Tax‘me. Tho Conn.“ in .pnblished every Monday mouth-g. hy “'l3? J. “nut. at $1 75 pér Annlim if paid strictly, 1s ”user—s 2 00 P9?"llnum i'f not paid in cdnnce. No lubsaipfion discontinued. unless It the opgion of the publisher, until all nrrearges are p‘aih A Anvurnsnnrsinwrledat(heusunlntes. Jul Putsuxc.done with fienlnm and dispupéh. : Oyrlc: in South Baltimore 'triaot. nearly Qpposite Wamplori’ 'l'inning Establishment —"Cglr|un Pxn'nxu Orncz ” on tile sign. ‘ m-amssmm mans.- Dr. James Cress, ECLECTIC PHYfiiCiAN, thankful for pub lic patronage- herelot'ure extended to him, ntorms his friends that he mil! coplinue the pmbtiée of his proicssion in Gettysburg and Vicinity. “Eclmflic” means to choose or soloct. Hence, we ll ich the but, safest and mun. ra ~able iremedit-s hum nil otht-r sectilriuiimedi ldhools. Which have been vet-commended from the experience: and aunci‘immd by the “active of We nhiezt Eciet'iic Practitioners, and discard those more injurioui. I‘ll“il as im timony, arsenic, nwrcury. blue‘piil, blood ict- ting, kc. " ("Me in the east and of‘Yurk street, in the dwelLimpownL-d by Henry Won-r. chngrg, Supt. 28, 18M". 3m ' ‘ T 3 - I ‘ 3 ‘,Dr.~J. W. C. O’Neal’s OFFICE nud Dwdling. \l. E. rurm-r of Ba]- timore and Hugh slreela, ncnr Fresh; 1.: rinn Church, Gettysburg, l’u. Km“. 30, 18612. tr ‘ , _ , , Dr. Wm: Taylor infnrms the inhnlmams of Genyshurz MN] “3‘- (inilyflhmv hr mll cunt-inlu: the pr_.l_Lliu: of his lurufeesirm M the 0M slun'l. “MC (mm in H 1» ('umpijlt-r , “flit-v. GM!) :hurgr, [:L. ’l‘hAnLlul for p”?! lu'orfl. In: Img: lo’ro-von'p a ,shuro of future pntrpnngv, [\IL'PLAJN, Him. I! J.‘ anrénce Hill, M.~D HAs'hia unlu- one ‘ f\\ / dunr west. uni-e ‘b‘% 5i.) Luthcrnn' Fill!“ In in \SI‘.) ' [Jimmil‘L-rslarg ~lrl-9l,:llul apposite Pic-king’s: B'».‘P, M‘h r 9 thou» wixl-ing In have an". Drum] upen'iun pu-n‘urmed :m- 1 c~p¢~l"{u“y im t ll' Hm .~.l:‘.\(‘ i l)r~. Harm-r, Rl-V. ('. l’. Kr. um. I». IL?!"ll.l..‘li'uziu-z.0.1).,Rev. Pm!” \l .I u-uh'. 'ruf. \l {..Stuncr. Ll'll-uhllrgy’Apnldl,ll%. ' , ; ; A. J. Cover, ' ‘TI'UMH’Y \l‘ LAWN-nil prumpllrnnend A L. (‘wll’n'fimw ~lnll nl'l ml“ :‘ ‘mn’mrsw L‘IB (I‘J-‘L‘HT y: mu. 1' ‘1 -. h-‘lu'w-q I‘nhm-xilu'ks“ q-MIH lurrk An‘fiu J .iun'tu. liulnnmn-clrwt Gruysbmg. l’.x.‘ , [Sn-11:. in, 1:551). -' L Wm. A. Duncan. ' I; . T' UHVILY A'l‘ 1..\ \V —-IHh..n HI Hm \‘urth f‘ WC:[\U|HC| Ul'uklllli‘s'll‘r" lem Jung, ’a. , [mm .2, L 539. [l' Edward B.‘Buehler. TTUIKNEY .\l’ [l‘\\\':“l” (lilhlnlh’ rm] A p‘rmnplly ..ln-hd M .«‘l Igusmn-s- «mm In"! n] mm. H.)- ~lu-Il~.s the lirrnun l:|llfllltL'l'— on'm- m. the ~‘-uun- [-1 Inn .11 Suuth ILxHimnre urn-l, m-w anm 2 Am: ~lurv.,am:l newly oH.n\i:(- hummr SI. ' '_III [‘3 -luh-. J‘i ‘ . Unugsbuu, .\I m [112”. ‘ _ i ‘ J. C‘Jfifeoly, ' Trim '5" \'l7 L \‘.'.'A ~l’lrth'uhr HUI-n A [mu m. culmmm l-l l'ushms, f: ”max. nul Hw'bymv.‘ Ulhlc in the .\. H. calm-N {lf Hu- 3': Jump! ".... s . ‘-. ml" mel 1;. mm H D. McCouhughy, TTKHINLIY A'l‘ L). W, ( oflir? unt- dnnr wut' A olf Uuolulrr's :lrm; ““1”"‘1‘ ~h)r¢-.(‘lmn}— It: N'hu': sin-x l.\ \I mqu' A.\H .‘nLu'Huu run Inns” A\l| l'r.N>HL\~. Hun-xv) Luxul W.”- rmlanliu-L—pay auqu-mlmi Claims, mvl all mhnr l.lim~'u;::\iu~lllwfiuwrxmn-MutWulh inz'vnfi D. (‘.; Al 3“ \uu‘xin.uu(_‘|.li:n~‘ in Euulnml. L-m-lWarrant»lnt-Alon!.nul=nlol.nrhuuthund lligl|<flprir~v< gn/HJ A;(-: ~1.,:-I;:vd in 10. {-Itin'q. wxrr‘mtr i'llmvu. lawn}: and 01).”- w‘mtrm Slut-. 2; 1h; .\mu'x} lu lulu par‘oluuy or—l y lonrr. ‘ (it"ltyibvrngl Kan-{7], ‘l'2. - Adams; County UTUAL FHH‘Z IVSCILLVCE (lU\IPANY. lucmponucfl \lar‘ h 16, 1551. MU= J'I";‘S'”"II—-“t"(:l‘;v .\wopc I’m I'z:.vul"-:’-—-‘. l'. Hu'svll. Stratum/4“. .\. huvnh-r. Tfluxurwr —IL:\ 1:! ‘.l'('lc-u'_\'. . I-f'tafuhre (2": '4'"li'fr»'—Ruhvrl .\ld‘ur-iy, Jacob KinmjA-u-irrw ”Hutu-I'sl In. . ’fxwurru—chrb- .\“k'inpv. I) .\. Bur-Mar. R. —.\l't7'lll|_\', J nub {{xnz, .\. Hrlmn'huuu, I). Mr ,(‘fm-gry. 3‘. it. KIN-1!. J. I: dcrah. Snnucl D xr‘wdr‘lw, E. H. Fluni'ihn’k. Wm. B. “'lhon. . H. Llmcu-u. Wm H. \Mnmm, John Wol t'ar-l, P”. (i. \l:_(‘.ro ll'\ . Juuu l’n;}(ml. ALMT. \Vrizlt, John (I: minymm. >.\h'li'-l F. Gm, Jmnoi 11. 'ul u‘Ji L“, .\I. l'len-chrgur. yggrfms Uumpuuy is limited In th‘ 01mm— /lions go the mummy of .\‘inhl3. h n..; )mm in successful almmnnu tur more tlmn --ix ymh, and it} than poriwl has ;. lid :11] Inga-s “1:11 (-x— -ponwp, lul’wu( .nu/ .luemumr. hm‘ing ulm :| large sur‘pltq capital in the 'l‘remmry. The (‘ma pany ‘empluvs no Aurms—nll business being dqne by th: .\l.m Igt'l’s‘, n im are unuunily Hey-L -ml by the’mzkholdera. Any pcr~on desiring an Insurance c.m npply “1 any of§the abuvg nnmm}! \[.l’3|.|zer= In: turtherinfurmntipn. ”file. chutiva Committee men's .gt the office ‘9l"th (‘u nlmuv ‘qn the last. Wednesday in every nmmh. M 1. I‘. .‘I. Ste-pt. 27, 165% Removfis, I ‘II lundcrsizncdmeihg’thcnuthorizmlperton l :0 m;d;e refiluvuls iI-to Eu-r “rm-n (79mm pry, opesthqts-Ich usfonteinpmwflw removal ot‘thq remuim (If decent-ll rclniiws or friends will utvuil thcmrc‘lves of {his season oflheyearr :u hn to It dune. l’ tun-1e with prmupmcss r—leltins low, and no effort warm! to please. ,’ f _ l’l‘ll‘fiß THORN, Bl " ch 12, '6O. Keeper of lbp Cemetery. . I The Great Dascofiery - THE )CE.——lnflnmumtuq null Chronic Q ‘Rheumnlism mm ho cured by using H. L. M LLER'S CELEBRATE!) XUIEUMATH‘ MIX TURE. .\lnny prominent citizen: 6! this, mud ; .mhe adjoining counties; have {certified to ini, gm". utility. Its sucqess in Rheumatic nE'ec- i wins, has been hith‘ena unparalleled by an; \ spin-Mir, immune? 10- the public. Price s‘) ‘ cents per bulllc. or sale by all druggi=ts any} storekgepcra. Prepared only by H. L. MILLER, ‘ “’hrlesnle and Retail Druggist, East Berlin, Adn ' 8 county, Pu" dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, 1 oils,i\'nrniguods and the highest price given. He flnlurs himlhlf glut, byerict alleulion and an honest desire (4; plans, to merit u share 0! public pa. ltunlge. TRY HIM. J. M. ROWE}. -x-‘ejb. :3, 1123- tf UCflBER NCKLES, I large [o' just re -0 iceived from the city. in prime order, an - KALBFLEISCH'S. F YO WANT J K U ‘ GOOD dA‘li'E, PORTER - Scotch Ala an inn all row-'n Stout, ,’ CHRISME'R'S; G! ' mm...” may of lhe Diurioml. Rec. I, ma. = CI I By 11. J": snnma 4:631 Year, Public Sale. ,\' WEDNESUA Y, the 24th day of FEBRU- O ARY inst . (be :ulmcriber, ianuding to quit fanning, wnll m-ll at. Public Salefnt his ”with-nee, in (‘lunhurl-uul~ township, Allums County, on the Euuuilshurg road. 24 miles: from (:Hnshurg. ihc fullnwjng penunul properly : HURSHB, Cows. Young ('nrtlc, Sin-op, Two lmne Wagon, Huh-e firms, Pipughs mul Hur rowa, Shovel , A’Eoughu, Outing But, whh other furmingimplements. Alan, Huusehold uh! Kitchen Furniture, and n. \urjcty of other "glides, 100 numerous to menliron. A good I" ur-horse “Hug", nearly new. .1 ; - ' 595‘ Sulc In LonnnL-um n! LO diclnck, A. .\l., nn mud day. when unendnnce will be given and terms [mule known by ~ - ‘., A I’IHLIX’ SNYDER. Georgi Filmy, .~uur. )‘u-u. 13,1512). [3 ", Register’s Notice. TOTICE is hr‘rvhy given to 11]] [A‘L'J‘CP‘ and h ulln‘r perm!” cunpcrnwl. that the .\IL mmhtm'i In .\x l uun's hi‘rfixpftrr mhfiione'll “II! he prrsn'l‘lvd :5 the ()xphan'flzk‘nurt of I\:l.uu= umn'r, {or r-untirm uliun nml “Ha“ .mx r-, on TIT‘DAY. the 21:11 at FEBRUARY_, 125 m, :1! i“) 'n'c'hn'k. A. .\L, viz: :3. Tim first, ncr-nunt of JJn‘lO‘i H. Mur ”l"”de James ‘Murslml'l. Administration nf rim ("mm- of Thmnm A. Mai-mull. tlh‘dr'J: 1‘». The fin! and film! accnunt nfSunul-l Durhnmw. Allmiuiilralor of Jucuh Pattern hull", {INN nsml. \ “ 7. 'l‘ho- fiht nm—nunt of Surxnlnrl Brown. ;\«huim~_n-.nmr4ul' l‘mner Null,a2ale of ”am ihufltufi I‘hhlp, dm‘nnwd. ’ H. The that m4} 'finnl net‘m'ml,a of E‘nter Sn“, H'nnrvlinn of Sumh Ann Sr”, Julia Ann Sn“ and Sum“ Sr-11. (Ul9 hath-r bmm; dwvnud.) whu \vm-n minor ohiMrr—n of John .\‘oll and L\'vl':\-Sull,*(t!w latter bring (h-«-.~;n~(-(l.) nffi'xgnk (-m'umv, 17km. 9. Th!» fin! :ulc-nunt of SJmuvl Durbornw, 12.1! , Allmnnstmlnr nf' Samuel Swnpo. (lo‘f‘, 10. The fin-k null final m-cnunt nl' Jn’nn Plank. A‘ltniniqrutnr nf'S'All'Jh Plank. tivr‘. INTI.“ fin! and final account of .hnm IhviL. .\Jminiutrutor nf Hm min!» (H. “'il. lmm Moguls! late 0! Huntington tnwmhip, (lw‘vzhwl. .‘ ' _ 12. Th(‘ :H'r‘rvunt of Frf‘tlvrirk D‘iehlflh'q , ICVN‘nmr NLS ”nth-l lit-Jr, :lvcmnwd. I‘l. Th» fin! alnl~ fivm'l zu‘mrum nf' JUVH Spin-iv”. Adminianiimr -»f' the 93mg, of Sanmnl HnHuuhnr. dénwuml. ' ‘ Hf FUN! m‘cnunt (If ”on. Jan B. D_ln~‘_ nor. Ext-mum nf the lzmt waux:dte>~nlnu-hl nl PrtPrCrnsm. 11m mwd. . ~ SA‘H'EE LILLY, Put-'E‘NI'CI'. Rogiflvr': (HEW. (Mtg-burg.) ‘ ' Unn. 2.3, UNI-1. Hi” I Collatel a 1 Inheritance Tax. r ‘HE :u-umm ..rc. x. mmxx, sq; up“- I i>lnr and erornlvr u' .\dznm ennui), sin-“z [he flnllnuin-g amount at (‘ullutrxle In hc'i'ilzmoe 'l‘Elx retain-«l dnrim: the .\W-xlbvllthllg IM7; l. lh‘lf. fwm Ihr pm-rmnnl repr'tscnlu [ln-s nflho Inlluwing hunk-J du-edrnts Lmh Lon-w '3Ln'zdfllvnu \loufon, ll 0 mmm», IVin. Orr I'lu-lu‘ I'm-rung: \llluH'Pllfl .Kecflll; Susunhh Univ, 3(‘nlhzuinv .\h‘ller, ‘ iNnnL-y “ulkel, Register 5 per cent. for ('ulled'lion, Bnhm‘e, Th}. _~uh=r'riher, nppointri bv the: (‘ ..wt to audit LIH- public Lfliucs,'cexulics linen the show i) currm l. ‘ J. C. NEWLY, Auditor Feb. 1. 13m? 4x Portable Printing Dflices. _ " ‘ UR the nae of F Mon-hunk. Drug ! 31.45, mul :11l lllllylvss 3h : “”4“" and [V'l'9‘t‘r‘4inzuli rim? 1:- “(:41 5?? who \Vh‘l to do tnexr :Q’f‘ffl- ’ ""3 uxyn priming, noun"- _ N ‘ - and cheaply. Adap ‘l ~-,‘_,‘.« L ‘/ led in the pliuling of ' 7' humlbills, t-ilfilcmls, (irr‘uLn-, lu'mld, (‘nrds and small newsmprrs. Full msuuumus :u-compmyiug'imch nflice en nhl n: :. buy lc:\_\e:lrs old In work them suc- Mssfufly. (‘lrcuhrs' sent. Jreo. ‘Spccimou alum-1: m 'l‘) Iw. L‘ms, km, 6 cents. .\lh‘ln-u ADAM? PRESS 00., :H Purk Row, X. Y., and 3:": Lincoln street, Bosmu, .\luss. ME i January ‘25, 18M. 13' ,> ; Something for Everybody : M lsl'Y .x'r (m. R. HURRER'S * s'l “ mzm AND VARIETY ground [JHDt opened a fine assortment of . l vim-g: and .\ledivines, I « Patent Medicines, 1 Stmiunery, Fundy Dry Goods, l Confectiousz, I . , . ' Groceries, ' 1 , ' ' l Notions, TOBACCO, szamfi &c. ‘ - Jan. 18, 151 M. 3 ‘ S. RaTlpton WOULD mnat. respectfully inform the pub lic that be his commenced making BROOMS. He will nuke them on the shares on; as will best. suit his customers. PII'SOYIS ll wing Broom Corn \villplensomll. Shop m McCunnughy’s Hall, on corner of first floor. ’ _ [Not 9, 1863: Cchne, One and All! « _:' HE snhs‘criber, having re-opened his Se.- » loan in the Soztlheut corner of the ‘Dm mond, invites the attention of his friend§ nud‘ the public generally. to his excellent ALE, PURTER, BmHVN STUUT, WINE, CHAM PAGNE, TUBACCO, SEGARS, kc. He hopes. by strict attention to business anti; desire to please, to receive a iibeml share of custom. j H. W. CHIHSMER. Gettysburg,Aug. 24, 1863. tf . Clothmg. ’ . Rosina ARNOLD has now go: up his Fall G and Winter stock at Cloaking, the largest stock in town, consisting of » Uwr Coma, _ ‘ Dress Counts, Busmess‘Coata, ' ‘ Military Blouse: andfl’ants 'Pnnmloons,‘ Vests Under and Over-Shirts. Drawers, Hosiery quves, km, in great Yutiety, all of which wilE bu'solu cheap 1m- cnsh. Call and see them. Sept. 28, 1863. PURE GROUND SHOES, :elerted and ground expressly for Dr. ROBERT HOB. NEWS New Drug SW". .‘ RY Dr. 11. HORNER'S TFnd Alta-a -' Live Powders, for HORS Ind CATTLE. Prepared nnql sold only n his Drug Stare. Innuuy 25, t 8“. ‘ ' . ' ,OB LA.A ntzu BuMu Over Shoes for «lo 11. 1!: York “not. wd th- piqqggd by 4 k WOODS. q A HTEM©©RH© AND. [mmm mmm 031;; @1152. BEE She had gazed from the wixidow long, ' Down the dim «ml rrnwded street: ' . She hm! lifl;‘n9tl “11h our flown-hem T 6 the trend of tip- pasaing 199:. 0 Since. ad wavchml the but flush’dic out , FrEm the £014! gray winter sky, And hg first pnle slur looked s‘udly down; 511 - lmd greelod it with n sigh. Like“?! flush in the street below The lamflnghtor spcd glang; And, SOIL-[nub him. and low, . (‘4qu the units of an phl street song Thvy were singing a well kn'o I: lay \Slu: hml olten Snug to him, Long ago, ingln- country homé; \mi~hcr we, \\ in: 1::an grey, dim But ~11" turned frn'n thl- ivinxlnuw way, , And ghncwl roqud [He home-like rootn: “Tears, ln-nrs, muat not {git-ct. hum, 011, 100125!‘ . he'n’t: l‘ I kuo“ that he sodniwill come.” I And 50 \E‘oman-liké, wiy‘h n'lmlf-bn-nlhetil sigh . She xhuts out the drehry night, 3 L Drfl'Wi 610551 ch curmi '3. and‘hnds the fin, Till the _lZuJe mom flow: will lifihl. ' ’ . ’ . ; She is Luci-ling before the Hearth, A ‘. w .. Luth- mie. thh an tumous fiu‘b: .? - . ‘ .' I'm' the “e ”'_V thotughlrmmw h 13:11 ngmh, He is Luv: timn “cans “pace. , And the firefight gieanis on the soft-brow}: hair And kisses the ron‘nv‘ied cheek; * ‘ Deep thoughts a'rc xlnuugiug the wumnn'sheart What A “(mum's lips. fear to speak. . 3 n 1 11m. him! 1. Xuvt- hign w §he whispers'low, ; “ He is M. the wurld to me; ‘ ,‘ I‘.ut,.uh! 11:1:‘pnnd1-ximé, thou must neverkuowll ”111 w this Il'lllljnfi-IX’L warships {ht-e. ! “ Ynt Ifd'tenMfink, “1‘0" Mn “ailing hero—- “'ulvhinz and waiting Ix|unu—: i What If 11w wmld shun] away lib)“ alt, Which is um: my own—m 3 1m n? _ “ Fur what um I but n‘dglwb‘gill, f ‘ )Ynh nniy Hi): love all) give ? ’ Q And 31-1110 lt-‘L moI :nlm more flour 1, . Than uught that. lhiF world can give." u ‘ . I b If when, MI m-nig‘h, 1:9 13 {rue—3:9 lice—- y lwur: siix';L~t!. mint and 30w; ' But nil xhcn- film-fies, ‘my host belnvovl, " Thou mun nun-13:4: ! never knnw.’Y 1 57’: I’9 R 117 .1 :1 1“ l 4'.‘ ”:3. Lilvlc sh}: dreamsmf t‘lm luring eves That are w‘m hing nor from the 409:: And how dl‘r‘p. nhmpfn hm- lmshnpd'f hour: The love gmwmh n ore and n.ore';— f» 'lO 8 no 41 0-!» Till, as he wan-how ln-I kneeling there, ~Flu: seem]. to 1d: 1' my qualinf’. Like the guardian unigel of his home, A \\ u‘mxm, and ye; ‘u Slight. 3L1"! m ‘ 9 PO Saint and angel she is m him, 5“”; 3H ' Fund .lm"lng {Vomu‘nfiz-Side; P j Mau- mir and dcnr n' (15(- triul-Hied Wifel, , Than mu :th 52x6 it“ his bride. ' j- ; “What. Nelly! musi g?" a hand is hid: ; (in “:6er and dtjs‘n-bcnt. brow; " 1 " E And :l‘flllll’s beside h r the watched-for one—f .\h [where are heytsad thoughts now? .\ll vanished and fled at the well-knbwn 'voic At. 5110 clasp of the 10nd embrace; " . And the fire-Ham fills on no fairer sigbL ‘ . ~ Thxm the you??? wife's hnmy face. ,h .‘ ‘ , . ‘l’ agzmumnm [From the Fame; 5; 131mm]? 1 BECONSTRUG TION or STATES“; Amos Kendall on Ego—President’s Plab; Certainly the movement nnw going'nfi. under direqtiona from tl‘xe President, for the reconstruction of Scnede'd States,.wilh alview of bringing them again ink) the Al)- olition Union, is the. most dangerous of t 8 day. Ththdnctrine once estnbli‘xhed— e warn the people ‘in time—there will Ee nbtbing ofcivul libelrty lélt worth preset-viii. It, uptgrns the veyy _fdundmion of our ..- publio‘iin form of government. changes #5 whole character, yeah; the President. will) despotic power. substituteg' his will for coll smutiofis gmd lnfwe, converts the Sulfs into a consolidated government. and t)e whole body of fre Icitizens into dependent subjects. . , x l The ,question i very serious—one thln shouldlbe deeply ondered by the people’— and in order to at rack their attention [n+- ticularly to it. an point. out to then) the extent. of evil whi ,h it involves, ire repu lish from the 'Washington‘ Cowman 1 Union. letter-1 foul-i. one of ateries, writ} In by Hon. Amos Klenllall, once the boson: friend and eonflgle ‘fi’hlcounwllor of Andi-21w Jackson. and still a sound Democrat agld ardent pall'io!_: i l - . LETTER xv. ‘ ,» ~ I To all Uncondition‘fl Union Men in Ute 171 M We now have in detail an outline of the process to be followed in organizing mini State government: upon the plan pnéscfi- ‘ bod thy the, President. A third and'pdr mp. mm or weslm ofLouisiunn in -. segion of the Union force. command??? General Banks. By order of the Pres e t. I that General, ins‘tlead of.employing himfllf: and the troops unlder his command in cl I'-'| ing the balance ol‘lthe fila‘e of armed rebe u tneir legiyimate (kingpin busying himself o's getting up new civig institucions. Ho h { issud a. proclnm lieu of which the [OllO - ing' excl-let. contiin‘s lthe essential pulls, vxz: ; a Hummus“ Dn'nunm or I'll Grini N2l O‘uuusa January 11.. 18644 i [To 23w Paople of Louisiana : = 12‘- In gun-mums of Authority vested in . 53 m resident' f‘tho‘United Sum. a: won consult-Ling [with many repreun “(a men of dxfl'ucht image-u, boul‘ful ' '3“ - . 7' 7' "“"*' —' , \ GETTYSBtrRG,.PA_, MQNDAY, FEB; 22, WAITING Siaies “‘nu'm 15 man" ASD‘WHJ, PREVML." “f““re'l' that "Mre than a tenth of the PM“ ' (la-liner! to he the Pros' Pnt’s “tor‘kmt‘h in “St.AV“RY MU"? DIE "‘ umuon dpnre the earliest pnscthlp rs-sttn-a- CO]|~lru(‘Hng,H”Lno“' , whine “w W.” 1,1,", h . . n D ' tlon of Lnuiiinnu to U!" Union. [ mV-t » the Pmlmni’)" [prlmp‘s )n‘o- lmlf' W 1“ LC 11:12! It 1!: n 0! lllt‘ lrllzth, says tlm Philadelphia tnyul‘clitm-ns n! the Stm- qu thfi-nl 10 mt:- n.~'.twl ‘hv'ttm mtv f N--w O‘r‘n'tmé" That {"1“ ””"V "‘hl"7d"°”“"“°“ ”f-‘l‘V“"}'" i 5 4| HI [m u:r "jinn, m m—rqufu-r ,M.‘ r :4; l, ma . , .' _t , . V ' llg‘f‘t-uurv pn- immmy lo ,wrtnalwnl y-mu‘o- FWHIMP mUm film-tum [lr-“'3” I. .L-.. m.v dint37“},2.‘;l'.,!:,r:2<2'utlnlld;2";l:‘\i':ll::.(f'h;l‘ fill territnrial inlvgrtlv. On the contrary, tul Mr law. 01- M\ u h ~1.._.,._ h m'fl. h- r..,f tun- Lv m.) Fwy‘rtl 'H'HIE in "n'n .1! ; _UH‘ {HIM-n! pormmwm-n n! that ithtttnhnn lnr ht- PxLllllr~l|an ml I',“ _'_'l .! .' at" l" h- hv ('m‘v H"Y"/"H‘lri‘l.ll(‘t r"l'll 521:, I' txrf, '1: P ”I," "nh mmm‘ IN which " umtod (hw warm ”’3‘. SH 4214 tiJ-Ir’t‘t t t A”! y t ..1...‘ ,H ~,.I .u 1+ / g 1;” .1 Lu"; nt‘qf‘hlmr:n .‘ otznnmnl (‘lll mt’lnde Ihr Honllwrn'pnt'tmn 2.10“ or $141.: ..mwn Mr...“ .. ‘ ..‘ 1 V 7. 1“ \ m" ,1 a!» {GMH‘LM‘ (NW; ”bah”, Inr:lM our (-mmtrv. and itsxlmtruntmu fitpznuly ion-mop; 2. ”PM“. mt H m "nur; '5. MW. 5“ ”xwfl -hm m-‘m‘. nl “W”. in“ , moum tn mom-"t it. [bib 5‘10“ an m“). sucrt‘mx‘y nl'h'tntr :74, 'l'l'cann-r; ‘5. K‘hw-l h” it' .. H; X m“ I ”Huh-Q10”; M“ n 1““ ct~ , Null HIV): 1': t-nmphtco‘nt inhttu-n at? all our nr-y (io—m-rnl; 11. {‘npt-rintvml-‘nt, of l‘u‘him tv. H~ \v n, -w-‘m .IM ”.1. . anilln‘inv i’wm‘” '0 .53": “5‘3"”? i‘ (no ““"tLe “f"n Ilt~tlucttntt;7. Auditor o! Puhhv Aron-Imm: thin. i u- 1'34"“; :‘h.i/"‘,0.v".1'- {Lev ml. “...; m," lrmtbhu. “"‘l ”'“V'q'”? “flay ,"mfl “‘l‘”slM”win-n‘t‘letlml. for the- “luv Ming, cqmi‘V: ‘2‘.” "1..\ d” ‘mmo 'Hutv' 1:” 1H ‘ d'w ” I! Is_ It hulint urntitymu to dur sett hn'i un!il other.- m-o ntviminlud Ly t'umlw- ’tl‘lt‘/O' ‘illlt‘r rm ht'lhrhihnnrahrobdlin;n rtgzhlenuxmhu. Immune it éxcuws ‘5" from tent nuthortlv. cumtttutv the vivit unve-rn- AilKrHl bv tlni [vl‘lt‘l-FI'T «4 Ferhétfll (-f‘im-a. althlame. that ““3 "F'nr‘m'lt “"fl m" tm‘y’ "If?!“ nf'tlm S‘mtr. umlrr the Cult-tituthm '5171/181lfli(-;i and city "flit-ex nnw‘thutthm: : [:mttgu-thhov who Chm“? lo ”.1". )‘wnhor and Lung)? Lnui~t.m:t, except 9) much of l/zvu Lulu] tn ‘UWrthrn; n", 1.3419,,” , ”'9’" ntPnfuhnor their "‘0’”! “Huh“ too “30 51"“ ("'lhtilulinn mul haw :x~ two:- «élfl\:e‘t'xtttlv.-ttt. thzy :m- prvhtt-Q‘l lo‘tid'iln ’ "my“ varpwu—ncwpt 1L vmy uhtélly. 1" my” '.'.‘-‘,'u':uu or irfiL-t", lo Javerv. whiv’tl/mi'n-vrtnm’ Hit-it" Nuts pita-ntnn-n't It: hpmlve‘ "I“: cop‘tctvnceq 31nd :lt'hc'r hmins‘ bin“: umuJ-htt-nl wit||'-tiu-.prt,-~.x{tt mnuH x~ iu~t ml mrt n! utonflwhn 'm- .mn-t from n t‘kaMMll'v Which HEY; gladly lxnn pl touhliv :vfluh'» nn-J plaihly iltdhpl't‘d- llk'uh' tm'mh-u'it‘t - hnumn'f lnm‘ltl.’ tn {9"o‘ slnrk, "i‘lt' “3"?” firm} the ““1”" {"6" Mo to any pk,“ 6f l-vzwns n..“. t-xixlt'n: the «Im. ”__vmm‘ bvx Hm Imm 'iunt "L; that we hVPI]. wnh slaw-tl. n )EIPHT. pm» w.thm iL‘ ”HM" “”“‘ t’” ""t“ "'le 1'“ i «‘l‘ul tho hr Hun-«l yur'lon [or tft‘lfltt‘ ttxv'ww'm pa-mns' amt contented tmtmn for.“ Hundred “”‘Y “I" hm. 1w dm-i m.i t.: hp "in! .‘q-JUW "I. “.1 If“, thlml 'Ovvrnment inml (1‘: n ” yt-zu-y—whmh one would think (rt-lg!“ 911:0 my} Vlml. Th ~ L‘rm-w '1'1...’ L L”! um :14! -1 :" tv‘.~ hum 11:" rv'wjmls II than: trmtetvh to ”.th a Mm”: argument ”Ht 1' YVM "”t' "‘ ”WWI. thn tight "‘ V”) ' V”. : \ 61H“; ~ 1m .1 Mu..' m ntnt-nt I.\"nahmtu-lnnk l'ut' Lxlavvry, Inn ‘muwthing “‘o' thh (“m“)d pr .to ”I“ rt" (-1.1: 1: um n Iv-v? x In tnw‘v m mu. m..- g.-urt‘§,‘l “g“ “.11.“, “m“, numb , nur tt‘)ll'vll‘~~—'\;l.|lL h'ulnl 11.1“. “:0 nxpyx-i -chum 1"- “Hymn/..‘! -n H. NV“ r-.. ”g“~ . ” um ”umh "m“ th‘r-vmvrct‘uu- "ml “MI I." oth at “Il' mvt'l-L ethnnvlnmml «map... ”u. 10-WC'S Nhltltltml h.\' t-h'w'lll- 1|“, hl 01m 1' [Ln Yllki h Dunn! rt-HRN’I'NI lxv filez'lfili‘nfi “h.“ I‘YJ)‘ ”'9 U,'“‘“”““”"' "H “hulh' ”In": aulhmuul tl(‘lw0. :i'n yuh-UlU‘.‘ n! ALnt-imun‘" (which At‘mn u} ho that 3.1- 3""."‘~"= ‘1“"'—““" “"0 “N“. 9"" nn H. 'i lw n nth Int ul'l'Jigntq/r1.151q-r.’"1.1 [w (...u ,h 0' 1h" I“.)(‘lF‘l'bS 'lm] 'II'P rt-mwn /'i nth-nur 1"" I jhv I-thvr II :14; 1 ”gr .rm‘tu the Prwighmt‘s hmclutnuttrm. Wall“ tht? i‘mi- M “:l Pam-r i th(- .Sz'hte") “fill in «Sufi! cannot h.” m ”4”“‘7 '" 1.1”. mule pht‘ml Ilttion :ttitxt :1 In tho (‘IY'C‘HVP h- umhiu: M- ,2" Nut in am in 1,.) almd‘vnt (0 ,1,‘.',\.H.,,"_ ‘ " "”"}”',“'."~ 57""“I/“i‘fl 12‘," “1““. ‘l sh“? the Condnut‘mn nt‘ Ixmniunttcmll (-wnett- tiv m |nvlill£ ' Frox'y In m whom. th-w ‘ I “fix“..wm H 'MN" u 1‘ '{nl'wqm 't” "I" tute the qual fintt‘ipu M the vuwr~ in (has (-h’hovorntlzrr {avid-“é“- wile \uhw‘?” "'-""‘f“"" them, “I“ "'n gum, [ht-‘1 ‘ (”WM electton. ()Llh-crq olmvlwllq t'hvnuvtlE hp vivnt to the View}: hnt’ the I)['P~i:}.x;‘, 30‘ yn‘nttonl 'Tlgh'“ An'l Iluer—H‘mt 3U}. duly 111.51 th in lhexr U‘filh‘n'fln u“. m, day “:1“ own gull," ‘tnll p“ 'l‘t‘<(-ll"lh\'h-~“tl{ attempt t 9 all»: the: (‘o!ldlljhlhfll.‘ twelve ot'\[:tr«-lt. 18H. ; 'f ‘ tn (:ur‘vrrp.: Il~‘w-:~; F! ‘I ‘ "r' ‘l’ “NM ‘nt InlHmn‘: 0t ]Il*0)-1e:|-_'mn'il HH‘ll'Wilhghvtwbut I”. Thr- rouiztratinn nf'x frutt‘t‘x: (Afi'nvtml nix-I \‘l-u [‘[uEixh-n-fypl-”Emmi v ”mug-4,31“. “Wk"s“"'“““i‘"1- “"‘1,“l”".' ”' "if“! " 1““ unllw th.- daumu.” ..y ”.0 “AMA“. “MW; tn-h‘zé-l H n “'iH‘nt;(‘uuhel‘hv in “turd. *wn’a been at. the 1:110}- 01 the h'uy-Ihl‘s‘nf tmr and ”‘9 “PM”! Uni“)! .'\~~l|(‘i:n.:lvm~. nrvt ht~ ll' (-lm'lzr-ny: V»\n«l:.lrw' ”th i"!3--'ttim'ltv" I‘m mewhfl WM“: {hr ”I“ Em“ u that. IHOOIISI‘II'JH nith tho[uraniumtttnu'firnthvr m';-mi,~,ni..nM “,1. (-t'("tttxt~«-~‘ OKPQWWV.‘ t.:.~ ~mn~ (hi-“‘9 “h“ km'l of if?" ‘2’""511 orders of [he PIL‘Q-if‘nt,’ tuc conlit‘t ml and pom-r, found. «l on ‘hp ru-pq'nfiflm h..l§zi.4 snm'wb the ”Will.“ mutt ."Xl‘t or and approved. m'ltv- 31:111- (I‘l‘P'rnnr-ntx tut! r-thtrnlan frv llu-ru-tnt‘o‘nr“ (m ”j: ammp‘qm 1”“ y' A” .' IV. In m'dm- HM! the nwanfc hu nftha Quh-orviovt thitrn'ituu to cum!" mni vat}- of thwso prnx_\n-|tum< “N (‘zthh ‘1": Such Stale mny be mum: to (‘vmhmn to tho “ill vlnwn in (Intr'rvu and it» ‘hn l’ (“ul- floummllmtmn as tt‘m-ly (“Hi to 0m: 1m 0f ofthe people, nndhurntunizeniihvlhn spir- 1029.. llw ml and it"lP‘if‘tlltl'hl millihm‘ Inexnct sgtcttce._ they are {uppottcd by it of the age, 3: “fell as to nmintum and of the North and “Hut." ~Lnt ch pause and ' {Minn’ “WW“ “l’el’lnlcnt‘,hlstnry‘—°V<‘ry PWFPTVG the ancient landmarks and attempt to realizé thehwt‘ul [‘4’anva be. t Influence MW“ “MN“? m "”"K‘ trtmon.—‘ ”"1110“: “Mr“. mi cit-Minn of drle'uau‘s tn {mo m_ - “in“, JACK‘M’ ‘y I} If. hmvovnr. rvhumw that the commgted a Cnnvontiun t’nr tho rg-Vixin-n'nt the Cun- ‘ January “IJth H 64 ‘ . . i I " ertx “r "“‘V‘I‘AP”? wrzting "Iqu 9X“““‘*’ >tilutinn trill MAIN.“ n" ”w m.“ Mnmhv ' ’' f j ‘ ftnruge than "|er {tam-m?“ 0t “ranks:— ot'April. INN. Tl.“l.lm;Orrpl‘ntwmn‘mfi‘ ‘ . ..‘ - ‘ ,j l I‘m: haw, hmvovm‘. ~.wt.rc¢l _thr‘ airmgnf the uumhvr n! I‘l‘iu'fl'vfi". .‘lhxl thr- rh-Imk n! A VOXC: FROM VIRGINIA- ' all ‘‘o Wig“ rmt lhe-‘un-Ir‘mw. “ff 1 “ii-"‘1 aim-hon “‘1“ he unhuunced In =ulm-rlueul T’vmhnu the cnmirinmtinn 1n the l'uitml u'n.v""'l ""1 “”4""! "l‘il','"'hml"‘.h' ul~lvl‘~. _. i‘m.“ .\. 't . I . ¥ , {\n one knmu t‘n-w lhmm lmtto‘r than .. _ . _ u ‘ . 5. . . H") u. of huh .I m Prnvnnln Lu- g“.- Np‘nqfi ”"1' ”H Ntrrltngl-md [Whit- V. .\rmnggmrntixx" l .53. u '. ‘ " " ' ‘ ', . . _ . _ tllf‘fl‘lk‘l [lull Ul nnnm'mlxllfi ulpl'llm'l'xlu: lufnllllll ,ll “I“ n". Hr. (“”‘ll‘lo' Ol \ ll" chlll: “rm“ Hl‘ ("r H’" W“ l""" “l ‘llv‘dm; ”“3 Siam. ‘ r _ ~ ' —: H 1 “ln (In-10lln‘n~\m.y‘im.-<, “he-n pamlmnn rnllnlry. unl mnbhn: ths-m (In IN, up a 'l‘hv (‘u-nernl viva, hn icvnnc mt: l'llh'ln- 'v'l‘i' II Inl“u‘xl whom and lm-llml-n pnhul n", gm’m‘nlnnnt in wlm‘h .tlmy flu'l hm (A the n‘vlnun “m )nusd‘nluf puma/w.” , ”H” "'5 Flmn L'ro-ut lm-II urn m'vln llrlllxmul little prépnmlrupm‘n: pawn-ml Jnfilul‘nr‘l': that. .11” {’l’ l’u'xuirnl :-I—-!r'..- (lulu! mum} ll q "1“" an n, lmwnn wuulrl uvrvo 111-1 f munlry ‘ fhm; lhlhnm tfm lllexlwlrucumx'olfluvory. all‘i, thmul‘nrv.‘ m“ [0 bu ('lnh'llQ-rml ”11: lung! Huh! In. ul'nt'o pmunml (-11“1111firulil\n<.r‘ Elli. hl‘ l-mrn LIN" ("Hillulllfil ()lllN-l of (he nob n: ”m I'l-‘ult’ln. Aml..u‘h'st M.“ ll;ul:nl um lmln-n- I'lu-ro wuulnl unm‘mvly .\.-w. lmglanvlvrf, fmm Ixn'neuhan-ly qfxer llul the l‘[‘(':idv”', dues or “amuse: m ('t‘e‘ulmn of lu-fhl-lux‘. nnrdlvlllm brllivvn" Iholwrmu 4m m ‘tlm f,‘.m~l.ltutmn to the du? ~ ‘ ”L” lln‘ ~l:ll'\'.|llnl| on which lllq‘ lulu-Ll. vl prvwnc hmxr. It “'N npvnly avowed m lle proenrlheq n qualilionth n “,4,”th lwvn lxupl :lhve lur tlnm- your" {um lih cy.‘ I'TJ-i, in L“ 'l—l.-:m the nmulmdinn nt Linn]- Wilhnu' whim, “n (2' 3““ ”H” hp. :llluu'ml tu'lx-v'lilvun all Hulvrlralll. [llluhh r i . lfxunu. ml tlw lu'mluunn “nun-s nl lrth—b‘, 1n vmp_ howpv” ”mum,“ Ulllll'l' the Cun- luv [nu-~11 (‘uul‘l'nnvnr‘ lu- l‘vsl uml 1):] m l'lu- 1: :mm (4, [ho llt'lt'uals (:1 1:1}, ulmoq, P'fiflulnvy [uni 1m“. 0t ”H, ”A.“ All Olw m» 1-- «:xmwnc of rovrv‘xvc low”. hyym'e; mn: lhéufim ll]:- mmz-xuugn'nl lefc-w. It 9‘“. ”(1,“ fllrl-lunl‘th‘J, when.” lax-..l m- l‘ “l“! '1 h-‘v\‘rl_rnnmt.‘ \\e :mJ amt, in. Me lw‘n‘J pI-«rnynvui plnn In the 1 :lan of tli~luy§.l, who will "1“:ka n“. .l-rcshilfi-«l _ld'l"ln. and no mm-v. tight. \m'h-r tha (‘un- i nll tho .\wxv Lngland I. vlvrc who lll'l‘l tho ou'h. _ ‘IIHHIMI- w my I" the Whip tlun .\.‘luvury | «vmpnthv' nt (hmr CJIISUHH‘IHN‘T {ml}, ul ”0 M“: "1m" [..'e' Vqlmq ”...: qulLfind lo l~lmu.d “fit l't' mlflrah-al mt‘lnn |l~ lmrzlgu, 1 thopuh hxuhlnn lrnm \‘p-w when Ugo p'rni hnld ;. '8“... “Pain”. MM leli~ ”H In what M n": lwlvtn say that the ‘_.ulmlw li:hgxon_‘ yontyglathn muntry wmlhl haw- m {:10 ouch unit-. 2“ :0 .4954 “mm," the lea-ht renunl ~hmml not be. llgyl‘nul‘l gn “l hr m- [lml prOpQ-‘IIIOIH. nhlmrn-nt, xt ntl-vm‘ has been in tlmse hum-ch lo llm‘b‘mle Commu- nvmlwrs lrum loyal s'le wlmw sml had} lxpl .\ijlll of..mul lmggnleaw lu-Pn roprrl. zmn. * ’ WW“? “0"” made the sk‘vnn of war. in 01-! lh-ov-l avhonvver cahmnu‘s have ‘creuted "ling m‘vrv pnwvr [10»!qu [Wynn dmvn l (limofi‘mlt: nml turm-d the mmulw ol'men . Pt'.un~_- _ , pnwr-r [Mann-u, , . _ ”p dmtgnnted the time and places for th“ “4,, manta” [wt-nuhl ""ti“Ull~n-nt m h‘l‘dil'“ ”'9 elm‘tiqn. ‘ :tlm exam-n of power; chm-hi not mind; A He dvclzu'ns that the porinm than and H... ~pm.» of (' mart-N furl Jim Put-(lend qu ithfire ,elpctc-d hnul.l uw farm :I:.':t.'n—L‘, i‘anCP. a‘YJII l To In: « ~ure that num- witlmut the 'nnt tippt-l the luv“ nt' tlm hnnm‘t 01“,. .n‘ m P"°‘l'l“"li“l ql‘fll‘fi"“':“" ”W“ "omm he hm .\‘anth who hml nnvz‘rpmw w‘illtl ._-ly iatn munlnitfithe wuhtt‘ntiun ot'tlu- \‘(ytt'r~ to tho Itrh-‘llion. sthnnhl unt p0r;»-tr.:te | tho “Military Unw-ruor and the set’vrul U- ‘m-H Mk“ tlmt recnntly térnutr'lted by that. , ninn A~'~oni:ttinn<." . Inmn Built-1 on tho .lltlxl('> River, \vlwrp tn -1 He annnunm’s to hi: vntara. ”Mt “M' Fl'lll truufinhrh :n'nrl smzvd the plum and l rangomnnts “l“ h“ made. ”5" hi‘ "rd” nt' ‘par’k Hi a widow". :HII| ..fln-n nmiduut'ed Hm . course) for an early elewgun of lnt'llltfl‘l‘x of (-ntul'pfiw u: a grunt Udlflll vicl'u‘y.‘ “‘o‘ C""‘—'"““ h" ““‘t 5‘9“”, ‘ ‘ mum! ho nh'ngmt to (-nnrwr ohr nwn pro,- l ”I: nmmtmm-q tn thuni. ”Ht 1m ”villi?" iu'lmo-s inlt'lru- w» ci-ufd \'Ihl1"ll‘:r elm S mth. I f“? (lolegntps‘ tn "‘ 5.1“” "I'm "in’ ""1 \f‘vll I’“ ...} “qr nl u-uuqumr “4‘ ulw..y< mtfrtmnnhln, inn the fi2>t Monday of Ag» :5 n~-x'. Mr “I“ m“;”H.1,,»..1.,..n.,fn..- wen ha! r‘tatm ron-‘ i pt]t'p4.~‘e'ut .0 ”Hum"! “H- S' H" Cumm'u' -t'-|~l t 4: - t'mun :us desirable} to them a-x . than as tn mu‘m it: ::< “‘9 {nu m, Illnt‘kt‘l} f” u:.' . ~ ‘ ‘ tolll, "(WI/.071)! (r; (/u' it'll] {fl/1c- I); ," H," ‘ ‘ “... _ __, - > ‘ t .He tells them he Will ht-n‘nf’tm .mnnunr‘i‘ ‘ ”I“. (In. I’..m«'rv-i‘i€w' 'II.".‘CWH. I", Trenft‘vl.‘ i “the Img“ of rf‘prawntnrinn. the "”11er ~—\\ (- hair :13 tn tr-l n't‘tho<:tt'tin'ilt»!:nt thi- Of (lolegntes and the detnih of clovtinnz” vponl th 01 E l‘t 'l‘rllt(‘~s‘-‘r un-lrr the reh-‘l i To cap the climax Of “ms" “‘”“”‘T'.“”"‘ rulu, but it t- uuiu- timo- 1t “.1n"k:ltl“‘n,llltll °flm“""' 0"" State ""9” “"‘l SM” "lin' tun llHltlt‘l nl’ that unfln-tmule- svctmn nt“ ! tutlnns. the President, thwuch _lfls M’Unr tim' cnuntty ropunt the rt'tu-l rulv, un the General, dcclnros CPJ'lflln pnrtmm .nt the what-nu pretomble mun» kind of "mg. Constitution and laws of LOUlhlflHJ’“l"‘glt'l‘d- 'uwnl llwv have “NW“; at the hawk of i “V" “""Wi'l-n ‘ l the Unmn «macs tit East. 'l‘vnne~~‘.eo. It. 1 “'lmnbutthe ‘wantonness of power chlll'l 'sm-ms. that the sf‘lllwl military policy Ol' ‘(lictate such,a Hpolnnttion 3" this. whzl'e ‘the guwrnmx-nt is appln-d ‘to all sections treating the ”a" Constitution nt'tho State of the? Suuth'wtthout teference to the dim W a nullity, and proceeding [0 Timbl‘?“ n pontmn (n the inhabitants toward the U new State gnvernmnnt? It. is tantamnnt ”i”, or the confoderucy.‘ Uur almipsme tn ziclaim of right in the Pl'?“‘d* M M ““l" now hviuu ut'mn anything they can find in {y “M the conctitutions and a” th!‘ 1'1“", of _Eu-t 'l‘ennmuie, mid mum of the riclmaC the aoceded States. ni‘uminu F"""“‘3'—'" 1):.”le m um section we sulxlstiug “pun POW" into his 0"" b‘m‘lS- “"‘l ”‘9" dam-‘5 [Mums ct ml au-t tuc-m mine-l out to it 0“” to his faithful follnwém “3 Eurnpf-un them from utllm t'edortil crunmisnriat. We monarchs grunt privileges to their dumul have “,0" Unmn citi‘lmns from Em, Tennes- SUltlt‘ClS- 3 ,t _ .soe who declare that the pehple ut‘tlmt NM“ IMk every man, whathflr R’l’ul'l“ set-Hun butler very much mnrg: nndo'r the_ can, Democrat 0“ conservative. whgther. m Union any that. they did undel the rebel 4 the propm-ed government 0‘ Loulsmnn,_ t,” ruin ; that there is no discrimination mada murder: PM"? ‘3 ’0 CW" "P from {1“ 77"?" ’7 . between Union citizens and rebel residents; ‘ 60"“ 4W" film; ”W Pl'fl'lm“, 1" ‘l h: 0"fl"? that they are deswilnd nlikglof sll then who are inefl‘ect. to create the new gdveru- £oom. eweuinlly fun-”visions; and um the ment. iwealtuy Unionist: who Wt-re'Ull‘ttrftui:l)fd l The total vote of Louisiana in 1860, is stated to have been 50.500. one-tenth of which is 5,050. Gnnm-al Banks is sunsfiod {hut more than one-tenth glpflire to accept ‘ the‘ President's [Jun—say 6.000 or £11644,- 500? Ifthe Inner, how comes it that. me -6.000 have power to, impose a. government) upon them? Do (Ivy not dam-e theqmbcr 'from the Pruidenl ! rlf not. Wheuce comes it! - It is the sworn dilly of tfie President. to protect. the State gbvei-nment agmn’st for: eign invasfon and domestic insurrection;— A Sane pavem'ment ia the Coutuution and luau 91' the Staze. There was nothing in fihe Con stitution and laws of Louisiana prior to the rebellion incomgmible with the'Con‘ti tulinn and laws of t- a United States. The machinery of the mo governmenta'was m perfect harmony. But. insurgents seized the Staten machine and nun-l it. to dostréy the govbrnment of mg Unified States. v Now, imam W 33 the duty of this gov’em menu Simply to rescue the Sane machi zery from the hands of traitors. What. ext? Merely to hold it. inaqc wnhdut. al de‘nx a bolt or a screw unul the vital prin~ ’éiple comes up Iron; the people and pub; n. in motion agmn by ‘agcnb: elected by them under their own but: and sworn to support the Constitution ,109 Unilad Slates. In this operation gha wnr power of the Presi dent—the power to suppress ins’urreclinn— is exhausted. But. what. is our’ President. doing? He is numbing 11:: Stat: machine which ha is bound to protect and coutruchng another on of very Men muten'ak bolted loyal»- a but mm: (mm. ‘ ' Of xhe 6,000 voters. more a lots, whq are by t e rr-beis have been iinlnverished by the slum ol'wzho Umon commanders. IL is,‘u¢ contamfitficull to diucnplmate; but 'it is very ham um! the penillepf loyal But Tennnwm 51mm b 3: treated as harshly. and “hula: [nu-oh military sev‘brily. us the peoplp ofmlenmly dbluyal South CJI'UHI'IJ. Oar _mhmry reguumous should '11! 19am. buve‘ fluxihiliej enough so make a distinc. Lion bean-en (loyal :tnd dlsloyal populn i tion.— Wyrd @Thero is 5 combined and crushing movement. hex~e,—wim brancli'ei in all the armies—m forge news: especially war news, for lhe’New York Bound of Brokers.— Uence the myth you havedgeen having fiom thhington, of the rebels laying down their arms. accepting the Proclama tion, doc. Hence, too, the report of rebel hunger and starvation. It. is well knowu here, among all well-informend men, that, provision: nr'e plenty enough South. The trouble of the rebel armies 1.3 gin their cur rency. The rebel mom-y iaflbkd, that. the farmers will not sell tlielrprod'uce for it.—'- Hence, the rebel Irmies ere otten in mm culties. while the people_ have enough to w. ’l‘he‘great intereststlitical and spec ulaflve. now engageclin eceiving and du ping the ‘Kortliern -poople,m almost irreo sisuble.— Washington ear. -N. I. Llrpreu. G" I love thee mil." :3 the quiet. bus band slid to. his chattering wife. - _ ~o’. .... 7.... l laJl'he Alammu has captured in ill shtyonoluze Yank. ' A a, ci ,i. SO-1.. tn the hope that. bellor, ‘tmws mlgllt comp undvr u now dupematinn. 'l‘h 'ir mu) Prosulmt. Mr. John Qq'mr‘y Adam". “ Ile ('Lu‘wl puhln-Iv on Hrs :11»: IJ-‘lvvln'ui', H 25. Hunt :1 tlwzmvm pJY'I‘J oxxst'ml in New ,Eng land ad Um pox-ind (El tlno'emhlrgw)..l'mul lm-lc Px:~uul ,0“ M Mr m-vr-ml yvuxv ’tlmt he knew th‘w from ung-quu’ncal F'Vfl-J’I'IOILH— {In nftr-rwarolq. in n letter to Mr. 10m and other» wim denial lug :wscrliung, "prnfihed Um eviulu-nve on “Inch they "PM- lmsed. and on 1h? 3‘4 Ih-Oemlwr, 1829 lge‘ wrileu to (inv. Plumur ofNow llmnpdfirq‘ thus: “Mm-h of mv infurnnrinn._nt film mam. mm noilacterl h-mn Mr. Tun-ov. th ' Senator from L'on‘m-ctwuf. wlm tllsupfvrqvvd .tho prnjt-ct. hut mu. 1 hr‘l‘n-vo, mwln aclpmlnled “'it” 31L ih paiftifin'mn. .1 think, hawk! am not Hire, that :1 Wm: he who‘ 'mned tr} me tho wfnnr of nm-phn by w mm the Emma-Minn “ be etfuc'n-tl w (I; tlnwe ahnrnalivm oi ‘bmxn hrv. 1. “luvs-Elfin; the Putn'nu‘.‘ 2. Tan \‘nlqwhyun. 3r Tho Hudwvn. I“an i~. t‘ia S :rth‘ru l‘nq. fulvmcy w.“ tn l"h‘ll!|,‘ll ll $211“! I;- faund pruonfidflv. an an (n Illi‘hll'" Mary land. T’ll‘W:l~lh6‘ maximum. 'l‘hfi-Hu'tsnn ‘Umt, in. NM! England and . n purl of NO,“- Yt-rk. \ms the minimum. The St quchnu "a or I’vnnwylvanm. Wu thr‘ mnitl a term." (Lafe of (inn-mar Plum“): by hm appendix to Rmdall‘u foe ol'Jefl'c 24, Vol. iii.) ' ’ SUPII Wurn, am] now are, ”19 ( thn .\‘mt Enuhn-l loutlnrs. They carry out “wit phnq. prevent. if roonunlruvlinn m- uninnzmml (r lho-y_keep up lhe r-nnlinn.anry m must ovum hnl'wra llw Sr a»: can Tint-y knmr,34 well m any mm, iIXHNNSI‘HIIIV that in“, Me: can out iuyimutice.’ BM. a, thf‘ bnlvhr lr‘mlmw luvn le].lonliy avowed r the blind Milldle:shllfi§' [would persist in not bu-lieviug—their oh been to proirnoc thiq war to 11 Nurlhern pmpk: in'") :1 5L smte u cumonl“‘lo ”er pgnm. If the 0M l'rnin‘fijq to be rut red, We must cnnsali‘. h'mewr dlmnrda !. to our fee-lmgsic nnv be. that. filavr‘ry mt yél llVe'fl‘VhllP, ml 1! Ijnns 1!; natural dumm— Ifthn (L-slgm 01-13103». peolule n e to be carrier} out-nifthe ohl Union is n l to bn restored—thém unll thvn only, DEA”. ne cessity [Ah-n “slnvt-ry mud: dug" I Soldle'ra’ {helmprs by MAL—The 're‘gidsnt has signed we act recently paim by (Jon gt‘ega, providing that; “articles of lowing, being in \nufimlurell of wonl. nottn or l'in en, and compriwlgin a puckag not. ex ceeding two pounds in weight. ml! reamed to shy noocommissionfd utfiiwr or p Vite ser ving in the armies of the Uniteds akmmy be transmitted if] the: m'uh of th United States at. the mu- of eight. cpnq. be in u” (:4.qu pqepai‘tl. for every four out) 5, Q 5 any fruct‘mn thereof. ~suijvct to sue re‘gmn ti‘unw a; the Postman-r Oeneral my pre scribe." O!her materials ll: n thos'e specifind. if sr-nt by mail. mu: 'ba pr? paid b‘v stain]?! at. letcnr m . —lhg- i went: for eve y half on'nco orl fraction thereof; ' ' i —————-. - 0—... WA Louisville man put I a $2,500 in greenbackl in thec‘nimney 0! h u sitting rooin, thinking ‘it would be safe from rnb~ her: there. H). wife, in afitof $e demeu', kindled a fire so an (9 give her lord anti mute: ,a cheery welcome, and iaqgreen backs w'ere burnt up. 1 fir” is esn'unpted that iho . of the army is nearly if uquu per and um. 'rwo. mm; A-Yisagii.’ No_ son. and 'sun, NO. psiunfi nf nu=s, ‘to hey cnn‘, (10 this I slavery mums-i he unm- I carried r of their ,nu. what. { witmlly Inject has mm; the minJ to - _to $2,500 ._ m man macs. . When the Abolitionistl.’ for years in me- , (session, otl'ered end 'ndopted in public meetings their famou’s resolution that "the 7 only exodus of the slave in ‘over the ruins ofthe Amerinn Unin'n,” they Ilwnye eou~ ‘ pled‘with it. also, “the ruins oltheAmerioln Church." It was nlwnye a part of the pill: -. of the ridical’Abolitignists that the purity . of the Churchllhould he invaded. itn creed changed, ufid its healthful unity destroyed, At tlio name periml‘when the treason which they plotted shoukL‘hc perfect in its her): and he once happy republic reduced to be b?! Jdewlnte memory. in the progreg‘ol' t ieiit work, brought‘sb’hei‘r to fluid mace» ran it bu been by n bnrgsrin with demagoguec pm] i political managers; ‘th'e intelligent ' l observer has‘ not failed to note the under iminipg‘proms‘by which they have shaken I the {hundntions of the nation. Hence the ' ’ l frequent warnings which conservative men . ihave‘.i rounded in the ears of the people. «warnings unheeiled until the catinptropho ‘ becnrue so imminent that: it aluecineifnext i_to impOSSljfle tag avoid it.‘ It has Tiot been ‘ ditlidult to see the points of attack cu the {\L'nirin, where Alxilitinnists have walked 3" j “'1”! all their forces. When the war began ” Ithvy Wen- disappr‘fntml. Aiwur for the U- Eii'mnl’wms not‘wlmt they wuuted. It will ‘r: zrenieunhere-l thnt_th('y ware ndvocntes of s « this'llight, of M't‘i'ssinn, nnd in their piincipnl 'nruii‘neslmngiy unnmninctlthc-“gn in peace" ‘ , _. 1 (llxutiinc. A separation nl"th'(: States would ihm’elsntzfiiiml their immediate demands. but : theylwould prnlmhly lnwe’mlvumted a war {and invminn of the Southern States at M A .lnterl'periml fur the purpose deflecting the‘ ‘ idestrnction of pluwhnhlurs, ngiiiiist whom 5 their“ animosity was fiv-rce. For it must he“ ‘hm‘nnjn mind thnt lho‘renl animus of AM- ~- ‘litionism hit": always linen hatred to the : “iglnvdholilur, nml nntJove for the ..«~linre.---E [The irar eomin‘f; omit _was the Khol‘itionistb’ . ~ “ lplun‘to prevent its remaining a war for the s l'ninn :milcrinvertit into n war for ailmlition. Tlu- ulc-iu-rniinntmn of the whole body a! ’Ahol‘ninnists, oripixriil and recent, isopenl'y ~ ~a\':m)ml to be unti-l‘mon now. A condition- Inl lininn of some sort is hehl out as a prutt‘lncn on which to rest tho’clnim of . Uni-n:i~ln. That it is but :1 pretence needs ~ no pi-uol'. But'fi'hile all this has been to . , plain, it. seems that the other grand object. 01 attack, the American church, haspnot hPf‘nlguill'lletl. rm- hll‘ve men seen the steel thy find inee~mnt efforts which 'hnve’hcen :nmdi‘ to destroy it,‘s.,unt,il nov’v the effects . 'lmgin to, be visiblegnnd the Minder/t must‘ npfilltllloll‘ eyes to the pnint'ul‘renlity. In ‘ imany dirertinns my find the unity~of the gchurbh broken up‘mnl the fragments ar ’rayed on one or the other side of political ‘ “or national questions. In rmnny pul’pits, Xm-glh, South, East and West, we hear de nunciation ' insteml of instruction, .war instead of peace. ' The clergy have, in a lvusrdugree, lost their hold on the nfl‘ectihns land the respect rif’the people.” The most' * i exciting 'wliticnl meetings pro held in ‘churchesjon Sundays. andi‘the lmrangues i are interrupted with tumultuous applause. Nnr urn thesef the only or the most serious‘ , eVldk-nces of n (hingerous change. The in ‘ fidelity which is preached from pulpita, npplnyded in'newnpupurs. and instilled inlo I the minds of the people, young and old, in' fpcnnlming moré open, unlilushing, and“ défi- ' ‘ ant. 'l‘ho supremacy. of reason o'ver the ‘Bibleais nsseru‘d'in hundreds of pulpit; icommnnly eixlled “orthodox.” “I woiald .. not believe HUI'II a. doctrine “'1 found it in‘ 5 the 8.h1e,” or “I would rt-jcct‘tho Bible ii I l heiit-rod it container] such doctrine," is the it'requent assertion of tliixfiupremnoy op‘thq {lips of-religious textchvrs. The fact thut the [ll blc does condemn many of the favorite ' idovtrines nml pructic‘es of modern radical fi=m hm ulreiiily led to :1 want of respect for 'the Loo};I and :1 practical rejection of it! lhintling authority. The ‘inspii-ution of the ‘ llAloly Scriptures is; nriiv a subject of doubt {in the minvls of men who profess to be fol cl loweri ot' the l'uritnnn, nnll in all parts of _ ithe chnri‘h'vrc tind mtn Set-king introver- Itionsiqf larigiinge.‘ nnd inventing obscure l phrases hy which to mum-cal the plnin nmt lsimple truth that. Hwy do not believe in i tha absolute in‘pimtinn oftlic Bible on tho \l’wm‘il ql‘ (invl. Wit need not rule examples é inf this. They m’e painfully conépicuous.—— i We except some large bodies of the Chrin : tian church. and many worthy, noblb 'miiiistcrs ol‘ the truth. from the owl of'which . lwe hpeuk‘.~ But. thnt on] is an mnmfest,nnd 5 _} tho‘ éumity (.t' the .\hwlitinniqs to the Ame-chit"; \‘i i 033) “church an nearly suocossiuh that the in‘-59 ...-pins. LEM-1 he'oi‘io 0t prevailing in.- t‘iimny in uurknniitty. , - ' 'l‘lm your 15“ will yrphibly witness the ’ cri~lis of our lulu :n‘n 1) Mon. We are press- V mgion the all track of the Fremh infltlt-la toward a similar 4mm of Alfitird. We have nlrea'ly lon the grmrl Z'zms‘ervalo'r whiefl ‘ the mitidh uncn pmwawd in the solidity 01 A thé Christian faith and it.» calm supremacy '* ‘ over all eurtlily rnnsulpmllons. If?!) look no longer to'lha body of ‘uwrican olergy- 1 mm M Spiritual guules. annvnntsofa Mu- Lel’whiise kingrlom N not. ol (his world: but flip it rooognizrul and acknowledged doo trilim now th‘nt the clergyman may be dyufl~ eggs n snldier, nny go to the field of b“- tle‘wilh fiorpe hulr’d of the foo, And return A to teach peoyle the bleuinga of the pure in heart nml Illa peace makerl. i ' So Severé h‘as hpnn the bverthmw of oh! i idea on (hil and kindred sub-ice“, elm it : ii nut strange to find Ibo minds of all pho ~penplo, even of Hume-not tinctured with mdicnl herosies. fu’ilhloss. and rathe: given 7:0 thinking that we why have all, been . wrong in nur religious highs and education. IH )w much furtiu-r thii i 1 :9 oin the ym Land years to cnnin, no nun f foresee ;bu§ .‘ that it. will go on to tlgg lui oftho church ‘my! the peyple, is/but '_luo pinin. unleu .mero be A‘ sudd/en’ 'pauge in the present marl rush; of mm calling themulvq Chris time. ”I”. 'byéry sol-w Ikepticilm, gm! eapéciglly aim the practice of mutinj ro ligion gqhse'rvicnt to politics.—de of Comment 11 - ' 'r -,Prolon.ding the nan—Jun Aleuy Amt ‘ thfly say: am, then! x: no other «plan. ""ion ot‘the pucuhur mot‘c—a of the Ad ' ‘ €23l} 'mtion, its remnvul of Gun-r 414 u%‘ '4‘- wasfiful’munagfixnnt of our arunefl, tbx " “a" ‘ delibomw dlysxgn to protrécc the funfind 35“; prevent: the possiblix'ty ol venue yum mg q '. [ che re-ekection 0! Lincoln. _ " ._ PrQsiJenl Lmoaln is avowpdlyltbo clmfi- ‘ _ ’ date of the Rfldlcula. and «as recently pro- / \ seated u mob by Wendvll Phillipa. ’Ho 1 depend! forte election upon the Vote: of’ } the Army, Ind of the ominous Emma; ~‘ Coliegen in the receded ‘Slalen. Pence, ‘ even through victory. and the returnof lllé . ‘ soqth to its, snowman-would thw'an all ‘ nuch_ catculn‘fionu, Hence the wait of E protrucuniihe am. 3 x “ n