The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 19, 1863, Image 2
Mt ‘(Enmpilert ovR trI,JIC I 3' ' r l}. lulu, INTO! AND "alum: GIFTYII 0.0. PA I MONDAY MORNING. ocr. 16. 1863.“ ‘ ’.I'EE RESULT [N TB 00“”. 1 The election passed 03' quietly through out the county. The vote gammy given in another mlumn. Noun standing the \delpento efl'ortl mlde by the Republican / .leotrn—ndtwithntsnding the fact that they ,uu :15sz more frt'Ply than during "my ’ otherrunpaign since “Tapeworm Railroad" (ins—notwithstanding the polling Of 3 cont lidenbla “ temporary. raidenl" vote for Our tin, and the exclusion of A number nf'Dem . mime vote. for no (the: reason thanfiho poverty of the persons fi'ering the halfba— ’;llz vital: Dermot-mm ticket 1'; eluted by ‘majori lg ranging from 1% to 241; mm the oppo pitiongjmnted yi eonfillenee upon any i‘ng hunt or the whole of their ticket. may ‘ be inferred Iron) the mortifiution they gnahil'ut over the result. They evidently Ind “ the thing cut find driod.” With four .or five of the most. popular Republican-Lin ”the county on their ticket. an“ themirel Moll lpid, they hoped to ”Heal u march ” ,on the Democncy. 3.5!!!" to little pur pose” The friends of ”the gmdplthbauu ” gulfifly retina! thin “heavy-duh," Ind . the red-H: is, another Democrétic vlctory ! ‘ ”For ‘that the election i; over, wé abdlfagnig be able to fill our columns with ya moth figure-l figiely of reuling‘matter. Nothing ‘Llnll‘be apired t 6 naming the Com: 'pilar welobmo it. .my firesizlo 1% in every 'Plnee of busine‘u in thé coiirllyfi‘ ,Our c'ontrnct with Campfignifiubuclibers ll filled with thip 'iuue. Thoy‘ shoula I” ,nomilué, In'd we llope they will. Such 9f Mien I: intend dblng 10. mustvinfogm 11l Accordiqgly during like-present ‘week: i ~ ‘3 _... wu-aooo'v’ ~——-—‘—--' Influence of A'ewmpnn—Dariel Webster 'once ism: "Small is the sum that is requir -3d to patronize injwmpupol‘ Ind smply rs. ,wsrdsd is its pstron, .I care not how humble up}! improhnding the piper he takes. It. _in next to impossible to fill s sheet with Printodmsfitor-Iwithout planing into it some; (Jung tbs'. instant: “in subscription prim. Every parent Ivlfiisefson is sway from home at lchool should suppiy him hing} fiwspa ,per.‘ 1 wellrremamber-w'hnl a mar‘kéd dif ference there was between those ‘of my schooling-tel whq‘Jml and those who had not 90685: to— iewsfiaperl. Other things fining equal; {He first. were always superior ,to the lupin debate. composition, uqd in genus! intelligené.” ‘ , ‘ More Proa'm'ptioh.—Wrl'enrn that Dr. _John ILBJMcClellnn was removed frgm ,tbe ponitibn he held at the Chewui Hill '.Hotpilel, the duties ofvghich he dischlrged for-ome time put with great ebility end _enxire utisfeetion. Thin their was the work lb! Curtin’l friend- in Philufelphin. The mu .9! “mtimply because he is the (trot/m of fleet-3e l}. XeClellen. Th’ey vein. in com peny to the hospital, end the mldiem‘mgni footed the men} ipieme enthuaiul'u Ind de fine! once more seeing theijbold and Imuehlmvedemmmuder. No pu lic man Ahe- ever'met with such vilexpergecution :- ‘Generll McClellan hll receiveJTrom Cnrlin and his followers, and now they;have in _creued the measure of their infamy by ex }ending their persecutio‘p to his brother; ‘ ‘The Mum aux-ted An elecfion‘éering Md to ghe efi‘eot that Hon. nab. M. Dal lu Ind left the Defizocmtig party Ind wouhl ‘voh for qutin. The Age in nithorizeddo gin tho ihkmnt an emphatic contradic _ 31%._ Mr. Dullu pregervea the samélineere flgc'hment to Vthe Democnzic party which ”fig he'qherisheg throughout his honorable :3ng 13090de cuoer; he Iggheves that in its tutu-tion. t'o power has the only hope of ' sifetyjo our free institutions, and voted on {l‘ueldny for Judge Woodwgu'd. _ ~ ’ fiAa we}; ‘ icted. Before the election, 2:55 Bepubliggfl hoping to ,humbufi Demo ; em: jnth Valli; for their candidates. «is-upped the tar . “copperheadn” Jnd ~ rm" "Baffin. the contu‘ being put, :11er “Aveqomoua as in upon}:- .intgl' pemocggu. ‘ Let. this fwgbe remain; W; yealrrhenoe: ‘: ImmtDaic—ion.—T§o New-got]; Court ‘ _ol‘ Apps-h, §ho highest judicinl tribunll in ‘ flu Slutchhgl Becided inujnor ofV the com ‘ gnututianflity of t? lngmnking “green- ‘ his” legs] tende . Six offile eight J udg~ a obncnrrod in the decinion. It is under _s(ood flag (ho cue d€cided is to go to we gs. Sppremé Cogrt for final decision. ,' - _ .-—,———— m,-—» ~—- ‘ _ ‘b‘h 3 recent :ddreu, deligered @y the :3": Bobefll‘Co‘lyu, who was so!" from ‘MO w liinister to the mum; of the People pfjgawrence, he said— ‘ "Thu tho-bent citizens of Lawrence, in gludin; business men', mimsu-n null nufler 9:1 by the recent calamity, gave n. as their ~ppiluon that no such dreadtui deed of ven bunce would {have been done but. for tho ' flqfihsflnd umurrauted preduory muls made upon the border counties of Missouri . 1b; men uh are profcesedly representmg {he leaky); 3% the cmze'ns 0! Lawrence, but. yho mmeulny animated solely byadesu-e p 0 shad, plunder and apoliale." . - ' ‘ —-—————o O o' " The Coucnptifl—Tbu the conscriptjon. “I! a lama of raising um army, ha: been a ,dml f-iIQHE. is now universally admitted. .but it musi hot. Be supposed that il. in imb pu} its use. An exchange says: S‘The numbér of provost marshfls, u p' Qymvont marshals, clerks, nick, bellies. ‘ gnro rowel? gig, engaged in carrying put {teflpgscnplwn not. Is set down as nan. ring ”together. we gee. üboum 75,. 900: ”£39 wrath: of {ollBollth 82914er is estim _ it 60,000, ‘ho wag! say)! would lie 53pm- ga draft that army, already under {0? I,” 'cipicelkgideg-s. land. lg: Lhe gaggyh go. ' Bey gull 13m s!;er Jeke.” ‘ _——-—o - o—--—-———~- - Afl-We have been pggs'ep'leg‘yigh 90pm prrof. Jurasps’s n3d‘T. pxtyerjipe’s ”3p: '0! W‘W'fid‘i‘ 9f ge‘ufsbgrg. but have .1 p“ m»! thaws :0 1"." time! 2! 99°19? s%easgnigsuop- “ J . '2- t= ,FOURTif PAOI m 2 PENNSYLVANIA Manon . . n _ neither m council nor country was there, 'lther iork Ward! 0! Ibunsday lflyl. w far as I know. any difl'erance o! upmion In spite of the confident predictions of the M to me PI'OPGI' person' to be selecwd.—-‘ Republican newspaper: that Pennlylvunin The making chief repentedly expressed his has clocked Curtin by 20,000 13.5ij, we judgment " fuvbr 9f ngersl McCh-Hnu for prefer to unit the ofllcinl return: beforé fiexmlxon ; “’.d m “m the ““0“““2‘” . , give I ummmou- concurrence. 'lhe “mud”! 9'9”” much u ‘ “"9" VM- dnignulion of General McClellrn u, there- In my fair content Pennsylvania in oubund- 'xjore. in A considerable degree, {he oelectnon out Demonrllin. But federal contracts pf the countxy ”well uof tho Executive.” ban surged her manufacturers and mer— ii “m-“ 7" ‘, ; . ‘ THE 00ml“! GAY SEASON.‘ ‘ chants. and the money made by millions i“ a _ . _ W...p....b,um...... .;- w-‘..~.I:°;“'..;.:'::.::::;::‘.;'2..” raufigfiffihféxinhl "£3l “' ”hem“ "”4“? “m“"l‘ “9°“ "' "‘ expenditures. 'l'th Cardin: mgarit'y “f 'Ltflirifi 00011;? .; 13:13: a: Jae-sir; 0:21:93] mite 02h?wi;;canhegozfl::'iislenu ofour n‘ational republic; bringing \ ». '‘ to our'rars and vision dee lan: entatioru :fffiizrezzz; f:;::£::£ 21:22:}: and indescribable won; insulating the the extent of the colonizing, end other. “d picture °f “”1““! home- : ‘wafting “'1 frauds which had been planned. But wfevery quarter of'thevcouutlry cries ofsnguish sides federal plunder, contr‘ecta, colonizing, (WSW? finsqnsulnedzmgefifil‘il : Pit”?! and frauds, rind» men sent from flash? ‘6’ ' mm ,‘ 0m“ 0 WI OWL. ln_,l imam w W h: ... “i “ism: mum t dcd .' t.‘ Re ieansol' t- i ' ‘ :2: :ZmM:g;;-n§2’ooo £2” sent '10:: 0:7 country an inextrieebla eetnlogue of .direi WW i: m; w:-:-:m::*::*::;:°;:.$222221?e cincts. course we 0 unto m - i ' \ lican soldiers volingnpor their beingifur-l lousness, indifference,’ and revelry of the laughed and sent home to ”lel- military? thousands not directly snd most painfully! necessities permit. But it isj gm“ mdjafiected thereby, is most inexnlicablelandi partinn abuse of power for the idminislra- i inexcusable. Luxuriousnepa.extravagsnce, 1 tion ‘01,“, denied, as they did in "WY : gaiety: frivolous hilarity and. gently osten-i pouible instance, a similar priiiiegs mid , ,lnfion reign _wpremev the misfortunemnd right to Deriocrutic soldiers. There were’y‘celamities ofmillions have served to enrich , enough such in the . Army of the Potomiic {the cofl‘ers oi? the chosen fey. who, practi easy to be spared. if my could be_ spifid, 4 clng sn indecent and heartless mode of Im‘ to have wiped out the 12,000 vote end. re-l ing. not being willing to letifiheir nation's placed it by an equal Democratic majority. , woes sei've - a check upoh their unrestric- Of course no one expected nuy suchjet of ited ei‘tnvagnnce; they fail to evince those .{uirnese from this ndminietrationr Its\in- i traces ref ‘delic'acy and sensibility that ’spirations are all froni party oraclés,‘and I shlauld‘eerve to'rnake'tliém observe our ah ere uttered for party purpoaes, Needing tional nlxgl‘artunet. Inkethe .‘ay butter y, the whole eoun’try's support, and in duty they sport irhile they cab in’ the sunshine bou d to! pursue"such a course in our-__great of warmth and phremerai prorpcrity ;. they nstignal trouble as to insure that \supfior; laugh and indul every sensual and {met Hie advistrntior; has wnntonly nlienated 1 :"ar'lt want; 75“.": .of :25“ “mi" '00" .lo alh if srto its ‘ ~l\Oone .‘ amx y» nn ~ en- 0 so rupee . no eumyed thien’ihnt‘ a ”it.“ who 'éougatoontinued earnival raig ~triumphant. ' I rebels and loyal northern Democrgu in This nioturgis "0‘ o'9; 10'9“!" npplied one breath would stick] at depriv'wg twist t{our city. _Beéause _of m xr-phml po latter .who ere iu'our armies of the privh “.90", WMhIPE‘P“ 0“! hlf Ohm“ be‘| lege ofa vote. i‘ ‘ ' hind any other ‘.for its daily r_dencrs of' Pennsylvania's devotion to'GeneiTal Mc- the 1’0"“? "'d oalgmities with? "Mi“! Clellan w.” used against Judge-WQéd'VUJ: unholy and ruinous conflict. .‘lf t‘h whole‘ with unkflpulws 1981- Jl‘he Republican i ciiy wasflirouded in mourning, it won bel news' ‘rs throu bout the State co iedpnqthing ’on than a fitting tribute to e the :2)? which *3.” coined in Forniy'a . desolation. misery ‘und horror daily iervfl Prue; arid represehted General McClellan :7 "f‘ “70“" vision, ‘3 "‘9 consequences of/the everywhere as favoring the election ofGoy-;"'“r' _ Instead, ’however, f“ en'y ewdenr‘esl ornor Cur . That pitifufl wretch Forney, of this character, the mdxcatrpm are that 1 who do not hesitate to show himself in the oomnig searon, heretofore one 0‘ gllety i the light of day, although he once wrote to George Roberts a letter liking him to get George Jimmie-on drunk and extort mm him while in that condition admissions of, 1' criminhl connection with his friend For rest’a Wife—“lit poor sooundrgl. now high inpflice Ind the confidential fflenbflf the highest ojhcers ofthe government. did not hesitate to besmenr General _McClellm with professions' of personal regard. 39'” thereby shoot his political opfmnenu out of vat}. To this suggestion of false hood he edded the supbreuion of .truth.—- General McClellun's letter to Min Biddle, correcting these niisrepresenta‘tionswand stating his real political opinions, and his belief that Judge Woodwnrdlwn's in sub stantial nccordnnoe Iwith their), the Prua and the other Republican pnpers through out the State refund to'printeithefi'n‘imewa in ur on advertisement. And on th'emornl ‘ ing of election day they one and ell placed ‘ at the head of their columns staring black capitals, “General McClellnn indorgse; Gor ernor Curtin.” following which cnption came a letter writ“? by the General to the Governor from Shupsb‘ura Incl-9 than a year ago. ‘ No more gtriking fact could indiéoto thé weight of General McClellan? judgment Adrima. ‘ Allegheny, , Armqtrong, 226 ;Beitver. , Ifiedfnrd, 641 ‘ Berks, 5914 ‘ Binir. ‘ inmdrord, 1‘ Bucks, 709 I GENERAL IOWA“ POSITION. *Butlerz ‘ . ~ I The following excellent. letter from Ma- g‘infimlfi : 1199 job-General McClelian, elicited by m- 1111- (nggfm 700 hlushingmttem’pt of the Philaddpliig. fruk‘ Centre: 831 to miseppropriete the General’s weight of . Cheeter. character to strengthen Cortin, the green-i giatfinid 25?, back uhd‘idete for Governor of‘Peiinsyive- ’ 01:32): ’ 3;; vaiiin. Irvin, in in own iianly, modest man—s Columbia, ‘ {1570 ner, let ell doubts it mt as to wii'ere he: (Emwford. . stends, ind'where lie mey he found: t I (6"?blf-fl‘mdi 3‘“ .Olpnon, x; J., Oct. 12 1863. -D:ia‘:m'fé : Hon. Cherie: J. Biddle: Dear Sir—My] Elk ' 311 attention h been caiied to In article in Brie ‘ the Plu'lmftgliia Frau, escorting that Uiiid 'Fn é”! ,- 930 written ‘to ;the managers of a. Democretic= F rinkiiln meeting at‘ Allentown. disapproving "tha’i'Fuiton ’ _ 283 objects ofgtie meeting. and that if! voted l Forrest. ‘ . or lpokei .would be in favor of Governor. Greene, 1.1920 Cnrtin. and I am infOimed that SimiliMlHunt'n' ton assertions have been mode throughout the indiahag ' SW”- . Jefl‘erson,- -71 It has been my earnest endeavor hereto- Juniata 454 fore to avoid participation in party polities. Imncest'er - I had determined to Idhere to this course. 1L w ence' ‘_ but it is obvious thnt‘l cannot Longer main-f I übr on ' tain silence under such misrepresentetions., Ifihinh- P 1944 'I therefore request you to deny that I have; Lung-n; 'e 25.“ written any snch letter. or entertained any .I Lco .m' 913 such views as thhec uttril-uti-d to me in theJ Mchmn“ Pfiladelphi'a Press, and I desire to state; Mm: ' . ‘ ulwiy and distinctly, that having some' Mitflin' \ days ago had I fuli conversation 'ithi Monro’e LO6O Judge Woodward, i find 'that our View“)! nt oiner 164‘; agree, and I regard his election as Governor l Mgntgu‘r y 4‘“ of Pennsylvanin celled forshy the interests Northnni' ’n 9491 at the nation. , { Northumh'dw9B3 I understand Judge Woodward tobe in Per ’ 42 . favor of the prosecution of the war with all Philzdeiphin, 2801. the means at the command of the loyal Fire 03?“ States. until the military power of the m'll’hcte'or _ , beliion is destroyed. I understand him to Schu ikili 159‘ be of the opinion that while the war is .\n dir‘ ' urged with all possible decision and-energy '3‘”);ch“ the policy directing it should be in'oonso- Sullivan‘ ’ 309 mince With the principles of humanity and gun oehiinnn, ' rciviliuition, working no injury to private 'kl‘ioqa 1 rights and property not demanded by mii- Unigon tary necessity and recognized by militaryl Vennri'vo‘ ‘ law among civilized nations. ] Wan-e: ' And, finally, i understand him to agree Washington 429 with me in the opinion that theqole great w. e '9“ ' objects of this war or the restoration of the} ‘vezglma‘foltd 1307 unity‘of the nation, {is preservation of the, W 'oniin .~ 191 [Constitutionmnd the supremacy of the laws “2”: 5:. 3086 'of the country. 'Bt‘iivina our opinions en- ' 3 ‘ tirely agree upon theee points, I would. -3 40008 ‘ were it. in my power, give Judge Woodwind § 36892 my voice and vote. 5:! I an]; very respectfully yours. Gso. B. McCuul. and the exteng 91‘ his pop‘nlqrfiy fiizh Ibo people 0’: State, but the remit may pfqvo tliat Oheir reckless lies eonoerninglhim were‘ but too influential F!)"I '') ."'ii The Philadelphia Prat. M In: expected, Bhusedfieuertl McClellan, oil Wedneudsy morning. with great. vigor, and. among other thinr. mid thut he mum to Wat» ingtoa “a 17145417 uduguhtrer.” ‘1! reply to this. we beg to 0311,5113 nttefilion of our dou gempormj to the Immune of Sir. Lincoln higmgall. in his Wto Congress. After Enlarging to the resignation of Genera! 890 M. Hr. yincoln 300:} 0;; _to my; “IL is A fortumte cirmmstance that and fashion. will manifest more than the l usual degree of spirit and hilnrity. ~ . I All—end} preparationrin advance are being Econsuuirnated. so as to be prepared for an {early inauguration ’of the courtly reign. up }on 3 basis and to an extentJnr exceeding 'any in the put. A striking legture 3;. con lnectiofi with this prepsrction for ‘7-evjelry i an? gaiety,~ is the fact [hut those who are i most responsible for the ill: that have be ! fallen *us, consequent upon the horrible :condition of lll‘lflgl, are the parties who "séem least influenced by our nation's woe, and nre most prone to. an undue indulgence in that mode'of living so incompatible with the terrible‘condition of our ‘country.— Wijhinglon. Glmlilutional‘ «Union. , _ ——77-9-o—~--—-——‘ :‘PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION. ' The following are the returns, as far gs received, ‘fron‘x the different counties in, this State, up to the time of going to (frets: 1862. A ‘ 1863. ‘ 9..—5‘ ' 'tn (‘2 l ' . S S 'I.» I R I II vb ~, I! z‘ r u 4 t .`)£3 IBM 591 4063 EM 1417 '874 1311 FM _ 643 T ‘ 1800 4939 1498 ‘ 102 6.000 372 .“000 as oo E ms was 425 g 00 665 7000 Eli m 3776 mine Ag: of Saturday any: “at Our tin is elected by from 10.000 to 15,000 ma jority. The mid-tun in very close. but pmbtbly Abolition in boll: Home; Well, if they hue I“ the poveg. they must nho would” all the tuponsibility. Speaking‘o! flu olufion of Carlin, the Palmfh Union "11 uyi "it is a dark dz: in the history at our animal crisis." stash his [’one for Brougham. Ad miuiawion undid“. {or 00194110er ' probably 09,900. . HE. BLAIR AND THE BADICALS. I Postmaster General Blnir has recently made a speech which shows that he bu awakened lo the {net that the radicals, who now no enimly control his party, are rally “boring in concert with the leceuioninu of the Sonya! the dutmcllorl of American libertyn the pormnnentdimlution om“ Union. ’Thetelegl-Iph gives the following lynoplh of his remarks: WASHINGTON, Oct. 5 snlcn or POSTIASTII GISiIAL ILAII. Postmnter‘Genenl Blair muda : speech on Seturdny, in An ndjoming county of Mg rylnnd. that is attracting much attention to-dly. He denounced what he termed the revolutidnlry “theme of the nbplitionistl to ohliterlte the States of the South, and de fined that it was now the manifest duty of the President to steer his course through the Itrong conflicting tides of two erniu timary movements—that of the nullifiers to destroy the Union and set up the Squth em Confederucy. and that of the ultnwtbo litioniets. which has set in to tlmt'mnchise the,South on the pretext of mhkndggecure the emancipation of slaves. It hmt im probable. he said. thlt the latter‘ thc‘uugh aiming It 9. different result.- will he found eo-opentirig m the end with the conspire !an of the South and their foreign allies.— 'l‘he,y may prefer. he Added. parting with the South to pnrtnership nml eqmdity with them under the Constitution. x Here and Abmi—‘ll. is sometime! intgr esting to note how closely even contempo rary history raped! illelf. The Washing ton Chronicle lays: V "The friends of Cut-tin and the Unidn who hue left. this city and vicinity. during the t wee two, for the purpope of votilyfihe Union 'cket, number over nine thqugand, exclusivg of soldiers.” 4ndfian exchnnge‘me_nl.iom tlnt— l ' “The Pruuian Government [ms «lemndd ed that all public lunclioqaries should so tively support its candidates in the coming elections.” ‘ Alumni—Many of (he Republicans Ap pea'r to be already alarmed by the selection of Curtin, although they voted for him.a- They doubtless lie uoanious Hunt. ig was I lmiutake, and fear that inéleud of rnulti' ._ in good, it. must result in incremed My ti) the country. 'l'lmy _lro aware of th base innd dishongst means used Lonecom ish it, land feel thin. a. victory thus apq red can i bring no bléuing: to the people. Nofivon der they are alarmed. but. thei fear come. ‘too lute. and posterity will hold them re lgponsiple for,whalz they have done.——ch fermnizn. glkfeat has no‘lerronhlor the Democ racy. They are c'onscious that‘lhe welfure of their country was identified with their cause, and although defeated. they will not falter in fidelity to the great princihl‘es bf constitutional Lihertyl‘aml Union, but con tinue to he guided by.‘ and labor and con tend for them in the future, as in? llm pant. 'l‘ueitmis‘ion is to save the country, an?! ‘with od’s blessing they will do its-J51“;- lonian. . ' Q‘The way in which the funds qnd :envrgies of the Government hnve Intrly been empluyed is indicated by the folluwing ml- I'ertisement in the editerinl columns of the “fashington l'hrom’cle : 5' “ Lieutenant Colonel GreenefChivf Quar termaster of, the Damn-(mom. of “Cashing tan, is the holder of ‘one hundrf-«Hickets Muich he intends to present gratuitnlhly to the mechanics employed in 31h Department. who desire to go home to l’wlluhylvunla to vote." . _ ‘ Coerci-ig .S'nldiers.—'l‘lw Bolditl‘l‘fl in the army some time ago proposed to subscribe for‘ a testimonial to McClellan. :l‘hgfi‘mnmun ding‘ officer of fine of the regimoms—a fa vorite one—writes that “we haul mined $7B for tha McClellan losti‘nnninl when brders name from Government in put a stop m it; and we refunded the money i 0 the ML diers." . O z: I '..' z » Wetalludo t 6 the mill," only to rhow that the rohlicfl wrra lorhilldr-n 'bymthe Government to contribute to n voluntary Mlimnnial of resfiect Ind gratitudeto their old Commander. - A ‘ 7072 000 6332 Danae-mm: Victory—lion. Theddcre Run yon. (he Democratic candidate fm‘ Mayor of Newark, N. .1., was Plech-d to that office qn~lmsduy by n majority of about. one thousand. L ' 5 - «.09 —~— _\- S‘A Conservative Union jicke‘t' is alye'n dy in “relate“ in Banltimore city,"nnd,§uch will generally be nominated in the uévenl counties of Maryland. Frederick was to nomimw on §aturduy int. 1- o __ . , .... -...___ 000 3:A.10 0000. • •1 E MO 000. 000 000 w 641 RMajor General Heinlzleman has been relieved from the command of the De' nt ment of Washington, and is supersedecrnbyx Genet-:1 Augur. , . 1213 973 000 ` fi-Mr. Mahoney. formerly confined in Part. Warren, has been elecged ahenfl‘ of {Jubuqup county, ‘lowa. _ 2500 S‘On Tuesday hut. Ilenryugngep, a .sonstahle in Waynelbm'u', PL, I shot. and filled by {soldier named Flora, 000 0000 1' 360 k! in 351:; Ip—n result of the re eenl-electicma. 5691 0000 1090 Excitement flawed by a Mad Dog—Four Per com Baum—On 'l‘uesdsy great excitement was cmtefl in Chlrlestnwn. Hm.. by the appearance of n lsrge‘Newfoundland dog, with the hydropholns. on the streets, hav ing escaped from his kennel, where he had been chained for several weeks. The Bos ton Traveller ssys: His very mu condition attracted the at tention of. number of persons. The dog ram up to 'one of them, who was “ding upon the street, biting him sever imes in the legs. at tho sumo time tearing his pants badly. This men immediately pro ceeded to the station'houseund gave infor mation, when several oflicers, armed with clubs snd pistols, stnrted ofl'for Front street. In the meantime the dog Went through the Fitchburg lreight depot. and up the track sshort distance. when he came upon the street again. Here he jumped upon anoth er mun. and completely tore his overcast from his back. so that it was rendered worthless. :This man tortunslely nscspad being bitten. The dog COl'llll'lur‘d on and etmckqdn third man, biting him upon the legs. so as to cause serious wounds, The man. also lost s'good portion of his penta loons and art of his coat. After leaving these men the dog ran up Front st. at s rspid rste as hr as the railroad crossings, where Ilittle son of Mr. Burroughs. the te-tender.,was playing upon the platform. file dogpemeiving the hut attacked him and bit him'several times upon the upper ’flu‘tion of his legs, making Sel‘lou: wounds, r. Burroughs, seeing the dog. ran to the assistance of his son, and when within a few feetof him the dog left the boy and jumped st Mr. B.’s throat, but he dodged aside. and thus escaped’ being bitten... Down the street he continued, followed by a lsrgecrowd armed with clubs, to. While going along he csme upon I man, and sea. mg the forefinger of his right hsnd, tom the flesh down In I serious manner. H} also hit this was several times'snd to're Im clothing. Bysthis time the dog hW'Bo‘ ‘ book to Woltord street and no i his kennel. when the officers mime W put several hulls“ into his hem), whi stopped , hi! mld'efieer. , 1830 1500 1258 000 2893 000 00 7081 Em W 0 1700 001'!) ‘ 030 .000 ,900 0000 -40 2559 00000 ZAVO .ma unws os- rm: wan. ! LOCAL osunru‘lm. Ll-rom the 5““ bun 0‘ Thursday) 3 \\’OOD'—-We Are nr-ymnch in wnntof Wood. The mtelhgencn we have from the Army - .. . . ' 0f the Potomnc. nhhnugh still of: oonfus- ‘ “m “m ' h" 0‘ W" mum-71min“ "N“! M ed and contndlclory character. i. luificient- I with the much-need“! article noon 1 Wu Ibould I, oxplicittoindxcato that Importanlevenl-l uteem it I (not. 1 are about to tnmpire in Northern Virginia.‘ ~~ - , ' *———- -_ _, -~—~— , ‘ It appear: that on Mondéy : cavalry neon» I CONSECRA'HON' OF THE SOLDIERS’ NA; noisunoe under General Gregg enommtgr-i TIUN’AL CEMETERY.—Wo learn that the con-‘ gal“ 53'; force or U‘Anredel’lgfl If :2}: ' urcrntion of the Cemetery will uh plnce on ‘ .u I [ln B, an “no 19‘ l v '. . b“; nflerpn seiere engagements} in oomev the.l9th of .\ovembu nut, than? "expected qucnce of not being supported properii 5y “‘1 ”“1"?” °°'f°°“"° of peoplg,_prolubly 5" ‘ themran‘try. The Federal loss wins about 1y lboulgmd, will be pro-unto Wficlpm ‘- four hundred nnd fifty killed. wounded am! the ceremonies; ‘ mlylins- Another regiment on | "con-A Hon. Edvard 3mm in to delim th. «Ide nonermg expedition, on the Emma dny, was 1 cation-l oration. Prolident Lincoln will the nearly surrounded by the (mnfedcrutes M d . . to i “I; Amosvillo. but succeeded in cutting their ‘I" ”run" “_n ”um" I: . “f“"h’fi way out. and crossed the river mt.) Fuuqui-iAn 0‘“ 0" dirt. PM hi “1' “I“l'K‘mhd er county. Parties arriving in Wnphington r poet Longlollow in In ho sing. bald“ other, fromlhe front ygsterday report heavy. skir- I cérclnoniu. The Nntidul arm Bnnd will b. 3:12:15:21:11:}?::l;[‘:::;j:£nxhgik0el:‘l in ntgndnnco {nun Wuhilflon, belidu bond: firing occurred. It mm alsolreporled {but of mobile from other Sum. Tho Gov-emono! heavy utiliery firing wu heard dunng ‘n the I°," Sum m “in“ ”I" m “an" the morning in the direction of Warrenwn dnnce. 3110 “It nub!" 0' the Cabinet 05 Junction. .[I . 9th. United Smut sad It. lonlgl Mini-ten, There. ""9 many “"30" in circulation ‘ beside; nanny ‘other distinguished person-gen. in~lhv ell! yesterdworfizhlins 7" "“3 ""1 The lush-l or m district of Columbin willl ley of the Shenandoah. but no gflicinl infor- :I: ~ ll 6 ‘ l ; motion nfnny engagement WM racoived.— l V‘" “"1" °f ‘1" fly“: "“3 _ng'. "'9" 4i Scouts ‘arrived'nt Harper's Ferry yesterday i Luiflnfider 0‘ the album WNW! 0.1"“ Wm ‘ nl'ternoon reporting nnConfnyet-atu on the 1 union, comvoled oi eonlry, nliilory End in f-onds between lhhtpluce (1 Winchester. lunlry. - :2;th 0“ the Baltimfrgnpd Uhio “u‘i Arrangement. we. lenrmwlll he nude with \ is fingflfixtuzggrh *“ some “3“" i all, the railroad complain ~to ‘nccotnmodnto ing‘on (he “firm on 0‘ Mom ihis on the I those who may will: to leave b‘llylbur‘ for lltfijnsunt. Gene l Richardson, at th‘ Harrisburg. Baltimore and Philfldelphlu, or hand of eightehn h ndred Confederates: in elsewher‘e, the "me evenlng lifter tlie colobrn 3"“me u“ Pm“, 20“? M"“'c°"len'p‘3t“.'s tion. The most extenuive' prefix-ration- hove n raid on thé Me plus and Charleston ml- i be.“ In“: in "er! N'P'" It is “pee“ gt , ‘ ‘ ‘ . mCor‘respontjl to lay that the frigate Iron-t this till he one of the most imposing and in lide' was but lightly damaged by tho Cou~ ‘ ugativ occasion: eter witnessed in the United l'qderoto torvédo. gm... , - , ; . at tho Sun at Fridn . »- «~-——«-7- -- -- ~_. - The in[ nigence from [he gegyn]of 'gr in‘ ' THE DEAD ON THE GETTYSBURG B.\l-‘ Virgini, is important. Quite: wvere enaiTLE-FIELD.—Tho orrgngemenuf'nre nearly ”gem E! ”9k lel‘g'o‘ydnfldgy Alla.“ codaploted ior tho romovnl of the rcmuiu of an: a mbi‘i‘gdi.‘ o¥lt‘e.oonfun. 1:. “until the Union wldiers tattered out-"tho Gottys: ed poflion of the Army of the Powmnc. burg bottle-field to the bunul ground, wlmfh det- Gen. ‘Warren. but were repulnal in being prepnred by the levernl State; inter— )!ith the lossofone hundred prisoners and ‘ gated, for their reception and [upper buriul. ‘ 6 hm"! 01' artillery. but u a)?“ "If-I5"! All the dead will he diuinlerred ind the're— farce being engaged. No furl er plrtlcu- mninl laced in colllna Ind buri'fl'd end the lnrs are received. Bristow Italian is four :p . ' ] miles south ol‘ Manama June 'on, “m grnveliof than marked or kuonn n't'llll'mwnre-E miles from the old Bull-Run battle field, fully utd permanently rc-nturLe-l in‘ thin Sol-‘ and thirty-one miles lrom Aleznnarh.- diers' Cemetery. ' . ‘ There was slight uhirmishing along the ll‘ it is the-inlention' of the friends of my from. yesterday. H ‘5 “0‘ 'ml’m‘fi‘b?‘ "H“; deceased uoldier 'to take his rem-tins lt’ume for t grun'd bottle will take place mtlun the ‘burial u" 'll 4' I“ rh . . d’ tl | next twenty-four hours, as neither Army '. ’ y m .con‘". . u 5) "“me ncy seems disinclined fora conflict. ' tanking known to me thnt intention. Since the “,0", was written nn‘d'in ”poi Alter the bodie: are removed to thin (fans. I dispatch from headquarters came. to hand tery, it will be ray desirable not in disnrntuge' containing I congr-tuliwry ord" from the order of the graves byany reuim'nlsf E Gen. Meade to the army. nuununcing that] , D“;“,;“-m n in the attack on the rear guard at Brine-v: . ' , ,' Station, the Confederates were repulsed 5 Agent for A. G. Curttn, Gprerumol l ennn. with in loss of'n battery of live, guns“ ("0. WThe papers throughout all‘ the smm colors and four hundred and filly prisoners; will'coufet. '3 public l'tl‘t'or by publiphiug the The Feti‘ernl casualtfies in the ufl'mr were above. small. ' he marcho lhearmy frolhll’late- _' ‘——" "*‘*“'*s‘ " to its present. position was accomplished in: filler. 1" P' Bm‘h"! f“".'°""“ 3“" the most we“ order nhd without [O,l of Pnstot at the Germnu Re‘ortucd'Wltttrch in propetty. th Confederates being held in' 'Gtil plitce. toylnlnin de'p-rtnre, on Tnpdny lut. check nt Hermit! Whit-'6 they-olt'mpted ‘for Dayton, Uhim who-e he bu accepted 5 n surprise or n . ‘ 3 \‘ , - . . _ A Wuhingtonwnpnlch says it has been Icallk li‘lr'hflud’erg'f‘ orzd :c:ep0;uhllly::d ”:1 ascertained tltnt th obstructions in Cltnrles- ccss u. y "e: nu w? on; no . a w m -ton harbor are ofsut do so in the \\ eat. . Beip'ed by his lleolllt, tO removed byAnny of the cdmluand of the‘ and are also oftoo to justify an nttemr her will) the iron-c w ‘ The latest new'sfrm no excitement Hxére. not nppear‘tp hare Rosecrqns’s posirim or, extend along tl Tenuessée, and the are considerably an: shoulerh. who pick 01 horses, in conseqm-m. 7 , fl ._.V , army supplies are married'over the houu. tninl by pack niuln. , i . . A dispatch from Knoxville‘ thallth up ' that Gan. ullragg'a advance is cunning tho' llamas.“ in consider-Shh» force. The Fed-i ernl c.\vnlry lunio fallen hark from Calhoun to .‘iweotwnter. and the Lbnfwlerntes onto-r -ed thens. The Confedernta lorce in front of Gen. Burnside. fnrmorly five thoumml. has been increased by reinforcement: to lbfllll eight thousand. \ The anfede'mtes madnem attack on tho Federal garrison it Colliqvxlle, '[‘~-nu.. on I Sundnyv‘lut. but were rupulud with heavy ' lon. They succeeded Imwev‘er in destroy ing considerable pr’operly.’ The forca ,of Confederate gnnlry' threatening phi. and Clnrlesmn railroad in nt fromfight to fiftgon thnuunn The Fedenl forces in Milton] 'with ' the Confederate "idem. munty. m; Moudny. and ‘nfter a fight of five hours defeated them vy loss in _killed and woundrd» " ed .1" their artillery and bags: [Argo number of prisoners. c {From the Sun of Sntnrdnj A semi-ofiicinl dispatch from V‘ “Am um; body ofthe Confed seen on Thursday owning paw wdrd, opposite Blueksb‘urix'a Run. The Federal butter-in ‘ thv '\d an" plied x ; (Fl? um ‘on Lookout ‘. silent. and ,works on Missionary Ridge b:|\g\9. been evac ‘udtned. , l! is reported that the Cfinfederalcl are building pontoon brulgefl. inillcntive of n flank movement to dislodge Cox. Rose crans from his position. There ha been no communication with Gen. Burnsi . for several days. Gen. Lnngstreetlim uu‘ _ - seded Gen. Polk in command of the Tmn\ Mississippi army corps. and it. in reported that Jefl'. Duiu is to immune supremo com msnd in front. of Clmttanoogn. , [Q‘LATESTu—Mondny, 9 A. )l.—h is u 'poncd thin the Rebels are crouing into luy. land at Edwudo’l Fen)". ' Greek Fae Aqai-I Thrown inta (Magdalen.— The Boston Herald has a letter hen the fleet, u. Charleston. Oct. 3. which lay. "Last eVeninrz Gen. Gillmoi-e mm. on of his ‘Gronk Fire’ shells Into Chnrl on. which set fire to some buildings. .0 the burnt for Over two houn. “There Wlll be warm work’ bagel-o this reaches you, if nothing misfit“ in the meantime to put. a 5:0,!) to t gnad work. All. thingi'zgeigmlz.“ : ‘ Dads into Port ”minim—The Richmond Wln'g of the 7lh‘inu alum that it wu re ported at. Mendinu/ifiisinippi, this: the Contederalo cavalry nude a dash limo Po". Hudson not 1093’ 850. Olpturing some fir teen hundred ‘lroe Americans of African descent,” left/ there to garrison and defend the post. a’piked the guns. laid violent hands upon divers and sundry good things in the/provision line~ did all the damage they/could, and returned whence they came without molestation. Sir James Clark'a Celebrated Fannie Ella.— The only sure and safe remedy for female obstruction: and diseases arising Irom my cause. 81 and 6 thmcom us pl oncloood on my nuthoriud gent. will‘fnuun a bot tle. oonuinmg on: 50 pills. by return mail. For particulm get. a pqmphlqs flnlb from any agent.~ ‘ lpegted by the entire ‘comlngmity—nsimhle, high-scum! Ind truly wow-I|.” dépnrlu’rc in unirerlzllly rcgr'etted. ’ A 3 s ‘ Mr. llucher’. charge we: command ‘of the churches in Gellyeburg, u l-‘lo'u-‘I aug )lnikg'. During his four _\'euu and In: mnmlu’ mime iry, there were addiliuns I: the dingo, b} con: firmntion and ceraiflcn'tes, of 23(irnumlierli— He bnp'ized 2:4, married 38 (unplen. 41ml of ficinled M. l 5! I'uticrals. The (Seuyslmrg (Thurrh bushy-en rep nireof |_nd benuhfivd finder his snperrisidht‘ We believe the charge now consists of the Church hele In I‘Mnrhs'. Hohr’r h ting been utuched to fhe .\rendlsiille charge. . _ " ' ‘_ DEMOCRATIC MBETINGS.-—A grand an, of Hi, Uemocucy loukx plnce ll Ille'pinbfic Tlgoxue oh]. 51. Smixb, I'. “out Rugjk, on S“- ul‘dny evening, the 10th ink!» TI" peeling \us \‘ery' huge nn‘d cnthusiahjc. [I In: or gnnilzyd u followl: , \ President, Jouanqq. J\Y "I Vice Presldeun, Lcwil Wu", lI,\J ,Kuhn, ancil Manual], CAN. J. E. Milk-[N‘JwL T. Baldy, Wm; Ruler, Juecph Clank, . Ilhuny Slrusbmgh, Lieu; ‘Wm. C.‘ Heck; Axum": .nllfi .o, ’ .5 In C journed with cheen fur \l'oodv} ticket. \ During the progress of the filling nn ell'on mu nude by let'ural per! lor the Abolition It. ipe to 'diaturh it, by 'uing and yelling for Curtin. - “'huhc-tbgy/lellows wore encourag ed to perform thiaAilgncefnl work by older Ind would-Beam sidend mpecuble uitllenl, to do not In: ; bu't «ruin it it that tnch‘ i- nduct flips/ya "will upon I" luvjn’g binds in lee Ropublicon «Sindhi-w but ‘01”; by t 'lfflngrant ontp'fl on the freedo- 0" spec sewn] in tlaoborough nod mom in; the j t whip :3 , Thu opp itiou held three or four 130015 an without the lighten diunrbnco being It- ‘ tempted luy Democrat: It In)", one oftheu. i fi'll. Jame; . Topper, midiug in Liber ty w'uahip, gran, he put ICIIUII, three ure mendous pumpkin! u ‘ n one vino, can weigh. ing 98 pounds, mother ll pound! l—thn third I“ injured by nccident lore ripening, nd did not. arrive :2 park“ 11. Can lily one beat this yield of I linglc :_no—ob produce a larger pumpkin ? \ . fiArmngemenuluveJnen vsdeto put up a telegraph line between Bllt - ore and Emmitsburg, via the Western A‘L‘gyhnd Railroad. \ C‘The draft. in the State of flanked bu been suspended until further ordem‘tgo entble the citizen: to fill up the quot, b}. voluntaoriug. Your: fmu Wukinglon.-—Tbe friendl of Cunin nnd the Union who have .13“ this city Ind vicinity during Ihq put. week or two. for the purpose or man; the Union lick“, number over nine than-ma, “win. sin oholdien.- Wad. Chronicle. ‘ .. ADAMS mews m: waol‘n , DEMOCRATIC TICKET. (SE—cm Result of the Eléctionfl‘i: Adams county, Tuesday, October 13, 1863. - aovsnxon, SUPREME moan AND Asso \ curs JUDQE. , an> ggsaéi a, 'o', \gPESI: \» ' Fl? a , 7; ~ m («5 mo :07 m m .._—l‘“ , gettpbgft} Gnu-Mud. oz. Ma ms no ’10; no Linluwwn, 'l I“ ' l 5! 1“ In 143 Oxlord, l 104 151 100 (l“ 101 York Springs, 211 “4 203 4" 111: GIG Hillel-“awn, 204 INV 204 215 203 216 Berlin. I 157 66 180 ’O6 158 'B6 Neullen, 103 315 _ 108 , 121' 101 128 .Hunuruown, 195 MI) 196" 139 190 139 Fr-uklil, 2'.“ 172 k 234 I“ 335 "I Canon-ago. 1034 ,84 11l 83 100 81 Heidltnbutg, 99 80 98’ B 4 93 if. Monnljoy, 108 10'! ' 111 ,105 109 100 Nunnlpl!”§ll_¢,2B9 .83 no *8; 269 - as Hampton, 163 I'o6 16! 105 , 163 1.05 Ber-rick hon, 40 4: 39 4s . do ;,' 5' I-‘mdom, 7: m 'n 105 13 5110:! Union, 159 f 57 160 56. 1.59 51 Bulk-r, ‘ 136 l“! ‘l3) 146 136 NJ Bernick me 'l7 2: 76 ‘23 'lB fl 2911 2689 2913 genius lain Assn-mun; snamr} ”gnu nacxkran a/= RKcogmmu k / ‘_ t . 2 w :3 I: x! 1‘ ~59 5 §,* i if 9. -'I :' . P ‘- ‘ . l'f ' ‘ / Grltyqburg, 163 284; w»; 296 14:3 270 Cumhgrlnud, 105‘ 115 10:. 115 ml ‘uu‘ Littlenown, 156 .uu I 51; 149 163 145 omm, “33 , HM 15; 102 149 ‘I” \'urk3pringl,loB 420 210 418' 210 cu Nglierltonn, 209 201/ 203-_ 116 not 11} Berlin, I .'.B m I 1:9 86 2M 83 "mum-n, 100 229 96 23‘ ma 2'" Hunlenlo’wn, 193 Ho 196 ['29 196 R 39 Franklin. 2;: m '206, m: 236 no Couowngu. 108 84 hm 24': Int; 'Bl llcidlrrz-lmrg/ 98 ~82 9}; 85 9'» 3'! Nounljuy. / 109 106 105 104 N 39 “‘6 Moun}yle:fiunl,26§ BL .2613 m; 263 ,3;- Nmuptori, . 15:1 106 la.: 104: 163‘ um BcrwiA hon, .40 .45 :19 4d" 40 u Fn-tdom, 75 [O4 H [o.] 1:! HM Union, ' 45:9~ «MM 159 51, 159 M Butler, 1.1:; 145 1;! ‘Hll 135 M 5 Ermick bun, 73- . '.‘b ‘ 'l9 11‘ ”A 13 7‘“ —_:_ -_ Ir" Lon 2102 21m 2742 fun 4101 cum: up Tm: mums. 'ms \suna‘n .2 cou-msamxnu. 4 Gwyubuu, :70 2?“ m am; 153 204 Uumhrl’lnnd, tn) 116 9.1 IT: 105 lI 5 {.'xnlesmwu, ‘ m; 54.3 \s'. \n um um. oxford. . [55 93 Ha . lot In 102, Yurk Springs, 2|3- 413 mm «m ’.Mu' 4m“ ,llilger‘uuwn, 2m 2m 20': an 2m: 2:1 Berlin“ us 0')» m 615 151‘ 6»; Meunllen. In‘." 223 I'm 221 In; 226 "minimum, lax-f ”9’ 19.; 13:5 I;.st 1.5.4, Franklin. 23': ‘ I‘ll 2.!!! 1m; gr: 111 Canon ago. [o’ 8} 110 83 “LL" ’2 Hi-idlersburg, 93 83 . {ll 89 am an .\lmugljuy. in)» In»; 107 3-”; Mn .lm: .\lulullplc.nsunl,'.' .8 ‘H3 5."; i‘ M 2 I'J' H! “mung”; ‘ rl3 :04 ms. mu m: In': “emu-16 hon, 'u ' n 4-1‘ 45 an «n Frredmn, _. 1: 405 y “M 73 In'» l'uiuu, 15'.» 57 139 a: 1m 5: Euler, 126 In 132 149; n: no ‘Berwigk twp,‘ 7:: 21 77. 2,1 73%;: __,_ __ f_ _. __. .._- 29:? use ‘.‘aa‘J 2215 ...".HS 2"” V‘ ' ’ ’7’" ' ' ’ DIRdUI'UR, .\nmrmz .\YD (30.10YIHL ' z = :1 a"‘ g; '5 ‘—:ss = 5 g i -5iE a - - , II a ‘ :1" ..- r‘ E ; . r = ‘ - Get'ys‘mhr. ’ l‘i'h 2M 16‘! 3%? 1611 2'13 Cumlv'erlu-hl. Inn 11-5 _10'» 1h; !u.'- 11': lnulwmgn,’ 155, In 1'»? HI 1'»? 1H t);fixrd.- 155 101 . I'd I-JJ 1 .:. a.» York Sl‘u-ings, 2H 41: :w 418 :1» 41» .\I illersxow.x. 20:1 2I u 13 1 2:11 20.: 2u: Rerlin. 151 m; 1.11 m; 1.311 0:3 nemllen. ' 10‘! 22:; 10.’ 223 nor am 11-qmmogn, 1::7- 13:4 19': :49 mm I,lll‘ P'mnklin, 2:”, 170 2.” 113 an H't‘ Cumnga. 110 3-: 110' 's: 1011 u lieidlersburg. 10: 7:: ms 3;. 1n; 'NI Nounxjuy, 107 101 1,011 10.6. mu In; .\luuntpl‘emu}, 2'19 '11.! 7’39 83 201.0 PM ” .on, . 161 10:. 165 10-3 Ich luv; :11 bun, «I 4_'. .40 +5 M) 4-1 Im, 7: wr- 7': 10': n In». ‘ 15!! m 159 '.7 1:.9 .51 . 1:12 142 1:13 145' 136 14': :k um. ‘l3 :3: 1w :1 ta 2: 29.25 .2615 2903 27:0 5913 2.190 a Drgnocruln in an“. urn. g m. Woodward's mnjfir‘ny 229, anncfs 2'20, Immc E. Wiurnmuj 31 232: Ma ull'a 212, lfiéhert's 128, Lilly's 190. Pink's 241, mecl's l7], Mnrcll'fl 200, Met-RIG)"; 240, hlder’s 182, K .ggcr'u 228. Map 1" THE IMTTIJ-Z-HELD (0F (:E'I'TYS lll‘lui to he hm! nwe slorr o! . Oct. 19, lacs. 3! GBUKGB ARNOLD. 'Jury Lat—Nov. Term. 4 (HMS!) JURY. ' Bonding-Levi Chroniner, Foremnn. Scrutiny—Samuel A. Uillihm-l. Union—Juob lloncller. , ‘ Hllnillonbun—Xicbnrl Kugler. , Franklin—Joann“ Wiuler, Snmuel Hm Tyrone—Peter Milk-r, of P. ”Cullen—Mich”! Braden: Oxfordeoleph Slough. - lountplenunt—J. E Smith. . ‘ Carnbgrlnnd—JM-ub Wolkerl. ' Bu lré—Wilfinm Eicholu. Imti hw—Jblm lluyherger. Geuy. mg—Jolm Chripmr. . Bertie borough—F. .I. \Vilgom ' Germanylchnnc Shah, Jun-ph Bath-W. Hulfiugwn—George Brena. ‘ lhmilwn—Jesse Jacobs. . . Moun'joyé-Mrlclwir Wulf. Freedom—David sum-In. . Conowngv—Willinm Hutton. Benick township—mum: Gm. Liberty—Jun": Buwcy. - ' GENERAL JURY. ~ aud the Butler—dual: Knflunpperger, Stu-d Buim. Fnion—SAND’? P. Yuunu. Hum“ Swim: luntinnun— human 6. Vet! ‘J h l Jon-pl: Smith. , L h'o I “9", Berwlck borough—Antlnv 31hr, Michal ~ Hellzel. ‘ Gellygbnrg—Willitm. J. Innin, Henry G Wolf,Adnm Dogma. " Mounlplnunx—Ak‘nuder Shrub, Paar K. Smith, David )klboru. . " ‘ Monika—Jacob 1!. Meals, Jone )l. “mun. Hmilqun—lohn Waugh, Andrei Laud" leehy—Juhn Miller, Bdwud flcluup. Stub-n—Philip anohue, Jncobr Wilmer, Wm L. Tho-nu. Funklin—Duicl Heintullllu, Pour Kenn min, Thom“ 1". Games. Boning—Jon». Curoninur, ..lobn L. T-ugb- Inbuugh. ‘x> ' Conowngo—Adlm Outer, Thom" McKinncY- Mountj-oy—John Echnrode, Samuel 1306 - Lntimom—John Johnl. , Tyrono—Pour Fldkr, of 600., June! N. PIP tenant. .‘ g Freedom-«icky: Cunningham, Wu. Bllb ' Cumberhnd—Wuhiugmn \V'nhom'y J‘m'“ . Thomplou. ' ‘ .G'mlny—Jucob King, Willmm Younz, Ed “ Ward Long. 1 Dillon—John Hartley, John Helue'. . 0x fdaGcorfl Smith,ohnrh;l‘mmlu. - Ber 'ck township—Dink] file or. vi ‘ 0»- ml9,lasa. _tc , ___ a} UMBRELLK§~§IF my “s‘3'£:6Emw., . .‘. an' . ; 2:. :'.ss 1" 5 u c ‘3 1s a o , =- N _. 5 '! g g 2. I :- = -. i‘ -'