The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, November 02, 1863, Image 2
‘fl’éfi32’7giiimmlér. -OUR FLAG H. J. 811th IDITOI AND PIOPRIITOI "‘ ,__ "' “;;.._ “'._:—.;:._:.-;:_:: I 0371;793:730, nu MONDAY MORNING. ‘NQV. 2.‘ 1863 fi’l‘bo spirit of the? Democratic prob: ;t§?oughout the State is. excellent. We‘ mveglir‘lew it. better hfter I. defeat; and 'thia Empires mtg-{rim mnfidpnce that the .coming mmpnigmim he cnqaugtod with the flag] Ind couruge wbrtby‘of success. In ‘ev—eryfiemoomtic papex we open the eon :victiori is “pressed that thn Sate in ta-dny 'Pergogrgtto to,(ba core.,‘aml tho note'of -prg£urflidn f‘of a‘not mr and fiercer contest in; behalf“ theflslifutibm beerty and 'Un‘ionfia sound ‘ 2‘ ' . ’ 77:: TOlOl inflam—The counties compo aing the’fenth Imgion did nll.thnt could :i'easonahly have bPen oxpe’cled of them at. the uh election. The‘ EwioniArgus says: W 9 _ '3" the {alloying uni! “is official mnjb‘ms’fnq Jud‘geflWood‘waFfl ‘in the ,Tmth‘Lf-fiion : 'Narhhampmn,3.o7§ ; Pike, £513»;- Hpnroa, 2.0255 :Wgyne. 941; Carbon, 1175a-p-lotni. 7.530. Thirir an increase of 1,100 since 1862‘ If ocher (listiicks had 'done us We”, Pennsylvania would not be mgr-4&1 yin: Abolition rule for three ygars 'lon'ge'ln ' . Q ' ’ Whit is the duty 31““; hm dhumired' “and fifty llmufinhd Ikmohmts whr'r voted Ifiir JudgeéVnédeyd. to Ltanll squarely by ‘.heErV pririiri’ples': qtyl gwait’ the: issue of events. Our principlm are r'rghtnnrljust. (Our impulaen'hre hOlH‘fil, (“1r molives sound ;ly phtribtgc Ml 3 religiously PHI".- We can aisr¢fio wait until the people awaken ‘jmmfiheirx drama of fnfqe»necurity. They ‘will—aqglégn Some "day it) the ter‘rible reali ’xy. .‘Da‘l‘loci'ats siangl flrmfl, falle'r not 1 _ J’a‘mflvania quit/u: Dr‘afl.—-The fiuota of Pennsylvania in the next drnf‘ #68500. "J‘he mg month’s advaféed pay allowed to, .thmteer's by the resolution “Congress J u -1,21,18432, will be paiq to 590 mm for old brganizati’ongkeplilted finder the [meant an den. i-mnltedri'ntély u'pongheir arrival.“ the lgenerdl‘rentlézvoug. “ ‘ . l .' —-~—————-<oo»—~.———.—~ \ n‘Jm-n Befqre the election ghe 'Lew'm t6§n~ Guzcllzfito: frighten people, declared :flglt “eve'ry 9915 pm: to Woodward is a 'vnle {gr 5 nmrdfigfl‘in his: than aixlty days.” =\WeH.' i‘majo‘rity voted again: Woodward, ‘yathfo’b day; afierwqrds a new Jrqfl was order ed} , , '3 ~ ‘ , ".h’on-Gmbalanl Bé!{qion’ials.—The War De ‘tiartmentths. dvcirled that. Shakers unll Jother aé‘cla, profeflsinchoriscientious' scru ples against peil‘nrming military duty, are :liablg lo the draft. andl if they won’t fight 111-19 y muav‘pny. lfiri‘ these cases 90mmula-V ‘fxop may will be 5 lien and be levied up lorg the oommbn propgrtylof the sect. _ 7(0on Raise 150.000 mu.— We invite the .Mtimtioii of the President. to the'following flint-t. but sensible and_ patriotic paragraph {frog} ._the ..Louiévilio Journal. While his .“loyal” friends-in Pennsylvania are doing their best to prevent Voluntaryenlistmen'ts, tPMnQicScomm lo the game, 'and phowc iri‘ font linen how one half of the numtiei‘: 5? men required can be obtained. "9 snys‘: _‘J We don’t. know lhbt‘the President can raise 300,009 new: VOI'H‘IU‘PI‘I, but he can 'lyli(2e'.l£uell and .\l'Clpllnn in the field. and filnat'fir'ogld be won”? half the numper.” ' .._»- ---- 40.0. ... .-.-4 , ”.’l‘he whole vote éasi 3; the late elec ‘jxt‘iol in Ohio grill probably foot up over 470.- ON. (Of ghil ion; Vullamligham received 187,000, a larger imm‘ber than was evel‘ be-’ fore given to a Democratic candndate for {human l Allowing one votor to each six :porsons, (says the Cleveland Tight Dalian) . 'nnd mpg is‘a.§hortest'lmute, and the lotul :popgfnlion of m: S'mie is two milliqn tight ‘ mam {Manual That. is‘ Lhalf million lmoi'o people than we had by the cepsus of 3860. If that vote is' honest, our Stale has "Incl-angled in populan-lfl a rate that is u ;todighing- The incréu'se' of voté is the mast '- lrainarkable ip counties bord_ering on other Shh”, 1‘ 7i ' . .- - fi—qo,o——m— . ga-Jume: Carroll,” the Republican can fii ate for the Imgislatuyajn Cambria coun lty, wng chqilen'ggd when he came :6 ‘voto ulgd 7m“ on MS ground that he was an ‘Ahen' _._—___“... _.P A Noblg state-Gab. Lab-r, Esqw‘of Sus ‘quehanpc‘cpumy. aged 97 Yul"; walked eight miles to'the place of the last i-lection and vo‘ied' die ‘givfiole Democratic ticket.— Nine che'efi for Mr; Laban. . fi-It '99“ begu‘qbflingly gratifying to ,qu7 03min to know that his naive county uh} Pyle-him 342 of I'mjm'ity three yen?- ggo. no; givég344 agajnsfih‘xé. _Creditable {Q him, ian't itf‘ ' ‘ f‘ _ ' ‘fi-nge coat of the oleatiqn “'o9th his Pica-“gin". of “2011de of bn‘vo_sol ‘gfn'l‘nd gazillion: of tha people'i’ mahay. #whu matters nil thi- to him and his hie-an Naming. It givu tfiem 01300 El" pl‘undfr, ind the! no ptisfiod. l’fi‘l‘he’ prosirectixu of the New York World if: 479”, for 1854, will be found in flanker bolumn; This isone of the very best nnd able-c pip": in “39 303111117. Ind ‘1)?! 3n immensepirculnfibn.‘ The terms 0f §lu9 geekly us such I: will ofl‘el- are“ in finoqnelinh to I bscribers. Now “II (He 9991016. up hunch to commence with“; New Year. ‘ ‘ in pan ngixltlzlurew-Th'e Abémiongm 3‘ have one majority ,in tvheSenuo and knit: 'fie Heine. _ , » ,_ ~lW‘ Seminar. 9! Neg York, is the gnu-t 3 fingfigé yho‘ bu mpoudéd to , firfegifi‘égfi on“ in? yolnnuae'tl'. Gov.- .Gmw 559' -¥ 3!?! “SM 5 911% {at t!" Sam? I. M ‘ ‘- , mane“! Grant {an assumes! command ome mihmy'dayisiun gum; Miuigippi. (up? king's-{xx o'rqfir‘i‘qqénncipg that} big Ewiqéfiw 31‘?! hem “3° 9% ‘ ‘ ' Wfi’li’fll 35:1: : he: 90!?“ In!»- WW‘E“ 594°? 252999-34: 5 W}. 7 .i ’7l-” ’'; ,rwqbs ,"7‘ 7' " f "t'TT'TJT‘”‘”‘”F‘ _ iwfw '.—*~ 1~ 0% ‘l'o‘ RIOHKOND,‘ o‘ i ' HOW IT WAS D 033. , PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION. Our render: will recount that; when The foliowing lettor from—4i soldier ofthe' ‘ -‘ General llnlleck had orders? tho with-:Third Prnnsylrnnig R'egervm, to the editor; noitnrn‘t’gesa)~omcla drawn! of the Army of the Potomac Cram . of‘tho Eula» Amati. only oconfirmation \ Harrison’s Landing. General McClellan pro-00f the facts thnt have become notorious in tested xgiiimt the measure as in the high? regnrd to‘ the menu used to cthyjhil Sate oat. degree unwise, contending thot no ul- ' for Curtin : ‘ more could be made by_ any other r'mitr. . Curormhn BIO'T.PA. Rl.Cflnl’S.} Ind that. the true defence of winning“ -, i ' 1999*" Will. 18;“- consisted in n rcpid and heavy bl‘ow I 160": ’ 02?. [hang-Next- l'ufuiay being the Richmond His advice however wuov A "h, "t I?" for the elvétion at Governor, 1 _' i , ' ' ' _‘ _V "" I mppo‘e thmnot'you ‘who are at homawili rulod. Ind hy the ’Wlthdm'tl of lm army. 3.99 a gregt political struggle. h, ihould he relieving Richmond from danger. General condiirterl, however. with soma reg-til for Lee was ennbleil to defeat Pope and invnila‘ decpncy., ”0""? “ml l’rincilflfi- The '3! lfnrylnnd: Sincé then thq experiment. 'of ”"1“" hue been m“"°ge‘l.h”° "' the ar dv , th Co fede ‘ C , l _ my is. an Aputrage anti 5 disgrnce to the 9 ancmg 0“ e ” "3.“ “PM '“ country. lSecret. moo-ting: biive been held such a may!” femur tWuhlingtoiLlnt the :1! lthe Regnhiic'nri ORE": in this [E‘egirglient rams Q'me, in en prre ty't aroug ytos- 0 Ram 36,3011“! ‘,t a men! ey ave tcd. iiiid an the fruits of the‘policy wn have ""der‘ ”it?” 90mm?“g‘j '.‘anone were a" h(1 th I “a“ hter' fF ed 'fi‘k .'lpwfd‘totgo home 93: pt these who were 3 eiu” "3 8 ° r em 5' wilhng to pledge themselves to vote for burg and Chancellorsville, Ind the rottentvcun'm, .‘ni‘l these disappeared from hora ofGen. Meade to Centreville. With ouch-It'nlght.‘ Thong who felt like voting for experience, it in not. to be wondered int that Wooldwni-(g‘wflfgdetaed ”z: Privgffi iii-‘o' . r. . 1n; qmo ovo a. ore an t Ll. ori “ lut ”’3 men m Wiuhington are beginning. 9y w-s tarnished fiom‘mmo quarter to do “? ”knowledge ”“5 infill.” In "‘9' Ne‘f’l fray the éxpen'qmi of those who Were willing York The; of Saturnay there was no elabow to go home and support Cutting By such rate criticism of the lots campaign by Mr. ! bags "1??“ ”‘effirmi‘i‘gi‘u “xi”? to all!“ ‘ . cf' . nnv o_ 19 so ierw area one o. SWinmn—tho most capable, perhaps. M "K” 3 go liome’ilo vote. they should all be poi-mito the correspomlenh. ,HWJQ‘Kh-h“ remarl‘tiit ._‘gd to go}. o}. none, Tho "mm.” in com. by the following confession“: A - i niand over us are of the Black Rofiiihiii-nn “it remains to he [99" what action that ptripo, arid the: Democriit‘q are in the condi militnry authorities at‘ Wauhingtnn will $3O" "(“19 WOT bay f"- the ”Oliflf-Obnfl’d hike in jregnnl to the Army'oi' the .P‘OIOIIIQ'C, ‘lb vinyl lmrloand l9"§ On. in Um “' ‘Y “‘0 in vuwrl of tin. ’.ass to which iiihirs haveilh“ "‘YTIOL'I'HnL' 50] ‘9“ hentwlout ot’thoso boon brought: by the late campaign. Every - Light to' which _ y mPricun citizen in one in them-my hot-e agrees that i‘ictiveiflnbit Pd. 1' Mimi; 1“ "_vou "r 50m“ "”1"" operations against Richmond by thin line‘ lil‘nfl-f‘ lh-‘l hil,” {599 “"718 berm. more are over forthis your. ‘I may mu fun/m, i "ltflnnnfi' tunro dfiiouest, but this Will saf- Um! curryi‘mdy is 1203114401 (It'll not/mu; can v‘l't'Tl “I‘9 {Or the 1 i'P‘f-nfi , . be done against Riv/intend by (In’: line” The, '1 sPn'llydlil this letter in order that .our maphis figainst our eiv‘ia‘r beinfiahle to do; friendggii [theiiurthy may know how things anyt inge ochve in t is way y (my nuchluie con on m IPI‘P. ~ ‘ force as we now hiive. .Every General in! . "A Multan or nu: 3i) RxGIMENT. the army agree-s ‘thnt the'wuth side ol’ ‘ . PENNA. Rizsnvii Cours. Jaime? river in the only line on which to _ .‘ L“! - “"’ A‘ ‘ “L“ , . opera e directly against Richmond. If, - . J 0 BROWN'S SOUL, ‘ therefore, the Army of the P'otomac iii ‘for . l-‘nmev. {nth}, speech on the night. after the present to (lo nothing. we, Shauld at' ‘ ‘1 . -. i once abandor‘ithii'i- Bat'reri wilderness. {nui’l trio election, deiivrized famine!” in follows: Ty the fords of the Potomac, man the de- “A yeiir min thi: nig t, w innjgin imam {Ones-a of Washington thoroughly, antinnil hinge not‘ so gntliuhiafitic as this'itiil me the two arithrne ofrour beet corpus: ”tip. (loci-1 horinit'ltopfiy. Inle fa. Vllfiltt. xI }tonk‘ ii lib:th sivo tieatre 0 war in tie Cut went.—- Wil I tern: nlv m" lin lave Slnt‘e ii When the biisinesa them is once well dons time been shuttered by: all the’ Copywr _up it will he‘no longer a question either of: llt’irds; from “I'm “. Rned t‘o chB3. l. Bul— lliclimoml or of Virginia" _ \ i illé._(“_up" or “iio'wn.”‘iii _yfnl‘nlfl: [aiming to PREVENTING VOLUNTEEEING. , As we suspected. the ad winiqtration prey, . . \ ‘ . «poem, .4 git... epic, wnicn unui ... .... , 01:13:} lenftan influential portion ‘of it, yvill 5 World that Iha aoul ofthnt n‘i'mfi», ‘who fell Sullivan, 713 ' 359 711 ( mit can to «lfifrét the raising ofthe, beams? 01 his imscilwto éhivoryé was still ‘ Smgnehun'n‘Efl-‘B 4134 293') State quotas liyvgunteerlng. iA few 'lnysl'mi‘trclimg on. And i tell you. gentlemen, ‘ 'l’inizu, It“? 4304 him since the yin-bun threw, cohl ““95 ‘upon lit I*. marlchiug 0;}. Write; of “th:it’s~o.”und Union. 1250 2024 1238’ the re oit' . ‘ , . gunmen: mij. ('. ieering. John Br ans_ t'emmco _‘2979 320') 2001 to £0 123301;: intth: Bonil-dol'siixpcrvnors ,‘ knapjm-k l .‘.nnt only itrnppcd no 3 his: xvafl‘f‘ll: ’ JIM) ' 2274 151:2 ‘g. Z. un y 0 film recrut. by do-’ back; hull byliJstlul is nmrching on : i 331!“ "whinglonfilfil 4627 ' 4&6", claring it could not be legally dam-mm] in i 50‘” ‘5 c‘fmmmfilinfl WIULYOUTS- Now; Ken-l Wuym‘, 3‘52 3.2” ' 3133 the face of what the supervisore halluflllzt‘ll' 1 29mm“ in conicllushnn'l‘fl I"? {Lsk'the hunt ' “'Mmlnronmfin ‘ 4494 5-381 ddo 9 . h . ‘ ..1 a your ago t e :mi w iicli came her 'livcoinni-v, Jim 1379 Hill ’l' l 'hn' ln: Show“! “th draft. “her?“ lßCnrccly know the tune) to May “John; Yurk. : “"39. .‘ 55"} ““97 noelp [in .Afll(nl.‘ll"|, a. paper which i Brn'wnfi'hloi- I suspect it‘hM hermit; as law ‘ _— —~i——' con '1 not live A week WltllOlgt government; mllfm'toyoups the :‘lntnr‘hlnanglml Bunion-’33? ‘ Total. 313“” ”JIM?” L" ,5, patronage. takes the bull by the hor‘ns in'lor ”a” Lolu:nhn._- [Chem-s‘] 1% CNN“whim”)? 13:33: i I ‘ the follf‘wing style: , “‘4 What does this gillilerdnsh mean. if it. in“ A 3""“"" ll“l'~”'”)’- 12‘4”; t : Seymour-’3 rensom for his course nm'pure- "not that, by qll cl: ._dcgreefi, the ultra Almli-l : ‘7 ...» , »v - ' , I'2: p::;:w|_ \loluateering “magi,“ exact-2‘32"“: ‘er wrangling in coiivéninz the: T 5 TH» H (ni:ini,iint(r‘ntm.l. . uaeumer mtrstemt " ‘ Ivmr'n .th l " ‘ ~, ,- ' ‘C ‘ filled up from tho rank. ()it' the He glimcxn‘: ' an)"; :dhitcfllttillETlErllMdSl-hfey :1 no A” g E pyglgng-{TAY YOF ADAMS nnd'Wnr Democrats. the Coppegsixeuils-all :B ‘ ‘ ‘ i " prape nr-. Jun“: ‘i ' '. t . ‘- ' staying "theme to ulo‘the eliwtion businesu.‘ "1x" m‘u executed for 31 “Agra?" and up: ’l' ‘1" m“. llrum‘n ”3 :_ I.m Nor-Win u“ mm. If any Republican Governor is anxious to‘ terly indefensxblo 01,132" th “Wanda". He niirllrnir‘ guml lll‘lll'i ,\‘,OH¢l\V‘l|'l! i~ rli-!}.:il.-«l {25:21:} this. stare {of things. he 13 31, “EH-.9}: l was liniigeil, in other words, as n let-(litinna- if: trlzftcr‘r'hv um) 7:13.? tipqifqd ("LL ‘ . _ _ . > , ‘.s = «‘- :i ' l~< r - the Us; 71,2: o‘} 3:s3l:2’Eyt'23'2'é;l:£:l ry I'm” mlu‘df‘rbl‘.‘ And It ls’tllisitinn's'soul . <ivlelinflgeiicc its: brought to hmrliin’hgl-lus fear'id a draft. niul will in,” no harliwlar [trunk/atVYdllCll,‘ttoool‘dlng to Ferney. is“‘cnmmirng- by ll'Ee State'iynvl .\‘uliniml fl‘llnlullki’rilkin'h; to avoia'il. ‘ 77:5 P 901116 [MW/amide"! (be parti‘llwgn .Wiih ”’0 50“" 0f the Rélnuhlicim- "an " “Wt! 1‘ w.“ ” rmnrki‘l'l" mi": ”m can ohjrclol'zllcsWiQuernarsindemninllm/thflwl: 'Unioif‘pl‘rty in Pennsylvania It Is "WET? :uflr‘tnln'“? by s'wl' 1"fl”\‘£"""t"l"lt - - .. —; - s .. . -i' il‘rlnl.‘ I» l"|“‘ unla‘qgfyxtar‘ntand areldttcrmmed (o toil/iii? ' more ixplicit exposiffon requirt-d of the I‘ had lenf‘ 'V'ix:ii::'icgll6){t‘:g::iivl~(ollliigiintlu: hd :18 is gunporting the atlmianru ionireynlnt'iFi‘nirv-fnnil lawless design of [hp:ll|0“"lllhl hi 3 mui .r‘iy._ 'l‘lll~‘_['fl allover. a ‘ t n-wm- With a vengeance. After the radicol pal-3y? 33‘1“? have chosen tor tlieiri in coiiliet'tion Wllll thousand-i lot k-nntrnn utter fmluro ofthe drift to raise men. when mam" ‘i‘lnt nml ”mgexemhm fa comm ions who lt-mmt m- him ft" nr-1.-r ilm lli‘. ‘ _ i , .‘ ,c-i i ": v-y ') “.' .. the government falls back upon the only“. ecl‘truitnr. They! draw their i spimtinn 1 "i"lr T ‘3.”: ”3"an unmume" 0.0”“ “if.“ system which has proved ofi'ective one of‘ ~ ' fl “ m .tnmj mvmml up “MI gimmh" “z‘ its ‘d ‘ . ‘ - lfrom the nctsgfl 5 man who pant] thejustl tlmutnndx of ouiplnyees wlinurglc-inzau‘ihl in _pai organs endeavors to enibnrrags its penalty ni‘theilaw upon the scathing—Sun- the hllhlntisi o!" mikin'.’ mono“ iii‘i lazy 'tll action by recommending the people nt'ittolduy Jim-cum. I: i“ _‘i ‘l“‘nl‘ky 0" ll" 0m“? "n" "m“; "l‘l'""l"'“”" V 0 unteer. ‘here is lo 'a L , _ m,‘ A _ _V ‘1 war: H. r nr-s, w 0 we minimt EUL‘JJHNI ‘l 'l )ltyforycly. .“ol .'.—7.--.-. ~-_ .‘.- 'tllitdlrl 1:1 J. t l ‘l ' . . “'lltll l!(\\>r.: in - s:'--<;i hobpe that pommerntn everywhere lfll" show l THE” “N 0 PARTY" ADMINISTRA" l travellinulflenvrfils. sshiuh§fc 1:411:11“ “$l.l :1] otter spirit, for though they. may con-l TION‘. , . } Whig-3 and} blank apmilcs nt‘ neat-n I‘m-(”3"”); emn the policy of the admlmhtmfifin’l Thorn ‘oan be nodenial of ”w ch"rflfl|pollilcfll lirenchera, strong-mindedonmeii, that 15 no ”am? why the honor of th.? nil-'1 that “'"““i“"“l'"y lhO'umiid thuhlicnn sol—l ""fl nil-:11 ”"5 . other "WWW" helluu‘ing tion should not. be upheld upon the battle- I (hers werf sent iio‘merfrom the Army of thei treason. “kb‘ng‘mumn' c'w-"Prhm'h‘m’ “"3" 'ficld.—-N 1' ll'arfd A Z lPomnmc rind "ron‘ {H9 hmpitals hy federal lSlthllfll‘P! ol fiwumhinuntthdt mh- much 4- v.-- . O .;. "Y”‘o'i'Yi to vote for Uurtln. The nrua'ns j rijtnemdal 43;“! tru‘lv‘freitt mar was bt'tllft‘n,? "‘ H— - - - . ‘tin i. ace'o'n these t't‘mPlllsO 0)- A WORD TO THE LEAGUE 0 gm. Reptlliligdn pprty admitted the that,» 0 . . . . I , - inn tiers was sc’arcelya county in the St t,l 1mm"? he Democratic vmce was ““9“ A; '0!" modestlkßepuhlio-in friends m'o-Lwii‘ero suit. me“ \vere‘liot tdhhe tnunilai': ‘. and li_r v to showsnepir‘it oidetermiuulion‘ nopolizo all tle “‘lo‘yalty.". we have no'cnnsiderahle uninherq on election (luv. or "2" “Q"! P"‘!;“’bl“1l)"’m""'ltn“°f"firm!“ doubt they willl‘cheerfully respond to the ! mm?" “'9 nould not 0‘5“.“ to ' quubliz'm) ; [Qip‘linr' 1 If: “stun-evicting “Pf“: “oiled recent 11 fa. l ' ~ isohliorq heme: furlnuahed and sent home lot or 00' ‘a" "My ”9ng uM” phalnnx. y on or vo unteers. which is all-Imm it"‘uiiliuuy npwflflvn wrm“ 'l it lof 1m iininnqnerable hodv of man. whose dressedto “the gOO'l and loyal people of; and i‘fDemocraticmlrliers‘i‘terlc nlIo‘:‘:-{‘ ”1;. principla alte‘chcfiahed in their hmmmy in! the United States." ‘ lMme priijilego: ‘ But'it h a notorious fart ete‘rhol. 'ltfillulnlllfi and Just. A pure iuul They hsvejmit voted, as they will torus. 1 that furllllmhs neg-e (lt‘nied to Democratic nnhlefe ling. perymletl the hearts Ohms tainithe government and the nilniiniqr _lroldicrs. “9:1 "ML M “'9 ‘7"! ”"10 “WFP‘nrtmmz' 'm m tins contest. They moved “0“ Th t Z .3 ' twenty thousand Republiéan soliiie'slirere up to the Kwork unmoved In tho huth oi the A- ' 3 government and that adminm’. sent 'homle to var}. lay/[he Federal Admin-i‘fi'm‘W“ with the Communion Hillilfifihlllv trntion calls them to the‘tented field, where? istmtion,'l.éewL-isilriving Meade mime mm "”"d. "9: onion. “"‘l 1"" Union l“ the ho“ glory GWPIIts thfim. TbFY«"hi|Ve noisily I towards Washington. and a Portion of. his Km“? (0". pence, promerity and rc-no‘wn.‘ boasted that they .were willing to give the army; was advmm’mg upon Poiineylv‘nniar .‘ ".9“ com‘mem‘mm we” "WP”WN' ""1 last man and the last dollar to su r 993 th ' and’ Maryland. by \wv of the Shenandoah gu'm‘d that ho~l.ln the ba‘lm'l’"x' there 'm rebellion ~I tth r ‘ {JP .e. Valley. Vuilehe oily must come Mini ”p'ws ”wk "'s'" and Hwy ("“hnugh " ‘9 em come 0“: "0W ;3“ call' these men will‘hé held to ii strict Rl't‘fiuntn-n M 09") 1'3““ maik "M to be‘ wipe‘dnut. not be cheers: fll cannotbe‘fl'e last mam—'l bility for their mnhiznant‘Partismnshilmmrll .A- PM” df m-m thus believing, and ex w.°’“’ many :70qu “I38&i15;” at night in ..crilllinlfl (lisrnznrrl of thettruel welfare of“ h'bltlnf'fi firmness 1“ so great and Perm“!!! our streets. "rallying around the flag " and E ‘h‘nntmni Needing the" whole cnnntry’s condition 9r moot eventnally' boastin that th .. I“ k .' impwm they are in duty bound to par-tun be hearu "l shaping the destimay oi- the Rn I; ' 9y vu ms e the— ”l'flsrsuch n gout-£6115 would insure siIPPOI'I bury‘nation. There ‘5 "b "”5"" fordccpondence Y- “‘6 they “13" th enough left to they seem‘to beahsolutechrnze-iifirith their: whatever. ' You k."°." th’t-yéu'm“! i" “he come out. and make the attempt, or will 1 “little hriet‘ éuth'ority 3? they will hear ofl "3h" and your prmcipleoare a terror only they still longer skulk cowardly at liome,‘| "O‘me “t ““"9‘2Y'di'vlon-‘l - i'pport" 0" to tyrants.‘ The (notifies of the 1’0“, must. and vent their excessive “loyfilty” in slam the" par (“‘ssz they court; 79m1” soon be at an end. ' non has been de. derin andd f _ h , _, apdlnynluorthem Democi-ats in nprlirhreath- tlironed try. enl punionsnnd thirst for 8 e amingt ‘l‘." neighbors? L“ and to L wantonlv strive to illienate from,i power. Th" thirst m“ soon be quench’b‘d them- don the armor and fall into ranks! their sigma fully one half 0’? the citi- l by the 131 W?" "file" Offbflnkl‘upmy Ml} no", in therhour of greatest peril, or letizegSpFlhe loyal State»: And thisis the: §|°°d3h°d'r'b°f‘ “up“: will 51’9“ their them foreVer afterwards hold their peace! ..n‘ mg?" {f'lhmm’ion' of which 3" he" ‘2’”: 22d conioown to: the foot~3tool or “as h ‘ ‘ , -_'° mu ‘-~ “find 1‘ foyeling continua" '“P .n "u‘ l i has hexocrlcy of this blatant petriotismj‘m the 10m,“ deptlis‘gt‘martisnn meanneszl It may be our task yet to rebuild what 1 ; "‘9 0° ‘PPQMM- Attention. “PB- aml chiennery‘! 0h ye that have eyes and ' now lies beneath the paw" 0' wicked and trltol” Shoulder arms ! . Right. face! For—lB9B not and ears that hear not; is there ambitious fanatics. our Utfim!’ ‘hd take the ward! Loyalty so intense I-l yours shouitf‘ nathing thatwill arouse you to the‘ use of had m deffldmg the “Kw"! 9‘ m?“ 7"" lead tothe field.—Spiril d: 77m“ ‘ l your soonest—hfiifit ‘9 M_ Al‘ ,1 self-government. against he opinions. and . . ~ :17”... ‘__ prom}; bngehitgmpee of monarchs that we : ‘ . - . must‘ rul y one man power. ' 'l‘ THE TWO POLICIES. 13:~ No caunp for despomlenov. my lriemls. here are two policies ;” and the Alhnnyg We are this dnyeironger in the State and Argus ems, very correctly, describes them: in our county than 11l any previous time.— 1_ LEI: Republican Policy—to hold out to AWe hove n clear majority in the Suite, sud the rebels no, inducement to return to the?” to 0‘" so“! old mum” she is “3 :flrm ‘5 Union—no hope 0t" pardon or restoration 5 ‘ rock ‘nd ” itnpregnnble ngainstlthe at to citizenship—nothing but. confiscation l tacks ofenemieqwithout ”“1 foes'wjthinu extinction of their States an paliljcal oomil “'9 rock of G'b'iihu‘ . 1' Nannies and dfiViSion ot the nor} among Adamsooonty csmwithoutboasilng, chal emancipated sléves-‘nmhing, in 3 “Ora ‘ lenge her siswr oountiea to beat her in 'on" but. black (Jazmin Thais Uta R 615 cm; tirabendingéstudfuidevgtliontothnuuaai policy. , . 1 um! s only cmg or vot’e once v 2. C'nnwmlx've Policy—to meet the rehab. if"! that‘change 3'“? from p ‘1”;le Th; “00 with}! “mug military arm and mm rights of nrr cmiem yore owned by a the distinct and firm usurmeeit’Jhat no “uh-hydrsi-headed monster in politiounnd like shall be plucked from the fig of the Uni-v "WNW“ "‘e’ P‘m‘hei'hmuw" “iml on—but: ? the same time to hold widel wiirh a fixed determination to keepjt more. openthe- oar for the return or the °" °“!' 1"" "° “ Wm” preaching some. to theiriconstitutional posiiaohbfiil-ed mm M “1° “mm-1 0m" min their former status in the Union, whenever “we!” long as one spark of hope remain! they will lay down their arms iuid renew. to restore the Union 2‘ n "'s' “9°“ the their uiegimce. I'm; a (lie Democratic and “‘5“ °‘ “w °“‘ °".'“"P‘.‘°“v ‘ Cow»: Wit)"- 1 .S: for; olulrfoountyti:e concernetil. all is _fi... ‘ - "u too In .°’"':". 30. and- f there fiAeoompliahed their dirty work int-e any of the opposition pgrticulnrly anxi i -. . . . " on: for ofiicethe mmtluve‘f‘ ‘ . Green backn, tahehoom, bribery and comp-3 known. 1 l 031:6? tion. Thank heaven, there’s; goodltimol -———""“\‘* ~ ‘ coming, w 'e_ scales: will fall from'thts fiTheAGainesville (Vfl.) correspmident 6}?! of the P 195 and the money cbnngv of the Philadelphia Inquirer,» under date of an Will be driven'frum the temple of freo- 25th tilt... says tlint the brigade of General doni m' .‘f , , Gregg Ilouolost in the engagemeiubnur . ;: _\ A__ i L ' [leéflly,»lnd by unfitnessiorvervice, flßeen hundred horses. He also rehbru‘rthut a considerable number of conscripts have do sorted to the enemy, and taken hp arms in the Confedernte service. . fiWe command to put political par eona His foliowmg sentiment, uttered by {Tether Byleg. the first Pastor at the Perk Street Church. Boston, we believe: »“ have thrown up four breaatwoth, behind ‘hich I beve entrenched myself, neilHer of which gnu be forced. In the first piece, I do notundenund politic-33 in thesecnnd plum, youjll do. e‘ery man and mother’s son of you; in the third place,_you have politie- 111 the fleeing—pray let one dny iii seven be éevoteq to religion ; In the foui-th place“! em engaged in a bell: of infinileij more importance. Give me iif'fizfijectio preach on of more csnsequenbe than the: with I bring yoh md‘l will pinch on it next Sabbath." ~ ~ . ”TM Abolitit‘misu irp'oonsfantly “re lolving’"in their pubfio m9etingsshfi the ma sum be “vi‘oasyslprrosocutetl” .Ina the rebellion "mind? I}. is” an ab se‘rnbfa fucc, however. that but Precioup feiv of thén‘l manifest a willihgnm to :9 list. personally in the “cniyzipg out“ prrg! I'm-1'61: Ace-Hap: at Thy—A terrible néai gem occurred st Troy on Monday weeks-‘3 A number of men were engnged in digging 1’ se'fyerhcwemy 19:: below the level ot the fireot,‘ when both sides caved in. burying about: manly. Three dead~bodies mug beep uken"oul, ntflnst. accounts, and only thy-o w‘eg'e agvod‘ui‘ve. Them were_ 93,111 :zdzzazw m“- ore ~ ‘ ' . Ii!!! gene‘éut- 8 “a? 93.qu ’9 “"5 make it}. [.3lska the lmhrl to’pln‘y n na tional hvu‘m, the hymn of “Jnh’n Brown.” [Cheersfl I 1 inked them I.o4:];ij the great mm. or gent epic, which tu'ld‘ tn the [ Q‘Tbe negroes of Pfi'fladolplnfi inned' n placard enlr‘giuing “all loyal *{nericun : iborn citizens to vote fer Ourtin." The call: ‘ was ’wßrthy of mg intelligence 9f the no-l ,‘groes, md was 9116!“! vorthxrgf $ll6 no i’ captains of shyddy'msj-‘ghsnb, ’oontncton land loyal lea/gnu: 911130 flgoildy city. ! GENERAL BOSHGBANS AT 'CmOIN-I _ ‘ THE WAB‘NEWB. t NATL I Q ‘ ’«”"—-‘—' ._‘l‘ I The "pa"- Of tllt‘ movement. ofthe Con. I 1 Cisctxsnt. Ort. 25.—Gnn-rul Raver-nut IMPORTANT ALTEBA‘HON’ l!\ _l‘.lß (admin in Tent-mum rooeivod through a 'I arrived in this rity at about ll o'clock this SCHOOL LAW—The nttention of our rétiden ,Qrmpfmtlflnt of it New \m-k- jourmil a. * Igorning. and sun escorted tio :lm Burnet is directed to the t‘nct‘ lhll, by the act of April ' ht’gbly imp‘ortan: [lf] "(139- r ll" Hatred th.; A 00“» yan immense-cram o citium.-~ 8 g . fl “'26 PO" 1°" (3 $1 ""9"“ “'OO un ' I lie wul enfliusiaaltioally welcomed through- “In' I 633‘.” "m "WWW-ma for he "N! Ider Gequragg _is now baht-veil to he mov— , . . . . 4 ~ .portat‘common ’Chot‘h for the Ichool yt-ztt'.i t ICI 1 l Tm" for ti 5 to." the 9m,” 1",, of march. _ . . 1. th n t)! la. {.l 1864 'no' ng mum 'on nnt . 4. to par. I! > ! .On‘ arriving ... tho hotel. 9mm] Roeea em If”! on 5 I" 0'" I 0 _“nfi ‘‘vl _ ipose of fPfltnl‘ between Gen. Burnside. ' mm was introduced to MmmH-ge by ‘be divided among the several districts, inipro- _ mmaiit nntl Chattanooga. and reinforce ,' Judge Staten. who mid trutchi- fellow citi-l portion to the pumber of, children attending: on!» from ‘Ut‘ll. Lee H army If: suppoiod 2989 ; 2918 2698. '9'" 2f Cincinnati "PWEned "‘9 '9': school therein, and not. In formerly, according l mgen'gfi'fih'cfl d2"":g)‘;:ayl: In {£:I:::g— -$322 1251):?) » 1351:)? I 2:51:16 h‘i‘tfiiozfptll'fifuhzhrh'erggggéhie to we numb" of resident tnnbleu Th“ in“ I 20$ r Th; olge'afit‘: f'lliéh the Confedmm 3037 2055' 3035’ in him. While he hit; MVP? diéhonored imp‘m‘m Iltentl'on,’ "d "“1 m“"‘""’I-im no to drive Gen. Burnside out of 3430 2mg.) 3. 2393 his iiltivo State. the State hm never Forgot- change th: amounts received ~by the dlflerent lam nggmo nnd turnlgh: flank Ql'l the. 5005 12571 5935 trn him. Alltidi'np to his removiil from the‘ distrlcu. ‘ Now, an we umggntud the subject, army It nttnnoogii, nnt‘ tus come the 322.83 241% 325'.) 5‘1"“, 0'; tlhe C“E‘“’“‘l'"‘lv h; 3““ the {:7l the *rent‘rr the nnmber‘ét’ Icholuru In'd tho I nbnntggninont‘gf t:“;r9s;‘m‘"cfilgggu°h 6‘22 2929 656' p9' '0“ ( requirexjtha "cm 6 upon w m ‘moretregular their attendance upon the pnhlié -to .‘. me} n. I Ik‘ l' - f 2°” 6256 6858 524 {that not was hasedfiobeproduvvd. I. hos“! in“ 6'9“" “"11 be the “mm“ ot'" that 17th 'in tun:- ethnto genégnrgd t (2“ 328 3023 333 p Intact: or stunt. mszc‘nxs. 1- '5 , t trumon. 11l \3 190 I I“ ll 9'" 9“ 1'64 3020 ‘ 2133': ' Gen. Rosecranix returned his sincpre‘ moneti- received from ha Sate treasury. ‘t ‘hnvo been dr en from Looléoult Minuntiim s: 219 309 ,thnnks for the expression of svmpathy and 3 is'ttiia‘in x inn ‘0! interest to erery cm. Iby in force of t 0 thousand et em troop. 15.4 K 21H 1531 refit-act which this public reception implied. I“n iI the Common "in, ,5 hope u,“ a“- { under Gan. "at qnfinnd that they were ulna ‘ - ' Whl h l 1 fl 1 l ‘ h ld n ' - ‘ com lled-t l ‘ f In their ultion on 2714 30.i8 20801 '6 9° I' atteret ”In' a con not_ tor! throughout the ‘uto wlll cull» nttentlon -I” 9'9N} ro - W , fi 7933 .5521 7953 ivforget thnt. the heart of the‘people did not ._ ~ , l . . the south utla the river. "f“,nmwn . 1513 \ 2608 ~ 1591 [39 out to individuals alone. It is the prin~ ‘° "I“ “"3" fi‘mm’i‘l co nmlnl. ; _ _R» Ferry, thus open gflcomrnunioatiun with :20: \5908 ‘ {sgpiplggfff'kkhfwel"]?f “farm“fi‘h‘“ "SIBfGL'lAli CASE or MISTAKE): mEN- “'{gfiolmg hum swam". "M." MW. 3 ‘ . s_‘ 8 I'll '9 9" 7" 'o'“ le— ' ~pl' noes 'l‘l’l'Yt—ln the Male of Geltylb'nrg there was - ~ mm}. ..gpmhi' _' ; i . . Clmrlostnn. A itii ntt‘h'nJhß Richmond igfigf 3:32 (133% : He inked tlliezjieople not Tb'Tqrget théirl ”"3“?“ “m r‘h°‘u.'“°“ mg" l‘ ;?n"“ATl'n1llaP“” “I, :"9 "flip of Foil-trims Monro". 3434 4llt‘\ .3400tduty go the Government; whatever might whose parents rank in ma ng Mn, . 9'. tinted Chnr'mton on Liam ny hint,- int-it» 5065 3908) \ 501.5 occur to individpsln. The question Is to ghenj" i-ounty, Pa. lt mu iinnonnccd thnt hrfthnt Gen. Galnmre ”renal—fire frnm fonts 3462 mm \‘3421 I‘lfiqwt’hn had been .used he dustred to leitvo I “.5 "imong 15. “um inthatnngninnry fight, fires; .ynrl W “51"" slight: in-leven: o-lélofil; 326 . .34 31“ or ime It) an‘swor. ‘ - . ~ ‘ mb m 6m t I in morning. ag n , em: principg Pk mam.» II [m 3091 3—~‘. i 3 ‘8 ‘9" 0| glue VFl‘yt SQilL‘llOllß amu [fly '- ‘ " I “'0 ITO!“ urs "‘.an foengagot . )8 out 91 ‘ ' If“; . 'll health. The Army hi the Cuniherlzu I. they ibamtgml "Kg/m" wlizit the)’ W"? In‘" I _{otlernlt-s .repliml from Fort Mntlltrie n'ntl 3R7t‘, . 3"“) gantxt'think lam well enough. kind It) do ljiltite nu~ bit he . n‘ii,-l ltmk it htiina imam": hiitlenoq‘. No diimngo rrpnrtmt. _ 76l ‘ 165,4 . 7},n\As,tn the quantity of ’opium I have itaken’s Md g. wimmi in the family burying groun‘H ’l‘lio intelligencefrnm thr Army nftho P‘m 1431 v 2953 .14le) 'l 9y 2}”, l'alvlvf‘klxlcgllscét‘ nay driigginti.——i A I'." night: since, the' house M. the Pan“. :«ticmnr iii‘pnt I?)[i),qr';'ll‘t: Sgllle ‘éhM-U!" (iln ' 32“” 22"“ ":22" ’ P.‘ 9w, or . tun ‘afgiingtnn papery wur sited I-vn vnung nmntrom the Minnwho‘; '.“ilf°~",'-“" O‘ o 0"“ '_‘" fl" ma " 39M . 1%; 3m” 1m e um! that. tvoiiernl ertt; Cytk‘n and Men > ~ - . ~ - , Quinn tn- lust {cw rhytlmiltim; ton better 1754 Tti‘JS ', 1739 Unuk intended to make th‘rygs against me. I “r"ns‘ird tho harem-lii. 0n tuft-ring the house 5 pmlecufm Grunt, r-iilrmul. Slight Skirmish: 456 ' 17-12 14L". 31'"?! «um mp that they I'!ng exceeding- I what imis the ~l|rpriir mid nettininlinient of the I ing i-i conutuntly imim: on along tlui hues. 13. 41‘ ~ 7116:; mast .|.v [1])“, "5°." false WPOMINIOM,“ '56 suf‘ipnrettls to discover in that! visitor their deo‘fit‘y .4: firm ottrzrnlivnnlthnt' :xltytltuat‘tlftf lift-git: 3‘ ‘3 1236 3964 l”I ‘ ' t ' * I muanlld arm whoce rem-tinxthfly filnriéd ‘lrere ' ' "w P" or am“ Im .w "'"vy .nn 0 3p" 20% 3”? ‘ lien. - . set-rum also remntked that since‘ _ 3 ' . ~ ‘ ' ‘. title lorcu nlm‘h lflfil Friday ptew‘d hack 3666 51:53 35%;“; the hint] of Chickainniiga he hotl re—‘l """W 'l“"“." J“ "'9 "mg-"3' ‘l‘ turnrduout’} th‘Fl‘dl-Nll ntkvnitm-plitn :ignin returned tor 4022 9848 0910 MVP“ “‘9 'r9f amnovnlh-om thr Preui- thnttihe body brouzt! 0" "“1 mlerred 'b"°'thv mmh siile oi'the ttupimhanimhnmt 34H 39” . 33y; ilpnt ‘l'nr his ct on in that. :nfl'nir. He was t ".35 tint of n rebrl, “to were in the _hnttle} zflddfi that military ”00"“! _ara of opinion 3907 3403 3:497 fillslfjedt that li'ateverphiirgfsi l:§lpe(’:l‘9tl in’ I Unitel‘l Suites iinitorm.lnd “their reeefiiblnuogllull-it.'sliniiltl”l,eotvvrltui-il‘ra'n'httiick muffle.» . \ 7‘." 5;“ m 9 .ie .33 em pa ‘ nngamsi. rm ie invent“. . , . , . . i eat riswo poet in 00- M the yioiu ni. 1706 1:327 1894 I nient was in 35‘? responsible for them. Ito I“ Union ’9}?{","’"{"fi" '.mkm onn.’ I me“"¢"‘"‘”’* gnm-rilhu. "h"! "WY FINN", 684 ”2659 ‘ti)9 “8 exitressed his endinpst} to do‘wtmte'fll FLIhG ON ROUND-TOP.—on Tut'ed y fart ell Biirdktnwn. Ky" JudJVPFk. Illll‘llNl' the!“ 6238 7513 6175 ”the Government» d iretl at him. , n l-rflle nnd bountiful .\iocricln ""8—“1' eunti ‘llt‘PU‘. n lot-numuvn‘nittl truiii uf mung. Mn; “12 “s‘; Hum; {fit the conclusion of hiii speech, oheen ed bu Indie or Ph'l-del h“ (In! \I. B .0111 thn tvlogmph “he“ The m“ n" “m: .‘Ht‘n’i 6344) ' 34:39 I Ware fit?!) for (sle ) fans and the Ar-I - -I\ s '< P"f _' ’ ‘ villv. Ky.. wn‘~ much 19311 :iit-iu-«ul'ull 'l‘htr Qtilfl 3333 250” mv o the Cumberlahd. | “W" _" “"5 head 0" the ”5"“ “m“ “.'he glll’lan-l nooiiretl ll nu MW)!" of hot-w... hut 2328 2304 ;‘.’3121 The welcome given Gen. Roseérnns . snmnht o! Round-ton, on a pole 55 fee- high, ' tlmy wrrP lilfi’qnml .n prin'u'ntlytll it all the 4427* 3751t‘) 439 M i'wns earnéjat‘indhenrty t‘li\\oughuut. where it now floats in the breeze, in hi) or of her-cw tvei'c l‘t'ctu‘t‘l'etl )Illtl l’uiii' nf thu pu‘ty 27” “m; I 2533 t~—¥—~~' «I» *7 ‘ Ithe ilictory 6t Gettpburg iii July lttEt. There ‘ cakilltt't’tl. “' ' ‘ \I A ‘ «a I- m-..- '\'9 hay/a "l 9 iletxiih of tho him at Cl! Governor ~._.. 5. 8 5 . .1 h at 5’ Ad‘lfl. .5 2917 ‘ Allegheny, 005:! Armutrong, .77 Beaver. .. 56 Bedford, 1 . .Bérks, 1%.. Blair; 2386 Brulford, 2954 Bucks. { 6836 ‘ L Butler. 3054 {a Cambrian. 3000 L Cameron, 216 n Carbon“ 2H9 ‘4 04min. ‘ 3058 \ Chester, 5498 . Clarion, 2598 Clinton. _l9ll Clmrfiehl,‘ 2483 Ccflumbin, 3342 Crawford, 4236' CumberlandAOTfi Dnuphin. 3“)?! Delaware, 178'.) Elk. 722 Erie, 326" FA ’HP, 379: anfigt. L 5:1 human;- $3710» Fulton, “1022 G rqmn", . 2960 lluntirng'on,‘.ll67 Inllinnn. WET) Jofi'vrs'on. 169 R Juniam. '1737 , Lnnqn‘qtor. 7630‘ Lawrence, #254; Lphanon, 2653 Lehigh. .5526 L‘uznrpe. ‘ 9908 cho'ming. 3865 Mr-rcer, 9 3408 M’Kmn, 5‘22 ‘Mlfl'lin. 1626 Mrgnrofi. 2712 Montgom'yozfl‘l) Mnntnun. 1417 Northamp'n 67-38 Northurhb'd 3356 Pn'rr‘v. ‘ 2296 ¥lxilaulelph§filfl§ lkt‘, ~ 1:134 9 I q —. I 1470 65m) 1758 3064 Poltm‘. . Wll9 Svhuylkm, $547 Snyclor. 1:131 Somerset, 1739 8'0“ han‘in Poughkeepsie has baen vbry informant? durmg the past. [@ka Wichita that lim ho bu been drafted, leu tied nud burned’out. _ 3 - Sup. Court. WHAT IS.BOSECRA NOW? 2 A few days ngn the whole A fitinn press éax‘g penm m Rnserrans, L‘hr \- l‘or of a do " fieldw. Then he ‘nsv “‘&;k‘hf \l. I 4“. “352 1755 3060 5‘37 83433 12:26 1744 8‘ .\n. l'hen he ‘ 4:1 prom when]. ’ Hum, a Patriot. “fin is it. nnw? Yfitricken tdowlr .by' [ha “7‘" qul‘fim-nt. th _hmvl ‘ Mound h'im like a pmqu of rjmlgnlls, “Wk; ‘ ing tognrge their foul a‘ppt-tlles nn his lead hmly. How shnmel‘urnh'n is. 'l‘lmhé of“ ym-elervl'ny, ["loerng by llwflniulmlikp, 'x-x the Inr‘umpewm, the Lt mlic. the Flux ‘ 19pm; the Sluggm-d, nay. own the Linwm-c \ 0t (6-day. Language hu no three to brand In this; mnmmpunlu s’nbservioncy. lhh cu!tl« ' P h ‘ bloom-«l, mt‘ncflesi um} morcvnnrv vandal-t, ‘n, ‘ wk"?! «lOSPI‘VN. Bn‘dl and Mn:Cl~-11..n and p I'thl-r nml Rmer‘mns--.\[cU~an nut! Uril- l't'l' ' twudvn und’Jlub‘lwmmd. Q” sumificed 3—! £23.. I. The vary llawgr mu! [yr-“La 01' the army { .. SINK (flushed! 'l'“qu lh'e reward of mom and a“ ‘5 'l’ k ":muuhm, the price-mid 9hr emlrit-m. wr- .M'EM‘ 1" ‘ mom hv'jmr "Il’tnPsl" Prskhlom null In's f'"“'110”"“.| q‘xrorfibieyS--vi‘omry.—llxrrisbmy l’Jlrlbl. L The .\‘lunm- \ ‘ ~ ' by Sblomon P \ inning vnnli‘a . x the Wl'l'L‘. \ .‘ 36-1 ' 4‘03 442‘) ‘ NWT 3271 ‘ .2141} E 41317 ; 2H)! ' +173 ; {5555 , ST)? _4~i :: , i i I ,‘ ,I‘rcrrmh‘nn qf-r I‘Amn-h..—Wn nrvinfnrmr-ul (hilt a hmnuul Methodist Pn-m-hrr. by [HI3 ; mum: of Bunhnrt, on the hut. Suthm [w 13‘!er the late elqclion. in nllmnpting In prde m the Invnple nl Salem," LIILI‘I’IH' ’qunlv. m lur lurgntdha sum-lily ul‘ the ‘.\‘ddum 4lhlf the sacrwln‘u‘w n!‘ (iml'i H-‘lu‘e 'm m naval-Lam in smum u! p )muml'l-xhnr ' mnun fur {1“ gm»! cuizvus tn volofll'nr Hir -1 (2.", anhvu downturn-obl- \Vm):lnurd, (ind flni~ ,thmn-rsé {u Copperhead“ Having ‘ lhua 'anml the hpuse 0t Urml into n pulm nml met-fin; and change-h Um. pullm. inln ,th’e‘}»\lztit:luu|’s rour'um. bv In: mfi lcluy and hlmphemy‘. the mngrofiutinu you; to {hour feet, and in wild (gnlnmnlinn. the Hanan-um gum threw lu-uuy chum fox, \Vnmlwurtlnutl Uemucmt-y. 'l'hp Abolition "fists lullmnng by cheering for Cumin. lAll em‘h pvlltlcql ln‘inln, whrlln-r flu)! or frnntlfl. ,wtfimtml with “nigger on (he braginfljshould liu bunxshdtl f'mm uh-cmlt finch-(y 'lnero as they Will be éxcludml Irom Iluaven [wre , lwr. Anal/wind ‘ Jlurmmt/m.v'"-——(.'ulumbm intru’crdt. ‘ 1 ' ' llliiinm Stair—A .t'eiv night» since; oné of the ilepuiy pruvus‘t hlfl'fslntl‘i in Jefferson county. Pu..'!lmt a minim: in n‘mtnke for her limb-dill. It is alleged that the uninh ii’l haul taken a tlesertor. who exalt-ll on pretense-oi gettingd‘inner.‘ ll’e then-fore Jack a pom), went to the house of the de‘ sorter, and sent the bone to the rear of the house until he should upprise- them of the presence of the {iris-"fer by lii-mg a lliimly when they shim d ASS‘ist him. In, a minute the pistol was firedfiryl whim thh posse chine around to.the door), they found that the wife of the desertifr‘hngl been.shot in u nim taka to; the hughaml. who the xh‘nrslml thought wa‘s ‘enileat‘urlng tn, escape. * . ~___., » «an x - [Q‘We are ask (l by a ormrt-apnntlont whn hag: .‘wagor béfilrtin’fi mujurity nnt heingbvcr‘l-BflOO. whether he ought to give upthe stakie. <We Puffin. Wait till the Legislature shall bnvh countml the votes and Curtir') shall have bee-h iltimgurntegl.—- The Pittsburg '1 Rays that the t 4 legmm from Harrisburg, ting ,tlmt Curlln’u ma.- jority is 15.343. an Agnew's 10,000. is in cbrrt-ct and sent out r the juurpose of enu hlinp Abolitioniste .to\“lit‘t their Maui”— Curtin’s dmjoritir will- “9!” reqch‘ those: fig ures—Bayard Gazette. (V. - \ ’ ; _._........‘.......‘_—.Lt_.:l 1 ”Mrs; John Barnum. Monkton. {m 1 old lady aftei hty . years. w up on: Fri day night weefi and found hersélfat the_bot tom of thewpll, in three feet'pNnter,‘ nd‘ twenty-four feet belaw the surface. §t\le had got up. though very feeble, am! gotta thither 3 her sleep. manggingg some way) to get to the bottom lln:sm&d.\-‘Shn‘ wu‘ / not chill nor has an e cc ' of re- ' ~ ——-‘—";-~”:—“-' _ salted frzt‘m the perfpr’martce. ‘9 y infl'Tho New 1 ark chrm says that “at _‘____......»- -_{»——- X , the Russian banquet recently given in} thnt cyllnfih“ hib‘thimgggffiigo cmw‘city, the name of Genersl McClellan In. fgfri'smgz’r: a"; S; 0;“ imn inc; will: receired, when his letter my. "Ml,“ith State has gone for them. to begun: bu ' Inch nymrfeotigvntion nf nppltuu u ‘to mutt be reoollected that Curtin WM Flirc 5‘ eclipse ell the honors of_the evening to oth ed by over 32,000 of a majority ; now, with xu. partial."- - ' ' ‘ that five millions of greenback: that were; ‘ sent to this State to curry :on the umpaign,l the tremendouspatron ‘ oßtlxo “Governg‘ merit.” the countless 'ifiuln who were in-i 'tereéted in continuin the Abolition reign, indinll the influen nth-t ‘Abnm and his hoqtg could ongmn d. and given to them. they fire but [bl to count it little over A"; lun‘ (hounnififillenlmn Democrat. .. fl-The Know Nothing Lodges we!!! got ten up by nnprineipled men, to secure qflice; for themselves, Ind persecute forefgners Ipd‘ Catholics. Tlieirdeity was" Sam.” 'l‘he L 013! ’. Dengue: are the work of the Inme clue of “par.riota.”who are still after office, and hope ‘ to succeed by following the destructive pol-l icy of tmimroun Abolitionism—an ism l which has for' thirtv years threatened the'; dent-action of the Union and theConstitu- ‘ tion. >Their deity is “Sombo.” Let all honest men-all lovers of their countryand 1 their moo—unnd aloof from these Abolition , traps ! Ethvagmce.—Tho demand throughout the country for extravagant and imponodw [loqu is greater fihun for Nancy years past. Very few goods are aufi‘ereul to lemain on hand, out ua withdrawn ”soon ”arrived. This pomp and shamextnngance and folly, whilst. ‘lhowigg the reign .ofshoddy. does not Molten any good to the country. S‘lnrd Lyons in a recent {otter home‘ dedluod that. it was “the policy of the par- ¢ Win Vto prolong the ma." 113 de i ' just. the plain lath. LOCAC DEPAMMENT. i was quite n com’ptny oqule and g?! prosem—apecches we're mude and cnnnn | rende'ring the: occgsion one of no lmle i I BLAST Tasks—whi man-mu, jun . the frosts\of\uiullor set in And whilglhe g is easily brahen nn-I no?ke.!:is (hf’besé the seasons of We your for trnmfvorliug ‘ ___ . Either trait orsbnde Oren lhould‘ho {“8" Mom, W‘ \‘il‘llonl H'muhlimn in ”‘l‘“th t‘le mm}! M our: and plum-Ii in lhe lm “tiff; mm a lvvnugmjuu: mnhh-uh-r an th- u§§v§£ whére Hwy‘ Ilré inl‘tndnl tn wmain. l'jnons {ln'l thkml ‘Olm l-rh-u. "I .ummno y n (1011 ‘ "wing union-"pied [fin-1!. wards, kc.“ lmufd 1" '"."-'"7",‘l““r}“'“l|'j”"W‘fl- "W 1L”?! \'m Ihrm with tree-s. The runlfyill uml'vly {’I""€I"""u5-"""' ”I'll!" "h“ 1”" I) “'on 7‘" ‘y the (203'. of lab—or and _vit Id II Ila-knyfimum ollu-r. "flL ih p'ru'fit, comfun and hcmily.’ ‘ ‘ho rqnmvul of the dendrinlfi misgi "munl (Inhaler) iq no‘w in :n'ngr i=.— Mrgd hn‘vx- already been runs ‘r new rcm'mg’ pl.“ 0. nacits' deJd are bI-ihg rév run-4» “.'(‘ti’ 'the "mum rnm‘rrinmi. wclal enulrwl with him'fur 1 WCan. Huntnr's Cumlr: (Tunipnn-4 frnm lhii coumyrwno in the Churn-slow” figh , mull bolmhe-l munfnlly. ‘ He lost nm- kiilrll, film-. 91 VlJuz‘m—lhrue wounJeJ, Wm. A’." Hall hrhns’, i Juhn “rm-n .§nd Dnrinl Sterner. ' ‘ ’I, . .. :.. = _ mfromgm‘ TL) FARMERS—‘fiIe n 3 mom—of .\gzicnllnrv has recnv'od one Inn bmhcls OrSIIPCTjI‘N' Mediterranean \VFMI in wt” ndiplrd to [he sci) ufll‘u- .\lid Ur S Agricull'nrisfs can nhL-il sqmlilpq by: ad? ing liun. inane .\‘ewl‘onflTuhunisaiuner'of ' cxillqra, “'nahinglob, Di ,0. l wxxmn: \s',.\.\':rm):z—\\'s “mum Will not those 0! my [I ulnmd Ivhbjxicw I u-jn-s influlfled lo n 5, tilhei-fur‘subsrrii'jon, mlvrn/ifiglg lor juhb‘irig. thin.- Ul5- hnu‘ I pay up'." ()ur ox'pznsrs are haw! and mum hr , fuel, 01qu we win we nu m-y annugeLing our in. demo-Ines; llnm hy thou- imlefieed IO M 50in“- inngn our "sin «we. \\ hn'll nefilw fins! 1!}: 'reapouil? Dou'l All UpeJk m. (unhjgomihhu. . hut come along with [he «uh. I! ~,\ on j‘nn't come in person. )ou mu «end Iha :Imuunli due us with one ul’ _\unr ugh-Mini or by mxil...: e We fem-at i'. )5: wnul money and unis] hurt rl. 3 “TN [HF-We‘me vrrymuch hymn“ uf W‘ood. Will no; a fewuf “cur umn‘h‘y Men-H Suppl; In with the mm-h-nrc‘dl d nrxiulc Anon ? We should Catcem it .\.funr WM“. Uwrn'c 'Gnanler, r-l Imucslmr n, I sent, In, the mher d-yhtwo Scry fine‘hmm: of ‘rnhhnpe. and u‘ up, and highly p lus nu‘r Hunks. W»: are film in ”Emmet; on R 4 sweet palm-Jinn com‘c nrmlu. . I fill is no‘ ‘thaz Judge W 254,000 vows. l ernor, i_n ~184345; I D. Fost‘ér recei‘ * Woodwntd. he 1‘: ngajority ofl 'thlt‘u mnjorily of the voids en’s"! in 1360. should not)» a majority of the votes east » in 18mg". 200,009 soldiers have left the \suté Ii 1860. " ' fi-Tho “Evening' Post. pays, "energizing is very high." No, sir, but “walled money gs very )ow.‘ Tbu'l what's the lunar. ‘ -If nnm ban a. real old fashioned Domoet'iu'o doipr, hp ‘on: buy at much u ever. . "a-A napalm... ediuir lays, “mo heigth imy’udenoo m to ukfln wpporhoud if he beXQevu liner! to be I I‘ll."‘ Hugh, the highut impudenoojs to Ask to Aboli tioniat if he lovel the Union and the ‘Con. stilution. e\ . 3 Z - 1 IL I. Patfio‘iffl.—ln Link Common, R. I. which votes black 3 lo h,thirty-four men weredrgufled, and money-3.30m ! In Bris tol. R. 1.. math: Abolition centre, 109 were dram, undone mgro was forced imp the service. , ' 1 fiThom-ndl of m die annually for wmt of n remedy for the ailment- In which they are incident; The only Inch remedy we know of in air Junel” Club’- F'emnle Plus. They no put up in rpm”, containing 50 pills. with a circular contain‘ in; explicit directions, and sent pO.» free (or $1 and 6 post sumpa‘. They, up well known to be the only mud Info fund, for formic dhm'und ohm-mm from any_ «use. , . lemon: ~ .. . ’ ~- 3519 .. , , lur‘ fired :“kt‘e swimmfimn- Tu-munhx t. Mm. on Hm "‘.’l~l. Must nfllw lrunlm c-ngugl‘d in tho' c""' ulhlr Mic-re lrnul (mm. uml the Yul-\rul'lan wforo ‘s'” about our hundred; 'Fuo rev-n’uul'illm uund {ugh}. was Um! llyn- .Cunlc-Ik'ruuu. uher nufr iulmu'n Inhgvy lo~s m kll‘oanq-l. wmmdell, 'f “u .\n-Jr qlulu-rwd.—-Sm ql' Baily. . neon! . ‘ ...” fl . ' , MAnztx‘. I. _ nn 'hr‘lt-I "IL, t-y' Im. w. K. may, "NIVRY L “Xv." 4, rial u! New th Irr. .\daln: r-uml_r,__m “is; BLLIINI’.\"M. K‘LA' Ll‘l‘, m H.lmnrr. i ‘ ' T! “n lln’o- ."Hh uh. by I‘m lama. \lr. .IH‘HI'H F!’:\\H|.HJ;( In Min SARAH A? .\fi'DiCH-r hulh hf Adam! “mun. w. llu- 224- h.‘ Lu, I:u.-‘Jm~nl. an-glw. Hr“, ANNA“ \\§ kl?.\'}~ LE. m ( uu‘fiullnml 00ml!“ («1' W» NH’IHA [-24 lfllllbll. n} S‘mb-n If'. 0.: [hr l-‘nh ill! ,n'. “to Hungviicnl 'l.ufher nl: l‘.":ou-m‘. Lilli” ““7“ 11.1.. h\' lib! 5.: Henry. .\lhr. W'Vl. FERN-111. nl‘l‘nrrull ('nll‘ll‘]; $56., [’o‘lh’n J‘l'IJA A. H. l'lTZHlf‘lyf .\nla‘lh! court-y..- ~ ' . ‘ 6’ ' . Uu Lfii: "22'! "IL: M [ln nami- xll‘l(.. by th. ksnmh .\lr. .\VMIHI’ ,GHRIHI'K‘ m‘ Admu fmrf- :‘cnunlf. Pm. m‘uus .\1 .\ RY TLU'stY, of UM din-l, mu guunly. 11-l. ‘ , C - ‘llikln' 3):: 1h:- 2211‘ "IL. fiy‘nt'f. I‘. ”4'l. in Peter , ‘ ‘IIIIL', .\lrn‘la' L“; L. .lUHNS. M firth dun“. hy "°‘- .\n": E.L,|’/..\HE'l'H' my sum-Eu“ of u. ' Ff'é- dummy-Marv. . ‘ ‘ , ‘Kri'l Un ”It" smm- day, by th'nmwfal Illr L- It'- ‘rm I'ununnge, in Penn-burg. \5:. .HH ' A; vhliL'lJ‘fi lo .\jlss SAILUI (M’IUHTI "‘ mryu .- ~ - , ’...» -/ ~ ll‘lll-‘ DIED. ' ,l/ ,‘ ’ W'hhilunry nulirtN 3 run!- I ' Huger fql-hf‘lilln‘L-n—Ldsh m nuum :,_ . , . __ , \ Un Ruhr-Mn" l. >l, 11l lh' hornm'h. -M:A. ,5.“ \RY 'l'umHth. u-liu’hl‘ \m I. “3..., Tlmmpsun. in'hvi' 73h} .\ Ar. F‘nm-ml M‘EIO o’cinck IhH uwnl‘ing. k ‘ '1 Yam-rd I)’. in lhm .\NV RI‘HUH‘IL, “up "3!"! {I \e-H H, v- I'M"!!! n 11! u'clm-l ing, ; nl' .\Er. J vuh “Hamil, I ~ “I - :O'Jhi and ‘.h 112.”. _ l-n-_ u-umrhmJ I'm-MIA!) muru-. 4m Ilip 25th th.. of typho’d fi-r--r,j€l-Il—lllh'fi JAPDR, .vbn I'M“. Margaret Etllprlmll"ue-l 12 years' 2 .mulht nml '.47 dug r. [L‘luunbeu- Imrx pap ”dense copy] ’_ ’ ' ___ In Fr, kliml-mnshnp, on (hr; ‘ch "IL, .\fn’ M ”(T S L. D”) (1., lg:- I‘JO yuan-I. ' ’ (hi/[fur Hull n 11... M \U k >|l'|yl|u|r Rprifli". Fly?” \l) ‘\|.\f'l.. I llw uhh'yar n! lnx nu - . flu Fuirfivld. nn Hw TIII ull . a! \u..u|vl h w-r, .172”: U , ilulflfhln r 9] Hunryt- km! Mnry (7. Hailing-d lyl-ur I hm‘mh um) 17 Any. luul art-k. in MJIIhI-u'n lmuhhip, Q;‘_'n|".k ‘rnnuly, of diplliorin, fix rll'vlvlrmmn of unu' bnlnr—thiee lulu-wring ‘1» Mr John -'l‘runh‘(nf J )—-lheir flue-I were Irbm 3 I}! T pull. ’l‘hrm were the rhildrvn of the widow Sum-y Mum mcrt, livivghiu the Imm» home with llr. John Tyone; ages from 4 to H _\':urs. on~ Rum-clu- wnkutt'oryqudclenjy. Mr. «H; CHI! REX, of Butler (OWJIBIIIp, ngnl 77 yectfs 3 . mouths and HI! dug-.‘. ~ I ' Uur ngul purcnt now has gone ' ". ‘ To rest in Hennn nlmve. -\ , To that bright. world n‘mre l 1" aky, Will-re all isjny anal love. _ 7 Hi! work is dent, his labor cejacsl, I Ilia sorrow: all up o'rr: :1 '. Now he huh cro ed d&ll|'s [Arrow lea, ‘ And reached 1113; shiniqg shore". é lie has I'";th [ht-joy: ol Haven. ' And Is now amongst the Imm! ' Who the Fluvial"! pulse- in slngipg, , v ln‘thlt bright and hlppy lnud. r‘ ' Then whylhoultl we Qorrow hare, 1 And why our heart: than sorely rjren, , - For now he is singing a anlnr'u lov‘o, ' ‘ In that beautiful world culled llecvtfi.‘ —‘ A . . ~ , l_. A. It”, i - ' anmunimtn‘. ’ 0n the 26th uln, JOHN .\lA‘l‘JllASy only I'oo of Wm. Ind Lydia Culp, 1323 3 years. ‘ “ I had I little cndle, ‘ And I little face slept there ; . ‘ It 111 the glory of my home, 'l'hlt childinh beauty rare. ' And now l but a little grave; ,Do than be mill. my burg Gad goeth well, mm! b: In; fixed _ ' For me the bctlupflt. ' \ u The cradle now I put “my, , (l Icll'cu can no \lnmufih tear! ;) ‘ Thishtllo gnvr, it will be mine Thrfhgh‘uflny coming yea". f Some lII] the lime Tory) would may . From, on it: cradle lied; ~ This lowly grave will hold it well, Till earth gives up her dad. “ I! inuough-Tmy changefnl life Hll tbli one thing Beellre, This precious grave. I. child m haven, A child forever pure. “'{ ly cli'lldis.s.lfe, forever life; ‘ 2 ‘ And [must patient be, . Until l, too, look through thn veil, Christ and my baby see.” ‘ Stray Cattle; TRAYED away from the pagmiles of the :übscribcr.-in Suabnn town‘ship, one mile from Gettysburg, about n ":oth 1‘80» TWO HEIFERS and ONE WITHIN Ono of ’tho heifer: in I dlrk red, about lvo'yeua old 3 "‘o’ other il a light red, wiih speckled [EB-d, ‘9 months old; the ulcer ixprincipafly WIN“, with“, red upon, two years old. A lioonlrewnrd'm. be given for the return of the mm, or for h . form-tion as towfien they may be bad, . .3." - ‘ CHRISTIAN DENNIS; ’ Nov. 23' pea. 3v- _ ‘~ {W , l v Q line («5" H’ "_r nuliue. nmmgll. Mrs; .I-I'l.l\ Commnnirnt►d.