The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, December 21, 1863, Image 3
ma 031127330804“ an nay. 6 60 to G 75 . o 00 .............l 40 lo I 50 I M to! 40 95 to l 00 l 20 riffs 8;. Flam-.......r................ “Mu When... Rod Wile-“...... Corn Ryan *1)“; Buc'kwhu! .....m. .... Clout Seed ...—.. ...... Timm“! duct...“................‘ 2!“ 30.41,...” Pluser 0! Put! .......... Haste: ground, p 9; hug BALTIMORE—Ry”: un P10nr........... “main"... ......m. f 82 lo’.‘ 75 when!............................ x 45 :o a on. “yew... .. ..... l 50 to I 55 90rn.......... ................... ........ l 06 to I 20 (numun“.......-...................... W M 88 mom 5ud.......... .................. a 09 to a a! "Immhy Stad....l-...,......... ..... 1 a to 3 0“ Bee! Cutie, per hund.....-... ... . 5 7010 00 Host, pr hunt-nut“... mu..." 7 ‘75 u 8 25 1kymn....‘'........29 00 9031 00 “'hiékey ......... ......n. mm... ...... 83 £9 90 Gu-no, Peruvian, per tonnay..." 30 00 ‘ HANOVER—«Tannin: nu. Flour, from wagon-"... .... ....... Do. trom not“ When! ......‘ O n)‘. "...-u. n.....u:u.uu..u-uuum ’Corn....f. omm... '(‘lonr Seed... Tnmoth; Sud... 'Pluu-r 1= Visxtors to Gettysburg. Pa., A ILL find duirnhlo arcommovlinm 1! Nu. NANCY WEIKERT'S BOARD IXU HOUSE. on Chlmhenburg umt, nur th. Bugle Ham. Gguynburg, Pu. Im. 21, was. '3: Election HE Adnml County Agjrieuhuml Socigty; mu hold it; lununl Election in (he Pufilic Elliot-l “cum in Hem] "ule, on theJ‘II’ST “USDA" IN JANUAR, 1864, betweep the huurl uf 1 wind 4 o'clock, P M. All who are in favor of‘uL-luinx '.ho Suciely um requo-sl- I ed to 31!.qu and parlicipfir in n‘deectipu. L ' 1;) Amie?! the Uonr-I.‘ ' ‘ \k . “B. WILSON, Sec'y. Dec 2!, H 963. 3t. Registers Notice. ' "TU'TIL‘E ii lu-rrby guns to In Lrgnuel and b ulhrr periond .concrrxu-d,'thal the: Ad xnmiulruliun Acuuun'a’horeiunftrr, mcnliuued m“ Ur [.{csénlrd at the Orvhny'n Cour! OI Ammo tummy, fur cunfirmn'lun uni nnuwnncc, 0n MUXDA Y, fin: lath dn)‘ 0‘ JANUARY‘ X 364, ‘ n 10 o‘clock. .\. XL. viz 293. Th:- ucxmuuv. 01' [lt-pry Dnnemq, Ad unlllsllulnl' nngo eétule OT Maria Hiba leru‘ dt-vvnwd. , “ l. The firstnncnant'anohn hintem, Ex ’ecutqr ”(Gnome lantern. dam-Med. ;, 'lfiu-un-l account of .\lmgurat Gram mar. Exwulrix of the lust mil at Brnjumin (human-r. decrimvd. _V ‘ ‘1 -_ IL The fin“ flk‘cuunt of Geo. v‘VdHPI‘ and. Junie] Linn. .'(glmim-«ulorl of Midhnel' Herring, deg-pawn]. ' ‘ ' _ 43T|m Mcvmlnt nr Gemge Reamer. Ad: unmist‘ralor I‘l'JJmh E n ur. dllvt'uaed. ‘ SAMUEL LILLY, negism. “aging-rt: Ufiiu'. thltxaburg, . , per. 2:, ram. 'mi' } i Hen‘dquartera Provost Mnrshal,l “ Six-cur“ l’z:lnxt~l‘.l‘A,."‘ ( lwm‘wn-lmrg. l'uembcr T. 13631. J «“0” Tu“ n-‘upuv Bumughi .n-z furnuhnlfrir $ Iul! quams m mlmmuus under the decent min-:11”- 1333de fur inn-e hundrnd thous wnl men. in“ hc.l‘lt‘xll[ll [mm Lhr pelidmg .mn, qhmll-l out In} l'o'ni'fZ‘C‘l neceanvfy in Jump”) m-xt. R , ‘ 'l'hc‘ urn-ml Trmns'nigm untLßOrung‘w will I’Cffn‘lcrrult 101‘ all uduuleera that may be dunnere-i ihh'l lhv: u-nicc rinvc the August 11rafi,,l'he number so rte-Med \n hu- t‘l‘lxilctud Imm lhrir pmnurtiun (.xlme quot; rumpled tin.- Stule undrrJhc rrcenr cull. " l‘oldred nu-n \nlmhril‘y chm-ting will he JlCl'l'anlJlS u put 'on the quuu. To zuch, l-mwrrr, H 6 hmulltu mll ln- [nu-l. ' ’ ' - . (ii-Lulu”. PA'S'I Ell“ ‘ ‘ (‘ Pr". 3; I‘rm. )hr. luz'h Luelxl’s. ‘ ”cc. 21.15» 2 .Notxce. K ‘ _IIIAVVI‘ I‘TJIIX‘H PIS"'.\TH.~I.I-flcrl of I 4 u-hunu'wxug-vu an the- nmto of f‘émrrin l‘.-13x. ln'r nf ”Hurt! roundup, Ad Uur vagrant}. du‘t‘ 'ttl, imvm; In'n-u pruned m the [nub-r -siLZIIv-d. n-éhli'u; xn Houn‘th-naunl lp.. hr h'enlvy' gift"! unfu‘r 1.: u)! pl‘l‘SUln~ indo)>lcd‘tq mid while In uun- i'nvuydiuto pnxmcnt. and Hume luvingylfiuni nu vii-x [be anmr m [lrcscnt {hem properly uullacnnmucd for .‘rllh'l-qulul. _ ' Joll.“ I'LLIX _DI-c. 2171363. Lu: Notice. AOOB LOHR'H PST.)TB.—Lcnrrl of Id-' (I minifirnljon on the rank ol\.lmnh thra' lute‘ of l'niuq towmlnp, Aduns _cnunly. dun, mused, hminu barn grnnwd tn the Hnll“r-4. signed, u-iiging in Hu- mme m_“'nflnip. he lrrrcby gives unfit: to n” prrsons irldllmd to 53” in e<lltb lu mnlxc immediate payment, and; "my: having clwinu nguin-fl. the same m pro-Z scm. them [vl‘uprrh authenticated fur n-ulmmm.’ . JM‘on y. RULLISUEK. Adm'r. ‘ Dev. 14. 1&3. 6: - , Notice. USHPH J. SVII'H S lisTATl’.—Lgttou of OT Illlnininlrnlinn (II! the l‘slzltl- anxéioph- J. ' Smith. Inn of foord.lwp:. Adnms «0.; dec'd., fun in; barn granted ((uhe [lndex-sigma. read ing in [hr :nnme lnwndnil‘v he .hereh’y gives! notice to all person! inxhblcd to said can“. ‘mnkq imml-dxnte payment; “31" Xhost hflY-I ing‘claima Again-t. lhe. nun: '9 prc‘stnl them. propeyly uuthcnucn'ed fur settlement. ' <~ Juux L. S§llTH,Adm'r. ‘ Dec. 14, 1863. m ' ~ Rgllroad Electxon. ! HE Annual Election for n PresidentjndJ T Twelve Hunger: tor the Gettysburgfinil; to“, éill be held 3!. the omen of xhe Company, in [Jig-econ)! “my 0: the Palsenger Depot; in | iheflorough of Gettysburg, on the SECQKD .xnxnn' OF JANUARY next, (January 11,‘ 18334,) at ! o‘clock in the Afternoon. A; 131'; ,gnn'au- lii-ye and pluce there will I»: held the 'fegul-r innual meeting orth: Stockholders. ’ DAVID WILLS, Sec'y. ' pec.;;|4,_ 1863. Id ‘ 2. ‘ sun at Work. 11“: undéulgned continues _the _ ’1 manuals-yum BUSINESS, h; nlf “a bunches, at his old stand, in But Middle Inn-ex. Geuysburg. ‘ '> ‘ ‘ NEW WORK made to order, and . ‘ ‘ REPAIRING done promplly sad It Invest prices. Two fir‘st-rue .SPRISG WAGQNS Ind Iv SLEIGH for sale. ‘-' JACOB TROXEL. Dec. 7. 1863. .'fi—l- _ . ‘.. ~__V,_‘ - .._, -_.__- Now is thh Time. 3 (NY I; WOODS, corner of York “feet and Diamond, Getly‘shupg, an closingmut. . We ‘o‘ of WALL PAPER It very lo' pricg‘s. 1 n the Spring pnfier will con. doubt:- whu in an be‘boughz at. now. [D¢c. 21, 1863. _ ~ Hay! Hay: . amp My, a: omm Smiou, pay! I OXFORD PR!CES for Ely? . . .Nov.’ 9, 1863‘ 4» I XCELSIQRI ' , i { £3lostme . , ‘ ‘_~ '* _~ . EXCBLSIORH The [jalsjor‘LWuhing Machine in the hen - ‘tho World. pull and examine it at once.— ' 400 it tlw Excelsior Sky-light Gallery. ~ ,‘ 1, “SURROTHEBS; an MORE-aims nude u m. 2;. ‘celoior Blair} we always Wnrrlulod to -. '9‘ Milan: TYSON BROTHERS. VIRGOATS i9VERCO?TSdI—A new lot, ' 5 ho- theucil . 011 an ennune u. "' ynnmxgauorr's. ’ . Nonhsu eonu at the Diamond. i. on “mommy: AND wgnsxnfron Bodkin! pDIII only an 0N" Dr 1m“: . w n}, a. Howl-m.ha 7 1.390819 h” in": ncgivzui 713;??? T <.- America Excelsior c o ind Bows. J.‘ chip Longing Gluul. ’ . -‘I hr ulo It Dr. 3. Hanna’s 9!!!“ MI. -WEEREAS the Hon. Ron" J. eran,_ “ Preeidenfl ofthe eerernl Courts ol‘Com-I mos Plus in the‘Countiu composing the 19th ' Dietrich end Juezlce of the Courts nl Oyer and Termlnrf and General Jhil Delivery, for the trld of all cnpitel and, other ofenders in the kid district end‘lhvw Znoun'nml lent; E. WIIIIAI; Elq..' Judges of the Uuuru or Com~ non Pleu, end Juutlcee o! the Court: of Oyer and Termlner Iniflenerll Jnil Delivery, for th‘ trill of «H mpt'fll and other ofl‘enderl in the (Emily of Adena—have ‘ueued their pre cept,belring dete the 20th day of November, in thggnr ofonr Lon) one thousand eight hun dr ;nnd sixty-two, end to me directed, for holdllg a Condo! Common Pine,end,Geneul Qunrter Seuionn ol the Pace, end Genes-ml Jeil Delivery and Court onyer and 'l‘ennlner, i ll Gettysburg, on Monday, the IQ“ day of luxury 1: l— ‘—‘ 5 )3me l 5 HEREBY GIVEN to I“ the- Juedcee the Peace, the Coroner'nnd Consta-‘ bles wnhin the said County of Adunl, that; they be then end there in their proper per-onl, ! with their Kalle, Recorde, ‘lnquieitiane. Exam inntione,3ld other Remembrancel, to do tho-cl _thinger ch totheir once: and in thet hehnll‘, nppe in to be done, and elm. they who willt peolecnte ngnin‘nt the prilonen that Ire or then Ihall befin the Jill of the laid Gounty of, Adntnp, m to he then and there to prosecute ngninitthem u lhl“ be just. . ' 7 01 190%!“- 100 1200 Z5O 6 75 12.5 . I! 4: lo was . , 135 . - 99 . ADAM REBERT,SI.eriE. Shunt!”- ofice, Gettysburg, Deg. 21, ’63. ‘ Tax Appeals. _' u - HE Commission" of Adina cnnufy hero , by give notice‘ thw they bm'e fixed upon tho following time: for the holding of Aripull {or the. suns] Boroughs land '10! nshirl of Adam county. u Iheoflic: oftho Co'unéyoCom minionen,’ in Getxyllourghu-hcn an W 519“ they win ultend :0 hrs? Appeals betas": the hour! of 8 .o‘clock. A. M. and 3 o'Llock, PE LL, of wag-h (Jay, «3' follows: . The-Appeals 10.- Geuysburg,‘ Fumberllrnd, Germany, Oxford, Huntingtnn, lwiumm. 3nd Hamilwnbuu, on TUESDAY, we lSlhtduyoof JANUARY next; ’ 1' For Fr Mir 3: ‘ in ‘a‘u u 225 ‘loo ,V .rnuLlin, Strnbn, Menilleg,‘ flutler, Mountplensnnk .\‘loumjoy, qnd (.'ono‘wagoc on WEDNESDAYJbeZuth duyofJASUARY next; For Bending. Humilton, Libe‘rtyfii‘yrone, Union, Freedom, and Benfirk lMuugh ind Township. on-‘THURSDAY, the 21:: day of JANUARY next. By order of the Cumminioneru, J. Li. WALTER, émk Dec. H, \863. \d. ; Last Nance. , , 111-I bonds, notes. and book Accounts of the late firm of Henry 11. [).inner and ‘Y;|’-: bright Ziegler, trading under the firm ’of Dan- ‘ nor 3 Ziegler. Jrs., hin‘e been placed \in In)" hn‘ttdi fur colleclion; one of the firm,.\lr. Ziggg ler, huviug «lied some two year- ago, and the othgr, Duiméi, having left the Sute, it be-‘ come: nbsolutrly necessary thnt all their-mn u-rs be closed without delay. Therefore. auitl‘ :uill he bruught on all clnlms that remain un letxlrd on the 20th inst. hunt the time elapsed since the quitting? of buninesa,» no one can take offense at this notice being fitrictly curied uut. ‘ t I W'Pernonghuvlng claims against the firm will preaetit them for payment. 1— Dec. 14. 135:1. Int 1 A. J. (OVER. . ‘ (1 ACRES 0|" LANDFOR SLMOr—The )0 lindnrsizned ofi'vrn 60 nrres M and Lnnd fur'SlfiOO—olie-hnlf cnah. on the fim oprril next, and the balance in four equal nnnuul‘pnymenri, wilhuul interest. ' About-{5 acres are excellent. Wnodlnn-I. There i 1 3 nervr-fuihng spring on‘the tract, with stone suffificm to put up the buildings. It ii‘lnmt of the farm now m-rupied by [he subscriber, in Highlnfid township.’ Adams county, {our nines tram Gottysburg, m-ar thr- Fuirfxcld road. 5411;; applications dosh-ed. A ' ' RESUME)" GOLDEN. Doc. 14, 1863. 32* QLBUMSH Eu; ru‘fived a. huge um} Kchutilhl ‘npmrt men: of Photugrnphiu Albums, which wu- all}: hequ elty prices. TYSUN BRU'PIH-.ks.~ Dec. H, 1863 CARD Paoroqnlrns or'diningnjnl-ed individunh. including .1 num ber 0t mu~ prominent Geixernla. and “line old hI-rn.‘ohn L. Burns, for sale at «he counter of the Excelsior Linllery‘, Getty-«burgh; lIE i Battle-field .Views ‘ HULL set, of our Pbotpgrnphic Viéws of A the [fault-field of lely‘hnrg. furm n sph-ndid gift. funthe Holidays. The fine” _m pubhihcd can be veen ntlhe Ext-chit)? (hint‘ry. - i; TYSUX BROTHERS, Genyiburg. AdEu'r I 's'!) OLD .\IEN. do not. nlluw your other: J_ mud your wives m “err outshéir $9930“ luv-z our (lu- old Wash-tub longer, "pt like true men and benefactors, presént Hunt: with‘ an X‘IXL‘ELSIUR “'.ASflER, and instead of frown: and cross words on wuh days, depend upon it. chcvrml fncos will greet )uu.,_ TYbUNJIRO'I'HERS, ULlL)§bqrg,'Pa.; Dcc:14,1363. . ‘. ‘ . ' ' For Sale or Exchange. VERY drsi‘rflble GRIST .\ULL,Witb 3 A 35 ACRES OF LAND, in Germany ’fi lounship. I will exchange fora Farm, 'vL , nnd pay the difference, if uny.’ ' (IEO. ARNOLD. Gettysburg, Oct: 5, 1863. If _ ' - \ For Rent. : -' ‘ VHE property recently occupied bfiDM’id 1 111-um. 2 Acres of Land with lflwellin'g I HUSH, bhup, Stable, 1'21) of inner, a» fruit trees, kc“ situate (in the llnmm‘aa- gl}; burg road, within hnlf 1 mile of xhc borou'gb. Posseslion given :1 any firm. MOSES McCLEAN.‘ Dec. 7, 1833. 3‘ Another Car Load. RYXKERHOFF keepk'up wilh the time! by gel'iug new goods Almost every wret— le spare“: efl'orl bbnccommodate his nngeh ous -cualons;ru. “. Quick sales and small probu," in a mono. . Dec. 7, 1§63. ‘ 1' _ The Demon the Bade-field, ARMERS are requelted to lure all. my oflicefln Gettysburg, I. descrimion of the loulion on their lnndl of gates of Union Soldiers. lllny have been buried in mlndefi spun, Ind persoqs will cbnfer 3 gm: tau-or by‘ maling known to me, or to Mr. Samuel wont", the locality of Inch graves. 4 \ DAVID II‘ILLS,‘ Agent, kc: Dre. 7, 1863. St. r VERY desirable FAR¥, adjoining the Borough o! Gettylbum,conmining 124 ACRES—Building. Ind Land good. if Willlbe told on Very accommodnti'ng “ tuna. GEO. ARNOLD. Gettysburg, Oct. s’, 1863. t! - ’ New Googs. _ EORGE ARNOLD bu just ficei'ved from Philldelphln, ! large stock of CLOTHS, CASSUIERES, Over-contings. Bassinets, Vest inzl, Hannah, Inslin, Jgnnl. kcz, All of which will be sold cheap fo'r cub. Cull Ind see lhem‘ Sept. 23, 1863. , ‘ » HE undersigned oflén his nnicéc to the . 'pnhhc u 1 SALE CRYER, Ind Mk! I h onlshnre of enoonnnmuu. He has had Eon-sidenble exgefienco in the buiineu, sud feel: confident t It ho‘vfll {in entire util fncliom Charges quenu. Hi. residence in uFreedom townshipjl} mile: 'on of Bmm‘l ill. REUBEN GOLDEN fiept. 14, 1803. 2B” 1883. Fall Minew- 1883. [SS MQCBEABY bu just returned frdm Jhe City, and is now ginning. t large mug mifnl assortment. of ILLINERY AND .FANCY GOODS, of the mm styles. which she invite: tho Ladies 10 call and exunine, confi dom tbs: they will b. pleuod with her telec fimu. [Oct 26, 1863. 2a: PAmlamation A Rare Chance. °Albums ! ALBUMS!!! Tx'shx BROTHERS Young Nen For Sale. 6:268! 0?”! TERKS RIDECED I‘o OLD PRICES! Godey’r Lady's Book _ For; 1864.—GRBAT LITERARY Aim PICTORIAE YEARI—The publirherl qf Godey’l Lady‘- Booh, Ihenklul to'lhnt pnlflic which be: enabled him toxpublinh 1 magazine fur xbe last thirty-four yen" of 3 larger cl!- culnion than any in Americ-Jne mule Sn u nngement with the mast. populnr nuthorees in [his country—Merlot: Herb-ad, Authoreu‘ol “Alone," _s‘lliddm Pnlh," “Men Side," “Ke,"“ fl‘Mnri-m.” who will furnish noriee for the 5%5 Bo’ok lor 1864. Thin none will piece the ‘ Ally". Book in n liternry point of View {lt ni‘ead ofnny other meg-sine. luion Hui-ind write- for no other lung-sine. Our other neurit- wriursviu ellepntlnue to furn ish eniclelrthronghout the yen. Tn Bur Large lawn bl rn Woun, 3 luv fill‘OlliAP . Tbe‘litemtnre ll of that d thnt'cen be read Aloud in the bullyxcirele -end the clergy in immense gnumben ere lnh criberl for Who Book. Tum-ale ll 11l ori ' :1, and would con 25 centijzhe price of the Book) in the manic nor‘es; but Ina-tie! il. ll: copyrighted, end enrol. be obtained exeepl in “Godey.” On Sun Biennium. ‘ All elem to rinl 111 in tflll hue ce'ued. And we new land elone in thin depnrtmenl. giving, to we do, may more and lnflnilely better ensuring: then ere p‘ hlilhed in any other work. Godey'l immenre double lheet fuhion plate]. containing from five to seven lull length Colored Fuhienl n each plan- Other )lngizined give only tw . 'Fur nheul :of any feahionu in Enrope or Arne ice. The pub licauon nl theie plates con “(Momma than Fashion-pl deep! the old elylehln thing but. our wonderfully lergeAclrculion enable: us togive-xh'em. Uther'lfiagum' it. We never spare mane! can be 1) Mind. 1 - Theme fashions may h'e reli. may be made finer them, and not luij‘fl herselt IO gidwu the case if she vilited the lqr aim- the stile of we plum}; our sg-cnlkd tuhlommngnzm' Engravingn‘of which‘wggive l time: at many as any mh' 1 111314 mumken for steel. The; are | to any other- lIIITATIOXII Beware 0! them. Kememher' Book in the qriginal fiublic cheapest. If jofi take Gudey other magazine. Run-thin: that. is uleful or a home can be found if: Goday.) annm Lnssox No (hli'er magazine gives the' given enough to fill soy-rel la Uur receipts fire such as can be' else. Cooking in nllits Vin-i 0; airy—the Nursery—Abe Toilet _: the Kin-hen. Receipts mpon n to be found IIL the pngea bf [h We originally gnu-ted this d have pecul'mr facilities lot In perfect. This dep‘nnmeut alo nrice of the Book. a e Ma‘s} Won; Tu 'Thin depart‘menz comprises . descriptions of every nrlicle that Monty. Con-mus} No other magazine hM Hus | TERMS, CASH IN AD To any Punt-office in the [ln One copy one nut, 33. Two .: $5. Three copiel one your, 5% one yenr.‘s7. ’ Five copies one yen, nnd’ an ex person sending the club, 310.} Eiglnpopie: one year, and an ex person lending the cidb, SIS. Eleven copiea'one year, and an (be permu sending the qlub, ‘ And the Only mngnzine‘ that duved into the «hon clubs i LMh’a Book is Arflmr‘: Home . unruL CLL'BRNG eru oruu-l Godey’a Lady's {Souk and Arum azim- bot’h oun 'xe-u' fox-$3 50| Godey'a Lady’s .Hook and Half . both one yenr fur $4 s’} (indexJ Hni‘per, and Arlh'ur WE ‘ sent o'm‘ year, on receipi of ' Treasury Sales and Nous banks. tulwn a! par. § ‘ Be careful nnd pay the pdshge Address ' , ‘L A. 323‘Chcsnu:SL,:Puii» Dec. 21, ”0,3. ' | Mechanics, Ipve ANUPACTLZ‘RERS. HN‘GIN I‘l CULTURISTS. CH gus CLASSES 0F READHRSiugh to lnke [hp ‘ SIHICNTIFIC ASIEICAN,J The most. valunbl: Jnnrnul of Fu‘clan not ‘8 published. ‘ _ i ‘ ~ v'oums x., NEW ‘samas, 5 Commences on the luv. 01' January next ; thug. fore, now fifth: time to subscribe. : ‘ MECHANICS will find in the “Scientific American ” valuable information concerninh their various Trades} nh'd; details _gf all the latent. nnd heat. improvements in Inchinery, Tuuls, and processes; Logefiher with such und ful knowledge as will tend to dig-nify their ou cupntiona and lightemlheir lnborl. . INVESTORS “ill find in the “Scientifih American"all necessary itlstruclions how to se cure Letters—Patent for their inventions ; allo excellent illustrations ind descriptions of all the' principnl inventions recently made in thib counvry and in Europe; likewise nn Utficial l‘Jist ol the claim! of all Patents granted week:- ly in Washington, with numerous explanatory notes ; also, discussion: of questions concorn‘q iug the Patent. Laws of ,the; United States, re purl! oftrials In cuurt, with legal opinions, eke. IIASI‘FACTUBERS will find in the‘K'St-ierj tifiu American" illustrnted nrticles descriptive oftlie most recently invented machines neck! in various mnnuhclurlng,'orperntions, the dif ferent proc’easee being .lhcldly deqcribcd : aluq‘a, practical recipes of much valuelto manufac turere, with hints upon the eco’nomicsl man agement of factories: I ENGINEERS will fad in thd “Scientific American" vulnuhle- ncriptlonl of all lie but inventions connected with Steam. Rail rond, Marine, and Mechnnical Engineering; together ith a fnithful reeofli of the prom-en of ecied‘in 3" these departments, both It home nnd lbmld. . 4‘ I CHEMISTS will find in the “Scientific A | merit-an " details of recent discoveries mud; in Chemistry, and erticlee on the applicetiou‘ of that science to ell the Ueel'ul Arte. ‘ AGRIGULTURiS’I‘S will find in the “ Scien tific America " engraving: end description; bf i the belt and most upproved Fum Implement; ‘ ! ulso,origlnel or well-selected articles on met . tern relating to general Agriculture; greet cue ‘ ‘ being taken to furnish Farmers, regulerly, with i J such information.“ will be Avnlueble in the field. Be well uin the heulehdid. V AL‘L CLASaES OF READERS will find in the “Que-Amie American " e populer mum of all the but scientific informetion of the day ; ‘ nnd it is the aim of the puhliehere to present ‘ it alweye in In nttrective form, avoiding u lunch u youible eburuee term-.‘. To every iglelllgentmind, this journ’el’elordee coneuet supply at instructive tending. - ‘ ‘ Q’Subectifien eh'onld remit to u to hue their Inbac ' tionl begin qn‘the in of Jemi- H‘y. with t 9: new volume. Thoee who pr.- h serve their“nunberl for binding hevc, It the lend oi the year, two bendeome volumes of 416 plguvelch—Safl—Wilh nevenl hundred engrlvinge. ‘ TERMS OF‘BUBSCRIPTION.—S3 for one yen ; ”.50 ior six month; Sl for four ‘l‘monthe; 20 copiee-in e Club can be ind for S4O. theerihere in Bened- Ihoeld unit 35 ‘ Cenle extra, to puff postege. Spill-“ 00?“. i sent lree ; nlenfimtie, I pubplllet'o! “Advlee to Inventors.” ,‘lAddreee . imam & co., Paw-yen, 37 Park Row, New York city. Dec. 2i , 1863 Notioe. JACOB BEX'S ESTATEa—Wn ofsdmin /’ iuntion on th. such 0! Jacob Rex, ht. of Butler township, Adan: gong, «locus-l, huing been gamed to the nudiuignod, tuit ing inane nun township, they limb] (inno ‘tice to all persons indcbted to uid "tale to make immodittl paying“, all those hiring chiml Against the nun to gun!" “will prg. perly lulhentiuud for unlement. ' Auos nx. i BUBKBABT wmrr, - Nov. 13,1333. cc ‘Adlnininruonn CALIOOES, ain't-11, Infill. n- W m... u rgaxlsrocx 3305'. sis- H Lh- Bod huh“ . ‘ ' Bow 8: Woods, (Successors to R. F. Idling.) ORXEB 0P YORK ST. AND DIAMOND. C GETTYSBURG.IP._A., In" on bud und win I!“ m. the lowest prices, BOOTS AND SHOES. ' L . Curdry. W-ler-proaf, Kip,’Frem.-h Calf. Ho rocco, Ind In othet kind: .'or men And boil. LADIES' SHOES. Guile", Bulmonln, lorocco. KM, Fifi: Gulf, and others. A mg. variety of an.“ ion: nit lizeuflold n old prim. ‘ ‘ 7 HATS AND CAPS, 5 ¥ 0! every uize, qmliu Ind uyle, for flu, boys ud children. , ” ' - _ MISSES' HATS. A luge’lot of the bug Ilylu. ' FURNISHIN . GOODS ‘ White Shiru, Cumin-n Shim, Flinn! 'Sbirtl, of All llylel, Colllrs,fnv3u, Neck iTieu, Sulpenden. Pocket. Han ken-chick; tc., ? whirb will be lold cheap. ‘ A auperiot lot at Undershim of vuionl kinds, Driven, kc. . ~ SOCKS. ' ' Heavy Woolen, Herino, lamb, Cotton, oful Handy—cheap u ever. ‘ GLOVES. ’ Buck, Bener. Cloth. Culjmere, Kid. Col.- ton, Thu-end, of £ll kindL—lefllng .It old low prices. ‘ . . f SEGARS. ' on!" that flafi'or Ind szt mpnufnctnre, imported 3nd domégic. uelectgd with ogre. , ' may; PAPER. For Parlors, Huthßoom. Chambers, Ceil~ ings, Ind Boxes‘ Centre Pieces, Fire-bond Prinu, Door Paper. uf wriuu: kinds. ~ , wisvow limos , . cannot afford hen the public Window Puplr. 01] Ulnlh, kc. Alumnae plain gnu-r 331 fiffihJL colors. - , | - on, Drums llhe wearer will 1:. us would true .9 cities drctsed en in lome of I. Our \Vodd twice aruxhrev; “inn-re oftcn‘l lIU fur lupcribfi‘ Qll Cloth undepet, small an}! large Together with many other firticlea, an 0“ which we will lell at. lowest prices. We shut: out with the old,,buv. good mono, “Quick; Sula: and Smgll Proflu,”npd imcnd to Idheu; to n. nus CASH. , ‘ . ‘ Dec. 7, 1883. [f but the Lady’- liou and the you want. no HE subscriber having disposed ofhil Hat and Sh‘oe Star. to Menu. Row ¢ Woodl, respectfully asks the continuance othi: friend: and customers :9 pltronize the new firmVat the old mud. ' R. F. denErzY. ,~ orn.tinental fi'l‘he luhscrihgr ha- sole. hi. rm anq. Shoe. Store to Messrs: Row &'\Vood|, who will ‘ conmr‘ue the business at the old sgnnd. We Are much obliged {or the: liberal support ex’ tended to us. and _vue earnestly requestln‘oae‘ indebted to u: to cell and make immediate“; pay ment, A} we desire to settle our, bg‘aincsel without delay. The banks will he’lound Iv.‘ the "and where the busmeu was done. . R. F. McILIIENY. - . and we luv! 'ge volumes”?— Ifound nan-here —Confeetioq rthe Laundry— subjects are Lady‘s Book. partment, mid king it most ‘e is worth the Dec. 7, 1863 1 Orphan’s Court Sale , 1 F VALUABLE REAL ESTATLEy—On r MONDAY, the 28d: 0! DECEMBER in”? ithe subscriber, Kdminiltmtnr of tho Mule 01 iGeorge Null, den-bud, will offer at 'Fublic nle, on the prnmsen, ml] the Re»! Beale of 'ngrnvinzs and tL u. lady fvean. partmedt., .? ANCE. [ led States. 1 -piel one yup . Four copie- D n copyfim Shh luid'decedenl: rm: ' ‘ - to net _ I No.l. THE MANSION FARM. sil.uateplrt-!MI{4ITARYh VESTs and all k'md; of Iy in Hamilvon and. partly in Be'rwgck mwu-i c wafer lln any er nore mt e c hhips, Adamg county, adjoining. lands of 3h 00 TU PICKIX ‘3 . WIUU“ m, ildu Lawrence, Andrew Bunkei’t, Henry \\ 01!, I . ,0. 4 I .\CCURDEI nd others, containing 85 Acre: and 190 PM“ Valmrs, r ; Go to p Inc's, more or less, with due proportion! otprmnkg‘ ; 31!- 3.0“ mun a xcellonv. Woodland and Meadpw. 1 iCM‘pet Bngs, ;\ ; POCKET_ KN Who improvements are aV, new :1 ', ;Trmelmg Raga, 4 ! , Go go pg‘ wo-storfll’eutherbounic-(I Dwel- I I 1 3 Walking Cam-u, ‘r !If ypn w.“ I in): HOUSE: one not] a half . ’ blelins. . E SILVER TIIIM. tory Log Tenant House, had Barn, I‘ug Pen! fi‘n'. Shmrls‘, . Go to 2; nd other out-buildings; a nun-tailing ml' . ( lull!“ HruaJes, III! you {ant-r! {water at. the house. and n relmble farm/61 Hut Brush“, ‘ [ FIB-E $1.04 ‘llroug‘h IIIe farm. There is uiw u' A leijmh Brush“. ' 1 Go (OJP; )rclmrfl, with a \lriety of other Hull, 0 the “ EI"?;K Emma, . IlsfugglifantTOß rmi es. . . _ 1 'OO 4': ”IK, .' . . ‘ I'on. A TRM‘T OF LAND. ai/(‘me inlfluckskin Calves. I]! Go to Pi‘ crwick town-hi , Adums coun: , ndjoiuing'Cauimex-c ‘ oven, ‘1 yonwvnnt and: of Cyrus‘qult, EdWflldjémlet, and I]\:ld Glo\:et. ' ICHE“ ”.6 TOE! *IIIICI‘I, containing 39 Acres and/ 80 ferclhelsr. ] Eyrendltulorey, Ilf- * (:no‘to Pl are or lean, Inning thereon a e n n In. ; omlu'r era, ', yo? w nor; Lug pwemng nousu, .nd :Fme Mung, ; husgaxog. Stable. {mh‘ n first-rule {rug IC‘onrge thF‘VI: A 0:10 I if water. Ind ailnely ot uxt.— 1 Luaslmen‘e yum, IfynnTEinL PE‘J here 11.1 l Inge “(yuan of ‘Flunnel ‘blnrls, , bo‘ 11" hnice timber, «fill an e mu‘tlow. ‘ . Ifiirlfizffilgnru If on ““I:th 1 ha. 3. A TRACT o UMBLRLmnayum r 3: ‘_o . . l y ,\' I ' said BPrwick to nship, bound}? b"lnnda¥EDll-‘hlr}l, ‘ 600%1E. (‘ f Henry Richter. ucob Burnitz. enry Wolf, 5 under Shin‘v '. ‘ ' 010 PI mi othorg. can: luing 47 Acres,_xnlHe or less, I FI'IDMI Drnwe. !. "Effigy BFL {overud WIIII :1. best uhixuber. Inciftly cheu- ‘ “ 00”“ Dm'enl I 5 ' ' m. This true: will be laid of an . ofl‘ered in (30"0'1.”|'=“""1I 0° ‘9 I" ma of from 3to 4 non-9. s°Ck'l'". ‘_ It ’on'gIIVI'HSI'IT WPu-aom desiring ‘0 view either of One“ ’Cru’uflih * l 1‘ G P' ropertiu‘nre requested to call buyllhe Adnun- 1 9011“"; _. ' ' hI“ :_ oto IC ra copy lc the ‘ . , extu copy (9 20. , ' lean bu intro:- I place of lh'p ngazme. ‘ ’t lIAOAZISIR. ‘ i'aflumq Mag} ! 1 NE Magazine ~ , x ‘l nfl Ibree hip ,' 00. , ‘ Emu when: I .on yonrh-ttelj}. GUDEY, , elphiu, Pa. r ntoré'. ‘ 5 '.ERSyAGRI’. S, no ALL i' by all menus, i trntor. résidixng near by _ 1 W 831: £0 commencr M. 10‘o'clpck, A. 3L, o‘}: said day, when. attendance “11+ be.given and term: made knrwn by‘ ‘ k . 3 g . _ SAMI'EL BROWA‘fAd‘m'i‘. ‘ [8.1! the abov‘e properly sho Id no; he dfiapospd of on the dry mentioned, 1:: ule wifl b'a continued on the dz; followmg. " , . ‘ Dec. 1,1853. _u ‘ \ ‘ Sherifl's Sale. N pursuance of a writ of Ventiirioni Ex ponna, issued our of the Cour't. of Com m i Pleas of Adams‘ymnntyl Pn..nnd to me‘ diréctcd, will be exposed to Public Sale, .al the' C an. House, in Gettysburg. on WEDNESDAY, th aotlrdayof DECEMBER inst., (1863,) at. 1 0‘ lock,‘ P. IL, the following described Real Es ate, viz : i ‘ is TRACT or‘Ln'n, situatelin. Latimore township, Adnms county-LIN" adjoining 31nd: of Abraham Li/vmgnon, Cha‘rle: Bolser, Jon» tlmh Brennnman, and others, con- 4- mining 2 Acres, more on less, im pro'rcd with at Two-story Log Dwelling HOUSE, will] Ceflnr, indie wealherbonrded Carpenter Shop, ‘pnng Hodse, spring-0T wucr‘ near 1h: dwdlmg, (rage weuthorboarded Bun. Hog Pen and Cor Crib, mull Orchard, with :uriety 70f choike mm xreu. Seized And taken in exe cnti n “the property of leb L. Cannon. lid 0 be told by me. x , V ADAM BEBERT, Sherif. _Sh rill": office, Gettysburg, Dec. 7, ’63. Ten per cent. of the purchnle money upon I“ Inks by the Sherifimun be pnid aver immé'dintely unex- ‘he preperly is “ruck down or npbn {mum to comply therewith the proper. ty vi 1 be lglin put up (Dr snlg. _a“ The Adams County - EACHERS' INSTITUTE will ‘be held ct Kliirfleld, commencing Dec. 29th; and co‘ptiquing three days. The friends of educa tiunggenernlly are inviud to “tend. Thole Teaq rs to when: nubjecll were aligned M the l: t meeting are requested to came~pr¢~ pnredlto rend eunyl. All Teachers who ex pect be npplicnnu It the next Exeminntionl will lenle not fnil‘tp be present. Severn! gentlemen M nbilityfnnd experience be" consulted to speak end lecture before the la ltilutc‘ Come onc,COme nll. . ' . AARON SHEELY,’CO- Septfi Dec." 1,1883. m “ - 1 Noucen ’ T 0 PH FiSHER’S ESTATE.—-L’etlerl of ininration on this estate'of Joseph Hater, this of anklin township, Adpml conhty dec'd., hnvind l'foen mud to the un deni d. residing in the nme township, be herqby give: nmice to all much; indebted to uidi «me to make immediate plyment, 3nd thpse hmng clnim :gninlt the name up prelpnl them properly authcnucated for letuembnt. HENRY KUMP, Adm‘r. Dec. 17,1883. «it 1 -' 3 Ngglce- ‘ , REDERICK HOL ’S ESTATE—Letter tehnmenury on the cult: of Frederick 011:, fit: of Stnbln townshi , Adams co., de ceased, hgving been game; to ,xhu nude:- ligned,‘ residing in the Mme tovmehip, they herebyvgivejmiu (.0 ‘ll persons indem ed to [Aid name to nuke immediate pl]- mant, And those having claims again” the sun: 1.; pmen: them Properly attenuated for let ement. . 5 DAVID HOLTZ, ; 1' J SEPH HOLTZ, $01433, 1863. St .Exocumn. ‘ i For 9. . mu mof w CARRIAGE EAR. . . Agntho Id axeollutvpflv . 130:, .’ {nqju n the (35mm! elm. . ’ [Dom 'I." WILDRBN'S SHOES UNDER-WEAR TRAVELLING GBAGS Row A; wopos A card. EU Boot & Shoo SSW - STQRB. us “dammed bu opened & neu‘y Boot t T Shoe Stare, on Baltimore linb‘ Genn burg‘,‘ I. few door: Ibove (he Court-h u; Ind 1m just opened I flue uwnment of g 0dl,"il ; BOOTS F 0! *, _ ‘ . _ SHOES F R HEN; Boon hr Bap. Shoo: far boyé ; GUI SHOES FOR JEN, ; ‘ ' ' 26D! SHOES F 0 BOYS: with n lam 10L, ombruing every 7 tiny. o! 038 FOR LADIES-41w tor CE LDRIX. T BATS ANDCAPS,} ' o :1! tom and In", with lelu' 9nd Gen tlmen'l GLOVES. Indeed, hil ”sarcasm will ’be foun “truths, Had A“ pf his good! of qutlity sud luou uylu. _, 1 Hegléo In. on hand I fine variety ofd suoxmo AND cwamc TOBACO‘ Delei’mined 'not to be under-sold, 1 good: I! the lowest profit. the time. low. cm Ind lee before buying also! JOHN L. HOLTZWC nee. u, I 86: ‘ ‘ Plckixig’a REAP ' ‘ . . ‘ CLOTHING . 7 II the plico to buy your OVRFBCOATS AND DRESS GOA your * rmx’ceus up cons: cor .' ,0“? , CLOTH coirs AND cuswnnn 5 your FROCK CQATS AND BUSINESS, ~ your . , GUM COATS ANDx MILITARY C , your SUNDAY COATS AND EVERYDAY your . WARM COATS AND WINTER C . * ' your ' ‘ .BOOD (‘OATS AND CHEAP C 0 because he sells' chéaper thou Inybo [BGO to PIUKING'S CLOTHING STORE, i ' . on ‘ BALTDIORE STREET, GETTYE . ‘ . {or your CLOTH 'PANTS AND CASSIMERE I for‘ your PLAIN PANTS‘AND FIGURED PA lor'yoqr ’ FINE PANTS AND QQARSE PAN ‘ x for your: ‘ FITTING PANTS AND FANCY PA for your . GOOD PANTS AND (than: PAS because his price! are always fi‘liul: , than nm‘body else’a. ‘I mPIICKING’S‘e‘ i= the best place so giet CLOTH vsyrs AND msswrzns‘ to get ' . SILK vzsrs motsnm \ . ‘ to get. PLAIN.\’ESTS AND FANCY VESTS, to ct \ WARM’ VESTS aND CHEAP . ‘ to get . STRAIGHT was-rs up ROLL’Xm - I'o get - mem- vssrs AND HEAVY vasj to gel ‘ COABSE VESTS‘AM) CHEAP VF. If ' I r in! A . ”(3009 Mlll ‘ Go to H 1 I! wanna: a. ' j CHEAP 5111‘ 1 Go to 91¢] if you mun 5' CHEAP,CLOT 1 60 '0 Pic} 1!! you uunt to * BUY CHEAE Go 30 Pic] _Xf your-want : .| ' GOOD FIT} , ,Go to Pic If you win! any 3 article in In: H: ' Go to Pic] ’ Forks. nu ‘recl {mother lugs nor Paper Collul, Gum'b‘hoefl, Buffalo Shoes, (‘on.on Sockl. Woollen Sock], Handkerchiefs, Pockfl Combs, Bedding Comba. Buffalo Short, Gum Comhs, . Horn Combs, Ivory Combs, Watch Keys, Winch Chnin'l, Waich Cunt“. -‘ Rocket Ginsu. LookingGlnuel, Clockn, Spectaclel, ' Razors, I Razor Straps, Shaving Sonp. Shaving Brushes, l'iolins. [which he in selling \liolin Strings, 1 , ' Violin Bows, Lold ell-comers nnd For he has'nlhouunii _ things {or ugle that‘cnn- customer! nt. the not. be found in‘ my“; . udre in‘flxe éounty. all print. flPICKINuG'S lute n'ninl of New G embnceu dg-nylhing in the Clothing line Men' und Boyl. GIVE 111-M A CALL. ‘ Gettylburg,oct. 26. was. J Jury milk—January Te ' Gunr‘Juu Battling—Thoma- N. Ulcka. Foremnn. Bnm' ton—Henry Scogk, Jno. Snyder. Genyyburg—Henry Culp, (fan-mar.) Uniqu—Abrnlmm Rife. Oxford—(“Eeorge~ Smith.’—-Daniel Snyder. Berwick twp—Adam Kinnemnnd.. Conowngo—John Kesgy. ‘ X Lucknow—Andrew Shula. Hannah—oo9mg Binder. ‘» ‘ Iquntplouum—J. E. Smith. _ Bgr‘wick bor.—~ Michal Hol’uun. Buntmgton—Emsnuel Bmm. Liberty—John Nunemlku‘. . . Tyrone—Wm. leckley! John Conr‘d. ankliny—uenfy Hauntn. Scuba—Pam .\lnckley. ' Monfiljoy—Abr-ham Bel-on. Frogdom—Jrase P. Topper. Gnmuny—Fredefick Butingcr. ‘ Butler—Noah Hiller. Cumberland—John Hammon. Gun“. Jen. Bnpiltonban—Gen. flu“. Andrew Student Strlbnn-‘Dlrid Halts, Philip Bonn, onb L Gnu. 4 Union~Dnniel luring, Incob Bucher, Br. Berwick hon—Wyn. 0. Beck. ‘ ' Henna—Solomon Barnum-heal) 3m, Geo ‘ll'umigh. Tyrone—Jncob Hut-nun, Mark! Bream. Lalimore—lgnel Fiobr, hm Eye-n. Gettysburg—Edward Hench], C. X. Msrtin. Nouuxpleunt—Lcwin wm, John L. Jenkinl, Bin: 5. Smith. ' , A Butler—June: McDannel, Georg. B. Hewitt. Freedom—Jeremiah Sheen, Abfuhm Ktiu, Reuben Golden. Oxfordfiiobn Hum-u, Chn’xlel Seneh. Reading—George Hoover, Singhton Eicholu. Huntington—Emu“) Brough, Jacob A. Gm ner, Wm. B. Gnrdner. ' Borwick tp.-—-Sumuel Brown. » Franklin—Philip Cuuhnll: David burdorl‘, Heukifl: Lauhnw. Summon—Hep!) Hoover, Gnome King. Gummy—Ferdinand Richer, H. 8. Kline, Funnel I. Stu’ay. “hour—Enamel Ourholmr, Sln'l Bead. . nicflandfi-Cpfl- B. Pallbptfld 'blét. 000kaan Km , Jun Wdunu. lonqby—Dtvid (Jungddle. ‘ , . Dec. 14, x 353. . . ' U. s. 5-20'5' ‘l3! SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY ssßz , L , , iT hel not yet given notice oflnl' INCMIOB to withdrey‘ thie popnler Lonn from Sale At I’tr. nnd until ten Guys notke‘ie given, the undersigned; u “ GEVERAI. SUBSCRIPTION AGENT," willyontinne thump]; the public. o The whole emount oftbe Lonn nuthor'ned is Fun Hundred Million of Dollnre. NEARLY FOUR HUNDRED MILLIONS HAVE BEEN ,‘ALREADY SUBSCRIBED FOR AND I’AID INTO THE TREASURY, mostly within the In“ seven mcnths. The Inrge demand Iron: nbroed, end the rspidly lncteulng h'ome de fund for nee u the bait for circulsttoner 'Netionel Bndkln‘ Aeeocietlons now orpnieing l'ln nll‘peru ot the country, will, In n very ebor} period. eheorb the belnncs. Sela heee letely Inland Iron ten to fittecn mlllionl weekly, 'frcqucntlr exceeding three million: dailyr end in it "to well known thet the Secretary of the sTreunry hes maple and unfuling-resonrcee‘ln ‘ the Duties on Import, and Internel Revenues, (and In the insure! the Interest beefing Legal 9 Tender Trensdry Notes. it is nlmnst n certainty thet he will not find it neitesnry, forn long time to come, to seek n market for Any other ilong or permanent Loenr. JI‘HE INTEREST. AXD PRINCIPAL OF WHICH ARE PAYABLE 1N GOLD. , - Prudence end lelf Interest nut force the) ninde of those contempleting the formetleu ot‘ Netionnl'Benking Auocintiou, II well n! the minds of» all who here idle money. on their hands, to the prompt conclusion thnt they Ihonld loie no time in subscribing to this most lpopn'lnr Loen. It v'rill man be beyond their great, Ind Ignace to n hand-ome. premium, ,1: in the suit with tne" Seven Thirty" gLoen. when it use ell sold and could \no longer 1 be subscribed lor ‘on. per. I 11‘ IS A 51}; PER CENT. LOAN, 'I‘IIE m. ‘TERI‘IS’I‘ AND PRINCIPAL PAYABLE IN COlNthus YIELDING OVER NINE PER WENT. PER ANNUM ut the present rnte'ot [premium (in coin. . ‘ ‘_ A fullwd a hen. ans, 5, he. I: offer: will 110 here. RTE. STORE fl EiII MEI MO The Government. requires all duties on im ports to be paid in Coin ; lhese duliea have for a long timewngumounted to over.» Quarter of a Million of Dullll's daily, A 351 m nearly thre‘! time: gunner. than Hm: required in :he pay meul-ol the integegl on all the 5-203 and other permanent Loans. So that it. is'huped that the lnrplua Coin in the-Traasury, at no dismal: day, will enable the I'nited. Stale: lo reauine Ipecie payment: upon all liubilitics. . , TS, - y else BURG, ANTS, l The Loan is called 5-20. from athe fuct thnt whilst the Bonds may run {or 20 years. yet the Government hes A right to pay them ofl‘ in Gold at par, mt any time a(tel- s'3lan ‘ THE INTEREST IS PAID HALF-YEARLY, viz : on the first days of November ‘nnd May. Subscribers cum have Coupon Bonds, which are poynhle to bearer, And , 81830, $lOO, $5OO. and SLDOO; nr Registerilwls ofsamb denominations, nnd in ndditwn, ,000, and 520,900. For Banking purposei _and lor iu u-slmenta of Trust-monies the Registered Bonfs are preferable; , " These 520': cannot be taxed rby 'States, cities, towns or co'uuties,‘xntl the Government tax on them i; only one-und-u-hulf per cent., on the amount of fucome, when the Income of the holder excéeds Six Hundred doll-r: per annum ; all other inve‘lmentl, web as income from Mortgages, Railroad Stock and Bondl, elc., must pay from three to five per cent. tax on the income. ' S! lower =I ESTS ESTS, Banks Add Bankers throughout the Country will continue-m (‘.ispost-‘of the Bonds; and all prders by man], or otherwise, prymplly‘anend ed to. . . lVests, !_ ntv. The inmnveniencen of a few days’ delay in, lhevdulirory of the Bonda is unaroidnble, the denmudi- being su‘great; but. :5 interest com. mam-g) from the day 0! subscription, no lon il been: and, nnd every efl'wtj. beiug'mlde to diminish thb d'chy MO FE king JAY COOKE, L. g ‘ Scu-cmrnol Ann-r. ‘ 114 South Third Stu-pl, Pbiladelphifl Philnduipbiia, Dec. 7, 1863. ' ‘ LE king BOOTS EMI SHOES ‘I Anus. ‘ YEW ESTABLEHMBN'R—The undersign - ed bu: jun hid in A: fine stock of the but Icity work, which 1... will dispose or n the low ‘eu ptofiti pouiblo. Nil assortment embrace ; double-soled GALE-SKIN BOOTS for men," , ‘ CAYALRY BOOTS, ' . all kind: of ’ BOOTS FOR BOYS, ‘ with e Inge nelorlm-nl of ' SHUES FOR LADIES, nllo for CHILDREN. He has selected hi: stock with care, suited as he lhinkl enclly 'to [he warns of this market—snd additions will 'connlnnlly be mud;- n the grade may require. [ The guodn he offers are not only‘well made, mud of good muler'uls, but embrace the lam: Times. Putitular attention will alwuyl be paid to these wine. | Remember the place—JOßK STREET, nur ly opposite the Bank. Call and no lo!- your lelrn. ‘1 The boot and shoe-making bulineu in cer rit-d on u heretofore. _ - CCO king. EM I=3 ’ WILL”)! SKILLENN Grltylbutg, ‘Dec. 7, 1863. . “ E 8 ‘ing FFICE {ind Dwélling. N. E. corner of 3.11. timore and High surname“ Prubytuinn C arch, Geuyrburg, PI. \ lNov: 30, uses. t! _ ’ O i WANTED—HESRY an. agent for sun’. ‘ & Youpg, wik‘l buy uny'qunntjcj oszlyH paging thb‘higheu market price therefor.— Rersoul buiuggflu to sell—would do well to give him an urly c 1!, in Gettysburg. ' Nov. )6, 1863.. 2 h ’ ‘ Notlce. w OHV H. BREAKS ESTATE—Lenora of nduziniltrttion ‘on the ”th of John H. ' than, Inn of Ban ingron township, Adm! cou’nly, decoupd, h ving been granted 10 the uydenigned, nsti in‘ lhe'lgme toiruhip, £th hereby give no: co to all per-onl indebted to and nude :6 mm: immeding payment, Ind thou bun-in; 'clairdu again-z 'tho umo so prennt than: properly authentinud for u;- tlenenl. ELIZABETH BBL-3AM, . CORNELIUS BREAM, ; I Not. 23, 1853. U} ,Adminiunto‘n. NEW GOOD ___... _. \ ——-~--—~-,--~—-- Nptice. ATRARINE WEISIANTLE’S ESTATE.— Lelun of adminmntion on the ammo! Cnflla'ianeiamlntle. In: of Cumberland (p., Adam 60., decgugd, having been gnncbd In file nndeuig‘ residing in _Gz-nysburg, he hergby given notice to all persons indebted to aid auto to nuke immediate pnymént, and than hnving ckiml trim! the name to prawn! th‘cm propegly Illheulicnled for settlement. . 3 ~‘ - ’ DAVID ZIEGLEB, Adm’r. Kev. 18, 1863. a: ATHARLVE ELLIOTT’S ESTATE.--Lenen , ofndmininrnlion on thy estate of Catherine ,3 lion, lute of Bending Ip.» Adami county. da ceued, hu'mg been granted to the under signed. residing in Gettysburg; he hereby give! notice to all persons indcbted wsaid estate to nuke immediue payment, and thou Mving china! Ipinu the lamé to present “will properly sdthenficated for settlement. ‘ ‘BDBERT ELLIOTT, Adm'r_. Nov. 16, 1863. "q: , Clothing. i ; ‘ EORGB ARNOLD bu now 30¢ up his Full _ Ind Winter flock of 610 m, an largest stockin town, ennui-ling of - t. _ Over Conn, . , I Dru. Com,‘ ( ' ‘ Bruin.» Dom, , , ‘ ' liliury Blouse! nnd Pnnu ' Psnuloon: Va'u Under Ind Over-Shimr Drawen, lion", Glovel, h" in (mt Vlliely, n}! of which wili be sold chap tor cub. Call und not them. Sept. 23,1303. .. ; ‘ ~ F You war ‘ ‘ , l ,-. GOOD. ALE-Pm town Stout, Scotch Ala, and Winn. all M _ - CERISISB‘S; North-cut can" of the Dianna: Dec. 7, 1863. ag , RAKE‘S PLANTATION BITTERS, or 0115 Q Home-um! Tonic, n Dr. B. HOBNER'B 3 Store. A on. OlL—d * , " 7 I 03.! +RVBR‘S “rug Mon SHOES AND BOOTS Boots 8: Shoes ! Dr.‘ J. W. c. 'O’Neal’s 200 Tons Hay Notice. The Great American Tea Oomp'y. 51 VESEY STREET, NEW YORK, mm: its organization, but ctuud s In» S on in the hutory of ‘ \ HOLESALINU TEAS IN THIS COUNTRY. They In" introduced their uleczlolu M TEAS, and are ncllmg them u not our TWO craters”: ounm mm pouno AIOVI COST, sun onvu'rxxo "01.1" _ “ ONE PRICE nun. ’ Another peculiarity of the mepnay il “Ht their Tn Turn, not only devote. his “no to the selection of limit TEAS n to quality, niqo, Ind particular Itylujor puuculu io c’llitiu 'of country, bug. he helps ihe Ten buy“: to choo’ne out of ilgei? anormou stack such Ten; :4 no but adapted in bi! ptnicnlu mm“, and not only thin, but point: o'ut to him flit but bargain. ‘ . ‘lt is easy to "o'le inclhyinblo adnnug’i Urn an in in this eluhlishmem over all others. , . ’ If he ll no judge of Tea or the "Mitt—4f hi! \ime in valuable—he [IM nll Ihe bonefit; of 6‘ well orgnnized system of doing buupcu,‘*of an immense cupiul, of the Judgment; of: profs]. flan-l Teq’huer, niwe'knowledgo o! in. patio: «human. 3 ‘ ‘ ‘ Thu ennhlel :1) Tu buyer‘s-no mmr n thby Ir!~ thou-and: off‘milu from this mark» -!-A purchase on 0.: good um. hen; In tho New York mercha'nu. . ' ‘ Rank-s gun ordor THAI Ind will be in!“ by u: an ml! on though they mm thew-ulna. bo~ In; sure to get ongmul packagu, true—wow _lld tam; a'nd tlu Tu: u'ne \Vmumsu argu uvmed. . Wé inane I Price List of the Oampsnyfc ‘ Ten, which will be nun to ’ll who ordenlt; _comprising i _, , . HYSON, YOUNG lIYSOX, IMPERIAL. GUN. ’ POWDER, TWANKAY & SKIN. 00LONGH SOUUHUXG, ORANGE & HYSON‘PBKOE“ L J:\VKX TEA of every descripfion, coiuwd 'nnd uncalnred; ‘ y, i This 1m has em. kind of'l‘endivided into Four Classes, nmneiy’? CARGO, [ugh CARGO, 'FI‘XE, FINEST, that new one may ufidcrlmu'd . ifrum description” uud the prices :nnexed that’. thq Company are determined to undcfsell th. ‘ ‘ whale Ten trade. —, ~ '- We guummee \o SMLMJ. our Tufnfnm '~ ovér TWO CENTS (.02 ¢ e’nu) per pound lbuV. coat; believing this to bo attain-Live to tho many who have heretoiorc been‘imying Haul:- uons P urns. ~ . GRéAT AMERICR‘N TEA COMPANY, ' ~ . [wonnn‘bun Jonmts, T No. {:l \‘uey St., New York Qc!._19,_1863. 33: ___‘ " Hohday Presents. , AGIC TIME pHSER\'ERS.—Being l' M Hunting or Open Face cerly’s or Gena tlenmn's Wuu-h Combined. with Patent Self- Windinglnq.ron;nmnt,amoslPleasingxovelly. One at 111;! eluan.'nmsl 'éonvenienl, and decided'y‘mcfigt and cheapest. lune-pl‘ece foi general and reliable US! over oll'en-tj. ll [ma within it and canny-led with it: mm-hinery, in nu [S'winding nllnclln.énl, rendering it by'-eu tirel'y. unnecexsnry. lefl‘Cllsol of thin Watch are‘composed of mo metals, tliu outer one be ing‘finc I'6 carat guld. IL lma' the improved ruby actlouJu'cr Iyuuxm-m, nfid ls wnrnnted nn nccumx‘e .timc-pic-g-e: Pricg, luperKly on. gran-d, per can at hull'ulozen, $204. Sumplo Watches, in nnut morocco boxes, $35. 1' SILVER W ATCIIES l First Class Hunting Time-pieces, for Accuracy oi movementflieunly oi)materinl, thd, «Dov. ‘ all, cheapness in price, the“ “midi“ mull. insure universal nlernlmtmn. , An imitation so fuultleas that it can hardly be detected by the must uxporiencgd judges, Tbg. mMerinl being of two mz‘mll, the outer ouifirsv. quulity Sterling Sili’er, while flu in. per bne is German Silver, it cannot. be recog nized by eulting or heavy engraving, making if, not on]? in appearance, but in durability, he best. resemblance or, SOLID STERIeNQ SILVER in existenue. ‘o ' _ The sale a] ‘lheac \Vutchea in the mny il 3 source of enormous proflt‘ retailing u they very readily do, $25 and upwirdh Shay hundred dollar: cnn be made- in A single pt, day Shy any one of ordinary busineu tact. ' W'AT' WHULEBALE ONLY! In bully hunting can", beuulllully engnved, whit. unmet dial,nml funcycut hunda, in good,run fling order, by v. a half dozen, 566. Sold only by the case of an I ‘ ‘ ' 'Upon receipt of two‘doflars, u gunmen a! 'good faith. we will send watch" by exprou to‘ shy part of the loyal Stab“, collecting bdnnco of bin on dehvery. This cnlum buyer! Igninlt fraud, Kiting them lbzir watch" before ply menl in, required. Hen-l orddfi ‘to the NI. impqrwr. . GUL'S WHEATON, , N 6. 12 Jewelerl' Exchange, ' ~ Ccr. Conhndt St; and Broadway, N. Y. Nov. 30, 1863. 2in Just Published. ‘ ‘ SPLENDID STEEL PLATE MEZZO— -4 :TINT ENGRAVING 0F MAJOR-GEN. GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, , ox nu: n-r-ru Humor ASTII‘I‘AI. Biggof Pick'urg. I?) by M ihchu. Them‘iginal painting we: made frollrlik. to order of the publisher, by the celebrated mm, C. Schu’uelc, Esq., (who in the only one the Ge'neral ever 3M. m.) *1! represents him onrhir celehnted horse Danie) Web-tar. (pruentod to him by Ahe citizens 0E Cin‘cinnnti,) taking In obserufion o! m field, in the hue; pan of the dny, u the .Rebeln were filling back. In the foreground are'zeenjrhe delolulionl of the Battle—broken gun-[shattered trees. kc. In the diumce, Among" the Imoke Ind duh, If. unfl'bflicers, artillery, cavalry and infantry.— The whole pfttnre in nu ndminble composition, end d_i fly: the rare genius of the Artilt. Pricéo'tpEdgruvingfiiugle mpg, 53 00 _ Two copies, 600 To one * ” Three ‘4 600 }lddreu Sent by mail, post-pgid. ‘ Persons Acting an Agent: and ordering mu copy ‘at. three dollnrn, can have’ ":squan can M. ”p dollar: ench. Travelling Gun!- lel’l ordering largely, will be lupplied, on 11b. and l'errnl. Address JOHN DAINTY, , ‘ Pgblllher, l 7 Somh Sixth St, Phila- Deq. 1, 1883. . , All' Invited. ‘HE undersigned born this dny «flared into 1 pgrmerqhip in (he Urdu, deuco tad Commission business, A! the.old.,Kl'rnefolter house, corner or Sty-man Ind Rain-old mm. The hrgllell prices in cash psidjlot _ .l-‘LUUR,WHEAT, - , RYE,‘CURN, . 0194'5, sums, . , . I AND MAY. . All kindl of Groceries, Gannon, Fish, Ssh, And every. other uticle usunlly found In on line of bus‘ness, all of which will In told wholesale and retail, on the lawn: terms. , Cu" and see us, and satisfy yoqmlvu flat it in really 10. ' ' ~= HOLLISGEB & HERBST. Gem'lburg, June 1. 1863. t! -' 7 .'..._~_...-_‘_ -- ._-.—x , ~.., ._ ’ Watches, Jewelry, N SILVER-WARE.—'Thg underlined A uld respectfully invite gout “tendon Io his .well selected flock of Fine Gold Ind sum wucuras, Fine Gold. JEWELRY, g! every kini llld variety or ryle-r-cqmprlain‘ In of the newest and man beautiful duixni” AIso;SOLID SILVER WARE. eqmu to Ooh —lnd ma best. make of SILVER :PLATED WARE. Etch article is wurmnted to 50”. represented. _ ‘ ,‘ H’Wawhel “_d gowclry carefully Repsind Ind liliufoction guaranteed. ‘ A JACUH HARLEY; ‘ ‘ (Succeuor to suufl‘er & Balm , 7 No. 622 Market street, Ph’ 'A. Sept. 7, 1863. an: - ‘ . - ' ' One and All, - AXE NOTICE—The undenigned 'onld - T My to ghe pubiic that to is receiving I int-go and splendid stock of GROCEfiI‘S. which he will sell In low‘ :- nny other haul in town—Coffees, Sung'l, Moll-son. 8m “1,8211, Fish. Am, with Polflou, Bunyan", Rico; Wooden Ware. put. up in the pm It.- ner; Toba-ccbs, Scznrs, ha, m. ‘7» “ . rABIERS. TAKE Nu'nCEl—H yon'm to In} in your liquor: for hnryut, now In tho titan. I have many brands of Wlnlkiolthu. dies, Wines, and all when liquors, which! 313‘ dilpotin‘g of at nhort profits. Give me o “u, I duty. by to plane—and believe I very ‘, hi) nuanced. Remember the plum—lon“ corner of the Diamond, Gettysburg. J ‘ GEO. F. KALBI-‘Lm ‘ my 25, 1863. 7 _. ' _ ‘ Lo'rmxaf Loyatmxm—eq anus" C good- juu opanrd. Mm Boots. 8% 11.“, kc., In, I“ vhup It B'IHNKERHOFI