11 - f : 1 . Valuation MW not . . 5 1' , Mrmtmduce; * In I ”ma ‘ 1 a“ ,' ‘ - ' ‘ AVING “ken rh‘yleu-[e ud-commodioul ' . . 3. . _ 9 [N pnnuncé din-Ace, of Awfihly pulled the ”(If lily «July, 154‘s, the {allowing Scnu- Wuehonlc "candy 0: ...r “m ” "ll ' -’ ' ' " “' " 1 “_... 0000 ADVICX m “ X94};- Jsik Downing V has‘ turned slim; in Irecent lengr to the New ‘fink 9a 301 he min: the following ll fgion to the late defects of the “Dimmy «llia Putz," (Illicit il. would Le we“ to lay V hurt: L" Tbi'lp Ire now jut u‘ bad no they kin . ind am in whu oucounxu me. I Ihd mu:- forget Heukinh Stabbing who Ilia-4 my up in the upper part of Penobgeots— -90 vim/er it had been ivful cold youth", . ' 'K‘llh bud Ind wonderful bud luck, ad In‘-“rd: Ipriug it seemed to se: worn ._ d of better. He but lost hi. 119;” ' rd biog", and his ahickem. Ind I" hij @321 on funny Ith died, mi in}, . it! y I happened to go‘ up way house - a how he was getting Along. I found . odd nun hnppy ua. lurk. He wu sing 's' 9”}! qhoiuifn'du ifne‘i‘hing hid luppen'dL' bin 1 went. inm I. "Ki-h, what on am: i “mater? ‘Qh,’ m be, 'tho 1_ pi; ' . «.' uhd he went to jumpin' and lap n’gfif‘gmlhgh as}! he wu the kin-[Eden . 2 1'» fix; universe. Sea I, ‘what’pol ' ‘ . ion to sic}: :9 f' 'Wal,’ m be. «Bigg ‘c ,nzl- be no wus. Tll3 '14.! pig is dead} i flex.’ Andjusc‘io nil With the Dummy iqwty. Anything now thut happen: ! 'nmntbo for 1119 better. And I must. 'nrm um r feel a 3363 deal likg‘JKinh. l on’t. feel at all His nonin' down And: -y'ih’ like a. lick baby (war spilt milk, bo~ : 50"!" beer}. Whipt in the Ith dec -inl. .Thnt ain't. Lll6 way old Oineral I ckorS' Jackson taught me Democracy.” : ‘ We do not thinlithero is much “ri loun presumpliiun’fi in saying that, the u ocmnmeun to coxitrol the next. Pry-i. Jill electibn. With‘fiLOOO uhterrified mm with in Ponpuylv’ania, over 300,000 New York, "187,000 In Ohio, beaidea a. 7' 1 million w more certain in. the 'oth'er [yd ” States, it strikes u} that the idea ’- no means far-[etched or presumptu- ,; So far from thinking so. without re d to me upmber nff‘neckn” thatdhe wiilil‘l'nfion may consigqto ’he‘haller 'wd'en yt‘his a’nd‘tpe next. 'Presidentill ati'o'ri, wé rpfienfiéhe declaratiun°thab the Inocncy mean to control the next I’res 'ntinl election, and that Mr. Abraham I éi‘iln’s'te‘x-m wifi expire on the 4th of ‘ ’s:lB6s.T:ymflitation of the Constitu : and the consent, of the people. f ' fy'a ,had Any doubt. 01 this, we ahquld fiddler tb-dny than we do, being ‘well Qinccd that the contindanco in pdwer the pjepent administration, or puny, gt ,p'eoeauriiy rennin in the dqtrupfibiz the fiepubiic. We hum-d noihing iii reusing thin opinion. ’ ho decree: of God are immutable—and has decreed that the reign of the wicked “be shért,'—_llarriaburg Union. - v'vt‘ Every day we hear the (abolitionist: I—"Slavety in the cause of the wnr; if in werelno slaves lhere would he no ! .._n‘gd'lheii'eférelxvo inuat wipe itVoh‘t." at 1‘ to say, if you owned a horse, and ! “Iranian find .’make war oh you to take fray, .th‘st .thqrgfore the horse in the 1p bl' the warfnnd :19! our own set. in :5 making war on him. How absurd the mile-l But il.-is also further to say, ' ‘...,(J'C‘EA‘. 510 qui the horse ngninst. I hugs hnuiincrufively made war, that I fqé. it is necessary that. you should I: hln’rout, or, less polimly,-uteal him. {in uni-ighteou; doctrine! Now, the use of the war is not slavery, as asserted She-Q'Abolitiohials, nnygmpre than the ' . in; in the pnmllel case. But the I Ind ulnveiy. 9: will beseeq. ure‘ but. 'dehu in the war. and both are alike I-nduy to the‘cause. What, the'n, is "(339$ of tho( WM‘ ?- Th 6 cause of the lies in the .91: of the families and A5O - in agitating. threatening and mak - _in oil slavery.“ Thus, it is not slavery be horse; that malt?! Wti," shove, it ~i‘jgthga Pug-fies sg'iihsgrthem who make 7W3}. ' . .‘3 ~ 00 :u? fpl‘ In n'lotter which Senator Douglas 3‘l}:ng S. SKllayea, Esq" dated Washing ”l.9m 29.1850. llesays: I ‘ ' “Katy of the Republican lends” do pi‘rlt l diawluplpn of the Union. um] urge '.w' mi n‘ means of accomplishing dis uqlonl’" '7 , ' 10 :dVin another letter of they same date, reused to Hon. thn Taylor, he says: ‘ “Wé‘lre now d'rifting mr'idly into civil. _wllt,“qlgigh mus}. end in disunion. This cal «my 'be tir'evented by amendments to 31:9 Commution, which will _taka ‘he’ sla veg ug’gidh a‘gt éfiqungress.'md put an 9? $3 "'6. 'flVhethol‘ this can be done ’1) P ups UYON TUE! REPUBLICANS. Nagy of their leaders DESIRE DISSOLU~ T N 0N .PARTY ”GROUNDS. .AND “HERE IS THE . DIFFICULTY. God paint ‘3: a safe glelivenmce, is my prayer." r‘lf t ‘ -' ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ;~-.mr‘ Dma:rc{zq.”—When the radicalsi .pr‘bieea main foereing 5-“ War Denial-151."; up Izohisville Journal, they do not mean :i ‘quocrpt who‘ ie in favor or' the war. but a ydfnoc'xgat yho :ig in favor of the radial liar _lnqgli'hageme'h‘t‘of the won—s Democrat, 'inHlaop' yea allzpp‘oirts the radical ticket..— 3‘ 1:30; {keen is'gch‘ alpeinocratVu Benjamin Elgukler or.Audrew‘ Johnsoir'. or Robert. ‘ln‘le 9'99- iln I‘onrd, the phrase "War W‘l’fn Vthe mkutbs of the radical; is mérely another form oft exprewion for Ibo litiooiud Democrats. And thiuhe public now ,eamprehend. Hence the phrase his 1632 ihiteverapowar to deceive it may hue baugooeued. Ris fast becpming a name 'of 'ofiproli'iufll Ind of Ive-knees instead of a pm. of fibre}. The 53(1ij gave diu gréédio. :- they disgrace or bend toldisgrhce :vefything “else they touch. ' ‘ .. a”. . ”W I!“ Paulie! qf History—~2B" Burtqn’s Life pf Found Butler, just pquiahed, it. nppoars thJ G'eEch‘Qlekla‘n is shaded to all the audit. for hyingvdmyn the plnn of open e 3min the Southwest, The military gm him tad forpsight of this able. but gmuy WW §scen are admirably and undeni : ‘.Hy qftfibited in (be‘ ordeu under whiéh Gama-uln- went to New Orleans. Mtge uyl : _While traveling . ~,. _ . ”new I naghbonng sum. in received h: Wt gilver three cont. piano. W. readying-lg mun-ind, but kobt'disoreeb )1 mic” “naming fbnlie hightjavip‘ WV t?" Blind: "id 56093-64 the 2106:; ‘vyd ' pi Che'grqbiou'oqiq Q 45 indulge in 8W '3 f“: 5‘3““98 M» We :W‘é sunny-14, u? ong turnoff m.“ m Yin: bogus: Wyn pringen'ue, y our doyu said wué' yolrup’ (ob 1m for bxehkrut. ¥ 'u-~.gfi‘.,1.'.-‘ if“. 3 - - . ...-.. n \ .1 Ideal}; béreby published by m:— Cunmiuiouen uf 'Adsuu mu. whickexhiixu we {monon'ducrimfon and Val“ of the Real ud Personal Emmy; Trgdes, Ocrnputiul and ,Pl‘ohssium, nude (usable by the sen-ml Acu or .\niemUy of thin CopmoflWeullh: Bonouan up TWIIW'O- 00tty:bmg..........",..."... Cnmbc:1nnd,.................... Gena-n,.......................: Oxtmd .......... Huntingt0n............-.......... hum0u......................... finniltonbiq.. “...... leetiy .................. Huni1x0n.....f................... Xgnnllen .......... Nnbtn. anh1in,......................... C0n0wng0........................ Tyr0nu...................,........‘. 10nn1j0y..................._.,.... M0unw1uun1.........,’,..-... Ro‘fiin‘gn ... Herrick g Bartick ’ r Freed0m................J......... Unf0'u..................7.......... 8u110r..., 174303; 10795 17635; 265478! 52331 ‘BllO. 252901. 37am mm; , 202 m; "’30:;40 5215, 138863' ”41’1““: 3630 201002; tumussgar 4930; 2:...“ 260947118867.“ 5! 00m ;.;....I‘ 2082693 14721! 43200 4703' ‘...... 8:042; 5599: 8050: rim-...... 1 412751 2004|1363m 43254 .....i 104097; 9876237012 54sz ......I 2121303 9136169101 2905. 109245‘130971z5055f 7249‘ ‘E. !.-, I-. ..——-~— ”lull-lulu. i09??$8 2‘56J51114716-20m-‘22l' i 950. BE I ‘ f ‘ Aunt—.l. X. Wlher, Ckrk ‘ Noumbu 30, 186.5. {I ___—ok Bihdery. ‘onua wuxw,‘ » 1200 K BINDER up ILANI loot nucnc'rcnn, LANCXSTER, PA Plain and Oman-mm! Binding, of every de- Icription, executed in the mom. wbstautinl And npprovcd uylel. .r ‘ '- hiringscn. E. W. Brown, Esq., Fathers Bunk olem-Ister W. L. Pelper, an., Lancaster County Bunk _ Samuel Shock, Esq., (halal-11$: Bank. Samuel Wagner, an., York puik. William Wigner, Equ-Xork County Bank. T. l). Carson, Esq” Bunk bf (letiysbucg. Peter Martin, ESqT, Prolh'y oflmncuntcr co., Pa Geo.‘C. Hawthorn, Esq., Register “ 5* Geo. Whitson, ESqQßecunler “ “ ' Aprile, 1861. -' To Disabled “Soldiers; QEAMEN AND’ MARINES, AND \VIDOWS, k OR OTHER HEIRS OF THOSE WHO HAVE DIED UR BEEN KILLHD IS THE SER \’lCH.—,—Cuu. C. Tucxzn. Attorney for (‘lnim ants, Bounty Land and Pension Agent, Wuh ington City, I). C.—l’ensions procured tor Sol diers, Senmen and Marines’of the present wnr, who are disnhled by‘reumn of wounds revenvod or disease qontmcted while in aerviceml‘d W5ll - Bounty Money and Arrears m PM ob tained for widm‘vs or othorheirs of tin I: who have died or been killedwrbile insenicc. ' Bounty Land procured for zurn'in-c-s humy ol the other mm. ‘ CHAS. C. TH‘KFJI, ' Washington, D. C. J. C. Nun, Agent, Gelly.burg. , -< "’ Nov. us, 186. s . Come to the Fair! ND DGN’TFORGET TO VISIT PLEASANT A~ RIDGE NURSElllES.—Per§ons wishing to l’lnnt Trees will find me stock in the ground remarkably fine, and offered M. reduced firices. The Apple numbers 100 varieties, embracing I“ the qppr‘oved nous. _ . N. li.'—a‘ee the inde; hour-l hear Flora Dale Post ofiice. 121;. COOK J: SIUNSh Sept._ 2, 1881. ;: 7‘ ; I’ruprmors. . John W. Tipton. ASHIOI‘HBLE BARKER, Noryhzuut oo'r ()E‘ nor of the Dinmoufi, (next. door _lo .‘lc lellnn’l Hotell) Gettysburg. Pm, where he can at all time: be found ready to attend to all businesl in his line. He bu Ugo excellent ns- Illunce and will ensure autinfnclion. .(live him a. call. fiDec. 3J IRI-‘U. New Goods T FAHNESTOCKS’.—Fflxmuock Bros. would respectfully inform their frien’ds and the public generally ttiil. they lmve jusl received their Spring stock of Goods from'Ncw York and Philadelphia, Having bgughl them for cash, we are prepared to offer the luri st Ind prettiest. stock of DRESS GOODS 5;“ offered to the citizens of the county nnuht OLD PRICES l “ Quick sales and short prams" being our inotto. , . 3.0111 and examip’é m. the sign of the lily 11,186.}. ' - RED FRONT. Coal! Coal! Coal. HEADS A: BUEHLER nre.now prepared to supply COAL, of superior quality, in an} quantityd‘deaire. Terma,Cub. Cons One! Come All! 16-May also request. chads indebted to them to call and pay up. as (2nd; are much needed. Who will be the first o’cul 'l- Oflicc open from 7 to 7. ‘ _ Feb. 24‘, 1862. ‘ Spring ‘Goods ,T A. SCOTT 8‘ SOX’Sn—We' inviw the It . tentiou of buyers to our udgk 0! Spring Goods, which will be sold cheap, consisllug'ol LADIES DRESS GOODS, Sblwls. Cloaking Cloths. etcl, etc. F 0? Math and 8031' wear we have Clothl, Cns'aimcrea, Comings, yestings,‘ with a variety of Cotton- Idea, #O., to. C 11! 9nd see. . 'Lflay 18,1863: ’ 3 ' A.» SCOTT & 30X fl‘hé Great . HER-10AM TEA COIfiPANY. No. 51 Veer: A Street, New York, has creued I new era 1n the hifi'pry ol wholes-ling Tensjn this coun try. They have introduced their selection of Ten: end sold them at not over TWO CENTS pen. pound nbou cont, never deviating from the‘gune price asked; believing this wi’ll be nt tracn‘ve to the many who have heretofore been paying enormous profits. Parties can cider Teas and will be served by at on well u though they come themselves, being lure to ge't'origi ml peck-gee, true weighu end we: ; and the Tenn Ire warranted to represented. Our Pence Lle'r in now ready. ‘ ‘ Nov. 30, 1863. St I e - . ‘ . 7 Piano Tunmg. 30F. BOWER, of Little-town, ‘8 Practical! P Piano Tuner, informs his friends and the ,musicnl public in gononl, that he gives his time, not otherwise occupied, to Tuning and 'Repairing Pinon. u modem: prices. H'e i promises entire utiifmtign, or no pay. Ordu'l ~received at thin office. {Suptv no, 1861. . Queensware. _ - F you want anything in theQUEENSWARE I lino cull M. A.SOOTT & SON‘S, ivhmyon will find the but usonmeut in town: ' Match 24. 1863. . Wanted; . . ‘ N apprentice to'tln Tniloriug batman; A A boy from the chunky preterred. " ‘ ‘ba G.‘ F. BCKENBUDE. tion, 0,1353. 3: ' Wanted, GOOD FAB! in Adams caunty, for which ’ I will uch-age one or more Farm: of on land in lows, Ind pay the difference. “- Nov. 9, 1863 LL the but Patent Nedicinu clu the had A u thornow Fmil; Dtuz sud Pram-xi tio ton of Dr. R. 3035;53- AGO. Arrow Root, Corn Burch, Rice-flour § m: Gelatin, {or sale st Dr. 303331238 m'g Sum. ' ' DR. TOBl AS’ (debuted D'Arby Condition Powders. for Roms: and Came, £6; uh: a} D! HORRIE'S lfryg Synge. ' ~ ‘ ALL n MEMBER'S for 7039 Al 9, Por ‘wr, 30., hi. ' ' ' ' " ~ . .- 1r _.. '.--—- y——~ ‘-~o ._..—.. " nod Alo' otter ,Wynu. to. you) ' , Ql—‘Ev - 'R '2’ ;.alms&ea°s. MI IME 0.9 8 : 55' ‘ ..." "a ‘,_.,c I‘},°'El Eg‘Ez-95 vgss‘S’Ss'HT :&=.:-3’0531 q ”,3- a." 2' . ‘= Anni aofl‘ - ‘.< =" 3’; 1...! “ENG”, ‘ 55' = {GE 1 =5 -§‘§3 I s- " 'on .. =1 . ‘.M 9:9 =2! 9'9"” 35* I“: i. O H;¢' '_{- ~' $ 219285 555%: max sum mass! moo 313113 9940‘ 51037; 10966 mm; 4125 133:1 1297:: u 3». 41401 34930, 9905' ‘3177 ms: 967-! 226307 25765 ‘ It”? 1 17.201 2“”?! 1293” mm mam.- 135178 one new 768! runs 7470 ..Imal IMO: lama 16843! 8339‘ ‘ 7 Hardware » r m Gnofinins.‘ A Thesubsurinergi‘nu junt‘retnrnad from the cities with an igfmemc lupply of HARD WAIu-L AND GRUGERIES, which they are offering “their old, sum! in Bnltimoyo street, in price: to lml; the diet. Our uuck doubts in pan. of , BULDING MATERIALS, , ‘ ‘ cannwgws room. . \ BLACKSMITII'S TOOLS a» .2, 004011 mpxx s, sums FINDINGS: ' ‘ ~ CABINET MAKER‘S room. 0., - GROCERXES'QF ALL KINDS; Oils, Paints, fie" kc. There in. nb arq‘iclé in- ‘ clu-lell in the), evernl departments mentioned above buflhut cpn he had at 'lhis' sl.om}: Every clsé Alechxmics can be nrcnmu'wdnted ‘ he‘re with :60!» and findings, and House-keep. ‘ ers mm find every article in their line. Givei ua’u‘cull, as we an; prepurpd to sell allow for Cash as any other tonne out of the city.’ \ ‘ . J 'JUEL 3., mxxm, ' . June 9, 1862. DAVID ZIEGLER. HF? following in n Ichcdqle bftho ‘rnnning of the trains on the Gettysburg RhilroA-l ‘_ ‘The FIRST TRAIN ini'cs Grittywurg' a! 8 A. 31.; whh passenger: r 0; Yurkj-ulnfirisburg, Philadelphia. and the North and Wm". All- RH'ES u: Gu'yshnrgw all P. .\l., with'pznsen g‘irs {mm those poinlg. “if". also from B‘M'imore and Washington. qusougers leaving “331;. inglon at 6.30 A. M.. mud linltimorg al 9 15 .5. 31., arrive b‘y this tram at Ucley‘burg ul 1 (SK-lack, P. .\l. ‘ ‘ ' a. The SECOND TRAIN l‘nvti Gottyghurg a: 1.10 P. MA, with passengers“? Baltiniape and Washiucruu. Pgtgceom-ra arrive In Baltimore :\l. 5.30 P. .\l. .Loy‘é linllnnérc at B 1'; 31.. and mum: in \‘v'ushinrlnn‘ at lOAP. .\lt Pruwngvrs can also go to Yurk and Hurrisburp Hy the Hound train. *Arriw iu Hnrrisburg all. 7.30 l’. .\f ARRIVES M. (iotlyallurg at 3.30 P. .\l., “ itli‘pnssengefl from}, Hurnahurg, l'bibgclphm and the North and “’eal. ' r firl’nhvngers min lean- Phil.ldelphin by wnx‘ of Baltimore M; 4 A.,.\1-.. ‘nnd arrive in Gettysburg m l l’. .\l.’ Ur lonfie at 7.110 A. .\L, bxthe Pennsylvania: (imp-ill: at Philadelphia ahrl Reading Rnilroqd, nnd‘ Arrive in‘ Gettys burg a1,5.3u l‘.. .\l. "il. mcrmn', 31:13 11, mm” ~New Go‘sds !-Large Stock; DIERCHAN TAILORISG. ‘ ~ JACQBS} BRO. have just received From §he cities A lat-gemock or {zoom Tor Gentlcmcn's wciir, embracing a variety of i « ~ ' i f CLOTUS, j ' , ‘ CASSIMERES, V YESTIN'GS, Cassjnets. Jesus, ht, with‘mnny olller goods for spring mud snmn'er weur.‘ _ ' ‘ ~ Thex are prppnrcti to Innkc up gai'mantl M the ah‘orteat notice. {lnd ii: the Vcrybest nmu-, nor. The Fashions iii-'1- regularly received, and clothing mule in any desired style. Tln-y.nl wnyl mnke best fits, ,whilsl their sewing is sure to be substantial. ' , Tut-y nsk A conlinuancc of the pnhlic'i pa; Irornge, resolved bx good wmk'nnd moderate charges to earn it. i _ . * Gettysburg, April‘7, 1862. ‘ 1. EW spmxg Goons. : SMALL PROFXTS & QUICK SALES.— J..L.-sculc-K- ‘. would respectfully say to the citizeni of Gd tysburg 'nnd vicinity, that he iaAgow receiving At. his more n splendid 1 ’STOCK 0|" SPRING GUOIDS. ' Th 9 stock consists in part of anry' and Staple DRY GOODS, of "ery'ldcucription. SILKS. l MOZAMBIQUE, - CHALLIES, . ’ x DELAINES, BOMBAZINES. ALPACCAS, . ‘ 5 LAWNS, 4 ' ‘ CALICOES, of 1‘! qualifies and chalets! styles. which will be lold It PRICES T 0 DEFY COMPETITIOX. ' FURNISHING GOODS ' of I" kinda, including Silk, Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockings, ,Izc. Also, a splendidlgssortmént of RIIBBONS, Lacy: and Edgings, Umbrellas and Parnsnls.- - My stock of WHITEGOODS wili be found full sud complete. Ind customers may rcly upon IlWaya gemng gooq goods M. the lowest possi ble pricbsz ‘ '3 5 Gentlemen will finq it to their adv‘nugc to csn Ind examine my stock of ‘ CLOTHS, i ‘ CASSIIERES and * - VESTIXGS, ' at all sa’unhtiu and choiceualyléa. April 21, 1952. ‘ 3%. L. somex. - ‘ l New Talloring. _ , STABLISHMENT.—GEO.RECKENRODE, - FASHIUNABLK TAILOR. Adopts lhispélhod of inforqfng‘hin Honda and the public gnu-ally. that If!” has opened I Tailoring establiahment in Bnltilnoi-e stregt, Gettysburg. (lute Post. QfliceJ he" the Din.- mond, where he is‘ prepnied to do 811 work in his line in the he". winger. dad to the util {action of cuitomcrs. Ha exnlployl none but first clan handy. nnd receiving A - ‘ THE! FASHIONS EEGULAELY, ».' be an Inn-gut fashionable liu nnd nut Ind lubnn'ntinl paving. Ho fish a shun of she ‘Fnhlip'l pnl'lhunnn. promising to spa-re no efo ort to deserve it. His chm-gen will nlwnyn be found nu modenla u the times will allow. Cutting and “waiving don'e u the shortcut notice. [thtysburg April 7, 1862. ~ Removalmrin Ware. HE finder-signed hu unloved his Tinning establishment new,» the Dismpnd, in himbenburg street, “voiding A. D. Burh- GEO. ARNOLD 1.5533133: very 68:13:? flaming: SEW" ”mm“ M “PPM“ 5" “"3“ continuum mxunfacmre, and keeps coast-ct- n 9 bunnesvmd exdunded "I: “9fgmréqg'fhzg' 1y on hand, every vurietypf 'Loan‘dl], “i!“ “I- I P“ 1 ° - TIN-WARE. . .- v ‘ ' , . WUSLOW'U SOO‘I‘H.NG SYRUP f 0: ; PRESS!!!) mm 35 y , / ~ . JAI'ANEDW.\RE, gm. children, It Dr. R. HORXERS Drug and will always heirudy to do REPAIRING. ' ' - q . ‘ - 1:001:15.“ Ind SPOUTENG a SEEING end ...ummc‘eClothingpjl'énlélieéelsred lisp done I: the but ‘umuner. liCt‘B mo er, - . . ‘ ' ate, and no e 62? spared '(o render full satin: C 0.“) D" B'Hoagggggéug 833°.“w5” fiction. The p Glic’i continued patronage is Th".MEDIGATgALg . {‘2 M: «mm ‘ . Imm 4 ”I“ “m Maegan-53,. mwk‘ B hue jun received I new ._uonnut («up '. [ "Isl-IA"?! lightning; Thirty-hole Ind" onneegswere, ‘2O which we znviu the ..MSXP'" mm omen, cheap u,~ rmcnm-s; . lttentiop ofbnym. , A.8(:01"_1' a sqx. " l." .1. .e 4.:.' ‘...~_ v ._ r _‘ a _f :4 35 53';ch 3 ‘ n 351?»: ma g :‘u:."" g,“ o - _o“ 10.0, . “3‘90 emf,“ d€’_=‘gu' 50:90 ai— m _foar: 4n... .M n ,- 01.,H8-g' I final.- - _. .- =~.;u§: _.'l o “i a: —" \a 52‘. E a ‘ --°c a_ -) ‘ *‘r. In'-l .4 I .' ‘ = - I c w - 1‘" P‘ ‘__‘,___‘.,.__ ~... 27W} 1250 i, 2390 ...-m‘ 1845;» mo 300 2970 1200 2135 300 ...., .....i 4008‘ 800 ..., "'"i 232:»1 200 ~.:i lseoigwoo ...z. ......“ 1050‘” 300 ..I 185%.‘100 3265- 5064‘}- 400 ...... 2575:! .." 156 M 300 J 2.364“ 100 m: 3198.:...... ,4; 458,721 3.1 3mg” ..‘i 6204 100 .43 977’“ 1- 152:: 100 l 209” 400 23335;, 100 I 49.501 ENE - ‘.—“'—— 2701; 53595: $BlOO EPHRAIM MYERS. ‘ JACOB-EPPBLMAS; SAHCEL MARCH, ‘ . Cdmui‘uionen uorsrcxsapza‘s manfis, - __JPL :K‘NPS ‘QX'JW-Vi Change, of Time. The‘ Old "and Reliable. Aenh, Eu}, . IS NEW} OXFORD, we no prepared to ply the highest prices for :11 klndl of PRODUCE. ' Alla. uli a Inflor u! pricel, LUMBER, (fOAL ind GRUCEBIES. of "or, description. ~ 7 A. P. nuns a wmnnx New Oxfors, Aug. 1}), ”63. If __Canfion & Adair’a 1 NEW manna worms, Cam”: or am. more and But. Middle streets. oppuliu the Court House. Getty-burg, Ps.—Wa no preptred to furnish' Monuments. Tombs. Hud~ noun, Mnrblo Mullen. Slum lor Cnbinet fluke", Ind I“ other work appertaining to on! bulineu‘ Wu will guuunue uni-fiction both qn to execution and price. Qlll guinea om duiznl and specimen; of work. -. Feb. 2, 1883., u The Great Discovery F THE AGE—lnfluihnwry and Chronic Rheumui-m can be cured by using 8. L. M LER'S CELEBRATED RHEUXA‘HC XIX TURE. ‘Mnny prominent citizen. of this, Ind the Idjoining countiel, hue testified to ill grént ntilhy. In In em in Rheumnic Ifl'ec tiona. ha.- been hilhkto unptrnileied by my specific, ‘lnlrodnced the public. Price.“ cenu per bottle. For MI: by All dmggisq tnd Itorekeopers. Prepared only by H. L. MILLER, Wholuala. Ind-Retail Druggiu,'Eut Berlin, Adam: cbuuty, PL, dealer in Drug, Chemicals, Oiil, Varnish, Spirits, Pnints. Dye-duh, bot.- tled Oils, Essences and Tincturel, WildOl Ginsu. Perfumery, Patent Medicinal, dc” dc. 3A. D. Buehler in the Agent in Getty;- burgJor “ H. L. Miller's Cciebrated Rheumatic Xinnre." , [June 3, [Still if Dr. Robert Homer’s EW FAMILY DRUG AND ’ PRESCRIPTION STORE, cmnnncno nun, onnimzo. Diving retired (top: the uctire prncliu o! my profession, I take plea-uni in nnnouqcing m the citizens of Getty-burg'and vicinityfihut I hue opened I NEW DRUG’STORE, ‘ in the room formerly occupied by Drs. R. k C. Holuln, an In oflice,, where 1 will comically keep on ham! 3 Luge supply dfnll kind: 9! - FRESH DRUGS, ‘ . . _ MEDICINES, ' I CHEMICALS, . . PERPUuERY, ‘ = - TOOTH POWDERS. ‘ l‘ - DYE STUFFS, DRY PAINTS. Ind‘ ' PAINTS ground in Oil, ‘ OILS, expnenfvd nnd distilled, ,STATH‘ISERY ofgfll’kinds, InklyPenn, Prpcilu.;Pnper. (‘omhfu Brushes, kc. . - PATENT MEDICINES. " 'Afl the popular} Pulenl ‘ .\fedit-inea. (029M91- with a soloolion 'of put? “15195, BRANDXES nnd WHISKEY, lnr luedicinwl purposes pnly, always on hand. vlu n'wurd, my stock embraces everything umnllx’luuud in a first-class store of lhis description. ~‘ A largevéupplygof fresh Drugs hat: been re ceived. nu?! other: arr arriving, which I am of fering lo the public on very nrcmummlxhiug terms. My Medicine's have all been purrli‘nsed under my personal inaprcliun and supeerslon from the mo“. rcliuhle lmusvs. I can lherfl'ore not only recommend them is pure and fiesh, but can M-llLlht-m «'lu-np. , ‘ 7 1‘ N. tiI—PARTICULAR ATTEVTIUN givfn to the-{runner}! ol‘all chronit‘ di-u'A-gei. . , f gas-A l) v lJl‘l-I :u u A ’l' l 5.1 a May :2. 18-51.. 12 ‘ f ' a l , ( _..A_‘._-, The Grocery Store v .\' THE llll.L—Tnv nudrxxiguod would 0 respcrtlullr l'llful'm ll .. x-xlm nu m Gem 8- burg audjicinil}. [lull hr ll H ml‘rn ll|cl~old Mund “on the Hill " in B nllllnlvru,.~trrel, 369!- lyahurg. where he imvmls tn kv 0p Fonsunll-y on hand all kind! nl"GßtH'Elthfi—Snknrs. ()ofl’ees, Syrups of all lumla. ’l‘ulméro. Flhh, Stl', kc" Earthenware 0f nll lum'fé, Fruits, (lll!',hnd m l‘ncl mouthing umullv lgufidliu n. Grucery. .\lsu, FLUK'R IL Hill" cg“ kt‘mls; all of which he linen-ls to sell low the lbw fat. CQlnlry produce lulu-n in cxcl-nngé'fur gnuds and the higlwsl prire flrrn. l'le flutters him-toll llml. lay azrivl allunliuu Ind uh lumen! desile to pit-me, In men! .I shun- u! [ml-liq- p‘l lrulmgl. 'l‘ln'Jll“. J. .\I." l10“'l::. Feb. 23, [863. 1r ‘ ll President New Warehouse. 1 _V: BHSHELS 4 UP GRAIN l()6.t)o()“’.\sl‘flb.nl lhunewGrnin and Prud. ce House. in (.'urli-le sireet. alignin in‘g Shvfla‘l .1: Bnohler'q uptahlhhmcut. J The Highest nu rkcl prim.- wil. ulna)» be {mid _in c.nh‘for ‘ ~ ' GRAIN, of an kimh, 4 . FLOPR.‘ SEEDS, kc. ' Always on btnl and [or e‘ulc, M. the smallest profits. "f 4 . f UL'ANUH, - ~' ~ ‘ SALT; Fm". ‘ GRUBERIESI‘tc., . “'holesnlo and rqlnil. TRY Us! We shall do our best 10‘ give satisfaction in nll cut-I. .\IcCPRDY 8: DXEEL. Gettysburg, May It, 18634 ly ~ I Isaac K. Stauffer, , ; - ‘VATCULMAKER AM) JE“’I-;LEP~,; quvur'rrnan or‘ ‘ SILVER “'AK}: & IMPORT“! 0F WATOIhH‘ZS, No. 148 Nuuh-b‘econd SL. (‘wrm-r Quu'rry, I’mmusu'uu, PA. 2 He his constantly on hand an nssortmhyn of Gold and Silver Patent Lever, lli'liineanlegiu Watches; Fine Gold Clmins, Seals and; ‘ p, Breast Pins, Eur Rings, Finger Bingsrlltrce lets, .Mxnialure Cases, M‘edAlliom. Lockets, Pencils, Thimbles, Spectacles, Silver 'l‘n-ble, Dea’ert, Tea, Salt an'd Mustard Spoons ; Eng“ Spoons, Cn’pa, Napkin Ringsfih’uh and ulcer Kn es, ShielduComha. Dmm ud PuintetLPenl, etc, ll of which will be sold low {or cub. 51.71. lOBIAS & 0035 best. quAlily full jew eled Pufigt Lower loremonls conslnntly on hand; Ilso~other Makenof superior quality. N. il.—OM Gold und Silver bought. for with. Sepl. 7, ”GER I)" l , ' Fa cy Furs! ‘ OHN FAREIRA;~(IJS ARCH' STREET. be low Bth, south \qidc, PHILADELPHIA, Importcrflnnnfncmr- ‘ ' ’ er of and Dealer in kindl of FANG FUBS, for Ltulies' u Children’s ‘Weur. wish to‘ return. m; thanks w mj l‘nem‘ of Adlml and the an rounding counties.’ their very liberal p: tronnge extended ‘ me during the lastfv years, and would 5: to them that l m. have In store. of my own importation and Manufacture a very ex tensive assoruueulof‘nll thedifl‘crcnt kinds and qualities of Fancy Furs, for: Ladies and Chil drenhhnt will be worn during the Fall and Winter semns. ‘ ‘ Heinz the direct Importer of all my Furs from Enrope,end heving them all Manufactured nude; my own supervision—enables me to ofl‘er my customers and the public a much'hnnd: eomer Set of Fury tor the ume money. Lediee plenee give me u call before purchasing ! Pleue remember the name. number and street. 10!le FAREIRA, No. {lB A‘rch SL, Pbihdelphil. Sept. 14, 1363. 5m 3 H 683. HAXS. SHOULDERS Ind SIDES, of but quality, 3nd chap, it, Aug. 24. GEO. F. KiLBFLEISCB'S. Farmers’ 8: Mechanics’ “was xxsrxqqrgux _ol3' :umxg co._. 177 m cupied by Funk Sbhehck’c Pulmonlc Syrup ‘ ' warm! coxsuxm-IQN.’ SCHEXCK‘S PULMONIC SYRUP I'm. ccu CONSUIIPTIUN “ -‘v- V SCHENCK‘S PULMONIC SYRUP _‘nu. cull - coxsuxp'nqx. scanners puuomdsmue wm. can ‘ \ CONSUMPTION. “ SCHEXCK'S BEA mo TOSIQ‘ ~ in]. ccn . , _ DYSPEPSIA. SCHFNCK'S SEA W 331? TONlp “' mu. can ’'G ' DYSPEPSIA. - BCHIECK'S SEX WEED TONIC mu. cuu DYSPEPSIA SCHENCKS SEA WEED TONIC II“. can DYSPEPSIA SCHBXCK‘S MASDRAKEJ’ILLS WILL CUB. ulna w‘MI-LA‘INTS, scasx'cx's {Shun PILLS MILL eras ‘ LI Expomuxxu‘s. SCHE?‘ K'S MANDRAKE PILLS 1’ I‘ILL cun- LIVER COMPLAINTS SCHENCK'S “spam: PILLS ' mu. cun LIVER COMPLAINTS DR. J. H. SCHENOK ha! '2 Large Suit of Room: M. N 0.32 BOXD Sl‘llEET,.\'l-ZW\YURK, where he can be found every Tuesd-y from 9 A. I. to 3 r. I.; and'n 39 North (Still-(reel, Philldelphln, even! SMurdJy. I He keep’: a large supply of medicine: It his rooms. which can be had at. ull tim". Those wishul'g advice or on examination oftl’ie Lungs will 80 well to call. on him as above. He makes no‘cliargv’lur advice. but for; a thorough examinalmn will: the Respiromelcr, his price in $3. ‘ ' Many pensons Ire air-rill tb hue their lungs I examined by Dr. Scht-nrk, for fur they will be found incurable, um} bthnl menus it, is put‘ 0!? until it is 100 luie._ How much better it; would he to know their cunuiiuuu M once, as' by nbfmdance of «villi-nun. Dr. S. luu slmwnl' sufficient certificate: in this city that lie has cur'eniégvauced smgu ofl‘onsuxuptign. 1 Dr. henck'n Principal Office is 3:! North SIXTH Smear, Philadelphia, Pu.,.wherc lvuels for mbicc lllUlllll always be Iliru-ted. . Piice of‘lhe l’vLuoxlc Snu'r and Sin “@2lll Toyic each :51 per lmulr or $5 the lmlfdoten. x Mnumn Plus. 25 rants prrlmx. _ l ‘ For sale by all Druggials null Storm-keepers. Sept. 7‘, 1663. 1111 I Fresh Reinforcemenfls. TRENGTHENING‘ OUR Po&Tll).\'.—Wo are constantly adding new mpphes lo 03! ulready large and _.‘imhiunnblc stock of HATS,(;AI’S;IBI')OTS up slums “We have fiery rifle at Spring! and Summvr Huts) why-J: in quality ungi price cannot fail to please. Bay's and .\h'u's Hats and_ Cu; i m ev-Prv description, and of [lncl-Ales: 6131!:5. Uur slack of ',£ ’ , ' noors, a" r . - 0.58058. , ‘ _ K ? GAITERS, km. kcx, was never mere rumplefi. Lathes Guntlemt-rr IndWJhIMMn caught: accommodated with uny lh‘lng in tllirljugnnjre are hL-Iqu prepared how to give fits "yd greater hnrggtins lhlll! one: before. If you Want L'nrguius. gun-1 fits and fashionable goo‘dfi, rill) all. the sign of the BIG BOOT, in Cbuqnb’érnburg street. . ~ . ' ' mm mm, Jgne 9. mac. ALI-2X. mums -.3._ V _ , _ Sahsbllm_ Bros. 8: 00.», 0. 37 ,DORRLAM‘P. STREET. and ,167 \VEYBOSBLET STREET, PROVIDENCE. R. L, Pronrietnruvof (1"; an the most Extensive JEW ELRY .\IASUFMITURIES 1n the Eastern Sum, be}: 10‘an the attention of lhe‘cum rnnuity generally to me \ery SI'RI’R.SIXH CHEAP RATE M which [hey we Mic-ring thyir goods: fnr nurpassm‘: bulh queig'u and Uo-~ mouic ’.\lanufnrlunei in point of clcgnncc I'm] real dumbilily! . ¢ mm lxsnxcn For‘ l-‘lfnzx' Donuts, we forwn;-l. nirrly ? 'cnrded ind [u'cLed in good nrder. thrf‘ulluwing enormoul quantity 0! Jewelry. equal in finish ‘ to any Plated Gold, find no! to be recognized' from Gold only hv‘the trying ofncidpi ~4 Set Enamel Ven C‘lmins; 21‘luin Flnren- l ’ tine Pin; 4 Ear Ring; to mulch; 2 Twin-Wit.» Rina; 4 Ear Ring! to match; 2 Hull: Pins: 4 Ear Ring: to much ; 25 Ladies' Rinzi, Double. {Heart and A vnriely of pang-rug; 50 Union Eln- Moms; 50 Send pins, Plain nnd Imlunlon Coral: ' 2 Double-GM" Lockets” rugim-vlurqed; 6 Box l and Glass Pin! for pom-uh or hnir; 72 nsuort- } .’ed Lockets, Hem and Shell Charms, and 6 Hand , Bracelets ;—-ull lor Fifteen Dollars. A collec tion of this kind,.wlnen pllced 'in the hunds of any age ,of ordinny inmllizence, oughuo retail, ' for at. least One Hundred Dollars ! ' Caulogn’es. containing full information Ind Priccavot Good}. can be obtained upon appu catiOn. Orders by Mail, Telegraph or Express respectfully solicited. ‘ , SALISBURY BROS. & CO..' J , 37 Domlnce k. 6'! Weybussat Sm, June 29, 1833. Providenco; R. L E. & H.‘ T. Anthony. ANUFACTURERS 0F PHOTOGRAPHIC uranium, sol BROA own. :1. v.— AID Pno'roo nut—Our Cat-lone n em bum éonlidlmhly over Pour {Macadam-r -ent suhjects (to whi?) additions ure contiuull ly being mule) of Pam-nits at Eminent Ameri cans, etc., win: 7.! Major-Generals. 190 Brig. Genérnla. 259 Cnlnn'c-lIMM Diem: Colom-Is, 207. Oiher Oficers, 60 Navy Ofiicers, 525 Sun-mien, 127 Dimes, 116 Anthou. 30 Artists, 1 12 Stage, 46 Prominent Women, 1'47 Promiuem Foreign Portrait). . ‘ ‘ 2,500 Cams or Wuln or A3ll. including reproductions of the most celohnted Engrav iugs, Paintings. Slaturs. kc. , Cut-lone: sent on receipt orsump. An order for On; Dozen Pictures from our Catalogue will be filled on feceip: of $l.BO. and untby until. free. PHDTOG RA PHIL" ALBUMS " (M then we mgnuncture- : great variety? ringing in price from (.0 cents to $5O each. 0m: ALBUMS hue the npuution of béing aliperinrln beauty 3nd durability to Any others. The lleer kinda an be sent. wfely by mail It‘ a posmge‘of six cenu pvr oz, ' The moréxgxpemive can he «in by apron.- H'Wa also keep I lug: assortment of STEERSCOPES t. STERESCOPIC VIEWS. Our Cndlogue of these will be gent. to any Id dleu on "cup: of Shaw. . E. t H. 51‘. ANTHONY, ‘ Hanujactwen of Phalayraplu’c Muen'ab, 501 Blunt an, N" You. Friend: or reluive: o‘t prohinen: miliury men will confer A favor by tending ul lhcir “km to copy- They will be kept unful .l, nd renamed uninjured. ‘_ k . FINE ALBUHS MADE TO ORDER for Gon negation: ta. present to their Rutor, or for otherlpurpons. Wm: suitable iucfiptiom, kc. Aug. 24., 1863. 6m x Gettysburg Marble Yard. EALS & 88.0., IN EAST YOBK‘STREXET M GETTYSBURG. PA.—Wheu they re ’ 'repued to furnish all klndu of work in flash fin, ch u .\onUMENTs, mama-amok smug; “Snag, to" u the shortest n’o.‘ tics, and as cheap u the cheapeu. Give “In cull. fiPmducu uken in exchange for work. ' Getty-burg, Juno 2, 1862. t! UCUMBER PICKLES, I. larga lot just to. C ceived (tomato oily, in prime ordnr, M. ' —KALBFLEIBCH‘S. URI GROUND BPICES, lelecud snd :9 and. elm-«ll! [or Dr. ROBERT non. N BEN” Dru; Sum. \ ‘ I‘T‘n‘m” irido‘m a?“ iNo 73 mob! LANE, mm roux 'n‘aia mm- in land. or u: extremal, thick ad urea; ,wo'vgn fabric, invented Ind Innnifuguud ._xp‘faul‘y [or our own nu, “Ii in "\‘tfll tinu‘ thicker than tho cotton nun. in: éounuyly meld in In other companion roofing, spawn-lay fu- non dunblo. . [ . From an "bu-i?!- thicknm of am clam, it nai‘vn, in ulut+lom I (I: groun- nuoun at tbo Inter-proof «impomion, and flux: hill:- yd with the I’m-proof coating.“ the lurfm, lE‘QQ‘GIIII tho I“ completely finished—lnd, we "‘o‘ confldongimt dgnblo—«ooflng no. X_ A 1 known. \it neodi no flnl an: nppfied on th‘n roof, u “131 R" the. do: _ 11' {3 “BEN Y" xO. NAIL Dowx. _ | and put up if: rolln about \ _ long:K and the. feet wide; be ungnjlad,nnd lulled 03 \ It it manuf*ctu one hundred feet requiying only to \ ‘ i ‘ .\ .. nt Ind fininhed lute, it iwi Lhé nmnfioupf\\: . ~ I . , \ Cums, . \ 1 - x x. ' TINNERS, BUILDRBS, | lellaénin. We Elo_no¢ Lofi‘ the roof. In thin couveni npecially worthy (murmur: n“ and 31! who buy onpect o! ononnoul profit. out to} web the immediately, but a ofl'er I rully march-nth, Ind every: where, Ind at I" blc ggticle, in de time• 110:: 707 A FEW POI’KTSI WE CALL ATTE.’ Iboul bl" u {much :5 tin, ' Isl. 1!. costs onl. IP' is ‘twice u d rable 2d. 1: is Idlp ed to :1! kind. of roots, \vbelhér Heep or flat. ‘ _ '7 3d. it is n6l. Ipfl'ecled injurious}, by belt for cold. * ' A R ’ 4th. Any orflinary workmin em Ipplv it 51b. ‘ll is not thy “cheapest" roofing 61h. ‘lt is th- best roofing 'l‘hfm Roofing has been wed in awry variety ’of climute, I'mnl ('luudn m (‘aliforl-iu. and we ran must pnsilirel" rexommrnd it L 6 hr entire 1y -prduf against the clinngee of hut Ind rdld that nre so drntrubtirc to many other kinds of [Lo-mug. . ' t . ‘ LT “11:3 NUT SOFTEN AND RI'N IN HOT \ysnngzn, IT WILL NOT,CRACK U COLD ‘ ' WEATHER. It il;n~perfcqt rote-Minn lllinll' fink horn 11w {afling cindel£ and {rngumnl- [rum burn ing huildings adjpining lhu Roofing. ll‘is au elgglic and mung yhat 1h: '.\.t sunmglxa OF IIUUI-‘RBOA'RDS do" not injurt imi 3 V ' ‘ ' .‘ [L is parliruinriy. valuable on Fn}toriu. Foundrieméugur Kt‘filfl‘fif! Di'stlilcvjc ,nwdnli buildings where lhe air ii inn-Md with gas" a:- umistnreiwhich rapidq corrode, {ruin the inside, Iiilil! ‘nd mega] roofs. ‘ :3 FOR srsuhom DECKS. ,' . ' . f CAR-TOPS, Plums, and 1|" rnofl mad for walkiug'on. llnismrliule answers far better llnn any maul roof—Eu il will lu-ur such ulsnge with-Jul. hacking. ot. brc'mliing. , ‘ ' ‘ ’ 111 is en'sily upplied our old_ SUINGLJj RHOFS, _ N ' wmwm‘ Mum/m; masnixums Also tlio c-v'r'rsns can be {armed of illi: mutt-nu], suing the u peus; uf “my. 031:5. - 'l'lnr‘cosl of 111-pbil-g it i.- n-ry liulfl. ' M! an] ordinary r§of can be finished iu'thgnme any. PRESS-Inf]?! YOUR ROOFS! ‘ : j trimming: no. 0? LEAKS, IF YOUR TIN noor HAS ‘ ~ - s.\l‘ ALL nt'sr-aomzs 1s rr, 0F NEEDS Eli-PAINTING, IF YOUR {HS R norm ercm can” GETTA-‘z wilt gll'ectu‘ully close up I" the mullet RUST-l HOLES. Ind lorni I huvy elu'lic body orerr the whole ‘lfll'tl‘fé, that will prevent RUE! 5 Ind Ins-tummy yleurs longer Illln ordinary; pnint. Q I IF YOUR S INCL}: ROOF LEAKS, IF‘YUL' GcTTEns LEAK, novso you: cuwfisvs LEAK, IF THE JOINTS w vomz s. ATE aoor LEAK§, ME .\IPOUND ER'CUA CEMENT G'U'rfu will cbmfleterifi shingles, rover 0v _lnd llnte. Ecru .A! coating Hound :- ; in All these_ uiu: article for this Ih] ficlgh A thick, to ~ ll up’all the emim in the ‘r the hrohn joinlnin the «in rmnnenny Idhenivc. elgulic imneyu, Ikyligbta, can, sud ious will outlnn my other rpou mm in rise. This ar uiopl compound of _ TA-PERCHA, Ind ingredients Ilsed'ox‘tenaively in Europe in the process of K niiinfi of preaching wood in rsilrond sunct rel exposed to 'mpinlnre ud duty, This v 0 Intmtprppony and: direct.- ly to am“ 13d [2 vent decay in II" slat-glen. sud will often «nun necessity for one“! you: of putting {on s new roof. I: n roll worthy of I. Lrinl: , ‘ . fi-Ml the dub" ROOFING MATERIALS will be furninhed‘to , cannons? AND 01.33“5z “I’. Mon 0! TWENTY-FIVE in: spur. ' non ova REGUISAR nuns. Luann. Ammonium \ MADE mm RESPONSIBLE Assn-r 5. n—cfu'cuuhs ud s,l2}er up: Inc. by 3641. Addreu . ‘ ‘\ ‘ . . , ‘- nah: “115111431“. m Dee." 1 Algh• ,A* "nun: I 1.1.v1131v2', ennui BEHRDY » ron museum“, com, .\‘EBBALGIA, “memo, sun NECK AND Jom'rs, snums; namsss, curs AND '; . WOUNDS. muss, gunman, AND ALL unsun‘nc AND sshvous msunvuks. , t For all of which it 1| I npudy nd'cefl-ll remedy. and nut fails. Thin Lilli-em in pro pnyed from the recipe 0: DE. Stephen Sweet. 00 Oonnocticut, tho {lmoul bone senor, Ind h," boon and in his pnctice for more than Qwunly your: with the man Antoni-hing mecca. L A: In Alleviate:- ofthinJl h hath-lei by my prep-ration before the public. at which tho molt skeptical mi: bn‘uunvinced by l I .- glp Iril}. _ ‘ Thfn/ Linimen! will cure npidly Ind .udiul. Iy. Rheumstio Disorders of Ivery kind, 3nd in wound. Dig-nu when n Inn in" been known to fail. _For Roux-alga. it will afford immwmc ‘ relief in eyory can, Lowever diurnling. It aill rtlievo [he wont cues of Hegd‘chg In three minutes uqd is warrnnlcg lb do il. Toothache nlso wH’Ht Euro lnnnntly 101' Nervous Debflity nLd General Ln» shade Iriving tmm Imprudence or “cu-Alli: Linimcnt in I Ina-n. happy and unfailinggemedy. Acting directly upnn th. nervoul tianugu, it strengthen! and rerh ifiea thb Iyolem, Ind "- sloreu it to elunicity and vigor. . ‘ For met—Akin ugernnl ramedy,‘ wo‘ clnim‘thu it in [he (ml kuownflnxl wi chal \lgnge the wofld l9'prud_nu nu cquuL Every xcum of Uni dls'lrrqnug cumultim-Ihould I“ 9it a trial, Mr It will nul‘lnil lo nfl’nrd iii: nxhfllelrrlief, and in u. mujprily ol can-I \ull !efl'ccl."ngiallicul cum. . Quifisy and Sore Throat In- mumumea extremely malixnanll and dangerous. but I “ , timely application uf‘thiu Linimcul.vill unrr ' mil Lu cure. 3 . ‘ sprains are arm Hinm "n olwfinn‘te,‘nud enlargement uHhe 89in”; j.- ligbl'c in men; it neglected. The worn the Inn} b: conquered by this Linimeul in lvw or lhreu dun. ' Bruis’es..outs,-Wounds, Sores. Ul cers . Burns and Sc‘alds, _\'ielfreudnl; In the rfwoudvrful lie-Ming pmpemu ul' ML, SHEETS l.\'l-‘.\l.L‘lBLI-Z 1.1.\1\11~2.\1‘, ulna uu-d rut-cording 'n din-Minus. Also. NIH.- BLAINH. FROST”) FFH'I‘, A)“ INSHIT HITES AND STING). - > t ' STEPHEN SWEET, of Conn; 1 the firm! .\‘ulurn, “one Sun-r. 1 Dr. Slephru S“ H'l, ut't ummrlwul. is Linn—j" .all on: lb: 13)"!va N.lle-. ' . . _Er. Strphgu Sun-cl. of Punuwlhul. ”MILL. _authr u! -' hr. Bun-1‘44 lnfnllilule.l.iuimrnl.' I Dr. Swot-fr lulullihlr Lmimuul (m'm "hth- I, tuulia'm and "HM huh. 4 - z . [ Dr. SWcrl'q lnfullihk [.lninwnv in i "ruin womanly for .\.-umluin. ' 1 Dr. Sm-m'l lulallihlr I,sll4“mean Hun-n and Scnldp ilmn‘cuiiuwly. - ~ , Dr. Sure‘ '5 lnfnllildg- Limmrm u UH. Lr'l anfu remedy for .‘l-min- um! Hui-HI. . Ir. Smeel'nr .mI-nl wun- Hrln‘. ‘nche unmflliall 'n cflnmn n In in I. g , DrfSWM-l'e nynyu: uflmd- lm- , I lll‘ttlinl'e "Ho-[h I-ant 11-ln . r rt.» ‘ Ur. SweN'l! HIH‘l-l umrs 1:..0011- inrhn’n one min | Dr. Sum-l s fmumme thilm In turn "nu fan-l Wmmah [mnnnli-lrb mu] Ir xmu no war. ‘ Dr. angri- Inmlmne Linin-vnl i- mm": remedy lur .\un-s’ in llu- Lunku A: .M. hr. ‘Slt‘t‘l'l lnfnvllihln "Inlllltll! lms'lwru mud by moreJhuLa’ mllhuu praylr. ”d I” pruireil., ( ‘ (i I I)!" )yn-MN lufnlliHe linen-rm 1-Lrn {n ttrlnnll)’. run-I l'lmlu. l'lm'nnt Hmlnus .‘wl 101 mm. " - ‘ ' - , Dr. Swecl'q luhllihlr Ifin'umrul n- nnlr a “Irleml in nee-J." uncl‘un-I Mind} “.I."!!! $9 have u in Imml. ' ‘ Ur. Svn-N ~ [Midlihh- Linn-arm 1' In! (Jr by ' nll Dru‘éials. 1'! lat .'.". .mvl .m - rqu. ' Q . i =" A FRIEND m Jump ; TRY IT.-—l|ll. SWIIETS- INVALLHH “'3 l.l.\E.\H-1.\"1',-_au an Pllrrlml rm.~n|_v,. i!‘\\||~'n<-hl in rival, .md uiH ACHH'HLP Imin 'nmn- Iprrd:h Ll» any ollrnr [-n-pmulinn? I'm v-ll 1;!“ n» 'mfiilc and NI rruuu [Hal'l‘dl rl‘ilJ~' hul} lm'nlh *hle, nlul '.l! u cumun- In} Sun-u,v Wumul‘, xh‘prninl, lhflt'lsln. km, in «nothing. Irt'anL-y nnd powrrfill Mrgnglhrning p 1: ill-(Ilka. ”(in rl r juu won-[er and n~luniehn|rlll o! alkwho h...‘ a -ever gn‘ru. it At trial. Uur um llmlmuul O'H~ liliunlcs'uf romulhbhu urea '.i-rlmmrd h} AL .\\ilhiu l‘uu hut KM) gears, alLu 1h: hul. DR. SWI-ZHT'n' INFAIJJIHJI l.l.\‘l\lE.\'T ' FOR HORSES is uurirnlcul by :iny, "ml in ull ‘ 'casu of aneneq. urn-in: {rum Spun-t. 'Bruires or Wrenrhing. ils rtTn-l i.~ magic nl uni cumin. Harm-:3 m Smhlle Gulls. Scrunhu, ‘ Mungr.'&c., it grill nhur‘rur; .predily.» Spniu and llinghofie nun- In' 2 mil) premium) Ind cured in-ilneir incipient slg‘gri. lint runlirnml , use: are beyond the [mm-ibiluy {n n rudiml Q cure. No cure 'of the kind,'lumn'rr, is m dcspernle or lmpulen In". it mu} be nilu'iwled, b); mi; Liniment. and in mum‘ul Ipplicnliun .? viii] aims): remote the [:nmeuea, and emulfle.’ Hie horses to true] with compara‘lhe who. - lhould' hn're this yemcxly at hnn ', tor ll! time ly use It the lira! nppeurnlu-e ol ancness Inn ~... cfl'cctunlly prucm thus: formidul-io Mun". . to I‘llJl'll all hursu’ arr linhie, nud‘nhiclu un der w twin)- ulhcrk‘isc \ulunllle hut-rs near}: ' worthless. ' , . _ 5‘ 9‘ .\- F A L I .1" -B L E L .1 5" l .31 E 'f‘ _ L And ibougnnds lure {quad it mfly A’raxsxn xx‘xnznl To their! imposition, observe the Sims-r"- lnd [likened of Dr. Staph“ it"! 0| ""7, ltbel, Ind nhtu “Stephen Svefl'l «hauflllf Uniment" blew. In the glul of gull boulo,' without which page mienyliu‘. ' ; ' HOBGAN g ALLEN, General me, ’ 46 CHI bunt, Kev York, '80” by A“ dealers everywhon Dec. 8, [832. I: ’ - Noni Bakery! ‘ . .' , “PORT 5 ZIEGLIB, fleets-Ia! Ink-:1: , orn,,Baulh Wuhington "not. human. U! : r_oln an I:an Hotel, GETTYSBURG.Pa.-q 2;: Consuqflfiam hund, (be best a! BREAD. ‘ - “ACRE; . (Lassa, Pamzrzlfi, u. Pfir a. ‘ an! willing {rub Broad will he tcrred "CAI: mowing. by leaving- their names und residence: » “In My}. Bwry clan. and: 40 place. ‘ “ ‘ (“kul 1 all! [April 20, ’63. “b" ‘. ___—_._..—_.____.._._—l——'—_ . \ ILUNSRY GOODS, Baum, 31mg ‘ Flaunt, Shakers Yum! Egan-g I ' = " nu ncoivad from 'w ork c My“ --’- roam-lg. om. A ‘ ’mm in” I" H —__ ‘ ’ V ‘s‘, . 33w may, DR. SWEETS TO HORSE OWNERS EVERY HORSE OWNER; DR. SWEET’S Cl= SOLDIERS FRIEND. CAUTION. ‘ RICHARDSON & co.,‘s Sole Prop‘riaton, Norwich,Gonl II in} MN 13 EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers