The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, November 23, 1863, Image 2

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oua rug!
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’ 'A'r: GII'ITTI’SBPR—(L \j‘
Military ind, Civic grocessgon._
manna utsnlflp-olum‘ox.
49mm: of'Ppes'ident Lincolg?"
. r. ..- ‘—__'- '9.”
. 'l‘gxurisday, 31w 12th insh '9': a great day‘
lu'tho}hlqtof of Geflvs‘burg-wecon'l only
_ k; mice.“ to the v'vcntful first. second and
41sz dnyfo! J uly hut; .
a‘hoiinflux of :Imngen commenced on
Monday, Add ’tbe train! became heavier
and hélvier u the day of consecration up?
pmuhgd. Qn Wadheanyfi' Wednesdny
11.321: in} Thursday morning, grammar-rived
'oyery few hours. mailing she crowd to im
memo proportions: , ,
Day ‘ydawn‘od on Thursd‘iy wit‘ig'nn un
cloudefl sky, giving assurance of Ime'y
wantiwr. The stroeu w'mrmcq Mth peo
ple [him 9" sectl9na, 0! me Union. the
number ni-iously estimated 21!. from twpmy
[Lo forty tb'ounnd:- zEatery nvuiifible spot. on
the pflnoibai sweep: was oécupieal The
throng of- Indie: and ’gamlemen, the large
(urn-op of miJitnry in their best. trim. the
flags flouiflz in. the brpeza ajinnumornble
pointhall-lco‘gqififizml to the making \gp
.'of n piowrg of rare 3 d, exciting interesL,
. Minn. ten o'clock {he} line of the pro
muion fgrmed. nhd mqved forward to
the! gromof [he Cemetery in the follow
ing drdcréfi“; W ' '
Nuigc n- Id. .
Sew c mama Shtés Artillery.
Efi'iggi Suite. Regafgr. Cavalry, {l26m .05:-
hch _tlr‘ruth. ‘ , ‘ ‘' -
Maj] Qane'm‘l Goupffn'ngi 3mg. 1: ‘
Gkuru'wl mud Stag. : ’ '
Tw‘enfi‘lnth Pennsylvania Cnulry, one hun
dredud twenty inf-lumber, under ccmmund or
pol. B. S‘ticktlxéz. ‘ , ' '
,o:qu game; “a! rbpmapm“, and Sam
gem” A, Fifth Unite?! States Regulul.
Mnjor-Gehenl Schcnck and Staff. \
Bnd‘of Filth Fm’Ymk Heavy Artillery.
Fifth New Ybrk Heal-y Artillery Regiu‘enl,‘
ypder knlygeixd of Colonel )lll‘rfy. ‘ ‘ ‘
li‘l‘llae President am)? Upiled States, attended
#7! Yiqe.P}-ui§eut H ‘lln,’Secretary Sey‘vu‘rd‘
pl we Stan news-ml?” Scent”; psher. of
'tho Department of he Interior s. Seen-tar;
Ri'elleefillhe {levy Department, end Pqumns
gar-Genital. Bluir, esroned vby Ghiel' Marshal
Ward H..La_mo‘u and Aids. Marshal; anHEMar
lhlli'Aidl.‘ Briéndier-(icncral \Vfiglu, General
DopNéQny, and Brigadier-General
gended by their Stills. ‘ ' ‘
Aw Cémuglnlonerg of the difi'orent’ 3mm. ~
”United Sum Smith}: Commission. number;
“lug twenty men, ufdc'f cofirq‘end ff Dr. W. F.
Sewn}. , - " '
A ‘ add Follpws’ Lodge. Na. 124, of—‘Gfltylburg,
E‘mmbeiing two hundxed and any men, with tho
ficnytbvnrg Eammplpontp! the lune Order.
Hgnoper Lodger}. (1021?.l No. 33‘, out
hmépefi ‘ltroghyiii _Odd Fellcyu frog: 9m:
pines. g
Buhimore Doligntion, regulating of ‘memgben
0! Con oil: of Bhltififnre and Civil omm.»
Bit dram am, ofPhilndelpbis. ’ n
Inca ‘y And Slndlnu; o! the College and
Benini J. .
aveht‘hdudrod dlizom, comprising dele
gltrionl from the lever-l Sum.
“ Carriage: continuing cilizenl from the dif
firent Batu Ind the qrrounding conntry.
. flue process-ion ma promptly at. the
time indicated, 10 o'clock. A. M., and mov- 1
ed over the route p’revioully arranged. (13" 1
‘tlbo‘time the Presiéent, accoxgmliiegl by
the diferent members of the Cabinet, en;
tired ”99’ Uefiiptexy grqqng. tlge stan
erected it? the centre of the ledge we u}:-
yo‘uyded lay it least twenty'thgiu: d citi
um, «were! theuuiid of‘whom $1 con
gngltedimmetjiudy in frontof tlje stend,
the immense crowd being interspersed with
Phi.“ Pipltllll, lldl, lind oflcen if @ifieg
eat gulps. \
A cordon of joldieru were pine-d in the
tori) org circle outside of the Mud eon
gfegetegl near the stand end entirely sin--
m;dinglt,beyontl whibh théunnds of é‘itr
-_ item clustered in surging messes, endeay
bring to. get I glimpse “gutted.
After we (gvored .on are provided
with mute on the atluid, the Rev. Dr. Stock
ton. Cijnplnin of the United State: Sen-
fa, was introduced, and otfered a. prayer
-’ ~ ‘.‘3B turnne of gracH. The prayer of Dr.
~'. ttckwn was delivered in the moat tint?!”
cave -fil&xn}\er. nnd was Ixstnncd to, with
bresghlegs ngte‘m‘lon‘. At the close of the
prayer um band played a dii‘ge.
' Mnyknl Quinn they read 1 letter from'
Genbn} Winfield chlg, “greasing bin re
gret» n3t‘being able to “lend phé coyo
moniel o! dedicationg
Xanhdk _Lan'lon next introduced the ‘
Hog, Edward Everett, of Massachusetts, ‘
no orator pf the day. 7 =
My. Everett's address was an exdaodingly
W 9nd omMe production, embellish
pd winks-spa llhpiqps, brilliant rhEtoricll
M”? Iyd hjslortoal pnfllekilhszratiu
onk. “Hing condxot in the United Sums.
AMT In doggy refemnceto Hellenic his 3
~ may; meant-me orator said: , I
"We hm gusqmb‘led, friends. fellow-citi
m ’l, the mvmmon of the Executive 0!"
as. Mccnyll‘filate of Pennsylvania, sec— i
if!“ 'bijw Goyernors bf 532M501: other!
WW of the Union. to pay the 1,“.
_ ‘I “drama (_0 the brave men who, xi;
, Cb tog ”puma: oftbe In. 2d and 3‘} ‘
V M §glish§n hid down their lxves I'm
“In???” 09‘ then h:11-s:de_s.agd th‘e
m mu.“ befyre us, and whose re
" {mm kindxergdimotbe cemetery
’ ‘ 'g'.~uz "W‘JM‘WF- 49 my Pya
‘ _‘ ‘1): it! 6, Whose Wye so
. _ml by che blond of 33mm md
Ob, ..., 1 tool I! never beforv, hp. “- 1y
5:; F" I" of oid, nu: it is “10“.qu
rmymowrows’u sauna-y. _lfep”g
MY" 599.0”.hm'jluily {53:3 the 6:53 “1.1“ - . -.. V H “5’ ”“ '” “‘ ‘* - ~~~~~ - --.- . _ -._e- —— - —_. _... .-.
, _' _ well-er smegma ro um i » . ‘ - z ‘ w3‘w‘ ‘*"*’—" *'~ --- ~
ililisto‘ry to the present time. men have pmd 1h 3' . 3PP? we 'h'ld d°i “WELL. Tm CAN’T HAVE IT," i moverrmr Pokemon! New Jersey-who LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Thr Emancipation Mud,” . . '.
it.” om” 0f the“ gratitude “1d “dlnll'n- l i There are my, men "ho "I.n) U i ‘hll been pronounced .C 0 1d d ‘ -—-v-——-—-‘———--v »«-1- --- innl drultofu B. . , {'llgl’ln.—-fho ong
ititén mlih'. memory of those it ho noblv suc- 2' ' hm" "“° '9 ”“5?- dedicate, we on as it. “the and {he Cowman us it i‘n ”Southern evm th' h :Pcél‘mm?" TERRIBLE ACCIDENT Hm. Pu-sell Nis tor sale Ou!‘:l’t:;lldn:tlliflu“:‘ l’lmclullmtion
' l I ' , f . . - l .b n , ; 0
:;.l cot on lire: that their lellow men may ““1““ “MN-”u. WE- rennet hallow this Well. they can't hue it:—-Vice President. " - ' .1” “fr. 3' t 0 “Ah "a“ gnu...“ Philadelphia, final!“ he" .0 t" 05"") at I"va hundred and“: lg"! liven
“we m ssh-9y. And. Ln“, “mute "9‘ 2“ [round in mm!- The number of m" ”mi Halt“. . press. is out In I llll’nng proclamutmn in . . . . Some Lay“ L a ~ tr nr it...
ier duo, when—lo Whom—could”, ho mme and deed who i ’u 5 T . . -_ . .'tlle people of m. 3‘.“ osllin u 1: them more Ilie remain: of amu [VIHQJ in ihe bsltle. d r flier . hopes it may he
‘justly paid lhl‘gn to thone‘whoee In". resting it {or '. s ranted here here consecrated‘ be‘tone of the Vice President (says 1}"; to m‘o d .v EPO ”a “l the mm, mm. wilnns the Ctrhmoniee of fif‘ffir M." In luyni 'iilllorlt‘fll 30cm”. 1_
gplnce “e this day commend to the blessing .JO'C our poor “temple to add I! its Jamal of Commerce) is dictatorialeucii ln to the President's call for more Thur-Id“. met him n/terriu. scoldent on' urplnhs cclllxllimuu to rob on the
i°f Heliven and ofrnen. » ”Tatum“. ThQ. “"14 will little RM" Ind like tint. Assumed by his Purl] The Be- tti-”Pit. ”0 “I," : ' . l'i-‘ridly' d! lb! residence 0! \lr Soliilnhn l’ w diiuihnii W Hill" the?! Eatfimnc ”’o'“ h“!
I h "91:, confiider. my friends, what would '2f i"ffreuiiumer or what we see here, but '0: public“: elected their Prairies-n. hr .mi is 1 “new" “1‘ “9°" ‘l‘ “”1"? 0' ““5 "m 1i mm thmlwh-d plaid up n Mia; l 0 twenrilymild‘iilglmizzfiiiriiilo'ifmiug
nn - ~ . . ' - . ' r ' ull r
.32....“ °::'a':2‘:ii?:.‘°i‘.§‘.3°322:'ii. w:J:‘:l.‘.";2;f:."::""3“?“- Wm .... mm m. ......»:..:2.:;..'°Ti*:.i‘;2i.:s2:i m: 32:“; “we-15”: .... ......“ “......" ‘2.“ ‘3"; "W m»
“4°“ "3° “99 hath 5111’ feet. ind their 3 Mbe increased divans: to 19:2; 23"” ‘h‘ Provisions of the system ofgoveonment. the people of New Jersey. who line him. it. He had the up take. onl,nnd wu‘strikmg 30?," or m" Em'mc‘i’won Frock"... -
.. gnllent comrades, o survive to sPrve [they “reg". u";- I“: f ”2%. "“0" MI by the vote of lei-less than half the people, .mo nevi-r fniled iu_the discharge of duty. , the shelf npon A stone to loosen lhe pom-den ' *-~~ —. «..w'c.-. -. _- 1
.tholr country'on other fields of dengcr.hhd . . , u - ”9“” 0‘ d"°‘ But having power they wumem high bond will. 9""“1'7 “d m. the proper ‘P"“-_ "r nnd thus 'exty'ect the balls. when the mini “ w-Among the burdens of them ’
. t le rulvm
(“med I".”er duty M, ”,0“ ‘hemonme. in, we here migh resolve gm they shell not not “one iu‘=tr . d 'd l onco'tler upon it. with the determination , 1 a“, “m, . loud n. o d ' than: none will tie fell .3 the 9*
idnyt. Consider whit. nt ”,3. mnment, Itune diedin 'Bi hug; mo“ shelkunder . , in, lo renrmen olnin n: “on tol’sil. they willslicceml., Our “mi” elol. /. Pun.“ so horribly heavier thuh the "redhead Kim? mun
Iwouldbe the condition ol'the United Stan God here 3 . ’v’ WWW b‘" m deck“!!! "h" ‘5O '.future . simuld be ill' elv reinforced. A cru-hin EMdeiJ/fi’ 'bud' u m mam" immedl‘" ‘ ' ..l. L ' " li. now
. A. . . MW bulb 0515 a dom em! til-Mlle ‘ ‘ g ' g " ' ’ ”firm Ifllheuties T!” he ll
iii an“ noble army of the Potomac, “it?!“ onernmenrohbe "o l f m. _ nI? d of the countrymhnllbe. If we sreinot to blow at the armed power of the robellion, ninput-liyn of hath, beside otherwise womidoil 5.; ”dual: of the diounién PM}: 2"! J
°f gullontlyndtorihe secondfimglafing {O, m l pP f’ .or eWi' "n have the Union as it was and the Cdnstitudif followed by 'i'ev just. "“1 mm‘iiiniwy‘ in! M ‘ “'hffl “10 shell hunted, Allen er: Wy m '
beck Eh“ lldt' of invnalon from Marvlnnd . peep e, shall not pen-iii from esrth. ’tion is it is whet sre w{i lltii {é, (, counsels. will open the dnor to that ace [.‘.-“myrii'n interesting lad of fourteen son of » "-—-— «en—..-. ;
and Pennsylvania, had been l‘aelfdriveni A Dirge was‘then sung with fine eil'ect. wh t l "‘l 9- 3. Int 0‘ ' n wthh weso much desire. and wilk'lleiltli Tl" F‘razrr deceased b 1" firin lb 11' ' Shroud—Said en Irishman to the tele.
from these well-contested hei hts- llrow rafter Whichth . .i apr nmooslisllwe Justify the war.-- thus for .eiulied us. The per, 10, amid , i ‘ ' . ‘ l xw ‘ " graph 0 erutor: ‘ ,
, . ,5 , t n . OBenedlctlon was prnnouno . . . P in 5 tin slendlnu nur Mr B p
ibsck in occlusion on Beltimmd; or train. ' ed, and the'lhron ol‘ le (1' reed d tThe ICCfisflOflJtl hnve then been sufi‘i'uful. . many discouraging circumstnneos. iiohly 'i , , . . ‘ "38‘, "d ‘ '1)" 3'o“ 5."? charge Anybody for the lil
lplrd down. discomfitted, mitercdto the retilrned “mud g I poop lqu su ‘snd the Union is destroyed pest reandyl ”wooded to my formercslls forvolunteoiu. f It. of striking 11.1!!!In'tltll'lbdomenlcuihim dress in u nipping”. - _.
iw‘“ "Dd-NW“. NHL-r iho cirdumstnnces - 't '0 town. The “km”. If thrse ridicule ere to be believed the-wnr l-wh?"°’ "“14” ”‘9 result 0' this n P°“-‘ ”N "i two, "mm“ dunk "' "f" “hm““i”. “minim“ "'9 °P°f3lofi , ‘
,would not. hue be,” the fate oflthe Monu- tion was complete. and not‘the slightest . | the wants of the put few months ill 0I" .Blsr din: were interred on Saturday in liver 'And do‘” charge for nignin his
imen’tsl 9117.!“ final-burg, orphiigdeiyfi‘m-iccident occurred to mlr its sii‘cdeu. .“ nowe ff“ fight {Ol- “PW“‘WY' :N"t Dfflocled mlditiomtl‘ honor on on Nov) ‘Gree Chinetery. Anothor wsruing end a“ sir 1'" ' , _ _ 5 "“30- .
vol' “ llhlngiOh--lhé “pm“ of the Lnion' Among the distinguished ersn s erent-tortilla Unlon.butnwsr for snefv govl-iStfle. I have confidence'thst t 9:”!‘0‘22: or m l ddnt, an“ the ‘dm y - 'b... I :l‘oillr.’ 7- '
;-‘esch and way one orwhich wouldlmve here were i. d d, P p g eminent. in which Abolitionistseretorule' '"u again '“Pm‘d- "1d 5" ”’7 “1“" ‘- l. . ‘l g mu? Wine" . ,Well, “‘9"- will ye plriuie send this! 1
ihm at the mercy of the enemy, accordingly . v 9 un erstnn , nine Foreign i without any rotation in office In this .61: not only our quoteof the new cell, but duo of lb 11 ripening has )el sifordsd. May 11. be Just \vant my brother to know I_m he'd:
uit migm hove pleased himapuned on? afinistm; ExSeci-etsry Cami-ion; (lov.;we relpec‘fuuy dissent “It-i. dialog-1 ‘0: the smell existing deficiency. ’" / thel L 1 .i , ‘ rhnl'i‘dm’g'thrml‘nllowing: 3
h . _ . . . _ ' ‘ . . . . . . ——V—-—.——w ‘O. " _ v ,
his???“ igigfigdm::°;;;w3%3;fw?ll; d:;2:dlA;§lM§;:er¥ “chimnfftgveyzr i diesebt." Very well. we still dissent. “It! 00:21:31; llgrjlngus‘gzbof; ”other hm h“ LA lE'_ FAIR—The lhdles of Conowngo ‘;L_‘:(ii",ign.:f)l_|;9 liu‘gzfifizbymk;
I ‘ 2. .t_ j r rr. e rn-urer rel .'l. oo h ~ - n . , noun 9 “lb" 0 “'9 "’.sre Ikiin l-r pre nrailuns fr it)" ‘ i 11. \ ‘3‘ b i‘3“ .
ico‘" " l ‘ ~ iAdjutsut General.Ruseel, of Penn's Innis-‘9 P": ”d fon‘dwmnt. Be It 'o’ ":charzed him and GOVGPDOP S°¥mo|lf ““1 . "Igo p 9 a" at ‘ wuss sent. “samba” to rum“ 5
rEN. t' d d lii” ' ' y lon dissent. bellies do not trouble us - ' ”‘5” ”’"°""‘ '° “Emu” °“ "‘0'“! d"! the Inu‘
ldbfi'l‘ef yzre' lien prom; e til): m ultejGovemor Seymour. 0! New York; Gov. ißesides. we charge ”I“ "or, men who ;_& gall Democrats, themselves buo nnd mallg-i Chm mé.‘ “d continue one ‘."k’ {or the i :._c
' ’7' ° Tun” ° 9'1“”, "n". he'Toa. 0f Ohio; Governor elect Broilizh of- '' ‘- inslit liars? ‘ i i b ‘u: (it ban is ~15 I ' "
conflicts which ensued. and th ‘ results ef- h‘ L ‘ e ...r ’ ' lfu‘" to "m'm tho °m Union, 'hOGi‘h‘" - - —-———o-o——-——-—- f ‘ 'meio' e p ‘ ’ ".n connicud/‘mb
1' ~ - . 'q‘ .4 to I?” GOV' Morton, 0‘ “"13"" LX-OOV. obstacles in the way f its restontion toJ aPresidr-nt Lincoln. her “list issued 3““ A sdemy a" that. place.’ “”li'd‘.” °r the:
e to b . ‘1
ca y the army under Gen. Meade. ,Wright; of l-nlllnnn- Gov. Bradford Of: d . ‘ll 'l'h hShi u ,- 300000 M :0 d ireglo h rclho um Ind energy‘to mkethel
This wss folio edby nreview‘ frtlie'irul‘ M] - . ' ' - i' . ‘power an pesoe,lscquu ym t e out .!cs or -' '0 meal.» put. ownl ‘ " or; i" ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
iin its gPiic-rdl clkt‘iler. end unfargunirrtl 'ygiiiiu, Ehgilhhtxglfiflbsies‘flfis‘t: vmi ern rebels the “'me 0‘ bi“ country. Tim—filth“ ”million sgsinst the til-pica. the COM“. ! :21: to idiiti’itl‘: i‘llliicriim $263335!
.. - ‘.~. . « ‘m T .- - id‘slovnlt i. lainl ennu h will lAb l'~ Minn and the land. orney’s Pm: ia‘. ‘- ' - ‘-’ ’
..ln support any“, lttiiude of m plied; firesidv-nt L l| d .. ‘ . Y P .V , S ' 11° o'. , o I tion thstlheolmcl s - l '
, . . . ... ‘,: mac uan partyileft lute in - - ~ . .' ‘ - - - 5° l" "Q J ' mn”'”"‘°""
iStntes in its prosecution. Thiifpnltno‘qgf the evening in a special 0”,... Gov Gui-J tlmiistia. The pretence of loyalty‘ls 3 till?! “0‘"! m utmost 1° ‘WFdB enlistmrnls. 1": willl oubtless drsw large crouds‘ol visitors,
in“ oration included various ”*i‘“ one lo t,” {lw thKUE'ldrl of Do ”QR!!!" left! ‘ 'vr-il With which to cover that old dlnunim declares ”'3" “ "Emmi- ”0 ‘BOM‘H‘PB Ulldfli - 4—’ 4
E French, English, German Itnl' n. | 4m! ii; in! me “it”. O~her tiiiins'followed £812: which prnnounred the‘Coilslitutionsleiigue ' our banner whore sentiments are. " such Mi i. ’
{short European history. all'citeduin iilustrs- in: sway iiinilunils of pnfien are ’ . q. \i mm den”! and the Union» covenant igith , ”f 0” “lured by Gpn’.M‘C‘e”fln' Who u ' .llndm
.110“ of rebeilion. in character “3d the im-' Onl-‘rldmv‘morn'na tl gd 'f boil, and which advocate-e with e conduct ."in inner om” W0?”°““°n 0' the war “9' iu g}
‘ rtsnce of its i ,t] ', ..' ".'l' ‘ 'e crow 0 persons. of the war MI mlkm Ml ens imposeible and nll'the mmns “'4 ”‘8 command of‘thel I“ portn
p 0 suppress on. I‘ e basin; notwnhstnnilliig file departures during the . - ' 3‘: 2 ' ' ‘
'pmsr-ph-roftbe “1‘1“” m “idlwr in‘ght was still ‘greac nearlr oil of whom "‘° ”MWVW 0’ the hi government iii-1.81M?! unld the mums-y DOW"°“l‘° Mi '
--v._-‘~. 1 ~ - I u r u
f “The people “Hiya! Artflrivrn it”, néver ' spent the day visiting the‘vnrious point?“ [21:31 a, “it“.my' ' I 1;?“ i“ do. trnyegh . 11“": “’...:lrtd .‘Yline
lilke’mthell' contil ncoor ndnllimgaih to», ilitcreiit on the battle-field. 'l'hcsesnmlrlu “‘9 Ewe m” nous on the ppm,” in} cm“ is "we m-t a. pore” ?' ”mo"
reborn in their governg; t the ilßl‘ld-‘henrtzd nll let‘i on yFl’ldl "min, and {told - “glow to be ieve. or quick to forget, that the , and emu-EV. the [whey directing 11. slimil]
Ilncn whosecrur-l luit~t§€powr-r has brought; miirnin ‘whrn thye town Billed d 1: . '3; men‘irllo pl't‘trnd most‘ loudly to suppqn. 'he in conson‘snco with the pl‘indplfi 0““!-
19”” desolatlllz '3" upon tholsnd. but. th.-re mold-tiling ”I,“ e on .n it n? t‘\“.,” “for the Union." “m the very . nlsnity and civilization, walking no injury
1" “0 PPC‘OD‘I binomial? f 9- 9WD 3531916 v" i 4 . q -' . ~ ml'l‘l’ {rho rlthr3_§\ann snlomn oaths in olhi‘r to private rights perty not. deman
:UH‘D’. 'lney may live, i” they on bear ('0 ”The military ilrrlgngemunts, by Gen. i ~l‘ . -. . ' :. . . .1 ‘ .
.live afti-r wnnton‘ly causing the death of’soficoucb, were a’dmirable insrsllel lemon 1 mes lON‘SN“) ”19 U‘wnn. Nor do ”I“ de‘l.l‘.‘"m‘i”"PY “mum" and ”Winn“
imony tlloulinnd follow Inén.thoy may live m Rho perforined his PM} *9" as did D .pcople Wll iigly lift the Veil which conceals .by miii'nry law among civilized nnlinns ,"
isufe obscurity beneath the shelter of the W'll E .~ ' f , ',the real designs of the moniwllo‘ professiond that “the sole greet objects oftlle wnr
' l . I w H 5' . ' . . - 3 . -
[government they have sought. to'ove’ythrow _ ' s <q '0 Ag?“ 'o‘. 60'. Curtln. the purest. loyalty. and denounce mostinretht- restoratidn of the union of
or they may fly to the protection -of the C‘Wt- MCCurdv had tllernllroadseeflicu-nt- - . - , i . ‘ ‘ ’ ‘
.goveruments ot‘ Europe—sumo of thorn lfre ly Worked in: virus possible ’ [fiercely we". Opponents n” ”Him" W'“ i “0"" ”‘3 preservation 0f “7‘" Constitution,
{already there, seekingf happily in vu'ln. to This report is not asiull 1“ we‘coulll de-iany one tell us moans .ml the [rup'emcy of the laws of the
[_obmill the {lid ot’forelgn powerein ful-tllosU sire hilt. i 5 correct ‘3O f I't ‘‘l ;when he guys we cunnot. have the Union ““ ' ‘
lmce 01 their dun l-rermm. There: I'9l thom ' - I . ’ .M‘3 I g.°°"‘ ' anyrflnd Cnnslilutiun. if hediws “M "‘93" (“in
stay. The hummer dead soldierfillnt llr-s matters (f detail "Inc" would interest the‘ho and his ulliesi tell‘d l fore? to R d
,cold and still in this 8""0 before ‘3... ‘5 «n render! of the Uimpli'er do not receive nie'n- ‘ H A i V 'l‘ -'~ )y ‘f l ' [do “m
ohJect fin" beneath the clods that cover tion to thy simply bicmlse we have not had : s new government it: place 0 t it: o . ‘ alit?
illim. in mpsrlson lvilluhe livin}: man, um“. t h __i‘ ‘ , . :mt-alls lhst‘, slid lmllllng\ni‘nro norms;-
who is wiring to grow-int the rim of n for- ”“e °g“ 9” “3‘": 0‘" °.'“““” 'o' He dare not dw-v it hini elf. "'or will it
éign throne for mistancein com “smg tho Esovorsl days thought of little else than the ' radical news :1 (_._ be fnuni‘lvhilrl enough to
mm 0! Mg comm-£9 ;. . 'propor entertainment of the throng of d? ,“f h? 1: ll 4 - r." 'hl‘l
"But thellounis omingsnd now is. when \ezi-nilgess. and “4' think' they-succeeded iii“ n) or ”u" ‘ ohm" "3 J 8 “~“ at". ”T
the power oflhe 19 era of the rebellion to .: - - 2 - - . meant when I‘9 received u": 5' '1“ npostls
delude and inflmmdgdn t; o:' "Hi ‘ 'lllt‘flymg every reasonable expecting m. of (reason 1] li‘sll r 1 'fl\ "f h
. ‘. ‘ me e “‘9‘ are N think ivnrticular. The visitors \v‘Tthou‘t cx-l -‘ fln- ‘n)lnon‘ m ‘ ro t‘e
311‘: liittorliiessfog tile.pnii;t of the mullet—impugn 8? PM as “(3.1 now left. w'th 'h 3Senfll6WlillthSllnguwlfl'd honors. ‘\ '‘ i
epeopeo e ut Mo norgningtol . ~' ' ‘2‘" .1“?! ,_, - 5 .~ - 1
huge sneternal vibrating wretched pro. hbest impressions of tho scrlfimmodhting and his 1.13““? a' " Vim p 120)" “high we ‘3O-“
texts by winch this rebellion is sought m heflihqfidmb‘ex disposition of our.poople. “lo: 1 lonlsts run c .llnl‘ aupit in usu'lhe‘l‘ar:
Justified. The bonds that. unite us as once} ' -* ' ' ' - in” ”’9 purpose or f”“"""‘3 i‘ “9" 11°" "'
, , . _ are safe in venturing the opinion that they . - i
eople, nsubstlmtinl community of origin.[ . i . . . . - nlenthcre? Ale they nnv loss tmitnrs ‘l i
F a bl. saw little or nothing to Justify tlle‘uni'uvor-i . , ' . ’
unuunge, e ief nild law (the four gresti . . ~ . - . attempting to do so than Jollr-rrmn Duns
ties that 110de the societies of “.19" togetherm nble‘lmprerslon sent sbronli‘by A few letter- i and 1;”. nllies’ ll t 1 Abol’l' . ' :
common notional and political interrels: u I writing tools who ‘cnme hdre inimedistely‘ . ' a" m I {Omsunny i
common history; a common pride ill a 10--nl'ter the great bntth‘a of July'last whiclllmom “fl“: to make a new nation ”r "1..
nous ancgstryylicommon interest in high“ dov’xst-ited nr “9, 'hlmrl d . dl f lthan hail the Foulile‘l‘n irrcssimlists! of
great. heritngc of blessings; the very gob-l ‘ '‘ , «1° ‘5 'OO, rm e llcoursc not. Wlmt UlPll justifies there Ab-l
graphical! features of the country; the nligh- i “m FWD!" mum“ ”'e “mmqnw "m“ l olilionists in calling us traitors who iniisi!
«y rivel'sjthat cross the linés of climate 31ld;0r subsistence for themselves. ' i hU . . ‘ i -. ‘5 i
lllue'fadllltu-le the interchange of nat‘hrell All in all, the i‘Jlll of November 1863 (int '9 , iiinn us it yrnsnnd tllcic‘ollstltutlml.‘
31nd ipilustrlul products; whilo’tlih wonder-i will standout as memorable i th ,'- t I l ‘l5 It ’5? ‘3.-“hm? “Hill“? "‘."°"t"d “'9
winking arm of the engineer has 'levolodl‘ . ' .' ’ n rue "5 cry i cry. tor the purpose of (lin‘rllng u‘tlrntion'
tlidmnulltnin walls which separate the Elsi. iof Gettysburg. “Fin-Ch h" “‘l“!er such . from their own tiouon It is‘ lime {or thoi
and West, compelling your own Allegbe. sudden and woxld-widn fame. . g I ..1. _ l"t f A .' - i
nice. my Marylind and Pennsylvania . _ ____.- ._-..; [tine oyslljso . ineiicn to cut looec from
friends, to open Wigotlicir evrrhmling doors @OgThursriay afternoon, imniedii‘m' : the Abol‘mn “Hm“ o‘. the "bcmmt The:
_to the chariot whorls of traffic and travel; ly after the roturn of lllé mililllryflinm ihelhitlgr are‘ stoorll‘asily walking with ”lE‘
:h::srn€s:iiilfiz::uzf pert;nmal fol‘c°:Cemotcly; the New York Fifth Heavy Ar-fe'lulllern rebels. playing iiitq their hands“
I'.._. , ‘ . x. i
are imaginary. factitious, Ezdoil'32s2fiiflni tillory, ““39“ at Fort Katalin"B'lll'iconftnnfly' a?“ 1:0." begin w nrow~opou:y‘
:t‘lie heart of me people you“ -and South i more. and commanded by Col. Many. were 1 their driernnnation lo owrlhrmrthe Uni-i
ls forthe Union. Indications, tod’pluiu totdrswn up in line on York street: fiction. Their .oinl trcnhnrl remains in their;
figtlgkfifii anounc: tl‘l‘e fact! both in_ihe i Seymour reviewed illem. and muipliment- ' bones nnd blhonl. They l'mlwl lwglu‘s (0'
I"! North Clifl‘ollfls:oal:deg:;i::ls:1128121231.{ed them on their fine nppeamnce, whichg insist that the Union is (lislimlvrd :ind loi
charm at len th is broken. At Ruleigh i they richly deserved. He then. in n nestikerp it dissolved: \Tiii‘y invent, irlols toi
and Little hi the lips olhonost and [gave l and pntriotiq speech. prcsentetk' the Regi- . preserve power in'lboioroirn [mint]; and, the!
glean. are ulna-god, slid alloindeplende‘m mom-with a magnificent Silk Flag. which } whole country is in mnilrni {z and din-rile»;
ris no in: erlngllsalti ry.‘ 't‘ieiv'ea-lwss receivedi t ' l bI ‘ ‘ .'' ' i“ I 1
'37. masses of the people are yearning to see l M“- G sch“ skis v “all“?! I;.en'cin‘leif y} tlhn. while they not in neal ‘hxfllltl spells. l
the deer old flag flouting egsiu upon the " en. ~enc .on . 0 .u' “r". 17, . . ~ '7‘; -—A - i;
,ngimk. and thoy sigh fo‘r the "mm ofthoi ry, whose modesty prevented him from i e Enuincqaafinn ' rOCldmilhyn..-'Ti:ew Tn.l
pd‘a‘cep #osl,)“in andi lispiiinees, which: replying. Cheers were given {Or Governor ' buns contrndlcted .W en'dlell Pliillllps stntnv
th‘ey onizyotl under. {government “119“; Seymour and Ge‘n. Schenck, when the Reg- meat that Mr. Lincoln lied said'to him that
110:er dwu fella-timid luflhs blessings. fG 't ‘ imam. marched to Cllmp.‘ , “ the Emancipation Proclametion was the
n now. ne.eow-tne o - .' ' r“ - ‘ ‘- ' '
tidburg find Pennsylvania. ”iii yoilufrom 25" In the filming, ""3 ”excellent, Bflwiggfltest “thunk? of 1"” hie ’" hm the H"-
moter Statcs‘let me again invoke your ban-g the PM} '9 €l3“de GdV- Seymour at :the i a . Trrespondrnt .telegraphil .thst other
@diction, as no part on these honored- residence ’Flbu..Mosee Mi:Claun,'vvi'.iii7mm!“a wrrcd’omleflr. Phillips; sothat
graves. You feel, thwh the oocasisn isl whom the 0‘18"“); was} g e” After it. nppfllrs that while it-Khns been made I
mourninhehst it is go to be here. Youl . ' ; ' .‘. .' test of“lo 'elt "to do h .~ '-
_ R f _ y y on no t lit nnconstl
1901 “‘3‘ "t "38 8'93”! suspicious {ol' “19'! per ormlng ”"1.“ 50m stirrm pieces. ‘heitlilionsl ronuncismento the 1‘ 'd if
cause of the countrythat t anion of the Governqr appeared, find addressed tilei‘fii'm It“ pd ” ' h l'dmx 9”
.fiust and tire men or the West; the men of- c'rowd which jammed the street in e masti so con emns i‘ "3).“! as e (.i ”we"
{nineteen sister Stltes. stood side by side“ ' ~ Ld’y’ before he issued "a. w‘" l" ”0" b 9
. . . - . eloquentmsnner, lireutlum3 the purest pn- . - . , .
ontbe perilous ridges of battle. You now: . . . _ » . ismuelug when the Longuere of this city
‘l. l - ew be (1 of’ 'o triotism and genuine love ofccountry. ills ; . . . . .
.so it. n n . n uni n, that they sllsll. . Jain with the Radicals of Missouri in l n...
.llt'i Side by slde.’£ill I clarion louder than I remarks were “105% 01‘ “"1”“va “0" 0f tin the Preside t ‘ “C d, di?’ ’d
the}. which marshslod them to‘the combat. the groveling political partiz‘m. His nll‘u- ; .g . nas n oppe ea —' 0;},
shell nuke their slumbers'. God bless thei “ ' - Ph‘iad‘lphm ‘49" ‘ ' I
i _ _ . . . . slon to the occaston which had broughti featafn
‘.Unlon—it is desrer to us for the blood of; h , l red’ -~ - i 1d ‘ 1
those bro" men shed in its defence. The! in? here—7t m 5” 79'k 9‘ dedicating; I. an“ 0‘
(poi, oh which they .md and fa,“ ; the”; to the soldier deed a port n of the battle- ‘3 "'3 “1”“
pleasant heights i the fertile plain beneath 1 field upon which they lied f ion—were not :fifigm‘
them; I'l9 ‘1‘"."38 “HIP “11°,“ In">°'v"only appropriate, But feelin ly besutil'ul. ~ 1‘
so lately rang With the strange din of war ;i A: th 1., h 6 . “‘9 5 Ofe
lho fields beyond the ridge, where the‘no-i 6 conic “sm“ t a oyern \r requeskd well tel.
hie Reynolds held the sdvauciug foe at bay. i "9"” cheers f” “‘9 Union “a the Con- the m
mud yhils he gave up his own life, assured; stit’ution, which wem'given witha gill, ‘vfiioritie.
iby his forethought and self sacrifice the tin-fl up; then “three more of the some hurt” for ‘onsl L
lumph of the two succeeding days; the lllr , Governor Se ' \ never 3;
tie stresmsAwhicth‘lud tbrough‘the hills.‘ 2 - “w" -' ‘ i
ion whose banks, in sitar times. the wonder-i Gon. Vsnderpool. Of 37“" Y")? “\‘i A" - ~
ling plowmun ‘will turn up, with the rudoi slsteutAdjutsn} Genérsl Andrews, 1130 0f Hind...
fvzraiwnfs “033"” "airline, “lg fogrful inf-r. New York, now end for some time on d‘ y ' ' h
181 es oin em srti ery- t e eniinsry? ‘ 2‘ “a ‘
\mdge. the peach orolisrd.'Cemetri'y. CulP.l at Fort Mcflcnry. were also celled ougsn. !
land Wolfflillhfiound-‘l‘o . Lillie.iiouml-.’°?P9“d°d “1 ~‘ "’1 “PP! "'an- i
‘Top. humble unmet hencegrwnrd dent and . 01W: msnuer. Th”: like 00'0"“? '3O" “e Sm
ifamous: nil) lapse of tingéio gluten” ofi incur, were fervent sud eloquent in their ‘ rm
space sis cause you 6 . rgotteu... . - ' i
i The whole eerih,’ said Beriples M he stood prsdyers‘bfoeothefieetru'stifon of the Union Elfin:
over the remains orhis fellow~cltisens who. un. fr ° , nstitutlon o the Fathers, “3d go. 0
bnd‘fellen in the flat ”till of the Pp‘loponeq ““191“ "Nd” rousing cheers. _ efthis
sian war. ‘the whole car is the so ulolrre‘ ~ """ «...—_._— ‘ , i .
‘ol’ illustrious men.’ All time, he igightof‘ta“ Wednesday evening, “'0 Pm“ (“lib
added, is the millenium of their glory.-—| dent. wreren'ided at D. “illi-z and come ‘ [Ti-iii
-83:32! I 130“” dotnoringustics to hhehohhet‘ forward to express his thsn'kn. He mid he‘ "'{iin
n no levomen so t ownr. wic ave, page .- ‘ '
reflected such honor on both arms of the' :3”! nos ‘.h to “ilk” “ad would “i."- wllm.
oervice,and have éntltled u». nlmice and, °“° ”M“ “°“°- WW! SW!” ”,1“: m“
3"” navy ol' the United Shun—their ome". Secretary Blair were elso serenaded, and re- 1 69'
stationery—to lthe warmest thanks and thi‘ieponde‘d. ‘ '» ‘ ' .-. i
ric est rewui whic ‘a grateful people can ‘- I‘}, . . i ll '
pay. But; they. In; sure. will join us iii !it re: rznegedfi fancy "La Shmno.“ i honfla, 1863'
saying. as we bid fulevvell to the dust of e nln ‘ .camoom: .000. Thelri
thoee martyr-heroes, that wheresoever, speeches "°“ m"? 'o' Wm“ linden.
throughout the clVlllled world the sccou'ut's E out of time find out of place. The “dog"
.oruus great. eel-furs are read. and down 10‘ does little’flbdi! to his owner. ' //
{theilatesl period of recalded time, in the' 4.4... -._—.’.. '
glorious “iii“. 01: all]: common hcountry,i”"lg.lnhisi}ol mbin speech MLSecretery
there will no rig ter go ten that. his a - - '
which relates The 3.l!th ofpaettysburgi’ '.C intlmet that. the we: must 5.0 .0“!
7 ' l' f - _ ' 'under filament pohcyofvther Admmis-l
The Cno lisrshal then introduced the trstion, even “if in doing it "i to oomei
President. of Eh“ Um”?! 3.1 M“. Rho-_lfifllto the old.revolutionsry. s dnid of .el
“1° applause bud subsided, “WK? ’5 {Ol- 'thoueeiid dollureit‘ors breakfast." I“ i
lows: ‘ ’ r i 4‘”; .‘.—4’ /i
/Fonr score and seven yeers ego our fsthers. 3'7!!! AbolllE laden min to blte‘
brought forth upon this continents new nu— 350 V"! "ord C9*’T‘?“f'°' though it by‘
up», conceil'cdiu liberty uni dedicated,» mat!» mitten bond 0' the. {’6' Union of;
proposition tint all men are crested Minsk—l States the world ever s‘?" Negro fenetix
how we are engaged in a greet civil int, test» 'cism rules ~the hour. May fiisdom .not‘
log the qnoslion whether this notion or Any '_ altogether depart: from thgfiople. i
nation 10 conceived, so dedicated. on lougf . - """,_:“°“".""7'— ' ‘
endure. W 0 In I)?” on tho 5”“ bnltle-ield' ”There Elli he sen-ices .in the United
hr the: vsr. We on rnefio d‘e’diom it. on‘t‘l‘resoytdnm Cnurchin Thongs}, Thenhgir.
pom” of tho field set apart nth. fig.“ "r'" 2 In; debit lrfi'doet. .
in: piece of inmate em their lives roi- ai.i .wpiphw Court 9. the m-“ Decem
pam‘onvs lite; but the nstion‘ alumni-“mu“, b" nm,‘ - __r . , _
fi’l‘he “Woollyhencl” jnurnllt pre’ ul
rendy pllching into McClellan—trying to
make it type-:- :11“. his remonl find the‘
disastrous defeat: of Frederick-burg wore
matter: of necessity. Bu the I’oton‘lc
irmy ever got Quin within sight of tho
spires of Richmond since McClello'n lefl' in
The truth my», McClellan wu‘ getting
along 100 fut: lie “'3! likely to end the
rebellion without. giving time for contac
tors to make money nod Abolhioniau to
libcntojhe negro.
Curtin’s Organ.—Thoro in s spirited fight
dag On in the Cubihot between the Bluir
a-d Admin‘btntion party. Cunin’s orpn
evn ukéo' a hudjp it. and a)“ for the
dis ’ of the’balk'y boys. I'. 90mph!”
Mint #s6in Ire retained in oflicbby Abru
ah'gm ngcoln—quupokon traitor} who use
their brgnth to denounce the party that
feeds {bah—and it recommend; that the
“ulminiatrhion st .uhingbon so over
the department: with n fine tooth comb.
removing the ocrufl'und the lice with which
they.nbonnd."iad ome: likgclmio ex
pr‘ugiom or ting figwooud, Lincoln'ichool
qf-lnng wmgery; ,
-. ”John Phanix‘relau-d Hut, '11;
‘by n temple of Bncchus in San Diflnlq
from whence inked “sounds of rovelry by
night.”th inquired of the proprietorif the
feativitieo where not kept up nthar Into,
Ind chained the following: "The hay: "in
three liq: geuoully. ‘lt’s a litth Inc now
for night bgfore last. but to'might it's just
in the flank of the evening." The war
bu run three years. tad, considering tint
it was to be closed in ninety days, we think
it is a little his now for'ym before last,
‘l.“ this you it is jun in the 3113 an of the
evening. “ , ,
ampuin Eli S. Purlrnr. of General
Gum's sufl’, is aid to So a full hloédod In
dim and a. gnndson 9f the colebmtod Red
Jmket. ‘
fl-I‘ho Bonus” Governmunt bu
hyflt I gunbou to any on gun. I 3 is
named Mag Ton-c: 9! pin: Sun: Now look
oqt? 9
On the ltnh inst" l-y the Rev. J.n-nl. Zlv-clt-r,
) llr. Jt)\'i\._\‘ Hlt‘fltiiil‘z. oi l." I:l"ll|l\', ”L. to
‘.\lisi ELEMHRA l') FEVER, ul' “midget-mm.
1“... i “I! ‘(llt‘ li§ll inst , :tt tin-ttiiliuréhhv Rul‘,,
- :\\'. \'.' lotnn d. \lr. DAV“) il \'i.'\|(‘ \lll).\'li i,
THE WAR. NEWS. , lm vim” (untidy. n. 1,“) in” 111-l'i‘l n: .\ll ii—
A cavalrv skirmifih‘ occurred at Gormnn-‘ Sgty‘fizllo;;".'rl.'fl'l’l‘\,lhi"x'.' I‘li’lllll’l ~
11:: Ford. on the apiilnn. on “{cftlnt'iul-u' ~ ,_,i 7' ' "t; ;~ " ('"IEp'I-y lH' WIN".
morning. The Cniilc‘de-r-itm tym hundufi‘ 3.4" iii-.\.M‘sll T3_l'.'l.\l‘_\\" 'j' 1"HI“ 1-|. NM!”
7,1”", rit’Pl‘ at that mini tl’ Hilllllf. m . ht! .|/.1.11'. ill .\.\.ni llnrr tonu.
“'"mi-v "”"""‘ A l . ' ”3" (in nu» on» ..u l: l‘ v\tii i u
l’.-dornl rnrv‘ex falling inn-k tthe mfanuvi ‘- \‘ -. ." if ‘0 ' .' ""'”.‘"' r'
"k 't' " fli‘rin-v 'I smill lnn in killed unil" ””5”“ "" M'X‘mi‘“ l” "uh" JUM‘HH‘H
l'“ "1 ‘: l‘“ ‘ F ‘ ”‘l‘ S” u- . i‘r' r: “A 11. Kati-”ii. all 0! this rntzmy. -.
“mun-lo- um prion '.' ‘ ‘ ,{i ‘ mg) ' A -0nrllI(‘ 11th ill-st ,ln-tlicx-uw,.\lr 11l mm;
l“'-""‘l “‘ ‘L" "“"ni‘ "‘ H‘“ ””"NM' nlihmnvx (”3“ H- ‘vliik LYill.\ .\X.\ LUS'HHMX'hY
R mjijnn, wnth nt' Utilpt‘pp"l‘._lttll no [ur- Hit, “11 at my county .
taculan. of tho 931 mg: nimt. li unv. lmvmg ‘. _- _4
how roi‘oivml.’ ‘Qoniodg-rah- inn-villa par-i ’
[my ltilVO‘ tnmlmtlinir ilppt‘dl'tljltie :tt \‘al‘iuut ‘ V'Hli' .. “'... . . i . .
points within tho Emit-ml lino‘ks. nnrl mnntu‘ o‘fmufliiizg ?.l!ellill:}Jnlt:l;'iit itirhiifiiih: I.”
n-deonw Union citizens and “\r’my Shu'lt‘r". ’ ‘ , i 3 ‘ ‘
iAV “ “him-{tonuli‘senuvh'in tilt“. . ‘s’. limos“ 0n the l-tth "il.. .\lr. “mg-. 513“ K llttl'fl'l,
my: that one h to! ("month “I“: "“quon m n“. WM ..smnghi ”WNW", fill-“h m
‘rhnu gone to ”a over .liinrllmi.-in llléilil- toxin-hip, ““4 u 3”“ 1“ min-tbs and I~t
'rrction pf lth-hnnm‘l; and the; min-x- half ‘amh _ fl.
rim L'nm- tnwardllJm'lll-hrfl. with" Hm mu": Jln ilzq I'm inwifma. in,” main mun-Jr,
of roin‘mcmg thil trump; wutngiup‘at lilirn- widow nt thr l.ll(' Jll‘ulil llnli-r, ul tit-mun;
' hill“, or cow-ring their retrent in case ‘ol‘ it" tuwmhip, 'm up mafia-r m I.” Wt _ » -'
'rt‘klii‘". , ~ . ’ 2 Un the EM “is!” JilllN-A'ABIHXH'HW‘ um
i i A Kimxvilh- (T(‘lln.) di-i-ntt-h ntntnxllmt ysflnllll‘l and Elizzllit‘lil Little, "3.... 35, .‘.”"fi’
'ilio (uni-"lurid” onmmvnved ‘k'ilmlslltllg K month:- xunl Mil 3.. . . . . i
Wiill fkc' l-‘t-de'nl ompo‘!“ "H"- Klng-Ilfln'lin‘ 'Un thor will B 3”. \IfA‘IILA .\’.\‘ only: mid, of
i\\'(-dnv._iirl.ay "wining! nlmit tmL «delimit, Lieut. “ in. il. :‘i‘j‘uflflm ”- L-““’“ “F?”
and at vim. o}!t‘"Hi With artillery nn Iqu ',”';""““|-l"jl'll .'du-‘S:l\\‘\l' ('9 l. ”l . r
l‘.-ticllti position. About three hours ‘l‘h‘r -q t I‘lllc'lmx‘l ('11:: “ .‘.; ‘s‘“: ":l,‘ )o“th
tlu‘." it‘lnr-m‘d the .lmos "." tho orvat ‘0: il.» ~ "{E"; \l-i-o “inn". "ill. ilu- in]. “fir .\i\l:l \
iliill. “ml-‘wloral ford-s _\'»n-ldmg nnd faint-g ‘ ‘ ‘ ..A \ . ~ ‘ ' .
. . - (.\THA iii.\h ( A RULI l’., IlitllJilt rof .\lthu
hawk ulnlut «Jillml~ "f “ m‘l’ m a Hl‘hlllyf‘l" 1'“, llrllly, "‘.t‘tl l \‘c-nr .Lmundh :Ihal ‘.’.- li:(\s.
l pasilimt. I“ ’t-lus ”limp-mt?” ("mm-fl in Uxi-rrd tmuh-hip. '.‘td‘unt~ vumui. on thn
IHinder! was wounded mid mirigl fromthu in“ “n" .i.\.\' 31M!“ HULTLH‘I'LH. "3“,“
fifiid- Th“ trhnle FHlornl-inu "5 "71‘0"?“ t 5 l'fttl‘.‘ to months :In Hi diva ‘ i
at OD? lijumier “nil twenty-five ‘.‘llh‘l-—‘ chr .\r'\\ Oxinul. tm Ihr hth in‘l.. “Hul
i'l‘he Cnnfedmnto loss IS not nil-ntnnwd.—— - LLB 3 l‘A't‘ll.&lll’.\.l-2,, ila’ugluu ul “In. uni
,‘z’l'hv Gilli-etit‘l‘ilifflilflve’ coniplvtrly Invgjtod Sarah “'.K“":l"ii‘4 3 smm; .5 mpg”, ~..d ‘r.
'tlio place. lint ah it. in strongly tnrt'iiml 11-N l'lfll’fl ‘, - _ .
l 10l erml’ that Gm. Bur‘mide'uillr mower“- 1,. uh 1h?! ‘..fmli.nh .'.n Fountain-i lv. \l’IfiHA l
iulh‘ tif-frntl it Kingston i‘,‘ht‘l"lllr“ MW" ‘Sl’l:l~Z.\l§’l.h,'§r., nyl‘d U-l 3min J ninulil; .ui-l
‘loi Boone counh; and is Fhiufllfl on a [mint 5 d-Ul- ‘ fl ' . . ,
ii iornmd by the lloluten rind Clinch. constit-i Un the 16”: iVé‘, .\ti‘s SARNI t..l:hlz.\. hi»
i unit hi-ftiichos of the 'l‘enneiisoe river. ' , : Alpnmji‘n twins 1]). M lil“.l'l-<ilil:||\'t‘ nt tlu- Ln»
i GP . Eulimn "ports a ruxitiil"f‘~*“”“" Offuwl' "- ‘s‘“w-i'fialfihmnhiJ ‘f’iifl'l-i..ilir(-i~\
jihc alloy of Virginia. all fur It“ .\ozv Mn- 1 .‘Un ”{V‘Q‘h‘zll'filullit} an~ In‘-4.. Luis. “iii;
lit-t. At 'Mnnnt dunks-rm A fight ncflirrnl,[;ls\iiik Hi/ “gill p. 3pm.: 1 moi . V
! rvsul ingi in the defeat Millie Cnniodoratos' “iv-am /th imt
! with loss of twenty-WV?" tnkvn prisoners. . I l'“i|is/¢::II m f",
i The ‘ndernl his; was two ktllt-d. thrc-o‘ ‘.' o' v '
‘ :v - '1 . v‘ | agent- ‘u-ari- {anon
\roun led and thronmxmi... (JPH- 1‘ I" (in the ”m uh
repnr that tlmvo is not lttlus “moon Or- ; LER‘ ‘8‘“! 2 “HM
Hui: d inn-co of the Confcdcrutof in} the]. . '
State f West Virginia. ‘ln o skirmnsh lit-air
Cori: 'top. recently. tit-non! AVt‘l‘l” cap
. , turml twenty five of llnlmdt-n’a runnnund.
. ‘. - . | An arrival from Charleston litrmthfln
-3.7m Louis‘rqlle Wm, 0‘09“ "D 1”" tellig nre up to Mundny evnniw: ration-tn
clenn the election with these words: ~ ithr‘c nthmod hamhm-dment of Fort 51.1m
“We‘pleml habit: fnqtlie‘ndvuncenn-nt bf. ter d. y and night.’ it was lwlwlvrghthnt
the CODBCP'BtiV «up»? who“; triumph i'iht‘ ft l is I‘o. much rmlnm‘d that. 11“ WI” 1’“
dopends,\ns we noeiver the. preservation 5“":9 'lP'rPd m a short timh.
of the Go‘vernm to! our inkling, 'l}, db! linrthtir details ofthe lute onzogemont
fiat aft/u Rq'mbh'éan 'pany is a «(My a; Milnm| in “the 'Cuclle “(’Ullitry. [pal-innit. alums that
*and vital as Mtprhplz were cur validly”; (9' “lit-(.b‘edvrul loss in lulled, wounded "ltd
ptrfam at the ballbl bot.” )i soneru run six hundred an}! uventy
-' .(_.r.-_...‘....__-_.____. i town. it is believed that the Coni'mlorutes
ae-The rmnkion memonwealtltp Qov- * wfg'il‘firrrli‘gt Wig-Eng :rgfmfi-n
:‘ , '- i ' uroispno says in i~ . "'
unor- Bramlettes orgm, ”Y! ‘ ' - imtmns that the Confederates will soon
.We may so well tell Mr: Stanton ”Wtiinnke “on." raid on the Memphis and
it: ennui». recruit ineiwnn Kentucky : bflswn,nilmd.—SH of Friday.
‘t JOpoop o and- tgo out. ormes wili not. per-| ,A New York (“‘th lay“ tint a
mi it. Tho u conditional Union mon . ~ . . _— l
‘sndlhe suthorities will never submit. [OIWPWNIH been' "“3"“ “""Vthn h.
the outfit u; . Fedeh ‘on-my under Gun. M'es‘lle‘ has ad
‘ ' L...” t "“10“!“ "id now occupy Madison Gout-t.
’‘. 4 . l . .». , _llou .lud gift. the Confrdorates’nro rO4
Edit] for UAW Prisoners ut Edmond—l tresti “g. M inon Court House is about
Pliilsdolphi’s, Nov. l9f—Every umrsnoeififtee miles southwest of Culpepper.
that the cue Nimit- of hu been given to i 1‘" ’
‘ tho U. 8. Christina Commission that stores!
[sent to our Union sufl'erers in Richmond:
prisons reach them. .
1 ,Gen. Meieditb, ULS. Commissioner ofi
Bitch-ago at Fortress Monroe. engages to‘
receive sll thst is sent to his caie by ox-‘
jpresa, pro-paid. sod send them under flag
iof trace to City Point. Commissioner
‘rOuld gives written snunnoo that. they will
be received It City Point‘ sod delivered to
the prisoners to whom they are directed.
Gen. Neal Dow and other reliable mt‘n in
the prison will receive sod distribut‘p what
ever'is sent to them smong their‘ 11":
prisoners. ' '
- •••ZA
TIM 3' [(4913: Vote. —The lownfilfiqmman tolls
m how the the of thé soldier! in the field
was cast so Inclidly in favor ollthe Ahnllt'mn
c-mrlitlntns. It says it le'ums {rpm rslial-le
ntlicermlniglfiin commxmd that “no Damn
orntic nPw-Ipnperior documents wore filmy
ml tn rguch the §oldiels. and than. drnvrn
up in hbllo‘r'nqunre,‘jl}oy wet’e, lulrunalml
l 1; t‘lwir nfl'mern to vntc the Abolition “1k:
or. TIL-:1 on tlme ope-hing oi; tlm pnlla in
many regiments the men we?! nrmngy-d in
line of battle and "an officer pain"! along
the line distribtgfin‘g Abolition actual“ and
no other-a; Ind‘ when all were_ supplied
with Hagan mnnclaed them in n'lr‘odjh to
the polls. and under the rigors of mi§lngy
discipline compelled them to vote. 'lt i's
nsuirh-d that. Democrntic‘ tickpte ‘n'lrc’
1y“. to be, ltzul. 1' Bay! eightm‘n nwl twenty
)‘MH‘Qf :lga Weroanllowed tow'ntelknnd
when officers wére notified that. {trey Wrt'e
untl'm' ngn. repliudrtlmtflf _.llwy unre‘ old
enough to fic'lfl, tlxéy were old enough to
vote." 1'
Wl’w-sidenl Linrohl saga. in hi: race-n:
tlmnlégiyi'ng proclamation. that, during the
ymr nnlfi‘whluwing to a, close, ‘ Or-ler h'ls
beetll' maintainqd,‘ the lm'vs hatc- beep re
spected n‘ml obéyedf unfi'lmrniojny has pre
\'..i}gd ‘d‘t-Eywhe-re, except in the theatre of
militnfy cbnflictr while that th'entre ha:
been grofitly co {mend by the ndvunving
nrmim 'nml min: ,of the Union." Why.
then. My: a‘c'c empornry. did' l‘re:idont
Lincohvuspefid the Aabm corpus! 3
keys-Th'e Huytien Mifiis‘
;-. lead of seven} others of
firms, is going to give up
{residénce in Washington :
ew York. ‘.lt is said {that '
lvthe aboe’npeof. a friendly;
‘tbeother :Legmions. while
n color/hero age high !
week! was to fruterniw;
Aristocrat}: ‘Da
Igr, fullnwing “I
the Forgigh, Leg
his' innghificent
Rnd remove'go'
] hefnmplnim‘of :
jncognition from‘
; none elf his -
genough h the 1
K with‘him."\ 1
S'A celled-boy “down But." w’ho wag
upted among his pity-fellows for his frolic:
with life girl], In: raiding aloud in thoVOld
Testament, gwhen. ooming'to -the phrase
“linking waste places glad.” he was ukad
whu it menu. The youngster-manned—
scratched his bend—bu! gave no answer,
when up jumped n more prehdcious urch‘in
Ind dried out: “I know what, it, means.
muster. In means hugging the gnls; for
Tom Boss is alien hugg'm ’em around the
win, and it. mIkI-s 'ew glsd."
S‘Tha great. Kasai": Railway Company
but? received and expanded one hundred
and ‘4wenty-fivg millions of déllars. The
extenkpl’ the line now workod is one thou
sand find by‘ miles.
boob {641311 by investigation
they of no» flue/luv. been
l, “I!“ not {:11le ohm"
gm by
thu‘ the 9».
may; 1’» mi;
. quliqn. ‘
C‘oum adjourned on Tuesday morning.
nséqnenre of lhe dent): of n lnrolhr-r of
Fiiuher.‘ There was no busines; 0: im
ca: Jisporod of up to that lime._
The Hornet. property. lilulvrd on the
1 0‘!“ Baltimore "I‘l East Middle streets,
“v the Confluence, min~ Fold on‘Tuos
-1 trby Ihe;Exocutur. gt pnhlic tull‘, {m
‘l cash. “I’. D. andlchm Vitus thé purf.‘
day 1
..t“ I]; B. [hunt-nor this plan, has feyceircd
nu npo‘inlmcup m 5 $l2OO ,CIL-rkahip u:
“'ushilnglun. Hi 3 term as County Trénsurer
will expire on the first of JJ‘nnnryl . L " '
:« “'qong—We nrq very much in wan! anoml.
Will ilOl gl'few offiu: vomflry Moguls sllpplv u;
with the much-Medal arliple soon ? \\'e ahquin!
esteem ills favor
. Wumscmx, . (3.. Nov. 20.
The Sm‘ this sllern n says: We learn.
lhron h recent. con-r 0 ndeuca up to the
17th gong Richmond etm-en Robert Onhll
‘ the rebel'exclnnge mmissinnur, and Gun.
l Merodilh. our e change mmmiuionen
”which has reachyt this only. that. the rcbnl
lautllorilimlnre/f "thfully executing their
. promise to gin? 0* men. priwliers in their
thanrlQ, the food and everything which the
;Uoveinmom has forwarded to llml end, Il-
Zleging (h LGen. Neal Dow has violated the
l obligatiog under which he was. selected to
‘(lisu-ihnle the supplws in question. Gen”
KWimkr has taken that duty from him.—-‘
“'iuder complains that General Dow, in',
stead of confining himself, in hit visit; to: _ 4: 6" ___, .-
“he Bille [ale prison, to distribute the,’ : Notice 5
good», has busicd himself with investigltm _, , ' ‘
I 1".” management of the commiuuiait. 1:35 {Jfiaeziggtj’z‘ngzfiz-m; :{efi‘x‘z‘é
'wuh {stalling lvalse reports mpgernmg 11:. of Butler township Adams conchdecnud.
. and wnh Uncullllng the surreptitiou: bare: l luring béen mantel! 'm the undcriififlfdul‘3id‘
;°f3 19““ from the I’lfmd'. These gllegU-hn. in the nine toihhip theyhcrehy [inho-
I tions Geneml .‘low demos mm the frumulltige lo 3“ penal" Indeulcd :6 mid ”use to
:omphuin. 31ml plates that what. .110 mned‘mak. immedinw pique-hand thou having
1 concerning the rebel compmnrqt on ”1.91 mi“ up!!!" the a,“ w present them pro~
‘ Island. h” could “0" “old. hearing, “5 u . perly authenticated for lettlement.
was uttered by our men (prisonen) to loud , AMOS “X,
‘wnesf of complaint, in the practice of! nunxu‘uu' wzn'r, '
rebel officen- ' l Nov. 23,1353. 0: Adminmmwrs.
* Gen.rWfilder his substituted 1 board of -—-—v-"-~ ___fi.#____, ‘..“""“ ""
‘ ' ' ‘ ‘. 4 ' . 0“”. >
U“'°“.°fl’°m_lo°}‘ A‘ YER, Kim‘éigzl OHN': H. [mun-s EsrAm.-Lenen or
‘specwl genera o 9;" V YI; adminiunudn on flu amt: of John H‘
lCol. L. Y. Canola. o the 4th A _ew or . hi Aduml
. . . .30 d, lulu. of lluntm‘tan Mum p,
cavalry , and Lieutenant. ColonelJ F y count decanted hula; been fluted w the
"lume'ma'u‘? ‘°. °"." 20‘." Arm-V _COI'P'. ‘3! “unlined mi'dinz in the Mm town“?-
.'nmlco the dmtlbution m quegtlon, an In", hereby fin notice to I" perms indebtod
”tubes Lint-so large 15 the quantity of such to uid ”a“ to unite immedisu payment,“
ithmgl being receivedlthn‘he munappomz “.0" hnving ”mm. “In“ m. um. 1!}
other «uch board- !o and thlt named prount Il'mu properly nutbcnficukd ugh“
law“ . lzlewt. summer“ sum ,' g,
‘ Our halpilll here (Actlnz Surswn Gen- ‘ consumes, man. —>
:onl Bums) bu coun forward 30 Add med« Row. 23 1063: tn Adminilmton.
define-mule «on: thus tarnished tpocr ’ V_, ___“; MA,
inflating bureau in Richmond hymen
;erumpzh- '
w’rhsdifi'el’euce betwreu inn-sevor'umo
and oh-linncy; the final is u strung will, the
km. a strong won’t.
may: any cné gall the exacfiwidth of.
mum'w escape. ' , 4
Yen. it. is the width of 3' lady's rem-1M In)
marry. , _ ‘ - .
, .. ‘-—‘ €0.06 7. 7. .‘..
WTimn doom't fight fair in his conflm!
win; us. ,flc pulhs out. our ham - ‘
fiThnnksgiving next *hurmlay
'waxmm \uxmuzz—w. want “only.
“NI! 1301 Hum- 01 our pan-um ‘whu kno‘vr thun
wlws indebted to us, rixhcr for luhsuiption,
udv- mining or johbing. dd u: Iln- favor to pay
up? Uur upeuscn n‘lje.—chmy nh‘d‘ mus! bu
um, and we end In": no way of nm-linpmrr in—
debledne-K lhnn by Hum.- imh-lm-d In “'s‘an—
ing to on: flsfilat‘lltl‘. “‘lm‘fl he the firm In
rupond ? Dan'l all‘apenk nl ome. grulléuwn,
hut come-Jinn}: ml]: the duly. IL ’on “In'.
come in pcrnwu, gun can wud Ilw "mum: riuc
usu'im'um: If gum ueiflxlnna or h) mail.—
W reply“ i', Wu \nml umm-y HM m'ul [l'm il.
a.“ '
'n .\lcflmrrva‘uwu. J‘HII‘A‘
lIICVIS I‘llll \hr} knuum,
11- um} ll dxyn.
s.\.\|l'HL MARK KEN;-
nnd 9 d») A.
Uomur‘uninnlnl. P
Diefiflm ”Ii- 3011x111?!“ Lin B thiamre, m pul-
Inmmrylhrmurrhx ', .\lr. JOHN A‘ I'l'Zl-‘HJI,
hrulhg-r u! Ur.‘ I). '. l'lifvr. nfnur mm m.-——
:rbe drccnudv mu uin-rMHy l-ollm-d hr hi 4
grntleqvuily ,dc-lurlmt‘ul, Lruryulruxeaufl
christian—lnk? dum- nor. ' ' ‘
mv-puumy pinprts please copy. I! L. n.
4 ' O
’ ‘ " ‘ '.
i - Putluc Sale. .
y N s \Tl7nlll\l’{ the ma. day of DlZl’P2\l-‘
. 111-111 nut. lgh¢ mlhcribcr wyl ufl'vr M.
lPubliv Salr. on [he \prclnis‘es,
I A firmer UP BAND. mum in lien-ling
flowhsllip, Adam qoqmy, mlj .ininz Inn is of
Adam Brown} (ii-or e (Swim-r, (harm: Fwd.
.Wm. Mg‘ug,‘ um! alters. containing M Mr“
and lEFHqu—n'mnt l 3: um: bring woml
{hmi The 4: “red {land In: I-ecn I” I”:ch—
’gmnile soil. flari- in: good ’l‘finl on I‘ll!
~[Waverly mu! runnihg miter Ilunugh it—nlsq
l. input-3 Orchard 9! young4reca._j.u:l be
ginning to hm. ‘ ‘
I l’crlona wishing to View the prnperly are
acquaint! to all ugsolomun llnlla'rl’ouer
i Shop, Mir by.
} Q‘Snlelo eminence“ l o'clockJ’. .\l., an
laid duy, when ultendnncc will b 02737" n-l
Hem: mud: known by , ’ g
' . ADAM C. 111 mm.
‘ 1 '3. m?
‘* N.°","3l3‘.‘l’ .
1 Notxco. ’
, testamentary on the "mic nl l-‘re-Icmk
L aim; in: of Slrnbun (ownship‘ .\duml c0.,,d1g?
Scout-d, luring bun granted (0 lh_e"undcr
:“isucfl, rcsidilig in the sunn- mwmhip. they
|hemby'giw notice to nil persodangiebh
,ed to laid osmtc (0 make imiqedifle. pay
lment, uudflmse having chims again" the
lune to present them proycrlyflnutheuucsted
“or, scltluurul. ' 9
g‘ “7563;; '
A : ~ ~ ’ om. nonwws Drug sun: