£3ll & ifléeizzr‘a-L LOYALTY I, l “"1139 " “'3‘ RI. (‘lmmY-erlna'h, who Wu I "mtg“ n 11:) Mord f 0! adultery with Mn. E Nine, . Brnvl}€y.‘of Aumnin. was Fusi «lent of the Loyal League of his town I— 'l'ha 'l9:}; a.” the!“ a very? hnadsome woman-bur. the puhlignould like to know lif aha in ‘lnkal 2’ H she is not. than Mr. Iflhnmheflain is a very naughty man. for bi! I‘ezgue had voted not to hue any ‘husinm {maroon rse ’ with disloyal pencm !"-—Nrw flavo- churgr. . 4 ~. The Ansonia Lnghe in nét only one that [protests ngains-tsf‘bnsineu imercoune" with “(gainful pehohs,” dial “Copper-heads," pliu {humerus} and irrepqrfipeéku truly, MPréoideut it not the only “loyal" “Union ‘ We" Prenidcm who hu 3 {eminen- for: -lho flmh: ‘ ‘ _. I , Emu-no thing: in! not to be wondered _at. Free-Lamina). like'l’rea-nggrécilm, is but a. " gist: of "higher law” Abomioniqn. End' ”I b‘uqt wry-iai‘hg that under-the rule of theymer pta‘siitmion should have becdrge (drum: and "IoyEP-even a, "Goverh‘ i! .nW'necessim- alike inlhe civil u the I: Klimty Departments. , ’ Why, according to nil accounts. the Capi~ 1 of the country has, since the in-cqmin’g of the Higher-hwium, become a general -endezvous¢pf f‘thiev‘es 41nd barium": A ’l' epublicam journal rm-ently estimated the ” who} of white fpmule prostituted iu Vuhingwn city at 15,000, Ind of black: M 0001 Such n eff)" as it new is, ifexiuting - the _days 01' righte Lot,“ could Icnrce y hue eucaped a 1* destruction with hat or‘Sodord. I: aboundq with iniquim: jndrcéw those which drew Atlie punish- art. of sjust ole uprm the people and ci- Im in the days of the prophets, when, u “a Bible inform: us. ‘3’ " - “They omnmim-«kavluhyy‘ and (merin "lod’lhomaplves by. troops in huh-low hou -0!:'.. . < ~ “T'hey commith‘adultrv. ind walk in in: :‘they bH‘L‘llgtPEYl the hands afievil do eruz” ‘ .- “They havo—mmitted villuigy in‘lsrneL ml” have comml'ted nrlullery- with their eighbnrs' wives. and hum- ‘ ' ‘ “‘1... ——,v.- «u.»—.—..— ' i ‘ E'lil'm winking very beamifui pn§sage ~ urs if: Judge Van Trgmp’s able opinion , the case of Olds vs. ToJ'and others, ft):- 136 imprisonment. - H 9 is replying (’0 the not 'Bf Confirms hyih Mtémpts to empower tho President: imprison whenovpr and wherever 11‘: may lefilsg man! his discretion. He says— “A justification is sometimns set tip :3 xluimants of this power. upon / uml ofmcessily, in sfiving what is denom ated the life of the nation. There can be greater‘neceggity; in a Government ade by fixed and prescribed powers, than a Itrict observance of constitutional obli- Lion: both by rulers and Keople. There ‘greater necessuthfqr t is strict adhe nco to legal and conglltutional restriction periods of storm imd. cnmmmion, in es ,0!’, great pressfirc and excitement, hnfln the calm sunshine of peace and goal order. There,can be no life of the 'tion 9th" thin that which pulsntes rough the Hun 0: TI! Conunctxox, hdifig it} life-currents through tlge gregat nuns: arm“: Luv, to ev‘ery Em of the luy politic. giving life and enlth and ;;or to the whole system. The sooner the luerican peop‘le find those intrusted with i° powers of the Got-eminent shgll be me cognizant of this great political truth. It; more pe‘rmnnsnt will be the hopes of ilallitytional liberty. and the more rm" ml the [whim mtu‘s capacity for self ;vern men t." 7 ‘ a , ————...r«-..—-——— [Thc Case qr” Dre Okla—The Court. of Com-. 'u' 1: P 109: for Fan-field county, Ohio, in the a ”of pr. EJson B. Olds against Gover ‘ Tod and othérs, for damages for false im -~qn;ent, has deéied’the motion aide. {lent k 2 remové (began to the Citcliic rtlof the United States. ‘. . 1; Old. Parka—Mr. Thomas‘Suylo'r. of ‘ Ayer'ymfith.§orthar}lpmn county, has old now which is 19 years old and has in Wye furnished the family with 237 ligtr. . pip. 858 is as valuable as a, Greenback ~ I'nd should bogiven‘w extn peck of - “aday; as'a pe'nsion. ‘ ' ‘ u -—~ —— HlH.\'.\‘ liii‘H,’t.\l‘.LY,. : he can wnrrunt Elam-name (it; mu! neat am] suh_\‘l'l)y~l at” all kxu.l.~,'l'ul...w:~v. l" IS.\ll, {\4}. l'.:nllllr'l'l‘v‘l’“ nf nll"l.;n.l., Fr'l l()il.~, nml in but mMgl‘ling‘n‘lmily (ohm! n ‘Gmcrrff .\lm. FlLUl‘ll & FElJllgnt all m ‘nll of which he intends to sclHuw .Is the |« rest. [Cmmlry ,qumu- tnkq-n in cw! ungo ’aguudsvuvltlw‘l_l«.r~:px2xe;inu. lll: ll 'xl .llim-HF‘IIJ d, l~_\ \ ll “ I‘ll_>vl'ls|lx mu‘. .m l-ur lit-Sire to plum. 'u lm-r'rl .I'=ll-n-m ...‘mw lmnus’nx THY Hl\l. _ il. \l. RHWI: ~ Mb 21;. :\_r:‘:. ' :f l New Warehouse. ‘ ' ' . “("31125.‘ 01‘ (IRA ]OO.(’( }‘ )“C‘JAHTILM 11l- ran-GI, mul l'rodule ”:1 IV}. in Huh-Jr mun. u-jn ing Sin-“Is « Mmhh‘"- vet-ihhdmmzt. 1 high“! musket pluu \nl. Mum} ) up paid (da'l fur , ' ' ' Gl(\\l.\',of:-l;kind=. 1 3 _ . - Fl.hr‘n.,sm:ns, km" Always on Emu-. 1 uni Lur ulna: me smallest px'ofils, _ ‘ ' ‘ 1 _ UL'AXOS. ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ L , SALT, FIHI. ». r‘; f Inuomtnmi. m .‘. , , ‘ . , \Hmlcuflc :mddcjnil. TRY ('9! We shall do'unrlbest lb g'ue quislacnon in xill cu-es. . _MCUI'RDY‘ at DH'JHLJE Gettflyshurp‘, May 11, ”6.3: [y ' ' Isaac K. Stauffer, ATCII MAKER AND JXIWELER, S; .xnu'nnrmm or SILYHEWARE xi l.\l. OR’I‘LR 01f WATCHES, No. [-48 Nonh Second St.,_ Corner Quarry, ‘ PHILwEu-flu, I'A. “(has cnnilmlly on hand an zfisortmcnt‘of Gold and Silver l'ufem Lever, {mine and PLlin \Vatches; Fine leuhl Chains, Seals and Keys, Brenst Pins, Eur Rings, Pings-r King's. Brmc lels, .\hni.mlrc C:1=o~. Mmldlxoufl. LUI'YH‘Li, Pencih, Thimblt‘i, Sw-clxu-les. Silver 'l‘ahlp, Dqserg,' Ten, Sn]! and '.\luutm-dV Spnnnz; Sugm‘ Spnnnß,‘Cup€. Naukin Ring". Fruit and IhlttPr Knivea,Shields.('omhs‘ [)mumnd I’ni’nled Pens, map—nil of which waL be sold luw fur (MIL? M. I. TOM-AS .t uuxs best quality run jek fled Patent. LM‘t-r Movemems cumtnntly éu lgnnd; also other .\hxkejs of supvrinr qufiily. E N. lL—Old Gold un' Silver b‘ougm for cash. ~ Sept.‘7, (1863. 1y i 011 x FARlilllA, TIR Alu‘ll STREET. hjc- J iow Rah, ‘aoulh bile. PHILADELPHIA, lmporzer,.\lnnufin-lur- ‘- r ar-of and Dealpr in: kinda of FA NC FURS, for Ladies' al Children's' “'cur. wisl; on return m: thanks to my lriom of'Adnms and thesu‘ rounding counties, ii their very librrnl p: Honngegnendul 1 me during the l unfit? years, and would I: to them that l n; , .‘., t). . _ have In slpre, of my ~ ' ”‘l‘ ""1"? own ,importntidn nmi .‘iflnuflwxnrc A \cry or. tensive nssnrtmenzol all the different kind; and qnnlitleg of Fancy Fare, for Lndu-q nnd (‘hiL dren. that. will be worn during the Full nnql Winter abuonsv . . ' Being the ‘direct lniportcr of all my F rs from Europe-mud having them all .\lnnufnctnrfll under my. own supervision—eunblen me to offer lny customers _nnd the public 9 much band‘- somer Set. of Fur: lemme nine money. Ladies please give me a. call before purchasing!— Plenbo remember the name. nnmbrr md "reed. JOHN FAREIRA, . ; ‘ No. 718 Arch SIJ. Philadelpfia. ‘ ' Sept. 14, 1803. 5m ‘0 ‘ ~ w Meat. I HANS, SHOULDERS Ind SIDES, of but qnslity, sud cheap, at. ' ' may. 24. uno. P. KALBFLEL‘SCH'S. I . Farmers’ 8: Mechanics’ ' I ‘ Avm-ss mswrmmx or ADAMS co., Gettysbur ' S having inc'rmsed its capital, has enlarged EALS k BRO 81%?1glgas-EEEET I in humans 31nd ..xunded itslaclclommodutions M GETTYSBU‘SG. P; —Where they no M" 4"! :ednesdny. 1“ J) 6' ”"3' ‘f ' Jnrqmred to furnish a” Kind: of 'work in their; ‘53 '0 EN '« . i ' mwwsww's owmxcsvncp'ror “M “C" " "”NUMENTS,-TOWSIHEAD':“BEMI‘ '8“ u 75 I marén .c or kL-udkxEß‘S 6,213.5.T0-WS' MA-‘TLES,&C-,nt theshomu “w ms Wlxlwssmxsmuganms. 'N 9 I' // ' . I ItIcIOI, andlns cheap as the cheapest. 2GI" ‘l5 '.i - iE R 9 «1 S. {u LIBS .. ' . ‘ ' ‘. ‘1: ~‘c.. , . = fiCm‘U.A.n .\.{' tilt” SEEING “Cl/Wm" mm'fidéfixgfifgd; Fl’roduce taken in exchange for work. «by' Mail , Kddn-u ‘. - 9,. ‘ ‘ 'l' -'_‘ 6’2. ‘- ' ‘ . _‘ ; (Ho .R.HORNER’SmlgSmromdgetv‘ -°""‘b"'g""‘"° "8 .‘th , . aI 7m, ,-_ ‘ Tbs. marten comm CANDY. ICUCUMBER #ICKLEs, . Inge mum "-1 ‘ PB 6‘ BKLHOR.\IS juu‘ received 1» 1‘ ceired from the city. in prime (may, .g' } ‘ FAHNWTOCKBRCS'. 1: 1 . ‘RAEBPLEIS‘H'B.. ) ‘ a have just neeiula nemluortmenL-pcw GROUND amass,- leluh‘d nu}; , .of Quoeqawuq, to ,wbich _we int-Eu thy . 8'0““ "1’7"!!!“th 3053861“ “on. { nttenfion ofhuym's. AI..SCUTT 4:503“ MER‘S New Drugfim j. . . "us: . J Fancy Furs! ' ' WILE'CPRI - g _ N: ‘ ' ‘ coxsumn'nox. , NO' ’3 ““33“", new :10.“- ‘ SCHENCK'S PI‘LMOVIC SYRUP WILL (‘l‘lli CONSUBH’TIUN SCHENCK’S PULMONXC SYRUP mu ctni CONSUMPTION SCHENCK'S PL‘LJI-OXIC SYRUP ,site w “,1. cvm‘.‘ CONSUME’I'IOX I nre end incl ‘ 0“! ml!) uul_ SCUBSCK'S SEA WEED TONIC nu. urn DYSPEPSI A SCHEM‘K'S SEA WEED TONIC ? * . mu. (Tm: I DYSPEPSIA. scnzxcxvs sm WEED rogue mu. cg". DYSPEPSIA SCUENCKS SEA WEED TONIQ I‘lbb CIVRI DYSPEPSIA sr‘nzx‘cx's MANDRAKE mus " . WILL oral: LIVER COMPLAINTS SCI] ENCK'S MANDIIAKE PILLS‘ mu. rl'uz . LI VER ()0 M-PLA I X-TS SCHENCK’S .‘fAWHM—KE PILLS _ ' (mu. own: Livm: COMPLAINTS ' 01 int; 1““ Scusxcx's .\msmmxe PILLS mu. cyan: LIV HR COM FLA [_\'TS DR J. H. FFHHVCK h'N n Inn-'l‘ qnit nt ’Ruomd “an... 2215th SH;lZ|~l’l‘.‘:H\\' YnRK. {uho’re hr mm be frumdr v-rr-hg‘_ 'l‘m-Mu‘rirnm 1a ‘ A. u'.‘ m :: ~_ u..: nnd'm. 3:: anth (ill: Ell‘t‘rt. li'hilmlelphin, i-vcr'r Smufvviuy. V ! «“33 keeps on large supply of mmlicinn n! hi: (rooms. which (Ime lmd at "H ti'mrw. 1 how wirlling ndrice or flu exnlnjnminu uf I ha Lump iuill do we” to mull on him_ an ulmvf. “L -; 1111\sz no vhurqo Mr :nhivn. but mru ILur.‘...._.h Immuiutmu \ugh the Requiruugulrr, m- min: 'is $3. ~ , “ ~ ' . Mum pay-mus fire afraid to hnu- UMr hinge ‘Gmulim-(l by Dr. Schensk, fur fr-nr the) \‘\'.l[ i.» lounll ”tunable, and hy Hun mama it is pup otflmml it is ['on lute. How mnyh lnt'ur it. woulll'he to know thn'ir Pundit-(In :n ”HUT, as by uanvinnre of H‘inlrucn. Dr. S. 11.1: shuwn '.\llnu'it‘n‘ ('vrtlliulle: in ihia CHy th.". hl‘ has run-H mlm-ICI-d Hum-5 (\f(‘on=u:nph:n. hr. hdwuck‘s l‘rim-iyml Utfiuc E; .':9 North SIXTH Slrncx, Philadelphia, Pn.,r.'lr-wlum-rs ‘for White s'muM fl'\¥7l\\~ lu- di'rw'lml‘ . . X'lrivse'uftha- i’L‘l \lmlw ‘mm 1' and .\‘n \hrn Tnul'r ouvh $1 [lll' hullh- m S": llu- II .II Jun-'ll. '.\lMu-um: PILLS. 2') (“r-mi !wr 1.5. x. , ‘ l’or rule hy ul] Drug-[Ms :unl .\lurMu-qr r.~.' 9 .‘u‘pl. 7. lriuli. 1m ’/ .0 .- : Fresh’einforcements. . TRIET¢TIIHNHH Ul'l: [’HSl‘l‘lH\.—We IS :H‘e- confirm”; :uidlmfmu ~Ul'iiln-a no out illll‘t'filnl‘ lnrgt- and f'xl-lnulmhh‘ mark m ‘ H \TS. ('.\l'S. BUU'I‘S _\.\".) SHUHS. . _ , « W» h-Ivoq-ery style I»! Smut-,1 :nzni Nfim-nrl ”Ma “1130!! in qu viii}: :lud nrirv- l-imml {.131 MA mien-wt,— Huy’n nlnl \lv-n'j Unis rntl ('u] I nf‘ wverq‘ ulosrripliun, :m'l uf lhc i unzsy Ina. Uur lunch 01' V E - _ . i BUUTS, I { I h 1%,:- y-Per-I pun” Hun :I3'uiuh‘h fr» [l3l"] i ‘ 551111-33: ‘ ' .Em- f.||.':l|r I‘lhlll"‘. .'ml ll Fun-uh nun. Lulu, » 1 ‘ ‘ H UT‘HRS. .‘.w, “119‘, In;( hull SI-I:~ My mum: fhu Hm h. ..'- '. '“nu never more crimpln-w. .'L-qlim ”unlit. 11!"! ,l'- '1“ "I ""Wr .flyl ‘!ll'|l;l.’ lll'ul H..- _ ml(Illlllih-n.r:n|1~-.I-ummnh'xn!“Ir-nu;- \ flung in this Hm.‘ M \\‘r l-e-‘h: ’l'vl-nrlJ nun-h)(z;\t‘1il=:'llll‘1l‘~.-'4 ' 4'th _‘llll‘ fl: 1 . \m. ‘nv‘hul'. I! H 4“”an 'I. fl; ”s'. L'uy-i in: m-i l"""‘ “"1 1' i 'V" "- ’ I;|.~lli¢mnM-~ gnu-la v.l“ :l‘ 1’ x 4,1: ul 11l- '.l-In. l' 1~ It H- '|’ "\ “111-'Mr 1m lenrirl, “”01" guy}, “’,1,(.,41|,..r.$ .(r. ‘ .'. . I -wlulr~~.~.x_v l‘ I. H”. {in Im: .h IZr-Jnul: 'l ' .I.):‘H’ (‘I'LII 3min n, “34': x‘u- .m' h 111-premium: “'1“ .\I.-.\'.( ‘HIL \‘u', “ H": .. :m 3:”: t. 'n mg: 1141.31!hi1¢~uuumhfuui ‘ . “‘ . ' In' I Vinny, M. 1..: .m! hu‘l inn-l .' y * Sallsbury Bram. 8: Co., *6). :5: nmmwm' in” H' w! . ‘ 3 : ' T ‘.\" \ |7l|\\!‘:T 5'3 ”'11:. 1. In'mwmj‘" “ -: 7" ‘3’ Prlll|r;q"|““> ..f um- n! " -- cm! wh-mi'u- “HY: ‘rnri ~‘1 rm ‘~ 'l7-'ll r n‘ HLHY “ \NI'FAU'I‘UHH..." a)“ A?!” EIHIU'H w} ‘\~.vr§_ 1 r‘ hr'ni in“: mm |II(YII|1hlllv-“‘Ii n, ‘SL-IM. Fr: Am "all Hu- unvnxinz’ "I Hm u-nm- H. 211: lum n. '1 'x~ -,n- Liluu'll ,rrm‘Mn; or Imunil‘j"gl-nprllh‘ In vhz- wrvp‘VlH'lK _\':th |.. nl‘ng‘. , ;('lll-l.\ 1' R \Ti-I .I’ whi‘ la Ih-V --r-- unv-fir-JHI ir goons. Mr «mp-24mg lmn'x' Foil-i 1" «‘l'! I)": , lnk‘i!il'l.\lll‘l3‘rl"t‘ll[b I.x point of clvgun'w :upl _\' I‘I‘QI'HJ‘I HQH' S; , :mx ‘1‘“""'1-i7.‘ 3 . > ' ' “Hunt '1 mummy:'l'mzsnmmzs Jun" 1' 1917' . - : .- ‘. Fm: L\'.‘|’_\.\'('H :~ . «w m. ‘5 For FIPTEFV Dunn”: “c !‘orfi'fif-L him-[v i ‘ " rude-dang! p ItL‘le in gnu] nnlz-r. the fl-Hnwiugl is, I’“°"“° '5 (I'!='~='h:r oral-“"1". WIN-'l'" ’3l""' e . b r, -.! rx'i mum-1 mifia‘lw ek- I” nnv l’th G-vhl. and mu. 1:! ln- rccngmzml 'mnv. c ."r‘}’(.' I” .Ifo. k "E‘ ” ‘ ‘f'mm GUM nulv hvtho inim! olf "'i'l‘: ‘ I ”2'1"? 0| ~“til?"1"|‘(l’\;x”hil ifin[l h! v‘ul m;Y . S .1 -.k ‘..'__.-‘;,)I[""F., _ mm: ...u ‘2 .F ..t» - . M (tin: 1:91:53; £29.:- :5“; (In‘.lnhnLh :K‘JITln-izrx ‘23:; oudinur) mo! um hcfiuiduu :1: [LC uninf- d -'\. ’Pinfih 4_ Eu Rinx! tn'nmn-h: Z‘l’l du Pine; 5 ' ' . ’Fnr Rings 10 mnlrh: 23 Luck-4' Hing", DnuMl-J ' ' _ . {Ht-autumn! u v Iricly nfp vm-rnd : .10 Union Emil . 7 —" I ‘hlnmfi: 50 Scarfpins. I'Llin :H’l'l huihlfinn For: .. . . . I 2 l‘lonhle~(:i:\s3 I.“l'k?f:‘, ougim-Jurnm] 2 6 8%): u ’ ~ ’- ‘ . . . Imm! as Pimwnr pnrtrnil nr hm: 72mm. rI: r:- s p; n\' E 3 0 I? r. I: Q 0 P h 1 ed Lnfiketi, TIP-3r! and She-ll Phranhsmndkilmnd' _' _ ' J“ ‘ :liracvlnir—wll for Fia'touu Dalinr'. -\ cullcc- I H" YOUR TIN RUUE LEAK-‘1 Ilinn at lhiqLin-A, when placed in tho! lmnfls of‘ 1 ‘ ’nnyoue of ordinaryinleiliflm‘cmughtwrvlail IF YOUR TIN ROOF “A“! Mur :It has! One Hundred Dollars! 1 ;l" Catalomwe, containing In” iuformmion and 1 ‘ , < z , ricvs or (Halls. Mn‘ he ul-tniml upon Ilppli-' ‘ . ' -' . -- ~ ~ v.-_ . _\'l: ;«-Mimn Unler-J hylhil,'l'rlevinuub or Express “' ‘03.“ “5“)“ M‘l‘l)” M‘ ”n” ' ’ruspcclfuily sul‘ipited. . . 6 our ! ‘ SAHSIH'RY mus. k co., I | _ _ 37 [Jurllmch yr? \\'l"Vh():»ct-.Sl‘ . I i Jhne 25', IS 53. /’ X'rm idcnre, 11. 1. 'IT 1 E.-& m'r. Alabama, i IDISXYFAPTU/ISERS OI" P-HHTOGRAPIHC I M.\'I‘I‘IR\I.M;S. 501 HRUADWA Y, N. Y.——-, gum Pfior(ml;Arm.—Our Cutahrgue row 0 I,—' [mu-o: mueiali‘ruhly on-r Four Tlmutamld‘l'fr-‘r- _ . ‘ ~ ‘ lent snr‘jN'N (lo wlvivh‘ml'dninm :In- «'nhlinml-| H" “W“ SHI-‘(GLB ROM- m"‘”"“' 'ls helm: m‘ndc)ofPortrnix< m Engincm \mrriq ‘cnna, 9114.. rim: 7'} .\lnjur-h'cnernh’.lllo' “rim, (:encrdh. 2590010nc1i, 5H Lienl. l‘olnnels. '20:; ‘ ‘ , «Imeromcm, m x.” r (Mir-oral. 525 Svnmmm, n: Tm; wms .\lwrxn mm HUMP-KS! IHT Divinei, “6 Amhnrafio Ami-rs. 112 Hingn.' ‘ | , ”931 K, ‘ . ~' . J 4": Prominé‘nt Women, HI Prominent Fun-ism; ‘ . I ‘ Jo 7 arm-ha. _ ‘ ‘ . - ‘ r ( y' EARS l 2.500 Cnrms or Won!“ or .\n. includingéour IF ‘OLR .13le RN b L ’ "productions of the mast celehntr‘d Emu-n- r 1 “UL“. l’uiulinga, Sl-tuus‘. to. Cominguel sent H on receipt orscnmp. An order for 0M Dom‘ Pictures from mu: (‘ntuloguc gill be filled ‘on{ ‘reccipt’; t $l.BO, and sent. h” mail, frre IA h ‘uuTomumm: ALBUMS A Of filesé we mnnulncmre a men: writ-Iy, ranging in price from 50 cents losso ouch. ‘ Our ALISFHS have the rep‘utation _of being. .luperiorm "Philly and alumLility to any othvrs.‘ The mnulfer kinda cnn be sent safelybylamail n! a. pastage of six rents pm- 07.. ' ’ V , ‘ .The {‘ore rxpeusive can be_ sent by express. ‘1 , 7-V. . . , . “5:3 ‘men:3.zsar.=:s"-s:;:vg'upaw:«my”may3s34;l32:l3s,s;; - L e I'o6ch 0 an L- . gazfotrxggzoxgfizmn b. "M t°~.,n"'d" in rfilrow! uruuyurrs exposed to mpiatng'e and ‘ P [’3 Hl. 2"?!“an - decay. This very usrlulyroppft! [en a ' "arch Manufaci. 0..! I;lmr‘ m Mi; I‘lurriah 1! ‘°"""'" and 5"""‘-‘"'“dw""".'w: lbmgfli 501 'Bnom u! (”Suit Your. ' “”11 'i" “k.” "m ”‘5 "“1332?! I? 1.: 2:; Friend- or renting J: prominent m'iliuryu ”"5“ of {llmt'fi‘fl on I new ' men will confér a favor by sending us thrirf '0" y ° “ u ' “Ramos to copy. They wild be kept carel‘ul- ‘ 1y Mid "turned uninjured. FINE ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER for Con gregation: to present :9 their Pastor," fox othrr pnrposu. with‘ suitable inscflptians, kc. Aug. 24, 1863. Sun Thin mid; 4: 3:51! qt 19g; utremely this]: and urohg woven fabric, £l:ch ‘lnd mn‘nuftdurod exprcnal’smgflgfiiu, Ind _ surf-1‘ ‘ ' ’ . il several limes mm “in “fiction sheet- in; conimonly W-h'filtffiqg, qomposltlon A ‘ ‘ -». moflng, and co'uofiuamly More dgrnble. From the sufxehop gfitckueil of this cloth, it ruqivu, in uturqtion, s flu- mun mount of the water-proof coxnponltion,.nud whoa-finish; cd with yin fire-proof coming.” thy lurfnco, preseins the most complete): finishcd—nnd, we no cogfigem, molt durable—roofing now knowt‘g. It need! no fisll coll. ap‘plied‘ on "I. roof, as all other kinds do. IT IS "READY" TO NAIL DOWN It is manufactured Ind put up In yo“: about one hundteq feet Icing. and three feet wide; requiring onlyxto b 6 imrplled, and nailed 6| the roof. lwis convmibnt and finE'i‘sbed .311“, H. I; t-‘wpeciiy ionhy the nth-mien of ”mum-3m: .\uzncmx'rsf 'nxxgns, mmmms, '11:"! all who buy to svll ngurin. We do not hold nm to web the pruspevt of‘eunrmmm [lx-mill . CF ' , q immmlmlely. n! \w- ofl'l r:i rully Inn-chum"- 11h: nrfivlm in demr'iol rurfi" whvrc, my] u all BIM WE " \H. .\TTITYI'IOS' TN A FYHV I'fllfv'T“! Ht. 1) lll‘lh ‘nnly lulu-m! half M‘mm‘h a: fin, tin-1i! (wire I“ l'i'll'nllh 2d. 1! if mth-J lg al‘Wéad. of 10015,; \rlwl'uu-r rim-p 0g JIM. nIA 4 ‘ ‘2 3Jl}: is not ufi‘eclnl injuriumly h] heat or culd. , 4th. .4 ny orJinnrj workman can tim-13ml 51h: It is um. I!" ‘ét'lll‘npflil" mntihg' (2th. I! i: the Lv-Frninfiug T; Thin Rnnfinu hm M": H mm] in rvory ralir-ly 'l‘! Hum”. Mum (Kunmli In l Alli-um l. and no 'w-n mo-t mei' s I} gnu mulu'rml i' {unju- «mm-- 11'. px¢m!_.«;.aill~l ILI- ‘ hung“ pf lh U um) l'uM fu..l ..rr ~u vL ~lr.n~|iu- In many ulher hurl. uf _ limiting. ' ‘ , ‘ t IT WILL .\m‘ \‘HFTIZN .\\‘h RF’f’JX my? ! '_ m A’l‘lll'lll. IT WILL .\‘ol' mud: 1: mm. x _\i I;.U'u‘lJ M!'.l\Kl‘~l. Ul‘ li“4llr"l§!l \ltlls [UR SI I. ‘.‘Hitlfx'i' I'KZI‘IV“ maxim-s, FHA/AR; l i- g: :H £ll.lth we. IJII ‘ (:lI'I‘TERS smm. RI‘SI‘JIULES 13' IT, - qurm ' . awn—rum m CHAI'EXT “‘Hi‘efl'vrh! .lly chap up all the smaller RK'ST HULES..I'nII 4mm n. bm'vy clr'mic 'hodl mn-r the whole s|.rl‘u'e,‘tl|.lt I'HT‘pracul, [HHS-1‘ and lust. many gnu-s hmger than nrdinury paint. . , _ . , i 1? YUL’IL (il"l"l_'Hl:S LEAK“ .CUMRUK'M) GI'TTA-I’HHCHA CE.“ HVT will completely—fill up all-the rruircs in an fillinglesmovcr ou-r llw hH-kcn'juinl.‘ in the lin,’ Bud slute.form pgrnmm-utly ndlzcyivo. elastic coiling around chimurya. sky-lights. etc.,urd iu‘nll _tlu-se situnlinns uiH onllugt my other rnicle for this purpose now in Me. This I!" ticlu in a thick, tenacious compound of cummancm, nay-An the Above Roonxa M "'r win be‘ furnished to l, . g 'mALS cncncuns {AND caucus; an. rednc'fion qf- ’ ‘ mmrwwm rm ens-r. most om 41mm” nuasfi I _ mmm: {£ooch c0.,1 mg; '“xogu nmmggug: Ms ‘ MD 0: ,xi": ‘ :- ,fiigc} Dec. 29, 1862 1‘3”: uh. Ihi4url3a'e