flflmn QUR FLAG 5 p. q. shuntinqullxn nonu‘ron .... S ‘ —"T“'T‘::_:‘__ ___‘_ ._‘: ' GB‘I‘TYIIUEO. PA: ’ MONDnMpRmNG. mic. 21. mos l The Propoud Char-gag in the “ (hmn'ptwn " cam—A dilpntch lo the New York Timel 5 ate- that the Senutéliililary commune ggdocid’erd in” fnvor_2ol' striking out. the . clau'sg ’rmitting commutation. mil tlut ,lhe fended Bill will be forced p rough bot}: homes befére Ch’r'utmu.‘ 7: ‘ A—-—b--——«—-<o.»——» v, «_._ - \le Etenfipu of Senator Wibon’l Bill.— ator Wilacn's amendment. to the Con ription bill exempt: the following pqr: m: Sucli‘ is are mentally or physically nfit for the lei-vice; the Vice-Pxesideytof he United Slaw; bhejudges of the vari gu! courts of the Upited States; the Hands - f the vnrlous execu‘tive dopartmehu of the Initedfiutea; the gavel-um; df lbs sever- lsutea ; “F only non liable to military . uty of a mdgw wholly dependent on his nbor for support; the only son of‘an aged 3r infirm parent. or parents wholly depen ‘ont on his labors {o} support; anil'in case filial-é up several. sons dthfwd. uuch'purent or pneuts‘guy elect which son «bill be ex empt; the only brother of orleir children . _ngler twelve years old, whully dependent ' u bin Inbor for support; where among ‘ evéi-al ions two have been permanently'dis h‘led, or have died in the military service, ~ bl; residue shall be exempt; any person nvicted of felony". The seporalion bf the nrollmont in classes is abolished. A per on enrolled movln‘ to another locality ny hnvfb'ia name gin-n fronuhejiut and .lnced-l‘lpon the enrollment. in the" place of )is redidpnce. Any person enrolled who Elna,“ Procute an acceptable substitute shall be exempt. I Enlistmentqf Kilian—A: the law stands. ‘no minor under seventéen years can 'be em iated, exwpt. in special caséa‘and’ with spe cial uuthorit? from the uljutdntrgeneralgns ‘ in mufsiciun, ind with a. 'vu-itten cement of tile pal-ens haying 3103;! right 0.0 his thug, If a lgd‘represents himséflf a} oven qighteen' and the {ecruiting ofiger aces eviden'tlyi that. 119 in under that ige, he should be‘ nbsgiutely rejected. But :2 the officer husl‘ 'aremnnble doubt. as to his being oighteeni ’yeanold: hé should cause him to siren:- to‘ who deduru'tion as to his age, 420., which], every recruit. signs on the buck of his en-i liulment. , ~. ', ‘ ‘ _ ‘ ‘ : Death. of, Jfajor General B«yb;j.—Mnjoi‘ JGenend Buford, chief of 31] Mid cavalry in the Army of the Potomac, diell on Wedél acids} in Washmgtou city. He mu; made _1 major geneml a few hours before he died. -§ie by} hoop in several days. 1 I Couiuterfa’g 'Z'reasury Nome—Com!tex'f’eil:J .twenty dolls: U. S. Treasury notes are in‘ eimulgtion. Their general appearance ill calculated to deceive. but a judge would alt‘ , _ nee detect. it. Til—e centre vignette of the; l goddess of Liberty in very imperfectly; done. but. some parts will pm the closest; ’ scrutiny. The ~peculiar green ink. of'lhei genuine hash-1t been imitated ; it is much} lighter in color, and isa‘ inferior qualify,‘ nbt printing clearly. . I Interim! Revenua.—lc may not be gctnemlqi I: known that. the-Commissinner of Intel'- pnl Reflenue hag decided that. a promism'y pot: for the pnym‘em. of twenty dollars or In: is aubiectto stampauty by the act of March‘ 3d, 1863, under the he'ad of “Inland Bills pf Exchange.” The"péfiahy for violating the sump act ‘is‘ from Nsxo up $2OO, and inA addition notes, «In, are worthlesg without the’proper stamp being 'affixed. Druggists. merchants, and (dealers general-15'3“ r - minded that rrecem deéiaion of the Com ;niuibnep' with iefegence to “proprietary. .'stam‘pa?‘ renders 5128 b uliclea u bucking, _eoncentratqd 114:, be" also liable to stump .dulyf ‘ fl ‘ ‘ : ‘v “‘...—w I Fur-ma q/ Panmyhunia.—The annual ne ‘pon. of the Auditor General of Pennsylva pi'e, juet made. show: that during the you finding the 30th ult.. the receipts of the State prengry amounted to 9.280.451, mu king (with: previous _balinqe of $2,213.87 6,) ,an- aggregate of $6,563,327. . The expendi fiueu of the yen}- ;eached $4,314,064. leap. ing Abelance of $2,188,363. ; Contested Seat: in Smyrna—The memorfil pf C. W. Curignn. (11-3 m.) contesting ‘th'e new of M. Russel Theyer, Ind that. of John Kline. (Donn) contesting the nest of hon , "d Myers. who are all of Pennsylnnia. Iver-e presented on Tueedny in the House by Honi'S. J. Randall, and referred to the .Qorgminee on Elections. _ -——-————o - --———‘_ “‘The bill reported back from the Sen }me’g 9ommiltee on Military Afi‘nirs. with inleqdments, reduces the proposed bounty to; enlistment: of veterans to fifteen dol hrs. Ind includes those onlyfwho are hot 993' p service. ‘ ~ . ”A Dugout-tic pompporary wuiplnipl am who}; gn Abolition trgitqr comes to big film to nuke 9 speech, 119 ipvninbly lye jna by ip'fquping the Audience thathe hg yogi: a Dewey-. 8. We slippage the sooty;- $919099 thgt go rlmke j; gppesr thu some page :3 big life. he by been in good oom “may. Thong}: lag Beg, 13° in n): destitute 9! P“ Whine,» 39 saucer {~9O9Mb . _hp-._...; flfiw yearurhon the Dermocntic W‘ ' ‘pf fonnsylvaqig urr'ied the State. it h‘fiOQfiQ votes. This year it pélled mm‘ v a lost the Sum. us gain dike him M 93996“ thousqndfnqd yet 'thb‘§boliiion putty has defeated the will gfi’QSfiu k! repogting from 301300 to m {yuflnleqt-ot illegal} yous: ; - ‘ ___—n-” ."oth vying: qf the Capitol at Wu)» fibrin no"! connected by telegraph, ‘ 7” 06cc eutnblishod in ugh for the fliiloni'e’néu of tho PresiQegg 1134 maybe;- fiMLanw— . WH—Mr 83333qu J. gut, Rog}- M‘Pfifl'fl'lr?“ “7“ “"9” W “W M “FM In? V 093: “Oahu 3m! within arty-f 6!» hour-_- : ’ i CONGRESS. I’!»th Senate. on {loud-y. resolution- of thanks to Geneal- Hooker. 2nd. Ind 341 th were introduced urd refined“ lio tice was givin of I hill to ambit-h I preach mint orPo'rtl-nd. Oregon. A bin in.- Introduced, unending the enrollment self-o u to strike out the three hundred dollar commutation. and to increase the pay' of the rank uni 3100! the army. A bill‘ wu introduced tonid in suppressing the rebellion by prohibiting the holding of person- in ninety. ‘ ’ ‘ In the House A large number of bill: and relolntions on urious subjects were intro duced and referred, umong them I hill to nbolirh Iluery throughout 11l the States and Territoriel ; one to establish ‘3 Bureau of_Enuncipetion, 3nd one to give immedihle force and effect to' the Prerident's emanci pation proclnmntion'. Repreucnlntive Wood, of New York, offered a resolution praying.»-1 in; thenppointmentof tlireecommilsionerl to proceed to Richmond with the View‘ of terminating the war and «curing peace under the constitution. The rewiution we] lhid on the table by 3 vote of ninety eight yeu‘to'iil'ty-nine nayu. ‘ In the Senate, on Tuesday's ‘relolution was presented directing the committee on thej'udiciary to inqhire into the expedien cy of the appointment of committees to codify the public lnws ofthe United Statet._ A hill was introduced to prohibit specula tion in gold and exchanges. A‘reuolutiom of thanks to Gen. Burnside and the troops undo:- his command Wu presented and re ferred. A' bill was introduced grunting lands to aid the construction of the Pacific railroad and telegrnph by the northern‘ route. The resolution relating to the ex change of prisoners was taken [fir and di cussed ‘until adjournment,Benators Davis, Johnson. Hale and Lane pnxlicipating in‘ the debate. " ‘ In the Radio I manage was received fromtlhe President, recommending a vote of thanks to CapL.' John_ Rogers._of {he Navy. A bill was reported providing for the support of the military acndeuiyjnd for the payment of ifivalid and bther pen iiom. 'A resolution wu adopwdscalling upon the Secretary of War for: copy of Gen. McClellan's repoft 'Ol operations of the Army of the Pptomnc whilst under his command. , . , a i In the Senate. on Wednesday, a petition‘ was presented from the inspEctors of cus ; toms at the Baltimore Custom‘HouSe pray ing an increase of campen'sntion. The resolution voting the thanks of Congress and a gold medal to Gen. Grant was adopt ed. The bill to increase the bounty and i pay of v6l_unteers was reported back “with gamendments. A bill to amend the enroll lment act was reported. ”A bill to ‘sstisty ‘ the claims of American citizens by French lapoliations was introdncedl A joint reso- V lution from the House to adjourn over the holidays to the 6th of Januhry wasirej‘ected. T In the House, among other redolution; iofl'ered, wais one setting forth that the pres,- cnt war was brought about by disunionists', lbut should not be prosecu‘t‘etl' [or conquest For subjugation. and should cease—when obedience to the constitution and iaws is *_secured.‘ A resolution was also-presented l in reference to the alleged ill treatment‘ot the Federul prisoners at Richmond. The ‘mllitary committee Were iiistructed to im ’ quire into the expediency of amending the lenrollment act so as that the iight'of aged and infirm persOns to exemptason shall be on account of actual dependence o'n.him for support. ' In the Senate, on Thursday, Mr. llule made a lengthy egplflnation in reference to :certain professional services rendered :par 'ties charged with crimes against the gov l'ernit'nent, and ofl‘ered a resolution instruct ~ing the committee on the judiciary to in lquire into the circumstances. in. order to determine whether he wafiguiltv of any lconduc‘t inconsistent with" hls'duty as—n lmember of th'e United States Senate. _A ' message was received {'er the President, (communicating a letter from Eitizens of 1' Boston, New York, Philadelphia .nnd Cin cinnati. in relation to the negroen freed um i der the emancipation proclamation, rev ‘ ferring the whole matter to Congress. ' ~.\'o tice was given of a resolution to require all Senators to take the oath prescribed by the act of July, 1862. A bill for the relief of. the J’usticespf the Supreme Count of the j United States was introduced. It provides lthat whenever the chief justice or any ai sociate justice shsll, in consequence of age. desire to retire! he may be’permittcd to do so, and yet receive compensation according to his length of service. . \ In the Hoaxe the committeefion rondfl end cenels was instructed to inquire into‘ and rsport cn the exnediency'of construct ing end enlarging the canalsiso as to con-i tract the waters of the Hh'i‘l‘son Ind thei Mississippi with the grentiekes. A resolu- ‘ tion condemning the sclionof the preced ing Congress in passing the law utthorizim the susiaenuon of the hsheu oorpus'wu introduced and rejected by I vote of sixty seven in favor to eighty-nine against. A series of moin'tions setting forth the pm:- poses of the gut and the duties of the pub iicjn the‘ premises. end niso thanking the soldier. in the field. wu‘introduoed snd, after come debete. adopted. A resoiutiou denouncing the President’s proclamation ' of amnesty es s stretch of flower. was uth {by I vote ofuinety to sixty-six. The bill {profldlng for the payment of invalid and other pensions was W The House ed journed over unlii'to-dey, (Monday) ' ' .4 Change Nuclei—The Denfiécmic pm; In floode st the helm. Owsionnlly'r maid Répnblienn sdmiu this to bathe ficl. A Wuhingtoflé’orrespondent of the New York Journal of Cameron states: ' ' “Q lending Republican Sen-t 6- mule thin remark the other evening. to which 1.110 iolitiosl horizon would seem to 'iv‘c ch mowing. 'Ouxj puny has lriecf to ryn the machine. sad we ‘mn’t ; it is about him. we give up the Govenunent. to the Democrats! " Golda): Spoon Arklocmq.—ltia alinouncod that Missflhuehthe daughter of the Score-I tary of the Treasury. who was married to I fnctory lordrof New Englmd. rec9i73d one : hundred thousand doll.” in bridal presents l gull; sounds like 15b. nobility of Europe_ utipg ngd diningrwith golden forks andl golden spoons. upon tablet cpvered wnhl golden plates. while’ the poor are stuvigg' 811 d dying under the yery shadow of their places, And such will, inevitably, be the [no of tho ‘ldb'oring cranes in this country, ‘ if they goniinpe to give their support to a )umy that robs them of their earnings.--; .swww Mme- ' t ‘ i 0 Detroit ~Mioh' n Fm Press in: ”th.; um tho ”29.3.3.“ manna Sufism? Ital! .1» #Ol4 ia'W- ' DEMOCRATIC WORK I‘o3 THE TU-‘ TUBE. When me take into loeoun’t .11:th cumuned which. have opentod to pr?- dnco 3M def“: of the com-tin puny in the law eioctionl. we are wtpriled. (up the N. Y. World) not 1: the tide“ of in candidates, bu at theronderful vitality it be: shown in {upholding md muining the Constitution spins: the violent efl'orts: mule to overthrow snd trample it. üb‘Uer foot by the party in power. '_ Never, in the historygt‘ populsr elections has my poiiticsl party. my body of men ecting together for the promotion of s :oommou cause, enoounteredl, such unscru rpulous‘nniégowerf‘ul -meuuru to oomph its defeat u have lien broughrto beer 1' upon the contest through which 'we have just'pessed.— r'l‘he whole‘powver of the fede< ! rul ndministmtio ‘it its immense {may _, of military and qutrons ' , wss th‘rowu ‘ into the scale against us. Tie multiplica ‘ tion of officers, such us aseessén, wilectons. provost-marshals, enrolling cheers. md the horde _of federal employees; in number exceedihg nnyl‘hing ever betbre known in‘ the history of the country, einuhled anyp scru-pulou- administration, ‘ontrélled by more unscrupulous partisan Elders. t 9 put in operation the machinery :- controlling I'the election and thwarting the true woiée lof the people, as it would have founl e -. lpression 'had _the contest lion allowed 0 'rest upon the free sufl‘ragesidf an hone t l‘and intelligent body ofelectot‘sé . ’ 1 'o The Democracy of the country, if‘lemp - Lrai'ily discomfitted by the,- uie ofimprof: r ‘2 andlunjust means; is by no nits-ant dégthy ‘ed or broken down. It is thle same grand innd noble party which folr more than ‘seventy years has upheld the Constitution; ‘end carried aloft the banner of liberty—j { the some gloripus and reliublf party which . thrdughom our country’s hi tory has; ever proved true to history and the rights of ‘the citizen’. Although overborne 1d)- the :time Oberng. 'hyiusurped nhd ill-gotten power. it still IIVGB in all its integrity and >vigOr. prepared-to maintain the Constitu ~' tion against every assault, End to restore ' the7Union at the earliest period, by any ' honorable means within its rehch. ; Let not‘ our friends he ditiheerwned or {discouraged by temporary dilefent. VMuch ' as this is to be regretted, it. may prove ‘irather useful than prejudicialj'to the pause '5 of the p'nion. With all the powers of the igeneull and ~State goiter-rim nts at {their disposal, theitepublicansmsuihie the entire 'Ladministmtion 'of the war itnd of public l ; affairs. Upon them rests thgjesponsihility “‘.ofconcludingthe war, eitherhy super-adding ' ‘ the power of conciliation or $3! the power. Hof force alone. Let them hot evude or K “Shirk this tesponsibilily ;/ 1;“ them inot ‘ hereafter charge their failure“: whether in i the military or financial depar‘tmcnts ofthe Igovegnment, to the hostility fofthe Demo crats and lcenserrntivesfwhjnh jwarmngs they have despised, and who. e exr-erieure and nid th y have scornfully ‘éjectetl. ‘ i ‘ While tie _‘responsibility fdf administra ‘tion thus rents upon their obponentg, the Democraéy of the country aye ano la»: solemn and important—dutyblo perform.— l They fire to laboi- ~ adily nnd‘perseveringly for the sound do rines nppn which our government. rests tql educate the pnblic l mind to a knowledge of the nature of our institutions. and a none-«rainiir to the great. principles of p l vidunl liberty which alone nntitih from utter and irretri Lot no man. therdfoite, rest[ but turn thiq hour dedicate] to theegoumry. There is, ‘ ‘ no escape from this solemn ol 1 the Union is restored, the established, and the great ' liberty n'giin secured to ever ‘ NEW ENGLA {From the Louisville D The New York Express 4 but. the notion originating in of abolishing Stains -m::y be 1 There are six New Engla ‘ twelve Senators, and a, p; greater than New Yorlg. Ax doctrine promulgatedJu-esi; FedrrnlLeuthoxity on the line of a State make: that right and prop‘r to rule the State out and re-edmit'it i to the Union with any conditions Qongres mny prescribe. There is, then, In easy way to get at it:— Just pass: bill making a si gle State bf all New England. It. may be i legal and un conntltutinnal; but“ if the 81 ten resist. and claim these-rights. and un rtake to defy by force affirms, this not, of ongreer. then Congress will hive the power to abolish the Slate linen and the State eelhmitics. hold it u e Terr' end re-edniii the whole a one State. *9“ how well-the doctrine will work. e redem Glivernment hut . ly to usurp the power to do whet ought to be done. It any be unconstitugianel. but u soon u the Slate or Stnted .reaist‘ with arms. then the power " xiats', sled the to! is mad: lawful and righf "l 4 This new revelation of t ‘e Abolilioniau may work out good some 0 ‘e oftheee days. We don't mind slight ineqltlitiee. but this thing of.twelve to two i, an intolerable grievance. Here in A way get rjd'of‘it. It may be unconetitutionn to begin the process; but the reeder 1 how} it will ‘comc‘out right in the and. i All we needle to provoke a rebellion._ “may be wrong ; to provoke it; but if- it belfor a good end. it will do. A. soon u be rebellionlin provoked, then the end eon lewfglly vbe stained, according. to tthew England doctrine promulgnted noiw. Upon this principle we could hive got rid'ol New England forty years ago, ad with little gmlnlgement could have fade on'b Stem Lof it. "It’s In illwind the blows no good." i‘So let’s reserve this doctrine for use. Sb Jams: C(vh'a “Faiplc PHlL—Thin » well-known medicine I: no‘jmpositilon. but i I nun-e and «fa remedy for‘Fam-la difficul. ties, and obstmcgiona from nnyoause what-f ever; andalthough a. powerful remedy, they. contain nothing hurtful to the connfitution. ‘- For full particulars. obtain, freq. of the; {an t. - pamphlet/,m refer to ndvertibemenu Ag .v.lpIL _ act/.\n IVA». 'f 7 1; ~_> , . ¥ K. E..—sl mid 6 postage mun!“ ”do.“ ‘ nud§ee tl'nis mountrous work gfdesolatimfi to any authorized Agent. will insure; bottle 8° on? LO. lét }he P9°Pl° “’9 and 00114 "' . ' . ” . itront these (amines, who have no strength WHWP‘RE 0"” 50 P 11“: by_rpturn “ML ' but impostfure.‘ and no courige [fun the ‘ —-“""*“’_ ‘ . m .—A . 8‘ X 9 nation _oy people have ever do—‘fiflence oep 16mm power‘ any Ar 9 outed so rapid! from n Democnc no, ___—,......_._.__— Enpmiuooncj gallium Americans in}. fi-Wo “he“ ’.f no Ab?““°ni“ h“ ‘ ‘ ~‘ "b ‘Th 2" er been born. or If being corp be m "9 Q 39 Wt we ".'"W ° 900 g... ‘tuubely died puny won “(emu-d. of MP! Wflflgm "Ch 9’o gollmg IQ! 18!,me other mglyoonphéng," mpenbundancocf Noemi:— -A' 1d never have had this nu. n - AN ERA OP GOOD FEELING There Ire indication. that the luding minds of the Repubhan puny m.begin gains to lee thegmt problem: which pro-- upon In inn-connection with ibe future life» or this nation a..- riot to be solved by we. Inflow party mlu which havé hergloforo! guided the conduct of the sou influential? and earnest wing 01 the sdminiatution or; ganintion. The iuues no too gnvé to be; ”med by'zhe‘ petty shim which did well: enough in tapes of peace. but which are}, sadly out of place in the mud whit} of nee-.1 tional passion now , uweéping our the] country. ' 13 Mr. Colfax seems to have been imprees ‘ ed with thin feeling upon taking the ohnir ,of.dthe Home, In hit opening Ipeech he M 1 3 a . 1 “In thin greater than Romdn fornH. ‘I in voke you to approach the” grub ques tions with the calm thoughtfulness of ‘mmmen, freeing your diicussiomi of thn't uccrbity which mm instead of‘aduucing legislation." ‘ . i it in natural enough that Itxong nation and prejudices should have been generated]. by the civil strife we are passing thhough ; ‘ but it is not neemly that men clothed with i the responsibilities of powe‘rshould ghee in ,thcm, or at least give expression to the . commonplace abuse 0‘; mere partisans. , Yet the present heads 0! the nation in the cabinet and Cdngreu have repeatedly forgot 'ten the dignity of their high atatibns to Z~gratify their party prejudices and‘ aislike of their opponents. Secretary Seward has offended good tute in this remect Xe.“ th‘an inny of his associates; yet even hein his 1 l'ate Aubhrn speech merged the statesman ’ in ‘the party leader, and applied opprohri' :ous epithetl. , ‘ ' But. now even the daily Tuna of this city, whoée columns have reeked with the polit cal slang it now discards, says: 7 The word Copperheatlhand the imputa tntion ofdisloyalty. are handled quite too freely: It is a way some people lune of showing their spite toward the men who don't exactly agree with them upon me of the features of President (Lincolnissgoli- t cy. It in a had-spirit. and it should he 613 v countenanced every man who ‘has breadth ol mind er. h to understand that the e-sentlal distinctl between loyalty' and disloyalty relates to idu. and not to difference in position on tiny one side. True Union men are obliged to agree only; in one thing—tho support of the war for the preservation 13f the Union. But‘until the constitution of the humnn mind is changed it will be impossible for all true Union men to‘agree in reapectto the pre cise moue in which that wnr shall he con ducted. Men. however (levnth to I com ‘mon c nee. always dilferahout metho’ds and detail! wind they have a rightao to tlifl‘er. so long they will keep ch-ur of faction: con duct. 1“ iir discussion is always not only ad: m’isai le, but practicable. '- iw'lmt columns of imlt-cont ulruseiof th'e ~lfimricrAtic party the rootlers ““th Tune: would'ltnve been aparetl lull that paper thought of all this sixteen months: since. when it commenced the canvas: oguinst Governor fieymour lny prono’uncing‘ him a traitor. Better late, however, tlmn’never. We are about entering upon it Presidential contest in which the 'mrmt tremendous is snes are involved. It Wlll trv the fitness of nor people for free institutinm even more thou the war; and it is the interest of all pit-ties to curb their puminns until the ship of _in-it‘s: rides prosperously upon a penceful sea. lr \ l ‘ g. The Toronto L-udcr. in commenting “p‘7| ion-tim American war. pmuta its tum’ul.for 1 the Canadians ax follows: fl -=- I l [fa nation would avoid civil wni', men 5 must restrain both their tongues aml’ thbir, .[wns.. When one comes to examine the lcuuses' which induced secpmzion. ll will he l found that Iccrinnuntinn mul .ihlhghud as lullU'h, If not. more, to KL) mth It than posi-U { Ink-grievances. "Uncle ’l'mn'u “.Ihin',’ unrl ' fihe Garrison definitld‘r ot the Union.“nf , league “Pith the devil and covenant ol'lu-llffl l Were aninng the. most pun-m pauses nf Its: dissolution, nntl the bpll‘ll which tlwy e(lu-‘ ced _one, at. leastfpf the causes which led the North to try cot‘fl‘tnn. ‘L -1 Lu in Cans dn be careful how Wedsnl witn‘ea‘ch oth er’s nationality and religion. mot-rut] Let. us hope that our people will learn loos not know wisdmn by the past; and cultivate a better . , . # New England } state. of feeling towunl enclglhfl- Who? lagood oth _ ever helps to ‘fun tl)e,,fl4mea pnpuiar pad. ‘d States ‘6”. i sion during the coming predilenlhl minvasa - . . . pulntion not “‘1“ be gs much of a foe to his country and 1, . - vits future as if hetoak u anus aminst its 32:11:83) til: detondera.- N. I'. Wm}.l °' sf 7,. i ‘ _ . . of .mturning Iblic and indi- I :n save the vuble ruin.— [in his labors. I himself anew th'ere can be. Lligntion until . nstitutibn re l principles of citizen. WAR NEWS. The Boltimme Sun of Thurwlny'm) By way of Richmond and Fortress roe we have some interesting nows Charleston from the Ilth to'tho 15th, ‘ alive. Gen. Gilmore continued to sh __m»-———-—.— l city at intervals. butimul’ed no pr PLAYING INTO EACH onER'S L injury, although several houses \ye'ree HANDS. ‘ 0n baturduy some shells qnntammg v 1 . . \‘ot 3, "u. o‘ 'l‘hurlow we“! m R" firemere thrown Intothe guy. but ‘ . . l‘ . '» ° e‘gdnmnge, or et least none is reporter puhhcan “Md“r' uttered ‘“ the Albany Friday morning the wood Work 0 J“"'“" m?” startling ‘nd ”"GVOMW soutlioust‘tin‘gle of Fort Sumter avoid “The chief architects of the ”hem?" 59' took fire and' was destroyed. Duri f 0” "’ broke 0“" were “med. “Hind" infer- conflngration the Fedeml'hatteries‘ nal designe by the Abolinomsts of the heavily on Ihqfort the {Mn-w" In“ North. The was too true. lor without such killed ““1 thirty ‘woundpzl 0|) 1- aid the South enul_d never “"9 been “'.‘i' the latest date. there were .no new ”_d “31"!“ the Ufi‘or." But [9" the incen- merits of the Federal forces and a diary recommendations "b”h rendered quiet in the harbor lwith th’e ucep the ou‘Prwi“ useful #l“,le Em)“ 3' fir“ the guns‘firing shells on the city brand, North Caroline could not have been. Dispatches mthe Richmond p 330” forced out of the Union. And even now, the main body on)“. Longs" 8:”. a the “I". abolition PM” and "Nah" ml— Rogersvillé- and that his cotztnail hers are eggrnvutmg the horrors they help- Gen. Mm’mia and Gen. Vaince’s, ha “1 to create. fithus playing s‘” ""3 centnted st thot point,tliecavalry hand} of the leaders _of the ”balm“ ““1 ‘ing at Morristown. The Federsl to keeping down the Um“? men 9' ”‘9 South, owed to pursue and were retiring. ‘.‘d '2”“"'“"8 reunion dtficult 1" “0" lmpoe- 15th. Tuesday. the situation along th .‘lbla' 4.“ .. - ‘ we: unchanged. ' ‘ It thus I'll true in 1862. how donhly on An Athmts (6a.) P‘F" u" chm i” i" now! “The two 99‘9”“ 0f Agitator: federote cavalry, on the 'loth in ,Enddhcttonutn are playing into eechlother’. "need ehove Rilizignld w Lookout an ._ . . . . . m mama. E..,Wnd m m “32231233223. “at“: max: T”b""" ng "9 commonvhure’d ot‘ the me force has been sent into‘ We: Democracy. play Into enchxothers bends neeeee asthe body of troops utChltl not as before _the reb‘cllion.’ The Enquirer ,1“. be'en visibly deorensed. puhlishes insulting articles to inflqme and A Nashville. dispatch of Tuesd y “y. “m“. the North. "Id. the T'"”I"" “m" that there iserumorthntGeneralS ridan.‘ doctrines "Inch °°ns°hdue the Southl ‘ commendinn the column in pu uit of Those“ two organs started years ago upon Longstreet. aoncountered the_Con onto this dishonest work:- Each inflamed. to “m. guard ea“ of Knoxville, and s “med u” ““30“ the fantlolsm of “' followyen._ I huvyvrepulse in which Genenl S eridan ”IT-”5 ““113" them to h.“ theopposite ”0' is laid to hive heen badly wounde . The Fm“: While u” Southern States we“ be. rumor is not generally credited, but it is mum; on “W b'i".k °f secession. Greely traced to severaldistinct sources. l came ““4"“ PMWW‘ tothem'that they Yul-ties erriving in Wushington yéterday h“! the All”? "3” es the Colonies h‘d m from the Army of the Potomac t'etiprt thst the Revolution. He assured them they, some of the Federal cavalry are hull at ""3“ “‘3‘?eg try the experiment. Thus Culpeper, and that the pickets extend sev urged 0“» “Y ”9°" ”‘9 “ml pluhge. . oral miles beyond the town. The oeition 1‘0" the question [79‘o” the “PM" "' of the 'main body of the army emalns "h“h" “‘9 slavehniding States Will I” 'l‘ unchanged, but there are indica ions at ‘0'“! ‘0 "“"n' 1‘9“"- cry ”3° rndicals. movements with a view to obtai more except upon the basis of ernmcrpution and comfortable quarters. l . . the stipulation of negro rights. All State Th 8 fl" 'la a.“ _ l Constitutions must be abolished. as already 9 “n 0 r“ y YS- I the Federal Constitution has been broken The report of a reverse _to the [Fedenl down by the Violence of fanatics. forces in East Tonnes-ea is confirgaed. A Such men are indeed “the architects of dispatch from Rutledge says thatt e troops ruin.” But are We contentedly to sit, bylof Generél Longslreet made an at mpt, to and contemplate their work? Are thelcut ofi'and capture General Shae elford's greet uniwfly of the people—the muses commend—wrho were in pursuito them... who lay the old Union, the conservatives at Bear Station. on the Cumber ml and who dread revolution. to s_it supinely by Morristown rmiroaftfln Monday: :A heavy "3 l - ( ' Wll3 DISASTER. I I Sin-Hwy ofcn Inn-Gd in Chaim-n H ' Th wet/hawk": 01: Down In at Oak— :1 of FURY Oficn: and floaty-Jig 0' En By the nrrivnl of the steamer Fulton a! New York. from Port Royal. we have I la intelligence of the loss of the moniwrirén clad Weelmwken.wlnch sunk at her ancl or inside of Charleston bu- on the nftorn n of Sunday, the 6th instant. Fnur of her engineers Ind lVlenly-Dix of hc-r crew were druwned. A furioul gnle prev-fled It qhe time. but no dnmlge was sustained by this rest of _Admirnl 'Dnhlgren’u fleet. An ic wuntu of the disaster any»: - i The iron-clad fine! was lying at its us 31 unchorlge. The fifit signal of dintreu as msdelrom the Weehnwken at I few m n uoes before two o’clock, 3nd answered u once by the flagahip. from which four to were dispatched to her assistance. end y the South Uni-ruins. which sent two of er boats to the Weehnwken’s aid. The~t gs Dandelion and Iris were also at once cal d up, grid With them CommundeLDuncan of the Weehnwken, who chance?! to beon he flagship. and in oonvemlion with the‘ d miml, when the aignnl was made, pmce< ' ed immediately, with 'lhe hepeof runni his veusel on the beach. He had ucncl left the Admiral when the officer of 1 deckmade out from the Weehewken a q signal, and immediqlely reporled her to; sinking. A moment after sheaettled 3w 1y down by the head. careened aligh‘ over to slurbonrd. and diwmmrcd beuel the waves When the first signal ofdistreu We: m: no nne diviiml hnw seriouswasfilie :duni ‘llld when at length the vessel went. do it was difficult for those who saw [H‘l‘t appear-to cwdit wen the evidence of tl own senses. The conluainn on the E alliip, nriaiug mainly lrom the’u'ifli'eulty launching her beat», and ”I". desire of‘bi ofliders und‘men to be Allie first. in the was mmt intense and painful. The w was now blowmg with great furv,’aml 1 boats which hastened from all sides to i Scene encountered gr'eut peril in pickinfi from the water the‘few whnhml uucce in vefiing many from the Weehnwken font she sunk. Almost nt‘thp same men! she went down some‘twe‘nty’or, Iprung to the boats and auccepded in ting away. As many others were resc from the gurging Waves by the launche the flag ship. the South Carolina and beats Dhndelion and [rim 'l'hir‘ty-pelisl All day the Weclmwken 1 1d lub heavily in the sea, which heart. her d I constantly submerged, and which lrequ ly swept in huge volumes into her for : hatch. 'l‘ownrds noon than-aw commel i pitying Out chain. to (use her; but, u tomedm they were,,_in eVery gale. to shipping of such sent—Tb believed they had grown confident. and carele“ dangernmd paid no heed to the eucro ing waters until it 'wue too‘._lnte to 1- them. They dreamed of no peril till waves ha’d fnii-Jy yawned to swallow th Then, when it ww knovm for a cerlu that the' venue] was to be lost. a. pnni frigln and fear' lwniimlml‘-tlwin. and terroristricken crew‘belnw had little [)0 to help themselven. There wore mo irons between decks. and the selgcan arms rushed frantically npmy to re] them. Ponr fellows. tlu-y nll wont d 'l‘here wererinvulids in the sick bay, m their relief the nurgeon ‘spnt hie ate who never returned. There were fir l at the furnaces, to whom min Slll‘lPks helping hand at the pumps were nude few of the confident were TU\llillL’ to; quarters to save their Plfvt'h‘, justlmu timiil'on their tiny tmthe dock th'tfmw lb was in the lnid~t or rN’nG‘h like them. the Weehuwken Went «lmvn } believe that n'unc of the ulficf‘rs - 61! saw the fnuP nssi-lum enguu-ers,‘ weré overtaken by the flood before could .mnke may effort to-osmpe. m.mder'Dlncan had only Lukvn coun of {hu ~\\'eehnw-ken 0n Sutur'lny. h, beeh detached from lhe'Pqu Jane- l have Comumndar (s‘ulhonnfi'l'he of clothing. the p.lynmster’s funds and (h prrs oflhe ship sunk with her. v. The yoomurr wfs brought. alive nu l the-flagship. but dim! in L-phsms n we »1 menu; afterward. .V-rr‘gqus Inn-fies i picked‘ up a‘nd taken luihé “earns! vel wfhera every provision was made {at - comfortand restoration. I‘hmu- nf lh -l tho wax-3 saved are firm lacallered m qgmds throughout the fleet. It. iniml hie to procure at pre‘senuhé names 0} . ho wxrq l t. ' "\The WeeankL-n it Lying in five fat of water, and WI” soon be minwl. 1 she is brought uy. no arm can tell wit minty why she sunk. lg was throu fuult of her “overhung.” fur rho “pm $09!; in no inner except, at. her 10 hatch and hnww hale. -’ rce of the Confederate cavalry; 113 on (mm the left bank of the Holswn river. intending to cross at. Kelly's Fdlrd, and take the Fedeml forces in the ram. This “campy, however. was checked by Gen. Ferrel-o, who sen! the brigade ofEGenenl Humphrey: to hold the for . Thd Confed entu fired across the river with gunnery upon the brigtdo, but. with may fleet..— Gon. Shukelloxd found I line organ. .1 Beu' Suzion. 3nd shal- fighting ungl night fall was driven luck km s mile. . moul- Vance; Runwm and V-uphn hid joined Gen. Lonmlmt befnm the conflict. with. Gan. Shackt-lford. The Federule. u‘ far u mocrtnined. was about seveMy-flve. E The Fodernl forces In the Shenando-h Vallcv. Va" have ind snmo skirminhing with theGonfedarfles lately in the vicinity‘ of Stu-burg. On Monday lul. thirty men belonging to Gm. EWell’s corps were taken i prisoners. An iron foundry at Edensbur ‘ was destroyed. it havmg been ”cuisines um (he work: had been employed in ma - uf-cluring iron for the Confedernw gout: went. ‘ _ ' A dispatch from Halifax, Nova. Scotin,‘ states that the United Stnm'lleuner Ella and Annie captured the steamerChenpenko‘ yesterday morning at Sambro Huber, I“ l but three d‘ the crew escaping. Information ha! been received in New-'1 hem lhatnurly all the Confederate troop; . have been removed from North Cgu‘olinnH only one un‘nll hriglde now remaining near ' Wilmington. Blockade running It tint, port in on the increase. Ihd it is estimated ‘ that a hnlf million dollars' worth of good: nrrlveXhei‘o every twenty-four houran I On Thursday night I body ofConl‘edernto cavalry. eight hundresl strong. stacked tho, Federnl guard on the Orange and Alexun-I drin roilrond, abou} bne mile Ind a half beyond l-‘uirfn; Court-House. The comps.- ny forming the gun-cl made: firm Ilnnd, but were overpowared and caplure‘d. are Confeclersteo Ilsa desuoyed two bridges over Pope's run, and_ low up the track for about two miles. The principal object of lhemovement. it is supposed. was lo capture de ‘ a train lrnxn Alexandrhu loaded with prvwi-j or, sinnn for Gay. Linda's army. but which‘ vn‘ happened ‘to be In ‘hom' and ahulf‘luto, in. and conséquently eacaphd. ' - ’ ‘ "ll‘r' '—"‘ " ‘”‘P’““—“~ “n he ew jbe m. 13y ’ VOLUNTEERS Q~fl anqukrtns Pixmnnxu Mimi“, ) . Harrisburg. Dec. 10. 1863. I. GENERAL ORDERS, ) _ No. 48. ‘ f ' - The President of the United States hav ing. by his cdmmunicution of the 91h inst.. in realmnsa to propositigns submitted to him relating to the recruiting'aervice in Pennsylvania. nntfl’r his call 'of _Omnber 17!}: ultimo, for 300,000 men, approved of 50 much thereofuja eompnsed in _me fol lowing points: " ' " 1? ix o??lerrd.- ' a Tlint the recruiting of voluntean for iliai ‘- variOus ‘re Vimunts now in the fiel , will be , conduétedb accordingly. viz: » in _U" the ”'s"""'lw”'\ 1. Details for- recruiting service in me ”2"‘glsmllll ”rule .\chMm . Sinte’ will he “jade °,f?tfic6m_°f Penn-.ylvu- ‘ J" liilen'SJljhJ ‘iiii‘llm in [‘on \\'n r m" I ' mu regiments in. the ‘heldhwliogevtgrim uf‘ Adm” counlr “r 'llliVln'W :guw 3K3!!!) aervnqe expire In 18ml. v 10 1119111133 the an" m Simucixind .\lxrixijcliwui-‘iz uuéd-übm‘i, recrtulmem of quotas. such nppnm nts, ._.l "“‘H' ' ‘ of oflicur-x in tire lieldthll be mwde by the i an the lllh inst.,- in y“; (Yxford NM". Governor Jvhei’e practicable, on the recom- cuu‘mv. 0t dipilnuu, C \‘FHAHHH (“u 'lllri' mendation of duly authorized cumumlees of mi \| iuae, nged a \““la uu-l 7 uiiiuihq L representing cities.bomughs nml Ifkiflilsliiln,j u” [m- 1mm.“4.5m“.0x.u,d,md.p,,',,,,fi to recruit. for their SPVPHII localities. , r - . MICHAEL, sun of John Gm, “fled 63mm Mill" These recommend-Mun: should not how-[f 8 months. I. ever, be. made imliscriluinutuly; but, will] (in line BOtanltq ALHVZU PAXI'D‘V llll'Ha , due regard 1.0 1119 clmrucim of the pex-snn Mlißullgml 4 3mm and. 1:; my... ‘ » . named. and hifx ability to perlorui Llie miv’ 0n Ulu 51h inu. SAWUHI. A\'l)l£ll~‘tN 'porlzint duties of the limb. ' , .JUll-Vbiglxmgv l .iyurs :1 months “ml ll .11) . 11. Wlmn pruniicnhle. 011 l regim’enls Q will he returned to the Smile to bu rec:unnl.l I“. 'l‘lm vMuntevnn‘lm dull be enhan ed will remain under the cn'nu-ul of the Gorernnr. at such camps or romlvzmu~. and Cinder silch‘comman-u-rs:u he may (lt'slg pale, and u‘mil re-uly to be Hem tn tlmir regiments, in 'm‘cnrtlauicc will: Gunvml Orders Nn. 75 of 13523. I !: Ch- I slat I [ha em.‘ I my the vrer .ml, nen IV. Prppium: not excpétling twenty-five dollars for veternnfi. ntnl tim-an, lion”; 1'"; nr-w rec ~uit<, will he [mud tn Olfit'Bl'< ilotailml for rN'tluitiug service, frmn l‘t‘gilllt‘libn 'in' the fit‘itl,_.\\'ll'on the recruits u‘re act't’pll‘tl‘ilSß the United Stntmd. Payment 1;) lu-nnmlt by Lt. Col. Baml‘ord. l'. S. A.. Acting A~als~ taint l’rnvcnt Marshal titan-ml. ' I V. l'u/uulrers fulnishcd Wes or nther lm‘nlilios will be duly mmlttklnni the limit fix-11l tnr January 5.1564,: Illlll\:li~ll "nil uuéh volunteers as ‘nrty hl\’t‘it"Pllllluflt‘rt'ti into tht- .wrrice of the Untied SHIN? WW thodrni}. the number so crmltteil tn lu ‘ di‘duct'ed from the proportion of the qtmtu' nwtgnetl tho State Ittitlrr tlw rt-ct'n! will." Information "gut-ding 1h?) quotas ut unnu ‘ties, cities, tovmfihnm nutl wards: czm he procure-l on application tn the rhprutivu Diatrict Prnvmt M tl‘~ittti%. VI. Authority will he giwn tn nfi'iovru detailed for recruiting DPl'YiUt‘ iTUIn legi mcnts it; the field as iI.IVO lea-S than theit t pl'hfwl‘ numhor nia"t‘mnp th urban”; tttutl". \'l l. (john-ed \'olllt)tt’('t~ fttl' the cuitn'r-d rogixnt'ntudl Pennsylvtt’nia‘ will lithium-med as a part of this quntn, nnvl alrm such {Li— have . been nm~tereil into the svrt‘tce ol‘ the United States ‘ince the draft. to be crc-thted to cities or other localitips on their prupor ti9n oftheStatfli-i quota umlurthe 'rvbentcail. VIIL Camps 0t rinnlezruun will be en t‘tblished at. ptoprrlotmhtte», in ,chargo. of commnnulants and hkilltul surgeons, to be ‘appointml by the Governor. ‘ IX. To every rvciuit who is a Veteran Volunteer, n 3 donut-d in VGt-neral Orders (if the \Vnr D?|)ll’(ll)"nt nl Jum- ‘25. 1863. NC). 191. for recruiting Veteran YQluntu-re, one month's pay in zulvur‘ca, and it bounty and ‘ premium of S4H2, aml to all thin-r recruitsr not veterans} nccepted nml 3enliatcd as required in oxizting orders. one month's pay in advance, and. in addition. a bounty and prémium of $302 Will he paid. The ithm't time now romznning. within which to till the quota at the State by en listments and thus avoid the impending draft, ndmonishes the loyal citizr-IH (If the importance of providing. by local bounties, the strongest inducements to volunteers.— Municipalities of other States, by this moans. are seducing from Penmyh-unia the nbla-bodied men who should replonish ht~r own regiments. ‘Pennsylvanin, with n drfi~ ciency loss} proportionately, than any adjacent Commonweét‘lth,‘ should show, by: her promptness and alncrity. now. herl übility to maintain the high position she has heretofore. and still occupiu among} her sister States, in contributing to auppreui I this rebellion. l, By order of ‘ A. G. Cunt-ix. Governor and Communder-infihief. ‘ A. L’szu: ‘ A )utnnt Genera] Pennsylv‘nnig. the V‘Fi. limb [ri‘sh‘ who tllmv "am .mnrl vmg u re- I Ut'l‘a' -I p.l card mo. ere 54-15, hPir crew ln-I” )osfi boas 'runs util cer- i 1 nn len Uj' [ward was ion of apart my at until e‘con- EIMI 51 had I n the 2 from. -eCon- L, ad [Moun- d the L that. a ‘t Ten. nooga Congrmand CbudihltimialLam—Thotnction of Congreu, in the case: of the Senators and Representativea who were elected in utter disregard of the Constitution Indl Lame proves that the Abolition majority nre ready to go to any length in violation of their oaths. nt the behest of forty. In the'llouse. the members_l'rom I‘grvland, 5 Virginia, West Virginie, Missouri and Ken. m, were admitted by a vote, over the head i of the Clerk who. in obedience to the law 'of the lust Congress-passed by themdicals I themselves, to serve their own putpoaee— had omitted their names from the roll on 'woount of informality in their credentials. ylnd in the Senate. twopernons claiming to i represent a State celled West Virginin. Were admitted, flatly in Violation of the 1 Constitution; and yet. only five Senetom re corded their votes against this flagrant act, to wit: Messrs. Buckulew. Davis. lien dricks, McDougell and Powell. The Boston Post. in commenting upon the revolutionary course of Congress, 3: the very opening of their session. says: 1 “We are glad to see the first vote ot’thé (able and accomplished Senator Buckelew. lfrom Pennsylvania, on the side of the Ocu lstitution. This show: where he will" he 5 found. Every word from him since his [election marks him the fearless defender ‘of his country, and the we}; “1‘1“!de statesmen.” l " fiAmong the novelties of the no in a. seedless apple. A tree baboon ligand in Dutcbeps county, New YOl'k, hearing this mm. There are no bio-soon. the bud forms, and without any shew bf petal... the fruit new and grows entirely destitute of seeds. In oucwurd upped-moo the applet resemble Rhoda Inland Greening. -' ‘ ”The mot-spat woul- m madly the chem“ broken. - AVNIVKRSABY.—WI underflud that I‘M Snbbllh School of Chrht Church, (Lutheran) In um plwgwill hold‘iu ususl Amfiuuuy in the Church on Tbundny eveni'ng next,(Cbrin- In“ on.) Among the exercim will be up dreuu by Rev. Dn. Buu‘hu, Saba!!!" M Incobl. ' A ”Tho uiembm of Co. 1!. nu PI. Volt. CAL, hum determined to "an a monument in memory of Georg. F. Bantam:r I lamb" a! nld company, who wu [Mod by I!!! robe" ~ heu- lhll plug on the 26th dl} of June, Im, ’ Tiley In" contfibuud d‘hty doll-t! {or “at 130: FOR THE ”QMDAYSI—Ou emu: ‘ prising (rind, E. mummy yroywlng fag / the Bonds”. ‘ BI- Iwro and, peanut! a guy ‘ Ippennnce. Without taking “m m onumc ra ue we articles, hm,“ tony, zhluwr' befiqre [an be beg v Elo plant to‘ the palm: “dumb I complete ulonmepc of Toys, Toy Bookp. Confections, “(LI-jug“ Aniclea.-w_hiclr now alrudy grace his .helvea; suiubleciot‘ Holidnypreseuls. lie tho hu the hell. brand! I o! Cigar): and 'l‘ohucco. his well worth (vim. to his "are. The mount ’on ball “II boner." _. Dec. 14. (11 - ’ ~ >~o . --——-———-v ‘ ‘ [S'A Refhhlicnn paper says that‘who Democrats lave received such I Hcking that they‘ cannot suryive." It. doen' nu: follow. Lazarus adrvived after the dogi lackedhim. '1 " W<OCDo—~<—J‘- WThemcbo‘ll-ue reducgd to milking brandy out 0! pulimmmm, - , MARRIED. On Thursday wording mu, by Rev. [l.O. : Finncy. assisted by Rev. J. R. \Vnrnor. Mr. ‘ Gamma A, MIDWER. ot'lhnchellet, M 4,, ur = MHMHM' E. mum-1m: um,” pllce. On Tuesday, Dec. 1. by RH. Hugh Fulton. Mr. JOSIiUA A. THUXELL. ol Hurlford, Ur Mrl. CLARISiA :HKfiAX, ui'Dundee, [ln]. 0n the d IML,‘ by .Rev. N. Ahlefeldt: Mn, NH‘HOLA TACUIHNBAL‘UH. ul [luru'urnl City, Ind , to “'1“ RUTH WINUATE, ofJulms town, Hurdih uuul}, Uhio.‘ -.- 7 «a» .._—3- lED. ‘ . g » . ‘i ‘Bl 3 cents per line for will 1 u uccumpuny nulicu. " M \I "EV-RV u I, aged ‘\ \' RQV‘UM‘MM) not“ owr [our “neg—nub Sipeoial ’atlc“. The Singer Seiving Mackinesrttur LETTER A FA\H|.Y SEWING )IM‘HhE 1" I.“ gaining n v. IM—widv rrpululinu. IL 34 hu ‘oan (10 .m (INF lu-dl. and rhuqu-n umL [uual hl-.|lllinl] 0| Ile I null} '.\‘t-uin; )lm-hinw ”I. om-Ir-l to Hu- {mML-f Nu mlmf Fnuuh Sum ing \lm‘hin“ “:4 ~n unm- u'n-(‘ul “Hm-"nun I-rr He-Inmifiz'. Him! mg. l-‘c-me-."l'm‘kl. '5. Hn‘hln inq. Huaglllg’. “mi-hm," Hmhrnuiv hug. I‘m '.- luA mnl «J Mrlh. N-r nllivr r mil} fc-im; mn (‘M-Ic h I: b” mlrfl‘: rupl- ll'. lvn 'l 371;"! '\ nl’fi‘w Linur'i. II \vrll wu' nll kunh M th.-Hl. nuef will u‘! kmvid w thwml finnumd rnrn' Hm prinvmvm-I nn'nv nnr Fa'mlh‘ fivnu-g “arhmu mgr-l rrlhhh-‘xll mml Illlrn‘tll‘.‘.HHLllH'lSL crr- - [lin i'l an [lnn ul .All‘lnlw~ u! fine 5. ll m d.” 1; lllhijllcfl wk? f.~rils‘|:_'lrhlch I< th- hl'rl ~lle 11. “ knuuu A‘ny my, "cum: [hr man-I mthlhlr! ‘ r npncily. um .u-é. M n glam u. how [0 Im- the lu-Itur A Funny 'iuing \kalnr. Uur F.m_uly .\‘rwlnu’ \lm ["9l 3 um finished m chm-1e and «x- . (lumu; sh Ir. , . The luldxm: ("we ulillu‘ l'.!luil} “MMHI- H u pu-|~e.n"7:n n Ining \nirlmmhdh'p ”I the Inn-l Iluflui kiwi. [I prnlcrls lhr umflnnr nhru udl in mg. and When Jlgul x}; be ”pl-mun] Inn! M.- upn nm‘ 3; n qmnnut :In-I ruby-In‘”! “Mo to ~u-I.\iu [ho \\ Urn. “‘lnlv mini": “1' ”H'J'nrl‘, nnhle um ni'“ll.l lilUiLl’-l gnu-Ll. :ur tnidml in‘ (he suulyh-‘ul 'qu .'iwu'ul mxrmrr 'HN'x'Mr, unhulé nrc m'mrurvl nnd rmln “bin-J in lln: mud uhll} ‘zlmi Hl‘.’ n 1h “ml-um. ' l 1‘ i 5 übwll‘gclv’ mm d-xr} my! Ilw F my“: .\lnrhm» in om-mviun. m 1. "undue min gr M, c.-p.'u'i.y um} hunt Al)“. ll 3- lxml lu'unnm; n l"""""‘ for I'un‘zpru inc; “I uux \lmmlnmumg 3!-|“"I'EP: nre lur‘nmnutm-‘nn' gl'lmr’un n _Thr {Bum I] :inli- M nrc nu? suppl-m) vu'n fiHk lwid, lhn‘mi. non-vii. 3 Jul. .\n. (”.Illr \rlvr hes! quality: .\rnd Inr u l’nnrum'n. ' TUE >IXtH'ZR .\l.\\ [T \(‘TI ISIVH'IHH‘ \VY, 4.326 Hnmdv. J», \'~ 5: York. WWI”. \UEIJ'IH \, 3110 llhv-lnul 53. W 6. J.\L‘Uu.a' .t- :;lur.,'imul .\L'w-‘f' “l Grltyjsburg‘. ' * JAM. I:‘.‘_l:u.:. Important stcovcry. j, ‘ lintrr I.\' Tn \hu'THl. ‘ BRYAN'S N'L\lll\lH “'.\FHH nrc unlml- A in; in the vnro of ('lmgh}. ('nl-ts, \"J’Ul‘htv Hrnnrhiuc, .\‘nrc Throat. Hunrw-mnd. Imhtull Bl‘enghinm rump-inn (‘otmlmpxmm and Im eu>cs_o( Um Luz‘gl. I'IN.\(II.X\P‘IXI) In-u-Lm‘ medium: and any child wxll lakr them.» Timumnds lmvg hot-n rhlnrwi‘ In ben'lh Out but? before dosp-erd. Temm-uyy‘ film: m ‘hundred‘ of Cll‘t‘k. A ninglr dose when-rm Ten “Mums.- ‘ ' ‘Ask for Bryan’s I’ulnmniu \\ .xfn-rs—tlm urici mxl and only gl-Imnu- i: «tannin-d "Hr_\un."- Spurinus kinds mu: of“ ref. lnr 5319.. 'l’.rem,. fine runs a hm.‘ Sui-l h) dq-nlen grnfl’ull}. . ‘ » 4m: MOSES, Sole l'ruprirlnr,‘ " ‘ §27 Cbrxlnn-h. il.. 3'. v. ‘ ‘ For an): by A. . Human“. Ue'lusburand all Druggiau. [July 27. f¢h.l6,'bd. 1y A Card‘to the BuflerinE-a l The Rev. Wzbnuv ('ouanou, while laboring 1"" I Minionnry in “pan, whtrurrd‘ 0t Cutl -s‘W3Plion, when all othcrmcunrlmd failed, by I reripe obpined Qnm a learned physirmn rc lidi'ng in! thé greu Gm cue-« 1410.. Thu reciyo has cured‘grnl. numhen who‘ win: puffed-u: from Consumption, 'anchitir, Sure Thronl,‘ Caught Ind ('olda. Ind the‘dchility and nerwvn: depression cunsgd by these disardrra. . Deiiroul of bencfilung otllerl, I will dealt. lhh reeelpe, which I have' brought hume‘wilb.‘ me; l 0 11l wha need it. free ofclulrge. ’ " Addreu “Rev. “'5! cugmmva, - . 4.49 Fulton Avenue, Bruoklyn, N. Y. Dec. 15, 1862. I] t ’- . .... - zl‘he Great English Remedy. ‘ Sun has (‘Lnu's ‘ CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. ' This invaluable El'lifln! is unft'lling in th. curéol' ull than; pn'Lnlul and duagezw du. cues incident to the female constitution. l'. moderates nll excess, renown 11l obstruc tionm from whatever can", find bring. on tho mnnlhly period with regularity. Thus Pill: lhonld am he Men 5] finale; um no grggnnt filing; a» nu? nun nos-run, as they no sun to bring on Mine-r -ringe; but It only othcr time find in ever] o‘ihey can they Are perfectly safe. In all mnemnfxarvou “a Spinal Aflectionl, pain in tho link and Limb, Heuineu, Fu tigua on High _‘txeniou, Pnlpintion of tho ”can, Lownebs of Sgiriu, Hyglerica. Sick Hemlwcbe, Whites, Ind all the pnnfln mussel“ occasioned by Mdilordercd‘syslem, than Pill: will effect a cure why“ other men: bu‘o mud. , Full directions il ”mph!“ ground uch pauknge,which should be carelully preservedl They an be ”at in mboule. containing .50. pilll, you two, by oncloling $1 nd 6 three-_ cent. lamp! to Any :gcnt‘ JOB HOSES, ‘ 27 Oorthndt Sinai, New Work. For all: by A. D. Bun“, Gettysburg, “6 I“ Dmgzim. (Feb. M, 1863. 1’ $25 I] Employment. [52:51;4 AGENTS WANTKDI—We will‘ pg} file“ 826 to 315 pa: month, Ind ail cape-M}. ... livrAgonu, or [in n ennui-aims.“ M“. In: nut free. Addma En: Slum. I‘m. omm", R. JAMES, Gwen] Ann.- “a, Ohip. [May 10, lacs. ‘ I! I] ,uw "EV-RY, ion '0! 31, aged 2 yum :r
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