The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 04, 1864, Image 4
-——.—.- WW ’" ' .. V ‘ = , :- '.~.~ ..m-r 7m. 7 ",‘z. ~- A V ... INN-'1 W"“*m 5:“ “z“ ‘m = ‘ ~*‘* Aug?“ "Y‘f" “*me . .mt Ameaménn‘Tea 8 omp’y, » Newflzfieglégsusg} (R m Mfr-um: & (Emma ‘ 'oawm—Bemg. -‘ u mm- m 100 090 mm mm“; 3 , ~ ~ __ _ A 9RI Hunting or Open Face candv. G! n-‘ [1665“: organiunon, hut Maud I new ”dP g H 'n Gum,“ urn-"ct, id'oin n+v...;...___—:—-_—::=-_—=_——_. Hanna's Witch Combined, wim Paxem Self. S 1!" 1, ‘5, him," of , 7“_ .1" "3"? :sw_ 93...} A , . L ‘ THE mm OF ANOTHER‘ VIRGINIA ngdmxrlnzprortuzenfimmPimmkhoreHr. \VHOLESALING TEAS IS THIS COUxTBY. in; Shows:- a Buehler‘a eoubiiuhmku "rue CAHPMGNn-MOCLELLA‘J. ;”e9,_‘ ”V“ m“ In?“ “’“""""~ ““3 They, have introduced their selenium of bit-the“ rum: rm»- VW linu- be pdd in J del .dcd'r the best and "IILIDE‘I lime-p use for TEAS Ind arc selimséthem “ rm' ,7" egg“ {or , Ric-11,30,141.“ wh- [or 'nlulllvl wmten— generul, nnd reliable us:“ ever curred. It ha; TWO iIEN'I‘SIfi2 Lenmpgn yang-DAN)“; 035 m, of all kinds. Ufiewmun month: ago the army of the Po- '. ‘l'Hlilg’jiéwd :{m’hggnrlg 135 '{Wh‘f’F‘ .u‘ uusu‘. urn "mum not: ru 1 . FLOCR, SEEDS, kc. roman. “904000 strong. Iny Wltuill twenty 32v ii'ime‘feas irr 'Thev c‘igi-aegpgthais hail-ii; 1 Anon: r Ui‘l‘E {’3in} lit-‘1‘“)- , . h‘ lp 1:51:35. 00 hand Ind tor “I°,“ the "lane“ , . '. ~ , ~' ‘, ’,, ‘ e'nnntwoJevumlm’ntw -’ r- ' . malts ot the rebel CIMGI. wnllo 100.000 tiff: composed ortwo mewlqauu out} anab&. their Tn at..." DEA "My deropm'tm ‘rme. GUAXOS, men—nearly the Kiwi!“ stipub'tb of the min“ .‘6 Tm! 8014' hh“ ‘be “I’l9de to therein-Lion or! their TEAS I! toqunlity, I . SALT, FISH. pgnfcdorng—wgré githt-j'ed In {mg toro 7“ -‘ “in” ‘l'" vtotrmmnrnd f' "“1““ vmue‘ and pumcnllr style» for pilfllt'ulll' 10-i », - GROCERIES, ML, . a , . "I "can” time-plea. Prue, ”PM“! 0"- cahtms of country. but be litlps the Ten. buver i ... . Widest). and-real} III! "5 ““9““: T Peninsula W” 'b’m' (”7“: prr'ule 0‘ s'” dozen, 3304- Simple to choose out of their enormwu flock mien TRY I! We than do out bent to [in dotted, amt mtkit the opportunity of tho “fulfil": 1" n’jfll "I"er box". 535- Tent u are best. adnpted to his pnrticulnr lifilflctio In all cues. mm for um! Ins» and sncceig, Itlcsreer ’ SILVER WA'N‘HES ' . \ruound not only thu but oiuts out to him . i ‘ XcGUBDY I: DIEHL. line: thin haug'lieé-ti a long “3188“ '“h . , Fin! Clue Huntmg'l‘tme-piecet. for accuracy the best bflfgnius, : t P . . Gillylbiiig, n" 11, L 553, 1, , » ; '- 0f Increment. b‘mflh' Di m‘AZbl‘th. and, shove II- I. Mn] 10 see [ll- incalculnhic ndranugo, ’-" ' »-——~—— grant {musk}, It has marched. counter-I .11, cuflpvmq in price. than watch" mart 5Tu Born In: in thin establishment over 111 v The Great Discovery fiimhed. ndvunqad, retreated. fought, dug, tutor: univerual a pruhution: 'q ~ ‘ otliera. - F TUE AGE—lnflammmw Ind f‘hronic h‘OrEQ.'endure'l and blahrimply to “fiftiiiti‘ti Pfhefnlmifixl'mtfi' ca: hit-4‘!“ 131:5 L: ‘zpufi‘fdsehorgéa Dim; sigrkeé—tttm Q Rheumatism mm be gun-d Lv uninL' a L. _ . r , _' tun e )crtenm: u :5. e V at; e— e 9 u t o em: 1.: o A -' v ‘ ' P‘Olmlr‘ate that the mind whichfdiroctcd on“ material being or (wolmet'ulthi oft“ filorzmued syrveth :1 doing bum". oh“ ¥C%EER:EZEL€E§?TBD liiIECM.ITIC NlX iu movctnontq was pos<osa9d‘_‘by a Inigo on firstiqunlity Strsr‘ling slum, while the in- “melt!” eflvllfil..of thv judgment of; pirates-‘1 the (Itijnininé gaunti::?thcnlrle¥mstoniii blunder.’ T'eh titties over 111: demonistra- "Cf 0‘" 9 Gcr'nhn Her. tc-nnot'be recog- lion: Tear-Tutor and the howled eat In-_ 1-. ‘1 f- . . . . tion but boon made but the‘ luntleiflhfl mud 5" rutung or "'"3' "‘“mm‘lu "what! periornlesmpn. " E ‘50:: ts‘ieegthh‘hfi-fi. in: artfllS:tiih:E:rxc , ‘ . I v_ ‘ . ~., t it, not only in appearance. but in durability. Thu. rubles all Tea Daren—no nutter it 'P’qiéb introduced to the Full; P.- s’; been “IL“ per‘m'crj m' M 313 ‘l’” . ‘ed Sliulziv‘}: resemhlnuce 0i SOLID STERLING they are thouundu of mile} from thin mnrket: cent. pzirhnle' For sale mpnfdihmiifind itubhoi'nnes to Itupidityy' on Hf , 'in untence. ’ ‘_ fto contain an In good urnu heron“ tho “gay“- n. he fired an}; r _ ..‘ ‘. .rhe Pototmtc‘ mi paid the :Ewy‘ ponalt i; The 3m: at times? Watches in the army in; hew )ork merchants. ' , I W 016:7: pnd Bruit Drligzil? guilllltéi'fiiil ' _ , , . source of ammonium“, retailing u they: Parttu can order Tu- and will banned Adam" I p d. 1’ ' . - ' In JU1y.‘13‘,53. Mcblollan on the game! HWY very readily do, 325 and. upwards. Many by u: urn-ell a: (houylt (luv cam than-dun. b.-. Oils JYnfnlighylls iiiunighni Drl‘if.’ (thtg‘miiflt', gum obcupdtion tn‘ almost.l thé entire force hundred dollars-ban he maria in a single pay iné sore to get orifinal paequgu, true weight and IIedLOIII, Eit‘seiices innd tingling; “Winds; ot't'he reheilion. Since tintt tin)", with the ' 51",?” “'l,” of ofd‘nu!.9"f"”°” “‘o'- Hares; and 1’“ Tn: "9 “UNA-"'3’ on "P"- GIISI. Perfumery. I’ateut )ledicines,,&c.. kc. Vnrrny moved to aha front of Winhington; a pr‘i‘AT , IiULhS.\_LI-. OfioY! In hairy lefl’fd. . . _ i “A. I). Bnehh-r is the Agent in Qettyi . . hunting cakes, -‘bn-nntully engruea, thc “6 "We 3 Price U“ of “It! Compnnvs burg iorHH L Miller' CI h ' dRh ' thml 0f the rebel 1"1'08 11M sutfioed 10 kWP enamel dialfnnd fancy cut hands. in gond,run- Tens, whit-h will be not. to ulldtvho order it; Mixture" ' ' I (fair: ”dining!" it It bay, and twice Int-z been strong encugh "ning order, by the halllduzcu, 566. Sold only 'c‘or'm-rising ‘ t .__.« ' L ' ' ‘ tio drive It tiorth of the Potomac. Thii re- |by me V‘s-"’9' 5“ i ' 11l 503' 2’och lIF'STGN, ””23”!“ GUN' '1 alt w ‘ r .1. f 0 ~ b t‘ ‘b t 'l’- Upon‘receipvot'two dollars. In gamma 0! PU“ Dbll. TWASKAY & SKI). UULONG. ’ ““7 ”.9“? "‘99 n Y 1“” ’3' m" good nun.“ mama mm.” b) app-,5 to sorqnoxo. ORAXUE & HYSON rrxoz-z. ~ tary int-n in the country. Ind we Mk atteno an» part of the loyal States, collecting Unl.tnt:e '~ JAPAN 'l‘t.A of every description; colored ‘ Lion 155,57 to the impres‘ive Norah in which jofbi‘lil on IIeIIVQJI. Tilii“ eururv; b-Jj't‘l; Against anglnuco'lurrhti‘. ‘_ hk‘ d {‘l‘ id 1 i fienJ CCll‘llnnilnplnredllJllcck to rescind mu ..gmnzt en: t rtr mm: Hbe are p”. mm. A cut ~m o‘ endin a into , _ - -_. ment is required. Senna ornlers to the gold Four ClAiici. namely:CAlLbU,}uyh FARGO, 1m {Mal order. Withdmwmzs “10 army from importer. onus wmurox; f rmz. FINEST, tlmtu'erv on» mm u demand the Jumfs. ' a _ No. 12 Jewel: rs' Exchange, ‘ lrom Lieu-initial: and the. price: ‘n'trizrled that Tho fdllowing .5 BlCCiollnnH 19”" z i - Crr. Cortlnnnlt St. and Bron-hay; .V‘. Y, ‘ thu Company are utetenp‘rned to uuderucll the V Ilsfmiluzr. 'Vn. Ana 4-10 M u 3"“ 3°: ”N- 231 . . . ‘ "2%": T” "“51"" -,1 ALI 'iT l ‘ ‘ ' V v ~- <. - - ~ , ~ - - ~~—-———- c yunran 1-1- O‘IP. 1 our {KI n no AIM Gen. Hilleck: Cummiu‘der‘m Chm‘f: i Just. Published. r 0”; TWO CL'X'I'S (‘O3 ceuu) P" puim'J “U“ \ Yourwlvgmm oi Instcvomngus recent-«Li . 3 g: ' Jtont believii this to be attractiv t the I must confess tint it has caused mnlthe , A S&I&EEQL?RE‘TR%LO§LATE ”£2.20- . lutln‘v nby huge heretotore beenlpavitil' ENDE reatmbpain revvr ax eriencetl, for am ‘ ‘_ ‘. ’ . yucp pno 3 ‘ ' :0» rtncctéthal the mdrr (u air/111mm thirarmy (a . MAJOR’GEX' GEORGE P" MCCLEU‘AN . GREAHEITAMERICAN TEA COMPANY Ayuia Crfltk will prove duos/mus in the extreme‘ ",T‘” at?!” ““1“ UFOARTIIJ'AV. . _ lIPQRTEIH A 59 Joapgua. I to our came. [fear 1! .wrlfbe rtft'etlt/luw.-—: TI Site'oill Kim?” W! [’s' " mfhes‘ _ ' ' N'u. {LI Vesey ah, New York. Several day: am HPCFfimlry tn complnte the 1 3°81?” 619?”: “f“ ""“I‘eirfml'li'edo: Qct. 191.1303, 3111 i prepnratinm for w mqmrtimt a movement grtgghusgefruhls ”Hi; [‘le"k;':“2l;‘cd "In,“ ' " 7 “j" ...—...“ M tlii-i, and while they on- in progress. I. demand ":1: ““16; It r 1: ,9 Ll 3: {“3122 ”:1 The 01d.and Bollable. ‘ IA; tlmt .‘areiul comiilumtmn lU'ly beltiiwn‘l'icvlehrated bar-e Diiuicl “-Jsm (ruesentexl to NEW SPRING 'IUUDS. - to my rtutvtnvnt. This uriny W now in ext "lg-m bv the citizen; 0‘ Cmmmfii') taking on? SMALL P TS oowcx SALES.— ”‘HVM di“"‘l’H'm ““‘l condition. “him“ ob-errulion oitlie field In tlm hint-r purt of J ' L - SCII I C K ‘ n .lebouche on both bunks ot the Jumltu the day, M 11”. new}, (New falling bunk. In wont-l respectfirlr stfggthgcitizvns r-f Qat- RWPI‘, 50 ”I!“ we M 9 free W 30‘ 1" ““y d" the foreground are been the «It-solutions of the tf’hlllll'g' “”4 "cum.“ “3““ he isfnow rccen‘mg Tt'Cliéll. and. With ”N 5 nuintance 0r ”'0 bnttlc—brokt-n guns, shuttercd trees.&c. In‘ln his htorcaspltmlid’ ‘ gunboata, I 00113140!“ our communication 113 ftbe ili~t.tuce, IIIDOIIguIJIIIE smulxe and dint, arei STUCK 0“: SPIIING ”GODS- . secure. ‘ ; stnfl'ulliccrs. artillnry, cavalry and itil'nntry.—-' TI" "’3“? ”“5"” ‘l‘ 3”” “f “"0! "'d We are twenty five miles from Richmond, ,The Whole picture is un admirablecompoiiuuu, Elm”. pm GUUPS: 0‘ “Hi de=¢“P“°“- and are not liknly to nieet tha enemy in mtrl‘dmphxys the run: genius 0' the Aniu,‘ 3, 3411155. ' , ‘ force sui'fivanttto fight‘a battle until we priceUfEHKM\'illit,'?|ngle MpyfiJDD “i MUZ;¥?:?ILF§' . .: ~ ’ have renclnnl fi lcwn to eightm-n. which v , ' “'0 COPIES. 5 o'3 TO OM‘ .. u‘ ‘.' “ ‘ ' - ' brinywr r practice/(r; lam/via [Ol mile: 4/ [J cl’t —i ‘ . Th”? ”,5 o‘3 }“d'~ll'"ss _’ . D‘L‘LAHF’S’ .3Q ‘ , mend. Our lurgcst Ilne of Lind tr Import". i ‘ SH“ ‘7." ”’“I- P“"'P'Wl= - i \ A ‘ BUM‘BéZBgfi, , ‘ tmn \vnnld be from ”1139 [Mint (“'cntv iive' Pen-ans «run; 3': Agvn'g rnd ordvrin'z any 1 H . AJ)“ C(l'i'i ' miles. but with tho aid of the gunlmain vro N”! “L 11"“ a“ “’3‘ m“. i‘:‘"c,"~“‘s9‘lf‘ml _, \ ' . 1"“ L‘A'l ICOl‘fi 33““ Wi‘l’i." “'0 atmy I‘." water, d“"i"‘r' ”3 out} at “:0 dullus ’cuCh-Ev “trunk?“ C‘m“ fa— ‘of A“ utilities n'r (I (‘llf'tt‘ t §leCt [which wili advance, curtninly to Wltilil) twelve mill-s "I? ”“hrfnx haw)” m” "8 q""""'e'i ".11 m“ be .13 L ”innit; TuJiiFl-‘Y ("(lIII’FTITIUV' of Richmond. A! Aqn‘in (”reek we would on“ terms: .ALIIJ'PSS JLIUN D.‘\ll\'l‘l,_ 3“ “I f~.\" - ‘ ~. - .. )ie uevoritv-Uve miles trom Richmond With' L PuuilillCl‘, 17 South bum" “"91”“ “ U “MD-m3 G (:ost > ‘ - , ‘ Dc. 7 1363. ' of all kmdr. tnrltrrling Silk, Linen and Cotton 73"“ ”“mrmxrmlion "“3119 ““3“. Ffrom hem —-s—._’__—__._.._. ____. Ii Illinllkefi'hiefh, Glnvea, Stockiugl, to. V to Fortrps'q Innroe is» a march o sew—cut ‘. ‘ - : ~ , ' I Also.‘ n‘ SllEntfiti nfiaortlnvnt' dt‘ nmrioxsi, milw, for I. rounl’tl it: M impracticable t: r 7: 1‘ T 0 Disabled SOIdIBI 3’ ' i Ifitues and B-llzingc. I'mbrullaa‘nml l‘nmsnls- Withdraw thin army and lti lIIJIOI’HII, var’pt iqyfi‘mx AND .‘IA-RISES- 967’ “‘IDO 3. 'My Stork ot' \l'lll'l E GUODS nil: be found full by hunt; The Ell‘dllit oi" tho movement: I. ,l” ”WW“ ”[sin 0!: “1,05.” “ [O-1141 00‘“P‘~L"€‘. “W 1 (Id-“ 0111"" "I"3' ”‘3' “W“ would t‘ms 118 [it [lllu‘ull lii miles to reach 15“} h DI‘F‘D “I; ,me“) [‘H‘LLD IS-THII'S LR- , “I“:“Y‘ getting 800‘! EOUd= “- E'hc 1"“ 95'- [lgni' 3 point now 25 miles distant. and to deprive \ “LE “’(’"“s- ‘- I“ “II; MIWW." for ‘ 1"”"1' I Die price). , ' ’ ourselves ontxrelfol tl‘it- powerful aid of titer-9m? 80.3"” L"',’d “"‘l 1.9"“0" Az‘m' “ “51".. 6' ""“Wn will find it ‘9 “"5” advantage ‘0 ‘unIIU'ItI-v and w [or trim: ortntion. Ad “WWW” Ml.“ 9- ("‘P"‘_‘“°”-‘ l'mcumd 10' 501° , call and examine in wtock of , ‘ in the‘ct‘rtmn rifmor'iliz'ttxgn of this nrrnyil I-d'em' Sump“ “d Marines 0f the present war; ‘ .ECLUTIIS, .V/ I .-',,.a , . n' . -. mm 12. «n 2:“;32.322222325352 a: L‘fifii’i’gi’m‘il “Sal-“ms t. ctfeét upon tin: vaopl’tf ni'lthe‘ North. nml ; rim; linuutt-Wlnnn and Aug“; of. For oh ir ‘ .- ‘EF ' l I's“. G 3, 'the atron )roimhllit that it. would infiu- i i ' . ri" ' io a lfl'iflh‘z'.‘..unl chottzast “Bligh" . H _ g I , Y», ’ . timed tormdow: or ()UHI Imm 0. t. no who April -1 :59; . J, L. M NICK. lenca lowtgn P‘"“""s 1° ”COSD'Z'W‘" "'lf’Pr‘ have died or heat) killed “bile in service. . i ~ ’ ‘ ‘ “TIPS; 31"“ ”11'5“? “I'D?” W I“? auificmnt I‘ Bouutv Lind procured fnr get-viva in nor oi, reasons .Itlllnflke IL my “RPM-1“}; dimly f” llu- other wars. CHAS. (l. 'l‘l't‘KEll, ' urge. inl tie strongvat terms It me- »y‘ . “'Mhinrto'h D. C, 'out' lu'ng'lug-r. that tillb oriiofbe roac'indcd,y J. C. Nun“. Agent, Ccttphur; 7 ‘uml that :0 for tram rmnlhng tin» army. it 'Nor. la, 18». may be [nuimplly rviriforced, to exuble it tol *—-‘*—-~——-—-' " resume rhu oil'eemiu-J _ . . 'lt tiny he will that there. are no r 'll-: forconwntg “Valhtbiflh‘l pomt to Gc-nzihi Burnsitle’s fnrceg. to thoue of Gen. Pope,. hot necéss'prv tn mai‘ntnin‘n strict deft-nee! in front of Wmhinuton and Hmper’s Fér- 1 ‘rv; to those portiona‘ol' the Army of thci \Vest not required for a stnct Llul‘eti~efhere.{ Hmt. ditn‘t‘y in frrn! of (hi: tinny. is the firurtl oflhe Ribeé/mn. If is/imxelml «1’! our TI'S'JIVCAI‘I :I'tnu’d be col/(Ned to Mr“: tin: [flow which to I! \detcrim'nrllm liirr oft/re mo‘mx. A’lpoints 13’ secondary imporlnnm ohms/toe Ahauld L 6. ab‘m-r darted, add éwry amilah’e "up! brnnyht lien}, and" tits milttgiry strength of the Itebdlton is crushed. ; It Matters not what pfilial reverses we may m'cetl with (hotelier: ; here (st/12 true drfense of Wash- ‘ znqlon; it Lt here on (It: tank: (J the James River that (Lafitte of MgUI-‘iflvsltould bedecided. 1 Clear imrny convictiqfi of right, strong in! the consciousnesa that I burn erer boom} mg! still am actuated s’nlnly by love of my country. knowing that; no ambitious or 'seltish motives have influenced me from tho common-‘t-ment of this war, I do now, what” I never did in my life hétorp, I entrant that. this ordt‘r may be rqscinuletl. If my coun sel does not prevuii, I mil with a. maxi heart obi-y yv 'der-to the tmo<t of my pmv‘ .er, devWenicnt. one at” tho 'utmoeydehcéc) a l difficulty. whatevar ‘lkill I 'may possr'ss. and may God grant thht Idm mistaken in my forebodings. I shall at least. have the internal satisfaction ihnt I havuwritten and spoken frankly: and have: sought to, do the best in my pow br tovnn‘est disaster from my country. ' . GID. B. McCuLuN. , Major General. "Th; Age of Purity.f'—Tha“ Washington ‘ powfinndent'of the Journal of Commerco' pays grant “ indignation is being expxiesaed’fl :Lthé ‘aiwovery thnt. the ediwn of the Washington Chronicle (Fomey.) has been Idrn‘wing. for the last ghree years, A salary ‘of 31%, u “messing“ in the folding yoom."J-n place which it in said he neVer visited.. Mr. Forney’a paper is filled with yittuo‘hs homiliea on honesty and patriot inm. and this is $136 iiy hevmrriém out his Preceptm, Verily Washington has become phont as had as Sodom and Gomomh 15- }niqulty of every kind in flourishing in thug .'once mpecublo city and no one seems to tthink if either singular or firming! Tm: only subject that command: attention, at “Lil—“lbs! can be done to put down tlave ry ?"—Nw Haven Ragnar. _ Mahmud!» for Democratic newspapers Ind iiadlfce others to do the same.- ‘Senator Douglas, in the luupmh he ever wide. (which was before the Legigzla. 2mm of Illinois) just before his death. said: ‘ 1‘! will never acquiesce inlayy warfare pponfle opnuitutional rigbtaor instfiutions 9f mggouc‘h.‘ If any attempt is made to “IM6 th’eir righps or incite senile insur hctions umong them. I would be the first E filth to the rescue." * ' ‘ now discgvered that pictures guy its photographed on steel. nnd an engravmg thul qbtained will give five tllOusand copies. xuu'ildted booké wiil now be the mxe ,nthesl ghan the exception. » ‘ .81: thousand coffee plants are grow hgfiflfonmenm. They stand tha’ Car; ilolih thug! well, The State gives Slooo’ (or the first 150 pounds of coffee raised 1:: WWW ‘ f ' mZWuhingmn Star states, thnt in a“ stampede of horses from Camp ?M.qur one thousand animals, val u'bd at 3615”. 't'l'O @mWned In tho Po “magma-am Branch. .- _ . ”th ' -- - mafimfim L _ ‘ ~ '3'; ‘c:: | . Come to the Fair! x 0 an'T FORMZT 1‘1! HSXT PLEASAX A RHME NCllnl‘llHlii—Pomona “ism-1f; to Plant Trus wm find Ii v: flock in the gzvunq reluukahly line. and umred at x-I‘xiuccd prices. Th:x Apple number! 100 \anelics, cmbrnuing all Hu- hppl'uVl-Il Inns. .\'. FLA-See the innlcx hoard near Flam Dale Post office. I. 11. UOUK A: SONS, . Sept. ‘l, 1861. Proprulore. ,‘ John W. Tipton, ‘ASHIUNABLE BARBER, Norm-east cor- P ner of the Diamond, (next doorft’n .\lc-, Clellnn's Hutch) Gettysburgul’aq where 112' canal {xll limos be found readfiv‘td attend to all business in his line. He ha: qlso excpllem u siszance and will eus'uru satisfaction. -"Give him menu. ' [Dec 3, LB6O. i ‘ New Goods T FAanSTOCKS’.—'I“£hDICSIOCk Bros. A .would respectfully infcrm their fri'enda and the public generally that they have just received their Spring stock of Goods from Néw York and Philadelphia. Having bought Lhamlv for cash, we are prepared to offer the Irirges!‘ and prettiest stock of "DRESS GOUDS over 059313 to thekcitvzcas of the county and an OLD PRICES! “ Quick sales and short profits" being our motto. ' I @oan and examine It tbe‘sign (if the Muy 11,1863. ‘° RED FRONT Coal! Coal! Coal. - J SHE:\DS&B}IEXILER an new prepared 1c; supply 1 AL, of superiotquumi, many quantilyrflesircd. Terms,o£sh. , ' ' - ConeQne ! Come All! fi'l‘hey also request those indebted to trimmed]! and pay up. an funds are much needed. Who will be the fir“ m can '! Oflice open from 7 m 7. Feb. 24, 1862.\ L ' ‘ Spring Goods T. A. SCOTT} SON’S.—Wa'invite them.- tention of buyers to our stock 0% Sprlugi. Goods, which will be sold cheap. consisting olv LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, ‘- Bhnwls. Cloaking Cloths, em. etc. For Mcn'li Ind 8955‘ near we hnve 010 ml, Cnssimens.” Comings, Vestingn, flth a variety oi Cotton~ nden. km, be. 09.11 and see. ' [ my 18,1863. A. 80011‘ 3 BOX) 3 ‘ The Great MERICAX TEA COHPANY. 310.751 Vase A Street, New Yerk, hes ereeted i new eff: In 0 history of wholeseling Tens in this court try. They have introduced their selection Lot Tu: and sold them at I'ot o'er TWO CENTS per pound qbove: cost, never deviating from the one price inked; believinglthia will be at tnetive to the many who hue-heretofore been plying enormous profits. Pal-tin eun order Tenn and will be served by us M well as thon'gh they chmertbemselves, being surf to get origi nal packuge‘a, nu‘e'veights and «res; And the Te“ are warranted u represented. Our Plies Liar is new man .. Nov. 30, 1863. 3‘ ' , ‘ Piano Tunmg. ‘ . ROP BOWER. of Littlestown, a Prneticsl P Piano Tuner, informs his friends and the musical public in germ-fl, (but he give? hil time. not. otherwise occupied, 20~Tuuin‘g Ind Bepri’ring Pianog, M moderntc prices. Ho promises entire satisfaction ,ior'no pay: Order: reccind at. this office. {SepL 16, YB6l. , ‘ a _* Queensware. . . 1“ you want. nuylhingin thaQUEENSWARE' lii-3011113: A. SCOTT & SOY’Q, when: you ml! find the best assortment 1n town. ‘ arch 24,1862. , » - l , - Wanted; ‘ f N apprentice to the {flaring brine".— A A boy from the cpunlry preferred. . '. , G. F. ECKESRODE. Non-30, [863. 3c R. TOBI‘LS' colebrued Derby Condninn ‘EQWdflfl. (chm and Cam, £0: nlc u. r. HORNER'S Drug Store. . A; 01300:, Coyn SmoLßico-flour 333% m: 35.12 a 03,-. annals-Bra 0:033:42“ ’ .. ' 12M11 New Goods !r-Larga Stock! ERCHAST TAILHRING. . ‘ I‘l‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ JA‘FOBS k BRO. haw jnnt reqm'vrd frnm Ihe rim-n n largl "Hal; 0! good-3 fariucnllcmen's 'wmr, gunbmcing a runny m ' CLUTHS. ' . CAFSX‘IERES, 1 K - _ W'EQTIVGQ. Caxsinets. Jmns, ken. with many Ullbg'r‘ snags tor r-pnng and summer ,wi'nr. . The; are prcpnréd m mnke up garments at she shortest notice, and in. the wry best m'an net. ’ The Fashions are rI-gulnrly received, and clothing mndejn um deairvd stilr. They 3‘.- wnys make non fits,' “ 'mlsl their sewing is sure m be s‘ubrtxmzihl. ' ' They tu-k a continuance of 1m- public's pn tromge, resolved by guod work And moderate charges/10 earn it. ,~ ~ 'A" gcltyxhnrg, April T; 1882. Lancaster Book Bindery. (N’EUIKGE \\'l.-\.\'T, , ~ ~ I “ BOOK BfXLIIER up BLANK BOOK unfurn'nn, , LANCASTER, PA Plain and Ornammtal Huuliny,‘ or wary de lcn’ption, éxecntnd in thy moat substantin and approved styles}, . - . nirvana". - ... ' E. W. Brown, Esq., Fnrmrra Bunk of Lane-actor ¢W..L. Pmper, Esq, Lancaster Conmy Bunk Samuel Shock. Earp, Colnmbin‘Bnuk. Samuel Wagnrr, Evy, ank Bank, ‘ William \f'ugucr,‘iisq.. York County Bank. . IKI‘. D. Carson, 15511., Bank at Gettysburg. _‘ Pager Marlin, Esq.) Prolh‘y othncaizer co., Pg. Ge‘o.6.‘Hnwv.horn, Esq licgistx‘t . “ “ Geo. Whitson. Esq., R‘corde'r ‘ “ “ Ainrills,lB6l‘ ' Hardware ‘ ND GROCERIENZ— , ‘1 ‘ 1‘ The Ruined-wen hm just remrne¢from the cities with angnmense xupply of YURI)- WARH AND GR (SERIES; which they are ofiermg M ¢heir oid stamina Bnlfimarastmt. in prices to suit. um timesr Unruoék cousisu in part. of “ BUIeSG MATERIALS, ; ‘ CARPENTERS POOLS. J k - BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS. COACH —FI.\'DI.VGS, SHOE nmmms. Guzman MAKER‘S TOOLS . ‘ HOUSEKEEPER’S mxrtms, ALL xxxns or “my, &C., GROCERIES OF‘ ALL KINDS, \ Oils, Pnintx,‘ ha. tic. There is no article in c!udcd in thl‘nvcral dopnflments meqtioned above, but, what. an be bad at this Store.‘- Every clan-of Mechanic; cui be M‘commodated here with tools and findings, Ind Housekeep. en can find every Irticle in :heir line. 'Give us 1.1::qu as was": prepsrul m'ull as low for club as any other house out of the city. JOEL B. BANNER, DAVID zmuuzu. June 9, 1862 Now Tailoring sunmsmmxn-LGlO.ancmxnonz, FASHIUNABLE TAILOR. ‘ . pdupu this me‘tlmd of informing his Mend! And the public ge‘oerally. that ho- bas opened a Tuiloring. establishment in Baltimore ur'en, Gettysburg, (Into Post Office,) nest the Dio mond, when he is prepored to doldl work in hil line in the best manner, and to the nu:- faction of cuslomefs. HP emyloya none but firstclus hmds, and receiving .7 THE FASHIONS BEGULAELY, be can warrant fashionable fits and neat and substantial sewing. He asks a share of the public’a {inn-011mml progn'fiing to spare no at. fort to deaorw it. His chxrga will always be found as moderate as 'U times will allow. Cutting and Repairing (32:19 at the shortest malice. [Gwysb g, April 7,1862. Removal.--Tin Ware. Wanda-signed bus remand his Tinning l «cablishmem nearer the binmon‘d, in Imbomburg street, adj'oining A. D. Bueh ler’s Drug Store—xvery central location. He continiies to manufactun, and keeps COfiStlEfr 1y on hand, every variety 9? TIN'iWARE. . - » PRESSE'D AND ' A : JAI'ANED WARE. und will mys b ready to__d REAIRING , . ROOFING and SPOCTING i alto done in the best manger. Prices mode!- ue. wd no effort sparefd to, render full huh. tactical ..‘l'hu publk’l continued puronago i; ; (elicited: ' “ ‘ , , A. P. BACGHEB. Geuyibug, April, gm; ‘ i Grain and Produce. AWNG taken the large nnd cont-nodiouu Wurehouu Recall; occupied y Funk Hersh, Esq, . IX YEW OXFORD, we an prepared w pay the higbut price.- for all kinds of PRODUCE. Also, M! A! the Icm est prices, LU\IBHR, COAL Ind GRUCERIES, of every description. ' A. P. MYERS & WIERMAN. lit-w Oxford, Aug. 10, 1883. L! , Cannon & gdair's VIEW MARBLE WORK , Corner of Bahi fi more and East )hddly int-us, opposne “he Court Home. Gettyaburg. Pu -—\\‘e are gpreparrd to furnish Monumdulw. Tombs. Head. islones, Marble llahllel, Subs lur C‘tbinel Makers, and. all other w urk hppc rluiuing to 0111 [business. We “111 guarantee suliqfaction both ‘us to execution and price. Cull n'ud aeeloux 1 designs and specimens of work. , ; Feb. 2, 1303. u . Dr. Robert garners N . NEW FAMILY DRUM nn '- PP.ESUHH’TYU.\' STORE, cmunrnanrnu STREET. nuryuslmu. ’ Having retired [remitbe netiv: pmctice of my profi-«ion. I tnkq pleueure in unu‘ounuing lo the citizens of Gutvyshurg'and vicinity, 11ml 1 have opened a ‘ , saw DRUG Sh‘ORE. in It); room formerly occupied by Dru. R. k C. “ORSLH,.HS an omce, “hrrc’l W 1” cnnammly ken-p on hand’a Luge supply 01 ulminds or Hues” rmL‘uS. ; .VHJU!“HES,, . i . , CHEMICALS. ‘ ‘ I'EXKFI'UERY. ' ' ‘ - TOOTH POWIDERS. ‘ DY'E STUFFS, DRY T‘.U\'T§’and I'AINTS urmmd in OH. ' .v , ‘ (MLS. run-Nam! find (mum-. 1, S FATUA [CRY oan kin-~19. Inks, Pens. Prnc'k.‘l'fl'wr.l‘mnh=. Brush-x Sc. \ P\'l‘lZ\ 1‘ \ll.DXL‘l.\l‘.>. _ All we {lhfillLlr Warm \lr-d cinm. l"gol'nI-r with) tin-Erl‘tinu of pun-“INKS. Bhumm 311(15VXIISKEY,¢I.-r 'mcdivmnl pun-urns ”1.1", ml“ airman bnuvl. In '1 ward. I“) ‘t’nv‘l: e-fihrm‘u everyhiug u-nnlly mum! m a fir:K=cl:.~:‘l-ture of 1.11:8 (Zhurvpu-m. - ‘ A :lnrln- supply of erh D -:,,-9 has lmer. rFL‘ rrivdd. and mini” ure nrrSCivug. u'hwh l .m: o'- ft‘rin'g lo the [public on 31 rv ncrmnmmm'nz terlhfi. My Hedwig“ have an bI-elhpurchvwed uuvh-(r my personal inqwczinn :md‘iulu nismu frum‘rlhn mm! rt-linjnlc Emu-vs. lczu‘n lhrrnmrt 141 *‘mh' rrroynwnd thm ns pure and l‘rvsh: but can 5Al} liwm ch» Ip. N.}‘H.——P.HIT'.(TI'L.\R ATTENTIOV mum to II"- trtnmwn! ohm Lhrm xv rim-mm. mérA‘ I) V l C E G It A 'l‘ { S_.‘”¢3§ M.” (2.1%; u . ——--‘——_— 3. _-_, .7. ~ r.’~ .7 % The Grocery Store 3‘ THE HILL.-——'lhe undernizhnl mnnld 0 resnecthvliy‘infurm the mum-- on (Iv-Hy:- hurLr and vxcinily. that L 0 hN lukrn the Old stand "on the Hill “ in linhimu‘rc an (-L, Gn tysi'nrg.‘\vlu‘l‘"}.l~ intends to k-i‘n runrlnnflj’ on hrnn‘. ail anlt nl URUL‘ERIHS—NH:In. (Infl‘cea Syrups .n'anll kinlla,’l'ol'n&c--w. Huh. 5411, &c.. EnrtlwnMM'e of MI kind-.l‘ruils, “ligand in mu m‘ xuhimz “gull; mund iii :\ Grom‘r)’. AIM. H “ER & FEED (yf'ail Rmch; ml! of wlmh he in} nds-tn :91] L)“- 45 Ihvjows est. Cou’utxlymroduce I'lkOll in excl aw,"- fur goods and the: highest pnce gurn. “<2lquer h‘m’sgif thumb) sirict‘ullcmiun and afn hum-st ell-sir. to plane. to merit a. spa re 0! gashlic p.l - TRY HIM. J. .\I.4,RUWb'. ' Lon 23,1353. tf' . ‘ _ Iséac K. Staufferf WATCH NAKER AND lewszrf‘n, ‘_ )hNL‘PM‘rrtttn or ‘ SILVER WARE .k IMI’ORTER I‘M-15VATPIHIS, No. 148 South Second St.,,(‘nrurr 'Qunrry,‘ Pmunupau, PA. He ha: cnnuuncly on hand an ntsnr‘tmrm nf Gold and Sylver Pnlem Lave}, Lv-pxge und Plain “Hutches : ’Flne Gold Gluing, Seals and Kr”, Brent“ Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Brae..- lcu, \hflinture Cases, Medallions. Locke's? I‘enéllsp’fhimhlea, Spcctaclél, lef'er Tuhh‘,‘ Dual-t, Tea, Salt and Mustard Sporinx; Sugar Spoon’x, Cum, Sapkin Ringgd-‘rnn and Butler Kuchs. Shiuldsfiomht, Dmm ‘nd Painted l’eny, he.,l-nll of Srblch will he 30$ low lur (“:Inh. . 3|; X. TOBIAS & 0033 best qunlity lull jew aledi Patent Lever Movemema conuantly on had; also olher Makers of tuperlor quality. S. B.—-Old Gold and sum bought. for cub. Suph 7, 1863. 1y 7 l Fancy Furs ! om: “115135.713 ARPH BTREET. he. J low 811:, south lide. PHILADELPHIA; importerélauufuctr" or “and Dealer in x kinds of FA N C FURS, for Ladiea’ M Children's Wear. wish to return ‘l2:} ‘lhunks no my fnnnr of Adm“ nn_d the su rounding co‘ Mics, ft their very figural p: Lronuge extended ‘ me dqring‘the 165th years, and would an to them “but I no» hue in "mi, of my ‘ nwn, importation nnd )funufuctuge u very ex tensive nslortmentol All ‘he dlficrcnt kinds and qualjuu of Fancy Furs. for Lndxes Ind Chil dren, that wil‘] be worn dunng the Fall and Winter ueuons. ‘ Being the direct Importer of all my Furs from Europe. and tuning them Id! Manufactured under my own supervision—enables me to ofl‘er my equal-en and the public a much bund lomgr Set. of Fan tor the sums money. Ladieg pluse give me a callibefore purchasing!— Please remember the Imm. numhrr nnd street. ' . JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 Arch St, Phxlnaelphil. Sept. 14, 1863. 51:: Meat. SMB, SBOULDERS nnd‘SIDES,of best quality, and cheap, at A g. 24. GEO. F. KALBFLEISCH‘S." Farmers’ 8: Mechamcs’. AVJNGS INSTITUTION 0F ADAMS 00., S huing‘ increued its capital‘ bu enlarged in business and rxwu‘de‘d its accommodation! Dona day, Wednesdly. [April 8, 1863. 1.! , RS. thfi'SLow's snomzxa SYRUP, to;- AI childgon, at Dr. R. HORNER’S Drug . A". . PRING and Summer Clothifigjust received S n ‘ . PICKING'S. 0 to Dr. R. HORNER'S Drug Store and get. Ghil MEDICATED COUCH CAN DY. PRING BALMORALS jun received I“ FAHNESTOOK 8808’. u I hve just ucdndn npw um.“ of Queumvue, to wfiich‘H fun. ch. ntcntion of buyen. A. ,SICO’U' t $O3. 7 ’ ‘ Hechanfos. Inventors, , ANL'FACTURERS. EXGD‘EERS, AGRI RI'CULTURISTS, CHEMISTS, ASD ALL CLASSES OF READERS, ougbl, by all mum, to take tho ‘ (ISCIENTIFIC A WERH‘AN, he most thuflgk Joumll of mi clus now published _' VOer-z x., NEW SERIES, Com‘lnflu'n on \lw In ueranry next ; mm. ' fore, no. u the Yime to subltribe. PIECHAFICB will find in the “Scientific American ” vnhnble information concerning (heir various Trades. and detail; or all the mm In'i best improvements in Sl-whinery. Tuqls. and procesaeq ; together will: such unp ful knowledge as will tend to dignity their oc cupalion! and lighten their labors. INVESTORS mll find in the "Scientific Americnn"allnecessary'inatrucliuns how ‘0 3e cure Letters-Pnrent tor lhv-lr inrcnt'mnu: Also excellent illustrations and deacripfmm of all the principal inventions n-cemly made in this conn'r] and in Euroye: likcwue an Ofllrinl LIM of the claims of nll Pmunrs zrxmed week ly at Washington, Wlll] numerous explanuory notes ; also. dlscuninns of rlnestions ronccrn ing the Patent anu of the United sun”, re— ports ohrinls ‘xn cunrr, with legal opinimu. etc. NAN‘FFACTPRERH I'lll find in the “Scien tific American" illustrnted nrticles deu‘riptire orthe host recently Invented machines used in various mannhctnring opernrinpa. rhe dif i‘crmtlprocesses being lucid]: descfibed : nlsu. practical recipes of much rnlue to manufac turers, with hints upon the economical man agement of factories. . ,‘ ENGINEERS will find in the “ Scientific LAmerican " valuable description: of all me ‘b-st inventions connecled with Steam, Rail road, Murine,‘ and )lochlnicnl Engineering; ; régether ‘with a faithful record of [he gone“ in: science In all these departfiwuu. oxh n l home and abroad. ‘ CHEMISTS will‘find in the “Scientifip A mericnn ",delnlla of recent discoveries made in Chesnialry. and Il‘llcit‘l on the npplichtion of the! (dam-e to «II the Useful Arte. “ i ' AGRICULTURKSTS will find ln lhe“ Se'ien l rifle American ” engravings and descriptions of [the but and most approved Ferns Implements; . ailso‘oripinal or well-selected articles on mut- Lers relating to general Aqrit ullnre: great care being tnken to furnish Farmers. regularly. with such inform ”Jon M will be valuable in the I held. a: yell Min th lignsehnld. ’ ~ ALL CLASSES “2‘ READERS will find in the “Scientific Americnn " a poglnr reaum of all the. best acie ilifi‘. informnli of the duy; sand it is the Aim 0! the publishers to present. _il hjwnys in run uttrnclive iprm, M‘mding Is ‘mnch n: possible hlistruse terms. To every ‘lnloliigonlinllld, mi. junrn-sl nfi'urdu cbusugnl supply u! instructive rendimg. l. WSnbscriber: should rerllil so ”do have "their subscriptions begin on the lsl. a! Jenn ery, with the ~new volume. Those whojpre- Hem: their unmhen lur binding have, at the end of the year, two hmxdsome volumes of 1&6 page: eugh—TUJZ—wiih geveml hundred le gravings. i TERMS OF SI'flSCRIPTION.—S3 Tor one year; $1 50 lbr ‘six months; Si for {our muatln: :0 (mph: in It ('luh can be.hnd fur 5:0. Snliicrxbers in Cnn.nln,slmuld remix ‘25 (In-me estrus, to pay: nodnge. Snecinn-n copl'n 'sent irec ;_ also; gratis; a pamphlet ul"-.\_d‘vicc ;to Inventors " Arldn-ss . : MK'NN & (50.. Pnhlidiers, ' . 37 Park Row, Ne“ Yuri; (ily. . 'Dec. 21. 1863. . ' ‘ 'H‘IRSIS REDUCED TO OLD PRICES! Godey’a Lady’s Book 0R I“64.—(iRIIAT LITERARY AND F PIPTORIAL \'E§Rl—Tltc piiiili-hFr (If (iodcy'a Lady's Book, thhnkful in that pul-li’c which hM enablvd him toimhlilh a mngtziné {or the last thirty-four years of :1 inrgt'r (ir culn'iun thnn any in Atnt‘rirnY li'u math nu itr. mum-men! with thol most. pupul‘tr :HHHUT‘J“ in Ithis conutry—Jimion lintlnnti. Antimreu of "Alt-HP," "Hidden l’nti‘i." ‘ .‘ltisi Sills," “Vo- Difii“" and "ii irium,” who will firmwh s'oriu fur tht- lmtiy's libuk lor IM4. This ninnr will place the Lady's Ronk'in a li'rruty point 01' new fir nheml ohm} other magi-fin». Mm ion “irimri mites for no other macgnnr. Qur nthtr furmitt- \vriltrrs “fill all continut to {uru i<h :trt’clt-s thrmighn it the your. \ “ The str Lsrw‘s MHJAZLVE tit rm: Won», 1' A\‘n rn- (‘Hztrmn ! _ i T‘m literature-is of mi“ kind that can he lrc'ld aloud in the tnmiiy rtrvle. and the clergy : in immrure numbers arp Millwribers fur the l Honk. The Music is nlll nriginnl, and would 6093,25 cents (that pricq of the flock) in the mus-it- stores; hut most inf it is cupyrifilitrd, and cam 0! he dblainel Px‘ t-pt in “G'Jd’?_\'~a” , .OK‘B 51'er Esriusums . All tfi'nrts to rival us i this \Lare ceased, and wt- tmw 'stnnl alnm: In this dt-purtment, giving. as we ilo, many more and infinitely hcttér rngrnt‘ings than are puh‘ishmi in tiny other work. Godoy‘s immnn~e «inuhle shoot {nihioti [lint-s. containing from five to hunt iull length Colourl Fashions on cm'h yin-tr.— .other Mag‘tzines giro uni)" two. Fur nhco‘ll of any finhinm in Europe or Alnt-ritzn Thn put licnttnn oi the-e plates c'ost Sin Hurt ng‘nre than Fashion-pl. n-s hglhr old rl\ Imnnd nothing but i onr wohdt-rfully largo Circnlttmn Giiitillo< us itngive them. Uther magnz-nez \‘ttnttnt lirlll‘d iiti We never spam money when the pithin. ,ctin he hem-fixed. . ‘ These fashions any he relied on. Drrues 'mny he made after then, and the wearer W‘lil inot snth-ct honclt I‘m riulwnlr, as wuull he I the‘ case If she visited the Int-2t: cities dr¢<itd inflor- the style of the pints-R‘L'H'en in some of our so-tslied inshion mattgmes. .Qnr “'o'ud 'Engravjngs, of which w; g 1»: twice‘vr three titties is many as any OIIJCI magazinrmre ut‘trn misfits-n for steel.. The-y are so far lllpt'riul‘ to any others. ' i ' i— ‘ luxurious Beware at them. Remember that the hath-'1 Book is the original puhlicttinn _r.nd tin cheapest. If you take Gods-3‘, you vnnt no other magazine. l Everything that is useful or ornimenml in x I house can he found in Godey. i e , Dluwtm Lss‘oss. I No other mhgume gives them. and in line igiven enough to filluserenljarze volumes.— t Our receipts are such s: gum he found nowhere else. Cooking in oil its vsriety—Confcmiou arr—the Nursery—the Tenet—the Laundry the Kitchen. Receipts upon nll‘ subjects etc to be found in the p-ges of the Lsdy's Book. 5 We originally started this department; nnfl have peculiar facilities tor tanking it. most [prrfecL This depa‘rtment. olonsis worth, the .price 0! the Hook. - Lmtu' Won Tutsi, This depsrtment comprises improving: and "descriptions of every snide that I Indy wears. _ ‘ ' noon. COT'I'LIES. ‘\ _ t No other magazine has this department. i- . mums, CASH m ADVANCE. ' To fly Post-officejn the United Staten; ‘ One copy onfy esr, 53. Two copies one‘ym $5. Threecopies one yesr,s6. Fonrcopies one year, S 7. Fire copies year, and an extn copy to th prrson sung the club, SIC. _ Eight copies on yeu,‘und in extn copy t: the person sending the cldb, $l5. \_ . Eleven copies one you, and on extrn copy to the person sending the club, 820. ‘ A And the only magazine that an be intro duced into the above clubs in plus of the lLtdy'l Book is Arthur'svfiome Msgnzine. i SPECIAL CLCIBINO mrn OTHIB tucnixzs. ’Goiey's Lady’s Book and Arthur’s Home Mag i szine both on fen for-$3 so.“ : Godey's‘Ludy's B 00? and Harper'- Mug-sins i both'one year fér $4 5.0. Godey, Harper, and Arthur will All three he sent one you, on receipfot' 36 00. a Tressury Notes and Notes of 11l solvent i banks taken at par. ~ 2 Be clreful and pay the postage on you letter. Sld'drsss ‘ L. A. 60 i f 323 Chesnut SL, Philzidclpht I. J Dec. 2t, i 863. ' . ’ Notice. ACOB BEX'S ESTATE—Letters Midwin- J juuuion on the estate of Jucob Rex, In. 'of Butler township. Aduni county, dot-cued, huingheeh granted (0 gm nudemgned. Insid ing in the num- township, they hereby gin no lice to :11 persons Indobted to said trauma to mlkc immediate payment, Ind. than having claims aztinlt the mum to prelem them pro. pal] nuthentigatcd for settlement. ‘ ‘ = ‘ AMOS REX, ‘ BURKHART WERT, Nov. 23, 1863. at Administnton. ‘1 ALICOES, Gingham. luau. a; valued. C ram. u ”83:31:00: 3305'. am at m ”from. :1 L; 4 Schehck’q Mango Syrup mu. only (‘ONSUMI’HOX SCHE N‘CK'S I’ULMOSIC SYRUP mu. can { WSUMPTION SCMCK’S PHIONIC SYRUP ; ‘ WILL cl'll CONSUMPTION SCHEXCK'S PULKOXIC SYRUP RILL caul coxsuxyndx scasxcxjsam WEqn Torus nu. cum I DYSPEPSIA. scnnscx's 83A WEED 'roxu': mu. can DYSPEPSIA SCHEX‘CK'S SEA WE . mu. cc“ DYBPEPSIA scnucxs SEA m: vuu. can: . DY'SPEPSIA SCH ENCK'S MANDHA LIVER. COMPLA SCHENC‘K'S MANDRA Ill—1.3!}!- LIVER COMPLA SCHENCK’S MANDR , E I’ILLS‘ mu. cunt: ‘ ’ ‘ me COMPLAi‘Ms. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS ' WILL can “ LIVER COMPLAINTS. DR. J; H. SCHENCK no; u Imrgg Suit at Rpoms M. No. 32 BOND STREETJSI-ZW YORK, where he can be ['oqu fiery iTueqdny Irma 9 A. I. In 3 P. at; nnd av. 3'3 Nth 6th street, Philldelphil, every Suturdnyfl He kept: large supply of Medicines at his rooms. which can be had at all times. Those wishing advice or an exnminnlion of l h: Lungs “ill do well In call on him a.- nhou‘. lie makeqnno charge (ufmlvioc‘. bu]. torn lhurnnyh cxuminauon with Lhe'lkspirufligter, hiq piice is $3. ‘ ll - lluny per<on~ are afraid to I": tlu-ir lungs" examined by Dr. Schen-‘k, for} fem- thcv will bn found Incurnlilchnnd by thal mean: it is put otl‘ until it is too late. Hnw *lnurh hruer it fiuqld be to know their condihon M once; as by abundance of evidence. Dr‘, S. has shown sufl‘l‘cient ('ellilicalcs in lllld city that he has tun-d mh’um'rxl mayo: nf Coninmpucux Dr. Silienck's Principal Ui‘l‘l‘l‘t‘ Is 310 North SIXTH Strre', l'hilmldphifi, l'xl., where lutcu for advice should niwnyc hr. directed. Prit‘e of £le Prune-MC Smut-land Sm Wm l) Tour c-u-h $1 per bull» or $3 Ihr hairdo/3n. Mnmulx Plum. 2‘. Nun per imx. For sale by nll Drug-gins avd mustn‘t-pen. Sepl. 7, 1563. Mn ‘ Fresh‘ Reinforce] VTREAUTHHXING OH: I b are (unslnntly adding paw: nlrendy lum- and fashiunnh'h' I ”\l‘s', ('.\!’S. ”Ist .\A We [hue every style of Spm “AI“. whit-h in quality and pri pimae. Hny’s‘ and 'Mrn's Hu eu-n dmcriptiou, an“ o! the 1.11 {nick of . 1 BHOTS, SHOES. . (LU 'wu awn more oomph". [ml and C 111! irml can he anconnm». [lung in tluiu line. né we flro ‘ now to_ gin- ri?! and ”Inn!" Mil tut-fare. If yru u'un! largaint iniilionilhk gnodsjmlt 3! Hum BOUT, in Chambersburg ulrrr‘tl June 9‘ 1862 Salisbury Broz. TO. 37 DORRAM‘E STRE . \ H on wrvnu \ I‘RDVIDENCP‘, R.‘ Proprietor" of rum- 9f the mo~l ELRY MANUFACTORI‘ES 1. Star", bag in MI! the Mum!" munily generally to Ihe w' CHEAP IK\TE n 1 vihicb (hey; gnmiq. .‘nr snrpnumg bath ' mnlic )lnnnfwluxcs in point « real «llxmhililfl ‘ FOR INSI‘AN‘” For Fvvrzn‘ DGLLUU,‘ m (‘ mlmlnnd pnvkrd in 2604! an onurnguvu mummy ni .lvwalry to my I'Lmld finld, and 'nut h from HnH nnly hr the trying r. -! SM Enamel \’cM ('lluins; l [’99 Pm: -1 [in Ring‘ lfimuwll Pin-t: :1 EM Kin," In nun-11‘: I Ear liingi Jo hum-h : 2‘5 Lndxr~ "can. Ind :- wriny m‘ paw-ma hit-gm: 50" Scarflfins. Phi" mu] 2 Double-(H435 Lorin-tn, Pngm and Ghss Fir,“ im- portrai!‘ m- I edlmrket~.”r.urmdd Shell l'h: 'BmchcLM—nlll for Final: Dnl lion of this kind,-when plan-d ‘ my one of nrdinnryinlelliuenc for at Imm. One Hnndn-d r‘nlla L'MMIOKIM‘, comma: Tull I Prion o! Gund‘, Pan he ohhil czninn. Urdg'n by MA“, Telex.» rc-peclfull‘y lulicited. . SALWURY BRI). 37 Do on k 6? WM June 29, 1863. Pr E. & H. T. Anthony, I‘, A‘SUFACTURERSLIF PIIOTOGRXPHIC MATERIALS, 501 BROADWAY.N. Y.— Cun P3Ol OGIAPHS.—Our (hunlngue now em brnccs considerably over Pqur Wmumud dim-r -enl. subjects (n. which addition: nre continual ly being made) of Portrait! 0! 7min!“ Ameri cunt, eu:., VIZ: 7: Mnjor-Gent-rals', 190 Brig. Genemlx, 259 Colonels. 84 Liam. (,‘ol’nnels, 207 Other Officers. 60 Navy ("fit-en; 525 Sin Lennon, ”7 Divinu, 11¢; Amhprs. 30 Ajt‘iuu. 1 [2 Stage, 46 Ptominen: Women, 147 Pr mincnt chigl I‘ortmiu. ‘ : ' 2,500 Corns or Wonn 011 A". iuclndinr reproductions of the moat ‘ctlc vr-tul Engr’nv ingn, Painlingn,»Bmtuu, kc. (analogues sent on receipt 0! Sump. An order: for One Dozen Pictures from our Catalogue 'ill be filled on .xeceipt ofSl.Bo, unison: by malil. free. ' ‘ PHOTOGRAPH") ALBUMS. ‘Of men ’we manufacture a} «rent vnriety, making in price from 50 cents 1:03.30 each. Oui‘ALBUMS have the reputation of being superioqm bounty Ind dm-ab‘llilbio nny others. The smaller kinds can be sent spfel) by nail st s pontngc'uf :1: cents put 07.. " The moréx‘expensive can be sent. by express. “,4“ aka keep n lur e unsortmem of STERESCOPES A: STEILE§OOPIO VIEWS: Our Caulogue of lbhe will be lent to am, ad dlcsa on rem-1p! of Sump. ' ‘ E. & Hf~ 'l‘. ANTHONY. )lauqfiulurrn of ‘l’kolngrap/u: Jlucn'all, 501 BnoAbvh, Nuv You. Friends or rduivcs of pron-incl“ railing men will confer a favor tgy sending nl 1!: r likenesses to copy. The] will fichrzn‘efnl. 1y and returned uninjured. , " '. FINE ALBK‘MS MADE TO ORDER fonCone gregatious to present to their’ Pastor, or for other purposes, with suitable inscriptions, kc. Aug. 24. 1863. en: . . Gettysburg Marble Yard.» Mum .1: 880., 1): EAST YORK swam" GETTYSBURG. PA.--W"here they I" prepsnd to furnish :11 kinds of work in 1". line, Ind! "4 MONUMENTS, 105188, “A“ STONES, MANTLES, km, at the shortest}?- ticle], Ind u chug a: the cheapest. Give [lt 'I C 3 .1 -‘ WProduco taken in exchange for work Gettysburg, June 2, 1362. It _ UCUMBBR PICKLES, I. large In jail: I“ coind from the city, in print order, It KALBFLEISOH'B. I PURE GROUND SHOES.) Him M , _ round uprouly for Dr. 308331“- 30’:- NBB'g New Drug 8%., v aw- ,‘ - READ! 300 m. n. 9,. “ '1 .3 ~ .‘ AXE No. 1. and)“ L“ t v ’ This article in and, a! an attend, duck-Ind “Mtg dim flbfle, Jaunted n 4 mnurumud apt-u]: ku- qgr own um, 2" in «yard timu (kick; (by: the canon stub in} commonly use}! In 1!! 03M componltibn, not“ oonéufiuy he more durslile. from the lupeglor thickness of mi- cloth, 1| neck“, in saturation, I fur greater nmnnt of :lgo witcr-p‘toof composition. and when finiilh ed via: lii. In-ymf, coating on I!" “mu, pre-enu tho non completely finished—lnd. D TONIC wo li'. confident; mom. durible—Jrooflng now- known. It need: n 6 tin-l coatippliod on tho roof, u all othei- kinds d 6 D TOXIC H i: manufncuycd and p'm up in roll: Ibout E PILLS one bundled he! hung, Ind tllroe fut wide; REI roquirifig only to be untulled, Ind unilcd on E PILLS the r4f. El 12 x a In thin convenient 71nd finished lune? it In especially we‘rthy Ihi attention of HARDWARE ,MEIICII ANTS, and all who bnx to Dell again. We do not hold ' o'ul lo IllCh the pfblpcc! of engrmous ‘pfixflu irhmedmtgly, but. no oflér n reallyrmen-hnntu- ble :rzicle, in drmnnd erory («l-nu, 3d 3: all I time' WE CALL ATTENTION TO A FEW POINTS 2 13!. It cosh only about lmlf nu much u fin, and is I.“ ice as Jumble. .11 '3l. h is adapted to :l! Akinds of rook, whether itcop or flat. ' ‘ '= 3:1. It in udt. afl'gcled injliriwnly by bent or 1‘ cold. ' * 4 [9 4111. Any nriinury workman tun "va, it I , bllx. 11. ii nu! lll!"‘uhenpont".rduhng am. It is th’o Inn} rag‘fing ‘ Thi' Roofing PM! Lyn 11-91] in fiery "ring «I climate, from (‘.lnudu lo t‘ulifurnia, Ind we can mun punitive!) re. ulyunlld il lo he enm’g ly pruu! ngnind [[n: changes of hm! and roll! Hm! :H‘P m dl'u‘lrux‘lire to 13m"! olhér “ads 0! Hunting. . , \ " . IT M‘HJ.’ NUT SOFT? N‘ANH “IN IN "(T meats. nSl'Tqu.—We ‘Fuppfifls 10 out luck of’" [4 SHHI-Z" ‘_ n-I-l Su-mm-r '. {e cnmml fun :u; IT WILL NOT t'llM‘K 15 (‘ULD nnll Cu; «1 nt six-(flag. Uur his n prrhm prnl‘n‘liun azninur fire from} H!!- ful'Jn: (‘ilnlrri :ur'f'rrugmrnl- from Imm in-J Imil lint-u dellilllll’: 11m Hunting. ', It is so clam: nnd smug Ih_-1 the ; ins. .L'. km, in Hemllmen 'mo-l nigh 1m:- mlter prrlmrnd gain! than m n , gum! fin nm‘l sign of !he hill dnvs nnl injum il. ‘ V I! 1’! lmrlirnh'rlx ndunhle ~Mr;9FJNMirI. Foundriemhugnr lllrfim-rum. I’infnlrx‘w‘urxdn'] huihiingw when llxe'niiju impn‘cgnnrd with gunk m "mi-tun. which rnyid yrorro-Demum l'u- inside, all tin and mcx‘al r 0313. .10“ ALE IMEMI3 ix. (.‘umzAN '& Co., JET, and #sm‘ smnm, FOR STEAHBOAT ’Dl’t‘K“ and nll,rnnhu~pdfi-r milking nn. lhi- nrvi. lo In~Wfll Lard": lvr H. m any tutu-I I-mf—u- it will lu-nr burh wage \uthu. (‘l'dCLln‘ or hrrnking. IL is euily Ipplieq om: 0H ‘ extenaivo JEW . the Enflern 4n of the enm l mmmmxn Ire (-fl'oring lhnir nroigu and Du t‘ elk-,muu: and Isanxm}; ROOE‘S, , \ \m HUI'T "Emma Irma émx'nmfi MOE Ifnrw-nrd. nirrly 'r..lhe- following min-1H" finial) I In- rwugnlu-d ’ nl‘ivl~: 2‘ Wm: Vim-In : ’2 l‘wi-hWin ‘ l'l dn Pin»: 4 I “MIL". "011M"- can by furmw} hf Uzi: "mu-n..), In! in: ‘3’!- rx.‘ lain" of \IHTAL OVEN ‘ V The mitt nrnpplvilqil i: rvr) liflu. an'ny ugdilmry roof (and-o finillhv-d in Hm mum 115 v. > . v. . : .‘y‘u l( uinn Hm mngliout'nml: dunk-"1:6 no: vrzrzsniivx: Turn n 00”! ”'l’: I.’ rumm rms, A". \ coll")- n (fie hands at . ough'l Io retnil 'lr mm: 113' mmr my: ‘ rnrmaxi9n and ed 'n’mn nmdi. mph or Expreal ll‘ Yul"! TIN INIOI‘ NEEDS L'II-l' \lV'l'|\G, I. k 00., ‘)0\~€1 Sm, \‘idelfce, 11. I wili cfl'ectuuly close up I” thr mmllfr RI'FT HULI'Liwd [mm a [mum clastir land) mu the whole mrfacq, ”ml will prn‘xcnl RI‘ST and Inn mun: years lpngrr man ordinnry paint. I i' 'IF, YOUR sm‘scmyow LEAKS, IF THE JOINTSHROI'ND YOl'R UJIH'VEYS will comphteb in up an the crevice! in thq shingleSJMcr over the broken jointnin the an“ and sl-teJonn permunemly udlrrsh’tyelngfic coming uohnd uhlmoys, thy-light;v etg... Ind in ill these situationuwill ole-slt Infother nrlicle for this purpose now in me. :Tbis ur ticlu I! as thick, tenacious compuund of sud iumdielm uud exugsivcly in Europe in the ptbi-eu of Kyunuiug or prelcrving wood in railroad structure: uponid to moiunre and d"‘!- Thil hr: useful property and: direct ly to arrest Ind prevent. doe-y in the‘ shingles, and will on.“ lays the “cushy for Irvrnl gem of putting on I new roof. h. in well wonky of . trill. 3. . gun mum. noonm flinnubs will be furni dto ‘ 'rwmtnn can. max out: LIBERAL Anmxcsynxrs _ ’ uni: wrm 333205513“ AGENTS. {ficrmouném am 1113 3.» m. :by Eli]. Addrefl "‘ ’ ‘ , Dec. :9, Im. 1, IT IS “READY" TO M". DOWN TINNERS, BUILDERS, \‘(LA'I‘HILH LEATHER snmeTxn m; ting-Hunufis CA‘IL'I'I 'I’S, PM 7.7.“, (iI'T'I‘ERF H" mm: 115 mm: Liz‘xxsu" SHAH. “gsrmnlms |\' H" um'm ‘ rCUTTA-I‘ERFJIA' rmnzxr IF, YOUR GUTTERS LEAK, LEAK, u‘ fovn sun: noor LEAKS, ' CUMPOI‘XD G UT‘l‘A-PKRCHA GEM EST GUTTA-PERCHM CHURCHES AND CLEMYMES It at reduc REG ULA R BATES READY ROOFING CO7: Iva-qualms” may; ~ *NW TOMB I to.