• r oral Central, ' RA STAND BY lOUB < an” a, GUNS. ‘1 4 54th. mt politics] hat}!- will soon he deg n‘qfq:,'fivefy Vote will oountin this strug gle fir “Frog'Speoch,” I9'l‘he Unions! and “The Comfoitution." Lot no Democrat/be phlegt from :he pong. . See that. eve}, DNilocm in your neighborhood mum-_- Lerno busiueufnterfen to prevent this. You "6w: it-to ytq self, you; country and yam; put]. See to it‘. E=II A . ; PLEASE ANSWER. ‘ , . \ We ask Hie {rig-ml: a! Curtin if .Ith Co ‘ tad. Minot giv‘o‘ Curtin n’ehock on hi) Bulk" to: lén mowfid'dollnn, to decline bdrm)! cagdiciflo'hr Govg'ruorfiind if Cur mj‘dfid not dealing—take the check—draw "he m’oney. Ind {hen announce himself as - «Wtqiq‘thb Pitgburg Oonyention! Plea-glen I"; Hudtber Coyode will "91,28“ yph may buka h—Sumnl Dormant. minim: 7mm nexus. ‘ Let Q“ the tickets b 6 compared with the picks; in our paper. Demncnmc tickets my bo printed with two 0:- three of the names left out. and those of Abolitirménn- Aldueg inserted. 1 Watch this anefully. .‘LBT IT BE REMEMBERED‘ by ‘thooo in ‘.hil cqii'nty who lost. .hdrses by _B'nnxjt'n nid, last full! that when nbifl wu hmught before IheVLegislgture to pay thcm by th‘. lope: they" Lhun untamed, Gov. Cur i‘pgkfikd the measure b’ threatening to ’mm m , 7:1?" , - F mflr Barons THE 91:9an -'l"h 'Andcev 0. Gunin, the shoddy‘candl flung (humor, grin] the bill for the repeal 'ltllti’l'onnlgc TA on the Pennsylvania. Rail road Gompany, agzlivutt the rcmonstrnnces of Hon. 8. A. Pnrvmlcu. his :Auorney GI-‘nlrnl, Ind Eli filifer, his flight)“; at Swim—l’ll“- .burg GazettzJuly '22. . _ < Thuhc ligadd it “upon II r'ivnteagrqcmeng In writing, made by Thomn‘s A. germ. for the tombnny, to [my lh-s'sum (“$75,000 pernn‘num into'the Trensury, which agreement In- con cenlod from the people and nfl‘brwurds surren derulto [the Compnny,‘ ilbnu: eren preserv ing n'copy of iL."—-I‘lm urg (Gazette, July 22. ' That he lignedfl‘hre has of n Repuhlicnn Legislature. “dripping Me ’Sinlcmy Fund nfal [elm EIGHTEEN MILDIIM'S 01" DOLLARS ."’- thlrrg Gu'uuc, Ju‘zu 22. 4 . “THAI‘ HIS NOMINATION' WOULD BE DISGRACEFUL TO THE -PAILTY AND "15 £l.3owa IMPOSSIBLE l”—l‘llllburg Gazelle, 1451911115. *1! :v .‘ ‘ it il only neceuary t_o remind the render 1 that the journal making then hold and mom ‘ urouo cbtrges la the nblest unimou wiacly girculllod‘flepublicnn print wen. of the Alle- 1 {bony mountains. 4 1, ' CURTIN'S PICTURE, ns nmwxx BY A POLITICAfiFmEND , -3‘rom, the Gettysburg Star at Banner, ‘ (Republican,) May 31,1861: ' 4 “Pennsylvania has long been (toyed the fiqstone State. And hho has deserved the l Junie, Any' one not blinded by prejudice ‘ must have accorded thin to her. in the lute ; .unhdppchen‘eé through which our coun try has Iliee'n called to go.- The resolutions pt' our epresontatiyes. pledging the sup portand credit of the State to the Federal i Goiernment. together with the ei‘mu‘ltgme ' 9139 uprising of the people to furnish an or py to assert ith command-1 «liil more to re- 1 ektqblish confidence in the Union, and the ‘ inherent stability of our politicnleyutem, pthn'n theJoLi‘on ol'any State or people?— ?ennsylvania has earned imew the right to hei- propd title” Whilst All this is so, and pores—Whilst citips, counties, boroughs, ’ volunteer orgnuimtiom. and private imli viduxls have pledged their credit. andcon tributal most liberally-to furnish our bra’ve ‘ voiuntcers with a complete equipment. and! ‘ place them in.a position, ready to vinxlicnto ‘ . Alike the State and national Govern: --t ‘we, are pained by the report of official ; loot Ind pecuintion. More than this '- e 1 .gave neon our noble ‘comrmlen misemliiy Flatbed, end both: bully, and scantily. pfo. l visioued by those paid. lend well paid. 'to. 1 see to these important considerations. . Wef - held our peace when, recently, we were cognizant, of the fact, that the Quarter mns- ‘ terofaqr own company was under the ne- l purity of providing himselt with n pnir of peaks to protect the company against the rapocity-ot‘ an officer, and when we heard the loud complaints of the “Buck Tails" on , néoount ‘of outrageous treatment, because .an the one on . wethouzzht'l’t the villainy :of I minor ofiicer. nndthe necesmry delay. tin the other. of an overtnxcfl Administra that.—v All this it seems was but thd benim {trig of'gigantio fraud. n 5 though the nation. .I the State had not been so did‘gusted by the perfidyof recent administl ations. that it hit at! them from power, more for that X _consethnu' any other. The man. who makes!“ We»! or! oft/1e people tn prmnt the Merlin l --fovgtg‘ or. 43d achieved by our fathers. an occa ‘n'ml'lo Mb our soldiers. and enrich homey, IS AN ENEMY «WHOM: IT WOULD BE ‘ CHARITY TO HANG. “'8 care not who is the guilty party. He who defraud: our have soldiers in worse than it raitor We 7%: not know who is immediate-{v to blame, r ’ t {hit we know. THATGOV. CURTIN . OAXNOZ’ ESCA'PECENSURE. Either he , i: implicated will: Mtge public thieves; and re} \ fdm, pm of the plunder, or In is guilty/"of up 3‘ pointing nut to qfice‘ who duerve the . era-ra tio- qf all good wrung. He may- take which . horn oftbeidilemmrhe may pleue. The po- ‘ litién of ufl‘aire renders‘otficinl peculation doubly monstrous. Have We just fled from ' porrllption, to corruption —t'rom one vile Administration, to another viler? Many voted for Gov. Curtin to avoid corruption, AND .HAVE THEY LINKEI‘fl-THEM _sppm T 0 norrnxssssr If the in terests of this co'untry are bound 1: with ‘the success of republican prihcipi‘ee, us Venunciated in the Chicago platform, as we “believe they are. it bocnmosi the pnrty to , W 35 its ranks of TH ESE VILE MEN. and 9, e the STIGBIA OF THEIR VILLAINY fl rest 0 them alone. and not on the party. AWA§ Wl’l‘fl TMORS AND MEN WHO SPECULATE ON PATRIOTISM." . "__fim, -... _ ___ 75 Béublican‘L—Those of you who have dashed and compelled to pay well. ‘ vn you made anything by a change of Administration? Would it not have been 1 thousand times better for {our country pd'ydfirpurse, if both Linco n and Curtin ‘aid'beon‘ defeated? vTh' we believe you pun now see. If so. y‘ourfiuty will be very «gear at the next electipn. To be hongst _ 9 your country and to yourself. you must 8" '0 the polls and vote the Democratic FIFFP": By dOing this. you will Hive your !!! IWI further trouble an napalm—EL . ' IpHGj—Who houlu us, force to prevgnt ”*9 M 991 of flalimi is n. traitor $9 fill Mpflmivles-Qfs'fiil Frberty- To acgomp- I“): $199011?! obje'ct‘he wouh‘l invoke . My [which woul_d deal-0y not only 1.1.. liberties of his {ellgw citiygs, 1:92. cumul iii; mm. . “‘Thg 5‘91 ¥orli‘T'|-ibune, in comment §ngn§ ffleldmsmr to the am] of General Wyn, says: “If we pg: this whole: 1:.” 12,000, and add go it the evidently; 5m ”3, E“. p‘tufu 9f ppbitionsxwo lhl“ l WWS“. M s‘: WWW my", Whatmcndmgleuhaia gmwwma WWW" ~ , ”MESSZKENAL GARES. J- c- m, ”(MIKEY AT,L\W.——Pmicnhr amn— A lion paid ni' “Hection of Penaiogi, minty, and Buck-pay. (Mice in “1": S. E. comer of the Dlnmond. - Odysbnrs April 6, [583. t! ' A. J. Com, - nanny n LAW,%II “pp-u, mend to Collection: and :11 other buyinau en trusted to him, Office bkuwumhhnumch’ Ind Owner A; Ziegler? sully, Mtimére lire-ct. Gettysburg, Pl. ' g ' [Sept 5, 1859. . AD. Hmonamxg , HORNE? AT LAW, (ofllce onb door wut of Bnehler'l drug And book Itorbfilnu ' um; urqem Anon" no soucx'rol vol. .PATIIH no Psi-mu. Bounty Lnlid Wur rnu, Bnck-ply “upended Clhiml, and all other loin" caning! the Gourmet“ M. Wabb lng'ort D. 0.; dloAmeriunClfiiml in Englnnd. Lain] Warmnulbcnted and lold,or bought,and .hlghell price: given. Agents engaged in to caning wurmnu in lon, Illinois Ind other water}: Stu." ”Apply to him potion-11, or by letter. . —' , Oclfysburgi, Nov: 2|, ’53. Edward, B. Buehler, TTORNEY Afr LAW, will fnlthfully nud‘ A promptly attend to qllbulineu entrnptedT whim. He speaks, the Ggrmnp langlmg‘e.- Ofiice It the same place. in South Baltimore? strut, nmr Forney’s' drug at re, :nd nearly opposflte Dunner & Zleglet’s arm-b. ‘ ‘1 Gettysburg, Match 20. '.- 5 ' o . l . . Wm. A. Duncan, ‘ ~ TT()RNBY,AT LAWqu‘lce in the North- A wen corner of Centre Square, Gettysburg, n. : [Uct.3,1859. tf ,+_. Removal. ' ‘ ,5 R. O'NEAL has rgmoved hll amt-e {tom'- D Wilis' building to lhe’corner of Balli more Ind High ntnrtsfhposite lbe‘PLuby— tetinn Church. Residence adjoining (fie‘oflide. April 6, 1863. H ~ J.‘Lawrence Hlll, M. D.,- AS his office one ' Hdoor west ohhe 9‘ “N‘T. Lutheran church in ‘ Chnmbenhnrg street, and opposite Picking"! «fire, whire {hose wishing to hafe‘mpy Denml Opern'inp pe'fonncd are respectfully invited to can. Rfirnuncts. Drs. Homer, Rev. C. P. Kr. nth. D. D., Rev. E. L. naagher. D. D., Rev. Piaf. .\f. Jacobs. r‘rof. M. L. Sugverw‘ uctlysburg,Apmlll,’h3. ' Adams County :V UTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.— ‘L Incorporuled March 18, 1851. ' ‘ orncsnu. ' . I’mirlml—Gcorge Swope. ‘Y " Vn-e Pruident—S. R. Rufisell. Srcrctary—D. A. Buehler. ‘Treamrer—Dlwhl': M'Crenry. A , Ezecuiiw Commiude—Robert Xedfldyfifncob King, Andrew Heintnelman. » Maudger-I—-G¢orge Swope, D. A.'Bnehler. R. .\Mkdy, Jacob King, A. Heintulrpln, D. MI:- (339, ’, , S. R. Ruisell, J. R. derah, Snmqel [Brawn-aw; H. G. Fnhneatock. Wm. B. Wilsofi liA. Picking, Wm. B. McClellan, John Wo - t' d, R. G. )IcCrenryJohu Picking, Abel'l'. Wright, John Cunningham. Abdiel F. Gin, Jame-J H. Marshall, gl. Eichelbergér. .‘ fThis Company is limited in 0.9 open lio to the county of Adams. It has been in snc’cesaful operation for more than six years, and in that perififl hns paid all losses and ex pensespcil/lau! (q? awesome-at, havifig'ala a large sin-plus ca'pitn ;m the Treasury.“ Tire Com pany? emplbys no Agents—nil business being donb by‘the Mangers, who are nn‘nuully elect ed by the Stqckllolders. Any person desiring an insurance can apply 10‘ any of the above named \lhnnzers fotfurtlber informntién. 4 ‘ ”The Exeéuzive Committee mac's hglhe office' of the Compnnv’on the last Wednekliny in every month. at. 2, P. M]. ' .‘ Sept. 27, 1858. q ' , , n I ' - ~ Mathlot 81: Son’s . OF. FURNITUREWAREROOMSJM. S 25. 7N? Gay street, Baltimore,»(n¢nr Fnyet‘te n.,) extending from Gny to Frederick §t.——the lnrgesfzstuhlishment ofthe'kind in the Union. Always on bangle largefissortmentfii IIBUSEHOLQ. D OFFICE FURNITURE, 9m meing Bureaus, ledsteads, Waslfitands, Ward robes, Mnflresse“ of Husk, 00:16»: and flair- Spring Bed‘S, Sofia, Tete-e-Tetes, Arm Chairs, [locking Chairs, Etngeres; Marble Tables, Set.- lees,'Rcccption and Upholstered Chairs, AS §OIITED COLORS 0F CUTTAGPLFQRNITUBE,’ 'Woog Vthiis. (mice Chairs.§_3n§er- Chairs, grib nn’d Cradles, Hm. Raoksf'flall Furniture, iltjnd Wfilnut Frame Ldokinfz Glasses, Side boairdq, Extension Tables, of every length. ' Pétaons gisposod to purchase are invited to mil ani giye our stock'nn exuminationl which for vnriety‘and quality of workmanship is not. equalled by any establishment in}he countxgg. "A. MATHIOT & SON, ~ Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street. -Ang. 6. 1860. ‘ u ‘ , Somethmg New ' [N GETTYSBURGJ—The nndersigned informs the citizens of the tmnd county, phat. be {its co‘mmenced the B, , G business, ‘on I. rge scale, in York street, Gettysburg, nearly oppmitc Wattlos’s Hotel, where herwill try to deserve, and hopes kircccire, a. liberal patron age. BREAD, ROLLS, CARES, CRACKERS, PRETZELS, am, kc., baked every day, 380!!- dn‘ys excepted,) ail ofitbe’best quality, on sold n he lowest living profits. Cracker-baking in ITILs branches is lurgely'carried 013’, Ind orders to anyrnruount, from this and adjoining coun: ties, supplied M the‘shortelt notice. Having erected unwound commodions bike-home and secured the best. workman and (he/most. ap proved mochinery, he is prepored to; 51¢ o heavy business. ' . ‘3 - VALENTINE! SAU ,EE July 35,1859. .1 - ..' ( I 0081! 0081! Coal. snubs & B'UEHDER me now (grepmdxo supply COAL of superior) quality ' £ll} quantity desired.l Termsfmh." .r ‘9 \ Con: One! Come an! - ' ‘ ‘ ”Huey 31m requesL those indebted to them to call 3nd pay up." gs fundamre much needed. Who will be fine first. to cgll ? Olfice open from 7-w 'l. . ' ' Feb. 24, 1862. 4 a ‘ ‘ John W. Tipton, 4 ASHIONABDE BARBER, North-castra ner of-flre Diamond, (next door to Me lnllan’s llotel,) Gettysburg, Pm, where he can at all times be found ready to attend to all busines! in his line. He has tho e'xoellent ns sistlmce end will ensure eptiafection. Give l The Great Discovery Maegan-w . [Deg?._l_B§°_-_ or ran AGE—lnflammatory and Chronic I ‘ ' ' Rheumatism can be cured by using H. L: a ‘ Isaac K- immr' u LLER’S CELEBRATED namxnrcmx- WATCH M3§E§Agu2;:pxgpsn" TIJRE. Many prominent citizens of this, sad _ ' the Mljoinihg counties have terrified to its flIeEJIR WA RE & IMPORT“ 01" WATCHESH Tent utility. 10.: since,” in Rheumatic Afte- Nof ,48 Nmfl' Second BL, 00m“. Q““§’r . tion. has been hit—lieno unparalleled by any He nos confinagbzlnpznhllr‘rmortmg ‘ specific, introduced to the public. Price 50 b . ‘ Gold nnd‘ Silver Potent Leger, Lepine and fit mgkfigegf‘l}nfi;flz£3},th€F§§flfi£ ggzteyinf "Egg?“ Gil-£313, €°§:n':dBlf:y '1! Wholeule and Retail Druggist, East Berlin, lets moisture Celufl’fledgaelllous “Locket-:lAflgmécoqnéy’:zlgul;r-m [irfiChém‘g‘h' ‘ Pen’cill, Thimbler, 369““1e ‘Sil'l'fl' Thbl’gl 8e: Oi‘lgpu'fie:e:c;s ynnémll‘tlgrlcturesmwgiymlztv ; curt, Tea, Salt end Maui! Spoon; 8'13“! Blues Pe’rfumery Patent Medicines ’kc kc l Epoone, CPPI. prki“ Rings, Fruit snd Bulter£ ”LA. D. Buelller is the Agenlyin limb } :Zlmlsllo'lggglggttllnl' B;::&“?°:°;S:egnfgn'v I burg lorJ‘ H. L. Miller's Celebrated Rbenmntic ‘ l'. x. roams a: (2013 best. quality full jaw-l "mm' In" 3’ m" "f eled,Pntent Lerer Movemenu constantly on band; also other Makers of luparior qullily. -I N. B.—Old Obld And Silver bought for cash. Sept. 7,186J3L 1y ‘ Wall Paper! ‘ . - LARGEi-ariely of pnttenu, ahhe latest and most desiriblestyles, many of which an heing sold at the old pricu. Gall And see them It ’ McILHENY'S. .For Sale, LARGE YOUNG COW, 4 3'an old, and I. can. Apply to. lira. E. l'. SHULTZK Aug. 24. 1863. 3:. , - . ’ R. TOBIAS' celebrated Del-big Condition POWQE' fig Horus Ind Game, for ule 11. Dy. HQ 33‘ Drug Store. - . QLLOCR‘S LEYAIN—the parent and be“ ‘bnkjpg pom!" up gut—g? Dr: R_ gmuxgm'f‘zpi'gs Bmm. ‘ .- ‘ ~ ‘ Fancy Furst ' OH! PARBJRA 7m ARCH STREET. ho: bQ], low Bth? mutt: ’ .ide, PHILADELHHA,I lmport‘erfifiifnctah b or of and Dutch .Il kinds of ‘ FANG" ‘ FUHS, for I’ddies’ u {Children’l Wm: lurid: to return 111; thank: to my friend ‘ of Adnml and the sun rounding countin, ft their Very ”berll pl tron-go {extended 1 fine during thelsct fg ”an, and would u ,to them tbs! I no ‘h‘nre '.n “no, of my '— 7 ‘own importttion Ind Manufacture a very ex ten-in Ilnoruuento! All the diflerent kinds and lqudifies of Fancy Furg, for Ladies and Chil dren, that ‘vill be worn during the Full and: Winter uuons. . . , 1 Being the direct Impoflefif at my Furl from Europe, and hu‘mg them nll Manufactured undg'r my own “partition—enables me td’ofl'cr ~my customers nnd.tbe publicm much hund~ » nomcr th.-t of Furi m the ammo money. tame: plea-o hive me n all before pulchumgt— Pluto remember the name. numb" Ind Itreet: 4 JOHN FAREIRA, ‘ ' » No. 718 Arch $l., Philadelphu. Scnt. 14, 1863. 5m Diußobert Horner’ NEW FAMILY DRUG um ‘ PRESCRIPTION‘ STORE, cmunpsmm nun, onus-cm, Haring retired from the active practice of _my profession, I take pleasure in nnnonnring In Me citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity, that. I have opened a V ' 'NEW DRUG STORE, in the r :11 formerly occupied‘by Drs. R. kC. ”tannin: nu ofilce, where [will constantly keel} on hand A I'M an I; ofnll kinds of FRESH Mums, .5” pp ' , MEDICINES, ; , CHEMICALS, , ‘ ‘ . PERFUMERY, ' TOOTH POWDERS. DYE STUFFS, DRY PAINTS. and . _ - PAINTS ground in Oil, - . ' .QILS, ex resscdhnd distilled, ‘_ S’IBATIOXERY ofnll kinds, Inks, Pens. Pencils. Pnper, Combn, Brushes, he. RATENT MEDICINES. ‘ ‘All the podulnr Patent Medicinafiether with gsclecfion of pure WINES, BRANDIES and WHJSKEY, for medicinal purposes only, always on hnnd.. In a Word, my's‘tqck embraces eroryihing‘ usnnlly {blind iILa first-emu store of this description! . r . A large supply of fresh Drugs has been re ceived, and ot_be;s are arriving, which I am of frring to the public on very nccon‘imodating terms. “y Medicines have all been purchased under my personal inspc'ction and supervision from the most reliable hous‘u. I can therefore nnt only recommend them as pure and fresh, but can‘mlhlhen‘fchcap. z . ' N. .—£A;I;TICUL.-\R ATTENTION given to the treatment of'all chronic diseases”. .S‘ADVICE GRATIS.‘6§ mpg. 1362. It _ _~ - ‘l'" _ -"‘<"“'~‘——"‘“ "HW— _ . Gram and Ptoduce. ‘ AVING taken the large undicomznodious Warehouse recently occupied by Frank Hersh, Esq., ‘ ‘ t—IN NEW OXFORD, we are prevnred to pn the highegt prices for all kinds of PRODUCE? Also. sell nt'lhe low. est prices, LUMBER, GOAL and GROCERIES, of every description. ' ‘ A. P. MYERS gWIEREIAN. New ngord, Aug, 10, 1863.] u ‘ . Fresh Relnforcements. TRENGTH‘ENING OUR POSITION.—We S are constantly gaging new supplies to our already hirgc nnd‘fnguonnble stock of BATS, CAPS, DOTS. AND SHOES. Wu have every Etyle of Spring and Summor Hum, which in quality and pri-ée cannot fail to please. Boy's nud Men's Hats and Cars of army descriptibnl and of the later. st) lea. Our stock of . 3001's, SHOES. ‘ GAITERS. lemma, wan'ncrer more complete. Lndiea ({entlem‘en and Children will": accommodates? with any. thing in this line, as we nre better prepared now to ‘ginflits and greater bugging than ev;| before. If you want. hnrgains, good fit: nnd fashionable goods. can M, the sign of the BIG BOOT, in Chambersburg street. '1 ‘ g JOHN CULP, June 9, 1862. ALEX. CUBEAN. . 7. . .._q__l__‘A—~ ————.—--—‘——~ ' ' The Grocery Store .5 . N THE Elihu—The .undersigned would 0 respectfully inform the citiiens o! Gétys burg and vicinity, that he has taken the .old stand “on the Hill." in Baltimore street, Get. tyshurg, where he intends to keep constantly on hand all kinds of GllUCEßlES—Sugnra, Coffees; Syrups of_all kinds, Tobacco, Fish, Snlt, km, Earthenware of \nll'kinrlg, Fruits, Oils, and in fact cvejtything “gully found in 3 Grocery. Also, FLOUR hEB .l) at all klndl; all of which he intends to sell low 48 thejow est. Country prodfice take in exchange for goods Eng tlle'highest price (wen. .He flutters himself mt, b 3; strict uttcnl on and an honest desire to please; to merit a. a are of public pn tronnge. m? Hm. .I. u. ROWE. Feb. 23, 1863. 14' I, A ;._ 18,63: Spnng Styles ‘ 1863. ‘ F HATS AND CAPS. , ‘ O R. F. McILBENY, at his old s’t-nd‘ S. W. cor. Centre Square,hu just opened a. splendid nsiort‘ment of lI.ATEAND'CAPJS of the lat‘gst' s‘yles, at far, low *ptices.' Per sons in want on good aetsomble and fuliion able Hat orCnp,nre requested to give him A call. BOOTS AN“ fili‘O‘ES, comprisingjlen’s fine Call? Boots, Men's Bul mq‘rala, Mania Wellington Ties, Congress Gri terg; Brogan: ; Lndiea’ moro'cco Balmoul Boots, Gaiters, fine kid Slippers, Misses' and ChiL, dren's Shoes and Gallery, of curry urietygnd} slyie, all of which will be sold as cheap I: (lie hheapesk Let I“ who wish to supply them-l selves with good and rixbutantihl work call And enmine-ou‘r flock. R. F. McILIIEHY. :April‘la. 1863. ‘1 Cannon 8t Adair’s N1“?v MARBLE WORKS, Cornel‘ of Balti .more and East. Middle "new; opposite ‘he Court House. Gettysburg, ‘Pn.—-We no prepared to furnish Monumenu,‘Tombs. Head stpues, )hrlfle Manda, Slabs {or Cabinet Makers, m 1 #1 other work appertaining to our business. We will gum-mule: satisfaction both as to execution and price. Call ind see on: design: Ind specimens oi work. . Feb. 2, 1883. n ' _ Children’s Clothing. ‘ BEAUTIFUL ARTICLE, 3} the store of GEO. ANROLD. Lidia! If!" plenu call an? gee them; ‘_o [Aplflfly I_Bf.§3.__t£_ BRING and Summer Clothing just received SM. ' ‘ PICKING’S. 0 tp Dr. RJIORNER’S Drnz Store and get (kin XEDLCATED CUUGH CANDY. PRING BALMORALS just received at . q FAENESTOCK BROS’. E have jun. received I new Assortment of Queeniwnre, to which we invite the utention of buyers. A. SCOTT & SON.’ PURE GROUND SPICES,‘ tell-fled and ground expreqsly for Dr. ROBERT HOR NER'S New Drug Store. I HEKncgican Excelsior Colee and Bonn for ule It Dr. IR‘, HOMER'S Drug Store , . 1.. SOHIGK hu jun received I lo: ‘9! , chap Looking Glusu. The Old and Enable. Hardwarek EW 39mm GOODS. ‘ xn caocnmas.- ‘ N SMALL PROFITS & QUICK SALES.- A The subscribe" hno jun returned from J . L . SCH 1 C K \ ' 1 ecities will: ‘ln immense supply of HARD wonld renpeclfnlly lay lo the chin!" of Get- ‘WARB AND (IRUCERIES, which Ila-y Ire Lynburgmad vicinn .'thu he in now neelvlng 'oflenng at. their nld umd m Baltimore “mt, M. his non I splend’ld , ‘1: price- to lull. th. amen. 0m- fiwck con-bu STOCK OF SPRING GOODS». {in pm a! L The flock ,cons‘uu in part of Funcy'ud . EUILDING MATERIALS, Staple DRY GOODS, of every ducrlpuon. i CARPENTERS TOOLS. . . SILKS. ‘ ' - - . BLACKSIITH’S TOOLS. MUZAMBIQUE,‘ ‘ . , COACH FINDINGS, CHALLIES, _ '7 7 " DEMINES, BOMBAZINES, , AL‘PACCAS, LAWNS, . ~ CALICOES, of all quilitlcn Ind cholcut styles, which will Dbe sold at PRICES TO DEFY QOMPETITIUN. | ‘ FURNISHING GOODS ‘ . ; of Qll‘kinrln, including silk. Linen find Cotton 2 Han’dkerchiefl, Gloves, Stockings, ac. ‘ l Also, A splendid uso'rttnem of RIBBOXS, ' Bucc- Ihd Edgingt, Umbrella: Indeioll.- - ‘ My stock of WHITE GOUCDS wil': b 0 round fnll l Ind complete. And customers 'tnny _rely upon ; nlwlyl getting good goods at the lowest possi .ble prices. ‘ ‘ : Gentlemen wil' It to their ndhntnge (o . call And. examino lock of . 4 I cnoms, ’ CASSIHERES and . . ’ names, or I“ qualities and choicest styles. April 21, 1862.; J.,L. SCHICK New ‘ Tailoring STABLISHMENT.--GEO.EECKENRODE, - FASHIUNABLE TAILOR. adopts this method of informing his friends and the public generally, thin, he has opened A Tailoring establishment in Baltimore atreetl Gettysburg, (lat; Post Oflice,) near the Die: mond. 'vhere line is prepared to do all work in his line in tie best manner? and to the unis.- fnction of cuswmerl. ~He employs-none I)!“ first class hands, snd'recelrlng . " THE FASHIONS REGULARLY“ he can warnnt fashionable fits and nest and subnuntial sewing. He asks I shsre of the publlc's patronage, promising mlspnre n‘o'ef. fun. to deserve it. His charges will shiny- be found as moderate as she times will‘sllow. Cutting and Repairing done at. the shortest notice. [Getty-burg, April 7,1862. Hay Wgnted! HE undersigned wishes to buy 50b tons of T good HAY‘ T: 2 highest. market. p'rice paid in cash {ol’ prim '- Timothy Hay, dclivpred at. hirpacking establ slnnepl in Gettysburg.— Early npplicnlions de ired. _ ‘ WM. E. BITTLE. ‘ April 2071803. 6.. * R6movaL-+-Tln Ware. HE undersigned has' removed his Tinning I establishment nearer the Diamond, in ambers‘burg street, adjoining-A. D. Buch- Iler‘s Drug Stor’e—n very central location. Ila icontinuesto manufacture, and keeps constant ly on hnnd, every variety of. » TIN-WARE. PRESSED AND A , -' | JAI'ANED WARE, and’will always be ready to do REPAIRING ROOFING and SPOUTING also done in the best manner. Price; moder- lrlte, and no efl'ort spnred to render full antia- ‘- "r V ' _ * i *— -—-"’- action. The üblic’a continued attrounze is . . ' ‘ l solicited. p-A. P. Biivozwn. ,'f C :2 'l5 i I Gettysburg, April 'l, 18621 , - f MW/ gym J 9: ii —‘~*—'--"- _-, -.- '~-<~'-~ ‘---~¢ 1 n New 600‘“ l—Layga kl i uncut. CO\i.\IERCIAL .UOLLEGES‘ BIERCflANT TAILORING. =‘ ' N Loot-ran IN I , , ‘ JACOBS & 3110-. . ' PHILADELPHIA, ‘ ' ; hue Jnst received from.the,elties a large stock. 9_ E_ (‘on. 71-" n}, (7",,an 51391. ‘ ~01 3:00“ for Gentlemen’a wear, embracing/a New York City.Brooklyn.Albnn)‘,Troymumtlofli ""1“? 0f 2 ’ Detroit, Clevelandvt‘himigo nndb‘t. Louis. ii CLOTHS: “ ,« Book-keepihe, Penmanship. Commercial il . CASSIMERES, / Arithmetic. Commeu-iul Law. Forms, Cones-3 . . VESTINGS, pondence. Be..'pr:u-tic:|liy taught. I | CMilnf‘ui Jefln’v kc, “"‘h "1“"3' 0m" 300‘“ These Cnllrgei [icing untler the sime general} : for Fl"""'b’ ““1 summer-wear. . land‘locnl management, and imiti'ng in each that I They “9 prep'arcd m tnnkc “P garments “‘i‘advnmnges of all, oll‘er greater facilities for‘ l the 3‘10”?” "M'l‘i’v ““1 1n flWNW-"3’ best t'm‘m'k imparting instruction than _any other similar; ner. The Fashions are rogulnrly receive-q, and iltelillllioni in the mum”. ‘. FINN“! mode in ““V 1195”“! qtyle. Th‘fl." “Li A Scholarship issued hrnny one is~good in all wnys make neat tits, whilsttheu' sewing thsure ' {QII Ml unlimited time. ' ‘ ‘0 be sUbstl|lltifiL . ' . ‘il ' l _ The Philadelphia Culloge has been ret-enily‘ They “5k “ continuance 9f ”‘9 qu’l‘ck pa- "enlarged nnil rei “shed in n superior nmunvr,‘ 'romgei "‘9ole by 800 d work “Dd moe‘er'ate - and is-now thefirgest find most prosperousi charges to 9M“ "g i. 'bommérvinl Institution in the State. 0 ll Gettysburg, April 'l, 1892. ' ‘ s‘ l Brynnt & Str:uton'4 serif-s of Text Books”I - ’ . . . ' '“T‘m emhrneirg Bonk-keeping, .nmmercinl Arith-l Howard Assocxatlon, } 'metic, and Commei‘ciul Law, for exile, and aenti H.ILi\DELPIII.-\.—For the Rolief qt thejy mail. ' ' . ' P Sick and Dis‘lresset}, amicted with t'iru- part-‘2): full particulars send {or a circular. l lent and Chronic Diseiises, and especial? for an, no, 1862. 1y , i the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Urgnnl. . , - -A , -—~ -- 3 MEDICAL-ADVICE given gratis,bythciAct- Tq Disabled Soldiers, ... mg _urgeon. . t ‘ _\l 18' at M Sc. .' won s 'VALUABLE REPORTS on Sperqntorthcen . SF in POTi‘H-Zg “figspor ‘q-Rosk WY“), 0' Swim“ “'“l‘nmr “d °"‘°"””""¢’ of. "A E‘DIED ()It BEEN KILLED [_\'"rm: SHR ‘ ""3 §°Stunl 0'73“.”5‘ anchon the NEW RENE—i \ilCl-I.——-CHA3. (7. Mann. Attornet” for f‘lnim .Dlhb emoloyed in the‘lhspensary. sent to the fonts, Bonntv Land and Pention A‘gent‘, Wash afflicted 1n sealed\ lett‘er envelopes, frqe .Ofdugton City: D. (‘.—l’.en'sious procuréd' or Sol ; :é‘l’gapgfig or three Stumpafor WSW? "l”. . diers, Senmen and Marines of the presgnt war, ' ‘ ' . t 1 who nre disabled by renunn of wounds received . . "‘qd'c“! D" J- SKFLMN _HQLGHTONVMH' i or dison‘se contracted while in rervicemnd Pen . tng Surgeon, How-mm! Argoeiotlon, .\o. 2 South 1:0", Bonnty)lnne) null Arrears of Pay oh- Niuthbueet, i‘hnlndelphm, 1‘“ luinrd for widows or either heir; of those who June its, ”(’2‘ l, have died or been killed while in service. : Bounty Land procured for services in any oi the other wars. CHAS. C. TUCKER. ‘ Woshlngton, l). C. J. C.'NEELY, Agent, Gettysburg. Nov. 18, 1361 ' Eureka, Eureka! HE “ EXCELSIOR WASHER !" is ac- T knowledged ty all ,who see it, to he the most complete, nnd wilhdnt exception, the most perfeeQLphthnvhig Washing Machine ever before invented. Its superiority over all oth ers consists in the simplicity and durability ofits construction, the rapidity and complete: ness of its work,aud the almost incredible ease with which it is managed. A child of ten years, possessing ordinary judgment, can learn to work it in five minutes time, and manage it as cell as a grown person, except for very heavy goods. in a word this is the machine that is destined to take the piace of every other now in-use. Persons intending tofget a ma chine will find it greatly to their advan tuge to examine this one before purchasing, The undersigned have purchased the Pateht Right for mtlnma County (excepting one town-' ship) dndl hre making extensive preparations for their manufacture. Every machine will be buiitin the beet manner and run-ranted. Price ‘ $8 00. In connection with this machine there ‘ 3s a Patent Wringer, which performs this la- l horious part. of washing with the greatest cum and much better than ti. can be done by hand. ‘ They inlay be attached to a comman, Wash Tub, and are sold with the machine or sep arately as desired‘. Samples of each may be seen at our Gallery, in Enet‘York Street, oppo- ‘ site the Bank, Gettysburg, Pa. ' TYSON BROTHERS. , ‘ June 8, 1883. . ' Lan ’caster Book Bindery. 30363 WIANT," ' ’. , ' ' B 0 0 K BI N D E B an Inn loo: Knunc‘runn, . fiANCASTER, PA. .Plaip and Ornamental Binding, of every d 5-- icription, executed in the most lubsunthl Ind approved styles. _ uni-nun. - ' E. W. Brown, Esq., FunnersVßnnk of Lancaster. W. L. Pciper, 134'qu Lancaster County Bunk Samuel Shock, Esq., Columbil Built. ' Samuel Wagner, 8:11., York Bulk. William thner, an.. York County kink. 'l‘. D. Carson, an., Bank of Gettysburg. Peter Martin, an., Prolh'y ol' Llncuter co., PI. Geo. C. llnwthoru, Earp, Register “ “ Geo. Whitron, 8311., Recorder “ “ . April 15, 1861. . ' Piano Tuning. ROF. BOWER, of Litueslofin, 3 Practical P Pinno Tuner, inform! his friends and the nulicnl puhlic in genernl, thin he gives his time. not. otherwile occupied, to Tuning and Repairing Pinn‘bs. It modente when. He promises entire suiafnriion, or no pny. Orders received“? this aflce. [Sept. 16, real. , Queensware. )7 you um anything in :heQUEEréswns I line call at. A. SCOTT a! BON’H, Ibex-cyan will find the but woman: in “win. March 24, 1862. _ Plcking ; AS RECEIVED BIS ' ‘ " i ' SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING COME ONE, COME ALL. ‘- In, 18, 1883. on. 01,—“ ‘ ‘ DR. B. HOBXEB'S Dm‘ Bun. L]. the be". innt cine: any be. It the new Fmilyl as and Pm tore of U. B: 8110! FINDINGS, _ c . ,CABINET MAKER’S TOOLS.- 1 HOUSEKEEPER‘S FIXTULFZS, ‘ ' ALL KINDS OF IRON, tC.,‘ GROCRRIKS‘OF ALL 'KINDS, 011:, Ptnkc" to. There is no uncle in .cludedi “several departments mentioned m" Mum-hut can he had n thin Store.— Evosy chu of Mechnnics can be ucommodnwd ‘ here with wool: Ind findings, ind Housekeapm at can and. every Iniclo In their line. Give: 11l 3 call, as we are prepared to Iel! in low for cash I’- my ome/x; house out of the city. ‘ I ‘ JOEL B. BANNER, June 9, 1862. DAVID ZIEGLER. 1 Change .o'f Time. HE following in u‘ uehedule of the running; of.the trains on the Gettysburg Railroad i 0 FIRST TRAIN lures Gettysburg n! 8‘ A. IL, with- passengers for York, Harrisburg, Philn elphin, and the North nud West. All-3‘ RIVE MvGet‘ynbnrg at l P. X, with pnnsen-1 gen From those pointsynnd Alio from Baltimore and Washington. “Passengers leaving Wash-A, lngton at 6.30 A. . ~ and Bnltimore at 9.15 A.‘ N-, arrive by this train gt Gettysbtirg 11l 1] o’clock, P. .\l. ‘ . .tI The SECUND TRAIN leaves Gettysburg ntf 1.10 ‘P. BL, with pna‘qngerl for Baltimore and" Washington. Bassengern arrive in Baltimore“ at 6.30 P. M. lie-re Baltimore at 8 I’. MW undJ: arrive‘in Washington a} H) P. M. l’gsaentzera,’l can also go to York and Harrisburg by the lecond tmin.' Arrive in Harrisburg ot 7.30 P.' M. ARRIVES 11l Gettysburg at 5.30 P. M“: with passengers from Harrisburg, Philadelphia. And the North and West. ' l! fiPu‘aengers-cun leu‘e‘ Philadelphia by 1 Wu; of Baltimore at 4 A; LL, and arrlw Inf Gettysburg)“ l P. ll.’ 0r leave at 7.30 A. Hui by the Pennsylvania Central on Philadelrhlp‘l 1114 Reading Rililtsond, and arrive in Oettyn-l burn at 5.30 P. n.«- n. nccmwt', I May {-1, 1863. Presidgnt. Howard House, , A'LTIBIO‘Rfl.’ | B The undersigned has the pleasure of nn-g nonucing m hi»: triendn, and the puhlic zvner 11-’ ‘ly,thn,l he hnn RE-pl’RNl-ID‘THIS EXTENSIVE AND FAVQRITE HOTEL, and solicits Ihe,‘ shure-«Hfgntmnnge uhich'lls highly fiu'oruhle‘ lac-«'on and his efforts to please mny deserveuj 1, Having been engaged lor muny years in qon-l Educfing pnpulm’ Hotels in P'enusghunin, Vir-zl llginin and this city. he feels arsnrenl m heingl :üblc, will) {he nid n! his Competent Assistants, I ‘to meet. all just expccmlinna of tha travelingi 3comm‘unity in managing the Howard llonsefln’. ‘ll style surpassed by no ‘llotel orits class in the" icuuntr}: v ‘ _ - ‘Terms—Gentlemen's Ordinary, $1.75 per Day. 1 ‘ L " Ln-liea’ “ 2.00 " , ‘ Respectfully, . . “’.\L-C. KRAMER. Proprietor. ‘ : Baltimore, April 20, 1863. (SN , , Come ,to the .Fair ! ND DON’TI-‘CIRGET‘I‘O VISIT PLEASANT A lIIDGI‘} 3*UIISI-lIIIES.—‘-I'ersona wishing to Plant. Tree‘s {rill find ILc stock in the ground rt'nmrknbly fine, and otlc-ronl at mint-ml prirca. Ihé Applp numbers 100," varieties, embmdng 111 the approved snrts. ' I N. 8.-—Sce the hide: board nenr Flora Dnle Post oflicv. - T. E. COOKJ¢ SUNS,. Sept. 2, IB6}. ‘ ‘ 'l'rapn'elon. Town Property T PRIVATE SALE—Thundersigned of fer: at Primle Sale the Property in which he now resides, situate in East Middle strum. Gettysburg, adjoining S. R. Tiptou on the west and Ira. McElrpy ‘on the enst,’ ml‘h nn ‘,._, alloy in the rear. THE HOUSE is n HELL two-awry Fume, Weuthcrboarded, with _ Buk-huildinp; I weirof watcrnrith a pump in it, at the door; and a uriety of fruit, such as Ippleg, pun, p'enchu..npric'ou, cherries, and gray", til the most choice.» ' i‘ ZACHARIAH MYERS. . Nov. 13. 1860. u‘ ‘ \ “ “New Bakery! EWPORT l ZIEGLER, Mechaniml Bnk-_ N erg, Somh Wnshington slreeghnll square from the Engle Hole], GETTYSBURG. Pn.——- Constantly on huud, the best ,0! BREAn, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS. tcvl'er. lonl wishing fresh Brand will be served every morning, by khnng th‘rir nine! and residences u the Bakery. Every efl'orl' made to plea". Give In I. on"! [April 10, '63. M“. Come, One and All! E BE nub-crib", hivifag re-openegl his Sn r loan in tbs Noun-cut corne'r ofjhe Din nond, invites the utoulion of his friends nnd the public generally.to his excellent ALE, PORTER. BROWN STOUT, WISE, CHAM. no“, TOBACCO, SEGAKSflc. He hopes, by llricl adaption to bullneu Ind : desire 1» plane, to receive I libern'l share of custom. ‘ . H. W. CHRJSXER. geltylblrg, Aug. 24, ”1863. if on Gold and snver " ASTER—Tho highest price in cash . , V' id for old Gold nd Silver; the p yhvonhle lime to sell. the‘ premium on ‘ Inge. Allo. Gold And Silver-Coin. pu , ind the highest price given, by JOSEPH BBVAN, Wmhmket & Jewell'er,jn the Diamond. Feb. 23, 1863. . EW {GEL a WMER GOODS l—A 3:5 I q "wrung!" of Full and Winter Good: as chap :- the cheap‘en It A.SCOTT l'. SUN’S LOT of fresh GUM DROPS, the finest cm A cflered in this market, to be Ind A: Dr NER’S Drug Store. - RAKE'S PLANTATION awn-ms, or Die Homestead finic, u D; R. HORNER’S "It 5‘9“ \ ‘ IRST-BATE Eighkdny, Thirty-hour Ind‘ ‘ V Mum Glockl- uh: I'- PIOKING‘S. , ICKING hm the an": monument “Spring A , :WQSLOW'BS THING YRUPJ”, and Summer Clothing in town. '1 chflérbq, It Dr. R.‘ HOMER} Dx'lrr , ADIES‘CIoth for Clothing. I new? Inpply r , > "2 ' \ ' , just received at uuxnsrgc; anos'. *** DR. SWEET'S NFALLIBLE I.I.INIMENT, GREAT REMEDY FOR RHEUMA’HSMX GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUNBAGO, STU-‘l‘ NECK AND JOINTS, ‘ SPRAINS, BRUISHS', CUTS ’AND , WOUNDS. FILES. HEADACHE, ANDALLBHEUMATICAND . NERVOUS DISORDERS; For I of ihich it. in (speedy nqd certain remedy 3nd never fails. This Linimemil pre. pared fromtlhe recipe of Dr, Stephen Sweeluof Connecticut, the [mom bone utter, and has been used in his prnclice for mofe thqntwenty yellfl yith the non enoniuhing ancceu. As m Ane‘vmor of Pain. it is unrivaléd by any preparation before_the public, of which the mo". skeptics! may be convinced by I n gle trini. ' 7 This Linimenv. will cure mpfdl‘ynnd .ndlcal -Iy, Rheumatic ’Dinorders 0! ever} kin’cl, and in thousands otcaau when n has never been known lo fail. For Nquralgia, I; will afford immedmtc relief in every case, however distancing. - It will reliZM'l‘ the worsi case: of Headache in three minute ad is Warrnrn'te'd to do in. Toothache also will it cure instantly. v ’ ' ‘ For mans De flity and .nernl:LlD.- nitride arising from imp txdente or exc’ess.lhis Linimentjn 1: mo". happy d unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the erroug tissues, itl . ‘ Q. strengthen: and revivifiel l ehyaum, and re- ,HAIUNVARL HER—BCHANI‘S, . notes it. 1. cl sl'-it Ind v‘ ... " - . V ~ 0a u y u; ', ‘ .4; fun-ms, m 11.01133, ' d ‘ - = '2 \ ‘ 73?. s'ol"an ahd all who huy to ac)! ngum. We 403031.319 “'ll. 53:3: out to Rich the hrospecl of‘ enormous prom. , :d Eh] immtflintely, but we lam-Pu really mqychnnln. ' _. i lilo arlicle, in. detnnud elvery ythcré', unlit" nR ‘ \ times. ‘ ' 1 'E I ~ \ I: 2:]. it 3: ’ whclhyr ste i 3d. his not i cold. 3 ‘ 4ch Any ordinnr For Piles.—.-\s ‘hn uterum claim that. if is flu; but ,known, a long: lbr world to prddure an “IR victim of" this- distresthz complnix giro it a trial, [or 'iv. will not fail to “L modinle relief, und in {s lnxrjprilx ol‘t’use: effect a “11/ltd! cuie. \ Qninsy and Sore Throat fire lometime exlremely nmliguum and dungerousn but u timely application of this Linimenf will never lull to cure. . ‘ . fl.h. c L \ Spraina are Sometimes Very Mn-tinntn,mnii 1" enlnmemenl‘nf the joints is linhlc '6 occur‘ if and i 5 neglected. The wore: (use may he cunquered by this Liniment in two or thres_duys Bruises, Cuts. Wounds. Efren, Ul - Bums anq Scnlds, ,vichl rerhllly to the wonderful ,hmling' pruprnieu a! [)ll. SWEET'H INFALIJEHJ‘} l.rl.\'l,\ll'2l\T, whim used’ according 'o Mun-(inns. Also, (11”.- ISLAINS, .I’lllhh‘TEl) FEET, 4L\U thEVCT BITES..-\ND STINGS. ' . . .6 DR. STEPHEN SWEET. .0: Coin, the Great Nhlurm Hone Srttn. ~ Dr. Stephen Sweelml ('onuecficul, is known 311(1ch the United Slnlw. Dr. Str‘phul Sweet. of (‘mmvt‘iiyllt iv the nuthor of “ Dr. Sws-t-t'c Infulmm- L’ufnm-ntfl Dr. Swan's Infullihle Liniumul ('lll'l'! Rhea? mntlsm and never fnils. ‘ ~ ' Dr. Sweet’s lnl'nllihle Linfmon'f is n cumin remedy for Nellrnlgiu. 5’ 'Dr. Sweet’s In'fllihle Linimenfcurys Burns undat'cnhls immcdintfly. ' ‘ . Dr. Swee'fi'a Infillibfi: Limmr-yt is the bi-sl known remedy fur Sprain: nnd "ruin-.‘. ; Dr. Sweet's Infallible Lininu-ul curm‘He-J -ncl- immediately r_xnd (nus never klgn“ u I?) tail. Dr. Sun-M'- lnfilhihlb Linhnoni'ufli-ruls inn modjsto relicftm I‘Ne=.nnvl seldom £.11.~ In ('nrl‘. Dr. Swuu's Infulfihlu lfiix'ximcnl. cures Toolb nchr in one minute. . ; Dr. chm's lumilihle Linimrnt’rurcs I‘uts and Wounds ilunmli hly .Ind lam-s nu stair. Dr. Sweet‘s hilnnilnlc Ligimgm in flu: but rembrly for Sores in the lino“ u \w-rld. Dr. chel‘s lnl‘illlihlo‘ [.iuhm-nt has bnen nsgd by more than 5 million penplé, an»! all praise'it. ' . . Dr Sum-vs Inmnime' Linimcnt mm in: terunlly, our»! Cholic, Cholera Hal-bus and Cholic. . Dr'. Sweet's lnfdllible Linimrufl.‘ truly il “lriem'l in need." and; cwrg‘ lumisly élnould lune it at lmml. , ' , I Dr. Sweet's lnf-llihle Linimcnl is for an]: By all Drugsiats. Price 25 and 50 cents. _ A- mem IN NEED. ' V 'TRY naLmz. swears mammnm _LIXIMEXT, as an cxtvrnul'rpmedf. is wilkuut In rivnl, and will nllcvinte [min moré speedily vlmn‘ nny other.prcpurmiun. Fur :l“ kin-u. nmtic and .\‘rrvnus Disordrrs'itjoz truly’ infinlli hie, and as n rurgtixc fur hurva. Wounds, Spr:!ins,\nruises,'&c., its soothing. henliqg um] powerful strength-um; prrperlits, excite the just wondcr‘und nst'nnishment ofull wh‘o hm‘e ever given it a trinl. "liver om- thousand rer tifical‘es ”trenmrknhlc run-s, In-rldrmgd by it wishin the lust Mu" curs, nth.“ the Incl. 'I'O HORSE OWNERS. DR. S\\’E—l-}'l“S “INFAIJJIILP. lglNlMl-ZNT 'FUR HORSES .in unrimlgil by nny, nut! in all cases of hymn-nub. nruing from Sprnim, Bruises or Wrem hing: its v-fi‘icl is nlagic -l and certain. llxlrurss or Sn-ldlc,(z‘nllx, Scratches, Mange. km; ii will nlsu’curn qm-ilily. Spuin and Ringhnne may} be easily unwind and .cured in their incipient hinges, EM ('unfirpwd cases nre bnvon-l the pouiluiligy or: rndicnl cure. No fige of jtlne kind, lmwérer, is so clap/crate or'liopeleés linl ii. may b!- nlln‘isled ‘by this Linimem, and its faithful gppliml'vgn will alwagl remove the Lmn'ene-rs, and enable like horses w "Intel with comparative cue, EVERY HORSE OWN ER ‘should have ”ii; tome-Ty at Inn-1,101- ilatinw ‘ly use at the-lira: appennuice o! Lmneneu wifl 'efi'ectunlly prevent than; formidihle discus”. {to which all hnrsea unreliable, nndlwhich reu dt‘l' so nun; otherwise valuable hon" neatly won-this". ‘ ‘ " ‘ DR. SWEET'S ' INFALLIBLE LINIXENT, lIEM ’ SOLDIER‘S FRIEND, Alul thousand: In" (and it truly 'A FRIEND IN NEED’! m To avoid imposition, observe lb, Simulate nn'd Likeness of Dr; Stephen 83:“ on every label, ,und nho “Stephen Sweet's Infidllblp ,Liniment",hlmg in.the glm of uch home, withopl which one In genuine. ‘ RICHARDSON h 00., ' Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Call MORGAN & ALLEN. Genet-ll Agents. 4’3 Clifl’ Sued, New York. ”Sold by all delleu evérywbe're Dec. a, ”62. ly . ' ‘. Sale 0171118. ’ A W. FLRHMlNfl‘coutiauos the basin" ‘ .of HALE CRYING, and Idliciu «bem tmued patron-gs ot the public. It. in his con- Alnnl end-um- to gin satisfaction. Charges moderate. Henidrnce in Breckinridge “mt, Gettysburg. ’ ‘ P. S.——Ho is a licensed Anrdoneer, Index the TA: Law or the United Stun. Nov. 24, 1862. ' ' READY 8901180, , ' 0.. 1a nub)“ um, N mm 703:, ,' A x, This uncle ls Ind. of In “mink" thick and strong woven fibula, Inuit“ a; 111-unbound upm-ly Io! our own no, and in men! um: thicket thin the cotton amt. lngmuonly and if m oth co'infimltloa roofing, and-gonnoqugmly {n mote durabh. From the supefipr thichiou of 1M! doghflt ncoiiu, in uturauon, .46: gram In‘-I‘M o! lhe water-proof composingn, And vliou ism. ed with th. flrfi-pno! comic on the surf-co; prcsénl! the mo“ complheiy Miami-cad, we are confident, nion dhrnblu-rooflng now known} I: need; no final céAt-ppliod on u}. roof, at all othei kind! do. It IS “READY" TO NAIL DOWK h is manufactured and put up ill—mill About one hunched feet long, and “nee feet vide’; rcquiring'hnly tq be thy-oiled, lnd'nullod on . wt the roof. . ,t In this convenihht Ind fint‘lhed' Ilfle, it. B I 1 especially worthy the nttcntion o! 9‘ CALL ATQENTION Tb A FEW POINTS! It can: only about half as min-h‘ufln, mice as durphk‘. - _ ‘ ’ndane-l to, all‘kinda 0! look, p M “at. -. fl‘ectca‘injurloufly by heat 61‘ workman can (Indy 1!. _ . mh. It is out the “chenpeu” roufilg. . am. It is the best roofing Thin Roofing has been used in every York-0y M ('li'mule. l'rum “much In fulfil-rum, and IQ can most. pnsilh‘ely rm Imm" M i, In lu- enum fiy proof ngnlm! :M.‘ Cllnnpl’! nr hm! and to“ “ml me so dealtpcfire m “mu! nth" kinds 0! Roofing. _ ‘ “ : IX7 > v ' rr mm." Nursmm AND mm u my! “mung”; 'I In WILL run mwgrc u can) ‘ ,\\ tinny}; . ‘ . It is n pA-r‘rm-t prom'tinn awn-g fire- from line fulliirgri‘mlers nml fnumrnu h‘uu Imm ing buildings: xuljuininr: this Rn..fing. ‘ , I! is 30 l'lmllu‘ nnd ntroug that the 4 - SHIUNKING 0F BUOFHIOABDB does not Ln§ure it. ' h is! particularly valuable an Fat-(mien, Foun-lr'rcs,Sngnr llvfinaries. l)i:-n'.h-1in.mu|n!l lvuil’dfngs whi-r1 the air In imprrgmlevlfwilh mum: or nmimlrc, wbiéh inpiuhyrurmd'e", (rum the inside, alHiu nml met-II rmfle. ‘ ron smmsou' DEFKN, . - unwraps, Pugus. and n" ronfl‘und for walking on, thil nrdckr n‘nm‘crs fitr hem-r lhnn any Int-ml mar—~m h viii" beur Inch name without cracking o! hrvnkiuu. ' V , IL is eueilfi' applied ore/r old muxolzn HOOPS, c ' ‘ » mnwr'r “moms Tm: smsumh Also The 0115111225 edit. be formed ‘of tlhis materinl, nving the ex peune (“METAL ONES. 7 , The cost ofq-plyingit ii roryjighv. - nd any ordinary too! can be finished in Ihe same day. IMI PRESERWB YOUR ROiOI-‘SI ‘3 yoga TIN ROOF LEAKS, H? YOUR TIN ROOF HAS SMALL RUST-flOLES l.\' 31‘, IF YOUR TIN ROOF NEEDS IKE-PAINTING, IJQI'ID ‘ GQTTA-PERCIIA CEMENT . 'wil! efl'ectunlly rln’se up all the mnller RFST RULES. and fbrm n MFVy chum; béd) our the whole luff-see, that will panel“ “[75? will lut mun, yuu longer lhln ordinary Quint. ; - ‘ 1s v'on‘i‘snmamz i 200? mus, IF YOUR GUHERS LEAK, ‘ mun JOINTS known vonn cmmnvs . ,7 '~ LEAK, ; . IF YOUR SLATE ROOF LEAKS, cnxmuxp GUTTA-PERCHA CEMENT * rs - ‘ will completely fill up all the crevices In tho shingles, cover over lhc broken joinmin the tin and Allie. form permanently ndhelih, ~ehfllc coating around chimneys, Iky-lighu, claw-ad ii: I“ that situation will'omlnsl my om; article for this purpose no“I in nu. Th“:ll tide in A thick, tenacious compound of ' G UTTA-PEBCBA, Ind inmdienu and vitamin], in Europe In thc pm»: of Kytnizi'n; or preaching, wood in nilroul sunk-Jute: expand to momma And decay. nu very useful property tends direct ly to arrest Ind prevent decny in the “singlet, And will onen sue the necessity‘ for "wall can of putting 011.5 nu roof. I: I: 'on earth: a! I trill. ‘A ». . Y . .a-m the ’.bm 300 mm MATERIALS will be furnished to ' \ CHURCHES AND cmnaninx - st a redugion of TWENTY-FIVE in our. mom on: mun mm Lmnm ABBANGEIBNTB ( no: Vim nssmxsmu mama. fiermugg ud sums mu m. by Hail. Addnu.’ - jA ‘ BRAD! ROWING 00., mafim 95%.: a ) _ E..; p' “ M" 9? wit 3;: Qik =1 EEO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers