of u uifi-I
{:10 man? Tn hv-ln [014311 in pmvor that oh“
('uhxm-l oliqut- of P.- .-.-. Bhir gun] vanrdu'.’l
Thnproamrt nnin 4' [hr- pr-nplu in uhvming
innnmpg-lem-n. ,1“ [me of Ilnngor xnrnmfi
pn-h-lu'n- x- éw-n wn-mymnm thh mimoj
nn-l llmnfin nunh rt [he pbnynlo. .\nt‘l mi
.such limm :\~ the- pl‘o>(‘!|t‘ure the ponplv mi
‘giw- n. 11'1“"an Inrwm'mlht'r term of inurf
yum to n «l-rnnxty bf H‘umlumnu. m 1): mi
thvv mnvclnmumtrn e thnir inconrueteucm
ancé mom in the eyt »' of the world 2" 5'
g - - . 14
5 The vountrv \fill-acknmvledaf’ in ("Mums-i
lion to the Hon. M‘yer Strome. Hm over-l
‘wafchful nml faitlffiul Reprownlutiva in;
, Congress from Pvnmylvania. for tho follow-y
in; noceunry and wlolF-timt-vl nmenclmnnti
'to the liumllnmnt._ Ml 2 and his remarks;
;2‘ . I
:thpreon. ()f courég U 99 rndxcnl destruaq!
‘ Lives of the Home [hinged the promsiLion;
iwith Qoricinn, and m’jefilcd it fryJ: [nu-tni
7, vote. What «he cou‘d be expected 3, W9l
'qunle from the DJ“)! GlnL-e: - ’ . E!
i Mr. .fi'l‘liDL'Slf. I oflcr the fullo'wingi
lnmomlmmnt: m
i All to section twenty-one: l
; ‘ And any lynx-mu cluiminu exfimptinn t'uf
,nny cuuae. nml hvlieving himwlt‘ n-mrmvml
,liy the ‘leoixinn or the hoard ut onrullvnvnt,
imay Within ton Iliya nitm“ such (lt'l'hlf‘nhi
Iflnpenl t?) the ili~triut court of (hp ‘Unitod‘
'Slates to; the (llsll‘lct in which Lhn awn-L}
.lum' was drafted; and the hoard of c-nroll-ir
'menx, small certify the' pl'lK‘PPlll-ngi to mill;
lconrt, where a cpgprly examinatinn shall lug?-
llwi. nhd the (Ibexsi‘u 0t and court shall be!
lfinal and cnncluswe. . . ll
1 oil’s-r this amendment, Mr. Chmrmwnjg
lwith little pmupoct otils adoption. but wuhf
fa taint. hope that some plan may be (level-3'
wiped which may enable the unfortunntéi‘
ivxvtim of the illegal and uniust dl‘cision ON;
1 n (lietrict provmt mnnhal to apply to some]:
tribunal far redn-«s. :uiddiavojuitice done.“
.Aa the law now minds. and is contenipla+
ted by (hi; bill, every man, howuver much,
iolititicdulo exemption frum limit nmtmf
ithu proviqnns of [he 3“! of ('nngrvsp. is
,snhjm-L tolthn‘ min-ice: malice. ignm'anrm
nr ph-fudiro nt' :1 pslty‘tyl‘ant‘ clnthml With I
hrivt'anthority, known ad :1 rlvputy prnvn: j
'mnrshnl. Emil i‘rmn Those (i_n-min" timr
llin-s t oupyoul. Some fippvllnh‘jm'lulmtim
i-ifi imerat‘ivwly dcninnjioql for L 3?" pron-mini .
I.OL cur ponplo. Mnny oiitrnpes Lni‘c hm ‘
i committed in this matter 'nt illegal holding.
lto military service of parties by pan-tin”. A
[dig-011951. and corrupt. inilirnvixecl “cam g
‘tmnsmnd provmtminralmlx ’ at the rhll'vr—
{out congressional digxicts. “ t‘the mnjnxily ,
10f this House hm n onti' j 5.111an4! tin"
irights ot the white man, (Ten I beg lcuve'
l to 5'5 with all rins- det'orencea’io the >upnli- -'
ior (Rain :1 of the negro—slug anti t‘roo. citi-i
lzt-ne (filament) scant—What a pa<~ing thought!
imay lo befimvml on the poor and flow Mill-l
iordmnte white man, who. in the ire-«anti
I war Ib!"‘universnl mnnncipntjon,” in likplyl
.' to channel: pl.;mvwith the negro and hecomei
11' self: ie a ave. ’
l' f —~-~ ~ 7-0- ‘o.->—.~_¢—-—— < a I
Sunlner'srek‘lntl’ln directirig tth'om mit
tee 3n the District's)? Columbia to (-omidpr
the expediency of reportilig a bill grunting
equal privileges-to white; anal, 0‘40“"l citi
zené. was adopted by a vote of 31.40 lOU
During the cli‘cu‘uinn Sehntor Hen:lrn.."#.
of Indiana, expressed his belief that social
as fell as political equality with the blanks
was to be forced upon-the whites by [lie
lparty in pom-r. t ’, .-
t Senator Wilson wished every man to image
the station Gr'xl meant Him to attain. How
did 11.9 Numé cnhhlcr uscortaiu tlfnt. quul
:meant. the neat-alto attain equality with llie
jwhités? We ahoukl like to know whenhe
llhe New England infidelsflc-rive nuthorifi]
to flunk for liml an’d fuln‘linatiz the dovrdes
} 0f Hmu‘cn '.‘ I It is sheer bla>phemy.—l’ufifi)l
hf Um'nn. . ' V 4 I
WWII“ next ? We shall soon see tlie ‘
press of the Republican kidney. culiing up
on Congres; to enact laws'comgmlling while
men to let. their' fair daughters ‘receive‘the I
addresses of' big negrnes, make theirwivog I
pay social-visits (0 nééro families and their
children gm to negro séhools ; am} when
this is done that big blot. upon white de.
cen‘cy. Charles Sumner, will rise in his seat
in the Senate nndfidvomte the p‘ansage of
this monstrous law. Faugh! “a little civic,
good Apothecary.” Such legislation in ofi'én
siueito the nostrils.
The good of the \white man is forgotten
by d;ur worse than negro legislators. It, is
notliing bin. negro, negro, negro, in the
halls of Congress. White men all over the
land hunt-become disguzted at it. And we
should not be Eur-prised to wake up some
fair morning and find that the people find
come dbwn in their anger and swopt die
Augean gtnble cleaner than Cromwell did
the British Parliament.—Cbrutitulional Quinn.
- LOYALT smomous' wmi
33: STEAL-IN 6. 5
In one of his early 9rders in Kenna Gen.
Ewing announced 3 determinntion to plut
an e'ano the operation of the “ti-slavery
patriots in‘ the! State who were ‘flteelihg
themselves rich in the name oflibertfi.".—-
Qn recently succeeding lathe odmhjencfin
this same quarter, Gen . Curtis. we obgofih,
has found it neceesery to put an inter-dict.
on sill] mower phase of loyalty amqhg
the “earnest men" of that State; 31¢
uye: '
‘ “.You may rte!" on my doing all in my
power to prevent- border strife and section
al nnimosilies; Byrd I hope you will one
your eflbrte to'the same purpoee. There in
no reeson for it We;m all in the name
‘ Boats-there is not can gh of the negro left
Jo uarrel eboigt. and gcm notgoing to allow
{ layflév/ to be a liens: for flora mung."
l ‘1 ewe to u'nderwmd the! when, “there
in not enough of the negro lefl. to gather
.nbogt’f ‘phileethropigte i_n Kensu uke‘ ‘ to
hone Heeling in the heme of loynltyr—‘Pq.
‘.m‘u‘ce .Weu- .m '. ‘ l
I,“Pre<idom's dog,” and why did hi- nnt
bark when this spol'mlion of our lny'nl roses
'—Pith/;urg Rust.
was going on?
1 -« n «owwp - ‘
By’ thP-lnat Mill“! {mm .\'mv Orléhn: we
havoln nr-w hutch (if rogululiona. I~~uml hy
anoml llnnki, and n lurlhor xlvvnl'npnwnt
of “II! plan of “l‘ocnnfll‘uvtinn” :m mrriml
out In Lm‘liamn‘t. 'l‘lw tun lvmlm: pn'inte
in tho rx-gnla imis‘ nuw in'mnulunhwl, lllrnv
:1 Strong llflllt n 13?}; existing «.m- hl things
In lhs‘ rel-nvvrwl: turmtmy. It gnquimvnn
nrgumvnt tu’Shv-w‘thucwlmt uh 1‘ are lnrdwi
to «In lw (‘ounlulzinn mu~t lnu ignllhl llell'
inolinnxfin. There would ho'xm m-ml of
fm'ving the Lquisimm >l‘H‘2l'oi’i 1n lulmx‘
il' llm proqwnl nf wngM was; : sulllz'lvut
im'ent'n‘n. Thor-p ‘wnuhl he rill) nm‘rl of
forcing [nuis‘mlm pitlzmw m ant- If [hey
wore ol thexmmlvm inchnml to m) In the
ballot-box. Butlinnoml Ihnks pulpli-‘lu’.’
rl-aulntimfiflbr the nc-grmw, tolling Lll°lu
that ldll‘llt‘ii and vngrmwy are (mums
which will he erl‘BiSCd hy the shun): arm:
and regulation! for volt-N, telllnz Lin-m, lhnl
nh-mnce from the pulls or neglwm [oval-1‘
will be \‘iziic‘l wnh [he hmvv pl-pnltv 6f
banh'hmbnt l‘rcgn the state and lull'eilure of'
thmr hmrlx‘. ,
The Imcos-‘ily For those-ctringont roLvqu/l
tiom mnkcu it. Pvirh-nt that Um ”h-m-uwn"
cmmnt be induced hv nu-ro w mm m wnfli. '
and that the whin- cit-220m mll tukn mum]-
ullt:|r_\"p:x;l'in lhequnlmwd lw-mntrmfiinn.J
(,‘nuM lhf‘l'k‘ b 0 u. mpre clue! «Hint anther nn'
thp-ulmligim) experiment or on (he “-ng
Ma'uclion pylmrn‘wnl? ' I
' Lonving the negro .. xporimon! ankle this
Mun nf' drivmg citizwn: o,“th an~ i~:ll.r'xl-|
linnt (“wave-I5 m rupubln-m ghvbrmin-nt.
“'hil‘h Inn lirrotof-wv new” ~uppmml m rmb
on (roe political m‘llnn. .\ln-ly’mw- rnnnwll-,
ml L 0 t‘ik~l HIP uhhlxhon 0112.: runnlwlh-(l tn
Vuty-z r: mml Hr lm'nh imam-1; i\ (n he
(‘ruqhwl nut. L 0 ny- (h-upral I; .nkw’ vx-E
profisidu, "thh :uv iron Inmll." That x~.‘
Vote or vamow.‘ TJL’P 'llh‘fll) vlniun ’61“:
and mm‘ Olw tho :yhuhlim‘. 'lic-koti (hf
winch a varinty i: l'uru'idml l‘nr I‘m-n Ania.)
or ekv take the nitvrnznivn of lminL'ervnn!
on! ”Him shun .\nd 11m I~ .\h. Lfim-uin's'
mnlhmi of “unammveing reguldxcun gun:
ermncm."— Wm H! '
.‘llv’fgn/ 114/2100] of a “TO—Summary l'rn-i
gy'mir‘m/H/ Mrs [lusquL—Un Fri- ny rimming}
wee-k n mat-kiln: trucmly m‘CUrrml iii Jul)ni~'
tmvn.”('tmtn'in county, PL, in “luéll two
old and influential citizensnyere tho parliui-i
punk. Tim pnrti‘culars‘ as gn'fln m 1110'
Pittsburg pave“, are an follows: . ' {
Mr. .losfiph Moore, auctimiF-Pr. of John~"—
town. on his recent roturn from nim- months:
snrvice i_n thonrmy, nsclortninovl that his :lo—i
nun-tic imppinew llnll boon destrnyml. it iav
allegod by Mr. .lnrtlop Murbnurg. :l‘V’t-ltllilY}
merclmntfif the ton-\n. Un limiting of the!
in. ”may quit] to exist during ln~ uhs‘nnce!
Lem-“gr: Varbourg and Mrs. M mre. who is l
represent.,'l n»: [PertfiTr‘sGllzla in‘npppurdncot'
and of“ Emu-{hm rlztsfilngdiqmmnn. Moore!
cullod upon the 1‘" "19"- and “h" an exl‘l“',l
nation. told him he ‘wmld slmot lnm. Blrs.’
Morbouru. lwaring ot'vl‘J‘mTe” ””va “if.“
penlml to him not to lllkh h?" l'"‘""““ ":
life. but the outraged liuzb‘un. “"ul'l ngt
li=tan tn hvr. ‘ . t
On Friday morning. Monro arm:l WHY”
and, leaving his lions», Visited .1 groom)"
store near the pmtolfioa, when: "ll? rummn- v
ell until between eight «ml nine o’clock.l
when Harbour: puasml by. Munro started
out immediately, and caught. Murlmmg oy‘
the collar.saying. “Get. down on your knees;
I am going‘_to: kill you. My gwil'e mada'
a ‘clmn breast, of it.’ last. night. She tnldi
me all. and gave me a portion ol'tlie money
which you paid her.” Saying this. he drew
a revolver and fired—the firut. shot taking
effect in tile region of the heart. Marbourgi
fell forward. and Moore discharged two‘
halls into his head, and then firm! a fourth,l
whit-h tngk effect in the left arm. Mar-i
hourgfell overand almost instantly expired. 1
Moore walkéd to a magistrate’s_ollice, stir-l
rendered himself. Ind was committed to.
jail to await the a’ction of the authoring-s. '
Thedecensed man leaves a most estimable
wile and eight or nine children—the eldest
a son, about twenty ymrs o . 'l‘hn mur
derpr has a wife and on child. llo_ was
personally popular with l classes. a. perfect
gentleman in his dress nd manners. and
was not, without influence in the community,
‘The deceased was a prominent citizen, a
merchant of Jobnstown for thirty years.
and hndaccumulawd a large fortune. Both
of them were members of a church.
Mrs. Moore,” has already been remarked,
in a woman not. wanting in personal charms.
Of late years her husband, Ilthough uten
tivo to business, has not been pecuniarily, e
well-door. and it may be that the desire for
more money than her husband could furnish
her. coupled with the charms nlluded to,
has been the cause of her fall. if lellen she
hu. “Mrs. erbourg, who is a. most accom
plished women, in a native of Philndelphie.
fiMicbwl Dun Magellan. a prominent
lawyer, and foi'merly a member of the ho
ginlacure of Pennsylvania. died suddenly
on the 6th inst. n. his residence in Cambri:
ooungy, ' e
Dicloyzl.-—The' movemcn! recently inan
gu'mted by the Germans of the West, lcpk
ing to the nomination of Fremonfi'for
President, is certainly “disloyal” and trek
lonable. Old Abe ought to wrest. all con
cerned in it. for attempting to overthr'ow
the ‘Govemmenn” _'
- fi'l‘ho nymy of the Pa‘omao, it is said;
. 31mg" aignnof discontent. becausa it. has not
{been paid off. ”“The government” owed i:
hi; 'ngilliom of doflnrs. The truth is, tint
Chm’s printing machine: cannot. print
money is {gm I§ the Republicans 11} ofiico
.sleal it. L , ' L
' Dispatches from Chattanooza. Hider dau
nf the 12Lh. syn} that Grnnt’q army is in
motion. in the direcimn nf Dalton.
The expmlition nf (ls-n. Shormun. which
went up the Yuznn, ywu nuacked a! Sarln
tin by a form ofthréodjmusnndWoxnm. A
fight ensued, in which I poi-lion of the Fed
ernl infnntry and the gunhnau participated.
The Canfwlvraten wvrn def-acted. with what
loan is unknown. The Peder“ lan mu
eight. killed and thirty wounded. The
leergl farm-e had taken pins 'inn of
Jackson and Yazoo city. Mm. wmoub se
rinui apposition. - .
A fight. 0051"er lit Lnlmpnn, Mm. on
Wednesdnv but, ba'lween ania's squadron
and the Uninn trohps. 'Acwrnlimz m the
Sglmn Reports-r. the INN-r sulwoqponlly
annned Lebanon and renamed toward
the vnuesave riépr. 7
‘ General Peck 35 nt .\‘ewbern. and has
issued orders to his trrmps to hejin roadihem
fnr actinn night and day. The enemy hlwe
not yet attacked him. ,1
Genemls Schofiold and Stonemnn have
arrived at Knoxville. and Gr-nérnl Foiloni!
at Cincinnati. The new commanders have
’nund a state of disorder wliiqh beggars
Gen. Mendé hm! a
uz'un asfiumfl
of the Army of the Potomac. ‘
There is a growing helief'm the Northern
minal that thé recent affair on Ethe Rnpidan
resulted far more seriously thin has been
r’epnrted. The true extent (if the losers
haa been concealed. ’l‘ho numben‘ol'killed.
wountlmi nnd cnptprevl. it: is feared, WI”
roach five hundred. E ghtv six ‘jiriaonfn
are known to have been taken‘ hv lhefne
my. The utter ulmnulity 014 the entir:
movement 'hnonmua mnru npparnnt every
‘1 w: ' Th!l Confederate Inxs “:b tour kilh-11.
tu'mmv wounded: l tux-ntywx (-:iptlu'r“.l.,l
~lt ii rr‘pol twl “urn numhor ot’lhv rnitlergt'
who on 'l‘!lnr~'«lay night m-ek Mtaokn'l ll"-
tniim‘on the Baltimore and Ohio rnilrxgmlfl
aml rnhhv-d the [lnssengvrzn “'elre mull-taker) ‘
and uabtured by u t'nrre of Feileral m/‘Walry 1
ram Gen. Sullivaln'~' omm. 'l‘he/fiwhole
nmlwr of these raiders. it. is said, yhd not.
'nmher over thirty-eight, undwthat of these
en haw been captured. ‘ I ,
A gentlenmu has‘ arrived at Washington
mm the Army oftho I‘ntnmaq. and report?
that, u Richmond pnper of Thursday week
nnn'ounr‘es thin. one hundred and nine nlli-
Peri (Union ‘prifonerfl hag! e~cnpeul from
Libby pri‘xfm hv digging a tunnel ninth-{tho
atreet. Four of them, howeYer, were re~
captured. . 1‘
A, disipatg‘h from I-‘prtreu’Mohroe un
nnunm-‘x ”IF/53f? nrrivu’l tI-m’e of tm-nty six
of the I'ninn oliivm‘q who vwnpml TIA-m
Lihhy. {yrismn at Rir‘hmrmj‘, 0‘!) the lllxh
inqt.» Abouttwpnty-fixcutlmrawlmmmpt-d
at the «2mm timn, worn rat'upthrml. :unomz
whom was n-hulnnt .\‘lnall. _ot' (ho s':th
Mnrylmnl rezum-nt. l‘hrum other Um ”I
prisonv-N, who l’fit'flymi l'r-un lhm’ille, V 4,,
tho nl-m nrljivml at. Fox-Irew Monrm-E ‘ '
()u'tho ‘ch infit“ a .\klrlnidi (wt‘llt‘t'Pr’_
two mile-s Hut of Brf‘lll~Vl“0, \‘A . bl‘th'l‘"
a wotlting'party ol'nhnut, filly} of the- Img.
Punneylmnia, r-zwnlry and til number of
mwrxilln's, Mninr Lamn-r, of; (h.- munlry.
and three of hit: men, tin-rel kill-HI. unon
\Vnunv‘lml. and two lukm: [who-hum. Swer
al of‘the'gucnllué wane either killed or
wounliellu . - "Ave v ,
The situation of affair; Ml Kgmxvilhu
170 nm, on the UH], ‘wm‘ unohnuzml. (ix-n.
Longs-treat, it Wm. nepnrtml. haul the rat!-
road "I running ow‘F‘Mn Strmfi'ln-rry l’l.linq_
Atlvieee”lmmClmrlqmton tufiho Mh stat»
the bomhaEdment of the: uiu‘ 'mw rem-“ Jul
(In the pr viam evening. Fiver-manila?“
lvnre in the harhnr. ‘
‘ l’rosirlr‘nt Duh hne iwuml jun a/lz'qucs tn
thlJ’rehel army which i-l t'ull‘bf hope an-l‘
llvfi moe. I ‘ ‘
It is now stated that the retinrt that Gen,
Shelman hall octilpiml J‘avknn ixuvrtruv.
The oin which i=tho mlfitnl (.\[iuwfiluph
is relun'hhl to he lurtificil with' cutfhn halve.
It is utuq‘tml forty mil-w out of \'i(_-l'<~hnr,~_'.
and waailaat summer occulfetl hv (11-n.
Grant'a dumps for ahnnt fut-n y four hours.
Ull‘the departure of hil I'm-«3H thu- State
House. (ivhloh co<t $600,000., the (hymn:
m 3" home, penitentiary. Inning and other
limlulingn, ware hlrmml. Th city iw‘built
«In a lm’i-lmlain. oxteiwling'nher a surface
0! half“ mile squnro, and hn-ll'nre the war
wah one of the prettiest ot the Southern
oitiee‘ ' I t
Hue oftlnP an York pnpulra tlnnlxtlms‘
with the View oft-realm: a N‘nmtiun. I’m-'l
l'mxee to lvru‘n from ‘.‘xelmhlo H’OHI'CPS,” that l
the nntml .lnlm Mofil‘m it: Molnu-in: lor a‘
now ran]. and him a'tituchml 'n'w lit-art) lmt‘V
lu-r to each company; of hi; brigade, in
ordnr to sllavo tlm entire hail: lrnm the
bowl of ent‘lnJlec-ral-nllim-r ké mnv capture,
in retaliation for u like inaliumty ..flfirenl‘
himself nnnl’oflicen while: in" cuntinunmnt
in tho ‘Uhio'penitontirny. IL is snul tn:l
Lavp, five tlh‘Lhantl nan m. llii cnnnn lull, ,
lii-qmtchcai {rpm “3&on \rl‘irginn give u I
repmjtl limexl'on lhenstulmne t of u. refuw‘e
that [qu Chnfedcmtea :uro‘nnking prepnrn A
lions fut u. raid into Ohio. _lf-mtomu. it, i
:nlleged,fli:,xve already bt't‘ll cnum'uctcd. and
the vt-quirurl force of mvn is to ho drawn
from thnl Confederate :U'lnlb‘s 3:er :mtl wr-cr.
The firivaleor Alabama. is n-portml In W
hemmed in at Amoy. in China, by tho Uui~
tml Stntorsteamer Wyofilinalpnd filo .\luup
Jumeatown. or murhn the lliixlt 0t .J.:Yluary.
"l‘lns ’intelligvnce (‘Qm'Ps lny way ol' 8.."-
Frnncisco and Is not crmllu‘d in New York."
Gmccnsrn, Muse" Fcb. 18.;
nut in’ Sawyer-’9 bloj‘k at 3
morning. and it is qatnnulml;
fivg b'lfldingi have been 419,
flames have swept Front strlef
both sides. and uh) Hill raui ‘
Some eight. 05' [all building
blown up to stop ilfl Plflgl'?”
The engines canm.‘t b 9 "0
quence of me extreme’cdld,
are exhausted.
Gmccxsrn. Feb. IR—P. 3
has nearly subnided. me n
Verliser nfiicv, town clerk's n ‘
office. three law officen. Free .
and fifteen dwelling-1’ have a ;
Forty f militts nre house-Imm!
lice andFCuuom House utnye
of the fife in one directinn. ‘
It in ditficuvlt to estimate 3
cannot fall short of $400,000. ‘
' From Jupan.—By an :rrlva M SnnJ-‘mn
cisco, we have Japan date-z t the 7th ult.
The Tycoon's pnlnce at Yegll 0 gas burned
on Christnias. The next‘rla tho ‘cusm'm
house was closed, the offic als declaring
themselves so much-grieved u the 'l‘ycoon’s
mislortunes they mare wh ly unnhle ‘to
transact business. It is reported EM: the
fire originated in o _lzunpovnmlr plot to blow
up the pal-ca for the purposely killing the
Tycoon- Yeddo was again Ar+vaged by fire
on New Yenn’s day. Eleve 'lurga streets
in the wealthy business qu roar. bésides
numerouudjoining buck sire La and alloys,
were destroyed. his estim bed that. five
hundred houses of the bet :- elm were
burned. News has reached Kan awn that
an the 315: of October. nearly; allflfigkodadj
, I: burned by incendiary fir”. .
‘ H—«o-.~——«L—. ~__
nglflful Railroad ,AceizlenL-l-The Toronto
Globe; of February 10. room-HI n frightful
nihond wciddnt. Trio 0 ran ‘01! I
bridge one hundred and t only-five feet
high‘on the Grand Trunk ailmad. near
Georgetown station, by whic‘: the conduc
tor and two brakésmen whre insuncly
killed, flag mangled in _- ‘horrible man
ner. ,
W‘Vote for Cunin and "I
~ 'd fiepublicanjoumxls berm
“Tux the people to nvoid We]
crydince the election. !
Will“ will the next. be?— I
h‘A writer in the‘Lond
there in' no? t toad, fro‘fJnl
my kind. it; Newfoun land.
_ fine Lane-sufbaily
Vbeen mpquod, on Mann
prioo of ”991-. “
[ii-Mum. McShen’y and Mush-p. of the
State Legishmu-e, hue our (bunks for docu
ments. ‘‘ , A
”Don’t. forget the Sabbath Schq
vemgry Catalan la the German '
Church this evening. The exercuesl
to be unusually interesting.
' 3-W- direcl Attention to the .
ment of North Walker & Co., nun-g
found in nuolhgr :olmnn of this nape
is one affine largest clothing hon
country, and none bell-so more envi ble busi
ness reputation. Their Mobk is large nlhl
vhried,’whilst all cannected with the house
are accommodating and bopomlzle in. every
lrnnnclion. ln passing np o‘rdownfnllimon
street. 'mn wlll observe o rtlge e trance \.
magnificent marble slotugeof Was! inflam—
Step in there. That’s Nash Walker L Co's.
fillerchnnts find other nrcinvi
the Card of llowethl llonrkkmuuflfl
Wall Papzn, Window Cunuin Pups";
4th am} .\lnrkel struts, Philadelph
issue. Th." is n reliuble firm and
d lommana
pinbhc patronage.
”Thin ii the 221. of rehlru'ry
\‘ersnry of.tlge liirlh-ulny oftllut
good nmn. Gnouou “‘A’sun‘mm, 1h .
his cgyufitry, “who was first m w:
peach. and fir.~t in lheghmrts 01‘ hi'
men "—‘Lhnuuh n slave-holder. L
H,- hi: mmnnry never cease. I
" Wt‘npl. Wm J. “I|an has pyr
propel-x} of ML .hcub Sm hock, rorl
tipune And High stun ts, m $4.05)!)
.fllr J. W. C. O'Xenl has purclnu
ivy praperty. on B nllimore stun-l, n
V )ir. J.’ W. Timon has purchnm-d VII
ty 04 Mr. SJHIH‘I “crimpin ('hu
_strcet, pts2.3llo,‘_.\lr.‘l!nrhsl finkjl
lor‘x‘s, :n Eastfliddle stree|, M 57001
WWI: understand let ciliions of Felon
burp intend uinking npplimfliun to flu- Court
fur a charter of incorporation.- lt -‘ tlwi‘r Ikg
rign mil have the 'tmvn incorpmuiod us Hu-
Huroug‘l of York Springs. \
i u-{fiMessrs. Frank. Herd! «ml .\2
'of NHVJMNNL have opened a (
lmusv in \Vnshmgtun, D. C.
firllndorly‘r'urflam U. A.
(‘upL Hunlvr's company, Inn hm
to :\ ’2l]li‘irulen‘lm-y,:ul'l()«xlr D. .\l
horn mmh- Urxlvrly .\urgcaul. '
_ MPA {gm-ml Lop will lukc pl 4
k\Vllsnn'é, in .\hhousmwn, 131 k en
hum-dict {Luge cumpnuy and u pha-
MYTIIP l'niud Sum-u Somm
wx-rk‘, yum-d n hill tn give John
pension 01 SS :1 Inonfli. ’
Snullwrncrs nrrivéd in (Lia pl “-1-,
n tugecs Irom Sumlu-hn cunwnl-l‘
‘ - ‘
are all from|m rum“), \ .xl
been srl‘wmin‘: [lnt-Inwh’cs in the m
‘ e~c~upo the nubynptiml officers tor
gThcy xii but found xfn npporlunily
‘ ill Euml’ Sq'l:ld~, In our liuva, And [l‘
Led [NSSII‘SJO H'lia plan-e. lev 'rt't L
gun the Island Tnim'lllis mnnllv. .‘
the rum}, .thcy my. VThcy urn 91
work in ”1123‘er! ol the L'Oll-u'r)‘; :1
Ms uili he suluvw):nl_scnrce, they u
find. Qlfiphanvhl. The)" all [yak
Ahoy had been accustomed to 1.-
“mu-Jr to'lw much gratified than
95mph} consuiplion in ll".- llihrl'
fuel much rclmvvd. Thorc are mu
father and qur‘sons.—Srnlmrl. ‘
3:?.\ new cn‘nntcrfeit on the. S
notes has Intel}- lwon pm in (-nfvn
kion. The face 01 HI" ‘3!” is nmrly
of the gcvnxi'uv. :ind it is supposed
the original ‘lli‘a \h-rc HON". hut L
exsily den-run] by uumiuin-g mall
viguellr, Hm cfph-al'in which cum”
of the lelv. shoulder fifllu- Hmhlessl
1'! (he genum“ there is M blink “>le
[ln-m. jThe ligurc of tho Gmhh'x
:xrlinic an in (he gcnuim‘. and [bed
hill is coarsely exerluc‘l. |
Karl‘lzgs are now running" .\II
"I dozen, and me not In b 0 0? luinml .
in maller figment] inlcrrsl, we‘nil
Icorn Enroll is‘an-I‘xccllcnt =uh~m ‘
[fun cnhnnry purposes. one spoon
smrch being rcckOued n 3 mm“ to.
‘ "'us‘dnglnn. Frb. li—Lieul-In.
th w‘us. to thy, re-m'geau-Il and
flu 1h: 03d L‘qntnl Pl'hOll. "L"
“11:! for‘n‘mrly vanbt lerah thlt
and is charged wxlh vurit us
malfeasance m olfica there. .
111-3+5. woman Implied l'ur "n f
the funh-md near 'l‘rny. va Yv
grnuml that, aha-had three [msb
army; ' ‘ . _
‘ A firvhx‘nko
1 u‘vhmk {his
"that ucvcnty:
‘ lrdymi. The
['l entirely on
lg lfiriously.—
_s ‘lmve been
mglhvnt efihrls are being: "1‘
Gan. Sign] In command ol n.., ‘
01 West. Virginia. :- , (
fill is said that puiy eight
ted States Senamrs are for [he
tinn of Mr. Lincoln.
I ked in rome
l d the firemen
Special N oti
h[,-—'l‘he fire
'res. the Ad
"o9. mipgmph
hlnson's Lodge
on destroyed.
The Singer Sewing Mac]
fut gaining nworld~wide reputatio
yond doubt the beet and chenpcs
beautiful 0t: all. Family Sewing
'otl‘ered to the public‘ '.\'o other 1
ing Machine lms so many useful up
Hamming, B nding, Felling, 'l'uclti
ing, Gauging, Braiding, Embroid
inmnnd so forth. No other fimlly
chine has so much capacity" for s g
of work. It will sew all kinds
with all kinds ul thread. Great en
pron-mute make our Family Sew
niost relieblo,nnd most durable, er
tuin in scttpn at all rates of speed
we inwrlncfied stitch, which is th
known. Any one, even ofthe ~ln
capacity, can see, lot 3 gleu’ro, ho
Lester-A Femily Sewing Machine.
Sewing Mechines sr‘u finished in ch
quilite style. ‘
The folding Case of the Family )lechlne is
I piece of cunning workmanship tthe mosti
useful kind. It protects the Inn hiue when}
not in us, end when about to be a ousted me].
be olieued ua. spacious and subs ntml table!
to sustain the work. While some . the Cues,‘
msrle out of the choicest woods, re finished‘
in the simplest end chestest menu I possible‘
other: are sdomed end embellished in the most
costly end superb manner. ‘ i
I'. is abloluthnry to see‘the anlly
Ilschinein oper n, so u tojud olitsgr'cet
onpecity and twenty. 1t ls test omiugu
populer l'or femil] sewing “our M ‘ nfecturing
Blschmes ere {ohmenufecturing purposes. ‘
The Branch Ulfices ere well so plied with
silk twist, thrend, needles, oil, to. of the very
best quality. Send for e Pursue .
, , ’ ‘sB‘Broedwhy, N w York. ,1
fi'PflII.ADEL'?HIA, 810 Ches nut St:
.336. J .ICUBS k 330., Lace Agents at
Gettysburg. ‘ JKugfl'l, 1868.
W~ ... ,
$25 '1 Employment. 1 [s2s!
! 'l‘ho Pasta!“-
'1 the progress
l ie 3 iciss, which
. id thedrafl,”
e the election.
draft,” in the
gfaaom'an. .
[n FIelJ says
e 6r reptile of
AGENTS WANTEDI—We wily ply from
$25 to $75 pct month, and all avers”, so u.-
five Agent, or 5170 s sequin-go: Patien
lun nut he. Adam: El‘llfllt a mom"
Ooxun', R. JAM”, Genera} Auk-n, Milan,
Ohio. ' ' ' [May 18, 1563. 1y
"”1 5‘ .
Inqulrgr has
of the“ high
‘ Imbortant Discovery.
quur a Tn .“llu‘fll.
nnmx‘s PULMUMC WAFIIMH'": “an.
In; in the cure of Cough, Colon, Auhm,
Bronchitis. Sore Thro-l. llouuncu, Dificnl‘
Breathing. Incipient Conmmpnon, Ipd mu
use! of the Lungs. _Thoy hue no um of
medicine, and any child will talc. then,—
Tfiousnndn Inwa- bren tenured to health “an
bud befare despxlired. Tammany "given in
humlrL-da 0! cases. A ling!!! don lelhva in
Ten Minutes. ; .
.01 Anal-
Ask for Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers—the origi
nal And only genuine is shunned ,"Bryun."—-
Spurious kinda nn: «um-red for inle. Twenty
flveyeuu chm. Sold by dmlerl generally.
. JOB .\lusns. Sole Praprmu,
~ . 27 (Borllnndl IL. N. Y.
re, to be
;Fbr file by A. D._Bnnun, Gettysburg-n 6
nll Druzghu. {July-27. fab. 16,263. I,
f The Great English Remedy.
- Sm Junta (‘LAnKqu
T;lus invn‘hmb‘le medicine is unfailing in the
curb of all than: pninml n‘hd dmgemu- duo
eusfs ilmdont lo the fl'mlll!‘ cnnsfitnlion.
11. mudmnlqs Ml rxcoss. n-‘mou-s an obntrnc- 1
firms. frum w‘hnlru‘r muse, and brings on the
nmnthly pmiml will: n-pul Irity.
Those Pill: should not. b: lukrn by ft-mnlei
that are prngnam during the runn- HIRED.
mmrus', as filmy nrc'xure to bring on Midvnr- -
gringo; but M wary Min-r lime and in urn-r 7
mhvr (‘ih‘e thhy‘nrr ['(‘lnfl‘l Hy .\M'r.
h' :Lllmhm-JanPn-‘ux nun} Spinal AHMIi-nu,
pain in 'Ll‘m lizwk nml |.imh,4, 111-mine”, Fm
fismr un ‘sligm rxwlhm. Mflpn-Ilmn o! xhe
Hmrt, l.mrm--s nl Spirits, ll») nll'l’lt'fl. Sid;
Hand :4 he, “fhitc-r. and n” 1110 [M‘lllflll dlsruh-g
nI-vquHH-d lily nI digwdcn-d t 3 stvm, "lI'M- Pills
.will em-cl mcure “In-u nil other "iv“! lune
{IIHv-l: ; ’ I ' .
l-‘nll dirm‘linu- in [m'mfflflvt “Pound curl!
pxu-kuge, Ilmzh «haul-l he mrvhully prwen’evl.
' "Thu can hl- Ivnl in n hul'lfl.uunh\iuiuu 50
pilla, past "(-9, b) «nth-Cum I 5! nnd 6 three- 2/
rent slump: tu nu) ‘ugA 111.
1 , ,Jnn \msns, .
' *2? (‘nrthn-h Slit-cl, Nuw York.
Fnr an!" M .\. DAM ENLHR. (h-uyelnu-g, um)
an Drnggisli. ' {tn-113m; ww‘ 1y
ed to read
cum-n of
, #O., Am,
a, it! Ibis
ortin of
the annl-
Valli. or
r, first in
t 1 unurs
hast-d 11w
‘r 01 Uni.
the for.
fi'l'he, name- by which the Prim‘o :0!
Wulos‘wilfusm-ud the lhrum-‘wilf he King
E'qurl :thé Sun-nth. ‘ ,
:g “I'. Tip-
aqy'lhrn‘nm. lhn .~lmwmm. is‘ .Imjl m
hnw- m “In! mmllwr f‘mlnm-—>2sU,Uno
(in Turfiflny morning“ Frh Imh. u! AVG-w
f‘hr‘flvr. Adam: ('nunlvful lhll u-~i-i:-m-r ul'
’ rho |)ruh"s Imam-t 4, L} In \" \\ l. l'- I'Min, of
.mmfim New ”M'unl. MrlJ:‘L'\\’.H.'l‘l-Zl.t,‘ 1:1.6319-9‘l
mm, :0 Mn. ..qu. .slux},u, ”by
filing!!!” ‘0!) llrz'ry \IE-‘ru. ":“l- \ ~
- v ‘ ”u flu: Htll m~t In- 1'..~\, Ur. Harpy My.
rwr. m '_ __,_'- . ‘
" I‘. M ”NW A; \H.n..l:l‘ n. .\hs mun 1...
[m "h” ‘nhmflm-r 44f thv lm' l):u'u\ burl—«l? of
mm“ 1““ bl.’ . ugh nsylnl mwmh-p. 3
;‘ II the U h in". ,:u lht‘ r. ”In-run ['.r~on
‘ ‘ng: i-I I'ul--v~'lm':. hv Muv, l’. Ihha .\ln.
[9“ M I“ ‘l. (;:}.~7R'-‘E .‘é\ll«|'ll tn .\li~s KATE SHAFFEJ,
ning.’ “'0 mm M .\dzgmi c umh
um. Lime
nn Hang)",
Nu Ihv “bur tin} . .In-I-‘ml Hu- mvm- p!“ m, hy
the -um.fL\lr._J |'. “11.21511 m um Elfin
m l’rinlny FIeH'KHUE-L Im'h uf Sully.” hmnship.
11143 ai
' ~ I - , - 1311233.. ,
‘ . l mrlvhit'unn nunm-u :: reim [yr him; for .\ll
wpm‘ufi‘é on-rJnur huh—rad: In .lu' ”up n] nulgcn.
1 v - —‘
‘m "Ml: M‘ ‘0" the 1H) Ii'l“:, :ll Ill" hnuio M‘hid mu
""- 1“"5 Jun \5. in \qrnnllm (WM, “I'. JULIS \VH'HIHJC,
I.llmi huu- Ilylt'l ulmuil '4: _m -I-'.
unhmu lu~ “” lhc 4;“ v“ - ‘lffi- “M“: .\V\' Dl'l‘-
. ‘- TARA“. uln- p. thr) l>IIl!-~r r, at II n in;—
NHIIL‘ mm- ‘ , . .
. Lun hmn hip. m 2hr ‘lhih'n- rul nor my. '
man ..u', n..-3m 4hm 4.. \lr;. |'-1‘.|.!.1‘1 l;l'|:l:I-Z.\S,
u-n‘ rl‘- I' v. Vtflr of “r. Hhu-r Farm-"H. 11l llu' 'J-Ql par of
H-irlmmcu lnér 426‘, _vuunpt-s :Lulghlrr y! Wuhan Inn-t
I .\l.|x,::m~i Fx-runmn.’ '
""'-‘”‘“‘-"" :-![n. x...“ (mm). “(Hum-n ._ m-n. :3, “ANY
’vkmx. fur .\lfi‘H‘B. dunglm-r n! lu-M \Yngucrl ngud l!»
[d n.- lnhvr-' ‘wfirs innu‘nt‘u unl 'Ji ‘lnw. ‘ '
“AI" donhl .\l \u-w‘ux yr]. nu Inl- 7th in~l . ALIW'I
H HTI‘ZHSI‘U‘V‘K. uuv-l 10 wars 2 mnnlha um!
In: ”rough I); "R"- . . ‘ ’ ’
on Thu w. Ihr- .mn intL. Jum‘ Mums: "5.. ..r
(111-y haw- ‘Jxvlln W. Fig'kly. anuuriuL'lnn lnsumip, ago-«L
. 3 smm 9 nwulluuml 5 Hum I
""""' "M 1 .20" Mar :1 n...” ..l r; ..n u.-.liu.\'.m.lul
“g my!" “KAFDHHW. mu nf ”mg-Inf" nnvl Strnh SI 1";
.1 ng'wl 8 _v;-:nu 5 month! .lnl .‘ vl us:
I ,(m Hus-Nth) inc! .in \‘lama vuunty, uf hilinus
fun-r, .\l \HY A|.|('.'2, ILunuluvr u! lawns «n 1
Lyth A Ann ('leurcr, :vgcg‘l 10 m 4? an: mg»! 54.1} a.
ll Trm :qry
| ~
"e urn-um-
.1 . , tr 111t1,it
l. j ('n mnuniuuu-IL
I Fall “1700 p in "I ~ Imm «.1 .1. we, .... u... n..,m,
nflhx' I|!h4 uf Vl'h.’ M'.:.h\\\ll) YUL'NT, IL
mumlwr M’lh" 2|?! \lfl #7 h ”I‘ZHII"H! l’l. an,
“it‘ll l.‘ \slr :‘IIUHHI~1('I'I w u Jun,
‘ .\uullflal lamr Hn 1 ha! in In H lur ih ml rhu
_tr'r (If " shit-in: unv- " m r \nml‘ r: nnmhrr
allu‘ryl swv'L 11h" rmk: ‘vl lhv hv ”-er nrvnv;
rum hor <i "on frh ml Jul \"xrl hxm llrthr
H Imm hvuve m huh) mm“: .| mlu: r hul h.”
Yurhhl mu 't hum inlu l‘lu' huh; m'u rm';
}l|hu"h(¢ (Hymn: ‘n‘uulfi'e unhic "..'” In. I IHUXI.‘
1 ‘.lu—t n' ‘ l’: .! uvn u! ‘inh‘n -lh 3n mu ~15 I n
flficxc‘uhlon lu mmrnw. W‘llvh hwlw fu-l Np: -
“fanning \Ly, :Iwuppu m d nun l‘y Im..- mph..."
w'pn: In»! ilulhe \h in! r 4) ~ u! lhv xn-nl Ilium-Hg r
(I! light —“ u: lhv :un “:Ilkul turth lrnm Li;
Invlio-nlnl l",ll‘llh(‘l‘ll)f <ll'hu‘ll iv. I.» dbpvnc lu
sthh‘ (will M'hu‘h hml sclllrwl :uuuml t! n slln-n‘t.
hpnm 0f nizhtrcjlul .H n Iljll'i‘ clathn-l hvrdr H
inL the sahhdtwnl robe—ln»! M the smm“;
"(uh-min 'ghrv wen- prepur‘m'; lo r--l--l nth: nu
Myrnul S‘bhulh—jun lhx-u the unga-ls cum:
nil-f lumenml. lrmleliy M onlynmgx-I fingers
”In, ()'l(‘ nl‘u-I" another nl Ll”.- sih- r tor-Ia Inf
hfv—mmulhc hat um- \\ ls Inn-um], nn‘l tin-x 1
j‘lnt‘lhillk? ‘I Heard :I rah-uh.- m nyri‘l-l Wm,“ M _
'thy spread thoir um») pm up; vul|4| Il'vV
uw ty, bra) ing‘ hl~ happy Kluiril Iv) his- F.llhl'r's
Ilimse, when! he is Im-v' h likill.‘ in the Imllw
of- hii Re-lu-mer, nnJ 'n-mu; beneath Un
in-ukling hcnms of clrrml ~un-him' hon-l
i the skit-s. Then- hr if waiting to WI‘ICUHIL'JH
hi‘ml- to that rest whit-h Luuiumh no em]. lu_
“11h.“ rity whirl] Imlh no new! (I! n audio."
1 ”mil now angel-“toward, and m his" lnunl hu
! “hut! n palm o! i'iuur)‘. . lh- is gone to lhn
M‘Mltirul hmll heytmnl the rivér. Hvlus “‘.llk-
Fe?! the still runrdghfll Hunk from (he wpuhhrt:
‘ A V " duela umh-r
unins nhuw
v flnml Is
u prnliun
If Liln'rly,
'e be!“ cen
i 4 not so
c6iitl a
tlmt. ‘h‘
slate tit it.
lcjur egg:
"1 of corn
single egg
pl Colnn‘el
Innei~ FM:
B mimorp,
rune; and
c ride on
rk, (m the.
nds m the
:le tn put
lI f the I’l‘i‘
\(IHISE "'
. his be-
!, mid mo
lichines yet
umily Sew
I-linnces fu
«you lune .5
I that “ bottc r,
Yes, nt home.
llld his works.
no! You Will
; he will no,
u, nur receive,"
_ he will ayln
phthize no more ,uu, .. . participate In
your joys and cmnfcrtfi. Christ lent him to.‘
n’fur nwhilr. but now has come to claim
lilo: for hilt own. Strike to meet him where
phi-ting is unknown Kind braille" hm] Imi-
Ill“! gimr‘g, map not; Weep not for than,
ho die id Christ. May in: early death he s
:Lriuingvlo you,that iu the midat of life we no
in" death. {Give your hearts to the Slvior it'ndb
so‘on you will meet him. He novi vain for
you in the beyond ”ml, through the discipline,
xhg darkness, and the. trial: or file you on
talking to him. . —‘.
lYoung men of New Oxford, the Int words
hi spoke to‘ you were spokon in o warning
tins: ‘- Be ye alao ready!" What word: I
on, how heavy they {all on some of your coral
Those war I will nonrieove you'; no never;
a long on on hold I loulible being under the V
cmopy of euvon. “Bo ye lisd ready.” Will
you be randy? _ I ‘
{The lubjeot of thit notice bod b 3“ :10ny
fighting for his country almost ihreo Dye-n.—
Hp um discharged shoot 5 month “go ncs
ozont of ill health; he started for lhifiotiu
d nee It Homgton,‘but in; unable to go tur
xh‘ur than to in broiher,'who resides ut New
Oxford. (la the cutting of his return he tell
afo- his Hum sud pried aloud for pinion to
h I hareuly water; he soon resllzed tint
Christ Aim; 'power to forgin sin; in nrole and.
mu! those pruegt that ho I’M now ready to
p . In 3 {our wpekl “her. he closed hil eyeq
a! open thgm no more on enrth. He died it;
tho full lfiunfiph ogfnith, and now in at home,
lii; fought A good ghtfif Ponce to his label,
l j “ ind now Again (ind culled any,
f‘ A rather from our "ids; .
l ‘ Jog: in ’lhp'morniég of his dly,’
l r; A: young us _lhe died."
Ig, Gufiler
ring, Curd
giving mn-
Int vnriol:
‘ cloth, um
i meantim
jng .\lmhure
d most cer-
lc make:
but stitch
u ordinary
:0 use the
at Family
. to and."-
ilnsun glut I"!
urulng ul life
uhllcss in the
meat lmpcs ul'
'L-ived h)’ the
he and Heme :
then-lure ha
a, he luuud ‘ It.
vl mm“. -'
c, mourn nq
Fry L.