The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 12, 1863, Image 3

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    . Jon woonwm. - Granite Farm ,
A young wldlcn- whh h:- urvod more | FOR SALE—Ti“ ’“b'c'iher 0"" at prim
than I'o hm in ihe alluntfisth olthe‘ "‘9 “'Y‘l‘.’ ""'—“""“".”‘m “”3
3 ' V on whfcn-he reudei, summed anmberlx-ndl
Anny of the 305011100. 'lan "11°00 only lownlhlp, Adm: mnly, Pm, about. 1hr";
brother m. killed in the battle atoettyp}mil=- new??? at 9°".‘lh‘llf2. Idjoining.
burg, in a ‘90.!“ lelber l 0 nChesler eountj l lnndl ol Hm 3 «thing, Phi ip Snyder, And
, . ,’| others. The Farm coun-ml 75 Acres home or
gm'm'nv '1‘)": ' llnu, Ind the improvement; are I I A
ed“’l‘ho'_eomingclaclion in oursuto is lo'ok- ‘ comflormble STONE HOUSE, cell‘s ‘
. to irith n l‘mt dual of anxiot down ed hove. Inwerinn the yurpou
here. and if life wltliers of the “Olyd Key- ['of tin doth-q; Doubhg Log Burn, _ .
none” had n 'chance at the polls. Wood-I with Shed: .n Mud, a two-story Cnrpenterl
. '5“ ‘would be nu-tained by . a mu'ority “850 p, Blacksmith Shop, Ind nllnecruary out- ;
‘ vote.” ‘ , ' - hullulingl ',I we]: of water nenrgthh bousc,'nnd
- . -—-‘ ~-' 7” 4°.“ ‘-- “n- I thriving Orchud of good mm; 1110 Peach- '
‘Tho true Abolition-Remblican in. of: trees, Pugs, Grnrdel, :c. Aha}: l 5 A'crlfs no ‘
~ goo men ow In I out 30 cm: tun er.—v
itgttfnel; protfnlrng u: mfg; :50 “3°“ ”be. farming lung in in ggodxcnltivntivl, pro- '
°ru 9 * 8'“ 00“" '7 v ° " ‘f'r'iducmg equal to limestone land. , ;
{ow minded. lnmlemnt, proscriptive, gr»: ~Also, A TRACT OF 13 AOBBB, on‘ the;
'dy, “meddlouome in other men's mntteru,"iT‘“°Y‘°'“ ”‘4l "’° ““5 10“” of gun»;
‘ :r .- abnrg. The innpronmenla nrb A Two:
. Inlflahove ~all, ignorant of true .ihet'ly.|m",y an 9 HOUSE. «(hummer Shv‘Jp‘, ii
\ which comists Manuph in yielding rights ‘ Bunk Burn, all new; A 'm-ll of inter at l'
‘lO othen‘ As in claiming [him for our-v‘b',h°“'¥~ ["1“- Treat. 9'19", ‘“- A 30°“
when " portion of meadow and lumber. «
" fil’cnonl wishing to Ice the properties?
fi Inn- requested to call on the premises ofelther,
- Ithe mhsuihrr residing on the form.“ and Jacob l
»—- -_-., «—~-J‘~ ~_,— ' :l. Weikerl. on tho Inter. ' I .
G‘ETTYSBUllG—Sq‘cnmthur. I .As I impud going to the West. I will sell on
"5 so to 6no . vrrueimn-Me terms. NHN 5LYDER
............ !-6' Sept» 7.43853- ” -
_\n) 25 mi 30i "”"' ‘” -—_'_'— ~”‘~"~'
mnol 23; Real~Estate 'g .
3°lo 35' 'l‘ l'l'BlJl? SALE—in" pursuant-q of Ln.
.... 95 A alias llrrlvr ml the Urplmn's‘ Courhg‘!‘
--- 65 kahuna mum}, will he nll'nred ntfublir. Salu', i
3 " "s‘oll lhe prcmieee, an FRIDAY, the 21d day:
5 00 or uvmnm: my” (be um Estate of Pin-1'
1 90 10 3 51' , Ipnvremw: Inc of Cunning” township. Adnmal
l sL'.cuunly. lit‘l’uat'ui. ,ruvriislmg ul‘ 'B. LOT Uh"
. I'l "Q Gltlllixl‘..malu in liruslntovp. in‘ (vi-l turn-i
1 50 shin, containing 1 ACRE m" nun. be 'sth
'sumn mun- or ll::!.~.~linning lzmtls ol.l"eter1l
, ‘ ; Mmlc-i'mrn’l'hpmus Mt-Kmur , nnd fruntinthe':
......" 37510 5 37 Slain wall The ImprovenM’are a 9., 1
............. l 2:: :o 100 ..1(0..p.,.n.].u|,-.]r.t n L-gl uspm l
.. ~ ......,..........'............ wtol (‘ ‘1- S'I'UiLH, [Ni-"'mllll .‘illlxp..l guud ;
‘Q0rn;.........‘................... ....... l (m to l 0l . wen 1:1' mun-x , wnlr n pump in i'..nen|'lhedoor.l
”If! ...........‘...............LA........2.“ 5% to *0 Ther‘ )5 u uni-tr nl good lruiJ upon the
plan: 8233...“; 6 754}: z 60 , premiw.. The "itultitju u u gum! one for n!
imu’t I; l r...;.....'..........'-....£ 3 00 ('O. 111-merhunir'l‘ , V
E“! Cattle, pet 1111111-1....«...1'..fl’a_ s(m ’.o 9 _lOl yffialu la‘ < nmnwnc' M l o'rlork, P. M":
lining-er l!“"'i--'"4“"-.---------- d 50 u 7 Ta Von—maul d.x_\. “lu'n n!'¢‘ll-‘nnc¢:“l“ be given]
lluly¢u w 1026 no innllu-nu‘ii “Huh Lnuwu Ly A _ . I
“'l-‘ukry.._.,.... .. 51 lo Elsi —’ iUll‘lll. SHURB, Adxn'r. 3
(,hrm, _"-ruvinll,- per t0n......... - 80 091- ('l‘l. 5, lat“, u i I,
”"T‘. 1‘ "" “,’ "_~"‘""—l
' l I‘ vNotlce- - I
' ' :33“ To mm plum ERS.—The mammal
. l 00 WI "0‘ gives notice to all prrmnx wishing o "
"" 6,5 plnnt lruit lrrn, the coming s-usrm. .thnl g
“"”" fl. ‘ hm at his thlishmeqt, (l'luihfield Nurseril‘,
"""‘" . r 3 ' l.elrlhe Yolk h‘ulphur .\primu. A-lmns con ~l
--~'~---.---- = , .;3‘ ty.‘l’a..)ahon('fal|oo APPLE .'rmgas uuo :-
.........-.w...... 4 3:9 ‘..n: growl” n'ul about the swim," I
"""""'"”'""""" ~ ‘ humbgr of file marl lit yenrs 4
" "m“""“""'»""“"‘ ' ‘ 0” gruwlhmlll'Mylhri‘tvnndjn 510 ml !
___-1" , health, I hicb he well rcLlil tu prf— ~ ‘
MARRIED, . 4 96m wanling to plant at ll (outs pvr lr: (._hloghe':
(in the 17th \IL, b“ Rrfi’lfn H-m-r‘ .\lr. . numb“: I! led lhnu 3!).0, ur iruulemlv to pkg-l
.IUSI-il'll HULL m 4““ )flJlllll-I’l‘ll AN- , mus Malling to sell “(run in 5 ‘cenlé [walrus If;
1N Rh, both 4.1 Put-Elise township, York co. thc_\' “‘h 59° 0" "l'w‘ri’; 51h” ““‘siV-‘n ”v
- f _ .-iof u 121 mg “Ile or m stir-115:” ‘nht porn-1n: :lslul
-’ .L" “'" ‘’ ‘ '- ' ' 'Sereln unlznlxrs'ulmn one gr lII’ A’lug.
£3l ‘ bIBD- itrcc: lo the n'tmirir nf gov tun luu': than a“ l
, ”(Hiking nulices'li ucnts'pel' line for Ill’ ‘ 5 "Chit. PMVMI“! i' nukes but “"0105 of "‘l5-
in tr {our lines—cull lu nccmnpu'h; uoticc. ; ing them um] winding lhvmlhll'. Uthur fruit‘
' ~_ ‘3 and unmmrnzul (rm-u can hr ‘lmd also, mrll ns
l’tnr. Ui wry, Q time. .h'.‘ logrlher‘tt ilh (int; (-
nnrl Simwhrrn‘ plants. 1' WE. WlllGll'E.
Ugh 5, 13-.3. 3: ‘ .. , l
Rye {’Murf
While \\ hen
Red “:h'euhm
Corn ...... .JJ...
"It! ........./..
CLbA'erSec-d ~‘..«
Timdtny 5eed......~.......'....'..."...
Flux Seed ............ ............ .......
Fluent)! i'nxfil ................‘.......
Ilnuu grounn, pér‘ b5g..‘...........
niiffiid RE:F§II;; 1:1-
\g ‘ , H.A,.\'l)\‘E~¢-=-TuuuuAv LAIY.
‘ Flops, Hum; mum-u
Do. tl’muéalon-s
w J l
* “lIIQII‘ ...-......
‘- . AFN-"......"
.‘ ()n1fl.....-:V......‘.
> (‘l’hrrr 7513‘)!"
Tnuullfy ficexi
_7 ‘ ‘t'lus‘lv;
(in Tu_rndnv- morfiinir hat, in this plat-c. of
- I. Sliplh-rin, F.-\X..\'H-Z KNMHN». yn‘mg/ul dingh
“ « In' at Wlllimu uud X‘J'nuic 11. .\luCl'mu, ngvd ‘J
'. : > Jun! m-d '2. «ln‘ys. f
\ Un Snmnln} work. JUNK km'lSmnn of ll}.
" ‘ w \\'. Shil‘lcnn, «(this hm’ough, ngukl yunr and
1' - ’.‘lmomlu.’ ‘ '
‘ 'm. .Lhé m a.y ..r oa.. “mm mm.”
‘ [-2 .xuna'ru ’l‘m'l'l-ZK, aged 1 ylur z mums
MM 1,.i-Q s. __ A . , .
(m ”:er h “LL. l'm‘fljil. son of Jfihu a3”-
nc-r, nw~dfigiufltml 5 I;’\\".
Uu the lflhjfi'" N \l!\' JANE, dauphin 09'
tux-urge nn-lfinr)‘ .\un ”Inner, n'gg-d U mouths
wn-l 15 1153‘.
Hi: tho ‘.'.'«l ‘9' , SAR \lll3Vll,.dlhgl|ler~ur
~J (“mm nun-lA “and”: Slmk. ngml 7 yenra H
-mo».lh, [ml ‘l‘ duysx x ,
Un lhu Ltd ull . MN! ”I. mu M'Jnmph and
‘ Snmh Hnrklc, :igml i I uu/mh- md 20' days.
u" rm m ”.._“, Ha, (:Rmuua Imus, of
_ Cumin-thud tun (\fihlp‘ «gt-d alum I»? _u-nrs.
m. the 2atfl-Npl.,-‘ A‘l. u: Hmmu .1 nun
er u! ‘\\ “Ham and Mary .\un nhfcr, ur Unluu
“C“ n: "2% .‘3 -1 Ln .’
‘ “a ll: ' ... n<l . I'l lAIN-AWN!!!" Hr. SUM)?
' Nth DEL—f}. .Age'l .-2 yr-rg. I month: Ind Z.‘
Public Sale.
i \' SATITH‘KY, 1h» 1",.” 12...: (if VOVEM—
( ) Hall. luxfinJ‘u- sulr‘t'nbfif, Elm-ulur u!"
1. v hr: niil um! ifdaumnl'u' \lar‘z'vrrt Ron-er,
(lamina “in a: —r m num- sun-.’."! m,
’ 'uwm’uh. IJ-r'nnunigg im-lra- l i Hie-hall, of
4.! , . ‘ . - -
w um] Ilw-udrm m-‘A L 614,331". r in Hunting
~, ' Im. [Mini-inn, .\d'n m rt-ulqiT. n-ij lining lun‘di
_~ M‘Nuh‘uri \luuvr, Juseph 'l'rlu-mmT Lulu-l .\..
V (hung-4m] :uunul'il nuci‘vr. conniving NI
' .\l Nth} mun: «r l 6“. \u'lh «hu- pmpnriinns hf
llu; i~("l m Tmihrllml and \‘lcmlow. Thu
" im Huh mrntu » rr- 1.! mm um] :i lmlt V.
Swim Lug "UL" E Uunhle Lug .égw‘ ,
, Burnfl‘m; ('rih, um} 11 mm‘miu gin‘gfif“
‘ in”. uury Tenant “gun-5 '[hm-c ..~. _ "rm-3!,
' 'urr llzrrr tancnt 'sl-ringn oil lhc prmmuu,
_ ' him two Apple (‘rclxxrdh'mi‘l other fruit.—
“ Ihr Imm is in gum) (audition and—lb: fencing
-7 ‘ ‘flmn’ . ' i
Um. .A« TRACT ‘UF Last), cnninining 4
Arm-i: "hr; yr Ic-S, .'mjoimnz [he above—fill
(lurk-l. ‘ '7 ‘ ' ,
35‘."1e othar‘hnlf-h'lt‘c‘rest. in‘thet' trnr‘rz'
wrili be offered 51 IE: Lune umr. '
”hide In rumnrenue :ILI u'clnck. l’. M.
on mid day, when it ndance will be givennnd
I“qu made known » L
‘ 'l. ' SA-MUg-‘J: HOWE“, Exeunor.
:L. W. llrikt-I, Auru hcvh'
(in. 1:; 1151.3. 1: * .
\ A Desirable g?E’roperty .
i ‘l' PRIVATE SALET—iThe my animue
A 40!" plum-Hy, iii South Unllinmresvrel‘t.
neityuburg. nbw, acc-npied hylCol. "fining
_*ell, u ofl'ered If: Priute Sale.“ Incoming}!
":0 lots. on which, are erecled 3
~ cummodioua Two-story ‘Brirk
_ Dinning HOUSE, with A huge
two-nary yrick back-building, mg
upp‘cr rgom of which ia‘ luiuble for A school
room,‘hhrin;; been built for the purpose.—
‘ There {‘s on the lot 5 831 m, Cam-crib and
Woodohou‘e; excellent soft water, Ind I-mr‘ie
1y offimoicc fruit. trees. The building is vii-ll
adapted either for”: private residence or n
I!" u-dirg ind Day SchooL '
If the property is not said prior to the In, of
Déccmbrr, it will hi: for rent flfl.‘ ensuingyenr.
”Application may be‘ made to M. k. W.
' Md'lrnn, Gettysburg, PA. ‘_ . ’
i; ' mvsmfisor THE UNITED PRES- .
L" \ unwanum cuuucu,asrrrssvm
g? , \ 0e:.1_z,18.6:1. meet ' , '
F 5; . . - ‘ :Nohce. - .
.~> ‘ 081 ml Man's ESTATE—better! o!
L ' ‘.\ adminmmiou omheemceouoxeph Bum.
’ (.1, luteol‘Ggrmnny townsihp, Aduml co_,d(ceneed,
- hunting been gunned Co ihe undersigned; "5'
7“ mug in the 9mm: township, be hereby give!
~ ‘ee to a." personl indebted «Laid estate
u make‘immedinu: paxm’entfind thou.- ha?-
_ ing clxfiml. against. the same to firésenl them
._. proper]: unthentiuled {or settlement.
M 3 ‘ JOHN ELISE, Adn'r.
1 0:1.5, mas.‘ Gt - , ‘ l
For Sale or Exchange.
VERY dean-m} Gmsr MILL, with ‘
A 38 ACRES OF LAND, in Gem-ny
tom-"hip. l‘will ell'hlnge for a. Farm, '
lnd'pl’ the difl'flence, if my. I
' f , OEO. ARNOLD.
/.,¢ , (zany-burg. Oct. 5, ‘1863. u‘
, . ‘ All to the-'prrmhea of the aubscribcfi la
flountjpy torn-hip, Ibo!!! the In of Ang.,
two YBABLWG ‘CAINES, (Bull sud Hei!er,)
- _ white nd brown spoued. The owner in ro
quot“ to cgma forward, prove property, Ind
#A I"! ghal’tflv ISAAC LIGHTNEB.
.2 ' . 55,1883. 3‘ 1
ILLINERY ‘goomfi ~Bonneu, Ribbonu,
M Flowers, Shakers 3n! Bonnet anu
jun remind from New vi urk, chap “ Flhn
“managing“ the ' RED FRONT.
mama! a: ofigoub soup“.
, mu m: as e ire-crux.
”all” hum. at , I
05.3. Honm'flvugm.’
H, A ‘ ‘
__; _ K. 1 i .
m“. mnmpaan‘gmnka. ».~L_m.‘nuf..
Important Dacisidn.
g“ ihsncd 1 (inculnr prminhng [or the re—
‘mudipg 0t commulmmn mauvr in bus «beh
mvn werhdruhc‘i and paid their three hundréq
:duilnrs, wntlmm huh: unnamed, hu'ruhu. on
‘.emmumlmn, were tuunn‘i to L: l-fimpl; “Lo,
1 lhdsu who-bud “Human-s m Fen'itc Mun-1.3},
‘ 1861, nuJJw-mz drnftni. paid armmmm: IUIT
mun‘r-y. ”Fun; 1: “hole drafted the-n fur’fiifilrd
isulrslll'xlr_, umlrr tin-s: wrrumdauccs, luL-y'me
enmlcd In‘]! no rut .111 ch the uudant' M‘umlly
pui | fur o'fn‘h sfibni-um, 0n prgsuuiug (Irulnr
'lrlfllr. * A l
T AL' undersigned ni!l "mu-n." ‘wfure the
U mrd nL (“lnuhhcrsbuxg in helm“ of '.lmse {.l
- Elm Lu.“ plnue their cidim: tor Hafi
(uliun .in his lniuld. .\ud upuu l‘pllllCJNlHl (a
Inipu 'l'y magi! mll mlorm them what. \Qidruu:
gmd ufliJn"its mu non-nary to‘xlmr yaw.
Y “linndcriignc’d rvspvyrtul: <\ ‘g, - “ ‘
l ly ‘ffxt‘urms {he ranlx-nxxéz‘i‘i‘??? ‘
at Gcttysbu{gnnd \ icm‘g; .'lzul Libiéaiflfi
he has removed hi; W.\'[‘(‘ll .\.\ll Jl~I\\'lI!.llY
STOKE, Io xlu-ruom amurur Ilu- Junk, ml Yurk
Islreet, where hP‘llllcl‘ldS Replying nu :hsurls,
ulna-0101‘ “'ATI HES, JE“ l‘llllll'. .\‘llJ'EKund
CLUCKS,&¢., inc. ‘ n . ‘
l lfflx‘jng been goum-rfl-nl with n Frsf-clnu
I\\'atch and Jewelry Sun-c m llnlLimure. for
several years past, he ls [)rl‘plirl-ul m Suthish
every article in 1h:- lmc. ht lln- lrmy-sl. :in
Auul's torxnr, H. ~ M lpriles, and all pnrylmses u ill be guaranticd as
_\' pnrumncc 0! on ordt-r‘nf the ('6nrt o([’¢P'?s9med- . _ _
I (‘nunnon l'lens ofA-lnuli cnunlyfiyu ‘. 1'1““: Frqm along elrrerleuue'in Fulph-repmnng,
riex Thoma}: the defylulnnt m thei‘nbuxe ruse. espe‘flally Olly“: “ “Ches'fle '5 prrfipru-l m do
nre lll‘l’Cll) ‘huufivd und {fulllftllso nq-penr nt ull lnnds o! “ “‘ch-Wnrk [iron-p115“: the. be"
llm Cuurl uN‘ommun PICWS ttr‘l'u‘l hula ut Get-ranne'7lnd guxlramty thel.l’"r°r"l““'se OHL .
(3 (hum. m and {or All .ms 17mm.“ Moremid, Re “A”? kleel'p alway‘jg ”"‘l“‘."'l n [”39 ”50'“
on “UN!“ Y. In“ 14?le llzl‘fi’ n! _\'o VE“"ER nut, men} of sPhLTACLl‘.b..'an bppc-m‘
lo uum‘orglln: ,cnmplnizdufil'cvn flmdc againat l ”CleAGL‘ss?“ “"1 13""? "mm . . 1
>1”. ‘ L. , |cxpe;xellxic¢: [gt Tll‘npt'iug a {lnrm the sight, u
" And mu are also noti ‘ed at de osltio ' 'l’" re 0 “ ‘°-.“" ' ““m- '
Wm.” mhe read "5“,“ sth Jig! IIFAZR JE\VELm‘_mae lo unlur infille hes!
«have new in Conn vull lu- lulu-u M lht ufiite ‘, “319’ “Ed “ great Fur-“.‘." dfplxllerus "’“ ""3";
of .\. J‘ ‘l'hvfl'. Huh the '(_'(mim:gsim,,, “p? JEWLLIH l'k‘pllll'sul m thefin‘enxest "2“,“??-
jmzuln-d hr the (‘uurLl‘nr [ll.ll phrpuso. xma ' 1" JUbhl’ll Blfl 3““ !
brim: card (‘mnm‘za'qux on ’1 I'HSDAY, fin: thtysburg, 0"" 5" 1663' }f
N duy ul SHVHMUM: ncxtJn-UM-ru Lhr‘lmurs “’TH" 7 _ ' " ’
' J; W. momma s.
Axforney at {.alrl Chnmlmrsbund. l'l
Oar. 5, gm. JL - ‘ . ' -
‘ . _: --_,‘__-__3_-- _. ‘.--”...
. gouge, ;“ I
' _. ] lu‘lhe (‘nun (lanan
l‘lHLlP -_THO.\XAS, inmn Plans of .«Nmus
_ \‘s. ,rmuny. _\'n. 4. .\ug.
HAIHUEI‘ THOMAS |T., 134.15. Alia.- aub
} DnvurLe.
nl 1: u't‘hu 5-», A. .\l, and O 4 (fl-luck. P. l‘., of
Ex.“ «luy. unul z-u-‘w‘r‘lvd, n! “ar'wdr‘limo- and
phu A‘ gnu .Irc- requ'bwd in Mlegd. , -
SAMUEL “MLF, Fherifl'.
“"1. 5. ”‘l3. Oz' _l.‘ -
AD \315 5." ".'STY. 5:; ‘ '
z . kLzm “Pl-Inn‘s t'n‘lrt 31):“! at (it-tL
x", Q, " "E"; In a": l (u: sand county, ml
" lhr' '."M dny «5 Nnvwmlmr. A. 1).;
' &%E (m o her-”L thv Nnnnhhla Rubl‘rl
fir -' [NM and [Mil Zivgler an}!
Ira-w I-I “'srrmnn. Ealuires, Asso
ciate J‘udgrs. duly .Issigu-‘d, &r.‘ 0n motißn
at .\i. x \V. \lrt‘lcw. H-qhxfl‘. the (.‘uurt grant.
a Rule ulilln th.» hmH :Ild‘h'gnl reprgnnlatir'es
in'iuterc‘nt on the (‘St'llcol Anna MARSHALL,
lx‘ue ut'Mnuntplenyunl township. in mid coun
tv, decuscdf to wit: anoh Harshnll, Juh'n
Marshall 51nd Patel" Marshall, 'hrotlu-ra, and
Mary Marshall, I sister ofnid dec‘eased, m be
and appear at In Orphan": ()‘oun, to he held
at Gettysburg; on the THIRD MONDQY, (the
mm.) at NOYEMBI-Zfi. next, 1863. uhd accept
or refus'g to Accept {'s9 Real Estate at tbe_de
(rt-dent. «r the \‘nifiution, or—show cause why
the Mid Real Kink, of any. part thereol,
lhould not. he lold in cue they or uprot' them
should neglect or refuse to tnka tmflnccept the
nine. By the Court, ' ‘ -' ‘
’ JOHN EIGHOLTZ. k‘lu'k,
‘ Per $.ll. Excuonl, Deputy. ‘
Oct. 5, 1563. St. ‘ , . ‘
-Hunterstown Academy.
.. ter tel-Ii: offive months will eminence
UMMY, the 12m gtOCTOBER inn. The
Pgincipnl is ngmdunus of Talc College. Thole
Ibo have the inure-u oi we, Academy in
2, huge no 11de to Ipare fiq’ efl'orts neces-
Slary to rendet'il worthy or 3 generally puma
-13:. For pnrticulnn Iddrm Pgiucipall. . _
Oct. 5, 1563. 31* . '
‘ ~ Stray Cow! . _
AME to the preminu of the llblCrfll’fl", in
Gettysburg, DWI“ that“: of J nlygla‘u, I
R D COW. WM! white ape, whim su‘ipe on
but und while upon an fly. ,The owner in
requefud :0 come fornirdh prove pru-ty,
a] cnargu, and “he hp: nwnyf. ‘
Oct. 5, 1863. a: _
For ’Sale. .
VERY duinbhuPAßl. adjoiniig {he‘
Ajurougb ot Geunbnmponm‘iuing ~¢--
n 4 ACRES—Building! glad L-nd good. 12$
Will be sold on vuy manned-ting '1
unu- , .GEO. ARNOLD.
Genytbnrg. Oct. 15. 1863. u“ ‘
Restaurant forLSale. L
HE good will and fixture. oflmt‘flGeuyl
bar; Snloon," in Curlisle “teeth." of
lcted a: print: snle, and will bc‘sold a ban
gain. Fcr Rims, hm, Ipply Io JM‘ub Bush‘ey,
15.11., who will gm all un- infumutiqn dulreq.
1‘ . CATU nus]! WARNER. ;
oelslB63f n , - ‘ ‘ ' h
. Desirable Farm Orphan’s Court Sale l Highly ve ble Real Estate
I 1' PUBLIC SALE.4On SATUR’AY, the ;OF REAL ESTATE—In pursuance of to AT PUBLIC/SALE.—-t’)n SATURDAY, the
EA 24th dny of (JGTUBEF? init.. the mb- ord" of the OFPhSH’I Court of Mun! ‘ 31"- dfi!’ of OCTOBER next. the enh
lscriber will offer n, Public 5. 9'o. the premi- county, th'e subscriber. Administrator of the scriher, heéutor of the last will end test-ment
flu, A DESIRABLE FARM, situele in Cum. * estate of Funds A. Mchrm-d, deceend, till of Hon. 2th“ IcDivit, deceasedxwill oh‘er nt
.herlend township, Adams county, p.” .d_ offer at Public Sale, on the premises, on TEES. Public 5. 19, on the premises. the following
joining lands of Sunuel Cohenn. June: ilc- DAY: “19¢ 10th 53! 0f OCTOBER M“; “‘0 highly/MID“ RC“ Estate 0f “id ““691“.
unnough, [use bender: and Willi-m no", Rani Estate of said decedent, to wit: viz :/
;on the road leading from Getty-burg to Beat: A TRACT Ol" LAND,‘ lituete in Steuben , HE mxston FARE, known as “Can
denying, one lad . he]! miles from.the form"; townzhip, Adems county, bounded by the llsburg." lltoate partly in Liberty tovnship,
place, and:containing H 3 ACRES: more or‘ Corliale WM! nnd Chunthershnrg rond, end lend/ Adams county, PL, end plrt‘j in Emmiu'fiurg'. One-hnlf of the mud bu recently been "f Nichol” Shrivcr. end continuing to Acre}, dirtrlct, Frederick county. w, and adjoining
llimed The impmvmenl. are . ,more or less, trnproved with e ‘ lends of-Abrntnm Erin, ofA., D. H. Raymond,
”'04:”, LOG HOUSE.B-rn,nnd tTvo-storyl-‘mme BoeghoutDwel- Ind others, contnlning 400 ACRES, more or
other out-buildings; en Orchnrd ling HOUSE, with_B'wk-huildtng, len, Irith lnir proportions of Woodland sad
'0! choice fruit. Thereuseighteen l Log hbop, Log BernPCorn Crib, Marlow. Part or the [and has been lined—-
‘ecrea oeredow-lend,nntl two rn "fringe. HOB Pen, Wool} House, ‘ ’vnriety 0' You'll! ““1 ““3" i.’ ‘ .Litpestone QB"; on the premi
l on. ‘dv.nugeg hrising {min n roximtty Trees, Ind a'Well ol Wnter vita/pump con- 595.: “'9 “3"ch l! $004: and I,“ [Nd ll 11l
4,“ Gettye "g, the nullity of the loud, and its venlent m the house. / 3htgh.stnte or culttvstton,_productng the been
lndeptstiot to peeing, km, nre no apparent as fi'Thl‘ deilrflble PWP°"{°E°’3 many in- cat “"d ”l ”0"" The improve
ibnrdlp d, require mention. J 'm "u on ducemenu to pnrchnlen. / t is lituttle one Den" "9 i Thu-5N3?! (”HST
[terms to Snitvpurchasers—sey-one-helf of the mile from Lon?" Hill: 3 u“ “'o'“ s““"l’3‘ _IILL, "9“]! new, bu‘l‘fon the
. PurcbesJ :30 ey in hand. and the balance in town. "“1 2 mil“ "m“ nder'e Uh"'”h° most npprovexl ‘3'.“ “d m 5”“
fire ““51 nyments, without mum” 5 Q‘Snle tocomme'nre at l o’clock. l’. M.,oh rote order.runnirg two pair‘ol‘ burrs and A
fi-Sele tIo comnigncg at 1 o'clock, p. “.’l uni dny, when one once will be giten and pair or choppers. Also, nSAW MILL, neorly'
on ”in dark} If not 561,), I', will be rented on terms nude kpbw _y~ 'IYEI', ldjaceut to the Grist Mill, with the best
i .....egupnwc onl“!- , l - JOHN WERTZ, Adm'r. ‘| mnehincry, 11l complete. ‘ These hlnlls, being
' l I‘, GEORGE SMITH. {By the Court- ohn‘EiCh tl, Clerk'. . iwellgocated, (Ivro pilte wen of Emmitshurg,)
fiAny person desironl .0; purchising the [ Sept. 23, l 3. ts loud or A constant stream, (Tom's Creek,) en
‘above premile’e priprto th; du‘y.ofinflle, can do --"~—-r ~-*- , ——-———- .10: I urge run of custom, which they ere style.
‘o‘ by editing .t thqonce ofthefundenignul. Public Sale < ‘lw WPP'! ,M In; season 0? the teen ‘lhe
l OCL 511851 ‘9’ ~ W. A. DUNCAN. F AL ESTATE—In ‘pursnance of an '°‘h"..bmmmg'. '1” 3‘ TonS‘or.’ Stone "’ ,
l ”fibfi~_Sfll - A“:- l O ,rder of the ()rphuu'a (.‘ourt of Adam‘slnyd‘mg “005‘“! thl‘ivßack-bmlgtngsl. mm
, ‘ ‘ c 8. , - fcou ty, will be ofl‘erel at Pnhlic Sale, on the ‘, large [ink Burn, ‘ “‘9“ Shfdfm“
N THURSDAY, the m n»; of OCTOBER premises, on SATURDAY, 31m Ith day or 90'" (“lo Cum"!!! “035°; bP'lnz "on“,
, in'st., the subset-thenéttendtng to go to flC'I‘UBER next, the following portions at Rent .Smoke HMS" [.er. House, Will) “u other n.“
the_ wed,_win sell at. Public Sate. at his mi. EaLtte of Thomas A. .\lorshell, me of Humil- smmy‘ ,‘Wm'm’l'nfl; “‘0 TWO 135%“
deuce. in 9“"lele (aim-thin, Ad%{ tonhun township, Adams county, ,decessed, HOUSE? 3”“ ‘ COOP“; SHOE There '3 ‘
count three mile; southwest ot Gottysh r'g, consisting ofscteral parcels nflond,&c.,sttua‘.e' amen-failing well Of water "_ “I“ docr of the
lbetwefi:theTnpe‘ytownnutlEmmitehurgt-énds, in snid township, .1: follows, to wit: :dwchl'"“’ mm " splendid "m"! “WM“ ”‘°
the following person“ property, Viz: , .. No. 2: A TRACT 01" TiIIBER LAND, ‘nd- , house and burn. All the fieltls Me watered hut
‘ 2 FIRST-RATE n-msEs, one {our and the 'joiniug'lands of James .\lur~lmll,-John Rhea, ~‘“‘°- The” is '5 my thrivwz young Apple
other eight years old, .’{firet—mte )liloh Cobra, i tract So. 3, and. also the Mansion tract of de- Gram“! convenient, 1° ”I°. ”0““: “’“l‘ .1“?
l Hqiter‘ 2 Sheep,’ 1 Two and .'l‘hree—hm-seE tensed, containing 13 Acres. JOSJ’erchea. neat “'hffo'thnrds-“n‘lMb"'}"’“v°“ the l":"“‘"°5-
Wfigon, and Bed, ,with two sets of Wheels, measure. Till! tract is entered with thrhing 'T’”[ml"°"¢'l‘°“‘l3"r9""l "l 45‘1““) WWW-V l
brood and narrow, llggnt Tn o-horsc Wagon, Flu-stunt. Rot-k Oak, Blaskl~oak, kc. . This ‘ YMM” ‘ TRNJVOF “00095;” 039910“! an
Buggy, Sleigh (new) 9nd “His. 2 Sleds. llny tritt't will bclsold in lots. l "3 ”’“le I'3l"]. and canutmng ..b'n Ac-c<,
Carriages, 'ood Ledger-s, Fnune ~of a. line-1 N 033: A TRACT, knnwnhsthc “Ferguson ":0” or 1”“! “CM"? “0‘7““! ""11 {-‘hfSllll-"v
horse Wagon Bed, Threshing Mullins, Wm- Trnt~t,”mljoi.ning buds of John .\licklcy, John ”W'- L°f“s‘g“l'—‘k°r."- 310 d 03*. “lute Wk“
nowing‘ Mill, Corn Slicllcr, Rolling Screen, Rhea, and Trust .\‘o‘. 2. containing “Acres, ”Pd Ruck 0"“ “"19‘15 ‘,"” "W”Es‘ffi'l "' I‘m"
Cutting-bot, Grnin'r Drill, l’l'm'fllS. llnrrow', 133'Pti'vhes. The ititprmements , ' 3 ‘32:: can: two ”AAXT ”ULCLD on the
Double ud_Bingle"§hurel l'ldughs. Whenl- are 1 'l'wu—stur no r. l‘welling ‘ 55‘ ' V , _
mung, Grain auntie, Fm, Rakes, Shovels, . nous‘n, Log amine? BThere is .1 , l f‘“°~ -‘ TRACT. 0,? ‘VQQDPA-‘D. mum m
,Mhttock Mid i’ick,'llurufiss "f e. “'3’. descrip- ! never-[ailing Spring hfl‘u’utcruenr - !srud Liberty township. admitting Ltnds ol Geo.
“On. “ad. I! Wflgou "MFR?” “"3“." ““0638. the home, untl mud in all the liclds. ~ .\llfiut i "animus, “all?” “”l'r' Juln hlclntu'e, “"‘l
WNW” Saddle, Bridles, Riding Hridlaa, “'ll- 403 cm ofthisltmccurc cleirleud underfunse‘ ~ Olhl“|'s,'t(‘)nullfllllgl .58 Acres, more or‘ lus’
ltera,Cow Chains, to." Also, HAY hy’thc to“, the residue ii cat's-rod wtth thriting vonnfihmu'nnberud ‘l'lth Yellow Pop.:\r,.( heat—
Corolodder. Corn by' the husltel, Cast-steel Chestnut, llickory', he. ' '» ‘nut, ‘ e and RM 0““ 1‘03““ and “Kim”:
Cross-rut 31w, Unrpenter‘ Took, llhtckamith, :' gm 5: A TRACT. conteininéc Acres, Mowfa'h“ "“c' f?” huffing-1m Elelma- I V
Tools, Axes, M‘aul‘nnl \VPGHL‘M Wgod Saw, 3‘ or less ndjotuing lands at Susan Folder, and ' “5°25 b “in“ ”F DPULK m the “ ”a”.
Log Chums onld ,otltcr C‘hnins. UM iron, Duu- , aware.‘ - ‘ , , ’ggrl’dy ("“0"“‘5115 ““4 31"““13'1'3 'lurnptke
ble uud Sing e-trr-es, Spreaders, be. .\lco ' .\‘o. a ‘ . 3;: GE ['39 I.\'FAIRPIEI.D ‘ t ' ' , . ‘ . ,
Household and Kitchen l-‘nrnittrre: 2 121'." “omit; «,tltgfémhnegr'm. and hound-ml h;l .TLe \l-um‘nn Thu" ““1 be 032"“! "1"";
“BAGS: (Turner Clll’l'Oi‘rfilngll‘u Sink; .’. “24- lot at llkuiel llivserlit-r. mi Which are ::ii:(l.lha”r'rllle tmprOtemeuts, or (invaded, w “1”"
stende, 3 Tables. 2 Stan:ls.(‘h:tirs ‘_' Cookie r ”,9, fl‘ ' x h' -k )tvelli [fa ,‘ '"".. ~ , _, .
Stores and Pipe, Ten-plow Stow. l'nrlzfr Steffi lltlL'Sl'} tx'equhz:iszdjn lliitclrlen,Willi-u 1 E‘Tfl'mh of the a"; of “ oodlnnd "I“ he,
find l'lpe. Crficherg “I'll QueflN-fi'flfi‘. “Gillie Sprint; llouco, :tnrl other improvements. / fl one-hnlfuf the purchase money full on «lay
Vessels. Tubs. lsétrrcls. Stueage Cutter, Apple WWI“ 1,9 sold a; the I,“.st Tract, “‘o‘. “Ale—“‘s4P“ ‘9 [1 "WM“: "9" “PPM”:‘I
Grinder, I'o9 WEN“ POW-Ind fl "Niel!“ the uuue dxn' u qtuntity of Unit Boar-ls security fl." interest from date. l'or terms_of
olher article; so’numerous it: mention. , 5‘15“;- . Lathe Shingles Lt‘cust APO”; ‘ ‘3'”; :“M‘L'mq . “79"”; “C ”If Executor, “‘“d‘
lwsitle wCUthheliw til. it! ticltftk, A. IL, ‘p; ink k 2; " ' . _ 1 ’ will]? hmtnttshurg, Wh?_Wl" “"9" 51W" the,
or: said tiny.- when nttcndn'nt-e will be given “2’15““ 10 conimenee At It) n'c'urlpA. .\l ;P‘“‘i 7;“? to TNT-W“ daslrmgto ‘39" then. 'l‘
“"33"”‘5 “Nd" fugue l'." ‘— i ot'nml d w\', in. w' it-h houi‘ lh‘c Adminigtrxtor: “ ‘wzbdde. tohcotumence M lfl_;)lti)lut'lf,'.\. ME,
,wlll‘ 1110.0! pt‘r‘on'ét desirous of etttnding the 341::umgi.£‘nofifnn3:ndume m eguonun l
Ellie at the Munich lltmae '0! the drctzlsedv: , ‘JUSEPUJ’. .\chlVIT Executor. '
«out Much th _\' will Immediately proceed to‘ “mud“: S ‘i'b Auctioneer - .’ g
,te tracts ohm-l fur enle._ Attendance ult‘eh ’‘l ~ 23 "is .3' t ' - l
iand term: made n 0... in, t ' (WM-I J g ’ 3 “-‘ 1
' ‘ . .\IES IT. \I. . .
l ‘ ' line's .'llAßblllElflfLL’ ' ‘A Good Farm 1
' ' 'Adminietn’uarg,’ [VOII, seteyrhe‘auucrieer 05ers at Pri-
By the Court—John Exchultz, Clerk. ~ 1. “l“- va l“! ”BM. “mm m Mount
rcpt. :23, 18m. to , ‘ lpl ,SilnhlUu-nihlp, .\dams county. on the road
‘ fqolln honnughtown to Littlentown, ethoinmg
land‘s of John Sltecly, Samuel llnfl'tnnn, lle
(tillers, conflicting los,Acrcs,‘ more or less, in
it} fine gtitte of tultiuttion nn'tlkundcr [good
tllncing—uith 'due p‘rop'ortious nl Wuou‘luml‘
et'l Meadow. The improvements are a large
Two-Story STQXI': HOI'SH, with tr;- l
“.Iclt-lutihling, n latgeLog Bun. .345 , l
Corn Crib,‘“’.lg ,n Shed, (Luring/c- _wmi;
House, Syflllit House, with nu u: 1:” “‘92:
cellent well of water and eeterll spring: on ‘
the firm. Ali‘o ‘a goal Apple'Urt-hnrd, with
other trait. The property I; convenient to
churches, school-houses, mills. he:
ii’rrmns Wlnll'lrg to \‘lru‘ the pretnisrsme
ffltlul’ell‘tl to coll on the undersigned, reeiuing
thereon. *‘ \ ’ l
N. B.‘*—Th_¢ above are motll)‘ mlughle nrli'-
£193,1111r595 and cows ‘eqmci 1113', and will be
sold,“ uho'uifiny exception. '
{UL‘L 5. 1363. is '
Public 5316.
N FRIDAY. the 234 dJ)’ of OCTOBER
0 next, the sgf-smwher, .\ugmislmmr. of
the estate of Henry”. Thunms, {dam-gum}, «in
no” M, Pumic 5.11:. M du- hL‘r r'é‘sidelféc 01 said
Jrced In, In Meuulien’tounehip. Avlnms roun- g
‘s', about, 2 Judei nyrlhvnst qflAz‘cuduulm,
(hé tbll'mvi'nfl’rrsoxml l’rnpetly. Hz: J. -»
ONE COW,‘ (Tali. 3.5 mm of Hues: ne‘dsaml
nodsficnds, ’l'uhlcs, ijirs. (lurlzcr I'uplonr3,
QM“: QuaenS-wurp,‘ ru‘ th-Eure,‘ hon Kel
lle, Meat. Vessr la and Barrels, unl dilu-r nrli'glu‘
nt Household Furplture. In .2, 01an and
BUCKWUEAT. hv the t-thel i n In: nl 30.55”"-
MI. Bunnie, Ceiling huh, l’uéls k-lhxls, Dou
ble “4519] Gun. and many ulhcr ”was, :01:
nfuncruua. m mentmn. . ‘ ' ‘
WSdlr in L'Ulnmuan‘ nt in o'dm-Jg, A, AL,
.31ka attendant» I I} he gu‘eu mm lt’l’llh In-ulc
kuému by ' “mums l". 'x‘Lml m,
chré,’ 1863. is A-lmm:.~xnuur.
Q Letters lesmmé‘um . on the gsuuc ,0!
John Jacob Keefuuver. lulc'ol‘ Cumberland lp.,
Admins co., deceased, hm'ing horn grnutrd In
due imiersig'ucd, residing in .\lounljuy tp., he
hen-E] gives notice tn uH perqouh iunlome-l
10 said-‘e‘stgte to make imml duu - pn} ment. and
lhosé having claims Mun! the same l‘u present
them properly authenticated fnr setlln-nnem.
‘ ‘ JACOB KEEFAUVI‘ZR, Executor.
Oct; 5, 1863. 6L ; .
testamentary qn .the ' estate of“ Jacob
Schwartz, hue ofG'e‘r‘mnny («p., Adams ‘boq de
ceased, having beu'n granted to theiuuder
signed, resiking in Xmintjoy township. they
hereby giv¢ n‘otice to all persons indebt
ed to said 'utue‘ to make immediate phy
ment; nhdjhose having claims against the
same to present. them properly nutlieuucuted
for leftlemt-ut. '
~ . nsxm' scusmmz.
Oct. 5,5863: 61." Excuflpflru
J oi administration of the estate of Juli}. Ann
Dysert, lug of Germany township, Adam: cp.,
deceased, luring been granted to the unden
sizned, residing in the same township, be
hereby give. initiate nil pereonriudebted to
{mid estate to Innke immediate piymant, and
hgle having clnims Igninst the same In pre
|ent Ihomp‘roperil uthenlicated. for settlement.
(EEO. W. SHELL, Adm‘r.
#ll3. 3;, 1883. 6: ‘g. ’ .
• Notice.
mm "at. moms; ESTATE—Letters
of ndministntioix on life estate offlen-
I] A ‘.fi‘immna, Rte 0! Menallen my, Adam:
cohhty, deceas‘ed, bawiug been grained to the
uu‘detsignefl, ruididg in Butler _township, be
hereby givh notice to ill penons indebted to
Mid um ‘lO make immedinte pn:mept, sud
thou; hayingchims spins: the same to at
them prop 1y luthamfcnled {or unle
Aug. 31, 1863; s: v . Admins: .
Partnerslnp stsplved.
HIS is’ toggive notice that the psrmers’hip
between the undersigned “flu dissolved
on the 11th of April Ins}. ' .
. BeidingtpuSept. 21. 186;. 3: ~’ .
medium-u purpose: only,“ the New D_mg ‘
| reof DLR. HOMER. ‘
SAGO,,Arrowfiooc, Com Btnrchffiice-flom
and Gel-tin, for late u Dr. .HORNER'S
Drug Sum. « . _-‘ '
,lUS‘I' teciiiod ni‘PXC‘KINQ'S Spring and
f Sum‘mgryam‘. ~ Com one I!!! 1.
10mm: mm ‘ tu'm ma Bo 4:...
(1 he I's}! 11. .3)? 1 ”351%.
ARY CASSAT’S ESTATE.-—Lctler=‘l¢!-
BI mmermry on the chute 0! Ma y (J‘nssnt,
lute of blrnlmn luwnehip, Adums c mly. d:-
cwik-L inning. hot-u gr‘nnml tu lie undo!-
sigued. residing in the sumo tow ship, ho
bL-xehy grin": uufice lo a“ purwn»; indebted
to suiviyeqatr‘m Innlze'immml‘mw puny: wit, and
those buying chums fiaflilbl {lw nuns a pungent
lln-m prvln-rl) Jutncmicucd (our selfiemvnt.
, J. C. )u'l'J‘lLY, Executor.
sun. 28, IQIS3. 4.: ' _ v
EORGE .\RVI'HJ) lnu nuw rzut n": his Full
G :Innl \Viulcr film-Km Chilling, UH: hrgrst
:‘vn'k in tnxru,‘ 60114532”; or i '
Liner "mun. '1 '
UL”: (‘o4'l‘ ' _ '
A Small Farm i
OIL SALE —The subscriber. flcsirous to‘
F turm on 'a lnr‘zcr spilt, oifx‘rs at Prnme
uMe his SMALL FARM. con(.linin,z “bout 40
ACRES, and will disyose cfit' on very rmson- K
uhle terms. I It is siumcdf}! miles swath of‘
‘Grllyslrum, mau- the Erurpitahurg road, nd-l
7 V . _‘< ~ VA _V n____ _4juinil)g jJnds of Aieuuuer Currensplliclmel“
_. -Bushnmn. and others. The improwe- wt-Et
F ”18113-811358 85 Buehler, Imam-(lran gnnd order. It is Mmimhly EH? :
" ‘ “ 3 ‘ x ; , calculated furu. Nursery. The Timber, 14],“ 1
D , 90.”: -\-\D L 1 .\IBER, 1 “Imm and Fruit are all ;u nbnndupce. J. ~.’
8' T. 0 V In' S , . ' JACUB HEAMER. I
{Sen-t " ' ‘ q
\ blulnre: f‘nntt, , ‘
HAHN!) Hlnuys nnd'T‘ ”3'5,
’ Pnnmloom, VeLts.‘
Us?!" and Dru-Shirts, Draw‘rrs, "Tiny,
(Hun-s. &c., in great \‘Mivtv, all nfwhim mil
be said cheap In: cash, Call and see. them.
hem. BR. 1563. ‘ .
TINJYARE, 11(uLLO\\'-\\'ARE, kc. , irv-rh7y1363~ 51* ivin town—Coffees, Sugirs. Molasse}. Syrn'pa,
. - -—— ALsn - . ' l ' 1 . ‘ . ‘ Tens, Sell l-‘iah, $O., with Potatoes, Beans, wind
suurTms, BLISD§, SASH,- mo. ! Good Thmgs from the Clty! 1m“; Wo‘oden Ware, put up mum best Imin-
Cm-uer'oU‘mlialv n d Railrnml Ali-eel; 0: o‘. K , .1? “1:1: rccéivin‘g “mu: :1 week hum the ner; Tobaccm, chflrll, kin, kc. ‘ .‘ ‘
site “Hum“, mini, GETTYSBI'RG, 1:16? i‘V L‘ilya vnriity oi mticles suited to (be LIXRMERS, TAIIiE NUTICEI-Jl {on .Wigtnt
Sept. 33 1353. "- l .lw‘nma of this community, viz :1 Fresh nnd Salt; to My in your liquors fur lmrvefit, now is the
' ___ - , ‘ HHS“, Hams. fiiioniders tud' Sidcs, Hominy, I tiyle. K have mnnv brands of Whiskies. Bran-
Iflénns,~Snlt,_—\pfiles, Potnt6l-s_Ornnges,Ll‘mons, flies, Wines. and all other llquorl, which I am
;C6nfegtiune,’ 'l‘o'baccus, Sag-us, “Ml uuiixydispnilug of M Ihort. prQfiIBI Give me :1 Clin
‘otiler articles i this line—[ill received in the '1 ulnys try to plank-mil When I very 9f
béstmdor, :m'd old a! the haves: prafita, Give _ tail Iticceed. Reme'lhe place—warhead
'us a call, in B llimorc street, nearly opposite corner of th: Diamo leuysbnrg. _ _in
lFflhlléslocks' 5! re. 1 ; 4530. l". KALBFLEIDCH.
H“..'§.\.TElX. fuller, Eggs: Lnrd, “lg-21111
‘bflg'er caunu-y oduce—‘t‘or which the highest '
wish price will he paid} ‘
ISWEET _I’UTATOHS—hent quality, at Inw
eqq living prnfita—alwnys‘ on hand. A 150,;
0 'STERS. fine and flush—in the’ shell or.
_sllocked. Restnulaula un‘d families sufcptiod, i
.. Gettysburg, Muy 18, 186.3. 3m
, New Goods.
EHRGE ARNOLD h sjust received from
q Philadelphia. :1 hr —stuck uf CLUTHS,
(‘.h smmns. (Iver—con ugé. Unsfineti, Ven
ings. Flrsnncli. Mudifl, J ‘us‘. Jun: all 0! which
wil; be sold chm, for gush. _Call and ummm‘h
5ept.28,1863. , ‘ ~_ l
, (Nance. { .~., 1
NE firm of Drs. PRESS.& TAYLOR is.
T hon-J); di-zolred bymutunl content, on
Svptémber lSlh, H 563. .All persons lun‘ih:
claims agaimt m indebtrd to mid firm will
plmse present them La Em. A. J. Cover for
mljuumonl. , § ,
informs the iyhabitams of (i'ettyshurz ind vi
ciulty that ht inll continue the practical uflhis
profession at the old stand, nut. unur ’tn the
Compile-r Ufiicr. (h-nysburg, 1'!” Thankful
for par! lu‘ors, he begs to. receive n share of
fuwre patronage. [sepl. 28. ”63. if
. Dr. James Cress,
‘ QLECTIC PHYSICIAN, Ilu‘kful'l'qr pnb
lic palrounge heretofore eernded to lliih,_
iulurms his‘fricn-ll that. hg ‘l'il continue Jhe
prnctlce of his prolessiuu in Gun-shun": and
Vicinity. “Ecle'qtic” menus to clloosdor Irlect.
Hence, we “lest the boat, safest and must re
linhle remedies from 11l other aoctnrinn mull"-
cul schools. which have been raccommended
from the experience and snncfiound by the
practice of the iblestiEclectic Practitioners,
and discard those moré injurious, such as an
timony, Arsenic, mercury, blue pill, bload let.
‘tingz. kc.
Office in' the east end of York «Rx-eel, in the
quelling owned by Henry Welt]. '
f‘ Gettysburg, Sept. 28, 1863. Elm '.
’ TTORNEY AT LAW, Guns-um, PL,
will attend to all profusion“ busineu
en-mmod to hit care. -
Urns: :---0n Wen liddlo street, next door.
to the Court-house, in the room lately occupied
u a Law ome: by W. B. McClellan, th” dec’d.
Sept. 2!, 1863. 6:1 _,
admiuiptmuon, with the will annexied‘
on the estue of David Johnson, hte=pf Lit};
more lwp., Adm;- ro., deemed, having been
granted in the undersigned, residing in Run;
pingwn township, be hereby given notice to ail
persons indebtod to said astute to make im
mediate payment, and than buying chin!
ninnu the ume,to present them properly
authenticated for nulemenu , A
Adgn’r with the Will Innox‘ed‘
_lSept. _l‘, 1883. ' 6t
\ ,Gettysburg Marble Yard.
M GETTYSBURG, P.l.—thfo Ihey an
{nu-pared v.O furnish all kindl of-work in their
inc, such an MONUMENTS, TUNES, HEAD;
:STONES, MANTLES, kc.l at the Ihones} no.
I ticei, and so cheap I: the’cheapen. Give a h
‘ csl . A
S‘Produce taken in uch-use for work.
Gettyslwrg, June 2, 1862. u
, tiny. It SCH FPS.
AB (net! variety)". ‘ ’
U i _ I'XCKiXG'S.
Clothin g.
Dr. Wm. Taylor
H. B. Woods,
.Lpusgsot‘m', JR.
Aug. 31, xsc3.. «r.
Wat Ches, Jewelry. k
ND SILVER-,WAnfi—Jl‘he undersigned
4A Would respe‘ctfully invue gour rmonuon
to his we” selected stark of Fine Gold and
Silva “'K’l‘CllEfl, Fine Gold JEWELRY, o‘f
ei'ery kin‘l and tanety of myth—comprism'g
a“ «If the; non est. and moat. lienutif‘ql designs.
‘Also,>’oLll) SILVER WARE. "pull to l'uin
--nnd the best make of SILVER PLATED
WARE. ‘Each nrticle is warranted to be an
r‘epreemgto‘d. ,
”Watches and Jewelry cnrel'ully Repaire‘d
and satisfaction guaranteed.'
. ' (Succeskor to Stnufl'er A: Halr!ey )
; . N 0.62? 3mmscreem'mxudm.
‘Sept. 7, lsoa. 3m , .
i ' The Secregtary
F 'l‘nE TREASURY Im, ..umorm-d‘ me to
1 continue my Agency‘lfor a brief period,
nlld until furthcr noxice. [1 shall continue to
rcceige Subscription to the -
1 5-20 Lugs A'lf‘PAß. ’
at my office. and M. the amateur. Sub-Agenda
throughout the Loyal Suitep. '
' JAY (room-1, Submipuon Agen',‘
i . 114 South' Third Street, PLila.
flu], 20, 1863. If
1 , ' {umber-land
0R SiLE.—The subscriber ofl’en for m!
41 Acne; of Timber-land, in Franklin
tqwmhlp. 3 miles south-welt of Cashtown. on
the real leading from John Horitt'l to .\lun
shcwer'a tavern, THE 10: is well oovqred with
(‘hemutg‘lbet timber. It will be\§old in
lqu, or can , 10 um. 'purchaaera, nnd‘i‘t low
price. Also, 911 band sud for lfilfl I kit h‘idry
Uhunm Kaila Ind Locust. Poul. ‘.\ ~
Apg. 17, 1863. in; a “3
§ ‘ 0 Yes! 0 Yes! ~ 1 ‘ Pamphlet Lam. ~ '
. BE undereilned offer?“ lezrice! to the “THE PA‘PHFET LAWS "f u“ 8““, 1""
iT pubhc u . SALE ‘RYER, "a nah ‘ \ been r'ecerved- 8!. "ll! 09390,;an are now
‘1 m“) gum-e of encouragement. He Jun bad rend; for dlnnbuum: among those eni’Jtle’d to
lconslderubie experience in the business, andV "F 33." t‘Mm- JALUB BUSUEY: Pfflh {
[gee]: configznt (In: I); will gig entire “th-? 8 ,'-- “v 1333- 3E
5 notion. urges no cure. , is reéidence is ..“—’<'——_‘__——"""‘——"'
in Freedom township, 1} miln west of Bread: '‘ t \ AlB &. Been. ' .
u‘ . - 4 REUBEN count. WM. 3310“ an Wu; Middle street,
* %.14, 1863. 2113* ‘ ’ appetite Mr. Herr’s, receive; a regal“
!,-.‘.‘.‘...--__. _ \— -—___————— supply of READLVG ALE and LACIE“ BEER,
‘ ‘ Notice. which he ke‘epo cool and my nft-ely. .Thil'
. 01m BUCHBR'S mum-mum of “JIM“. mowemn‘ 11° dfiemi minim to
‘ ninidnu‘on on thr “lite of “bu-39¢”. ' bnug : ml) share. of publw panama, 3"
line of Franklin township, Adam“ county, de- '11! 3P3” 0° 9gb” to T 8923“ 3 ' .
Ice-sedmmiug Leo: gmnEd to‘lbei'nnderiigned, 40°“.V‘bul'gv GN- 7, . t ‘ a
i widow of deceue ,mi in; ut. name to» n- "““"‘ ”W
thfp, She hereby git)” notice In I!) persons in- CArfiEecaOEtstflg‘afi‘l3béklfg), “gazed
debted to mid esuue‘lo make Immediate pay. I: [led Front - 3 to?
meat. and flmw hating chime, against Ilse 'e, ' ‘ .__ _ - 1.
.sauue to [me-cm. them properly authenticate! ALMORAL lOOTS.—“Klta,' when dlti
Im.- totllrmeut. SK'SAN nucusn, 1B ,0. 3“, though” 311qu m?" "A:
bcpl.7, has. at ' .\dminismtrix, ’ ‘ - mm 1",”
I .
; Valuable Real Estate
1A 22d thy of OCTOBER next-fin pun-Hum,
ul n Order of the Orphnu's Court of ARM"
cqnnly, the ufidersigned, Admim‘atr-ton of due ‘
estate of Andrew Brougb, Due ol [leading
township, Adams coanly, deeeued, will offer
er Public Sale, on the premises, 1h: uluehle
zTRAO'I‘, 0!" LAND, huly occupled by “id 1
: date-used, litulued About. one Nle nogth of
Hlmplon, on the old lensllen rosdmouldning
114 Acres, more at less,wilh sufficient Timber
and Meadow—adjoining lands or Amlrev i
Brough, Jr., James Townsend. Jecob Kilian:
Ind others. Tlné met is well watered by A I
small elrexlm pusin‘g through it, Hid} number
a! springs l; the fieldu. The ill!“
>provemenu- no I TWO-STORY .
} building, Bunk Bun, Wagon Shell
and Con Crib, end other out-buildings: the
good well: of Int" one u: the-Horne and one‘
at the Bern. with pumps in than; with 11l Ap- -.
ple and Peach Orchard. find other (ruin. Thii ,‘
Perm is handsomely shunted. Iml h of the}
GRANITE SOIL. It will be ofl'rred mimic or,
lin several para, u may best suit. pu‘rchnse . 1
! Al5O, :1, TRACT or wuonuxfi, “£ll-;
' inz the abovemud lends ofJucob Smith: Jacabi
Miller, and others, containing '1 Acres and 56
Perches. ' ' , ‘1
fil’monl wilhing to View the properly
In requested to call on either of the Adminio—
mnorsF-(he first. nnmod residing “in Lnximoro
wwuahip Ind the hut in Gettysburg. L
WSnIA to commence at. 1 o'clock, P. 33.,
oil mid day, when,anondmu rill b 9 given
and tax-nu made known by
0 .
By the Conn—John EicholuLClurk: ‘
LLSepL 28,1863, u ‘_' . ' ‘ '
Public Sal'e.
1m: Imagined will on” u: runw- 831-,
1‘ on SATUKDAY,zhe.I7Ih of OCTOBER
Int-kl, on lhe premises, that VALUABLE FAR“,
situate in‘ Mmmlplensanl township, Adam;
county. I’m, the law residence of Anthony
Smixh. deceased, adjoining lnnds at Henry J.
”funnier, J. E. Miller, S. H. Smith, Ind others.
conuinivl-g About 108 Acres of pile-Led land,
fll-ylll. 20 acne: 0‘! which are covered with
lne‘ \‘y Timber. and «Jill: portion of Maduw.
Tire improvemeutnre n‘lnrp and 1
co formhle llriLk DWELLING l :.:
ng‘llh‘li, lurg? lhmk Hum, orally I I
new, Wagon ShL-{lyilh Cum Cfihs
attached, Shop,_aud all néeeunry uuLbnld
in“. There is it fine Orchard an the premium,
A Well of water at the door and a never-(ailing
spying cnxwvnient. The hull hm: helm: lull-n,
some th rez- limvs hemjilyllnmed, I: under gem)
Icm mg, and in a high slut: of‘l‘llll9llllofl.7
I’m-cons wishing m’vxew (he prom-Hy vamdo
so hy culling on F,- X. S’xnimJu-idmg thereon.
.‘fgg‘finle no cummence at l b'cluck, P. $l.;
03‘ said day, when Kuendaucc will bu‘gii‘eh
an‘d terms nude known by ‘
F. x. S\ll‘m,-/
p. c. mnTH.’
Sept. 21,1863. 9.:
Notice to Asseasors.
‘ HE Asscvors éleoled a} the Springélecfion‘ ,'
up hereby ninja! to adind gtthg (Jom- .
missiunetn" Offiu. in flag botugh of Gags-n
butg, Io receive Blank Autumn: Dupiiiagco'
and 1h: neqeuary imtmbtiona, a: follows: i ‘l}
The Assesson of Union, Cur.owugn,zBerwipk,
Bern-ich Borough, Oxford, Humilwn, Wing, '—
Mouutpleasnnt. Gd'mmw; 51eran and Mnunt
jug". will "131‘ on WEDNESDAY, the “Hill of:
UO'TOBEa‘m-xt— , ‘ '¢ '. 3
And the’Aasesaurs of the Borough offlqttjn- .-
lmrg, Cumberhnd, Freeaum,» Lilierty, Hpmil-‘V
lonlmn, Franklin, Bun", .\lenallen, Tyrone."
Hun'inzton and Lutimort‘, will attend 'ouq.
Tuunsmv, the mu: orocronaa next. ‘ ’V
‘ By order 0! the Commisainners, ' l
' fl. M. WALTER, Clerk. ‘
, Sept. 2!. 1543. m 9 . ;
J acobs’s saloon Revived.
AHE uudi-rsignrd hure lam-{133 'Jkubs‘a S's
. loan. in L‘hnmherslturg smut and inland
to keep it in the best style” hoping Um lei‘:
pul-lic will appl‘eviuthhuxrq-lfifii lo'phmsc 'lyy
giving: Ihen": It lurgv putrinmge. They will re
ccil'e. OYSTERS regularly and do ll up ,i'lx
an Myles;,Y()i‘.\'(l CHICK £55, Ime‘tma,
[Hg-M .\NI) EGGS, and almost every 3: limit
innivtbe'cnlled fur, Will he beri’ed. Tin-y will
“up keep ALE, mum, PORTER, WINES, kc.
Tl}? ate determined to do ‘tni'iggs up- in file
1110 g desir~ble manner. und‘TL-d certnin jof
pleiuing all who may null. '
E - , - xuinuus‘ conomLm,‘
' v " JUSEI‘H' SHORE. ' {
Gettysburg, Sept'Jl, IMB. .' ‘ ‘
4.4.. .7... ~. ___,l »—~ ”_._—“4‘.
'y ~ One and All, l
ARE NOTICE.-Thp undersigned wmlm
T any to'.thc public that it: is tea-Wind a
large and £piendid stock -of GRUCERMS.
which he wlll sell as law as any otfiher hoqse'
May 25, 1893
‘ Come Wlfzh a Rush -
,HE undersigned would mo=t respecjfnlly
T infurm his army friends and flu- p'ulec!
generally, that he has for“) i'nlo_tlle lllochingt
businessmt smnion’s o d stundjn [IR-Dnmumd,l
unyshurg. 1’». His stock, pulrgndy full,“ illdnl
mach enhrged, to embrace crery— style of
. cmrmxn, 3001's. SHOESJ HATS, , .
Cups. Trnnka. anicu; f‘loeku, Wl‘rtclu-aLJeVT
elry, G'uns, Plstolx, and, in short, créryxhing.
which ought to be found :1! A first class Clothing
and Variety House. ' 1
Particulars hernfler. In. the menmivn; ho
inv‘itcs cverylmdy/ to at" him a énll.. He iii-l
tends to keep an perfect I n'mck am acacia-j]
mbdna all—rad. with the bone otlnrge ulu.
he" hopes to make a liriurnt smnllprofim. X 0
trpuh|e to aha-.'.- goods, and every effort wads
to‘uuisfvr buyers
IJune‘llnllz3b3. If V
All Invited.
‘HE undersigned have this day enter‘cd into
I.'p.lrtnerahip in xhe Grain, PmJuc-‘e and
Commission ’busim-u, at. thy old Kfiuefcllér
housg conic: or SLMOn and human streets.
The highest prices in cash paid Im- ‘ '
'.r ‘ BYE, CORN, ‘ ‘
" , ‘ OATS, sums. ‘
1 , AND‘ ”.41". ,
I Ali kinds of Groceries, Gunuus, PM». Salt,
npd every other urlirle _nsnnlly {quud in our
line of bulincu, I" of which wifljn luld
whole-sale and reml; on the lowan term..-
‘QnIl audsec us, and satisfy yourselves that
it. is rally [O. -
Genvsbnrg, June 1, 1863. t!" . "
. Partnership Dmsolved. ’
Hlfpsflueuhip between the undersigned.
in the Blacknmxuxinghusims. in Getty;-
burg. hal been diaanlted by‘mutnal consult.—
The book: of {be firm Are in the handi'of S.
K. k‘oulk, win: ‘Eom séulemvnls Are wrbq
made. . 8. K. FUL’LK,
, r _ D. W. FINEFROCK.
Sept. 21, 1503: .' 3:
' , Profiqmntion. _
‘N I HEREAS, in uni by the Act of the On.
an! hugmbly of thi: Slate, unkind
's‘ h act to regulnmth'e. (lenenl Election! of
this Cnmqmnwmllh," enacted on "E 2.! df
July, 1839; iv. is enjoined on me to gin z‘ub 1c
Notice. of qnch ElecLiun to be held, aaddo
manner“. in such nnuce whu ofiun now
be electeq : l. SAMUEL ‘WOLP‘ Sharifl'of the
County 0! Hum, do. then-(ore, hereby giio
thin pubiic nation to the Elector: of the NH
County at Adm", mu m (Imam! Election will
be he“ in Mixl ('mlmy, on the Swan/l Tundra
of ombrruu,(thl3'lu.) inxhaneveml District!
comp‘o-ed of the nillowing Townahipn, viz:
[I [hp First dim-mt, gompuud of the Bar.
of Gem-spurt.“ the (fimrb-hounefin fielmhnrg.
In the Secnnd diauict. composed a! (he
tawnlhiyuf dvrmgurml 01: but: anuhuliul
Emacs, in the rain offlLil-deuown, hm“
lbw-amp urt‘uelmnnj. ' .
In the Third'dismct, compound of flieuuwn
ahipolOll'oc-d,:c the house of Anthony Shang
brwzfi. in the 141’an Key Oxford. ‘
In the Fourth \S'Lnrict, chmpnndof theta"-
Ihipi of L Ilium-e an! Eunfingbyr at Aha
bout! of G. W. Hildebrand, in menu-hip
of "alumna. .‘ . ‘
In ghe Fig]. distrirt. composed oflhl ht!-
ships «1' 1h mihunfiun and Liberty, 1!. the Pub
lic School-hon u in \lincrnorn. ' .
[I the Sixth din-flirt: romping-l of “I. ma-
Ihip of lhm'dtnnquf the bonus now occupied
by Danie} Bub-nib! the tuna of But. Bethn.
In flue Sew-ME district, composed of the
Lownahip of Heathen. in we Public School
house in the Minor Beawume.
In the Eighth district, compose?“ the to“.
ship 92? Sudan, at the hous of Jacob 4L.»
Gnu. in Hunternovn. . ;
‘ In the Ninth djwict. coupmd of ”IO ~n
{ship or Frwklia, at the-41w“ now occupicgl
by Juhl P. Bulg'in mid townihipb~ ,
' In 2156'!th district. composed 9mm com?
.shipof Cowragna! tho hm‘u cum],-
$ hey, in .\icSherq-lutn. ‘ 5 , ~
. lu Une‘Elercnm dgguict, mpoud th. 3 a
g to; “Big: ..r Tyrone, u flu: bouts of en G.
1 Cimk, 'm, Heidhnribum.
. in; the Tun-ml: dim-ich minim ti
1 town-Mp of )lunntjny! at the ho 9’
‘ "use. in mid township.
5 In an “mama 41mm. gamed or an
jlowuahip o! Nanmplnua at (he pnbflc
lSchml—honse in Mid Infamy, than? a! Kiev
let-nu mm, (he one 1:: in from ”tion! tn
the ,Twp Tuerns, flu.- "(Sn- fi’om [lantern-'l‘
Ho llauuvx r. . _ ,
} [I theAFuurtee'utlk’: dll‘xiri, composed ol'xlho,
ltou'nhip of Reading, “hum of 11:“. Dicky,
' in Hnmpmn. , V
t In m Hagar dia‘r'm. camp‘ou‘¢ or ask
:Bm’omgk of enrich, at the Public Bchool~\-
_ Lowe in Ah/bonélun-I. 7‘ I “
' [unfit/Sixteenth dietfirg‘campnud of Ilia
Atotnship ..ft‘n'eulom, u the house of Hickok!
q Horifi. in said township. ‘ : ‘ a
I 1 {he Serenmenfi‘ didfirg‘mapud of [a
! winship of Union. an. the firm." of 210th L.-
‘ rarer, in said lawuhip. _ 4 \o
In the Ewhleemh church mpwl affine
_ tnrnship of Butler, “the public Schodémo -'
. in Hiddletél’n,‘in Mid tdnuhfip. . '
| in nu Nineteenth district; comps-ed effig
‘lovuhip or Ben-ich at the Piston zflifl
School-housn, in said uvudnip. , - , '
In the Twcnieth-diarf'xcg. annual of the
Mwniblp oi Cumhbrlmd, at the bane of D.
mug-b“ £l5, in tho bdnougk of Genylburgu
M. which time And places will be ducted
One Governor of the Commonwealth of
Pennaylvnnih; ‘ c *
One Judge of the Supreme Court of Penn
sylmnia: I /
One Member of Afiaembrygs/t
One Asaociate Judge; ~ /’ , =
Onh—thrlfl‘; / ’ ,
Mme Rpginter'nml vaorde’r;
'Qne (link of “Te Gran-ts;
One, ‘o‘ mnly' 'l‘nupu'rof;
One Calm ly Couil‘n/issiongr:
(mu: {)zn-ctor 01 lhe Poor ; and
oam (‘nunly Auditor,
0m Coroner. ‘ ‘ '~-‘
l’urxfiuhr nttennén isfiirectcd to the Act 0!
Assembly, wasn‘t the 27th any of Fehmuy.
1:549. niritrcd ‘- An act. relative to Votiuue
humus in .\‘lmm, Dauphin, York, Lsncuter,
Cumherland, [infidfu rd, Centre, Gr‘eene', ml 8-
nt. ' viz : ‘~ (
Survey 1.7 Be innn‘ctcd by thé Selina curl
House'ofßl-p'resqnlnjivee the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania in General Assembly metnndit
is-boreh} cum-(ml hybe nuxhority of the nuns
-—llmt it shall he hwful for the qualified vote".
of the LouulicMfl Adams. Lnncnsler,Duphin,
York. ank.iu. Cumb‘zrlaud, BradfordJ Centre,
(heme, and Eric, {mm and after lhe'pllngo
o! Hiiys. an, to vme for all candidates fol- lbw
various offices to he filled._ at. an election oi one
slip or Urket:——vaiilud, That. lbeflotfice for
uhirh every .cnndi-lnte is'voted Jot, I'll" be“
dnsxgnnu-d. u required by the existing law: of
this ('omumnfi'mllh.‘ ' “r ‘
510 nm: z. tnutnuy lmutlarommitwlby any
person voting in the mluuer above preset-@3ll.
sllnllibe pnnhlwd by the rximnglmu offiirfi
Commonwealth. ‘ -‘ \ A., .3-
_ Anemia!) is 1130 directed to (he‘lollmlng ”3
shuion—‘of the Act of the Genera} Algembly nf‘
the ausion 01'1851. entitled “An unto providl
fur the election of J magma: the several Com-{.O
of [his Commonwealth :" . ’ ‘ , .
SECTION 4. That the election-fur Judge! shall
he hlld and managed in thé several electlgn
districts in the same manner in all re‘specil u
elections fol: ropres‘entulivcé are or shillabn
held_nnd cunducted, End if! the nine Judge-p
Inspectors, and other blfipers; and .the pic“;-
ions of the-ct of the Generhl Assembly, enli
ued "An‘Act relating to the election: of thin R
Cnmmonfimlth.” unmoved th‘e second (lay~ of
July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty
nine. and the several aupplbmenu, and all nth-l .
er like lnws, as Mr us the same ml! be in tom.)
and upplic ible, shall be deemed. and akin to
apply to the election fur ‘Jfl'lzfl: Provided, l
That ‘the aforesaid electors almll vote forjnd- ,
ges of lhp Supwme'caurt an a. “pirate pim
nl“lm'per, and fur _all other judges chuired to
be learned in the law, on number neg-nut: piece.
of paper. - - _
Alma-In and by timio of the ”Ll: sectiun
of the act aforesaid, every. persbn, dimming
Justices of the l'cnee, wh'o shulllmldamy ulllce
or appointment, or profit. 0r trust un’dcr fills
Govérnment of the United Smtes; or a! any
city’ or ihcnrpormpxl district, whethez-a com
missioned ofliccr or otherwise, a. subordinate
ofiir-cr or nzeui. who i4,‘or «hall be emplnyed
angler the legislnlii e, oxerulive or judiciary de
partuu-nt of this State, or ofthe finned States, ,
or 0! my city or iucornr-rim-d disuivrt, and 11-x
I 0 that every member 01 Congress and 01' I’ll.
State Legislature, nnl ol_ the Select or Com
mon Couucxl of any City, or Cbmminium oi ‘
my innorpuraud district, is by hm inupnbh‘f
of holdlug or ('XCfCln'lllg at the same time, the r
oflce or Ippoimment of Judge. Inspector, or
Clerk of any election ofvth'u Gommunwenlgh.
and thy. no Judge, lnspccfonporvother olfiécr
ornny inch Qlculloll,bllflll be eligible to Ill" qt. ’
lice to be then lath] for.‘ . ,
ALSO—That in the four“; geclion of the Act
of .\sscmply entitled "AILACI relutin‘g :9 Ex
ecutions, and for other fiurpeiea," Approved
April Huh, 18-10, it is enacted that the aforesaid
luh‘lectiun “almll not beconstrucd, as to pre
vent any milixit officer br borough officer, from
serving uljudpfipspcdor or clerk. a: Any gene
erul or spechwfleclio‘n-(n Hyia Unmmouu "th.:
And in qnéhy snake: of :he Gem-ml Anew»:
bly of (hf: State; [musd the 2d. day of July,
18.49, h in directvc that. ran "upcclon um!
Judge‘s :u! the plncca of their diltricu on the“, .
day 0! e Geugrul Election aforesaid, no. 93
u’clocng (he fiyrenuon, to do nnd'pcrfm the
ucveml'dhsica required undeujoipcd on them BIL
“dug! the name act. - ’
Amibé it. further greeted, in Ind by tho Act
of 1b: Genet-ll Anumblv or this Sate, tfore
snid, mitt one of the Ju‘dgu at“ etch of th.
dim-ram diaxricu aforesaid, who dull have
the charge of ghc ccrlificutes. or the number 01
\‘u’L-s winch shall hm‘e beenjgiveu [breach mn
didate for lhe'difi’erent emu-a than and there
voted for Ii their respective diatricfs, lhtll
meet the Ihirddzu utter theelectionl. which aim"
be on l-‘n'dwy, (lu Iw. o/ Uclvbtr aforeuid, M g
the Conthhouso, in the Borough of Gettysburg _’
then find‘ more to make :2. flair nmlement II
cenifidteot‘the numberb'f votes, which IMH
hnve hell] giyen at. {be ditrérem dismal in “It ..
vounly of Adnus for my person: for the 9.- 4;
cc: sforeuid. ‘ ‘ > _ .
t ’ SAML'EL wannaberim,
Sharia”: Ofljce, Gutysbnrg, sum. H, 5;.
Tanner Wanted.
I TANSHR, knowing how u: do hula-oi
A {Md work. clngcuran goqd gm“, .xL
penxmlleuk um! '9B:. “w‘r'bripplfln‘ j
the undeneuul'd.“ ttygbnr', .3: 5.”, m,
plicnliou shonktho mlée‘ . g - a},
éz . mum: f
em. 11, 1863. a; -‘ '
Aer! of tho
:0 of Mn. V,