i El 82'; G” .' u "-.— R ~— -_5 o F 1 L s: A c s: l . , 2:.- 'OO “__s m e “t m \I 8 n r ts e T I O h w o E ."dng e y. B. I! s" i °°ssich° E 093 311%: 3:, ”’1: THE co rs m A ‘n3; tn oh. T -‘e a llm ‘l "d" UlO lfibnn's pey pmese 1:: NI .P 0 n o 0 l' n s'u Issu 0 0:: fizns‘tsns: stszgzsc'gssfiguz'e‘r'fr 3." go e 8 st s 1p g; o. . Evflnnrrento ' BE _ .“afijn‘w‘ :kssuu’ibss°ss i°fss°;-“a 3" sh. am er [sll ‘i loqus- stlxc rt- ~ "s- “26-5215 .2; :3 my? 23:16" m i are ndt' “nil”? "1.3 W. lere use 3' ‘l'] [Hill cf!“ ”In" it: JJH'JKQS; ”filjgdot ghgsyfl"? _Wficssnrnco huu . f-eq l' rand u it‘.‘ '9 h ‘ls M ..}e-no.b “mg . '5 In) | deve'.le‘ywr Luecutlsonl an aunt’celzzr a [gan‘ieul¥sr Her e solsufler s“ In L- s'ess‘y “‘ll- n4' »_. .11 (.st s3O on sPn'sd ..22 ss” .0: f y-. M 1 1.334%“; 2222.3'2323033 v. 3; cram c.0301], or’u, e 2 ,Inu : Tsiigfih'se‘ldiz'l lb: 2:51-mtle-cucs’s‘atsunl22r; ‘32:} :0 [gifts :ltoVZezll ”Sufi of WA . Pe t-“e 'lss ‘ls in 0 V scwubco asins" oie 3:: oy '33} "s sciess“ssh 'll. ' ‘fu‘us" aom 1) .1,300 “Jug. p in: 1] r 9. inks Shte'ere "q' ,e . wrinmr'v h .s- 'ltmr9 wn'eflmw eu‘ho‘mufm 11 hi) toa‘f‘ofi'morr “‘aclm'xuo"lnn age 3 . Bl‘ .l] he, '1 “3'3“." c:i to 'l' - ' 'ri' r: apa-S {I n in)! {0 I‘ll“ , .‘w “c I: “f ei,s'-ssl,;‘va MW“. H}: . 45y e ’i'l"}:',sst-“nse 0:12;“: bzhinfr“ “o 0" . 's3 0d w“ dolxno I“; 'y 'l, lorlusjl. a ml. Sll‘d"n*vllea p,‘ o Wat b; "is‘r 'n‘sr N, Y ‘u’u l. [“3l b‘sr°£ss~" SW“ bin? d” “ s‘“ PT uny'n uldqu gs” LIP,“ ‘l' m“. ‘ller r‘ Plsdi Mthsontn en's" :llegtagb g “Inger f" rs. 1:2 .s a‘: as: é°ssade2ss 23.252532: 0 2s?! am . gauge? essershoe Frozglitlimie :e nr;a"s:[ss‘luposs° stss‘less‘lss‘sssssfdss‘glshseowsiot‘s 32:33:315t (:0 W 9.13. , ‘ .1 . a , . .. . ‘ Wm}! “990 t}. ,3 am? 1‘1”)! 1:." {fiberff I,] .tr ,1 b"! “1-“ me ulls’eul 6°"; squ “’l‘, “I“. e’ch An l'tnplTozlz l'v'lx e9e 'Yntu‘nnsgtwu‘hw. .111“: lee Inf ‘cu [bl-‘4’ '“fi‘r” ld’v‘s (is "e 4333““ h l deh-emn szss°nsh ' ssf"i “s“s-ss”is“es“t.s‘;°e ‘lsssss“es" ‘s’s"'i."4sss‘l infuse“ °°tshéssna33sg§essfiss§ ssildssvs" ss 1'? ”if. m ‘v' "l t,”lil“" cn’a" ".useall'i 'H‘hrk‘l'srnlv' i 2 as“; “'u s“ ‘CJSpossul-ssy isslysi ter 3 ad P‘s l:,.ssX.."e L 18” “1 rn il‘ulpse Egb’ureqti‘unanh 3,1: .‘ Us}, 3% lutujh S _4_ . 0-!“ 110 1] hi wl gr‘n. rt 00 }; lry‘l; 'tsfls ”g u ['3 wi' u‘ue‘l i d 1 “I H 1“353,1 ' e . Emu is erreuws tru‘v 5 lie “v 'ni y f "203’ (I‘3 319311! l;.r_cli’le_‘il n'] (f. 10 rs Gang oflueGeL 1' lug Uanw A. :ng .. #22 s. w ‘sfi'su's‘i :24, is 2-.‘213123 :rs'ss «is ‘a. “- {gsy-roréssgsssgsq :sm. ex anew ; ‘in u ‘2. urr .e up't- imme cu ea u C‘ds‘qs'f' b "_x. '9 ‘I. '25., f‘r. , ”ero pu‘e “1"! Y sLlu e I I I ul9b kl h edl d O iblhe d erl u' u S [c t, 11”] ‘nsat-on bk." 1'“ rest“ 6 I, ssl‘ sso L ,el'ou. 0"" 11:5) lis'i b e ‘ eJnd n gr sbf e xi. ‘1 “e 1.. In m i 93 “r ‘ll lo ..' s'. 8“]:- u pegs), Pet 5 ‘2 I|]‘ u c"). n 11- lo} all)" at“! e h “fl‘li _ ‘ll “the lh ‘u Henoel It "3'!“ tAnnl] l.n!]‘lur ,5... , 1.. ~ “3"b um[l(ng ‘ntl “an“ “fans” ‘cen e’sssssb ”(ss' :d ‘3lan sfirs‘wslpss‘i gi siss‘ as (issnssswssse ": ‘ssso’sss°ssss‘:ge ssssnss :hgssess‘se be?!” gushing o I" ass' t W {00“ Leese e ‘o'rs ‘7 “Is‘ rps'n" .i 3.3 cms‘ N ,0 n 35 3 ts‘ at r!- "chec Twms’l P0”ll 20uelle erum n‘l)elu3,;giyuo'UneslT .erua ”flamecé r“) t“ ‘5 l' rmle hnga 5.069 s wanl th [Lill'i )l' e" h yrs) Ls by "L I r‘t‘x‘isl‘ 89y “tong rl w‘llls‘] li] hmsisflne'l ’ ’- ‘agn“ svu‘dfio- 0,3: w.‘~‘-'|‘sut“t r"nw-ee'n‘°tun p'ss’m(}"‘ye‘4s'-dsa'eaiu '- 'f 710 aunti‘ iron 8- pOB (1 c"i e I“ er film}. —-\ I, r”. 11..“ I‘ll- hive n .I'_ ti (I lied“) “den ”'93,. efudov wd' {o93' from slhrios‘yoll t} slléssfllsl -we upsea 3} o’s 195 sssso-s Lss fississlu II it uI ss'u es sshssss ' srssn "fife?“ lslserssesnsse eat 'B, exiitgrcgfi e“sl n 1 sis T icsf.’ Ion]: s“; 3‘6 sprss. s' less?" cps? Wsslp" ssins‘s 5" s‘ ‘ as '39 ‘ll W.“ f eds] w Osc on“ 3b 1-6 I'r“ Wn 191:1“ 3-} Nth ‘c ,‘l'rq Uur"..g." u?‘bllnfl‘rBm Imro wh‘ ‘I h-‘ jll‘lfirt Igo udu‘l 9]. be (1 it .va Verdun. I.“ "any;j suns“ 3]) s‘i' t ‘1 I.)-» 02's” 'h lllul benfihprzl‘ Quint;t m' glgchßr:x .w‘ '«n her. '9‘. Ver en _lorp aolflsuflss .{a y "(1,: Conan 'd' ”I: ‘1 13's?“ e' U" he ‘0 f 2“ “lea “be \(i w] £ll3 klmr OfN ra 3| G aslun 3 sl.s"l.ss‘|sgsinssslissmcesvss‘ess 0e tselissscssssssliss p 0: ssh—ssh": ..rks‘vnsgno,;beojmqbréa'oxur ss‘s' :r‘asxs’s‘sass'3ns3ssecsfsnsss3ss Ali: 539693.; ‘lili’sv c ‘. bonkflnfhd“ lrd's) bhg n.. an; Sed‘t‘fly (upw- ’cl 1,) "Kins"? I) it 51% (If >3e‘el‘hs3's3sssr llill (31:: SW: Per rlssr [Er-pk] [la la isea ‘v 3|; ' s '“dsn- "i 9 es 31-334, .1 s'3l' 3’ s'.’ s‘m '- s 1 stosé'ssc lu [,9 ‘ns “Ashs we Se W3l) 9“!” s' “I Ir‘lkne a .xnhr as 11 I. Ikp -er- ‘Vgallurx.m| r [‘l ulylo..ré Bv. r.g~° “-’r x. Is’nl-s "'6s'lsol; J‘e 1“!”l 83° 1 Yl." PIS/3' ,)wa 5- 3,1 01’) u~.¢.‘x uplvl not-unhou'o (‘ m: t \lu‘rfnwlfgf sor-slslsllnsxl‘ekuffisrhwnhclls r.. "‘156 'l.c3uol‘o‘.qt sf .121b1,c 11‘s. I.owf,r-ex-g,xl_z. g.rnn‘,th..tb ”4;: Smlr n n a° u t u“i o“r em‘ e‘l "2'01" "Ls”‘w I esO- I"23‘c-"3'ls‘t’ 7' 's'lgs‘s B’9 o'l 3 , I‘ll 65.1; ti. r'u 3d {'l rd rd.“ ‘v 1; 1- 1 x'e.’!,' lu‘ I, I. i. r_ f'. 11.1; “'th 1“} ly r.. Y. ' 3‘v a!e ,1) ‘q d 1;)" :49 s d hosat 0f 11‘ nil. “r peoo‘l «In I,.th ~...“ on “x.“‘l L 1) Y‘ Ar: “(ss‘ls’lls’xé i— {B% Lu“! en ow. 'l', .en fivn coo as“,:ss‘tssnt 0 bass '5O ° 1)"? “ sssr gens gnl’ls Isis -s‘sss-'u-ms‘uss s's‘s I), s‘re't.|l,‘d;sosxsu"s 1’1? cds‘e' l¢ifmlli'l.ii§rofime 'l' “x on ‘1 “l ; figvlnns's. hiss") euaspvl3lwo~q :lss r e‘ss' [weds'ssn ‘sr 3”. s3l f'. ‘usssi- .§ 12,"! A“r r a '2! h. “furl rflgfilsur liseiy 1,“ )tr 0t Cre 1f \lslficl Issil 'l u) “‘35 bu} f“. If": 3e n ‘, V“ has 1- pg “LA qr." to V‘ f. lire-1“”. fax llulcae ner ' {WY bon"‘o ‘I \v'ref " ’eL cl. ls “y a "1] [3l9‘ V, to u"I l' (‘0 t;' r:‘« r.‘:, '5 ‘ru 1,“, l. eI; 5%“, {W4 0 "in sous'l 01; cl'qufcr' Loi- qi; ‘1 ulss"rss‘ic 'Lshé s‘as’ s'h ‘1 ssgsss SHesss Li's 3' "s se T‘s“: Iss'lssl'ss" s‘lss‘ss ss “'4’ [3| sVsss“ “(52: ’ mossldn lq‘oseevil 885 susss “lolysss at -3s_ s‘essssu 5e v 0 “sly 1:"; s“ hnl'usss tss’Ol . “ rem e_e n_ I‘3“ Ilse, ~11 deep] a {thin . ll20:10 ng [,3 . tllzfia‘llh ‘lllll #l:] Oh bk. '4“ ger'le-c‘rl-I'li‘ .L',‘-iI:h~,~" “(1.11.11 r Lm,e° 33° .3 113 mg; Olane 2n 19‘s,: ‘mt’a CJ‘.l'|u'l°‘ll’=lm""-' ss.\“.‘l .:,e "NAN-4“" I" ‘w-to Ire u chu mllwrd’oofe a‘ltnlb lbl'y' fllfsnle‘ih {beg‘rixl ‘sbxv‘l Fxr'l‘-- t-t ‘thor'fi'ss-sy ts'h be: e ‘l‘ 3" sk 9 s'o L "t 9 f li"suan rss“ pss :8 {Vs's'l “(s‘n cs'llss' etl ‘hthe 13111 ‘ ‘34 sCs‘u's- ‘sl'l us'“s‘rss sLsit's'lsgss’l ‘\s"l's'lsls sz’nd oui‘hmtfon neze 28:22“ is erlflo ratzys cone tho forbat. drluclleéissslclfll’lucll. . {‘l4};st Is‘sexxhg‘sis if“? ;.3 Svcunilolxll).lsptsf?l£ arming“ ssh? asusnllkbzsdss’lls . rid, ifmd: '1 1. 9-..- s' r '8 ini Bsl ‘°u n9"we'a t" s‘e'“..' .. -.: " m33sed“ 'hsl 9“: nss's 17- .. 3:." ‘ll 1‘» "\ 9.1“ 'rs‘s-lsz' "su: ‘l- '1 233gszss.i3mp2;r.§fiz fgnfijsTfinJMst‘} 0010:»: arsenals 1.2;; 2; 2353213 n 4333533 33213221231“”gm; ‘l9: $328.23 ghgn. 5;.::-,“:;:.syArt’s2s .‘ u'is \. t . w.rn‘ c ‘.|- u 9- '1 _._ l'.u Ir. ‘1 sl'-'c'r'l-e)n x-e's‘ "‘1'": -ndl- uped'por.utt)'luh-rtl ‘l roV- at. IxtsfinlsLnfif-..8u :x r 31.1 highrn -u1 e 1-I'l loeotntywe 11' eh ~ Is‘clraos..l‘is.t-- ‘l m 1 Issuuress nsssnsee ss‘yss sell segmdsohssg lg! ss'ossres cf; b 1 desse yasso coke " t;selslx- M" ['~ g lss'sss)”: 0 3s» lrsv‘ssrs-‘islls “lutsss‘ o 2s.ksss’e ‘oshss‘sl ss li'h I: s‘-.ss‘»\sf'lss {flur‘ , he‘suea‘wflsi‘ .; ‘he‘hgl . .M’degecfln'n.9m;e.”- .1" Inflldfifd 'n.°e°r‘f’u*‘r.Au °2'stLr‘lsé’)“s."s§'s2 m ~"'sssf "s 23921 u “sq'h’fii‘nl‘ .. ; “.7”— Ms» ..'M Mm; ”ass-s“ ..'."s" 22.. MST- « s 2; n'g‘fms‘s _w 5;: .2153. “...sst."s*’ri.. Mg»: v 1.5.3? Js.‘;e§sn‘;" 3.3;? “ .Ed ‘se‘eies gsifi'sag- .3..su.t;2g,so.ye 191;. is‘:sl.L«fs~l‘-crs: i‘i‘sx:s£.':s’:'ssii 3;.s'23°sn"i.srssv 212333;- I’ van s m rona'n. a ‘ "'5 for o.‘ 3, louosts isn” , 'aO's‘s‘ lilrs‘h sls.l‘b'£“ H). “I II in n Iwab I", 4cfo9h g y V n 1‘” V}, ’ll ‘1 5.8 a,” ("I g lung“) e: 1| IL-0 ._ sil‘t'g‘l‘n h, D L“)! n I‘] rbbo. Ls‘ 1" 1, «I -~ ...2. 5.9 in ”may; . g- ~ cm. s s ‘srgzsist 2324 my; Wu”??? 1A“ J‘E‘jfeue a“ wa‘ e “911; ldc'papar 3! Lil. txég‘hofflif T3O Eggpfilwtoths: sf 01.3311! 13.1515“ ‘s‘ shy” tl‘lrsaf'sk THE. {ghakgb \\s}|.°n.fh;‘|.:s_r::_si ni'«,s-".s‘vs;s:s"sls,“: ‘cg . 01 Pa HRH. “..'“M swim nolxwdbe 0; 'y é ? fis‘ix' “m be U 3 “: 'e “r I expss’r: ‘fi'”h‘mg<3l“ls“'i*s'L'Wr" 3" ' ux- }l&.;eolla.,‘ber "3"s-‘ns" "33‘" "s”; «:s 35's" {5-3 1:” 3“, J“, mom; assblsswess" 'in i; g 3., C‘s-s sprs as: “li°us°iLg sss“ls°b;“nB3:s fas‘fs Piss“: 3:2" $39813"? "sssxv 320‘!qu '3 os2ss ess‘dsso-UT st s“:"'ns'3s‘3ss3s"ss'lss ’wd’cbslognxjécga ‘ssss2*s"‘ss"s s ssss ~lu_po be sM ”I qusssm s“. ...! '0 t 1: me“ ss° ssueszslfe “gusto?“ A . Ainlenow_'.'_evd__. w-fluss‘yt‘, Ewes?“ 3} 31s isle 1: l 1 “(1 Eé‘hhcwu‘pe to Silolhlb‘lnnef'3s‘«l 2. "xs‘H Mss'l ‘ F! n..}! i 91% ul e-eder i. 'r “all" s!“ Mmdg ts”! 9 3b'l.e“ 't l‘fi'esfi'ea '9‘es" s okuirsoCclkl93'brL'l's ‘* k l‘cs‘u ‘n ( “when wic“w“n :1 s”I “ °r c on?! as ‘0 o m'h' 55° 'y ~ u3‘n"3's"sr"afeiig tn‘ ““5. W "I‘s" P se...n“r'e.s"y ss‘i’u- WWI-s 3 ‘u “as a, ““3 nu;b'o t. 10 e leech ates P 0 3‘h “3 (I‘l. W“3 N ‘ in-e ‘w.icss°us' shs wg I‘ll“r or ms‘ Irwls‘ s"ss" "er °£°sss‘s “05 l "sis'urssd " I.ol] I'r' sissl : sh .___ss_ss Ph- 's'n 9‘ “ " ”9 I: met 3 s‘o W 3L: e’ ses" d— ss__::sss sss ssssss ~be ee on scesssssssssss 00'! sssss e‘P-n sssss ss ley sssssssssss ssssss .c mg» a “3 I‘l. 13X“: t \V' I'l, u? \, e,» 3h Md. fa m t, ldndab “lfaonocflr' ,r'lqet.‘ n Pr'a'f. ‘ 111’ fl ‘3 “(I°ls -~ Ao| (33"! 2.": .- ‘e .~ t‘su°ns macaw :2 ~ "tr'u' 'l' a. 1-! 'e-nlull be t 8 *‘l MSP’M C ‘t'lo3e“‘bwrc“s bu Isin), _lu.g.e ’a't b ss'sh m|ort"|a‘n beyae" ease ls um Illelnl s's's ksflghssmbd' nrgssrs’lm ss‘ l-s's‘flss‘ofis‘s‘s s X“) ‘qh l and” ~ ‘A ‘l‘” "i h [”30" I” a d UIJO‘ ced m-r‘lLlu' L- Fdln be Ont; Elf-0r “C “eds "e 0 Lleeselllls‘cs" In lf‘f lllflr Jxlk .13 l\) o'] 1e P t‘s‘ls' fix [l‘ “W In“ ‘ {a lfiu "iss'uzno in‘”, rs.” diuke bed 3”!) “911. :6 ens” sng' 3.01;. asst v :3‘.” isslgpxstss: c n slass 46 :‘lsierslis J5O ssh ‘slsc J‘slsmsstsuissleoeserssdrssfen" sssuss‘lts,‘ e h r 4 u'i‘il s" w°nsd m3li c 3 0 'l‘ gas“! ‘l, am'a Ip , e L'scé' .'0 rs°m s‘s“ ecu-Np ”lukr'nsW '3‘." ss“ ‘xssn' e as‘os- les’s I‘s 17"! 1.6.1303! Is No com: ‘1(: me°eell on 1'" slu“°'pl"s eB Vlofllr“ss')s ‘0 wan-nu ulg ;. r '2'. kecistfiiudse‘nnq ‘ 6‘11““ °beawntolthlt3° ‘e'l'Hs't'n' “due““bc {it'd-1” lfl‘ [‘|'¢‘lwor "Juro ‘3.wgolh I] n‘edcn. thP ll 3 “Rs [bo s"no-1"1‘0“1° 911.5 resglsurnlU “I Lllld’: lc‘ctC 'o'eu‘lxdfillv l .I ”this“ ,°s o be“. 3'de 1.0 eto a Halo. {io .83 "d be iretnbth o . uve‘see'ts'iliei r) 1‘ ncwurnlerwe I. ah, w" 'e "h ‘o‘. .bw‘u} :11.le 'xq-iuul}. ' was: ”3:“ d‘shussld 12);; 6 Jormzteuscoblxm a n ;n' wi . ooulndeer. v 8“) ; éisxlgeqh (inn. Llfpsolcsls F 59'" anb:‘in(”t‘urlun‘s.g'd 14.15501 :5 yocfllsklp‘nf I». s‘flflxd u lhfiryiuz “two 0‘ ' nwi bl. 3]] [e y. Wll 0r Lh‘h Pporsu PI 11c 0‘- ariosdlvslgehe ta enlopnllollfl :gms‘egr‘lo' w'] 3:01] afloat); “ppolr "rues“:sm 0:011. vuoi Lt": _s" ‘5”: :“c‘rs ss 0 “fss‘wss “5:5 sB3: ss‘sotssss’ “gage his 'sssosnunsz:y y. abouss Ei “LaicsHslkls-idsssys 1.13 an 1" figldho o:3.‘3'nsse f aWil‘l xi; ‘ll 1:10., “10?“; ’szs‘k ..Nue ’V‘s"'fi“ 1d "e D" Ute-0e“: he‘ll 1;- s cm d L’g I.IL. 'vub-‘u ‘hDgUliins'lrlebéisrs'tgoae fluriudlicd tn 9 9-wllgll,‘ex"l,. . .rsglofllg's‘zd'fifiu urgnumfia s', got: da; Angie—9lmg ‘8 ”2°“ "d hey33ls-S pésflégor. Jt “filingasfit [St xflngor‘e gar. 551:1“;th 2:37;} [in £421..” 5:11)" 13] ‘l3 .‘ed wrcu l', ir- .' ea cc rig-ou.g:lnc ' osr"- .n-Ob.slncla tn 'iolu.lU' 4,”; o”ts‘L°":-tus‘o "u ss' s‘h slO ’ufngs‘ - F quNd ‘ 10" x, :‘hysk:‘ls”'s",s_srsusl°!wefis task tss‘ss‘nsst ‘xs'slvss‘Jss 2 3ssms'f'u‘3'ngem“ss° an ss‘uubsetwss‘ss smvssssse fliquuw‘w . 500‘s!“ £s6m” cucu- rt on ssonp“ e chit v‘fin‘fd ioersnesén esseq‘l |'lss'rjiss‘s'lsss “sog‘slss‘ e'lhzdfisusess “sh snsssssesssl ssussus sssss' nix-"u. u‘:_ l.“ . t.- som' it. 1. (15011 rel _ u 'urpm-lthfotss rehy d 31;]? ”h ctochssl' 'n° 11 rs°n . t. udslsbl’ls'lwsauu “193.0 1! a duals: w s n ‘llO ow 0 nos herlg Asi'go‘: 's e- 31's“: sod" a‘l r‘ifidc elfihsn'suty use ‘1 Jus‘u“ m” ”w -o°n .W-m‘h Le" 506311.13 as Snnd A‘hi 'r’n"s ""‘lp'='“' wJs/u“:ne°r ”3‘ . “3’ stun...» J 2.» s. w. ..., mu .... .. s’ .. 4s: :u'sriésrs‘n ‘- "eisM‘i‘s 1‘ "22' 422...“? n: sic“ ”MW T 3 M as; °sbeshss.‘n vssfiiso wads»? :s-‘sorruytsx.sfsss,sis 33w . ‘ll ’.s°‘ 3 us)“ D ‘59" trash-f has/089m :00 In d hs‘V'e "iinovss ‘mm 2s‘xw3'fi“: w'° “33“”, erg; d h “s, s” “3 's 1a ' I 1 as 0 . w sol-filigem- as 0 dl'elnwu ’nee'o'eO-t“s :1 ts?) lube lelca. ly‘ougege moconsln :il‘gw's u" 0;“, 1: mNYh—ussusup ‘v a: e°t bsnlgltiote ‘1 2 5.413;; bk“ :md ho hgryugt Jlt 'l3eu‘ 1,35, ._ obit 3s":‘i P‘~°R a, tag-a r 9. end. °n n . eu [it'l‘h e b £l9ll 'hsirieclts e 1-" rO. i; denudswr trluheulh 18'; It! We! “alerts x... . Wes. is”»..2» J: ss-sm Maw 1.35 Us We s.‘.'- s‘2 :1 191‘s .h arse,” I? nfbof Il3w 0"; in .10! .S y E s'sene‘ssbuthof ‘fcldntlfieuyflutopcr {findslfi‘ :“hf‘xn'll [telly ssssssnss cl. ‘s’sss L .wfalessssso" e e e sssna B ‘smf" 5’ um.» [1:31 sed' ansnso 3315”: s'wsm;l“ poluids‘ s 9” wsb'3 s'ss “s°‘s is? i n”r bnsross‘hssos“"‘spousls paiwolnps‘; dsD 8833 I. o l‘s. ‘V-gsfild m 0‘5..." , ses-papoav r.unnse'u.r.ly ._ “amoe ”manage aNe I m: let .beth ”330° LI“: -e that. [1 IE 0 la ncr thoqmcrgaletlll . ‘u r in“). u 3111 lb. 1-; I," ‘11!“ u edda min 41 ‘ T mopge kni '3‘: . cu“! wr,’ u“ the _9 do wl‘ps‘v‘fl ‘ss°r}:a°':’rfss u isfiws vsntibeqé‘ss‘mspm 4.. vin‘afl :ul73s‘v‘p‘mes‘é .isy‘s-gs‘3ss. _3. bothst‘nsbs“ d bnd “u“mebstr's- 1:10;" 9b i x 3°:hs'i‘m" ‘ewe y' lpt ‘23:,‘10p o 16:16 dlksly 1: .s.:° .o. .3424.» srm's .We “W ”1523:; "semis d""’°°“ " ' “3s“ ‘ ”oi-M 1.? Miler ’2 “3:?.J:s.:s:.t-;-::3-t.‘su;n. ~ p. ; ’w3:°x‘:.s ‘Psgrudsc ‘MIS? QJ|sl._l‘;n::,-l s m s"Jhelgg.%¢ “dhrsgn or] 0|"; sefgted lcfi‘de‘uul’rogl ]: 1w: 0 nut! mpo°h sss .'a. s sssss said” :6 vicbs’s' "Isy has “‘s' B‘o :‘Jrjwuss”cbl"os‘:shf ' lurwztr’ugg szick Tyii’ql‘k'stbe g'zaSJSlLuefblg'vs° :0” 9:" {Es'ifllld .1 ye: :9 90‘: sinfuflcihe ArkJLzhfl . sou ooh; . {:0 "3; Pls gigurcsroFsi-s'luv —-ssts’-ss°s ogmgfkbecfixeynd': zessuls‘3s's‘nss an “:33 ,rs ofunfoumlegofimwebyup: 1:11;: “81‘s: G:_ll°n,: Csi umuyflgl 5130le“ “:3 ‘ 2*“ be; gsy'mtass .... 3.2 M :s'aié'sfr'w ’o'. ~‘ '000“ 00., 9130 in uhlyll’efflfsg g Lo;— dus3nl’ro's‘el: xn l|- ,flfi'r—ijmflwfiéu gsfiim arszsc. .y; £2».::’lrs':':ss‘s3 s:"e“‘,sin . oav “‘i n mug;- ss"s“°‘ 10 “5,; "e 't'ned'h,” 1;; .-‘howgc " pH; :i __me 3‘ n°wss‘t;'ws fly, "3 __sz.s‘u L: “:flle ._ fills); 0" ‘l “:1 He h msb l‘ Sos 03-01; I“ -u‘ ‘ r “fin“. ’ borl .9an 'fii wezemavewro 10:“;lrg Dad m‘— ASIS’DIH: 5... ”sir “1.. 01' st . 'v "b “a tms‘n ‘ess-s"e‘;-°r firsts ts__:uap p lagonborkk'm ’0 all", '1 I,M “22:: ~ “116' “prof“ 'o‘] se]buH.'o ‘3 9f [egos w[l : ss i o_’ .‘wlgu';YFd'-“l unl‘sG 1 “dbeld volp‘si paohe s";‘l'3’ se.‘ mgo 4- s ‘ hues un' .1 b‘l ‘r V 3., Luna‘h w 3‘0“» ‘n ,3 3' . . oute‘e' 3%) '9 I. " & d.° "2 WW" p n y °w3"l bh’fisl rl’ e ’ours h ’ W ' ‘9 a‘ ‘ub' . "all hr}, Fwechssm r lxwl‘isp ‘o‘ ”NJ. “53‘ 0 M ka‘“°:2.°r - s. .. ha ‘nuuu Al'l J" H’ls‘u filed Ir E T'__ 3.11.6 “me.- u '1"; Ms :3 'u Ghe Jay P‘lfld pass; h 3'” . ‘ fires. 5 ‘1- u .‘wo pm e ...; 0‘1“ eP-Urc u'e‘olw .‘ a “tin Mrin’ 41611.23,“- as. nJ [O3 . 2-. firs" 2 any“ . . - s’u ”in nevi” ‘ sssolan sywhs: {'93: I. vi“ 1e I}l_ IM‘: abhor . 31.: a gluing:;_ 130;! ism” gun‘- .J- Jn’ -+e bel ' MN]?! h J 4; Psssss‘i "i eG; M "v '6 U u . ”3‘9“ n as. I I“; u y . “ml inc”: 8 r ”‘l. 0t “:33 e II __i I‘ “-m J , - a g l. I. BTAELE, ‘l)ch AND PRUI'KIITOB‘ \n._4[- , - A i GETTYHBUBG, PAI M 0 ~DAY MORNING, FEB I. 19114 ”Ca clmnuu in strum? M. Harrisburg. the Republican Senator: still adhering to their devoluuunury course. ‘ —~ - «uni. —— v...- 'afi‘hp Legialntm'e fulled_lo elect a State Treasurer on Munclny. consequently a'bill nnut In}: passed fixing some other dny be fore In: elem-nun cup. be held. Tins, hoyvcv: or. cannot be done until [l&2er Senate auccegefi in effecting 1m organizntion, w‘hich may or: may not lhke place .for 3 month to come. 1, The {Pennsylvania [henna—Col. Finher, commanding the 3d Brigade, 1’». Re-ervel, has lately puhhshed u letter in reply 101. later 6! Brig. Lieu. Rice, m which he (Rm-e) _dmpuulyl the chum U? the Reserves w plze‘ hunur ‘9‘. taking nud_holdjng the Ruuml Thy mountain ut. the battle of Gettysburg. The letter of Col. thur completely upset» the ur‘ghefifi uml [mutton ofGey. Rice, and eaiwliaheufiouclusively the Incl. that, “Thonor of taking and holding Ruund Top belongs to tho l’unnaylvunm He?ervcs, ind whiten) alone.‘ ‘ ‘ ’. ~- -. 4~ ‘O.» - v guy-353px. www. Provost Marshal for the Ly'fuummg «Mamet, hus'lgeéu arrested and/is] now confined 1n the ”1d Cipnol l‘rig‘infac Waahmgton. 'l'he'old stony—— tug-ailinga from Unclu Sum. “c I; u jig/ml Lungudfi’ another lmpprlum. lures lms'jus’, mde at: thJirooklyn NMy Yam. :rty 15 Many "loyal" cull ofllcer,_wllo _- ed with selling naval slor‘e‘ls‘belong lithe (lovem'mem and pulling the .s‘nlto his own pocket. He has bqen wn lo Furtibnluyeue LU await an anion. . IKE-5- bccu 'he 1).]; j: char :iug lo‘ mm. (1 exam“ E pehtion, signed by over one than uue Asamtnnb Asueaars 0.; Revenue, ; lur an increase of “my, has been 'd: in Congress. The. Pillsburg chml _hopu: there wxll'be uu mcxeaae, ‘3 1f Lin-y thunk the hum of three 31 day lumlaéuum, let. them resign ; 3mm, Lyme uru plgauly 0t “loyal” 'luke their pluces. ‘ . fl“ ‘ «and 0X praying preach Uummd and La dollars} .adding} men “to; ‘ -—-~——~~~ "...“,i- 7” . 18‘1““, German Republicans all ov.er: Hie cou‘ulry pmlfesL loudly against the re-i nomination of Presidenc Luncoln. His nominal toward Frcuxeut is their special! griemmbe, and they alio disapploye ul ins; shufflmtcourse in cmmecuun wuh Misaou- ; 11 1:01:11" . ~ 2 @1713 Farmer qnd Gardmar, edited and ' pu‘bllallbd by Wm. 5. Young & C 0.,. 52 Sonh Sixth street, Philadelphia, is exactly 4 suited to the wants of the Pennsylvania. lumen: 11. columns a Vlbb deal at uzlorum- I min; on: Agncullural and kindled aubjecu, denycd: lrum the may 80111086; HIM “18 l more vellumle bacilli» generally repuluugl from ptfucliunl expel-Luna. Tms wxlzjdexfl anon, it: cbu‘uucuuu mm the low price atl wlucll I. in puuluned. 31 pe; year, slmuld give l}. 5": ma.» cu‘culuuou. . _ - gar/q; Gurdmr’. Monthly, devoted‘lo llurucqllur‘e and Ru'ml Amara genel'ully, h publuu'ed by \\. G. I’. Brxuukloe, 24.5 North smm 'bueut, Pmlméllmm. 'J‘ms yubhculuon uccupxea a deservedly [ugh m. uuon it yupulur luvor. and is umllnw'm ncquuu a. sun muey cuculauuu. We ul wuys 1-9:} it. with pleasure and prom. l‘nce per umaum $1 SU. - _ - n ___._ 5... ...... ___.— gl’ailuuinghmls's Um: baron m; Supreme Cow‘tZ—g-A qurauuu Affecting the bumsh went. .9! Cmmuul. L. \‘mmmnguam came before {the Suprenfixe‘Couu at “E” Umkd Suites in: Wauumgmnkou the 23.11 wt. 1: wuxorigtnilly .purtc. Vullaudlgbam b 91133 €l3B ye'iuouer. The mobxou to: a writ oi gagumm lo the Judge Advocatp Genéral was argued by ex-bcmwr rush tor, and Judge Advocate “all m oyptkmuu thereto; 6 ‘ A = lIE ME EMI Gk x. .grsv ;' >1 _._,L _ ’I/me Boy: Frntm In but]: in Mimi..— A lxto~tlllstrt‘s%itlg cn-m nf xulhrlng from tlw lute terrible slum norm occurred atl \Vhitelry'l Pntnt. Monltru- cunnty, {\bnu‘ ' 1’10ur......_ sen-u miles [mm thm ylucn, on ’l‘hundmv "ye. l-‘10ur........‘. night Int. Three boyl, mm ot‘Mr. W. ll: “ "'l‘,“ "CM-n -- llendncku, in attemytmg to remm heme ' ":"d W 11e.tt...... .. lrom school, Ibont one mile from LhFll‘ {.5- {Jim “"""""T " ther’l hoquvel-e lrmen. the two youngest. ‘61”; as” nine ln'l days" yen... to dumb, nn-l [Jul]. . the oldest. lifter-n ymrs 61‘ my», sd’bmlly pr‘vwéflul‘w’ " that. we understand, he 'l'lfl nince died.-:1