The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 05, 1863, Image 2
6 ‘3“ .Q‘Enmpilrr, BEE El OUR FLAG 1 g. !' ITAFLI, EDITOR AND PROPRI‘TOK GETTYIBFIG. PA I MONDAY MORNING. 00115. H 163 1031088111; STATE TICKET. ~ ‘ l’or alter-u. A HON, GEO. W; wogiDWARD, OI Ltlllll COUNTY For Judge of the alum-Inc Com. ~ ‘IIODL WALTER H. LOWRIE, ‘o' ALLIG "INY COUNTY g . ‘.péfiémficuiimi' Ticfifi. AESOL‘JATI JCDOI, 110:. [SAAB E. WI‘BRMAN, Huntington (p AIHIIBLY, JAKE _Il. MARSH-ALL, Hamiltonian 1p aininit/F, ADA)! REBERT, Franklin tp Hamil; up “coun"; BAHUEL LlLLY,‘Mour'nplemmYlt tp CLERK 0? Tl]! COURTI, Jugs J. “xx, Uxford lp TRIASGREI, JACOB TROXEL, Grllysbu rg coxmsnoxn, SAHUKL MARCH, Heading (p. W ‘ 4‘ mum-on of THE rn'nn, GEORGE NECKLEY, Tyrone lp. “ ~" Mrm‘rnn, JOHN ELDER, Bcrwick zp. 5 ~ Chaps", Dr. THOMAS 0. KlfiZhß, Litlkstown WOQDW’ARD .56 LOWIHEI v 5. ' ‘ ' Dembcratic Meetings ln’Adams County. HE friends oi WOODWARD‘k LOWRIFF- T 'tbe (rue friendshof the UNION AND THE ,CUSSTITUTION—in Admns county, mu hold meetings as lollows: At .\lummhaburg, on Tuendny Evening. Och (51h. Av. Fail-field, on ,Wednosdny Evening: On. 7th. At Ligaesfiown, on Thursday Evening, 0(~t.8lh. *AI Mbuut' Rank, (Mounlplensnm tp.) um Satur . Tdny Eveninz;oct. 10111. ,3 3 it deuyfibnrg, (Will's Hutch) onV Monday ‘ Evening, Oct. 1211:. 7 « RGood ape-ken wnll bu present lo ud dreu Lhe meetmgs. ‘ ; Drmoc a, CunnrrMive Men of Ailamn. ,TURN 0%! RALLY” YOQRSTRENGTIH '-. ABy~order, ' O r ' JACOB BNXRERHOFF, Chairman Democratic Go. Cgmmiuea. . on. I, 1883. “ ‘ ARE YOU WORKING? Democrats, are you working as you should be? Tile electiofi is near at hand. From this time until the polls close: on the sec ond Tuesday o‘EOctober. give your thoughts and In much tilife as you can spare, lo the «use of your distracted and bleeding coun try. The best interests of the nation Vare {ini'olv'enltin the result ofthe coming con ‘ test. Your'libertios‘nnd those of your fel~ , low-citing?“ depenq to a great extent, upon who is elected Gdyernor of this great State. Sea to it. we en’lrégi you $59 to ifltlmt evle~ ry void: in at the polls. Make your ar ‘_rnngementa to get ev‘ery Democrat in smm vicinity out. Leyt not a. sin‘glfiim remain at home. .A full vote will give us a gloriom rnajority. Workl Work diligently and rigxnceaaiu‘gly from this/hour until the‘elec r ition is over. *' ‘ J BEWARE OF EAST CARDS. Every Democrat knows that it u the 'cuslom of the Ab'olitionistn to wait till hear Rho/election to circulatefll-e rep'arts 06n 'cerning De!nocx"at.l"cgcsuididatea;J because libero is then no time or’opporlnnity to contn'kl‘icl thenll 'Scflffl‘ ‘tine ni'xm ’wbo ‘wonld thus take. advamage of circumstan ytunces to circulate lies and slanderé! All kind: of slanderoux‘lceporls will» be cir; culat‘é‘d, without doubt, but believe them not! ‘ v ' Ifi'We caution the Democratic vn‘len of Adams county. against TRADING VOTES. n: it is (me of the schemes of the Opposi tio‘n to defeat summon of the county tick ‘eci VOTE THE WHOLE TICKET! ; ne‘kmwnm that CURTlN‘yficed HALF A MILLION OF DOE—LAW, which has gpprogrialed by the legislature bogclotthe ‘apd proviwiog «the Yennsylvania Rani-was. into, the hands of his politxcal friends, who furnished these gallant soldiers ahoddiy 'clptbing. {vooden soled shoes. rotten blsmk éetym‘x'zfl Bad provisions, for which crimes three 9f them flare indicted ii: the Courts at. Pittsburg. , . . ' ———y- ~ —. o-———7-»-—- RREMEMBER thu when Cur‘t'groénn-Y ~mused this State fox-Governor. in 18 ‘ , he s'?" oppegmd to the repeal of.“ so' just a tax uthn imposed upon the tonna‘gé, 6f the Tennsylvania Rillroml.” Yettq'o‘séoner Ind .316 taken his seat 71nd sfiorn'3béfore High fleaven to prptect and“ defendthe lath-al- of the Commonwealth. than he ‘é‘pproved I bill. passed' by a Republican Bangle and House of Representatxvesmhiéh depn'ved lbe‘§b§te of a jug: and equipbls :regemfe mchagmount of thrta hundred thou:- md‘dollln: a your; snd Actually released the ‘Eorfipany from tile payment of SEVEN “HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS al ready due the'Statej. _ ‘ —o———-—~m———~———-‘ fiA Grand Democratic Mass Meeting yin (Quiet! In York on Sn‘mtdny fiat, 963. thhuny-mo‘cmts and Cause-Native plenjvm‘pe' present By thousands, Hon. Joby K. Findley, HoniJ. 3. Buck. Hon. '5. Clay Duh, and other able speakers, will 54me {he mpetifmg. ‘ ' A ,m‘bsoropie 0}” Pennsyhania. must ‘nfl'ougé' »_ t_heirhpqrtapt .fact'thm Daniel Agnethe ABolieipfi nominee for Supreme Ulidgéfig in {uprpf négro spfi'rage in Penn: ' ”hunk ‘Ffiiléy a @ember of me geform ’ pol-Minn, he persistently voted to confer ‘M'thi zipon all «flared mén in the ‘COIBWQ‘I‘IIE He is the friéna of An- :dnygf‘lihlrti'n. Ml 3 running u'pén thegame luck' dwtheir views snd opiniona'nra idm ti aL'om‘gze white fréemi-n bf Penn‘sym‘nza “_fi,‘_. 1, » .\ (.3 any ’PF’f’P‘j’ {qr th'e candxdulea oi shoddy ”fit N. ~ lityl"_l . _. “.5. . MK. ‘ *»- m ‘Kfl .“- !),e::“mu 3'2l’2ighg ‘ Us Liz I'm - 2 rem 2222. m ILmy‘ ~— c Sen Io ‘ -_., Inn Wtiei 1 ted the ‘V ”for; nun b . Brod}, 2-.___ .Wu, We be]' “the Stat hlgand R 1 91. of infrnW’d fi ‘ ‘.__<_ Infinm-m _ ”"3, M a Leg“ apmflifiproq “"1 me ad you} r 7 ““22. 111th ‘ln ‘l2) 1 'on;- “fire figure. A In“ -uch at “of I"O a'O!‘ Of 7 ‘ w < ed 'u'B.d “41¢ spec n menu "(1 (2ifi ”2‘th Public '2' "hie; ”‘e 191}. I ' "7° wge'm"? 2:3l;"de orch' recent?»r of {IL " Sh “chanwef‘ina #33" Todd FACTS FEM 00dhw bag” bl; Y, at I lere is . 0 "hi. . r 0)" 2 Y Bm W— -2. ard 09f 20, km _nog 2 ob,, 31"-, . 7,__& In ”Pit en tOld his son Gettyaburn knowl_. bar ”gt‘no Jlld::?rd 0f ‘r not ape_ .’ We . . DEPEOPLE -T _...: ~ won B'gem Who 5‘2 JUI] so I ewe i 81! ““1 in y7‘ Ind 3- opo 2 “—» n . ! fided in th em. that, .WM "nufidgn mf‘ {(u- {Tamzknew “'32:”! “Duo?” awry dflunble {M “mod“, th ”_... .- , h bee 2- 1 Iv .2 - - .7 . ' sue: :m“ded I: 3“?” ":3? °‘ bag: 32273? $330231: 232222213 }"“‘r:§nn§m' 12?" ”’° Prtpcilrelmbszgwwz Pour’{ Sh] F 9 DR cflu ,le 9 g”! OS - .'D A ”“9255 uine, , ""Byl _ iOn ' “)0 o'. T u . “ ““"ded- ”J M 2" “fly for 6 0 huge Von «ED 12‘ LWA "Mg 8&2“,- “11' Yam "h' N 312 n"E 1G '‘ _ . _I ~ , _ 0F ) BO’ Y 3 rn 4.0 lon Ic}, 12 1!. "Id let. ",1 um.“ PE __ I in Te @O, has . J WQC. I ahhng . 10‘; SUP I'H ”AV "fit/Ha ‘- ar- g}, 2 ‘ Inn I OPL . p)y w . "mten Ward 1n FO2 BY W PRBQ§~ AND E BF}; ,- or "I. people w. e hel| upon 2 DEM E T Hln . : blah b theJon‘ .' the w" 4 , 4 HIGH BB'YNG T ‘AM 1N 2 .N‘ , fuel ‘lnc'lml :1] have Vy Tax“ . . , OCEAT ___ H'NK liubr Infamm l_._- a, IN. 0271 an h “PM. .FH AER "EBPFA' s._, We a able “rim topay “ no” Ic MEETm In‘:2 I:2th in m. I'h' man ‘3‘ :- oldm hm he _ ESUPI (LL. per, 0: nd "19m 1. We 5 num,’ Oncor BOTTST GAT mum “'8 “the mum‘s ”“Gmen'fhgm‘fimfli :13," “22n:';;:"“"t n. )ORT' which :3: i“ on. ””oth 2”“ the :1" " 22am?!” ”no 2‘ OWN. AB- I'um em" 'E [95“ "a I "'.H’ ‘ 9F“ “'in' "5 Tar - Ire-c av °Y t. n 1h“. n.'ere _ " Mir” 3 POHL' ‘ , “laulleinlcrled m 3?“ 0,; 11315,5 - ‘nd a; ffi‘hemfi “milffirfinldof, ”9.11:5?" errzrzh“ we 13““ th:z;;em”"cel Pi‘flang 1252’: ”'5; I" 31:20: hmmln'xfiting, t}. c d e; -.2 1. 00!] me .:n '1) .2—th .6215 - lev r ' D “an '‘l an: .. ".‘vfl 2‘ at“: to “magnm no “'wifihlnc‘or afigmwhmhfriltl gengxhuwfitgyuon :nngo‘” We Msum 0 w ha" b‘fenm co" we 9:22- um': 3:01"? 32.21,?“02; 929'“ a emen “M to, . 3u2vs- a Nation 3 mid f “ch “Vs “OW.o °Hm . '“ght 3mm cWinn P ““nlhe 3" 1:20 9'“ dicted t filed‘b‘3 lug {lt}: ~ h "mm"! 1" N’ilhpem in o the” remains mm rve'Vsoo t the ‘l\' - IdPleg- 9'. “As 2of ”Is :2 f“? ex mi” . snd 301 ,er the no" “Hanoi. 91’ sec” .Public "’0 *‘Dd . 3 sum n 'in “Ion,” Jen” ‘l’,’on_‘ ”Pres?" mOSt ,3 Pfwde‘n} l lent-r. accord. media; t the; fldvom mfh "'on Or . n", no! 0f... ‘mou debt. . 4 ““1“ ‘(Ollln Ind 'l' 115 mm .f . “‘eg 91' m .Tr - :8 in “ems“! .nn? th prlvlur ‘ ‘L‘Ba "3!; "'2' to u ‘5 was] “o*. . Rnpk .V 3hfi e éannoc o Whlchw Eat, ' Mr“. I “aim 2me u.Pm . lb-e ‘2 of 1!}- Tao“ 10 er 4 191.1 “11,” a]: 11.150“ . e . Once ,0 th 32th“ '. mu ”“2“ ‘0 p "oh th ‘Fn . ‘0“ 3021 a“I up. Parm. “2 An “3 {are . round" "re #0 In Penn 'l] cC“ this i. e'erfi .'rn- ang e p“, ILLIOV IP" "'1 Wq ( PUM 5L Tl W9l - 3co l0d; $lll- Sir ‘umny a ‘ 2 “CL I lit! “Vania \ . Portia _-S of» m“! “Or"; A m hou Io me ‘ a feelin- “’on dis , Story 9f Py. W I -7 ~ 100,3" 41mm, 15,," Nag“) mu ’bé n Chg,- ;Vi em I:.“de a. 50 of F , 92mg .8' of gl""3011“- puma P 2. Very "‘l6 to '"t ”"sw‘ I "“1 i 2"be One- 2 En“ Mc" Pre " “Ebfixxw [011026 'J- Wu a," fill) 'an ho" out,“ in *3? ,I:me '1 re nerI’FIRT mere“, 03! 0, “Huh :n Prfihan s“lenta “- WO, 31 ' “can" mime ° upofiL ' f Your, I 2 ma", lm Y HILL - “pan ”on.“ ' 0'5”)!“- J ' M'ch ‘A- W S'F' h"q. “uch m- .n of 13' Keane - the ___,___ G ' ’I (In. ”Na 0‘ "hich 3- the 322 k ‘ 9859 B “2‘l A] Ifirm "flak ‘Sha .mm : I°--W I "'6 ' M w' ' o’. J 2 “I‘l “"18, ' A 1" 2 of Pygmy! {the chflr m, Rad w t'ban 0 ; SLO «'”—~£,W°°Dw any 0‘28?!“ hug the fun; 1n,2 ”I be! Seernt‘lj‘ph w'opl'v SumnelGeofge vying amok Vflnm if , 3(3th of" 9 ve‘ _n 0 Ham 2—_—. 3‘“), from. ombe ' amt flddiun Inge, “"93 W' 'l'. BTOW 10k. ”10%.; do not, nth). Bnd oth the ”Orgy: {lmafiorahthe “‘on; bG on 2 "he .llthe Sarge: “carding“: on “Io fir:- B22lre',;l°h" sl()l;“mm‘neck G 21. Geo. ‘ tom coil er - 82,969 8D e2’ “t “nG—‘ 0 h 2‘2 ‘2 “Wm, ,‘ . HI Whom th upon “I klndredlofl. frlly Pbservemofmficfllthy Fig", , lflmou of mldie" “horny.“ I): efeturns S gxr-pupnt t‘lruucl Faring Strub.‘ “MI-A 9! 6m . ° head 'om n 9d. “2 Par-Iv of, 2(1 “Pd to ent' Part ‘2‘ pm. 5999 1 fire n CORPSRTZRS Drpo “Ban: sof men ofwh of all ilq ”Ia graduthflt We bailey 70,(_) Tnnd2‘hundred "led m 2 mom”: a Irma: “Pd J. 12‘05 “‘9”. m 2 uA_ J‘ “I I MERIDIAN? C‘lp IV I..__ gap?" 8' ‘O‘l‘n-lwe da‘ilm'tten pa 31- 510"!“. V 6; perfectly 0 (his fNd ‘Wenl religions. throng} “1”“ W,“ San”! F flda by D :2 2- 2 122 o‘ 22222 222222 22°22, 2,222.2 .2. Ir;_ Mm P' .a; 18' a._ ygo Pin em" bol' _p9 _ e_m _nB 6'- ‘ war the . "llh .u) n 10, arepo I- bavi n’ ,dubu, ' 63. “On 11‘ “0h d g ”’6B CTN!” "'0!!! "3’0”: "“"s ' "(m-V“ eel'lio "Md 1"“40 "“‘r' """hPI bUr Ptbfn} Ont-ed .gy'Pa: I! In 0 2 9e; “He ['o ' "Owe ff t 0“ tile W ’fld.(B 3 ZkPL T. Imwr‘, "t‘ kind In“ In”. -' gh o" 185.0 In t}, ' r [70551e E..”, Yed, ER I'Cun- . n.‘ (y the provided hole I! o, him he I) u,V find of (‘h ‘ hall “re 1'? the 16 Opvenfio e no." to hmy'have of 9 hp” e .“gl‘ened Warsaw]. "sand (25 form Umber‘ ‘Hyin th emacm , the "h ' ex’rs {0 to an .prupmed u! Imm ".hela IPnpeunmP lth'y a . the te "dance malt”! t‘hllar. - o.ooo_ hung,” of bat Qua no fire. Ole Gnu, 1' m2222ynn2222vn «2222222222222 2., 222 nm .022 we 2 222, 222 m m, 1: 222 ppm :2 (”92min . “t'vhew; In r you “mnéi {crud the.“ ”foul ”Inky wi'firflnnum ouldflmou "0b “a lo .--sume o The DI)": AT/E Pen "“ lg no . gJud .a 3 “gimme 'an the pnce PPM)”,a Prlncj-, a)! to 9 “Ho . W “Vex-J n Sm“ 20cm- 2 A 5? BE 2 “unlacumn “Emmee {(fiegmdl’n’p‘g‘em $051213.” 8t prmmefinl'iand "heirs. have 0:1’988‘9 wach Pensio "Maya-3&2” IBlmfiinnrdflv 9v”? meeting BLIN 2 I 1 Jan: : “”128" inttpnd‘ 2 oVPr 2 Alia: ' ”Ing l “Pnk' qin e "I“ d f DOLL :NTY “9', m - «an 5' Epia '. “I: ”"1 "M at E.“ I: ‘ I so when ”‘l2 to ”6111 1""098 ”Pa ”'3’ “2‘52 eVP!» A 3520 FOU 21k.“ 2‘ tin ”‘2'"! “17210,, “1110 ' " Bm- ‘ wound" “We Judge W than _V'axsnn ' Sac}, Put-mm poornn' 0‘ labs, “nay; . be . RMI gthe 2‘23, “1210 “mix “Ousd . Inl nhe‘ .edini hnme oodi. ““lErs'loh '“f Now me“ Is 12 “ed ac we“ hi IFOU "’“B’a pa‘dann LUOVm‘urn ”“7161: mm" 2" 0" Che mm": ' m'flht M’O'lh lan, from 2‘ ,“Td’s ~ I ’ “50“, YOrk Ii od.of “Km-Ir '8 R MIL “MW—O,, “““V of ‘ b 2,“ “1 Out fi’2&o ’ "’I ma 0“" #2:- ]“IM .fie ”hankfs‘ his run (12:2,,5b1-2llaand me' 140 an - emnß 01,10. Isa-"“1"? ”a” LION; , 252115“ whichlfl°n§~ M.“ “91‘, w._- “'bm rum-mu Pt lureh ought mI” he ”4' SOM “FL Me if “"311 m. of ““nn' “£ of ICkm'imill' Incipfil of I 0F DO " _wmlld b lemma M Mnu'n In' “my “MW" q‘r' n A?" 10,6 .hHVe 29%;“ (”fr hxm In," pom” . enne, "2.190, “Han-I . long 5' $5666 I‘LARS _ 9 found - The ”lack '0 an "hr, ' m “hf: 2 9 q We” "h 12;» "’.nr ind“ "9y K 31x 'lhu d ' 666 v 96] ,9 - about Old.‘ 2 xind( 2 ‘if‘cn ”rm: wy omm, "3'" Rue}, “Mind “the A ”filly °°Xnm ""900 ' "0’“ 21‘“!!de n "eda ' (1'65? (- ualwshmm rallied’MYnun .‘x ord m' SIM; hOhun' ro”lex- ~ “Om .“d in ‘dl "01in "Wehm N 9“ in .flmmmt‘fiix find - “dsix: -' S““y-si I2’RI2‘D."P~' the; “0b! “mm “'9"? Mlliz‘ ”madetw 'apable 1593» . Illy_ “re n pap? dam] Want Tl, and tw may. 4 Yflxu. x c .. S“ Pro“, ,y. W _ 9mg} ‘2 Id .‘ henFo 2 02th‘ led ‘on“ oum 2Ch‘llt ,9 nrp fin IP'9nume “I. has 'Ocam .0T be. . Mandwe Mm.” "‘ fa, " Von . . r”, Irdc o“an “dnß '3'ng the“; ER“ ‘ 5M2 . 2 {1:31.811113273 ““3432: 22°25“'%‘n’;22222‘2'1222‘1’2220'3‘2222.2m":k2222222522”: ”$533 I SIXTIZ§I§° of ”9?? .‘ six p:nd sin)“: edlfitathwa”tgt:wo 1,225?“ r 433 husk k “(:1)“!!! omit 9 o"OfJud n Pd, I ,fi‘T. ma"- e“(dear ‘ ”“2““! n'mnke 'EN M Stu-es w. :- ce"tn—"‘"d‘ ”‘S‘Sias n “arm—sf?" {92v 2"“ in 22:22.22 2232,, 22 Inw‘i-2rucm22n { “22222221222: £2222222nn22222025.” 2;}? "‘me 222;; as 40 I"’rmer. on Y 0 °"N "'Pnu 0d w“ V 9 in ’ ' ormer! ' ‘.SEV ‘ ”IV 2 l "“6 or 2" W‘l i‘lflrin ‘1 "9 ca 'ny‘ne w°°d n ' ' “90d use" ”“4“" '“” ‘-"h ‘1 firm] “on ‘2 EN M “301% We): 2- ‘1 ’'r ~g‘osh- Imm Hedw- “’er ““lt‘ed 2°“ch 9°‘l- A ""2 awi 230‘” U’W'Mm m Abol‘ 2' ‘h-‘S' tak “Wed at 5‘ ”Ho 2 ED A "'lO ‘ "“2 . "'Pr‘ "29A "hen I ' ‘ ' ‘B" NI) "“1 nsr "Pet ’1‘”: 2 bol'- 995'. Was to Anna" $55153“; Wuflesoc e'li .. .&= Of'hi mom“; , 0n up 11‘ 'l‘ Ix Nr 0‘ 25. thpi SIYT . Ollow ."lgorgu . “'l' 91m ”1011 i“ . Ides?“ 1235?. Sue 'OlOBttol "with Weak'n? He has In; . [he I) ..5 HIRTY 2 ":2 9n . mel‘est ‘Y: Preq‘ 3‘: ' nlmd Rt 0'52 ‘81” . '95 wh m long, 6 wcék‘ ’3nvo gone “1110141: Pg 2 Par yln,- 0“ whi V ‘l‘]?nt “P ' Bock ' n 30cm}, .b 0 dru ““8 {of “mid to th' “‘Pr m "Var a n 3 any, . R \1; 0“M In ch.‘ ‘O6-? '. 2M q er”, I I 'A; . mmed W‘Ttis “can; 1‘ 6 pm, 9n of I. ‘Rt v _ .5 - ”‘65 ”2th I ‘ LUOV‘ Umber Iflme] D rpzm'jm: I . "le ~ ‘ We!” ’22 fl] - out in e . In“ “- - my. 0059 . “7.1“" -Ie ta 1 [hp ‘‘.ls' Lv “’ll 2Q- G . ZBRAV ”be ”d P ”PM? W“- of respe nds‘he hmh w "e I’ll PHI-". 2 9 h"“I"I(In' -x“ 1): sh“[le She W'l ‘ ..‘m-h I ‘De' Ti ‘Orge K 2 ‘D2 F... ‘ wed in Pmm “ant Col, cmbei wast". Mme” b‘s'FP'erp Iples ha. 8‘ ‘ “‘S‘Xlieth «pm, or ‘nxo Il Mm“; 2,. E. S .'“mng ‘V ",2. I‘ q. .2 H) -ylvfln~ One] 2. 039gh lt-’flni . ohm, da c ‘ehsml . ‘ohh Chum. ‘9,Of N" 15M» 211))”, .A , I)‘ mq” M' 2 “mate eb’mle '“ Resh- 130 mm. (1 the ”has”, "mom- “I’l9- tn|«°““oc I‘] t""1111, 9w 0‘ y, ”Ont -.l \e‘deryr 'h. I“;- ' ('90,. wk |-° ,- 2 -. - 2 . '..BBP.'Jn! 6512, "_“°u h “Gen '9’, I '3 .‘ng :2 WWW... 3‘2" the “leo ”“1 Um I )RED A - “'9 to c 90m] - ‘3‘ng ""m, ' ”r-n- 'Clnnn- mm, In hnlefie‘njnnfiv :3 :‘Cnluayfl‘beugflf‘lWNa]??? "NJ-31;“ of £522,223?" 2;: Pangabom,» 153.” SlXTs“§;;°rly $3; ofwel‘KPilm. JD ‘1'“;1 fiia-Wfi"? 13221.3 12712“ ‘cam - " “50nd ‘Y right, ‘Tmed ”mm “ ”0% be “mot. ' Va “2. ‘9 nqk'berq_‘ ‘- F 0 ’” “EN 411322; .‘cl. Je' ‘2. 12qu "Inn ' “(h A 2 ”n 1 11mg". ed d-. feot i .-emep“ reudvd has m ‘ whénhe thlnk ‘nl »a.w ' r the s 4THOU* 2 “Gang, rennfll q» nnlmu v Esq _- W ' "Ust‘f « “Ting Ch. "whi ‘EODS ' ““350 mmilt, ‘ . Will "9‘”!er t] e dldb ‘flke nf ‘sAxfif 'get‘e Snub- I ‘l'er Eh: F.’ M'Ph- .' 'o‘ 180" ‘9' th °-Chlu "2 Eu ‘ oth .923 If ”Penn: "’21:; d efore— round I 2 (‘r - 'n'é .“unh ‘mflnu :‘2’l .1 fi -°rBll ._ emnsul 2 "WI P 0099 "9‘ 1n '. he}: 2 lure ’ " ‘WI‘ “'6 w‘ nu :Kn "fine. ‘7 r22‘2" ' “ill b .91 De‘ 2 'Freahp' -nd‘"" (1 ”8"?ka 3 ‘ : a 2 litin fig himq‘ ‘ .h“ thud -q‘“l'ew as "0% ‘ r°f eve "chm; ‘uflflvfi‘ m'IT 1h". Rnb"L‘“ul 22mm II " hand 1” ”nay“ Chang-0? lat War br, 1“ the inf JFM‘E? W 9” "Ito H for 80 1%,- alkl‘the Ca“ Ty mfln “Id be 91 - L‘e [l'lnyl hnmmzv (“rt Ml 5 VIN-«g "‘"Prd 91's.} ‘for able, un 0“? com ”Wee spfing 153:9 co h“? wle arrng F“ 93] lihay "by; or ‘ "Olnan even d ‘D- Ban: " XOOl5 .‘FRS, [)"Wh’mc' ‘ 2222 212222022: 2f2°n 5:3?n222nc‘éf‘2’222225522‘: 222': 2.121222 «2 2222222222222? “4;? J 2222 f 223137224 imme i ”adel Elma,“ .9 Pres” “Hs‘of‘ h' . and c g pa-‘L‘led 12: “id 2an ‘I 1 One to engand vfi ‘ “xnlflp- ‘'. .’Vl’lll‘le yE”"c -. J”. :0 101,1 G .e. 2 217 near [’th .21”. {deny 19 o “Shed I» he] wt Pa .’ fry—fl ""2 “hm - HIM ‘2 1)I'. D 2'" H; ‘ (‘O. I. “nnq P 0125“ - wblpl 2 59d a nép "n a Bt. u Y the - . guc. - Us 10 Y en, Ve d.q l n . res” __s lines 2 ’y‘Vn ’ 9'l 2 22m 00m2r ”v S"d n ‘6 'l‘ Mn . I OR at . I'yy 011 VOO My. H! II 4’91: . "nth [I “In. Re “71th the nerwflrd .2whilé 1.000 . the“ m reasu‘. , ""Tv‘v he {2 th,a ear. ”#2 ~ dWo ‘and .10 In ,‘El' an. l. ~ p ._ , , y,cl --I, 2 , 'ght .2 calm} _ 1:11: "XI . “uh 9cm ' I gflnmnle b'mnes ewes. A d Fegisbe’lft‘l-‘r don”? (2 ”MMbex the 3m “"1232“ Iv °f face. YfOr ' - - Wop/c ““"he "mai ""2 uf ' I‘L’rték-mmknow‘ 0" Paisi 11" ""9 fa "km vnce ' Wheqnany v2st of S “”2 f‘ot '°f the '“M "mom I mum" “"dtb ‘ "'2' Che "" ' ‘ 2. ' the .‘hd 2, . WM? 0x v stat, 2 52e w}, . 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Vr' 'n u ‘ "uhlh‘ "It tnké "Pundug‘t ram, 95 CIW Ign,n Ie hm “mac,” flullwer ‘edn '1 Nut' l 1 mm" - “1000' He}. nln «101 v fight, 2°ch 9mm“ [Riflnpr'som- “'ll c‘ “‘1 ‘lef 2 Cross “m e' hrt) ‘'c par “rebuk MI ‘ "‘“M 2 - ”‘ewl ' Tnk' “"“nwc. marir‘. "2 404 ““3qu ‘2“ -Im nr, .n M_— rus . 18s1 . 2.222, -n em - 2Whl2 ’OlO m 2221.. ”Art, - L'II :4 ~ 222-. 'tnfie" $313, ‘ndezgseneifiglel‘llfgr “fig—w? " 53:92,- matzliliilhmg 05‘ 612$:qu “U Lb'tnlg In???" of 1:1}; Xe h"We ggibt’ 81M: boat,” 'lhe lagri'his :23"‘“i¢nl:.dgfu\\'ngil ‘“ "P r “athey 'r Pin ‘ Y'Prlso 5 c 2‘-“"2. ' “‘1 an] and 2 20mm}! ‘"9 pi °°‘2‘nnl’ “su- " Pen ‘"2 ”qu “‘Su ‘cd to v 0;- {Our r 5110“. _2 Parnl d n In' A HEEE o.__ . l E (no a” ed by ll' "Pel'ty g. . ”142.5 ”In: 111-“ Van. ripe!” m,2 W 93 ~exnp .e, w We ING ._ 2 on"; .lem,Ml fh (2,1,, . ghrnf lan "‘3 ”lat Y bed 1'37 m 0!“ hilad as find it _ PRO - T Ply-V. 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J 1 inmesfllflfi, "“33? as iggggnigtefing [Tarrngumnght tb‘he 1.92“, eIo the' $220»). PE, . . ’- 33222200232222. “21°Innnluxfie”Uigqyefwll 2mm” 22 mine. Alamo!“ rfir 3" m‘fldl durigé’ '9 “fire“??? 0 lA'TegefiglflneSSln-e 0 98°?“ ‘“I herzssvifivjfl" ‘ ' ———-- 10’000 'n “rpm” :1, M"“~‘”gh #1:?" Min" ...” led betwe "Inst dailfl ”.onls “4‘; mo". k'.my 1 letters w} . Iled w'om- ‘me, we a " Ont-l "Over“ Valuat'; $2203 035- ‘ mull-If)! magnum“ ,g‘k‘vtu gnaw}: imp?- 'é’fesem 89:1 :13’ in £l€m79r22a§ethnnl£s : telliEEHQ‘Fiéomnin thn m"ny imro reinc. IP 1 Ly, I)“ of h" OWE“; ’ 20703 ‘ vnlé Ifeyfln'nfh "I'”;ixll‘c’i' (‘Hn gue'nmhlt.‘ i lscuqud ( hef‘" “CI! u" ‘9"! 60 RDel" a 550 91-95“ 1.3 “Dee ' ~ -2>~ ( . "It ‘1 - S"l:l' 0f the U 59.) . ; ure e“.a cur}, mOCra «rd t‘ st c 1) _ng ‘ , an", .5 2; lug” u- how ‘ name, vm‘, to I:3“de ““d. an o’on ’ flml te2 “Y. T 0 Ihe e“l'm -}BO H: ”We q. ‘ 96.nc0 ”2 - "Wu. "In "' 90!; ”Om hich thong" Co bowl}: 1 r Conn-t" the: “Or 1} ‘ . hope - Pros g In- . .at if . an, __'__ ,Onol lo”. 9 f 9 tho .2 they “ml Io ‘2 2xw I “"45 ‘3 no peels of "he: Pen I'__ an . "‘on .Yrcgly ""le . Elton/I ““rnzion°"ars‘-£demned '“rt’el 2.?wl3‘9ac' “cub POruo ”10' 'on to “Sylv - $9 ‘ ‘ ”me n "1' fl 2' «(I We, ' - 2 nth Ycm - u ‘mpn “ran, “0f . 2N. . mon- ‘nm w 2000 no 1152 ““90; .'P 2.: ,- “I u, ." we 2m 3,2,? 2 new, d-mmflzed a many; "52-. I‘m.“ fiance .01. sny are then“. mneh h 0w and fire Put. x. 01. Ick 50121' umd .“ICe. ~ 6 “me .no‘, a.’ Pfltby “"ith Id lief” by the A er," the t‘mocruic ‘th‘epe ‘d' Wed ‘Ot “(:Ith er OW}: R 50mm, lb ,uP “(.In ”no w. 101- from o“qu i Hm ‘sz of ken lsyllableof thaqn' {tern “e f‘nfin, DGmOér mcoh-n .5! Inn Co ’ Jun! 2r. #192 even“ equ ‘lme «rd in“; . “(1m smfln'} .lonr , . . -., . 22 "test 2! 12m “Md ono ”um . r-Herl . 2 Incl "m s. ”FL. n ma h’thhe p6O “PPlOValctnne'Of sm’mPnr. epuuki“ . ‘fihc .pe‘kcs‘nwmme "’l‘ lEMI . no: mp ard has mme min,“ In hm ,nmeci I. .ln 9 9“), a rule of; of th Peessio , ha" ,shcau _. . ergnfi‘r— "Se. an hat is; LwLION 0t hpfyoh _ .Val- ‘sl,}, 19129“ , 2 “10:29 2))!le h. _- D “No Innnf3§°22mg§§§j.Whai'ffiguth;°f§§”°t£mndd£p?he Aniraifgmd-n' 32°“W21WZ1922222322?” “22!» 125292"? BOISE???“ 12223312”? "2P3“lignfi'e“°2:zpii?§3‘° ''s“‘- In in 2"9 ‘ "itl n it}! 2Of 3“0 me -.‘ g 2'“ 'q ' “’uu . Pl'n - ('Xk‘rn'u 4"- II ha aMdle .the Pe 0‘ ”he Vet-(inc 0&2 a gather 0 on, I Ahor . l‘th A mllh _ --e ' La; II In (I Is n “Mn , “0 ve .bee l'. rforma ulfltEdl mof H 2 2 _nd cl“ ‘ Ings fl or.T um" ‘I - ”.01 th' _ .on, m 2wouldl "‘Drm Io Mm. (mg i] . 1.31.. Inof n thu “cc of [Co ‘9, m I‘lva I'3 00ml ax."a , I undo .N Is Ore w 1... 1 non. ~ “”nn' .IJus“ 01' (Te YOur “and 9 full ‘ . my' untrV 0: n whoa I m'shado ID" )9rs nf In"! m‘ "‘3 Tet fink w' .h? You All""- A “1500] N" “and send"). er, "ot'B'r’ In In land 2' ur i re no“ . w the! “Phin the 9 imam} nun lame h 11],," H ‘ 2),? W"d the ”9nd aI? ‘ls k‘ beca Yreffl . It‘lf-gn . 9nd“. mini" . Iturp-Dy connw . ‘ “Me:— 69mm. 0* ” om. ‘8 ho. “:2 1 n m Imade' Ut been 19d of “56 V 0 a ”’mght f Onfi in” $930!“, gnu}. . -Pa ..1 ‘hdwd tax‘l’mv 1 “och . Ornul: “'dflrzp - but i: Int. Ideqire‘“ Dubr “'9 thi “”fnxin' “HEMP “Ma g The 92mm . ”"211:- p. °xour -“'s of. fi2hr. “mii-I 2 ““22" “W w‘h2 ' ”In {lf mas F‘Xefm - n at. mace « .8?! YBr Imm "Inn. lkezh .nr "‘ cm] 2’ “ 12m: “ 10c “I u - In. e . was at; m I 538,! at o,eex , - e I 111 M -0., om No.l 19 I ”Hi to While; "he °"‘mu yav‘o se ’33!“ to“dun ‘ me" I “’9O” ”‘9l: “mad. 2 the 1 lln 00 thigm Ohnvet call-lrnn‘ “be! 9"? boil .Cllre’ ‘ , “Km" wh. g- ‘. | ‘ynnl" of \’9 finks nf‘; "V n)(\ 'l' ’in “elm-i Sitter. he ethmud 1.1;!“ 1' fthé‘y Se 3 Ono“. . 101: is r 93“; 0 th.. tor rmfing . "WTOu 2" "ha lfiefiimr 9“'30“ On, “it" I-: lruthi’n‘i I" y‘are giV-in ‘e “We fru' "‘3er n N? v‘ng‘s‘find :1] ”‘o'“. ernmkp jndlnna ’ll 3° find ”(lame Wm re ‘ 'ght- T 1 2 3‘o t-h “'5 9‘ th ' nd‘ to “7" OHI M‘r’l‘Pn -. ”'9“ or 21.0“.“ n' I 13th that, ,"Ho Ou ”Mk 1;] Ver' ‘Bl'9 i; , e 011159 e ‘abo '5“. m‘o b‘hi» ’.hnldf. the m t nßth gfo, th wh‘le t ”21112 a)“ i' l"Sin q, .‘ "0 luk Orliber “ CAn‘hl‘ "."mly .2 “fin "I. I's. "I‘l' 24:11.] of ”2:: are “giggctiuntrgeylyve toexfisnlgn "leFenflged 3;) :h‘lngg_ M::al'mne' :yoand garriéfixxlnfgof Gig-”3:219,” ‘::bct‘,e Jrvlil'nh ““nce Partisan emu’ ”Spon- Pnduc'itic . 3 any are no m- n Jier ‘1 o 1) Person «mm 2m" -.t.- 1 . r 2 539‘ W - v "211 . and ice 2222222222 is 2222222. 2:5.22mtnu22222!222,132.?“2'22222 h'whmor'222ly 22,2522 wn-n.22:°°2~«ny‘r’22 nocbe .0 so i(Er; .nof ' im - e Btr 9“ i an" { .t' \ “he so, .8m 00mg. "Inc! me} For! “33b ndneed . “1' d .cere - ntl ‘96 ‘- . an’39 f °nn to the 39“ mu, which .y' Tm ”’“n ' thell' ° ”'6 " cwum m“ quick 1 fu] thn - t I I . Wte- , "Ml; “th. - II ”I 30mg 3 9 If. 0V OV9 ' bngh rlly‘ E to "I ‘Vast, In ' a at h dulu- - ”load 1 t—th .' Var emflel ( te Liam. Col Soweto? "9:12:53“ ‘2: I Porizod—tzre Is “0: figlwohflm the Big” ‘nd . “"13. 2d gnwéhn dean i ‘s' nd the 3331”!” fire 4:“ In ”'9 pofiz-"e _‘_An . n ' e n ' ' 08 n" 33’eIVes. {Kinnngrgzwpmfi 193505930132.“ fl"‘v’l’ (lu' pin—4””: 2" to 3 Sureezlogm-‘W - .'A g'- n oe,- , A 2 - Major Invnhdggfps A' cum. mm: The Curliele Volunteer, of the Z-fth; con tains the following correspondence, whieh fwfiiciently explains itself. There is no and 10 the vile slander: which the Abolitiqnists are circuldting against Judge Woodward, nnfl We are glad that one opportunity ban occurred of who? he has availed himself to express clean-y his sentiments, which have been shamefully misrepresented by his unscrupulous opponents. We invite the uttention of all Demogmu and evefiy candid Republican to Judge Woodward’s letter, in which he crueifie} his maligners': 'Cniism. SengSv, 1863. “0:. G3O. W. Wonm‘nnn: i ' \ ‘ Dan Sun—l ‘have been ißTomfii that ‘ Hon: Lemuel Todd, who presided over the ‘ Convention which ie-nominated Hon. An ‘ drew G. Cumn, in addressing a. ratification meeting, held recently in this unty, sta ’ ted that he had been informedf%nu a ce’h ' Lain Judge Ilall said. that in a'recent. con. versullon with him. you had avowed your ‘ self abeliever in the doctrines of secession and in favor of an immediate recognition of the South. ,_, , While lam fully sati>fie<fthat ynu have never held or avowed those sentlmgxmts. I deem it Important that your friends should hive author’xty to contradict; be stiflement. Will you, therefor-971m kmd enough to in form me whether you ’ever held such a. cou versatinn MIL): Judge Hull? 4 Very respecuuny, ‘ ; Rcrns E. Stun". Chqirmam Dzmocratic Standing (hmmzlm d ‘ Lulnloerland county. ‘ PHILADI'MfliI Se t. 21 . Rxmzs E. Sunny, E‘Dq“ p ' 1863 Dnu'Nué‘Jusfimu-ned from am where. I wé‘M to nsin It. the funeral of our ’wmlzlmmd‘ friend; tha Hd’n. Richard ‘3' Ala mm meeEing recently heldjn Pottst -wn. Montgomery county. I déléga tion fipfinred in procession fromgProvi dance and Limerick. it} which was a wagon cgntaimng ihirly-four young ladies, dress ‘ed in white, representing th 9 States and territories. Th'ey borea banner with the following words, co'ntaining 5. world of meanin’g: " \; FATHERS AND fixornnm, "In": via FRO)! NEGRp EQUALITY. x ‘\ -——~»v——-- ‘...—w ~mm Pennsylv‘nia poldiérs win re. member that Andrew G. flux-tin, {he Aboli tion candidate for Governér, Appointed his friends ooatractors who clothed fin‘three months’ men in shoddy, give them bian kets thin as cobwebs. furnished th'em shoes with] pine shaving solemand fed them on' Worthless and upwholesome pgovisionswf Hé itillsfipga to {hem-pen whdplundared the Treasury; and they aria all supporfi-j the! shoddy candidate. ' ‘ ; ISREMEMBER, that Curtin stumped I the State fcr Pollock, the only Kno‘yw Noth ‘ ing Governor that. ever disg’raogd Pennsyl vania; that he arose to his present. position through‘the vile abuseéand persecgtion of x"Mm very Foreign and Roman Cathofig vote ihe‘is now courting, having .become the tKnow Nothing Secretary of State ’uridgr ’Pollock, frém Whenco he rose to lie Gow cmor. . , fiLet itbe remembered that DANIEL 1 AGNEW, the Aboliiion nomige: for Su ‘} prune Judge. voted and _npoke in thiaLJCpn-k 5 ven bion‘hich fumed our Shae Constitutién i_n rumors-wing ymaorzs TEE 3km? :rovo‘nz! "~ ‘ «1" ‘ " ‘ \IQ-Lock at those fuck, votersol' Adams county. You linve illrpndyrhorne a great deal. Many nnhle livvn have hear. incrifi. mad and you hays contributed lnrgvly to support. _the ’nnlionnl governmant. But you (lit? so for the purpose of wagering the Union as' it. was, 1101 to carry out fanatical designs. It is fearful 8) loakformlrd to wlmt our burden: Will be if lla'o Aliqlitionisls retail: power. VOTE. THEN, fl'O TURN THEM OU’l‘ or OFFICE. Place there good, and purennnd able men, and there is yet hope for youv'and your children. _ What has been already done éminot how be rem edied: But we must. bear it. withlpatience. Save, oh! save yourselves and: your, chil érén. aye your children’s children, from yet. further burdens. ' ' ~ 1‘ , 3"‘We shall ele‘ct Judge Woodward by the largest, majority any Democrat‘lnas re-‘ ceivgd for manygyears, m sure :1: [lat second Tlltadayof Octobér dawu'upon. us. . He ”Is A‘ man ‘whose charactvr is so pure. whose pa- 1 firiolic devotion“) the best interesls of the' muntry is‘so patent to almOst every cilizen ; of the Stale, and whose Democratic record, is so unblemished, that even the worst. at; theOppoaition can use no weapon but. mwanw i‘ngleu vituperation Ig'ainct him. The l honorable portion of our opponents who dd: not. xupport him are silent. This proves .tbe hopelessness of their» name. m ; acknowledgneent' in «duties of their de. fem." l The anerne’ Union reflects truly’ the com‘ fident hope of the Democney of the State! in the above remarks. Everywhere the l name bright and buoyant. feeling prénila? amung Democrats. . fiWe take the following egtrsct from a speech made by Gov. Curtin, in Bellefon le, g in 1860, a few days after the election.-‘—' Imm- him: 1 “ BEHOLD YOUR CONQUEROR! I‘ hate you under my feet. I willfight ynu for litre: ‘ yaara, and Me Odell; ioill be on my tide." [ This truthful piophecy has been fully I realized by the tu-payers of Pennsylvania. l Trohpa at Eledioua.——By the 95!): section; of the Act. of Anembly of the State of Penn-‘1 sylvunin of 2d July,~ 1839. it isenlcted that—a' “NO BODYOF TROOPS IN THE ARMY OF 'I HE UNITED STATES, OR 0? THIS COMMON W EALTH'. SHALL BE PRES ENT. EITHER ARMED 0R UNARMED, AT ANY PLACE OF ELECTION WITHIN TUISCOMHON w EA LTH, DURING THE TIME OF SUCH ELECTION." 3'“th that this govern-wit! was made} on the wax-r: namby wmu mam/or [he bene/ fit of Win" In. and Mar POl‘llRl‘n' lorzvs/r?’ -—S. A. Downs. ‘ ‘ ~ ; ‘-‘—‘ v ._..—.._. / xfi‘Elechon, tomorrow week. / ‘ \ A NEW DRAFT. ‘ ”Th’é New Ybrk l’rhl. a duy or him ngn, etntml Hmt Mmflmr draft wnulll probably be {mlered nor-u. "‘nw~u2 to tvlm raver-KM in Georgia.” and“ the snmll fi‘umbvr nl’ mon rvalizml by the lan draft. . Tight new draft. the Pauli said, wmnH‘ luv {ln‘ -ix hmulrwi thousand men, Thicr stnlnmem, ic mmld Mam. has aim-mod [hp politician! gut. [hp bond of Government, who fear that i! win injure their cums at. the polls, in Penn-wig vanin. Ohio and lowa. nn tho 13th ind..- nml in ‘on)" States In No‘vvmlm.and “lay: hsva Nusnd to he Wham-13ml (war the. country from Washingmn, the following counter matem‘ml: , A z _“There is good authority for saying that fly» stateménl Tuhlishod in one of the NM; York papers. Hat another dm'! ‘wnuhi be orderr‘d soon. for six hurdréd (human-I men. with mview of raisjng two hundred thoustnd, is without fnumyintion. Another draft. may be ordered before many montlm, but at present. nothing of the kind is con templated.” . This statement. confuses, hbwever, that ”annthm draft may he ordered before ma ny momhu,"’ and our‘ radars, we ‘thinkt may rely upon this part of the statement is being true. After the elections—About. the [riddle of November, for instance—n whoiesnk draft may be confidently expect ed.-—Plula. Eve. Jug-Ml. To Eqwhlmrnm—Those of ybn who have been dmlted nml comgwllpd to pay w‘ell. have» you made anything by : changn of! Administration? Would it not have boon! a thousand tmwsbeuor for your country“ And your purse. if both Lincoln and/Curtini lmd been defeated? This'we bl-lieve you can now no. Ifm. your duty will be very] clau- It the next, election. To'be honest; to your country and lo younoif'. you must; go to the polls and vote the Democratic ticket. By doing this, you WHI‘ save your-3 self still further trouble on gamma—Er. g ‘7—“ “WW“ “'“ 3 Bryant. Strut/on 4' ()6'4. Philadelphia 0m:- um'al College.——Th/it [mutation is becom ing more md mare popular every day; and since the proprietors have recemly combined in their coune actual business practice, with the theory: of accounts, as» taught by them with unbounded succm for many years; n, 15 very evident. that a course of-I-Lu’ly at this Inorcunlilevtraining, school would he eminently beneficial toany' young man, whether he be farmer. mer chatt or mechanic. Young men should wpprecmle this Luci. and act accordingly. . OSEPH BRANT’S ESTATE.-——Lttters of administration on thecsmteownseph Brant,- late of Germany townuihp, Adams co.,décefiud, having been granted to the undersifiedhre ___A _-..» _—V.——— usiding in the nme tawnlhip, be here y given E‘The Republicans beingnn longer able‘ no'ice to all person! indnbled to said estate to hold argnmnntn, get. excited ind mad, ‘ to make immediate payment, Ind those hav- Jnd threMen hayoneu. TM: is: sure my, ing chum against the same to present then: 9 thamne beMen, . proper], amhenticnted tor some-lent. l_‘ .m . -’.. -... _..- A g , ~ :onx ELISE, Adm'r, _' #3O wdr news of inlemz. ‘ ' H ' 1 Ifow (he filmwy Goa—The Johnlwwn Donmrrnc says that an mmy contractor. SAWONALCEWETERY.\TBETTYSWRG. ‘who was formnrly a reflidrm Of'Cambrin ——l‘nder tlm ditpction of the Commisslén’cr of founty, ‘1 few days ago exmblwd ton “hm! \ . It 3! \V’ S-\ de-s chief Or me In Harrisburg. 1} Government, bond for one ‘ 3“" 0"» L m’ ‘u“ ' ~hundred an ninety thoumnd dollars. and tanotl-er't‘or‘ nine thnusand. Haunted um i he had assigned government bondl to the A inmounl of one hundred thousand dollars to > ouch of his chiidlen. By his own showing he is now a. millionaire. This is the mane notable from the fact that two years ago he was not worth a dollar. Thisflone he at?! serve to show gm pmpla where the y; ‘ treasure goes, and why certain ‘loynl’ g llemen an- so anxious for a 'vigorous pro cation of. the war.’ a” ‘ LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Government. {propagating girden, is to repair to Ganyxhurg to lay out the ground: forn na tionul Iremelery, when: thou who fell on the soul of Pennsylvnnin In defance of their coun try's can» no to have I cared-{or resting plnce. Mr. Sunder: in n resident. of German‘ town, and bus been at the bud ofhis prof"; sion in this country. Since \he denihvof Down ing no one In:- slood higher M n landsrupe gardener and horticulturin. The Cemetery will be pubiiciy consecrated in November next. ”The cavalry companies 01 Cums. Bell and Hollinger leflfor Chumhcrsbnrg on Sutur day morning 1.0301?! the Regiment. ”in though: the Reglm§nl will be mustered out there. 'r An infantry cnmpnnv l'rum .\{nrylnnd xii-rived here last week. to Lake the place of ”1? six moulha' Penny-Hunk“: w‘hd bIYf been «10/In; guard duty at the (:enernl Howitnl. ' fi-Attenflnn i 1 'direclrd to the cnrd’ofl. W. Douglai. Elm. in Inuther cblumn. Ml. D. is In Attorney 0! non?! standing. Aflnntive and reliable. Cues cnuuitcd to him will‘be faithfully man'nged. I COMPARE YOUR TICKETS Lo‘t- all th. ticketn b - cnmpnrfli will: the ticket, in on} paw-r. ‘JI‘PIHQCT-nlic tickets may be printed with twn or three of the mum-s left out, nnd vtlmw of Abolition can didates inserted. Watdh this énrnfully. EQ’IJE'I‘ IT BE REMEMBERED by those in this county who louc hérspsday Shaun’s yaid. lnsH‘Jl'l. 111:“ when a bill was brought before the Lugisluture to pay thcm for the 10150: they thus suatninn’tl, Gov: Cur tin kclltd We measure by “11:03.19,"ng . VET-1 it! ‘ : ”A —n-oo.l>—»r<< ‘ 39”.“! Hm OFF“ 1“. HOLIHHN that powxhly be spared at. Washington um started out. to make npanlu-s, alwal' "in! pull “firm for Almlifinn 'mmti 'Lnok out for. several of ”mm in ’ tor. OF murae' thou: {plums promple’d by patrmlirm ! Nu snaps-ct such pm? ort-uturps nf/ longer kN‘p kiwi hands in ”I sury. and nppmpriate to 4.lin people’s money! l x 3.... _— EVIQENCES 0F FRI NDSHIP FOR THE SOL ER. ’ A vote for (:m-m-nm- ns tnkl-n :vmnhc 11m inmates of line Nicol \‘n iimg‘filal' u «lay Am two ngn. which rmuiv d In i'avrr nl‘ \Vnml. wurtl by, M‘nut hr in nnP.‘ This remii‘ frightmwri Umwin ‘uthnriiv. oml finuml win] men‘ have )pon promptly .wnt nwnv, name tn"lheirlrpfmwnts :uvi ~mrw :h' ollxw hospitals in co’ nliou WIIPTP lint-y; lmvv m rigM tn votm’ We learn (hint about hm hnmlwvl members oi liw Invalid Cm-pn wlm were hem-vet} to be Unsnunll nq— [he gumfl. have also he“) son: mmy in Harrisburg and chorflil‘m‘s qhefn Hwy {MVP nut lhn logai righ’t tn vnw. Thiyis («lu- “my the Cui‘lilyiirfi mnnifiw‘t their ’rimrlilzip ior the SUXdK‘P—P’HYA‘. Eczm‘ng :lullnval. ~ 594‘)"; "strong-minded" Min A‘lmn E. D'ckinmn has been pmpinyml In .«Mllllllp the Slate {or Cumin. The Charter: of ’hv shoddy candiduté mufl b 0 gelling wry des 13en-ate. 4 . ' “E'The ”_lfl‘rt-ll 'IIICI'} are f'nr Cumin—”w lump/e _nguinal him. The rrwm _Q-‘VZNIP ’fll‘ (er pay the la'xps and ”:t‘ {armor [-uLlhm Innul‘y in flwir par-kw“. Kn . womlnr. lheJux-puyprs :n- mud armohlion rule. nnd_wnnt a Chung-u ’ , A- . v 9 - s— ‘7 w'l‘he. Dy‘mnvrmic Maw: MrM/ing M Chuml’lerflhnrg un Thurv-rliay ins! was: gmnwl Hucceis. The cum-d, )me umr'wyfm, and vmbracod g guod-iy'nnmhu of Rhmhlicwn-z who have made un tlwir Imn-lu‘ In lwrmrh-i vateflhv Da-mm‘rnfir xzrket. Damn. “1 Imm. (‘nylfla of I'luhulbhnhiu. and Lann‘wrmn. nf Harrisburg. nwlcablé speech“; Franklin \nll elect. the; Democrflw tickqt. - w‘Vith rhbh nnmlwr U)? (‘.rmni’n "Hm-s upon its 45th ymr. Nmr \m.» It more prmfierous. . fl _ tS‘A grand D-mncralic gin-m '.\l'g‘efing will he be“ m (‘.u-l-«le nn l'lnur~duy mxt. Ex Governnr lliglm and ullu-r’disti‘hguislml speaker-x will lm llwro. . ' . . , •7CIXESZt. mflhillm‘ry noniu-EH Punt: [vrr liul' fi“? :IH orcr {our lines—nah Imm 1- mfg. .n.\ nulice,‘ 0n tho 2"”: ML. .\h JAM)“ RI‘HWAHTZZ. Sn, nf Grrnnmy' unru‘nip, s|ng 2!! your: 1| mouth! and 2 days. About me and. of Am, on rm \nuiuiupa Rivor. warl-n “mu-In: ind t‘JETU, RUI'JIR I" (lUBEAN. (um 61" Wmn vgc-u '.".' ”Jug. uf the 4h"! 111. \‘ulq formul} ul Ha: umu‘g‘. ~ Q)" We Icm “l'.. in Hum-jug Unwalxip, .\I ”IV YHI'XH, ML“, Hll rum. . Uu alumni: um, JHWIH I'l:\lc:,nirc or Rr-v. John 11. “'u‘rugr, in the ‘.\-‘IH _\unr 0! but n '. .. F“, I.le 27:11 "1t... nflliplhrriu. JURY “'IL- LlA‘Lson at July: and Hurrivl Myuuhnwcr, ngml 5 ye": 7 months and 2|; tin-v. 5. (My the 30th uf Aux. lu-t. cm the l'. S. "M -pitwl 'Slcnmrr .\ch-‘ilgul, “I“. ”.‘ll. DEA“,— ImleF. Print:- of ('ump. K‘, 1311: ngl. ”L an.,'nged 24 years vanonllxs and 4 day}:— Thm mullu-r brave boy of Adams county has hum nd-n-d lo the dead. May he rest impeller. 0n Ihe !'.'UI of Aug In". in Lilllumwn, SDIUN' HITTINGER, ufjhnfig». (V. maih Reg". 1’; .\L. rut-d 23 years] months {my days. "is rgmnins \vcle iuu rred in Alounlyérmcl Cemc: xcry. - . IJOB Sunday week, GEDRGF ELLSWORTH, :1 ,n of Henry and Thu-em (bunker, aged '1 y .|r nnd ll mnmhs. / #0:. mt mu m, ungx'rnAmesu-mz, win: at Nicholn $lOll7, of Frecdulu towmhip, Inc-“l about H yearn ‘ ‘O3 the 22.! ult. ’.\lr. JOSEPH BRANT, of. Liitllestown, nged,Aonl 2:4 yenrt‘. ‘, ‘ v / Communicated. 'ln Freedomllbwnslip, on the 22".!) uIL; RE BECCA, ageld‘?) years 9 months pnd 4 dnys, and on 223mb. EMANJJEL, find I) yenrs u nmnllls 8 days-rho!!! of duptLefln—chil drcn nflozeph mmlklhris Her-hey. ' Fdr I shall wulr‘my Jesus be - / When you are left. ulonv; ,/ How often have you looked for me, , ’ And ofuimes urn mu- come'; ' But now I must depart from thee, Ahd never more realm; _ For I can never com: to thee, Let this not. grieve your heart; For you will Ihonly come to me, Where we llnnl never pnrt. , ~ ‘ Communicated. In Gumbel-ind township, on the 24th ult., after u lingering iiinus, ADA-M LOGANBUTT. aged 19 years ll month; and lfidaya.‘ 'He was nminhie in disposition, obedient to‘hia pnreuuj In early and consistent member at RT Germ! Reformed Church, when: he was tang n his de pendence on Christ, and that faith in Jesus ennhicd him to benr his nfllictions without a murmur. . He died, but nn pPucll can ever display The splendor and glory that burst on his sight, A: guided by nngels he speeds on his way," Thruuzh the portal! of praise to the temple of light. I. H- Notice. oa. 5, 18634 c: - 7.- <.¢¢.v._————--_ ’CARD.-—-Tlle umlcrsigned, on behalf of the l. 8. Christian (lomtlxiesiqn, drain to thank the Ladies of Gonyshurg for their liberal cun tribulions to the Banquet prepnred on the 23d inst., {oi the wounded nnd sum-ring soldiers in Hospital m (lamp Lettermnu: And also to ex press our sense of nhligation to them for the excpllem and thorough arrangements designed MM (‘M'Hcd into cfl'uct mAinly by them, for the mslr‘mutlon ‘n{ the good things provided for the ochlon, mm! m hlch so groin) aided in making it u pleuaiqg suuesl. ‘ , ‘ _ ‘ H. G. Mchmnx‘, ‘ ’ ’ .\I. L. S'roxvnu, ' H. G. mem’, . ‘ J.,1.. Svulcx. J. F. ansmcx, ‘ ' ’ 'l‘. P. Human.» annl Committee of the U. S. C. 0. ' a Sept. 23, 1853. ‘ Special Notioog. - The Singez Sewing Mnehinea.—our sLI‘I'ITTER A FAMILY SE‘VINU ”AVH'INE Is fun: finin'ing uwévld-wid? reputation. It Is be— yond doub! the ten and cheapest and mom; .pcu {Hui of all Family Scning Muchinea yet on" red ‘0 ‘he public. No oth'er Inmjly Saw- 'g Machine has so mnny useful nixpliinces f...- r‘ cmmlng, Binding: filling. Tuukli.2, Gather ing, Guagipg, “milling? Embroidering. Cor-l ingmnd so lo‘rihf Nu otlm: l‘n‘mily non-lug mn cliine has so m'lich cupniity fur a grin! variety (fwnri'c. 11. will 503 w ull kinds (Itzlnl'h. nnd with all kinds of llnvml. "Grout un-l rI-vvnl im provx-mnnin make our lj'nln'Hy Sowing llm'lnni: mmrt rcli'nlzll-,-uml MOE! iluxnhle, nnd llll'El (‘H'v min in nqzzlon :It All Hues ,nf spec-l. It nmli-i 4h: interlnrlmd Min-h. (which i! tho but leLrh known Any rung, (MIDI! ul‘tlw nmsl ordinary cal-Entity, mu aim-,nl n ultimo, ho“ to we llm Lem-rA Funnl) Srn‘ixlkx‘luélfine. Unr'lfilgnily Scn'ing .\lallxin: s nrr finixlml in I'lulslt' and u mmg y’nnr‘m'. rues.— Pm qgmr are mnhr one chum r a 41e.ire Pt I public tron-J own. use the I quipilo H- 10. ‘I ' _ The {'nso of Hm l’qnnlly .\lnch'me is n pieced cunning wurkmhnsfi‘pi "Mlle mwl. lldl‘hll kind. It Jrrnlr‘clil [he xhnrhinc when not in uw. nnd'whcn nhciut to l}e,tq-¢-rvlevl mxgy be opened nxs a sum-inu- nn-l substantiai nbh; lu sustain the work. While mmg qf tlu-(‘ksra “nun-{é on! 0‘ (he ell-. 34“! anmlt, nrr fiuiflu.‘ ‘ju the simplvs‘ and chain-l nmn‘m-r ‘puuilulc, (”hers nre adorned and emhvllidml in the mud lcnly und superb Inu‘nnop " _ i II in nhsnlnlvly m rv-uary In no mo Fumily .\bu-hmr in npt-gulimn, Eu us (“jun-3‘ mu: m: n: (ml-nth! n‘nd_ bunny. it -i« lus' hum-fing‘m pnpulur for fnmhy u-wing :14 our .\Lmul .g‘li-I’lng Machine. at? tnr m mufm'lufi' g [lurpvfi q Why Bram-u ()IFNC‘S nrc \wil sum-Ind “1"] pi”: lWiS'. threw). [.l‘vrnrs. nil, km. 0' the tel] ln-s' qmdiu. bio-ml fnr :u l'am'uu‘f. TUEHNUHR M:\.\'l’F.\L"l‘L'mxgt‘nvl’ \NY 4.3!: Hm nhnn‘. .\V w \‘nrk. WWIIHLHWH'HI \. mo l'hJ-lnhlf' _ ray-G. .I.\L‘ous I: ”up“ lm'nl .\wuu- Gr! .\ahurg. [.\ng.)7. Lit-.i. The Great Englizh Reniody Sl'h lulu I'Luxn.":4. mum n.xT r. n rl2l .\ 1. E m. Its Th"! in‘uluflpie xne-liciu» I: uu'mlmg ‘m'l'lo (”we of all those immhd .Ilnl d._ugv rmp dua oasw innJcnl to the frnmlr ('On§ll‘ll‘iull. I I! n'mdrnlrs ..H excl-rs. n-mnw-n nH nhntrur lioun. from whatever cfnw. zl'nl. Lridgs oh the 1110111th [-exic-l uinh re;ul.uily. , Tin-s‘: l'xlh should an \-t ukrn by‘fvmr‘h-q "mt in: pug-Jan“ dunhg lhr Flu” "run“ I'LVI’HS. as 1_l::_v ..m sure nfln-iuz nu Mum:- ‘riug‘r; Inn at rn—t} ofiur time and in fiery "Hg-r casr- tiwylurf- pprfh Hy ”do. [u :1“ ms w M Son-mt .nul Spin!” “Em-Vim", p-in in l t Bu: k and Lunhu, Hmnim‘u.‘ I-‘n hvue nn :ligln antic-n. Pulpit-lion of the Henri, Lou‘nnas ~r Slums, Ily‘lrrirl. Sick ”and“ 1.2-, Whitey and all the p.linl'ul dllrnu-s o"eran (I ah) RidHnrdt‘rl‘d I) alrmulwn- I'l'lh will arm n curv nhrn _ull utlu-r mums hum IniFmL : Full ldiH-clim‘s m pnlnphlm nrnnml .I-urh pnckngr, whu'h should be ('.nru-luhy pn-srruwl. The) nurlu- son! ‘iu n h-nrlc. unnluiul'lu‘frl) pillqg-oat Irro, by om losing sl.,n'nd u (Inn-c -rcnl slumps to any ug [IL (JUN MUFFN. 2': Chrllamh Firm-l. Saw York. For salt-'l-y .\. 1). Human", (h-uy Inn-,3. and -H Dr-gfiista. [rm 1», mm. ly . ‘ Important Discovery. 4 I: 13»...1e 1x TAN lhxvns. ‘ , ' 1" BRYAN'S l‘l'lAllLVlL‘ “'.\FhHSJMP nnln‘l *mg in: the run: of (.‘uuglus, ('ulns, Arm-nu, :Hnmth‘ilii; Sure Throat.“"unfit-nus”, Ihtlwml ‘ {fin-MM"); lunyfml (Innsx’mulium mint In'-:- ‘J‘uws o! {ht-Jung; The-y hum: nn umc ut' medicig‘e. an nay child “ill lulu- "mu.— iTlmnsunds/h’nre been rem-red to luuhlmhul ; lmd hero/e despairrd. 'l'hlimnny gncn 3v; 1 huxuircufi 0! cases. A single dose n-llnu m ' TN: Minutes. ' _ . I .‘./lii [or Bryan's Pulnmnic “'nthx—tlw‘ orig»- 'ml nudonh’ gvuuinr is mmi "HQJHX -' I -"/{:}l:l'i(lu4 kmls An: off. “2919: :ulc. Tat-nus ifire cents u hnx.r Sun! by duh-rs pvnvinll}. ‘ JOB BUSES. Sula I’ropri‘etor, 27 Corllnudl SL. N. Y. ‘ Fonmlc 'hy A. D. lhmnuu, (ionyhurgauui IH‘Drucgisu. » [July 27. feb. Influx. l)’ A Card to thé Sufi'ering” ,6 The Rev. Wmuv ('ogamwz, while Inhoring All .\liésiunary in Japan. \fu! vim-d 0! Con sumpliou, I‘krli all olhfll‘ mvuns had “lill'd. by 1 recipe obtained from n Jonrngd phyflil'inn Yr aiding in the great Cu)" oi‘Jc-ddu. Tlns m ipo has cured great: number: who were gym-ring from Consumption, Bronchitis, Suré Throat, Coughs um} Colds. and the Ilehilily and nervous deprchion cnuscd by Ihcsgllisnnlrrs: Desiroua of bent-fining other“, I will "I‘d this receipc, which I Inm" brought hrgme wixh flat, to. all who need it, {we of rhkruc. Addrcu Rev. “'.\L CHSUIWVE, ' 439 Fulmn Avenue. Brnukiyn, N. Y'. Dec.\15.186‘2.‘ I] GKTTi’SBURG—Snunnn Luv. ‘ ......................‘....‘...........6 60 to 6 50 Flow Rye F10ur.................................," 4 50 White Wheat........... {1 2.5 m 1 1:0 Red Whent.....................-a........ 90 to l 25 Corn“ ._............._K 60 ‘O. 85 Rya.-....:..........m..................... 959 On" ........................ ...2............\ “ 65 Buckwheat...,-....m..................._ ‘1 “r 66 Clover Seed ....................,....-... I 3 00 Timothy Seed-.."...._..;.........-...l 90 to 2 50 Flu 5eed......'..........................J "I M) Plant of Pari5‘...;.............‘.....:: 11 00 Hum ground, per manna-«A ‘ : so BALTIMORE—Fm" u'm. \ . ..... 5 75 [a run .................,. ....... 1 25 '.o I‘ o .. , as,» 1 ,3‘ ~. mm. 1 00 l 0 1 03‘ 58 so 30 F10ur...;..... When: ....... Ryan"... .. C0rn......... . 0n:- .......... Clover 5eed......._... .................. 8 75 co 7 00 Timothy Seed ..... -3 00 :93 H Beef (In'-flower hund......... ... .‘ 5 'OO to 9 ‘0 flags, per hund............ ...m.... 6 50 1e 5 '1!» H3]........................................24 90 1926 00 Whiskey ...... bl lo 53 Guano, Pnuvian, per 10n.......‘.. 80 M HANOVER—Tannin" u". Flour, from wag0n5.....‘........-... Do. from 1t0re1.................... When ....... Rpm..." Cox-11....“ 0au.....5....a...‘ _ V Clover 22 ....m....._..,,._,,; .......u . -. _V ' (Timothy Sgedqmmpifi'uumnm ’ < f?! Pin5ter........:........,................. rp;"R wfi 11=1=1 a 50‘ ‘ ’ 2° ................... I no go} aW «...... gr ....-.L.......7... ~_ 9,3" g 392 =