The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 08, 1864, Image 4
if? Froni “:0 Adam Sentinel. Th. 30le Dad. _ n gypsy-s to be ; consider-ibis (ul na; ntoudvGonylburg, thu l place um for the burinl of the Confedm d who are now lurid premium or film battlefield, or ’m the vicin: _ K/ hf) {scent ”s‘” h" '“hd “1° 1:. Corner Tenth Ind Chunut Stratu, where they ure buried and the bones . : "mmom‘l’m‘v . ‘ . ' . uxbn fun lawn“! or posed; bwdes winch,” I abort L. FAIRBANKS,A. 31., ‘ e 1.9:! will be put under cultivation, f 9! .1110 In: lour yen" Princigul Ind chief ha mice of ma. Inst,tea(ing-phce ..m . Eggfgmggff 3m" * “mm . Cw . Eamon hummity would diam-{C A MUDEL Bvsmsss.couzos, ’ - ’ onducbed on 5 new uyuem ofAcmnl 3mm." ”'1 to 'O2” 81’0" "0" m or ’lhont our ITnininrz. throqgh the establishing: of legiu. mom! cemetery, but the pflohlKl mute Office: And Counting-Houses, represent and somewhero when their South~ ' in; ammo: dqmnuuuu of Trade and Com . - ' , , , ‘id‘fmcm, lnd I regulnr Bunk of Deposit. Ind l|-‘ my. Mhen ‘thn tebelhon; llm, giving [he undem an the Adpn ea .1 - _ :clunl practice and qualifying hi in 'the ,_lnd all ll peace, nuke their P" ! ihonut possibl’o tune and mos! elf we man 0, here. .0!!! Sta“ shun-h not; nerfor lb; _varlous dusiu and em ymeuu of e uni“ in; it in not .Au; t‘ o‘9l} it]. we 3‘ timtt um! 11‘ be In 1 . m} on ‘ ot gt em 1, crusb MI pike e wine, nor could itbe expeb (ad ; lit-if the Southernea would exprou ¥ Inch 4min, and would carry it to com. ‘pletib , Ive mud say—let it be done, for: ghe'n oof our common humanity. The ‘lloutil' yof the_dead bu ceased ; nud let « them ‘ in u lpqt where u fitfier, a mother, ‘ or broth", can visit the}; In: reaf cc, E‘lhed this cruel war in over." EC l'i‘he last cold weather clued I In!- - ofoperutioon in disinterring the |uldiep,enfi removihg them to'the ti" Cemetery; but we learn it he it" med, .nd the dork, it is thought, : finished in a few weeks. A place :4; net apart in the Cemetery for the I. of the regular army, who fell in Vie. This interesting npot wilVfor , known as the burial ground of the |of Gettynburg. ‘lmge numbers of 311 still visit the battle field. wen-h ,de'zd‘ ' mic-.1 :bee'n' ‘ gill b:‘ all! b ; noldie the INA ever -f bugle l 1:13322 on YOUR DannrsS-Mnny fiersons [rbtliu ignorant of the law— requiring‘ or Inna, made within the State, to l-rded within six fionum, or'me'y will lured void n'gaiust subsequent pur ‘ or mortgage for value. Ignorance Paw excuseth no mun, and therefore v of property would do well to notice !; uirementu of the preaent statute. ,ue do deeds be re he dc e chuo T s gf-the owne ~thé_ r- The sewn of Lent will begin on the Feliruary, and continhe for seven ' The Very Row Dr. Cosk'ei-‘y. ad -1"" of the uroh-diocese‘ of Balti lhu issued the usual rggulnlions to i: ‘ved during that season. - -I I= my ‘ more, ‘be .q- ‘ Axe-run. Tummy IN NEW YORK.— ‘l4 Set r blwt Dead —A shocking [nu-r -,{ier wl-A genrpglraficd on fine sidewalk in 7 {root 2352 Grand auger, Nat York. about » noon" Wednesday. | film circumstances in} the Hair Ire than-thexfour years ago A the vi e 0! Robert C. Ifinés left her bus ,blnd nd took up her abode with William H.\V ll'mnnfi: w'ell known bill poster. Ac oordin to the taatlmuny of Mrs. Hnjnes, her I: bnnd has 'frequently visited Wil fliam' raidence and partnken of his hospi ;taljt_v. It. appears, however, that latterly Hlin hassolicitod his‘wile to return to him]. . t without success, and recently he tu'nn ounoed his ‘determinntion‘to uhoon Willi; , Accordingly llninee met lWil- Jinn-j Grind street, in front of the latter'a ,relide co on Wednesday, end after some _‘ oonve ion.end as Williams was walking :[gioyer [the Bowery, fired two shots from a ' moi, hath of which lodged in William’s > EM, Inning almoat instant delth. Haines than 9 tered the house and attempted to nhootjbia Wife, bu! she struck up his weep. .00 no escaped. Ha'mea, who is an English mln, *u immedrnlely arrested, “and nfler 42w inventigafion by the coroner Ins oom miuedato the ‘Tombs to await‘the action of ~ .1119 grind jury. It is stashed :hat for some .gime t prisoner has been nearly demented, that h 00qu not brook his wrongs, and ghee th faithfessneés of his wife so prayed japan; 3 mind that for a longtime he medi- Mted siieide, a'nd wan on Wednesday morn .ing ‘d to any that he oould bear it no longer. and than. either himeelf or Williams plus! dc. ' " acne or THE PAST. I j‘ho proceedings of the United Sum 3851:!“ of Thursday week had ‘ o'ne'sl though a back 19 the days when speech mun ' 1: free; ' . _ Mr. ohnson. ofiMaryisnd, controverted .th'o op ions of It. Foster. on the impro-v} pricey Senna" denouncing the acts of the eculive, sufficient. for is impeach-l mam. rior toniningm judge. in a. high* mun :- chafirurpose. The‘result. wouh‘l bofiha we co 4. neither speak nor write, inside :- outaidp of. the Senate Chamber. t aninst‘him, ov’ah though we believed the, Executfi'e was endeavoring Lo overthrow-i theCo stilption itsdf. He thought. it. the ' .duty 035011111 e to keep am "qr-watchful f ml“ n all dopartgnonts of‘tho Govern-i mcnt. t a“ the apirit of liberty might. ever. be kip diva. . 4 Mr. outer. while he agreid in many ro-: ism 'fih mbc Sunni- of Maryland. tho’t; um. t o preplistiel of dob-lo here hadl 4m. 1 'u. m pauage of m mom-i float If! umgu the Pmoident here as! nude one. wishout. his pmscnce or _Md Shieilutiuwd Congress. Ho would which t_o sit as a Judge without {be cc of the accused. Mr, ward expressed his'd'xssant frbm m of Mr. Fesseuden. He never could nceive ii, his duty as a S nutor to. ‘9!!! u In the peoyle. under any concein ,b’io cindumstauces, to rise in insurrection. Wheh"nny Senator risen in his um: here: and invoke: the peopio to insurrectionaryi matures. he is acting contrary to his oath. Mi. Feaaenden, of Maine, asked what fun 10%: done if the Executive were try ”is ‘0 «k up the Government? Mia-t. are thin” the Constizumipu and the Gov ”!!!wa - ‘ Dir. 380 mm! could not "conceive such 8- 9|”: The freéidont himself would become I 1153:». And would deserve a trnitor’l Qooux He would not. shield tbd Exam -1.“?- 30 hold. it right to ‘xpreu m opin aon qpon 'th every an. Em. when the guest? true- us to the guilt. of the Exec tivo. ,onuun use our own judicial lune tians. ‘ ”Wden—Supme he had a ver 1 hmorumy it his back, wbt woukl we 11?) {bin ,1, .’_‘ . ‘ ‘ sflmrd aid he would be a. tubal. ”#5BO would fight him as sharply isdbo §epssbr from 11mm. 15 :rha'wugxe ulntioi: of the country nemeg a}. W of me Democratic rty ‘iloxi fail. And the ezpplsion of thy gummy; gquqrn‘nw from tho public.- px-ib. -.To apcginplhfi this, the 130112;}.ng “-1059 gt" ’W'w“ must unita rm: the Ruby-w- a hayot Managua! R 94 rubliqm gimme 'gllid duhonenny.—-}brt 11'3“}??? 1735!.- , 4 ~- 4 @Ezic’rai. .r , .75) 4 . • busineu life. , Tho Course oHnw-uctloh in the Theorctiqnl Department. embraces Book-keeping, Comm»:- ciul Calculations, Lecture: on Bulmelu Aflair', Primnmbip. Cammerciul Law, Forms, (Luna‘- pondeuce, kc. ‘ In the the Itndent enters upon the Grudunting‘Conne,‘ which include: I continuance, in the above studies. with their practicnl nppiicatlon in I“ their details. He will in turn fill the poaitionfi of Accountant Ind Proprietor in the vnrious‘ Depertmenu of Wholeanle Ind Retail Trade, Forwarding, Jobbing and Commiuion Busi-i neu, Banking, Manufnczut'ing, Mining, Steam busting, to, and finnlly will let u Cuhler, Book-Jteeper Ind Teller in the Bank, in each: of which position: hil preeloua knowledge! will be‘pnt to the fullest practical test. \ l Thin lnltitntlon chars to young men BENIN“! 011 l advantages not possessed by~nny other: commercinl college in the State. It in cont-I plate in hi it; nppaimmentt 1t is‘the only loatitulion in the Stete conducted on ectunl. business princlpka. The course of lnstruc-' lion in unlurpus‘ed, end my be completed in nhfzut one half the time usually spent in other institutions, in con-eqnonce ol tn entirelr’fipw arrangement, and the adoption of the new ‘prncticul syttetn. Diplomtu nwurded uponwthe completion 6: the Commercial .Course. which embraces all except the higher sets of Banking, .\lntnufnctur ing, Railroading, kc. ‘ Send fur a Circular. Feb. 1, 1864. Exam Portable Pnntmg Ofilces. ' I O ' UR the use of . ) F .\lerchnnls, Drug , . guts, and all business ‘ ‘NN , and prolessionnl mrn -, —‘ 2,! We! who Wish to do their Q'"‘ > .> g“ _uwn priming, neatly l; “i “‘2’ mud cheaply. Adap ‘ / tEd to lhe printing‘of . hnndbills, billlwada, (‘ircul-lh, lubelsv cards nud small newslmpen. Full instructions accomp-myiflg 8M!“ 01130! en— nblnng u. boy ten years old In work them suc cessfully. ‘Circulnra sent free. Specimen «heels of 'l'} pa, Cum, km, 6 cents. Addresn ‘ ADAMS PRESS 00.. , 31 Park Row, )1. Y., and 351.lncaln nlteet, ‘ Boatou, Man. January 25, 1864. 13' , . Grand Jury Report. 0 the Honorable the Judges 0! the Cont-t 1‘ of Quarter Sensious of Adams county. he Grand Jury extending at the rregrnt session, having visited. the Juil and Alme house, respectfully report: ~‘ ' ,Thnt they found the Jail in a good not! ‘c‘lounly condition, but would nay that n n - he! oflhe cells-urt- insecure, ns well its diet]:- try between the cellsL and the wall Mound the yard. We therefore would suggest the plank ing of said cells and entry. and the mphiringof auid wall. We also found the furn’nce very much out oi order, and the cistern—which we 'recommend to the proper olficers to see to. They take pleasure in stating that the Aims honse buildings are well heated and ventila ted, and comfortable in all respects. {with the exception of the second floor in the old huild- , ing or hospitnl. which. in our opinion, ought to be repaired or relaid; and we would further nuggest the paving, with brick, of the walk l from the pnblio road to the front of the main ‘ house, through the front yard. We found thntl the apartments are cleanly the cnmlorts ofthe , invalid: and infirm inmates well provided for, , and the entire Institution manifesting the: good care and kind attention and prudent management of the Steward, Jucob Culpunnd family. ~ ‘ They further express their gratification at! the fact of the comparatively small number of hills brought before them, an indication there by of the condition of public, morality and good order existing in the county. ‘ All of which we respectfully submit. January 19th, A. D., 1864. 1 J. E. SMITHrI-‘oremnn. H. Stock, John Snyder, J Henry Culp. Abrnhem Bile, Daniel Snyder, Adam Kinemund, J John Keagy, Andra" Shula, George Bender, Michael Hoflm'un, Emanuel Smith, William Xeckley, JohnyCournd. . ‘ Bury Bunyan, Pater )Itekhy, Abnham Henson, Jesse P. Topper, Flodefick Bitfinger, Noah smm, John Humilzan. - [Jam g 5. 3: Mummasburg - , UTUAL FIRE PROTECTION SOCIETY. dcaumant of Affairs of the Society for l eyenrlssa. to the 11th day ofhnunry, 1864. Amount of property inauted. $545,334 24 Amount of premium noles,_ 3.5,750 05- Cnb in hands of Trens'r at] staeulnmenl. 109 13‘ . _ Cash ‘9’ urh‘u’ qur', ‘35 .20 2“ 33 By up spf Company, 135 45 Amount h: Tmnrer'l hands, $lOB 88 Jaunfly 15th, 286 L—Examined arid approv ed by“ WM. 8. HAMILTON, J‘ACOBJ“. LOWER, January 25. Executive Com. Something for Evewbody O BUY AT DR. 3. HOMKR‘S I Date ASD VARIETY STORE.~ wt' opened I fine usortlneut u! ‘ Drugs and Medieiuu. ~ ' Patenglladicinea, ‘~ v Stationery, ' « quyhfy Goods, - Cantu-Jinn. Groceriu. . i Nogionl, ' TOBACCO, SEGARB, ac. . Jun. 18, lb“. WOULD no“ gamma": fufom the pub lic um ho bu commenced rushing 3H OMS. He will nuke than, on the uhuu or u will but nu hio outcome". Person fining Broom Corn will plmecnll. Shapin .\lcComwghy's 8511, on corner of first 800:. [Not a, [863. ' Come, One and All! Hfl lubccribcr. having reamed his 8:. loan in the Nozth‘aul corner of the Dm mond, invites the numion of Mr Mead: and the pnhlie generally, to his excellent ALE, PORTER, BROWN STOUT. WINE, CHAM PAGNE. TOBACCO, SEGARS, kc“ He hopes) by uricc amnion to business such theirs to please, to receive a Imm share of custom. . H. W. CHRISMEB. Gettysburg, Aug. 24, 1863. cf iPUH-E BRANDY. WINEAND WHISKEYD, for-- ‘ mcdtcmul 131'le only “the N" 1123‘ i can of . p Dr'. R. HORNER. ‘ § L. SGHICK hag just‘uuirod s }oz 01. . . than Looking Ghana! 1 OLLDCK'S ”flaw—tho patent Inc' ‘ 1' ben pakingmowdgr in use—u Dr. [l‘ L . mil-INS DrugSmn.’ _ ~' ; v‘ VEROOATSJ OVERCOATSX—‘A “WM“ {0 jun from the oily. ca: ma ammo, cu ‘ BRIXKERBOFP'S, . 5 ) ‘Xgphgut corny o; :9; Diamopd. ' gflmfinmmta. £253 BUSINESS DEPARTMENT John unnemaker, 8. IR. Tipton 50015 33033 AND BootsacShoes! NEW is“ “wanna—l's. “dung... ~ed has jun hid In t In Rock of an but my work, 'Mci he will dllpou at u an 101~ ell will possible. iii: usoruunt cmhnun donhle-noled « . CALIF-SKIN BOOTS for men, f 2 CAAVALBY BOOTS, .11 kind. or BOOTS FOB BOYS, 5 ‘ ‘ . with I lugs unorunent of SHOES FOR LADIES Illa for CHILPREX., Ha ha melected hll Hock with can. suited as he think: mcgly lo the wunu a! this mrkcl—Lndvuddifionl will constantly be nude u the trndamy require. The good: he oflrn :59 not only well nude, Ind of goal :x-lurinb. hm rhbmi the hunt Myles. Particular Attention I'm qlwlyl b 0 paid to these pointl. ' Remember the plum—YORK STREET, nur ly opposité the Bank. Cull and no to: your belvea. ‘ . The boot Rind shoe-making bluincu in en; tied on u herrtofore. g 7 WILLL\3X SEILLEXN Gruysburg. Dec; 'l, 1861 ' EES Bodt' 8; Shoe NEW , ;. STOKE. HP. undersigned has opened 4 new 800! 8 Shoe Store, on Bnltimore street. Getty:- burg, n few donrs above the Conn-house; and hnsjusz opened a fine nssorlment ofgoodn, viz: BOUTS FOR MEN, , SHOES FOR MEN; , —‘ 3002: (or boys, Shoes for boys ; GU.“ SHOES FOR MEN, ' Gil.“ SHOES FOR BOYS; mth I large lot. emlvrncing every variety, of 811053 FOR LADIES—alum tor CHILDREX. HATS ANDCAPS. ' of all Sort! um! sizes. with Ladiea’ Ind Gen !lenien’a GLUVRS. ludm d, his uiurtment will.“ found full and Ittruclive, and all of his gobdl of the [mat qUlllilyand lucstslfles. ' =1 - He also has onhnnd a. fine varie'yofSl-ZGARS, SMOKING 'AND CHEWING TUBACCUS, 4m. Determined not. to be undersold, be ofi'ers goods at lhe lovaesl. profits the times will ul —luw. Call and see before buying elsewhere. JUUN L. IIOLTZWtLBTH. ‘Dec. 14,)863.’ ‘ I , . ‘ Row 8: Woods, (Successor; to m; Mcllheny,) - 03x53 0F YORK 51'. LAND nmuoxn, ‘ GETTYSMURG. PA., have on hand un'd will lellfil the lowest. wicks, BOOTS AND-SHOESJ 1 Cavalry, Water-proof, Kip, French Calf, .\[o— J'occo, and all mher kinds for men and hoys’. LADIES' SHUES. Gaiters, Balmornls, Morocco, Kid, Fine Gulf,‘ and others. ‘ CHILDREN'S SHOES. . A large variety of all sorts and sizes, sold M. old prices. ~ , _ HATS AND CA PS 0f every sizc,~qunlny and style, for mcn, boyfi and children: ~ -. ‘ .\IISSES' HATS. ' A large lot of tho lat-’3: slylei. , FURNISHIXG GOODS. White Shirts. Cussimnre Shins. Flannel Shirts, of all sqles, Collars. Cruvuts, Net-k Ties. Suspenders. l‘ocketlliundkorchiefs, 6m, which willfbe sold cheap. "‘ ' ~ 7 . UNDI‘JR-ll‘iiflk. ~ 4 A superior lot of Uniurshirta of varlona kinds, Drawers, sm. ,- _ EOCKS “mu-y Woolen, Merino,Lamb, Cotton. 61' all kinds—.cheup us ever. 1 , .- GLOVES. Buck, Beaver, Cloth. CleiimEl’e, Kid,%nt~ ton, Tlnwd, of all killdiv—SL‘Hng at. old low prices. . SEGARS. OHha finmt flavor and best mannhclurc, imported and doma-etic. selected th’h cure. - \VALL PAPER For Parlors, Hana, Rooms, Chambers, (Veil: ings, and Boxes. ‘Centru Pieces. Fire-board I'riuts, [Join-1' or, of Vurious kinds. ‘ \\¥:‘§DO\V BLINDS. Window Pnfici, 01l Cloth, kc. Also, fine plain papers of ”Tel-eat qolurs. ‘ TF§VELLING BAGS. ’ Oil Cloth 4n Caxpet, small and large. Together with many other articles, all of which we will sell’at lowésl prices. We start. out with the ol'd, but good motto, “Quick Sales and Small Prufits,”and intend to adhere to it. TERMS CASH. Dec. 7, 1863. :r ‘A Card. , HE subscriber hnving disposed of his "M T and Shoe Store to Messrs. Row A: Woods. resprclfully asks the conummnce of his friends and customers to patronize the new firm. m the‘ old stand. \ . VR. 1". McILHEXY. , [Q‘Thc sqbsrriber Ha: sold his flat and; Shoe Store to Messrs, Role! 8: Woods, wife will; continue the business at the old “and. We a're much obliged for the liberal support. ex-j tended to us, and “e earnestly request. those indebted to n: to cell and make Immediuel payment, no we desire to settle our bulineu! without delay. The books will be found at the mend where the business was done. ? ‘~ ~ ' ‘R. F. McILHENY. ‘ Dec. 7, 1863. § ; ; Clothing. ‘ _ EORGE axon)”; now go: up hi. m: ~ and Whiter stoc Clothing, tha huge» stock in town, consisting oi ;' 1 Our Cops, ‘ - Dress Coats, ‘ . , . Busmeu Coats, ’ - Military Blames and Pants ‘ Pam-loom, Vesu 1111er and Over-Shim. _anerl, Honiery Glam, n.. in great tutti}, I“ of which will be 9313 cheap lor cub. Call 3nd see them. ' , Sept. 30, 1863. ,' 1 New. Goods. EORGE } ARXOLD has jun received from I Philadel bu. plul‘gO'slock of CLOTHS GASSNBRES‘: Over-coatings, Uufluta, Ven inga, l-‘Tlnnnela‘ Muslim, Jung, 89, all of which will be mid cheap for cash. Cnlln‘nd Ice them. Sept. 23, 1863. ; ‘ ; ‘. . For 8:119. _ '. first-me set an)“ CARRIAGE an; xg'sss. Also Mhomnd excellent. CHES ‘UT. HINGLES. Inquire u the Common omcm _ [Dec. 7. Sheads .8: Buehlei‘, BALI-IRS IN I - COAL AND LUMBER, V 12' 8 , , 2 ‘ , TIN-WARE, HOLLOWJVABE, l 0 ‘ SHUTTERS. BLINDS, 8A8", ETC, . Corner of Guns]. And Railrold Sweets, oppo aiu mum»: Depot, GETTYBBURG, PA, Sept. 28,1863. u‘ New Bakery! * EWPORT & ZIEGLER, “whales! Bak ¢r|,3omh Washington strut. halt uquurc from the Eula Howl, GETFYSBURG.:P..— Constant): on hand, thu’ but at BREAD. GRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS. is. P». lons wiubing fresh Brad will be served "or, morning, by leamng their names nd mideficu a: we Baku-3', Eva!) eflon aide to plus. Givom shall! [April 30, '63. tf Wanted, A GOOD FAR)! it; Adm: county, forvhlcb 1 will exchange on or more Fun“ of choice land in lowa, und pay the difl‘uranu. flow 9, 18133. GEO. ARNOLD. Hay! Hay! RILIP HANS. at Omaha Slnlion, pnyl OXFORD PRICES for Buy. Nor.‘ 9,1603.- * - AGO, Arrow Rang, Corn Surch, Web-float Ind Gelatin, {9|- ulu n DI. HQRXEB‘S Drpg more. > . | mm uaovxu SPIES,IoIeeud 'nd ground expresliy foy‘Dr; ROBERT HOE .R'S New Drug Store; ' LOT b“ . edited in t “0‘ NEWS Dru-1 mm DROPS, Mich-(($61 :1. marker, [.O 99 In}; 9!. I‘ tore. SHOES . . Pic . can? ins ' ‘ , cwramo mas T':n<§‘o2’l's“i§'nwn§;€s§lsons, rm: cons Afißquuu cons, 10”?“ cons AN’I'DO‘IéASSWIRB cons 1. #00: cows Axi‘é'immxss con-s, g dfi! cons‘ugofmiuu COATS, ;suxni\'i\cous Aglivznvun cons, 4 i .you ; WAR! COATS AND WINTER COATS, GOOD COATS AND CHEAP COATS. been" he nelll chupu thin Inybody elu “'6O to PXGKING‘S CLOTHING STORE, 3 “among srasn, cmn'sanac, ' ‘- 1 {orym- ‘ CLOTH PANTS AND CASSHIERE PANTS, ‘ ‘ for your. ' Influx mxrs AND “Guano mxrs, for your FIKE PANTS AND COABSE PANTS. 3 _ or your. _ . n _ FITTING tux-rs up FANCY PANTS, STORE 10001) PANTS A‘Nb CHEAP PANTS, because 'hil pl'lfel a‘re than n little lower 4 in the hemplue “if?" , CLOTH VFQ‘TS AND CASS] RE VESTS, ' , to gel 1 SILK VESTS AND SATIN VESTS, I ‘- to get PL‘AIN VEST?!» AND FANCY VESTS, 5 to get. ‘,. “HUI.“ VESTS AND CHEAP VESTS. » to gel. BXRAIGHT VESTS AND ROLLING vasrs, to get. LIGHT VESTS AtxDJiEAVY VESTS, .. Vloggt. ‘7”7 scouts: vssmasp cum» Vests, _ ‘ .té get i ‘ ~ MILITARY VESTS and 11l kinds 6! Yes“. cheaper lhnn any olher store ln the counlys GO TO PICKING’S : Elf you want up ‘ x, ton } ACCORDION , Valuer, ' l ' Go to Picking» Truukc, ‘ ‘1! you want a (.‘urpel Bagl. i POCKET KNIFE Traveling Bugs, 9 Go to Pickingfl Wnlking Canon. in' 505 Want a 1 Umbrellas, | SILVER THIMBLE Gem. Slmwh, ‘ Go to Picking. (Ilothes'Brnihu, ’lf you want 3 HM Brushm, ‘ FINE SEGAR Tboih Brushes, . 5 Go to Pick it}: mucking Brushes“ ‘ filf‘you want. 5i Boot Him-king, SSHUKXNG TUBfiN'Q Buckskin (llovea, \‘ Go to l'ickmgi} Cassimerc Gloves, li' yon wan: ' '1 Kid Gloves, CHEWING TOBAW‘O Thread Gloves, , " Go to Picking. , Comforters, 'lfyou wnnt gine Shirts, ’ SL'SPENDERS ,ourse :‘hirts, 1 Go to Picking Qussimere Shirts, Il'ynu want FIL-mnrl Shirts, STEEL PENS Altering Shirts, Go 10 Picking lnmhwool Shirts, ‘. lfj-nu want Knit Shins, ‘ uoon PENCILS Under Shins, Go to Picking. Rlnnnel Drnwe' a, ”you want - Woollen Drawers, SLHIGH BELLS Conny) Drawers, - - (:0 to Picking Neck-lin‘s, M Crawls, Collars, Puller Collars, Gum Shoes, nurmlo Shuwx, (Fulton Suck“, Vl'o'ollen S «In, lilnndkcrkfiiefe, Pooke! ( )mlw, ill-Jilin: (‘Olnllflr Bull'ilo Slim-s, .' Gum Combs, llorn Comb:, [wry Combs, Watch My, M‘iucli Chains, Wain-h Guards, Pockot Ginsu”, Looking Glasses, :Clocks, Spectacles, Razors, Razor Sirops, Shining Snap, Shaving Brusbea, \‘imius, Violin Strings, Violin Hows, ROW 1; wooos Forhi‘lmsxnhousand ‘ , thingsfor sale letcnll- customers at [he km. not be found in Kn)" ‘ . store in the county. est prices. .' @Plcmxu's 1m “nu-“ 1 of x” «qu embr‘ures anything: in Me Clothing Kim: for. Men and Buys. GIVE "U! A CALL» Getusburg, Oct. 26. 1863. , Good Things from the Clty! ‘E are receiving twice a week from (he ‘ city :1 variety of articles suited to the want: of this commuuiiy, viz: Frcash und Sail FISH, Hume. Shoulders Ind Sides, Hominy, Beans, Sqlc, Apples. Pouwrs,omnges, Lemons, Confections, 'l‘obutcos, Segurs, wilh m’nny other articles in this lineé-nll received in "the but order. and sold at the lowest. prams. Give us a call, in Bullimore street, nearly opposite Fahncslocks‘ store. ‘ i WANTED.—Bmter, Eggs, Lam], and all other country produce—for which the highest cash price will be paid. l swam POTATOES—hen quality, at low ul living pmfiu—nlwnys on hand. ‘Also, OYSTERS, fine and fres‘h—ln the shell or shocked. Restaurants and families auppliod. STRICKHUUSER & WISOTZKEY. Geuysbnrg. Kay 18, “$63. RINKERHOFF keeps up wilh the timpuby getting new good: almost every Week.— a spares no effort. tonccommodnte his numer ous gustomers. “ Quick mea‘ um! 8m" profits." in his motto. ‘ Dec. 7. ”63. > ’ - VlSltorfl to Gettysburg, Pa“ ' ILL find dosirnbls Auconrhodnlioha at Ma. NANCY WEIKEKT'S BOARD ING HOUSE. on Ch'nmberaburg street», nan the Englc Hotel, Getlynb'urg, Pa. 1 Dec. 21,1353. 3: ‘ Still at Work. HE undersigned continue: the . , CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, in all its bnnchqsmt his old landfill But fiddle um}. Gettysburg. ~ ' ‘ NEW WORK with to onler, and , REPAI R l N G done promptly and It lowelt prlcu. 'l'vro Kim-nu ‘SNIIXG WAGONS Ind n 8143163 for uh. JACOB TROXELH Deb. 7, 1863. . ‘ . VERY deem-bk PARK. adjoining Nu Borough at Uol!ylbur¢,conmlning ‘5 m ACRES—Bulldlm ma Ln! pod. .fi W!” b. DOM on'nty neon-04mm it. urnn.’ GEO. ARNOLD Gettysburg. Oct. 5. Hal. 3! For Sale 01‘ Exchange. VERY ammbu'umw MILL, with ,g~ A 3! ACRES OF LAND. m Gummy g w'nahip. I will elubun'efor :- Fnrm, ; all pay the dihnuce, If my. ' (:80. ARNOLD. Geuylbnrg. On. 5, 1863. If YEW MARBLE WORKS. Corner of Hula. more Ind East Middle streets, opposite the Court Home. Gettysburg, Pu —\Ve nro prepm‘ed to furnish Monuments, Tombx. [lend tones, Marble Human, Slabs tor Cabinet ‘fifirl, Ind another work nppcruining to our buslunu. Wu will gumutee utisfnction both nto execution and price. Call and tea om dciignl and Ipecimens of work. ~ Feb. 2, 1883. n Moat. , , ANS, SHOULDERS and SIDES, of but qualiu, nud chen‘p, n ‘ Aug. 24. GEO. P. HALBFLEISCH’S.’ ADIES' Cloth i 9: Clot-him. a now apply jun refined a} FABRESTUCK BROS’. I=l for your than anybody else'l. 36- P I C K I N G ’ S ‘9l IF you want a ‘, NEW SUIT - ‘ Ga to Picking ’flvnn want i! ‘ , ‘ GUUU tl’lT ; Go Qu Picking if you want a CUHAH Sl'l'l‘ . (Eu lo l’icklng If _um want _ .UliE.\ P (thO'l‘UES » Go to Picking If_vou want In' BUY CHEAP « I 60 lo Pit-fling ‘lf you want a ." GOUU FIT ' (:0 lo i'wking If you want. any , article in Em Hue ‘ ' Go In Picking V ‘ For he has ”coin-d. nuulher lug; dork ut‘ } *xa“'cooos f which he is sellingJu‘ old ‘customcrs and new Another Car Load. For Sale. Cannon & Adah-’5 l come with a Rush i The on and Rename, 7EB! undmiped would moi; rdpecifllly‘ KW SPRING GOODS. inform ill nun, lriends and we public SMALL PROFITS l QUIGK SALES.—- [nor-Hy, um he bu gone iulo the morning} J : L . SCH l C K billion-mt Simon's old utnndjn lhc Diunond." would mpetfinlly n: to me chi-en; of Get- Gonysbnrgmn. Hi. nook, fllrl‘ndy {film-ill be iyshur’g nnd vltinitiy, um he [I now receiving much onlnrged. to embnce every ilvlg eat u bin Itoren Ipleu id \ CLOTHING, BOOTS. SHOES, HATS, l STOCK 0|" SPRING 0001“. Csps,Trn-ks, Vllicel, Clocks,\rl'nu-liea,.lew-1 The stock cousin. in purl. of Fang! Ind airy. Guns. Pilwls, and. in nhnrt. overyihing Staple DRY GOODS, of envy description. which ought to be round a: u out clmClouiing SILKS. ' cud Vuiely House. I MOZAMBIQUE, ‘ " Pnnicnlnn hereafter. in the mennllmo he . GHALLXES, '. invites everybody to give him a. cull. lle‘infl ”ELAINE“, lends [0 keep [0 perfect a stock in m nccom- l BOMBAZINES, . modnte oil—lnd, with the hope oflnrge links, , ‘ ALPACCAS, he kept]. Lo make a living at. aim-ll proflu. 'So‘ LAWNS, _ trouble to Ihow goods, And every anion. mmle' CALICOES, to satisfy huyen. ’ Yof I'l qnlllllps nod choicest slylu, whirh WI“ ' JACOB BRINKERBOFF. Ibe acid It. PRICES I‘o DEFY COIPETITION. Jun! $5. [863. tf ' l,' l-‘IIRNISHING GOODS ' ' of all kinds, including Silk, Linen and Cotton Unndkerchiefn. Gloves, Stockings, to. Also. I splendid nuortmen! of RIBBONS, Lucas and Edgings. Umbrellas nnd Pnrumls.- . My flock of WHITE GOODS wlli be round full and complete, and customers mny rely upon olwnxl getting good goods at the loweull pussi~ blo prices. 4% v": Gentlemen will find it to their advantage to call and enmiuo my stock of i ' CLUTHS, ' ‘ CASSIMERES and . ’ \‘ESTINGS, ol 11l qualillew and choices! styles. April 21, 1362. .l. L. SCHN‘K.’ - One and All, .\KE NOTICE—The undersigned would T my to the‘pnblicflzu he In recelving I lugs and lpl‘gndid a ck of GROCERIES, which he will u“ u-low In any other house in tour—Coleen, Sugars. Molasses. Syrups, Ten, 8:“, fish, in, wi‘h Potatoen, Beans, nnd Rice ; Wooden Wue, pm. up in the but. man ner ; Tobaccos. chnri, Mn, h. K Humans, um: NOTICE 1..“ yéu wan! ‘ to 11, in your liquor: for harvest, nor in the \ time. ' I have muiy brands of Whukiel, Bran “ dies, Wines. and I" other liquors, which 1 Mn dilpoiing of u Ihort profits. ‘Give me a call J ulwnyg try to please—did helleve I, \‘cry of len succeed. Remember vhe place—samba“! , corner of the Dinmond,gGellysburg. GEO. F. KALBFLEISCIIH My 25, 1863 New Warehouse: ' Busm-zns or GRAIN 100 OOOW.\NTED.M the nemeiu and Proaube House, in Gil-[isle plreet, adjoin ing Shudl I Buehlcr's establishment... The highesgunrket price will llwu)’a be puiddu .0351: for , ¥ GRAIN, of I“ kinda, . FLOUR. ‘SEEDS, tc. ~ Always on bind and. [or sale,“ lhe'snmllést profiu,’ ‘ GUAXOS. ‘ SALT, FISH. , GMCERIES. ta, . Wholesala und relnil. TRY‘ US! We Ihnll do our but. go give utilisation in all cases. K - ' - McCURDY & DIX-3H!“ Gettysburg. May 11,1363. ly A ‘ "All Invited. “IE undersigned have this dny entered into 1 partnership in the Grain, Produce and Commission bunim-ss, at the old Klinefc-lzer house, corner of Singlon and Railroad streets. The highest prices In cash paid for FLOUR, WHEAT, . RYE, calm, OATS, sums. ‘AND 11.4 Y. All kinds of Groceries, Gunnos, Fi~h, Salt, null every other nrlicle usually funud in our line "of bus‘ness, all ‘of which will be suld wholesale and renu’l. on the lowa-st zprms. ‘ Can and see us, and satisfy )ourseh‘es that it is,renll_v so. ' ' lIOLLINGER & nxastr Gettysburg, June I, 1863. 1f w Jacobs’s Saloon Revaved. HF. undvnignod have leased Jucoba’s Sn- T loan. in Clmmbersbnrg street, und intend to keop It in the best style,_lmping _lhal the public will'apprecinte theirefiuru to pleusuhy giving llwn a large' patronage. They will re cche OYSTERS "guruly and do LhPm luv in all styles: YOUNG CH CKENS, BEEFTONG UK}, “A.“ AND EGGS. and almost everything llml man be called fur, Inll be servad. Tln-v will ulso keep ALE, LAGER, PORTER, “'INES, kc. The) an: determined to do lbiuge up ”In the most dl‘sir hle mnnner,, and fevl {j'l'rluin of pleasing all who may ulll. ' ' .\TCHULAS (-onom, m, JUSEPH SHURIL Gem-smug, Sept. 21,1861. pm’pvaL—Tin Ways. 7 HR undersivned has xemnu-d his Tinning F establishment nearer" the Dimnnnd, in Ch.unbrrsburg street. udjuinin: A4l). Buqh lcr‘s Drug Store—«v. very cenlrul Incntion. lie mutinueslo mannfzwlure, Imd keeps constant ly uu lunqd, Mary variety of TIN-WARE. ' ' i’RESSED AND ‘ fl 1 JAPANHD “'ARR. and Ni]! “may; be ready to do REPAIRING ‘ ROOFING und SPOCTING - 'nho done in the cht manner: Prim-s mmler nlc, nnd no effort spnred to render 11:11‘5Mi3- lur‘tion. The public] cmniuuvd patfonnge is solirilcd. A. I’. BAL'GHER. (‘n uysburg, Aprilfl, 1.862 Isaac K. Stauffer, WATCH MAKER AND JBWELER, _ ... ‘ !\NUPACI7MR or " SILVER WA RE & _IMI‘ORTER 0F WATCHES, No. 1481 X 0)“: Second SL, Corner Quarry, Pauwstruu, j'A. ‘ [lo has constantly on hamlTxm assortment. of Gold ard Siker Pnlent Lever, Lepinhflnd l'lnin \V'utch 3; Fine Gold Chuins, Seals and Kryfl, Brena} Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Bruce leu, Mlnialnre ‘Cnses, Medallions. Locke-H, Pencils,“ Thimbles, Spc‘cmcles. Silver Table, Desert, Tan, Salt and .\lugmrd Spoons; Sugar Spoons, Cups. ankin Rings, Fru-l and lilmer Knives, Shields,Combs, Diamond Painted l’eus, ott..—--11l of which will be sold low lqr cush. M. l. TOBIAS & CO.’S best quality full jew eled Patent Lever Movement: cunuhmtly on hind; alaoother Makers of superior qnnlily. N. B.—Old Gold nud Silver buugm for cash. SepLl.lB63. l] ‘ Give Us a Call! mom I: GILLESPIE hm j‘ns; received A large and splendid stock or New (lnodn w lch the: are selling as cheap ns tbo‘ limes will allow. Their stock has been selected will) care Ind in of a good equality-n: tLe market Will IlTord. SUGARS, we have all kinds, Herd Ind Soft. Crushed, Pulverizedfirnmigled, New Orleans. Ponn Rice and Cuba.‘ AS, lmperinl, Young Hyson and Black Tens. MO - New Orleena. Pom Rice Ind Syrups of dil‘ennt kinds. TOBACCOS, to suit ell lovers of the weed, Congress, Spun, Navy. Cavendiah. Rough and Roddy, Natural Leaf. And Flue Gnu ; Smoking Tobaa-o, 16 different kinds; PIPES, 3' huge and fine umrtmmt; SEGARS of venous brands. COAL UIL LAMPS and Shades, we have the lvext extort.— Men! in the piece, which Ire sell law; also. 1 No.l article 0! Coal Oil. HANS, pluln find pug" cured. Shoulder: and Sides. PL‘OUR, a! the be". q‘uulizy. which we nlwnya guarantee; Cedar-ware, Tube, Burke”, Waiter Can, «he. We also -keep Notions, Confections. Fruits, Fish, by the unpll or by \he berrel. Selt,spices, Chocolate, Search, Bucking, Indigo, Cnndlcs, Supa, Curfy Combs Ind Gerda. - urge usuri inemof Bflnhcsufivllkell, Ropes. Coma, Crock ery-wire, Be. GIVE US A CALL! EGeuy-bnrg, May )1, 1863. _ Fancy Fars! I om: “mam, m ARCH STREET. ba ‘ low am, south side, PHILADELPHIA, ‘Jmponerflnnufacu er of mud Dealer in 'kluds of FA NU { FURS. for Ladies' a: Children's Wear. | wish to rewrn m; l thanks to my fnent' ;of Adams and the 5m rounding counties, fl , their very liberal pt "on." extended ‘ ’mo dun-lug the lum‘e I yarn, and would u {to them that I no», i but in note, of my ,owu impormliou and Manufacture a very ex twin: “sonnent of $ll the difi‘ereu‘ kinds and gun-mien of Fancy Furs, for Ladies and Chil ren, that will be worn during the Fall and ' Winter unions. 1 Being the direct Importer of all my Furl 'hom Europe,nnd baring them till .\[tnnfnctured , under my own supervision—enables me to ofl‘er "lny culwmera and the public 5 much band. isomer Set of Fur: hr the same money. Ludie! 9min give me n cull balm-e pnrchuingl— -0 Plano remomber the name. number Ind street. " . JOBS FAREIKA, ‘ , No. m Arch St., Philldelphia. , Bm. 14, 1863. 6m 1 MRS, Cal-inure: Ind Vmim, cheap at. ' ' rAmuTOCRS'. Hardware ND GROCERIES.— T A The whicrihera h-le just noun-n 9?! from the cities with an immen_se supply of ".\IID WARE .\.\'l) GROCHIIH‘XS, whit-h tiny xue ofl‘ermg at their old stand In Baltilxzure‘sln-el, M pricri to suit. the limes. Uur Mock coluials in pan of BUILDING MATERIALS. , ‘ ' CARPENTER?! POOLS, ‘ BEACKSMITII'S TOOLS. . COACH FINDINGS, SHOE FINNXGS. ; CABINET .\l \RER‘S TOOLS. I ‘ HOUSEKEHPER'S HXTI'Y.HS. ALL KINDS OF me, IMI. ‘ GRQCERIES OF ALL K 1503, . Oils, Painln, Jun, kc. There it} no nrficle in. chnled in (he 'u-vcml dapnrtmcnlfl meritinned nhove but. “hut can be bad at (him Store... Every class of Mechanics can be m cummmlutcgl here with tools And findings, and lluumkm-p. or; hm find every unit!" in their Huck Give us :1 null, as “e nrc prepared to sell as low fu' cash In uuy other house out of the city. Jul-2|, u. “ANSI-IR, 'hAVIU le-ZHLHIL June 9, 1862 Lancaster Book Bindery. Bonus \vux'r. ’ ‘} 4:00}: BINDER A.\'D_kLAXK BOOK umuvw‘n urn, ‘ LANCASTER, PA I’lrn'n mm‘ aflmnminlul Binding. of 9V“; dr at-riptiou. cxkcu‘ed iu the moat. auhstnminl um] appruwd styles. nu‘l‘nm‘cns E. W: Brown, Esq:y Farmers Bank of YMqvmdL-r W. L. Penn-r, Hill , LHHCIHH‘F (’unniy Bimk Samuel Shock. H~q., ('olumhiu Hunk- S.unnel Wagner. lirqq York Hunk. \\ imam anucr, li~nl..‘\'ork (‘uuuly Bnhk. T. I). (‘nrson,_Es-1.. Bunk offienyahurg. k Potc‘r .\lxu'lin. Esq” Prolh'yoflmm'mturllo., Pa Geo. C. Ilnwthoru, Esq , Register “ 1 "' Gen. Whinon. E<q., [Recorder “ l “ April )5, 1561 g New Tallor‘mg 1 STARZJSH\H-IBTn-HEUJF.HCKESRUDE, E FASIIIUSABLE TAILOR. . gulums this method of informing his flicnda and *1“? public generally. film, 111- has opem-ri :I :niluring orr‘llnlishmvut in Bn‘ltilpnm slrwt, Gettysburg, (Inu‘ Pod (fink-e.) near 1116 Di... mend. where he is prepnw-Ltn do ull “'(s‘rk in his Hue in the hen mnnnex. nnd l 0 Ihn mm. faction} of customers. "0 mnplugtnuno but lira! cm: lulndi. and rrctiving , . grim “sums lu-;(;l'L.w.r.v.; he rnn.\\'urmnl fashionable fits u-xd m-lia' and sulmnnlml sewing. He MN {I share of film pulglic‘s pmrdungé, promising m span- jnn of. for! to uILaL-ru' _it. Hi: ('lpirgb will :x’lutys he louml a. moderate Is the tinu-s will mlmr. Cnuingnx'nd Repairing done n! the bhnr'l‘il notice. [G(‘Y§'Shlll’g, April 7. 1852. _ New G'oods !-—-La.rge Stock ! DIERCHANT TIILURISG. . ' , . JM‘IURS & mm. hnve just recrived from ”IP‘CHith n l-Il‘gt stuck or goods for Gelntlennm'u wear, egubruring a variety of ‘ . ULUTUS, . , ‘ CASSNERES, ‘ ‘ \‘Hs'rwah. * Cnssinelx. Joana, km; with many utlzer‘gonds for spring-Mud summrr wear. I They are pwpxrvd to make “1» znrmnph- M the shortest "mice. and in the vary hem mun net. The Fashions un- r--;:nLlrly rm-oirml, ..nJ clothing made in {my limit“! 5:310. Thry ul- Wnyspmkc um 131:, whilst :hcir sewing iS‘EIIrc to he §ubst:ln!i.\l. u g ' Tin-y nék n continuance of (he'puhliq’n pa tronage, rcsulw-d by good work and lnfoglerkr‘ej charge mourn ik. " ‘ 4 Gengsburg, Apgil 7, WM. . ‘ ‘ ‘ Grain and Produce. HAVING Inken Ill: largcqmul voumodious Wan-house recently ox-cupird by frank Hersh, 2:11.. ‘ ‘ IS NEW uxrnnné‘ we are prepflfed In pay the highest pricouJur all kinds of I’RUDI'CE. .\leu, 51-“ 111 III! In“. 2-3! prices, LUMBER, UUAL uunl GRUCI-Illlbs, of every description. A. P. MYERS 8; \VII‘ZBH‘AN New Oxfoy-l, Aug. m, [863. ti .1“ l Gettysburg ”Marble Yard. MEALS h BRU., IN EAST YORK ST EET GETTYSBUKU. PA.-p\\'here th; nrr [an-pared to furnish all kinds of work in lheil . lluc, uurh as .\IONI'MIZKTS, TUHBS, HHAD- .-. .‘;_...~_._L_.—~—( . sroxss, mums, 8c.,»nl u..- shorten n 0.3 . - “Come to the Fan! lice, and an chetp u the cheapest. Give us I ' ND DON’TFORGETTQVIHIT PLEASANT u“- ' A mom; xuusnnms.—rerwnn wishing BQ‘Prqu-o taken in exchange for work. m Plum. Tn.“ will find me gmk {bathe ground Gettysburg. J‘m' 3! 15‘“- ‘t j A remark-lily fine, and otfered n! ri-d ed prices. ”’7'" ' ‘. ' .‘ ‘ 'i ”j ' The A le numbers 190 varieties, qmlunc'mg Plano Tuning' ‘ lull “wimpy-over! aorta. ‘ "’ ' ROF- BOWBR, of Muleatmrn, a l’mi-licnl N, Ito-. 820 the index hoard near Plum Dale Piano Tuner, informs his-trier}! and the Port olfice. T. B. COOK t HUN-‘5. musicul puhlic in general, lbut .he guré: his Sept. 2,1861. ' ‘ L .I’mprimwl}s tins, not otherwise occupied, to. Tunink and ~ » . _—»- .. .. W-..“ Repairing Pianos. .2 mom-me pricesL He \J 01111 w, Tlptan, promises emire mu‘sfution, or' no'pnyr Order: lAgfiloNAffl‘E BARBER, North-ea“ (or. received at. thisolfice. [SepL 16,14861. l-lf ncr of tho Diamond. (Mn door to “If. -~._"_"~D_"H “—5 _’ _. _.... ‘ Clrllnu'a Hotel Gen. sburg. "5-: where ' NOW 15 the Time' - ' ran M all timu’lre fouidfefld." ‘0 3",?!” 'O. I“. 0W & WOODS. corner at Yorlgrlrect nnd .bmcincu in his mic. He hiiulso ex'ullent 9(- Diamond, Gettysburg. are flowing on: :1. mm.“- and will ensun intigrncuon. Gm llurxc lot of WALL PAEEK'I: vgrégfw Trees. him a call. . I '*' ("eel 3, 13150,}: :Ith in pert! lcou’o ewatil —' ~ ...\ ‘ . " " can be baggy; now. [Dec. 21,1363; l New 90038 ~' . . m .... V. W . - ~ 2-“ -- 'l' m nmsrm'Ksn—Fnhnmuk Bron. Albums; . ‘ 1 A would respectfully Inform their friend: L B 'L' M 5!! ' ' l . \ um um. public generally that “my hav‘e in" A A L B U ll 8 l l l 1 received’ their Spring stark of Good. fromxcw Just received 3 llrge Indlbenuliml usert- "York 31nd Pl-ilndtlplfin- “Minx bought them menr of Photogrlphlc Albums, which we offer for cash, we art“ prepnred (o yam-r the mass below city priées. TYSON BROTHERS. and 'pttfllofl .ghck 6! unless GOOhS, - pee. H, 1863. ‘ v’oflere-l tn 1h; citizen; of the county And I! ' ‘-,' -. " ““’ " HierPNlllCHSl “Quick salesand than praln” A R D P 8.0 T 0 GB.A P H S,bcingo‘urmoilo. C ‘ . . . WCull and examine at. tho sign of thq ‘ M distinguished individuals, including: pum- ”fly 11, 1863. RED FRONT“ . be: at our promlnom Gazer-lA, and the old ~ ...,_ [Nu-0‘10)”, L. Burns, for salon: the counter of Coal! Coal! Coal, .; . tin: hxcoelsir Gallery, Gettysburg. TYSON BROTHERS. Battle-field Views. FULL an of our Photogrsphic Views of A tbs Hume-field of Gettysburg. [arm - splendid gift for the Holidnyeg The finenvyel published can be seen at the EVcelsmr Gallery. ‘ TYSON BROTHERS, Geuysbu‘rg. \ , n-., <_._ .«fi __ __ Spnns Goods , AT A. scum z Bf)X'S.--We,invue due .1. _‘ tenlion of buyers to our Inn! at Spring Goods, which will be told chenp, ctr-lining oh: .‘ LKDIES’ DRESS GUODS, . _ Shawls, Cloaking Cloths. eta, on. For Hum ’MQGhanlcs’ [aid Bu)!‘ we“ we have Cloths, C-uiumug ‘ TLON 0p ADAES 09.1,”.00afing1, \‘cstiugs, with maria: gt 99m?” ed its capital, has enlarged 9 Id", “-1 30-. CW and "’- « “u 4 extended": sceonuodnflonu 5 . “‘1 13,1563- A. SCOTT ‘ 803.,” . A .h .' , . - y (-7-. . "“1, [, M 93931," l xLmeY GOODS, Bonneu "31%“ 3.8. Ginghsmlulju, n redhead M Flaunt, Sit-hm M 4 Inn“? ."i 4, It FABSESTOCK BROS'. Sign ol‘:- ‘l iced!“ kw New York, 3““ MN ' From, ) l noc 3’,sign of the RED FRONT. Queensware. I" you mun. anylhinz in thefiEENSWABE line cull n A. soon a 8 . 's‘, when-yon will find the best assortment {n town. Much 24,1862. V Farmers’ AVINGS INSTIA S having inure: in business Am Loan 1:], W} . ALIC‘ MMIIE!M3 E E. 8: H. 'l'. Anthony, ; .\xrmt'rtmnns or mm’roonAPlm 1M MATERIALS, so: unmmvn. .V‘. r..; 4m Pucwanmm —-Uur (‘ulnlugue now am. brnm considembly over Four Thomaud difl'er en! uni-jacks (u, whirh nddntiom are continua!- i 1, being Inmje) of Ponrnhs ol Eminent Amad ‘cans, em, viz: 7.: .\lnjor-Generala,l9o Brig. Genetnb, 259 Coloneh, 84 Liam. Colonels, 201 1 Other Ofliqers, 60 Navy Ofiicers, 525 Stnlcsmcn, 3 [27 Dir'mea, 116 Amhofs, 30 Aniats,ll2 Binge, I 46 Prominem Women, 14'! Prominem Foreign E Portraits. ‘ ‘ 2,500 Comm or Wont: or 'An'r. including reproduction: of the moat celehnled Engrav ingo. Paintings, Saturn. kc. Catalogues sent on receipt. orb‘ulnp. An order for One Dozen Pichu’u from our (”Mulugue will he filled on receipt ofSl.Bo, nnd sent by mail. free. ‘ PHOTOGRAPHIC‘ ALBUMS. ‘ 01 _thue we manufacture n are“ uric-Ky, 4 ranking in price from 50 cents (0:550 enclr. | Our ALBUMS hive the reputation of being { tnperior m beauty and durability to may others. ITH» smaller kinds can be sent safely by mail” a. poStnge of 51x cents fir 015. ' The more expenshc am he lent by upreu. y WWI: nlsu korp n ulnrge «um-tweak of ' sfrl-LRESCUI'ES a: smnnscumc VIEWS. Our Can-dogma of than will bu_ lent to In] Id dncns on receipt of sump. . ' ’ W [-1. kn. 'rxANTHONYP Jlmlq/atlurm of [’lmlugruphnc .llnuriult, ' 501 Bumn my, firm You. f Friends or rclnfl»es_uf prominent military :uwn‘uill confer n‘fin'or by sending us lhcir ”LCIIQbES to copy" They will be kcptynrdul ! ly “nil-returned uninjured. ' ‘ FINE ALBUMS “.\lH'} TO ORDER for Con ‘grpgntious to when! w their l'nelur, of lu‘r ‘ olhrr plxrpna(-4..wit1l sujuble inscriptions, kc. A 1:. 24, “NEIL fim . - , ‘Salisbury Bios. &~Co.. TU. 37,1)URRANCE . TREET. Mid _ h ' ‘ 67 \VI-ZYIIHShET SIREET, PROVIDEVCR R. L ‘ Proprietors of (me or the mqfrf‘ensiro JEW ELRY .\HNI'F.-\UTURIES in the Ensuru Span, hog tn cull the utteuxiqn of the cum munilv goncrnlly In the \‘ory‘Sl'lll’lliSlNH CHEAP HATE m which Hwy ure nlfcring Ihvir “00.11. In; surpuesugg bum Foreign and Du mcslio- .\lgunufiwlmes in point of elegance and reul Jumbilily ! ‘ ? FOR “STANCE Fm: FlF'l‘F}:\' Humane, mi lorwnrd, nicely cardednnd p'ckmlyin gm»! nrdfir, the-lullmring cum-mung mummy u! Jewelryfirqual m liniqh to any I‘lnu'nl’ GUM, :uul not 10' lu- ru'ogniu-d {rdm GUI-i only by the trying uf uchh’ : ‘ '1 Sci Hnmnfl- “as! Plum”: 2 PI nn‘Tlnren tint: l’lns; lf-lnr Rm.” tn mun-h; L’ 'l'\\L-I«\\'nc Pin: ;’4 Eur [thus 1-: m Itch; .' I'Llin Pmu’; 4 Funihugi If: mnlvh; 23 L-uiiu' Rings. "uuhle- Heart and a \'.-ru~|3 of pmvrns ; 51H uinu l‘lln- Mn-nw; 3:oBllufpi‘m, l’LunAnrl Imiluxiun ('orul; '2 l‘nnhlv-(iluw Lurkols. I llgiiw-luvnell ; 6 B 11: mu! Glus Plus for purxmiv or 11.1,”; 72 "mm. (-ull.-u-kl'l~‘,lh-g‘rl mvlSlu-H(‘l-Irrlll:,um|olimrll llr‘u't-le-lu—ull for Pith-on Dul'mr». A cnllcc- Iliun of llli-‘ kin‘l, \vlwn phcwl hmln- hands 4.! muy llnl' nl' nnliunq’ inn-[li :curc. 'Fllh'hlll) rI hul tor ul llfilit Ullt‘ Hqulu-vl l‘nll.ur~! l (‘uhxlu)v_vxxo». (-mluiuing (Ill) ix {-rmuliuu nml fl’rimw ul afluous. mu hr- (|r_d ulmu "muti- ruriun. “Illur- h_\- .\Llil, TC'IL‘JPth or Hum-'3 irx-ppcrlfull} _mlivitr-L I s.\l.lsm'm' ways. .9 (70,, 3? lhrr‘uwc A: I}? “'mylms-‘rl firs , June 21‘, Is iii. lenlpme, [Li ¥ ‘l‘ Just Pubushed. . a" SPIJNUH) h'l‘i-ZEI. PLATE .\ifZZZtl- I‘ TXNT H\(Ht:\\'|.\'(} Ul" \ ' MAJuR—HHV. GliulUH-T H. ..\h-('1.H1.1.,\N, - (|\‘ 1m lIAI'TLL s”ng or M‘hvnul .\Hv u! I'lrtuzc. IN}, In 1."! nwinu. Tlu‘ main-. 3! p'unulm‘“:l~ m dc frnm Mr. 10 order urzlhv [-u‘nlulwr. h} Hn- rch-hrnlml .\llirl, V. .\.(‘imnlL-lua Huh. (uhu i~ lhl' uhh‘ one the Gen: r.-l wo’r ml “1.1 [I rr-lnlcrmnl: Iliumm hu‘ m ll'lzrmrd hur l' hunwl \\ emu r. ([lrl‘M‘ll'l'li 'u him h_\ flu- rilizmu .n l‘nu~innzlll,) {akin-,1 an uh chanu' of lln- thin]. in 1h" lullur {l'an uf Hu- d 213,” Hm Rl'hl'l‘ \n‘rq Inning lurk. In the fun-gruuml :nrv 'l’l'll lin- du‘uiniiuus u! the hanlv—hrnlmn gum, :hannr. d trot“. kr. In (h:- d‘t! H|¢"(‘, nmunznjhe s'nuk‘u unxl ulu~L Mn st nffn-fln-rrs. :ullllx-ry. uualry .Iml iHMllll}.—- The wlmh.~ pu-nm- imm aJnnrimrCulnlnnrlliull, nml duplfiqs lin- r.n- qrnius 6 HlO Anni. Prim-m Engnu i|l;,.\"|lu’vvn;'u, S 3 um _ ‘ Twn (twin, 2. In) )Tn um, ’l‘hrco -" U 61);:ulldrus PM" by mail. pnsl—pnid. ‘ I’m-Arms m-|iu_l :Is .\gx-uls and urdofing um: l‘upy MJhrve dollnrs. rug Imu- «ulslqmnt mm.- nl uyu dull..r~ mrh. :Truwlhng ('.-n\ ..- sn-ri ordering LlTHllj'. “1'! in; aupth-tl .n M;- mu Iv'rms ..\.x.1;.-.~« .I:qu DAIXTY. l’ul-lislJ-r, 17 Sun!“ mell SL. I‘ll“! Dvc. 3.. 15w. % ‘ ’ ' xSale Crylng. . . \Y. FLHMMISH («min-.4“ thr Muir!!! A. ul 5 \H'I ('l(Y,l.\'(},unul min-it: the :3 I mum! lutlruu uge m the [ml-Hr. Iris hid can: smut rudezn‘ur lo giu- s‘fillelM-linn. Chums moJornle. [KL-aidem-e iu lira-kanriuge “reel, (hnyhuxg. ‘ l'. S.—-Hu i 4 a “I (Inst-1 .\lwfiuuc'cr, uhder the Tax Lu“ of lhq lilhltd SLIH‘I.‘ " 1 .\u\'. 24, mag. To Disabled Soldiers, qEAHEN .-\.\'l) MARINES. .\\'l) “IDUWS, L ”R OTHER HEIRS HF TllOBl7. WHI) ".\VH DIED UR "HEN KILLED I\' THE SEIK "WK—Chm. C. Tn xru. Attorney for Hahn-I unl-'y “guilty Laud um! Pcusjun Am‘ul. “Huh hmou (My. h. Ll—l’cna‘iuus prm-urcd 1m Sul (lit-n. .\‘mmvn and .\lnrines ”1' {he present I’llf, who :Ir_u dimlrled h" remum nf noun-ls reccncd ur diamue cummrlcd u hill- in aeivivulml I'cn siuxng. lh-nnly Mum») and .\rMIN of PH; oh tuin'ml mr wi.lnw.,or other heirs 01‘ than who limo died in bvt'u killed while in sen-ice. Haunt} Land proaxred for serrirn in nu] of 0.110 other uni. CHAS. ('1- 'H'CKHR, -' - \"mhinsflon', B. C. ’ J; (I .\‘snm‘, Agent, (Delgahurg. ' Xm.:lB, 186. , _ SEEADS & BURHLEB Mp not prepared to unpply COAL, of sated" giant], 1. a, quantity desired. Tums, Club. ' , » ‘ . ' CousOue! Come All! ‘ . gay-They flan tequcu “one MW at :bem to.c.nll and pay up. u fund. n. lucfi needed. Who will he the first. toe-,1” .0“. Open from 7to 7. . ' ', Feb. 24, [862. ._. ‘ E Fl! (3.». _— Li