,_ Woév;*V—.f;vttfi+ém.i _' lehig‘ffiaflflay ”all am! f “It of Jam ‘ ' ' mm M“ 93‘3““ "mun , frog srscm. count. rrnncnr 1, nu. * 3'” HQ uml wuhu ten-cot. ‘fono'n‘SDlrilllllem' Jerémi-h Juhnl. ‘lere I! may in)”; light. silken chain lermrn)‘ o I er, Wm. men. lehunaenth dllrol'nghleenluly-lonr: £B:T;:f:::—Jmu'hh Sllyblugh, 3“”. C. “who-m, CIT-voted hourehol'd Rum, mum . Rudinx— Adm 3. xym, Jon 1,, hugmne Incl-uh the happy roof vh-t rhelun b'er; l 5“?“- ‘ ; 'thy 11l Ibo yang, before we meet “elm- LVF‘M-‘P'MF‘WK' Chit“ 393"”. Wind ham to love nndlmelike ' - Izlberly—Dnnd Miller. , m y . ’ womeutrnc. umF'W'E—Jnhn “’lnebrr nuanced. F. Ick l" pence, dome-tic can and comic" dwell . ennui“. _ “mt all who tun-l. [ha Ken-nor CAIIII I "In Bnmluqubeu—Wn. Reea. Dlnlel Blender. Frsnklindohn Heck. Ell Hana-u. - ' Monnljuy—John [in-tum, Joseph Mnekley. Hemillon—Chnrlu Klnnk. John Ivan. Maunlplrn-ngl—John Ecllnuer, JohnaAlhert. Beruiuk Ip -Ilaniel Such". Lmimore—Juhn ll: Myeru. . .OxfordL-Jolm Smith, ofJ., Henry “"109:1 l Mrnrll'll~—.lolin 11. Hunon. Penl Sewers. n'rwick bor._——Wm. Billing”. , Cumberland-40",“: Bailey. Ty rune -—.\fithnel Deilrick. ‘ ..._ -~_,-___.'_ _‘ ._.__ Freedom~lI'll|l'lllll§ «ml Ellluilnnlil-l “\th rh-T'l‘m: ‘ll:;2’hlp' Ad'm“ “mm". I lnipxthr wur“. \ler mm: of mount-x. __ j_ ' ‘ i j»- __ w __ ____ _V._, __ y - __‘ .m' n‘ 1h:- ¢-h} Emu! who‘ll. are finiihn-l _ .4- \ ' m mlnrn-ll :u. Iml «mama in the moat _ fl ~ 42‘ e ~y " : rfifit. " ' E 7 Nu! filly-4h m-ulml-r.’ e - ' 3:3, ”"7“ (3’)"; fil‘fio’ufiiir JI Mm-lxilel} nm-hznry to are IllNPmnily v 'Change Of Time I i m- in u n-xnli m. m M tu'ml rnlite rI-a . , . . 5.. ’ ,y “ll ,H Mr. Na. '3” “hmmifiz a} (01' rhm m llAlLll(l-AD.—Qx‘1nnd.nl'mrE l rlnrhm‘ly """illzn. nur \lnunfavtnring .] (hr hrst quununry next. Trmng over the "M M 7: for umuulm luriué pnrpol' !. : {(Nelzlyelnllrg {Lulr'f‘lld I [ll ru‘l ‘ns follows: 1 , llrrn'n'n (lfllrel are well lum-hrd Vizh “\FL 's‘?“ “I” lei-n: (-cttydburg "l 6‘3o' il‘ lhrrnl,uee~ll.--, ‘lle. h." 0' the 3"" A. 1.. :nl inanengcrr for llalumore. endl "I‘M, ‘N-nd n-rrn‘l'mrlgs‘r.‘ . nlhrfzpnmln m-mhvrnrd. Rel-urn at 1.39, l’..‘ «Nun: .\|.\.\l‘l-’\(."ll lil.\‘(H2o.\lP\.\'Y, “’5" “’h “"5““9'” ”m.“ B“”"‘!°"v "“""’°“‘l ‘4sn,llt‘nzulwnv, va Yv-rk. .flof'll. llarrxshurz. l'lnlndelphm, pad other '1'1111..\11121.1'111.\. muc‘lmlmu .52. ’ f! WP“ 50"“ 5"“ Ej‘"“"‘"‘- -‘ -G. JM'UBi £l6m,“ Im’nl Agen'! ”z f‘emn'l Tr-m Mll lean- laurel-bur? uL-efi. l-urg. , . > (Aug. 17. 186$. -\- .‘L. wnh [muengers for ‘lqu. Harri-mum“ 4--.. » . - ‘ l'lnl.nlrlphin, kc. llelprn at. 6.!‘. 3L. with! \'p xueugers {I om nine poinu. l’uuengeu cnn, 111-o rem-h Baltimure the same day by this train. . R. MCCL'RDY, Presidenl. l “to. as, 2863. ‘_ I 5 Bet": wg give an ingenious: punk for ‘ 9 “Adios, witjf the Smith-omen! that if my y%ng hiy can loh‘r it. du- can have the'ex- r a} illn- planar: of embracing und kink-33“ I nih" A ' ' f . 1 1 : ”I tho-o. rend nae ll"! pap, ‘ Love in «lowr. wilt I'll hit I BM that and you hsve you'll One. and up, and you IT." ,‘Jncoh A. Gardner Esq” ul. Polar-burg, . 8., ban lold U. S. Gotrrlmenl ‘5-‘2O Bond! the lmolllll 0! $13,000. " , ‘ ‘ Tm MARKETS- 1‘10ur..... in “ hent I \Vhonl... “m cm nyl 3J4“ Lanny..."- 1‘- n' knh0n1....... 4" VltSfld ..... Ti may see-1.m.......... I"! x 5eed........‘..... )‘l u a! I‘m-j: ......u... )1 [er ground, pot hu‘ \V '4 R ‘ ~ 0 n....u . ........... - 0M n.....Q'Lauuu.-. v (‘lO M- .‘b-e-1........,. ....... ' 11. mil, Heed............... 15- e ('unlr, [wr hund...... Hubs, prr hund............ . s‘:‘_ .......,f.....-............... “‘h aka}- ...'..... - ........,.... (:u no, " ruviJh, per \qg;.‘..-_ ' ‘ "_-_’—"—:"-_-: ' ‘ ’~ hAXIIYER-Tarnun um le r.‘frum wagons... .... .... .. I U . from “um... “‘h Ilt 'l} e . (‘nrm “IN. I'lui‘ Thai 4:3,", .~,_..................., wt “a"...unfin I In 5emi..:........ ME hit t' ‘Vllh Imm 1"") I in ”mi ’ll-” I»: Frwi «Lulu . 'u'h A 1“: ‘ u-v‘ful .t is hr 01 In 11l l'mqvi» "in H) ulhEl‘ (-tfltlyl ‘l' I 4 .\I will rnnn. ‘ {y‘all , m’h my: I [yr-Ht r Tm; ‘9; ‘3 my Important Discovery. | Khuvv -I Tn .‘th‘l’El. ‘ '.\\".\'7l‘l:|.\ln,\'l(' WAFHL‘RAH “Mail-j (he care 0! ngha, ('ump. A-lhmn, him, :‘un'l'hm-‘t. Hun-fienm. Immun ing. [nu-mien: '(‘h'uumpxiom And his» or (hv Lungs. They Mn. m! In": of inc. and am «mild will Lake them.— muls Inn-n hum-‘1 ruptured to ho-llh thin mfnro uh-np irgd” Tpggignny given in‘ ~ «t cam-u. _A liugk‘eiglou l'eliu’el 11.; inutq. ' ' < I lot ”man‘s Puhnnnic Wafers—flue origio ‘ . «(y gum-Inn in “alum-d ‘9Hry-n."—-‘ .u‘i Hid. Irv “feed for mle.~ Twenty u-ts than. 5411:. Hy dnln- generally. . ‘- JUU-‘vflllfilfi. Syk- Proluirwr. ; 2? t n’nlumu n.. S. Y. . m 1- hy A. D._ m mun. (Rm lbllrgJ‘fld “in“. ‘ ‘[Ju‘._r'.’7. Le1i.'16,'63. I'] g 3 ~— ‘ i & w ‘ '— Pflmllu arousenl _lo hind amynésl tht *H'Prc- , north and east hy-nnlleynnd eouth by anili-oed} __ BOW _ AOOdB, lruznlires of said deg-«dent, in such manner muffin such proportio‘fia M by fie 1-" 0! Hair Commonwealth is directed. if such panimm can be madezwithou: p'ri‘jndice to or Ipniliug the wholr: but if such partizinn cnnuot be rude thereof, then w value and appraise the lame. ‘ ~ ADAM'RRBBRT, Shgnl. Sherifl'n 015 cc, Gettysburg. Dec. 28, '63. 3t; .. .-..-. W . _-.___._... . _ _ Notice. . F 7 nib-crib" would rupeetfullyinlom Exccumrs. Administrators. Guudmm. and \l r" 7 A “W “h" ”Hm” 'h° 1“" P'P"’ remaining ‘ itnmediuelv nft'er the to art in atnick down in the «dice oi Clerk of Ilbe Cour". thnt bin ' m, upon failure to compfiv {hug-with the PEPE" term «(oflice hnnng expired on the in day of ”'3' ‘1“ be ‘B‘“ PM up 'for rule. Decanter. 1863. all such person! till plcaoefl - = Attend .to lifting the nine. and the payment off the lee-'thereon, before the first duty of Apgili next. :1: it is nbsoiutely necesury that they ‘_lmve them if they want to_uve expense. 231 paper: will be fund in the linnda of M. ,3 V. McClnn. Esq... where they werewnoeend no] Attorn‘ryl for the partiu. / , | JOBS EICIIOLTZ, erk. l . Per 6'. 11. Etcnpwz. put]. t Clerk'l office, Dec. 28, 1863. St - ? ‘_“"".‘ ’ .’ ' /~"" 1 Last Notlce. ~ ‘ i l HF. bondt, notes. nnd hook ateonnte nf thel‘ ‘. lute firm of Henry 8. banner Inrl Way-1‘ bright Ziegler: trading unit! the firm of Dan- 1 ner & Zieglrr. In. bnye been placid in my, hands for pulleclion; one ofthe firth)“. Zicgq lee, Inn-Eng died someft‘ro year; ago, and the ‘ ottv-r, Dunner. huing left the State, it be.- comes nhsoluloly neceasny that all their nut. : tern he closed nirbon: delay. Therefore, suits! w ill be brought-gm: all cluinslhnt remain *nl-‘ "newt-d on the 20th inat. From the time elnpsed since the quitting of businesn. no'one can take ofl‘ence at this notice being strictly carried out. ‘ Wrrmnghhfinz chins again“ the firm will prusenl them for payment. ‘ Rec. 14. writ). 3!. ‘ A. J. COSER. A Rare Chance. ' ‘1 Arms 0F L.\.YD FOR sl.soo.—Tfir (70 undl-rsiznml on'v-rs 60 one: .nf' gum] 'lhmd for sl',soo—-—onc-hulf.rush, on the “11%! quyrll If“. and [Ho balance in four equal ufimml pxhvmcnts. without internal. About lb acres n’n- r‘xcrlloht Wuodlnml. There is k nun-tailing spun; on the tract, with stonb Fufl'uienl 10 pin up lho buildings. It is pant of [he farm nut-armpit”! by (he whsyuilu-r‘l in .ihghhnd lg nship, A‘dnms mnntr. (out ILLIII'I [rum Gettysburg, near th'Fuirfield mad; E.nly.:qpplicu!ioh desired. “ ; . ’ REUBEN_GOLDE.\'. ‘ " Dec. 14, 13:32. 3-.“ : , x ‘ Tax Appeals. r ‘HE Cummininners M Adnm- canutr hem; ’ ' ‘ lby gifi‘e umvcr xhul theyfiuve find upnus‘ ..~ ~ #:9thth t“; («Hun—mt lilntw fur {he Lari-Rug of Amn-uld Fn“’\( 1? r ELIX 5‘ LN! ATR"L'"'" of {or We "Hm! I|oruuulu- ("a ,TUFMh'“ of . nJm'lm-Jr'lmzr on thv ensue—of Frann- Admnl coumy. at line ram-.- ui’Lhc-(‘nm‘lv Uan ' h In“ h" drf’xr"{d,“‘"n"lip, Allum- Mum.“ miuionrrl. in Gettysburg. when-Ind. “3”“ dfcn‘ihi‘ lr-"l"? hnn grained l 0 lhc rmd‘r ‘hEy will attend (I: Mar .\Pl\enhl her-v 9 n "ll‘ ‘ “.mfi“ "9m"? '"yll'ln'p-r I.».er Tl.“ he horrby huun of 'J a'clnvk. 1;. ‘vr. mad 3 u'clockffiJ-L 9"“ n-mce to “Z" 'xrrtnnn undulm-d m”M ov‘meh rim. as follow“: u ' : R~lule to unlu- im-nm!i.-l¢- 1m; mom. and [lung The Apiu'nli lur (igliyshn'g. ('umM-lanv‘k Mungrhlnu «g in“ Ilul same in prtseul them Carma-n}. Oxbrd. Hl'n‘ntinv'wn. [unimn'm an! “3:,”er “mm-“Wm” fr". stenlw‘gem. llmmltmxhnn, on TUESDAY, lbc 19111 dav uf. \ Jtlllfi thlX? Adm.“ ' JAXL‘ARY ncxl: - ‘ ' : Dfi‘" 31‘ ”5‘ r‘ -)‘ur Franklin, Strnbnu. \ltnnlicn. nut)”. “finn‘plemunk. Mountjoy, and Connwaua, uu WHUNI-ISDA Y, the 20:11:14)" DUASUARY nut; 'Fur Rvnfiiug, Hamilton. Liberty. Tyronr, I'ninn. Frecdofn, and “fluid: Borough and Township. on THURSDAY, (hedlst‘ddy of JASUAI:\'~nexL. R By Qrdcr of the Commiuioners, - 1 J. .\l. WALTER, Clerk. De01_14.1363. td ALBUMS” J-ual. received 5 lug!- nnd beautiful unort ment otfil’hologmphic Albums, which we on: below city prices.. TYSON BROTHERS! Dec. 14, 1863 CARD 'PHOTOGBAPHS ani-lingnisl‘bd individuals, including n num ber ofnur prominent Genenfll, and the old -hrro John L. Burns, tor sale My the counter of the Exc‘ehior Gallery, (segl:§§rg.A_’__ -_ : M'sbs' snornans Battle-field Views. . FFLL Ifl of our Photographic View: of A lbc— khaki-531d hf ‘Geuysburfi, form 9 iplrndid'g‘ifl for fine Holidays. 1132 fine-t ye! publibhcd 61m be neon “the Excelsior Gullcry; ' » TYSON BROTHERS, Getty-burg. , Young Men ND OLD MEN. do not. nflow your mother! A And your tire: to werl- on: their precious lives aver the old WMh-l‘mh longer, but like true men nnd henchmen, present. them with an EXCELSIOB WASflVIéR,‘ Ind Instead of frowns Ind cross word. on wnah dayl, depend upon it, cheerful face: will‘groet you. : ‘ 'PYSUN BROTHERS, Geupibcrg, Pa. Dec. N, 1833. ' For Sale or Exchange. VERY delimkaßlSTMlLkflm V Aas ACRES or LAND. i 5: Gemany m mwmhip. I will uchnngefnra Fun), ‘i tnd pay the difi'etcnce, if any. ‘ , , uEO. ARNOLD. Gettynhurg. Oct. 5, 1863. 2! v ‘ +For Rent. ‘ HE property manly occupied by David: ' ‘ Hengy‘l 2 Arm of Lnud with [hm-Hing OUSE, Shnp, Stable, well of slur, ...” fmil "e 95, kc..li!najenn me Huh-u- EH“: _ burg rota, within "half, n nihotilhe ‘ borough. Pqueuion given n. my Oime. ' I - ROSES HcCLSA)‘. Dec. 7, 1863. 3% Another Car Load: RINKERHOFF keep! up with file that: by get'ing fiew' goods limo-t any week.— 1: [pares no efl'url wnccommodue hil unner ous customers: “ Quick lulu ud u‘nall profits," is his motto. ’ Dec. 7, 1383.“ _ , The :ad on the Battle-field. AR - ERS are requolled to Inn 1“ my ofice, in Gettysburg, n delcripfiion of thc ocntion on their hund- of guns of Union Soldiers. “my have been buried in minded upon, Ind persons will confer I met: ("or by maiing known co me. or to Mr. Sumac] Water, the 100-liq ‘0! Inch gravel. ‘ DAVID WILLS, Age-L, nu." Dec. 7, 1863. a: L. For Sale. nroet. improvgfl rith a Two-story ' Frame Wmherboatded Dwell“); HOUSE, cßluL'hukh Shop. Frame Wenherboudod Supine, we" at wan-1, with 3 pump in it, near thc door a the dwelling," lome mait "on. kc. Seized and uken in'execution u the propel] of Uriah J. l. Buughmuu. . ‘ ' ADA.“ REBERT. Sheriff. ‘Slterifl": ofice, Gettysburg. Dec. 28. ‘63. :fl‘Ten per cenc. of the purchase money npdn all ulc- by the Sherifl'muu be paid over Register’s Nance. \ » ONCE is hnrby givén to all Legit»: and other persons cencerned,gha.t the Ad ministration Accmrml hertinaher mentioned will be presented at the Orphan‘n Cum 0! Adan! county. for confirmation Ind allom‘lce. “MONDAY, the lath d‘yoUASUAIY, 18“, It. 10 o‘ciock, A. 31., fit: 293. The account of Hmry Dnuenr. Ad mmi‘slrm-nr of the estate of Maria E.,Dot tern. (Ives-used. ’ - 1. The firit nccnmflofinhn Button, Ex ovnmr of George Uuttern. deem-ed. 2. Second account of M mun-ac Gran)- mer. Bxecutrix of the hut mil of Benjamin Crammer. deceased. 3. The first pennant nf Goo. “1.110:- and .hmm Linn. Administrator! of Michael Herring, decenqd. 4. The account of Gemge Benmor.‘ Ad!- ministratot at Jamh Evmer. (Ina-used. ~ SAMUEL LILLY, Regina. chi‘trt's Men. (h(lyaburg.} ; - h Dec. 21. 1363. m" \ Headqua’rters Provost Marshal, Surpzxru Dlsrulc‘r. PA , Chambersburg. December'l, ”63. } I'CHTowwhipa orßoronghl as (annual: their S full qnnms ol rolnnleoza finder thol recent call of the President for three hundred [houn nnd men. wxll be Hump? from {he pending drnfi, “mum onn be rouniercd neceuury’in January next. . . - ‘ i The Frv‘l'rli annships and Boroughs v'vill : reveii‘e credit (ur all volunteer. tlm miy he muaien‘d into the service since the Angus; dun. thonumher Io creuhlrd m be deducted jl‘roxn their proporlion of the qumn assigned , the Male umler liv‘ekficeqlrfll. _ 3 Colored men \Ol- mrily‘ enlisting Wili’he I:o}.th as a part. of the qumu. To zuch, however, no houmies will bv mid. ' GEORGE EYSTER. Capt A Pro}. Mutulmli bin. 1".“ ’ Drc. 21. m 3. at ACOB LOIXR'o" ESTATR—Lctters. of Id“ minivmlion on the estate of .Tm-ob Lona; Inn.- of I‘nion township. Adams county, do? erased, hm‘ing been grunted tn the under signed, yogiding in the name township. he, herrhy giro: native to all perwnl indebted to’ said NM! 30 make immrdinle payment, and thnse having clnims nglinst the same H: pre leul Lyn-m properlylulhrnlichted for latllomenl. x 5 ham ,s]. ROLLINUEIL Adm}. % noel-g”. gm. 6t ‘ 4 k ALBUMSIH 1053”! J. SHIT}! S'RIeATE.—-I.mers at Q “ministration on'the «tau: ofJnueph J. Smith, law of Oxford my». Adam: ro.. dec'd.) bu'mg'iegn granted to the undersigned. resid ing in name lpwnsllip, he henhy, give: notice to ell persons indebted to uni! estate to make immediate payment, and than. hnv in: claims Against the name us present the: prowlimshenticmed fur Mule-meat. JOHN L. SMITH, Adm‘n Dec. 14, tees. 6'. ~' HE Annual Election (of a Pruidcyt nd H Twelve Hunger! lot the Gettysburg Rail ' (Old, will be Midi} the 015 cc of the Company, in the second «or; at we Ptmger DepqlJn the Borough of Gutyi nrg, 6n me SECOND MONDAY OF JANUARY hex!,.LJnnmu-y 11, 1864.)- M 2 o’clock in "the aflnnoon. "At the sum- limo and plus there will be‘held the rtgular annual meeting of the Suckholdefl. PAVID WILLS, 826:: u! . Dec. u, was: HE Adams County Agr‘u-nlalcnl Sociocf, will hold lu annual Election in tho Pnhhc School Home in Bendersvilla. on the MRS? MONDAY (N JANUARY. l 0“, between the hour: of I And 4 o’clock, P. 11. All who are in favor dining-lug :ha Society no muon ed to amend Ind participne ln ‘snid election. o ,By order of ‘he Board. WII. B.‘WlLBON,'Beg'y Dec. 21, 1883. a: Visitors to Gettysburg, Pg, ILL find durable lccoinmodmim M. Hrs. NANCY WEIKERT'S BOARD ISu HOUSE. 6!: Chambenbnrg stint, near the Elgle Hotel, Gettysburg, PA. Dec. 21, 1853. ‘a: 3 sun at Work. RE undeniglod continues the cannemnxmo scsrxtss. in a“ in brush”, u hil 0101 “until: But, Middlrpugot. Gulpbm-g. . SEW work made to order. Ind - ‘ ' RE P A, I n I X G done promptly ad a lowan pricu, ‘ Two first-nu SPRING WAGOXS and n SLEIGH for lads. JACOB TRUXEL. Du. 7, 1863. A 0W & WOODS, garner of York street Ind Ditmond, Geuyabnrg, are closing out a largo lot of WALLPAPER u very low prices. In an Spring paper will con donhlq whnt It can be bought at now. [Dem 2|, 1883. ,' UFFALO SHOES—A luperior article of Over Sheen, for sale at the store of BOW t WOODS. OR LADIES.—Afl use: of 316110 Over Shuel for sale It due corner of York sum Ind the Bit-10nd by 20W & WOODS. EW FALL t WLW‘I'ER GOODS !—A good ulortment ofi‘lll and Winter Good: u chap 3. the cheapest. It LSCOTT 4k SON‘S Notice. Notice.. Railroad Election. Election. Now is lie Time (Sacco-lon to R. F. lcllheny.) 03583 01" YORK 81‘. AND DIAMOND, GENYSBURG. 9A., have an butt-M w“! «n n the love“ prison, BOOTS AND SHOES” Cavalry, WMer-proof, Kip, French Calf. Mo rocco, tud all other kind. for men Ind boil. - LADIES' SHOES. Gaiters, Balmaulu, lorooco, Kid, fine cut. Ind othfl'l‘. ‘ ' CHMREX‘S 88028.- A large variety of I“ nor“ Ind litu, lold It old pricel. ‘ , BATS AND CAPS Of ev'u-ry lizo, quality“th nyu, for can, boy: ntdaiuren. ' ‘ mssas' nus. A Inge lot of the hut-n uyles. Ft’RlemSO GOODS JWMu: Shitu,’ Cuulurre Shim. Flannd Shins, of 111. nylon. Collnm (Inna. Neck Tlea. S Ipenderl. Pocket Handkerchiefs, ta, which {in be lold cheap.“ M ‘ ' ‘ ' UNDER-WEAR. A n erior M. at Undenhl'ru o! urina kinds, tawny“. ‘ e . 'SOCKS. n ; ‘ He!" Woolén, Merino, Luck, Cotton. of all kinds ' up u qwer. » ' tGLOVES. Buckaenver. Cloth, Canimere, Kid. (‘m tnn. Thread, of 31’] Lindl—selliqgeu uld low prices; A - ' . $365025 Of-llhe-fine-t flaror and be“ manufacture, imported Ind domestic, gel cted with care. . W [AL PAFEER. ~ ‘ For Pulors, H 1315, Rooms, Cgmmberu. Ceil ings. and Boxes.“ Centre Riccel. Fin-board Plinl!,lJOOl’PlpCl’. of unions kinda. WINDOW BLINDS Window Payer, »o‘il Clgth, tc. Also, he pla‘gn papers 0 difi‘rem‘colors.’ 7 p ‘ mavrgumo BAGS Oil Chalk and Carpet, small Ind large. Togvgher with many other articles, all of which we w‘l'u'ncll n luwenl prl’dce. \\'e um out Wilh the nlrl. but good motto" “Quick Sales and Small Pr'ufiu,"mud intend to adhere to n.. TERMS CASH. Deaf, 15‘63. 'lf A 'A Cat-(L. ‘ 9 i ' THE luhucriber Inn-in: dispoud qf hi. Hat nud Shoe Star: to Messrs. Row, & Wboda, respccgt‘nlly askn Ihr Cnntlnunnt‘e of hie friends nndtcustomcu to patrbuizo lhnncw firm. at the 0151 stand. , R. E. )IclLH_l~J.\'Y. 1- 11?“:0. Rnhsrriher In" 901.; lin flat and iShoc Stare In LIA-Mrs. Row & Wu‘od-x, who u 11l r’x'oummo tho husmesi Mumc old (“and We ;|re mun-J} oblige-l for the Imam] support.“- tended to In, and, gu“ mtnmpfly rL-quvil mqw innit-MEI to us (Q cull ‘nn-i make .hunediau ,pnyn‘ent. a: we desire m SOUL-,Our bud-meg «uh-9m dwhy. Thr- hook: will he ymmd at the Island where the buaineqs “as done. ’ R. F. McILHBXY. Dec. 7. mm. f - ' ._.__.-—_——~_..__.._..__——_.__.. ..A . . ' . Nance. I . J 033?“ F'SUER'S ESTATE—Leno" of.\';ol{h étrings, I I ndmininmuion‘on the came a! Josephinonu no“. ‘Ol. l’xdhvr. late of‘ Franklin lownohir. ~Admnlj For\ hwsu'honnnd county, dec'd., having been grantrd m the un- : Numb?“ sale 13,,“ mm m drrnignvd. raiding in the tame townilvlp.‘nm m. yaw, in 1m 1 he hen-l):- gives nbfiee to All perwns‘indebu-di store in ms, cou'nu'. ' 'ul to slid~esmte u: make immedinu: pnynmt. ' .\. . ,' ' to present then prqperly 'aufllenticp'cd for' “on hm] hm, - Gigi" H I ultiemem. HENRY KUAIP, Adm'r. " Gettvcl-u£'..\O£-t "6' "4,. Dec. 73863“ 61. , L, __-; -EL '_" 1 7 . Notice. . REDEMCK nom'zs mum—Mom “summary on the emf; ofJ-‘rederick Nola, hm: of Slm'bal lowuhip, Adam cm, de ceased, having been gunned to the unit'- aigned, residing in a. lune township. they hereby give notiqc to all pe'rlonl Indebt ed to aid estate to nAke int-cam: pay ment, and we” hiringclliltl'nglinlt ch: sun to prelim than properly Autheuunted for letuemem. , DAVID fiOLTZ. JOSEPH HOLTZ, Excuutou.» at. :z, 1863. s6t For Sale. int-rite net of new CARRIAGE HAR NESS. Also n thousand excellem CH ES . SHINGLES., lnquviro at 1.8: Coxnnn‘ ofl‘co. [hem I.‘ l All Invited. ‘BE under-incl! have this day "not“ into I pArtnu-Ihip'in the Gain. Fwd co Ind: Lummiuion buileu, at the 011 Klinefelter house, corner of Station sud mum “new. The higheu‘pricel "I cut: pug for ‘ FLOUR, WHEAT, ' 4 RYE, CORN, ' ‘ oars, suns. , . - LSD HAY. ' All kinds of Groceri . Gunuon. Pub. fink. had every otlngtk-l‘ unsuy foam; in our fine of hnlineu, I" ‘ f which will be sold 'hulenle and retul. on the lowen (emu. Cull And no In. ad ”out, you-ache. this n in mil} to. lOLLD‘GER & fiERBSY Gvnynbug, June 1, 1863. t! One and All, ARE NOTICE—Thu undersigned would My to :he‘ public that it in receivifig 1 ing‘ and Iplmdid 'nock of GROCERIES.‘ which ha will tell As low. u any other house in wwn—qu’eee, Sn an, Holman. Syrups, Teas. Salt, Fish; to.y db Potatoes, Bench, and Rice ; Wooden Wire, pm. up in tho but. nu ur; Toucan, Sagan-1,8“ to. ‘ FAILURES, TAKE NOTICEI~H you tn!" (0 lay in your liquors for hrven; new~ h the time. I have any broads“ Whinkiu, Brun die!‘ Winn. sod All other liquorl, which I on disposing of u lborl profiu: Give no 1 coll I ulvln by to pleas—lnd believe I very of ten succeed. Remember the place—oomin"! cone: of the Diamond, Getty-bark. , 050. r. humane}! May 25, 1843 New Bakery! EWPOIT t ZIEGUIR, Muhnictl Baf— m, South Washington street. but" Iquuu {mm an Eaglo Hotel, GETTYSBURG. Pl.— Conunmly on hand, the be" 0! BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRE‘I‘ZELS. ta Per son! wishing fresh Bread will be served our: morning, by lnnng their “mes undreléd‘ncn n the Blh-ry. Every efi'on mud-e to pleat. am m I call! [4ler 20. ’63. t! Wanted, A GOOD IARMiu Adam: county, for which I will net-m one or more Plum of choice Ind in log“, ad pay the diflerence. Nov. 9, 1383. GEO. ARNOLD. ‘ “LINER" GOODS, Bonnets, Ribbons, M l'lbwen, Shaken Ind Bonnet Frame ‘ In received from Raw York, chnp n. Fabu mocha-in «no ‘ RID PM)”. .US'l' "cairn-1 It flCK!!G'S.Bpx-ing “d J sun-aromas... Conn on. And all. Picktn'g’ I am: ‘ ' ‘ CLOTHING 3mm: 1: lb! pllce to buy vour ' ovzncou‘s up pangs cons, you! mu: cows pm cunts: cons. ‘ Vnul’ cwm cons nib cAssumu: cons nocx com Ai‘onnnnsxxxsa cons, on! ééurs “51.3 mm cons, scsnn‘ con-s AWEHRYDAY cons, wnu cons {ggfwma cons, .on ' - . bageafmraaififmmm 3-00 to ' ' ' ‘ PwKING'S CIfOTHING'STORI, . 0!! BALTIIORI 813%", onrrsscac, {or nr ' CLOTH PANTS AXD’ASSDIERI PANTS, for you run: nxers no manna $15515, . , to: for ' FIX: PAXTS AND EOARSE PANTSL ' {or u ”an I?me AN’EJJAXCY PARTS, fat y It“ GOOD PAYTS AXDf C BAP PANTS. been" his pneu nu “wan I link love: . um: maybe , ehe'l. fl- ?IC K I G' 8 g in the but to go! , CLO?! 172 st ”(D C:SSL\IEBE VETS, ‘ ' r to {it ‘BILK V3BlB 3ND 8LT!!! 7381'5. to t ' FLA!!! VESTS AID F‘INC? V3BlB, . xunx vnsrué Edam» rims. summ- vzsrs‘ma mama, vnsrs. nom- vss'rs Exist“! nets. icons; vzsrsuix. camp. vnsrs, , to g. mumm- msrs u.| cheafm- than any olhcrl GO TO PICKING'S } ran . vain", Tunis, . Carpe‘t Bags. ‘ Truollng Hugs, ‘Walkin‘g Clncl. .Umbxcllns, ~ | Gun. Shawn, .f‘lothes Brushes, , “at lirmhm. ,Taoth Brunh‘l. I [Hacking lirushel, ”‘00! Hacking, ‘ ffiuckakin Gluten. (‘asnimeru Gloves, Kid Glove“. Thrend ’Glovel, IComforters, = . ‘l’ine Shir”. Conn! Shirll. ‘ Culimere Shim” I Flume! Shin», Murillo Shir", x Lambwool Shirts, ' Knit Shjm, - t I‘nder Shirl; I Flannel Draws a, QWuchn Drawerl, ‘ Patton-Drawers, ' ‘ Kerk-lien; K Crnun, I (Winn, lPape‘rt‘alhfl. , ‘ Gym film-en, Bufl'nln Shoel. {‘ouon Such. Woollen Sockl, . Hand Lerchiefn, Pocbct Combs, §Reddinz Combl, . ‘ Bufl'nlo Slim-I, lGnm Co‘mbw, Horn Cumin, _ ' Ivory Camus, K “'nlch KITS. ‘ War h Chains, ‘ \Vnuh Guards. 'Pockrt Giza-es, ”making Glllllel, 3 Ulock‘. $ SIM-cad"; ‘ \fiazon, , ‘ Razor ,Sirnpa, (Shaving Scrap. ROW- & WOODS biES" i NEW ' HF, undrfligned has I I Shoe Store, on Hull ‘bnrg. :: few doors‘nbore I} ‘hnljus: oywnvd n fiuenso 3001-3 Fun max, r ! Room for hop. Sh GUM SHOES FOR MEX: GUM SHOES FOR BOYS. with A huge 10!, cull-using every variety. of ISHOES FOR LADIES—nIao {or QHILDBEN. I «a HATS ASDCAPSA. ’ go! nll'floru and sizu, with‘L-diu.’ and GM “lemon". GLOVES. } Indeed. his unortmenz ill be found {an and attractive, And I" of hi good. at the but' ’qnalhy sud Intent llylu. ‘ He lan hnl on hand Afit VII-levy ofSIGAIS, SHORTSG AND CHEWI. G TOfiACCUS, It. Determined not. to be nudemld. Nolan goodl It ‘the loud pron I the line. will Val low. Cull and see lg'ofore Pinyin: duewhrre. ‘ JOHN LJ BOLTZWUBTK. Dec. 14, tsca.- . = Jury Idsb-Ja nary Term. Gum: J u. _ Ending—Thor‘s. )3. Die !. Foreman. ' Hamilton—Henry Stock, no. Snydet. Gettysburk—Heary Culp, fun-mu.) . Union—Abuhun Rife. E" ‘ Uxfard—Lfleorge Smith. i Ilumiltonlln~Dnnirl Snyder. ' »' Bewick ”Ht—Adam Rln‘ ennui. ' Conowlgo‘c—John Kngr. r human—Andrew Shunt. ' Manama-George Bender . _ Inuutplnannt—J. ESMHI. Berwick bor.—-)liehnel lldmnng. . ‘ Huntlnmon—Emnnuel Smith; V Liberty—John Sure-alum Tyrone—Wu. Inkk3, M: 0035‘. Funklin—Henry flan-u, ' . ammo—Peter Mun-Hey. MouanQy—Abnlmm Hunt). 3 Freedom-Jone P. Topper. ' ‘l. Gummy—Frederick Btmm‘ Butler—Nod Millet. - = Cauberlud—John 11mm“. . Gnu“. 1c". ' Humilianhm-(ho. Hull,‘Andm Sindhi. Swan—lmm Hons, Him, Inn, [soot L. Gnu. [ Union-Daniel luring, chob yacht, Sr. Bcrwick ban—Wu. C. Berk. « . _ Hamlin—Solomon Hanuuflua Bur, Geo. linnigh. Y Tyrone—heck Hyman, Tall an‘. Lntimorc—hrael flour, I‘m Myers. GeLLthurg—Fdwud Maury, C. I. Murcia. Mouutplemnc—bewia WulLJohn L. Jenkina, Pin- 8. Shim. . squat—Juno: Mchnnei, George B. Hewitt. Freedom—Jeremiah Sheen, Abruluun Em, Ruben Golden. » " Oxford—John Hanan Chulel Sane“. . Reading—George Hoover. Sln‘hwfl lichom. Hununmon—Emunuel Brongh, Jncob AAA“. ‘ner, Wm. B. Gardner. Berwick tp.—-Snmncl Bro". Franklin—Philip Cunhull, Dnid andotfl', Hezekinh Lsuhnw. Hamilton—Benn floovu. Boom. King. Gcrmny—Fcrdinnd Mn, H. S. Kline, Samuel M. Study, : Libucy—Emnnel OverholuOr, Sam‘l Bond. Cnnbcrllnd-n-Chulu B. Polly. David Win". Calcium-Inf“ Km, June Fun-n. , flountjoy—Dgyld Clupuddlo. ‘ , » Dec. H, ma. all kindl of Vesta, More in §he county. a” If you in!" an ACCOJIDEON 06 to Picking you want A POCKET KRIFE . Go to Picking You Win! A 'ILVER Tnmnm: ”Go tn Picking van imnl. a , FINE SBGAR (Jo to Fick In no wn‘nl—f- l'umxu TOBACCO . Co to Picking. rou want ‘ {mum TOBACCO .(‘m m‘Pickipg ydu want ‘ SUSPENDERS MI 1 _Go to Picking you wllnt ‘ STEEL APEHS ‘ Go (2) Picking ynu want - . GOOD PENCILS I Go zo-Picldng you want . \ SLEIGH BELLS Gu‘w Picking vqu want I ‘saw sm'r Go to Pickm‘ you want I UUOD SUIT ". 09 to Picking you wait a CHEAP SUIT Go'to Picking fou Imm ”BAP CLOTHES . ‘ 06 to Picking Qyon want to ‘ ‘ BU Y CHEAP Go to Picking ron want a GOUD' FIT Go to Picking Lron vunt. an; article in hx: lino Go In Picking or he mi» ,received ther’large flock of NEW GOODS ch he is selling to cultonuu Mid nit ‘ c l pn'ves. ’ . \ ivnl of NM- Gouda i 0 Clothing line {or |\l A CALL. - , Bt-:& STORE MI ‘ STORE. panel! I new Root. & ‘mon "reel. ngya. ne Conn-house; and 1 men! of goodyviq: SHOES FOR MEN; «.4 for be}: ; ~ 1864. comma): 336 M manna a A “p mgcuac Co 5 up Zzzazg‘v Ugefig.: .IMM . "JANUARY. 3 4 10,11 17 ‘lB 24 23 31 FBBUARY. 2 3 4 .5 9 10 ll 12 16 IT 18 19 23 24 25 26 7 s, H ‘5 21 2‘2 28 22 IL&IICH, 1%"); 9021 27 28 APRIL. 5 ‘6 5’ 8 \l2 I 3 ,14 15 19 2D .21 22 26 27 28 29 3" ..4 5 6 JO ll .12 43 17 .18 )9 20 24 25 26": 27 31 E 3121 JUNE, JULY, lo 11 24 31 AUGUST, '1 8 15 no 30 SEPTEMBER. 5 12' 1') 26 OCTOBER, 4 ll 18 {2‘s NOVEM BER. 7 Es DEC‘EMB £3, 6 13 21} 27 5 12 19 26 BOOTS AND ‘ Boots & Shoes! TEW ESTABLISHMENT.—The under-. 21- ed bujuu laid in I fine Mon-J: ”nu: (IW7 city wurk, which he WI” diapune of at the in ~ , en profit: possible. “15 assortment. embr C s double-roled CALF-SKIX BOOTS for men, ‘ - CAVALRY BOOTS, _‘ "all kinds of . BOOTSJ‘OR BOYS“ ; ‘ \ ' with I huge unrtmont of . . SHOES EUR LADIES 1150 for. CH'LDREY. 119 km lelock‘d 1:: stock with care. united n he lhlflkfl finally to the want: n! this market—and additions wii! conqtuntly b:- made as the trade may reqn re. The goods he «Hers are my nnly_well mzde,‘ and of-gond mnutinli, bu! embrace ‘he Intuit. nylon. Particular nuaution )vill always 1:. paid’no (hue points. Remember the place-.YORK STREET; Inf lylopposiu the Bank. Cull nqu- no tor your " ru. The boot and shoe-making bulineu [0 ur ried on u heretofore. \ WILLIAM SHILLENN Grttfabqrg, Doc; 7. 1853 Good Thmgs fro the City! WE are receiving tmcc week from the '. cilya variety 0! ink." suited to (h -wnnti ofihis cmnmunfly, viz : Fresh Ind Salt FISH, Hams. Shoulders Lad Sides, Homily. Buns. Salt,Applps. I’otuwuflnngrs, Lemon. Confecflunl, fl‘obnccos, Sewn, with gunny other wide: in thin line—nu received In 0!. but order, and said a]. the law's! prnflu. (Hm: an a Ca”, in Baltimore street, ‘uearly opposhb Fnhncstnrks' store. \YAzVTED.—anz€r. Riga. Lard. am! all other cqunlry hroduce—fn: which the highcac cash prive will bc pnid. ‘ ~ » SWEET “STATUES—hoot, quality, in low. \ on living prnfit‘s—nlwup on hand. Allo, OYSTI-IBS, fine and ln-sh,—ln..the uhell qr ihuckedfi Reitnurnnu and families sup Hod. STRICKHUI'SER t‘WISOTZ£E\'. ' Oeuys'uurg. May ‘lB, 1863. 31:1 200 Tons Hay TANTED.—-HE.\'RY I'TZ, agent for Slim ‘ 1 Young. will buy nny‘qunnuw of Hly, pf“! (h h‘ghru market prica "Icahn—- ¢ngnn fining fluy to u” would do" ‘well L 3 3in Lin In curly call, in Gettysburg. _ Nor. H, 1863. 2a: ‘ Notice. 'IOTIV fl. BREAKS ESTATE—Lotte" 0! Q udmiuistrmou on 1h: cattle at John‘ I]. Bream, lute OLlMllinglnn zownlhjn, Adam: 2 county, ducouod. JIM-30g 'bhen mpkfl Io Um undenigned, "Riding in the name township, .1 Hwy hereby ghu saliva '9 all persona imieb'c 1-: to and cut-la to mnlu- lmmodjwte payment, mu! (lune luv-ii; dnims against. the same :1") welent than yropw‘ly “manicured OorJelp peanut. . £M3ABETJI J;ILE.—\N,~' _ mnxums mun», $Ol. 23, ”63. "I ‘ Adminiunwn. Cldthing“. EORGE ARNOLD hu out (of. up hi! nu G and Winter noel: of Clothing, the 1&3“! flock in town, sonsiqting ol . ~ (”000nm .. Druu Cosh, : \ . _ Basia"! Goa“. ’ , Isliuryflounnnd Palm ~ Punuloona, Venn Under and Over-Skinny: Dru-m, Honk? (Elm-u, 8c... input \‘nlicty, a“ or which I u be IBM chm?» for rub. Call and nee then: Sept. 28, sh. :Youwmr' _ m. .. GOOD ALE, FORTH. 0'! Smut, ScotcluAle, um Winn, pull at 4 , ; cunlsxsa's,‘ 1 ‘ North-cu: cont: or flu Dmd. _ Deg. 7, Iss Hay‘! Hay! - ' j" HIM? HANS. M. firnnfle Satin, pop 1) UK FORD PRICES {or my: Nov. 9.1803. ' " -- ' ' Wantbd. - ' K epvnmigo to the Tailoring bull“..— A_ A boy from tho country ruferud. G. F. {CKISBODI Kov. 30, 1863. 3! DR. I{'OBIAS’ cckhuled Derby 6m ' Pow-den, for Ron" and mum, in It]. I'- Dr. ROBXER'S Dag e.‘ ; ‘ ' XCELSIOR! 1 EX'.‘ q10R” ‘ 8x03151011"; ‘ The Excelnior Washing Hlohlnl {I tho but if ‘ in me World. (on and quail“ it n m... , 1 Uflice n the Ends-o.— bkydiqht 0511 . L 4',- ‘A VlO3 BROTEBS. -_; OAK. OIL-4n C ‘ nu. R mmx‘in'l m M mars rum- mow 31W 5 Home!“ Tonia, |.§ W. t" m; Start. ~ .25.,“ ._ ’ E] 1:3 CI 5 '6 7 8 12 13 1‘ 15 19 20 2| 22 26 27 28 29 l 2 3 4 _8 9 1011 {616,17 18 22 23 24 25 E 80 31 P 2.3‘ s 910 1516 M“: 222324 2921) 7 l 4 2! 28 6 7 13 H 20 21 27 a 3(4- 3 4 10 ll 17 18 2‘4 25 3f :1 7‘B 1415 2122 2320 6 )3 20 27' 9 m 16 ~.n 23 “‘2l 30 7 a 14 15 21 ‘22 28 20 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 4 5 ll )2 18 w ’‘2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 ' Ii 2.f) 2 .'7 9 I" 1"» ‘l7 93 '.i~'. 30 31 7‘ 8 H 15 .91 2‘2 ‘2B “29 SHOES 30 OTH