The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 18, 1864, Image 1

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' 635mb-
E W?“ (Burma is published every Monday
infinhg. by Hnnr‘J. Snafu, It $1 75 per
}ln‘num if plid uriétly m mason—s 2 00
int? iunhu if not. paid in adv-nee. No
Iliwription éimntinued, unless at. the
‘gpflon 9! the publisher, until all nrreargee’
' m ptid. , - .
i 'Ab’vnnsusnsfiseflednuhausunhatm.
Jan menxu done with name“ and
dilpntch. ' .
’ Qflm: in South Baltimore QirPt-‘t. {wax-1y
’opposité \Vumplers’ Tinllixm’i-latubli;blnent
”'LGOIHLII'PIISTIYG Urnru’flon the sigp.
Pawgggmm, mans.
" . Edward ‘B. Buehler. a»
" nonsm' Arman will faithfully nhd
A promptly uttend to all btlsillegentrusged
to in. He speaks the German lungungeé‘r
Ufliu It the Fume place, In South Hullimong
Huey, near Fornfl'a drug-store, and umuly
opposite Dinner :5 Ziegler's store. ‘
Gettysburgfih’rch :0. V 1,
Wm, g t Duncan,
TTORNHY‘AT HUT—Office if! [hr- 573th
wcu comer quentre Square. Jh-uyshurg,
A. . [URL 15,1539. If "
. J. C.-Neely, j
TTORN'EY AT L\\V.-—l’urticullr Mien,—
A tion pxivl, u- ch-w'irrn nf’ l’n-gusinn‘i;
minty, and lhrk-pm‘? ()liiue’iu the S. [-1.
corner nf [ht- Ihnmond - t
_ Geuynmxrgn‘mn} 6, 18123. If 1
D. McConanghy,
ATTORNIQY’AT LA \v, (ntyce om- door «m
of Huehhr's dr‘rfig and lmnk slurc C'huni
crahu'z ereH,)/Al'3r‘ Ann Snut‘npn run
Pgi'ss'rs no rl'ncssmxsr. Buun‘ny Lnnd Wm;-
rnnls, Hack-pgy mmponvh-d Claims, and" n”
o’ther chin): against thethrnuu-nl nL Wunh
lng‘on, D. 0.: lsoAnmriCJanlnim- in England,
hmd \Vnrmnllioculed nnd‘snldmr huughtmnd
hichentprives givru. Agcms engngvd in lo
cnfing wurrunls in Imm. Illxnnii :InJ mlur
wgalomflutes film”! to huu personally
or hv.l!lt¢>r. - ~ ‘
‘ ‘hufsburg, Nov. ill, '53.
A. .J. Cover,
ATTORVHY U‘ LA '-‘.'.\- xll proinpvh' Mtnud
2 “ti) (‘oH'h-‘iuxn Mud 1:1' min-rlun~_xulrs(on
(mu m! i‘» NHL 0;?“ '9 hv'lwwn Fulhiémwks'
and .hnner k ICI“;I*‘r a Snub. Ihhlmm't dict-t
Gem’simrg} I’l. . [>upt._3. 18:30.;
h ' 1' «
' Dr. J. W. C. O’N eal’s -
V FH- I‘Z‘nudfi'ivuylini V H. rumqrnf Bl].
mmur Ant: H.sll~uue:>,uc.u~l‘renbgirunn
(lllufir.UrH~\"leg lfu. ‘ ' - ' ;
Km. 3”, I.3m}. ; H"
~Dr. James Cress,
'r‘f‘Ll-H'Tl“ I'IIYSH‘I \\'. dumh’ll fur pn‘n
1‘; Hr [nu-trovmge iu-nlnibrmxtclnfrvl 1.. ln.n.
mlormi hil; Irina: Is 114! he \ull umlmuc Ihr
plncxicé of his_[)m‘r~‘-h-II in ‘:("[\~h!ll"_' md
vn-Iniu, ‘.":oll‘t‘l:4' inc-m: In ‘ lu-mt-nr sFlt‘fi.
“race, We sale‘ ‘ the Man, ~ nlc~t and most r -
huhle remedies l'm‘m nil min; r wrig’lriJnnmlir
ctl Slihllbls. whuh h‘ue EI'VH xmg-uzmnemk-d
from [he P‘xll‘lit‘ul'c and ‘5 m-nu‘bx-d by ihe
yru-lirefm Ilze Illm‘wl l.‘ Imuc l’kaclinuuu-u.
Ind J'xm'mfifihuw m‘m‘p in Juxiuus. .urh uJfiu
tmuny. ,drnruxc, mmgurf; Hue pillY bluud let
l-ni‘A fic.‘ v .
.Ufliré in ”I! we! on»! annrk slim-m, in the
dwulh'mz "Gum! h‘r 11-wh ‘\\l'il_}'. \
. . ..
(tough-1v I Nun!
. Dr. Wu). Tavl’or " if
h 'nrms the inhu'mnms .‘r' (flupl-ur'z tHLdflii
n'nuy Hm! 1.0 w i“ wmlzmm Uu- prm two oL-h‘zs
pr-Acvrm a} We (.H Man i, ”(1&1 0 »r \_<\ Us?
l‘mnpxi I' (mi-v. (£0L'w5...1',;. I'fl. Thuukfll
lor pm: (won, no lugs In lm‘( H‘u a sth' of
{umre pntumage. [V'tpL 23. lb“ .i. L!
J. Lawrcn'cc Hill, M. D.‘ .
AS his u.‘..« v o'.e_ Fu§‘~\ “1"]
H I Ilmpnvu-J I-f'lhe ‘5 ' ‘3'? M” 3:?
Lutheran Cnun h in ”NED )
(3‘lnllnherul’»).+g can H. :Irgxl oppmin- Ph king'l
stq‘e, \vh ~m [how whining :0 hue n-|_\ [)l‘th
' Upen inn p-*f~nm=rl Irma-prenulh Invinu m
. (‘in llr-wmmr‘s lh~.Hurlwr, 1‘..-\'.‘('. P,
Kr nbh.l'. H.ll"\.!{.L. !s.m:htr,l).l).,REV.
Raf. 1! J mobs. .‘lu'L \l. L. Shut-r. ‘
b€l|\\-|‘:|‘-.;\lu'llll. “.2. .
_ Adams County
' [TV ‘l2 r Im. I.\‘.<l Ilr\\'(.'i-:"1l‘-IPANY._‘
1 l‘nuurpomtrv-I Him l» H 3, 155% J
l'revid-nl—l’: nnrge h“ ope
‘ Virt 'I'IV\/{((H‘-I\. n. Rune“. 3
F-rrrlmu—l'. A. 1}: Her. ‘ ‘ 1
‘l'lx'nwrar~»‘li.l\:' \‘i \‘rmu‘f. ..: ‘ A
Htcruhve l'mn n 1‘ 'rf—HQ'HH I .‘lcCl‘xrd'f. Jnco .
Kinda .\n ln-Xv.Hv‘wuilnmfi.’, ‘
.Hruuvrudlficm‘h- "wup’m U. A. Runhlt-r. .
mum». .1...m1<fi;'.r.;- A. Hriullvlmxh. [x u.—
(‘mngrn 3' '1 111511". J. ". londl. Sun‘m‘!
Infuu'w,‘ E. ti: lenx-ih)ck.‘\\'ul. I}. Wlj-un,
u. \. ppm-,1”. Din: B. \LJH-jhun, Ju‘nu \\'ni
‘gn‘fl, R. 'u ‘lci‘l‘e- Err. Junn Put-kin:y .Un—lT.
\Yng'x', Jn‘m l‘n‘gfinglnm. .Unliel lj‘. Gm,
Jmnc: H. “ hilwll, 'll. HICIH'ILM‘JPL “
' gprbf‘l'ilis~Cul-np ”(311: Hunted In its opp-ru
tions to the cuunU'fiq-‘wl uus‘ [1 hI; Leap in
Im'cessful opt-mum: tnr Ipor? tlmu - ix 3Qard,
and in that ”mind In: I; ujyl "U 105:; "wit”-
penm-gL ma’umr any (panama/It,lmviug “ho-1| lnrge
sannLctpllJ} In t!” Truniur)’, "rhi- (Infu
iruly’ employs mr \gums—u“ |nu~inr~llming
done I}? the \1 In Ll4~F<,\\-lmurc nun'ullv «40.3.
ml In: tho Stuckhuldmé. Any persun defining
'lm lusumnrc run sumh In an) nf lhe above
gum»! “4"“er lnr further hturmJLiuu.
9V? l‘lw: Exwutn‘: Commute-x- vii-"s .nl, the
plficn 01' the (‘0 up-mv an the Lust “'vducdey
in n-vrry mnnlh. .n. J, P. \L . ,
: Sept.‘27, 15.35.
_ Dr. Robert Homer's
‘rsw FAMfLY Imm: AND
R« ‘ mmsvmmnw STORE,
cfl'umwksm‘nn mum, m-‘rrhncm
"Min" retired from ”19 motive pmvlu-e of
)n_\ prhf’gwion. I take pleasure in unnnuuving
:0 ”LSI citizen: of Helipburg mm \‘Riuity, llud.
[K have opened a .
. )‘n Ithc mom lunuelly nd‘upml by Drs. R. k f‘.
jlonwtn, as an affix-cu“ hq-e I will syntmnlly
' bra} on haul u. Luge supply 01:“th s of
Tussn mums. ‘
‘- J , PLIH"U‘“ERY.
- '-’ . 'ruu'ru Powm-ms.
, l , nn: STL'I-‘l‘S,
pm‘ I‘AIXTR‘ and
H PAINTS ground in Oil, V
OILS, cxpreau‘d and diuifled,
, . STATIONERY m'ull kinds,
Jnks. Pens, Pv-ucih. Pape‘r. Combs. Brushes. kc.
‘ , . “new neurones.
All “unpopular Pute'nt Medicines, lnu’ether
with a selection of pure WINES, BRANDIES
and \Vglla‘Kl-Il'flm- medicinal purposes only,
slunys on haul hm word, m 3 slack embraces
everything nsunny found in a first-ohms store
of this description.
A huge supply of ffieshinrngs has been re
cgived. nnd others are nrrivigg, which I am of.
firing lo the public on Very necomxfiodnfing
“my. My Medicines hue I” hem purchnhed
and thy personal inipecfion we! Supervisinn
from the mpst rglinhle houses. can therefore
poi \mly recommend them u pure\ and fresh,
but c sell them phelp. ' ' ,
‘lu- tmunenl of all chronic diaeaaeg. 1’
fi-Abh'lCE. GRATISfa
my :2. X 662. u
HR nndorsizned. being me authorized person
T m nuke removals into Ewr Green Ceme
tor}, flops: that such“ contemplate.the remoml
bfathl rennin: of deceased relatives 'or friepdg
will xvii! themselves of this sensor. ohheyear to
have it ’db‘ne. 'Removal: made with prompt”?
...urfifi’lo’v, ind no effort spared to pkg“.
. Panza mom, .
Much k}, 'BO. Keeper of the Cemcbery.
‘ Ucdansimcxus, . lnrge Imm re:
0 ceived from the city,‘in prime order, at
. ‘~- ‘ : \Jygmlg‘qa'g':
pun 8301180 SHOES, .uucted . m
gro'niad expreogly for Dr.‘ JWBEBT HOB.
3311‘s s‘“? Drug Sgoro. ‘
‘ By? H. J._«.BTAH LE.
4e3tla "sa-'ear.
(6‘11; @1152.
mi‘iuL McCABTY
Nam 1; pretty, >
’Nnrn is witty,
Witty and prr-zty as pretty can bt!
She's the l umplucat
:(H'gnh' and the Health,
'lhc lmghlml and .weelcu,
Bu: shr'. nun 101' we? ‘
, - . ~.. ......,.., ._
the novruinz- in erest. wxll tall due on the
first Murphy of.§liil‘cll next. '
A~ the prnvii‘Tmfi of this act weira of a
‘ tvinptmnv‘clmrnl-trflthq only acts now in
, fun-«- on th? suhi‘ir-ct are those 0! 184‘) and
. 1862. above tuetttimiml‘,.un«lnr whicll it Will
:he the «luty of the fitnte‘uuthoritieuitn pay
4 HlO iiitorest on the l.'~t Fvbrunrybiin-l. and
:lhert-nf 0:, in com or its equtv 9:. and
l look to the hunkla that may be liablq unilvr
i the act ul‘ 1862 torireimhursemedl‘of the
ptenwum paid byi the Commonwealth.
lntt; pvu' {3‘ STATE nuxcr: To Law-mtg stuns
5‘ E‘g‘Kltl\C7—Cl‘Rß}E\'C,Y t-wuzsr NECESSARY.
1 ln the- t'mze'othll «htliculttos, thiQt Cum
mflant‘hlLllfillchnllf‘tl' hy :t anntimentl which
Itlitt'i its penpl? hhnor, has hitherto paid its
mun-eat in min dr its equivalent: ,5
l Existingé‘lrcut stances make it na‘cesntry
tto (-ot)\v:‘;lte fair extent of Her ju~t
:0bllg‘lll0n“. ‘ 1. l
l Tim uxxuoncies of the “"193 huvh‘com
t yelled the Uovértlntent ol'the Unitvd Statps
‘ to issue large atndunts of Treasury nétes for
circulation, which are not, rexleetn-ghle in
loom, 13nd which {hm} the great. mass; ut‘ our
‘cirvuluttng mcdnim. 1
It is our duty 3tr loyal State—it‘is' our
‘ ink-rest. 11> a s'qu whoec waltm‘é, anti'cven
twill-Ly: depend emphatically upo the
tnanttonimce ‘ot the credit and thcfucrwss
fil‘tlie military operat’mns ol the In nei‘ul
(inyt-rnmént—lQ Uomothing to imfiair its
credit» or onthmrilsu its lnettsUfi‘S. '9’" the
,gmtrnrv. “e hive lit to uureplvqn and! to our
[mm-My to give u", activé ~support "1n” i‘ts‘
eitlurts tn quv“ lip. gttithtrxius rv .Pllmn
.. whwh i: still rugi§mun7lthus restart; pmce‘
__~—. 1M our (ll‘ll'flt'lf‘ll uuntry.‘
“"1“" l“ Trel‘hufi.‘ : Nur'thcr 4 31 i It: is our main (htvermm-nt, and we conhl'
int. kn}. .1! 7.3 70 not 'wtll-out 't-b indecenuv uttwn it to'
I‘l he optnt'inns (if the sinking tntnl Illlllllé__r4-f¢x‘p|tfi(‘lll‘rl“~l‘l-£‘;rlll payment of ting}, and
t 1!" hm .wnr lmVe We“ :h'fV" l’." 1“) I’F‘Wlf‘f orlwr’ (talus riue’m tln- Cnnnnnnh'mlth.
m‘mml for ”19 Elli “I 0‘ bt'l'lflnl‘” 1““: "51‘ I'l lfi-lli-thr (‘:t.~t-Zt\';n\u-iv d 110-rent. 'l‘ht
“NW”; l ‘ ', :lvtilcultim then }tl‘Oht‘ t'rnm tim anwmwn
Ammmtim ilrht (‘otnmouwcx‘m a. . 'lO of =‘lt‘ClP pm} tit-11:: 'hy our Stuto hunk-..'
20:12:52” \‘i:‘ ' JL‘V‘AZ” N nmvrt- Inf-:1] and ill-iv-ue‘ corpnrntinnf. and
(‘tl‘ll' 0": {mull Act . . t H " ‘ itlie Htult‘ t'ory lii-l‘pezly, by tllL‘ th't. at)! tit-at,
Mlu- 4: “132‘ ' 100.000 "IO ' ”my. llllt‘llttl tn thnle tlflillllhl lusts to its
Fin: ‘PM ”I” ’ ‘ibufilu 50 J. lt‘ltfllllhffifgl (‘A:'t)l?ul'h111'll mam-mint). An
“I“ “m 1 uut-hulf ‘ l‘ lemgmu')" (9,“.0 present muhl‘ not than
1‘” {.ém, 53300 [.O . . lll'u’." {mt-ti fmsu‘rn hv the ngmutm‘m .n'l
Itt’tiuf notes ran- ‘ 'l} I" to 1:9 mimic-4| thawlnt'e that lln v
re-tlcd. 91,3 00 ' ‘ lifoulu not have. ittt'cnu't-tl tu ptmuth- Btu;
Xurn, be full, you !
Nona, w‘hfi’ Wlll you ‘.
B. yriuy and pre%_\' as pretty can be?
$9 gnung and so slender,
So haughty and under,
S.) swcct’in yuud splendor,
~And yeLnof ‘.' , .-
To Ilm .S'rnrw aml Iluuxe ql‘ [{A'presnt'llulwes of
I’m-I 37min u : '
GnTH‘un :-—'l‘he unfit w-m' hm nfl'rgrdeel
In by“: muw ul liunldumusym gluc- Al
- iOI {he niorul and mn'tex—iul blcasmgs
“In. h 1.0 In» beglnwml upon u‘s'
Tho mum-o in 11w ‘l‘_xfenaur_v.
sm: MIMI .l’J, 13'72. was ’
Rod-IM} «‘unn; tln- [ism] yet:
u', n ' .\lu ' “I! '6.: 4.28 .4511}
(11.1 L, J .murr'.) ,1? ,‘ y: . 5
Total in Trrm-Ixry fnr fi~c_nLl (P:\l‘"
ending SUV-ember Mina, 6,462 235 75
'I luv pun-ems fur the same“
In-r:ml.!l.'.\c been,
Dunn-=1 w crvdilura'
r\\'e JWW” public; inane
lrnin’l-Jlnnrw, and (ho li'iu- nkxivm hf our
qb:i;_v.u.nn la in lmmwrtiiiiimkbi' rl‘gt‘l‘llll!
tl‘) [he knuun (‘l‘LllfivalH'd ‘lurn. «0 ml, lium
ppm) gm‘mmm-nuiwm’r in ”13 cirrus “th
:(iir lOJDS “we ellcclr-d. I n..-An, ul {tannin
'Mwh of til-“‘6 goveimnenis as were liehl
-l-) 1147\0 lllilinl.filn‘d llxeir-lizitlxniul ('lt‘lzll.
: ll i~ br-luhlrd '(J lun- ln-ei: hm iii‘uilnr-xn‘
”a." lil'l‘ rvl'rum: ym‘rinnwnh In my . ~ 1' in
i‘li-r-‘>l lii WIN cling-nor, hum-i er [h pieci
-mod. :lu mu :1 legalized suqmnshm : >lO
- pnyuwnts. An obsexyuhlc "blame "I“
this i~ :iti'girnlcd by (he COlU‘xé‘ at (no 'nli'lhll
'H worhmem. nhich during lm—nl v-i'n'c
Iyeuw, lrom [7.97 to 1822. i ‘lrln'i‘Whlrzh lhe‘
lm‘nk Wu prnhuniml by high-um [minim om.
(39in l'nr any purpose, purl ihe inn-rim! on
'ils' ’publin (Icht- m ' nun-s, wlm‘h du
-3r Hg :1 gregtx purl. of that. ulpe “m; n: a
heavy discount, sometimes.u'muunling lo
~180 pm- cent. or tlnglealmul. Their hvcm
lsities then were 11er greater than cuts are
Inuw. 4. -‘ / ‘ ‘ g ‘—
_ L Anion: niirseivn. 'ut the 'pr'o_lseiit.ltiine.l
’, MalawichUM-gls (whose debt i§ ‘bellev‘vd 10.
_ I In- wry :mull) pays the interest in chin-w 1
‘4 Ohio and Indium prjy in curiencfi. In ‘
lNew York it. if n‘ntr knriwn what “h‘l be
yzlojuw. 'llvr Legislature, hy concurrt-I'Pl rew- '
nlulion. (mime-d lhc illlvlért to “CI pail],
[Kin coin (0i loreigu_slockholders,’ in ilAprill‘
:ut. '
b lung's AND: “351'0n m in: AVGii):iD§—lii£
5117.789 33 '4 , ‘ maniac. . l’ 1 ‘
___,___:-.__ A! the present rale of premium pn'lixold.»
s3s7.}gcfiob’33- tln- Hllll nercma‘ry u} pny on an‘ :unciuril suf~
‘r . fivi'nt m‘di.~ch:ir}ze;the nunuul intrrrfsh on
53 006.000 ('0 "the Sinu- debt Willlld be umrc lhun SILOOO.- ‘
‘ .4———y—— mm, and In rum-1 lhiL. adllxtonal taxaliun m
Tm.ll infirhtrdmyu, SJflAfluf-mi 75; unit exlnm vmuhl 4b’é lunn'mdublo. 1 The
Tin; :umnRY -Rin’Elw'rto~t 'rrxu-—coii\' “in“; dr‘iuail is ori‘ihe 'l‘remury‘l‘ur other me wasui
“EST or ”an: ixrsnpr. lry pui-meu mun probably be sud] ‘hsfio’
it" the not of the 15th of Maw. 1961. au- hr inler it. ianuiihlchl‘ to lhruw uny [Mfrs of.
lhurisinglhe iniiitnry hinnpfSlSUOflfiUikN, a E [himexyemhture Ouithe existing surlnlus.-c
tat of one-half mill :wan laid on real and To hon ow money frhm year to year tq [my ‘
l erx‘nnni property/Jo furnish a fund {or re- -_ the interest on past. loans would, of cow-so,
deeming the same. 1 recumniend that the ‘be wholly inadmismbie. To leave the act
Commissioners ”(\thc- sinking lurid be (lil- lof 1362 in fires, andlauempt’ to throwl the
rt-czed to invept the proceeds ofithe tax in |pnyman of Lhig’rlnrge premium annually on
Stun» lonn, so :lmt it may bedruwing inler- i the banks, would beanoc only flagra’ufif un~
est, in he in like mginner iiiVestéd, or that 1 'mt, but quxte imßructiSnlvlt‘. I report:-
they .ulmul-l uriply such proceeglf directly ilhieml the whole ‘lflject m the carefullmul
to the yurrhuce of the military loan, a‘nd limmerlime consideration of the 'Le Islafiure.
can'cel such ceriificates nuhullbc purchased. ‘Some législalionpught it) be had grit; be-
Allhmighourfinancesnrpslillin 'almilthy l‘oiie the‘close of :lih present. month.“ In
condition. in is p??(‘ss_fll)l_t_o invite the sr-l‘i- Ifnyfl Qpinion tlre_Cornnlonweleh will have
anmml wtlifiu‘les
:‘Anmu‘nfi of pnhlir dehr n! Penn
i s_\hnhi:x us 'xl'~luovl nun-511m Isl
i 41:13 y? Documlwr. “~62. _
insulm-tinmuunt rl‘du'mt-d‘it Nu:
Nun- 'lnnturv during (ho
‘ f 9 n‘. _ car. ln-linz with .\;)-
:‘oth 30. IW3, v:1.:
‘l’ite per r. “at In. $558,498 78
,Fuur and :x ha}: pcr
‘ (mi. Hucks,
{Relic-f not”,
t Dmnrsuivcrmljtora'
9 qex-tlficuca,
. 5011:6171);
Public deb! Dec. 111,186’1, ’ $53,436,996 ‘7B
Fun-led dL'bl, nz: G '
per u-nt. Imps. $4()0,(339 00
funded (ll bl. \‘iv.: 5 :
per cent. hmus. 35,508,986 45
Fun-led d: ht, viz: 4;
9 per Lem. [mun
Unfvuuled debt. vu
llriirf nutc~‘iu Lir-
[ulvrwl \‘(Jl (ificntes
|I||Y~t:llll“l.l,§. x
um luimkd,
llmxmllir n miitors’
ie•t i~bcate-~
Milling-Imam per Act. of‘Mny
mm, mm,
om nun-tum) of the Lepielature ti) thé von
sidEmtlun nl'the x;.e;msot'.umuu! ing them.
unimpuared in fugure. .
' ' By glue act. of 12111 June. 1840. it. was pro
vided that [lu- interest. on the State louns
should always be paid in specie. owls-equiv
nlcm, and that uheuever the funds in the ‘must in Inning. ohbervc that the plan
'l‘reauiry rhould be of less value thin ;adolvte(l by mm of the States oi paying coin
spin-in, tho difi'erence in value should be as- ;to- foreign, and ’cnrroncy to domestic loan
poi-mined and (certified. («O'Ltllfl Governor. ,hnlders, appears to‘be wholly lun
who shouluihereupon issue his War-mull. to wise and founded od no legitimlte princi
the agents or banks authorized to pay such} ple.‘ ‘ ‘ j.
interest on lvehulf offthe :Cgmumnwealth.‘ At the close of thoflast session. nineteen
to allow such difference to panics receiving hills renewing the chhrters‘ot‘ certain bnpks
the‘interest, or at the option-of the parties for another period of five years were pre
to pay the same in specie. ; seated to me. Of thesel have (for reasons
By the act of 11th April, 1862. it was pr§ which will be hereafter oommunicatédJ
vixled that for the rurpose of paying ir'i {withheld my signature from one and appro
specie or its equira em, all interest that ved t e remainder._ I have been led[ to
shouldgthereafter be due by the Common- sign t em by the cpnsideration that the
wmlth,‘ as required by the act of 12th J une. banks til the Commonwealth pay a large
16~10,‘the several banks who should svail 'revenu f‘flearly 34004000,) which the State
: themselves of the provisions of that act. (of i can ill afford to loose. and within the
llth April. 1862.) and who should refusetoi present condition of the counfir‘y. it “70.016.
redeem their notes in specie, on demand, at: I be im ossible to drive so much capital but
i any time within ten days upon or after the .of acgve use or force it into new BmPlOY'
time when sue: interest should become meats. I 4 v
l due, should th resfter when required by l If the national Bunlxingsystem nfl'ord suf
l the State Trffllll'er. by notice in writing, ficient inducements, capital will voluntari
: pay into the-State Treasury. in propprtion ily take that direction., It is proper to ob
! to the capital stock Paid in 9f each bank, x serverthat the chm-tiers of most the banks
1 their rateable proportion ofsuch premium l in quastion expire at on early period, while
for gold or its eguwnlent. as should have in camequence of the invasion of the State
been actually pm by the State. °_ , . during-the last summer, they Quid PM
By the “0‘ 0‘ “‘9 30111 JBDRW. 1863, it: have been" reasonably expected to" he
was provided that the State Treasurer 'necesssry notice'of renewed appli ‘. or
should exchsnge with the banks In lmoung‘:‘re.charter_ f ' f,
[of currency suflicient to ply theinterest oh 3. I recommend an extension of the tirim
the State debt. falling due on the first day durin'g which the banks are now relieved
of February sud August, 1863, (or the some from penalties do: not pa’yingAheLObliy
smbunt of coin. tad should, give. to the ‘ Lions in coin. ' 1‘ _ .
banks specie oerticstss of ekchsnge, not spectrum menus! or outer uun¥—
l mnsfenble,‘pledginlg the fsithof the Stat“ was. bullets, to. ,
to return sud com :13 exchagige for notes I‘h's incressad expenses of livia;
~ y ~
r l_ ~~
.\l:n’nunwon !
{314914 or.
)3 (I‘o
954,720 go
$40,443.21: 82
63.666 no
109 cu
8 26
‘ ‘ 5
mum; ”9836,378316 4
$97,25‘1 00
15.356 63
4.448- 38
~ .~
current :11 the time, on or hefore‘the first‘ attentinn‘ to tiie'minripa afoul-l public ofli-I
Monday of MN?!) 1864, such certificates to T curs. Those of the Secretary of the Com- |
Lear interesult he rule 0! 2; per cent. per ‘ monweqlth, Auditor General .nnd State;
annu‘rn. . ’ QJTi-eaanre‘r. and of Clerk: in their emnioy- 1'
Under the pr¢viwiom of the act. of 1862. mentmre in my opinion, too low, especially
certain hank}! paid inm thé State 'l‘reuury as the exigencies of the times haye‘ greatly I
5MQ,768,30 us ah equivalent fur 'coin for enhanced the labors and responsibilities oft
the [Faymentof interest on the public debt. , an and iny'the case of the heads 0! these!
Under the ncblof 18433; specie certificates} departments. enforce a constant attendance],
have been give-ni to the iunks, umnunling at Harrisburg, which Was not fnrmeriy row,
in me mum to $1.9n85m4 97. which. wnhi amml. » -
fulfilléd her Obligflt‘iOElS by providing [or
the pfiqunt of her interest in the cuqren
cy of the Government. If the 1.92%“!an
Ibould see fit to continue to pay it. in doin,
it will,bo their dgty to levy forthwith-film
heavy taxes nbceswry for that purpOsq._ .I
“nttn u may" mp vxu. Ming."
P ) .A..
V _ .
‘q Under the m; of the IM. Kpril. 1952.‘
l and its Sltpplvnwnt passm] 224 April, 13:13. t.
I the Adjutant Gmernl. Quartermzuter Geu-'
neml amt Commissary General have been"
' mating an the Board of Mihtary Claimm—l
; They hive. up to thistimo. approved claims.
:to the amount at" $166,415.81, and othrrs
I have been alrpmly presented to the further'
‘ amount of $332,120.27, which have not. yet "
3bwn actor) on. ’
} l‘nrler tho Act. of 522:] April. 1963, (P. L.‘
.' 5'29.) theCourtnl' Common Pleeu appbinted ‘r
(MN-e alum-“inns td nacvrtain the damage!
i done In the countien on the southern hc'r-‘I
I (lnr by tho mihtiumtled into servkqi-n Sep
-1 (ember. 1962. by [he Andermn ('n‘vn‘ry in‘
‘ tint-Vsnme mnnth. nnrl hv‘thn rr-huh in thPir
i iaid on the 10th and 11m "I'o 'tfl‘wr. 1862‘ '
I ‘The Appraisers have nnt. yet complptnd
3 the mlurxnaneo rif th¢ ir‘ dulwsf Wnpn ‘
Mmpurt shall have becn’mmlu to the
1 vrt of Common Pleas and :tflh'rm‘ul. in
1 Wm)!!- or 11‘] part. by that (‘r‘vurL' It mil be
the duty 0" the Uhvnrnor to claim the pay
‘nwnt of the amounts from the Gem'lal‘
Citn‘t-rnmenr, and an failum to serum. the
‘ sum‘. mm} to n-[uu-l In the next LezL-hAuro
x-e-cummehdin: such notion an: he mgy (Hum
just :nnl proper. ‘ I
' 'l‘ho “XlN'nSk‘s of the 'l‘rfivupnrtrAlMl .I_nd
Telegraph D-‘szNlm-utduung “w 1113'. Jen
ha'vu-l-een as follows: i ,
I‘nid (nut ofinppmv xi 1(70') mane
‘ hy MiliLuny Lmn Alm i‘Vfilu 3131-358 87
'.Unp:\id (thn ‘I'I mI-lutlun «wing ‘ ’
v- rthuch) 15.764 7'.)
_ Oumtnnding habtlltics citimutcd -‘
‘ ut
€34 4&2. m
Thr‘fie I‘nmncm boon mninTv invurrwl ‘in
th‘pih‘; up the nu-rwmv (‘1 rlv~lr \n'ivw'v
or H).- mx‘nihn'y ‘!£-;.:.xhw-nts uul (in [Le
lrnnqmu .mn: o(ka :\!.ni‘\\nu:~.'lml 1.1),! 1.:0
thut‘! } (EDI-fl ux ml" \o".n'A :1" Vs W!" 3m uvn
M xlu- u-fin' u! (an: L‘nm" .31 T'mhiwnlnl ml
- _ \
hermvxtu N-nzlnxunvutml. I ‘.. ( v:_|.lng‘|ul \‘l
"hm-n!”mtiunflto Im-c! Ilk- «lvfid'il-n-"J. .m-l
3:150 10 tum": on luc sm‘vzae o:_ tins dquk
‘ I
if: hurt
H l) ‘1" -‘\
'1 .‘w‘ \ kl "
\‘ ii 1'1“] I“l‘!r.
k“ p ‘0 ‘ll ' I.
n:- ,1 ,nl. » Pl. lu"'
33‘1“: 2: I:3th $1."; ‘ L, ..
L h ‘l~“i - '0 l. ("'
uhex (I',- u v“-
:‘ol ’,".'
- '-,. l‘bs) :n‘ ‘l- 'l ii‘.ll~ r,
.lllfj-“‘y,‘;uj>"f 33:55; 2:13“? .‘n
'f’fi“ '- “n 'l' “fir":‘fi .f't'i't” ;‘
:z‘kpbiz-iihl'rl'p‘rzz-‘sm‘..?,- 5;” r 1? I'.“ b
, . .~ ." 7‘ » . . -' .b‘ :-
‘~“‘"1r:“{141-57.In."-."("'.."«‘.‘:_'*--‘i "f t}
,‘uofl l'V” (1:1(.|1‘.. ;_
“"1; 1|“ 1.5 “1, 31‘1““ x‘:". ('~E “H- 'I ('7 ~
ti 11 [I ~ 11"er A't‘fin' 1‘ rh” 'i ' ,'|-""‘ ‘
«ivy-t 1:: n 3; 2‘9"?“ 3‘th
at u‘.“ “..' ..‘: "-'T: '.. "" “SUV.”
[sh]! [ll"‘lbx'lliYy‘liv.'J2‘l “it?“ btfl.yh~' ~;:t 1:“. 1,“ '., T 45:
n" ‘ \thvl' i l I; “I ~ :1 , "f.” Axqu ,1. lb A... x. ’ll'l'
"?g§l‘;x§:xgu¢-‘f 1:21“? "ii; :1)? ‘1 V"? 's3l‘3‘3' u
‘: -.-~| . " ' ' -. :11 'l‘ '=- f
..2 \ 4 v A , ‘.'E -1 '. t.“ 33‘1".” u‘hr‘ .
§;"n"n""-‘j‘.,l-Sil’x. Ax, :b‘n‘xry‘tx(l\()ur\~“4 111 l Y:{“c‘;.' , 17: Ing WIS? a
‘llofll‘nhuurlfnx‘ ‘lr “I‘o I.” '~lil1l*‘h’)l!| I ul' I».( :s}! ,'_‘l-" " “Va.
v'lr‘bj'X‘H’w" (‘rtbifaevglbbgb.."m'u m: :3; s9} {arm 3 b .‘b‘hg' 7’2,
1,: x 9-: H, r‘ , san '1 1% Kr 9mm,- 1".1 " ilk”: I“ :‘ ”31$th 1“ "‘3"
I t}.c)l:\?)':§cFLfl 2“!” 1‘1: I?‘ll‘loh':\"'9v 213‘: , iii“: Efficghé ..' it": : “bill? :15 ":1
Audi h , 5.] qcvqclllel‘ 5.191311 ,hb'l [31.3 |;!)Nll‘\i‘nl‘lj'J"r;u,’:‘."_‘;ivu‘nf"‘_
é Flare his 5 elolx"fi‘]lt HI”)? 11' Pint?“ ‘0 L 9. Yb? “me "1; '."V:"(=u:\-|:.'."‘ rh' I." Ugh "
C;‘:,“l"°r é! liij'v "x: unuf 1'“ Tan.“ :H- :I.Pl.;r';l’"o'<tlix' w'q‘fi‘ ... :; "-!‘»'l:‘."'“',“': '
‘el’l 0r! (‘l.- "hcq'ut 5. I \’ “g (“rt-"L ’xtnv “I 1“: 1. U o'n" fl 'l-‘Pi‘: 35"“ ‘l‘
I ‘1 g )f 'p 3 I 1 “Vl"' LL} [x "r 3V! S q r‘ Il.’ ' ' (I l‘ ””1 r x
u"1:]1 (J 0 , .. i, ‘l7 (1‘: Q m, 5 ”ME 0 9 n, u. c n ‘b ‘b, \:.Y z“ ’ “v .“.
ll) 1-0I;.t, CC;Q’"I‘IC ’xnll‘ “fl‘l'lqn'h “1""Vl"
4: . t» z, s):] ‘0 x, 1.04:." W "bis -' 1e .. u b‘l.'n rut] hp: " I“"= “"111
g!) xI.I .. IL'm I, 0:11.110! "3"
1‘! l nu~;"1, 1. ' l. I": ,01.‘|,391r(.y%1“hwvflefiu ..b,
n‘i .5 }{ p'llq 190.1‘1‘ ' ‘l‘.f‘;'=t‘l‘lb, l) '~n 0' ‘1 " ln ‘4 ‘0; "L 1“ (- “fix-7t 13“} " ”hi
1"!" o‘l’ {0 lx to‘9lr Iv” lvk‘fiprLLl
fhl‘q ‘nlnmx ")1"! “'1"! C. r I} e all‘h‘ " nl‘i tl‘L "fl"! o‘. l-r!?,‘e°.,p J‘ ”ugh ff L h' . ‘l H
‘ifiéc a; a! 4333:," 1.1 cx‘fimb,‘ xobo' ‘vlux!’-' ‘n‘elo‘Lub’le‘hJe‘;“EHl“:‘l{l4°9:l3-25:
:1 Fee ocq‘q - (“IT ‘. 0 "‘ll‘ll'xq; 1,1,”,11.‘ m [4" “ah-of ‘9- .1il“‘-’.‘l“‘rII i“ Il‘l'f}: ”Rm-"‘-
(-95'31'11 \‘ 1. (’x(’r 1’) '1 “ 9- “x :i6}: Ir *l'My T" H Mir u l' h“ ELM ° "31'”.
(..A's’ ‘5 11) I 'ile 1.. I 11):," RF]; thB 'ikc'u f heuxlc K” :b Ii)“ 66501.6(} h, -.';
'n.l"é3 0 0 ‘lr [1 ‘ Jl‘ ‘1 ”It“ ’I ‘l ' y ' ‘1 ‘1 [‘l 5 1d“ ”I”. " I! “I -' ‘ h‘ql'H’ H
:lliha [titelllthlsf "oililf‘itla M )d ,l‘vlr‘ttul'g i "f 5L1,“ g‘lfinkbcug'x“s4lw";ll:3s:s2]? “Kg"?
1;": If“: he: I,“(}“e‘unn“‘ulf '11,” IL 1‘?“ .nlgg’finb‘gbgb'r‘ g‘bfbr‘ib- “35;“ gm x“:‘xx‘"‘°“°-
rlfl'{o)rc;"r ”fl," :1"; {lf-Ru." Inf" 1" ”Q‘L. o"nbk‘l'n'o ‘:1 LN": ‘ ex“? I; "C 1.411.311“;
beam . (lever! e :, . sb‘n. the :4 :row 1‘
II Irvbvulfllqrn ’3:'l'rr:(‘:‘li]l 1‘19“," ' Ul' 1:1“; I"?“wmwr° ““I‘f 1‘ ”1137?le ‘ 5 “III“
n’i £llo}. (‘o', a‘n ‘ué‘fflnrtifiul 1. ln - . a sl”ch eat! ’l,‘ s.-""lr~"'1.“b("r 5 "1;“; ‘r bl ’o
‘el’d't ‘Ol 2hr d 1 3 la, 'h c E ' 5 P 1’ “In “. rv" 0- R ‘1“ "10"“
age .‘n \. ng~r -[ loze‘e {9.111 t) P f 'll’c g“ ‘11) \ c'c r 1 r um. -n-‘
1 it“ ‘E (I "r I~:’r"edc ’yr (1 be o.“u l I _ “'ri‘r J]. mrlull“ 1"" d Alt 0 0K2"? “null“ 1.
.I._x‘sf‘ L 10 H‘.‘nl° ' 1t: W q!““‘
[I P H )2 1b ‘ t n V C l! sn', C 1-»! I! all D‘L‘r!‘ h.“ l‘ I‘3 6"" u.
q) r't‘bucqlxtr rn- ‘9 “ fin“'k'“ ”1”
‘3‘l ge‘hvofcllrntln'ytlfto pfidpp 9’1““, dl-V‘ sénsiili‘njpoe‘;4‘o i 3” enl tlf Fey": Lung.
is ("'e' 9 b‘olll n 11.3 e s! I‘y u TOlll ”0 "I e, gvdenfi e "I”.II E ‘ol's "o ('rrode‘ c ‘VI'. A
elz‘Se ’ctfletPH-l "1"": n? wlac‘r‘!" ’l‘.“ 9““ lu“'
a ‘9 d 99': IX th. 11- It finer") n Ll‘ SL“! U‘PI 99 "r n”! d,“ Hurt .0
app ‘0 ‘1 'ly‘Venro at e " espo' 1,5 -°“npt. h R. T'o‘ioch '>.' "; H‘w‘w 9 ‘c ‘x L ‘li
hr n 1. u<.erl)l~ u‘lb'< b'r‘hnn 3"“‘l’K l-Lr'Dc‘e“\l
n ounp r‘h; “all. i,‘- q 'e-(leo t. S. "r'Y' ' eleiers ,0 "nun-‘3; c 9 air ii'n 3‘»: Ti “"9
iclflkld rlfoulu‘n 0.98 11'9”“ ’1 nth-'l' ‘l‘” ‘e' dirwgh“ :ficofl lI‘LJS’H" b a; ju‘n e "5, ‘rdfl's’
83“.” z {'i "z a": ‘ dv‘ ihkierl‘w ad " “d." “I ‘1 icec Ifemu'e i 0“ 0"“ l Sims“ 03“ “r
a ‘eY 11:310nni {scan} t: fi'nrfi‘ey'vlld’l’ono "‘3”;th onx‘fiieictl'efi’ rL‘l‘l“‘xpr"‘xl'Ct n 3
jndl'.- 4p (Sn'C-l e k n P '. I 59 'D‘H .k 5?! r b "e"""' 1 mt" MS’o‘“ ilh'le
eew s
p N' r‘i qucolhpatc; 75 nnk‘o“o°n(ol(i 1,90%": 1" Ifhefhf‘b‘a clam “run-10;“! “longh
rlsldmfluy S m"'v"hic -r " lhh d
05959:" eagc i 'xke "“1439? 0%?" ‘1 ' 1:1" virtyten“ "fr”: rgeulf‘he' ‘m’e' A” oulof'
[or ‘9l Y n'iarben‘ 019; to.” I‘pfilt'h‘e : bee Op-sx'bcoipal? 2'! u«.lo‘l 11:“r ml'end P I]
q 9,10 dl‘ e an ~ hur‘e a 4," M.“ “'V leopeu‘. HEW " ho,
‘br‘f l’rk cmna“ In? I yl'r‘l t 303 fi‘cpn“h “Lis'xnccls n‘s.‘lr‘«,lq .
05 en 5 ‘l‘: es actio. cgi-“Py fuuliis ’. 5 y “5L1,“ n. “tare' e. 5 9311‘s 001‘ 11g!“ 1“ 10 'h
In“ egcec‘fl‘n e Sues" I as nt h n y Pa 1111):]:‘uih c‘ {y “:‘MH‘H: p” ‘ 'i "
‘cl-Var‘e l ’ fll regs” n 3:0" r 0 ds | w flcifiemdtfil ch e “fiirn‘ée! is be‘mrile g as
peudl Vr gangeo; sex ' la' :10: chug-P ‘IL ‘ Clea. Yet 3 ‘1“) r’re‘ ’22 Pu" lllnné" Povi‘L'n
:ngring’lerfly-i on???“ j‘nb’e‘ :vaga‘ir'é‘: ' :‘ru'i‘r°“s‘“°u°x3f «35:33 135: ‘5’5‘4‘53
I i r ~° ' t ‘ ‘ H M‘ ~ . s ' ¥
{hen}: {PSGJLTTE’I' cheg‘em tOthelll P 1513, l ”:hon°!9rl“r d 5 ”lg": “'1: owc‘hjlu 38‘
.a) g 0 I 1 ‘1 sgmo'n " dh‘nx- 8‘1" I‘s 1% "a °{”v.o‘ -3 f ‘invlt‘xny
'nle Pouumn fl BU d“ )e y ‘11: ear {,4}; h gapfl“ an‘ne. y . I-xg‘lnglle no}; 2KI;
‘l' n-£.i 65y of R' l‘ n , 151.9. “fiat m dpflm {VO 1-“ . ‘1”. Fu I'. “Hanna 3, 1.3.5 file ].lm hlu‘gl xv.ll 'l‘lhb
tl‘lllrfllil n e ipf; 3111 e ngig‘anw Butt he imcépé x:°|:h;utg a “rcfil‘. [3l9l";ka 0°):
ofro ‘, E ‘—h w; in env'zl'b: ”a? ; est ya .Obll‘li as s ‘aed rb furd} 1; vex-” 1.70““
t S“ ' “1' er' “5 1-2 3 art 'ulv 8‘3”"! “I ‘i ad 7°!!! ts- "
ins I‘tw‘hbrgli dttnntn ob,
leqh‘q *cghfit~ u“ as P ~pmuv°!‘“ “W” ‘
Wi 4- h-pac byher‘e r r" relie fro“? “i an‘ Tj‘pnm " [Mei n if. ““1"
‘h'hCo‘ 5 ingot cgfl-‘h ‘lfit e eeug‘ '~ du“ Pagidfg’ld ljbl‘kh ‘hr'p‘dn'e’. ° “d'cra’s‘e
lo9y thmlg'l ' G ftfcgeir infi'l‘ln‘; 3|" 'e ‘3 : He 'd e offi" taco“ or ‘0 be tl‘he d 3. 9“)
Ntaom’."" g§ Maw “1);” "h ‘h"“-°'°-“l‘°“
ohll onstH‘gh‘n ‘gedt h P Ina] oft [“hprnr'o u
"i V 8“ r 3 nwd‘teyaglyo 1d:I cues 9‘ 3c ourjecof ll “11:2" llhe‘n bo]! 00in b°m “1
"them”:aul e twb “1‘99 e""h' {cht euhee lercu‘fl churvam
Gr t, abbe “difOf‘zHoJ'gnb? br-‘me Shut“- f 21°?i3‘zo ch ,fiszmxdpgn‘czrehxf figan‘zm
33:? grzxgggeztab- co“; Hawk: :gdfi'e§,:‘l'-f-u“e"s:e v3“°u°r‘;ea‘r§°‘ri:’
em r p ‘ 9g} 0" re Yukon-01°“ “31" 31,1, 1:10pm oyo 'lB w .eblhl'nn d
0;, tr honfifin" nu? 0f llv‘3 h“ a 'l 0 b n . ' my.) "oh .nylely f ”I?" h'hefilg‘ 2c [3;
th Mhe ‘g [detehenv :d t gunsegon Drnbnqi .:t n: (ixblu‘lqfi; '0“ (:1. 22" ‘35 '1 :h!(;1' he
ine II 19h 0r 11°90 n tohedmce a t “lle ' 1‘31"” n‘ " VndL't-l“ ‘1 I ”9 C ° hebe ‘ “nfeon‘
i 15' \L L re“? h I t'aifllp J‘n’femln Illt93‘hcrour"!lcondof
t 3 111%?th "oft!“ eon eotxlun.‘ a, n . "‘eh‘ or e bole er'esme 2p” s‘e m h t
an in? e ‘llo‘cele tl‘l‘) Le {coho .lfiqcodin“ c 9no el)t r” 't s‘o“ 0 hnfl; c onow
l'ea ?;i.:in‘, D's 5:8 nieryhl’lner lcue :2” 'ns [en'mf' :GLn:r-’d°r'i.'b'.'-:f (llaéafin‘,
hew'bem u gee-owe SatUnsi w 19 Stats” Jun 0 b-pl “Ft d’ ”-911 w n. -°°'{°mle“r'
n r ‘ v 'gfem cues In“! ‘!"lLe,;v'“d“‘h e ere mum “‘hd °fnwh “ °°‘
temdae ) wgqll u|, r“ ’u‘h eiteu (-1“
“1w Imastnbcw (11l ed’rl' 5" ‘hn ‘ t‘ "be‘o
9111 'l, he” 00 e ‘l|'b“¥l'tlen'er€o‘°f° "°l‘l“n
P" dith'oedd‘ssl’nn ~ Hes ’l—‘o‘n 3'“ .3 up“, thu
-2y ‘0 rtut _ m’ondcebpr (eyb ele nle otfiru (Fuhagrm 1h! [ham ('9'
trailing w‘l‘onlaélll n n N'lgatesat f a SAL'VO‘. o ' :tm. e ‘ohel:k’eept e 01:0?!
9-541”. “l t} In‘e m'mreéyel, '1: Wise“ d : t'e' Eo‘a‘ h 9 pg“: ‘11" tel” flmfefou 5
“inunem ‘e‘et-' a nesPld‘ell'fi "1.3 'm”
P rd‘ see rl'l'Ol-x‘y n 9'“ e ”“30"
9"Ll‘es‘ DcauCe‘nO 1" I‘le 7“p'o°l‘“d"°l
W“ 'o’u ‘h” ‘nfi’ ‘0 r p e P NI ‘3 t°v°n de 1 l”'ner ”liq/1h '0 d ° W '1
’esn-u‘unrf°o“‘de e"n‘l'z-' °m‘n‘
‘pfi” 15‘ he‘d b “ ‘1 ' ”"995“1'_.‘“1° d '1 “l’vmp- 5 teams“. m 0 “z ‘i'o
g. d 9 I": d heli tall 'el“ “wenti P“ ’9'”: luc ln duf‘c-I be “a"! °n be‘hns
xo'le‘l’lngndll ht: iuszsth fifl'diloln: übcouen ‘L 0:,n6 l ep‘oflwy la 'lhofwe l“.
eflbyifgto 3:! n e ’1 u‘ e ffihll‘l g. Ili‘n‘f‘le a nsn‘la‘"9:rt‘° :nud “I L 31th.
‘11" f “(J-41°?" ‘ll , 0r u fee knife; 9: byliiyco pa lfitouecy j‘ii‘ 42"!"
a ‘o“‘ éeq'th 03" wm‘dor I 5" “ ‘ gent" m hntlrc'm‘l- ‘ ° v;
Ll“ u~etht hdtipr m ndhe mrudl‘n-"pnl‘
ghpl-olc:0:dxr“;38 819 ‘b?‘ icnen" “Hut-Tm l e “act'inniofi “ ed ethnis"
e- °ud'“l“i’speh yfmcuc “1 .1 ° " d-°d‘o'P 5 '0“,
': lrtll‘tocelllpu'n 31°" hl‘l 99‘“ '0
“i and: _ gsV‘lonvw ‘h-ln'fiJO h 12‘ lb!
amp,” wanes : we: »,: t. m‘on’ .; fob,
° €2.33 : 23.52 yea“ al:,«'-nsrvr~v-:-Jr. "f
“m a; h b' u nou'erie {at “noose?! '3 B'i'hild' “r'i 1
‘Poth‘ of ”Prof‘oo'r boar Jug” ° #3:“ 0385?.11’0'1'
’tf’ghexv cf chdmnnd‘il'll 11’7"!" °I 25¢ ’ 9&l:th
o“ t“. bum Ge‘igos JOAGAregcsl‘Xdip‘hd l'ivisi e c'
‘ obn:u-.‘o‘:“s;e?‘nri:eib 00 av“. t°
‘s‘.,‘efil‘ffi’q-fl33s'p'ifltacc “11‘. r. “‘3
.. 2:,”me
a 'fs ”'9“ “z “11': no’hdrto he
nir'l" “SW i ”"htethi' “win '
7, nth. lb :zg‘hensh'l‘ruu%leln;
' $2....
. _ be. i
.b I'ng egrc:}‘l. gry'on
e {G ood e n dbé‘
:-e h d .o" d 0 9
90°53“ ‘nll 'h'vubn
"3°: 1 teLhaa‘ he;
oil ‘3 9' run
{ :g’r‘u L 92";
° "“2 s y‘
3 fit:
“1- I! 1
’ .
K V I - ' ' ‘ «é: ,
/ gg _ /sԤ
expense: already incurréd ate to be refund
ed by the ”States on‘ whose nocpunt‘fley
«we made; It isjust to say that. Mr. 'llle
has discharged his delicate and impo‘nnht
duties withjizlulizy and to my euure saus
-luction. ‘ ' 7
nu: “muss SND onunq ct SGLDXERS. }
The' act Tor the Q 1”! of_ t.he_hpnitie.s of
valunteers in acrvi may require some re
vieiun. IL ii alleged that in some parts of
the State the county authorities are hack
ward. in expecting the law. li'this be so,
the members trum the dim-rent countiM
Will be aWHI'G 0T the Ltét. and will he most
ready to make such further enactments as
may be proper, ‘ ‘. ' ”“
' [commend the prompt attention of the
Legislature to tihesuihjec} ofthe reliefof pocr
orphan of our soldiers who, hnvq gitren. or
shall giVP. their “V 9- to the country during
this crisis. In niy Opi‘nion. then- mainte
nunca and educauonlahuuld he provirlml
by We State. F'Jiling othvr natural friends
nt‘ubility to provnle tor‘thcm. they should
be honorably rhceived nntl fostered in vhil
dren of the Commonwealth. Tim $50,000
heretnfore given by, the Pepnsylvnmu. Rail
rninl "Compary, referred Loin hlj.‘ hfit annual
me-amga. is still unnpprnpriutml, and l re
mmmgnd tint this mm, With sm‘h nlht‘r
‘tnr’nns' :m the Legislature mny think fit, he
uppitwi tn thismntl, in nuch iumnnr (Ls may
he “taught tndat expedient and olfactivca—
In :tulwipnuun m the mluption of a nm’re
perh'ct systt-m. I rH'nninfl-nrl thnt prnvi
t-lull be mmle fnr se-mtri‘nu the ailinnsiun of
such c'lniix!r~‘n‘intu uxiqin: mlumitit-ml m;
hiltlialliti"lli<, to La thew clhthwl. nurtured
ilnl ‘l‘t‘llllllclt‘ll .-: “I“ ilitlrltc (Mimi-p; I
Uhtk" li.'-' r: ('utlhll-‘ll .i “..wn ('illHL'aC‘ly. l‘m-l
in": §‘>llri"l [lint 1.!.d-\lllg x 9, I Him-sung.
tim wnirvs nf 1h;- ;.:vtriut2c, the benevolent.
and the gwul “I: lllx‘ S‘Luw.
I imbn lhxa‘fi; .‘ J '1 m: I'm:- licfixhhlro to
Il~e (’4 ph‘Jmm ‘35...- r 3.41;". AM- uf Ills! Ten 1-
“--:'o‘ hi: ch if: hwy-4cm d to | dcplurn
-12:. ".1 “yum “EC. ”J‘s-flu: iun‘Jc Mike to
3'-:lH"3,V:\{.M§.\-$ and yn-ur m-nsp 0." justice.
'l‘rvir wh'v‘v‘ c: Imh‘fi' lxgw been l-l-l Wasn- by the
mmumqfim',.qmwl-fiélhu Gutrmmum and the
11-20% E “u" :5” 13-» have lmgc urmirs _ pruned
m r ibu' -1 wit-i. vi. ~I raj-111,; L-Lc.'.rl..\ing ufi‘dn
1m! {tall 1: on gnzlmnl Tux-’11“: av'm‘
‘ I;.‘§z".1|"«l 'n .\‘ '11“ ‘w .“n uh! 1:33:43" am:
1-41.1 in m- n. vi'rl.ll"X.-11.
0,"? fl (‘3
The ft:g~f.“:l.!:sllnh: ”de ‘ bx sundry gentle
rmrrufifln- higl'v-Jt xiprululxiliu, {um that
5:. ...c. an: vf‘thuuznfi, hem |--m..ugv!umcrr r‘
Stun-mam. :wm‘. a $1 pnwzu, m-w exists.
4:11;: m :J‘Juen: 411 'l' 1 mccffor
M": u» “Kr-hut uur 'IL'.U ! 'blmll
' ~ .M: u: mn Ins
k .
18 186%
- 1
tco of compelling PM countieu nnd town-i
is which have nl’rendficontributmd lup
in that u t 9 ansiat In flying, by tar ’
on. for the «éficicncy of at era.-
.lnurxxo nun rnnnmn run “alarm-3. ‘
l fo‘et it to be my duty to on" yoér uten
tion to the perntciovfl. practit‘e‘of luring
‘ mnn’yfilh to be hnn‘u-d through at the clone.
\ ofthe session. Durirg the tan ten d”- of
_ - the last. sat-«ion. 390 hi! s were presented for
my gigantnre. many~ ot‘ tlum of the month:-
‘ purtant. cinnmctar. 'ILc “hula number of
. bin-.pretwnted in me Hiring Ihokacsaion wan "
‘ 715. In communion of this hphit, not truly
' . are hills parsei wnzhnut ah oituortunity to
, either House for n proppi- commutation of
_-_=_;-:_—:;:’:;;_~_~,;g their provisions, but. Q3O Ext‘cutire in com
« t , , pelted either to sign them without enminn- '
; ’ ' n. or to hold than ovu- perhnprto the
r, t . p iic im-m'weuionr'e.< It may often happen
i_ - . .' {hit a hill ntit appror’etl by reason ofa linglo
W lubnpxious clunsp. might. 21 ”3°”. were tim'e. ' _
TWO LLARS AgYISA R. lhe ruptured, omitting the vh‘wnttonnl prnvts- :
3. ‘ . hon. I must reftrtpnnoti-rr nmclnef. Gen
m;r 'ergll laws have been burned to give relief in . v
. ‘ certun macs Whit.“ Immorlf required it rpe
' No- 1 . gini not in each 03th- As for instance tho
' . _ i "‘ {nib—of lands by (Xt'Lu-hvrs, xujminiatrntorn
W linn-i trustees. tun ntiuymnn of rhiiurenr the
General. Adjutant. Gen'erni. Quartertnnstgrflen- fire“??? »°(n;\“‘;““;l-'f“;fi mfi‘gmul‘WNK cor
emi. Surzeun‘tieneml. MUN at. “fl-‘hmE‘Du: IRON“; 3' ‘ a .10] ' {Jot-n"! '2’;
Chief of tranqpuflnhoq and Yuk-graph llcp-nt- 1P39” “1 "‘s‘", “f“ 'f“ fxiimllin WEI "103 _
ment. and Supbrinundem of t‘umnmn Schoois, , Cara}! would Gn‘lUf‘fi‘HS'N‘? “11180008 10 “In
in regnrJ to their non-“p1 departments. jW“"" asides? :irilzi‘rtzbliécd‘xggraff'l2ollhe "
. < 1 . ‘ . . , ume an 1.: _
rm: nusmx “Splitsgtrbte gonna.“ 10 ‘ isiution. They Intro hitherto efl'egted npitlfeg;
' ' .0 ‘ ' '. 'd' f ‘i , [pm pose. Lut Ido serinusiy. u‘rgcnh the Leg
. In ““3“" 1‘ W“ 1’31”" . mm. “Mm“? ‘inlutum the cnm-idci-at‘inn that. \rhoever ap
uon ""“Wd' that Gem-rt! I‘M ”Maud to m' : ‘iuwfnr n 5 main} 1-t und“ such vircnlnstau- '
v-ndc this rune. Communications on the su‘h- inn-must (-{thc‘l' 0“” the run?! <t‘ ttn il'n “..' .
is”Wt::‘”:fit?3:;::znz°za:°:f::‘:::s‘°.::t::§;.m mm (itmmmn.“ he is; a '
ghgcul-t‘nnt 1:”, {lump-d. A¢¢.,.sn,..x‘xy [hg w,”- ‘ nh‘hrtér.) must tied”; .the omission or hiker-f ;
Dtpnrtmgnt erected two new, miiittu'y dernrt- 1‘1”“ "Y .m‘mn WWW“? cuntrurg “.3 Yb“ . :
ments. via: The Department at tho )‘vonongu- . Li? Lvmnlutum ‘hus‘dutermincd nfter ml
hell. inchid‘mg that portion of the Sum; lying J ture cormderrtt'tnn .to hf _|u-lnnd 123 mm”; ’1
west oftho mountains. to be comxnnudefl by! rm: anon-1:: or ”Manny". ‘ :
Maj, Gen. Brooks. und'the Dopnrtmem of the “It wonid ht- unjust tn mnlt. lota-Img ngntn’
Su:queimnna. comprisif'wl ”A? Te‘lmmdel' 0" ”19 ‘to the L-yti 31-bit of nur \eophyq'whtch has :3
State. and to he Cfnmnudh‘d b)',-‘l".im‘ General ,heon evinced in mrrygnotk since this Ivar
Com-h. ' . . icommenufid. Nut Culv h w’é‘t‘mi want. 277,-
Enrly in June. Major-General Couélt arri
ved nt llmrmhutg and nhbumed comnfntid of
his Depmtment, which he has since exercised
with the soldier—like protuptness. energy and
discretion which were to bcpxpécted from his
known churncter., ‘
L The rebel-9 huing nattxmly'ontoredtlJQt-tte
in some force. and the approach ut’their holu
inrmy being imminent. the l‘rcritlent mmle 'n
rnquisitinn t'nr militis Front this run] Some uf
Lht: neighboring Stan-u, nut! sqvnra} regiments
.t’wm New York uni ch Jersey \Vetz'eéproutptly
Bent, and our own “Aunt-eel" M‘ilitiu ‘ht-gnnJo
as‘sovnblt‘ : hut Pdme émbztrrnume‘nts ari'sitig,
the Pt'e-lident hB:t‘ttl¢"l to n.c’xt'tl by the Execu
tive of thoStmc. whiuh was 'll‘l’pl‘llillg‘)’ matte.
.L'ndu- thL-«e calls 5.1-”) of the met} at l’t~ttné}'l<
mu‘n \vcré ncscmhtcvlt in the Unptrt'nhnl ot‘
General Broukn. 51:11:51,122 in that of UI-nqral
Couch. To give the Juanita. or. «mt-n u rjumm-t’ry
at the operations whi‘ch ensuedft would he'itu
prnctienSlo within the timllirof n. mn-t-«tgu. L?
is unmet-usury m du‘qn, 1y; I hteve IQI’IHHHIUJN -{
the attopt‘un of xnetu‘un-R f-rr'prescrving the
hL—tory uJour sevurnt—mgimenw‘uml other or
ganizations, mu] 1n tlnt history the events to
’which I have refined wi‘l he recorded. IL is
due. however, to the uten‘ who came forward
lhfl‘. X «hound my now L‘httl they tundn bug and
Inlnrioui nmrchea in‘p‘n‘ti of this 1} other
States which hm] born P 1311! lewd hy 3Q robvh.
;sufi'ere-\ great printing“. “nag were frequently
in cunnict with: the enemy: my] on nll tat-Iqa
‘nitms aot‘rd in obedicntte to Ini'titm'y diaciphne
'Aml ordcra. nut: u ith churnge and ('ndurune'e.
; 5 an: ofthe militia ch'tlcd it):lF3.l an“! in
18'}? “are lztllcdnnrl uthnrs diablcd. In‘nil
thrwc (Luci, whuc that t: urn-Em; laws hr the H:-
lit-f of theae men or their t‘nm,:ltes, [recommend
the enactment ofn h-vtfor thu' 'ptn'tfisc.
The cum-.tign vu our :01 “um chm-ti 1w the
. .
Vittory at Gettysburgmnint-d by the’vetnr- n Ar.
my of the Potomac. um crAhe um'nm'mgl pf Mn.—
jm'~Gennrnl AIL-tale, tht‘ otntwrts and men uf
Wlllt‘h Lllsphtywl utl Itwtr’qccnstmnwl rnlur and
t-xntmnnw in the mntli ‘t. and 'm the fnrced and
rn'nll MAM-"es whitit .t-fi‘mylimcly prim-died tt.
I'nllnr Divine l’.pvitfinltce. tp them twd to
the mtlimrv genlu-I nut unsurpascct energy of
(ion. .‘Jomte, unel (ht-V piomptne'hs .fitfl neltvanu
rit‘tci'xc guituntry of Get]. licyuohh.‘ we are m
xtchtovt fur rut-cw: on that b'oody tit-H. ‘
We .are. pruml to L‘lvtim (it-nvruls *lldynold‘) ‘
will )loutlo us sac: of uyur uwp Pennsylvania.
The inst ivcs to enjoy ii": infl‘l'i. precious of nil
‘rew mls, ih-a grateful :imlrccmtilvn at" his count
,trynmn. The farmer {Lil in [he very front of
:tlxc battle,‘ and wr- can nly pony hmnnge to his
nu-mnry. “hutch-er 11‘ ions have been :1! nuy
lime‘derisci to r'ounxm‘igmrate the virtuss of n
pslflol—(if a irilv. 11-31955. lqysl citiu-n and
soltiu-r. ho him nhundumly deserved. llis §u‘r: ‘
wring cumpmiousin iii-ms claim lhe right (if,
thmnsolvcs erec'til-g a monument to him on the ‘
fivlil on which he tell. :Lhtd it Wd’ald not in: Well
‘to interfere with tint-iv ‘pium intentitin. But I
:l'mpl' that the Legislniuie will 'plsce upon, tbs
TPl'Ol‘d‘ urthe State someupprnpriste'testimony
391' the public gratitude t‘o‘him and his waiving
commander: - ; ‘ i ‘ a
l lam-rm LAWS ltc'.‘ , -
I renew most earnestly the, recommenda
tiuu made in my lust message of a~rrvision
of the militia laws. may are at present.
shamefully defecthe. Indeed. if lay it milia4}
tin law is meant a, law inxndcd Ato provide 1
for F 0 enrullmg and organizing the militia‘y
of the Slate tliztlfirwuy-he put into survive! !
wlifln ‘required, we Kw)- herald tu lmve no I
militia luw. In each of the Inst two years I l
have been obliged tu c'ull out the milkin, but
in fact those “ho obeyed the «fall were‘mlun— ’
teen, and, with some oxcvplluha, wars wholly
unnrg'inizell. suthat almost in the face of thei
enemy. thus had to be_cnnnnmcgi indistrihu
ting flie’men into companies .ml wgimlents, ‘
in electing officers, and in other ercpnrations
for effect-Ive or;;.lnilutirm. ~ i
" In the mum-t of the Adjutant. General will:
be fuund a lirtoflho Pennsylvaniakegimeats._l
and a statement showing the several armies
and departments in which they nrp now
serving. In this connection. I suggest the
propriety of legislative authority being giw ‘
for the prepnru'tion of a history of each hf
our regiments and other organir‘athms, to be
preserved among our archives. The neccs-i
sat? documents are now accreil-lemnd as,
they may in time be lost or {lestwvedt the
making of.suoh a rewrd'ns I propose, should
not be deferred. It is due alike to the hiring 1
and the dead 'tlut this subject should be '
promptly acted on. |
'sghmns' morn“ I‘o vors—coxsnrtnmxn.
I recommend that the gmpmd nmendi
mama to the Constitution: ziVing' p 0 citizens
in the public sex-vice out of tho'Stnte. the
right to vuce, beyumd prqmpcly at as early
2 day as postiblo.’ go that. such cifizengmny
exercise their right. of unfragent all future
elections. This would be only doing just do
”8:16. brave men who are penling then live:
in r delcuce.
- I! in highly i‘mportngt that_ we übould
nylenish the rank. of bur regimen:- in the ;
,fie d and supply the places, of those‘mlunq
teen when term 'will won expire end who '
may decline further serv‘ilm. I an; happy to 3
my llut I large propuniou'of our régimenfn ;
lure rte-enlisting. Elf rt: are making by my-‘l
nelf ..nd by the peOple in verbal pertiona of
the State to meagre a sufficient winter of
volunteou, nd ith I premix mace“, '
provided ems-hiamble time be allowed for
the purpose. Meanwhile person; professing
to be ofiicera and agen‘h from name other
States. are most improperly endmrring to
seduee our citinns into their sex-rice . by ex
.rnvngent bounde- and- prey isea. l
Thc‘l2th secfiun of the act of 15d: of May,
1861. prohibits any volunteers {rung leaving
the State without ‘he authority of the Cafe
ernor, and I now recommend the passage 01'
.3 law imposing penalties by fine and impris-
Onmengon all Individuals who shall endeavor
to precureer aid and assistir} procuring nny~
per-won in this Smmjo enlist m‘ the volunteer
ler‘rioo of any other Sum. Many of our
countied'nnd townships have filled their quo
tas at :r large expense, and in. other: they are
in cum-see doing the mania by 'oflern of liber
al bountiu end yrovieidns for the families of
vuluntem. and .t is not right that theee . be»
triutie aliens would be embaxmued byjn
utterance {rem Beyond our harden. espo
éixlly Is In errant. in theae circum-tnm-eu
oflcr beauties by the lime w'ishout the in-
40‘.) men fur the gauzd :Hni upecial ‘aev- ~
vice (lithe Guvcrgmwut.4ll.ll “upyv-rh-d‘ yiith.
chut‘rfulpcas the burden.» ofzuutn-n. but ole .
smruhuuses nnd dnnms imyv literxdlygtcr- :2
flowed 'wjth 'comforn nml xmvcssauicsrspon. :
tnner'nmly contributed by them. under‘lhe no- r."
five care of thoimumiu of qur women, (faith
ful umn death) 10:" the sick emf wounded
priwnvrs,'n WA” :14 fur mlr armies in the = ‘
fiuld. 'l‘lwir patriotic hutmvnieuce aeemgto ,
he inexhausi'rhle. 'l'.» cvtry. new an“, tha tr ~
Huh: 0 N‘n-mcs "hue and more iiherul.
When innlligenqc {mm H‘vvivud hf 'tha bar- I!-
'hnrnus shrvumm 01 um prlsuneru in Rich— a
mom]. lhu gurnuru nl‘ Lhn whulu Stale werfl
izmnmiy {hum-n upon; mi} LZ-lure any limi
lnr- muvcmont hm} I. ' u ufndv elsewhere. I _ ,
WAS‘JIH‘HIIJ‘ ('IuII‘uJ‘VmHDH hrhnll of our pun
file itf’gflons to auc’um the ugluin‘siou {brough‘ ‘0
We réhol lines of {he uhumhmt nu plien'
pngvidr-d' I'm-flue rol‘m'ofv our mfl'ering Broth“ -
reu. Those of our citizeuw who have frillen ‘
into the h LIL! (If diaparuging uur‘ great. Cl in
muuwcahh nn-l the um‘urpusml chum»? .
her penplv: should bluuh when they look on
this picture. ’ ' ' '
-. ot'n CAFE}. _
That this nnnnlnniil rebellion nfny b 0 speedi-
Lv and effectually, crushc’J, we lie—dl—under
the nhligmiun of (he one paramount. duty that. a
of vigorously supporting our Guvermnenl in m .
{iron-“mus l 0 thumnd. ‘ "l'u the fuli‘cxH-m gf‘my .
oxfirial uni illle‘idllfll ability -iL siiuuid [lo' IO
rupporlcd. mu] I rely hcnnii'y‘ l n_yuui‘ éo-opé- ‘
xutmn. Iqu ready for nll pmper mynsurel to
strvngllieu ila urm—‘tn «ncmfrnge its upholdk 3‘
era—lo stimulate by public lilmrnlily. to Ibem- .
selves and nuir Inuiilxu; le‘b men who git-e In
it. their nersonnl qeirirc—in I‘VPTJ' mode to‘ in
vigomtv it! ntlial. .\\'e are figh'ing the great
limrio nf(h;J—nflrlilil7—of right-~of liberly.
The Almighty lms no mtxihuleklhnt can favor “ '
our mvngnand dcgeng- m- ngcmiez. Nopeoplo
'cnn. ughmit to ten-Imin] vlliiiivlnliermem wilh- ‘
mil becoming cautcmpti‘oiu in its own eyes md
in those nfi Ilm’ 'WOrlll. ,Ilut it is not only '
ngniim tel-r 1! uml dijvncm‘mr'mm than we Are \
gruyggiinz, hut agnimlfighn do—lrucxinn of the
wry groundwork uf. our. .12ng pulilicnl lyl‘ '
l4‘m.' Tin- uninime qu-‘fidion Quifi M issuois
Um; pm‘frbihiy (if U'c Tieuurxnuu existence of
a poweiful iLep‘ule ’i'i at in the question
210 on be solvcd. nnvi‘hy the blrzs‘ing 0; God.
we meAn that it. ‘s’m‘i up: be our 21ml: if it be ‘
unt ruin-J3 funml-iy. I ’ . '
. “'3 line; guriu; the past year: made mighty
stridu ww-‘rd qua-Ii u s-Jluti'm. and It» all human
uppoumnge we nppxmch its completion. But. \
“lawyer rm Him 3 may; hzippcn—vhs'mver '
blood and [re xzure may uLi'll bu rcquircd—whlh ‘
ever sacrifices may Fug nucensnry—rhere will ran 3
main the. inexorable dr-tennimstion of our pew
ple to fight out this thing to the end—to am;-
serre and perpelunle (his/Union. They hue
two? thnL not one star shall be rert from the
anus ell liun nor-its clualarcd brightmu ibc
dimme ytreason mud antigen-y, nnd they fill
LL ~ir o‘lh. ‘ ' i ‘ . -
~ ‘ ~A. G. CURTIX. ..'
rccrxv: annsk. . '.
Hurrinivurg. Jun. 7, 1864. } ~' ’ v '
—— ~'—- «cw ——-——— . _ i;
Before quofing that part of (59v. Bud. 4
EMS mr‘fimge to which wb wish to dire!“ - _;
the phnicul'u- nunngion of our renders. 9111*
the n-fleciim: pubiic genom‘lyuwu denim‘ . a
to 2mm-1 fur the purpoae (if {warding 03‘ any ‘
(Bruits which ”:8 Abrifiuon 81%;: my;
make M. lLe “‘logqny" of Gwernér Brad-1
ford, Hug! he 13 aconsitfic-nt opponent. of u).
doctrine of segenion; and an advocate of
emancipntfon. He was (‘lvcled Governor
by the uo—cullcd “Union” men of Marylgnd.
and. therefore; when. he “ya it- endaedJn
the respectful comitL-ration. if not them:-
quulifiudi nppmbulion: of the intvmely
loyal men of 3m; and ‘every other free
. wm; um rm. than, distinctly before om
ronglers,, that; Gnvernor Bradford.“ In
emincipnlinnigt, and on that quosfion at
least in perk-ct accord with.lhn adminiuro
(ion, w. MM remarks on the‘anbjeeu
or " ‘ ' ' 2 ‘
my?!“ rs-rmrzntvca wn-n mfiu'nuxb
{Enact from Gnr‘crnor Budfohl‘n MungE]
I uvuil myqu-Qf of this occnninzi to advert
to‘ certain even‘ls c’onnecled with our
recent election waich deserve your mongo
i-ioui com-idem“ n. ' ‘ ' f
It would be mlfich more agreeable to lit.
to avoid nlluginn to than: ; I gamma. hog!-
ever. 'dow consislgnuy with mymd
what'is due to flaéfightl nn'd Honor of
State. to the ofic‘e which by the favor
its citizens I occupy. or—l may with Gin"
icy :dd-to the mugs of-Jho ,Union in.
in my opinion‘ so imimnti-ly blendlgd wit ,
the cause of the law and Cohslituliqn,
any outrage inflzrted. aid gspecinlly In jg.
mmo: upon skm). neowpnly to mun—ox.-
.tem recoi‘Jß'bOMit. _ ‘
A Jew d 43 befme that election a milita
ry. order wu is~ued from the army had.
quarters at Bulbimore which in em
'pluwd the polll under 3h» aqrveillanog
and-It the command oi the military sutbor-
n{u ELIOT“)?!
_ _/"