The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 15, 1864, Image 1

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    'l’ér rm 9.
‘ Tut Cairns: Ia publiuhed every Monday
- momhi‘g. by Hlnv .I.SI-'z.nL:, It $1 75 per
nmmmjl if pdd strictly m museum 00
pol‘ lunuxn if not. paid in adnnco.‘ No
subscription discontinued, unleuth the
option of 41:9 publisher, until :11 "reuse
ura‘ 'pnid. . , ' ‘ .‘ '
Anvinnsuzsrs inserted In the usual rum.
JOL flu-use 'done with name» and
’. dispatch. _ > _ .
' Grim: in South Baltimore mieet. newly
\opposife wample'rs' 'l‘inning Emmmumepc
—“Golrn.u mema Onxcn" on the sign.
‘ ' 5.1,. Lawrefibe mu, m; 1)..
HAS his aflxce (me , Q ,
ppor west ux’tlm" .1.
Lutheran (-hurch in
C'mmFel-Ifnrg street, and opposite l’icking'l
Harem“: we those wishing to have «mv llentul
“penéi‘mn pwfonned are r:-~purtlully luvitml to
run. 'lhzx-‘tLMAPLs. 1)”. llurncr, Rev. (3. l’.
thlh} n. 1).,1u-‘v. n. L: B "mu-r, u. 1)., Rev.
Flor. L. JJQO'M. .‘rof. M. L. Suave?“
hefiYslmrg, April 11353.
‘ x
1'; Dr. James Cress,
‘l?f'll.;£€'l‘l6 PHYSICIAN. tlmnlxt'ul for pub.
J 10 pnlronngr- lu rclulbmvxlonded m him,
1“!"er _lnirt friends that he will rontinue llw
pructlr‘e of bid pro'msiun in Getty-Jung «ml
vinultf. .J‘Erlu'tic” menus tw‘houw ur ‘rlt-N.
llcnulnfiwe ulcrt (111- best, sixfwt and most r-~-
lmhle cunedwq from nll ”err M—(‘lill‘lnll mull;
t-l' dclfooln, uh'lrh lmve hut-u n-uzmmngndml
Jrnlnllhe upcvirnru mu! Sunt'liuzuul h) the
iurucii-e ol the able)! Helm-tic, l’mcfiziuueru,
lund i}cmd those mutr inj-nioun, su-ch us un
limolu" ,memc, mercury, _bluc pill, hludd m
tmzflfic'. . .
Utficfi: in the ensl cn-l bf‘ York sum, in the
dwelling owned by Henry Welt}.
(lcfityaburg, Bun. 1.8, 1363. ..'lm
\ 4 _ . l
,3 (Dr. J. W. c. o’Neal’s .
Offil‘m‘nnd Dwelling N. H. umwruf Hul
-Itimurv um] Hugll'slrcL-r.,nc.¢r l’fcsiv}hlrx.ul
( Inuit”, lh‘nyshui‘g, I'4. I I
NIHJSOI 1663. If I ‘
: T _Dr. Wm. Taylor -
iufml‘leheinhnbixnm: nf (:11!)‘~.:|lr,!lllll‘ \i
(‘imlf‘ kin-u lu- Mll ruunuuc Hn- prm lh c n!" hh
pruhumn ul [hr ulll ~31”: I, next ‘”’“'l"' HlO
4um)i cr (mice. (hag-Mug. lfn. 'l‘hunkhll
Inr “EFL tun)“. lu- bngl- In lorm've :I ~hnrn~ of
{lnlunl‘eipztlmnugm’ [Swivlrh ldtlii. .l!
,T y A D. MbConaughy,
‘f'lv'gllXl-ZY .\T l..\_\\ . A ullh 1' one dnox‘ \vht
A‘ u! Hue-h!er drug :md Lmol‘ -h--v-.( hfllh
‘iulii'g “well“ 11mm» \ Au. mu 1- nun run
vhf-t AM) l'n‘hlu'ui. annual} L m-l \Vnr
#. Hi nzkvp my ~u~sn~n‘-(wl)‘lnime. .mvl/ .-11
*‘ élflun- again“ the “IHPTIIHHHL ll“1|~l|-
I)“t ll.l).:ul‘u.\‘mvrlmlit‘l um-in‘l-luglunnl.
:l '.u Huh \mmtcnl .rhd \n‘Mmr ‘IOIIK‘|I.JIIII
|:l‘* firimw uix-n. .\.unh Hume-l in in.
[K “Jun-uh it} ‘in‘fl. “Hunts :11I.:’U"n r
$.11: Sl‘llr~ buffinupig lu Lnu ycz'aunle
V l'l’l‘l'. .
('i;t€y:lmrg, Sm. 2|,(33. - ,
1' .‘nl
(- ulix
A. J. CoverN
‘ 'rg‘un‘wx \T l. mun” {rumpmv "mu-1
L W“: l'ulhwnum nn-l .n‘l nth. rj'lll~ilu~l ru
lrm‘ol m hum. 0.21 . \-~‘l\'. wru’lULhut-«lu-kfi
l) J'lu‘l' k lung. A“, .\hn‘u. It \l‘l‘lmnu‘v' dun-L
b‘fihuFA l'.\. '\ [ii-“I. .3. 1x39.
Wm. A. Dfiucan,
a I ll
Tjrnm'm ‘.T l. \'\\'. 4mm. in m.- Sunn
muuurm :01 ('n-uln >-;-. :8 1.. ”.\Jnug,
? ‘ [tn]. :.I‘:.'.:-. u
J j Fdward B. Buehlcr, ‘
iTTURNI-ZY .\r L.\\\', wfll mummy and
A prumptl; -llt’nll‘olli}’ltllr|!l‘.’.~~('lellblcd
lu x’nufi. 111-_ikpyuks the Herman l-Hlull.|p(‘.~—
(”llL'Q'jfll ‘llm -‘um~ [thug—lE; s'“th Rultimurt‘
sln‘ull mmr Fulntj‘s tlflfi; ~‘lmv, and ueul’iy
ophudle 'l);xnm-r é} '/.n filrr‘
, : 2 JJ-C. Neely, .
Twain: ' ‘.\T_ l. \\\' _n.m:{~n: u- nth-n
-k Lu» p ‘. hr‘ uJL-c'nwx- uf l’t'niiulh,
Bnuun, .lnll link—pin. U'hu: in (he 5. 'H.
c-mn-Ir ul' Ihr: Dinnuu l. ‘_
(irllynhnru. “.iunl 1:, HUJ. u
l ) Adams County
‘ FTL'AL HRH I);\'L7i:.\.\'L‘li HU\l['ANY.—‘
I’ruuan—Kh-urgr hwoyw. ' J
Viz-r I'.‘»~nlml-——>; H.‘ lluuull. 1, '
‘Q‘v‘ff’lll'lA—l). \‘ Hun-hll'l‘. ~ "
13-nmlt'fi—Dzni-l \l l‘rmry.
la'trruhnql'un-NIH» Hindu-r 1 McCurxly,Jn’coh
King, .\nlln,\\ ”Hutu-rm m.
Milt-urra-a-lh-urzr nwoyw. D. A. lhu-hlr-r. R.‘
.\l't‘ulr l_\'. IIL'Oh King. .\. HuiM/m-lmln.1).“: -
(Ereurv. 3'. 2L [inn-1.1. .I. 11. John. Sunlgl
I) "ham-v, E. G. l“.li|:'ws~tur';. \\'m. 1;. “'ilmh,
'H. \. l’xcuuz. “'mKB. \h'lell-Jn, John Wu!-
t‘mlJll. l}. \lr”rc.nh.JQun Pam'un'z. .\ hr] T.
Wright, John (‘umingluh‘L Ah-licl F. um,
Lynn-z -H. \l¢r~ll.|ll,.f\l. Hindu-Mn r'n-r. I
' ngrl‘hh Company h‘ hnnnul m .‘L: o|)l‘f:|‘
13mm to (he cuuuly (it .ylmu» IL hn: been in
luccesfl‘u‘. opPrAllion-‘lo’r more film; -i\ 3pm.“
luv] in HM! period [LE yAill all ll::'~“5 um] rx
pepseS. milmul may uu‘rxunrul. huving .flso u] urge
pin-plus c.lpil:\l in the Treasury. The (‘nm
)mflyi‘emlplnys no .‘Et‘l‘le—llll bllailil‘>\ being
done by the \lxulzlgurs, \\ 1m urt- nnnunlb elm-l
ell ml the Stockhuhicri‘ » Any person gloating
in hkunrnnce cam applylu mu 0! the above
nnmq‘d “-unyun Inr lurtln-r inh-rumliun.
Rig-The Ewcuiive L‘Jmuuglac men's .I! the
nfl'ice' oftvhc Conumuv on the I.lm. \Vcdncsdny
[n.e\'pr_\' lnuuth. :IL 2, P. .\I.
Scp¢.27. 1553. a |
Removals. ‘
‘flEllnslersincd.heiilg the :u'nhorized poruon
’1 ‘to make remosnls into I‘lwr Green (‘owa
terf,‘h‘opes that such as contemplute the removal
pfthp remains of deem-used relatives or fr‘cnds
‘will avail Lhculselvgs of this season uftheyem- to
have. it done. Removals made with prompmess
‘ rtenns low, and no ,clrun §l>alred(o phrase.
314mb 12, ’BO. Keeper of the Cemetery.
‘ ' ‘ The Great Dl_scovery
F THE AGE.—lnflnl‘nmuwry and Chronic
0 llheumutifm can ficynrod hy mini H L.
,TL7[§&» Shiny prominont ciljzens of this, nnd
Ill]; ‘ndjoining counliés, lufivo testified to its
’greal ptiligy. ‘ its success in': Rheumatic affec
_nong. has been hitherto unparalleled by qny
spa-,ific, intynduce-l to the public. Privo 50
'fenla per bottle. . For; sale by all drngzisrg and
aorgkeeiiers. Prepared qnly by 11. 1.. lllLfiiß.
‘ holesple and Ragnil firnggist, East Berlin,
All!!!" county, Pm, dealer in Drugs, Chemicals.
Dill? Varnish, Spirits, .Pninu, Dyedtufi's, bot
tled! Oils, _Ehcllcbs and Tinctures, \\ lndow
Glass. Perfumery, Patent Medicines, kc" &c.
7 S'A, I); Buehlcr is the Agent in Gettys
purg for “ h. L. Milrr} Cx-lebngted Rheumatic
”inure." ‘ _ [Jignel 3,'~1861. tf
- l The Grocery Store
‘ N THE HILL—The undersigned would
rupecuully inform the citizens 0! Gen)":-
burg Illd vicinity, that he‘ns taken the old
“mid “ on the Hill." in lhlthnore street, Get
tysburgwhere he intends to keep ranstanlly
on hand all kinds of GRUCEKIES—Sugars,
Co 028, Syrups of hll’kinfi, Tobacco, Fish,
331 , tc., Earthenware of all kinds, Fruita,_
om, rind in fact everything usually found in 5
Grocery; Also, FLOUR & FEED 0! all lands;
all of whjch he intends to sell low as the low
est. Qunlry reduce taken in exchange for
goofis It; the gigheat price given. He flame"
himself that, by strict Mlenlion and an honest.
rdesire to please, to merit a. share of pnblicspa.
f uaum- TRY HIM. J. u, ROWE,
{5 ‘ Feb. 23, 1863’. tf -
; ucquEß PICKLBS, 5 Imm loljust ro-
C «ind from thy city, in prime order, n
I r U 5001) ALE, man-:1;
Brown Smut, 35:0th 4“, OuiWinu, call is:
Farm-outcome: o! m Diamond,
Dec. 7, 1903. -. '
édtll Year-
OTIHE is hereby given to I" Legato” and
N mller pers‘uus concerned. that. the Ad
mmi‘tmzion .\m-nun's' herexnnfler mentioned
will be preat'ulenl m. thr- Uryhun'a Court. of
Ad-mn rmlntv, fu'r confirm niun .md allowance."
-ou_'l‘l’HSDAY, fine 23!] of FLBIIUARY, 1864',
a! 10 o'clock, A. .\l., \ict‘
5. The find, new-um. of James H. Mar
slmll Hull Jumps )laglmll. Administrators
of the (-=l.m~nf'l‘hmna~ A. .\lnrslmll. dec’d.
6. The fin! hml film! account of Samuel
Duxlmrnw. Atlmimalrngor of Jacob Fetter
lmfl', Ilecrnsml. , - V
7. The firw-nm-nunt of Samuel Bfown,
Adminhhnmrul'Genrpo Null, late of llam
lltun Hm mlnp, doomwul. ‘
8. The fin! and final acmunl of Water
Sull, Gunrdinn of s:llth Ann 51*”. Julia
Ann Sell and Slhzui Sell, (the lblterJncmg
(léC-pmnlJ Mm ‘wrlu minor-(‘hildrun‘of
John Sullaiind Lydm .\sil, (Um latter being
(lm‘encedj of Stan k ('pllnty, Ohin.
"J. The first "cqlunll 01 Samuel Dm-bomw.
. Fall” AvlmimQratnr 0f h‘nmuel Swupe. ‘dec.
1 10. Th? filfl :mll linul account of John
‘Pl.nnk. Admhnstrutnr 01' Sarah l'lunk. Alec.
‘ . H. Thwfirat «nil final ill‘l'OllHL of James
IHVi". Adunln-[mlnl' HI th 9.4.116 of \Vil-
Jinn) .\lvn'ls, lute ul llunfingtun township,
(lw‘l'uwrl. , .
12. The m-r‘nun' of Froderivk Diem, E‘fiu |
Ew-r‘utnr nf'SMuur-l l'n-ur, «Ir-owned. 'l
H. The firfl. um] film] m‘cuunt of David]
Selnivvr. Alllniniqmtnr hf the estate at"
Samuel Gallaghor. Ilocpuwcl.
14. l’xrq m-énuut oft Hun. Joe! B. Dln~
nr‘r. me'nrufll:ol.»! mll and teslamcnt
m l'vn r‘Trmla. dew-N‘s]. , '
’ murm. LILLY, Register.
iifigisn-rfi nm. 0: (in-ltyflmrg, L
M Jan. 25. ”411'. lll“ . j
1864 ~ For the Eruit, 1864
l“l.(l\\'l§li .\\ll KlTl'lH—H fi.\[l[)EN.
' r; .1 I.’ I: fly If I." - J! n X Tl] 14 Y,
1* \\ , (L l’ “IHV‘hMH‘, l'nbli=lu~r.
J“l’flm-a 1". MIN!» null: Fm-rl, l’hlludmphin
qu‘"l' rm : 5| .'.H .I )3 If.
Thv .\lunlm} (Mun-nu are: >
"inn—P Inn . r ‘;fllllt‘ll :md l‘lmqn‘t Ground;
I'rILL ILA." 1‘ 1.: \«F. 14H;- Harden; Windowuur
|i}'llill'.'. ‘
I “mu-unnvllium—limlnzu'iug the \‘itms of
Hu' ln‘n .mi (Ts nu L‘mul‘llturc, Arbo§.cul-_
tuna um! :2 Hal An m-I
Indium w 1;. mg xhc. Editor's View: on the
impala-m 4'19 .cuhuml nuyrmuuvnls.
N'mp- and eru ~‘—.\m\ - FHHla—xk‘w
l‘l.uu-——lhnm~:lic .md foreign Inwiiiuence—
l‘nuifl-u‘lulurt‘~l.uuxlcucg‘—llo‘rticulluml NO
- .
j \\ nh.e.u~h lh-wrnucnl llhlld‘Olud“ Himml
-43.1. ,'
'l‘lwu- grm‘nl'l femur-N “ill Juan-mined. 21ml
the ;-ul;1i:l|(t‘pl”-Jm-s himwll‘ that M) Llhnr or
expel sc ~h 11l lu- ~|mrcul IQ ImulL-r llu‘ sncreed
ing i~'.~_x.(-~ of “-9 \lnzulim- M’rry way worthy
of tln- l.n'nr “11h whu In his prrviu‘us cfluns
Lxuu: hérn amply rn-“vardcd‘ .
. sun F<)l:..\ nuacnnzx. ‘
J'gxuuzu'y 25:, 13v“. \ _
1854 _A Flrst Class 1864
".\H\IEHS‘ 31 \(iAZINE fur l’ennsylvmdm.
_h TU}. muauvnu
1".1 R .{E l.‘._ .l .\'l) (I _I If I} EXEIA’.
I!) \‘UIEII TU .
[lnlitud and PufH-ishcd by
\\'.\l. 5. \‘nl:.\'(: .M‘m
' s 52 Nnrlh Siuh SLrocPl'hiladt-lpbin.
lfi?‘ Terms : (hm Dakar a fl’cdl'.
The Snub Kahuna communes \vuh January
number. , ‘ '
Hminzohmimotl the services of cminonl and
pmclicul .\gnruhurhb, Hurlicullurisls, Stork
“I‘ve-“+51”!!! ”I‘o Keel-92:, we confidmulyofl‘nr
UH: L‘nrrelgl \'nlumc us one at lhe be~l ever
i~-m-d. tux uririualily,practical ”mug!” and
":Ith infornmliou. .' ‘
saxn rm: A spscmax.
Juxluuly 2.3, 1564. 3 I
Portable Printing Ogfices.
-. ‘ ‘ on the “(sq of
' F Merchants, Drug
'P'lSKS, and nll business
)\ _.~ . nml prolexiamnal mvn
.11; 1;] y;?—‘ who “'lsll to do lllt-lr
1.42”" ' . ”“3 11““ printing. neatly
. .v' null cheaply Adnp
‘ v /, tml m the printing of
. hnudhills, billheads,
Pin-“ Lin. luhcls, mrds null «mull ewspapera.
l-‘ull inrtruclwns nccunipnuying e h ofiice en
”).l'ng :\ hay lon _wnrs old In wor‘ them suc
cu>slulljh Circulars sent free. Specimen
sln-ets uf T) [1», Cum. km, ti cents.
Address Al):\.\l§‘V PRESS CO.,
31 Park Row, N. Y., and 35 Lincoln street,
Boston, Mass. ,
Jununryjf), 1864. 1y
Something for Everybody
'J bUY A'l‘ DR. I}. HORNKR'S '
Jual opened a line nssorlment of A
Drug‘ nud Medicines, ‘ ‘ '
‘ "Patent .\ledicinoi, ‘ . ’
Slntiunery. '* , ‘
~ Fancy Df'y (lands,
‘ Confed‘mns,
' v Groceries,
! .\‘oti’oin,
Jan. 18, 1:04. .
‘VOULD, most. respectfully inform the pub
’ lie ”in! he has. commenced making
BHUUMS. He Will umke them on tbé shares
or us will best suit. his customers.
Persons I: win; Broom Coin will plense call.
Shop'in McGonnughy'a’uall, on corner of first.
floor. [Sam 9, 1363.
Come, One and All!
I BE subscriber, huing Ive-opened his SI.-
iobn in the Xazzh-eut come: of the Din
,mond, invites. the nttentioh of his friends and
the public zenemlly‘ to his excellent ALE.
by strict fiteution no business and I deli to
please, to receive a liberal shuts of custom.
Gettysburg, Apg. 24, 1863. II
, EORGB ARNOLD has new got up hil Full
‘ Ind Wixytcr stack of Clothing, lhc large"
stock in town, consisting of . ,
Over Costa, ,
Dress Com, .
Business Com. .
Kim”! Blonugnnd Papa
. Pantnlo , Vela
Under and Over-Shins, Dnvenjqiosiery
Gloves, km, in great vuiety, I“ of which will
be sold cheap for cash. Call and le- thin.
Sept. 28,1883. ' '
"PURE GROUND SPICES, selected and
;. round uprudy for Dr. ROBERT HOK
NER‘E New‘Drug Start. , . ‘
ADIESIGI for Cl'otklfig, I new supply
just "and 9. lAINBSYOCK 8308‘.
WRegister’s Notice. .5
and Rural A {fairs
S. U. Tiptoil
Clothing. .
7 ~#"“"“’“""—”‘—‘“~_"‘__*“—'—'__Y‘_'—.-'—-—“"___'—--’T
=G—E'I‘TYSBURG, PA", MONDAY, FEB- 15, 186 i;
@ll2 flags.
A nl-znvrurci'l. 'ruo can't.
Chin-:91 in hand, stood a sculptor b6}: ,i
“'1”: ilia marble block before him; 1
And his :nce lit up with n'syiile oijoy, i
As iiu angr-l dregm passed oferr him; L
He tuned the dieaiu oh the shapelcsa SLOPE,
With man}- a sharp incision; '
With Heaven's ownlighl Ihe sculpting (Lone,
,Hu had gt): 11ml niigul \‘isiuu. i .
, Scixlplurs of life are we as “1:1.“ 1
'1 With on“ s_ouls nncarvml lo us;
I Wining {he huuir when M. God‘smommanJ,
3 Our lite-drum) pisses o‘er us. ' E
[ If we curve}; Weapon Lht': fielding slonq‘,
‘ \YiLh mnny afghnép inuisi n, i
i It: heavenly beriuty shul’u‘ own,‘ 1
11 :()ur In,” Lil-11l angel \i . f
.: .éflimlifinmm.
In a speech in the U. S. Senate. recently,
5m the resolutiou‘lo expel Mr. Davis; Mn
“'an sum: ‘ 5 ‘
l ".va, Mr: lhhjidént. for myself I cqnfees
‘ that I ft'cl peculiarly arnsitive on tltiisuh
‘jm-t. I came lntl) this body snme s'iliteen
l )r-tns ago or more, withonl'the sym‘fmthy
‘lof n ~inzzlu member on this floor: and I
hardly l'\'t'l' um ‘n rm‘pnnswe glance frOm
l the gnllm-ws. I ~tood here with nobody 1n
the Svn lie 6r out ot'}he Senate to sylmpap
thize with mo: tmdjl' this doctrinal haul
prevailed that for the utterance ot‘wnti.
.! ments ulmokioustnthe majority of the be
dy n man might be censured or expelljed. I
l should have been censured or expelled tho
filet m-mth that I was upon this floor.: Sir,‘
I lmv» llm¥utnpe§l the fiction of thié‘Guv
l ernment, n the $141.11», ‘and (if, the House
ol‘lh-prqcentatives, and of the President. at
hem-. 1 ~ut~ll M was etmnently calculated to
; provoke the worn ul' PIIILII and the judgz
tnent ol‘ llcnvanl I have raid that. and I
i h.m- said ll gi"~n_t“d0:ll more than that. nnd-
Lnudvr likP g-irt‘umktunws I would Sly it
:aguin. But. Sir. I will do the credit. to the.
pnrty that then ruled thS-‘nnte to, say that
i the Idea that fur he utterance nt‘ thest‘sen
’ timvnl: I \Vfls hllf’jt‘f‘llnfl tn\~vll' turtlxpnl
psion or tq t-i-n~u "e, never t-ntetell int‘p my
Khoad or niv In: It. I ‘ '_ i
In a l'cw y\ as; there \wre nthnrs? who
l onnw here wht- occupn-d the ~42mm pnvlkitmn
“ that l (llul. “’«t‘wmc under the ban and
l the uppmbrium lm-l the reproach ol'i both
lathe political parties that were contending
Tt’nr the m Ijority how and in the. countiy.-—&
)Iv honnmhle lriend lrnm .\lameuchtbuttq
Hlr. Summ-rl mule. Whu' more otmox<
tnne that III“! Nobody, unlc~s It, tnmht
, have l)(‘t‘n “two”. and that not bl‘l7:}q§e I
l was :1 “'nl':({, hatlnn olden-«sinner than. he
ywas. Xntwithstgmling that. we wereguin
“Ml sn‘nn mn-r hv one or two othersfthe
hniiguihle .\‘mr-tm‘y of the Treasury first,
I “Infiltf‘ly‘tllt‘ Imnnmhle‘ Secretary otlb'tate,
l “he Cflth on this floor “ulmnst persuaded
{liq be a Christian.” [hmghten] because he
i u is ready to gr) with us in fiery measure
‘ ut‘ omvofiition to the! slave power and? to it;
fencroachments, when it did not conflict.
with the policy of ,the Whig pm-ty.j [lte
: ne‘wcd langhtor.] I had no such quttlitica}
'tian. and my. triend from Matssachuwtts
,' had none such. i We stood up nlone‘ here,
land we .battled is wel might tor that. free—
'tllgfl) of dehatewbich Is the birthright. ofgm
American Senator“ ' You must not be 100
m-nsorinus, t6O ntuémnclinbd to find fault.
tun 'much inclined to fish your censures
and your denunciations upon those who
ioi fer from you.” " ‘
I, at r at ‘ll- .i_ " l»
A< I said at lhejheginningol‘the question
i whether we agreo'wilh [\im. whether in our
judgment his yéfoluiions are true or' false.
‘whether they tend to sedition. or when. not.
‘is not fur us to say. It was it d‘eclaracion of
'.thegreat apostle ofAmericnn Democracy
‘ that error might be safely tolerated while
trulh wn’s lellg free to combat it; and” air. in
a my humble judgment. the truth, and the
‘ simple truth, wielded by the able men who
sit around me. iii lheeppropriate and legit
ilnale and line Senatorial manner and the
senatorial weilpon with which we errors of
the Senator from Kentucky, il‘brrors be
his committed. iare to be met.
Mr. President, [have said thus much.
and i” do not intend to sfy more. incense 1
have felt from‘ the beginning of mg en
trance on this floqr that the freedom i de
; hate in the Senate should, be maintained
at all hamrdefind under all circumssunces;
and no mailer if, with the festidiousn‘ess of
'5 lpwyer. we they point out everywhere
what has been imed out. in the resolutions
of the Senawr Wok Kentucky, 1 ask fun at
lastlwhat ere you going to censure him for?
Not because he has unwed aentimenth um.
tend to revolution and that tendw sedition,
but. Hecfiuse in flourjudgmenc he'hss [ideas
it. .In his own ' dgment he has notdonel-it.
Now, sir, it is {he fir‘st time I ever heard
that anybody in a public assembly Having
made statements ‘upon which a construc
iion was put, was not at. liberty to displaim
the fitempb to:put a meaning upon his
words which he disavowal. .
I think, sir, it, wou’ld be’the,most danger
ous precedent that'is to be found in the: le
gislative historyl of our country, if thé Sen:
ate of ll; Unit States, for words sfioken
or written, begin» obnoxious they; any
he, should exer ise this high prerogative of
expelling or censoring the men who utter
ed or wrote them. It. would be a oonfgnion
of weakheee b‘fore the country in the
' orld that we-aiiould not make. Evil dis
;oud men wogld seine upon it” ancil'l they
would say :, “’ {here was that Senator from
Kentucky ; he introduq resolutions {which
you could not gnzxer, 9 introduced‘ rem.
lutions arraigmbg you and’ your President.
nod there was n'ot a memo! you that could
answer them. and so you held your peace
xnd voted him out of the Senate."
No wonder Hr. Hale 'felt “peculiarly
I'emitin on the anbjéc‘tfi" for it is trdeiu he
uyl, that “if this iloctrine had pmviiled,
thoi for the utterance of Sentiments okudx
ion: to the majority of the body. mi mu
might benermmed or expelled.” be ($819,)
would have “been oemured'or expelléd (ha
511‘ mant‘ he was ,upon the floor.” 3 And
11-0 um would hue been Sumnu‘s fate.
Indped u would {me an we 011 nm.
ll "9'! ARWn Bam, for it in Mm
.- :11 um thou very men have boo-i no»
“us-m 13' incur Axn WILL PRIVAIL."
bitter, vindictive and treksonnblein speech"
against every Democratic eJmin'fistrut‘ionr— »
During the Mexican Way; Ton; Curwm. of‘
Ohio, (who now hol.ds ofiidf: under Lin"fl't‘.,l
in his place in the Senate, aim-vised ,Lha
hope that. theVsol‘diets of our armies "Muld
be Incl will bloody hand; and inc/0:17:61 to ho:-
pztable ymua." This Wu. hulk, unadulfega
ted ‘treaeon. but no one thought; ot'otfennffn
'3 resolution for the expulsion of that my
tor Senator. Nor was’Corwin alone in giv
ing “aid and comfort to the enemy.” Bun»
lingame. of Show: {another office-holder un
'der Lincoln,) gave tongue to the sametunen‘t
and denounced the War'uml the then Pres- ,
ident (the patriot Polk.) and urged our :
young men “not to enlist in any c'nics." '
These two men were due leadei‘s‘pf their
party, and they spoke fut; their colleagues,
but yet. no motion to expel them was enter
A Pump/dz! an .lloney gund (Le ’V‘urrcncyfrmn
Jumr; f]u[lutin._—Mr. Gnllutin h ”just pub
lished a pamphlet of sixtv punk. m which
hedissects With skill and ulniily "lt‘ last.
err-rt of Mr. Chase, the Secretarv nf the
'l‘rmmirv. Mr. Gallzltin is dead against the
S.‘KKUMMMW of m-w paper muney prnpnaeil
19 he issued through the new milmnul
bunka, am] proves from the past. what muxt
he the effect of such paper upon the future.
This will makgnur paper circulation, he
shows, in all sSfili.4‘)o.l)“"'. which h(- lwliéves
the bountry cannot stand,wathnut enormmn
depreciation. The fate of the rPhr-l curren
gy he lmlds up'na A Warning 10 Mr; Chane.
{film is following in rebel pupl'r truvks: The
whole paper‘legul ,temler system Mr. Galla—
lin (immuncns in View To elble In ‘c. __
' The war which Mr. (smin: mfilw [fphn
'(he State Bankru'thut. lifted his finances out
nfthe gutter, wlwn tlm war mu coming, is
d‘oclarvd to he ungralnful: unjmt mnl cruel.
fifltate Hunks he show in have Men the
in'-st and most efficient i'rivmli ul' thv Trim.-
sury. and the frienrh Mr. Cinue is now try
ing to destroy. The (li~criminalmn nmv
prnpqsed uguinht thvse 011 l him-L pf the
Governmpnt, he declare: tu bc‘uncallcd lor
and wanton. L - ~ .
Mr. (‘mllutin film mlnls hie name and
financial reputation to a uonetnl ug‘pi'ek'sio‘n
of monied "11‘". that umlvr gum] Treasury
puma-lenient lltn slilh’vllilllk‘ would DPVPI'
'havgsmln-nrktl. Ax ilvl-ucpnsml. it; would
seem. Mr. Chm? :leuriwl [hp Hunks, at the
start, of SITI’.WI(LUtm of lllt‘ll‘ coin. Mn
tiullntiu thipks all puei‘giv: thuld it." (lilac:
tml m' an emlv remuwlxun u: rlvc‘c‘ie PM"
mama. Mr. (R? ul~o show: that ‘the me—
twsntiezjuit sOl‘l wally him; the Govern
mnm only sixty cpitts in 00:11, The pum
phlot concludes with unmet.» Imm the
mitings of George Wmhlnutu’n. on‘ “"110?
mom-y. 'l‘hut grew! pun-int, it wcxm, even
during the n‘vnlutinn ol 1776 “nultl not.
take it. iur old thhté, contracted to he paid
for if) good—{hat 1:. gold—mum-y.
When it. itrenwmbvred that Ml‘.Gallntiq
n 4 among the ourln-st h'ielnls pi Mr._Liw~
Enin’s elvetmn tn the I’rebitlvncy,‘ and has
efliciontly contributed to mmng mom-y for
the Govrrnmvm. thmugh his influence in
and upon the. New York Bnnk<. such vie-w:
in his ought, {‘o have gw'nt weight in re
“mining [hg‘Atltninialmtion 9'r_mn the wild
mum-y vagaries theypru indulgmg in.—‘\'.
I‘. At” T S. ‘
I’3 . .....; -»
[EFThe pgliticm friends of the admin:
tralion prate continually übfiut fxemlo .
and yet, they fein‘ Ireedom’s ’grealest sale
guard—free, open: dimumon before the
umsses. ' When they first. began to (“s'an
the merits’of slavery. they declared lhat
"legsyslem must be evil because it shunned
and, feared public discussion. Now this
a’rguvment .recoils upon lheir owmheadm—
The acts of this allministralion must be
f il because it :I“an and fears public ‘dis
]:ssion. Good-and honest men love the
light ofday: none but rogue: skulk in the
“315:1; mantling darkness of the night.—
fiypocrites may prate nnd brawl, but. ,he is
the true friend of freedom who Hands im
mpvably iii defense ofits great hulwmks:
law‘ln exchangeillustrates the condition
of renegade Democrats pretty well. An
~lndian whn had lost his reclaiming in the
womb, suddenly slapped nn’dVeXclnimed,
“Indian lost!” but unwilling £0 recognize
his own blunder thus, he thought. a mo
meu‘t, and added, “Nol Indian 'not lost—’
Wigwam 1039.? These follows that. leave
the Democratic party never got’.lost.-—the
party is lost. Like the 'bewildeped‘, inebri
ate, in the story, who, with his'hi-nin all in
a. whirl, stood in one ofthe public squares,
waiting [for his house to come round, they
too are Waiting for the party to comq roungi
to maxi]. But unless they “stir lheir
stumps’. and get home before night sets in
they will be likely to lie out. in the cold.
Administralzbn Qfll'ciala.-:The World says
31m 3 Republican, in View of the recent-ex
possum;i respecting the custom house. and
(«hey matters, remarked to a. friend that
there appeal-91,31) be three sources of up
pointments at )Vashiugtnn—Lincoln,‘sew
ard, and Chase. Mr. Lincoln appointed
df—d traitors, with occuionally a fanatic;
Mr. Sewagd éppoiuled d——-d loafers. and
sometimes a man of ability; and Mr. Ohmic
appointed d—-——d fools, with I 'sprinlfling
of great. ‘scoundrels. Tlmt Republican has
been expelled by the-Loyd League.
S‘They have) hog in New York cityjust
now that “takes down” anything in the
pork Unathnt we have heard of. The hog
was raised by 'J. W. Copeumn, in Cayuga
county, New York, and fatted to its pref
out enormous size, by A. B. Benh-m. of
Dryden. Tompkins county, same State.—
InMay, 1353, it, weighed 12120 pounds, in
Septemfier, 1249 pounds, in Octoben 1,27 6
pounds,-and in December, 1.340. It ~11”
been growing npidly since, and ig‘ now
supposed to weigh 1,400 pounds. Its breed
in a croai oi the Loicuter and Sufl'o)k. with
n slight Emu of the Bath-hire. This mon-
Itor pig in logo to be kivllled. ‘ t
gflenenl Sickiea. it is repor'ted. is to
has mmhd‘ohho Washington entrench
menu. ' .
- -
' The Reign of Shoddz/.—Conuption seems
to be the order nf'tmn‘y in “loyal" circlés
everywhem. Who] e robberies of the
nuhlio treasury are committed by high and
1 5.1.. la‘in open Gav. who are screened
lr'um pumshunnnt Abahian Imam. astu
ming tnhe “lovnl” palrmm'md tn_e"snhh«r's
fx‘lemh.” steal thousmrh, {:nrl an nnt. nn'y
mfé, hu' ar3- Imnorml. And pin-p.“ who
dr‘nnulma and exp-lie thyme rnrrupl-nnht:
arenticmntispd as “Copperheada’! unrl “rthl
sympathize-i 5.” 'l‘owvring and mugmfil-Hlt
edifices aye being .erected everywhere
throughout the country ; custly and gnudy
appuqvl (hunt: along our strpets on the
persons of tho~e who but. a sho’rt time mm
were bankru'bt—nlmm‘t. in indigent. vircum
stances. Una-countable fortune-a have been
mmle in a vorysfhnrt. space of time—and
how? Not by ho eat. and persgvering in
dustry and frugnfily: but how havewhay
been ma'de? They have been made out of
the public moneys by rats nnrl parasites,
who nre distinguished Tor their "loyal”
Abolitionism. and who, re vardleas of the
sufferings of n tax-riddeh unfover-burdencd
peopln. are content with thedll-gotton gains
they have so infznnnusly accumulated. If
the country is 10 be snvnd, and the govern
ment is to oxl4. n! it was established. and
as {t exizted until the hxauuumtion of the
prqs‘ent Abqlilion dynmtv. th? next Presi
dential election must detérmme it.
un’u‘infl .lccrlunlc —Squira C —, in his
old age. look ln‘hvmic-lf a ynnng and enter
prising Wile, who immv'liutely after being
installed mi mimes: of tho household. 5m
herself i 0 accnmpliah the llc-rr‘uloan. m 4:
of “pulfing thing-v to rights]; Uld C———-
was ahaeut during the booming procos-I. and
on his return. jmlgmof his dismay upon
discovering Hun ,lns lovolv reformer had
armed from the wall all his "book uccoums"
where they had born cipher-Dd in chin”: for
years pan. ' Her pride at. ht-r great achieve
men} was le'relora srvmmvhat dampened
by his exchnmlinn that she had ruined
him'. for those more hm rhargosugifinsb his
cuflomers. She encouraged. him, howgver,
to re commit them :0 ’tho wally-341cm
memory. aAfter lllh’ long and laborious flask
Nani completed, egiihiully wiflv‘reut sinis
fnclinn m hiuN-ll'. >llB voyturevl timidfij' to
ask him if he had the!“ all down? llére
pliml vé-ry ainwly and ‘delihprnlelv: “1
don't thiiyk I have llu-m uito all; but’
.lh-hn I think' {have them (against. better
folks.” , .
v - 3- u «no» _—T—~
"urefnr (”arm—A cmrespnnilont writing
frnm ()nio. who has sum-red much frnin
corn‘. sentlu us thP following, which hP‘re
gnrds us nn ‘infullihlo cur». h-nging tried it
himsoll'wuh complete sum-9557; Pare the
gamma clme a~ you can, they; get. a thin
pit-c 9 ol' indis-ruhlu-r cloth, abeut the 20th
0! an inch thick, (the pure inflm-ruhber la
”min-st, but that mmlu of coldm Will «lo,)
and wlwre tln> corn is or: mac-:ol the tops:
make a stall of it, or Mir-re if is on unntlmr
part of the loot. sew it on the insideof the
st‘ocknie and larga enough to viii/er tho-corn
wpll., By continuing the application from
ltlur to six Weeks. and paring the corn as
the calluua skin loosens, the.®rn Will dis
appear. Thp npphcnlinn of the rublger will
give imnrmlinte relief to thy pain.’ The
pr‘lpriple of the cute in to 85.5384: nature in
restormg the skin to its natural condition
agnn. ‘
(Hilly/12f Karin—Stine! (lippeil in juice of
the nettle becnlues flexible. linudippod
in nettlejuice. put. upho-the' nnitril. has
been knogyn/ to stay the blvmhnp of the
no>e Wjjfn other wmedxos have tailed ; and
fourtéen or filteen of the seed ground into
pm'nh-I- and takvn daily. wilrl cure the
swelling 1n the m-vk known by thanume
of guitre, without. 11': any Wuy mjuring the
géneral habit;
. Anilfpillgmir i 7. [mliam I.—-A fearful epidem~
ic isprevailing in Corydon, Harrison count‘y,
lud. Dal-leg the pan ivoek about. fifteen
died of it. The victims attacked survive
from one to three day». It prevails to some
éxtent in the country outside of Corydon.
The disease appear; to take the form ofa
sudden congestion of some of the vital or
gans—:fimst commonlybf the brain Ind api-
Iml column, or of the stomach and lungs.—
After the congestive period islpnst, there is
an ’infiamnmmry,fever, or fever’of typhoid
character, followed by violent _contortions,
h yenkening pulse and a comatose state,
Whlhh in most cases results in death.
I} A“‘-—'-“..“‘T—
iifalfhe Massachh'set‘u h‘dthorilies are
making those sufler who go into that State
to get men to come into Bew Hampshire to
en’list. Edward A. Wallston was recently
arrested for this offence and hold in $2OO.
--X. 11. Mirror.
Yet. Massachusetts has hosts 6f met? from
other States in her regiments, and is ran
sacking all ofGod's earth to find nogroes
to fill her quota with ! Tlfousands of sable
recruits have been-takef frpm this State
wilhip the past year By Massachusetts
agenté. ‘ ‘
A “Gapperhead” Pawn—Rev. Mr. Shine'
a chaplnfin‘of the House of Rapresentatives
in {he loim Legislature. on the opening of}
_the recent sessmn. prayed thus: “Bless ;
Thou the youn’g and growing §ute of lowa, 2
her Senators and Represen tutives. the Gov- (
'pmor and State officers! GIVE us I sound ,
durenoy. pure water ind undefiled religion '
—for Christ's sake. nme‘n.” ' '
3 . Bioclmde Running.--It‘is s'aid that, all the
blockade tunnels hnfi Ymkee'pilotsA-
There is néthing surprising i_n thin The
'gargoes were fulnished by Abolition ofiice
holdeis, and now that the South in develop
ing her home rgsources and holding out
great. indqcemeqta to. meclmnica, there *-
much reuian to fear, that the Yankees will
go‘ down there and start histories and all
that non of thing. and to ensure the mecca,
of the Confeglcmy.-—Age.
Claimfor Properly Datroy'ed by (hi Military.
...,Thg, committee also settled an important.
questinn respecting olsiflu of individuals
whose property, has been destroyed in the
border States., The committee. in their
report. hold that. it is inexpedien! to appro
priate public money for thé payment. of
such claims, believing tlntrit would but
open thq door fnr Inglilation u n avast
number hf mmiiar demands. ”uretha- em
bnrrm the Government.-—« World.
. All Fraud—A fellow who was urn-outed
'for counterfeiting Becretnry Chue’l chin
, platen, told the judge that he “mutt the
I who]. thing uni. d—n fund. and co iden
odlthu ho Md u gobd a right :3 anybody
olu to‘lwu. min: in the pie.
w. \\
l The Future.-—Wben the mné- ‘or, (he
‘ pruentfidministmtiori shall have KPncliHl
i a climax. and the delusion which hk- veil
led and defended them shall have phased
;aiv‘:l_v. the people will turn to .tho Demo
l cratic party for aid. and trust toils consent”:
l ntive hnslsvthe‘ defence of civil liberty alrdx
personal rights. i .
'3 Nothing hut premature suicide on the
part of the Democracy can prevent such a
a r-ésnlt. That party has only to Adhere to
lits time honored principler. maintain its'
: traditional devotion to its country. and be
‘ prepared to receive power‘ und- 8 betrayed
land deluded people will in due time com-
I mil. to it the destiny of the nation.“ Let,
, the Democracv have faith in the future, be
llieve in its destiny. confide in the gobd
L sense of the American people. and hide its
. time. It. must hove the patience and the
l self-reliance to wait‘for events. And it will
i not have to wait long, for they travel fun
i in revolutionary limes.-- il'cs/ioturi'lou Ru
pulw'tcuzl. 3
Thé" Guwrmncm J Candédzue for the Prui-
rlenqp—The Abolition organs have all along
contended that. Air. Lincoln {.c gho Admin
iatratinn and that the Administration is
the Government. and now that they Inn-e
united in presenting him as n c'mulidutc for
the next. Presidency of the United State».
vw prénume they will not. unriermke to dény
that 75c (r'nvmiment i: (In Candululc. Tin-i,
according: m Aholifinn logic. is self-evident.
in would be an awful catastrophe if 1h;
; (.‘nvcrnment wwc to take 1f severe cough,
‘ lrronk one of its legs, o'r sickcu and die.—
‘ In Umt cine, Gmmmgut': widow wnuhL b 1?»
' mos! “16ny to administnr upon the Gourm-
1 WWW: estate, and the Govflkmznl'l hon Bob
/ would be the Agent. for tho! sullemont'of
‘ all nutsmmlinmcluims against the (leaned
Govurmncnta—JlJ" Union.
JVcw York. Fab. B.—A \Vnshinzwn‘fip'ecial
. tn the World pay: that Gnneml Halleck will
renign when General Grant. is confirmed as
Lieutenant. General. Importnnt how’s i!
anticipated in udny or two from certain
military quarteranot proper to be mention
ed at this time~ A lormidabloEnti-Lincéln
movement has been organized in thin cur,-
the first meeting of whirl] “a: hold lint
'Saturduy night. Io\i: ‘called the “Um-on
diliona} Union Part) ”. The meeting was
mldrozsed by Greely, who said he desired
the election of an abolition President.—
There could be no wace without entire
‘ abolition. The rebel armies an ’min'or
bonsidemtions in the question. The Gov-
I eminent muet. be abolitionized. that dotfe,
pence would imnlediately follow.
Tim Wur Ct!!s.—-'l‘here’ia‘ some difi'prenne
of opinion as to the aggregglta of the cult-l
for tFoops. but the fan! of the calls is car
reclly set down as (allows, year and date
Imin: given: , * -
Ayn-1116. 1961, _
May 4, 1861. .:
Fr'nm Julv to December; 1861,
July 1, 1802.
August 4. 1862.
Draft. summer of 19!};3,
February I, 186},
This is the aggregate of the calls for men
in the army nh‘mé. while the mu‘nl service
foot; up 34,000 men.
An lei: Railroad dega—The Gfilena and
Chicago Union Railroad Company have
taken advantage ol the unusually firm condi
tion of the ice on the )lissigi‘ippi Rivgr. by
converting it. into a railroad bridge. At.
Clinton they laid a track ucfnss from the
island to the lowa uhnrem dlitancc of thrae
fourths of: mile. some two weeks ago, and
have crossed freight cam every day since
the truck was laid. On Saturday lut up
wards of 100 cars-loaded kith cattle were
crossed. and thpir regular freight truim
have passed over with M much regularity
and suweu u if thin were a- germnent
structure. ‘
Blankding [lanes in Wham—This is often
wrongly done. When the horse becomes
heated by hard llibor' and long hauling,
the blanket; is thrown on his back at. once,
the vapor steam: up from his hot sides,
becomes condensed and wet: the blsnket.
and u the horse continues to cool. the cold
and wet. covering is of little use. ~ A better
Tray is to allow the amimal on stand uncov~
ere‘l for afgw milnn‘res. (a longer or shorter
perlod, according to dreams-Lancet) until
cooled‘down to about the ordinaryftmnpara.~
ture,but not. in my degree towards chilli~
nose; rhea throw on the dry blanket. ’
“4 _, 7 ~77 ~-—n «o».—'—»~ ~~
Z Tle emu Tmilor Dgfilurd.—anhfin Wade
mid,in his plac’e in the United States Sen:
Mg. that the man who “ quotes the ConstL
Lution m this crisis is n. Traitor." , Daniel
Webpter said : . . - '
“ The ’Anuilulc'on (J the United Saw 1’: a
written instrument, a "awful FUN DA) N
'I‘AL LAW :itis Mr 60ml, the ONLY 13 D
0.“ TILE UMUX of the Bmm ,~ a .2: aux/m
gum u: national character." 5
Lone: by the Glnfellerate Raid I'll Penny!-
mining—A tubular statement. of chi dnmggn
allowed shows that. during the ‘Sguart mid
of 1861 mm Pennsylvania.'there w re cup~
tured bv the enemy 6961101105. 11-Piallprs,
$1,798.83 worgh of sacldles.3B99.T-L worlh‘bf
grain; wlnlo there were 36.411 48 worth of
Eropel‘ly and merchandlze of ditfenent
ind: carried "my or destros'ed. The
grand xggravate amount. of damages in this
report Is $118,871.76. ‘
.‘ wThe Wuhingmn correspondent 0f
the World say. it ll not. true that. Gen.
Thomas is to supers‘ede Gen. Meade in
command of the Army of (he Pompano.—
Tb’u lame chluge in to be made is believed,
and we has heard Gen. W. F.Bmith’n
name mentioned {a a prohfie successor.
alt is reported that General Hancock
is soon to be placedin command ‘of the im
portant miliury department non‘ goyemod
by Butler. v ‘ ‘
36-h: eerttin places in Indiana-so many
young men have enlisted that it is almost
impouible to get. work done upon the farms.
Many l‘nrge {tum no without a Jingle huld
to culmue them.
fi-‘Three men went. into two of the boil
ers of the Ravine Goal Com may. at Pin.-
mu, PL.’to clam; them. W§ilo they wen
in spam on accidentally a mod the hat
3“” into the boiler and scplgiod than: to
cnlh. «‘ x
”A bill has passed the low: Legisla
ture prohibiting the imigntion 9: he;
negrou into that State. . ‘
“'ll. in better to be laughed a. form».
being untried, thun to b. umbi- to. [nab
because you "I. A
THE "SOLDM'I mann- ARD m
commas. ~/
Last week two regain”: o! zeta-ran sol
diers (the 7th and th Penn. Cavalry.) ar
rin-d at llarriuhurg. Having ro-enlisted
for three yearn mort'. they were granted e
furlough of thirty dny‘a. Ind ordered to our
rout of Government toreeeivo their pay;
I’beirjourney had been 3 long and tedioun
one, und the otloere Ind mm were olluou
exhumed ‘far the want of food and not;
but they bore up like true vets-rum. feel'
rure‘flnt on their nrriv-l lit the homer:
Gov. Curtinu the “eoldier'n friend." they
would receive plenty meet and comforts
hle quarters to rest, in: They expected,
poor follows, a worm reception from those
in authority whose duty it was to provide
for their comfort. eßut. the Veteran. ware
disappointed. . 0n nrrivingmt Hu‘rriabur ,
cold, tired. bun . and nmnv ol' than ting,
neither the umight": friend” or any body
el-e mitithem or miniutered to their‘vnnte.
They marched into lownthondr'd by band:
of muaio. and finally haltecfnlmofl in the
mhmlow hr the Executive Chung-r, but. atill
no‘ one in authority recognized hem. Fi
nally the brave bnynbecnme impatient. and
commenced toclanrnr tnir"Curtm. quarters,
nntlvnclunls." Atlmtthd“snidirr’ufriensl”
uvns mused from his nmrbid'drowuifien,
Ind he sent. one of hit numerous and m-ll
t'ml Aids to‘ thr- Colnneln of the regimen“
with instructions to march the men to
Camp Curtin! The nrder was given. and.
”the weary and sum footed soldier. mnrcb
l toqaid ou'mp. The Cumfi was in n dread
?‘til condition—filthy. cold, and mud u to
.th lint-M. A few old shanties 'h’alf-fified
ikwatet. and with no straw, were the
1: era" the soldiers ware introduced to.
‘0 tier they at..once rebelled -, no won
‘ cursed the “soldier’s .friend” and
it ority ;v no wonder they put. their
t dinner». and returned to tofin
V (g mmetliiug f 0 eat from the
under that. rather than ,in
-1 iii of Cnmp Curtin (camp
1 be u. better name.) they
:- ry; bodies and uehing
. I the pavements of [inr
eps ot‘ th’é‘ Executive
l T
_ l
“r ‘
I .
l k.
‘t l
‘ l
l I
\ .l
'l x
‘ t
0. 20.
No‘ wol
der Mir)
all in mm
oflicerw M
pellme”. to‘
léilizens; no
hale the mius\
mud hole, woull
rested their We:
hones’ all night upn
ljsburg upd o'h the
Department. I
How different wonh
cepu‘on 'ol‘ mesa th’reo ,
an dentiou bém [um/mg" 1" TX
igxpuden‘vg promnled_ Jun;
Mu; “huldier'a h'jend.” wul
them. in company; why his in:
depot. mud welcmned ‘lll’fln
spévfllfilled with falspme flu
\éould have reminded‘them of th:
feclmu he felt for tile"). and win
words-convinced th m that. he w:
to ho comidered their very anxious ..
How long tables would have gromed\
dn-r the weight orgnod things'wt before x
aoldiers. How he wquld hive auras-q
and hugged them, and taken a “emile‘!
with them as pften us they de-ired. Cun
fnrmble qunrtera, too, tilledwith um; and.
blankets. would hwe xbaen: provided .for
them : and finally he wouklliave w’hiepof
ed in their can that he was the ma “ml
(l|er friend.” and a candidate for re-elec
tion? This would have been Curtin's con
duct. We any. had his reelection been
pending. But the election is over. and
Curtin neglects n’ven his plain duty tow-rd
our braves. Ho cures no more for the sol
diers—now that the election is ovqr—than
he would for so many dogs. and his late ~
Aconduct is as di4gracel'ul us it. is cold and
‘ heartless. A beauty. inderd, to unto him
self‘ the “soldier’s friend i” _ He is their
friend when he want:‘ theirhupport. but
as heurtlesa as I lizard when'no vote: no
wanted. p'l‘lie “soldier's friend," indeed!
'Buhl « \ _ ‘64:;
‘ The had treatment of the soldiers
'muda known to members of thewll'rlgielnture.
when Mr. Rex. (Democrat, from Mnntgonh
upry‘) offered it resolution in the HOUSE, to
the: effect that, the military authorities
lshe‘uld make uvrnngements suitable to the
proper a ommodutionof the soldiers during
lthelr stay ‘in the city. "and thereby viipe
out! tho d sgrnco to our soldiers which the
'neglectt duso had imposéil upon chain." |
.'l"hi‘.~; Wu more than Abolition “loyalty"-
could stand; so Mr. Smithfi‘of Chester,
fmovml to strike out all of the resolution;
:afler the word pity. Mr. Smith. by his,‘
emotion, held that such trentment'ot'onr '
'solrliers wzvz no disgrace at nll. .
75. 000
64, 748
500, 000
301). Qrun,
3000 ON)
sm). 000
Mr. B. F.‘ Meyers, of Berlforj, however.
pluped the whole subject. in its proper
position, by offering the following aubuic
tutu: '
‘2, 059, 748
[cm/red. That. a cnmmitlse of three mem
bofis of this House be appointed to inquire
into the condition of Camp Curtin. and also;
what. arrangements huVu been mnde by the‘
nuuholitiea -for lhu reception nf the volun;
teqrs returning from the War, and (a report
the same in‘ this liouqo. ‘ :4
The Abolition nienibers Iquirmed 'nn‘d
wriggled like eeisunder the process of Ikin-‘
ning. Finally must ot‘them very reluctant
ly voted for the 'rwnlution. and other:
’ “dodged,"‘nnd did not voip at all. ‘The
resplution mug adopted. ‘
’ 'l‘he llurrinlturg 7l'lr'grllpk. the pensioned
.aéubin orkun of the State and Nntionul‘
administrations, notwithstnnding it in evbr
ready to excu-ie all kind. at? villuiny; iii in
party, was n‘larmed at the conduct of those
in authority, and pretended to chide them
severely for it. It was very indignant.»
however, that Mr. RM: and the Democrltn
offlie Hoqse should think and feel for the
(soldiers. nnd after‘bllictyuurdmg them round-
I ly, the Trlzyraph sln‘ya: . .
gig-hive would mt, wlim duty it is to"
radio the comfort, the subsistence and the
shelter of the returning veterans? We
‘ cannot close our eyes tathe'fact, thatythere
are Mafor Generaln, Stafl' otfioen,-Cnptains.
Lieutenant: and every grade of officinis ntv'
this post to attend to "military ntYuin.f’-
And yet, when a regiment ofveternns arrive
at Harrisburg. either during (by-hm or
duh—in sunshine or rain. it is no I)”.
business to give tltem- quarters—nobody'o
lmainess to 13! hem ratiOm—nobody'l
Liraiuees to pnit n 04f. "Flip men Ire lon
toili’e down in th mud—they'ere forced to
I reprise o}: the [taped thecapitol or e cellu
; door. in one irntnnco. while these vetennt
were huddled together in the ‘loldialt’e
retreat, they were driven out on the‘ Iritton
order of aaMnjwr Geneml. at the pointol
the Provost Mnrahni'e bayopeu. The“
are facts. We unnot close oureyes totbom ;
mid it is time this: the Government who
hold of these neglects, if we expect men to
, petril their lives in its defence. . Somebody
i is In blame. 21nd we demand that somebody
the exposed. If tin not the brains}: of tho
«inhumernbleroflilm atithtl post to attengl
Fto‘the want- of the soldierl—to s‘ee tlut they
fare quartered. qdbsieted, paid. £13.. their the .-
iofiiceni in question axe a set or idlers. con‘:
,swming thersubstunce of the people without.
in fair returtjin service. and they should all
Ibe expelled iruzn the employment of the.
-Government forthwith.” ‘
‘ .—————vo - o—9—
‘What (My Premier! Mo Paoplb—Rlllml
rnn u Got. 0011'!!! u u-zuonn um mu“
mam. ruonnuunwnn n “flours-o u'
ngonABLa,AND rmncgoun xx A w lon-n.
-—§omenet Hadld and Whim'Oct. 7;" 1863.
'75: Nm Goopel.—Tbou shall In“ “Cot-..'
B. McClellan with all {by hurt, And will: :
all thy soul and With all thy mud. Think ,
the first and great. commandment, and tho-1‘
mend it like unto h. ,
’ Thou Ihalt hate all Democmfn, -
"Upon thew commandments hang In NI.
autumn and all tbq profi‘
3;“ line” a woman prof." “IQ m
dincer in throw; M. twonty-two, sh. 595..
filter; at flu y, the riohent mm,
”Fume" of Indians. from the 5:7.-
ttul pompn of the State, say the peach tr“
have been killed by the Huang 9914
"Ilhflf: .1
,‘lggnnity, induood figexpomn. ii
prevnlem in the Was-him mien. 'l‘m'
ty-fivo inuno ”Idler! won mu :4: M. i
gem-ion 44:. 41,360. , ‘ '
[From tbrOitriNtle Vdentimorl
hnve b'een the #9.
mn’ veteran; Ital
en Cummwhoao
\to cull himseu'
~{ld have met
v mtg»: the
‘uune. in a
tery. 119
grain af
- 3S3P