The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, November 23, 1863, Image 3

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    ~- £5??? 5- ~ ‘ Pubhc Sale. .4
WYS‘BURG—Jumwu up}. 0V ’I'mfRS'lMY. 1‘" WW 4“.“ 0’ DECK“-
1'10nkm‘...".....A.......................{0 50 to 6 5"! ME": "“"" "’9 "“"°"""'v ““11"" 0‘
8Mnew“....'...-.................a... ~ 4 .w L?" Sin“- mn "31 ..n mm M». mm:
Whit. When........... I 3010 1 4o 3 WW“ "‘- "“ {““m‘l”: 50“ E‘L'Jh ‘ "9
Red When................................ 1 23101 351 A ml 0? GFOI'ND. Mum in Gum“!
Corn" . Wm aai‘flm‘v' “m 0 ““7, Idivininx Judi 0’
a;.....fl.........“........................ 1 omhhnfiuadx» “my mum“, and others,
4)“;.........-'......4...................... 701counuumg 8 Acres, "'0” 0? 19”: improved
8uckvh0u..'.................r........... 65 fl“! . Two-story Lo: "0088,
Clonrfloed ..,’.. 6 50 '"h “ ""“WJ' b'-"~'|“‘"‘l”difll- I
”Timothy dud....i.5....................l so to 2 so le_”‘Jm~ Shun Md Other out-
Flnl Seed ...-........J......~-......... l 50 1‘ hnndml" 3 ' 30"“ Ive” of WM" "' 1
Plum; of p.,f. ...i.....m............ ,13' 00 ' the‘donc. Had a fluid, a! trait treu. The
Hum ground, per bu............. ‘ 1 Ma‘dldingl no :11 new, And it is a very desirable
~--~:» «——’~-~~-->- -' omp. ; - ‘ _
~ ‘ “WHORE—Fm" U)";- ~ _ I Mao. b urns OF LAND; more or 12mm.
F‘lm ",......” Mun—",...... o ‘5 to .. 8. lung; in ,flbunljay township, Adams county,
R cut.......................—... ....... l ff .0 -_O5 : adjoining lunch of John Buddy, John Hill”:
“y0u..." .. ...".............._........ l -0 to X 38‘,nd “3‘“. Eider. About 2 ‘O.“ are 1121de
mun/.... .........................- 95 so LOB timbcrrd. .' *
0m................r-.................... 70 lo jg; EMT—”’9 nine that sad plum
Clover Seed.... 2].. .............
Timothy 5ead;E‘.............. ..
BeoLC-ule, per? nnd.........
flop, per bund............ ._... .
Whilkey ......... ..."... ...... ......
Guano, Pnuflnn, her 101-.......
1 _BANOVRR-—Tuuunu uni, _.
Flam, from “you"... .... ....... BA 50
Do, (tom 1t0r01.................... ’ : ‘ 00
M'henl .................................... l 90 40 1-10
‘nnm- - as
LCt:rn........ .. ......... ‘ 85
“qua..."u..................., ”......" L 5
l‘lovu 5ce\1.................,.. 5 10
Timothy Seed. ' ‘-“ 13
’1‘1ut0r....;§§§........,...........p..... '1 00
Zapopuu. Neuoon.
M»-. .
The Great Xugliah name};
81: Juufiunz'a ’
‘Hm invaluable medhinc in unfailing (u the.
tune of I“ ‘hon painful nnd dangcruus dis-5
use: inrldent to lb: {"34l}. communion. ‘
j l'.}nnduntel'qfl except, removes all ohm-uc- ,7
hens {mm whnuvor cnué, Iml brings on (he:
monthly period with regularity i
Tlieu Pill! lhunld not. be (Lkrn by female: I fix» land. [L is in [Lgoud thalofcnltwntion
\fhu, are pregnant dunngflhe HIST Tummy And under goud funcifig. The pruptrvy is all
“MEI-9' as they nre sure to bring on_ .\lisrur- l unted’abonv. 2* mile: north of Arcudlsvillcyon
film-11h" M M'eyy OUIH' Linn-4nd {a elm-17‘; n huhiic I'Ollla ‘ v . ‘
91h" raise llu—y’nre perit- tly mfit’. , l TRACT .\‘o. 2,_ Mljuining llnds of Heirs of
‘l}: 2'” MP! anerva And Spinal Aflcf'll-ml, Fdxx Oruer, dece “rd, and Unit! Beecher.
tum in {he Hawk and Limhi, Hum‘mcu, l-‘n- ‘ cumuihing H Acres nnd Lll Puchos. 4 ncrgs
Tiflue unfit-light dentin". l‘ul tillllfln of Ibe‘,ol “high are clear, under truce and in good
”run; flown»: of 'Spiritn ilyuc-n'csl. Sick.o'dur. 'lhvruiduc is covered, win: thriving
Eleni ulné. WHIP, mud all u.» [minim dlsrnsea 'young lumber. It is litunte nboul‘hulfu mile
‘l"(‘Jlltlnrd by n :lisor’dcrrd gnu-m. th: m Pill} from lhl-Jfo‘me Pl‘uce. A chance ii hereby of-'
mill rfl'ccl. I cure “hen all ullH-r mu (m! lune ‘ {FTC-ll for I aim home. . M
‘if‘nll dire-Him: in puunhkv nrqrnml ench ' “ill be sho‘wn the same by Jonas \Vefgle, li\'- :
flzlt‘}ll:O,WhiCll nhunld he.c .n-ndly.prracrv:c-l. in}: ncnr it, or by the Adminiszrutor. ‘ q
“ v[hey mm he son! in n “Muir. ummininL-“GO 58'8“: to colfimrnve M H o‘clock.’M.‘ onl
[HIM [will free, h'y enclmiu; $1 und 6 threr- Mid day, whvn attendance will be given‘hnd'
yen! gumps la 4"" ugtnz. ‘ ‘ ‘lrnns made known by . IL
1 . Jun .\YUSPN. i EIXEN.I.\.\II\'.F. THOMAS, Adm’r. 1
g 27 (‘nrtlanul‘ Slru-l. .\‘rw York. By the (‘ourl—luhn Eiclnulgz, Clerk.»- .
I'] For 311- by A. D. licmlnmi, (it-Ilk‘hurg, and Nov. 23, 156:1. la ' ‘ fl
i f llrnr vfists. . _Ft-b. 16 lat-3. 1y _ a ‘ ‘’ p _ ‘*—
‘ J _.n. "‘..L» ’‘4 l Orphan’s Court Sale u!
‘3 The Singer Sewing Machines—~ol” 01‘ HEAL ESTATE —ln yuhuuwe of gm
{J‘r'rgu‘ A _F.§.\fi|.\'u.\'l'.“'l.\'u BEAC‘IHXE in‘ urdfl' .0? the (kphnn'n Courl‘ of Adams
59! wining :nwnrltl-wLqu rqmtuti’ou. his hr- roumy, "'l‘ he offered 3" 2'91“: 5519‘?“ 9"
J 4 “(h I“; d 1' t. d‘ I first-named properly.orlevi‘.bD.\')..lhe 1.321:
"md don! ' 1:. n c "“rw‘ .111 may day of DEL‘E‘IBLR next“ the‘fqflowjmgrportmn
anuu'tul of all Family Schin: .‘Jm’hinn _\'M' uf the [ls-..l Hptzm- or Jat‘ub Smimea-cnll-d:
“fined [n Ihr pnMir. Nu olhcr Fafnfly Saw: 13“" Sn. 2v ‘l‘ VALU.\EI.E F A ,y_si}f:|.ate
néungudnur lms su mmlv ...-um a - nlinm‘ps fur m umn‘ MW": ”E" A'mmi °"“‘?'3'f"‘ Jo? '3”:
'lil‘c-jmning. Bind'ug. Felling. Turk-{gm (:uzhe'r- 1'5"“ ”f ".‘."ry h-Ity, J9h'_' 12y" "’".'*""‘
lulg.(:u.ngiug. ‘Buiding,'Hlnhroidt-ring. (‘unf— ’ per, Jo'm Kahl-‘jlnd 0‘1”?" containing
51%; lo forth. No ofiherl Ini’l'y lowing |.m- .IS’! {‘T'!‘ more or In" 1“ . f xi
uihiue vhns m lunch unpagily for '1 gin". v urine}! ! l”“".‘."_‘vm€n" “If" a: x‘thJ“_°f _3‘lm
I”. mm” It fl“ new all kinds nfclu'h. xxud'~""’-r-"ll‘r“}f lgxu‘llug[.lULhAnwuq ~‘1 ‘ ~
wrnh sil‘kim): ol thn-nd. Grenland rrm-nl inn-1“ u“°"hm':‘hn2- “fink 81m. Mt} _s‘"'
ylrurrmrnu‘mlke nur Funlijr Sewing lluvhiuc ; frame "“1 PU" s’one, Corn Crib.» ‘} “[3O“ blj‘ d 1
n‘n-h: :rnli sl!de mun Ilumhlr. mud must gtr- ‘ Syn“? .Hnusr, 1”” stone ““d pyl'log. lec
‘K‘ ‘m j?" nvnun n! N” nun x-f spre 5. ll In'lkml ~R‘E: “"‘h 5““ *‘CCHCM V‘PHPK m “M”! “.‘.”
'g'),,:;,m.l¢f ...;‘HI Itilcfi. which i; the h»: .'.-m.“ ‘0! *3 er nur the barn. and “mulch“ m Eczkrlj‘
ru'umvu Any uv-r, H'rn thP mnst mldimun' ‘ N“! field . Th 9," ‘3 ’3 due PWPOHW“ of
u‘l,;-.~crry. mm 50:»:ltfi clams, [ow tn u-c life I “”‘"“"‘“' ""5 WNW "1 ""‘9l‘9‘l‘ Imleer. "”19
LmH-r A Fun I} fieuinullurhino. Uur Family ‘1""‘:‘ ""5 “fink-”'.\ f" lumflui‘ndfixc WNW”
.7?“ my ‘|nt-llin-£ur«-finialned in th.-me snd 9,. 1 Iy Is any or the her In the loner end 01 the
q-uinm- {h Ir. ‘1 ' “minty. ' , V ' . ~ ‘
i'Thn- fnld'nz (‘n'i‘c of tho‘ Fulnih .‘lnchine in 1'1“" 3"- 3. THE ['.\N\ WED L\TFIREST
’umu uv at! winning. wannn-nih‘p‘ of the mad or‘!""““‘°'1 i" n l '1 “f ground. fiik‘mm in §”“‘
"iv-Hui Ln”. n “mtg.” ”n. "mph,” when~ (txiufJ, Lmnvv} :u “ MARTIN .5 INTI-. 1.,"
nu! in n", mu] uhfn‘ulmul m be nyu-rul'e'j may 5 honlmg "'1 (he Pfi‘m‘c squarexbuunded by “he
lgr‘ mu nc-l as n lpncunun nun! sulutunhnl table 'C'lflllle rum! nuq lot. of "“"H'xf'": Hrmler, on
1;: .n-mun ”H- wnrk. While mm: of llu- flue-l I which "W 5 large Two-story Erick ‘3..
rum-3e out 'o‘ [hr rhnix-cu wumlfik am finuhe-l . "UV-“E: ‘H'U'S‘U'K Buck-building, :gflm
i 5: xhe “mph-q nun! rim-"bl nflnui-r linuihle,
awn-rs are "durum! “:‘Ed oth4l“th in [he must
Qc‘ullvl {qu .-u|u-rh m'u'nner. _ ~
1' h nhsnlulrlj‘ necessury tnlvu-q- lhe FJmin
N rhmr in n’u-nninn, an as mfiudye mix.- qrrul
rfgpnci'y and hrlxly. 11. i~ “If-1 hc-muing nu
[unlular for him“; M-winz as mu Mdgmfxlfluring
fiiclunel are for mauuhcluring purpoiv-s.
; Thr “run-h (Min-es are well nufinliml xviih
vilL “Fist. t'nrud. needles; oil, (cm, or (he irry
host (‘u Ilin. Send mr 1 I'Ali-PIIIJZT.
' 4'21: Um-udu‘ay. 'Nu'w Yurk.
‘ fil'lfiL.\DHl.l’lll.\. mo cxmumz St.
wt}. JH‘VOBS & [“qu Local Agents at
GM .ulmrg. [_\ug. 1?. 1863.
Important Discovery.
“VJJIj—IS TnT “Iscras.
ing in the cure of ('ouuhs, Cull”. plum?!“
Hrnnrhizjf, .\‘grc Thrunx, lluurwnnsi, "lflllichll
fireallling, Incipient (‘on:uwpliun, and Dis
‘l3:,“ of the Lungs. They fine no made of
medicine. and any child will take flu-Pu.—
Thousundq l: we bun rP‘lllrfi‘d to hum: that
Imd bv-fure gespnirsd. chinuw, known in
hundredq ot cum. A sjugle dusc rghuws in
'l‘cn ‘linnlevz. ' ‘45 I
Ask for llryan’i‘Pulmonic “(align—the "rigi
nul mu! only running» is sumpql “lily-n."-
Spuriuui kilkds‘nfé'fijllrni fdrsulc.‘ T .w-nly-
She cents a hm. Sol-l by dealers generally. ‘
Jo» ”USES. Sole Pruplietur,
’ ‘ 27 qullnudt IL. N. Y.
.‘ For mle By A. D. M'suLtn,»l;euy.-hnrg,and
all szgistst [July‘LL—feb. [6,153. I}
A Card to the Snfl'ering.
{ The Rev. “‘stu Casanova, whik; laboringl
I! I Missionary in anu‘n, was curvd orCon-f
sumpliun, when all other mean: lmd Iniled, byi
6. recipe obtliuenl from a le.u~m-ul physician ru- ;
didingfin the great City at Jeddo. Thig reciyei
{us cured great numbers who were suffering”
from Cunsumptfon, Bronchitis, Sore Throat,
(laughs Ind Colds. and the debilixy nnd nervous:
dn-preuion caused by these disorders. ‘ -_ f
Dedrou: of b‘euomnug others, I will read:
(hi; receip’rhivh l lmvc brought home Irina!
me. to all who‘ueed it, free pf clmrge. i
Address Rev. “'5l. CUSURUVE, I
439 Fulton .h’euue. ‘ -
Brooklyn, N. Y. i
pm. 15, 188'). I,
AGENTS WANTHDI—We will pay from 5
.515 to $75 per month, lud all expenses, to uc-fi
,ane Age 9;, 9: give a commission. ParticL- '
'ler Beulnhcc. Agidress Nun? 83mm MACH”: 1
,Gueu-AM', R. JAMES, Genera! Agent, Milan,“
Uhiv- [May 18.1863. 13' g
A Liberal geward
WILL Ipc given to the pump who delivers
‘ _to me, ogrvglxves guruzmuiuu leudiflg to
the discove‘ry of 'rpy M4RE,'which run Away
on Saturday, 14th inn, 31111;)“: nor beet
hard of since. She! was a Durk‘ sorrel, with
large nu on the'hlp, white face, Ind ghoul. 9
scm om. _ - , A. u. 509’”, AU). _
b'ov. 23, 1865. 3t ,
Y AN AGED LADY, on the 19111, vije M.-
tending the Dedication of the Hationd
Uttnetery,x emu KNIT PURSE. conmiping'
pm! 810 gold piece, one 85 (old piece, and two
fifty cent pieces. Any person who any find
and return it t.9_ Mr. A. P. Bangher, Gettys
“Lurg, will be rewarded and receive the thanks
,ohbe lady. ‘ [Not 13,,13153. 3w
, E undersigned i 1 inforn‘aed mm “mm Idue
I In: found . nauomx mm halogp'nglo
his lon, 108*?“ E. BALDWIN, Cg. . f mm:
,P. Y., who killed in the first days fight
8: GeWux-g,ofi the liflerstown rand, gun:
¥ra.stuhz'| residues. The undersigned is
\ery (axiom to obliin uid Memorudum, and
“filing-guy toward any person who willyiace
XL in big poueuion, or lone it. M. the ” Com-
Pile)" oflce, JOSEPH BALDWIN.
_ Nov. m, 1863. ~
I{OLLDOR’B mum—me pmn “an;
. but inking ponder in use—lt Dr. B
“M 13833 Dry Sign.
-_ ~‘3 >
sold the following Peruinnl Prop-11;, Viz: E
In", Spring Wignn. good Buggy, u: 0! Bug
gy "afar", Riding Suldlc ; 3,000 Shingles. I
h)! of Post: and Ram, [by by the tan, Ind I
variety of othorjrué‘les, too nluner'onl to men-
. 2’0K0300
. 400-01900
. 7 buns )2
..39 00103100
. ‘ 3“” .
mm - _ ‘ .
‘_ fi-Snle [a common 1 1t [0 o‘clock, A. IL,
lpn uid day, when nanndunqe my be given
Wand term: mud: knownby 1
i - SAMUEL n. mung Ansigfiec.
1| N0v.23,1863. u ”"4! . "
. " " ‘—"“‘ “‘7‘?" "€“.~"”T"_
g Orphan’s Court Sale
lith'durof DECEMBER next, the sub—
scr%cr, Kdmiuislmmr of ma esmu at Henry
)1. hr ‘l3‘,"lY‘-"nsod. in par-’uan‘ue ofa". 'de
6:14o , C 9
1:4 so
.aom u, net-eased. in par-'uan‘ce ofun order
chill Urphgifi Court. of Ari-me cuunty, will
09‘“ 11l Puhllc Snic. on the wanna, the fol
lowing Raul Hunt: of paid decedent, situuein
MennHen tmrndup. .\dnms cuunly. Pm;
THE HOME TRACT. ndjoininghndl ufJnnns
Weigh. "wry Funt. George Fohl, and 35'ch
Schlouer, containing 10 Acre-f. 3 Road: and
20 T’crchrs, dn which an: erected '.rflg
nl'wn-nory Lou Dwelling HOUSE, .54?
and Log Shed, with A well of ab. fié-HH,
cellent_ waler at the house, and uL‘WZQrg-a:
farieiy of thriving yuung fun: trees. A can
aidornblc qnmilily of lime hu bcen put on
i win-riled: wishing to View Ihé premises
Burn. SLlblmg, Slit-d“ kc; two asfllf’i'l
wdls oi mun-r. One in from, lh(-§<£’:;§, ,
other in H‘IP nan. . . ‘. I
True! .\'o. 4. Fl‘l“. TOWN LOTIS. ufljnining
‘lul of UL-J. be’milh, Pen-rs sum-1 and Berlin'
road. " 4 _ . - » |
‘. Trlrl .\‘o. 5, FOUR ACRES, more or Irss. ip‘
:‘nyford l:;n'n.h:p. udjoini'mz hI-ds of Dr. l’fuf; :
¥ rm, l" lcr Fciier and a public Alley, with good‘_
fending. ' f}
;‘ grade to commence' at th. -trnct first
- uhmo named, 41: 1‘ o‘clock, P. .\l., of sn’id d:uy.'
Aumfi‘uuc guen and terms made known hy _
. ,J. l’. SMITH, Mun. ‘
By the Court—John Eivhonzflilcrk. ~
gas-Av. the mum: lime undzpluco wnl be mm,
[‘11: brain in fife Ground on the farm nbuve
«furrihcd, and! ulsu upon the {-Irm of deceased
in Oman! township. [.\‘ovz 23. 1853. ll
)HILIP “ANN. ut 'Grnnile Station, my:
UXFURD PRICES for ”43'. '
NM. 9, 199.3. ‘*
A \ 200 Ton; Hay,
‘ .\ STPZl).——lll-INRY ['TZ.‘ ngent for. Stine
S; & Young, will buy nnyquamiu‘ of May,
Inning [he highi‘sv market _urh‘e ’lhert‘furr—
['vxsons tuning {by’ to sail would do In“ t.)
gin- --n early cull, iu Gutgysbm‘gw K
.\‘ov. In, 13:53. ‘2qu .
A Card. ~
122”". FRAZER would not! retpectfully
L inform thc Lndies of (irlt’mburg and
vicinityJ that she intends “trying om DRES§4
MAKING, in the Imm. fashionable 533-193. In
the residencr of'Misa Heck, in fiahimnre street.
Tha'ukml fanpJS'nlnvulfl-L bytuni‘ct nttenliun Io
basins she hopes to mcrit the’pntrunnge of
her iends. ‘ ‘ '
N. 8,-——Emhroiderinz and Braiding done at
the shame" notice. The latest fashion! just
received. [ocl.'l9, 1863. 4L
» Stray Bull, '
.\“E to the Insulin: of the submuiherfln
0 Freedom hiwns‘hiplin Jul; lent, a sth“!-
bnry Emu: BELL, suppoud to hen-130m {mu
years old. The owner in rquueiled to prove
Hru cu m chm- e [an] II c im awnv.
I p "I y RA' ufiunca “sou:
DCCZB, was. ,3v M, ~
Ammo the Almi Home, in July Inst, 3
BULL and RENEE, abou‘t one 'yesr old.
The mun-r in requisled to come forwud, pron
property, pay clan-gas, nml uh them sway.
JACOB CULP,‘Btcwtu-d.
Oct. 26, 1863. 3'.
TRAYED away fi'nm the premises h' the
uubscriber. in Strnbsn wwnship, one mile
llrom Ganysburg, about a mouth ago,’l‘WO
heifer. in A dark "d, about two years old ; the
other-i 1 a light. red, with spnekloé» head, 18
months old; the ulcer is principally white, with
red spots, two yum old. A liberal reward will
be given for the return of the cattlt, or for in
formation as to when theyjnny be had.
Nov. 2, 1862. 31*
LARGE variety of pnltems, offihe latent
A and molt desinblestyles, many of which
nre being laid I! the old prices. Call and see
them It MclLll‘ENY'S‘l‘n;
ALICOES. Ginghnms, Ruling Al—Td
mes. .'. FWHESTOOK B ' ' 'uc ‘
we Rad Front. » v 308 . Sun a?
. ALBIORA L BOOTS-4‘ Kate. v when did
B you get Lhasa nice B-lmonl Boots '3" “A.
ECK TIES—4 bnqtifial ucortment u.
HEAmericsn Excel-in? Cofl'u and Baum,
for ulo u Dr. R. HORNE-B’B Drug Store.
1;. BGHICK h“: in“ waived : lot 0!
' she-p Loqkjng Glunel.
LOTES, Claims“ Venting, chup u
107103 GLOVES, for Men gnd‘noyl. :u
Lbe bid cheap It ‘ ‘ SCfiICK’S.
will be
Hay! Hay!
Stray Catjde.
Stray Cattle;
cumsrmx asxxnn
Wall Paper!
i k - ’.\“ ‘ ' .
Orphan 8 Court Sale. Public Sale ,5
.\' pursuance of In order of the Urpban'n OF REAL ESTATE ——ln pursuance of ant
Court of Adnu county. WI” he nfl'ered n. Order of the Orphan a Court at Ad 'on;
’uth' Silo, upon the premises. on .\ItJVDAY, county. will be ofl'creil at Public Sela, on MON~
the 711: any of UEQBMUEE. next, the red DAY, the 7th dI-y of DECEMBER non, upon :
“tote of Adm: .\lurlhnll, leaned, confining the premium, the reel est-Le offlenry Hershey, .
ofiwn Tnctrol Lend, shame in Mountpleulut Sr., due-"d. conflillml 0r ‘
tainnhip, in fluid cbnnly. Viz: ‘ ' id LOTS 01" GROUND [N MUWASBURG,
M. l ms .\usswxrmcr,conmimng‘Franklin township, Adams counly.No‘s. 35. 36.
10 Ann, inure or INTI, of “In‘-stone laud, Mo 37, 38. 41, 42, 43, 44y 45, 4‘3, 48, 49,‘50, 123,
joining [Jude '0! Samuel Wolf, George Lew ~ I‘l4, 1'25, ten of which are from love on the
n-nce. and Samuel Geiselmno.— 'Turnpike——on three of which. Nos. 45. 49 and
The improvmmenta are 3 Frame 50, are erected the improvements, '...”
end \Venlherhonrded Two-Itory to lII‘ A huge Mle‘l‘wo-slory V‘fio‘r‘
HUUSE,one-slory Kitchen, l-‘nnie Frame Dwelling HOUSE, with An [l%
Burn, Frame Shop. Corn CribJlog Fem hu— excellent? Cell-r; 2 3""15. one n,:.,.,- “'€__
Well of water with n pump in it, user the door. frameend the other log, with sufficient il.:ibllny,
An excellent Orchard. He tract in under Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Hog Stablegghqwith
good fence, chiefly poet and roll. The [net in two wells of Inter, one in it end the other
non Mount Rock and lithin I} mile! of Con- in the rear of the house ;on #ll9lll orchard,
cg‘wago Chupel,'on thegrnl road lending from with n rnriety of fruit. Th whole of the"
lid» rto Gettyahur; louhm’e been limed, some'ol‘ them twice.—
Ntfsg: A LOT OF TIMBER LAND, ndjoin-" The whole are under good iencing, chirfly you
in; lentil ofS-muel Shnrb, containing 5 Acrel, Land rail. '1 l
more‘or leu, of excellent timber. This lot! Also, A FARM,eituntein Froedomlownsliip,’
'yill be divided into two psru, ur sold entire, one mile from Carroll's tract and six wait of
“may best wit pufchuer’l. ' éilietlylburg. nbout two miles from Flohr':
”Sale to commence n 1 o'clock, P. 1, anti. Church. and one mile from Mcllhmy‘s Millr
uid' day, when extend-nee will be given end.‘ Adjoining limit of lienr’y Bielecker, Peter
terml nude known by {Heck} Joseph Henley, and others, containing
ions GINTER, Adm'r
By the Court-John Eicholtz, Clerk.
Nov. 16,1863. 1: A
A Good Farm
A..3m.h day of NOVEMBER inst , the lub
apriber mll elf". at Public Sole, on the pre'mg
ml, A DESIRABLE FARM, situate in Mount.-
ploaun! township. Adm" counly,Pn., adjoin
ingk landstof John Socks, In, Wm. H. Lou:
Elms Spengler, and others, containing 104
Ann I, more or les=, wiLh prnpu proportion; of:
“‘ondl Ind :nll .\lcudow. The land is in good
cundmun. hiring all been well limed once,
and .moit of it. 'twice. The im- ’ 1
movements are a new Two'slory l I I
STONE HOUsli.n my onccund- l':
n-lmlfl story Sirtone House, Log
BfiT'l. “'.me r " vi .3". Coin Crib, Hog Pen, u.
well ofrfew -' ' _' '.\ 'rr‘ wnh v. pump in it,
n the door. v. fix an ml springs on the farm,
which is lel mucrc'l. There is on the pretty
ins n l'mrng Apple Orchard of Choice fruit,
vnth other hull, such as pencbea, Be. It is
convenient to churches, school housca, stui'cs,
blacksmith ahops, and mills.
firPer-sonu I'vislxing_lo View the property,
are requgs‘trd to cull on 'Gonrge Keidle, resid
ing near. or on the subscribcr, in Gertgahurg.
33-34:: m commence ut. 1 o‘clock, I'.‘M.,
on mid day. whim atfindnnco wnll b! 'vcn
and lerm: wade knrguflvy ‘f '
(neon r: F. mum. cu.
QAI tlu‘ same time n’nd [lll-IE Ibe 501:],
and Shaker. _ [Nnv.ll6,'lBL63. ‘ta
V r : 1-7 __o keno“ ___.—
_ .Orphan’s Court 82:19
F REAL ESTATE.——Tbe iphscribers, A'd~
minjstrmlur‘s of the estate of Thoma: A 4
31:: shallr deceased, in pqrsunnce of un‘order
of the Urphau‘u.L‘ourl of Adams county, nil
ofl'cr |t "Public Suie, on the premlsvs, 0|
THURSDAY. the 10th day m’ DECEMBER,
18353, the following Real Estate of said dc
udent, ..itunte in unmilmubun township
Adams county: -
or TRACT so. 1. (the Human mm
port'mu‘ cunmining 35 ucre'n,more orkuflyin;
somh of the Cold Springl rouki, houndpd 01
the ‘enst by lands of Jamel {hushed}, and 0:
he south by hands of Pmcr Mus-damn. Abom
1.5 acres of it are in meadow, nnd the whole is
s‘gpurior bud, Ind in In excellent name of cul
linll'lnu. _ k' I
Aisfif6 .\cr'es. more or'less, qt Tract XO. 2,
ndjniniug the .\lnnlion Tract, ‘ coverefi with“,
Chou!- Roxk Oak Ind q‘ber Timber. ,/ - ' ‘
Als‘n, TRACT'S'O. 3.‘udjoiniug lands 9f/John'
.\Hq klty, John Rhea, n‘nd Trncl No. 2, é utilinsl
in: (N m rep, more or. less. having/a ; -
then-£Ol- erect d_a'l‘wu-_slory LoglDu-cfl- fig}; ‘
in: £10U53 nu‘tl 'Log Same. __Tfhcre is ‘
u ne‘erfmliug sprirg r-f dam-r near the houle'
Ind water in u“ flu: tin-Ida. 'About 40 ncn-I,
are clonr lnnd uuier fvnccxthc rmidue is cuv- L
cred?“ i'l_u lhgh‘ing) Dung che§nll;\,vhlclmry‘ krfl
W‘Sale ‘(u vouuncuc‘e M. l‘.! 0"; oak, .\l., on ,
mid day, w‘hur mien-IJch'WIHELe given and;
terms lgmdelkuown luy ' A ‘
. 1' Admihiszmwu. ,
By the Court -—John Empohz, C‘ler\k.
Niiv. let;
, [lEunniereigned n'speclfui- I. ‘ i
i le ianima lw‘fesident§%\
.ofCett) sbulgnnd‘vicinityfihnt I"
1.2!"; hxgs removed Mi WATCH “AND JEWELRYI
LSTORE, to ghe room Opposite the flank. on York]
_‘s‘lréei, win-[e he intends keeping an‘ assert-i
'l' mentiol’ WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER and.
CLUQKS,'&c., kc. ‘4 . - 2
I Haring been connecteq _with; a first-class}
‘Wnlch find quylry Slum in Baltimore, for
Lseveml ycnrs pgn,he.ih prepared to furnish
‘every‘ snide in‘ she line, at the lowest city
pril-ed, and nil purchase: 3511] h‘e _gnarantigd nu
Lreprciented. 1!. V '
_ F" ‘ ,
.’rom a long evpericnr’e in' Walrh—repairiug,v
especially ol'line Watches, he' is prepared to do!
all kiyls of Wmclwiork pminptly, in the best;
manner, and gunmnty the performance ofit. f
He trill k‘eep always- on hand a large lssurt
ment of SPEL‘TACLES. and Spec
tacle Glasses; and ha‘ving much“
experience in Mug-ting them torthe sight, is
'prupated to fit all who head them. ,
_ HAI“ JEWELRY made’ to order in the best
style. and A great variety of patterns an lumd .
JEWELRY repaired in the nemesl nmnuer., l
‘ Jusx-zru BEVAN. . '
Gettjshnrg, On. 5, 1863. :r
7‘-—~; '., » 7! —~»~ ~-————-—-————
\r lee Us a. Call! ‘
'ODOM & GILLESPR} have just reeelved ,
Marie and splerflid‘htock at New Goods 1
which they are selling an clump in the times
wiu nllow. Their stud: has been selected with
care and is or xi!‘[l')od a quality as the market‘
will” mford., SUGA‘BLWO have all kindc, 1.
Han-d upd SoftCrushcd. l’ulverlzedfinuiulrmsd,l
New Orleans, Portn_Rica. and Cuba. TEAS,I
Imperial, Young Hymn and Blnck Tees. 340-“
LASERS, New Orleans, rl'ortn Rica and Syrupll
of diflen‘nt kinds. 'TOBACCOS,’ to; wit. all
layers of t weed, Congrfli, Spun, Nnvgl
Cavendishgouglr and Ready, Nglurnl Leaf,
and Phi: c s ; meking Tobacco; 15 difiereml
kind! ;'PIPES, I large and fine us:orlmcnt;,
SEGARS of various breads. COAL OIL?
LAMPS and Shad", we have the bent asaort- l
ment in{ the plnze, which we sell low; also, 3‘
Na. 1 firliele of Coal Oil. HANS, plain und‘
lngflf cured Shoulder: and Sides. FLOUR, of
the has! quality, whiéh we always gunnmee ;l
Cedar-were, Tubs, Buckets, Water 09115, km:
We also keep Notions, Confection, Fruits, =
Fish, by the mull or by the‘blrrel, Sell, Spices,
Chocolate, Surch, Bucking, indigo, Candles,
Soup], Curry Combs Ind Cards, a large “sort.-
mcn! ul Brushes. Baskets, Ropes, Cords, Croyk
eryanre, he. GIVE US A CALL!
Gettysburg, .\lny 11, 18637 ~
No More Poisons.
PROCESSES for the Pepin-Minn, Improve
ment. and Imiuuion oflthUURS 0? AL
KINDS. including Brnndiu, Wines, \i’hikkies,
Gina, anl, Porter, Ale, Cider, Cugdmls, Bi‘r‘
tern, rtc.—-E’\'ery dealer in liquors has long
known and {in it to he a! the highest impur-I
Lance to the profitable conduction offhis bvui- '
nésn, that he sitonld he in possession of ccrmin’
informntion w ich has hitherto been strictly,
iconfined to wholesale houses. This informs-E
lion in now. for the first time, plnced within;
the reach, and adapted to ihe successful and:
most profitable 1150‘ of ALL dealers. Particulau}
will be mailed, free'ofchnrge, to those lending!
.ddms to ma a COOKE, P. 0. Box 351 A
Washington, D. C. I
”N. it—N’o others but dealers need up- i
ply. u no information will be sent to any one.
‘whn does not lu‘complny his addren with the;
plodge that. be is a dealer in liquor. ’I
N0v.16,1863. 4m ‘- I
1863. Fall lelmery. 1883.}
{SS MCCREARY bu just returned from
the'Cily, Ind ‘l5 now opening. a, large Ind
beautiful usorlment of MILLXNERY AND
FANCY GOODS, of the Imm fly)». which she
invite: the Lndxen to cull and exlmine, confi
dent that they will be pinned with her telec
tionl. [0“. 26, 1863. 2a 1
rifly, at I . SCHICK’S.
051‘ received w PICKWG‘S Spring-Tad
Summer Clothing. Come one and I“.
i 154 Acres. more or less, of potenled land. 'l‘ho'
improvements nre n largertwov 9;, i
'nory Statue Dwelling HOUsE,with 3:? ’
it one And 3 [Juli story 10;; K 1141!“ ff HE
‘ a Bunk Barn, pm stone And pa ,3: v-._ ,
fume, with a good Wagon-Shed undrCurn‘
Crib, n well of water, With A pump, neir tlml
door, and an Orchard of n variety of fruit.—
'The Western Brunch ol‘ 115th Greek runs ,
through A_ corner of the place. About 40
acres are well set in good meadow, Ind nbouzi
25 in good timber. Purl. oflhe farm his been
limed. The land is of the red gnu-l and lino;
‘der good fencing. ‘ j
W‘Bue to commence at 9' o’clock. A. IL,
! on thodlum'nssburg property, Inn! 1 o'clock“
:P. .\l., on the farm. If the farm in’ not sold it.
will be rented for one yenr. Attendance given;
fidlums made known by l
‘ GEORGE LADY, Adm'r. : '
By the Court—John Eicholtz, Clerk. A
WA: the some time, on the farm, will be
sold i Int. 6! CORN in than”. ~ E
Nov. 16, 1863. u l
Valuable Mlll Pk-operty
0R SALE.—’£he undardgced lull/[flex- I;
Puhlic Snle,on the premises.on . JSDAY,
the 30th inst" that fine NERCHA§T “ILL,-
known as Delcue's .\lill, togmhu- 74th 4 Acres
0! Land, more or lens, with the buildmgn be
longing (hereto—situate in Cough-go town
ship, Adams co., P»... ndjoininyifih‘dn, of {anvid‘
Smyser,.lobn Marshall, and/albeit Thu is
brrhnps on; 3f the bee! and most cqn-vemz-ng
Mills on tllelthtle Conaygn, nil Led lo one
or the moat fertile valley in the Sigmund bu
‘ during the pnslaum»
lrder. ' ' .-
will be made usy, ay
ll. the Mill, or farm a
Sgle to cnmmoncc at.
day, when iitcndnm‘e
Sale. . ~' -
inisfirzgtnnof the estate
med,;will offer av. l‘ub
\. on, sumo”, the
:ER ‘ inst, A SMALL
mug and 80 chhe!.
\ndi ofJoaeph Poweu,
‘ mile wen of Bermud‘
in: Church. The ' improwmcnti
we I. Two-story ’LUG HOUbE.
Log Burn, 3 well of good water at |
the door, an Orchsrd of Apples
and Pmches. The land is i I good itutc of
rultivafion; partly liuwd. 'Fhere are about 3
acres of fine limbuon the farm. v-
‘ ”sue to comme'nre at l‘o‘rbtk, P it, on
31nd day, when utlenduuce ml] be given and
{ex-mt made known by \ y ' \
JOHN ]!.o.\'G, Adm'r
Nov; 9, 1563. m
Len‘m ‘nf ndmin‘mrnrimt on the emu: of
yulm'ine Weismbmle. 'lule olfiumbcrland nu,
dryms co., decexlhed, lmvinggbeqn grnMFd 'm
l'he undersignedß residing in' Gettysburg. be
hereby gins malice to all torsous indi‘bted
to said estate to make-immédnun payment, and
lhoae having clilirils ngflnsl th: same to places“
than properly Bullnenlicnted for settlement. .
N0v.]6,1883. .6: ‘ : , ' »
ofmlmiuistrMion omhe eqtnte of Cntharlne
Elliott, late of Reading [p., Alums i‘oauty, d -
ceucd, having bben granted to the under
signed, residing jin Gettysburg, he hereby
gives notice to gllaspereous indebted go said
estnle to make immediate punmunl, and those
having claims ailing ‘(hP name to present
them properly authenticate-l for settlement.
Nov. 16, ”:03. ‘6'. ~ '
ndminiumliononzhe eslntq oi karph Hart
zel, late of Franklin twp., Admins co., deceased,
having been granted to the undersigned, re
siding in the same township, he hereby givél
nu'ice to 3“ persons indebted to said _ to
to make immediate 'paymcni, and th E:
ing claims against the lame t 9 we”: . ‘
properly wlhentiimud tor settlement. .
Nov. )0, 1863. .6: ‘ _ ~
of administration. de bohil non with lhe
will annexed,, on the estate of Ina: Van
Orsdulv, lute of Bunbnn twp.. Adams coun
ty, deceased. havin'i been granted lo the under
ligned,renidingin the nine township, be hereby
gives notice to all person! indebted to raid
93mm to make immed‘ute payment, and tbqso
baring clnhnl against the name—l 6 present
them properly authenticated tor utlleflnt. ‘
‘ _ JOHN F. FELTY. Adm'r.
Nov. 9, 1863. ‘61.“ ,
HIS is to giv; notice that two Certificate:
of Stock In the Western Bank of Billi
ere, numbered respectively 480, fut Ml?
that“, Ind 237, for “verity-five Ihnm, in the
name‘of Emmq E. Bwope, now décagsed, yen
lon or stolen .lbour (bk 1:: of July luv. ‘gnd
that gpplication bu been made to said 1319):
for now Certificuten. .
» Adm’r of Emma 0. Europe, deemed
Gets-[burg Nov. 9, 1883. , .
For Sale.
A VERY aes‘imbxe mm. sdjoining m
Buroug‘n of Gettysburzmbnmhing 11
124 ACRES—Buildings Ind Lmd good. i
Wiil be Bold on Very accommodntinu ’4
:ysbnrg, Oct. 5, 1883. If ,
Bun: or Surname, Nov. 3, 1583.
HE Directors of the Bank of Gettysburg
have this day drclnred s "mi-mud
ividend of SIX PER 0337., clur of State And
National Taxes, push]: on and After HONDAY
NEXT, the 9th inn. "
'l’. D. CARSON, Cuhier.
Nov. 9, 1863. at '
a R. Tipton
OULD moot nmcthlly inform the paw
< lic thn he km commerncedt’ mhpg
BROOKS. He will make shim on t e Iharn
or n will but suit his cuuomon.
Persona hnving Brood: Corn will plane nll.
Shop in McConnnghy’l Ball, on corner of first
figor. _ ( [NE',9’__l9‘E3_{._
New Goods.
GEORGE ARNOLD hnsjnst recrived from
Philadelphia» : Inge stock of CLOTHS
CASSIMERES. ONT-colhngl, unlintu,Vesp
inst. Flunels, Huh“, Jenni, #2.. all ofvhxch
will be laid chenp for cub. Cull And see them.
Septt 28, 1863. ‘
GOOD rm in Adam: county, for which
I .m exchangi on or non Pml of
choice had in In", ”a Pl] khe diluud. ‘
~ Nov. 9, 1863. GEO. ABEOLD.
A tiny of NOVEMBER min, the uubscnbtn
will ole: at Public Sale, on the premises, :
delirsble FARM, gimme partly m Huntington
and pray in Raiding tuitnsbip, Ad uns coun~
Iy, Pm, Adjoining lands of Jesse and Jncob
Chronister, Abrnhnm Fickes, C. RAfl'ensperger,
and others, on the roads lending from Berlin
in Chnmberaburg, and from Gettysburg to
fimstown, 2 Inn’s: {nun Hampton nndz I—2
miles from Y. S. "Springs, containing 179
Acres. more or lessi About 55 acres are cor
ered with good thriving timber. The half of
the clrnred landvhls been "new; limed and
has a due portion of meadow, and wore-can be
made. The improvements are s new Fume
HOUSE, “24 by 30 feel, not yet finished, Log
Burn, and oilur onl-buildings, orciilrd of
clioictrfruit, pump and wail of u nursesffli
door, and ltere are sewn! springs our 0’
firm. The ndynnugcn arising Mom in p ox
imity to Hills, Markets and Churchea_un
nullity of the land and its tdripution “‘3":-
mg, fie” no no apparent u hardly ta require
mention. We will sell it entire, or in’pnrts to
suit pumhuers, an en: terms. We will lilo.
sell 3 WOOD LOTS. ndjoining the farm. cor
en-d with good \Vhile.o.ik Timber. containing
from i to 4 acres. Any person wishing to
view the property can «Jinn A. 8. Rye",
living near by. .\I .
WSule lo cpmmenceMl o'clock, P. .\l.;
on said (by, when attendance will be given and
terms {nude known by / I} R. SHIPLEY,
. , A.‘ S. MYERS. ;
@Thg undersigned will that: lell, at the
lame lime nnd plncé, n nlpnhle little FARM.
liluntc} mile from the shove named firm Ind
1 mile run the,Round Hill Pom. (”Beacon
lnining l 8 Aer”, more'or. less. The improve.
ments are I Two-nor; Log HOUSE, ne'w Bunk
Barn, orchnrfl of choice mm. and pump neu
thG do'or,,’ The lqn'd bu 11l b'een recently
limedJml is in 1; good mate 0f cnhiv-lion
9nd under good fencing. Term: will be ”my,
nn‘d mode knéwn by A. S. HYERS.
Xov'. 2, 1863. u - -
" T PRIVATE SALE—The verv desirable
A town property,'ln‘ South ‘Btllimore weed.
euyaburg, now occupied by (301.11. Lq -[
we", is ofl'ered'at Private Sn‘e. ‘ h comings)!
two lots. on which n creel“ n_ -
conumodio‘us Taro-[fir] Brick“
Dwelling HOUSE, Willi a. large ‘
lwo-storybriek buck-building, th‘p
I. . .
upper room of Much Is smume for a school
room, .hnving‘ been ‘.builm Im- the purpose.—
“mic is on' ma lot. w llarn, Cnrnlcrib and'
Wood-home; excqllcm sen muer. ands. varie
ty of‘ choice fruit. trees. The building )5 well
adapted either for '1 privmu residence or a.
Bonding and Day School.
\lf the propeny is nut sold prior (0 [be lst of
Deqembor, it will be for rent the ensuing yenr‘
WApplicnlion may be mude M. & W.‘
ULCJng, Gettysburg, P-L. Y
Oct. L 2, 1853‘ tdeci
The Great American Teg Comp’y,
T - ,4!
‘ELQNE #30515,
Incab Delone, du-c'd. ‘
INCE iu orgfinization, has .creuted a new
(in in the history of ‘
'l‘lme IVE inuodnced ilxeir Identical of
TEAS, and nré Idling them a! not over
AnothJ'peaniArily b’f the Complny is that
their Tm Turin am. only dev_ol.ea his time
w nae selec‘uon ofhlhcir was :5 :0 quality,
ulue, and pnrliculu nylés for pnrticuhr 10-"
calitie: of country, but. he helps the Tea. buyer
to chou' nul' of theii‘ emu-maul stock such
Tens as are best ndapud to his pnrtiéulnr
wants, and not only thin, but points out. to him
the best burglinl'. . '_
'II. is easy tq see the incllculnhle advantage
a‘Tn Burn bu in this eshoblinhmenl our all
others. ‘ z ‘, -
If he I! up judge of Tea or thb‘flarkeloifhiu
time is valuable—he huflell Ihe benefits of n
we)! organized ayllem of doing business, of an
immense cepnml, of the judgment. of» protes
sio al Tea Taster, and the knovfiledgc o! su
peéor inhuman.
hl! enables all Tu bllyers—ngjmauei I!
the nine thousand: of mihs from (His lulrkcv.
—to purchase on N gqod \Lcrm; here as the
New York merchants.
"Parties can ardu- Tm: am! will he server!
by ul‘g rd u doing} Qty am mm. be
ing s . «I get. o‘rl’gud pad‘agex, true weight and
(am,- nnd (Indian Arts WARRANTBD as repre
unled. -- 3' '
We issue nxrice List of the Company‘s
Tc‘u, which will he lent. to all who order it;
comprising 'f‘, .
soucnoxc, ORANGE a arson PBKUI‘}.
MPAN TEA of evu'ry description, colored
Ind unc‘oloyed. A -
This flax“ ench kind of Tea divided into
Four Clna‘ namely: CARGQ, hill: CARGO,
FIN E, FINEST, um every one maymndcrmnd
from descri tion and the wires annexed that.
the 00.»pr are determined to undersea“ he
whole Tex mule. '
We gdnrantcé to set! ALI. our Teas It. not
over TWO CENTS (.02 cents) pg]- pound above
cost, believing, this to be altrnNive- to the
many who have hereto‘ore been paying Esau
lous Plants. ~ ‘
Inna-nus nan Janus,
No. 51 Veaey 31., New York
pct. 19, 1863: 3m
,Notme. , ‘
EORGE HOOS’S ESTATE.—Lettera i 95-
G umenury 9n the estate of George Hoos,
late 1' Cumberland lownehip,.Adnnu county,
deee sed, huing, been grated to the anger
lign , residing .in Gettysburg, be hereby
give notice to all person! indebted to aid
estate to make immediate payment, end those
havingclnlml :gninlt the shun to present them‘
prdp rly nuthemicnled for settlement.
‘ J. B. DAKNER, Executor.
Uc. 19,1863. 6: ,
mininndou on the estate of Mary Wolf,
1»: of Gamay £oll“thi Anus county, de
e‘euedmnvin been gnnted to the undersigned,
residing in fine same township, they hereby
give notice to 11l persons indebted to said
estate to make immediate payment, und those
having chim- Igainn the same to present
them properiy Authenticated for settlement.
Oct. 19, 1863.1 6t Administrators.
q 1' 0 V E S ,
. - 4 - ALI!) - , ‘.
Cornu- of Onhiile snd Railrnld Strong, oppo
site Rnilmd Depot, GETTYSBURG. PA.‘
36511.28, Lguz. u‘
: Clothing. ,
EORGE ' RNOLD humor got up MI Fnll
and Wi her nockol Clothing, luv-r3":
flock in Imm, wuiuingyf
Over Com, x
Drvu (10-u,
Baum-u Costa.
» i .luiary Blouses and Pan",
' Put-Joana, V 319,.
quonf Ind P'Cf-Sbifll, Dr-wen, Hosiery,
Glynn; it, I: grant vuiety, all of which will
be sold cheap? for cash. Call Ind see them.
Sept. 39, was. ,—.
. 0 Yes! 0 Yes!
2 undermined aha his service. to the
pubfic u u SALE CRYEB, ud uh -
libenl than of encampment. He has had
consider-bio «purine. in the humus, and
fee): confidant than ha Mil gin uni" util
flmion. Chung modern", ms residence in
in Freedom tovnlhip, 1} mil" wen of Brmm'l
épt. 14:1883. Zm'
ministration on the (3|th offline. Ewing,
like of Frnnkhn lwp., Adnmgc‘o.‘qkuued,
hnnng been granted to the nndmigded,tuid
i in Cnmbor’lnnd township; In Muiyjlve'i
2?“. to all pet-coun indebud to on“ um
nuke immediate null, Ind Gui in
i china! ngsinu LE: lune towns them
p perly nuthenlicned for uttlemcnl.
V WILLIAM Bass, Ada’r.
Nuv. 9, 1863, St Auhnnt Tuna. ' 10a. 26, ms. m
2 President gfl‘fnnlgon‘of the York
Lad Gouz'lmir‘ Turnpike Bong! Company
have and." a dividend of Du Donu- per
dam on the «pin! flock, to be paid to the
nail-widen or legal repreunmcfivu, on de
nud. 2 0501105: swaps,
A Desirable ‘Farm
A De’sirable Bronerty
51 vssav smsm‘, saw YORK,
COST, urn autumn no! nu
‘ ONE PRICE nun. '
sum 8: Bushler,
Is thx
humane be nlls‘gheapér 1.1 m) anybody «In
B’oo to u “ -
~ for your ~ .
f, , for ya; .
{or your‘ ‘
for you! ‘x ‘
for your 1
because his price: are 1410:]! a filmy-lower
uuh anvhody else’l. \ ,
- fi-PICKING's-a.
~ in the but. pines to gm»
to g". a
smx VESTS AND sum vns'rs,
_ A tog“ K
rum vssrs AND FNCY vssrs, '
‘ ‘ 'xto get , . - ‘
\ WARM vzsrs up can? yss'rm
\ to get. . » ' ,
lo get
ucqr lvss'rs AND HEAVY vests, 1
.‘ to get .;
29.0 an - ~ '
MILITARY VESTS ‘...a mum or vim“
cheaper thin Iny other not: in the county.‘ ‘
GO TO PICKING'S fljflyun want‘pn ;
Valisen, ‘ 1 Go to Picking. i
’l‘runkn, II! you In! A ’.'
Cnrpet_Bagl, I ‘Pocxn mm;
Tnveling Bap, ' . 6040 Pickiug‘
Walking Canes; I" you wnm—n ‘
Umbiellns, ‘ - SILVER 'I‘IIHIBI‘E
Gem. Shawls, , l 00 to Picking.
Clnt_hea Brushes, Hr you want a
II!!! Brushes, l FINE SEGAR
Tooth Brush”, ‘ ' g 60 to I’ickin .
Blackiug Brushes, {if you mm: _ ,
, ‘uckskin Gloves, 1 Go to Picking.
Ggflnmm Gloves, if you Want
K vaes, -ÜBE\V.I.\'G {TOBACCO
Herd Gloves, ' .Go til-Picking.
Com artery, 'lf you I'll". . , : '
F‘un‘ Shim, , ] SUSPENDERS
ome Shirts. * , ‘ Go to Picking.
uqimere Shir“, If you want "
Flannel Shirts, a ‘ STEEL PENS‘.
Merino Shirts, ‘ "‘ ' Go to Picking.
anbwooml Shirt‘, "1 lfyou wank '7
Knit Shirll', ~ GOOD Pfixchs‘
‘nder Shim. ) Go to Picking.
Innnel anerl, "you want ,
'oolleu Drawerl, . .BLEIGH BELLS
"otm Druren, f ‘~Go to Picking.
'ecl‘swjjunJ If you want; ' ‘
lam-u, i \; NEW SUIT
'ollnra. 4 . "' Gq lo'P‘wking.
aper Conan, It you wnnt l
. lum Shoes, I 6001) SUIT
lufl'nlo Shoe-I, ,_ , ' Go to Picking.
Hollon Socks. ,1! you want. I
1 Voo'llg'n Socks, I QHEAP SUIT ‘
' Andkerchiefs, . ' «Go to Picking.
l'ocket Combs, .4 . .1! you wwt ' ~
"adding combs, , .1 Gun? CLOTHES
{ umlo Shoes, , (10 to Picking.
urn Combs, 5‘ :If yo‘n wnm. m ’ -
lorn Combs, ‘ BUY CHEAP ‘
; vory 00min, . v ‘ 60 lo Riding.
.Vati-h Key‘, If you .0511: n «
'ntL-h Chains, ' ; GOOD Fit ‘
uch Guards, . r; Goad Pib‘fiing.
'ocket Ginssea, If you want x’fiy
ookiug Glass‘ct, .zrqicle in Ins line"
loch, . 1 Go to Piplging,
pectaclqs, I .For he hisbroceicad
' zors‘ : (notherlarge stack of
‘ azor Shops,- I,
‘ hnving Soap. ‘
.haviug Brushes, .
'ioliu Strings, ’ - ’
iolin \Bowg ‘old customers and ‘ncw
FotheVmsslhouinndl ”' 5‘
’ hingsfoN‘nie lhqlcan— customer) ”Airflow
-ot bl} fuu\nd in any ‘ ' ,
. tale in the ounty. eat priccl. . ,
‘fi‘PICKIXG'S Int: nrnvnl of Néiv Gonds‘
mhrnces enr hing in the Clothing line [or
.xengand Boya.y\Q[VE nm A CALL. _
catt‘rsburg, Ocuyzs. 1863. ii i»
which be is uning vb
For Sale or Exchange.-
f wmv desirable dmsr MlLL,witb .1,
A as ACRES on LAND, in com”; g
’ wmhip. I will ext-Hangafarn FIND, ..‘ ,
pad pay the dxfl‘crcnceffl' my. ,
3‘ Get‘tyshnrg, Del. '5, 1863. K .
All Invited.i
“IE undersigned hue [his dq‘y Inuygtinto
" planer-ship in the» Grain. Pffiifuce and”.
‘ummissinn pun-inns, at the 0M Kfiaen-ller‘
Louie, corner of. Stanton nn‘d Rnilroud Kroc“.
the highest wife: lo cut: ptid for , \ ' ;
" FLOUR, WHEAT, g ’ '
1 RYE, CORN, *i b
‘ ,OATS, SEEDS“ -. v,
‘ ‘T - AND HAY.
, All kinds of Groceries, Gun or, Fish. Salt,
nd every othnr nrllele man" found in',our
no otbulinou. All, 0! which. will be lbld
holedle and tell)”. an the laden terms.
- Gill and see us, Imf uli’rfy ywnelves‘thnt
in renlly so. ‘
l‘aenyabnrg, June 1, 1863. U '
: Watches, Jewelry,
1 ND SILVER-WARE.—The_ undualgned
A would telpootfnllg‘ invite )om Intention
his well selected stock of Fine Gold and
llvvr WATCHES, Fine Gold JEWELRY, of
ery kinl and variety 0! I'yle—comprismg
l 01‘ the newest and mos-r. beautiful designs.
‘ Also, SOLID SILVER WARE. equal lo‘Coiu'
and the best make of SLLVER PLATED
ARE. Each article is Wurrmml to be as
prelented. , ‘
fl'anhu Ind Jewelry awfully Rep-ind
d glint-c 1101! guaranteed.
, (Succuwr to Slum" i Earl" )l ,
No. on Market street, Phiful'a.
I 8690.. 7, 1263. an ,
ul'ulminmntian on the "late of Gmrge
:. Honk, Inc of Moun'joy town-hip, Adams
cnnty, dec'd., buing been granted t 9 thum
‘ rained, residing in the name tnwulhip.
- hereby given nhuce will penann indeb‘ed
M mt: to nuke immediate payment,
Ind ghoae luring claim: against the name
p'rétel! chm- properlv nmhenlicfited (or
I tflenent. “USES HARTEAN, Adm'r.
Oct. X 9, ”83., \St
‘ HOS SAUBLS’S [STATE—44O"": of 3/1-
a minimum: tithe route of Ann: Stable,
14w of Mounzpleunut ‘otnhip, Adm co.,
dtcensed, luring been gunned tn tha’ under
signed, raiding In the Inn torn-hip, be
librehy giro- no‘ice to I.“ peuonl indibud lo
mid salute to nuke Imuediue payment, and
Lliou having chim again“ lha sums to pre
ndns them properly nutheuticamd’for unlemegu.
fOcL 19, 1863. 6L‘
.L.__....__..._ _
Good Things from the any!
‘N f B we receiving twice 5 week from (h.
city a. urietv orbarucies united wan
mun: amt-i: community, n: : Fran!) and San
FISH, Hume, Shoulders um] Sides, Hominy,
Beam. Suit, Apples, Pointers, Onnge', Lcmom,
Confectiom, Tubucos,_ Sag-n, with mu]
other «rticiu in thin line—nil n-ceivcd in th.
be" ofdc‘r, and said M. the lowest prams. Gin
us I- caii, in Baltimore urea, nearly oppoltk
F incstorka' store.
XVAN'N‘Zfii—Buncr, Eggn, Lard, Inr} Ill;
0‘)!" country produce—fur which the high"!
cnsb price mn béfimm.
SWEET POTATOES—hen quality, 1: law-
I living pmflls—nlwayx on lmnri. Amil
STERS, fine and lush—in we thl! or
‘ . ed. Restaurants and families “I'DHPIL
burg. May 18, [863. , 3m
much '9'
Caps. Tn
thy, Gm
which on
and Vlri
Panic] ‘e In:
invites m m in
tends 10 ‘ mm
modnu nl ; III".
in hope: .. anvil! I. No
trouble to Bhow guoda, and 9hr; ctfort mud
toutistv baron, A ‘
June IS, 1803.. If
‘ E Inhaorihez, having returned man u:-
\ Arm“ Mend)“ method of informing I.lm
public lhu. be h .commenccd the TAILOR.
INQ wsiNESS¢gnim at flu old ”and, la
y "(shellj smwn, ‘ dams vcoumy, Pm. Ind tho:
1 he wu‘mnke up garments 411 AM but sigh.
I Ind it nuomble run. He hope! .\n-Twat.
ummiun to business and l desire/mustang”
merit. Ital! Ihue qf public palmnluu.‘ "
_‘f ‘ ’GEORGB Mlll3l. '
Aug. at. :863. am‘ ‘
OR 5864.« ‘
rgmrome, ,
An Independom‘fiemocmfic ‘Dnily, Semi-‘Wfik.
The World. to whkh eke—flew York Weekly
Argus has hren nnithgj, has today five lime-l
thnggrrgnto éircutlnti‘nn of any Hamlin-nun: or
conservntive mwspnper\ vlt nddreuu werkly'
more than 100‘000 aubsvrihgrs an}! cotulunt
put Chasers and reaches at least [it u A Hummer
renders. With the Slt'fld.’ ..incrcnsc ,dn airm-
ImiOn which itlnaw'erfioysfllmo nulibrrn will
be hub“; by'-tile lst ol'flammry. 1864.
Nufiu‘ng lea-"than this lho‘fld satisfy tl-owgvho
hellfire that the only hope (if restorlng tlui Uo
niun and die authority of the Constitution out
n no! distracted and divided cquwry,§llcs'in
Questing power from £199 hand-1 at those whore
fanaticism Inn helped to provdke, invite. and ‘
prolong the war; and that to accomplish thia;
end, nu menu: is so effective as the liifl'usion,
lluough able and enterprising ncwupnperl, u!
mum; pollllcil knowledge.among the workiuk
men, the thinking mug, tn’d the voting men "of
the North. -
Enuzprise, indultry and money .will be ljh
er‘nlly expendea to nuke 13m: “’oan THE
I from ovary part. at the world'wm be only and
uuthentié: “Whegever the tcregraph’exundl.
for tallrot‘ds'grun, or mambo-u zly, it will
(gather thdluutimemgenco. It In $1913.
! staff of Lccomplished corrupdndpnu with I”
tho'fedeml armies. who whl Mempb ud._
{write to us the lug-t new: from the nr'uxu
‘l:me of Wu. I‘. ha correspondents and re
[porlns in every politienl and commercial cam
u: 'm Amrics-an Europe, who“ lemurs Ind
ldilpflchel will tone nmb'mg worthy of mm
unknbwn to ill renders.
\ Special [unions mll 1n used to maltLiSL.
reports of thecropl, of the game, Produce.
and Noneyrmttkrts, comprehensive and encou
rate. Realizing glut-t the Mae and aim" of '
thereon-try mn‘to'ba :l‘unntl upon the farm!
and in work shdpsh’t‘nn WonLu will gatheras
from every quarter infbrmntiqn and new: con
cerning Agriculture and munufuturu, 'nnd
will endeavor to make in issues peculiarly
‘ valuable to the Farmer: and Mechanic! ol‘ the
cu‘mnlry. _ . 1e é
‘ The war in which the'untlon is bugged
ngninstarmcd nud‘ infatuated rebel: and—tho
mdh-nl pohcv of the ‘admmletrnfion which'
piolongr it,have conspired to bring togethér'
upon one platform all conservatlve, Union-I
loving and Uoustxtnuon-lovtng men, at what—
evc-r former name and creed.~ Many ol thum'
S Ma, mtbin the nmns o'fthe Coummiou.
gfuuzht the bntllea of the ballohbnx trmh-r tho
1 leadership of those patriotic statesmen of other
land lvetter days, llgnry Clay tnd Daniel We»
‘ctvr, together with the mass” nhowprlnclplu ,~
' were than- of such thriuts as Andrew Jack
‘ son. and Willigtm L. Marcy, S'lus Wright 41ml! ’—
Stephen A. Douglas, now stand should“ to
shoulder upon the same platform um] under
‘- the “mo bupner. The platform id u len one. :
Ht is to Immune rm: Unwrnnrur: flu
.Cmsrrrun’. up “rune: ruflmws. Whny
ever nukes or this eud..the exerciw ol force
I or the‘ policy of’cuncilintiun, The World uil ‘
_ndVflfdfit} Mutton: .umkcn _againu u, ’lhe'
World mll oppose. "
‘ It will oppose etery enemy to
I . ranger, ‘ ’ —_,
, whether armed in uh - on M the South or ln- '
laidioufly piloting the needs of diuunion and
‘, essenlinl disloyxlty M. theNonh.
‘ lt wrll oppose every violltiun of . ‘.
”which it the only hop! and ham! 0! Unionflnn
, our only Authority far exhurting or compemug
‘ th's allcgiance of the South.
l [iv-11l oppose cveryinl‘rgction of '
v in high apnea: or in low, by recklou and mi;-
l guided yutinns, or by the ndninis'mtiuu
mhich has been their ”Ample.
_ 'lt wll! fearlessly excl-tin the Freedo- 1
th- Puss ; it'll! cunstunfly “91.014 m 4 defeml
P‘s-«dam of Speech, and Freedom of the Ballot.
To the inwlu: acts of the Adm-ufolnllon.‘
jits srbitnry nnd unju‘t nrrclts a’nd exp-41in.
‘tious, its denial of the right to the writ ut
l‘hubea; corpul, it: illegnl proclnmsnom, its Abra.
‘ gmion or State and federal laws, its despotic‘
LBCx-umulauons of uyllgranlcd pom-r, and In
aubveuions of the Safe-gunk 0! CNN. ‘53
‘nnsnxn LIBERTY, it will coustnntly nypme
‘thc leucr nnd spirii 0f our suprem‘é law" and
lthc advocmry of suund ductrinc, until Ameri-
Lcan freeman athl be roused tn the recovery yo!
their rights, their lil-erziea, llzexr Liv"; Ind
, mm- m’nm-d and \vell-bnlaurfid governlucut,by
the reniulcu dccisxon dum ballot. ‘ '.
menundly impressed “uh the desire So
cnntnbule I!” that it. may to the great; work of
this genrrntion— namely. to restore/‘gur an
(ion! unuy, and to pl .ce Um United \Stfln
agm foremost 2mm: we naffiflnsmftile éarth.
Bud‘ first in ”in, pa-‘r'e‘ m‘urp- “L 3 um} )I sppinull
of iii maple—The WmJ mu 4mm Hume who
des‘ra such things! lbrir syn-numb; “Dd Happen,
must “have all, :Le {.xnvr of Him who ’Cl'Ohlt
every good work.
Yurly jubacribers by mn11,....f........
Single subscribers par 1nnum.'.......,..'.. 3 0Q
Two capies to one Aflteu............:?..... [6O
Three " " . ..........'.....'. YOO
Ten "
Single lubscnbera per mnum..........:.., I 00
Three caplet (Iddtcll on ad: 31‘3")”; 800
Fivg copies -‘ “ “ ' _8 00
Ten copies ‘1 1 “ u ’... 15 00
Twenty caplet (.1: u on Harem) BI! 00
Clups of 20 and harm have th. Odd"-
pm. on each pipe: {at in Addmonal chirp d
10 cents encb.
For every club of twenty uh extra any will
be Addeuor tho-gener up utho club. y,»
For every club oi finy. the Semi-Wat!“
And for every club of one hundred, we Dilly
will be pent, when request“). is he“ at th.
extra. e ”es ofwevkly. ~ A‘, .
Ad 1122311: to (Hubs may be nude at My thin
a "me nun. Papers cannot. be changed. ‘
from one Club In another. but an rogue“ o!
the person ogdering up Club, um on Deal“!
fifty cum exlrs, alngle pupa-n will bout-3,71
from tho c)uh and lent to I leplratiuddm ‘
All orders mun be weompanied by the cub
Addreu ‘ _TRE wuuyn, ‘
.\‘m‘. 2. 1863, 35 Put liéw, 3;. Yuk,
Prospe - c - es — ur ---
fly and ~Weekly‘NL-wapflpcuj
........' I! .0
sun... 21 u
ill be
lo a!
J w
- in 00