. E‘ . ($55315: @mmk , Anti-rid! to In.“- _ ' Align; the Ab; Jud prom-uh. to be mind m 2 {la-£31,,“ [at Apm 25, » . find the flowing; . 3 From Wclyninuer, by Union Mills, mm Bun, Littlu'w Two ’l‘nverns, r uyabmg, Seven Stu-”admin“ Gunf qberg und Fuyemville. w Chunbersbnr'g, .- 5 miles and back, lii tiwu 3 week. Leave Westminster dain, excepgSum Iy,“ ’9. munive at Gettysburg by I, p. m. V Leno Gettysburg daily. except Sundny, t3%30, p. m. ;. urive at Chambepburg by ? ,‘ In. 'Leapve Chumbersbnré daily. except Snu- F 1,“ 7, I. um; arrive at Gettysburg by , hum. , . . ve Gettysburg duly, except Sunday, t g, 5. 131.; jarriyp gt Wutminsw, by 1,5. m. ' . ‘ i l flaw; Quantum, Din-Lama" or .7)“: Susquwaxsa, CixAanns- } nuns, PM Jan. :20, 1864. ‘0 THE Pl" P 333 DEPARTMENT ' 'M‘ill‘ézsfloumaxm. ‘ I very cordially, invite) the attention of leer-ona within the Department of they uaquehanaa'to ‘the‘addreu recently issued ay Major Genefal Hancock, Commanding nd .Army Corps, in which that dialin vuiahed officer announces that he has come 0 Pennsylvania, under authority from the] Var Departhneht,fnr‘the purpose of're-' I'9“}ng Corps to 50,000 men with a‘ icy tgwccial aerfice. - , , The gallantry and military ability of lajor General Hancock, and the courage -nd discipliug of his Corps have been test d, on many battlefield», and have firmly ,on the admiration ol the people. Those ho shall cnliat under him will find com adca with whom it. will he an honor to be unnected,‘and a leader whose past carelcr‘ ivea the assurance that he cannot {all hort of the full perlotma'uoo of all hia‘ “ties as an offic‘cr, a ’aolilicr and a gen. lcnnan. - , ‘ _ Having been associated with Maj?” Gen “l Hancock on many trying occzmiuus I \enrdb .cumm‘gnd him to the paniotisufof he people of thin Department, .uud gnrnest . “Vise th fit fur military duty to em nob lthia omrtuuity of taking a pqsiiion L.- Ihich the, will gain honor Ind distinc ioniior thgmselvea.qufl lgentler enacntiul cry-9° m We}: mum. ‘ ~ 1). 2:. com“, \ L " Maj.Gcn.’Comd'g D‘cptt ’l‘nz le'e'hlos'rns’ Mm To me. Dair l'gn.—The Senate has so umended the En v Imeut Act. that page bgt such as are in nice, or who have been in the eervige twn earn, and hero been honorably dischalged re egenJTgmd ,t'roui .the operations of the nit. . his throws all than who served in he 0.1319 390 mm, regiments .jgto the classes Igbleto‘ raft. They still have one advan- Inge over other men, and but one, that is, llhey get p beauty of 8402 it' they enlist, I hile others get only 8302. No doubt ma !of them will “go in." Those who were [quad and wwd in 1862 «in also be lia- Ali: to dr_nft. _ ' ‘- WA'sumu-rox, Jn‘n. 21. m: FIVE-TWENTY usrnzn s‘ru‘ns me . There-is nuthority for 393.jpg that the 11?: five-twenty loan closed 10-day, the nflwfimoqgt‘gf $500,000,000 having bee. übjscrihed. The absarption during the reheat week has been very rapid ; aubscri - ions havb been mad-0'0! over “$OOO,OOB. i - subscriptiohs mdedter 10-duy will be Icgeiveti. . A . __—_.——- «I»-—————~ K, l a-‘l‘ha‘var'hu produced :trpnge alien- Itions. Two Konpnckians, lather and son; I are on 9 ”11mg [nip in; Indian: last i-unday. The faeher was a Rebel prisoner. he non Was p Federal zuargl on the plat : rip of thekcar. The old man seeing hi: on, presumed to alga more liberty than he rule allowed. and put‘his head outside lhe door. His son hastily advuu‘ccd, piece It the shoulder, with 1| allurp“Gctback «are, 3.0.? oldmbel 1”. ° Srmvsgxp, Jan. 19.—The night e;- rasa turnip (Imp Bgflulg stuck in' the spay hen three miles em of Fahnesville, and ias tun into 'by the accommodation train: [our .c‘ars _we_ro banned and five persons illed, and a puma! ili‘uted. I The cause of the dgmter was as fol t-wn- Two men were detailed to watch lternitely for the approaching train ; .lhc 'Uiajog oqcurrgd ‘whjle opp ups reliefipg I o ,otlanr, who had ‘neuiy perished trom ." col . ' ___—«..fl... ‘ Ava-. 19 .the State of Indiana mm: has ever hm a dnit, and .the prqsrect is thy ‘ ere will not be. Herquota is fu lundor the at call, nnd recruiting is going on for a ! Iplté. There are five thousand recruits 'ow‘nt Ingmn'apolin _fqr qld regiments in l-gfield. ‘ i ‘ :4 fi'A destructive fire occutred at Bell;- -ntel3c “'0 o'clock in‘ the mom? of W 94- why last. Th? Pepmylvp'u 0956 and 1- 0 Arcade bhildjngn Maya burneg guy... he'losa is estimated at 85030.0, 0 | mm Han. s. p. Bum, of the Ken . ck, Senna, was burned to death at nnkfon, Ky.,cn Thursday morning. Ilia ocha .caugbt fire, And as‘he was too veal: I» .lppg aickpess :9 save himself, by died fora-airman mid touch him- . Wgsgmcrou, Jan; 22.—The gunboat ramp, of the Potomac flaming, egpluded :r boiler on Wednesday, killing 10 glen kd wounding several. She is at the navy I > for repairs. ' » [3131; of Jurors )3, SPECIAL‘COURT, FEBRUARY 1, 1864. nnowngu—David Weru, Jeremiah Johns. jermn‘uy-v-John Miller, Wm. Green. hulington—Jeremiuh Slaybtugh, Jacob C. Qéhriver. . laqipi:Kdnm S. «Myers, Job}: L. Tunghin b-nt . - A'. - ‘ \4 ion—Pm Ling, Chule: Spangler. beny—Duid Millet, . “fibnm—Johh‘fi’i'nebnner, gm. 1". Eek «node. - ‘ ' - j ' nilto-‘an—Wm. Reed, Dnniel Bieuckpr. nkl_in-—John Fleck, Eli Human. annoy—John le'mdfiou‘p'h Mackley. millon—Chnrlu Klunk, oh: hiya-rs. untpluunl—John Mel-star, John Albert. 3 wick tp.—Dlnial Bucket. ‘ ‘ {ignore—John 3. "you. ¢ ‘ fig“ Smith, of J., Henry Wien. ' sl.;an [l. Button, Pnul Sewers. B c bor,e~ws.'§i§ingef. ‘* ' . Ctnborhhd—JOl p Anni Wrong—Nicholas Deitrick. ' Erection—hue fig-meg. ‘ «inns—Wm: gunman, Juob shomu. Bidet—John Jacobs. ' ‘ - ' gm. 4,186+ p! I: RS. WINSLQWZS SOOTHXSG SYRUP, for ‘skP‘rsnn n n.. K Emacs 9w: ‘ 3 have jun received: ”I mum” of Queguuure, to 'it“ '0 in?!“ ~ I} *%nlé9e°fPPl°?!: afiwwfi v F‘ K flew Q Woods, r ‘‘ ‘r Picking: (83mm to B, I". lid y,§ , l REAP .. CORNER or 10:: :15 3'o DEAIOXD, u I: tin We “$337330 STORE G . PA . ' ' , ‘ , " 1“". Q“ s‘“ “d li‘ll ”ugiig'gém'm pic": I ‘ OVERLOMS ABDUDKESIS COATS, , BOOTS QD .' .J' I 3" and", Watgrppto'of, Kip, French 3‘", Xo-PT FINE .COATS ANDufOABSI-i COATS, ddl u; kindnformenl b '. . I 0 '.‘ ”f“ “‘ {A3359 530 m ° °" llowa-u ,Cofits up, CASSIMERE cons it , l LI )1 term Kid I” C {1 ’ : 3°" “333"?" m" ‘1 ° “ ' ’ "‘° ‘1“!- rnocx o%}? Amfusmzss cons, : cingcoxrs AND NiLITABY cons, ‘ , . your ' I§prAY COA7B AND EVERYbAY‘ COATS, _ , your . ' H WAR}! COATS 4ND WINTER COATS, rm" .GOOD COATS AND (SHEA? COATS, because he sells cbpnpcr Linn Anybody «In. 1 WOO 19 ~ “ PICKISU’S CLOTHIXQ STORE, ‘ l on I BALTISI9RE STREET, GETTI’SBL'RG, I , l for your CLOTHiI’ANTS AND CASSIHERE PANTS, . {qr your - PLAIN PANTS AND FIOL'EED PANTS, ‘ lor your . 3 FINE PANTS AND’CUARSE RANTS, ' for your 00', FITTING PANTS AS!) FAXC)’ PANTS, id 1 for your ‘[ GOOD PANTS AND (‘IIEAP PANTS, SE'GARS. Ihecuusp his pru‘eg are always a little lower 0m" fined flzu'or and heat manufacture ” "'33 “'“‘,b9“." fl"?- 3 ‘ _ imported and dom::siix:i.selecled with care. ’ I - (will s': (’e; 1.31310ng ta . . “'ALI} PAPER. ... . . " .'- Por Pnrlors, liniluiilooma; Uhnm'hers, Ceili r (ILOTH I “913 Ag?" :fibeMEIiE I 3578: .ingu, and Boxes. Centre 'Piecrs. Fire-hour ‘ , , .- .‘ . ‘, \ ', , N ~ Prints, Door Piper, of various kinds. ‘" “(‘l‘ \ [SS:SBA3'L SA Pl) VL“T>'-v - wmouw umsus. ' , .. , . V , .. . , Window my", 0.1 mum, in. Alamnncjpun‘ “EDT-5451:0312!“ HISTD- : plain papers «)i'gifiereut rolhrs. ' . , . . , - y . -- TRXVELLN; “A 63 _ g . win“ ”his 2:1) Qua“, VEST.» Oil Cloth and Cuipemnlland largo, , " . ' , , , _ ,‘° 3 , . , . . Togvthcr with many: other urticlrl. all 9! SIBiIIGIIB ‘bsrbijii’tl‘ou‘n" VI'.STS, which we will qellal lowest yrices. We 9'.ng ‘ , . ‘ . ' , ~',' .. 1 out with the old, but goo-I motto, “Quisk' VI‘H'HT ‘E'ST'S :SEJHI‘AH \ESFb, Sales and Small P-ruiils "Mid inn-"q to udhc‘rb. , . V n , .' . . to it. TERMS us“. ' " "I “”35" ”“5132: “3m" "”5“: IMILI'I‘ARY VESTS and all kinds of Vests, cheupor Ilmn any othbr store in the county. GO TO I'ICKING'S r 323' Ifyou Want an ‘ to}; - l Accounzux l ‘ '6O to Picking. -CmLDflE.\"S SHOES. A huge variety of an mm and they, sold :1. old prices. nus Azm'cws, 0! every size, quality Ind gxylc, for man, bays 3nd uhilflrcn. _ ’ _ ' ? ‘ MISSES’ HATS. A lug! lot of lhp Int-I: llylefl. FURNISIHXG GOODS Whit-9 Spins, Capsimnre Shiru. Flume] Shim, or I“ ltylu, Coll-rs, Crnnu. Neck Tiel. Sulpenden, Pocket HInQLerL-hiefu, it, which will be told cheap. . ' UNDEH’EAR. ‘A superinr lot 01 Uddershiruof varioul kinds, Drawers, kc. ‘ _ » ~ EOPKS Heavy Woolen', Merino, Lamb, Comm. 9! nu kinds—chem}: us ey‘e} (: LOVES fiat-k. Beaver, Cloth: Cassimore, Kid, Cot ton, Thread, of all ‘L'iudn-aelliug av. old loiv prices, ' ‘ Dec. 7, 1863. if A Card. HE subscriber having di4posed nfhis "at. T and Shoe Store to Messrs. Row k Wanda, rcupeclfully asks the connuu'nnce of his tricnds and customers to [mtniuize the new firm, M lhe ulu sum]. 8.. l“, McILHEXi’. WThh‘suhscrihor has sold his Hat ahd Shoo Store to Maura. Row 5: “Inmls, wl.o will continue the. Busmess at. the old stand. We are. much uhlfgch‘or the lihernl suphoct ex tended to us, and “e earnestly request those indebteil'to us to call and umkp Immediate payment, an We drsire to settle our busini-st wilhoyt deluy. The books} wiH he ionud at the stand where the busi'nqss mus done. ‘ ' R. F. M‘LHEXY. Dec. ‘7, {863 OM Bdot & Shoe NEW 'STURfi HE undersigned has opefied I} new Bool'k T Shoe Store, on Baltimore sireoLHen‘N burg. A few doors above the Court-house; nnd linsdust opened A fine aswnment‘of goods, viz: BU TS Full MEN, ‘ _ SHOES FOR MEX; Boots for bnys, Shoes for boys ; GUN SHOES FOB. MEN. , GU}! SHOES FOR BOYS; wuh a large 10:, pml-mping eppxyyayifly, of SHOES FOR LADIES—IIISO ior CIHLQKE)‘. HATS AND GAPS: , of all sort: and sixes, with LndiL-s' and Gen llcmen'a GLOVES. lndevd, his nssortmmt will he found full and attractive, and all of his goods of the best quality and latest slyles. He also has an hand a fine vnrielyofSEG ABS, SMOKING AND CHEWING TUBACCQS. kc. Dete’rmined not to be undersuld. he ofl'urs goods at Ihe lowest profits the limes will al low. Gnll and see before bnving elaowhero. JOHN L. lIULTZWUILTII. D‘ec. 14, 15263 BOOTS AND SHOES . Boots & Shoes !‘ _ EW ESTAHMSIIMENT.——TI|e undersign- N ed has just laid in a fine stock oflhe best on? work, whim 1,5: Wm dispose gt at the low: est profils‘possible. His assortment embruéea douhlo-soled CALF-Slflb' BQOTS for men, ; ; CAVALILY noora, all kinds vf ' 3001's Ebktnm's, with‘q large nssortmen; nf ‘ snot-:5 l-‘OR,L.\DIES also for CHILDREN. He has selected his stock with care. suited as he thinks unclly to hhe wants of this market—And admiitiuns will constantly he made us the trmlv‘ muy require. The goods he ofl‘vrs are not ‘qnfir well made, and of good mxiterixils,blxl euihmgse the latest styles. Particular attention will nlwau's be paid to these paints. , . Remember the plum—YORK STflEI-ZT, nzar ly opposite thrßa‘uk: Call and see 1m- your selves. " _ ‘ The bool'and shoe-making ,business is car ried on as heretofore. 3 . , ‘1 WIILLIAM SHILLEXN. Gnllysburg, Dec. 7, 1863. ~ . . 4 Clothm‘g. l ‘ EQRGE ARNOLD has now to! up his min G and‘Winter stack of 019 m; g, the huge“ stock in town, consisting of L Uycx- Coats, ; ‘{fl , Qrcss Coats, l . .‘T ', guilgeas flog“. , Military Blouses nnd Pnnls . ' Pnutaloons’. Vesta Under and Over-Shirts, Druwers, Hosiery Gloves, &C., in great. vnxiety, all of which will be sold cheap tor cash. Call and sec men. §9m- ?3:.1&53- ‘ New Goods. EOEGE ARNOLD has just received from I Philadelphm. a. large stack of CLOTHS CASSIMERES, Over-comings, Uussinets,Vest— inga. Flaunels, Muslins, Jeans, &q.. all ofwhxch will be sold cheap for cnsli. Cnll’ nnq see them. Sept. 28, lam- ‘ A ' For Sale first-mic set of new CARRIAGE HAR- A NESS. Alaoathonsacd (‘xcelle'nt CHES- L'UT SIUNGLES. Inquire I; the Colman office. [Den 7. Sheads 8t Buehlér, BALI-IRS 1N . ’ ‘ D COAL AND LUMBER, * STOKES, TIN-WARE, HOLBOEW-WARE, EC. ‘ ‘ i -- ALSO ' SHUTTERS, BLINDS, .SASH. ETC. Corner of Barlisle und Rallrnnd Streets, oppo site Railroad Depdt, GETTYSBURG, PA. . Scpt. 23,1863. tf - , j ‘ New Bakery! EWPORT & ZIEGLER, Meclinnical Bak- N ers, South Wnphington street. lmll square from the Eagle Hotel, GET'I‘YSBURG, Pa.— Constantly on hand, the best 'Ol , BREAD CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS, tc.‘ Peg lona wishing fresh Bread will be lerred every morning. by learmg their nuns: and residences n the Bakery. Erery eflon nude m please giyp q; I, gall! [April :0, ’63. t! - Wanted; 1 ' GOOD KARI in‘Adlms coulqty, {gr 'hich A I will exchange on or more Farmg‘df choice Ind in lan, and pay the difl‘erepce. "' ’ Nov. 9, 1383. GEO. ARNOLD. .Hay! Hay! ' HILIP HASH. u Granite Station, payl OXFORD PRICES for Bl]. Nov. 9, 1863. * ' G A 0 R6O! Corn Starch. Ride-flour §*.n‘3‘dlfm§i;' as"; we a; Dr. nonfims r- .UIS, SH‘QULDERS and smxs,»o¥ bu; ~ ,7 V 7,7 -V _ _ H quality, and cheap, It pun?- gnonsn sprbES. "rem-d and .\ug. a 4.” GEO. F. KALBFLBISCH‘S. ’ 's‘?“ " renal or Dr. X ‘ v —“ ' “5%“.v 6.323 8315;: .- .. 110158;” EUR ! ADIES' Cloth fog making, 3 new Inpply ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ juit received a: FABKESTOCK BBOS'. ALICOES, Ging‘hma, Ila-flu, at reduced ‘nm. a: FAHKKSTUGS BRO§‘. Sign a! the gift! Frpnt. . ‘ ‘ rug Store. Lg? odtgi-e _Gnu 29.028. the am: own care xp‘lsmue tub ' “WP; snrs- ‘s' "5 “w 9' now i WOODS Values, Trunks, Cgrpet Bugs, 'l‘rln’bling l 5 ugh, Walking Cum-s, i'qilm:ll:is,' Gum. fillim’ls, (,‘luihrs finishes, "at llplslwi, Toutlijßruslles, Blnukilig ISruSEmJ, liool lllnck‘ing, k ’ Buckskin Gloves, Cnssinu-rc Gloves, ,_ Kid (Hones. l Tllreml (lluvés, _ ' (‘omiorlt-rs, l Fine Shirts, ' Coarse Shirts. Cnssxmere Shiits, ' Flunuql Shirts, 4! .\[crino Shirl}, anbwool Shirts, Knit Shirts, Fuller Shirts, Flannel Drnweg, Woollen meers, (YottoriDr-chrs; Neck-ties, ‘- ' Cruvats, ‘ . (‘0_ll:lrs, ' Fin-Lil Palms, uum ‘Shoes, Buffalo Show, Cotton Socks, Woollen Socks, Handkerchiefs, ' Pocket Gemini,” Bedding Combs“ % llulhlo Shoes, 1 " G'um (‘nmlis, " llorn (l'ths, i > I Ivory (youths, g " \Vntch KO3l, a Watch Clluins‘ . Wanrh Guards, Pogket (ill-yes, Looking Ulnsw‘s, Blocks, . Sp‘ectuqles, Razors, Razor Strops,‘ Shaving-Soap, . Shaving Brushes, l Violins, which. he is selling to Yinlin‘ Strings, h ’ 1 Violin Bows, Lolilpustomers and lie“- . Forhehusatliousnnd i ‘ things for sale that can. customers myth}! low nol. be found in nny _ stpx'c in-llge ruumy. as: prises. ' STUR E SHOES BOOTS pm‘mcxmrs 1m nrnvn’l of Im.- Quad. Ell‘uhnu'es crtrylhing in the Clothing lini- for )h-n and Hays. GIVE H!“ A CALL. , ficuyshum, ocl.“.’o‘: X 563. Good Thm‘gs from the Clty ! WE; are recniyiug twiée n. week fwm thé ‘ city a variety 0! artici‘es suited to the wnma of this conflnuuity, viz: Fresh nnd Snll FISH, Hams, Sh’ouhle’rs and Sides, Hominy, leans, Salt, Apples. Pomlot-s,ora|nges Lemons. Confections, Tulmcl‘og, Segnrs, wi 11 many other-articles in this ling—all recoir d in the bust order, und sold at the lowest prnfi s. (Hm us #63“, in Baltimore sirqet, uearl; opposite Fulmcstocks' stare. -‘ . \fAXTED.—Bultcr, 'Eggs. L-u-dfi other country produce—for wblcb'ly cash |\ric}!~will he paid. I SWEET POTATOES—heat Quali'q, at low. es]. living prutits~alwnys on 'hxgn'll. Also. O’sSTERS, fine and.” sh—in the sbgll m shocked. Raztnflmnlssfild familias supplied. ' STIHCKHUU ER It WISUTZKEY. Gettysburg. May [B, 1863. ‘ -200 Tom: Hay W:\NTED.—HE.\'RY UTZ, agent for Stine ‘F & Young, will buy any quantity of Hay, paying a highest market pt' therefor.—' Fersuns‘gxing Hay to sell w ddo well t: give him a early c 311,“: Getty, urg. _ N0Y.16,18§3. 2m ' " ’ Cannon 8:. Adam’s v NEW MQRBI. WURKS, Corner of Bahi more aij-In. “Middle streets, opposile me Court. House. cuysblyrg, Pa.—\\’e. are prepared to fnynjsh‘ H umems. Tomhs. Head: stones; Marble Mam! , Slabs tqr Cugbine: Make-rmgnd alloiher wo nppertainiuz’ to our lulsiness. ' 'We‘mill gum-m e satisfaction bbth as in execution and price. Call and see oul designs and specimens of war . ' Feb. 2, 1863. u ‘ . _ Notlce. ‘ AR‘Y ELISABETH HEIXTZEL. AN'S ES. 1 M TATE—Letters of udnxinisxr'nti- . on the‘ estate of Mary Elizabeth Heintzelmnn, ate 0!" Franklin township, Adams co.. decensed, Inw ing been granted to (he undersigned, tuning in the same township, be hereby gives no'ce‘| to all personsindebled,to snid estate to ma - immediate payment, 7 ' ‘ ‘ ' ,1 against. the same to thenlicnled for set!’ Dec. 2g, 1863 HE secOnd m _ _ i Trustee under a Deqdr of Tm" of Jucob eller and Wife, has been{ filed in the Court of Common Plan“ of Adam. county, Ind will be confirmed by the’nid Com“, on the lat duy of FEBRUARY non, Influx «use be shown to the contr‘rg. ; JACOB BUSHEY, Pruth‘y. Dec. 0, 1864. wt 3‘ ‘ S. R. Tipton , WOULD 11:939. respoctfullyinform the pub ‘lic ‘m Rt 119‘ gammenced linking BROOIS. 4% «iii Inn 2 that?) pg} flat alum on: will best. lu'l his customen.’ ‘ : "" ‘ Pérsona h wing Broom Corn will plenfi‘cnil. Shag in NeCounughy's Hall, o_n comer of s'B!- flofn‘. . ~ ‘ [Son 9, 1363. ‘lf yo‘u want u POCKET KNIFE I Go :0 Picking. hf you want. u I SILVER TMIMBLE ‘ Go to l’lckmg. ‘lf you want» 3 FINE Slip-AR ; - COED I'iL-k in *lf yhn wnn ,SMOKIXG Tungcuo ~ 7 Go in huhng; ..; if you want. _ " CHEWING T 0" \CPU '1 ‘ x (:0 to Picking. ' ‘lfyou hum. { . SHSPHNDHRS ’ ‘ (to [0 Viking. Ifyuu wum. STEM. I’I'INS _ Go lo l’icking‘ "you want. UIJUD PENI‘ILS Go to Picking. “you unnt , SIS4K“! WELLS , ' (ii) to l’iuking If all want. I: § NEW SUIT . Go to‘lficking If you want. a ‘ . GOOD lei“ f ‘Go to Picking I! you mm! a ; CHI-ZAP st‘n‘ . 'Ho 10 Picking ”you way}! C‘HrJAP ULOTIIES ' ,1): Go to Making -If non want. lo I BUY CHEAP ‘ (:0 1o l'icking 'lf you want. :I ‘ GOUI).FIT ‘ ‘Go to Picking If you want. any article in Ins line E (:n m Pivking ; For he lms rorehe‘l numb.“ large. sunk u! NEW coons- 1 and 4" 2 highest Meat. Fancy Furs ! OB! 'ABEIRA, 718 ARC" STREET. be ‘ for 81h, south side, PHILADELPHIA, “manual-unfair" er of end Dede: in I kind! of FANG PURS, {or Lndiel' u Chlldren‘l We". em: to return In; tbnnh to my fnenr’ of Ada.“ Ind the av rounding countiel. their very liberal pl tronnge extended me during the lastfv years, And would ea up then: thnl I no "we in store, of my qwn in'lportalion And Manufacture :1 very ex‘ 1‘ naive umrtmentol all the different Inn-ls and funhtiu of Fancy Furs. for Ladies and (‘bll ren, thnt‘will be worn during the Full and Winter‘ unions. 1 , l ‘ Being the direct Importer of all my Furs om Enrgpe,nnd having them all .\lnnufnctured qnder my own'lnpervirion—enablee me' to olfer y cuammers And the public a much hund omer an of Fun tor‘the anme money.~Ladie| lanai give me a call before pure-basing!— lcase remember the name. number nnd street. I . JUHN FAREIIIA, '. i ' No. 718 Arch SL, Philadelphia. 4 Sept. 14, 1863.‘ 511: ‘ f-h.’_‘ “’ : “ "" '‘— ’ ‘ "vv' 4“ Givé Us £62111! CODORI .lz GILLESPIE have just fiereived u lurge and splendid slack oi New Goods .Which they are selling as cheap as the limes l wilLallow. Their slot'k has bscn selected with 1 care and is of as good a quslity us the market ,will atlorrl. ‘ SI'GARS. we have all kinds, ,llurd and Soft Crushed, Pulverized,Granulated, , haw Orleans, l’orm Rica and Cuba. TEAS,! lluperlnl. Young llysun and Black Tess. MO-‘ : L.\ShES,.New Orleans. Port.» Ricn null Syrupsl 'dl diflervnv. kinds. TUHACCUS, 'to suit all‘ lovers .uf the weed, [Congresm Spun, XML. lCm’equsthouzh and Ready, Natural haul", and Fine (‘utig Smoking Tobncco, )5 difl'srent, lkimls; “Pics, n iurgc and hue Manmuim,‘ [SEGMLS of vsrmuh brands. ('UAL U_ll.’ , LAIIPS and Shades, we have the has! assurt- . {em in the place, which we sell law; also, a, I "o. l arlirle‘nl Cle Oil. HASH, illllln‘ rand ‘sugar gured, Shoulders and Sides. bl.ol'l{, 01 “he bL'al quality, which we always guaranwe ;‘ 1 Crdur-wure, 'l'uhs, Buckets, Wnter Cans, kc. IWI: also keep Notions. Comm-limp. Fruils,l I ‘ish, by the small ur by she barrel. Saindpiuus,‘ ‘houolnle, Starch, “hit-king, lmligo, (‘nndlesu ‘ ‘oups, Curry Combs and Cards, 3 lurge assert-fl Imentof Brushes. ll mkg-ts, Rnprs, l‘ords,Urock-l ry-Wure. kc. GIVE US A CALL! T Gettysburg, May 11, 1863. : Come .WM: 9. Rush (I‘ll?) undersigned would must re=peclfinlly inform his runny friends and ”Ar pllhllc cucrully, that he lms [lone into.tlw l‘lnlhiug )usincss, :Il Sauuwu's nld slnndfin llll'lllianmnd, ‘h‘ly sburg, Pa: “‘l5 Elm-k, already in ll,will lu- WIUC'II enlarged, to 'embmce m’cry style at 2; ,Cl.UTlll.\'G', IIUUTS. SHOES. HATS, “ups, Trunks, \‘ulicri, Clocks, “'nh hrs, Jur élry, Guns, .l‘xstuL. undl in shun, evenlhing Much ought lobe found utu first clalssL‘lolhiug qml Yum-1y llnusc. ' . 1 Particulars hen-arty. In the flit-“mime he imilos everyl-udy tu gin.- himvn cull. Lle in tends 10 M 11» Eu pet-{yin n stk {l.2m accom modate uHT—rnd, with‘the hope of'lunze snlrs. he hops-510mm“ a living at smdll prufild.’ No lmuhle m ishoultggwllgs, and Her; o"}an made to salisty buyers. ‘ ' - JACOB BIHNKERIII)FF June 15.1%3. 11' 3 One and All. \KE NOTICE—The undcrzik'ned would T my to the pnhlm that !e is rt't‘hh‘ing'a large und splendid stock of (HU'J‘II‘IIHES, which he; will sun 3.: luv," us any nthar home in 10\v21—-(‘oll‘cr's, 51mm. llolasaci. 51 nuns, Tons, S llhlj'iah, km, with Pulalm a. "mug, und [give ; “'oxg‘drn \\'.|rc. full up in the best umu ncr; Thilnl'tua" ngara, ‘vi. L'r‘. FARMERS. TAKE SUTIL‘KL—XI you um t?) lay in your “gums for lmrvefit, flow ii the time. I haW'txmm‘ brnndsnt “'hwldes. lfrun dic<, “Hm-3.41mi 1|” nlhe. lilllllbri: \rllirh l mu dispusing uful short p‘rnlim. Him me u call I always try In plrnchV-nam {slime I. \rry M'- len SUCH-ml. Hum-ml!” the phcv—suuthyusl ¢url|ul‘ul’the Umumml, (Eelhslmlu. ' I U EU: F. KALBI‘IJiIr'CV } 2 :7 i 943 g . All luvxted. ‘. g’ “”7. umlt-rsvgned lud'e this 111;} rnlnrt‘d into 1 p.|rluvrs|-ip in the (2minl l'runlm'c null ,‘ummhsion businl-ss, M the (.l-i Kliuvfi-Hcr knuse, curncr of Sutton mu] _linilrund .lrcrls. '1": highest priw‘s In {'ush paid for ' ; l-‘LUUII, WHEAT. . ‘1 RYE, L'IIRY, I ‘ OATS, SEEDS. ‘ AK“ ,lI.H'. i All kinls of Grm-eries. Guulms. Fl—h, Salt, and eu-ry mhvr nrtirle usually tuuml in our line of loudness; nll‘ of “bill! will lm suld \Hlolusnle mnl mum, on the lanes! terms: Call and see us, upd satisfy )ouraeh‘cs that ii is really so. ; i . nonmmmt a: hanns'r. ; ch;_sL.zrg, June 1, L 863. fi 1- l _ ~- I J acobs’s Saloon Revwed. HE un-lrrsigned lmve leased Jncobs'n Sn -1 Icon, in (7|nmlherlburg slrrcl. um] intend 1p keep it. in the best style. lmpung llmt the" [lull-lie will appreciate their cil‘uru mlplqnse by giving them a large pimrnnnge. They will n:- crire OYSTERS regularly and do Iliam_ up in All st’yles; YOUNGCIIICKI-INSJIiI-JFTUSQUH, IiIAM AND EGGS, and aimnst everything tlnu may be called for, will he sewed. Tliuy will also keep ALE. LAGl'lll, PORTER, WINES, 4c. '[hey are determined w do things up‘in we most dgsirnble manner, and feel certain of pleasing all who [hay cull. ' NICIIOLaS (‘ODORII Jll, ‘ i JOSEPH SllUlllS. . Gettysburg, Sept. 21,i 1563. Removal..-Tin Ware. HE undersigned 1m removed his Tinning gr establishment nenrer the Diamond. in bnmbersburg street, adjoining A. 1). quhi ler's Drug Store—n xery cenlrnl location. He coniinnes lb manufacture, and keeps constant.- ly on hand, every variety of ‘ TLV-WARE. q ' PRESSED AND _ . MI'ANED WARE, , thi will always» be ready to do REPAH‘JNO ' ‘ ROOFING and SPOUTING B'3o done in the but manner. Prices modcr. Ate, and no effort bpared to render full antis fuctioq. The public’a continued patrunnge is s‘oliéited! A. P. BAUGUER. Gettysburg, April 7, 1862 Isaac K. Stauffer, ' \. WATCH MAKER. AND JEWELER, " umm‘wwnsn an ' SILVER \‘t’AfiE & IMPORTER 0F WATCHES, { No. 148 .\‘mlh second SL, Corner Quar'ry, _ Pangnnrnu, PA. I He has constantly on hand an Assortment of Gold and Silcer Patent Lever, Lopine and Plain' Watches; Fine Gold Chin‘s, Seals and Keys,’ Brent. Pins, Ear Ringl,‘ Finger Rings, Brace ts, Miniature Cues, ‘Mednllions, Lockets, . cila, Thimbleg, Spectacles. Silvér Tablc,’ De. n, Ten. Salt and Mustard Spoons; Saga; Sigma 3, Cups. Napkin Rings, Fruit and Bunyan Knife Shieldsflombs, Diamond Pqinw‘l Pena. ele.,—cll of which will he sold low [or cash: . a. I. “roams A: cross hen qn my run jew e Patent Lever‘lovemenls c nuunfily on‘ hpnd; 1150 other Makers of Inperior qnnlity. N. B.—Ol‘d Gold sud-Silver bought for cub. Sept. 1, 1863. 1y ‘ New Warehouse. \ BUSEELS UP GRAN 00 000 WANTED,“ the new Chin and Proguca House, in omm. “rcpt, adjoin iig She-d: t Buehler’l elublishment. The b‘iulum nuke: price will nlwnys be paid in cash for mum, of all kinds, . 3‘ 1 FLOUR, SEEDS, Ic. 1 Ah.” on hand ind lo: ”16,1: the manual. pkofiu, .. . A. 1 ‘. ‘Y GUARDS, ‘ a SAM, nan. , 1 ° " aaocmuls u, - . Wholeullo nnd'rebil. :TRY US! We dull do our be“ $9 gin utiubckion in nu cues. ’ ' ‘ ' ‘ ~ccunovzmxm. 'Gttmhnrs. In: 4!. ma."- U . " , LOTHS, endangfid Vulingl; che;;|l. . Fmssrocxs'. New GoodsLLu-ga Stock! BBCKANT TAILOKING. DI ' JACOBS l 880. IVE just received from the ciliu a large stock qt good: (or Gomlemeu'l won, unbm'xng s uric! of CLOTHS, CASSXMERES,’ ‘5 ‘ VES‘I'INGS, Cnsaineu, Jenni, kc" with null] other goods for lprmg find winner wear. . They_ are prep-red, to nuke up garments at :he ahorwat notice. sud in the very hen man ner. The Fuhionl urt- reglflnrly received, and clolhing nude in may desif‘cd ntyle. They ll wnyl make neat flu, whnllt their sewing- iuure to be subnmnzi-l. I , They uk 3 cbn!inlinnce of thy pnblic's pn vlronsge, relolved by good work ‘ud moderate ‘ chnrgea to earn it. ‘ I Gettysburg, April ’I, 1302 a The Old and Reliable. 1... EW SPRING GOODS. i SMALL PROFITS I: QCN‘IK SALES.— I J. L. SGHICK‘ would respectfully lay to “It citizens of Get ' tysburg and vicinity, that he is now receiving ; M. his alone i splendid : ‘ ' . STOCK 0!" SPRING GOODS. Tho stock éonsiau 'in pn‘rt of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, of new description. SILKS. ' . ‘1 MOZAMBIQUE“ - ‘ CHALLIES. _ DELAINES, ‘ . BUMBAZINRS, ALPACCAS. , Lwafl, , ) CALICOES, of a" qualities Ind ohoioosg styles, which Wl" be sold at PRICES T 0 DHFY COMPETX'HUN. FURNISHING GUUDS ‘or an kindg,‘including Silk‘ Linen and Cotton ‘ llnndlqcrchiefs, Gloves, Stockmgi. in. ' ‘ Also, a splendid assortment of NIBBONS, . Laces ind EdgingSMCmlm-llns nnd I’urasols.- ~ 0113' stock of ,WHITE GOODS wil’: be flound full ,mxd complete, and cuntomers may ruly' upon ‘ always getting goodgouas at the-lowest. punsi. ’ble prices. ‘ ‘ .' Gentlemen will find iv. to their advantage to , cull um} exnmiue my stock , ; n [ i CLOTHS, if ‘ . CASSIMERE and ’ - z ‘ ' ' ' VESTINGS, ‘ o! all qualities and chpicesl styles. . ‘ April 2.1. 1862. ‘ J. L. smucx. Hardwage xnnnocnmasu. g« A Tue subscrimgn lue just rPturned from the ciligs will; up; hum-mag supply of HARD “uiltlc AND UIwCERIES, which they- are offering nl. llu-ir old stand m "Alliuwre alrcet, n 1 prim-$.lO suit the times. Uur Block runsisls in pan. df BUiLuIIVG \M'PERLUS, - - lumwax'rms rams, ' z ‘ 1 hLACKSMITIQS TOOLS, ' , _cuwu Hsumus, SHOE FINDINGS. cmmm MAKER'}: mugs, . IiuUSEKBIfiPkR’S- mrrtrnm. ‘ ‘ . ALL'KINHS er mus, Ml, Gnocmmzs or ALI; mus. Uila. Paints, Mu, kc.- There is km nrtin-le ;n -c‘udell in the several delmrtmbpt: lm'ulmned "have but wlmt man be had at" thiq Storm—l Every ulus uf Mechanics can be w-mmmo-intod here with muls and finding“, Millennial-9p.- er; can find every article in the'i: lino. Uiru us a call. as we are prepared tn Fl'll as low fir Halal! as any other house our of Iho cily; JURk H. DASH-IR, DAY”) ZIHULHIE. June 9, 1862 Lancaster Book BinQery. (W EURUE \VIANT, ’ J" 130.01: 121x115}: no any: noon MANL'PACTI'IHSH, _ LAMHh'TI-ZIL PA Plain and Omfvmrnlul ”nailing” of every de m-rimiun. executed in the most. subshuitizil um] npprT‘uc-J Styles REIKRIXCIR. , H. W. Brown, Esq, Furnicrs Hunk of Lnncniter. W. L. I‘L‘lpef‘J'JaQq Lancaster (‘nuulyiiuuk Sd‘luuel Shook, Esq.,(3olumhia Bunk. . Summ-l Wagner, HSqq’ York Bank. v William \Vagnrr, £341.. lei (‘Q'mty flank. T. I). l‘eru, [squ Maul; affluilyshurg. ' I'l-tcr .\lurtin. Esq" l’rmh‘,‘ nl'l.um~:.stcl 1:0,, T‘u Gen. I‘. li,;\\ thorn, Esq ,“I'L’i3tcl' “ “ (:cn. “'hiLJm. Hath lipLurdur “ ‘ H .m-in 13, 1861 , , . ‘ , New Tailofiug ST.\llLlSlllll-Z.\T.--G HO. F. HI'KESRODE, F msmnNA'mJ-z Tum”, mlfi-tu this method of inlnrming his ['l io-mls and [lnn public generally, that hr, has awn-(«d u Tailoring establishment in'llnltjmon: slrm-t, (lt‘tvyslmrg, (late Poll. (Minn) near the Din; monn. where he is prepnrl'd to do al1_~\vorl; in lllzl line in the hen. munnufnunl lo the MINI i.u-tiun- or customcrs. lln- emplu_\s none but tint class hunds, nuil reveiving 1 THE FASHIUP‘S ll‘lifll'LAlilJ', j he can warn-u: {ushimmhle his and um! and substantial sewing. He asks :lurc M the public's patronage, promisfling g spare no pf. furl to I! ‘aerve it. His charges will always be luund 4i moderate as the limo-s will nllow. Uuuiu imd Rewiring done at the shortest nulice. [Getty abu'rg, April 7,1NF2. Fresh Reinforcements; TRENGTIIENISG OL'R l‘USlTlUN.—\\'e S are constantly adding new supplies to our allelm'v largv nnd fushiunnhle stock of . 'llA'l‘S. CAPS, BOOTS AND SIIUI-Zh‘. We have every style ofSprihr: mud Summer Huts, whirl: in qu‘nhty and price cannot mil to please, Boy": and Men's Hal's and Cal 5 of everv description, and of the hues: st) lei. Our stock of ‘ , 13 OuTp, SHOEH . ' ' GAITERS, in, &c., warnever more cou‘lplelc. ' Lmlivs. (innit-men and Clnlulrenxaun he accommodated Cwith any. thing in his line, as we ure hem-r prepared now. to give fits and grenle: bargains than are? before. If you want humans, good fits (And falhionublé goods, call at the sign of_lhc MG 8001‘, in Ohamheuburg street. . . JOHN CULP, , June‘9‘ 1862. . . ALEX.U()UEAN. ._x_.__,_._____..r ‘ . ___ Grain .aqd Produce; . . AVING taken [hinge and commodinus H-Warehouse recently actupitd by Frank 1 crash, Esq., . 1 IN NEW OXFORD. we are pre'pnred to my the highest prices for all kinds of PRODUCE. Also, sell m. the low est Qrices, LUMBER, GOAL and GROCERIES, of every description. A. P. IYERS IeERMAN. . New Oxford, Aug. XO, 1863." If Gettysburg Marble Yard. _ ALS & 3110., IN EAST YORK STREET GETTYSBURG, PA.—-Whure they an prepared to furnish all kirds of.wog~k_§n Iheix line, inch u MONUMENTS, 1051133,,513AD. STONES, MANTLES, it, at the Ihorfeat no tice, sad I: che'np u the chupent. Give qs . call. ‘ fi‘Produco taken in exchange‘l‘or work. thtyibqrg,lune 2, LB6l, u ‘ ¥ ‘ ‘ . Piano Tunmg. »: ROE. BOWER, of Limgstown‘, a Phrlicnl P Piano Tuner, inlorml his frien'lsjnqd flu: musical public in general, that he gins his time, not. othetwiu occupied, to ‘Tuning and Rewiring Pinon. It modemxe' prices. He promise: optirg nfilflction, or no pay. .Oiden received st this ofice. [Seph u;l lflfil- Queensware._v ’ - 1“ you want nnylhing in the QUEENSWARE line all “A. SCOTT t 802128, when 5'9“ will find the best unortmont in Imm; ; lurch 24,1862. ' ‘ ‘ . Sale Crying. , w. PLE-NMING cocci-nu the buulncn A. of SALE (:RYING, Ind solicit-111.com nued purontgo at tho public. It. is hi: can lunt endeavor to give ntiafnction. Gimmes modente. Residence in Breckinridge ureet, Getty-burg. . , ' P. S.——Hc 1- n lirehsed Auctioneer, under the Tax Luv of the United Shun, Nofi‘. 24,1882. , - ‘ ——~ -——.-- ——l7---————————— . Farmers’ aallgchanios’ AViNGS XNSTI‘I‘UHON OE ADAIS 00.. huh: Increuei ill cupiul, bu gala-god u buineu uld exmndediu locommoda'fiopa ban (by, Washesdny. [April ‘6, 1863: if The Great American Tea Comp'y. , 61 VESEY STREET, NEW YORK, qINCE its'gorganiution, hes ore-ted a new k eii in tlie history of WHOLESAUNG TEAS 15 THIS COUNTRY. They have introduced their selections of TEAS, and m uin them It not‘ over ‘ T(WU CENTS (.02 ents)PER POUND ABOVE COST, urn psi-innit: not: run ONE PRICE hurt). Another peculierity ot‘ the Company is that their 'l‘“ Thflll‘llol only devotes his time to tho selection of their TEAS at to qusiity, _ vulne‘. sud pgrtlculsr styles for pirticuhir lo- MECHANK‘S will snd in the “Scientific calities 'ot‘conntry, but he helps the Ten buyer Air'ieriun " valuable information Iconcerninz to choose out of their enhrmousi stock such their vsrlons Trades, sud details of sll the Tens M Irekbl'sfi 1'19”“ ‘0 I“? Pflrficullr llstest and host improvements in Machinery (Venn. Ind "GEN“! “I"; 1"“ Willi! 0m to him : Tools, sud proceemi: together with such use: the bf“ Nflfilnl- v [fill knowledge its will lend to dignity their oc . . it I! CM! ‘0 '9'? “‘9 infliculflble “"0180 {cupiitione snd lighten lhei: labors. s’l‘n Burs-:hss in this eltabhshinent over all‘ iNt’ENTORt-l will find in the "Scientific Olhl'l'P- ' . 3 5 {Americnu'mllnecessnr ‘ striictions how toxe lt heis no judge of Tea or the market—if hls‘, ciira Letten-Pntent to: gheir inventions ; also time is valuable—lie has all thee benefits of s 5 excellent illustrations and descriptions of MY well organized syslem 0! _doing buimuhflf Im 1‘ the principal inventions ri-ccnllv made in this immense capital, of the jutlg‘men ‘ot‘s protes- i country and in Europe; likewise an Olficiiil sionnl Tea Tasterimnd tho knowliediie 0! su-i List of the clitimsot‘nll l’ntents granted week perior salesmen: i I ly at Wiislfitigton, with numeroTis “planetary 'l‘hig enables! I“ Ten’hnycrf—nwmntter lii notes; also, discussions of questions concern they ere thoussnds ot miles from this mnrlujl'l in}: the Patent Law-i of the United Stntes re— —to purchase on IS good terms here as the 1 ports nt‘trinls in court. iviih legal opinions, etc New York merchants, . “-1 MANUFACTURERS will rma‘ in the ”she“; Parii'cs ("in order TIMI If”! W H be served , tific American" illustrated iirticles déscriptiro bytuii a: well a: that!!!” ”VII 1'9"" QMMRI- be- ‘ ot‘ the mast recen‘tly invented machines um] ing sure to Bet» Grit/m"! Pfll‘l‘ayt'v t ‘P "fly,“ “ml in various mnnntlctiiriiig operntionsfllie dif ldrfl.‘ and ”It Tl“ are w‘m‘A-‘I‘D N Toil‘f- ‘ fort-u: processes being lu.cidl_i' described ; nlso, ~ senlrd, _ 1 ' i prncticnl recipes of much value to ‘iiinuut‘iic \\'e inue s Price List of the Campany‘s _ tuners, with hints uptin the ewnoniical inun ‘l‘giis, which will he sent. to nll who order it ; l ugvmmt of fiit‘tories. ‘ mini-rising: " f EMHNEERS will ’find, in the "Sciei ' . lll'Stlhi. l'tll'NG IIYSUY. l.\tl”l'.lLtl.\L. Glm'ls'hmtriciin” vnliiiible descriptions of “Hug: rim’lti-ZR, TWANKAY 8L Skill. DULUNG. ‘ in.“ inventions mnnerted with Steam: Rutl- SUH‘HUNG' ORANGE 4‘ “”1“", PEKUI'FJWML Marine, and Mechanical ‘Eiiijine’erinx ' 1A PAN TEA of every description, colin'fll. together with n futilitiil record of the program; and itnunlnrcd. [ - - iot science in nll theta depot-mien“, hotli M This list hits each kind of TM lli‘ldell' into : homo and fli,m.d_ I - -anr Clnsses. namely : CARGO, I: Ii t'AßGilei ‘.CHE.\ll\‘Th‘ will find in the “Sclontltic Au FIN‘E, F|,\ 1651', that eiery one inn understand [tit-rim“ " details of recent discoicrins miiilc in from description and the prices a mum! “th. (‘hemigii-ivy iiiid nniclrs on the application of tlio'i‘uiiipnuy tire. determined to i‘ndcrsoll the" um. gnu-Que to oil the Usot'uJ .\rts. . “hole Tea trade. I ' I I AGth‘l’l/l' littih‘T-fi will find in the “Scion~ We giiiirniitce to sell ALL our -'l‘ciis it! not filieAiuerit-iiii !' engrniings and descriptions of‘ 0"" TW” CENTS (-03 "9””) ll" l-‘mm‘l “b“W theics't and most npprau-d Fitrin Implements ‘ “’s‘: bt'll't‘Vlni! “1i! ‘0 be “lim'm't' ‘0 the ul'so.oripinnl or woll-sclcctcd nrticles’oii mill: utnn)’ Vi ho imW “WWW"? bf“? l'k‘lf'li Esou- - tyrsrelnting to general .\ur‘rriiltiirc; grant cure Nous Prior-in. ‘ '. l . ' ‘ living tiiknii toluriiisli l-‘nrtners. ieuuliirlv,wuli GREAT AMERHVAAS T‘EADCtt‘ll’A) 7‘ isucli intoiniition ns \Hll he \lllunllle‘ln tllu Illlt’lfiTE'” ‘3" J“““"-“ . ' _‘ 'liL-lil. nu Wcll as in tin liiihselinlil. .\Ut lii Vesry bi., .‘T’cw lor it“, ALI, CLASM-IS 0R READERS will timl in’ ‘ Ott. 19: 1853‘ 3‘“ ‘ _ _ the “Scientific .\int-i'icnn " n popiiliir rl-mmc at I all the host Scientific infomiiitiitii of the din ,' ' E- & H. T‘ Aflth my, and it is tliriiiin ol the 'lllbli~'llt*f§ to [ll't‘tl'lll A‘Sl'l-‘APTURERS (tl‘ Pill) OtiliAl‘lllC 'it aliniys Eti nit iittriirtiveJorm, muiiling lls RI MATERIALS, 51H liltUAlllL—H'. N. Y.— niiirli iis p‘ps‘silile lih~zlru~i~ terms. 'l‘o mcrv .(‘Aiiii l‘iiormiiiAi'm-i —-tliir t‘iiiulo he now cin- iiitolliizciitrtiiiiil, this jxiiirinil illrurdlil constant. be.“ {‘4 considerably o\l‘l' Muir 775(4an ditt‘i-r- supply nt instructive rcnilififl. eiit .\lllljl'l‘ls (to \\ lllt‘ll nilditions ii L‘ulllilltll|l~ “VSiilisi-rihcrs iltuiilil rmnit In its to low» ly lit-lug: mode) ofl’ortrnits bt EllllllClll Aiiwri- their siilnvril-tinns llt‘L'ln on the l~t of Low. cons, Hen, viz: 72 .\lnjor-tieiierii s, lilo brig. ery. with the new i‘iiliiiiic. Tlimc “lltl Inf-~- Gemxmle, 25!! Colonels, til Lieiit. I olmiclii, 30': .cn'c'tlirir nninlicr- tor liiii-liiig how, at illu (lthi-r‘otlicei~.<,til)Niu‘) (“lint-3.s!iStiitt-uii‘uii; ciiil ol the _vriii‘. tii'o liiiuilsonié vnlniiiriu; of 1:7 Uivitics, llti.\lithor.~.lmArtis illib‘iuge. 4H; pout-s uncle—HJE—wilh SEVA'l'lll liiiiiilrml . 41$ l’riiiiiineiit Women, it? l’roiiiii cut Foreign 'euirrxiiinga. ‘ ‘ ‘1 . l’oririiits. ' K I : TERMS tll" Sl'll‘Si‘llll‘l‘lltN.—s'l for “no 2.7 M!) (Inning nit “'(IIIKV‘i or .\iirr.liiclnilin,: year: $l5O tiir six nun-II»; 'SI ‘ for four rcprutluctioiis ot'tlie most cclcl-rniul l-anrav- lllU'lllt‘; ‘3.)(‘o’tlo3 in ii l‘liili run he had for in‘-gs, Paintings, Stuturs, kc. Cnti loaned Sci". 810. Siilm rilicrs 11l i‘uni'iiln illolll‘l mini! 25 on receipt of Slump. .\ii tirilr-r t'o Uni [lii/.i-ii- l‘i-nts cum, to pziv piningc. Spt-i'iiiii'ti cniiii-i l’ictiircs from our (.‘iitzilnguc iiill IDC lilll‘d on. shnt lrcl';'1ll‘0, grnlisuii [lilllllllliul iil'".-\itiitu rypuipt iil'sl.fllt, ii'iiil‘sriit liy iii.iil. t‘Fce.‘ ,to inventors ” Atlilrwiii. - _ l’llUTttGllAl’HlC ALlilf'lS. [ .\ll'N)’ k l‘t).. Piililialwrs, ’ . (if tlii-sc we miiiiiitnctiire ii fllfi‘fll writ-[Lg - 37 Pork lioii',.\'eu .\lullt city. running in pificn from {.O cents to $4,») tilt'll Dec. 'JI, mull. _ ‘ Uiir‘AlJih'llS have the rt-iiitiitqon ut lit-int: ' . 7 . “ ‘ " superior in 'lll'ttllhy uni! tliirnhiliii tit tlll_\' others. . HOllday Presents. The ~mztlli-r kinds. win he Sl‘tll suit-l 'hy Infillil'. NTAGH‘, 'l‘lxll'l tlltSl‘lli\’l-lefi.——llriiiq II it pon’tngo of six tents pr 0:. 1 lliititin;_r or Upw- l'm‘i- it [(III\ '2: or Hign~ Tlll.‘ more expensive I‘ll" he sent )yexprcss. tli-innii'a \\':i|<'li t‘oiiilii’iii-il. wuli Mitt-lit Sell. WWO uhu hurgi ii ‘infgii lie nrtiiii-nt of Windinglniproi‘t-mciit.ninn-'ll'.li-u-iii;:.\'chlli'. S'l'l'liil‘iSCill’l‘lS 3" fi'l'Hiil‘i-‘iflkll'iti VIEWS. ' Ll‘llt.‘ ul lllt‘ prrltitst, must t'iiiiri lllr‘ll', tin-l (liir L'ntnlogue of three will in; :en to may ud- dei iilcil'i‘tlii- Inc-t :iii-l ('lit‘illthl iinic-piui-L' lnl‘ dices on new,“ ot'Stminp. - Ipi-In-rnl :iiiil ri'li Jile l'fl" i-st-r allure-l. lt lnn E. ii 11. 'l‘. ANTHUNY “llllilllli :ittil (lllllll‘i‘lt‘llflll itsiiiiu-hiill'rhiui .llunid-tr/urrrx rgf I‘lmlogruplnr . olcriubt, (inn “in-ling :Itttitliiiii‘nt. rciiilcriiig :i ltci' ro -s'Jl lliinsni‘u‘,‘.\'i;ii l’iiiii‘t. tirily iiiini-ci-ssuri. Tru- Film 4 iii tlii-i W4l: li Friends or rclatixo! of iironiin int military nrc coinpnxeil nt'.t\\nlitct=ils. thii Olllt'l' niiulm im-ii nill confers t'iii'or liy nudging u. tlnir tug tini-_ lli cnriit gold. lrlitis lllt‘_lllllll'|ll\t'il lilwneNt-s to cupt‘. TliL-y “ill [in fit”)! curetul. riiliy iictioii ll tor lllul’t'lnl'lll. lllltl is unrrnntud ly iiml rctnrneil uninjured. - nii ucviirn'c tii}.c—pi--cn. l'ricc. snperl-ly I‘ll- FINH ALBUMS MADE TO ttllll .li for (‘on- grui'cil. pi r cuse ot li.tlt’ llllZl'll, $204. aniiiplc gri-giitioiis to, pit-sent 1o their l’ lelUl‘. or tor \l'iitclit-s, in mm morocco lHl\l'.-’. $35. litlirr pnrpu-cs. with uiitnbic iiisc ttiiiiuiis, kc. SILVER \\'.\'l‘(‘lll‘l.\'l ~ A 12, 24‘ Isi;3. Gui . ' . First (lies llllllllllg'Tlltlt‘ piii‘ccs, tor occur-my - ~' -’-~ W. 7, ot nioii-incnt, lti'llill_\ o! iiinteri.il, :ii.il, .‘llllflll “ . 1 nll, l‘llt'illlllt‘rl‘ iii |rrlll',llllt'~.t‘ writthis iiiiirl. innirr \iiiii‘crsiil it, pillo‘mtitiii. ‘ .\lii imitation .ui t'iiiiltlinuz tli it it run llll'”ll’ be tit-tract} liy llllC iiiost (Xp- l’ll‘lil't‘ll 'iii-lgcs‘ ‘lflin malt-rial Mung ot‘ tito llll‘Hll~, tlic uiittr one tlr-‘i’.,iiiilily Stviliiig Silt;- r. while the iii m‘r Ullt‘ is tit-rliiiiii Silver it I‘llllllill lic rri up lll‘ql‘ll My ii‘ttiiig iir lii'niy t'llL'hillll’J. uniting; ‘it. ll'll. only in iii-lithirniit'e. hill in llllr‘lllli’\. I-p l-t-fit rcsniiililiiiicc ol >Ul.lll Sllfilll.l.\t} SILVER iti Q‘Xlelt'lll't'. ' ‘ 'l‘lic mile i-t tl-ctc \\'.iti ill" in tlic my is ll EOIU’CI‘ of viii-minim prohi. n-tnli-x’ltis tlit-v tor." reiiilily ilo, $23! :iint iiiwiiiiilu. ..‘ltllly filllltlll‘ll ilollnrs run he nixidv in ii lingli- {in} .i,‘ li_i' iniy mic ut‘ .ti'dihsn' lithium, tact. ’gs—L‘ihA’l‘ ii‘iioi.i-:.~‘.il.tf o.\:.\'! in iumy hunting i‘nsrs. lwniiiiliilli' Pilgrin‘l'll, \ili‘iu i-iinmt-l ili.ll.illlil lniity citt liziiiild, in com] I‘llll<_ llll’lL'nl‘lll‘l‘, by the l-nlt'd’lmrthett/ii. §uld only". II)’ the Misc 0' M 3! . ' > -l'pon receipt of l\\‘n iliilliirs. m uliniiinleuhit ' good faith. “l' iiill iii-nil innit hex ‘--.y rxprvm lu fiiipnrt'ipl" lll“ luynl St itca, cullccting lmhmco of hill on ilelii'cty. This ciislii'i u li.iyci< iigiinst {HIIUL giving llltclll tlitlr \iiifl'lic‘ 'liC’lhl’t' poi" "Will is required. Senl orilcr~ to the solo ' iiiipoiti:i‘.~. H \li'h’ \\'lll~l-\'l UN. .\‘o. l‘.’ quu-lvrs' HM lounge, (‘1 r. Cortlnndt St. «lid liroudun}, .\. Y“ Not. Mt), 1:963. 2m No More Poison! ])RU(‘F.SSRS fur the Prepzlmtil2 mout. nnd Imitutiun nf IJQI'U) KINDS. inrluding Bnunlivs.‘\\'ine§ (HM, Hunts, Porter, Al», (‘i-h-r, C tars, out—Every dealer in hqno known nnd felt it. to he of the‘hig tum-e to the profitable ronduction no“, that he ~hnuld he in "05*5'5‘i infornmtlun I'llil‘ll has hitherto l‘ confiuvd to whofcsnle homes. 1'! lion, in now. Mr the first. time. pl the ”gull, and adulntc-l tn the I»an mm“ profitable INEOI’ ILL think-NI. y will he umih-«l. free of rhurgv, to ”If misln-su to 1.175 .9. CUUKE, l’. (V. \Vusltjnglun, l). P. . , . 1 WK. l:.——.\'u‘oLhcrs lu-n_denlz ~l_v. “1"") inlurlnnxiuu will he sun! \lm does not m-Lumlbu’ny hi< nzldrc nledge lhul. ln- is u dealer in liquor Nuv. h}, law, 4m To Disabled Soldie QEAHEN AND MMHXHS. AVWWUNIWN, ‘ m; u'rmzn "mus HF I‘"de wnu HAVE [HI-II! III: ”El-IN KILLED INH‘IU‘I MCK \'|l‘l-2 ——(‘uu. (‘.Tucln:u. Almrlu-yifur (flnim ants, Bounty Luna! and [’vnq’uu .\gfi-nt, \,\l.\.~‘h inglun City. 1). l‘.—|'cns'wus prncutud mrjh‘ul diorz, Smmen nml .\lnriuus 0f the [-lcscul “ur, “ ho urc disnhlml by rlu’l-‘lm of wounbh rerun-d ur disease cuntrm'led uhile iILM-n‘ifcmml l’eyn smnsslsuunly Hone) mu! Arrcnrs 'l' Pay oh tsum-J‘ lur widows ur nUlrr heirs ()fFI-use \i’lm hau- died or lwo" ki!lml while in 5 nice. i Rulull) Land pruruyed for nervir Ajn unsv of “19 other uurs. BILLS. C'. TU ‘Kl'ill,’ ‘ ‘ , - anllingt u, D. (I: IJ. C. Sun”, Agent, Qeuybburg. { - Nmmlx. 12m. , 1 x Come to ‘ Fair! ND DON'TFORGET'I‘O VISIT ELEASANT A [HUGE HUNSERIES.——Per’mSn “fishing lo Plum. The: will find the stock imxhe ground remarkably line, and olfercd at rcddcc-l prices. The Apple numbers 100 \‘nrielies,lelulrrucihg till the hpprul‘t‘d sorta. 1 N. B.‘—See {he index bonrol near Flu-3 Dale 90!! other. 'l'. H. CUUK & 3035, ' $lllll2, 1561. ‘ lbfimrutorc.‘ -.‘.. . | - fl John W. frlptom $ , ASHIONABLE BARKER. Natal-east cor-I ner ofltlw Diannmul. (next. door :0 MI;- Clellnu's Hose!) Gettysburg, Pm, where he. can at. alh.‘ a; he found rendv to attend to all‘ business iniis line. Helms also csceilcn} M sismnce and“ will ensure satisfaction. (-‘ivé himncnll. ' [l)ec.73,la§o. ' New Goods 1 l ‘ T PAllXESTU(‘KS’.—Fulmeubok Bros. A would respectfltlly inform lll¢ir friends and the public generally that they;lmvc just received their Spring stock of Goods from New York and l’flilallelphiay lfaving bought them for cnsb‘, we Ire prepared to ofl'vr the largest Ind prettiest smelt uf~ DRESS GOODS eve: ofl't‘rp‘l ‘tn the‘citixens of the coutlty and at OLD PRICES l “Quick sales and short profits" being our motto. ivy-Cull and examine at the tin nf the May 11,1863. mm mum. Coal! Coal! Coal; SEEM)?! 1; Want“ an naw Ipl’epilred to \ supply GOAL, oflqperior qu in, it; nu: qunntityxdeaired. Terms, 05gb. ‘ ana One! Game All! , ‘ fi-Tbey silo request thou indebted to them to cull and pty.up. u fund. um mfick needed. Who will be the first to cull 7 013 cc open from 7 to 7. ' _i‘fl. 34. 1862. Spring Goods . AT 1&- S"01"r I son's—w: invite tlie .1- tenth“ of buyer. to out uock jot Spring Goods,’hich will be lo|d cheap, con-hung ol LAI’IRS’ DRESS GOODS, ‘ Shula, (flanking Cloths, etc” etc. For Men’l and Dore' wen? we hue Olo‘thn. Oglsimeru, Conuugi, Vestingl, with A variety of Canon- Ides, in, to. Cell And see. In, 18, 1883: A; SCOTT t SON. ILLINEEY GOOpS, Bone“, Blhbqnl, Flowers, Shaken Ind Bonnet Fume: nu necked from New York, cheap nt Fabu noch’fiivgn emu 9 .8161) Hum. Mechamcs.‘ Inventors, ' ANUFACTUREBS, ENGINEERS, AGRI- M CULTnmsTs, cunnls‘rs. AND ALL LASSRS 0F READEIKS,oughI, by All menu, to Ilka the sdmxmrm AMERICAN,‘ The most film-bl: Jéutnnl of In cllu now VQLL'MF.’ x., NEW amiss, Commences on the 15: of January‘ngxt ; thug. l‘ vfore, now is the lime to subscribe: l. Imrmvp {S U ‘ ALL , \VhirLil-s, ‘rm Ila, Hut : ‘lms lung ms} impur vt his busi i" ufm rmin ern slru-tly is infurmu- Iced uilhiu J wilful null PPurvirulnrc n} sending ”ox v 3.17, a nt-ml up. ‘ln NJ!) one" .5 “ilh the i / Sausbury Bros. & Cow‘- ‘ :0. 37 DQmlAM'l—i s‘runm‘. and N u: \VEYHUSH‘ZT s’l'm-IH'l‘, . PROVIDENCE, H. 1., _ Propriatnra nf um- 01 [hr mod cut-naive JEW.~ ELHY .\IANUI-‘AUTUIHIES In the Hunurn Stilu‘i' hog tn call lhc nfu-nliun of tho rum jmunity generally to the wry Slllll'lt.§l.\‘f} 3011 K“! “31‘ch uhich Ilwy urc llflrl‘illglhuir: gag“: fur snrpnsgmg bulb l‘urrigu and Um ; nit-stir .\l-ungtiu (mes in point (If clc‘amu: mpl ‘ real durability I . c v ‘ ; . ' ‘ ron iss'mxcn: ' ' For Fin-us DoLilAnu,_ we forward, nit-«ly carded Am] puckqd in good ordi-r, the luNuwinw ‘firnormous q-mntiiy 0! Jewelry. mum] in finish ‘lo Any ‘l’latcll Gum, and nm in he recogniZed ”from Hold only hy the trying ufuuids: ‘ 1 4 Set Enumel You (Ilinins; 2 l’lnin i’lorem tine Pins: 4 HM Rings in much: 2 Twisl'-“'ire. Pins; 4 Eur Rings in mulch: 2 Phi" l'iu;; 4 Flu- Rings :0 mun-b; 25 Ladies' llingny Dnuhle. Henrt find a vnriely ofpultrrns ; .70 Uniun Hing ' Lia-ms; Sfl-Scnrfpins. Plain and lini‘mtinn Coral; I'Douhle-Glnsumckeu, engine-turned; 6 Box‘ 'and Glass Pm: lon porn-nit or hair; 72 unort ed Locke“, Heart and Shell (‘i.nrms,und‘6lhm’d liraceleu;—-:\ll for Fine-en “o|!an A collag ' lion Oflllil kind, when placed in the hands 9‘ any one of o‘rdinnry inlelligencemughuo and! tar in. least-Om- ‘liumlred-l‘ollnrd ‘ I Catnlngun, containing: full ii frrmnjion And Prices 0! Goods, (:A'n be obtained uprm appli-~ ’ cation. ()nlerfblenil, Telegmph or‘Exprqs‘ ? reapoclfully aolicitetl. ' ’EAUSBL’RY‘BRIfi. & 00., 1 31 Dormnce I: 6? W 195 bonnet Sin, 1 June 29, 1853. i Providencu, li. I. , . Just Published. . ‘ SPLENDID sruxuflm uEzzo "rm nmmvmu F . ,mmwum. cannon: a. McCLELLAN, on nu nun: nun or nun.“ Size of Picture, 19} by 2_4jnchen. The oriaiual pointing was mide from life, ‘0 order of the publisher, by the telebnled Ami-3‘ C. Schuseelu, I':qu (who is “to only one the General ever In! to.) I! represent: him on hie celebret'ed borne Daniel Webster, (presented 10, mm by :he citizen! ot‘Ginrinnsu,) taking an Qfisgrvnfigq ol the field, in the latter part of a}. dly, as He Rebels \(ere falling beck. In the foreground Ire ten the desqhulone oi the battle—broken lune, lhauered ,ueee,'lé. In the din-nee, emongn the umqlui nqd‘dusl‘ are In: sincere, artillery, cenlry end lufentry.—, The whole picture is en edmlrnble composition; end diepleye the rare genial ol‘ the Artiet. - Fries ol'Engruringi‘Single copy, 83 0,0 g'l‘wo copier, 5 00 To one . «Three “ . a Do }edrlreu .. Sent. by mail, post-paid. ‘ A Person: noting u A'genll and orderlngrono copy M. three doll-n. can hue subsequent on“ 3: two dollars etch. Tnvelling Conne lere ordering largely, will be supplied on lib enl term. Addrru ,JOEN BARRY-19' ' V Publisher, l 7 South Sixth Sh, Phi‘l. Dec. 'l, “363. ‘ ‘ . l published