II a '- i ' , A 4- I i yum/[’l’ "m 011’]! min irr "dun, amine. and rm! . . - .t.‘ ”mommy/1,4 ignition my mob,“ qt mo d“- ,n 31cm {in 01? Pmsonms the call. The acts of 1793 sud other nuts on . . '9 question ‘8 often inked. why my“ the suhiect manifestly complete Ini}‘m‘.‘ _ ~_ ,- «_fl ,_ _ ;_“_ r the prisoners ohm: on the resynctive sides ”in. this «listinotian._ lii bring the militia ... "" ‘‘ ‘h 1" " ‘rcgulnriy exchanged? The answer to the '71:,“ ”1!, Emma?" beingt luff)” «final «wire-3 OUR. FLAG i 'yquestioc may be round in thelong and ill. I " ’z”: ’M.“ ”“‘..’ I‘“ l- ‘3'"! ”W; matured correspoudcnee between General act: a! or, ”WWII, mutating at mulewoua, or' a e i - ‘ marching ({olwn Mailing; m iii. “1113,11“ pug“ s , _ . . . '5 ,Meredith end Mr. Ould. the agents for fixifgrihcc." (Story's Con. Law, vol. 3, see. i ;-'_'“ ' “r; .3 ~, the exchange of prisoners on either side, ' ', ’ ‘.. , . . . . - 1 , _ . i "‘,'.V:' 1.. luhmh hon-Just been published. Mr Uuld mggor‘ggfgfiidc thttuan‘Pif‘an‘li‘ig; 7;“? . {insults General Merfdith—Ggenl Mero .. . I one owns a is ‘ 4 . . Old - h the volstedb the C . . . l .. ‘. 7 dith insult: Mn; u_—-esc secusel nitriieatoythe “.123233‘33651 ss3l+. . ‘ icon: of both laTth. falsehood and nick of‘ booty thst this is only‘a now nuns {or the; icourtesy. . So far apart. have they got at gigs} “a that :13; gmflggggfg rights} :nt last, (list there learns to be no chance? , tents: no easel , an un-i W __ -_.-- __ __ ' I t ' ~ .mnatitutionai m‘rne. When Judne Strong‘ ~ - . . ~:- whlkver for settlement.' .n _the mean was magnum; to mark with w fnueh din-i J l- 1. "Min, lDl‘l‘Ol sun "mm. 1 time the Union prisoners in Richmond-m ' itinotness the time at which the _common' "‘1” ‘ ‘ ”‘1 ' ; l; 1"“ ‘ "'3- ‘sutibring Ind dying. and the inquiry is sug iawriibte or: then-itlizegi.3 oeawil M? his 136-? f ' {’331Y1335'21‘“ ‘‘i gee! ed. whst shall be dqni‘for them? The '' ' m "‘"V "‘ ° “M“ '° ‘ "‘o' i“ 3‘ Mo‘mn' MORNINP DEF. "1m onl in to rented ‘ibe Hiflicult} is to n 34 word. when he became a. soldier—why did; ‘ ‘ J' .." " ' , y y .y. - y . $1.00!» occur to his fertile mind ihsi Can-i ~-*»—'_—_—"3—'—- 5..-,-.-__ :——»—-- ‘ «_._..- poun- new commissioners on hath skies.— grm could render this distinction vslueleu; S‘Congress meets to-diiy. We expect gThene men hue got Into I dirty person-l find glnmutnhing byl'i“ new I;ome:i<:flnture;t to give the Presiden's Message in our next. f fight, and they will not. probi‘oly get out. of‘ by 12- mg (3 mi lin “nu ionn orcee , _~_.-; 41.... i- ‘ n - . - I it is not difficult toconceivehow suéh lung-i Orgdnkation of Chagrin-« The Radicals {tooth theirlerectige go'emminr‘ 3:5. gastion would havelared had it‘oocurred or have mazejlp we“. mind; to hue the n‘ext “t “m. “u“ . ‘5 “Dom n w men .l e I .Lieen made to him. But it is difficultin the - i e . lle. and jlhen If each M"! w deposed to wgoemce of the grave issues at the present Congress, and they do 'ibt "d "_n -“°" act Ilifirflhl' "9‘ 93'0“? the Prim” 0" day. to hie-t. so frivolousn tuggestion with; scrupleja tothe’ means to,“ elnployedfor 1 both sides, and adjust; minor matters after: Alhtnrrii‘ilmy'imiii éklit-granqiltgite :fit‘KSloqn! thilsl puma lffmlilgar; COQI'OIG: at tze awards! The dictates of humanity requirgi Na in. n niwn l H s ." ssauave ale ivetemt ' ' ' ‘ lynx-tonal liberty these" pluintifl's inherimdFfiJ-omyflfi m demmm’id m wry outflhat the 3W plum!l *0 the greet "arts: {from u renzote‘nnoesiry. and how they are‘ r ',‘ ?ll f‘hl d d“ _ Uriah-Juli] not. och the part of spelled chls Inunriintoed to them by our comtitutions, ”eflt’y‘ 0“ (.ler 9 0° ‘h‘ m “’9 dren. . ‘ ‘ ,niiiltw:i;it timedthgy refit) gi’vie lplaci: _to voi‘i‘f'jlfl‘ “19""? we in“ V'°!9“‘:°m'-h";:i The most‘geyioqg‘ paint seem! to lie—- .mnrm,:tw:nn s royi aw 09.50 m ene meme nei rc rummeisa m ‘ u- :.- v‘ "in . .niiitum by A (Micron, eon crush :lan grind iwbg inll-j'i-upted.p . 8 ‘ ,P a i 2: (31::fresshgwegrd. “‘8 opmt 1‘ iiiins‘e r—i‘ltifl out of existem‘o. without re- , ~ . - ~ _ ' ' i, ‘ ' -i _ .< .uiir'J M the limitations of the Constitution)! .'1 he .“ ”Sh:n°‘°"r eonoqundeni 0f the; Mr. Ould "Y 0"! his 'Wiii-"g’f‘m. to 9“ «some Weig‘htier reason should be found for Bew‘iorh 1"" re errmg to 3‘ rumor ”1’“ ,clinuge prisoners in heretoforo. “"11“" me“- it than the misnomermhich the act so stu-f .MP- Ltherldge, the Clerk of the House hold- ‘ for men, but Gen. Meredith demands that diously appliesto the militia—some reasoning over. Willomitthe names of certain mem- f‘he. 01‘le Sim“ be amended so :6 Id 9"“ ‘2‘“ den-es to and mm or Mam be» ”xenon thegroiindofinvrli‘mecfi‘mv ammo; l‘;{;.°mzis°t“"is“?! ligi‘iztl.ir::(|iock.n’jmwhon’ and all our mail-l Rays, ““"3/ 4mm)“ 9f ”‘6 kind “0;“, ““3“ “gindvisable tyoabgndog this Euro wmfggle."!.j The only eneml reason tlmLI have cveig- instant outbreak irpmi (1.: floor a lA: loan, which, is firm _ng in . much distress on our menu! pulgg‘gsted. and which inapplicablehnd Mr. Etheridge kno‘V'Eßt.” ‘ ‘ lblff'tlveuWileg’i‘i “swim? tr‘eldutfihcommyi ngninrtga l the views at vanoeil in this opin-, Hr Ftheridge moi a it“! Clerk by the V" I 18 0“ 8" me“ I“! . 4‘96 NIP ‘ ' " ' "' '.‘ ~ . ' . soonb toredtol l . 2:34; itaiilefiiiygiini‘riynl22:B]:{63l Lil: Republicans 0‘ lbe‘HOU-‘le! ‘ izwfsffiirnth.,anflesfiill from ixiclgiibimifg . _’ "“"“"T—““‘v“‘-‘ ~ ;11 and hit is death. This false I 'l :;l|';l:,;n:nh:n:2:filét ggeugfiflnztrifeg‘l’zzo Tine Restorution of the Soul/um .Sialpx.a—‘:el:l£~nliy mulls negro troops is’criijelllly egg, nnil‘no restraint shoultl be golpmuld The New York liquid remarks that there ito white ""30 who hf‘Ye j'ought *0 Enliflntlf in such circumutunces, H 3178 'only these is going to I)?! great deal ’ol' trouble about ’ in. the ggn'lcfi 9f ”'9” coumry} in then" which Christnin civilization hm im’posed on" the restoration of the Southern Stu'eq to H’lmd infatuailotrflm' 32“. "grog???" the‘ _ . . l . ' ’ l ‘ ‘ r ' . 9. ml wzirl'nre! Whatever is aceoriling to the\ the Union utter the fighting in Oder. We authorities den) rump. Juli "39 01" 0"" Constitution, the argument claims, may bei g a ~. . « __. . race. l‘he fathers, sons, _ll'otllell‘l. mothers done. orcnurso—whntever it over and be-' he r that Presndent meolntCts I“"'I““‘|"8n anil,sisters of these brows—melt, throughout yond the Constitution is justified as milita. plan in regard to this matter, and we. hope i ullthe nortlmhould speak out n'ild let their 1'! “909““3’. Mid Of that the President _itirnay be a good one. We are“ reliably in_:vo2ces {79,l‘9“rd “It“? ‘1"951i0“ 9:311? ' 2:“ “We" mum and findwds-irormemm maxim regularly mm‘fii‘lii.‘ mm: mm grime I il‘he amount of amuti‘e'nt isihnt the exi- ”i“ LW'MM 0“ 'l‘“ first Monday 3" No‘itfl'the courie of the rebels in thisvmiiti'qli. .genciel ar the timesjustify'the substitution i vember. as the State inws direct. and that i bpt m behalf of the while American sm ‘o! martial low‘i‘or the Constitution. BH‘P‘IF- J, L. ltiddéll, of New 0,193,“. was diets now luni'zii‘mhin’g~ and dying in South. > glizli'e:firiiigiti:iiviis giflik;s?::“:n igiolecled Governor of the State, and Messrs. angiiimii tout-Sigh“ a cause none need ~sealed. principles, i)u{ifir entirely arrhitrary.“ t. R 1215“; of, New. 2'l633s}:°Bl?uac§;' ' . inits decininhspis in truth and reality no er. 0 A. . ary a plane ,an ' OMM‘ ‘t - low, but Nothing indulged rather thou ul~ i man, ofAscension. Were elected Repreeen~ lkrcgras Jaw-b, :- “’39 Egr:;::ln?dtl7;li’uifi tntives tflongressf Thé'Cliisse and Stan -,oa gmumeom, .19 _ z‘ . .‘. (which the srgument substitutes for the ‘9’} hem": m If"? Orleans tried to pv‘eYenL (ConstilMion. .Itisuf no musequence that this election. in ordai- to keep Lolllsmna. ‘Ahé Will thas.sqt.up fousupreme law is that out of the Union until slayery be aliclished; .ngon "gm?“ 3 majoritiy‘ 0‘: is)" people I's“] and we understnnfl that Stanton us‘ed the ,c user). ecuuse, ocean in our sys em. . . . . i . , , . ,‘lhe majority can only CthOGO men to ud-i militia” 9° intelife‘re mm the 9'19““?! bf“ .min’isier the Constitutiqn‘ as it is written.‘—' uns‘lccefizfuliw t'lhese fact-““190 new I'- ..‘Mnjoi'itien. iis‘a power recognized by law, 'lues grid the President. {must be ready to have no more right to eqtnhlishy despot- limes-t. them according‘m the coniititutiou. .isni than nuiinority-wouldhuve.‘ lint. ninyi , ~_:——,:~' f_. «... s-.._, majorities or minorities set aside the Cori stitution under pressure of rebellion'nnd in-J Mirreotioni As tho Constitution untiei-i putts and provides for such calamities. it‘ it‘s '1! reproach .to 'itewisdomv to sny’thnt it is ‘ inadequate ,to nucli omnrgonrios. No man ‘ JIM anyhismriphl rightto oust this reproach ‘ upon it. No current experience proves it. ‘ Itnever can he proved except by an unsuc- ‘ ,t‘essl'ui .izso of the legitimate powers of the l «COMMUUOH ngainst“rebellion, and then i :the thing proved will he that the instrus Imam needs amendment, which its; machine ry is flexible" enough to nilow. Even such‘ ,1: mela‘ncholy demonstration would do no ~more-thun point out necessary Amendments .-it would not surrender the peOple to the (.arbigtrngy will of anybody. ,I’residents and imagiéssmen are only servttnts of the peo .p’t_e, to do their will, not as that will-mnyfibe expressed under passion or excitement, hdtj ,ns it stnml’s recorded in the Cdnstitutioxi.—,| ‘lt is the Constitution. indeed, which makes‘ them Presidents and Congressmen, They‘ have no. more power to set up their will, my. the Cmstitution than so many pri-l ante citimns would have. Outside of that [they are WK) ,nrivete ciisens. 1 'I do not. therefore. feel the force of the, argument drawn from the distressing cir-i cumstaoes of the time. Bad as they iii-9,3 are make them worse by substituting arbi-i ,trsry power for constitutional rule; but ill , .we made them better and not worse, the? judioiol mind ought not to be expected toi Approve the substitution, for ’it can recog-i hire no violation of the Constitution as a] legitimate vindication of the Constitution. _ 'H‘o place ourselves under desliotic sway in ,order to bring back rebels to the Constita» .tion we hove given upLis a. procedure ~tli£t perplexes the student 9f political science, i und will quite confound the historian of gut- tiniest. “ . x ’ ' ‘__..__,_..a.._l____ - eEWAaD AND Mann, - ‘Mr. 'Evorett, in his speech at Gettysburg, . said the rebellion t“commenced incense} Im- the first time since the adoption of the, ‘ nstitution. gen election of President fiad‘ {gen Pfiected- without the votes of the noun: i- ' 71 ,» Mr. Seward". in the resence of the loin inmate! impressive field, among the green : woes of ,thousnnds 0t his mantrymen.‘ thrhws a different face on the matter. He‘ trays, though he '- sixty years old. and hasi Men in public life for forty years, that .-“.this is'the first time he has ever dared to ‘ on the 'borders of Maryland.”— 5 I What should have prevented any man not dangerous to peace from speaking - Where! fie said. he "had anticipated for _‘ferty «ears, that the greet battle of freedom would be fought there, end that slavery _would die." ‘ ‘ Now if the South knew’ of these anticips {ions of forty ycears standing. when Mr. guard and men of like principles were el- Jented 810 power would it not be more like . 3.omm ultirm and preparations to meet anticipated contest. than the mere fact phat; "President had been elected without their votes." . , f” . i . _ Either there was no cause for such antic ; lions fortx years ago. or also Mr. Everett did not t ery deep into the causes.— jfiunbury Month ‘ ’ i The Panda Union Par'tya—The Adminis §¢nfion party, in the lite elections, took. ground in favor of prosecuting the war“ Vigorous!) for what they ullnn “honorable - find wuduring‘peace." But facts have g-‘gabo [hat pence without mbjufation— £l: without the abolition'ofvl avery—_ ~ “9109!. the immersion of the Slate: ‘ I . "kW—peace without confiscation g bl d the pmperiy of all the people of the ‘ , $OO ~pgace without, a total destruction : .of th Union as it. was, and the Canniwuon ,u it s, u not the kind of peace which the . 119 p blimn party wants. ,’ "Keep Péging Away."—This brilliani , Mo of thefresidem should be the mo:- ui'dzhe Demncratic party in the contetgt. for and) over fflsehood and liberty over “fiction, Let us “keep pegging away." 1119 {not that. we have been defeated by act-malls {115141848 no cagse for discourag pcht. Our greatly inci-e‘sed vote shoyl mun my fair contest we are hrggly m ‘5 undo" y. nod the tide will be 4311 In our *5!" Im- [can 1:) some. f' Lf ‘ ‘ NAWP'.“ m 994°” .- "Stemm- mprmgzg: °;' 17""? d ‘ ‘ . ' _ "up 1 ea "We: of smm and buyo- liiMMEI ‘G'The Wm- Department at Waslainglpn Khas decided to pay to the wives or families , oraflicen and soldieru who are now pricon {ers of Wfll‘,,”l(' amount that may lm,due {them on 1115 lnny-rofls of “Mr sever-111‘ i’divisions. This too ,long dcflnycd, actgol‘ Linstice will b 9 gladly received by many a [dependent wife and helpleas family who lihmm been suflering for months {ox-vi nt of {he means of subsistence whichfl ais ‘ band’s or father’s pny should have nil‘o _ d them. It, will not. only relievg their own wants,- But enable thém to send assistance (9 the loved ones who are now pining in the; enemy's prisons, at the point. .bf starvation. ‘ ' , ~ WT)“: New York wow, in an editorial, says that; under the new instructions issued to surgeons of enmlling boards by the Ad ministration, those who were egrempted at the'late draft, will. under the new draft to take place in-Jnnunylnext. Jve‘ liable to re examination. So) that. many» pérsons .who thought they had secured themselves’ against miEEtary service for lifepwili find that another chanceds afforded them to ,1 > . shoulder a. musket. ' - mhn Brough,-Governor elect of Ohio, in his épeech at. Lancaster béfo're the'olec tion. as rcportedjn the (fincmnntiflomfixer. cial. said: r, ' ‘ a ’ ‘ “Shiver-y must be put. down, roofed out. il every wife hqs to be madam Widow, and every chili} to be made fatherless." . “ Every wite" here means the wife of every poor man, not John Brough’s wife, ,npr Horace Greehy’s‘ wife, no; Hem-y Waffl-Beecher's wife, but_the wife of every man who annoy. railé “hree hundred dolim. V ”Republican onto}! said. before the electiongn this and otb’o‘acounties. ‘.‘Eleot Curtin and there will be no Draft 2" What. do those they degeived think now? "‘ fi'l‘he Columbus Crisis says, that one of its correspondelats writing from 6:l9ch county, Ohio, says . , V‘ “Thére were ope .'hundred and fourtégn‘ negroen voted‘ in Xenia gowmhip, and some of them as black as your hat.” \ge’The radical theory of the status of the rebel States is thgtdbey are no longer members of the Union. Jefi'. Davin' theory' is preg'gely the same. In this, as in mos}. othir respects, _the milieu! abolitionist: and the radical rebels agree}. Have Ta:es.—lt is mnomj'ced that lhe excise duties on dislilled spirits "filo be I:l3er iicreased, nn'd it is probable thfl. this advance is but one ogmany “hem—T Thai-avenue of the country freq) foreign Julie: is still very considerable, but as thy premium on gold gee. up imfiorts will fall 03'. end the deficiency will ‘hnve to Be supplied by direct taming). Wu- is a lux ury which must be paid for. .‘ General gm of: a. 6mm Baffimd ‘lerrh.-’l‘his body, which recently mem bled in Pittsburg; _hu udiourned Jimmie. me!- a most harmonious session. The question to appoint a. efmmittee“ to revise the Provisional Liturgy we} diepohed of‘by adopting I resolution to allow the W‘s-tern Synod to prfpere a liturgy, subject to syn od’s Approval. which they may deem better adapted to the want: of the church. The provisions] liturgy of the Eastern Synod {thus remniqs untouched in its 'provisionn! dorm for the next four years. i 38A mehnseus mfiufinwmr. who bu I big contract. for war lfipplfiet, out of which bl is making halfn millioh a you. {ugly thmtoued to blow than": bruinb out {or mdvooufing m. or win”, avo ry mandrel [_ho‘ bu the inure“: 9f but a fiiTlioa a you in the nu, buns M' m 00 Sum hues brighteons man. ‘ ‘ Poland.-—At the celebration ‘he‘ld \on Tuasdny iii Nevy York, on the ocuuion of lhemnhiversary of the Penis}: Revolution. the‘fnllowing ie'ttel‘ from General Sigel was read: 3‘ « ~ “Rmmxc. Pa.,,l\’nv. 10. 1966. “ R. «T. Jawomwski‘. Srcrctqu I’D/{ah (bmmiuu “ Dnar Sir: Your kind ithtulinn Lo“ nil-find a vmeel‘ing for thn commemoration! of the anniverhnrygwfthe Phlish Rev’olutinnr on the 301,}: M November anl. is rvcr'ivml. l I do not know whellier my nfi-ln’lnl dutiol \ will allow me to leave my" district on thati day, but [ nmfgrgleful town: that. you give ‘ me an oppn 'lunily th’éxprr-m m ynu and all the friéntllzl of’l‘olnml my sympathy and . unchangenble‘ l'rlriulship. Durilig (ll? lad . politlr‘al mm‘pajgn in ‘Pénnx‘ylvnnln. 4mm and New York, I lqok opportunity :nnl ali‘l' my best to llofvml the mum 01 Poland nggir'wt Rueniniy I‘lQl'filly and lyrzlnliv. and to show the gimmdimdvnmngee .md dun-‘ gers OC 3 Russo-American alliance. ‘ - “The qitmvagant uml exorbitant murle— sies lately bestowml uron simple visitors from n despotic and ha 1' hnrhirous powvr, by men who call thelmelves ‘Repu hlicuni,’ are sickeningllo my Heart. and m’ake mel almost despair of 'the common sense of the Amoricn‘n peoplg. » . ,~ ‘ “I hope time will destroy this orrnr. “Truly and respectfully ynum, “F. 819%, Major General." @ln the‘view of thediflicultien which environ the Whole businesi ofrecruiting. it‘is apparent that the tone of übusr and calumny which the iradical papers and orntnrs maintain towards their political opponent: is exceedingly injndicinus. LjNothing can be better adapted to bring nßout the ne cesaity of‘a than. than this 'continunl a» sailing of the very class of 'persons from which a', large majority of the recruits must come. The radicals. haquone quite enough to retard recruiting in days gone .by, and thej ought to behave; themselves now. Q r ' ’ fifiThe sole great. objectsof this war nr'e the restgtation of the unity 0f themation, the ptesex‘vation of the Con-tilution. and the supremacy ofthe"lnws' of the country. —sz. Gar). ‘B. )IcCLsme. _ . These are words at go be inscribed 6.. the cgnservn‘kire standard in _the coming Presidential election,_ and Abe who holds aloft the standard bearing the inscription or unequivalent one;will lead the conserva tive hosts to victory. Mark the prediétion. ~Louin'i2/c Journal. QWWlsen a man is 'down. 'dowp’giith him,” and the case of General Rosecfil‘ni discovers the fact, that it is only necessary fox-'9. great man. to degcend one step to be kicked dowi: all tlia rest. But however common tfie custom may be, we scarcely like it ; ‘and wh‘onever n. man begins to be very badly abused, we naturally incline to think he iq not so bad as they :oqu make him. . - [a-The' W‘shinggn cm“ pondeht of the Ne}! Yorwrl'lgrald writes ‘rfi‘ the policy adopted by the Secretary of War. discpum sing the exchange of pxiL-onorn. is loudly and largely condemned. It is suggested. begun“, that tlie mntyér be turned over to the Nay. Department, ' ‘ ~_—---—-——-~—o - W n-frhe noted Rebel,qenenl,=xohn H flax-gun. and six of his officers. W from the Ohio Yenitentinq, 9t Columbus, on 1 Frisky n‘ight week, by dig '11; through the wall. A reward of smog"; offered for ‘ Lifil‘stn’l rem-rest, 3nd every snort. wu \ muquto rec-plum him, but. of no "ail.— florg'gél‘ofl' in [night thin, And ruched Build. on Monday. from whence he will i no doubt fry to get to some Sonthprn port. =ZS [lung HhuLfi—Au Heudfiekgof Canaan. Wayne‘oonnly, Pennsylvmh._hung him self tb'é other _dny. bgcause his ,son had been linked Ind him? to 30¢ exemp ted. :' ' r na-At Ema. Ohio, some Abolitionisu interrupted I Democrtg'g; yrooeuion. and tn the fight um. ensued. six of the Aboli tionimmahot. ' ‘ ”Judge Gray. a Republican, of De. Moiuesrlown, bu given I. decision tint . neg? pan qua out n 71:“ of lnbul my», dumb I while mm annot. _._.-WM ‘ fiAn Aboligion gum. am “We xejoioe an: the President has ordered ano therdnfl," We’ll “batik. am {ollo' inn pxemm. , , ‘ =1 1,500,000 DEMOCRATS IN THE FREE The Cincinmti Inqw'rer.given some figures to show that with all the fuuxli, all the ap plinnoes ol' eorruphon, and all the in‘timltls tioni of power. civil and militar‘y. nearly one ...-15mm. wfor Ema/x mar‘ched m the polls st the late electio’pl. and recorded their vows. Against the policy of tho Ad ministration. Thoae who «think that. thé Democratic orgmiution is now powerless, will be instrucuad by perusing the following table of the ‘votea la given at theSulo elec tions in 1863 : ‘ _ . ‘Dem.’ rptu Hume. 51,000 ‘Neufl Huzxpshire........3 40,000 Vermont.-. 12,000 Connectiénl ..................*.....,...... 40,000 , Rhoda 1a1nnd.....,.......... ........... 10,000 Mulachuaettn...m......... ...,,...... 35,000 1‘ Total far!- Nu: Eng1and............ 388.03 New Y0rk............................. \. 280,000 New Jeraey.......................J...... 60,000 Pen nlylvuhh 0ni0.........‘?.. Indians Illinois ...........x..x......., Michigan .. Wisconsin4...‘.. lowa Minnesota. California Oregon KllllllllB Grand Total.. So in the free States alone theraarq on? million amid half of Democrat: at the close of 1893.2 What a. glorious figule! This is 100,060 more voles than Mr. Douglugot in fill the Slater—Northern andrSouthern—in 1860. What Democrat can be dilcbumged at such good‘progresa untler the. terrible l pressure of the ‘ inst Athree years? Only‘ think of il.—nearly 200.000 Democreta in New England, which we have been inclined to give ovgr entirelyhto the Al.>4'fl_slionists;i needy 300.000 in the Empire Suite" anti ‘ more (lmn 3\lo.oodin New Jersey and Pcmi- ‘ nylyam'a“; 20055001 in _Ohio. and 2:}0,000.in! Indiang and Illinois. The otherwvestérn . States contribute nearly squatter-of a’ mil-i lion more. bringing up the grand total in the free States to one mea'm and a half! Surely this is a powrr in the 1 \nd nqt to beaneer ed at. impeached, or in I‘ll.” my disregarded. whatever‘hotihcadetl pm (5511,15 may u)".— M is a party that ha- workul persigtently— not as a party, burns" pntriots- -tb restore the‘ country—and it will not be .wllhoul a. poweflul and influential voice in‘ this mat» ter. The ungurios now are that the practical l resmrntiun‘ of the Union may not in" fat-3133;; and tlxisifacl; should induce all good can“; eervative men' to renew their energies and; Ibel‘requer’it in their counsels. aa'tlmt wel Amay not shipwn "k R! WG Heem nearer the! haven of safety—um: old Constitution and the reslored Union. , - Important Discovefy. _...- l “ -- lluu ' - . . [G‘An sdvertisemem of Jay/Cooke 1: C 0.,, BRYA.\"S'Phil]iiiV'l‘ltxiilfiixiiisntf "re un‘uil- Boulders ln Philmlelphifl and Govcrlimclltl inn in litr‘t‘urc ofléoltghs, Uolrlu, tough, , Agentsdbr loans, will be fqutl in another' From-hills, Snre'l'hroul. “norm-MM, ltiflu'ult. oolmnu. it has reference Err—the Five-I‘w_eu- l :;:::’"?ril “TIM“ (.'im‘mmP‘in “"‘i M“- .3’ Government Bonds, "hithflh'lu’ found 5“"l' y intellic'ii’te, iiittl‘litlitfi's.cliilil”\\ illnctnlllel ll‘li‘ttil fl rend] sale, and are bought it" iiircs!!nrnt,'—‘ Tlmltannds lum- hi' ii ri~=turwl to hcnlth that Those securitic‘i tire counléd n'ong the best ""d “HE’S“ d“‘lmfi‘d- .T‘lem.‘ RiH‘ll in ‘— ‘ now in murket, hearing as they do ‘3 six ll" gzztl‘il-zillmzi cures. ‘.\ single dose trim” in! 'A durum: dated Chntmriongm 0" Tm“- ,cent- interest pnynblc in gold-l Pendns whol ASh'l'orlll'i'tln'l l‘ulmhnic-ano-r-etheoriul day, states that. the Federal forces evncun- .hsve money to invest ,hm’ud give ”,3, mm", mu m": 0.5,; “gummy“ Shim,“ “mm" u’__ ted Ringgold during ”“3 fi’f“"mn of HIM thc'ir curlv attention. llciul lh - “dycrfismncntl' Spurioua lithium- nit-redoi- Fall‘. 'lzxeuli- " dnvl ofter’deetroying “le mills. dorm“? “lid, [3 d ti) —# ! fi‘" “"39 “ ll'W- SUM ltV‘lh-uh-u I-t'llt‘hllh: 5' Public buildings- A "I”er "'"°"“°"‘" '3 ‘m ‘ ' , . 3 | - Jot: .\lt,tnl~‘.r«". 3m.- i’tu’iirietur. ‘ snncem‘m'r-U'ree mileswumwnr"dim"! nest. Esmrn Sims .4». ‘O. it v," z: l'nrtlnmlt.t.,\'. Y. cred no enemy. bull ll WM. Lacertnined' ill!“ I: fill“, 95 Atlminislrnliir of ”m “(an M. Dial Fur «all: h)" '.\. 11. llht‘lllfi‘ifl lit-ti} r’l'turthqu. they were in force at Tunnel ‘lllll.' lheiC Blish’ d-Ttscd' "in (If N 1 H,“ t- _ all llruughu, . _[Juh :7. {Unit}. till: 1., . prison‘erq still come in, and it. is believedl ' , W f . t ‘ " e -' l"I 'it on ”'.\-t , “.-. that their iiumber will reach seven thou-J 0“ “W Premise“, 0" Frillny, the m tiny of A Card to the Suffering} ‘ hand. A. Washington dispatch to a Phlla- } January next, at 1 o'clock, l‘. ill., the ulll“\lll-' The Rev. Wintmu t'nmituuc, elnte lnboring dolphin Pal)" ”Y” “ml? intelligence or “'..ed belt of n valim‘H-Ejl-‘nrtn. (the other hnlffis “,.lllfifllllllill‘)‘ influlmnfwns clued n! ('on: ' )tmstwfirthy mgure hing; been receivedutol will Be ofi‘cred by ‘lmm “mm,“ at, we same i sillnlllllln,l'.\\llt-ulull min-,r‘umm 31...} mile-«l, h! the 93;,” that. enern mg s army,or t‘{ I . . . ‘ n rcrtlu- u il.-tittt-n from n l‘ll'llPll— iln-it-iiin re- ’ imitin‘ portion ofit. had ultimly made good i “,m" .'O, thnt lb: "male. “Tl 1" 9"” toprtl "‘l aiding in Ilte grunt City (tl:l|'ll1l(),l 1'1.” mil", _ iits retreat. in the neighborhood of Dalton , 3mm” m 8"" “P tcu ns "l'v_-\d“"“9 ("HINDU Wl5 nll] “trill. numbers who mire “dieting ." ibefore the recent movement of the Federal , “'5 MEL": hnlt' ““193 “Grille“! of Gettysburg. from (‘Ulist-inimun, litumh'uie, surv Timmy, forces was undertaken. and that the assault i on?! nenr the Gettyshurg llnilrnud, containing L""¢-’“~'."""”’“"- "Ml-h! I‘l4)“in :Ilul nt-rxons at Missionary Ridge was with merely the 204 gens nnd 124 percher' with a... “,‘m’u 31.1 d“}','f'f".“" Wylie-l ii". thew nlierrrilirs. ’ M IN" portion of it’ . ’ k - 11. lbm‘mmv ““1 hflfilm 3 D‘o‘t‘llinz lluu-c,'llnrn. l tltifin-Zii-‘rj’ \\ iii-iii l‘lizlili‘te l'ilrltii'itlijlttllll‘l'tit'tl‘ :iltg “re haw highly imgd’tfihl: mtgfigt‘ncefi‘vigbn Shed, Urrlluril, Well of water, km, the. In nil uhn tit-int it. lit-r of (have. {Elati'ne Eat-3:32;?“ 13:331.,” o:2:Rggl thereon. The lnnd is in A good Shllc‘ oi t‘llltl- . A‘l‘lr‘jfi , lit-LIH! (:ufilzlttivfi, ‘ litebtvinterfins the Federal forces have re- f ration, the greater pnrt of which‘hns her", I)“. 1; tin"! ) 4n!) hill'mntiin-mtlfil' (‘l'OflFell tfh“? thtidnn nntlu‘eturgrfil t 0 limell, nndtherc is A sufficient? at liml-er.i_E ‘.‘"‘ 7 "'"" .“u -- - their: old mie along the Orange an ex- , - - ,- -.— U .I; ———".‘——'—_ ‘ Andi-iii Railroad nt Ctilpnpper,'llrutitly Fri-l:h:;:l!:\:o:l::';n‘:i:[:::q'l‘l ‘:;l'3:”~ll lll.£‘.l‘:rni-, MARRIED. . . . tionunvl ltnppuhnnunnk Bridge. ltnppeurs, . e “ ‘o‘ m ”“5“ " ‘O, (hi the 2m: ult .by “N. .\l. Jill mun. l‘.\lr. from the various accounts received that the 5““ parchment, :JtHl \ll IllltlHll In .ll«'~< Hi. Ztl: Ll‘ll Sillt’ii m-myl having succes‘tlitlly crossed the Raph‘ On Saturday, the 2d of Jununrymt in o'rlorlr. ‘ “AN—nil "I “in Hull”) _ , ‘\ t . idan, fang-{W 008,M=l{ battle 0“ ”1" 19“, A. .\l., the Atlministni'tor uillnlm omr, on ”w. 0“ ”‘i ‘.‘lilh “H" ‘s‘ ‘l'” rrridrncr. "r ”W; “l"!‘ ""‘l'fi'fim‘ly "ip‘r “l’ ”'9." “mitt“ m- 'yromiae‘n the F-oriu of w-ii-l :lcrelt-nt in llr-nl hndy' "PM 5: “ ‘.m‘ml‘ .".-" "NV-AL F' 7" tion; mnl fut-:30. a council ofuvurwm ltelHT’l‘. " . ' . ' _ ‘ "-""‘« “V l‘“ “Al, LU- “Hols. ut‘ltnlt'iunw», at which it u'tn concluded that. a return tn 1 "‘5: "“"N‘Hh INN?" mun y, n'mul “V“ """’f_ l“ 5"“. I“ lit,\ '“5 t-HU“ All] “l. \ .~ the old (naming-ground w}... dictated by E south of llumpton,’commuting log m-ris 5...}; . > - , ' a... ~ .- ‘ every nrpm-t, of the cnlse. Th:l main ruu- :36 perches, more Or 1.34.. \lllll .n- ”\Trlliltgi DIED. FOUR {Of‘hi‘ COllrSt‘i‘r" t “We" sm" rntinns ll use' Burn S mn'r llouke, norrr-l‘nilimn 9'37 m'll'm'.‘ “1‘3”“..1‘ ""“l‘ h" lint-TM ul' 1' ___—Ennd" diifmuhy of‘ bringing trip fine; “leiqfiing'orchsril £l, 129 nm" Tl)” ml 335:1 0\ er lullr llt.(-~-—l“:_ish‘,lu :H L‘uhllllil) unlit-e. . . . ‘ .. 0': .. r_‘v ‘iutre‘ncim in msi- ‘ , i ' ,‘ _ ‘ " ‘_ . _ .1.. g Democrnllc mflJolily. ‘ - 3119““:$:r9£llzg:f£;?§hlgt ho curried livitlmut . a high stnte ofrulttrxttton, under good 'l‘t'lltlllg,: chtc-rnluy "11)rni1)i.l' p. thh plum- DAY”) The old Démocrittit;party—the party or meaglngq; om cold weather. making itiWilll n slllficiont‘y'nl tituhcr. , ill-.\111.1..\:\, anagtnt at you, a mum“ .....t the 0111 Union umlor the ‘old Constitution l certain that. the wounded, in "me of 11 Int- l MW,- M "to same time. ri'ellt ilnililin: Lntu 1“ [‘“3‘2 ' ” ‘‘ . ' Q” ‘ A —don’.t seem to lxe‘entiroly (lend yet, in- tip, would sufl‘nr and die by hundreds be- ‘in the town at llmnptnn. sittuucil on the front of),"\‘,""';‘;“' fink; Jilltkiflulii “FIST”; deedfon the other'hnutl. it is manifesting if"? flgihcoi’fl Knifdof‘Er :J;°s_fe{;‘§s- sheet and Vet‘ydesirnblo. . . 2‘. . .'.: \;_"';4. ”l" > iv - -“ -‘ " his 4 " WU‘ "“ ““Onishins “03’6“ Ollifel ' - . 31%;; .m‘no fightine tlurl‘hc in: rrtt-mzllde 'A‘ NEW ’itAGAzmrL—A ' mnmnmmv' “.“ *‘l‘l‘WW “"‘kv.“'-'"'”" \uunrun, ,ThepresnntMtyorol' New York,opdyke. movement, not evens skirmish; antl‘tltel llaguiine, entitledsfl The Lady—”~l4 Friend." is :i.:;,::l?;‘.‘l:,:;.w“mm)" 'wdlm “mum 3“” . is a Republican. , 5' ‘ ontcir}':lflf‘f’ "‘er We "V" Will! “H “'5 about to be issued by Deacon s Peterson, the Do the l-ltt. "I \'or.. {it l’il’i hmntnl of typhoid ,Dr‘mocrh/ic l'mloryiu Cmnrrticul.-—llnrtford grim ilf‘i‘i‘t‘i'mnlgri xmlltsxgmgsrfij‘gifirsg or which “in be ,1”. Jam“, numb", 3411!, Diallll\.‘.lill “mulu “font-Jinn”: V ' ‘ i ' " ‘ . . r . t ' , , . l ‘.t il. ii rt': (Hill! in. unit «rum on“ n r. elected town nll‘icen on {be 23‘] ultq'vvttl] anesthoufizdei-Uifll- wounded f'l‘l misnmg, i no." nearly ready. The Maximum '1" "cl Lm'innnl llrirl-rr,d\‘ llllrllilllfij, .wetluhout L') n sweeping Democratic Victory. The don- of whom ~{xtyf’only were killed.- The t edited by Mrs. Henry Peterson. assisted by ”um I . ° ' “‘9‘ iv“ spiritptlly conducted 0“ homfl-deli railroad and wlpgraPll 1" in Ol‘lel'v from . contributions‘trom Mrs. Henry Wood. .\lnrion .\t _\'w Hutu-«l23's tl-0.17th utt.. oi typhoid and the vote larger than at any previous Wasltintzmn. h' llappnhnnnock S“!'“"-—illtfilnnd, Margaret llnsuu-r, Virginia l‘. Tnu‘n- fffllv N-WV “MED-“£3" _‘lM'Hll'f" "‘ "'1”- tull election. Tho Democruts elocted their 'A qsmicfiicmlfungimhOggomwgns'l'l;afi:n rend. Mrs. M. A. Dcnirou, Sophie .\lny‘,’ and in}?! 2:1”; "1' ”“9"“?! "-‘""" 'l "‘°""‘_" ..1,.4 < . - . . . entire ticket of 40 mm)! .ln?.'t°ritie9 fifii‘ifift‘fi“ nigdzfitnniioned the cam-l’°“":'”'.'°"‘id ""9”" ““13 W“ "“1""“5'0. Uu vow) 2m. ult,‘ mum summit-n, ranging‘from 309 lb 434. i , 'pnigm on}? .'VlN‘h it find became evident‘l ohm“? “lentil": lllnstrnltot; 0’ F“:hi9n"’l "“31: Ilultgltlrr ut' l'wo.Silutlmul‘,‘lien-«sent, of film '~-- , -«—7>—- ' that the Confederates bud nnticipnted» his other matters interesting to ludits grnrrnlly. than township, algrd it! ‘ynm lo nmtnlts nml 7‘ advance and “magi-ed the approach to (ich! l‘i-lcll number will also contain it henntil’ltlld“-"" ,-,_ . 5-“ ‘i , “All .dnn‘villennd ermine Court House M lm‘istwl engraving uni! other “I“ ““5”“‘3" 0’ (:ii't'it'iletrtfili'iillit'"ii?té\li,i illirlii‘iull‘ti‘n'it’r] fir' ps“lhilliY-. u .‘z .' l stories. patterns, kr. To persons dcsltflulvnf Eh," iii the 24x" yl-ir‘hi her age. I ‘ a The Pjuhdplpl»'.m~‘4”: "3:; thnltiloxdlee: raisin: clubs tint-3’ offer grout imlurexnent-.-—i . “H ”I 9 ‘45-“! "‘"u i“ timb-lhi-rg """ml‘il't for nowspnjter writers D ; , ITh "ll .. . . ~‘ \"ri. coutuv )lr-. t}.\l'.t)l.l\l-i 12.. “ll? ut \lr. only tnten to “did Lee. “)9 Object wel 5 P)’ in Hue ‘0 any Prrmn "gum"; flu") Frnnril C ii'ul alumni our; 5 months amt lmow, was $91.91“, the mnvemetil’. Was I subscriptions to llll"l4t\d.\'s lfricml and sixty‘,“ an“. 0‘ ‘''- " 3 ‘ . lto It a bold tlnsh IQ llaéover Crftll'l- Him”. ; dollars, one or Wheeler and Wilson's Sewing' On. it" gnu, “n Yin Imm lnun-ltlp, York "'3 it“ ("”0" h“ resulted "3 had“ 3 re” Mschines. eqch us they sell 'fur forty-live ‘dol- ' county, of tyyhoitt tevrr. li. .\li‘.l.t"lilNiili«ll 1'10““ Already, if our‘tntelltgence he "Lil ‘ln'rs. The list-hitter will brrelectcd new M. H‘ KING. 5"" 0‘ “'- S- lllvking, £9l 1 ”is" 'l '7 glean-Pltéhthe pref, llzigegli'llexfisllsgll 13:0 ' ‘ . )I-atrs :uill lumultllls. ‘ ‘ toners . Erman ins West thtake command of the Army of the Potomac. The Federal force? will rlnubtr less 0 into winter unrters on the R 1 m-‘ ’hsnrigock. land no 91531:; egg-cage, mglveai ments this season It , expect . The Confederates in Hampshire counfinl \'n., nfew days ago. attacked a train of eiglity wagons belongjlng to Averell's ctltVfll ry. urning thorn. sn capturing two tun; tlred and fifty~five horses, with their harness. The Federal cavalry pursued. 'but the enemy got off with all their booty. ‘ The dis tcb from this seat of war in Georgia agathklsthe movements now going, on in é(‘iGenerp‘l Grantit‘s srmmannot hel report . General rsgg, at. ‘_ tlsnoogn. is said lobe reinlorced by Joe Johnston. and his‘movghmeitts indicatolthn; he wild resume the ensivc. Anll lat reaten ‘ e bicksmau u it some of gargotil’sulmtgoets- Thegal‘”ed2°ml army is behind that stream, upon Mission Ridge. The nuthdr'itie‘s u'wnsmngton hue in. rtormntion that General Foster has arrived at. Cumberland Cup, and “initialedft;3mmundi nflthe forces at that int. a fee, it is believed, may do Ralf): damage to the rear; of General Lnngstreet's army. now retreat-l ing into Virginia. ‘Genernl Sherman. itl mexpected. would reach the neighbor-l hood of Knoxville on Thursday. - . _ Getter-cl Banks, underdste of November 9th, reports that he has occupied Brazos Island,‘ Fort‘dsnbel and Brownsville, realiz ing hismost sanguine expectations.‘ Gem} Stone ,ofllcinll advises General Hallecli.‘ ; under date of §ew orlesns,November 28th, of the reception of intelligence thetmrpus i Christi is in possession of the Federal forces‘ end that Amusu. Texas. was tnkm‘lby them ‘ on the 17th of November, with one undred , pri'xonerd and three gum captured. i Guerrillns, are again concentrated along, the line of the Nashville Rotlrond, llnd nn-i 09m raid in aprirehended. - I The guerrillas are again becoming trou blesome on the Mississippi. having recently lerectcd n betterv at Waterproof, which is} situated below Vicksburg. Several steam-j ere had been fired into, and a few rennet killed and wounded, but. the Unitedgutel: gunboat Choctsw hes since silenced thei battery. , Guerrilla: fired into stenmbonts on the Cumberland, about six _miles below Fort Donelson. on the 24th. from both sides of. the river. Some two or three hundred were ! said to be on the north side of the river. i ‘ Gen. McNesl list reports r”that. the Cour i federates are preparing to 33th Fort Smith. Th‘eit force is estimated at twenty-two thou.. sand. . b. ' Tho siege of Charleston continues, but we hsve no results of import-nee. . LATEST—At lust. accounts, Longgtpeeg was still besieging Knoxville. He lied made two assaults upon it, but was repulsed not: time. His loulooo-l-‘edersl lou much emsller. ...; NEW YORK fiLECTION. ‘ The ale-min" for anm i“ the 33W Of New York took place (in Tues. klfi' Inst. ‘nml re sulted in the‘choiue nl‘ C. Ih. drrt‘y Gunther. one of the “MIME-ratio cnnLW-“C‘STHIPFP having been lwo in. Ihn fluid. to ““0 KPpub; “can. 'l‘lfintn \umu '. ' ‘ ' »-- 3 Gunthnr, .IL-m.l 80019, Donn, Blunt, Rx~p., m'l‘he Sprin‘gfie’ld Repdblican is one of {he few ndmin'mmtion Rape” that. is bless edwith a few grains of common sense. a: witness the following, which Gontains more wisdom than will be found if) the Tribune for a whole year: ‘ $- There isa gouge] jubilation in the Re publice'n papers 0 er the assumed death of the Democratic partyn They lmdhetter not take that. for 'grnnted. A party that lies just thrown more vnte~ than ever before in every state expépt Massachusetts, * ‘i '1 and has been beaten only by the moat ex traordinary efl‘oru. pan hardlybe considered dead. * "' * The moral of the politcal situation of the Repflbljcan leaders is that they have'no flush excess of strength as to make it safe fog-them to be reckless or defiant an '.O menu: and measures; ‘that. they age ajill on trial ,before the American people u;- to their ability and integrity in the conduct of the. government“; and that. they can only hope to obtain a renewed leue of power-“63' demonstrating that. they can and will use it for the‘fen'erel welfare. rather than for private In partisan ends. In lest week’s Compiler we invited the atten tion of those who fine: purehue condetnned army hoe-en, end mintioned our opinionu to. the serial ailment hmong them, end h-l ceases {which produped it. This week we pro pose, fol; the .benefit of our people, to recom mend e trentment that will, We think, remove the dimculty.‘ . l ‘ In the other eniclewe outed that from over and irregular feeding nnd_wetering otter herd end long trevelling, an lnitntion, or eubocnte infletnmotion,’is produced in the Mulch; (or mew, in common language.) end. in connection with this I. derenged lirerhthe common malt of chengee from excessive hen} of the sun end Indaen chilling ,rmm rapid ri-ki‘el cold ‘ enter. It w‘u elm contended tint en en eei- I deuce of such dileue of the htonnch and { howele,derk green green. colored peelegee, u ‘ than of the conjure lnvoriehly recent. 1 It win he "collected the}. the frightful l euncietion oftheee poor noble been]: is more 1 the result of ej utter inibility of the digestive ‘ orgene to extract the nutrition: element: from ‘ the food. end lend it throughout the Intel: for the repleniehmem. of liet_ meteriel, then ‘ from went of forage. lon, if not elf of them, hue a 3 general thing quite enough, if not ‘ too much, {or themed"! end for the govern ment to lone, but Bey get it Io inegnler and under cemin conditions of the lyetem u to; render it n poison instant! of nourishment. The oliect with farmers in to fetten them up, nuke them look well, And fit for me. This is e mint-he, end nll who try the experiment will ~ Ind tlut thereon gratin they feed. the fetter wm the Ininnle die. Kiddneu win kill in land of cure. The eppetite is (morbid one, Ind portly e fuhion leaned fxom long inter vfle between feeding, while in service. ,- Th 3; ought to be led Ind watered regnluly, STATES W - 253,000 ”7,000 I= - 55,000 ~ , 9300 _" Bkfi‘sf 22.478 _4_:5F,339 . 19.493 Fog tho Compiler, DISEASE!) HORSES no! mmh at one time 01 ehher, or colic-iii sure‘ LOCAL DEPARTMENT- to ensue, nlm-h will drive lure)- the appetite. w r—‘-- A: A . xentirely for several dnvs,nnd then you arejust ,' @Oll Tufldny last. Samuel Liliy. EN}. en '3s fur hack ls you expected to be forward _. tered upon his dun" “3 “Wm" Mid Record". 3"“! “P your mind that one year's timefimut "Hi Jame: 5‘ Fiflk. E‘Qu 3‘ 01er of the Courts. ‘eilpll before yon'r horse in worth looking m, Tbitnheygill III" attentive ‘nnd emcieut ‘And to .ttnin um gm “0‘ more then one oflicrn vlilvnot be questioned by thoie who ,qnimr ot the feed that ion gin a sound‘ kW" ih'm- “3'” ”WP!” Mid Merlin re , working ham. Cumin: “d brushingdhouzh " tire. utter hu‘ing lured satisfactorily a term essential in the premises, will not do until by 01'1"?“ ”a?” fi‘;__ ~ , ,» .. __ patience, -prope[‘ feeding‘, properAexerciu and ‘I ”.11 x. Minnigh is now Cunt-in hi Co. K. , Interns! treatment, you succeed. Keep the, “L?- g, V. (.‘.; George 3. Kitzmiller First horse blanketed end in a warm amble during . Lieuhfillni, and John C. Brandon Second Lieu ‘he “M "“1”"? Si" him “mi-Md“! finely] tenant. Theé/Eprlny number: .19 melt. cut, with not more than one gun of r_t'e chop ~* 'M—' ' 3-- ~ . [be it n n time,witli numcient water to nuke: ‘TCUEI:MK'O°; "3‘32”” ‘o‘""hllhnnd the meal when“ int, m 1 nn'w m hotly-1" ”"97", -" ‘"’ ‘°' . m bn-gsuppolnh . ‘. ‘ . ed Clerk: at Washington, the former irrih henh‘upon the easing of the Itomlch, end in‘ g 4. on! d e ‘ digestible. Sprinkle e heaped tenepoouful of. ”"1”" Revenue ' ee, "I the letter i.“ “1° ‘lulphur on ench'feec', and co‘n‘tinue this every 1 Rnymnstor General " . ‘ , . glternnte week in cou‘neitlon with one blue] Theron: @2313” W!” '°'l‘m>“l°m"3'¢= pill of lo grains. every other night. Enclose. " ”I. ever cl": not fly exit-t 'e “'2" “'h" 1 the pill in brand moistened with water. leke 11%, I“ (I? bl ' : ld‘ .9", “ musket. them ebout the rise of A hulled walnut find. “by "0‘ it“! "ins!“ It" mm “1'" Chrk' 'plue them on the point of a twig, hold we:3‘3l:23l:l:xteriohmrfrrfi.Zczitzngmo ton M: will: one hand en introduce {at back . ’ ‘ _ . . ' intfthe thront with the ither. Have water ‘mg it nli‘ to go" it": til: dispenentmn ofa hind; and he will sw‘nllow e‘nily. Give et “PM: and prolt m We came” Abandon the same time for at least three weeks, three; tunes. A. .- ,“ ' ‘ - timcsl day in Witter. 10 grain! or the heat m - I 18‘)“: [we ““1“! n dmgrnm or the $2.1 phete oi iron,‘(vomier'ue,) such a: physicinns ' finnal Cemetgry._'hl¢!\ will be nf‘ihte-oq t}. mixke use oft'or the human This he will drink our render». We nre infiohted to the pnlito. IL'Ji'E’Gt‘aii-‘éffa PFiZTrTjicf'éiiiiiréi'ai'l'l has“ “‘7 centkmnnlv when m we rm give toxic to the evltem.by imparting n prin‘éi- iin R9P°5|59W (McClure & 5‘0“") for the pie in the blood which is pearly deficient,l,platel whilst the sulphur and blue rill Act an ultera- i’ tires. mama . 140,000 . ~ 00.000 0 60,000 1 2,000 50,000 mg, 1,488,000 ' Recollect the” are only recnmmendod when grelt emacintion is plreunt, in connection with ”If It???" tOlored passages, and colicy pains above monfioned._ In nine out of ten instances the trouble 1‘ as {we have stated—chronic in- flammjuién or the stomach and bowels. A Mlle chop may be several times a day thinly sprinkled over the huttum of the trough, with-some an“. added It is'too Kohl for the-m THE WAR NEWS Impo’rtsnt from the Rapidan And the . , . Southwest. fi-Thg number of mxnbles’l‘h Adams couulyin 1856 van Gus-deaf and dumb 5, blind lz—alavea 2. 1 In \863 (be number of humble: is 6674, (ah inc-rogue of nearly a (lxoysand,)—dcaf and dumb 13, blind Séuxhnu none’. - .\llow no ice much—— lIIMEI 1"0 Innnnfnctory in. New York, boxed and lur “1. Ind free of cost, will: the exception 0! freight: A 7 Every person collecting names should-send them with the maney'ns fast as obtained, so that the myhuribera Iggy begin at ane (o rt:- ceive their ‘.\f-gnzinu, Ind no; bécome dismt lined with‘xhe deity“ When the filmle num ber of namethhlfln) and whule nmaunt of money (sixty doll-I‘s), is Rec-cited, thrmachine will be duly lolwtrdqd. ' - nun, can In ADYAXCI‘. A ‘ ' l 1 copy, one ”nu-.'. ‘ 4 51"“ 2 couies, one you, ' 3 00 4 copies, one year. 8 copin, and one lO'getter-up of club, 12 00 20 cog-in, pnd one to genes-mp of rlub, 28 00 One copv each of the Lady': Friend and ~ gum!” Evening I’OJ‘,‘ ' 3 ~00 Single numbers of the Lady's Friend (post.- nge pnid) 20 cents. The Influenin the Lady’s Frland will plwayc b’e dia'mn’t from up“ in the Polk. Specimen numbers vi“ he sem grituiooua!y‘(when wflttgn for) to was: de sirous of procurtn; lubscribeil. Addreu Deacon t Perk-non, N 0.33” W 5!!!“ Street, Phihdelphix. ~ ; THE PEOPLE OF GE‘I‘TYSBIIfza.-The Philadelphia “Luthenh Ind I.Mil‘utiouury” clay-E The hospitable people of Gettysburg kept open house dpring the‘crowded dose of lost. week. 'lpmenee u in lhe mass of ineq ple thrown in upon $11“ community, at romc ‘ two or three thon‘nnd‘qoula, we have not. yet heard a person speak‘in any other glmn the warmest term. of the comm-t he enjoyed end the welcome he received. The lieople of Get tylbnrg neeg not {cor eomperilon .with shone of op; town or city in our State. Their con duct before the pee: benlu, Ind duflng they, end riuce then, he been in the highest: degree Honorable. 'The misergb‘lo libel: which were invented to their injury, he" simply di- l rectod eueetion more elouly lo their £4»!ng cellenca‘ ~ ‘ I Erom our ingtltnfioel qt Gettyeburg {vent the hut company" vhleh reported It Harri-- burg to old in Mending the flute. Karly two hundred soldiers 21sz been fumieheq to our umiee from its little _commnplty. A more lay-. 1 Illd reliable people in not to be found.— W‘iv'wllh some one competint to’ the work , would glve do n full, but compsct account, of whit the people of Gettpburg did before, : dual-Tug, end In." the buttlel, to prove their-i patriotism Ind Christin benew‘lence. Suéh .1 I record {nit-l, insde, would netbnilh even their I friends; sad if they lave now A delflor left, would unite him dumb with confusion. quciul Nettie... l The linger Bevin: HMhinet.—oM LETTER A FAIiiLY"SEW[NG mom“ it insigaininpnworld-wido reputations 11. in be: yond doubt the but ad cheapo-t Ind non ‘ Mammal or all Family Sewing Machines y“ ofl‘ered to the public. No other anilyfiew- l in; .\tnchine hnq so mnny uael'nl Ippliancn for ‘ Hamming, Binding, Felling. Tuckiu. lflnthgr- -2; t ‘ lug, Gauging. Braiding. Embroideeing. (‘on). ‘ lnmnnd so forth. No other family [sewing ma chine has to much cnpm‘ily for I grant "rim! of work. It will new all kindaz/ofclmh, and [hill 11l kind! bflfhrbnd. Grenynnd rem-n 1 inn-v prfiwmrnls mnke out Family/Sewing Mnclnind ‘ most relinblemnd mou dunhlemnd mou czr- ‘ Min in action at. all rnlu ofapeed. lt mnkell (he interlocked stllcll, which in the bent Ililcli known. Any one, ov‘ln, orthe mos! omrp l .enpbcity, cnn 509.1“ a glance. how to use 1m: LcltorA anuly Fewingllachine. (m: anil] ‘ . Sewing .\lm-hinea nrMiuinhtd in chute and u: quin'ne nude. ‘ _ ‘ The folding (‘rue ol‘llle Family Machine it ‘ spleen of cunning vmrkmnnahip ol tho mod ‘ l useful kind. l 2 protects the mnehim Whin run. in us», nnd'wlien ghoul to be open!” may ‘ ‘ be opened an :1 npncionn nnd snbnnnlinl ”Hi In blllluin the-work. While tome of the Canon, l made onLoi llui- choicest womgu, are finished ' in the simplrgtund chnsléu manner pnsnihle, A ‘ other: are ndorned nnd ombellfihed in the mosl' (only and snpmll Inn’nner. _ ‘ ‘I! is absolutely necessary to see lhr Family yin-him: in~oporntinn, do as lojudge oihsgrmt l cupiwily anililmuny. ll is hm! becoming“: pnpulur for fnm‘ily st’wlng'na our Manufacturing ‘ llm-lunrs are for manufnclnfing put-pom. 'l‘hn lirnnrn Gillies are well supplird with“ I nilk twisl, thread, noedleg, 0i1,,&c.‘ ul‘llmlery ‘ but qllnlil)‘. Sen-l for n PAIPIII.IT. ‘ TUE bISGEII MANVPACTURING (‘o)ll’,\§.Y,- , ' ‘ ‘ 458 Broadway, N¢-\\"Yorll. 3 ‘ WPJHLADEH'HIA. 810 Ghl‘slnlll 5!. W 6. JACOBS & “Rail-owl Axon" M. l Gausburg. [Aug.l7, 1863. l El ~ éAnotuer Car Load. :Ban ERHUFF kurps up \yi h the cimm‘yy gcl‘ing new gnodx nlmu’st err-13 “m L —— he ipnte: myrm)“\u‘nccummodaw fxi.‘ uu,n.c. - oua L‘ustonmn. “ Qujck 5|“?! nnd_ nun-1L pro Ils,’—is hi: mono. ‘ ‘ ,- Dec. 7, n 0.5. ; The‘Dead on the Battle-flew. ”‘.\Rllfifls‘nrc reqmsled In lvgm It "U’_ 4 onk-e, in (ionyaburgfn dcscnpnun ol'lllu amnion on lh‘clr lands of gnaw of (Minn Soldiers. ”any hive heen 'Nlrifd i“ 5“""5""‘ lpull. ‘nd per-puns will confer a grrnt (A’uu- lay making known to vile, or to Mr. Samuel “ em q-r, 11k locality of such gnu rs. ‘ . . DAV“) WILLS, Agent, ha. Dec. 7, 1863. 3!. - . . C 00 ~, Stlll at Work. " THE undersigned continue} the ‘ . UAlLlilAGl'l-HAKING BUSINESS. " In all iuJura'nches, M his Old wand: 5“ 5‘." .\hddle slrnct. G‘filygburg. ' . . .\l-LW “mu“ nude to order. nnfl ' ll'fll‘AlnlSG done pr’omplly and It lorru prh-ca. Two {inmate SPRING “'AGOSS Ind I» SLEIGH for sale. ‘ JACOB TRUXIFL. Dre. 7‘, 1863. - " 211 t For Rent. [ln property nanny occupied by my“ ’ ' Hazy. 1 Acre. of Land yin: Dwelhng.‘ 0558, Shop, Sublc‘rwell of In“, ’...; , , fruit trees, hm, «inane on tbs lummu- BR?! burg road, within half I mile of‘ the .borough. Passes-ion given It any '.imc.’ - ROSES M‘CCLEA)’. Dec. 7, 130:}. 3: FOR good Ale, Pomr, Wines, Ba., g 3 {o'- ‘ H” . 01131331335. 4 CBOTBISGX cwfl‘ma 1.91"“, of new goods jnu opened. Also 3.00,", 81:02.“, Hill, to", km, 11l chelp I! BRIXKEBHOFF‘S ALL ht CIIRISMER‘S for your Ale, Por lu, km, kc ' ' ”‘...“ ‘ .‘ , -‘.m; ’:'~—. ‘f" TT."‘7"T;‘\:”"_ u-The Raleigh (N. c.) W’ilmms that the Consorufives of cm State “We fluted eigh‘ members 6m of “n I 0 “If yobel 00!!ng -~~ ~ ~-o-o— -v-"’“ 390:: the {night ofthe‘24th um} part! of rebel gum-mu made a. raid near 3°”?u‘l J V 3,, and run 06‘ nbouk 100 MSW“- 'lhey ' were pursued, but not. ovensken. ___»W—W‘" S‘Ex Governo‘r Thomas G. Pratt.“ K!- J ryhnd, and. Col. Nicholson, formerly 506“ may of the Senfltaof Maryland. have been / sent lo Richmond by order of Galen/l/ Schonck. - . ' " ‘ . ___.le = A _ V #l5O condemned hone! will b. in this pluco on Thursday next. ’ l§3 11Mil