The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 08, 1864, Image 3

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    I - -
é . ~Pubhc Sale. .
()3; IGESDM'. lhe mm or mummy
L ‘ 1-11.. the sulmrrlher. inn-Mung lo qml
Stud“? wit! “-1! nt I’uMu' Sale. A! Ins rosi-
Miner. n Franklin township, Adnme count'y.
gM'mile from New S’alem. am {he hum former-
Iy'ogrneyl by WELL-m Sunk, the mllcwiu‘
"personal vroperty. \ {1:
f _ 2 HILCH COWS. 4 bond of Young Paulo, 1
; Brood 80', Ha; Cnrriugc, Hofae Rake. Plough,
I "know, Single and Donbk‘ Shawl [’luuxlu,
icon! Forh. Doubie nnd Singie-lmu. Culling
; "or, Spreaders, 1.0;: L‘Emm. (‘ow Chnins, Hun.
Echnina, Collars. Bridles, Baku nml Forks.—
Aiso. Homehéhl Furniture. and: M ”ed! and
Bedding, Ten-plate Stove mu! Pip», Clu‘nl
Table, Burrely, lrnn. Crockerymun, and u_
g?!“ many other articles, 100 nunu-rnuu Io"
”Sale to commence M 10 o'rlork. A. M ,
on mid dity, wh‘m mundance will be given
and term: mmle known by
George Eplcy. Alietioneer
K Feb. 9,183“. 13*
‘ Woodland
A 3rd 0! MARCH next. in purmwce m an
order of the Orphan's Guam. 0! Adam; mung,
lhe what-ribera. ()unrulinus ol the minnr rhnl
dren of Phih’i’l,‘(-'rufl, 4'('('('|l.<l‘l', um anL-r at
I'ubhc Sula, It lit-1510mm)“, the lulléuing
prnp'efly, 'viz: .
.\ TRACT OF “Wankwn. Inn'niuiu; HI
Arms, Pilot! of ksg, sifuillr In “"llJuc-h mum
ehip, \dumi‘coumj‘ u|muL om Im}: muUu‘hl
.«vr Brnaeru‘me. 'udjuimng {NHL 01 I‘“in
l‘mmhur, \\'X‘loB:(irul|p.tllld utm |.~. u- (‘ll c w -
4 rod nilh "begun; and 0 -1\ 'l'xmhvr Th 4n: 1
vi" hr (.flucd tp'i‘c m ‘xn’h 9- «l in n. I. lo
M Arlee. M m my en t purvhwrr‘.’
I'M-inns washing in \u-\\ “w prnpi-r'y m.-
wquntcd to cull on Edward huh-3, “billing
neur Centre .\lin. .
Wh'nle‘m co-nmem‘e nt 10 n't-ITM k. A .\l.,
on'nid any, when ulteulEum-v \ull he gin-n
and term: [mule known hr
- 'PIIHJP. nuxumm.
. (hmrdnuu.
fly ”re Court—Jugnu' J. Fink. Clerkl ,
Feb. 1!, 1564. LJ 4
Public Sale.
ON TI‘ESDAY, the [st uh; «If “I?!“ nczl.
the au'uaihers, intcu ling In quit funn
, ill 3, will l' H In Public S IlA'. at him rt‘~itl"lli'l',
in Slr “inn hung-hip” Adgmi : mmly, ni-zlr
«:nhmh “union, the~ tullmfinz; I“ hon”!
prupdrty, ‘it: '. A . Q
4 "mm-Is, 2 «mm, a: mm. (‘uyu'fi him! of
’Yunwz Vulllv, l‘uur-lml-x- 'fl .lguur’Lnuv flux},
Ming Plank. ”wru- (hlm‘s. Si-h- Sud-Hr. Cul
in}, llli'llc', l‘luugh um! “Arman“ Shani-l
I"()Il',!1l, ('nrn Furk. l‘ullhiflnr. ('nrn (‘uu-rur.
sVinnfifi'iug \IIH. C'uuiux qu. “'lu-(l-h ”fro“,
Hrinlhlum , Dull-bk: (Ind Fingln-hw 9-, Spun»!-
cu. Lug ('hninJlnhor and (‘.m' I’lmlns. Hr Ill
! rmlh-.' link“, l-‘mln', 3w. Ih} I») I'll Inn.
.unll .\‘lrznv h"- Ihe hum”! . lh-«l- am] Hm!-
'Hrm'.°, T-hlrs. ('nnk Elmo“ and Pipe, \h-Il
~'\'«-ssrl<. Tulnz. Hun- 1~,'.m.d .I \‘zum‘g' uf mlwr
'w‘rvifin. ' y .
on will flu}. “lwn :Itllmluyu- “in be gixrn
{and H-rma nIH-IL‘ Lnu‘nn lr_\ '
M n. .\liLh-r. Auvlionr-er
,FelL B‘, 15M. ‘s’
’ . Public 8309. ,
\' WEI-'M‘NIM Y. ll:-- 23‘! dnv of MAIH'H
() nu'. lh(‘ :uhu-rihcr, "Hamlin-flu dim
,c-Jutiulu- taming. “m .w]! I" l'uhliu Sula. 1::
Mil "sillf‘lfl't‘. in'h’lemhun ymndnp, .\d {us
1‘ Inly. hull u Illih: "mu Nx-u‘ ('htwh-r, nml “qu
lE-J'inri (leglréh. Ihr lullumng phraiml
.mnqwny, Vii. ' . t
. 2 “musics. 7 ("mug Hull. 4 ILin-r-z :‘x'uw
‘u i'tl'. lug, 3.Sln«r:ll~. 1". ur-h :rsv Nnrr -u' "and
4‘“ "gnu, mlh int-J. Imwa and! rm-‘r. n If: I. nl
- “'inmming .\IIH. (‘u hug Hux. l"l:l\'
l'>r~l\l-. Nun‘ing llnrnuJ'lu-nghs‘ .unl ll4rru\\.~_
.Hur-r an; xv...” ddlr nml “I‘ll“t‘~. llunhlv :md
hiuulv-lrtq". Sllrfllh'r‘, Fifth ('lmin. Lu: (’h x'iu.
llnl rr nml (Hm Ulmigs. Uni" (‘rmlh'i un‘l
Sinking; St-y hos. Forks, Hake» Mthk.
,Mlorel«.:\nd u varipty nl‘ uthvr filth-i1". Hm
mum-runs In gen-Minn. ‘
wrflult lu ("mnuu-n'l'o at H) u'ntlm-T‘a A. 3L,
«an Haul-dun “ht-u nm-mlum-c 'u'lll I'e, given
"ml-terms umdu known l'." .
, - -l'l-ITHI! THOMAS.
‘H _H. \lillvr \m-finm't‘r
.Hub. >l. 1.404. 19-
F I'Al3l‘.\"E|lSllH‘.—Th-- ('u-pfivlufwsljp
() muting IM'H“! on 1110 4llh<rrihrrsf 11ml
.‘unn di-mlrt-d Ilhiiflflp’ liy m'ulnnl ('¢~v1|~“lll.
\\\ 4- n-lurn thlnk-A H: uur flionds and ”Ir ‘puhlic
gar the “hand support 'Slvndml to us. “Mr
iumlm “NH-v lc-ll at llmfimn-z nud we mun-ir
i_r qunml those iudclm-Il m Hg 10 (‘|” and
.{unku- ilummllzue pannenh M ‘ve {ln- deiiru IS
(a sglLlu unr bu~incu without (Icky.
‘ M.I-:x.\\'nl-:n cognux
5 09mm, Imm. Junx NXLP.
A Card.
‘HE snlucrilu-r hnHm: disllnu‘d of M: in-
H‘l‘csl in [be Mpn- uf (nioem k Fulp In
,Julm S. ('rmvllurd. R q. n-qmnuully nska-llu‘
ruulinuxmnc ul his (rivnh nml lll‘hnlll‘l“ If!
pnlrunlzc his .\llt‘tCaßUF—“lll‘rr mm uin: may
he .h.uL JU...\ (‘l'Ll’.
.Fch. s. 1564. -
‘ “ Anéthen‘ ‘Qhange
I Wuhan: havin; nsdu-inuul “hh him in
,‘lu'nxincu Jnlm 5. '(‘J‘hlrtur-i, who pnrrlmsm]
the inn-rest. m John (‘uip‘ ws;n-¢‘tlully un
lmgm'res to 'he culizL-ns mud-”331w”; mud the
public gem mlh', (hut llw [mime-s will he Con
(iuuvd- 11l lhe (Md. Stun-i on (.‘hnmlwrébhrg
strm-L‘hy A. (“BEAN A: (1).; who will run-
Nflufly kerp on lmnd .1 large {lock M. Goods,
in llu- lm’e of
sum-2:), Hus, CAPS. TkI'SKS, . .
(‘ARI'ET BAGS, U\||HH-ZLLA§. k 0 .
mud lhey will “'3O continue th- .\lnnufucun’c u!
. Shun. _ . ' "
From fllcir long eqmrivm-t in all thenhm‘o
|)r~nclTe§, they mutt-r thexufolrcs lhm Ilwy (In
Mcasc the public,‘and will sell chm-p'for cash.
A. ('UIH'Z \N.
\ ‘ J. s cmwmnn.
Doing busincss under the mime uml firm of
A. Uobenut Co. [Feb. 8, 1864.
Fruit and Ornamental
BESS FOR SI'iHKG inst—We respeck
fully (Invite. Mteulian to our superior
.\Nfl SII‘RUBS, for the cunning sensor}. Unr
nacortmem is 14:39:!“ fine, and trees remark
ably “nifty-11nd we" grogvn. C-lxnlagues um
be lmdun npplicplion by maul, or m. the office
of “ The Compiler." ’
‘ . EDW. J. EVANS & 00.,
relays, 196,4. 3:» York, Penu'a. ;
E. A; Picking
“ENDS to‘ SHRVEYXXU, Writing of
A mums nnd'ivnaa’s, CLERKLVG or
muss, dc. Residgneefin Stmhan township,
9n the road lending from Gclgvabul’l t'l’ Hnn~
terstpwn, two miles from the lormer place-
Ghdrges moderate and Injunction gust-unload»
l-‘ep.1,;t864. um ‘ 'r' ;
Go‘ityabnrg Female maim- .
8 next Segiion of in. Eyater’l Fem];
' 'lnuitule ml commmce on “I’. Third
Monday of FEBRUARY, (15th.) A‘ miffed
number‘of young Indie: Ni?! be receiu-d us
bonrders. For (ht-loin”, etc., and; to “it.
Principal. , _r‘ ,rr. ,3 ‘ '27
Gutysburg}!asflslB6¥.”33t ' " ,
I of administration on «he tune q! lsmc
nrin-kc‘rhof. late of Stubs: "1)., Adams co.,
dcc’dg, hgving be“ granted to the undersigned,
residing in the same township, they hereby
give notidl to all persons indcbu-d m- said
“sum to make immediate payment, and those
having cluims against: Kb! snap to present
them properly authenticated for‘seuloment. .
J“, 11, 18M. 61* Administrators.
IGKING in the finest assortment of Spring
P Ind Sumner Clothing in town.
ALL st CHRISMER’S for your Ale, For-
C ter, #O., tc. ' ' ‘
JUST "olive?! ‘at PICKING'S Spring and
Snmmerfilodfiflgh UCWvORhMGAUA ' :.
\UTTON GLOVE, for lien Ind 30].. an
L “mm...“ s - mauu
\ Public Sale ;
O —-Uu ’l‘llUllfllM Y Ind FRIDAY, the 2m:
nml 25H: lay! a” EllllUAllY‘insl" at 9 0" lm'hJ
A. .\l , at‘ each day, ”10 eubgcrihtr inumling to
rclinquinh tanning, mll sell nl l'uulnc Sale, on
the prt-miv-s. about a lmlr mile mum-emu. of
”lune-nova. in Stratum gun-“lump, Adam-u
county. Pm. llm “Having personal pi'nperl} '
NURSES lad CUWS, 1 5-3 Bull, 13 held of
Slurp. the bent in (he county. "Ingl, 4 W-gonl.
l hrund-treud. l narrow-trend. One-hone
Spring Wagon, and an ordlnury One-hone
Wagon: (Kn-l. gum] Sulky, 2 [Jay Cnrruw-i.
“"mul laid-lord, l’longhs, Narrows, Doublu :uul
Smglt- Shmel I’lnnghfl, ('orn'FlJrk. good ”min 1
Drill, '1 “one Baku. one u wring wall: a d
the all." revolving. 2 good Sleds, 2 \Vinnn '-
ihg Milli. Universal Feed Cullen {Sleighs Md
Bells, Snitching Mill, Wheelhtrrow. hell-y
screw. Thrrsliing .\lm-hine, Inlh douule alanr',
0x Yoke, Work Bench, 2 new Dung liq-Ida,
Hum Grurs ofull kinds. Cart Humans. Linét. .
('minge Hn‘nwsu. Hiding Bridles, Saddles, g: I
in»! Chains, Fifth Chnin, Trnrehol nll'kihdl,‘
llulter «ml Cur Ch'mns, (.‘lowbnrn. Shovels,
llm-a. Forks. Am, Maul and Wedges. Cross
cnl'flm, llruud Ase-. 10! at'unod ('idcr Harrell.-
L IN Prus. ('heese Pro“, 2: Spu-udx-ra, Single
null Double-(recs, Lund Roller. lot ol good
l’mts. Pint-Inning .\luchine um! Anxt 7. llny
(Tuner. U ruin Omaha. Squhw. Stow-a. one a
.\u. I my”! rank, gnml as new, find tuu ten
[lute and one parlor Mora, 'l'nhlcq, “hairs.
Hllrvnlh', 111-all“ ('nphonrdt,‘ Meat Vent-ISM
\um-h, 1 lnrul: “3...; mm}, (:rilemnc, ll'ly
lu (LL-.lnn. “-unfmlrlrr, l'.rprtiu;l xm-l n gunll‘
mm 1.. nfulhg .srmlu. [on nummuua lo uu-u
-'u-n .\lll'minm 1- nI” Ire qlv‘eu uhd‘ term.
unulc imlll)“ H‘ on vl I: n! :dIL‘ 11:: .
' .\ll‘ilhl'lln'“; 'l.\l"u'lll.\'li.\L'(."fl.
Feb. 8. [3'l‘. l.)
7 , 2;. ") 01/24
:J /% /[/.'/! 3.3427,!) @331
.\"l‘l‘2l‘..\'.\’l‘l().\'AL {‘ll UV 0F '7
1 - (lU‘Hll-.'.:(f1.\1. FULLEGIIS,
Esmjnlislw-l in t'ic fnntnui‘ngu iniw:
S. 1-1. Cnrhvrpf chemh nnd Glltsnul Sufi
New Yurk, Brooklyn. Allmpy, Troy. l'rmi
demo, Pnflltml. Hurtfurd. Burlington,
ernrfi, Hut-healer, Bulimia. Tnmnlo,
L'lrwlnud. ln-Lroit. Unicngol )lil
waukce and St. lmui-A. -
Thorough Ilmurelirul nml pmcliml instruc
liuu in all brunt-Ms pertaining to: finished
lhmue~- Educnuon. . ,
i 'l‘lu- I’hilavk-lplliu'CUHt-go min-H first in the
Stun. “ml: in point "1' rrpul-lwn mid local
‘mhzmlnul-a. Thli paint. uiml-al .11 Ly to hhro
l‘nmmt‘nial Edmwunn “ht'rL' i 1 holunza-Jn
[he lrfinl rnn'h ul uu-lul instruction. Ti) th‘js
and; u must lhqronph coursn of business train
ing in mlan-d mu] can-fully eulon'ed.’ under
Hn- |IA'X:I)Nr‘ supvninnn uf comm-(eh! l’ru
11~~~n|< in Hn- \u inns d 1 [mum-m». The most.
iurh a sy~tom m pun-mm! uLiuiug rn-r du
vmd Im: Ir «u put in opt-ruin", and Is sun--
mushwllj’ (-‘viiml out. :I‘fl‘ur-lin: midudenis ud
‘\'.ml.l;_f(‘l -lu'h u: h gm hitherto hut-u sunsidur
ct! [|I"‘|llll‘ unly in romwrlivm “ill; Iln- (“aunt
.ingfllnufiv. After b-xuming pmlicjeul. in the
Srivmo of .\vcunnli. l'mnmuhlrip, Commer
41H *‘uhnlau'um M 4 ('mmm-rrinl Law. the
;'>‘lllll'll‘ |~ .uh‘mu'ml In the Practical Uupnn
‘ uu-m. wh'crv Igc hmmuvs nnnctnml Book-keep
icr und \h-H‘lmhl; luv-H‘s lhron’xgh Ihc different
Y‘llou—x-M: Ml 4 in turn 9:! Tell--r.(‘aishicr,tc.;
Irnru’ the duties und rusponnhililics of gnu-h
uflicv. mu] humnos tlmruughly inf-mncdl "lot
nnh iuilu- fnfim “Inch are in xmin-rsul u-c,
hut in nu .zxging lln- nihirs of bluiuess will)
'rj’4tl‘lll nml I‘Al'SpuH‘h. ,
' N-‘mlnnhilm isn‘t-d «mm rlm'ut. ngefpnntl,
tur nn‘ unlimited llPliO'L in the eiglfluen ‘Col
h-gths unnpriqng the "plum." ‘ ,
' Dunlmnns un- nuymhni to (how only “I'm
tulhll (he prv§vrihcd ruurse ol smnly, nud p::‘=s
tht- n quhiu- M unifinyioa.
: 13¢ tnrthcr informatiun send for A circul‘ur.
! A dross
mum. s’rm'm‘m: a (20..
~ Feh. 8,1514. 1,3 / phnmmpm
‘ Public Sale. .
.\' T'lll'lsl‘.\Y,’llMRrildnyoffiancltuext,
1‘ O the SllhSK‘X‘lbl r-, intending to quit running,
and «:H u! Pil‘vh'r .\‘llv, at his residence.‘ in
Hulnflp'lenmnt [nu-“ship. Adams cqunly, uue
lmul n lmlt miles cm! or (:ujden's Stallion, ‘lhc
{allowing lu-fsunul property, $31.: ' ‘
'1 ”urn; .1 (Hm-5, l'Hmfer, 2 Shaun, Two;
hmw Murrow-trend Wagon. Stone Bed. Horse
‘ii‘cul‘S‘ “’nluu‘lring‘fldl‘ (‘auiug "ox, Plpnghl
:uul ‘Hfirmu‘i, bhmcl J’lunghs and Corn Forks,
lhnl‘clr nml Single-trues, Log Chain, [Lulu-y
uml t‘uw ('lmzm, Forks. lhkcq, kc; [{uckxm‘ny
‘ “may and H.” um, Wheelbarrow. Linml‘slonu;
‘lk‘d tlul Uul~lmul’ ”Loki": .\‘lm'e .Iqu Pipe,
(leafy: Slim-In} qumnny, 180 66
fluid W. .\llllnrd’l wingmn. El 50
Robert “(M Ha mll'bnn, ‘1! 8|)
E. .\. n. .\loufhinll‘ _\" 28 03
J. \VFSiFy Lam-f Frjluklin, 276 10
Georg!- Tliuumsfif S‘u’uhnn. SU ‘4B
Tlmmus lllnclwr. .\lénulleu, 57 49_
111-ury lleilllgrd‘ Hedwig»); 179 97'
‘ Tlnlnmx N. Nicki, hauling, (it) 91
Jdcoh lL I:o:ls.l>3utler, 173 H
,Siunkflfiuxjowu, Ucrwick tp., ll (:8
13m. ~
Jdliu Shifty? Gettysburg, 199 55 i
° “ ” ' Quit R- nu, A 175 04 ‘
Jus.NtPollnughflumherlund,sos 83 316 98
[Smmu L. liilhep. Gmumuy, 476 91 170 65
:‘Gmrgp Sham-.fuxrord. 169 as 223 26‘
Leo'd,\icEle.tHuntington,B76 .‘n'. [ISL 07}
Samuel A. Hillard- lmtiumre, 515 13. PO7 381
4J.n.‘B!_lluugurduet—, Hmuilt’banj 19_1u‘ 183 1m
ILcwia s Worucf Liberty, 37: (if 55 35?
MLJ. lgiukerhofl'. Franklin, 231 28: 279 m"
John unlimarif Strnlmn, 9m 39 74 93‘
, _ “VilliJl-n Rica-5- .\lemullen, » 5,12 71: _l3l 31
, , Nance. - ’ Psuu'iAmmth .\m.le=um,au 68 ms 03]
Tnn ()rphnu's (nun, held ntGem-shng, Wm. COWMWM’ .\lountjgy, ”3 4“ MG 15;
A lur.3uxilns [fulfill-V, l’u..y on the ldtjl day Samuel J. Duanlorfl‘hlleunLingJGß l 4 1 lls_ 01;
ul J mum), A. l)., lath}, behre the Hun. lioh- A")"‘_”“." 539‘”, H‘znml‘lon, ' ”7 3‘ j 90 0“:
er! .I. Fl>l|\'r, Presidcmmudtlmnc E. Wu-rmuu ’“ INN“?| M"fl"“!~'h3 BM)”: 393 43 ' ”'5 3:";
ull»! l).n|d ‘Zlcglg-r. liqu, Associate Judgesfyfs‘l‘ h \\fcn'z.fnion, . 505 79 127 631
0. said (.‘uurl: . . ' §‘l‘nn’l I). kellerd’ Cunowngn, 3w 38. 195 45!
On monun of u. kw. iii-um, E 44541”: Iw.- Yeutcg. 1‘3")“: » 4% fl ”1 )9?
Own gram :l bill nu the lll‘il’d “."d legal reprc- J"h',' MCHCMI. FlCCdey ”9 ‘6 ' 5‘ "6.
smuulH‘es or Ul-JURUE NECK, den-used, m Jacob ‘Sour'gecfl‘wermclk Ith, as 80 30.33
“Mic-Irnt the ()rplmu's Court, [0 be licla :3: Mid}lhtrubiuger,fBer‘\\ickbur22 39 51 36;
(iu'iy~l:urg, frr said county, on the Twenty-l r ' ‘l-——- -——-
uum m,- m FEBRUARY, mm, to take or} - , $12,134:} $5.108 25:
rem-c to mke the Brnl Estate 0! said degeus-l . ‘1 =""=_ ""==4
ed M the \'nlu.uiun nud nmuuiiemem thereof, 1 “fin?!"gfl‘ tip. “nfnreat‘lfiflg: lagalfl‘ilfl
urnshow cause willy flfi'sun‘e should [Lot bowl": "3:35 ill.:ul‘lmaince set'lleluedt T1103}?!
:u- :It‘cOl’lllll"lu ..w. . . ‘ . . ' x
In Ibrlllllulibf whereof, I have hereunto set "’33“? ””5 i ““9 ”mi “1 1"“ ¥ ‘
my lmnd, nnxl. nflixml the mm] of lhc said: CR. ‘4"
('uurt.,.-z He'lgflmrg. [his lgtb day of Junua- By onleré paid out, as follows,-
U'v ”"4. ‘ ' ,By auditing 41nd sealing fnblic u- *
_ mums, .
‘1: C. Sceg‘, Esq" Audi's.- appoint-d l
‘_ - . bylhé ,uuruonudil üblic I’flilirs, 5 00
~ . , 31012333; 1! Pfinting, blanks, In, P c we sg‘
I. LXI“ “ ALTMAS b l'.bTsß.—Lelllerl Shu’ifl'i bills 01 Court 6911“, “’8 9
lcsmmcnliiryon the estate 01 Henry vuu. Clerk's ”It 100 00
nun, lute ol .Gmumuy luu’mhip, Admin: 60., de- ‘ Abatemén ‘lO collectors o‘s ”are..." 1,153 34‘
[(-‘caisell, Inning [immigrant-ed to. thenuudcn Fox and wi§d Cm schlpa, . -. “15“
‘mgued, the hrs: named reading in byway Generuljury ““d an 3“,": F!» "4 ‘s'
ltug'p.,.lnd the hm ungned 11l erord twp..they; .\ssessors’ l’ y, i . 593 ”q
lhercby give nojléfg to_ all pahous . indebt- ‘ Jnilorls fees w, Refining prinonm ’
(-d to mid estate ,to lPflkl immenllnte pay-T innd turnkey ‘7 .423 84
uncut, and those having chin): against the Wood and “a“ (on for pubnc‘ 4 ‘ ‘4
:nme til) preseu’i them ‘prbperly sullieuNu-nled buildings, _ . 323 75
“r 3“” ”“1“"? . ~-‘ ' Re miu m. üblic buildin s - 45 47?
h‘.\TH‘Ai\II~.L'J.‘W{\LTMAN, "dim! jurypund lip sluveE‘ Lay. . 30) 88
M‘L‘b bLAth, . l Begister's', l‘nollwuouuy': and Clel'k J
Jun. 11, 1864. 01* . Lwcmogp. 0. 305 mm" («‘l‘ . 132 44'
Tux rerunqed Lo éufidry persons, 49 ad
Conn Cryelt’ls pay, ' 66 s‘l
‘Cfirfificnlel'cf Con‘awhlea’ return, . '7B 2Q
Counsel tees, . 4 r 50 'OO
Treasurer ofAimsHouso, r ~ 7,200 09
Panama Ind smxbueq ,l’o: Commit- i
- nioner'aql‘n‘ue‘ . .L. ~. ,‘ £3B all
Notes and imerést pnid bulk ind jr-“ |
sundry persona, ‘ 8,981 65
Quiz Rent: paid Min-nus Sam-on. l 00
_flifliam A. Duncuuylfifl.‘ Diflgipl 5:
Atwrngy’ifge!" . _
Kllcheu ('upuuuld. ('oppcr Keith. Tubs, BAD
“cl". SEC. 9 ‘ ‘
. Sale [0 rnmml-nce at H n't-luck, A. .\l.,bn
‘snll day. when uttend'atlrc will be g‘u‘cnvnnd
1 term: made known .by J '
t . mam: mum.-
'JUh" Stnllsmith, Auctioneer.
‘ Feb. 1, ISM. 13* . .
_ JAMES J. nxx, clerk
Feb.l,lBt‘rl. 3:. ‘
qu (£90119! . .
C EORGE AILVGIJ [nu just receiged from
I Philadelphia. 3 large stock of CLOTHS
(‘ASSl\ll-£HES. Over-comings, Unusinezd, Vest-.
ings, Hunncls, .\luslimfletna, Jim, I“ ofwluck
win he sold dump fol; cash. Call and magma.
_ bzept. 28, 1863. .
Y , ’ ' I" 2,“"‘:"’~“"“‘ '
..I For Sale. '—
first-rglle set of ne'w CARRIAGE HAR
‘ NESS, Aim 1! lhbusnnd excellent CUES-
A ‘ SHINGLES. Inquire av. the Cuunun' Willi-m lg Gndxier, $511., Commis
office. “v :l‘in '. r' . [Dem 7., I E ‘ionlfil’l pa!) 'AC I
'* " " ‘ '* ""‘~‘ ‘ ”“—”—‘*‘— . hrnim era, . ommi lion
.Excmsmmncawxonu ‘p"" WA? 51' I! ‘
i 4 1. "' * . mis
'_ 1 ' ExcsLstomu i ’fiflfg’fflz’h.§ffl’ 0°”
The Excelsior Washing Machine is the heal Rupingpfis j “gin-Peniten’y,
in the Worm. Cnll and examine it at once.— smm“ We: ‘m conveying
0m?” fl the 5‘00““: Skylight Gule'é- prisnnersfi‘ow Péliiteminy,
‘_' - “3’03 ”nor“ 35‘ Julius" M‘Ouuublu’, feel for
OAL of: ‘ ' “me ' .
C , , n ‘ Comml n’batelmgupenses,
_ ‘,, -Df‘iilgnlfi'is “"1“ qwfl' , Geo. RMpunpflqcoun-houae,
DRAKE'S PLANTATION ISITTERS, or old . Glén'ni‘ng' pd repniu lo Cong-house,
‘ » Homestead lonic, a: Dr. IL BORNER’S , (,JlOlfiflaa) ‘
”NZ 5‘0":- - . A. P. Bnngher, tin moron privy at
, LOTHING! CLOTHING l—Plenly ofnew Cant-house,
goods just opeueq. Also Boots, Shoes Daimer k Ziegler‘ {or hardwhre, _
Hills, Jun, &c., all cheap at BRINKHHHOFF’S .‘ "Gliding and Clothing for prison:
R. TOBIAS' 0,93%”! My Condition ; liahnfsmck & Bros for glnas, in,
D Pow-d rs, for Horses Ind Gnu, {or sale [Ll‘cn‘m lump. V, '
3% Dr. BORfIU-JR’S Dru Sure. lJohn [4. Tate, .:q.,GO\ t ftflfnpn
.~: - . . , Adams Co. Agricultural Society,
LL the hen Patent Xedxclnu cm be had ‘Dr. J W. C. U‘Neal medical atten-
A- at the new anilj Drug and Presc‘fil'uo“ ' dar'we on prisoneias,
SW9 0f . D" 8" RUEB‘HL ‘ Elias Roth, Esq, contract for Swift
‘ RS. mxsmw's 3001 mm SYRUPJor Run Bridge, ‘
children, at. Dr. 71!. BOENEB’S Drug yGu company,
» e. _ ~ »‘ Michael mung), Court-house keeper,
L ~EW FALL & WINTER GOODS l—A good - Samuel Wol , Sherifl', p-yfor wash
uhorgnem. 0!le and .mgoofl 115‘ ing for prisonen,
a: pln the cheapest It A. ‘ & 60. x: \ Qfiicers’ pay at. spring election‘,
. P 818631“ ammuwmn‘gjm i-et'el . ; u u full aleofion, 1
t . u , . . u t’ICKING’S. .Dmcum ofthl Poorpiiy J;
Receipts and Expenditures
Unmmiumnors’ Office. Adnms (-0., Pa
‘ Agreenhly to nu Act of Assembly, calmed
”An Act. to misc County lute: Ind befits."
"quit-mg the t‘ammissimen of the raped“?
Conutiu lo publiuh nSmmuent or the Receipts
and Expenditures yearly, We, the Commissiom
on o! Tun of mid county, Report no folk”,
to I'll, z—irom the Rth day at Janutry, ”63"“)
't‘he “In dl] 0! thunry, [B64mm dnyt In
rlushe. V
H. B. BANNER 1-Iqu Trdnsure'r, and the
Commiuioners, in account fifth the County
of Adims, as follows:
1 DR. k”,
Togarh in bands of Trezunrer at In“ .
. u-lflement, ‘ $1,692
(Mntsmndtng County tlxéa and Quit
‘ Rents TIT Mind of Gollccton,
flounlj”l’alra ‘3' Levin uueuedfirr 1863
Byrough ofuettnburg, 81,263.55
“ “ Quit Routt, 175 04
Cpmberlagd towuihip, “20.“- 83
Gprm-ny ‘3 ~ 976 9b
kaord ‘ n 1,102 as
Huntington ‘3' LNG 19.
Lutilnure ‘g 775 13
‘Hmmllnnbnn ‘t' K 1,057 'l7
Liberty “ ‘ 665 67
FrnuH-n “ 1,3” 21A
Struhnn ” , 1.447 n
)Irlmllen “ 913 00
Huuuipk‘flmt “ 1,379 53
.\lonnljuy “ t 95" 06
Bowling ' ‘ '5 1,142, 03
H.-miltun “ 969 HI
Bulicr “ 840 21 .
‘l'mnn “ 11,205“ 79 , E i
‘Punomgo' “ 936 as . g
T} lune . “ 720 H
’P‘ml-dnm ' W “ 912 79
Hernirk ' “ 383 80
Bermck borough, 211 89
. ——- 2|,779
Lonni from bank and sundry rel-dong, 2.500
Abatement on Sun Quota 1m 1863, 730
Cavh froip Hon D. Ziegler, Adm'r of ~
\\’n_\ brig.” Ziegler-Jute Treasurer, 700
th lrom “011.5. 11. R 4555”, Tren- ~
mun-r of "Mn- Couyany; A 1*
CM!" t'rnm ILG. )[cCrezlry, Esq , for
“ruck jury. '
‘CMh I'rmn Sullnlgel Wolf, Sherifl', for
Juny flex. . .
l‘mh from E. B. Burlnler, Him, for
C us!) frnm \lnws Hartman, Efiq , tor
; min-u) ~,
Additional turn-om sundry persons,
The (ht-minding (hm-10y Tux and Quit Rem:
« appear [(5 be m the hands of the luflowiug
Collectors, to wit:
Nth T-xn
Tenn. B Common. Bar. A, Trip. dun Cuunty.
thn E. I‘Vfcikes, Huntington, $8 58
18:15. A
simud‘findlcr, Tyrone,
llrnry’G. (‘nrr,G‘etrysburg, ' 87 75
" “ Quit. Bouts, LN 11
P). W. Stable. Franklin, , 2‘lB 66
Jnmh (‘uglnuum .\l'tplcnsnnt, 24 77
Eumnm‘! Zléglerfieltyshurg, “I 18
"‘ “ Quit llcuu‘ 178 50
William Slifer, Union, 7| 98
I‘hinona .\lu‘rsden ,fll'lpleaiant, 23 99
Imm. - . ‘
it‘ll. Aqnxor, Gettvshlrrg, _ 240 '25
“ " Quit Hunt“, 40 50
,Wnllium OverdccrY Aleunllen; 215 RS
S-nnuvl l)cl.l’p.Tylone. 53 35
HmnuJel Nehlich. Heading, ‘ 81 {.‘3
.\nn‘h “'ISLL‘I', Under, 4 TB
hill. »- ' *‘
.l. ,L. Hollzzv'orlh, Gcl'ysbnlg, Hf. JG
“ 9 Quit toms, 119 (H
J.lLllnujngan-pcr.llumlt bun, 53 76
Samuel llun’isH~ Ilullt-r. ' 177 2'!
Joupln chner, .Btrn'ick hot, 3' 7‘
18122: . ' ‘
S’mnel Wofig'Sbfif. m! mum'-
iugjurors. ‘o‘ 00
Road Dam-m»: ud Damage views, 5:49 00
Repmrs at Bhdgu, ‘ '550 8).
Cowman: fen, V um 63
Exonornllons to Collectors, 333 86
Outstanding lunar: Quit Rent- in
handa of Collectors,
hpuru’t “1-11, '
Balince iu hndlqof Treuurer,
H. B. BANNER, In.,’l'rehurer, Ind (he'Com
missioners, in account with the Counly of
Adm“, Pun. ~ , . . ,
To cull in land: 01! Treasurer “in:
uulemeut, i ‘ . :z
Ouuunding Military Tax for Relief
Funds, - ‘
Out-Landing Relief Tn for 1861
ad 1862, 3,314 99
Anout at Military fin” unused ‘
. {or law, . ~ 867 so
By Oahu-3mg much" ‘for mu
and 1863:, ‘ ' $1,155 04
Amount of fees filowed Collectors .
to: 100 Ind IBGQ, ' 194 62
Amonhl of Exonerntions allowed ‘
~ Cwmuxw‘tscl and 1562, ‘ 96 'l7
Outstanding Military Tax lor Relief_
for 184.12 and 1303, ' . 1,355 24
Amount of Fez-s aliowed Collccmrs '
m 186: and him, 15 79
Amount of Exam-rations anowcd '
Collectors for 1862 and 1863, ' 240 50
Amount paid Assessors for as.
sesa‘nug. . 11 50
Disbursements on Relief Orders for 4
1353, '1,y75 .o
Treasurer’s Commission. 35 5|
Balnn'ce it; hands of Treasurer, ' 1,22? 83
IX testimony that the foregoing Statement
p‘« of {he neceipu nnfl Expenditures. ex
sut. }hibi\ed' n: the ofiice of the Treuaarer
bra of said County in n corn-ct. and true.
copy as mken‘ from and compared with the
originals remaining In llio books in this ollice.
we have hereunto set our seals and iflixed Mic
seal of said Mfice, m. (lettyflmrm Ilu- svvenlh
dny af‘Jnnunry. One: Thousand Eight. Hundred
and Sixty-four. ’
JACOB l-Il'l'Hl..\H.\',
,S.-\ .\l [7 El. )1 A LT“,
Coyuuissms ut Adams county.
Anesl—J 3|. “animclmk. '
.30 VG
16 OC
21 49
10 60
18 12
‘ “180 87
Auditors’ Report.
0 the Honorable thn Jndgl-s hf 13m Pan“
T 91‘ (‘nlnmun Pleas 'of .\d.lm< yuhnl} :
‘ We, the undersigned. duly film-I'm] .‘udxtors
to mule any adjust. the l’uhlic Alv‘eflnts hf the
Treasurer and (‘ommissiohcrs of sand/County.
having been swam or nfiirme‘d amt-um}: m
lnw, do Raport the {alluding to he the gemrul
statement of said M—Nnnts from the 81h d‘ly
ofJanunry, A. D. “3'11?“ the 7th day 91111.n
-uury, A. 9- 1864, both anys incnu'nu: \
$4O 50
G 83'
54 06
84 91
15 _lB
11, B. DASKER, Esq., TreasurL-r, and Com.
luissxoners, in account with 11. x: County 0!
,Adu’ms, Pm; .
1 7 7 88
1 DR.
ITo h‘ulzmce in hands of’l‘reusurcr M
ll'T 84
. Ins! seuluaom, .
Outstanding Tux and QJiv. Rent! in
. 50 50
ii h-Indi ofl'ollecxors.
;Amou\ul. of Count) Tax nngl Quit.
t; Rents nssussml for 186*
{Louus from Inukund Ml'ln 'pt rm- 5,
IlAlmu-mcnt on 1110 :l'llc Q'Lutu L:
Q Im. ,
137 32
‘2l 39
«H 70
26 23
“(‘nsh from llon.,l)}ui\] 73'1”“ :‘ A“.-
H Iniuiaumnr of \\'.|_br:gllL [lug
lcr. l‘nc TH‘llalerr.
’H‘nsh Imm Hun»? lt Ru¢w-I',’.'X'rn.l§-
84 63
83 98
urcr of ”Curr Uulnp'my,
"(‘4th {mm R. G; Nu, runny, ]l~:l.rlur
firm k Jury,
('mh fi-mn (funnel Wolf, .\.!!le 'IT, {or
65 83
l” 76
5 61
196 ‘bl
SS 43
101 ll
85 73
7.1 as
1 57
Jury Ice'. ’ A‘ ‘
(".isl. Irym E; B. chhlcrrksqu fur
(Huh [from \
.lqses Hartman, PM, ‘
. ~
fur strays. . -
Additional Tux L-om sundry persons,
By Oulflnnding Tues for 1851‘ $9 58
u was, - 6 s 3
IMF-T. ‘HI 87
‘lr‘ax, -—2 m
1959, , can 65
lauo, 452 {m
1561, ~ (.33 59
1862, 1,554 71
mes, , gym «9
Fees for
u \ ‘ , 13352, as 34
Disbursements on County Orders, 26,237 99
’h’cuaunr’alhunmission, ‘ 393 50
Balance in lam-l; of Treasurer, . 1,336 08
n. n. bANxEn. Esq, Tregumer, and me (‘om
xnissioners. in account With the County of
{Adamgl’ug _ . ‘ ' _
Tn (‘nsh in hands of Treasurer at
lust settleméut, A ‘
Outstanding .\Ulimry Tax for Relief
Funds, » “ ' 1,164 65
Outstanding Relief Tux for I’B6l
and 1862‘ 3,514 99
Amount of Militaryfinu unused
for 1863, ‘ 867 50
, .
$6,153 30
CR, '
By Uuuumling Relief Tum 1861!-
nndlB62, 151,135 (u
Amount of feel allowed Co'fiecton‘:
Tor-1&6: and 1352., ' 194 62
Amount of Exam 6006 to Collpoy ,
{on fér'ISGI in‘; 1861; ‘ ‘ ‘ 96 77
Outstanding Ilium? Tau for Refiéf ‘
for no: and 1862, ' A 35: 24
Amon‘m of Fees all-med’CoHectora ‘
for 1862 and 1863, , ‘ lb 79
Amount or Exonerltiona allowed :
Golleclms for 1862 3-148“, '4 , 210 50
Arr-ovumpaidAsaasor'sfornsscssing'; ' ll 50
Dilburaenpents on Relifl Orders for 4
1863, ' 1,775 50
Tfinem‘uvmmmlum I- ‘3! 5!
Balance in handi of Treuurcr, L 222 83
We, the‘underflg-n'ed, Amhtors ofthe Coun
ty of Adz'uml, fiennaylvnnin, elected and sworn
in pursuance of luv, do Report that we met,
did nudit, settle and ndjust Mcmd‘mg tojnw,
the account of ‘he Trgfinfir‘lnd Commission
on 0‘ laid County. emanating on' .the Bth
«1-: 0! luxury. 1883, to the Ith day of Jun
nary, 1864, both dqsfinclusive; thnt uid ne
tout-tn let-led übnn and enmd of I’!ch
hi Stulemelt Book in the ('uuunissionbl's’
Office of Adams county, in correct, and tint we
find 1| balance due‘w the County of Atkins, Hy
H. B. Danna,» laq.,7'rm?urs(ofifidn(tulinty,
OFOHegl‘housand Three Hundgedfind Thur”.-
eight Doll“: And Eight Cen Ls jst,”§ 03) and
I bahpce In hands of mid Truman: of Relief
Fundi like the County of Om: Thousand Two.
Hundred and Twenty-two Dollnrsnud Eighty;
three (‘ents ($1.222 83). and in outstanding
(‘ouuty Tues Tweh’e Thouund One Hun
dred and Thirty-four Donn-s and Seflnty
three CentséSlLlßfi 73,) and in outstanding
Rcfieffl‘axes wo Thousand Five Hundred and
and Forty Dollns and Tw’ent,‘ «fight. Cents
($2,540 as.)
* Auditors.
176 b?
187 50
'1 my so
.. L
187 50
4s 7r
"207 a
26‘ ,12
23’ 27
2t 7;)
so as
25 oo
‘ as so
59 25
,u‘ 1p
10 2b
7 5b
100 so
Feb. 1, 1864. 4t
27 00
ARD PH_OTOGRAPHS mad‘e at me E:-
celsior Gallerymre “way: warranted to
my saliahction. "rYsox‘ Bumujam
0!! good Ale, Porter, Enos, kc, go to
, . cumsnsn's.
UFYALO SHOES—A superior article pf
ohr Show, for sub It the Store of '~
‘ ‘3O“ t WOODS.
942 00
25 09
430 £’
487 ll
.60 oo
12,1’34 13
m 58‘
1,338 08
$41,480 87
nmn‘v FUNDS
1,164 65
$6,133 so
$6,133 30
$1,692 03
1..9.1' DI
-,.’.w w
75{, Ji.,
70) Ou
10 ;;0
I< 12
Sufi» s:
155 m,
"6' 83
at no
425 16
35.; u
11 73
‘2B 21
mm, 225 54
$H,450 87
$330 16
56.133 30
,—~--<——_..V .- . V_‘_-...._.- .... -...n __4_,, -—_- -.. .
I - Pubhc Sale. I ' marge saw
114‘“, lhe Suhsfl’ib”, “NEED: to ”"10“, ' Q —‘Will be offered A! Public Elle, on MON
mll sell an Publir Snlc. a: his' residence. in D Y, the 2th dav oi l‘l-inlll‘alli‘ mm, nnhe
Butler township, Adnms \‘o , near llnrlzell'a residence of [hi subscribe?! «in ('nnowngo
Hill. the followingpersunn'l property. \Il: ,towmhip, Adams coun'y, l'u , [he Twinning
I 1‘ End of WURK HORSES.I Coil, three highly Valnnbk, per-mm) prumrlfwil:
”1014.1 flurkinz Mulo, 6 Cows, 1 Bull, 3 NINE HEAD OF WORK HORSES; 40 Palm,
Hcilerl, 13 head of Sheep, Sow and Pigs, 2 4 Milan Cowr,n lot of‘rery undo. Shup,
IGonu, 1 brand-wheeled Wagon, 1 lam-horse Farm Wmfigningmfloemnyßuggdinruc
broad-wheeled Wagon, English llerl ‘ with Gum and Hamel]: Grain lirill, unpl'vh'oru
, bowu, Lime Bed. Hmv Ladders, M'lnnowing Shell”. Fodder Cutter. Corn l’lnntch Thresh
rlillhpamm ('utling Box, thghs‘k Harrovn, lug “Mixing; wi‘h hm“, Fgwgfgl‘z Wiuuowlng
donblo shovel plough-4, corn fork". liny rake, Mills, 3 Four-horse Wilgona, 1 Spring Milo";
‘ double and single-twee, fllill chain, lug chains, 1 1 One-horse Wagon, 2 Ihy flouting”, Plnughl,
numbers, horse gears, wagon saddle, hridles, ‘ Harrows. (‘nrn Fol-h, Show! Plough, Roller,
Icollnn, halter Ind cow chains, pitch forks, : Rolling Srrecn, “one flak", 2 Sluiglis, Gring
fiunfi torn, grain cradlu, mowing scythes,,stoucs, Cradles, Scyihcl, Wheel-burrows, and
find bther {inning implemenu. ,evcry other trill-ls balougfmg Lo‘tarnunz.- To.
Alto 1 large Case of Drawers, Ziela of gelher \vixhn largo urie‘y oi Household and
Cluin, Kitchen Table. .ment vessels. Elder hu- I, Kitchen Furniture, Inch M Til-Nu. Chairs.
roll, I lung ladder, and a ninety of other nrti. I Bedsleadu and Bedding, Lookilfi Gianni, Par
'clen too numerouuo Intuition. ’ {log and Cook Steven, China a d other Inn.
Snle to commence nt 10 o’clock, A. M., on ,thIC. Alto I qunnticy of Pdluves by tho
snid day. 'hcn lllffldllflce will'be given Ind bushel. . '
terms made known by» ‘ I At the same time will be olfcrerl 5 lat of
. vELIAS GARDNER. ‘ Wheel: belunuing to mill nearing, wry good;
John Hana, Auriionner. Sign“, Belting Prune, and why mixer uli.
{unnlry 25, 1864. la clen which might be maul to nilll-wrighu.
Sale to commnco It 8 9‘cloqk, A. IL, on
(said day, when attenannce willbe-gn‘en nud
' Lei-nu made known], . , = '
l . 11. MCC. DKLOXE.
Adam Outer, Auctioneer. ,I
J‘uunry 23, 1864. in
Public Sale.
O nu!t the Inhlcriber will tell at Public
Sale, in Nountplenannv. township, Adam; 1:0,,
It the Election l'ollf‘the following Per-03ml
Pro'pen'y, viz: j
heavy with foal, 5 head of horned Cattle, l
bmedilg Sow‘ a good four-horsa Wugbn, with
Stone Bed and ”my LAddc'rq. l‘luugh. Harrow,
Double‘Shovel Plough, Coru Fork. Wind Hill,
Cutting llox, ”Disc Cents, Bridln, Halters,
{Jaw Chains, Lug Chitin, Jack Scrrw, Double
and Single-trees, St‘rotchcrs, with many othl
articles not mentionrd. .
Also, Household and Kitchen Fuinimre“
Kitchen Cupboard. Sink, hall.dmeu Chaim“
Rocking Clinir, Clollws C(np‘uonrd, Bcdmud
and Bedding, Uurmu. liesk, Looking Glussea i
large Dining Tnble,‘Eighl—dny Clmk, 2 Meat}
Vessels, Wash Tuba: 2 “3le Machines, Pork“
nnd Uecfl Lani, Uriudnbua, Axes, Plun‘e Bench,"
with numerous owe-1 article; nog enumernted
”Sale to commence at 'lO o‘vlock, A. .\1.,“
on suid day, when nltonul.xuce will‘bc giwuil
and terms wade hm“ n by I!
'. ‘ F. X. SMITH. i
Adam (3:31”, .\uvlioneer
JAIL. 'l5, 131 M. [9*
Orphan’s Court
‘k the hm: day of I-‘X-li'in'AßY non, in put-
SMIUH'P 0| nan Urdvr of Illc Urphnn's (‘uurt of
A-lnma'cmmtv. the Subscriber, Adminiqrrntnr
(If the «Male of lit-tor Hohhrl, (in-mud, “1H
”(TI-r M l’ul-lic Rain, on the premises, the Real
. [1:1 m- n" -;4i<l :lv-vé‘ft‘nf, to \s it:
.\ ’l'iLH‘l‘ UK" I..\VD, aigu'flr- in .“lrvh-u
IORIILthL '.\de- (-uumy. no-n‘ tln- l'nu (in-u.-
rmd. “mm: :1 mile or ihlrl/ouk \hll. n-ljm'u
in; lands u: .\‘mlh' .\liHvr, lilniol Lmvg'nuv-vl 1-1.
David Trimmer. and SH-plxcn Not'l.’ (unlmniug
D Lhrm, more or ln-zs, on win-1| ,nrc (:57:
cr‘or'H-d 11 one and as half Story Loggia
”UV-"E, Log Slnblr, wiEh n Threshing
Floor. There is a spring at water neur‘H-e
House. Tlu; Lot is cmcrud with choice young
Apple and Pouch Truce. The 86H 53 red 511m],
i-n 3 gm“! slMc ét’t'nltivntion, nud enclosed
(\ixh q’oml frnvinq. A flesh-ablethume is thus
ufl'urxl‘l-d, I’m-Non} 1.35 M“; to gidw the promi
ses vjll pull upon ll‘u .\dmhriqtmlon lixing
umritu ' .‘ f' ‘
Lu; "F ’0 couf‘me'xce at 1 o’clock, P. K,
on s-xid' d ~‘a~ n uttendanée will be giVen
luri'lctmgmp .nmm by
By the Quirk—Jun"? J. Fink, Ukrk.
(gxxl..'.,ltus. 7(6‘ . ‘
; - Pnb‘ic Sale. ..
. Vix'rznxrzsrxn'. me Iw. any of I’cbgumy
0 A" m. thv subunit-r, lutcnleug to remove
to "m \'.'p.~t, will ml] at. Pu‘hlxc 8.119, nl his
re:it'.v mo, in lhghLmJ'towuiihip, Adam: cm.
a") Ii:""£11rvx rwm-llwy I‘ll-tn “AM, the iolluw
-1N; I‘L‘HO'IIKI Imvlmrty, \‘u:
1" Hurst‘s, ‘J Twnq'cmlihg NUS, 3 Cowa,‘
5 HI ‘fcrs, T\\'o~horse Wagon, Slime Bl'd. [by
finrriugrs, Hor-‘e Gvnrs, Buggy nnd lhrurse,
lerglm, [)uuhlc and! Neck: Slmrckl’koughs,
Cur" Furk. [)nnMr- mad Single-trees,» Halter
and Co“ ('lmins, S‘tdnlle. and Ih-idie, Ihk'n-s.
Furks.&¢. .\lso, Corn and Potatoes by the
l‘puahcl, with Household and Kitchen Furniture,
such as ltnyozm, T.\l-le=, ('h‘nirs. Hedstends,
Cooking Stme and fixtures, Ton-plate Sun‘q
nfid Paw. sure, Stand. Iron Kettle, Tubs, Bur~
rels, . eat Vrsq‘ls, Bacon and, Lud by the
ponmlénnd u V’nr‘ety ol ulhg’r articles.
5.11610 couimenre M w o‘dockhA. 31., on
said day, when attendance will be given and
terms made known by
' Revamp. Kt'ux
Jnmb Nickle-y, Auzlioneor. ,
Fm 1, [8645 {s*
Personal Property
'l‘ PUBLIC SAUL—Du Tll‘i’llSDAY, the
A 25th day of Fuhrunry insl.,the mhmnber
wall sell at Public Sale, at hi 4 resident, in
Liberty township, Adams‘roumy, on the ro.ud
lending from Dirhl’s _Mfll t-i Emmitsburg, the
l liouln )ersonnl ‘o ’-rt.v viz: ,
?.'l Henfilof WnM-sc's: 3 Milch Cows, 4
HeifersuShcmtc, Hour-horse brand-trend Wag
on nn! Lime Bed, as good “new, 1- pnir Hay
Carriages, Wifinowing ‘Miil, 'pnient Cutting
"ox, [uncut Hay Fork, 2 Grain Crudlss, Man'-
in: Scythu. Grindstonc, Forks and Rake).
2 Barshmr Ploughs, Double Shard Plough,
Corn Fork, swrow', large Cifllivntor, Single
and Double-t ecs, Spie-nder, Filth Chitin, Butt
Chniu, Cow Chains, F” Box and Chest,
Grain Shovol ;' Roehwny uggy and Harness,
Sleigh and Bells, 4 firm of Horse Gears, Sud
dfpa, Briillc<,. ilnllerl; Wheelbarrow, “and
Slur. WOl4 51w, l‘mazoes by the bushel.
Also, a lot. of linunhoid and Kitchen Fu‘r
niture, such n 5 (looking Stove and fixtures,
i'nrlor Slow and Pipr, Bureau and Sideboard,
”good on new, 6 Bari-tenth, three ls good A!
new, 1 Crib, Biking 'loom Chnlrs, 4 Tm
Immune a: good 3.: neiv, Writing Dank, A lot
of, Standa rnd Wash Stands, Rink,
2 Chums, large—Hem. Vessd, Mg! iron Kettle,
Tubs nald lincketsfiflififkncil, pair of large
Sunk-nth. Shm Gin, .nnd a "mica-o! other
nrticin, toqpumerous to mention. ~
5:; gm nominate It 10 o’clock,,‘on
said sins, when attendance. will be given and
uénnnnule known by
Gnu Eplcy .~nu'r.
Feb. 1, [864. (3* g: ; ‘
Public Sale.
RTHURSDAY,Lhe 10111 dnyof March next.
the subscriber. intendlr‘g to remove to a
mnller (arm, will sell M. Public Sale, at his
residence, in Monutfnlcxumt township, Adams
taunt}, one and-i Mmflec east of Bonnqgh
tow"!' the following personal property, viz}
2 Hhueu, l Y'nrlin Cult, 3 Vows, 1 Bull,'
‘1 ’Heifen Fan r-horsp NSrow-grmd Wagon. [l4y
'Cnrriugcl, flail Dill? Cdm“ Planter, Horse
Mrs, Plough/MW Three-hone Harrow. Du,“-
‘ble and SingleolMS, Halley and ('ow Chaim,
a loner Barrelsl Ind) mriety at other miéleu.
Sale to comment's: wok-lock, .\l., on snid
day, when attendant-e “ill be given and terms
nude known by , _ . '-
' " - musex‘mmnm.
Iqhu Stall-55th. Auctions"; -
_ Feb. 1,1865. u. ~
. Anslgneefs N otaqe.
LIVE hnMighed’gt-vin'g Imm ~npfidintod
Axsignee, unda- a deed of mm for the
anal! ol‘ cudibrs, of stl Sun-n and Wll2,
ofliemmry township, Adam county. notice is
hereby given howl! poisons lsnowinithem
‘selres inch-bf!!!) 10' nfi’A‘s‘sTfiioi-i Timing}? IE6 -
mediate payment to the nn&nigned, residing
in Moanu'oy township, and than having claims
against thmme tonresent them‘ properly nu
thenticnled for settlement.
Jannnry 25,1864. it. , ‘
A . ,7 _ ~_ .._____.
ters of administration on the estate office.
J. enerhofl", late of Moumjoy tp..Ad.lms coun
tyj‘deccnicd, huvingtbeen granted to theunder—
siguetm'rdidgin the sametmx nship, be hereby
‘giyea notwe to all pexsons indcbu-d to said
‘ estate to make immedim payment, and .lhone
Having (Shims ngmnst (be same to present
flém pmperly nulhenlicnled tor settlement.
. Eehfifiy 1,).1864y 6: . _
MEG BALuomLs just. received at
. wwxasrocx BROS‘
- . I. .
rufii‘ic“ £3l?
l'flL‘l’EßTkaf‘he subacriber, retiring
lroln (arming, will fie! a: Public Sale, at his
residence, near New Oxford. Adams county,
on TUESDAY, the sth day (”MARCH next;
(the paleto continue from day “why till 1:“ is
sold.) his valuable Flll’ll’l Stoelq uld Purmlng
Implements, all being in good. ozdcr, consist
ing as follows: . 1 ' '
3 being brood mares, 18 houl oi first. rate
Cows and Heifers, Sow, with figs, 2 l‘hutn- ‘
(ion Wagons, wi'th Rubbers. (cup is :1 Mom.
until) 1 One-horse Wagon, 1 Spring Wslgnn,f
l anily Carriige, (far one or um horses.) 1 .
Ilocknnny Buggy, l Sleigh and Bells, 1 Stone.
”01’, with side boards, 25019 of Mnnnre‘kmrdq‘
\viih bolau-u, ! llay (inrriagofi linir 0| llny
Ladders, ‘1 Ulimhing Ladders; 1 new “(‘9'-
spriug Horse-Ilium, l Bamlvink Horne nuke,
l limpet, llulsoy'a hum, l llOru- l'nwor and
Threshing Machine, 1 York (lmln mul_’l‘iuuuthy
Svellocr, l Wmnowing Mill, 2 Railing Screw-s, I
(one is fur elovorseed and ripple,) l Corn
Shelley. ZSGrziin Bugs, 1 Uuuinl: BM, 1 Grind
stonc, 0 l'ilrh Forks. 6 Hl3- l‘nrks, 4 Sli'rking
Porky, 6 Manure Forks, 2 Grain Shank. if:
Gunman! llay Rnku, ulna Shovels, Hurdles,
Bulletin,wa liars, Digging liqul, ¢ Whé‘eL
lmfi'um s, U. for limo.) 1 TI» cellfimse Plough2
'2 'l'wn-lmrk‘r- Plough". Z .Jhmol l’lnrgha, 2
Double .\‘lwu-l l’lnughfi, ‘3, ('nm‘ lfiqu, '.’ Unr—
rmvz, 1 Two-horse liollvr; l Th'rcv-lmrm
liunhlc-ler I: 'l‘n‘n-lmne llohhlonrv-m, 21nd
Singlc-lrn-‘s. 2 vSprcndera, I I’m, l‘lwn. l
l‘.i‘:'r}inq (‘lminl 2 pair of Hull ('lnuns, _’ piit l
()l 'lln- .s:,(‘hnmq, 1 Rough Luak null ire Cub
ter, 3 Log (‘hninif' 2 Lock Chains. 25 Cownnd
"lhi'! Clihin=, 0 llalh-r ("Inning-@lBO lot. of lrop,
6 sets of Wagon Guns. 4 seq» lo! Plough‘Gea'fn
nnd 'Plrmgh Lines, 2 sets of (‘nrriage lluness,‘
5 Leather Fly Nets, l new \Vng’on Snddlh and
“'hip, 1 Riding Snddle, I%igic Snddle. rind
Bridle,l large Sledge, l .\lnu’l and Wedges,
Ages. llnlchns. lliimmers, 1 Hobs-cut Sufi, l
Illandrsnw, 1 Wood-51m, I Pruning: find, 2
(illifl.ol3dli‘i, 6 Grass Sci-meal Corn Chop
pen, and Hoes; 1 Dining Tablo,l Kitchen
Dressy. 1 Paint Churn. .\lentfl’cswls‘, Hug?-
haudl, Cider Burn-la, and Regs; and numerous
iother Articles, :00 lediona‘to mention. a -
While to commence an acid day, mm
o’clock, precisely, when .cuuditions willtbe
made known, on reuuunble term, by 1 .
Frank. Ktwhlel'Y Auctioneer. l_ .
Jun. 18,1884. in I‘ a, 'I
e. -_‘. ,“_,V.-V__ ~.-,.,, ..._ H... _1..-
' Pubhc 83.16. F 5
v annsmY, the 251.21 mg or Immuta—
RY next, the subSL-ribt-r; Administnhlur
‘ot Francis Felix, di-ccnsed, “ill sell at 1'1: lic
Sale, at the late residence of fluid dorexlem, in
Oxford township, "Azlnms (nilmy, ncnr Xew
le‘ord. llie.follm\ing- [wrsonnl pmpcuy. Hz:
1 .\mm, : two-yenfi’ling‘ Mt. 1 ”mod SM,
Two-lmrse Wagon, One-horse] Wagon, (‘nr‘ri
uge and flxcrnos<.‘Slr-i;:lf, “'lnmfl-bnrrow; “'lu
nowing Mill, Cutting BM, v‘ Hny 'Lndders,
[’lnnghé Shovel Plough, llolldr, llorZ-‘o (lozlrs,
Saddles, Bridlfit, Czllnrs. H‘ousings,’ Fly-net,
lhller and .Cow Chains, (Irina‘Lonc, Cross-cut.
Snw, Wood 'Lnd'ders, 'l’nrku. rakes. Mu; lhy
by thctnn. Also, Birds and ,B¢ds?.czldal Show:
and Pipe, hulf dozen Chairs" (‘hcsL Confer
Keflie, and a variety of olher articles 100 qu
merous to mention. f ' ‘,
Snle to commence at “.0 o'qldrk, A. .\ll. ion
Enid dayl when attendance will be given and
terms made known U j 1
‘ Jom' FELIX Adm‘n‘
If not provionfily done, thé Fur?!) wfll {be
route-d on said day. ‘ ‘ ‘ '
new!“ the wné time and plnrc.willbc 503 d,
4 Cows, 2 Shaun, tables, Chairs, Bede dud
Hedsuads, Rocking Chairs. Stoves and FTP,
Bureau, Cnrpeting, Stnnrds, Qubcnsware. I’o n
toes by the bushel, “ny by the (an, \"mhgbr,
Eric-on and Lard by the pound, and mnnymhcr
articles. Attendance givenornd terms made
known by 3081‘th FELIX.
N. B. Miller. Auctioneer.
‘ January 25,1861. (5"
' Reel-Inch Wanted. Y
fill the qudln ‘of STRABAN Township,
‘ Adams county,Pl., which pays a BUUN 1')"
0 $125, in addition to the rogula: Govern
men! Bounties, to person: volunuerihg to fill]
the quota of mid ‘ownship. TEN DOLLARS‘
n‘ddilioanl wflllbc paid M n. premium to any
person bringlng an acceptable volunteer. or to ‘
any volunteer patenting himsulf, _ll' is hupcd
that “gig hbaul oth: will induce vain-awe” 1:04
came forward prompt’ly. Now" is the Qilfieé‘
Pierson: ’enlisxing 9am have the choice of {he-FA
imenL and Comp“). Pensoni desirous. ‘ofj
roluuteér‘mg nre requested (0 cull upon eidmr
of die hudyrsigued Committee. ‘
mx. 5. s.\xnsfi‘;:;. ' 1
. . ./
Volunteers Wanted!
HE Township of FRANKLIN. Adam! m.”
T will [my ,um' gnu. M 3150 lml'NTl' for
uu‘eptublc VOLUNTEERS. UV lyrm ling the
cenificue of the propvr rcgryilmg 1.7%0'1‘. and
prelenliug the sang: to JACOB MAR ', Luau
cqp-n, they'w'm wcc‘ne llH' n‘nm’e Bonn’ly.‘ ‘,
‘Apply to tithe: 6f the bllowlllg~_lfiurlct
Cumulus“: Aremlllrilld, Jacob If. L 6“ er, (‘. ‘
B\Hnues, Peter Boblitz; 'Panliu, Jleanlld
dy; Eli Hartman, J. Gnllnghqu Ifmmmbm,
J, Palm-nor, E. w. Stable, Joly: Hut-Jul;
[pdy'g'o Sterner, (L‘LJd‘V’J. Wm"; Ham-3a,
H. Lfltslmw, Jet. Milecmr, J. Elllry; Scott's I
Toln'usfi. Coven 'A. Mktlnger, J. ('lmmher- '
liu; mulch, thn Hartman, l’. Slickl«;,.l.l
W. hat; Plhfinm Valley. S. Brady, John
Cole. A,‘luck ffitmlbnnmfi, J. Liven, James l
Trwin, . Walls; Poplar Sprluga, A. Flollf, l
J. Spouce, J. Lmn ; lilagnmnn‘l. J. Lnuver, l). ‘
Kuhn, H. Munsh‘awhflgtmzm’l, E. XL‘WJHIU,
(l, A. Corwglrm übinpu-d; Mo'unl. Vumo'n, l
J llflcillgfl, l._XauLlprD. delec.‘ Feb. 1.” ‘
' Collateral Inheutanoe Tax. , 1
“Human an). x MART”. my, Reg-
T‘mor and Monk-r or Adam county,
shows the following nmunm of Collateral lu
lgeritxmt-é Ta): receirrod flnr‘mg the 3"é‘nr elfmfig‘
Dec. 1, was; Mm the pdfihl .mm.
Lives oftlxe lollowmg numgfl decedent»;- ' .
LeahlJn-w, ‘55 29‘
Magdalena Monica, 1 _ .8 675
Abe Sample, »
Wm. Urr,
Phebe Poerson, ‘
Annntena Keebil,
‘ Notice. “ ..‘“;1'
HI: third am“. of Rob»; McCuMh 3...: u
. . V. f
v? (“Quiver of'thv (knfiblmflfllduah
rib‘lmlhmkhss been mm In lhl 0 oft/oar- "~
“93 M 1113: Pleaa of Adam! (‘uumy, and «m be mu. m
*9 do 5 ed by the and (Juan, on IthJJApy a!
1 . ._..~ ‘ ynsnugayym unleu can» bejho'vm'." g;
3‘1““0‘1‘ ._ ; . , ‘ i. x' 3.8 m ' ‘ Wcoulrnry- V w', ‘
Tye mbunber. nppmntelgbgl the Count I ~ " JM‘OB BUEH’B‘l',¥roth'j." ‘
nudmhe public cflw.smifionhuno snub" Jan. :8, 1564. v.O - v‘ ‘- v ‘
lapel-red. ’ " I ’ , ,~ _ ~c\--_ “—""“—-'——--—-f- ,v,‘
3_ C. “ELY, Auditor. , }.WE _hgve Just rbcen‘eq 9 _new nlmrtmont
Sumnm Lmle,
Catharine _Miuu’,
Nancy Walker,
. _, , ~ . , , .
mgiuu-s per «unlqr 0011.06”,
Feb. List”. 4,:
‘RY Dr. R. BIIRNER'S Tquiic nd Almi
fiwe Pomhfljlur HORSES and CAT-TLB. I
Prepared and told only a: hip Durham. 1
JJnnary 25, 1864. ~ . ,
5 V 5'3"»? 17E!
~ , ”infielder .? z J
v mm)", the :33 Hay «mam/arr
nut, the nbocriben. Executor: with»
but willnnd luumrnt of Juhn pun. dm‘awi.
win sail at Public Sale. At the lat; resiiuu u
(If Mid deco-lent, on ’poupfl Creek. Ira:
linrtn'll'a will, 1;) Bull” lownxlu'p, All!”
county. the tullowing pcrnonfl propcriy. rir
4 MM], 10 sharp, Jrflogu. 1 W 80'.
l Three-hm" Wagon. Uny Ladders, Won-d
Ladders anou Md, 1 Got n! I! my 5., mam;
Snddle, Side Rmkflr, Pf-umhs.:-Ingie mid dou
llle Shovel l’lougha, Cuinmtura, Kuhn, In.
nnd-tb:ec~horse double Heel nnd singly traen,
lag chains, cow chn'vns, cutting box, “has,
flux brake and scutching mail, one In'd Mme
horse spreaden, crow-bar. mattockq, lhovoia,
hoes, picksledge, cant hook. xmu‘nxe, m-ulr 3:
and-wedge; grain bug. flu I:ch lg-a, Oarpen- ‘
tar Touls, cross-cut saw. lmnd am“. broad
axe, hand nxeha full net: ui‘ |TX,‘OI‘L S‘lmemflcrr
Tool! and bunch, I mmight—rut Rifle, hnys.
hudu, meat Ind other rennin} “heel-bar.
(our! ; togrthor w‘lh household furnlgnrcficuch
nWe and Bedding. Trblci, Guam, Uhedu, ‘
spinning wheels, wool wheels and we”, gun
or dnm.ers.eiglu-duv dork, 3 ton-pliiteatom
ud pipe, ‘3 iron and l coppo-r kettla, tilehen
dreuer and um" furniture of uli descr‘p-'
Hanna lotof carpeting, bacon by the pound,
and mnny other article: too numerous in
‘ _ Sale to commona- M 9 o'clock, A! 31., mi
I-lid day, when uwndnnee wm be given and
tuna: mute knownrby 1' -
John Hanna-Auction". Execute". ~
Jmuunry 25, 1564. I.»lli ‘
Public Sale.
ON SATURDAY, the am 0! MARCH nut. -
the suhuribor. infinding toquit farming,
“I” sell ai Public Sale, at his rcsldhnue, in
Union qu'nship, A‘dims, county, hm ”£195.,
northenn of Link-3min, (on the farm lot-meri
ly owned by Juan!) Smith, Sr..«lece.iged.) the
following I’l'l‘a‘UHnL ['rupm Iy, viz:
rn'mmm OF WORK HORSES, 1 Unit, «
6 Mulch Cowa.(sevem|oi lhem er-Ih milchedJ
2 Bulls, 4' lloilers. Sow n_ml Fifi, 1 ”road;
wheeled Four-hone Wagon, Three-inch 'l'Lré'
Threwfioru Wagon. (”Au-[v new.) 2' Sumo
Beds, my flmldrrs, Hay glzlrri.\;c=, Spring
Wagon. Carriage nnd "mm“, '1" 1' citing
Machine; I'illl flang- Puu§r, Griin linku,
Grain Uri", Winnou‘ing .\E'YI. (‘n 'sn;_7~ Bax,
Plough; and" Inflows. Sluml lzLug'Ls,
Corn Forks,.Sinxlo and gllmiHlr-anw, un‘k
screw, Log Chains, llalu“: and Cow Chains, u.
lnrgn lat nl Nurse Genus, Ridin" Sflddll' and
Hridlnl, Side Suldle. Show-ht, Forkh, flak",
kc. May by thn inn ; Potsunnn by the bushel;
lh-ds mug Bedslcndq. Cook Stove, and n Variety
a’mluar unicles, {on numerous 1-) mention;
- [FE-Sula to commeni-o u'. 10 u vlm-k, A. 51.,
on sn‘u] dll3, wln-n :memlnnce will b" gin]:
and ,tmus [mule known by V
, .M‘Jl-Z'} I’LUKliElL'l‘. .
.\(lqm 03M", ‘Ann-limlepr. ‘ '
J in. 2.3, 18134. N?"
Rogister’s Notice.
‘ VO'HUE H lit-rx-bygiven (0 WI Logan-u! Md
1. utiiu‘r .pcrwu: Concerned, mat, Ll}: Ad
mlnlill'ulioll Acmuu‘s herplnnl'ter mon'innod
null he plescnlod M. the ()‘iihnu'n Court. of
Adull! county, hr confirmaa’u‘n annglmmncE',’
‘On TUESDAY, the 13d 0! FEBRUARY. 1864,
at 10 o'clock, A. BL, viz:
5. The first noconm. of Jamel TI. Mur
shall find Jnmm Marshall, Administrntors
of the eumm gffl‘homu .5, llnrn-hnll, dec'dx
1 6. The firihand finnl mum. «Samuel
. Durborxlw, Administrator of Jacob Falter
' holl‘, decanted. - «
" 7. The first account of Samuel Brown,
Administrator of George Nufl, late of Hun
‘ ilton (owmbip, deceased.
S. The. first and final account of Pen}
.Sell. Gfi‘slrdinn of Sarah Ann .39”, Juli.
Ann Sell and Susan Sell. (the latter being
debeuu‘d") who were minor children of
John Sell and Lydia Hall, (the infler hem);
docemnd,) of Stark county, Ohio.
'9. The first‘account 6' Samuel Durhnra-w,
11311.. Administrator of Samuel Swarm. don.
‘ 10. The first and final account’oflJoh’u-
Plank. Administrator of Sarah Plank. (IN),
1-1. The first tm'd final nécount of4amew
Ibrvis. Adminiatrxtor of the estate 0 ,Wil’_
liqm Meals. hue of Huntington Low‘nshjp;
deconsv‘d. « 1
12: The account of Frederick Diehl, Eu},
Executnr‘of Samuel Doug-deceased. ‘
13. The first and final anooun‘ or David
Sebriver, Administrator uf .tfio estate '0!
Samuel Linllnghér. deceased.
14: First account of 1105. 3003 3. Dan:
.ner. Executor of tho inscxwillcnl‘téianwnt
of PMCIOI3III. decent-d. , .
. ' SAMUEL LILLY; Begin".
Regiuer’s (mice, Gettysburg, <
‘Jan. 2Q, 1364. w } « ~ '
My ' '
‘ '- 2 - r E. 5:13;.” "9-!"
‘»..=C~A(5_-;2-:;ve- tag-L), 5 ‘ """ B‘, ‘
(, . Change of Tune.
T [he first ulszunry mm, 'lrumi U\'Ll the
Gettysburg Railroad will rim 1:" {ulivwsz
Fir" Train will ll‘nvu (L-v‘wlmrg "claims
A. 3]., WI”) passenger! {my liwilnuorr. and .
olhrr poinls buullmmd. {lulqn u‘ 4.30. I’.
M., “ill; passengers from B Mimi-Ac. nl 01mm
York, Harrisburg, l'bilziv‘wl.z‘, mil uulul,
point! Nnrtil mul Easluu‘. . '
Second Train will leave (Youwhurg at 9,}
A. .\L, with Mammy“. fu'r: Yurk,’llarrishu‘¢g.
Philadelphia. 3w. Return at ($3.41.! 'l'“
passepgers Irquu aimeyoinu. l’useugerycnh‘
ulso reach Baltimore Ilie Fume day by this ,
tmin.’ , ’R. XYL'CURD‘Y, President. "
Dec.,2B, 2803. - A 22 ..‘.
‘Bllacksmirhipg. . ;
HE undersignqd woslq qmyrewlful}
l‘ inform the public that by km: wmmcuci ,
e ~ , V
nnmmm‘rmxn Bcgpmss, ", ,
>3l Dn‘nner‘ I: Ziogler’a shop, In Flu-4' ”HMS,
street, (Weft; sburg. who-re he ["3]? at :2! sin. .s',
be prepared to do Blackahmhig work‘ Ln (‘n'r
ring", Fungies, anons, 'kc. sm: he hm“!
how to do all job: or the kind will n‘m hr. u res-’
filmed by those who have n knovhdqr hf nu ‘
lr‘ng.r experience at tho hmineiu. Can." an ’
with yom'work, hml'you Irifl he Imivfied Mm:
34m 1~-ke it ”ray—4m] for which he “in ru
cvhc Cub or Country Produce. , 1
Jim. 4, met. If
3 t notice. ~' . Z
I mm: Hummus mum—Lam. at
s . Adminillrnion on the on.» a rem-aw
5‘ at, lute ofiStmtmr I‘m-Adm nqw'm
bMingfbr-eu gamed. Io tbceuidcnianl.’ “55'"
siding‘in mo mmettmvuship, he hinhyrfivduu‘
Define to II]! persons indebted to fluid.” ,
lo nukeimmediue pajmom, Ind thou..M‘-‘
ing clnilmz. ngninst the lame to fitezuut than a
properly,“thrntimted [or sunk-mam. 1 ‘
4’ ' _ mcuuw Tatum, Mun. ‘
Jun. 18, 18,65. Cl
Toi;Lilg on
‘ Nj‘i OLD max.“ not. allow your motherh-L
' and , our wix 05 {u weer out their precioul‘y‘
styrrr the old “Huh-tub longer, hm. likq u.
true men and Lenaflucmha, firmer". than: with. 3.
an Excusma WASHER, and mmd at, ..'
fuomia'and cross '3osz on days, doing”
tu’pon it. tin-Hm! {luvs um greet you. I 'l';
Two)? Momma, untynbuy‘fi. '7
r- Dec. 14, 1536. , _ ’v 1 5:1,:
- '2'. , >_ _‘____‘_‘__¢ 3‘12“
. w ABRLVALn . «1:. Ecr-
A, Damon? and SHOES! .2- 'l3 AL
“ A . HATS and GAPS‘ ‘ » 357.1“ 5‘
"Cheap lot-calm Calluwusr “a 4 4:35;:
.1. L. BOMZWOI‘I'H." N-
l 07
4'2 08
, 1311.1),1564
6 'U
8 op
41 oil
of Queenswnre, m whirl: we luvile’ ”a“:
memo: b'nmyt-n: A. sum 1 any-“
Amusrmess‘n‘mmxus, In murmi‘i’j
mi. u ‘ scalars: "
C 0 to Dr. H.IIOBNE'R'S Drug Ston aud‘ct
E 321