The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 04, 1864, Image 2
7'36? gCEnmpilrr. OUR FLA¢I fl. 1. snug. 19:16: no ‘nornmu. QI‘I‘TYUICBH. P I I fiONDAY’ MORNING, JAN. 4. "164 fl“ Congrgu re-mbmbles tag-marrow, mar 1n adjournment of two weekl. a-Tha State Iwgi-lnturo will met It Harrisburg tomorrow. The Home will no doubg organize It cum-I‘M. than may be deliy‘in Hie Sena“. th ties being I tin. ”A paragraph floatihg about in our nxchnngcfi. ‘oomuining the assertion of n “ vétnrun ofliceh” in a. Igtm m the "Army and Navy Regimen? that though the Bag ylnn sustained a hmvy {ms in the mule of Quay‘burg, them Um no plot “signed for fhe“burin_l of the" «lead in. the National Cemetery—mu copied into our last issue: W 1: nllude to the mum for the purpose 50f «arming the nutmentpf' the officer in qn Lion. A.qutl‘,Mt been usigngdifgr the bury} of the Regulnfiin the gamma} Cem etetyfand nquwly, Mr: “'IHS, the agpnrof qu. Curtin. informs us, About one hundred lumped hodi‘erhave been removed to it, in the time manpér and with tbn sumo c-u-e I|th all (whol- Midi": are. The» portion. ”tiapnrg fnr (he Rngulnrs'in in the south- Hut ond of the inner you offllabe lota. and will in every 'wny be cured fnru the other pn (ion: nf the ground. All pnpers that mm.» copml the Iparugruph alluded to ulmuld ninke thu prri'par corrpction, fgr tha comfort of (hé friends of the Reguhn wh‘o full hnra Em (he memorahla three first days anuly but. - l . _ ‘ Um'trrl Smm (”:mrtm‘y al Chat!anonga.—Tho gro for-a United State- Ce‘metery M. fih‘ogn have been selrcled. A special HlVinntoh Imm there states that. one’hun} rlrgd men wit-rs put to work on them re cently. ‘A national monument in to be plu oarl 1n llm centre; similar to that. at Getty:- l-ul-g. A «li‘pamh dated Chumnongn. Dec. l‘J,l am!" that all thekllled, and those who lmll_e_4liarl in hospihll. and bllried in (ha nigh. are being diainterred and placed in thé United Staten Cemetery, " m my. mam—Tm, in a new month ly :Mngniinc oflitsralure and fashion, ed ,jteil hi‘llrs. Henry Peteriaonjnd published ‘th Dg'xctin & Peter-rum, 319 Walnut 9L. paihdelpmn. The first. nuinber lie'a us} It. in embellinhed with a fine engrav; vuund neural f‘uhion‘plnmn and connin- A {number of interestingfinlps. ltogethcr wilh Mme wunicfind poe'h-y. It basalong lisp of contri’buxora, among whom we see Ihlagmmoe of many whoue productions will ke'welcomed by all lover: ofllghl literatuge. ,ltfrTha National Conscrntive Union Fcijmmitten m‘et. according to adjournment frnm Cincinnnti, 3', Philadelphia. on Thun «qu mack, Hon. Amos Kendall braiding. Tile murse of the Administration was de ncunced. and resolutions were ndofited nplprovinz the nominfitiom of Gengml GiorgLßchClellnn for tha .Prelidohoy. n ‘l ex-Governor William 13. Campbell, »of' qu‘nnosm. for the Vice Presidency.— Speoches were nude by Maura. Steven» of N w’York. Norton. of Ram, and others. .T , ———-————-\«.o~————‘——— ,Vi fitmiiting.-‘—Govornor Yates. OElllinoil. h? issued a. proclamation ordering the or re}. of afi’partieu recruiting men in Illinois, nioher {finite nr blmkfifor service in other‘ Stan. 100'. Gurtin should issue I similar ‘ prl lmalidn: ‘ _ P'Ml acqeunu from our difi'nrentnrmies 00‘ curigsmtihgun fact chit the three yum m'n. whose terms are expiring. are te-an ]i-E'ing by companies; regimengagnd lyri m 93. 311 d th‘a probnbility‘ is that three fd rthsof them bill re-emliltfor the nu. n the New YOrk Herald. a, Alpublic meeting in Chsmhenburg hgzonutfionud‘the Town Council to offer 3 , extra bounty to volunteers. was to nv“id' the drnlt in that borough. Yotk 113% other places have ukeh I (infill: step. “lgLiwanmmnnder Willism Gibson. _ fly of/York. Pm, (nephew of Judge Flibei-J has been put._in commnnd of the iroin-clad “ Kaaukill,” one of the monitor flat ofl‘ Charleston. , pWhen the war aommonood, we were my that the man who suqminod the Unimn with any “ifs or buts." was s, tniwr. W H. :ho‘ wnr hag gone on vii-1y three 31;”, and we find that. the “ifféml but." put 1y have [:sme quite numeious. We hays not met a fri'gnd.ofthe Administration within the-last. yeér who was for the Union —r slavery is to be minfiiped. They lay tfi‘ y are all fm- the Union-4h: not I: ig m. Wlbo are go traitor-HT. ‘ k . ' ' Ndrthé'n pafiiotinm. just now. eon sis r. in to. Birongjnclinltion on the part of th rich Abolition'nt. to oonacript-hia poor n hbor tad compgt him to whip the So'pthprn secessionist; , ‘ . . “FA revoldlion has Wen fit in Sun _mingo. and 5 number of blquy battle. I: been Luigi".~ The: Spanish are not 2» king much pmgreuin 'tho “tulip! to put it. ovum. " ' Inwisnmioqn. of wmiumport. r... her contnctor. 'll-. been sent w the Clpigol. for fnudn. -_ , I: The Xewbnrypofl Herald my: Inn tyi yuan “hr, in the better «by, of tho Ito .. Hie. thfl 83.000 fee would bu. lent Jbu P. Hale homo; and it ought to ~, . mild winter in New Enginnd in pug (IW. because “Io gulf 31mm . it. uvqral h ‘ndresl miles nearer - our can plum hot” 0! Qhofiuvyionibm C’nmmfltm the Senate. 21:73» on wcpided over by .v Englanderl: A ' . , “.de “.5” byte “ken to drap pw vitriol h%’ 900““- A We WW ~ {a thief his . yum 30‘». :M‘:,fv" ; V . u WWI" l ).We luv-s resolved the follow-in»: from . “10",,“ 'Copperhead." up the 73a”, thin gallant “ Eighty seventh,” Ind insng-it tho landing ‘Bepuhlicén Journnl of Now :“l‘ Wh PIP-“"9? ' _ .‘York, and the imputation of disloyalty, J 4," Punch. Richmond. ‘_ “"7. ‘mbudiod quite 100 fmly. It in n uny , December 16' 1863‘ l ' lo hon of showing unh- Iplce COL. J 4!” " 32mm. lmpzf man who don’t exactly W‘ ' Oflogn Ind Enlisted men of the lngh. ghmx upon ”Ink 0! the qu :nzfiflzzg-levenufn pfimen‘ Penna. :{VOL downing lll' .or upon mom. Mb’ ‘ t . 2? EN" mchwgmm‘m “Md“ WW "1.31 mi" Yfildé’c Euleggl' mumnpirlr,unuhouuhedheoan.‘o, h 3.1- 9"" ' - '. lunatic-«l by "oi-y man who but brmlth - l 9 "mm."”"“‘.‘“' nine (9)3015" to! mind enough to understand tbnt‘ thc' fromyon,£llcd "maul“ “an {manual dininctlon bonnet: loynlly and “d dolleutuguchmu '1". b” conducnve to l dinloynlty “low- 20 3M". and not to difl‘cr- “thmlon m health "hm m our PM” lenooin, poalitioli on any one liclo. True jUnion men are obliged to ngree onlyln 'ono thing—the uuppart. of the war for the prourntion o! the Union. But until the , constitution Q‘t'lw human mind is chunxryl it will be impossible for all true Union town to igree will: rupee: m the preclu‘ , mode in thiah the war shall be completed. l 1 Ken, honin- devoloil to a common cause“ :lwaya differ about. method-I Ind clamils: ' lI'III 111-y In" {gright to differ. In long as 1 [boy will keepfleor of factions Rodney—l‘ - Foir dimion‘gu nlwayl not only adm'ygir 'blo but. pncticiblo. A JUDICIOU! WDKENT Hon, A. H. Cofroth. of tin- Bedford Dis trict, hM prOposed tn Amandmant to the Comeriptien bill, which Iboujd be imme diateiy adopted. . It in m follnwu: ' “Ruched. That. the Kimmy Committee be directed immediately to inquire inm the expedinncy of amending the not smith-d ‘An Act for enrollirfiz and cullingout that nuioml fem-en and for uther purpmos,'— lpproved Marsh 3. 13433. to comm] tho Provost. mll'lhlil of Hm difl'eronl congresn» mm! district: to hold 'their exgminacimu far the phyiicnl disability. or any ozhét chute of exemption. at the county town nf each county in the rexpective congressionnl dialricts." » , _ i Thg bard-hip which he proposes to rem edy, ha: been I. grievous one. In the large cities. the limits of a Congrmionnl district] Irggoconfined, that itia very easy {or the em. iien to reach the ofiice of the Provo—«v. Mar-y II)“, but in the country it. will be no nli‘ghtk incnnvonience- for a poor man to even go lb Ilia county tnwrr'of 111 l own county, and to are not aura bui. tllat it. would be «id:- to "ill 'further Whethn law '0 far as to‘ give the_Prowst Mlilhnlathb‘dil‘J-etionuly pqwor to hold their examinations in such“ other towin- in the county m- lhey shall see" 5:. For thgvgelief which Mr. Cofiroch's“ nmondment 'w‘ould 'give. lm‘wever.‘ we nra’ mire (hut. the peoplé will return—“muclx' thanka."—Age. A . ‘ A “LOY4L” SENATOR. _ John P. Hale. the Abolition monntehnnlé o! the Sennle, re‘cently' made l reply to Sender DAvil. of Kentucky, in which hr said that if,hil party friehuls In Congress were as Mr. ‘D. represented (ht-m. they Emu-e noLfit to be taken by the hand by ‘ pickpocketq and thieves: This mm all vary j in" wfar as it went ; hut only two guy: * thereafter hri, himxélf, Wu obliged to canfess Lin upon ~Sennte 'that he took I ‘brihoi of $3,000 to procure'lhe relenae of n palilicnl 'prironer, _(hus proving that he. :at leash, \ was is mean and rascnlly as Mr. ’D. said the ‘Abolitionhta were. Ith well that Hale ia l “ loyal and patrimic" and loves the nigger. L°r hokwould soon find himself expelled ffxom the Semi». ' Rival! among Colored “emu—The Baton Courier has the following informltim frpm in New Orlo'ans correspondent, who writes on the 12m: k ‘ Our military authorities have just. had a foretuete of their wisdom in intriguing im portant military poet-Jo “colored troop‘.” by e revolt at Forbfiacknon. which the ne‘fwxpnpers in this department. "by up. thority.” will inform you run “only en el bercntion between my officer and enmeiof the meh. and coon quieted." Ihue‘ my informexinn from the lip-'of the oflieera in command of that pontfthe Kerri-on ot'which consisted of five hundred colored mhlien and officers and twenty while men.‘ (though some of‘the colored men are as white In some, of the w'hiufixfiiceru) and so serious had become the revolt that the officers themselves declared that hall thej Attemp ted to exercise any authority over their command. every white man would have been killed, aml “IMGEWI have been in possession of the fort- which (goat the United States Government so much of life and treuure. end so many months delay to get into our hunch. It he: been decided the: this regiment of “colored men" must‘ be "mustered out of the qervine.” in eonee- ‘ quence of thin—“ulteoretion between an ofll cer and Dome of the men." ‘ " mar Name is Lagion.—A Loyal 1209'.“ in Limbo.-—We lgarn from the Cubs Tn“ Pa. 1 trial “thy. Wm. Stogidnrd. who in in limbo in Wuhingfon; chnrged with fielding new on! hundred thonund dollars from the Govemmolit, in nri oid retident of “'llng ville, in Allegheny county. For a luv year- pau he has been engaged in the lum bering business on Pine creek. in_ Pennsyl vania. Ind becoming huviiy involved. turned his attention to stuling u Wash ington. Ind gamedodgin'ucumuhting a sum sufficient to liquidate all demandu' aglinst. him. purchnnirig $40,000 v'vorth of timbéred binds. his hhnoceuary to add that. he in an Aboiilioni-t."—~Bufala (hu -718". . » The Pluidau’a Pay.—-In order to incrwo the Pmident‘l puy without violating the explicit letter of the Coqstimtian. it is an aonnged th‘i bill win he shortly introdu ced intoCongreu for the payment. of his may ”rafter, u‘vell a flat. in in u rea. in 991 d; which g" in aloe: increm his pny to 837.1500. ion! When the bill in mounted the Duhocnfic furthers «inbr fer An Amendment. 06 pathq loldiara in pupa-9w (Conn) Tum. ’ hag/crud Poppet—Quito an eleitflflont wijjoceuioned in the Put-k mini Methodist. Chm-oi: n Cincinnati on Sunday week, by A female nsmod mes cowhi-fing Mac R. Rain“. A '9l} known Abolitinnilt. flail: the ”negation wns u prnyor. After cowhiding him the threwionyonne pepper in bi- fwo. Sandul is. alleged a the cum. ‘ ”The illnosa of Chief Justice Tine, proves noun serious u had beenA Ipproi bended. It appears he took a. ”wire cold while utemliag to his duties some days ago u the Capitol. which his confined him to his bed for a. dayor two. has neither his physician 14);? his {‘sl:in npprob-nd lotion! coannoneu. Thu will he and gun fur flu Abolitionidi. who )ook forward In!- M {at the duth ofJu'lga Tmoy, than. any any pk» m on of their pets gt tho had a! tho‘jupum Court of Ilia waited sum. po+ition ‘ We mnnot’fiml word: tnfoxprou our i‘gntefixl loknnwledgmenu to you for your ,eieeedingly kind consideniion' in? thus 'contributing m abundantly Won}- wants. ‘Be inbred ybur kindness is 'duly nppro gem“ Ind may entefulu remambeml by ua. . ' i ‘Ynu knmv giant‘wn 1m" gysr Mn do . votodly‘nlganhed M (bk “ Eighty-Aevenfll." but thi nnble M". M: ‘diuintprehtfli henna ‘ lance, Intlmn. if maible. the allied-rs and I 111‘an of that Rekimmt man than over to m. , Maj Heaven send m richest ,bleuingn on you. and may wewon be exchanged anJi-e -sumo our narrowing place; in the old " Eighty-"lpm.” npd this” renew {how n-‘rocmionq whic}; hue bun IO Menu“ in by‘A-gnne dun. ‘« ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' Mont trfily nn’d gratefuily ygur obliged friends uni fvllow soldiers, it ,1- Jon Anna". Cupc. _‘ ',‘ , ‘ Jun. Hum. lat Lt. and Q. 31. , “INK! Mgnmosun. lat LL . lsuc Hun, h: M; 1 Can. P. Srmuv. 2d Lt. ' WILL“): Bruno-23. 2d Lt. , W. H. 11. Wu-l, 2d Lt. P. S.-A few lines from any of our old associates would be very acceptable. . 3 -—-——.——-' W— GENERAL McCLELLAN'S. “253 T. Wumvcrnx. Dr 23. ‘ (tr-nerd M‘Clellen'n report wufi-smit ted to the Home to-rluy. lt cg ammo! uneven hundred and sixty-five (mishap page and in dividedintp four parts. He concludes in followu: I shall not. nor can I While living. forget that when "two: ordered to the cornmantl of the trooru fur the uletence olthe Capital. the wlnlier‘m with whom i hull i‘ufl’errtl so much anxiety mul‘pnin and sutf-Irmg of the liver. llml not! but their confidence in me ltd their romrhnmtom- They sprnng to my call with all their ancient. vigor; '«licr-ipline nnri ‘churugt'. I led them into. Maryland fitter-n day- after they hull {Ellen . h kg—del'entell bet-ire Washington. Tuey gnquidhevl the enemy on the rugged height. of South Mountuin. pureuod hurt to the hlrtl fought field of Antietam]. and drove him. bfoken anrlilio pirited. down the Potomac: ”into Viruinia. The army find need ofrmt after the terrahlu experience of.b:tttles any mnréhm. with nonrcely an interval of rehoue. vvhidithny had gone throu-zh from the time olitlwir leaving: for the. Pamnaula to the return to Washington, the defeat in "lt‘glnlfl. the victory at south Mountain not agnin u Antietam. It was not surprising that they Were in In large degree. dettitute ol‘ the uh solute nncméuriel to effective ilutv. 'l‘hnir shoes were worn out. their hlsnketu lmt; and clothing in I‘.th In abort. the men were. uhfit for active service. and tin intox vol lnr rest anil eqty Intent wml- lle””‘4!|rs'//—' When the ulnmy lorwurdr-d sugpl'tcs clinii to us I led the army norm; the IIVN’. r‘nm .vnted. refrevthcd and Inigootl nrdur and dincipline. and fnllotvot‘l lh‘c retreating foe to a position wherel wnrontlrlo-n "filo-0i!- it'e victory, when. in the mi ~t OLIhQ movement. while my ntlvnnn guard 3m“ actually In contact with the only. Imu removed from theeommnml. t murtevnut ly grateful to God that my ast cummign with this brave trmy vus crowned with a victory which uvevl It oatmntion from the greaten peril it had ver undergone. I have not accomplis ed my purpose if by thin report the Arm of the Potnmac is not. placed on the ' ll of the historic ermit-n oflthe worll ‘ ltn treads ennohle the beliet to whic it he‘lonzi. Always ready for battle. :1 «vs firm, nu-arlt'uat uml truatworthy.l ne er qellul‘ron it in vain. nor will the nati u ever hue came to at tribute it: wentpf subcess unrlerélyynell'. or under other cot'nmnnders, to any failure of patriotism or}mwery in that noble hotly‘of 1 American w diers.‘ No man can justly charge upon any portion of that army” from ‘theeomrnnnding xenon] to the privnte’ “3'! lack of devotion to thoeenviee of the United Staten goVernmt-ut end to the cause i of the Gonltitution soil the Union. They have proved their ieulty in much sorrow. l gufl‘ering and danger. tunl through the very ‘ shadow of death. Their camrndetl, dead, on ‘ the fields where ya fought; haze mréely ‘ more clnim tothe honor of I. union’s rev. 1 era-nee then the survivors to the justice of ‘ s nation's gratitude; l The report eoven the period from the 26th‘ot7July. 1861.toNovembet-Ith, 1862. i $l3 $3OO CLAUSE INT“ CONSCRIP flON ACT. . ‘ An attemgt will be made at the meat ueuion of ongrel‘s to repeal the three huljdred-dollnr e'xemption clnuu in the Chnwriptibn Art. We have objected to that clause for the reaion that it favored the rich at. the exgznae of the poor. We think it ought‘to one hundred dollnrs, or perhaps a smaller mm. th-t would place it within the reach of all. But we Ire op posed to tho~repehl. if the object is to have no commutation 'rrioo fixed at I". If it cennot'be reduce .~ let the three-hundred dollar cleuee stand M it. is. A repeal of it qbeolutely wduld allow substitute: to fix any price they chose, and would work moat dimtmnlly to the people. All coun tries. oven monerehicul. that have conscrip tion, 5! e. pecuniuy limit for substitutu, and if we adapt their luv we ought to follow their practice. We‘hope every Democrat and conservative member will vote min-t the rope-l of the throe-bundred-dollnr clause it“ the propmitinu is not to reduce it... The fact in. tthministntioh, with the sum nieed in m ney. can induce I larger number of the three-year volimteera to re enliat than the services of the mmcripu ‘ they thus would get by the repeel wouldbe worth—audited: Enquirer. * ~ A GREAT WATERFALL A dembmontof troop recently wanting in the vnlley of the Snake or Lewil Fork of the Colnmbig discovered t Interfull which is doubtleu‘iqttly entitled to the distinction of bung onlled the grin-test in the world.— The entire“ volume of Smite River pours over I sheer preciptce one hundred and ninety-eight feet high-thirty-eight feet higher than ngnrl. Snzke Riva in fully on large n the Kings“. Ind the cascade in in one aohd Ibeotor body. 4 The locdity of thu immenu tutu-Fill in mm; the point hertolore dosignatod as tho Great Shoshone or Salmon Falls of that tin or. but they have always been eveloped in mystery. Almost A dozen year: ago the writer pused along tho hnnke Blur road. For two days we bend the roaring‘behne mu. but lenrnod no more reepeotingfihem thnn if they bud been in the mou‘n. It was said that there was Lactic: 0! folk Ind rapids, making (descent of seven hundred lent Ir} gown mllu. sud the sound gave oolortd'tlm report. For; hundreds of miles Across that great pluin, Snake nver flow: through I canon, with vertical mall. hundreds of feet high. Iti-enlyatlon inmothotmientpoinu fie found 5; who); the-rivor “a be reached. ‘11:: road cronies Eton point to point of the, ' bends, onlv app'nuclling clam m jha rin-r I .where than i: n clmncn to duceml furl Enter. From (hou- fun. vary for. if any.“ iof the tens of tlmusamh of adventunn' lan have cram! the ylnins ever lookedi upon the Gm: l-‘alll. - j l The lube dinooveren "port. bald” lh'e' 11min cataract. many other: of lea height.‘ tuning from twenty to (My feet each. nénr ‘ Ib]. Some dly they will he visited by the f lwurint Ind pleasure mhr. and looked" gupou as frequently and {nmlliarly u Nlnga lmiitn—dly; Ind it will be admitted that,‘ {with the “up-radon: grandeur of their tur-' (munulinp. they nré u in beyond Niagara. In Ningnn now exceeds the balnnco of Illa: ; World. i WAR NEWS—THE LATEST. A ammer arrived at Fol-2m! Monroe on Mood". lmving on“ bonrd;fivb hundrqd Federal firiwner‘. robeived in oxchnnge far the same number 99' Confederate: taken up. The Confeclemu mnlmmin, however. re {use any further exchange unless their lawn in regud to the ofiioern and soldier: of negro regimrnts he magnized. sud gnu- Lionn for which 'tha Federal goirernmenl has been wnwnding relufing to the ex changl be given up. Negotiation: with 01m. mler Are nl-m refmed,‘nn th!‘ ground that. be but been nntlnwod by s proclumn firm of Jefferson Davin. . Qn Monday. 't‘he 2151. ult.. n 09"“? 0‘19", Clerk ofthr Conny—JuJ. Fink, Oxford (p. dillon. gonsxmng 0‘ {our "pm“m" wu: .I’reuurr'r—Juroh Tron-LGeuylhurg. Mn! ounfrom the Army nfthc- Potomac to-[ C i ‘ _ F‘ b _ W ‘33 , _ turd: the Shenxndosh Valley. 0!: the. omm "m""" ‘P ”m“ ‘ ’9'" ."m’m-V' march chej encounlefed several hod'wnpr-‘m" Emlmn. Pull"; 54m!" ""hv Cbnfodente ravnlry and some ukirmishing' fieldinl- ‘ , , ocfiurred '31:! a numbt-r of [priwiwrv were“ Clerk—J. M.‘ther. Genybnrg; Count. M on. , u- trmm arrive-c M uny. m- u I’th countv. on Wednesdnv. this 23rd. snd § 3'3: Bthler}o;tt§|bkorg. d “m I l A‘s returned LUl’flmD‘lhe next. day wizfiutlm.% ’"° '3- ". n c ‘l'” e, ‘ mP“' n ' Connldernnir- bflrpkrly 'wundextroy on the 35905 M-Bomnzflv Umon t “'o'“ “"“H’v mX-xrch. cnnm'm: n 1 Mum-rim and other Tyrone. ' manufacturifl.’r‘ummhmems. mppoqed t 0 Stgwgnl—Juob (‘nlpz .l‘mnwel, Wm. Mr lavafltge? m Jurnisllxinfg h“uPp:i:'m “29‘ Clenn';'Physxc..\n. Dr. J. W.§C. o'.\'l-nl ; Trout n amen. .-:\'ér.l n v. e we rm re -- . - . , menu-are re-enlistinz under the indugk‘ mm ‘1‘“? She‘d” ' Ck'k' “20‘ “ “lf‘b'l‘ menu ofzholiheral houmy'. General Rab- tynhnrg. “ , en Tyler‘hu been assigns-d m the oommnnd ‘ Auditoru—d’eter Dick, llkqmfllonbln; 59.9?!) of the Irish Legxon at Fairfax Court gou‘sl‘, f H. Shircmnn, Hamilton 1 John Elder; Byrwick h mated by the death of Gem-ml ercnr-m. l “”91“!” _ ‘ From Churlatnn we‘hava Cnml‘edenta - advice: to Saturday. the 26th ult. 'l'ha Frder‘nl hnltoriu commenced bomhni'ding the'city on Thursday night. and up to four 0 cinck on Friday alumoon had fired one hundred nnrl thirtv nh9|l~:. "En-0‘ persons wipra “the nhelli. ()n F sumo the Cm puny with (:91an John‘ arzns' MEI thing and wevk‘ [At haw-r liwl; (lurix ME MENI MO nutl‘ . _ quantities of corn. oau. hay. &-. 'fhniuzh clans-1y pursu ed. In» unt hi‘s cmnmnurl many unwly. ' The rfhvls, homo-var. r-lnim to have capturmi 200 6‘! his men and u number of hi“ umUulzm cw. ‘ . . IGPn. Kelly ropnrh that all of the forces rtfwnlly m-nt. down the Shrnnn lnnh vnlley have rvmruml tn H \rpt-r'i lj‘l-rry. The-y chptun-d in all nvor loux humlré-d prisonns and a large amount of prawn)". ”Nu clmngn of impprlnnvo am gnpnrlml in the situation on lho‘ Pummncl- General Months arrived in \'-'.|~‘.ling\"n nu “(calmn diny. un‘l waitml upon’ the l'rmidvnf. Tho réatgmxizmnn of (he \rmv omm: Potomac hallnged to ho tlm objecc nf Inn vilil. A JvrrMlmmleM revwegxlm rumor nl'a ohanle In the comm mil, imim «ling [Sal lien. Hanmck wxli be clwwu m succeed Hen. Meade. lnformnfioh In! lwan rl-enivml by Gen.’ Kelly in tho v'fi‘e‘r‘t Hunt the Confrdvrulo (in-nerd Etrly. waUI niln- llltmmnd man. is beam—en va .Vh‘rket :m-l MauntJnckgon; Gent”! Ru-or mm has m-vun hundred tin-ms. and Guneml [minden'fifloen hun dred. h. i: holinvorl that .1 movement agailg'sl Winchesu-r in contemplated: FROM CHARLES I‘ON "1:. 1’5." the amid cormpflnrlcnt of the Biltitnore Andean. who predicted. a. few weeks ago. that Charleston would be taken Ihortly "after Chrielmns." impolite to take a decidedly loss encouraging view 01 the situation just now. Under the caption ol' “the pronpoot." he lays: ‘ The prmpect are resumption nfnelive ammtionxwr of our fort-ea occupying (thrleeton at an enrlv «lnynclms‘nnt nppenr t me. verv flutering. A month 130- I' .flmught differently. nn~l then expressed I‘ elm" hopeful npininn than menu since have justified. fielnys..snme Irining from un reseen accidentuueh an the linking ofthe Weehnwken :others. it appeento mac-une- Loss, but all rexntiom. have intervened. un til now the‘ npinian it everywhere express ed that nnwrioui renown of the “tempt to take Charleston will be nude before next spring. Ig‘nnm- inpmqihla to keep mare than one-Julf the Monitors in fightingoondition. Since thetnking of Morris Island every *nitor hm been to Port Royal for repairs. re than half have been there twice since that time. and oven new we have only {our here. One of these will have to go down,” noon-as she cm be repleoed by one of those nmv there repairing. . ‘ Concerning Sumter he sun: 1 The enemy are‘ busily st work in the fort, end the object of our fire now is toin 't4nrfere' with their operations. Largo work ing parties Are brought to the fort in Imm era, which also bring down grest qusntitiee of sand bags. The opinion in freely ex pressed here that the Rebels have now t ormideble sand fort within the mine of Sumter. The taking of the ghee is there fore a problem as far as ever mm s satisfie tory solution. It‘ean only be lsken by ae seulu;snrl that Ito-suit can only be undo by In expedition in hosts. The obstacles in the way of the su'eeess of sn‘enterprine of this kind are no obvious thst they need not be rim-1H n. I'robsbiy the fsvors hie moment fig: putting Sumter in our ponseesmn has Already escaped us. ,‘ . A NM Iron Cut—A new iron olsd ram. perhaps 1 third lsrger than the Atllntn. nude hor nppesrenoe in Cooper river a. few days och. h'he came down past Charleston with flat: flvinr. rounded Cutlo Pinckney. fired 1 salute of four guns in broad side. and then returned. She msde a stately sppenh moo. bod good proportions. with sloping lines, and was decidedly the moat formida ble looking craft that the enemy have yet exhibited in these locursed waters. The query now is where mu she built Y— -1! iho a new “flu. or one of their flld rams rebuilt? annm nhe will make the fourth imn-clnd that flnnts ”fhe red cross data" for the defense of Charleston. Should Adan-y ral Dahlgren remain ingcclvo Another month. he mny be attacked n his own In choraga. The Confederuenavylh pooitivo ly looking tip—Pith. Inguvnr. - ‘The snow on thou mnil line between St. Joseph Ind Council 31qu: In aid u) be ten fact deep. H'Tbo high'bounzies neural 1.000 ro mum in New York city in (on dnyl. fi'l'ho pride pf the rich mks; the hbor of the poor. Not so: the labor of thofyoor unto. chmprido o! my nob. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. TO OUR PATROXS —‘!'hb coming Jnnnnry' Court rill nfl’nrd u: oppnminify to aim; of thou indebted to thin oflce l‘o’iqunre up [lieu ncconnu with (in. Not'ltmtnudinx the an moral” rlly high and mu nduncing price of piper. we in"; not lnrumd 9|" mo: of Inb tctlpiion: nmi under the circnlnxtnncn we fuel compound. :1 Halo :1 In can do. to re quest pnr nub'scribm to nut thoir indebted nun urns pfomptly. Wounnot entry on our buinun without paying cult for everything, And '0 min uk thntpnr pntrou furnilh m with the Inn-M of making mm pnymnntn.— We hope the" Ingestion: will he received in i; the proper apirit, Ind carried out nccardingly. A: - -—a-»»~—~- A~--~ —— ! ~ COUNTY DIRECTORY.—Thq following i! n : complete lint-of the neural county client: in i Adam: cqu'nty for the nu IBM : ' l Prea'dcnt Judge-Robert 1.. Fisher, York. i Aubesm Judges-Dirk! 2mm. ow,"- 1 burg : lune E. Wiemnn. Huntinmni i Diltrlct Attorney—Wm. A. Dunn, Gonn- burr. . "' ~ Slforifl'f-A'dnmilkbort. Fr-nklln. ' Prothnnotar’y—Juob Bnlhoy, Genynhnrg. Register-l Recorder—BumulV Lflly, Mount gunnnt. ‘ ' ‘ | THE LATEST sswx—rmm delitlng gnny of the vnnltimom Phllndrlpbin of New } York Daily Pawn, should «it in lhc‘lrbnmea lnoy to Mr. 15.". Minnigfi. u I new par is I n‘bqut commcurinz. .He will aha be pinned to ’lupply my one with Harper‘n 11m; Frank Leslie’s Weeklies :nlm with Jhrpor‘l. I.¢~lir'l, Gofley'l, Peleraqn’A, Conlintmnl, Eclenic. 4nd ‘ Atluptic Mann”): \lngnzinu. Anyvhiug in ! lheauewl or lifieflry line gun he bag by callixfifi .011 Mr. llinnigb. ' "‘ mm on the ”Hacking \ing in no “do. and mm of the that Hen. ‘uulederuw |[ A 'RARB‘CHAXCI-Zr—Philip palm; off-n at prlmto Inlc, hi: wryuluuhle Home and ’ Lo}, shunned on E": York urea. G’nyfihurg, Pa. 1510 House i’ I firxtochul rclidrnnt and 01' the mast lin'ished “310. having All [ha I‘mndom imprth-mt-DH, with Smbling mu! 'ulher mil-hurls". ~lli~ threp Imin high, with wa— ter clogb at the door. The term: will be rea : sona‘ble. ’ . mrs en en":- Vu. . about '9 ruptured ended last hmonll. that. block . (1., is M In arriving ill M far as uctiun of a fi-Amon'g the many brave men who fell at Getty-flying, an Fern. 'l'megnrl M. Shulu. lon‘ of.\lr. Andrew Shuhz. oftlu- \'ork Slvrillgd district. He mu in command of his cumpun'v —all the ofllcenf beingsickfor Ilmt-nt—nnd was leading thrm on in mthe cfinmr on [hr in! (My of Julynvhen he was mnrmlly wnuml :d by- : Rehzl alinrplbonler. and ‘like a brave amtgallnnt spirit, fell with his face- la the foe. Ho holunped‘ln'Pnnfimny Fl. '15.": Rug. Ohio Vulunleeru. "a was mm in hngh "li mntion by his romrudva in Irma, nh-l. M the time of his ulomh, u u :Ihuuz rcwi‘rinz hh communion a: n Eiéule'mnz. UM= all bridges W‘Jaroh Sfmxfl'nr, hf (hid ”place. :1 Mamba! of (fa. K. Is! I‘. R. V. (‘.. vat rerently Lilplur-pi by the Rem-I‘} in [he “\Vildnnev." near thr Rnri’dan. whiht m 1 duty as nu! of flu gum-‘5 of Ike mnmnnirinn‘trui'n.‘ We germ-.l}; ”hope that “ oxchxnge" [my loan rucii ‘him. fi‘The hmirs for Ihr departure "d nrrivnl "of [ruins ou the Genydnyrz lldlrund, were Iclpuagerl on Hie la: imam. Sim ddrrrtise- I meat, i’n number column“ \ . “Eur. Joseph Brodhnd, thp active l1:- prelsmsn. hm boe’n” nppolnlrd Mai), Rn'nle Again. from Hnnour inaction u; Gettuhurg. We hope hqmay ha- n'blc to ban the uni]: nr~ rive with'mnre regulsrity than bu boot: the true during «be but monlh or two. I 36'" is the mum» in othrr plicu not to inn; I. paper huweeq lh. Holidnyl, in order thn'printeu, like oihor people. may rnjoy «ho fusiviuu of lhe occasion. Thil‘is‘ nngnipenl. that. All rel-unable pimple lohld comm: to. We, however, Issue our [uper u winal ”(in \Yedneulny flu house Ind lb! of DavindWiH-n, Sn. ‘lhullldr on Clinmhen by; urea, mm mm It pnblicnle. (0731,310, Hiram Mickiey pnrphmer. . I.}. Edward 'Phni but sold his fafm, in Cum ]: rlnnd township, to Leyi Mouse. for 87,000; “‘1'!“ wenher ma’do l rub" sudden (Si-ago on Frid my, and became intenuly cold. bu Snlnrdly mornipg ghe mercury mood u. '1 deirees below zero S‘A gentleman of New Oxfurd Mid M as, the other a", that Inga-rd nolhing there of tho ennui-bun! ofA Xuion'nl Bank u that plan. Th! " Humour Bpoeut‘or" mun hne bun misinformed. ‘ ' ”Our Currie: toque-h In 3—5;"!!! 17h. very lIICOPO Ila-uh lor I‘M-mun! (caption he met with on New Yur'l Day, “J :' ”A 3.3,! km; Year to If]. . . A #S'Mrl Almanac 01-Iyngl-t In; ~ ; , 36“!“ [7.8. It.n_nwr“EllnlndAnun."vh|ch went in pursuit of the mptutrf] noun". Ches .pnke! succeeded, riot bow.“ in any,- hsuling her in Sunbro huborpswenty milu from Hnlifu. All m pinqe'a but three puc euded in encupjng, mg the fem] nu “ken to flunk}, wlior. I fiopnlur dislughnuce lug ulnar] und “:3 plum rucued from the bud: cube ulcers. \ ' ”A WllhingOon correspond“! lolurafahu I.lm orders hug been [need hy the Wu De partment pontponlng up draft. from the ml: to the 15th hum ' ‘A m Mama; Calm! bu, an" um yurn' lofl’iJj. jun boon plued on the "(it'd lint or Ibo nn'av u paymuur a 82mm I ,9", Pour fellow, he dmrved mailing. fitho Chufield Democn‘. Hating: Dom ncnt, md Se. Pun! Democrat. 1W pnblhhed in mime-om. have hoisted the cum 0: Geo. B. IcOlollnn for the Pmidoncy. : __._..—.-o 6 ._.____ fight D. SIOVH’. t Gmonl Contractor (or the . My Deprtmell. bu been nrruted Ind ll ‘0 be Med born” A unitary court in Phil-- delphis on the 4th of lunar}. The charges no of 111 exceedingly gnu chutney. Kenny Sm Norm—Chicago, M. 31... TH. ho‘vimt and mast. extmuiu- snow storm known In the W.“ for mnnv you: commenced last night Ind Itm comma... Rm BabM-y.—A ganflem-n tran‘ling‘ in u “1! each some dayl since. between E mm?“ and In Crone. Wisconsin. wui robbed of thirty-five thou-ml dolls-I in 0-. uikd Suki bonda. which he nu “flying" on Wuhiuton for the new nation! bank At SLPaul. ‘ “ I . A Brim”: Raid-64pm: of Cw- Hugh m cums Am 3 Im._col. Boyd ”and on a raid up the to In ”than 0, Sher-and"!!! v. 11”, on tho 9th imt.. to or” “paper“. with tho monmont ornanarnl Anril. 114- hod with him tin-2h: Pa.Cnv.. ___ hi“ own rt'tim‘m i 0‘1"” M"""“"" B"‘ EKiv-d Patton and friend: And relation! "\Bnr. tn'linn. and 01* 1" 5"" "Mk C-uhy, Amman me montud you that] tho but with the 34th Hichiwm ""1 12": Vnrntnil From him 'ho bu eon-Indy but: you- an “an", 3nd It: pic-c" of Artilion—in all ’ Maud, ' nbout. 71100 men. He Itllrtwl from Chnrleo- The Curriot'l Adam: that mining to Ild. Hm,“ Md "mg by BM’ryviHl‘. Wimhntn, Ila-«y I'm uh! hy Inch pane-I u how ' ' . WM.mck,Mt.Jackm.nnd Harri-auburn In:- bmd ~mac! potatoes ad "mku tho “J his adv-no. penetrated to Mt. Cru- more so.” . . ford, within lixtnn mile! of Stuunmn- Well. it in lo potfint. it any be u dine. ' further into Virginia than the Union troop. Or my. [you pin-e. may unlit no to‘rhyuu; hnva ever gone heft-rd on that 15,... m.» jut try it. 'dnr Honda, and I‘m an t 5“ ww- Ihsent Minn dnyfi. nurtured ohm” 100 ‘ WW." I 9"? ‘ _ ‘ prisoners. and had but one mm wounded Regret thntyou wereto the Conic: Boy ohm. -—s. J. mum. of "i" P‘m- *mmi'" "fr Ans! lurk”. M m m. only say 'Capt. Uullinger'l oomPNW- ("‘l‘L Hulling- TE-t tit who better! the poor pfilter to pay 'er'l onmfmny hnd the Minn», and hi:- ovn tht to him {- honestly dam—- Ind tum other lmrsm of his command Wrrfi, Why ponéihly they I woundod by bm-hwlmokorn. At WML‘ ‘lhy fur: the um. leh ' ‘ flock Cuphtn' Hugh Log-n. formoolynflhio‘ ‘ M «no future day. _ county. pg. up'urfll.‘ after ha h‘ul tunn' And at thetnulvu ireatedthnntoo. i woundodV ”detail.“ the "HM "m “"d To; poop]. who hue all thul hurt on data-,6 slightly in thfl “"8"“ "a mu "mi '0 Who on dninty thud nn-l wen- gooély gain,- | whéeling.‘ _ The command return"! 'O. my puuh‘l «mu m ,' ‘ Chnrlneown on. ”'9 24th imt.. t" "'j'W ”Wk \ In my man plnin VA’Y’, : me", Chrktnm.-'C"'"b‘"b‘”9 Raphitory. >- For": fine nu your ' ' i w—fi-m -‘—-—- E « . _ Thu bag at your floor. ' . i ”'9': 8011-mi. who ha: been one of, who «am. nhurn’int‘nlflnw mivf. I the mm! ultra 6' (17.8 Mic-ht. hl! been on 0. do not withhhifi'lrom tho fight: in mind. [mg Snnitnry Communionynnd'loarnofiomo- Y 0“? comfort and aid :nd yoo: ”ninth;- itfld. ; thing. On .Thgnksgiving dly he vomit-mt . 'l‘ut. Ifrvly an air , , - I his refomu-tl opinions. to the dismay ot‘hin Give Rh“ you ran lp'tn, harem. He goes Tor ohms-rusting mum. . And Gin! tviihruurd you tan-Mal. q Euren: "Wk“ 0' GNPHI MMJPH’m "9 an il!- Our lmiiu.’ God him them! no o;wa on. mod mun and declared his want. of cnnfi~ know. - - .‘ drum-a m n'lit‘ll 'flCNN‘V“ anPx-nliv. The Anmodestnm} q-hming,.nnd {if u tho P 030; “ Doctor hu lot {etch upiet h‘ul tltmry. ‘ The) 're loyal Ind true tu tho "red, white up! i m hint." ‘ MARRIEDJ But with “lengvvfluml "league." th‘fll hud On the 3d of Novemb'r. fl lho'ruhhncr of '(hfllhinfl too)“. ’‘ ‘ the hridv'! mm”, by Her. .I"an 0. Fritchq. ‘ _ And hon, by [Minn], - Mr. MlO3 I’I'TTHnA. Eldell“i«{u Hf “T 111143“. 1 "My“ GUM 3’9” ‘ \/ 1"”: of Hm'"°""' Pl? '0 "a. “A .X ' "1 T 0 hair-inmnnird, he all "from! rill-or. L..on|y daughter 0! “n. Bnb'fluh, Ll,, ,0‘ ’ > . ‘ _ _ _ L‘nionlnwn. 3“. ’ 1 our good gun- “I ('lrllr'l:.‘nf this Is Lenp \rnr, . ‘ , 3 ‘ WW9 “Pd" 0"" .c"'_""’”"""" m In" The Rrbullin Jung tor-i n nation in put] young roul'h‘, expr‘eulltz ”W. "OP“ ””1 “ I"?! I . .L'a 1 vfi‘itlnns day. ‘ Ind .hny?y nnnlrxmnngnl ‘ life m“: find! rm ‘ In,“ ”I, queer “y ; lnmmns In your. In I e rezvonn n n-rc ; 393 ‘And hand”, ”I." tho-v Md rmn-lmlrd M In.“ i; undloyml. And can the 30mm can never uni-P! um. with their “W“, fig"... ,u "Rm. . i A 'They unm- Wilh irlilh'h ban-y and “31‘”. On the 29131 ‘nhu at‘ the [nth pnr'fiYl'Wev They came with vhvir"|huu'l\en "nl burnish .\rrnull"‘i||€. 5! R"- J fi Mills”. '“r‘ ‘3‘ '3 ‘ ed and hr! 41! w. omm: :0 Mm JL'L AAM ur: mm. .- -' . , , ‘ both of \irnaHrn mwnahm- ' ° 3“ "5"" "'2' ennfldvnt m ”"" 0"“ ""“M‘ GEED Un (he 31st nh.. In ‘11". A. Buic". ‘l,’ “H . . mm; 1:. mm. to “is: xxAunu.E.u.Gn‘lx,, "”9"” W" “rm Imm mm Mm Mum-l 1. bulb of (lE-"yahnrg. \ l -Gn k We Ivml, ‘ - A: the re‘idr’nce nft'm ‘ m h "n. by “1.9.1. .\'. ‘STFVGEI’I. 31"]..10 Miss l‘ ‘0! (‘Dumb‘ rilmrg. H the l'nilnl firefly-en I’Juh n 1?" by Net. J. D: ‘(‘LE.\\'El..\_.\‘D. ol 'll am. J. KELLER. uf New Frnv‘uk ()n Ihr 24th 1111., hy I!” BENIA‘HN’ LEHMHVS. I'lnnklin county. to mu‘s nf 1‘ übmwn, Adam- mum. 0n lb?! 24”! "IL. .hy R ' s \le'm. \\'E.\\‘Pu m Till \I \H'IR, hath ofihi-I rm «m Hu- ‘JHhJHL. |‘-_\ “9 Nu ruialence nf‘lr. lrulwl ”RUFF. nr Lafilyflte. [ml RICH. o! [\d’HlH rnuu'y. l' A! the ro-Mo-un- hf Hp ‘\lnuutj-ny’tuwn-hip. on m 1“. nvnrr. \lr. DAVID R H“! \R.\ ".\Tn.\|l|.\'H. n ‘nmL Un l'm' ffih "XL. (‘0 lb sire, Li tip-mum, lg I‘lo I‘HHJ‘IIL (EFT‘Mr Hm)“ mmumVl: mnrmnn hnr‘laiji I“: xho Slh uhf. "r “Wit. licrk-:,rv--t;.-. ‘ll-. Th 1' - V . .. -1. v, 1 .- muxru. FEESER m\n s.\l.\‘\ nun}; ' ”"_ '1" fm‘ °" ""1‘” "" '1" "-' B \lTlHl. lmlhAt-f Admin". rqmmy. ' F'J‘f' - A: [he re-idpm-e or 731‘; hilllfl‘l funny. rm ‘ 4'an WM. :1 park fifli'nr kl? {am lii: p'rv {he ‘14"! “IL, by RM: Dr. ,Hnm-r. “r .H‘HR'W' II) titu- rullvl}! 2f linu- w's P)lkt-,‘"r AI-_ric.z' Iv " iii.r‘\'::.'l“d””;f“m r???” 1‘1““ “er”: .f And rig}! mfin‘nfine-l n-u- vi}! i." ‘u. I mu m! I .. _ . all: I," n n u eugy. .~q., o ‘ . . 7.. -. rut“ " “I'an Ridgr. Adam! county. \ FlnrnrflnJlu-J'n-l 'k’" mh h ”f. " In (‘hnmheflhurm m, d“. 3'd "x," m. R,“ §nmrd rpm With the Hilly-Firs an: My" «,1 6.12 m). 511'. JOHN \h-Kfilflli'f Mun-{Ht rf M Jan. _ ' .\d.\mx x-ounvy, m Mist. SWLH! .\ . d mghlrr ,v H - vlmo‘vnflh' 4an?qu um i MHm Mm?- M Mr: Thnu'ms 1" Muwgl’l. bulb 0‘ Jurlwu Wrrr alnfll'nJlY uni and -' down in Ihv Influl'l ' mu. l-rnnkhn county. l'n.‘ ‘ > _, ' . , I "n the. 24th ull..’ab lhn Imdv. Par-(maze. “”h ‘7‘"4‘" Wm" H" ”"3 "km’m'dP" Peter-hunt. h; “QV. l’. R-fln’. “r 5 J.\l'o|! ' dv-r’r". ’.. ' HENRY SIPE. ..{ Luimnm. township. h ‘4 u A“ “3,.” .g.,".,,vm.1 .( an" 1,. ""MEv LEA" RFRKNEIVHII‘ M ("n'n'ncll tmi ruumy. . » - . On n“- mxh nil... m- up“. n, A. Lnuprg, :n “ lnteyml" in p’uv'mcuu' juq fight "my“! Ibo royidenre of the hti-‘e‘u fatherhhdnud Mn. . ‘ Durhnmw. Hpq.. Ir (”Eula”) W. HAHTMAN‘ I;“.SMN - l f 1 .1 n umr ~ . _ - . ‘ . . J 4 opm. ”mead,- .r nma _ . 2232:: IJIAZIE M.'[£Ll{hl)R.\“Tn§lul Adams Tilt-T'lefl‘l‘flllh. (Hind u. ,‘m. v. 7! fine dl'y' . ..' ‘ -_|.__...., 7—..-“ _, 5 ‘ 41.! not more In "at of in 1'13"! ”W". 4 DIE I . ~ , ’ , Gong round-1. lho talk! is, influrn “I 2130-“ wflhiennn nulirea 3 gen" pot ms. for all over four.lines-(~uh In trey-Ipm; gutlcg cOn the 21-h nlt..)lrs. IkRY SLATR “TI", "*5“. , “if: of. M" "rnry Shy'mm'h' 8'" of Butler Bat. w'vri flu v‘m ”MI. 1 township. Aged 73 ynu 3 Jun-m“ Ind '2l days. . , L{ X‘ min , ‘ 0n the Zt-lh .3: \‘av. 11min Frlnklin mun. . “A?! I! {lt 7 fl ' "3" ‘ A . 'hit‘. .‘lrs. SOPHIA FISHER. 330.1 75 purp‘ "y (Manx-1w unzr w uume. and 10 mnnfh‘. V ~ ‘ 01160 2:" Ln” in Sfrlhn‘nfiwrnxhip. 31-; \V Of a}! (in nu, u: Va-NI HMO "or were Known (‘ATHA'RLVFL dnmflm‘r of John ’Hm". ngl-d -Thr "win Ow-lohor. nil haunt mm u'l' - 25 your: 2 months n_nd 2‘ dnyu. . Sum!- non. _ ‘ A; (Imam-Q's. a."13u3. '9": PETER “YER“. ‘ h .11 in lev defunn'ty. . 3?);‘x332lhuphu' 1394.26 yearn} nmmhl‘ , A mm“. M 'W‘.’- » ‘ . _ 0n n" .2311 «IL. in rrpq‘gom gownqhip, \fiu, Elicviun'dny mm“. Ina-1.2m shrrkiu: M yr. .. ABIGAIL A. rumours. Alger-l 19 you! 3 The hullol-hux gmwv-i In"! WW s’ if ' month: Ind 23 dayl. ‘ ‘C l umph..|‘n'n right! 0n the 21s! ultrAVI-ZLI RERECC. L‘ .P. ‘ ‘ m t h v danghtu of tic-0;“ um! I‘Eliznhclh ('ulp. 14' Th drppms “h” ”In” dogma“! n :I ' r (‘nmhrrlnud ‘ownship, Aged 14 yurl 2 monthlv “ 0“” 9"" ‘7‘ ““2"“ “'3 F1”"‘“"."'“ m Ind 3 din. ' - l , own way; ~ln Weétmlmter. on; the, IS”: ull.. Prof. f‘.‘ ~ ißL‘llKl-Z, Iged 35 Jean 101+0nlhl (9.1 L led“. j Th 7” went :ght m. work .‘d M "M a” o ‘ Coinrnnnir-logt ! _mm . . ' . , 9L “and" in“. in thin l"""°i “n. ELIZtU l'ar illegal voter: no matter with." {uni} BLT}! TUUI‘ CABR,rwife of H. G. Paint. by“) Vbey‘lmnuad that tin; of on! thing it": who .2? {can a months Ind Hap. Slay the man-la. colt-Ilia Put-n mnet flu», and wait thy spirit bone: ' 9 u ' " to glory, where than can“ walk tho gold": And that '.” "I" they would put in lad: "not: of the new Jcmlaletn. , _ l Curlm. x . ‘ Cnmmnnirntorl. But in our on eo'mtr I'll MPP' "’ 'V Dird~on3londnnth¥2l9liol Dec. o't. uUa- - ' 5 ‘ " ‘V 1‘ firldrn're of .\lr. Wm. Pen-n. in Bulk); KOWI:- “. if" the P'fhrmm Complelflym my. Ihip. Adam. mun". Pm, Mr. JACOB B. By trickerth-emn, tool all lhr "I: m- LEA-f 3. in the fill) felr'oll hip ago. 17““ 5“““l ""i' “that, coal-I PI" in their of" ls wlthhsnrrow thnt '1: l’EfD/fd Ilia dnth , hour's, ‘ on Imin ie talc-Mod a d useful run and ' ' E chm-clan geotllmnmin the firinzc of his youth. "Th” {PI-d to dummy m “(I {cite “m "f”. A few yenru Agu he let! lthe comforts of in“. "‘h" 'hkh‘ “I’ll"! nth lid: bk. lathe-I". home, in lho‘Stoto of Ohio, and um. . ' / WM h“, "mm” ' ninth:- flogntyfiggnong bl; friendn, to newer”. Bot boom nun no" on "Ii" “WW.“I ‘s'" i eat . en but - onlh. he mu In th' - km Ifllctod with I'hthlslc. Jon“ hio bodily "hi- ‘ om. "1,“! an new Y" “ ‘ wholoyelr. llrmltiel locnpnciutod hlm fnr 'm-monl luhor, ' )lnnt loyal and high Ind 103 mm. Abe. maria: flufiflfl'fif.” in???“ 1290-, Who -u the dark den of m Ab'o. dou m. » nm 0 2cu ra tmn At his miug, tlnt he ‘he ennhled to an Junk“! I," your “' "”5”?” I may, some useful poaitlon in moiety Ind thevorlll. ‘ And "‘9' ‘r .'"" 3'“ I” l“! hquour °"“ Sign" mud n liberal ulna-non seem-6m haro' 'ny. ' " Ire qunlified him 'in manner and disposition S . on were noth'o It to 1011-sch. lining, for your: been cog-god ill. om 31:, .30 you I ‘ o lhu useful, though irhome vocation. he bu - “0" 0M! glinrd for bimu-lfn unml- and I‘sth TM plolnut “a. counolufl Mud??? ”n“ let" that Ihlll llve, though he i: dud. hnt’a But lortuno pollen-one v"! M s°" proficueucy lo the art and theory of teschinz Pl-nd {‘l3. go hmelhnd yundolitopawer. th-t fzv. indud, utnin. lle wns dearly be- I ‘ loved by his pupils Ind much alarmed by 11l Th“ oncé you V." " hon“ ”ar'. ind}! ‘ all ”tron: bu” writings and public exhlbi-i doubt. 7' W on up“ I! moral and inlellnrtnal mmh. ‘ l ‘ . la hil Jomloe the coon of odor-lino hu Inn 08“ honulyfiov‘zfgn " “£1”!!! out. ' s'“? Mend Ind advocate. The Tnchrrs‘ AI: . ‘ "““lm'mlon ”nylon will] f-‘CI hil lbsenre 14ml the want ”fl A A“ If“! Moullulén you count. Ind wholeaamo .dviw n nb- n “aria on dit ' mined from hll own OXperience. no," chil-l ~ ’ Ana‘u’urou‘o m the lice, o dren. (hll pupils.) you. whom he wu wont to, V ,1 y a cement . 7 , lnotruct. will no morn listen to hls Lin‘d wordl, '. 9" noon to moot. ” ofinatmctioo. nor bur My voice it: pnyn for 7 7"“ “m on “WV” s‘" ("5" ' you. Turin". you will no more meat. him la! ~ . . g g g 0 {our onurtoluing nod lriendly “melanin- -- ' 1' rum]: and nunciutu. M will no more great A“ no! "'9'.“ '0 “11;...“ u'""‘ {louh'nl} trap {”de finrdnoflmoction mid Maud. Why then {oven-r (an the. woll"—v¢ho your a nu to omuiouonun In in . lads hope ole blluful enmity, he in (M'm ln u- , syn.“ fixatgxhglu. ‘2l-‘3l. em «in the nil-rd of bin rightful doing. The . '‘ I 0 all h. w urn ‘0 Lord had and for Min in o hulier work.- ~Ch'" ._. "' A:‘ I r" Pu" to hituhul 1!. 31139 ohwxd‘eolitu down llfe'a eternal rlurl [ “my. (4),“ on n". Plfnodulhiu( n‘lnng at H.» hp 0! their «prod. nil-l. WEI.” \“ 3'. Tho-Lion. ‘yerq-upped .m-l quilf rndy I” (-p “J 35 M- REID, "‘1 “"uerr'n thqyrrp h--l In rm .1 Iph-r hr :3» pmnmgev A" r," Whm'n "not ofuln bid mm in drud mum: an”... “r. m-zx'm‘ L ‘ Mu". ‘ ‘ rmmH .10 Wu J. 'Mid‘misiflyo of du_l'x, 3.4 ’15:” hmlr‘a In” in. anklin tn. 9. \l. \ln'Hclxry.\['. ' fl nf J.u-);<nn H-l‘. 7b:- rnultn-l lumn. Au-I so 9"".- 11- 1., mm u. STOW-ZR. - mi,” . . ~ ; “_ "callvmm. “r. Th'n m urn I] mnrirlrhunkuxnmrmo M r9"— ,“igi u uu' A}? Tnzmal frufar :1 lime .IM rim-v" nut, "3" I ‘ Hm ”mama-f, Lu'. tnk'. 1K Zr'xgih gala-J ' I ‘;l ":ngynrgvg' . .;-,. "f‘,'ul:=.ul\‘}{\' 1;,» Tin- Hm» I 4r] '[\-.r'\« “.1 4 rim. 1 dni u D rr <"“"'"- P3l}. "' Sue-hp rim-i} In bur-IP15! rig‘u' nun!" :? .ITHI "IL. Iw. .vV. ‘ ‘ . . . . ' I.“ x z . ~ - . . , .:\\'II.ND\ m m. {huh .I: "" ""h ”Wt‘h“”’“"‘-" Huggl'tl n! Illfiliill / r," - FL . ’ . ;.\n-l «”5 it via-"1w", n n-:rI--"- , . ' Ev. Lth. Par-mi- 'l‘hr .lndqu uf ni;..v MWHM o ‘l’ mu. ~v r "J'xr \tr, uliulu‘Jj T“, . , . ' . . mzn-l‘ "a ‘m wnh udntu mm hmrt- .‘ ’ 1n ‘Jiu Hf“! \ 1:. . _ , Tbnlgh nonunion? ‘oifirnu did ammo royainnz, In an!!! I"! hufldmga may urn nlhu “Rafi—x, nu ERB EIIM ME