N U ... I 2; ‘ “HF" t' "rm— .l W - ‘v - . n . lI I ‘ v a ' ml ll“ (52:12:31 = flvzrtzztmmm ‘‘’l ' °“° 3“ “1' . I _ _ a 9 E _ . , "1“” sullen—fie ufi-lmtgnea ropld W~_.L~# w_._____________.______._- rll 5"! d“ ‘3: 13““ lhltrte i: recalling a m. A _.,._ .M ,-——-——- —~——:—— -.-—-—-—-——-—-~- ~—-—--——-—'———: Mg! :9 sen id ?ock of GR OER] S I I 5333 Pérmmsu. I onvgegstorys Notllce. irflfll'lzzlyflizll ass ow "“an 0122; house, , .' ' - ’ . I! If”: _rgiveu to all Ln 1; ”.1 . _ 5‘9 ‘ “l""V - 0 1530!- ,"upl, EhEEHSKE:f£§?§\:;ll3:gfignvm{:;' N om." ”mm ‘couLerned, “”s““:ij ! figuisrlgluh, 5"" mm Pontoon. Beaumlud FIT , ‘ . - ' mlnlunnon Accovln'n‘heremzfler mentioned rwe ’ .‘Wwdeu “ "9‘ l"fl "P hl "16 but nun .ll. migh wnuen a .q'flrlar 0| a century will b. ' ml ,I Ll: , . uer; Tobacco: Swan Hr 3v Wfimlmrly appropnue M. thiu time. Arjuna emiéurér cznansgti’lfi yfilfnlfiwzsf' FARMERS, VTAXI: fiuficELJl mu vim 111 ”“6 lplnl. fimt lllelfhe.‘ through them 0,, 5,035,;th 1811: .14,- 01 JAxcuk Alum. 1"? 1“! i" IOU? "quors for burn-at, n 6" is the W'hnd nql dled (ml. oflhe hours. of our m m o'v'nEk. A. 3L. ,i-z: ‘ ' ’ Ugne- 'Lbnve many brands 0T; 'hlmics, lznu. it“? pnblm mm long 9mm, llle mnnlryl 293; The accountof Henry Datum“- Ari-V “I?" “”‘5- “d “'1 otherquwfiq’filch ‘ "I! . 0m )1!” been Si'Pd fin. the dreMllul mm'mlrator of the camp: of“;- L'Doy- d“’"’"“g"f“‘ "W" l’mfi‘l 63" ml“ I ell“ £§gsntnf ciivllhwazllnnd if ilrcnulll ova; tern; «.lecpzlsml. ' ' - I $23231”: lOßllleuaz-ul: bellow.- I very uf-I .w . "Viv“ -" e "in?“ 0 “WW an 1.- Thu! lint nocnunt of _ ‘ cc ‘9 ' lememlerLe‘ Ph°°*9°“"h““ ”T" n would 30‘0“ be'rouored I; . ,ecutor of George [mners2ml-lguétfi-m. Ex Icarncr arm: Dlnnlofrd, (. tlflhflg. ‘ - \ far ”I knowlmv own mln‘d, lam "11530:"! ‘ar'cnunl ”f Mugnrort omm: “L“ H hALB'I‘LF-lbml. «aflifi' rggglliléfiénr; :gtihz-mmfi‘gl all-I', hlucu:l‘lx ol’ltjhe but will 01 Benjnulln I ‘ I ~ ~ ' I'MIDKHQI'. I 3608‘? . {of mv cuunlry; but lam}: ropublvcan 3. 'n". fir,“ account nf Geo. W n u: nulliflmllmge ho bmurno‘s in my Jun” Linn. Administrator; of {£33 . l Luv‘g no ”1113 b for puritans, eltller Herring, dfl.‘.a\.ed_ my)" ""“Z'C’l- “”10 adcef {o' pushing 4.-.'l'lm account of 09013? Beams-r, Ad -11‘“ “‘5 2m ll: :03): T]: willful??? munstnlwr «1 Jacob Evstgr. dreamed. ‘ very um; 3| _u‘ ' " l ‘ A ’ I ' ‘ 'aw Zl‘flloui. cxlree'l'. I have. VlmreJ Begl-ter’s nmcmsujfltvfknél}?! L Ram". ‘ ‘elz a alroniz distaste foc- some 9f thosel Dec 2L, 12253.: 111‘ _ f , luries' who q! lucé hive been urging: --—~-——— ‘ -——— ————.—-—. Ind (weeping weuureszsubwnivm Collectors, ‘ l idlerésu of great. alum of the com-2 TAKE KUTIL‘E.-—'l‘he Collectors of Taxes l ly. Theirdnclrines may be excellent: {or 1.5.“ and previous yen”, in the an. eory, but il enforced in molt-m and Lrl‘nmownshlpe ofAdams will", are hprchr promising nppmiuon (0 all our habi- ’ _nmffird that My will be require'd lo sellle :1}; {'92:}! pzvxlulne tlus anon dnlressing their l)u;:lu.nlcs on~nr bcfnre Lhe lath day «.2 2 'l‘lmbget of rem (he! mjlst he cau- Jllnunry msmul. on lech (11" the C(ynmla— ly nrplied,'and will??? to ll»; slate and "0M” will met-Ml their office to give be he. I iluunn ol‘nha patienu'; otherwise, wlluc- “W"! ”Oncrtllwnsy km. and 1f if); Ssllls'l. l dot} h-cure. may lproduce convulw "s‘” “H “9 I."""?h“imm.°di“c'i ““1 tiller. ' 'l‘heJdte silv-clinngiflmve shown lhul. “',‘r'§l"‘“l,”:F““’ to Wynn" 4‘, ' churn ywpnswl bvguovernment are re "Iried‘omdllrs 01' ‘helJe'rfc‘um 3'9” “"11le gnnnl to'lh} l'e‘elings nd WWW" nr “HQ-"lunlezolll‘t‘ “.9: 11:; ll“ guilty .Trqugurcr ,tro;lsIIm Haunt-4.9315134 gr!;l[’;‘tl'l%onx m Com "‘ ““4 e W the“ b) m? valan l r ‘e. m canons“ "boy 5 loulknol,_ ' ‘ ' D .be filrccd home with rig-qr. \ rs is?" 5‘ F3};l;‘l-If‘llf-};F\F\S\' ‘ vern'ment of mmpromlse. Wl- lmvm, s‘; “CH: \lA'Rll‘H. ’ ' , nl‘ flout-null du-lmcl, ink-rests lvound‘ pommissmnfls'm “in“; ruuuf gelherlyl-ich if nnl, yepm-gely .mu- Arlen—J, _u “3”“ Clerk... y , d and sgvernlly 'ncenmmmlau-d r'nzly Jnu. {113.4, m I unmkimpuir envll otlu-r. A stern. m- ——~- ~.m » ‘ble. am uniform pnllcy may do lur uI , ’ 1 conu ct republlc. like‘ due of lllmef cit-m. _ teem», where there is a umlyl amen-r, linblt; and interests; blil. u. e accommodating, discriminating nnd’ able policy musLch obselVcd in a 'vnat ‘ blic like UUI'F. (Drum-«l or v. vunety «3f ei. willelv dim-rem m lmhils. panels;- aolerc. null cllmen. uxr- banded together I wa general-lieu. lu'lwuy: 111-nu4 lho ‘pdueu ofpolllicnl councils llml are uc-! panied by ncrnnnmmh und dwparuging‘ Icksmpou any great clan of our fellow l rem." ; ‘ thb I from MI 3v ch c'm-r G/fiTEER HUNDRED AND SIXTY“- '. ‘ - roan." I! ndcr the nhovo hmding Fornny'n Putt, 0! 'ridny. Inn an «liu‘rial. which. if-nnybt; '«ly nuld hnvi the gum-Hy On hunt up in iub e on the erl of January. 1263. they ‘wo ld find mnminml (1.! am. vmirlnnlinns res Hm; ah!- tormmulinn of Hm war and .th speedy triumph 01min Uninn mun..— ’l‘h find i-, anvh men as P'nrney do not mm the war to clnge. Fur Ihe luv. [hm )1 rs we have hid the name utmeutymd pt gnmticatiom in regard to the nipple-I -m (if-the “rgbelhon.” (ha mtovuion of 1h Union Ind thi inauguration of Penn. N or Inn I poop]; cm God's foot-tool be n'oo rho-lied and bamboouled cg hue be n the American pimple by the clause! pr ac} nf 'hlfh Foyney'u Isles the front m 'k. They Are making mnney by tho: w '-—-they at» not want. It ctnppod,-—onu~ died. “Ozhs-Hn'n or‘cnpyinn wank! be mire.” Nolmdv can tell hrm deep lorne‘y ha been in mmr‘n. thntz’p-ywnll. Ind th' tfurnish an rqnivnlem’. for nny'iyunr rmd mix: of canecieficp—if he hnve nfiy Mn lt‘: nah—that might. visit his (-yolxik and mébk lii: awn-humus ff L-pl.|(‘§ly.fl&l pn n-‘dtxsm. tßut of «his we an ill ”aw-n- I‘q , the ygar 1364 oppns upon the war and '1 progress toward ‘nn honorable concluti-wn ju t aboutas the yénr 1865 will promise a u re: npproximntmn to an honornbtg enn cl sidn of hoatilitms. than whén our 81‘ :w s insulted u! Fort Sumter. and the“doga o wnflwere let. loose on that memorable 0» ton. ' 3pc}: men as‘Joha W. Yomoy have been ‘ceiving the community fm‘ the attain ‘nt. of their own ends; 1t has become ir {rude and thpu- vacationybut they find evemuauy. that “honesty is the 9 policy.” and we warn mom to bemrp avalanche, fox M sure as there is a God heavvn, n deceived and outragpd penpio, mtgingiundor their wrnngs. mil vi~it up [_them aJPrriMe bu} {ighteous retribution. add; Mantry.‘ ' ~ d'J xn t‘b’ xv ! um THEM IN' THE mom The preacher: and the Quakers did more an any other bodies of men and women « the land to ‘prodnce this civil mu. For at. reason, if far no other. they should be nude to do a fair share of the fighting.— 5‘ buer since thacpnfli‘ct began they have lken precinm good care toiceep out of the y" of danger, and they are even new ”(wing Congress to ex'empt. themrfro‘m iiiitary duty on the ground. of Iheix‘ con ientiouw scruplqs. Yet" common same nggestx that. men whose consciences 2.!- sad them to do so much towards pm ing this bloody domestic strife. should at. for anv moral or religious reasons. be lieved from the militia servicexxvhiob ery éiliien owes to the Governhyent in [mq'of War. In truth. if nlLthut aims of lrsous in every community who q is war u in lime 0t peace and peace m n in ime of war. were Justly denlt with t; the H authorities. they would be first canlerl ‘pon to _shoulder am“ and made to take - itionrgi {he vc-ry tront rank ofthe army { eval‘yfiéfile. By thus killing ofl' all such weddiing. mischievous. incendiary {omen l-n of discord and strife. the peaple‘might lope that yrhen peace is once fairly re ;o‘red.‘,thero would be increased sequrity lor it; permanence.—-bhnday Mercury. nixutigatinn by a Milzhzry Gmmz‘uion-g-Pro fitabla Steamboat Charters. - NORFOLK. Jan. 4.-—Tho military commis ibn. ol’wbich Gen. 1. J.Wister is president. ms begin in snsfion during the ,pmt heck: n this cily. The case of J. M. Hunt. late: uperintendent ofvvessels at Fort Monroe,i a being tried, and the developments nrel -xeoedipglyinberesting. Amougthepoints! liciged is .the payment of $3,000 of fees; #8911310"- Hale by Hunsto let him out. 0“ be Oh! Capitol prison. To-day Captain ne‘ of the steamer John A. Warner. was .n the Itand and-testified that the boat. was and: Ib'out. 865,900 when. she first went‘ 'Pto' government service. and that. In. the i 3% of‘h'et charter she had earned $173,500, -p “D duke. That, the government had sup plied her with coal and that her running expenses were from 1.000 to 82,000 per month. which were ddroyed by goods sold on b'oqrd and Who profits on meals and berths.‘ fihe belongs to the' Delaware River wmjpodpgompiipy, of which Jan Price ‘Wethefill, of Philadelphia, is presidmt, and Andrew M. Anderson, Wm. T. Allenl Wing). Enxson bud ngufl Hahn, J r., are .directqn. ' ‘Pnptain Cove swears that her-first charter m nude with .lohirsTuéker, law Assistant Bwretuy of Var. and the second with Quartermaster Meigs. . ' ‘ The y-msecgtiun has overhauled other fatjopa l'b the steamboat fine. 2A.; the evi dencojmpds thus tar it appears as if there .5 wu’qring ofoontruclors which gm”. .. urhh one at Baltimore. Among oth m thgre is the case of the steamer West. End, u: old bonl whigll was ofiered at. New York ht $25,500. but. ‘was chartered to the 'overunent from March, 1862, to October, Essa-twain per annum. . . , . l. _ A Foamy gays. “th yyretches who cry ‘ (in into Ue crgcxfied.” That. wo'uld. ‘ngg hug, for more thip eighteeli' hundred yum 13W“ was crucified fo'r; breaching [mace Jul". web Soother set. of wouum ch as you aft—Dayton Empire; ' ‘ Tax Appeals. HE Conmnuimnmso! Adams county here by gin: Home Ibut they have fixed upon the following. limus for file holdlug of :Ival-nls tor the amoral Boroughs and 'loqrnshiys of Adam. CI'LILII)‘.1II [he “mu..- ul'theL‘ouMy Com ulihinnen, in Gettysburg, when and where they will attend m hcnr Appeals, bclwcxn the hour. of a o'clo<-k,_A. \l. andk‘u'clock, i'. XL, ox vuch day, us l‘ulluxu: ' ‘ The— Appeal. tor (:elt}§bll.’“, Cumberland. Cormw‘nynOxfind. Huminuzi‘n. LalimmeLand Ulwxlloubmx, uu lUESL’.‘xY,\hc l‘JLh day of JANUARY non; ‘ r ' For 'rnnklin, Ftrnbln, Von-« Hen. Butler, “nunlpluhlnt. Inumjuy..nr}d Funnwapo, on “'FUNSNDA Y. Ih. n-m day ul‘lAN CARY um; ' [or Evading. Humillon, ththy, T) rune, [’uion: Premium. .And llel'ick Bumugh uml Tuwmlnp. on Till'llaDAY, [Le '.'l.v. duty of 1.1) L'A‘KYpuL ‘ B, under of the (‘nmrnfvinnrm 4. ' J. )1. WALTER, Cler L _Dec. H, ”128' ld . 3; Notxce to Credltors.- ‘ "“TBEREAS. 1:: pursuance 0! an ncfiJ‘ Genoa! A-x-unbly of th- (‘ommul-| 'ulth of Pvnnlyhlnm. an nq-rhmem lmthl Moo "mud by the oubpvrilfirztone of 1:11. Juan". ('1! the Ponce m mod is! the anmymil Adnml, at an imtance of o vorruin Shmll‘l’ hchvnu. of f‘onnwngo towmhip.‘ in 't‘he (‘numy u! Adamo, culinsl A certain Louis B. luvimh. of (ht “_rne Mm‘nchip, in the-’rnrmxr mung-id, 'her'un (-vnniu goods ln‘ ('1! utpln of the Mud Lenin H. Suvimh hue been mud); ed. and up! now fn tho «:nflml; uf Simnfi: Hamish and .Tulm Rl‘hnmf xhr nfuremd ‘n'n-. l'hlp. nnul the} uha‘n he Jiupoecd of“: nrding’ m lav. Thiu is Hu-rcforo tn giu‘ notice to tho: (“rivers of the “Hi Loms n. Nunnch, to np-: pear nn SATI'RIMY, the with day of JAkU-K ARY Imm, a: my “five. in the tuwnshxp ulan- , 9'3. tiff“ Ami Hire. lo diu‘evv-r‘ and make: pron!" Mar .11-umn'h algae-ml; w thudl-‘v "China of {Lt 5...-l w '. ' mcmm, REILY, J. P MrSherrystnwnJau. 4, [s94. 3t. ‘ Real eqa’ce OR SALE —ln purunnm'ejof I; grder of F the Orpl'nn'u (‘onrt of Adams county,vill c nflmd at Public Sale,.on the p-emiseu. on GATI‘RDAY, the my. dn‘v orJnUARY next, the 3:11 Emma of Pem- Wm. Wnrncr, decen od, confining ofA TRACTDF LAND, situate In Shah.” Lownthip, in obit! count), contun inn 7 Aérvu. mure or less, mljuinin; lands of the harm of Jacob Cassat. St, deceased, Bear Dxehl, n‘nd other: The Improvements fl “1 I LOG HOUSE. l§ IlonPs high. H‘ Log Smble,Lng Sprint; Henge, “il'n an excellent spying at w’arer n'nd some fruit trees. 3939‘”th t‘o cummenm‘ m. l o'clock, P. M , on uni duv. “hen attendance will he gixeh and terms made known by . [um MARGARET WARNER. Admmistgmxix Byfho Court—J. J. Fink, Clerk. Dcc.28.18v;3. 15* ’f‘ Notice. ,1 MY ELIZABETH HEISTZELMAN’SES- I TATE—Letters of administration on the estate of Mary Elizabeth Hemuelmnn. true of Franklin township, Adams cm; deceased. hav ing been granted to the undefsignod, residing in [he same (banship, he hen-by givlns notice to all perSOns indebted to said ésiate to nuke, mevdxnze payment, and $11059 having claims against the same to present them properly nu-‘ mentioned for settlement. ' “ -, - SAMUEL BUCIIER, Adm'r.‘ ‘ Dec. n, 1863. e: . . Notice. THE second account, of Jess; D. qulc-r, Trustee under a Deed of Trust of Jnm‘ Keller and Wife, has been filed in the Court of Comma“ Pleas of‘Adnms county. Ind will be vonfirmed by the said Cour’. on the in (lny‘of FEIWUARY next. unless cans“ be élmwn v.O fiho' {algal-y. JACOB BUSUEY,‘ProLL‘y. Inc. 30, 1864. tc* ‘ , Tavern License. HE followiyu application to keep 1; public T house 0! entertainment, has be‘en, filed in my ofice‘ with the requisite numb‘croflfl signers, and will be presented at the Court. 0 Quarter Susi-ms, on MONDAY,vxhe 18m day of JAN UARY next: ' E. M. NOEL, 03:01”) tonns'wip. _ 1' STORE Hausa. \ . .J. J. EATON, Gettyshurg. ‘1 _ JAMES J. PINK, Clerk Der. 2R.IRG3. {c ‘ Notlce. ' , HE subscriher wonld respectfully inform T Execuiors. Adminisanol-s, Guardian. and n 1 other persons who hu’r‘e papers remaining in 'hQ office nl Clerk of the Conrte,_thu his term of oflice having expirrd 'on we'lst day of Decoy-her, 1863, all such persons ‘will prune attend to biting the same. and ihe payment of the lee: thereon. before the first, day of April men, as 11. is Absolutely neceunry that they hue item if they want. to sub expense. All papers will be found in the hands of M. k W. Hchnn. Bum. where they were conuerned a. Attornqs fol the parties. JUHN ElCliOllTZ. Clerk. Per 8. H. Excnonz, Deputy. Clerk's_uflira,Dec. 2a, 1863. '3: El. R. Tiptcin. WOULD most. respectfufly inform the pub. lie that he has nonuneucedb msking BROOMS. He will make them on the shares or as will beat unit. hi: customary. ‘ ' - Persons b-«vipg quqm Curb iillpgea'ucnfl. Shopin Muyouaugby's Ball, on corner of first floor. ‘ . 5 - [Son 9, 1863. 0 to Dr. R. HORNER'S Drug Store and ge‘ This MEDICATED EUUGR CANDY. PRIXG BALMORA S Just received at FAHNESTOCK BROS'.‘ K have §ust received I ’new nasovrtment V of Quéeuswnre, to which we invite the attention of timers. ,A. SCOTT k $32 1 RS. wmstow's snomrxa SYRUP, (or chiidren, at. Dr. R. flURXER'S' Hui}; ..mrc. ‘ ‘ ‘ CAUCQES, Ginghsgms, Eggsfins. n: yrd‘ucgd Nlc'. MF4H§ESTW 3mm sign ol me find Front. . muss Cloth to; o kin ..'.gnamily L jg‘g‘; untied It flfiflgTOOK'BKOS’. ows, Cudlfiem ua‘wmngu; choc? .: 10' _ - ' ‘gfwxusrocxs‘. May 25, 1863 All Invited. SHE undersigbed bus Iqu duy entered into - partnrnhip in the (ii-um. :Proane and Commissiu, buum-as, at. the Shiv RHIu-fn-lter house. cunlr 0! Sutton and Rulru-Ld stuns. The high“ prices In cash pan! for : *‘ PLUCH, WHEAT, ‘ ‘ ~ In E,‘ CUM. ’ *' ' UAl‘b‘, SEEDS. ‘ . ~ 2151) 11.4“: . A” Lindy of Groceries. Cunnnn..l"n-b, Silt. and Her; ulna-firmly u~uullv fi-Gnd .in Our line of buslncu, all of wmrh will be :01.“ wholhsnle and xelmlroq lhe‘tjuwn-s‘l turn-mp, _ I ('ull And see us, and cullir )Oul;>ehi~(‘3lhflh it "rs really so. 'l' I f I . HOLHVGHB & hEllßh‘T.‘ : Gtuvsburg, June I, la .1. 'u' I - . Gr‘ain and Produce. , AYINU taken the large [land (-nm'nodiousg \\:archm.se zuccully odtupivd by l'nmL! Iltr.ii, 1 ...41 "'l.\‘..‘\'lCW (IXEOLID. 1' we are pmpnn-I} In In} I; : lxghwl pl“?! 91 I‘o 811 Llud§ o 0 I‘IIHHUCH "I‘\|;}l.slll ll' [he lbwj 2.: Emu-3, LI \n‘nau, Cg». mud Glmcth-zsj u! Haydn-aura wn' _ , \ ! A‘ [3». \H’ERS A: \VIL‘RMgN. ; Nf-w Oxford, Aug: 10, 156.53 ’1! ‘ - K s H“. , 1 * ..———4—~« i ‘ New ,Warehouse. ; ‘ . - ' iH‘SIH-ILS ul‘ cn.\r._ f]()o.()l)()\‘v'AN'l‘hil‘aliihc new Grid: .nud Produce “uujc, in Cyril“: slrvet, adjoini 'ing Sin-Eula k Qi'nlilbr's V~UlllihhllitilL The highfi‘d markegpncc wm ulna): he paid in lcnsh lur ‘ _. 1 ' . «31mm, of an kinds. _, " i ' ‘ ' FLOUR. SEEDS. 810. i I Astya on bund'uudjox‘ sale, a; the alnuilcnll‘t iprnfivs, _ ‘ . x ULANOrJ, ’ ‘ 57 l ‘ SALT, FISH. ‘ ‘ ‘ ; i , UROFEI‘HRS, \kc., l l . Whole-mule unfi-rflnilfij TRY US! We uhnll {l9 our Cost to give lalinucuuu iu nil cusri. ; - ' [ i - .Mi-Crnm’ x lan-1m" w ‘I Gellgsburg, “A; 11‘, L 553. ‘in ’ . I A ,Q ~ ‘ _V-_ ......J 1 . . Fancy Burs f,‘ i I was “mum. 712 AM" .3?an r.{- ‘J luw sun. snutl'i sh». Pllii.AlH-)l.i'ill._, :Impnrn r.“nnuf-u-h' Ter or and Noah-r m ‘kivnls L)! FA.V (L ‘ H'RS. for Lmi'e=' a- Childron'lt Wyn. :wish to n-lurn. n |th.ml-;a In my Hem of'Awlums and Kim su rounding wunm-s,f 'uwir "43y llhrrd p ’nmmge eucndvd 'me during the :‘hl ft .‘ yuan, And “(mini Ex to them ’(th _] m. lino In S'Urt'. of my ‘OIn impormnon and Manmhxurv a very ‘ ‘ leg:ivcns.~mln:mlt 01 all th diii't‘rt-nl Lin-is :ll'm ‘quflnir; of [’lncj Fur». t 5 Lulu-s mm l'illl- -, ,_ r —_, 4- ~ » « , ,-$ «arc-m lit-t grill be worn during ti.c F“?! :ud Jacobs'g $8100“ RPViVbd. I 'mIL-r Se‘unnfl. 1 . l ‘ ~ I I‘. . _ ' , . ”E 'nnni F‘J'ztfi Hue Raised .invn l\‘l Ssh 4,! I'L'li.‘ ”16' {1'11” Impnrltwr of all m\ Fm T mm]. in i‘immv cr‘sluarg-sirrrr. I”)?! inh‘mi ’\ r 0!“ .uropp.nnd hnufm Ihem a! )Innvfiqr‘tu .[.d In IN '» ll In 1h!- i~r~t i I -\\'q iu‘uo ml‘rire ; a, “‘hlt'h mll be 5&- .M'isin: >l] HYSUV. YHUNC HY.“ pmvnl-zu. T\\'A.\ld NHK‘HUXG. UHAN J.\x'.\\ Tl-A ‘uf m" nzhi unculu'ml 'l'hl-I hit {us each f] anr Cl In“ uuuwlv I FIVE. I’ls FAT. liml e! Irum dusniulinn and Lil l 1“: (‘mngmny are llultél \vhfilc 'l‘m trade. E We mmmnh-e to Fri mt‘r TWU HATS (.0; ant, bclim n'z Qua ‘1 In my whur lune hlnt mau- Pnnnrs. ‘ GREAT .\ \IETRH'J lxwunn‘s' .\u. 51 .3111 oa. m, 1863 No lion Poizons. . ; :§:i..1~,x.n- a m [H ~ 1‘ )RN‘EbSIN fur thf' I‘ro;)«.rntin:v_ T'Fp'nrn— 32I~':""1:xv. um] A? “m. tux. - ' mum. and 'mut.an~ufl VQ! Ibl‘m' Hr A! [4 A ' .‘ml "X'r'n ~'| {.AIHZrux KI. '1 h cnn lmr ly |\IVDS. inouvngJ‘im uhu. \\ \mu‘ “GUAM. ‘_ l!‘ 4- TM"! 4 .‘f ll 0 "YE-sl. :. ”1,“... r:-‘. ’,m}__u-.. Ulns. “mus. l'urmr. A a. I‘LL-15, Yumw” H't- in!“ m \‘P'Hl' r g g‘.‘ 1“}: Imm: :2.c- ‘m'pr It“; ('lc —]‘."‘l":‘ Izmjir nv lq or: Lu: law; nm- fir 1‘1“.“‘5 57"L"‘2 7““ " “""" 13” "‘t Lmvwn and fr" it ln‘ h of I‘d-1 clue-41 iuqm“- l“" "' "“ “ r ”"” 5"“ 'r " """ " "" I’“ ‘IX‘ (“HE"-lull'"):r’fiu‘hl“:l"Hl|il}l.‘lH'H|ln! I 1“ 1).:1- n In} “\|r~}:'l . ,u. > was. lhnt lit Jn HM ht 1.111”er vim. v-f'u r 3 gin ”~ n ".‘l M " infi-rm it nn “2‘" h hr." l.fxl.(.vn,‘l «(-n u” ,m. =1 "' {9"- VFW uxxfinwl [u “hoimmu- lu‘y'wq-g. TI i. i‘m-rmL VHILH H 3-" urn-v . r I-~v'u is‘ ugw. fur HIL- frq‘ Imm. My (-11 \n:l.'m H" "'1" “I “a" “-10 rifl‘l'lhnmi ndmpte m [ln- rue-bum] {"4 F”““"t-~' "II" um m'm m» h- : ... I'mr Innifiprofimblcnot-.uJ'XLLllth'rs; Pam-"rpm ""3. WW”) "'~ ”5:3 “"1 "[““"|'."- “3” WI“ in- mn'iiul l'r:-n3lfivh:um-.mHm... q ”in”! I‘ll‘ldle-A unlmvf (.u. M» llhull‘ ... R “Huh 3' F mldrom In Ll'li x ('00m). I'. H. li-u 7. i, ‘1" “I [f "“"H' ““L'l Hr.“ Infamy-I. 1M" ' Wushivcmn, D. (‘_ ' '3 ' ["9“ \l “'H'L AHA} DAL} ! “I'l hrw'y an)“. B.——.\'o ”Hm" h-n ~M my.» ‘ pirdgg that ht- if: deg‘ér in hquur.‘ _, ’l‘.‘ f 3" “""‘ "I "" I = ' 3L,“ h;Y 1353‘ 4'“ - ~ ~ I [aim rt-«u'li v-Ir :un -!n.lu3: 'x- gunmnlec at ___ —~ —w. H-.. -A . ~ ~ _» ‘4_-_ gv)r.‘u_.f.mn, “mm hunt] nn. his I.} le.r:v-f~ m! T’o Disabled SOldieTS, - , 7.1;); yin: oft!“- In)“; .51 um. 10:11: “:4: imlun e . . . .. , \V , , _ n H; ()u uidixH-v. ; li-llv’lU’lß Jyt'lilglilr‘il 9 “xvi; mm on many tumup I.x THEM-. 11. fif'jfi'n'sr ““"m'J' (;”\“fi.“"f"‘.",r,§‘7l.?” "“"' VICE —Cu\~3. (‘, Tuxrn. A'llfvl’hn'y for I~l.lim- ,‘ V“ 12 “min“; flitv'lmm‘yu ants, Bounty Lnnd nufl I’enquu Aw". “'3‘“- ington City. D. (.7.-Punsiuxls pxocurcdmr Sul diers. Seaml-n and Mdkxea {lf the lumen} war, who are disabled by rciuou of nounda-rvcéned ur disvasé cnnlrnct'cd whxlc in scrvmexmd :l‘cn- 1-0. 37 liOIUmM‘IT 51"” HF; and (tons. [wanna Mo:;e3_nnd .\rre.m of Pay ohm 1‘ - » ' -.,-; w; YHQSMJT BTREET, tuinvd fol-widows or other heiu u? Umse who PR(H'XM~I,\{‘E. {; 1, ' y Lure died r been killed while-in scqice. Bounty fund procuufefi for nervivvg in any 0! thi- oythcr wars. CHAS. C. TUCKER. ‘ ‘ _ “'Mhingtdm, u. c.‘ l ‘ J. C. .\'m.7, Agent, Gel!y.burg. , Nov. 15, 1815. f ' ' l Prnrvrictnrs hf mn- m the moi ulknxi‘w JEW ELKY. .\ll\I\l'l".\1"l‘ULlllT\ ‘ iu the Eutrm SI He", l-v-Lr 167-4.! ih'l-' :llll'lltivvn hf llm cull]- mnmvy gem-uln- to the wry SURPK SH,“ (‘llilA'l’ l’..\'l 'r. a! w‘liii li \lmy in (MI ling: I'nc Ir gnaw. far ‘Ul'pJQa‘U: lull] l~‘uu~'|l.{u and l)”- COme to the Falr ! lnu-ftilr tli‘H'HErU luicé. l.) puiul of Llcamuu: nilil AND Dox'rmnusnuvisi'rPLEASANl ““I”"erth ! ,_ x m RITE XL:l:Si:ni§s.—Pvr§oiis. wibhing? , r6l: “41.4 w“ eruzllzi‘lhliegZ:litigngfimelsufk Ethelgrqundi 'For fir-run Dummy, “‘l' fforwxnl, nirflv The A ”(1 ul‘ Vb- ‘i‘ era. n ’f' “a" P'l'fel- cur-Inland p.u-}.l-d if) good order. lil"fllll-I|“I‘ll|“ 11l lb Pl ‘l'“ ”3 ‘OO “‘“e‘m-‘i cmbnwmg e’normou- mulnlily ol Jéweln, minill in finiqh . cnpprm ed 30”“ ~ to An ' ”and Gold mu] m. to he ford" ind: .\. l3.—b‘ce the index hoard m‘r Flura Dul‘e‘ 3. ‘ ~ ‘ 5' ...‘ °" - Foal nlfif-o. , _ 'l' l” (5001' k «WK ‘ lrom‘holivlmnl} [l"th trying“! “0111:. ‘ ‘ s‘l'l- ,; ”m -, 1- n \ I") —x, i‘ ll he! Hmmel \mu f‘hnvu: :1 l’lm‘n l-lorcn _._”_ _'_“ +_'__.___3 ".’”"’“"~‘- I :1“: l’ms‘f'd lilir lll'izd'loumn-li; 2 Twist Wins ' -. ‘: "__ 3'' I “ inc; 4 Llr (mm in match: '_' l'llin Pins; 4 ‘ JOhn W- Tlpton9 ‘ ‘ : Fur llmgs In llllll('ll; '_'.'i Lmluw‘ llinvy. Double- FASIHOXABLE BARBER, Nurzhieast cor- ”curl and n i‘--rielvufpwurn~ : .‘uU l'uion lim ner of the Diunipml, (nutyloor w .\lc- l-lrfil~;50 grail-pills.l’l-llu.inilJlllllflllnlr".'lfl"l|: Clellan's-llol:l,) Geln‘yaburg, 1'3“: where he 2 Double-(dais Lockets, engine-mined; 6 [£in “"1.” Al} t‘n’m be fou'nd ready to attend torn” and Glass Pins lur [mrlrnil m' Inur: L! 3510?!- b‘ußlm‘Ss In hiflmc. He has also excellent M. ed lu-(‘kn-tw. llm-rl and hln-ll (‘lmr-ns. and olhnd fifStmlce and will ensuro snliufucuon. (mg l‘l‘lll‘l‘l“L~:—1lll{Iprlrlllrl‘ll Dalian. A millen blln I call. V . (Dec. 3, 2550. ;ll'\(m of ”In kind, wlicn place-l in ”If muula (A _" ‘—‘” 7' .~' - -7: my one of mdhmr - inu-llizencc. oughuu ream New: Goods ltor a: lcnfil Unc llifutlrc-i nuilar»: AT FAHNESTI’M'KS‘.-—Fahncazdrk 3mg,’ ‘ ('amlogu-A. containing full‘iLf-rmngion Ind. would resprcuully inform their friénds Al’rlcl‘s ol Gouge, can be nbLJuz-«l upon uppli. snd'the public generally may, may in“, 'usl cmiou. Orders by Mail. Telegrniih or Exprean received their Spring stock of Goods fromléew resyeclfully solicited. l ' York And Philadelphia. Having boughi them? ’ “USHER" “"3- ,k 00-. for cash, we are preparedkto utter the largest i 37 ”WWW“ 55 ‘5 We) bosset Sll-i - lad prcnien stock of DRESS GUIODS everl' .63 11833‘ Prondencg, “-1- o erel to the citizens of the Acqngny anfl “3. ‘ Just Pubhshed. ’ Y \ITERS; Am, 3m, Ladle; (iconic-men modntud “il5l any. we better prepared :r» bu gains lhnn cm! 1996?: , good fits And the sign qf the BIG we! ‘ f)" ' CULE. .L X.CUBEAN. . . .. “a -ble Yard. 5T YORK‘ STREET .—\\'here they. M 1 ‘l]! of work in Ohm-ii i. TUMBS, HEAD n the shortest no .eapest. (Huang l I hung {Sr work. 'll 1' ANY. .\'o. 5! Veeey .a ctealrd-wa new uni g Tang in this team 1 dwir selection 0! (Her TWO CENTS yerl deviating from ing this will be It wg heretofore b;en Pal-tics cum order a us well is though lg finré Lo‘get origi ndd urea ; and the represented. Uur OLD PRICES L “Quick Inlea‘nnd shdn profiu" being our motto. ’ flCnIl and enmipe ‘3'. tbs sign nf the May 11,166.). J RED FROST. ’ , Coal! Coal! Coal. . 4‘ QHEADS & BUEHLBR He may prepared to k supply COAL, of superior qnulity; funny quatity desired. Terms, Cash. - - 5 Cone On}! Cam: A‘lll ‘ ‘ 3 fifhey alga request those, indebted to them to can and pay up. I! fnndl nre mun]: needzd. Who will he‘ll): first. mum (mic. open from Ito 7. 3 . ' Feb. 24, 13,62. , '> ' . AT *Av-SC‘OTT h SON‘S.‘—We invite the It len'tiou of buyer‘s to our stock of Spring Goods, \Vfiiqh will be hold’chenp. consisting of . I. {DIES’ DRESS GUUDS, Sbswla, (invading Cloths, you” etc. For Men’l und Boy: wear we but Cloths, Qnuimoreo. Comings, "asthma, with n variety of Canton. Aden, n.. kc. Call And see. ’ A , Xl] 18,1868. A. SCOTT t 803‘s ILLINKBY GOODS, Bonnets, Ribbon!r M Howe", Shukéa qnq Bonnet Frames ull’rceemd from New York, c'heup Mn Faun. Itoch’uip oftho ’ . REQ £30211. .nthony. ' Mechanics; Inventors. , . ‘ INH’TUGR \I’IHC AVrFU'TIIRERS ‘HVGIN'EERH, AGRI. :omnvnw. Y— I‘l (‘L'l/l‘l'RlH'l'S. CHEMISTS. AND ALL (‘nluloguc now u-m-' CLASSES 0F RHADEIIS,oughI. by In menu 91"" Tlaoumnd differ- :0 hike the ' ' itions nre conlinunl-J SCIEN T I F I C‘. A .\l KRIC A N , o! Eminent Ameri- The mosl‘wiunble‘Jqu-uul of 1H ('15:: now (v'euerulx, 190 Brig. published. ‘ Linux. Culnnell. 20': ' V -—— 1 men, 525 Smleumen, \TILL’ME‘S" ‘xmv smznzs, $0 Artmh, 1 ”Stay. Comumnn 3 on Iln- lst ui‘Junuary nest; thug. H Prominent Foi’eigu l'ure, now is the lime to subscnbe. aor An. including! smomsxcs will find in the “Scientific cclohmlcd l-lnuntv- Americnn" valuable lul'ormntinn concerning "c. Cll'lalukue! m—nl 11-elr vnriuus Trades, and do-luilu of all the . nrdrr hit 4);" Dozen. Imps; null but improvements in lluchluery, gue will be filled on Tuoli, and prom-5‘3; : together with such use by mail. frag. ' _ ful knowledgr in will tend to clignll'y their oc~ ‘L‘ ALBEMS. icnpnliéns and lighten lhoir labors. ‘ Lure u gm: mi ml ,vanx'rons will find in the "Scientific cuts to 550 Each. ‘ Amerlénn"all necedsnry imlrucliong how to se. repumrlon of hein cure Loam-Paley! for their inventions ; nlm ability toxin): others. excellent 'illuslmlioni and description. or all ?"m safely b! "“11 til the prinfiipnl inventions rec‘ently mnde iii this 07.. ' ‘ouniry 3an in Europe; ‘lllmwise an Olfirinl l he sent by exprosa. .ial. oi the chlma ur n]! l’nrcntsrxranted week , lame "sso“!an of If m thhin-znm, mm nnmr-rmu‘explanulury 111-Idl‘ul'lc VII-3W5. "mes ; also, dim-unions ofqueslions concom— -111 be :(‘lll‘lo any ud- iug the I’Menl an~ of tho ‘l'niled Statu.‘ re . pnrrs (int-ink \n LullrL wittrlcléul Okiniunl, etc . NTHUNYX ‘ ‘ .\l_\N['l-‘.\C'l'L'Rlill§ willfuui in he “Sula"- l nymph/c Jlarerialu, ‘ l tilic Xmericun" illustrated urlicleu desorrp'fivo ‘ hrw Yunx. Jorlhe most recently imeuml machines uud~ l' prqmineut. military in ruriuus nmuulu-tnring ,opemliups. the dir. hy sending: us [hi it, fcl‘W'n'. lgrbvcsws'bcéng ll'lrinllyulcstribed ; ulsu‘. _vwill bc.kepl carclul- prurliluil n-cu-(s u llllllfll \‘nluo'lo I‘lmnufuc "-l. ,3 run-rs, will! h‘mls_upou KIM.- economical rmn— "l‘l! ORDER i'nr (‘nn- ngc-me m M" fudnrivfi. F thi-ir l‘uslar. or lnr l".\Gl.\'~l-I‘ER~'. “ill fiml in lhu “Rionl‘iafin Liblc inscriptions, .L'c. ‘Amorirnn" vulnuhlr dosnriplinns ui' all the 501 Human l 2 ""5? lnrontinns cnnnr'clezi “11h .‘xrnm. Rutl | "“*"'*" ’rnul. Hume. nun .‘jvv'mnicnl Bu inronn ' lan Tea Comp‘y, myth-r Win: .1 tiug'hf'ul fictux‘d of this progregu; IT, iIiW YORK, ~ m s’vicncs- m all Hmsu departmcn‘uJ bum M. In, has mailed a new h"""‘ “'1“ "hrm'l' ! .. ‘ : (‘HIHIHTS “:11! find mWe “Scientific A IIN THIS C‘_)CNTR.Y_= merit-. 111" dmuih I»! ”rent dun-marl“ mndem, 1. their helm-Imus 6f, (‘ht’nlir'l’y, um] nrnvlvs (in lhe'npplicnllou of cm a! not, chr ‘ "lllfll finance txv‘ 11w [Km-m“ Arts. K Hill PtH'ND ABOVE .\I:RILZL’I.'N'I:I.\'IS MEHLM in Ihe‘éScien- An“; “W“ Th; ~ mac .\-uu-rxr:ln " [4lth in,“ an! dewrlplions u! E “31:511., HIL‘ l est nml mm! umnmuLhmn [mph-”mun; the l'uullnlny is thu n!so,o‘ri;_innl or Evil-“11cm! urLiLIL-s on mm 'l‘] f .1. \‘o‘o3 his fine lure rolnting lo Iglnwul -\,;li«uhurc. xreut mm 1113.3 “‘3 1., ““1““, heipg taken m lunnsh I’Mmeri. chuldfh, Wm: "93 lur pmln-ulnr‘lu.‘ Huh inl'nunvliuu ul “11l be mhmhlu‘iu 11w 1e m 4”, {he ’ll,. 1.1.5“- fit-LI. . : we“ as. hyhv hullsfl'lnlll v ‘ ruurnpnfi :[o“k such .\l.l‘\('[.\\"h. UF [{BKIIICR" “ill find in 1.31) lo 1;;_ p‘.u:licnl.\'“ NW "5! {owlml' Amr-rw n " n fiupulx-r rum/w ul' ‘ hat puinlsuul u. Imn .11.? [ln~ qu in'-“mic immmni‘un of lhr Ilu} , . ‘ . nnd iv i 4 gNim ol the huhlhhrr‘ luprmcu‘. malt-ullbh- new-mug; H nlmlys .2” 'n ml'rm-mc fnrm, avnuhng as e;LIlIM:1Iln\‘).'-‘0\l'l “114 mm": 45 pins do lullusl“1vr1n~‘. Tu ewrr . 1‘ lull-iiiqcnlmm 1. his JUIH‘II cl .Pflt-l-ln u wusmul -n'or {lu- Mn‘rh Ln‘thiS‘ WIT!“ "' i“"r'”":"‘ "WM"!- ““ ”u: bcnefiu 01‘ ,‘1 L—ffiulmggllms uvnll nmmt n'n Mln have I ‘l,“ng Tubwe‘x. hf ..'; llu-i: \ujn rirt': m: 'u :'.| U'l KM! ‘3l 1f Jaun jlpiv! mM. m \ phm-n- (r\, “.121 1'": um \n 'l‘m‘. 'l'Hmu “hu pr". lllc l...o‘c\'l.dg:' ul‘ 5115» \tT\(' :‘nir‘ mnn'u-r 1m h,“ H“; in ur. at llm . \ mm; ul Hue y. x‘ '\\'n h wlumu‘ \u‘nmu \ ‘l' h.w,.”_n,l nynnfir fl. H 4. )H‘tvh Lula-4‘32—y)‘\ib bcn-rul hunviw 2 mku :rm‘n 1h: mmL-l “'-""""”: . E\\ ‘ uu-J u—rzus lu-ru (1‘ the HERBS "F ‘l:é1 ’ Vow: Hm } . . new. 51w m‘ \\m:.4 .m 5: fur r. . r A§ M” will hp (”‘6' mm n‘uia‘.“ (ill: (-3 in n I'! .‘n Lam M- I_| hi f>r ,',,,, .-.,,,,. ”mg-mau,‘ ”(n.- s‘”. P'p‘avnh-u 5 1:“'-Inuii’-}bul|\l |o~:n.L '3 , ~,,;.,,.,/;.. ('11:; "my!“ ....1 Frills ”11.1,“: M} ..u-x x;.--. S.. r Lu\n x Him-g \YAhiuan .n l'q‘rr- ‘ T “-33“. ..'l 1-11. u pumpincl u( ‘Axhne ' .\'Hross " \x‘. .‘m \x’ 3‘ m, Immunrk‘ ‘3:l'A.lL.L:w,:m. 20mm}. -i=t Hf 11m Cwmnny': f llu uh who (gr-let it 5‘ 11113.21, 191,31 ' A» ‘I v m, i' ..1 1 .1 A ...-. » - 1. 1.1511321] :Irl'llflllxi'l, . Hohdny Pragentp. . . 1B .1: ”\NDX I’MUJE. \iAHH‘ 'Huli: 1111»1,1:V'1;1:.<.—1n1-'n; n I‘}: dcsrhpl: 111, 1111Jrc1l 1 , llvl‘njnz -1r “11-11 hfv'vllllnlll'll.l'l3l-11- , 111-211111 K \\ :I'l-h (‘ll'll3-1111}.‘m,fl1 l'.ltr‘ll( Kc”- {nd “(Ton I!'\-I'rll-11 ‘llll'l .“ Dluhmrlllnllllllllll-11v.111z11411‘ r"\lng\llu~l'v. ('_\[;l;l.' /,,,,./, “\HHU. ~ Ulll I 1! I‘ll‘llll'lll-«L 1111111'1111‘111II11', 111111 -1\ 1111“!“ 1'». 1.!f111'l 1.1111! 111 11l11i‘v. 1111 'l-111 .1 1| 119111.: L‘ll~ll-I_ll|lolllr c.11'111‘; 11'Izn-S'Ml I'l 4 “”11”."I :1-:‘ max H 1 1::»- 1-111: 1I1[F||“l. [1 1.114 ”I"ch w 1111iuwc111l1u I.\ 11 11131-14 I‘r.ll~.- ‘I-ri 11:111 ”7' 11111151. 111,111 . ’ .‘ 1 11111111 11111111.: 11'1” l.:.~1:1 Emdvvm: a 31-1; 'll. ALL nvxr'TMi 1' 1m! “rd" "NV," ."'~ 1"“ 9“ "‘H Um. "-“ “‘l' ”- l‘t'lll,~') 111-rpllllll‘ 1b \1: 1111'C11.11|11‘1s1--l m 111 I‘llll-11‘}, I'lolll'lll-1 .111": ’11", 11'r11«"1\v-ln the 111‘; [l.lll 1111,1111 1111 i 1 11_H 1 1- l1l1111L1m: [oi—:11” L,” 1"“ 111;; L 511- r 1111: .11 111‘1HP' 1111111111 11', 111111 11 “111911.111 . ' nll ‘4 1"11.1 :- 1;) p.1.~-'ln 4‘l.ly_l-u;1or1.!‘: 1-11. [\ TIM «'nmun', sf. Jl as I! .L‘:C.V N., 5:“ Tuzk Spring: Goods .wn' ‘l‘l' _ _ lu annlurs " gruu', ;~vr 411:: n' ‘u h‘ Gun” ‘3.- \'-'.II( in. ». in n '|' Hm: I" 1 "WNW“. $35 . _ “HAZE: \\ \T4 H 5151 rirfl (.1 “1 H”.ldi.‘l{ '1 unwind-2 .'-r m rur‘r‘v. ,m'mm ("w-“l In 11'. n l:l.\ R: 'l. NHL "It fl”- . ...).I fin m “H" ‘ ‘ ‘ , ' u...» u. ' . H h- L in 1 l v(' urmv i t '(‘l r f‘mflnnJ:\l.::mllhu.xd u}, .\. Y Nov. 30, IMB. 1.11 ' Salisbury Bx‘m. 8c Co:,_ SPLESDH) STEEL PLATE “5220-, A ’l’l.\'T ENGRAVING 0F , MAJOR-GEN. GEORGE B. McCLI-ZLLkNr ox 'rn: I‘Anu rim: or Asrrznx. ' Size of Picture, 19} by 24 inches. The origins! pnintiug was made frém life, to order of the publisher, by we celebrated 'Ariis't, I C. Schunelu, Esq.. (who is the onlyfone the ‘ Gem-nil ever an. Id.) 1! represents him on hi: celebrntéd'borse Daniel Webster, (presented to him by the citizens of Cincinnati” taking un obserulionnul th field, in the inner part at .the day, uilhe l bels were falling back. In f lh'e foreground a . teen {he denouncing of :he' 1 battle—tanker: gime, ehnuored lrees, 31:. In_ i the distance, umongsy. the smoke and dint, ”0' Juli oflicernguullery, cninlry end infantry.— The whole picture is an edmirshlucompmitionl and displays Ihe rm: genius of the Aniut. Price “Engraving, Singlecopy, $3 00 1, Two copies, 5 001 T 0 6“ I ._ Three “ 600 feddrelll ‘ Sent. by mail, manpaid. . g } Perm}: acting an Agent: and vorderml‘m“ copy an three doi'mrs, cnu have uulvleqflnfi Lone; at two llul‘lur! each. Tuvolligg Can-u;v . sen ordering largely, will he Inppllen! 4 I 11hr eml urine. Addie” JOBS Dé'fiTYp Publishervl‘l South Sixth PL, Ph‘lli'. J. 1K“. 7, 1863. \‘g - . _ - -1 r4tr ,3110 ;Imo (I “ah m . [nu-l h} .Hlnlu g . min, (I: '.'v S 4 Lilli;